#hey sharpshooter rambles
tortoisebore · 7 months
please please can we get a post of remus calling sirius baby for the first time bc im obsessed and want to know every detail about sirius’ outfit and how it went down
YES YES YES 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
Remus was too drunk for this. Well—maybe drunk was the wrong word. His blood alcohol level was probably still somewhere in the realm of tipsy, but his brain was sluggish. Slow-moving. A disastrous combination of desire and want and pure, unadulterated filth. His limbs felt heavy and too-long as he stood slouched against the wall, gripping an empty glass hard enough to be absently worried it would shatter in his hand. Watching.  Lily had described the place as a bar but it felt more like a club, all low, colorful lights and blaring music, an open space in the middle of the room and tall tables lining the walls. It was loud, Remus was just on the drunk side of tipsy, and Sirius was a fucking dream. 
All things considered, Remus had done a really great job of being normal up until an hour or so ago. He hadn’t lost his shit when Sirius appeared at his door in a giant gray coat with his hair up, tied messily off his neck, fully flaunting the faint bruise Remus had left below his ear two days before. That damn glitter was on his eyes again, catching the light and working in tandem with the faint smudgy black lining his lashes to make his eyes look less gray and more glowing, molten silver. Remus had nearly fallen to his knees, had nearly said 'fuck it' and yanked Sirius inside instead of following through with the going out plan, but he’d been very regular about it—just choked out a simple little ‘you look nice,’ swallowing hard when Sirius smiled sweetly and took his hand as they traipsed down the stairs and out of the building. 
Then they’d arrived at the bar, and Sirius had slipped his coat off, and Remus’ poor, piece of shit brain had immediately broken. 
So now here he was, fighting for his life standing around a table in the corner, unable to wrench his eyes away from the three-inch strip of bare skin on Sirius’ stomach while he waited for drinks at the bar. He was wearing a short, black tee shirt with an open back over some see-through, lacy thing that hugged his waist, showing off the tail end of the dagger tattoo on his stomach and the beginnings of the vines on his hips before they disappeared beneath straight-legged black pants that fit so perfectly Remus could have cried. He was leaned up against the bar artfully, tapping the toe of his platform boot against the floor, chatting idly with Marlene while they waited for the bartender. 
Remus thought he might be drooling.
Sirius had been flitting between the bar and the dance floor and their table in the corner all night, leaving Remus with a never-ending supply of drinks and all these evil, lingering touches, whispers near his ear disguised as kisses on his cheek that twisted his gut and made his fingers itch to touch and grab and hold. This thing between them was still new, only a couple weeks old, and Remus was really really trying to reign himself in, but god, he wanted to touch. Wanted to bite and lick and taste, felt drunk on desire more than liquor by the time Sirius came back with two more neon-colored drinks in sweaty glasses. 
“Yours,” he chirped over the music, finally, finally sliding in close and depositing Remus’ drink on the sticky tabletop. Remus eyed him as he sipped at his straw, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. It was blatantly obvious that Sirius knew exactly what he was doing, and that it was working. Remus glanced around, watched Marlene saunter off to join Dorcas across the room, and slipped a hand around Sirius’ waist, backing himself into the wall and pulling Sirius with him.
“You look…” he started, shamelessly trailing his eyes down and then back up Sirius’ frame, shaking his head with a sigh when every word he could think of fell short of the actual ethereal being currently pressed up against him. 
“I look what?” Sirius prodded, sliding his drink onto the table without looking, snaking his arms up Remus’ chest and around his shoulders, a smug, sly sort of smile tugging at his stained, cherry-red lips. 
Remus was too fucking drunk for this.
He managed to get a hand to Sirius’ jaw, tipping his head back just enough to brush their lips together, reveling in the hitched breath it pulled from his throat. 
“You look fucking perfect,” he muttered, letting Sirius lean in only to pull back. Remus’ vision was swirling, heart thundering in his chest when Sirius gave a quiet little whine of complaint, dragging blunt nails across the back of his neck. Remus gave in, let him press a too-short, too-soft kiss to his lips before tilting Sirius’ head to the side, mouthing down his jaw to get at that faint little bruise beneath his ear and nipping at it softly, eyes fluttering closed at the taste of his skin, speaking before he could think. “You’re killing me over here, baby.”
Fuck—his stomach dropped instantly. He’d never said that before, never used any kind of pet name for Sirius at all, and it felt foreign in his mouth, foreign to his ears, settled badly in his stomach when Sirius let out a sharp exhale and reeled back. Remus was prepared to pretend it had never happened, maybe blame it on those neon colored drinks that kept appearing in his hands—but the words died on his tongue. 
Sirius’ eyes were wide, flicking back and forth fast between his own, cheeks flushed a pretty pink. Remus waited, watched Sirius look down at his lips and then back up, and barely heard him breathe, “Say it again,” over the music.
He hesitated, studied Sirius’ face carefully to make sure he wasn’t reading it all wrong, and teased, “You’re killing me over here?”
Sirius shook his head, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “The other thing.”
“What?” Remus asked, dragging a thumb down his jaw, the desire to sink through the floor disappearing into thin air as he watched Sirius’ pupils dilate, felt his fingers trip up to tug at his hair. “Baby?”
Sirius nodded, pulling him in close and speaking low. “Yeah,” he smiled, “that one.”
Remus kissed him, had to, pulled him in with two hands on the side of his neck and bit at his lower lip, tasted artificial cherry and vodka and felt his stomach drop when Sirius gave a sweet little whine, pulling back just enough to speak.
“Again,” he whispered, melting further into Remus’ chest, looking up at him with that smug little grin that made his heart stutter. 
“Baby,” Remus repeated, kissing him again, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck, brain working overdrive, whirring loud in his ears. “My perfect, pretty baby.”
Sirius let loose a string of colorful curses that made Remus laugh before he was pulled in again. Sirius was seemingly entirely finished with teasing—kissed him hard and bit at his lip and slid his hands heavily back down his chest. He pulled away after several long moments, a deep flush staining his cheeks, and gave Remus a look.
“Don’t drink anymore,” he ordered, a secret sort of smile playing at the corner of his mouth. Remus’ skin tingled, heat racing down his spine.
“No?” he smirked, instantly grabbing for Sirius’ hand to keep him close when he stepped back. 
“No.” He reached across the table and grabbed an abandoned water on the other side—James’, most likely—sipping at it instead of the bright red drink he’d just brought over. "We should go to yours after this."
Remus was very, very on board with that.
The Outfit™️
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canadianfangurl-95 · 1 month
Take Care.
Summary: Frankie and the Triple Frontier guys go to their local bar to get Frankie a date. He decides to pursue the new bartender.
Rating: 18+, minors DNI.
Warning: smut, p in v, oral f receiving
Hey, this is my first time writing in more than a decade and I have been loving everyone's work on here so much I wanted to give it a try. please let me know if you enjoyed or if you have any feedback! Also, I am Canadian so there are definitely some spelling that may be different from American and also some simple things like how in Canada the waitress brings the credit machine to the table instead of taking the card, stuff like that. Anyway, I'm rambling, enjoy!
Word count; 11k+
The dimly lit sign of the bar had a few letters burnt out of it. The green leather booths hadn’t been updated since the place opened 20 years ago. The wood bar had been meticulously cared for and still shone with the polish it received weekly. It was a humble bar, a place for regulars and the odd collection of students who would trickle in from the college 10 miles from there. But that sign laid up against the burnt orange Texan sky made a certain group of ex-military men, trying to find their place back in a world that has very much changed since their time in the service, feel like they could have a few beers and cheers to forget about the worries in their lives.
The four men poured into the bar at their usual time every other Friday night. They were all busy in life right now but made sure they still got together on a regular basis. They would laugh about old times, be each other’s wing men so that at least of them could get lucky from time to time and remind themselves how exceptionally bad Santiago is at pool for someone who is such a sharpshooter in the field.
Benny and Will slid in on opposite sides of their regular spot to meet in the middle on the c shaped booth, followed by Santiago on the right side and Frankie on the left edge, always sitting with his right leg slightly in the aisle to stretch out.
Santiago scanned the room intently, not unusual as this was a habit the four of them had developed during their time in the service, however his face gave Frankie an uneasy feeling when it suddenly met his with a half smirk.
“Okay boys, I know we all like to have our fun on these nights, but tonight we are focusing on Morales alright?” Santiago said firmly to Benny and Will with an outstretched hand pointed at Frankie.
Frankie instantly furrowed his brow at this sudden declaration, “What do you mean focus on me?” He scanned Benny and Wills’ faces to see if they were in on something he wasn’t aware of.
“I mean,” Santiago started, leaning forward on the wood table, his face becoming more illuminated under the low glow of the hanging light pendant above them, “you need to get laid because it has for one, been too damn long, two, you’re shit at talking to women lately and three as your roommate I’m sick of hearing you listen to Alanis Morisette on repeat.” Santiago counted the reasons in his right hand before laying it flat on the table and quirking his left eyebrow up at his friend.
Before Frankie could open his mouth fully, Will interjected pointing lazily in Frankies direction. “He doesn’t need a cheap hookup, Pope. What Frankie needs is a relationship to get back into it. A nice girl that will take care of him.” Will crossed his arms and rested his back gently on the booth as he gave Frankie a reassuring smile.
“Nah, I’m with Pope on this one.” Benny perked up, “One night between the sheets and then he’s back in the streets.” He had a shit eating grin on his face like he always did whenever someone talked about a hook up. Benny being the ladies’ man he is was always down to support his friends getting some.
“Thank you, Benny, someone’s got some sense here.” Santiago tilted his head toward Benny who nodded back.
“Do I get a say in this?” Frankie asked callously, his right hand waived slightly in the air with his question and his other perched underneath his chin as he listened to his friends dive into the dampness that is his love life.
“No.” all three men said in unison with a quick glance at him. He gave a huff and watched as they all returned to a conversation he was seemingly excluded from.
“Now I’m not saying he doesn’t need someone to take care of him, I’m just saying he needs someone to take, care, of him you know what I mean?” Santiago winked and dragged out a select few words to make his point.
“Ohh yeah.” Benny slyly chimed in.
Will pulled his shoulders off the back of the booth and shifted his body toward Santiago who instantly felt his lecture being prepared, “No, no he needs someone to take care of him in more ways than just physically. He needs be taken care of emotionally as well.”
The three men spurred into a loud retort of their opinions, hands waving back and forth towards Frankie as he looked at the fishing painting laden behind Bennys head that he’s seen a hundred times before.  Frankie knows he hasn’t been in a relationship or even had a hook up in almost a year. He had finalized his divorce 3 years ago and since then he hasn’t had much luck with women, so he lost interest in trying. The dating apps were getting routine as well. Some girl in her twenties he had nothing in common with and couldn’t even tolerate enough to get through a one night stand was pretty typical.
They were all so distracted in their own nonsense they didn’t notice when she suddenly appeared at the edge of the table with her notepad and pen in hand. After a quiet hello and no interest from the men she brazenly tapped her pen on the table between them and they all stopped mid-sentence to turn and look at her with the same taken aback expression on their faces.
“Hi, um, sorry to interrupt, I’m Sadie and I’ll be taking care of you this evening.” She said with a weary smile to the group of ridiculously good-looking men.
All four men looked at her face, tan and freckled with a wide smile that lit up her green eyes. Beautiful amber red hair that fell loosely down her back with a slight curl. And then down to her white tank crop top, short black waitress apron tied around her hips with a few highlighters and a bottle cap opener tucked in over light wash flare legged ripped jeans. Finishing off the look with red cowboy boots, close enough of a colour to match her hair.
Their heads immediately snapped back to one another’s and then back at hers as she sheepishly waited their response. Frankie pulled the hand that had been resting under his chin down to his lap with an interested look.
Santiago shifted in his seat, turning on his heart winning smile as an idea grew behind his eyes. “Sadie, you said?”
She smiled and nodded back to him, holding her pen to her paper now. Expecting to take his order next. But Santiago was never known to be predictable.
He slid his left elbow to rest on the top of the booth and angled himself toward her. The three other men shared a quick glance at each other, unsure where he was going with this interaction.
“I’ve never seen you here before, when did you start?”
“It will be two weeks tomorrow actually.” She responded with a pleasant smile.
“Huh, how long have you been bartending?” He asked.
She pursed her lips to think and squinted as she replied, “About 5 years. But I just do it to pay for my schooling.” Her hair flowed on her shoulder, and she brushed the piece on her left side onto her back, revealing more of her perfectly tanned and freckled skin under the bright white top.
Santiago raised his eyebrows at this information, egging him on to continue the conversation. “What are you in school for?”
“I’m getting my master’s in child psychology through an online university.” Sadie replied with a confident smile, clearly prideful of her career choice.
Santiago pressed on, “Wow that is amazing. Good for you, where were you working before you came here?”
With a huff she shrugged, “I was just at this one chain restaurant across town. But I didn’t get good tips there and as my education is ridiculously expensive, I decided to make a change.”
“What brought you to our little slice of paradise?” Santiago quipped with a charming smile.
Frankie watched as his friend went back and forth with the beautiful bartender. She wasn’t Santiagos typical type, so he was skeptical on what his motive to have this lengthy of a conversation with her was. Not that Frankie was minding as he was as intrigued with this woman as Santiago seemed to be.
She hummed; she was surprisingly pleased with the actual interest in her. But she knew the type, the charmer. Luckily, she knew exactly how to deal with a charmer in her years in the bartending industry. Get them to blink first.
“My friend actually used to work here for a few months. She said that there are so many regulars that you get the opportunity to get to know people and then they start taking care of you and tipping well.” Sadie spoke confidently, knowing she had the attention of these men and thought now would be a good time to turn the tables. “Plus, and her words not mine,” she waived her hands casually, still holding the pen and notepad in her right hand. “She said if you have a great ass you’ll get great tips. So, here I am.” She chuckled.
Frankie, Benny and Will all blushed briefly, but Santiago stayed with his eyes firm on the target.
“So, you’re saying you have a great ass?” he quickly retorted.
“I guess that will be decided on how good your tip is.” She leaned forward slightly, not breaking eye contact with the man until he finally broke and turned his head with a chuckle.
“Do you say that to all your customers to get a better tip?”
Sadie smiled, “Only if I’m sure they’ll fall for it.”
Damn, Frankie thought. Smart, quick, and funny. He’s concerned Santiagos interest is more peaked than he thought and now he’s the one who’s been sitting idly by while his best friend flirts with one of the most perfect women he’s ever met.
Santigo laughed this jab off and turned to look at the boys. All of whom had an approving look on their faces of the verbal joust they just witnessed between their cocky friend and the new bartender.
When he turned back to her, smile still brazen on his face, he said “We’ll get two pitchers of Corona. We’ll do four by the end of the night so each of us will take one on our bills.”
She wrote down the order, and then looked up and asked, “What can I put down for names on the bills?”
“Santi, that’s Will, Benny and Frankie.” Santiago smiled while gesturing to the guys around the table. “I’ll take one of these on mine.”
“I’ll take the other.” Will raised his hand and smiled when she nodded at him.
“Alright,” she penned in her notepad. “Santi, Will, Benny and Frankie. Will do you ever go by Willy or Billy?” she asked with a soft look.
Will sat up straighter, chuckling slightly. “Uh, no not really. Why?”
“Oh, I just thought if you did then all your names would rhyme, and you could be a fun boy band with rhyming names that’s all.” She said with a giggle. The guys all laughed and tried to convince Will it would be a good change. To which he shook his head.
Sadie stole a quick glance at Frankie whose eyes hadn’t left her for much of the conversation. Not that she minded, his deep brown eyes and curly hair pushing itself out from underneath his baseball hat were cute. She is accustomed daily to lingering glances of men, but this one made her breath catch slightly before speaking again.
“Well then, two pitchers of Corona and one opportunity to check out my ass without judgement coming right up.” She crossed a line on the note pad and turned swiftly towards the bar. Hips swinging a little more than she’d like to admit.
All the men graciously took their opportunity and turned their heads slightly to catch a sight of her walking away.
Santiago turned quickly to the group, “Guys, she’s the one.”
“The one?” Benny asked, arms folded over his chest and leaned back as far as he could. Trying to get comfortable as the biggest guy in the booth.
“Yes, the one we were just talking about. For Frankie.” Santiago gestured to his friend who perked his eyebrows up at the new thought that Santiago wasn’t interested in Sadie at all. “It can go both ways, he could either have a great hook up with a hot bartender and then just keep a professional relationship with her here if there’s nothing more to it, or he could get into a relationship with a great, smart, nice and competent girl.”
Frankie adjusted himself in his seat. “What if it went South and she was pissed at me. Then all we have is a bartender at our favourite spot spitting in our pitchers.” He didn’t think she’d be the type, but he was also incredibly nervous by Santiagos proposition.
They all took a beat, taking in this possible outcome. They looked over at Sadie at the bar. She was pouring a tall beer for a woman and chatting in a bubbly and infatuating way. She reached below the bar and tossed a coaster onto the top. She placed the beer on top of the coaster and slid it over to the customer with a bright smile. The men all watched as she flung her hair over her back and gathered it loosely in her right hand while she fanned her face with her left, seemingly making a comment about the heat behind the bar with the warm lights above her. Her skin shone and her eyes squinted slightly as she talked, moistening her lips as she listened to her coworker.
Santiago turned back to the group, “Yeah, I think that’s worth the risk buddy. At least it would be for me.”  A devilish grin wiping his face.
Frankie’s gaze didn’t waver from her. He observed her low neckline that curved on her plush chest. The way her tan stomach peaked out below her top showing off her belly button ring. The tattoos on various parts of her body that he would love to get a closer look of, or taste.
He adjusted himself slightly before making eye contact with Santiago. “Alright, I’m in.” They all cheered, and Benny patted him on the back. “But I don’t even know where to start man.”
“That’s why you have me, don’t sweat it okay.” Santiago dove into his seemly well thought out plan considering he only met Sadie a mere minutes ago. “When she brings the drinks back, we’ll get her talking again, make sure you actually contribute this time.” He gave a pointing glare to his friend, which made Frankie shrug his shoulders slightly, making him appear a bit smaller. “And then about 20 minutes later, you go over to the bar, order some food, and strike up a conversation. We’ll see where we’re at after that.”
The three men nodded at this suggestion. Frankie was suddenly never more nervous for his beer to arrive. Ironically, he needed the beer to make him able to go through with this. He hasn’t felt this nervous around a woman in longer than he can remember.
Benny and Will started into their typical conversation about Ben’s upcoming fight. They all loved Benny’s hobby. It provided them with great entertainment and an opportunity to get into the ring themselves during his training to get out a bit of frustrations. Will was just diving into the schedule and reminding the guys when they needed to check in as security detail when Sadie appeared from the bar with two pitchers in one hand four beer mugs in the other and 4 coasters tucked into the strap of her tank top.
“Whoa, incoming.” Santiago said as he cleared his phone and wallet off the table to make room.
Sadie carefully placed the two pitches down before grabbing the coasters from her strap and tossing them down one by one in front of the men. She then sat each glass atop the coasters and put her hands on her hips with a huff.
“Well then, and they say bartending isn’t a physical job.” A thanks coming round the table from each of the men. “Can I take care of anything else for you right now?”
Before the group was able to speak a rowdy bunch of college boys pushed themselves through the door and stumbled to a table nearby. Sadie rolled her eyes at the sight.
“Are you okay?” Frankie asked, earning him an approving look from Santiago.
“Yeah, it’s just the college kids that come in here can get really annoying and handsy. It’s fine though, better than dealing with men who probably have daughters the same age as me asking what time I get done my shift.” She looked somewhat deflated at the reality of her job, that it wasn’t all pouring drinks and chatting with nice handsome men.
The guys all looked at each other, they had spent plenty of time with guys like that in the service. The one’s who would try to take up skirt shots of the waitresses when they would go out as a group. It made them apologetic for their gender.
“Sucks, sorry about that.” Benny finally rang out on behalf of the group.
She just gave a half smile, her eyes a little dimmer than before as she mentally prepared to go over and get their orders.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about anything like that tonight. We’ll keep an eye on them. This guy right here,” Frankie threw a hand on Ben’s shoulder, “is a big MMA fighter and the rest of us do security for him at the fights. If they get out of hand, I’m sure we can take care of them.”
Sadie lifted her head a little higher, impressed by the apparent knight in shining armor sitting to her left, ready to take care of her. “Hm, thanks Frankie. I’ll keep you- that, that in mind.” She stammered, before retreating over to the table with the college boys. Head held a little higher knowing she wouldn’t have to call one of the cooks from the back to throw a guy out like she’s had to do twice already at her new place of work.
Frankie watched intently, keeping an eye on the three college guys while they gawked at Sadie and her uncomfortably smiling back at them. Finally breaking attention when Santiago snaps his fingers at him.
“That was perfect buddy. A little damsel in distress and hero thing going on. She thinks she needs you to take care of her, very well played.”
“I wasn’t playing her; it sucks she has to deal with that shit at work and I wanted her to know that she could relax a bit tonight.”
“Fair enough, either way. I think she’s starting to like you. Which brings us to our next stage of the plan.” He rubbed his palms together with a devilish grin. Benny and Will chuckled at the commitment their friend had to his masterful plan. If he had a whiteboard available right now, he would’ve done a whole chart of each move he wanted Frankie to make.
“Why use our poor excuse of security work as an example and not oh I don’t know, our years in the military?” Will asked with his head cocked.
Frankie finished pouring his drink and hummed, “I’ll tell her, just a uh- topic of conversation for later.” He finally grinned, not wanting to reveal too much to her so he would have something to talk to her about later.
Half an hour later, the men had been nursing their beers in an effort to prevent an unplanned visit from Sadie if she noticed they needed a refill. All the while she stole glances to the booth wherever she was and with whomever she was talking to. Frankie saw her hold her position behind the bar long enough without anyone else talking to her and decided it was his opportunity to have another talk with her.
He slinked up from his seat in the booth, with his friend’s encouragement and walked over to the bar. She was illuminated by low hanging lights and beer company signs. There were bottles of liquor along the wall behind her and stacks of glasses of all sorts of shapes and sizes.  
“Hey,” she beamed at him when he leaned against the counter. “Can I help you with anything?”
Frankie calmed his nerves the best he could, wiping a bit of peanut dust off the bar in front of him. “Yeah, uh we were actually just wondering if we could get an order of the nachos for the table.”
She blushed, slightly embarrassed, “Oh sorry I guess I haven’t checked in on you guys in a while.”
“No, no it’s fine. You’re obviously busy tonight.”
Sadie smiled at his consideration and moved over to the computer. “Well, still sorry about that. But I promise I’ll take care of you now.” She worked quickly on the computer and then looked up at him. “Whose tab should I put it on?”
“Uhm,” He looked over his shoulder at his friends, and snickered at Santiago briefly. “Put it on Pope’s tab.”
“Pope?” she looked back puzzled.
“Shit, sorry, Santi.”
She nodded, finishing the order. “Those will be out in about 15 minutes.”
“Great, thanks.” Frankie tapped his hands on the bar, unsure how to keep this conversation going.
She grabbed a washcloth and spray and started cleaning up a spill on the counter below her. “So, Frankie” Her thought was stopped abruptly by the sound of a group in the corner cheering and clinking their beer mugs. She chuckled to herself at the interruption. “Since you guys aren’t a boy band, how did y’all meet?”
There’s that topic of conversation he was waiting for. “We all served together, in the military.” He said causally.
Sadie lifted her eyebrows, clearly impressed by the new information about these lovely strangers she’d just met. “Wow, well thank you for your service I guess.” They shared a smile. “Is that where Santis nickname comes from?”
“Yeah, yeah. He’s Pope, Will is iron head, and I’m uh- Catfish. Fish for short.” He nodded away shyly.
“That’s so cool. It’s nice to see you’re all still so close. But wait, what’s Bennys nickname?”
Frankie rubbed his chin; thankful she didn’t immediately dive into the reason for his nickname. “He actually doesn’t have one. He came up the ranks a little later than the rest of us and the nicknames had already been dealt out so, a bit of an oversight by us.”
“Huh,” she simmered in his explanation briefly. “So, what do you do now?”
“I was a pilot when I was in active duty so now, I’m an instructor for the base in the next town over.” He loved telling women he was a pilot; it was something a step above what everyone else did during their time in the service, so it made him feel a little special.
She clearly thought he was special too, as she stopped cleaning to put one hand on her hip where her jeans were a little too low and her shirt was a little too high. How Frankie wanted to feel how soft she must be in that spot as he stared at her hand. “That’s really cool Frankie. It must be amazing being up there and in control of it all.”
“It is, I really enjoy flying. I could uh, take you up sometime in a helicopter if you’d like.”
“Oh Frankie, I don’t make good enough tips here that I could afford a private helicopter tour.” She laughed, grabbing some glasses to clean.
“No, it wouldn’t, I wouldn’t charge you anything. I bring friends up all the time.” He stated, hoping to not sound too forward.
She peered up at him through her eyelashes, interested in his forwardness. “So, I would qualify for the friend discount then? Didn’t you just meet me an hour ago?” Sadie blushed, she liked the thought of being Frankies friend, or more.
“Would you believe I’ve always made friends fast?” He asked, “On my first day of basic Santi picked me out of the crowd, sat right down next to me because I looked the quietest of the group and he didn’t want to deal with all the typical macho army guys. We’ve been best friends ever since.”
Sadie looked down at the counter she was cleaning and thought for a moment. “Well, I’m so busy right now my best friend is pretty much my mom so making a new friend wouldn’t be so bad now that I think of it.”
Frankie started to respond, but one of Sadie’s coworkers came behind the bar and asked her to talk to the manager as they needed to see her.
“Alright I’ll be right there. I’ll get those nachos out to you as soon as they’re ready Frankie.”
Before he could say anything, she retreated to the back area for employees with a smile in his direction.
Frankie returned to his friends and slid into the booth. “So, how’d it go?” Santiago pressed.
“Good, the nachos will be out in like, 10 minutes.” Frankie said casually, sipping on his beer.
Santiago looked around breathlessly before sputtering, “I don’t give a damn about the nachos.”
Benny raised his hand, “I uh, actually do give a damn about the nachos.” Always ready to eat a full meal no matter the time of day.
“Fish, how did it go with Sadieee.” He elongated her name to accentuate how visibly annoyed he is about his friend’s slack attitude.
Frankie and Benny chuckled to themselves, “It was good man alright. She’s nice. I told her about us serving together, the nicknames came up, offered her a ride in a helicopter. You know, casual stuff.” He looked to the Millers who nodded along. Frankie was trying his best not to seem too excited, because truthfully, he was already developing a big crush just from the few interactions with her.
Santiago tilted his head at his unsuspecting friend. “You invited her for a helicopter ride? The second time you talked to her.”
Frankie shrugged, “Yeah, it just came up. Girls like that stuff. She thought it was cool when I told her about it so, I don’t know.” His nervousness grew with the line of questioning.
“What happened to leaving it open for a one-night stand?”
“It still can be, or maybe it could be something real. I’d prefer the latter but, we’ll see I guess.”
Santiago leaned back in his seat, unsure where to go in his plan based on this new information. He stewed for a few minutes while the guys went back into conversation.
His train of thought was cut when Sadie appeared and placed the nachos on the table. “Here you go, I’ll be right back with some plates.”
She returned and placed the plates on the table, she then unexpectedly pulled a water bottle out of her apron and pulled a chair up to the front of the booth to sit down from a nearby table.
The group looked with surprise at the sudden guest at their table. Frankie thanked the stars that they asked for the nachos when they did.
“Sorry to interrupt but I am finally on a break, and I just found out that the other closer for the night was the girl that called in today.” She took a sip from her water before proceeding. “So that means I am closing by myself and something that typically takes 30 minutes is going to take an hour. Yay me, and I don’t really have any interest in sitting in that dreary break room right now to wallow in my self-pity for how late I am going to get home tonight.”
“Hey, it’s no problem, more the merrier.” Will leaned in to cheer her with his beer and her water bottle.
“So, the nick name thing. I have multiple questions.” She started.
The group of men laughed, “Okay what you got.” Santiago asked.
“Pope, where the hell did that come from, because from my slight interactions with you, I would personally point you towards a more Southern direction in that aspect.” She touched her hands to her chest and laughed along with Santiago.
“I gave a lot of speeches back in the day and really laid on my so-called wisdom a little thick which ended up earning me the title.” He shrugged with his laugh and pulled his beer up to his lips, without breaking eye contact.
“Huh, interesting. And Benny,” she suddenly turned her attention to the younger man over to her left who pointed at himself cautiously. “No nick name. That doesn’t seem fair.”
“Don’t even get me started,” he leaned forward. The rest of the men groaned, apparently hearing this over and over again. “I totally got shafted on that.”
Sadie propped her right hand under her chin leaning forward. Frankie at his angle could see a side view of her cleavage and realized he needed to drop his glance quickly before she noticed. “Well, what would your nick name be if you could choose one now?”
Without hesitation Benny beamed with excitement. “Oh, I have been thinking about this for a damn long time. If I could pick my name, it would be Steel Heart.”
She looked at him puzzled, “Steel Heart?” he nodded confidently. “Because your brother is Iron Head and you what, steal women’s hearts?”
“Bingo.” Benny grinned shooting her a finger gun and a wink, clearly enjoying his moment.
The rest of the group looked at each other and revealed in Bennys excitement.
“Seriously man?” Will questioned.
“Oh, because Iron Head is so damn cool?”
“Well, yeah I mean it is.” Will said, shrugging against his brother who was giving him an annoyed look.
“What about you hermosa what would your nick name be?” Frankie asked Sadie softly. Her eyes flicked to him, and he felt his heart skip a beat. She brushed her hair behind her left ear and put her mouth to her shoulder to meet his eyes. They stared at each other for a moment while she contemplated the question.
She finally turned back to the group from the little bubble she and Frankie had been enjoying themselves in. “Oh, I don’t think I can answer that right now, that’s too big of a decision. Check back in next time I see you and maybe I’ll have an idea.” She smirked at him, very much hoping there would be a next time she saw him.
Frankie nodded, accepting this answer, and soaking in the attention he got from her. He wanted to know what it was like to have his mouth on her shoulder like she had just done. He thought about pulling her strap down with his teeth and running his mouth along her soft shoulder up to her neck as she gasped for more -.
Frankie looked frantically, realizing he had completely zoned out and missed whatever just happened. He’s praying he had at least let his eyes fall to table and not leave them on Sadie’s shoulder the whole time. Will leaned over, “Fish did you hear me?”
“No, sorry I must’ve zoned out for a second, what’s up?” He squinted his eyes trying to pay attention as the group smirked at his lack of attention.
Will continued, “Sadie asked where Catfish came from, I said you should be the one to answer that.” He winked.
Frankie slouched down, there goes that relief. “I had a hard time growing facial hair when I was what, twenty-three. Anyway, they said it looked like catfish whiskers.” He slumped further down and tried to avoid the gaze of Sadie. While the guys chuckled at their long-standing joke. She leaned over and put a hand on his arm with a squeeze. She could tell he was uncomfortable and didn’t like the story.
“Hey, it’s okay. Your facial hair is pretty cute now and that’s all that matters.” Sadie missed the glances of the other men as they enjoyed the moment their friend was having with the girl they were trying to set him up with all night. She winked and lingered her glance at the man now blushing.
Frankies eyes burned into her with want and desire, she felt herself flutter suddenly and a warmness grew in her gut as she thought about how long her hand has been on his arm. She pulled away and tucked her hand under her chin, trying to cover how flushed she felt her chest becoming.
Ruining the moment, the group of college boys had started making more noise and gesturing to her. She sat up straight in her seat and grabbed her water bottle. “Well, I’d say that’s my cue to get back to it.” She huffed.
Sadie stood back up and adjusted her apron on her hips. “Thanks for the distraction guys, want me to get you those next pitchers?”
They all nodded with half smiles as she went back to the bar to drop off her water bottle. She then slowly strutted over to the table the college guys were sitting at and stood with her back to the men in the booth.
“Hey guys can I help you with anything?” Sadie asked cautiously, scratching her scalp with the back of her pen and doing whatever she could not to make eye contact with the insufferable boys who were obviously checking her out.
The boys shuffled and stifled their laughs, the one sitting to the right of Sadie had a backwards hat on and blonde hair peeking out. He wore a crisp new white t shirt and his hands had clearly never seen a day of work in his life. “Yeah, we were just wondering which one of those guys over there is your boyfriend?” He nodded back to the booth Frankie and the guys were sitting in.
Sadie looked over her shoulder briefly and then back at the guy whose eyes were like daggers. “I’m sorry?”
“Well, you’ve been paying them an awful lot more amount of attention than you’ve been giving us, so I just assumed one of them was your boyfriend.” He shrugged with a mischievous smile.
She could tell his intentions were not sincere, so she played his little game in hopes she could move on quickly. “Uh, yeah sorry, my boyfriend is over there with his friends, so I was checking in during my break. So, do you need a refill or any food before the kitchen closes?” She tucked her head down toward her notepad to deflect his eyes.
“Which one?”
“Hm?” Her eyebrows almost touched the base of her nose with how low she pulled them at his question.
“Which one is your boyfriend?” He nodded towards the group again and rubbed his chin with a sly smile. The other two boys chuckled into their fists at the interaction.
Sadie pulled her head up, getting more annoyed by the second. She looked over her shoulder again and caught Frankies’ eyes who seemed to be fixed on the group. “The one with the hat.” She said, trying to be as casual as possible.
The guy looked back at Frankie whose eyes didn’t leave the table despite his friends engaging in conversation again. Frankie could see the smugness radiating off this guy and didn’t trust to take his eyes off him for a second.
He turned back to give his buddies a smug look and they smiled along with him. “He looks like the jealous type.”
She pulled her lips tight, “Yeah I guess so.” Her uncomfortableness grew by the second. Why do they always have so much shit to say she thought to herself. She thought back to Frankie and the guys and made a mental note to write down that order of pitchers she almost forgot about when she was lost in Frankies brown eyes.
“So uh, he wouldn’t really like this then.” With one swift motion he took Sadie’s right wrist and began to pull her down to sit on his lap. She huffed with shock but before she was able to push herself off him a loud voice thundered from behind.
“Hey! Get your damn hands off her!”
The kid jumped in his skin and pushed her up before looking back to see Frankie standing up beside the booth, the three other men’s attention turned as well but more in shock of Frankies abrupt reaction. The boy threw his hands up near his face, clearly shocked by the reaction of Frankie. He was obviously trying to get some sort of reaction, but he was now fearing he was about to be dragged outside by this furious pit-bull of a man who was baring his teeth.
Sadie turned her shocked look from Frankie back to the guy. She smoothed out her apron and drew her head high. “What he fucking said!” She pointed at Frankie as her voice grew towards the boy. “I’ll get your bills.” She huffed and stormed off towards the bar.
Frankie gave the kid one last look of disgust before Benny had him settled back into his seat.
“Okay down boy it’s fine.” Santiago tried to reassure his friend who was still fuming in his seat. “Well, I’d say you definitely have her attention now, I’ll take care of this. You two just make sure he doesn’t go all bull in a China shop in here alright?” Santiago nodded at the Millers who did their best to calm their friend.
Santiago slipped out of the booth and peeked at Sadie behind the bar. Her back was to them, working on the bills for the pricks at the table he is now approaching. The three boys watched him approach them, settling deep into their chairs. He leaned forward between two of them and rested his hands firmly on the edge of the table.
“Listen, I’m not gonna let me buddy there beat the shit out of you, which yes, he could easily do. But just take this moment as an opportunity to grow, you know, learn something and do better next time. Maybe don’t sexually harass bartenders anymore, or anyone for that matter. And definitely don’t intentionally piss off an ex special ops soldier, got it?” They looked at him with side eyes, fearing they may turn to stone if they made direct eye contact with him. He nodded and pulled his hands away, not before leaning in one last time and whispering, “Oh, and you better fucking tip good.” He winked, and the boys nodded.
Santiago sauntered back to the booth just as Sadie wrapped up her computer work and turned to go back to the table. She grabbed a debit machine and marched over with her head held high. She did her best to ignore the agonizing stir Frankies little outburst had given her, and how badly she wanted to show him how much she appreciated it.
The guys watched as she closed off their bills, giving them icy stares and barely acknowledging their existence. The whole time they creepily snuck a peak at the four men all staring with daggers in their eyes as they waited for the three to leave.
Once they were paid up, they said their meek thanks to Sadie, who responded with a cold, “Yeah whatever.” and made their way out of the bar.
Frankie relaxed a bit once he saw the guys leave, but he relaxed even more when Sadie appeared with a tray carrying two pitchers and a small glass.
“Alright, here’s those two pitchers, on Benny and Frankies tabs.” She said as she settled the pitchers in the middle of the table. “And one,” she grabbed the small glass that seemed to be a rum and coke. “thank you, on the house.” She leaned forward and placed the glass in front of Frankie before making eye contact with him and leaning in to rest a small kiss on his cheek. Frankies eyes fell to her mouth, and he wished she had closed the gap. He smiled and said thanks before she pulled away and went back to the bar.
The men all turned to Frankie, eyes wide at his interaction.
“Buddy, that is what I’m talking about.” Santiago cheered.
Benny and Will also showed their celebration as Frankie took a sip of his new drink.
“Now, I’ve been thinking about your closing move alright? She said she doesn’t have any help to close the bar down right?”
Frankie nodded at Santiago, agreeing with this statement.
“Well, there’s your in. Offer to stay and help her close. You and her alone in the empty bar for half an hour. Talk, make sure you show you’re interested. Graze your hand on her hip when you squeeze past her behind the bar. Stuff like that, and then boom once all the work is done. Close the deal.” He clapped his hands together and leaned forward with excitement. He hasn’t been more focused on a target in years.
Frankie nodded and agreed to this proposition. He sat in silence for a while as the other men talked and thought about how his cheek felt after Sadie kissed it. How it would feel to have that same softness grace his lips. Her hair smelt like lavender when she got that close to him, and he wanted nothing more than to grab the back of her head and lead her to his lips.
The night wore on without incident. Finally, Sadie came to the table with bills in hand and her machine. She started with Santiago, keying in his total and passing the machine to him while she chatted with the others about how sore her feet were from walking all night. Santiago passed the machine back to her and she watched as the receipt filed out. She pulled it from the machine without looking at the content and held it to her chest.
“Alright, moment of truth. Does Santi think I have a great ass?” She indicated to the boys with a nod that she needed a drum roll. The three men kindly obliged and started drumming their fingers on the table, Santiago rolled his eyes and leaned his head back against the top of the booth. With a beat she pulled the receipt up to her face and dropped it with an open mouth smile on her face. “He does!”
They all cheered enthusiastically, except for Santiago who waved his hands conceding.
Sadie moved on to Will, and upon pulling his receipt through commented, “Hm, Will is more of a boob guy, good to know.” She smirked at him, and Benny smacked his shoulder with a full body laugh.
“Whoa, whoa that is not fair.” He laughed.
Sadie grinned and started keying in Bennys order. “I’m just kidding you, Willy.” She looked up and winked. He leaned back in his seat with a gapped expression, finding the interaction humorous of course. “I gotta joke a little bit otherwise jobs like this eat you alive.”
They all hummed in response, recalling all the pranks and jokes they used to get into in the service. No matter the circumstances, they still found a way to keep their head straight through some humor.
 Sadie finished up all the bills, thanking Frankie with a gushing smile for his overzealous tip.
“Well, it was really nice to meet you all. I hope to take care of you all again soon.” She smiled and the guys said their thanks and started piling out of the booth.
Santiago patted his friend on back, “Aright buddy this is it. Good luck, I hope it works out however would make you the happiest.”
Frankie gave his friends an assuring nod before doing a quick jog to catch up with Sadie as she moved back to the bar.
“Hey Sadie?”
She turned, surprised and pleased that Frankie wasn’t following his friends out the door. “Hey Frankie, what’s up?”
Frankie rubbed his hands on his faded jeans, trying to calm himself once more. “Are you still closing by yourself tonight?”
“Yeah, unfortunately. The kitchen left an hour ago and the manager and other bartender will be leaving in a few minutes. Why?”
“Well, I uh, I don’t have any place to be, so I was wondering if you wanted some help?” he said cautiously.
She eyed him through squinted lids and looked at him up and down. Worn out baseball hat that probably hasn’t left his head in decades over curly brown hair. A tight grey T-shirt under a loose flannel shirt. Light jeans that probably didn’t start out that way but have been worn in the sun too long and washed too many times. He seemed harmless enough and he’s treated her well so far tonight, in fact so well she had started finding herself walking by him just to ensure he could catch a glimpse of her through the night.
“So, you want to stay late and help me clean, because you have nowhere else to be?” She asked with a pointed look.
He swallowed deep, “Yeah I just thought you would like the help and maybe the company.” He tried his best to sound light, meanwhile his ears with ringing with nervousness.
She took a beat to think once more, “So you’d help me clean and then we would both get to our own beds at a decent time tonight, right?” She emphasized “own”.
He nodded in agreement, “Sure, of course.”
Sadie started back behind the bar again and Frankie followed like a dog chasing a bone. “Alright Fish, you stay put here and once everyone else is gone we’ll get started.” With that she disappeared behind the employee entrance door.
Frankie sat at the bar by himself for 20 minutes, watching as the other customers exited slowly and as the rest of the staff said their goodnights to Sadie and then retreated to the employee entrance. It was 1:15am when she locked the door and closed the shades to the front windows.
She sauntered over to him, her cowboy boots clicking as she walked. She ran her finger from shoulder to shoulder on Frankies back. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up at the sensation. “Let’s get cleaning Mr. Helpful.”
Over the course of the next thirty minutes, they did just that. They cleaned and restocked the bar, all while recounting vacation stories, and childhood memories. Sadie talked about how she had gone into finance right out of high school and found it unfulfilling so she decided to go back to school in her late twenties to do something she could be proud of. Frankie talked of his friendship with the guys and although they had to go through terrible times to all be together, they were all still thankful they had the opportunity because now they have each other.
All the while Frankie kept Santiagos notes tucked away in head. He would graze his hand on hers when she would pass him something. He held her waist in place as he scooted behind her at the bar. He brushed her hair off her face when her hands were in rubber gloves doing dishes. Each time he had a physical interaction with her she felt that familiar burning sensation she had felt when Frankie had yelled at that prick that got handsy with her. She caught herself staring at his lips as he spoke and trying to position herself in a way that they would have to have some sort of physical contact. She couldn’t even understand why she was doing it all. She just wanted him to want her so badly.
Frankie finished his half of the cleaning list and approached Sadie who was at the pool table. She was leaned over wiping down the last part of the wood finished edges. He held his gaze on her ass and admired how plump it looked in her tight jeans. He shook his head to throw the devilish thoughts out of it and met her eyes when she turned to look at him.
“Well, that’s that. Thank you for all the help.” She threw the cloth into a bucket on the floor and leaned against the pool table with her arms crossed.
He took a few steps in and placed his left hand on the pool table beside her, resting some of his weight on it. “It was no problem hermosa. I had fun.” He smiled at her.
She squinted her eyes slightly, “That’s the second time you’ve called me that. What does it mean?”
He looked her up and down shyly, “Beautiful.” He said softly, meeting her eyes with an intense gaze.
She inhaled deeply, her chest rising and falling in an extremely noticeable way. Frankie grinned at this as he checked out her cleavage quickly. She looked down at her feet for a moment, trying to determine the best way to respond to such a compliment. She lifted her head back up at him and asked, “Do you call all your friends beautiful?”
Frankie shrugged, shifting his weight slightly. “No,” he paused “Just you, and Benny of course.” He chuckled.
She rolled her head back with her laugh, “Well I don’t blame you; he is VERY pretty.” She grinned back at him.
“Truthfully though,” he leaned in slightly, trying to gage her physical response. “I’m not sure I still want to be your friend. I think I may want a little more than that.”
Sadie felt herself flush, “Well would I still get the discount on the helicopter rides?” she asked softly, intensifying her gaze.
He leaned in further, staring at her lips as he spoke. “Of course, it also comes with lots of other perks too.”
“Hm, like what?” She tilted her head up, catching a glimpse of him moistening his lips as she spoke.
“Like this.” He leaned in fully and latched his mouth onto hers.
It was a soft kiss, not wanting to read too much into things. She didn’t pull away, but he was still unsure if she was just being friendly. He broke the kiss and pulled his face away a few inches to look at her. She unfolded her arms and grazed one finger along his jaw line.
“That seems like a pretty good perk, but you said there’d be lots right?” She lowered her eyebrows and parted her lips, meeting his gaze.
He smirked and stepped into her, placing his hands on her hips as hers moved around his neck. They both opened their mouths for one another and deepened the kiss. It was hungry and passionate. He ran his hands over the exposed skin on her lower back and moaned at the warmth. Sadie glided her right hand around the curls at the top of Frankies neck and slid her left up and down his chest.
Frankie moved his hands lower to grab her plush thighs and in a swift motion hoisted her up to be seated on the edge of the pool table. She parted her legs for him, and he stood flush with her chest heaving against his.
She pulled away to start planting desperate kisses on his neck and he rubbed his hands on her ass through her tight jeans as she made her way up to swirl her tongue around in his left ear. He moaned at the feeling and her deep breathing in his ear. He ducked his head, and she pulled back so he could slot his mouth on hers again. He pulled her closer, so her aching core was pressed up against his stiff boner in his jeans. She gasped at the sensation of feeling how hard he was, and he revealed in the warmth radiating off her.
Frankie pulled off to start kissing down her neck. He moved the hair off her left shoulder with his hand as he nipped at her supple skin. He made his way down to her shoulder and groaned at how soft she was against his lips, better than he had imagined earlier. He nipped at her and grabbed the thin white strap with his teeth to pull it over and off to hang on her arm. He licked a stripe from the top of her shoulder up her neck and brought his hand up to palm her breast.
Sadie moaned and smiled with her eyes closed. “Okay, okay Frankie.” He pulled his head up to meet her eyes. “I just started here two weeks ago, and while I haven’t had the opportunity to read the employee handbook yet, I am fairly positive there will be something in there along the lines of don’t fuck the customers on the pool table.” He grinned at her and placed a kiss on her forehead. “So, why don’t we just go back to my place?”
He hummed, “I don’t know, didn’t you say something about ending up in our own beds tonight?” He emphasized own as she had done earlier.
She rolled her eyes, “Well I guess I’ve been persuaded otherwise.”
He reached his hand up and pulled the strap of her top back onto her shoulder, grazing his finger down her arm to rest his hand on the edge of the pool table. “Alright, well let’s get going then, because I’ve still got lots of perks to show you.” He popped his eyebrows up and gave her a knowing smile.
The energy between the two was electric as he helped her slide down the pool table back onto the floor. She took his hand and led him to the back to slip out of the employee entrance, locking the door as she left. They walked hand in hand to her red car. Based on the boots and the car, he was beginning to figure out her favourite colour. This theory was confirmed when he slid into her passenger seat and noticed the red fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror. He smiled to himself; he had fuzzy dice in his truck too.  
The drive to her apartment was quiet but comfortable. They stole glances here and there and nodded along to the radio, each of them growing with excitement for what was to come. Frankie rested his hand on her thigh and rubbed tiny circles on the exposed part of her leg through a hole in her jeans. She silently thanked herself for her choice of pants today as the feeling of his calloused thumb stroking her thigh made her core ache for more. She peeked down at his hands and noticed just how large his fingers were. She snapped her head back up with eyes wide and tried to focus on the lights along the streets.
When they arrived at her apartment, it was after 2am. He followed her up the stairs, not wanting to keep too far of a distance from her as his hands ached to feel her again.
“This is me.” She nodded to the apartment door coming up on their right. She fumbled with her keys as she tried to unlock the door, her nerves getting higher by the second. Finally, the lock clicked, and she pushed the door open. She stepped into her apartment and stood in front of the door holding it open for Frankie.
He nodded and walked into the apartment, looking around as he did. There was a white kitchen with an eat in island. The island was covered in notebooks, textbooks, and pens. He imagined her hunched over working on her assignments and grinned to himself. The rest of the room had a small living area with a bright red couch facing a tv. The walls were decorated with framed floral photos and there were a variety of house plants along the windowsill. He stood near the island as she closed the door and put her keys and purse on the counter by the wall.
Sadie rounded the corner of the island, and he turned his head towards her, wrapping his left arm around her waist and pulling her in. She wrapped her hands around his sides, and he pulled her face into his with his right hand. Planting a desperate kiss to her plush lips. She released her lips from his and slowly brought her hand to his, leading him further into the apartment, into her bedroom.
The room was bright white with a white comforter. There were pops of colour with more floral accents adorned the walls. The makeup vanity had large circular bulbs around a round mirror with makeup scattered along the vanity top. Sadie walked over to the bedside table where a blush pink lamp sat and flicked on the light. Frankie admired how she looked in the dim lighting and rested his hands in his pockets as he watched her sit on the bed and take her boots off. Grunting as she popped the snug boots off her feet. She wiggled her toes at the relief from being on her feet all evening.
She stood up and rounded the bed towards him, he gave her a sheepish grin and brushed her hair off her shoulder before cupping her jaw with his hand.
She beamed up at him, “Hi.” She giggled.
Frankie smirked, “Hey you.” And leaned in planting an open mouth kiss on her.
He started backing her up towards the bed until the back of her knees hit the edge. He peeled his plaid shirt off his shoulders and threw it on the floor behind him. She reached for the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, only breaking the kiss to move his shirt past and over his shoulders. He quickly grabbed his hat off his head and shifted it from one hand to the other as he pulled his arms out of his shirt. Placing it back on his head backwards. She ran her hands down his bare chest, stopping to rub her fingers on his treasure trail above his jeans.
The moonlight shone in her window above her bed through the light white curtains. He rubbed his hands along her back until he reached the bottom of her tank top and pulled it over her head. He did quick work to remove her strapless tan bra as well and tossed it aside. Frankie broke away slightly, enough so he could gawk at her supple breasts.
“Fuck, you are so sexy hermosa.” He pressed their bare chests against each other and slowly laid her down on the bed as she scooted backwards so her head was near the pillows.
He hovered above her and broke off the kiss to unbutton her jeans. He slid them down her legs, grabbing her socks as pulled them off. He slowly crawled back up the bed admiring her tan body underneath him. He slid a finger up and down her thigh before grazing it over her entrance atop her lace white panties. He hummed to himself, “Already this wet for me baby?”
“Oh Frankie, I started getting wet for you the minute you took care of those idiots at the bar for me.” She answered, moving her hips slightly to get more pressure from Frankies finger.
“Mmm, yeah? You like it when I take care of you?” She nodded, “You want me to take care of you right now?”
She looked desperate now, the teasing was getting the better of her. “Fuck, yes, Frankie please.”
He took her panties in his hands and yanked them down her legs, the teasing had seemingly stopped and he was going full tilt now.
He dropped down onto the bed and spread her legs with his rough hands, lining his face up with her dripping core, aching for relief. He took one last look at her body illuminated by the lamplight and licked a long stripe between her folds. She moaned in response. He started off so light, just tickling her with his tongue. It made her shiver, feeling his tongue dance around lightly between her thighs. She moved her hands to his head, slightly tugging at the soft curls peeking out under his hat. He continued this slow pace until she felt herself arching her back and reaching behind herself to the headboard.
Sadie suddenly felt a wave of pleasure as her orgasm overtook her and she moaned. Only as she started did he finally start applying pressure, causing her orgasm to linger for far longer than she’s used to. When she came down from her high, he picked up his pace and sucked on her clit until it popped out of his mouth.
“Fuck, Frankie. That was amazing.” She ran her hand over her face and tried to snap back into the moment.
He continued licking her core, “Mm not done with you yet baby.”
Frankie traced his fingers up her thigh before burying two deep in her pussy. She whined at the sudden sensation. He curled his fingers tightly inside her and licked her clit. She couldn’t help but buck her hips up into him as she writhed beneath his face. In and out he pulled his fingers, curling them more and more until she felt the snap in her gut again and flowed into her second orgasm. He pumped her still, letting her ride it out on his face.
When she finally came to a still and stopped moaning his name, he plucked his fingers out and wiped his face with his other hand. He crawled up the bed and met her gaze.
Sadie grabbed his face with her hands and pulled him in for a needy kiss. “How the fuck do you still have pants on?” She asked with a smile as she looked down between them.
Frankie rolled off her and swiftly tugged his pants down with his socks. Leaving him in his tight black Clavin Klein boxer briefs. He began to roll back onto her, “Uh uh, those too Fish.” She pointed at his boxers, and he smiled, rolling back over to pull them away and fling them off the bed. She took a wide look at his size and could feel the dampness pooling between her legs. “Fucking hell Frankie, how did you get the nickname Fish and not- fucking horse with that thing?” She gawked.
He smiled and rolled himself back onto her, “Well I don’t go showing it off or anything. Hey do you have?”
“Oh yeah in that drawer.” She pointed to the nightstand with the lamp on it and he leaned over to pull it open and pluck a condom package out of it. He quickly rolled it on and lined himself up at her entrance.
“You ready baby?” he asked playfully.
She nodded and bit her lip, he leaned down and met her lips with his as he reached his hand down, guiding himself into her.
Her breath hitched and broke the kiss as she felt the stretch of him. She met his eye contact with a wide look as she was overwhelmed by the feeling. He bit his lip and groaned, “You feel so good hermosa.”
He started rocking his hips back and forth slowly, going deeper each time until she was completely filled up. She grabbed his neck to steady herself underneath him as she tried to focus and not be completely tipped over the edge immediately. But she was already so overstimulated by the two orgasms. He picked up his pace and crashed his lips to hers. They made out desperately as he rocked into her, hitting his thighs against her hips. It was all tongue and teeth and moans between them.
“Oh baby, I’m so close.” His words falling from his mouth with barely any air left in his lungs.
She was dancing on the edge of immense pleasure as he gave two final deep thrust and grunted as he filled the condom. The way his cock swelled during his orgasm pushed her over the edge and she came crashing down into another for herself while he slowly rocked his hips, bringing them both down. He collapsed onto her chest and exhaled, trying to catch his breath.
Finally, he rolled off her and laid his forearm on his head as she panted beside him.
“That was,” he started.
“Fucking incredible.” She finished for him.
He smiled and rolled over, giving a loving kiss to her forehead before propping himself up and exiting the room to find the bathroom.
Sadie collected herself enough to ease her tired body under the comforter and turn off the lamp. Frankie came back in and smiled at her snuggled up, still lit up by the moonlight above her. He walked back over to the bed and slid in beside her. She rolled over and rested her head on his chest while his arm found its place behind her.
She drew little circles on his chest as she enjoyed how content the moment was.
“So, do you have any plans tomorrow. Or today I guess.” He chuckled as he looked at the time on his watch.
She grinned, “No I don’t think so.”
“Hm, would you want to hang out?”
“Sure, that’d be nice Frankie.” She smiled to herself as she warmed her face on his chest.
He rubbed her shoulder with his hand, “Anything you got in mind?”
She propped herself up to look at him and he met her eyes. “Well, I have had this evening long dream of going up in a helicopter with a handsome pilot.” She winked.
Frankie gave out a huffed chuckle, “I think I can take care of that for you.”
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arcturusnebula · 11 months
tag people you’d like to get to know better
I went to four different shops today to find fabric so I'm dead and late to this oh jesus. thank you @tortoisebore my love I love rambling on these 🫶🫶🫶
three ships: wolfstar dorlene and I'm growing a lot of love towards jegulily these last days
first ship: fictionally I think it was drarry??? it was probably another one because I remember reading an abusive amount of fiction about it
last song: night shift by lucy dacus (I'm never beating the traumatized queer allegations
last movie: top gun maverick with my mother and my brother. we're planning on watching the whole indiana jones sequel this week
currently reading: I'm trying to bring myself to finish the lord of the rings so I can buy the hunger games' limited edition because its cute 😭 but fictionally I'm rereading hey sharpshooter by the one and only tortoise. currently waiting for the next marginalia update by spindrifters and finishing crimson rivers by bizarrestars. I'm also doing my best to comment on every chapter of my favorite works so if you see me there no you didn't 🫶
currently watching: I'm not currently watching nothing actually!!! I've been in a drought but I'll sure start tlou soon!!
last thing i wrote: "She didn't blink when she said it, and she didn't refuse to look him in the eye when she uttered it. His mother's anger was his to bear, now. He could feel it taking roots. Years ago, Sirius had wondered if the child's unhappiness was the mother's triumph, his wrist marked with her fingers. The years have passed and the marks have faded. He still didn't have an answer."
currently writing: divorced jeggy on my post apocalyptic wip while regulus tries to live with his own grief. He's self destructive and pathetic. I love him. Also writing the first work I'll ever post on AO3 with ballerina Sirius. I'm editing some parts while trying not to project on him. It's been harddd
I honestly don't know which one of my mutuals have been tagged in this but tagging @saintlupin nonetheless
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chromatic-casino · 7 months
I saw your tags for my Wynn au nd I just wanted to comment that I absolutely love the idea for a trafficblr au included !!! I have so many more ideas for this au now Ahhhh
Hi omg!! I'm totally gonna ramble about my concept now because its so fun to think about. Its so good to see other Wynn players in the Life Series tags :D
Yeah, me and a friend have been fixated on Wynn for a bit so it's been buzzing around my mind. Since Martyn is already a cameo character (old man Martyn), I've been thinking about it so much. Also, yknow, Grian being a founder of the server. My premise for the AU was Renchanting based. Ren is a respected Paladin of the Ragni army trying to fix the corruption in the Wynn plains and Martyn, an assassin from Nesaak is like. hey. you know that old wizard that got corrupted? Yeah, yeah, I want to undo the damage he did. Let me prove I'm a good adventurer. Let me undo some damage. And Ren is obviously like "okay, dude, tag along anyway, I'm all for it". I think they'd probably meet some other people along the way, make the Renchanting group a guild and such. For the other members: Etho would be a Riftwalker Mage, Skizz would probably (??) be an Acolyte Skyseeker, BigB would be an Archer (maybe Sharpshooter?) and Impulse would probably be some kind of Knight too. If Tango were in it then he'd be a Fallen Warrior because of the damage boosts.
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ofdusk · 2 years
✧ ⁺ ⁺  teneguine asked;
"L-Lady Corrin, wait up!"
Odin seems to be dragging something behind him. It's tough to see, what with his back turned to the dragoness, but whatever it is seems to be putting up a fight. Perhaps it is heavy, or moving against him. Whatever the case may be, Dark needs to take a hand off to wave it in Corrin's direction. She nearly got away while he was hassling around with her gift.
"A little--GGRAH!--wyvern told me today was your special day," he continues, his struggle stopped, the gift finally in his hands, "so behold!" Owain then spins round on his heel, holding up a little goat for Corrin to see. "An ally of legend! a companion of yore! Your birthday gift arrives, descending onto the mortal plane by the hands of Odin Dark!"
The goat bleats following its prelude, though whether this is to add onto Odin's rambling or express disinterest in it is unknown. Regardless, it seems to be cooperating now, even accepting of Dark as he pets its fleece fur. "His name is Milo, of the Sharpshooter's Ire. The man who sold him to me said that by merely petting him a sniper gained the power to handle twelve Faceless all on his own--each arrow splitting their heads into a thousand thousand pieces before they could draw close! Isn't he the greatest?"
It is best not to question just where he got this thing, and who told him that ridiculous story (assuming he didn't just make it up). He grins now, the embarrassment of having to get Milo to cooperate long faded. Milo bleats again as Odin outstretches his arms, tilting his head at Corrin. He is being offered to her now, handed off for her to accept.
"Though I'm sure this is the most awesomest gift you've ever received, there is no need to thank me. Simply enjoy your birthday to the fullest, as any fabled warrior would. (And hey, maybe save me a slice of cake!)"
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There is never a dull moment with Odin Dark, not really.
Corrin stares with furrowed brows and a mouth half open, watching him as though she can’t quite decide on how to respond to the approach. It’s... certainly a strange one. 
And then he presents her with a goat.
Dragon’s gaze dances between goat and mage, not quite sure on which she is supposed to settle. For what it’s worth, the little thing is in fact very cute, although that’s a little hard to appreciate while also affording any kind of focus on whatever the hell it is that Odin is saying.
“...a good-luck-goat, huh?” It does take considerable effort not to giggle at that idea. 
Only when he offers Milo over does Corrin realize this is not in fact a joke. ( Of course it isn’t -- with this guy it never is. ) Hesitant arms accept the animal and she is torn miserably between the warm adoration for the thing and... the surprise that comes with being given an entire goat as a birthday present.
A hand smooths over the shorter fur of Milo’s face, and she breathes a soft laugh as he eagerly sniffs at her hand. Her husband was going to hate this.
“Well I’ll thank you anyway, Odin. I can safely say that no one else has given me something so... out there.” The goat bleats as if to really nail that point. Corrin smiles. “I’ll have Leo keep a piece in his office for you.” Assuming you aren’t relieved of your duties as soon as he finds out about Milo.
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brainyxbat · 8 months
Chapter 5: Venus and Usopp Meet! A Beautiful Connection Begins
(chapter 50)
"The execution platform! The execution platform!" Luffy rambled through his sprint. "I wanna see the view the King of the Pirates saw before he died! I wanna see it now!" But he then skidded to a stop, and scaled the area. "But... which way is the execution platform?"
'The execution platform! The execution platform!' Venus rambled as well, only in her mind, and with frantic worry. 'Gotta find him first! Which way is it again?!'
Elsewhere, Zoro sat on a concrete staircase, admiring his new weapon from the local sword shop. "A cursed sword, huh..." He remarked, "Interesting."
Suddenly, Luffy popped up behind the sword, nearly stopping his heart. "Oh! That's a cool sword you have!"
"Damn! Don't scare me like that!" Zoro scolded.
"What're you doing here, Zoro?"
"No, what're you doing here?"
"Me?" Luffy scratched under his nose. "I'm lost," He grinned.
"Why're you acting cocky about that?!"
"Luffy!" They both turned to see Venus frantically running up the stairs.
"Hey, Venus!" He beamed, as she stopped to catch her breath.
"I... I've been looking all over for- Oh," She stopped when she saw he wasn't alone. A toned man in a white t-shirt, green belt, and black pants and shoes, with hair the same shade of green as hers, sat silently before her. "Who's your friend?"
"Roronoa Zoro," The swordsman introduced himself, looking her over. She seemed barely taller than five feet, and with her pigtails and short bangs, she seemed a little child-like.
"Tempeste G. Venus," She followed suit, "Nice hair. You the first mate or something?"
"He is!" Luffy replied. "And an awesome swordsman!"
"With three swords, that's well-expected," She smirked.
"And Zoro, she's a witch!"
"She's a what?"
"A witch! She does super cool magic!"
"Luffy, I doubt she really can-" Zoro's skepticism was cut off when the Wado Ichimonji started slowly inching out of the carrier on its own. He turned to the girl, and she was smirking in his direction, moving her hand to guide the sword.
She snickered as he urgently thrusted it back in, ending the spell. "That convince you? I ate the Witch-Witch Fruit."
"Look shortie, do whatever voodoo you want, but leave me out of it."
She giggled in her hand. "Deal."
"Hey, tell me. How do I get to the execution platform?" Luffy asked Zoro.
"How should I know?"
"Hey! There he is!"
"It's him! That bastard!" The three looked down at the commotion below.
A tall, looming man with a mustache, and long sideburns in a cloak and wide-brim hat stopped his trek down the street when he was surrounded by five street thugs, four pointing guns, and one gripping a large, thick chain. "Yeah, this isn't going to end well for those guys," Venus commented.
"What's that?" Luffy wondered aloud.
"Daddy the Parent," She replied simply.
"You bastard! How dare you sell our buddies to the Marines?!" The man in a green shirt glared. "You're gonna pay big-time!"
All the men prepared their weapons. "Die!"
They watched as four gunshots went off. Luffy and Zoro expected the man in the middle to collapse, but to their shock, all but one of his ambushers were the ones to fall, while he was still standing, completely unharmed. The last one was now shaking with fear, landing on his backside when his feet gave out on him. Daddy calmly walked over, pulled the cigarette out of the petrified man's vest, and bent it with his thumb like a drinking straw. "Run on home, and have your mama bake you a cake, kiddo." He tossed the cigarette back at him, and the man finally ran off with a yelp of terror.
Luffy was now pumping his fists with ecstasy. "That old guy's cool!" He gushed.
"I've heard of him before," Zoro remarked.
"He's the best sharpshooter in the East Blue," Venus said, "Also got a daughter, who's kind of a brat," She rolled her eye.
"Hey, didn't you need to grab more magic stuff?" Luffy reminded her.
After a beat, her eye widened; he was right, she did mention that before they left. "Oh yeah! I'd better do that! Mr. Rauru must be worried by now! See you later, Luffy! Nice meeting you, Zoro!"
"You too, short stack," Zoro called out back to her, then leaned against the stairs. "Strange girl."
"She's awesome! I want her to join our crew!"
"Have you asked her?"
"Yeah, but she said no."
"Well, we can't force her to join if she doesn't want to. It's her decision."
"You're lucky this is the only store that sells this stuff, you bastard, or you'd be out of business by now!"
"What was that?! Say that to my face, you little bitch!"
Exiting the store, she frantically ran with the full bag to get back home before lunch. In her haste, as she passed the Junk Shop, she wasn't watching where she was going.
That haste, little did she know, was going to change her life forever.
"I bought a lot! A real lot!" Usopp rambled with excitement to himself. Citizens stared in shock, as he carried a giant, full, green backpack like it was carrying feathers. Though due to his eyes being locked on the sidewalk, he didn't see what, or who, was coming up. "Now my preparations to be a brave warrior of the sea are complete! All I'm forgetting now is... oh, yeah! I forgot the most important thing!"
He finally looked up, and for a split second, saw a blur of light green and dark purple, before the figure crashed right into him, knocking them both down on the concrete. Both of their bags' contents spilled out, quickly getting mixed together, as they laid on the sidewalk.
Venus sat up, her hood falling over her head, and panted to catch her breath from the sudden collision. She really should've watched where she was going. She turned over, and noticed the other victim of the incident still on the ground; she quickly crawled over, and helped him sit up. "Sorry about that. You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm..." Usopp replied sheepishly, but was silenced when he saw who was helping him, briefly locking eyes with her; she looked intimidating with the cloak she wore. But when she pulled the hood down, he had a better look at her face, before she started gathering her stuff. She was... kinda cute. Wait, what? "Uh, m-my fault," He stammered, following her lead.
"No, no, it was mine; I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Me neither."
"Well um, y-yeah," She giggled sheepishly, "I guess we both take responsibility."
"Fair." He helped her with the stuff she dropped alongside picking his own up. He became curious about a burlap drawstring bag filled with what felt like soft balls. "What's in here?"
"Eyes of toads," She replied casually, as if they were grapes.
"EEE!" He yelped, dropping the bag in shock.
She couldn't help but laugh, as she put it in with her stuff. "Worry about your own stuff; I got mine," She assured, "Thanks, though."
He observed her stuff not picked up yet, shaking his head. "Toad eyes, rat tails; what are you, a witch?"
"I am," She nodded, to his surprise, "I found and ate the Witch-Witch Fruit a few years ago. Tempeste G. Venus."
He grinned with confidence, puffing his chest under his brown overalls. "Captain Usopp of the Straw Hat crew."
"I thought Luffy was the captain," Venus smirked.
"Well- wait, you've met him?"
"Just earlier today, actually. Plus the swordsman Zoro." They both gathered the rest of their items, and stood on their feet.
"Got everything?" He asked her.
"Yeah. You?"
"Yep. Though there was something I was looking for, before we..."
"Met?" She finished.
"Yeah," He chuckled, "Before we met. I can't remember what it- oh, goggles!" He exclaimed. "That was it!"
"Yeah! A top-class sniper needs to have top-class goggles! Investing every last bit of money to get the best goggles around is the spirit of a top-class sniper!"
"Hmm... I might've seen some at the Junk Shop last time I was there," Venus recalled, "Let's have a look, shall we?"
"Yes, thank you!" Usopp straightened up, hauled the large bag on his back, and followed her down the walkway.
"So you're the sniper, huh?"
"Sure am! The best of the East Blue!"
"Ah," She nodded to humor him. 'Interesting crew,' she thought.
"How about those?" In the Junk Shop, where he left his bag outside, he tried out a pair of overhead goggles with blue flip-up sun shades. "Those top-class enough for ya, Mr. Top-Class Sniper?" Venus smirked jokingly, ignoring the sneer from the shop owner burning holes in her skull.
Overjoyed, Usopp played with the shades, then posed with his green slingshot. He grinned with excitement. "These ones! These goggles!" He decided. "It's gotta be these! I like 'em! Lady!"
"You got a good eye!" The shop owner praised. "Them's the latest North Blue model there!"
"I helped him pick those out, y'know," Venus pointed out when she was paid no mind to.
"Quiet, Missy! I got 'em from an import ship that leaves the Marines only once a year!" They both noticed Usopp feeling his pockets in a panic, Venus more concerned than the owner. "What's wrong? You got no money?" She glared. "I don't do business with people who don't got money! What's it gonna be?!"
"N-no, it's... oh! Right! Backpack..." Usopp was about to run inside when the young witch stopped him.
"Don't worry, I'll pick up-" Her kind offer was interrupted by a certain little blonde girl in a mint and white ruffled dress with ringlet curls.
"I'll take these goggles, please!" Usopp fell to the floor in despair.
"...the... tab," Venus finished uselessly.
"My! What a cute little girl!" The shop owner gushed. "Yes, yes! You're in luck! This is the only pair of these goggles in town!"
Venus facepalmed. "Are you kidding me?"
Now angry, Usopp pushed himself up from the floor. "Hold it right there! I was the first to-!"
He stopped when the little girl trotted up to him with a big, innocent grin. "Butt out... old man!"
Usopp collapsed back down in shock, as she left the store. "O... old man?"
Venus growled in anger, hands balled into fists. "That little brat! Those goggles are rightfully yours! Let's get 'em back!"
As the girl skipped happily along the streets, Usopp and Venus ran out of the store. "Stop!" Usopp shouted.
"Stop right there!" Venus shouted.
The girl stopped as told, so the two stood in front of her. "Listen! Let's set the record straight! I'm not an old man!" Venus facepalmed again. "Call me "mister"! Got it?"
"Huh?! What for?! You're an old man!"
"Dammit, you said it again!" Usopp ranted. "I'm 17 years old! Now gimme those goggles back! I found 'em first!"
"He has more use for them than you, brat," Venus sneered.
"Huh?!" Now angry, the girl stomped her foot, and prepared to fight them both. Usopp was now nervous, but Venus was unfazed. "You got a problem?! Huh?! Keep up yer damn complainin', and I'll call the Marines!"
"You need to watch your mouth," Venus glared back.
"M-Marines?" Usopp stammered.
"Yep!" The girl was suddenly back to being cheerful. "I'm friends with a Marine captain in this town! The old smoky man!"
'W-who is this girl?' Usopp wondered, then put on a tough facade. "So you don't know who I am, huh?! I'm Great Captain Usopp! I destroyed Arlong's fishman pirate group!"
"Arlong?" Venus' eye widened. She had seen his wanted poster in the bar, and he looked pretty tough.
"It was truly a battle to the death! Me, surrounded by 200, no, 300 fishmen! All alone, I punched, threw, stomped, kicked, and tore them all up!" The girl smiled evilly through his story, as Venus listened intently. "Thanks to that, I now have a 30 million Berry bounty on my head!"
"I see," The girl gained their attention, "30 million..."
"Yep! That's right!"
"Papa?! Why am I your papa?!"
"Call me mama, and I'll punt you into the ocean," Venus threatened.
But the girl ran behind them to a cloaked figure, goggles in tow. Venus' eye widened when she recognized him; Daddy the Parent. Crap. "Here's a present for you, Papa!" The girl handed the goggles to him. "Happy birthday!"
"Oh, Carol..." He was stunned, as he failed to keep his emotions in check, "What a nice, angelic girl you are! I love you, Carol-chan!"
"Papa! I love you, papa!"
Venus and Usopp watched in shock. 'W-what's with this family?' Usopp thought.
'If she's angelic, then I'm queen of the damn town,' Venus snarked in her mind.
They were both tense when Carol glared at them. "But guess what? That old man and old woman there are trying to swipe your present!"
"Old woman?!" Venus shouted with pointy-teethed rage. "I'm 21!"
"I, I thought you were a teenager," Usopp stammered.
"I get that a lot. But do not mess with him!" She urged.
"Now, now! You mustn't say "swipe"!" Daddy scolded her, still keeping the sweet tone of voice. "It's not good manners, you know." In a split second, his demeanor immediately turned intimidating towards them. "Are you the ones who're bullying my adorable little Carol?"
"B-b-bullying...?" Usopp stuttered.
"She's lying!" Venus glared.
"That's not all!"
"Huh?" She whispered in his ear, too quiet for Usopp and Venus to know. They assumed it was bad. Daddy looked over with shock; most likely bad. "You have a bounty of 30 million Berries, I hear?" Usopp screamed in terror, as Venus stayed quiet. "Let's see here..." He took some papers out of his cloak.
"Are those new wanted posters?" Carol asked.
"Yeah, I got 'em from the outpost just now. 600,000... 1,300,000... 700,000," He counted off, then stopped on one, "30 million... Straw Hat Luffy? A starting bounty at this amount..." Usopp started to back away, as Venus watched. "Hold it, boy."
He stopped dead in his tracks, almost falling over. "Y-y-yes?! No, you see, sir! I'm obviously not the person on that poster! I was just lying!" He rambled. "My funny plan to trick people was a great success! Ha ha! Well, bye!" He tried to walk away, briefly grabbing Venus' wrist so she would follow.
Daddy pointed to behind Luffy in the picture. Sure enough, the back of Usopp's head was right there. "That's you, isn't it?"
"T-t-that's right! It sure is! That's me, all right!"
"I thought I'd seen you somewhere," Venus remarked.
"But I'll tell you this! Just you try and lay a hand on me! My captain Luffy won't sit by quietly! He's an evil, cold-blooded, devilish man!"
'Not from what I've seen,' Venus thought, but kept it to herself.
"No one's ever defied him, and lived to tell about it!" He sneered at Daddy testily. "You got a kid, right? You should really value your life," He whispered.
"I see. That sounds bad. Yes, given that this Luffy fellow is worth 30 million Berries, he's clearly no ordinary man."
"Got that right," Venus muttered.
"Papa!" Carol protested. "You're obviously way stronger, Papa! You're the strongest guy in the world!"
"Carol, it's all right. All that matters is that I make enough money to live happily with you. You're far more important to me than being the world's greatest!"
Usopp watched the exchange in awe. 'The guy's wimping out after I said all that!' He grinned deviously. 'Alright! In that case...!' "Well?! Now do you see how terrifying I am?! Take my advice! Just hand those goggles over to me!"
Venus looked up at him with skepticism. "Let's just quit while we're ahead, shall we? You don't want to mess with this guy."
"No, I saw them first! They're rightfully mine! You said so yourself!"
"Huh?!" Carol glared.
"Don't worry! I'll pay for 'em!" He assured. "So just give 'em here!"
"Alright, you've made your point, let's go," Venus urged through clenched teeth.
"Why're you saying that right after he's just about to let you go-?!" Carol demanded, but Daddy stopped her. "Papa?"
"Then let's do this," His eyes narrowed, "I assume you have no problem with us settling this in a fair fight?"
"Depends on the fight," Venus raised an eyebrow under her bangs.
Usopp was startled when Daddy tossed him a pistol, and Venus briefly ducked down to avoid any accidental shots. "Fight?" He nervously held it up. "Y-you're not talking about a duel, right?"
"If you win, the goggles are yours."
The pair was shocked when he whipped away his cloak, revealing lots of pistols. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... 30 pistols?!" He exclaimed. "D-don't tell me you're... Daddy the Parent?!"
"The very same."
"Tried to warn you," She mumbled.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
hi! i was wondering if i could request a matthias x reader where jesper knows that the reader likes matthias and then one day matthias asks the reader what tumble means and when they ask why he wants to know he says that jesper told him that the reader wants to tumble him (i hope that wasn't too specific haha)
pairing: matthias helvar x reader 
a/n: okay so i think this will be my first time writing one of these not in bullet point form so bare with me <3 this is very cute and very matthias (since i don't explicitly say it in here, tumble basically means to have sex if you didn’t know!)
warnings: cursing, suggestive comments, betting and playing cards
you lean your head back, staring at the ceiling of the slat. an exasperated sigh leaves your lips as you close your eyes in frustration. jesper lets out a small laugh under his breath, sitting in the seat next to you. you straighten yourself and open your eyes, sending him a sharp glare.
“stop laughing jes! this is absolutely not funny.” you groan. 
he only lets out another little laugh and shakes his head, “this is totally funny. this situation is the most fun i’ve had since i gave wylan a gun for the first time.”
you roll your eyes, if jesper was comparing your situation to the wylan gun fiasco, you really were in trouble.
“maybe it’s funny for you but im absolutely dying here. i don’t know how to act around him.” you let out an annoyed sound and drop your head into your hands. 
“just tell him. matthias is like a giant really threatening teddy bear. even if he rejects you, he’d probably give you like a pat on the back or something” jesper shrugs.
you let out a small fake cry and look back up at jesper, “i can’t just tell him i want him. it would ruin everything. matthias is just starting to really trust me. he trusts me more than anyone else. i can’t mess that up for my own selfish lovesick reasons.”
jesper flicks your arm and you whine, rubbing the spot.
“saints, you’re overthinking this. first of all, matthias looks at you as if you’ve hung the fucking moon. second of all, you don’t have to get down on one knee and admit your undying love for him. you can just have a little fun.”
at his last comment, he makes a suggestive face your way, insinuating something you’ve tried not to let your mind linger on.
“he doesn’t look at me like anything,” you mumble out, a bit embarrassed. 
he groans and stands up from his chair, “saints im really the only one in this group with a bit of common sense.”
you furrow your brows at the sharpshooter, “where are you going?”
“away” is all he says before he’s making his way up the stairs to the bedrooms. 
you frown but turn your chair so you’re facing the table you previously had your back to. 
whatever, you think to yourself, what does jesper even know? he has his stupid perfect love with wylan. he wouldn’t get it. 
your play with the hem of your shirt sleeve for a couple of minutes, lost in thought, running over all of the things you would say to matthias if you could, if you had the courage that all the other dregs seemed to have. 
a couple of minutes later you feel someone sit in the chair next to you. you’re so engrossed in your thoughts that you don’t even bother to look up.
until you feel a small tap of your shoulder and a soft, “y/n?”
you look up, meeting those ice-blue eyes that seem to totally hinder your ability to make normal conversation. 
you smile at him anyway, “hey matthias.”
it might be your imagination but you feel him brighten at your smile. 
“um, y/n, can i ask you a question?”
you nod your head, turning your attention back to the table. you were used to answering random questions from matthias. making the permanent move to ketterdamn had been difficult in a number of different ways but matthias had struggled a lot with the slang of the city. it was habit for you to whisper the meaning of phrases to him as all of your friends made conversations. 
but you definitely weren’t expecting the words that came out of his mouth next. 
“what does uh tumble mean?” 
your head snapped up to look at him. you could practically feel the heat of your blush on your cheeks, but you try and keep a neutral face in front of this giant stupid beautiful boy. “oh! um, why do you want to know matthias?”
he scratches the back of his neck. 
is he nervous, you ask yourself in total disbelief.  
“jesper said that you want to tumble me” he struggles with the word tumble, the pronunciation so different from that of his native fjerdan. 
any hope of keeping a neutral face evaporates at those words. your jaw drops slightly. you turn your head around, searching for that mischievous sharpshooter who seems to only be in your life to cause absolute chaos. 
you spot him leaning on the bannister of the stairs, he gives you a knowing smirk and a condescending wave before bounding up the stairs.
you’re going to kill that little bastard.
you turn your attention back to matthias, who’s watching you expectantly.
“um well see. you can’t believe a word jesper says because you know jesper and his impulsive habits, he just loves to say absolute nonsense to cause trouble-”
matthias stops your ramble by placing his hand on yours, “what does it mean?”
you blush and take a deep breath, well here goes nothing. 
you lean into the space that separates the two of you and whisper the meaning into his ear. 
and saints, you had never seen matthias turn so red in your whole life.
the two of you sit in silence for what feels like hours, the tension building. 
he’s the first to speak and you tense, preparing yourself for the rejection, for the anger, for anything and everything that could happen next. 
“i um,” he pauses, “want to tumble you too?”
he mumbles the last part but your eyes widen, obviously hearing it. 
you’re suddenly aware of matthias’ hand still ontop of yours. he laces your fingers together. 
holy shit matthias helvar is holding my hand, you squeal in your mind. 
you give him a small smile. 
and he smiles back.
well fuck. 
you were gonna have to thank jesper.
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
Being a member of the BAU and Spencer Reid having a crush on you would include...
Prompt “I dont know if you write for criminal minds but, if you do can you do a set of headcanons for being part of the BAU and Spencer having a crus on you?”
Being a member of the BAU and Spencer Reid having a crush on you would include:
Being recruited to join the FBI as a final year grad-student, where you were finishing off a doctorate in Linguistic progression and the psychology behind it.
Deciding to join up because you’ve become disillusioned with how little change you could make in the world as an academic.
Hating basic training, but finding out that you actually have a bit of a talent as a sharpshooter and at hand-to-hand combat.
But that doesn’t change the fact that you know exactly where you want to end up.
Getting transferred to the BAU fairly quickly, and being extremely nervous about it.
You’ve wanted to be in the BAU since the start, but actually being there is totally different.
You’ve got very little field experience, but you’re smart, you’re a quick learner, and your supervisor thought you’d be a good fit.
Meeting the team on your first day and instantly noticing Spencer.
Spencer thinking you’re beautiful which, of course, means he acts like a total idiot in front of you.
Him Completely botching the introduction, refusing your handshake and mumbling something you couldn’t hear before turning on his heel and walking away.
Which makes you think he hates you.
Making friends with the other members of the team fairly quickly.
Hotch still scares you a little, but you kinda like that.
Trying to make friends with Reid, even though he seems intent on avoiding you at all costs.
At first you figure he’s just shy but, as time goes on and you see him interacting with everyone else, you realize he’s not shy, he just doesn’t want to talk to you.
Which sucks because you actually think he’s really cool. You enjoy his rambling, and how much he seems to know about everything.
Plus it makes you feel like an idiot for liking him, and it makes you wonder whether you’ve done something wrong.
Meanwhile Reid is trying desperately to not make even more of an idiot of himself around you and failing miserably.
Reid watching you make coffee every morning from his desk, trying to think up something funny or charming to say, but chickening out before he does.
Morgan noticing the tension eventually and confronting Reid before you get to work.
“What’s going on with you, Boy genius? You tryna get this girl to quit or what?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re making her life miserable. She's trying so hard with you man, cut her some slack.”
Reid freaking out because NO NO NO THAT’S NOT WHAT HE WANTED AT ALL!
You suddenly noticing little things around the office changing;
Reid bringing you coffee every morning. It’s perfect, even though you don’t remember ever teaching him how you like it.
Him coming to you for advice more, asking your opinion on cases and unfinished profiles even though you’re pretty sure he knows all this already.
Reid laughing at your jokes more, smiling whenever you make a good point and sitting next to you in the jet.
You’re not exactly sure what changed and why he’s suddenly being so nice to you, but you like it.
For his part, once he’d successfully handed over that first cup of coffee, things got significantly easier.
He fucked up the delivery of course, but instead of turning away or scoffing at him, you’d just laughed.
Reid realising how much you had in common, and how much he actually enjoyed talking to you, and being overwhelmed with guilt for making you feel unwanted.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Yeah, Spence?”
“I’m really sorry for being such an asshole-you know-when you arrived. You didn’t deserve that.”
Getting stuck in some backwater town on a case together a little while later, and having nothing to do but sit and talk all night.
Suddenly noticing the flecks of gold in Spencer’s eyes, and the way the light glances off his hair.
Realizing you have a big old crush on him one day in the jet, when he passes you a coffee and your fingers touch for a moment.
Spencer memorizing the way you laugh and how you like to wear your hair.
Spending more and more time together as the months go by, slowly but surely leaning everything about one another.
Having long discussions about your favorite things, teasing one another relentlessly about nothing and laughing until your stomachs hurt.
Spencer opening up to you about his past with addiction, and you opening up about your own past.
Spencer being completely mesmerized by you.
You’re a good profiler, so not being completely oblivious to the change in Spencer, but you also don’t want to be too forward.
Similarly, Spencer can tell that you feel something for him, something strong, but he can’t be entirely sure of what it is and he doesn’t want to make a move until he’s sure.
When you eventually do kiss, it’s more of an accident than an intentional move.
You’ve just come off a long case, one that ended in a stalemate between you, the UnSub and some hostages. You'd managed to talk him down, but it took hours and, by the time you got out of the building, with the UnSub in custody, Spencer was almost catatonic with worry.
He’d wanted to come in after you so badly but Morgan had stopped him, reminding him that he might make it worse.
When he saw you walking out, tired a little beat up, but alive, he couldn’t help himself.
He ran straight to you and pulled you into a kiss so passionate and tender that it literally took your breath away.
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37th Battalion (The Lucky Batch ☘️)
We have so many new members I'm expanding the name guys. Have some “✨chaotic lineage✨ can't keep their lightsabers and the clones have to pick them up.”
“General, you have two lightsabers. Two,” Raffle said, looking at the Jedi disapprovingly as she scratched her back lekku, a guilty smile on her face. “Could you at least try to keep one instead of dropping them and punching metal droids with your bare hands?”
“Pepper’s running out of bacta stickers for you, General!” Foxy shouted a few meters away, from where he sat with the other lightly injured, his twin bandaging his arm.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” someone muttered, and the sharpshooter hushed them.
Kenhla shrugged innocently, patting the captain's shoulder as a casual gesture while reaching to take her lightsabers from his hands.
“Sorry, Raf, I promise you won’t have to pick these up ever again,” she assured him, nodding gravely and clipping them onto her hips.
“That’s what you said last time."
"Maybe, but this time, I'm ninety-nine percent sure I won't drop them."
"With all due respect, sir… I seriously doubt that."
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Jackal sighed, unclipping the lightsaber from his belt to hand it back to the padawan searching for something among a wrecked tank.
“Commander, please stop losing this in the middle of the battle,” he said, placing it in her hands as she gave him a guilty smile. “How am I supposed to crash knowing that you don’t have your weapon to get me out of the wreck?”
Luna looked away and gestured exaggeratedly with her arms, trying to explain why she had lost her weapon in the first place. “I promise it was in my hand, but then that thing blew up, and Master was punching those droids, and then—“
Jackal interrupted her rambling with a bonk to her head, and the girl’s black eyes rose from the floor innocently to meet his.
“Just be careful, vod’ika,” he told her with a half smile and ruffled her messy hair, ignoring her protests. “You know I always got your back.”
“I know, I know.” She scrunched her nose and returned the grin, clipping her saber back on her belt with a sigh. “Now let’s get you to Pepper, your shoulder is on fire again.”
“My shoulder’s what—“
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“Commander.” Someone called behind her, and Brisk quickly turned around, hands hiding behind her back before anyone could see them.
“Hey, Sparks,” she said with a nervous smile, and her leg bounced as the clone sat beside her on the boulder.
“You dropped this.” He offered the lightsaber to her, holding it out for the girl to take.
She hesitated for a moment, and the clone's quirked eyebrow turned into a frown as she shyly reached for the weapon, exposing the bunch of scratches and scrapes littering her hands. Brisk hurriedly went to clip the saber on her belt, trying to hide the injuries from the concern in the his eyes, but before she could, he was already on his feet. He gestured with his head to the place where the medics were taking care of the wounded, and the girl hesitantly stood up, biting her lip nervously and heading in that direction.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t that helpful,” she whispered, hands tightening over the hilt of her lightsaber as she walked beside him. Her lips pressed together, and a little crease of frustration formed between her eyes as she thought about the way she'd stumbled in battle, how she'd almost failed on her one job.
Jedi were supposed to be better than that.
Sparks' face softened, and he gently nudged the padawan's shoulder. “You protected the back, kid, that was pretty helpful.”
She looked up, her grey eyes big and unsure meeting his own as a spark of hope lit them up. "Really?"
Despite his usually unreadable expression, the clone couldn't help the way the corner of his lips turned up a few millimeters.
“You did great, Commander.”
@lavenderstaars @lynnpaper @foxlock @maygaladon @radbatch @oo-hazel-oo @letsunity @mango-peachjuice @lusiawonder @catboy-tech @cosmicsuggestion @monako-jinn-stories @longearedowlfromouterspace @namesmox @generaltano sorry if I forgot to tag someone!! Please tell me so I can add you to the taglist
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promptis-imagines · 4 years
How about Promptis go on their first ever date at an arcade or a fair and they're both nervous at first. They relax after a nice chat and some junk food and Noct notices a giant chocobo plush at a stall/prize counter and tries to win it for Prompto
nananasonatra: Noctis taking Prom on a summer carnival date. They both act like teenagers in love and at the end of the night they ride the Ferris wheel .Noctis bribes the operator to make them stop ontop .Sorry my heads fried in this heat lol 
yes this is exactly what I need. You two have galaxy brains. So I will combine them: first date to the fair complete with shitty carnival games and a ferris wheel extravaganza
They are both very obnoxiously awkward. Prompto can’t stop talking even when he desperately wants to shut up. Noctis is having a hard time speaking at all. They went to the fair because hey, it’s in town! Surely that’s gotta be cheesy and fun. Thing is, both of them are too shy to admit that they love cheesy things (even tho they literally...are going on a date there. They’re doing their best). It’s the way there and the getting tickets where they’re still acting the nervous couple bit, but once they feel the adrenaline of a rollercoaster and stock up on junk food (a horrible choice before going on more rides), they start to loosen up and laugh off the nerves. 
Also I can just...picture that scene. So vividly.
The sky was growing darker by the minute, which was only accentuated by the carnival lights dotting the view. Most of the rickety rides had been conquered, though not without a fair share of screaming on the couple’s part, so the tired boys decided to take a break for snacks before taking on the rest of the event. 
Okay, maybe calling them “snacks” was a bit of an understatement. Two orders of fried oreos, an entire funnel cake, some wildly-oversized corndogs, and a large lemonade. They might have forgotten to grab dinner before the fair in their nervous endeavors, and nothing was healthy at the fair.
Sitting on that bench, laughing and munching on their food, any hint of awkwardness or fear was left behind in some gross seat of a rollercoaster car. Well and truly, this was a real date.
There was only a bit left of the funnel cake in the end. Prompto heaved a sigh, shoving the plate onto Noctis’ lap while his head flopped onto his shoulder. “You eat it,” he murmured.
Noctis pouted. “No, you.” The plate was passed back.
“Noooo, I’m so done, dude,” Prompto whined. “Just take one for the team.”
That earned a snort from Noctis. “What team? And why do we have to finish it?” he questioned.
Prompto paused, then sat up straight again. “I dunno. Feels wrong to just throw it away?” he reasoned. Especially considering that Noctis was the one who paid for all of it. He would feel bad, prince or not.
Noctis lightly bumped him with his shoulder. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s the last thing we have, and I’d rather toss it than have either one of us get sick before our date is over.”
He couldn’t lie, Prompto’s stomach still erupted with butterflies at legitimately hearing Noctis say they were on a date. He’d been dreaming of this for so long that he’d chalked up his hopes to wishful thinking. But no, they were here, and they were having a good time. It was enough to make him grin. “Fine, fine. Throw it away, and we can walk around for a while before hitting something that could make us lose all that food we just ate,” he conceded.
The two of them hauled their trash to the nearest trash can, and Prompto had to laugh at just how much powdered sugar had attached itself to Noctis’ all-black clothing. “Y’know, I applaud your choices to start wearing white,” he teased, making Noctis look down at his shirt.
“Oh, come on,” Noctis grumbled. 
Prompto ran his hands along the worst parts. “No worries, I got you.” It only took a few seconds more for him to note how low the powder had gotten. “Um...”
Noctis huffed a laugh, getting the rest off. “You’ve got some on you, too.”
“I do?” Prompto asked with a confused expression. “Could’ve sworn I dusted myself off, already. Where’s it at?” he rambled, hoping he didn’t look like a mess.
“Hm, right here.” Suddenly, Noctis’ hand was on his cheek, his warm lips pressed gently to Prompto’s in a kiss that lasted all of three seconds. Nonetheless, his cheeks were absolutely burning afterwards.
When they parted, it appeared that he wasn’t the only one. Noctis’ cheeks were dusted a soft shade of pink, though it was hard to see under the harsh lighting around them. 
It took a moment for either of them to say anything. “Did...you get it off?”
Noctis’ lips turned up in a faint smile. “Think so.”
Now it was Prompto’s turn to smile. “Cool. Thanks. What would I do without you?” he joked.
“Dunno. Have powdered sugar all over your face?” Noctis returned teasingly.
“All over? You saying I’ve got more on me?”
Noctis hummed in thought, once again brushing his fingers along Prompto’s cheek. “Nope, got it all,” he confirmed.
An eye-roll from Prompto. “Dork. Let’s move away from the trash can, yeah?”
The two headed back into the bustle of the fair, hand in hand without Prompto even realizing they'd reached for each other. It made him giddy all over again.
Before long, they stopped. A long row of carnie games sprawled out before them, vendors shouting for patrons to step up and take their chances. Stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes were presented along every surface, and it was a safe bet to assume they’d been waiting to be claimed for far longer than necessary.
Prompto looked over to his date. “Got something in your sights?” he questioned.
That got Noctis tugging him towards a nearby stall. “Does a giant chocobo sound good? I’ll try to win it for you,” he stated, all the determination in the world lighting up his eyes. It was rare to see Noctis this enthusiastic about something. Gods, it was cute.
Still, Prompto couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. The thing Noctis had pointed out was giant, which also meant that it was going to be near impossible to get. “I mean, it sounds great, Noct,” he started, leaning against Noctis’ shoulder. “But I’m not gonna get my hopes up.”
Noctis knocked his head against Prompto’s. “What, don’t believe in me?” he returned in mock-offense.
“Oh, c’mon, you know these things are rigged,” Prompto reasoned. “Plus, this is a shooting game. One, that’s even more rigged. Two, we should both know by now that I'm the better marksman out of the two of us."
His boasting earned him a scoff from Noctis. "While I might cave and admit that, it doesn't mean that I'm bad at it. Have a little faith," he requested, giving Prompto's hand a light squeeze. Without waiting for a response, he was off towards the unattainable holy grail of stuffed animals. Oh, to be the carnie that got to proctor this little event in history.
Watching with an air of amusement, Prompto leaned on his elbows over the counter. "Heya! What's the requirements for getting that Behemoth up there?" he asked, gesturing to the comically large bird in question.
The carnie's polished grin focused on him. "Well, buddy, it's fairly simple!" he chirped. "All you've gotta do is shoot at those little targets that are moving across the planks." He made a grand gesture towards the back wall, which sported plenty of painted wooden ducks with red and white targets on their sides meandering in a single file. "Each duckie has a different number on the back. Shoot as many as you can before the time runs out, and your score will be tallied afterwards. Get over fifty points, and the chocobo is all yours. But watch out! Some of the ducks are hiding negative numbers that will reduce your score. So, care to test your skills?"
His speech had sounded so trained and NPC-like, Prompto had to laugh. "No, not me. But this guy wants to give it a go." He tugged on Noctis' sleeve, a grin of pride bright on his face. Noctis, on the other hand, had lost some of that brazen confidence in his expression.
 It was always funny to watch people's eyes go wide. "O-Oh, Prince Noctis! Er, that is you, isn't it?"
"Nah, but I get that a lot," Noctis replied nonchalantly, rolling his shoulders in preparation. "Just a guy trying to win a chocobo for his boyfriend. Can I start?"
The man, seemingly recovered, nodded with his previous vigor. "Of course! Here is your weapon, good sir." After ducking down to grab one of the dingy guns from under the counter, he handed it over. "The timer starts when you first shoot."
Prompto cast a smirk at his boyfriend. "Let's see what you got, sharpshooter," he teased.
Noctis took aim. "Oh, hush. I'm doing this for you."
After a quick "Good luck!" from the man behind the counter, Noctis started the timer with a pop from the toy gun. One duck down, who knew how many more to go.
"Wohoo, got one!" Prompto exclaimed, beaming at a smug-looking Noctis. "Think you can keep it up?"
Still keeping his eyes on the targets, Noctis gave a little nod. "You bet I will. I've got someone to impress," he replied before knocking another off of the shelf.
Prompto snorted, slumping more over the counter. "You say that like you're on a date," he continued.
Another duck toppled. "And what if I am?"
That earned a dramatized gasp from Prompto. "Are you, now? Didn't know you had it in you to snatch a date. Always thought you were too shy." The mocking edge to his words were light, and he couldn't hide the slight giggling that followed. The next few shots hit the wall. He poked Noctis in the shoulder before wrapping an arm around his middle. "Trying to win him something?"
Noctis gave him a knowing glance. "I would be, if he wasn't doing stuff to distract me. Don't be disappointed when I can't get the prize for you," he warned, getting another target down.
Prompto leaned in to press a kiss to Noctis' cheek. "A good marksman should be able to work well under pressure." Still, deciding that he'd messed with him enough, Prompto let go and returned to being an encouraging spectator.
As the timer drew nearer to zero and the little duckies came crashing down, Prompto did have to admit that he was impressed. Especially considering the hindrance that was a rickety carnival gun, the sizeable amount of targets Noctis had managed to hit was most likely more than the average. Though he hadn't expected much of a reward from this mess, part of him was thinking he might be going home with a giant stuffed chocobo.
When the timer sounded, the carnie bounced back to life. "Aaalrighty, let's see how you did!" he said in his merry speech. He collected the last few fallen ducks, then laid them face up on the counter in front of them.
"Sweet, let's count 'em up!" Prompto was grinning as he began to turn over the targets. "Noct, count with me. This one's five," he stated, "and then eight, and…damn, negative six." Oh well, there were plenty more to bring the score up.
Noctis continued flipping over the next few. "Hey, got a fifteen," he boasted, shoving it over to the counted pile.
"Aw, so proud."
The scores varied for the rest of the ducks, some on the smaller or negative sides, presumably to keep the prizes from all being taken. Still, Noctis had gotten a few of the higher numbered ones. With one left to check, he had reached a whopping forty-five. Prompto was tingling with excitement; that chocobo was as good as won.
The last one stared them down with its chipped paint and bright, ducky smile. "You want to do the last one?" Noctis offered.
With a nod and bated breath, Prompto turned over the last one to add the number….
"Negative twenty?" he cried. "Why is that even in here!" Noctis groaned as well, and the two boys slumped against each other in defeat.
The man behind the counter drew up an apologetic smile. "Sorry, fellas, luck of the duck. But you still get to choose from one of the smaller prizes!"
He gestured to the side wall that sported the rest of this booth's treasures. They were way smaller than the grand prizes, more hug-to-your-chest size, but they were still something.
Noctis nudged Prompto's shoulder. "Go ahead and pick one."
"Mh-hm." Prompto's eyes flitted over the options: stuffed dogs and coeurls, moogles, various fruits for some reason, and a mini version of that giant chocobo above their heads. "Not to be predictable, but I do want the chocobo," he decided. So what if he consistently chose them? They were his favorites!
As it was being retrieved, Prompto turned to Noctis with a bright smile. "By the way, good job, dude."
Noctis shrugged, a light mix of embarrassment and pride in his face. "I would've won if it had just been about knocking them over," he reasoned.
Prompto chuckled. "Sure would've. They weren't ready for you," he teased.
"Here you are, sir." Holding it in his hands, Prompto decided that this was officially the best first date ever. How cool was it that his boyfriend won him something at a shitty carnival game?
They ventured back into the crowds, a bit dissuaded from trying any of the other booths for now. The chocobo plush was held securely with one arm while his other hand held fast to Noctis'. Now there was just the matter of deciding what else to do before calling it a night.
"Got any ideas what to do next?" Prompto questioned.
Noctis pursed his lips, doing a quick glance around. "Well, I think we already went on all of the rollercoasters, and you're not putting me back on that drop thing," he said definitively.
That drew a laugh from Prompto. "I half expected you to warp right off of that thing, by the way," he commented. "But fine, something else. How about…." He trailed off, rubbing his thumb along Noctis' hand. "Oh! We haven't done the ferris wheel yet."
What other way was there to end a night at the fair than being sappy while overlooking part of the city from the top of a rickety ferris wheel? Prompto hoped he wasn't coming across as too sappy, though; it was embarrassing, but he really did enjoy those dumb romantic fantasies. Even after being asked out, he was still worried that Noctis might laugh at him for wanting to do cheesy romantic things. Noctis just didn't seem like the type to enjoy that. He knew he was probably being ridiculous, but that didn't dispel the doubt in the back of his mind.
Thankfully, Noctis gave a casual shrug and nodded. "Sounds good to me. We can hit the ferris wheel and then head out for the night," he said.
Relief flooded back into Prompto's lungs, and before long, they were speeding up towards bright lights of the their last ride. Giggling, the two kept it up until they were running and dodging people in the crowd to get there first. Nevermind that they were still holding hands.
The pair stumbled to a breathless halt at the entrance gates, turning to each other with a full-out laugh. Prompto still had his chocobo clasped tightly between his arm and chest.
"After you," Noctis said, finally letting go of his hand to gesture to the open gate.
Prompto landed a playful punch to Noctis' shoulder as he walked past. "Really acting like a prince today, huh?"
"What, I don't normally?"
"Gonna have to give a no to that one, bud."
The worker got them situated in the seat, Prompto first. Noctis lagged behind slightly, turning to the lady in charge before climbing in next to his boyfriend.
Once they were snugly hip to hip, Noctis sighed. "How old do you think this ride even is?" he asked.
Prompto looked up. "Proooobably pretty old," he reasoned. "But I'm sure it's fine. They have, like, inspections and stuff, right?"
Noctis huffed a little laugh. "Hope so. If something does happen, I'll just grab you and warp off of this thing."
"My hero," Prompto teased. Though, as they began their ascent up and around the ferris wheel, the idea that it might break down did start to creep into his mind. A jarring bump halfway there didn't help one bit.
He pressed closer to Noctis' side just as he did the same. Prompto took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting the feeling of being close to him soothe him. The warmth they shared was a nice defense against the cold winds, too.
A tiny smile formed on his face when he felt Noctis nuzzle slightly into his hair. "Sorry I couldn't get you the giant chocobo," he heard him murmur.
Prompto gave a slight shake of his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. This one's just as cute. And it's travel sized." He gave the toy a squeeze. Honestly, he was thrilled to have a gift from him in the first place. It was a silly little thing, but it made his heart swell in a way he thought he'd never feel.
As they completed the first rotation of the wheel, Prompto decided to look around more at the fair below. By now the sky was completely dark, making the colorful lights shine brighter. Laughter and shrieks of children reached even where they were up high. He even saw someone drop their cotton candy in a puddle, which he pointed out to Noctis so they could both grimace at the sight.
All of a sudden, they were stuttered to a halt at the top of the wheel. Prompto swung his leg a bit and laughed. "Welp, looks like we're up here forever," he joked.
Noctis snorted. "We'd better not be. I'm not sleeping on a ferris wheel."
"That's your problem with it?" Prompto laughed, making the seat sway slightly.
"There's other issues with living on a ferris wheel for the rest of my life. That one just came to mind first," Noctis said in his defense.
Prompto's laughter continued while he squeezed the stuffed chocobo to keep from dropping it. "Yeah, okay. Sleep is always your first thought."
"Don't judge."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Being stuck at the top really wasn't so bad. They could see everything, and it was just the two of them, despite there being hundreds of people around. It was as if they'd been brought up just to be alone for a few minutes.
A hand rested atop his thigh, and Prompto turned to face his date. And gods, did he look so good with the lights of the city behind him. Noctis' dark hair made him a silhouette, though his features were close enough to make out. His cool gray eyes had a soft shine to them, and he was looking at Prompto in a way that stole his breath. He had to be the luckiest guy in Eos right now.
Noctis quirked a small smile. "Is it…too cheesy if I ask for a kiss right now?"
Prompto paused, then cracked a smile as well. "Very cheesy. Do it," he replied.
"Then can I kiss you at the top of the ferris wheel?"
Without speaking, Prompto slid a hand along the side of Noctis' neck and pulled him in. His lips were tinged with slight cold, but they felt soft as they touched Prompto's. And just like that, they were sharing one of those dumb movie kisses on their first date at the fair. The thought made Prompto's smile grow as he leaned in more.
Once they pulled away, there were a few moments of silence between them. Then the ride began to move again, starting through one more loop before they would be let off.
Prompto couldn't hold back another little laugh. "Good way to end that?"
"Definitely," Noctis said, looking equally relieved and happy. "Now we can't say anything else for the rest of the time so we don't ruin it."
That earned a shoulder punch from Prompto. "Oh, shut up."
"See, like that."
Prompto grinned, taking Noctis' hand in his. "Too bad you're stuck with me, then," he retorted.
Noctis smiled back. "What a shame."
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delaneytveit · 3 years
Satellites Part 13
WHOOOOO we’re halfway thereeee! OOOHHHHH (Actually we’ve been a little bit more than half way for a bit) but don’t worry, there’s still A LOT of story to get through. If you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, please consider buying me a coffee! 
Oh and I’m on twitter! if you want to give a follow, or watch me scream into the void about Lance in tactical gear, that’s the place! 
Twitter - sfw -> @/spacemom_laney | nsfw -> @/15_agentwash
ko-fi - ko-fi.com/delaneym_15
 ( Part 12 ) ( Satellites Master Post ) (Part 14) 
The team left at 0800 the next morning. Allura had convinced, after quite a long time, Blue to let her pilot. Though it was clear that Blue was not happy about it. The only lion that was missing was the red one.
Keith had chosen to stay behind, to much confusion of the team. Though Lance could vaguely guess why. He felt guilty. Keith had been the one to bring into question Lance’s ability to complete missions, and even though that wasn’t his intention, he knew that it still hurt Lance.
Their relationship was rocky as it was. Neither of them really knew where they stood with the other, what they were to each other, and it seemed that the present situation had complicated things even more so.
Lance was refusing to talk to Keith, and it hurt. He hadn’t meant to indirectly ground the sharpshooter. He had only wanted to voice his concerns to Allura, positive that she would be able to do something for Lance that he couldn’t.
Normally, the only kind of confrontation Keith would be willing to face was violent, but he didn’t want to fight Lance. He wanted to apologize. To take responsibility for what was happening to Lance. He owed him that much at least.
It wasn’t hard to track the Blue Paladin down. He had locked himself in his room since breakfast. It was a good thing Keith knew the code by heart.
Punching in the code, he was relieved when the door whooshed open revealing Lance sitting at his desk. Keith could hear the volume of the headphones from where he stood, which made him cringe. The EDM music that Lance listened to was loud enough, didn’t anyone warn him of blowing out an eardrum?
Keith knocked twice before taking loud steps towards the boy, hoping that they would be loud enough to let Lance know that he was there. Lance’s anxiety had spiked dramatically since his return and it took one accidental sneak up by Pidge to inform the team that it was vital for Lance to know that you were coming, so as to avoid a swift punch to the face out of panic.
“What do you want, Keith?” Lance sighed as he removed his earphones. He swiveled his chair to look at the red paladin, arms crossed as he leaned back in his seat.
This was it, Keith had been rehearsing his apology for hours now, trying to make it sound as genuine and coherent as possible. Though at the very moment, what ever award winning speech he had come up with beforehand had vanished as those hard blue eyes stared into him.
“I’m sorry.” he blurted out, cursing himself for his lack of grace.
He immediately dropped his gaze, eyes staring at the floor. There was only a tense silence between them, and Keith begged his mind to come up with something, anything to put an end to this crushing feeling.
But of course, his mind, nor his mouth could seem to work correctly.
It was Lance who broke the silence instead.
“For?” he asked, the question forcing Keith to look up and face the boy. Blue eyes met his once more, a questioning brow raised as Lance waited for Keith to answer.
He could do this.
“I shouldn’t have told Allura about all of this. I- I didn’t know that she would take you off of missions. I should have talked to you and voiced my concerns to you, you didn’t deserve what Allura did to you and it's my fault that it happened. And I am so, so sorry for that.” He was rambling, he knew he was. How did people do this? How did they apologize?
He was only stopped when Lance held up his hand.
“I appreciate the apology, I really do. And to be honest, I’m glad that you told Allura. I don’t think she would have found out if you hadn’t. I’m not mad at you Keith.”
“You’re not?”
Lance chuckled a little, running a hand through his hair.
“I mean, I am a little bit. But I think I’m more pissed at the situation in general.” Lance leaned forward, perching his elbows on his knees. Looking down at his clasped hands, Lance spoke “You guys are right, I’m not okay. I haven’t been for a while and no matter how much I pretend that I am, I’m just hurting myself. I’m not getting better.” he sounded so...broken. Lance never really talked about himself, at all really. Superficial things, sure. Like how he got barely any sleep, or that he missed his mom’s cooking. But he never really talked about things deeper than that. Keith hadn’t really noticed until now, but Lance had been hiding a big part of himself away this entire time, and it only came out at his most vulnerable times at night.
A year ago, Keith would have thought of the way that Lance talks about himself as vain, but now he knew that it wasn’t really the case. Lance has been putting on a mask this whole time.
“But we don’t have time. The universe doesn’t have time for me to get better. It's a long ass process that Voltron can’t afford.”
He was right, of course he was right. Lance was vital to Voltron, even if he didn’t really see himself that way. He still knew that Voltron needed him. It was even more present today with Blue’s little tantrum about having to take on Allura as a pilot.
“But is the universe really more important than having you here?” That was what Keith was most afraid of. Lance had always been the self-sacrificial type. He couldn’t argue that he himself was any better, but Lance seemed to take it to a whole new level. The paladin would miss sleep and meals to make sure that everyone else was taken care of. He would jump in front of a bullet in a second to spare the others. On one occasion Lance had bounded into a burning building to save a few children stuck on the third floor, that had been the worst as it only reminded Keith of how he lost his father. He couldn’t lose Lance too.
“No, Lance. Listen to me. The universe is not worth you throwing yourself away like that. What you need time to heal, what you went through was fucking terrible. It's no wonder you have PTSD from it.”
“We are the literal Defenders of the Universe, I can’t just not do my job!”
“I’m not asking you to stop being a paladin! I’m asking to for once in your life put yourself first. We need you, I need you! You need to let yourself heal from all of this because there is no Voltron if you continue to let your own health fall by the wayside!” Keith meant every word of it. They needed Lance. They needed him to come back, to be the best he could be, and as hard as he was trying right now, this wasn’t it.
“I’m worried for you, Lance. I can’t lose you too.” Keith’s voice was so small, he himself almost didn’t hear it. But he knew that Lance did, as the boy stood up from his seat and walked over to Keith, instantly wrapping his arms around the shorter one.
“You won’t Keith, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
Keith breathed in the scent of ocean and sandalwood of Lance’s detergent, and thanked whatever higher being was there that Lance had insisted on buying his own detergent all those mall trips ago. The pompous asshole had good taste in soap, and it comforted Keith easily.
“Just promise me you’ll at least try.”
He felt Lance take a deep breath.
“I am trying, Keith. I’m trying every day.” If Keith felt the shaky breaths or the wetness on his shoulder, he said nothing. It was clear that Lance needed this as much as he did, maybe even more. “I never wished I was Shiro, more than I do right now. He’s been through everything and he’s able to handle it all so easily.”
Oh, absolutely not. There was no way in hell Keith would let Lance talk about himself like that.
He pulled away from their hug, to much of his own dismay, and held Lance at arms length. Violet eyes bore into icy blue ones. The eyes that he could get lost in, but now as not the time to think about that, Keith.
“Lance, you said it yourself. WHat Shiro went through and what you went through was completely different.”
“No. You really think that Shiro would be in any better of a state than you are now after being treated the way you were? I have no idea the extent of what they did to you, but I do know that it had to have been absolute hell. You don’t get to compare your pain to others, just because they seem to be doing better than you. Your pain is your own, so stop being an idiot and just acknowledge the fact that those guys are assholes!”
Keith was most definitely not expecting a chuckle from the Blue Paladin, but he assumed it would be better than the alternative.
“That was good, Mullet. You come up with all that yourself?”
Keith rolled his eyes. Of course, leave it to Lance to make a joke about a serious conversation.
“As a matter of fact, I did. And I’ll say it again. As many times as I need to for it to get through your tiny brain.”
“Hey! I’ll assure you my brain is of average size. Some may say it's even above average!”
It was Keith’s turn to laugh.
“Yeah, I’m sure it is.” he joked offhandedly, letting his grip on Lance’s arms finally fall.
Lance fixed him with his characteristically famous smirk that Keith knew could only mean trouble.
“Want to know what else is above average size?” Lance waggled his eyebrows knowingly as Keith facepalmed.
“Oh my god, Lance. No!”
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tortoisebore · 8 months
Im so in love with this fic like I cannot tell you how many times I've read and reread it!!! absolutely dying till the next chapter but I just had to come over here and ask: how did the whole conversation/reveal of Sirius and Remus finally getting together happen with their friends?
eeeeeee i love this question 🤭
okay so like by the time they finallyyyy get together, nobody’s really surprised. they’ve been moping around & pining & huffing & puffing ab each other for months at this point & making everyone else’s life hell along the way, so when the news breaks & everyone starts to find out, it’s mostly a bunch of teasing
sirius texts marlene mere hours after he & remus have that Big Talk the morning after getting together. remus is in the other room & he makes a break for his phone and ignores all the notifications from james waiting on the lock screen & goes straight to his thread with marlene and it’s like:
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and ofc marlene goes straight to dorcas to break the news so she’s immediately texting remus:
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and ofc dorcas is telling lily so she’s also messaging remus:
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and now remus is well and truly fed up & he’s running back to the bedroom & sirius is just laying there smiling at his phone typing so fast there’s practically smoke coming off the screen. and remus is all “sirius. i am being harassed.” and sirius goes “what?? wym” and remus is all “how did you already tell everyone??” and sirius goes “ohhhh. oh. i…..told marlene. 😗😬 u know how news travels fast ha. haha” and remus huffs and sighs and looks real put out about it but he’s secretly (not so secretly) rly excited that all his friends know he bagged the prettiest boy in school
meanwhile sirius is responding to all those texts from james:
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and then james is probably renaming the group chat to “The Official Black-Lupin Fan Club™️” and going:
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and remus is blocking everyone’s number and sirius is renaming the gc to “james kys challenge 💕”
and peter is just in the chat like “OH???” and then it all spirals into a very dramatic & exaggerated text retelling of the last two months from everyone else’s pov & they’re all sharing anecdotes & stories & laughing it up at how stupid & soppy & idiotic those morons have been
and they’ll eventually find it later when sirius locates his phone again & they’ll scroll through all the messages together & send very pointed corrections and edits that no one else takes seriously
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eveningcatcher · 4 years
Main six + courtiers playing D&D part 2
"And then," you changed the fog, showing a campfire with orcs and goblin's in front of it, barbequing an already dead man. The floor was separated from the tiles, and their characters were hiding behind some rocks and trees.
"We can beat them up? Finally! It was about time!"
"Before you start though," you said, "I suggest that you position yourselves however you want, and I also advise the fighters to take out their weapons."
After a while of rambling and shouting, all of them have positioned accordingly: Muriel was next to Asra, who was near a group of 4 goblins, Volta was right behind Vulgora and Lucio who went straight for the ogres by the campfire, while Portia teamed up with Nadia and Julian. As for Valdemar, Vlastomil and Valerius, they formed a small team together, with Valerius right in front of the group of orcs and goblins, protecting the two spellcasters.
Read the whole chapter here
"Shall we begin then?" you asked as you handed them all d20.
All of you rolled the dices, and once you've all finished, the turn's looked something like this:
Valerius, goblin 1, goblin 2, goblin 3, goblin 4, Julian, Muriel, orc 1, orc 2, Valdemar, Lucio, goblin 5, goblin 6, goblin 7, Vlastomil, Portia, orc 3, orc 4, orc 5, orc 6, Asra, Nadia, goblin 8, goblin 9, Volta, Vulgora.
"How am I the last one?!?"
"You rolled 1," you simply responded to Vulgora's complaints.
"You know what? Fuck it, I'll beat them all anyway."
"Alright," you ignored Vulgora's comments and asked Valerius, "What do you do?"
"Let's see..." he took a glance at everyone's position, then on everyone's turns, "Those four goblins will kill you two," he told Asra and Muriel, "So I will throw one of my javelins at the goblin 1."
"Let me just check quickly if you can do that," you counted the tiles and said, "Yeah, you can. Roll a d20."
"I'm near him, so I expend one of my bardic inspiration dice for the attack!" Julian said.
"Okay," he said and threw the d20. It rolled on 15.
"Just enough," you smiled happily as you threw him two six-sided dices, "Now roll these two for the damage."
Once again, he rolled the dices without much care, getting 5 on both of them.
"It seems like you get just enough of everything," you said, a bit surprised, " But you made the goblin fall on the ground, dead. Now, it's the other three's turn," you raised a d6, "I'll be fair since the two of you are right next to each other. If it rolls on an even number, one goblin will attack Asra, but if it rolls on the uneven number, one goblin will attack Muriel, alright?" once the two of them nodded in agreement, you rolled the dice three times, "Let's see...6...5 and a...1. So, Asra, you will take 1 hit while Muriel will take 2. Now, let's see... Muriel, what's your armour class?"
"16..." he said, sighing.
"Okay, and yours?" you asked Asra.
"Eleven," they took a deep breath and straightened their posture, trying to look bigger, "But it's the strong eleven AC."
"Doubt it..." Julian said.
"Alrighty then," you took two d20 dices and rolled them, "Five and nineteen... One goblin misses you, Muriel, but the other one hits you with a..." you took a small notebook in which you've written all of the monsters, "Let's see..." you flipped through the pages until you've found a goblin, "He hits you with a scimitar and deals," you threw a d6 dice which landed on two, "Two plus two is... four damage."
"Write you new health points here," Asra explained to Muriel.
"As for you, strong wizard," you picked up one d20 roll, and threw it, "Four. The goblin failed."
"What did I tell you? My armour class is unbreakable!" they grinned with pride.
"We'll see about that..."
"Now it's my turn," Julian said happily, "Sooo, I'm going to move that one scary orc away with one of my amazing spell - DISSONANT WHISPERS!!!"
"Was that long introduction really necessary, doctor 069?"
"Roll a d20, and if you succeed, you must come up with something scary to say," you said.
"Very well then," he rolled a d20, rolling on 15.
You looked down at the list of the monsters, "How lucky..."
"And now, my 3d6!" he exclaimed dramatically as he grabbed the three nearest 6-sided dices and rolled them as he added, "There is a huge moth on your back!"
"Like Valerius, you rolled it perfectly," you commented, with a grain of salt in your voice, "I expected you to struggle..." you scratched the orc's name and continued, "Well Muriel, what will you do?"
"Do I have to fight?" he frowned, "Why did we attack them in the first place... Couldn't we just go other way?"
"No, because the plot demands it."
"Hey, I have an idea!" Lucio commented, "How about we start doing the exact opposite things of what MC wants."
"Do that and I'll send an army of orcs at you."
"Who gives a fuck about orcs! I'll kill them all!"
"Maybe if you get the chance to take your turn."
"I don't have any spells for attacking..." Muriel started.
"Then why did you even take the spells in the first hand?" Vulgora asked sarcastically.
"...But I have a scimitar... So can I attack one of the goblins?"
"Sure, roll a d20."
"19..." you looked at the dice, "You sure did hit him! Now roll a d6"
"5, not too bad!" you wrote something near the goblin 2, "It's now bloodied. Now, it's the orc's turn to attack! Since the first one is dead-"
"You're welcome," Julian added.
"The other one will attack, and it has to choose between you, Portia and Nadia... Let's see, if I roll 1 or 4 it hits you, 2 or 5 it hits Portia and 3 or 6 hits Nadia," you rolled the dice, "Two," you commented, "Portia, what's your AC?"
"Alrighty then, let's see... the Orc hits you with a greataxe and they," you rolled the dice, "Hit!"
"And they will deal... 8 slashing damage."
"Well that orc can go fuck themselves too!" she commented as she edited her health points.
"Come on, don't get angry, it's just a game," Julian smirked.
"Valdemar, what will you do?"
"Well, I suppose I should get rid of that orc, no?" they pointed at the orc on the left, closest to them.
"Sure, what are you going to do?"
"Attack with inflict wounds," they rolled the d20, which landed on 20.
"Oh my god Valdemar!" you stared at the dice.
"They never played it and they're already winning."
"Give me the ten-sided one," they ordered with a touch of joy in their voice.
"Now roll it 6 times."
"Well then, let's see... five... nine... three... four... five... ten."
"Honestly, just the first three times were enough," you checked orc 4, "Now Lucio, what will you do?"
"Attack that one," he pointed at the one who was right next to Volta, "With a rapier," he rolled a dice, landing on 14. Once he checked to see if he dealt damage, he took a d8 and rolled it on 6.
"Alright, the third orc is bloodied!"
"And now the three goblins are attacking!" you said as you looked at Valerius, Valdemar and Vlastomil, "If I roll 1 or 2, they hit Valerius, 3 or 4 Vlastomil and 5 or 6 Valdemar!" you rolled three d6 dices, not wanting to waste time.
"Why me?!?" Vlastomil asked.
"Because I rolled 3 and 4," you gestured at the dices, "See?"
"Your ACs?" you asked the two of them.
"Sixteen," Valerius said.
"AC is this, right?" Vlastomil asked Nadia, who nodded, "It says twelve... That's bad right?"
"Well, it depends on what I'll roll. So, they all hit with a scimitar," you grabbed the three nearest d20 dices, "Let's see if they'll hit you, Valerius," you rolled one dice, which rolled on twenty, "Consul," you took a glance on him, who knew this was not good for him, "Please don't kill me for this."
"Don't worry," he sighed, "Just get over with it."
"Alright, the goblin deals... eight slashing damage."
"That one is so dead on my turn," he muttered.
"And me?" Vlastomil asked, a bit worried.
"As for you praetor," you rolled two d20s as you glanced over at the papers, grinning to yourself, then checking at the dices, "Two and twelve. One misses, while the other one hits you just strong enough to deal," you rolled a d6, "Five slashing damage."
"See, it wasn't so bad," Valerius said as he sipped his wine, "Stop making a fuss over everything."
"So, it's your turn now."
"I use chaos bolt on them!" he threw the dice a bit too fiercely, hitting Asra's glass.
They leaned over the dice and said, "Fifteen."
"Yeah, you hit them, now let's see the damage," you gave him the three dices.
"Three and two fives, " he said.
"Alright, good job, I won't ask you which damage you dealt, it doesn't matter, you killed it."
"It's what it deserved!"
"My turn now!" Portia shouted, "Let me kill that orc that hit me!" she took the d20, "I'll use my feat sharpshooter on it!" she rolled the dice, "Nineteen... ugh I was so close!"
"Still, you hit him," you commented.
"I did?" she asked with delight in her eyes, "Sweet! Then I'm going to deal," she rolled the dice, "Eighteen damage! Take that!"
"It's dead."
"As it should be!"
"As for orc 5 and 6," you said, "They go for the three of you," you told Volta, Vulgora and Lucio.
"Bitches can try," Vulgora puffed their chest.
"Eek, oh no, that's bad, really bad, what will I do?"
"Nothing tiny Volta, you're just going to heal us while we kill them for you," Vulgora pat her back.
"One or two-Volta; three or four Vulgora; five or six Lucio," you said with excitement in your voice, ' They're close,' you thought as you rolled the dices, "Both of them hit you, Lucio!"
"Bullshit!" he looked at the dices, "You better heal me after this!"
"Oh I will, I will," she bit on the last potato in one of the plates.
"My AC is sixteen, is that good enough?" Lucio asked, a bit nervous.
You rolled the dice and frowned, "Yeah, the right one didn't do anything, as for the other one... he deals 12 damage!"
"But my health points are only 15!" he complained.
"At least be grateful that you lived!" you ignored his other complaints and turned to Asra, "So, what will you do now?"
"I'll get rid of that weak goblin with firebolt!" he said as he rolled natural one.
"Yeah, maybe on the next turn..." you grinned, "And you Nadia?"
"Since we've cleared all of our enemies," she started, "I'll go to the campfire and take out the orcs before they kill Lucio," she grinned.
"Sure, and who will you hit with what?"
"The one that hit Lucio-"
"No way, I'm going to kill them!"
"With my quarterstaff," she ignored his complaints and continued, "I can use my dexterity for that-"
"You can," you agreed.
"And I'll use my unarmed attack as a bonus action."
"Cool, now go on and try," you waited for her to roll the dice. She didn't bother to throw it too harshly, and it turns out it was a good decision.
"Eighteen," you muttered, "Yeah, you kicked him," you waited once more for her to roll a d6, "With nine damage. The orc is bloodied. And your unarmed strike should be... 6, right?"
"Yes," she nodded.
"Well, the orc is dead."
"You're welcome Lucio," she grinned.
"Now goblin 8 and 9 will attack you!" you told Vulgora, Volta and Lucio, "Remember those numbers I told you! Let's see if you'll die now, Lucio!"
"I'm not going to be the first one to die!"
You have, once again, ignored his cries and rolled the dices. "Oh, both of them hit you, Vulgora!"
"Those two... I'll crush them!"
"They hit with a scimitar and," you rolled the dices, "If I remember correctly, your AC is 13, right?"
"Yes!" they proudly shouted as they saw that the dices showed 10 and 6, "Hah, what losers! They're dead!"
"Is it my turn now?" Volta asked.
"It is, what are you going to do?"
"Oh, I will heal the count!" she said proudly.
"Alright, alright," she winced, "I use cure wounds for that," she rolled Nadia's dice.
"You healed him for ten hp!" you exclaimed, "Congratulations!"
"Thank you," she blushed as she munched on a salad.
"And finally it's my turn!" Vulgora said, "I'll use my chad great axe to kill the remaining orc!" they rolled the dice, "Just enough!" they grinned as they rolled a d12, "Twelve, I rolled twelve!" they shouted.
"Twelve plus four..." you scratched the orc, "There are no more orcs! Valerius, what will you do?"
"I am a man of my word, therefore I shall go against that goblin! I'll throw a javelin," they said as they rolled the dice, to which he frowned, "Thirteen..."
"But with the dexterity bonus and proficiency, it's enough," you added, "Roll the d6,"
"Six..." they frowned once again.
"But, again, with the dexterity bonus, it's just enough. The goblin 6 is dead. Now, goblin 2, 3 and four will attack!" you rolled the dices, as all three of them landed on two, "Oh, sorry Asra."
"Don't worry," they smiled, "They won't be able to get through my unbreakable AC!" they joked, even though they seemed a bit nervous.
You rolled the d20 three times, "Let's see... nine, one and three... I might start to believe that you are right!"
"What did I tell you?" they sighed, relieved.
"It's my turn!" Julian said, "And I'm coming to the rescue for these two," his PC walked to Asra and Muriel, "I'll attack the hurt goblin with Vicious mockery!"
"Alright, you don't need a d20 on that, however, you have to insult them somehow," you laughed as you rolled the saving throw on it, "Your spell save is 16, right?"
"Yeah," he grinned.
"Alright, roll a d4," you said.
He grabbed the dice and threw it, dealing 3 damage.
"You should be able to kill it in the next turn, are you going to do it, Muriel?"
"Sure," he rolled the dice, "Is fourteen good enough?"
"Yeah, now roll that one," you gave him one of the dices.
"Just how many do you have," he muttered as he rolled a three.
"And it's dead, good job!"
"I'll kill that one," Valdemar said, "With chill touch."
"Alrighty, no need for a d20," you told them as you handed them a d8.
"This will take a while to clean," they commented as they looked at the table filled with dices and sheets, and rolled 5.
"It's now bloodied."
"I'll finish it off with my rapier!" he rolled the dice that landed on 12.
"Go on."
Lucio grabbed one of the d8 dices that were lying nearby and threw it, "Four, I killed it, didn't I?"
"Yup," you nodded, as you were scribbling something down, "What will you do Vlastomil?"
"Shoot them with my light crossbow," he said happily as he rolled the dice.
"Nine... sorry but it didn't work," you said as you rolled three d20s, "Maybe Portia will do better."
"Oh I will!" she said, "I'll use the sharpshooter feat and kick their asses!" she said as she rolled 13, "Oh... maybe sharpshooter wasn't a smart idea..."
"But if you add the proficiency and dexterity it's enough," Julian added.
"Ooh, nice," she smiled, "So, it's an instant kill?"
"Yeah, no need for you to roll the dice," you said as you rolled more dices, "Asra, will you do the deed?"
"I think I will," he chuckled as he took a glance at the spells, "With firebolt once again!"
"Thirteen," you took a quick glance at the dice they threw, then buried your head in some papers, "Good job, now roll the d10."
"Eight! All of them are dead!" they proudly said.
"Great, can we go get that dagger now?" Muriel said, a bit annoyed.
"Oh, but, you are at the Saint Milu's," you grinned as your plot twist unveiled, "Just not at the saint Milu's you thought you were at," you started to manipulate the fog as you talked in a low, raspy voice, "Hey there, look at what Milug found! A big tasty lizard!" a tall, heavily armoured orc said, "Milug can't wait to eat this one!" he raised the lizardfolk that struggled to get out of his grasp, "Love how it struggles!" he squeezed the lizardfolk's neck tighter, "Huh? Why is everyone sleeping...Wait, who are you?" he looked at the team, "What you do to Milug's friends?" his face got redder and redder, "You'll pay for hurting Milug's friend!!!"
"Alrighty," you straightened your posture as you took a glance at the enemies, "More of them appeared! And I've rolled their stats already, so the order should look something like this! Valerius, Milug, Julian, Muriel, Valdemar, wolf 1, orc 1, Lucio, Vlastomil, orc 2, orc 3, orc 4, orc 5, Portia, Asra, wolf 2, orc 6, Nadia, Volta, wolf 3, wolf 4, Vulgora. Notice that Milug is no ordinary orc! His attacks are much stronger and his health is higher! So beware!"
"I can't believe you did this to us!" Lucio exclaimed.
"Why are you surprised at this point?" Valerius asked, "Just try to count how many times they have trolled us in these..." he looked at the clock, "Four hours have passed already?!?"
"I told you that time flies quickly, didn't I?" you giggled, "So, what will you do?"
"I... guess I'll kill one of those wolves," he said, rolling a dice, "With a javelin."
"Alrighty," you looked at the dice, a bit taken aback, "Nineteen... Damn, not too bad, consul."
He rolled the d6 next, rolling it on 2, "So, only three damage?"
"Yeah," you said, "You should raise your dexterity on the fourth level. Now, Milug will attack!" you said as you changed your voice, "You're gonna pay!" Milug charged at Nadia with a great axe you rolled the dice, "Sixteen..."
"My AC is 17!" she said relieved.
"But you didn't calculate his bonuses!" you said with a smile forming on your lips.
"So he will attack dealing... 8 damage!"
"Valdemar, what will you do?" you turned to them.
"I'll use the spell from the scroll to attack Milug," they grinned, seeming to be excited about all of this just as much as you are.
"Go ahead, but that means you'll have to approach him..." you warned them.
"I don't care," he turned to Volta, "You'll follow right after."
"Why me, though?" she complained.
"Because you're the only healer," they grinned, "Plus you also have inflict wounds," they rolled the dice, "Is sixteen enough for this beast?"
"With all of the bonuses yes," you responded.
"Good," they said as they rolled 3 d10 dices, "Two, five and seven-plus my wisdom modifier?" they asked you.
"Yes," you commented, "So eighteen points less for poor Milug..."
"It's still not bloodied?" Lucio asked, surprised.
"Nope! And now wolf 1 and orc 1 will attack you Lucio~!"
"Why me again?!?"
"Because you are the closest! Now, let's see... none of them hit you though..."
"Haha!" he cheered proudly, "Now I shall kill that wolf with a rapier!" he rolled a two.
"Nope, Vlastomil?"
"I'll try to hit the wolf with a crossbow," he rolled 12.
"Yeah, you hit it."
"Good," he rolled seven.
"Just perfect," you smiled as you scratched that wolf, "But now there are four orcs... Two are near Portia, while the other two are near Vulgora and Volta."
"Eek," Volta shouted.
"Let's see what will happen to Portia first."
"Oh no, they won't!"
"We'll see," you said as you rolled the dices.
"See?" she pointed at the dices, "They didn't hit me!"
"Yeah, but I suggest you run away ASAP, you only have 2hp left," after you old Portia that, you turned to Vulgora and Volta, "As for the two of you, if I roll even number, it hits Volta, but if I roll uneven it hits Vulgora," you rolled the dices, "Six and four, sorry Volta."
"Oh please, please don't! My AC is only fifteen!"
"Fourteen and ten, how lucky," you commented, "So Portia, what are you going to do?"
"I'll run away from all of the enemies!" she stopped dramatically as she raised both her hands as if she were to shoot an arrow, "Then I'll hit Milug!"
"With sharpshooter?"
"No, because I assume the AC is too big," she rolled the dice, "Nineteen!"
"Yeah, you hit him," you said.
"Dealing eleven damage!" she said after she calculated the damage.
"Now, what will you do Asra?" you asked them as you wrote down Milug's new health.
"I'll attack the wolf!" they said, "With firebolt. Though only after I get to Portia..."
"Alright," you moved Asra's PC, "Roll the dice."
And so they did, rolling 10.
"With all of the bonuses, you hit it," you stared at the d10 they rolled, "And you dealt 10 damage," you wrote it down, "So close! But now the wolf and orc will attack you, Valerius! ... but they failed..." you looked at the dices with disappointment.
"I'll run away from Milug and try to kill wolf 3," Nadia said.
"Alright, roll it."
"Fourteen," she grinned as she rolled a d6 "So three, plus five, plus-"
"Yeah, it's dead," you stopped her and turned to Volta, "What will you do?"
"I told you already!" Valdemar looked at her.
"No way! Come here and heal me!" Portia said.
"I'll heal you," Valerius said, "Let her get to Valdemar."
"You can do that?" she asked.
"Once per long rest."
"Alright then..." her PC walked behind Valdemar's, "I cast inflict wounds!" she rolled seventeen, "I hit them, right?"
You nodded.
Once she saw your approval she rolled three d10s which landed on 10,7 and 5.
"All of that, plus your wisdom modifier..." you muttered to yourself, "Congratulations, Milug is bloodied!"
"Finally!" "Also," Vulgora said, "I'm activating rage!"
"Alright, so now wolf 4 will attack... you Vulgora!" you rolled the dice, "It succeeded-"
"That fucker!"
"Dealing 6 damage!"
"Fuck him!" they said, "I'm going to Milug and attacking with my greataxe!" they rolled the dice.
"Yeah, you hit him."
"So I dealt..." they started calculating, "Twelve damage?"
"Yes," you wrote down the new hp, "Congrats, you're getting the hang of it! Valerius, what will you do?"
"I'll go to Portia and attack Wolf 2 from a distance."
"Hey, what about healing me?" Portia asked, a bit angry, "You said you'll heal me!"
"Afterwards!" he responded, "Stop worrying, I'm in no better situation than you."
"I have 2hp while you have 4hp, so, I say you're doing better than me!"
"Whatever," he sighed, "I'm hitting wolf 2 with my javelin..." a grin formed on consul's face, "20... I suppose the animal is dead!"
"Yeah, don't bother with rolling the damage," you said, "Now it's Milug's turn! Since you're closest to him, he'll attack you, Valdemar, with his greataxe!" you rolled the dice, "But he failed..." you stared at the 2 on d20, disappointed.
"Well, then I shall attack orc 1!" Julian said, "With my amazing vicious mockery!"
"It failed a save," you sighed.
"And now, I shall deal," he rolled a d4, "Two...plus four-Sixx damage!" he stopped as he thought of an insult, "Your mom is so fat when she walked over the play in a theatre, I missed 2 acts!"
"Julian that joke is terrible," Portia giggled, "But whatever..."
"I'll go to the orc1 and attack with the scimitar," Muriel said, "I succeeded, right?" he asked.
He rolled the dice.
"Congrats Muriel!" you said, "The orc is dead!" you scratched the orc's name, "Valdemar, what shall you do?"
"I'll cast poison spray on our dear Milug," they grinned.
"Sure, you're not hitting anyone," you rolled the d20 for Milug's saving throw, "I'm sorry, but with that natural 20, you failed."
They just rolled their eyes, "Whatever," then they turned to others, "Volta, you stay here, while others go and kill the other orcs."
"Who are you to give out the demands?" Lucio asked, angrily.
"Why shouldn't I give orders? Do you know anyone better for that?" they mocked him.
"They do have a point though," Nadia explained, "If we kill all of the orcs, then we will be able to focus only on Milug."
"Ugh fine... I'm going to orc 2 and hitting it with my rapier," they rolled the dice. Once he's seen it's enough, he rolled the d8.
"Seven damage... the orc is bloodied."
"I'll move to Portia and Valerius, and shoot that orc with my crossbow!" Vlastomil said.
"For a sorcerer, you don't use that many spells," Valerius commented.
Vlastomil ignored the rude comment and rolled the dice, "Twenty!" he rolled a dice, "Seven damage!"
"You roll once more," you explained to him.
"Oh, how great!" he exclaimed as he rolled the dice again, "Three..." he stared at the dice, disappointed.
"You killed the orc though," you said, "Now the other three shall attack! Since none of you is near them, they will have to move back to Milug!"
"You gotta be kidding me..."
"Nope, so anyways - 1 and 2 for Valdemar; 3 and 4 for Volta; and 5 and 6 for Vulgora!" you rolled the dices: 5, 3 and 3.
"So, they attack Vulgora, but since they have rage it's pretty much useless..."
"Haha, there you go, fuckers!"
"So, Volta..." you rolled the dices, "Eight and fourteen... wow, you're so lucky!"
"Phew," she sighed in relief.
"Portia?" you asked.
"I'll attack that wolf with sharpshooter!" she exclaimed as she rolled the dice, "Natural twenty!!! Oh my gosh!!! Let's see... 10 from sharpshooter, plus 2 plus 6."
"It's dead, therefore, now you only have orcs. Asra?"
"I'll attack the orc 6 with firebolt!" they rolled twelve, "that, plus my wisdom is enough!" he rolled the dice, "So... with everything combined... nine damage?"
"Yeah, it's bloodied now, and ready to attack... it walks to Milug and decides to attack you, Volta!"
"Oh no..."
"...And it hits, dealing... nine damage!"
"I only have 1 hp left!" she panicked.
"Don't worry Volta," Nadia said, "I'm coming to them, attacking Milug with the quarterstaff," she rolled nineteen, "And I'll deal... five...plus five... plus my bonus attack- sixteen damage!"
"Volta, what will you do?" you asked her, "Milug is close to dying, but so are you."
"Uhh...I'll use cure wounds on myself!" she rolled the dice and grinned, "Six, I rolled six!"
"Good job, tiny one!" Vulgora grinned, "Now I shall kill Milug!" they rolled the d20 which landed on 18, "Is this enough?"
"Yup, go ahead."
"Fuck yeah!" they rolled a d12, landing on twelve, "Is Milug dead?"
"Let's finish orcs now," Valerius said, "I attack the hurt one with rapier... And with this eighteen I hit it, dealing... seven damage!"
"It's dead."
"Now I will attack orc 3 with vicious mockery!"
"Again?" you asked as you rolled the dice, "Sorry, but it succeeded."
"Dammit..." Julian sighed.
"I hit the orc with scimitar," Muriel said.
"You hit him," you said.
"Six damage..."
"And this time," Valdemar said, "I'll go in front of the orcs and cast poison spray!"
"Let's see if you'll succeed," you rolled three dices, "You hurt everyone except for the fifth one."
"So, I should deal...thirteen damage combined?"
"Yes, orc 3 is dead, while orc four is bloodied."
"I'll go for the orc 5," Lucio said, "With the rapier!"
"Yeah, you hit it."
"And I shall deal... Two only?!?"
"Two plus three... five damage," you concluded as you wrote something down.
"I'll walk to them and use poison spray too!"
"Sure Vlastomil... no, I'm the one who will roll dices."
"Yeah, you hit them."
"Oh, how great!" he said as he rolled d12, "Ten damage!"
"You killed them both! Congratulations, you've won! Now, as for the experience... let's see... Overall, you've gotten 2160xp. You can all share it amongst each other, which means everyone will need 120xp to get to the next level, or you can ration it amongst each other so that some of you can advance."
"Let's just share it evenly," Nadia suggested, "We'll get more XP later on."
"I agree, let's not waste any more time. We should go and tell the whole village we killed Milug!" Portia said.
"But didn't that girl say that we need proof?" Muriel asked.
"Don't worry, I'll fix that in a second," Lucio said as he took out his rapier and cut off Milug's head, "This should be good enough."
"Can we take the enemy's weapons and sell them?" Valerius asked.
"Yeah, you can, but the price will be less than the original."
"Alright, let's take it all!"
"But who are we going to sell it to? That shopkeeper doesn't want to see us!"
"Ilya can go there. Maybe the guy will feel pity over him when he sees his face again."
"Oh come on, why do you have to make fun of my face?!?"
"So you will take their weapons... which means you will take over 10 great axes?"
"Now that you mention it... how are we going to do that?"
"Maybe, like, we will take turns on bringing the axes?"
"Or how about we take only the most preserved axes?" Valerius suggested, "There is no point in carrying those," he pointed at some of the axes.
"He has a point," Asra said, "Let's take those five axes, I'll use prestidigitation to clean the axes, as well as clean ourselves."
"Sure, you'll take 6 great axes with yourselves."
"Alright!" Portia said as she nudged Muriel, "Lead the way!"
"You've been walking, and walking and walking until you got to the edge of the village."
"Let's go sell the great axes!" Portia said, "Come on Julian, let's got together!"
"Alright, the two of you went inside while others are waiting for you," you changed the background into the inside of the shop, isolating other players, "Sorry, but I have to."
"Oh no, it's you rascals again! I'm calling the gu-"
"Wait! We're here to sell things, see?" Julian showed great axes.
"Where did you get those?" he asked.
"We killed Milug!"
"Like hell you did."
"But we did sir," Portia picked up one of the axes that were in better condition, "It even has his autograph," she showed him the handle with a bad carving on it.
"You, you killed him!" the shopkeeper shouted as he realised it, "I, I can't believe my eyes... I'll buy it for 700 gp!"
The siblings looked at each other, trying to think if the offer was worth it.
"I say we go for it," Portia said.
"Not so quickly," Julian shrugged, "I'll roll my persuasion check to see if I can raise the price for 760gp."
"...Sure," you said after a moment of silence, "The AC is 18 though."
He prayed quickly and rolled the dice. After a couple of moments, it stopped near you, landing on 13.
"Your bonus is?"
"Plus six."
You shrugged, a bit disappointed, but still, you kept your word," Alright, you succeeded. That greataxe is sold for 760 GPS. As for the other 5 great axes... You can sell each for 11gp."
"Fair enough," both of them said.
"Alrighty, you sold things. Do you want to buy anything?"
"Um.... ten arrows?"
"Sure young lady," the man said, "That will be... 2 GPS."
"Here ya go," she said as she wanted to write her money down, "Wait, how much money did I gain then?"
"Everyone gained seventy-four gp, with one gp left for all of you to share amongst yourselves."
"Or..." Portia said with a smirk, "Maybe we could share that goldpiece between the two of us!"
"Others shall never find out about this," Julian handshake Portia in agreement.
"Very well then, I'll keep my lips sealed too," you said.
"I don't need anything, so let's leave already."
You broke the walls that deafened others, who immediately asked, "So, how much did everyone gain?"
"Seventy-four GPS each."
"Good enough," Nadia said, "Now let's go find that girl and get the reward."
All of them walked through the town, getting glares from people as they looked at Milug's head.
"Oh mi gosh!" the girl ran to them, shouting, "You did it! And you came back alive. I can't believe my eyes!" she stared at Milug's head, "That must be him, right?" with her finger she trailed the old scar on Milug's jawline, "That must be the scar my mom gave him... I remember when she came back after the fight with him....all bloody... and the only thing she said before she died was, 'I only scratched his jaw.'" she put her hands away from the hand, staying quiet.
"Yeah, that's depressing and all of that shit," Vulgora started.
"Not really," Valdemar cut them off.
"But what about the reward?" Vulgora continued talking.
"I..." she was silent for a moment, taken back by the apathy those two showed, "Follow me." she dropped her head low, leading them all to her house.
"Volta is sorry, so sorry for what happened to you," Volta's PC hugged the little girl, "Here," she offered a few her food rations to the girl, "Food always makes me feel better."
"No wonder you eat so much," Valerius commented.
"Thank you," the little girl hugged Volta's PC before she took the small pastry Volta offered.
"You know you're going to die of starvation if you continue giving everyone your food, right?"
"Why are you so generous to the useless NPCs of all characters?"
"You give food in the game like it's nothing, but you would bite my arm off if I tried to take even a bit of food."
Volta just winced at everyone's comments, unsure of how to react.
"Don't worry Volta, just keep doing what you want to do," Nadia reassured the tiny procurator.
"Oh thank you, countess! You're always so kind to Volta!"
"Here we are," the girl opened the doors of a big house, "Come on in. Please don't break, nor steal anything."
All of them walked into the house one by one, some struggling to fit through the door. The girl led them through the hallway, turning back from time to time to check if they were stealing anything. At the end of the hallway, they turned left, to the single door. Before she knocked, the girl turned to them, saying, "Please behave," then she turned back to the door, knocking, "Dad, it's me, I brought the adventurers I told you about."
After a couple of moments, a loud, sharp, 'Come in' could be heard at the other side of the door. Once she heard that, the girl opened the door, leading them all into the room.
"So you did it," the man stood out of his chair, walking towards Lucio who held the head. He took it from his hand and examined it, "It really is Milug," the man smiled as he put the head on the table, "Words cannot express how grateful I am for your actions," he shook Lucio's hand.
"But money can," Julian added.
"But money can," the man repeated Julian's words with a smile, "You've done this village a favour, so here," he walked back to his table, picking up a tray with 11 pouches, "Here, take them. Each one of them should contain 150gp, along with," he took the coupons from the bottom of the tray, "These. Each one of these coupons can give you 50gp from our dear shopkeeper."
"Thank you," Asra said, "Do you know any place where we can spend the night?"
"Do not worry, my friend, I'll let you sleep here, but just for tonight."
"That's all we need, thank you," Nadia said.
"Do you know where Saint Milu's church is?" Portia asked them, "We wanted to go there."
"That church has been abandoned for as long as I remember," he said, "But if you wanted to go here, sure. It's east from the village, a half-day of walking after the bakery."
"Thank you, we shall head there tomorrow," Valerius said, "But now we should finish the long rest, no?"
"Yeah, he's right, let's sleep now."
"Fine," you shifted the surroundings, changing it into dark bedrooms that are separate from everyone. All of them could hear you, but not each other. "You sleep and recover fully, yay. Also Volta," you turned to her, making sure others can't hear you, "When you woke up, you found the note beside your bed: 'Thank you for confronting me today,' with a necklace attached to it."
"Oh, that's so kind of her," Volta said, with small tears forming in her eyes, "It's so nice that people in this game are nicer to Volta than people in real life!"
"The necklace requires an attunement though," you told her, "Just wear it while all of you travel to the church. That should be enough time."
"Alright, Volta will do as you say," she put the necklace on, hiding it beneath the layers of her PC's clothes.
"So anyway," you shifted the surroundings yet again, putting them all together, "You've healed completely."
"Let's go to the shop and buy something!" Portia said happily.
"Sure, you went to the shop," you showed the inside of the shop, once again, "What will you buy?"
"I'll buy ring mail," Volta said.
"Oh, yes, I have one of those just for you," the shopkeeper smiled, "That will be 40gp."
"I also want a scroll with cure wounds."
"So 90gp total, young lady."
"Alright," she handed the man the coupon with additional 40gp, "I have leather armour if anyone needs it," she said.
"Can I take that?" Asra asked, "I'll give you 7gp for it."
"Thanks!" Asra said, turning to the shopkeeper, "I'd like to take a healing potion."
"That will be 55gp, young man."
"How much is it for 20 javelins?" Valerius asked.
"Hm," the shopkeeper mumbled something to himself, then after a couple of moments thinking, finally responded, "3gp."
"I'll take that, along with a longsword and lance."
"That will be 35gp!"
"Can you give me the remaining 15gp from this coupon?" Valerius asked him.
"No, sorry sir, you'll have to spend it here."
"Guess I'll use it some other time."
"Give me studded leather armour," Valdemar demanded with a grin.
"I, I here," he handed them what they wanted.
"Pleasure doing business with you," they said, putting the coupon on the shopkeeper's table.
"I'll also take a potion of healing," Nadia said.
"I'll take inflict wounds spell scroll!" Vlastomil said as he handed the shopkeeper the coupon along with 5gp.
"Question, do you have Charlatan's die?"
"Yes my scarred friend," the shopkeeper told Julian, "That will be 75 gp!"
"Alright," he handed the man the coupon along with money, "Now I need to attune to this?" he asked you.
"Yup, but you should be able to do it while walking," you said with a smirk, "I'll put the rules aside for now."
"Something tells me we're going to be fucked up," Portia said with a nervous laugh.
"Yes," you responded with a grin as you looked into the papers, "You've come to Saint Milu's church!" you changed the surrounding to the front of an abandoned church, "What now?"
"We get in!" Vulgora shouted.
"Very well then," you changed the terrain to the party's familiar tiled floor in the church. The church was old, cold with some small ponds of water in it. But ahead of it all was a huge white dragon, "You'll have to defeat the dragon in order to get the dagger."
"I told you we're fucked!"
"Should we roll the initiative?" Nadia asked as she took the dice in her hand.
After all of them rolled and calculated their initiative, the order was, as shown:
Dragon, Nadia, Valerius, Vulgora, Portia, Asra, Julian, Volta, Lucio, Muriel, Valdemar and Vlastomil. As for the positions, they decided not to part yet, so they put the ones with the strongest AC, Valerius and Nadia in front, along with Vulgora, who just wanted to go and beat the life out of that dragon. Right behind them were Lucio, Julian, Muriel and Vlastomil. All the way behind were Asra, Volta, Valdemar and Portia.
"Well then, this dragon has 200hp."
"Two hundred?!?!?" Vlastomil asked, clearly shaking, "How in the world are we going to kill that?"
"There is eleven of you, this shouldn't be that much of a problem," you commented, "Plus everyone will advance to level three immediately after this fight."
"Seems like a good offer," Nadia said with a smile, "So, the dragon will attack?"
"Yes, using it's mighty claw to attack you, Nadia!" you rolled the dice, landing it on 4, "And it fucking fails!" you said a bit frustrated, "How did I succeed to fail... Whatever," you calmed down, "Nadia, what do you do?"
"I walk towards it and attack it with my quarterstaff!" she smiled as she rolled 14.
"Yeah, you hit it," you said, still a bit salty, "You hit it when it had 18 AC! Fucking eighteen, and I couldn't hit you..."
"So I have the same AC as the dragon," Valerius smirked.
"I hit it with my quarterstaff, dealing, five plus five damage," she smiled, "And I will attack it once again, dealing 6 damage!"
"Good job, countess, now I will walk near it and hit it with my longsword," Valerius said as he rolled 14.
"But before that, I activate rage!" Vulgora said with a grin.
"You hit him too," you said as you watched Valerius roll a 5 with a bit of envy, "So you dealt 8 damage. Vulgora?"
"I run to that son of a bitch and hit it with my handaxe!" they said as they rolled 15. After that successful roll, they rolled d12 which landed on 10.
"So ten plus your strength and rage bonus," you calculated for a moment, "Sixteen damage."
"Ugh, I can't use my sharpshooter," Portia said with a sad expression on her face, "Unless..." she thought for a moment, "If the AC is 18 and my," she continued mumbling, "So I can use the feat if I rolled higher than 17?"
"Yeah," you said after giving it a bit more thought, "But do you think you can do it?"
"I believe you can do it," Julian said with a smirk, "I give her one of my bardic inspiration dices!"
"Alright," she said with determination gleaming in her eyes, "I can do this!" she threw the dice a bit too strongly, making it land in Muriel's empty glass of lemonade.
He took a look inside of his glass and read, "Twenty."
"OH MY GOD!!!" Portia and you shouted, "I did it!!!" she smiled as she rolled two dices, with a comment, "From now on I'm always throwing the dices in your glass!"
"Six and five," you said, "Julian, how much from bardic inspiration?"
"Six," he said with a smirk, "I have charlatan's die, remember?"
"Oh, right, so overall, you Portia dealt... Thirty-one damage."
"Alright!" she smiled triumphally.
"I'll hit the dragon with my firebolt," they rolled the dice, landing it on 9, "Guess I didn't hit it."
"I'll use dissonant whispers on that dragon!"
"It has a saving throw of +6" you warned him.
"And I don't care!" he said as he watched you roll a natural 1.
"So... I deal double damage?" he asked you.
"..." you stared at your hands for a moment, not believing how they all seem to be killing the dragon even though they are all the first level, "Yeah. Roll 6d6."
"Soo... three, two, four, four, two, five, plus 4 because of my spellcasting ability... Twenty four damage!"
"Alright," you said, losing hope, "The creature tries to run away from you, but it has nowhere to go."
"I, I will use my spell bless on Vulgora, Valdemar and Nadia."
"Good job, small one!"
"And now, the moment you have all been waiting for!" Lucio exclaimed, dramatic as always.
"You'll finally leave?" Muriel asked.
"What? No!" he said, "I'm going to that dragon, attacking it with my rapier... Seventeen!" he exclaimed happily once he saw what he rolled.
"Yeah, you hit it, now, let's see how much damage you'll do."
He rolled the dice, dramatically as always, "I rolled a six!"
"So nine damage in total," you wrote down on the paper, "Congratulations, the dragon is bloodied."
"Can I use my cantrip shape water?" Muriel asked you as he pointed at one of the ponds in front of the dragon.
"I, uh," you looked at your list of cantrips, "Sure? But why would you do that?"
"I shape the water and put it in the dragon's nostrils," he responded simply.
"Wait, you what?!?" you looked at him in disbelief.
You know very well that he can do that after all the water was about three feet below the dragon's head, who was already tired from the fight. But if he did that, then he would kill the dragon. It does have resistance to cold damage, but it can't breathe underwater.
"I uh..." you started, "Well yes, you did it, but you didn't deal instant damage. Instead, the dragon will take a... let me think real quick... 2d4 damage as long as you keep using the cantrip. How about that?"
"Sounds good enough," he simply responded, hiding his joy. He didn't want to admit it, but he actually enjoyed the game.
"Good job man," Portia gave him a pat, "So how much damage will you deal?"
He rolled the two dices, "Five."
"Eight," you corrected him, "You need to include your wisdom modifier."
"Well then," Valdemar said with a grin, "I'll use chill touch on the dragon... eighteen," they chuckled, "How lucky of me, right MC?"
You stared at them for a moment, debating whether you should summon another dragon just because they are being a dick. In the end, you decided that it would be better if two ancient black dragons guarded the next artefact, which will hopefully be able to attack, "Yes, how lucky of you, quaestor," you responded through your teeth as you watched them roll 8 on the dice, then 2 on the Volta's d4, "Fourteen damage. Vlastomil?"
"I, I'll hit the nasty thing with my crossbow... I failed, didn't I?" he looked disappointed at the 16.
"No, you hit it," you said, a bit annoyed, "You need to add your proficiency and dexterity bonus to that."
"Oh, how delightful," he smiled, as he rolled 1 on d8, "So... three damage?"
"And now for the main attraction!" you said as you rolled the dice, "I rolled a natural 20! Sorry Valerius, but you'll have to-"
"I use my lucky feat," Nadia stopped you.
"You what?" you asked her, dumbfounded.
"I have a right to use my lucky feat three times a day to ask you to reroll the dice," she explained to you, "So do it," she said with an evil smirk.
"You, you can't do this..." you stared at her in disbelief, "I, I swear I won't go easy on you next time..." you said as you rerolled the dice, "But I rolled 16! Which is enough to-"
"Reroll it again," Nadia repeated with amusement in her voice.
You stared at her for a moment, thinking about how putting two ancient dragons next time is a great idea.
"Fine..." you rerolled the dice, "And I didn't do shit now. Happy?"
"Yes," she smiled, "So now I will attack the dragon, as usual," she said, rolling 18, "And hitting it, dealing..." she looked at the d8 with a bit of disappointment, "Only 6 damage. But then I will hit it with my unarmed strike, and I'll use a d4...dealing 10 more damage!"
"Valerius?" you asked.
"I hit it with my longsword," he rolled the dice, "But I fail," he sighed in disappointment.
"Now I will go for that dragon!" they said as they rolled 16, then 8, "Dealing 14 damage!"
"You can also add Volta's d4, remember?"
"Oh shit you're right!" they said as they rolled 1, "Whatever. Fifteen damage total."
"I'll use longbow!" Portia said proudly as she rolled the dice.
"I'm giving her the dice," Julian smirked.
"And I'm hitting it, dealing eleven damage, plus six, right Ilyushka?"
"Mhm," he said with joy in his eyes.
"Alright, the dragon is left on 17hp!"
"Also, I'm giving Asra my dice too," Julian said.
"I'm hitting it with firebolt this time!" Asra said as he rolled sixteen, "Told you! And now I will deal... thirteen damage!"
"I'm attacking it with vicious mockery!" Julian said proudly.
"Yeah, you failed."
"I can't do anything because of bless, right?" Volta asked.
"Yup," you said with joy.
"I'm hitting the dragon with a rapier!" Lucio said proudly.
"No, you're not."
"I'm still balancing the water in his nostrils," Muriel said as he rolled the dices, "I rolled seven, so... ten damage overall?"
"You did it..." you said, a bit disappointed as you showed the illusion of the dragon collapsing on the ground then slowly melting down, "You killed the dragon. It didn't even bruise you... So, everyone gains 909 XP from this, which means all of you levelled to 3rd level. Look at the features you gain on second and third level..."
After half an hour, everyone decided on all of the features they were going to get and they expected more of the story to come.
"So what loot do we get?"
"You get the dagger," you simply responded.
"Cool, let's try the dagger," Portia stared at the rusty old dagger, "Wait, this is the dagger?"
"Yes, why," you gave them a grin, "Is there a problem with it?"
"Obviously," Vulgora said, "Look at that! It's useless!"
"Wait, I use my religion stat to recall the lore about the dagger," Valerius said.
"Alright," you said, "DC is 15."
He rolled the dice in Nadia's direction, "Sixteen."
"So, the story goes like this. It was a rather lovely evening in the church of Saint Milu, however, Maila's dreams weren't like that. In that magical world, the Abaddon appeared, imbuing her with the holy knowledge, answering one of the most important questions- what happens when you die? The girl knew that keeping such knowledge would mean a catastrophe, so she used her to create this holy weapon, hiding the knowledge inside of it. To make sure that the weapon remained hidden, she put it in the Milu's statue. She thought that abandoning the knowledge was for the best, however, that only led to more miseries. From that point on, nuns kept gossiping between each other how they could hear Milu's statue talking to them, from small things such as reciting the prayers, to starting a conversation. Nuns were convinced that it was Milu talking to them, so, over time, they would talk to the statue, asking it for the advice. And thus, the innocent nuns learned the truths that weren't meant to be known. Over time, they started to spread the dagger's knowledge to common townsfolk. Such knowledge brought misery to the townspeople, making them more focused on stopping death, rather than enjoying life. A certain white dragon watched all of that and decided that it was upon him to end people's miseries. It went into the town, completely destroying it, killing everyone. Then it went into the church and ate all of the nuns, accidentally eating the statue with them. Upon consuming the statue, it also gained the holy knowledge and decided that it was not meant for small, weak humans, so it made a deal with the gods: The dragon will keep the dagger safe from human hands, and it shall live for as long as the dagger is in its possession. It was a great deal which benefited both parties, the dragon didn't have to watch more innocent people dying, while gods were sure that such knowledge won't be used against them. So every time some of the humans would take the dagger, the dragon would die, however, whenever gods returned the dagger, the dragon would come back to life."
"So, what you're saying is," Portia concluded, "That we killed a dragon who just wanted to protect all of us, and the only way to bring it back is to give the dagger back?"
"Hm," Nadia thought for a moment, "So basically, the only thing that can kill the gods is not the dagger, but rather Abaddon's knowledge inside of it?"
"So then, can we listen to the dagger's knowledge, then give it back to the dragon?"
"Yeah, but you need to roll 23 on insight."
"Who has the highest wisdom?" Julian asked.
"I believe that would be me," Valdemar grinned, "My wisdom modifier is +4."
"Yeah, it's Valdemar."
"I cast bless so that Valdemar can add a d4," Volta said.
"Okay, I'll allow it."
"I use my bardic inspiration on Valdemar!"
"Very well then," they grinned as they took the rusty dagger, shifting it closer to their ear, listening to it as they rolled the dice.
"Thirteen plus 3 from Volta and plus 6 from Julian... So close!" you said with a grin.
"What about my bonus on insight?" Valdemar asked.
"Oh, right..." you said, "Well then, congratulations, you got the first artefact!"
"Finally!" everyone sighed in relief.
"So, I'll return the dagger if that's alright," Julian said.
"Wait, don't do it!" Asra warned him, but too late. Julian had already put the dagger in the middle of the pool of the dragon's leftovers. As soon as the rusty metal made contact with the strange liquid, it started to shape itself back into its original form.
"Quick, Vulgora," Vlastomil said, "Go talk to the dragon!"
"Fine... Hey buddy," Vulgora's PC stared at the dragon who was ready to kill them, "Look, we're sorry for killing you."
"Doubt it," the dragon responded with spite.
"Well, in the beginning, we weren't, but once we've learned you did it all for the good of us, we felt sorry, so we decided to return the dagger."
"But then why did you come here, if not for the dagger?" the dragon leaned to Vulgora.
"Well, we came for a weapon to kill a god! But it turns out that all we needed was the knowledge inside the dagger-"
"That was the only thing you shouldn't have taken."
"But everything is fine, see?" Vulgora pointed at Valdemar's PC, who seemed to have a different kind of shine in his eyes, "They learned the knowledge and haven't gone insane!"
"I..." the dragon looked at everyone, "So you want to kill gods?" it chuckled, "Why?"
"So that everyone would be forced to become atheists," Vulgora exclaimed proudly.
The dragon gave a deep, loud laugh: "I haven't laughed like this in centuries! You aren't the brightest pests, but you sure are hard to kill. And that seems to be more important nowadays... Fine, I can't deal with the Gods' bullshit anymore-"
"Neither can we!"
"So, I will let you use this place as your home. Just don't disturb me."
"And that's it for today!" you exclaimed as you let the fog die out, "Next time, let's have a group of 6 come over so that it could be manageable."
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altumvidetur · 4 years
MCU: Stucky Fic Recs
MCU FIc Recs Masterpost
So, I was thinking about the coronavirus pandemic and what I could do to help people out. I’m isolated because I’m at higher risk, so I can’t really offer to go out for my elderly neighbors or my family… but I thought I could try to help keep people entertained.
Because I don’t have an AO3 account right now, I’ve been compiling fic recs for my own amusement for a year or so. And I thought – maybe that’s the time to share these with everyone? So everyone will have plenty of things to read while they have to stay at home, or even to escape anxiety a little bit if you’re forced to go out.
Of course, these cater to my own tastes, so you may find stuff you don’t like around here. I never include works in progress. The Mature and Explicit works will be in italic. I ask you to READ THE WORK’S TAGS before continuing, so you won’t find anything that makes you uncomfortable.
I’m not even close to reading the whole Stucky tag in AO3, and I lost my wind a little bit with Endgame, so this is an incomplete list at best. I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Not Easily Conquered, by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears
Summary by me: AU in which Steve wasn’t frozen and Bucky wrote letters to him during the war confessing his love. 
Induction, by windsweptfic
For a prompt at Livejournal's capkink community: 'pre-serum!Steve/Bucky, hypnosis'.
In Love and War, Don’t Seek Counsel, by sinuous_curve
Most of being Steve’s -- or Captain America’s, really -- right hand man entails busting into Hydra weapons factories and blowing them to hell with stolen Hydra weapons, making sure that Cap has room to use his superpowers to the greatest effect while no one on their side gets killed in the process. Bucky used to be afraid every single time he heard the sharp report of gunfire, but since Cap came and pulled him out of a very literal hell, there isn’t much room left in Bucky for something like fear. Dying can’t be worse than what Schmidt’s pet scientist did for kicks. And being a part of a team as special as the one he’s on now keeps him feeling like he’s varnished in heroism. It’s more brilliant explosions and less humping it through sticky mud in the rain.
The Soft Darkness, by sinuous_curve
He’s not going to tell Steve that of everything that got lost between docking in England and where they were, he never lost the packet of letters Steve wrote. He understands, now, the oddity to them that he could never place. The reason it seemed like Steve was talking around his life rather than about it is because he was. Bucky wants to ask about the chunks he neglected to mention, but won’t. Can’t. Has no reason, to, because there are things Bucky omitted in his letters back.
Beneath a Blue Umbrella Sky, by victoria_p
Steve's been to Coney Island before.
That Heart of Yours Could Crumble Kings, by CallMeBombshell
But then, Steve’s always been a better man than Bucky, always been the better of the two of them, and Bucky thinks that Steve can handle it, can handle the weight and the pressure and the responsibility of it all, because for as much as Steve carries the world, Bucky has always carried Steve.
It Wakes The Seeds, by Sharksdontsleep
They still call him a sharpshooter, even if they let Bucky bring his own rifle, not a Sharp, a nine-pound breech-loader that feels like certainty when he slings it across his back.
Bucky and Steve, becoming who they become. Civil War era AU. Thanks to figletofvenice for the lovely and thoughtful beta, and to the long-suffering marycontraire for hand-holding and head pats. See end notes for (slightly) spoilery warnings. Title from Wilfred Owen's 'Futility.'
The Spin I’m In, by victoria_p
Five times Bucky kissed Steve because of ~reasons~, and one time Steve finally believed he really meant it.
Alarm, by pollitt
Despite the vast and mind-boggling technological advances that happen in the 60 years that Steve had been frozen, there are a lot of things that make sense. Security doors, codes, things like that.
Cell phone alarm clocks, though, not so much.
A Place Called Home, by Renne
New Years Eve. Suits. Party at Stark's place. Honesty happens.
The curves of your lips rewrite history, by victoria_p
Five times Steve was distracted by Bucky's mouth.
i like my body when it is with your, by unfinishedidea
Steve is jealous of the people Bucky goes to visit at night.
space!military au, by Renne
Fics set in an alternate future universe with the queer-friendly space military. The Allies vs. Hydra. Steve is the poster boy for humanity, Bucky is a flying ace. It all unfolds as it has before, with pain and loss and a slow, difficult return. For the full rambling plot full of ridiculous angst and pain see here.
Nothing But the Rain (The Quit Your Grinning and Drop Your Linen Overdub), by victoria_p
We have to get out of these wet clothes.
Our history is just in our blood (history, like love, is never enough), by victoria_p
Steve is sure the guy working the morning rush at Starbucks is Bucky. Unfortunately, the guy doesn't seem to know that.
People and Things, by quigonejinn
Steve, Natasha, the past. The smell in the room is indescribable; the way it looks is indescribable, too.
The Finish Line., by quigonejinn
Your best friend comes back from the factory camp, walks thirty-five miles next to you, and you aren't sure what is wrong with him.
Flesh Seven Ways., by quigonejinn
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes walk into a brothel. Seven variations.
Beast of Burden., by quigonejinn
There is a SHIELD response team all over the apartment. Steve rubs his face with both hands, asks if he can go ahead and use the kitchen. They say that he can.
Avengers, reframed.
Why Then Oh Why Can’t I? (or, 5 Times Steve Rogers Felt Awkward Talking About Sex, and One Time He Stopped Talking Altogether), by ladyblahblah
“You really never did grow up all the way, did you, Steve? Of course it changes things. But hey.” He lifts his glass, and Steve reluctantly lets go to join in the toast. “Who says change has to be bad?”
Here Where We Stand, by orphan_account
Steve helps Bucky acclimate to the modern day era.
Our Carnival Life, by victoria_p
Bucky is the best gift he's ever gotten, every time.
Kind Men, by quigonejinn
D/s-ish-verse retelling of Captain America: The First Avenger. When the time comes, Erskine doesn't throw a grenade onto the training ground.
Fortunate Son, by orphan_account
Bucky wakes up in the future to a world that needs Captain America; meanwhile, a Cold War-era supersoldier assassin emerges.
Counting Backwards, by honeypuffed
It's not exactly friends, but it's not exactly more than that either.
eye of the beholder, by attice
Bucky doesn’t like Steve’s drawings. Not the way everyone else does, at least.
Pictures of You, by Sarah K
Bucky wants a souvenir to take to war with him.
Беда́ не прихо́дит одна́ (trouble never comes alone), by postcardmystery
There’s a tracking device beneath his skin, wrapped around his carotid artery, and if he pulls it out, he’ll die in seconds. They’ve got a wolf on a leash and he’s never heard them so pleased with themselves, so sure that this is the only weapon they’re ever going to need. They did not win the first war in Chechnya, but a second time and the story is rewritten. (He knows that this is a thing they truly believe. He’s lived more history than they have. He knows better.) He rides on tanks, jumps from helicopters onto ground solid with snow. He stands, ringed by ruins, in a capital that burns. He lost his last war in Grozny. This time, he slings his rifle on his back, breathes smoke, knows what it is to watch history being made.
but hey, you’re all right, by beardsley
'This is not my fault,' Tony lies. 'It was supposed to be a joke! Christ.'
'Thanks to your joke,' says Coulson, 'we now have a code three-four-delta, with the variable being a Russian immigrant. We're checking his background right now, but it might take a while. Meanwhile, I suggest you civilian-proof the Tower. If any SHIELD intelligence is compromised, I will hurt you.'
Yes, this is the story where the Winter Soldier is a Russian mail-order bride. Everything goes about as well as you'd expect.
he likes a boy in uniform, by lazulisong
Bucky's always been better than Steve at things like this; at pulling his collar just so and making his tie sit right. Bucky always looks sharp, a real dapper dresser.
Gone Quiet, by victoria_p
Three times Steve and Bucky comforted/quieted each other.
in my fortress alone until you came, by haipollai
Steve murmurs Bucky's name. He wants to list off every time Bucky woke up feeling like he couldn't breathe because of Steve, but he knows Bucky wouldn't listen. The metal arm is between them and Steve doesn't touch more than necessary. He knows Bucky doesn't like it being touched. Doesn't like Steve touching it; he's seen Bucky and Natasha grapple enough to know that Bucky doesn't mind when others touch it.
It's just Steve.
Eisner Award for Best Writer and Artist, by orphan_account
(Summary by me: ComicWriter!AU, with actual ray of sunshine artist!Steve and grumpy, disillusioned writer!Bucky.)
with the lights out, it’s less dangerous, by victoria_p
Bucky says it's what friends do, they help each other out, and it's their little secret, right?
i’m no angel, by haipollai
His first instinct is to tease Steve for jerking off to one of his own drawings but then he sees what the drawing is.
Who it is.
You’ve Got Me In Between, by Renne
In a gross lapse of judgment, Professor Rogers takes one of his students home. Sex (and guilt) ensues.
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Book One: Death (Noctis x Reader) Chapter Three
A/n: The bold text is a dream/nightmare. Besides that little side note, I hope you all enjoy!! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
Opening his eyes, Noctis glanced around at his surroundings. "Where am I?" Seeing as he wasn't in the caravan or any place he'd visited before, the prince got to his feet and walked around. He walked up a set of stairs that led out of the small, dimly-lit room he had awoken in. Once outside, he saw a large waterway and could only think of one place he had yet to visit. "Is this... Altissia?"
Noctis saw numerous of people walking through the pristine streets, smiling and laughing as they headed to their destinations. He knew it was their destination on this journey, but a strange feeling washed over him. Something inside him gnawed at his sense of direction and found himself walking in a particular direction.
When Noctis reached a large fountain, he saw a familiar-looking girl standing beside it. "(Y/n)?" Walking closer to the girl, he saw she had (h/c) hair instead of black, but he knew it was (Y/n). "Hey, (Y/n)!" He shouted. When the boy went to touch her shoulder, his hand passed through her body.
"What the hell?" Noctis muttered, stepping back a few inches and staring down at his hand. A theory came to mind and the boy quickly tested it. He dashed towards another random person by the fountain and his entire body passed through them as if he were a ghost.
As he was flabbergasted at his findings, Noctis heard (Y/n) call out to someone. "There you are, Caspian! I've been waiting for an hour!"
"Sorry 'bout that, (Y/n)." A boy around Noctis' age ran up to the (e/c)-eyed girl with a smile. He had spiky brunette hair accompanied by green eyes. Watching as the two linked hands, the raven-haired boy decided to follow them through the streets of Altissia as they seemed to be on a date of sorts. Noctis saw how happy (Y/n) was with Caspian and couldn't help but wonder what led her to commit suicide at such a young age.
After what felt like an hour, Noctis found his surroundings slowly changing. "What now?" He groaned in annoyance. When he saw he was at what seemed to be the docks, he sighed in annoyance. Unlike before, it was pouring. Noctis didn't feel the cold droplets hit his skin as he glanced down the docks. A figure could be seen through the downpour, their clothes drenched as they sat at the edge of the docks and hugged their knees. Even through the rain, Noctis could hear the sniffles and sobs that left the person as he slowly approached.
Seeing who it was, Noctis stopped in his tracks. "(Y/n)." Her shoulders shook as she cried and the raven-haired boy was confused as to why she was weeping. Before he knew it, (Y/n) stood up and rushed off as tears continued to rush down her cheeks. Quickly taking chase, Noctis ran after the sobbing girl.
When Noctis saw her climbing to the roof of one of the buildings that bordered the ocean, he followed after her. Reaching the roof, he saw (Y/n) was standing at the edge of the building, her eyes trained on the stormy ocean below. The tip of her shoes hung off the edge of the roof as she began mumbling incoherently. Taking a few steps forward, Noctis kept his balance on the slippery roof. With only a couple of feet between him and (Y/n), he came to a halt.
"There's no one left..." Noctis heard the girl mumble.
The raven-haired boy had no clue what she was talking about. Since Noctis knew he couldn't talk to her, he tried reaching out to her and hoped he'd be able to touch her just this once. "(Y/n)-"
Before he could reach her, she jumped off the roof and into the raging water below. Not wasting a second, Noctis dove in after her. He found he could breathe under the water and felt his body was light. As he reached for (Y/n), his hand fazed through hers. "Dammit!" Trying over and over again, Noctis desperately tries to save the girl from drowning.
Suddenly, a force begins dragging Noctis' body back to the surface. Fighting against the force, he tries to reach (Y/n) with all his strength. As he fought the invisible assailant, he watched as the (h/c)-haired girl closes her eyes and sinks further into the depths of the sea. "(Y/n)!" Noctis shouted, his voice slightly cracking.
With a sharp inhale, Noctis shot up from where he slept. He had a death grip on the blanket that laid over his body as he focused on his surroundings, realizing he was back in the caravan. Someone placed a hand on his shoulder and gently patted it. "You alright there, buddy?"
Looking to his left, Noctis recognizes Prompto as he stood by the bed. Shaking the fog from his mind, the raven-haired boy nodded. "Y-Yeah. Just a nightmare."
"You look pale as a ghost," another voice said. At the foot of the bed stood (Y/n), who was eyeing Noctis with worry.
"Wanna talk about it?" The blonde boy suggested.
Noctis swallowed hard, glancing at (Y/n) for a brief second before casting his gaze downward. "No, it's fine."
The Horseman knew he was lying, but she decided to respect his decision. "Alright."
The door to the caravan opened, revealing Gladio and Ignis as they stepped inside. The brute scoffed as he stared at Noctis. "Look who's finally awake."
"Whatever," the younger boy sighed in annoyance as he got out of bed and ready for the day ahead.
(Y/n) dismissed herself from the caravan, who was followed by Prompto. The two meandered around the Chocobo post as they waited for the others. When they passed the pens, the bird (Y/n) had been so friendly to the night prior recognized her. It squawked loudly, grabbing hers and Prompto's attention. The blonde boy was puzzled as to why the Chocobo was trying to get their attention, but (Y/n) approached the yellow creature in silence. The moment she opened her arms, the Chocobo rested its head on her shoulder and nuzzled its beak into her cheek.
Shocked at the sight, Prompto scrambles for his camera and managed to secure the device before it shattered on the ground. He snapped a few pictures of the scene before he scanned each one and determined which one was the best. A giddy smile spread across his face when the bird flapped its wings as if it wanted to return the hug.
Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis emerged from the caravan just as (Y/n) unwrapped her arms from around the Chocobo's neck. "So," the prince said, eyes glued to the Horseman. "Where to, (Y/n)?"
"Leide. There's a tomb in the abandoned mines just southeast of Hammerhead," Death responded.
"Then, let's head out," Gladio stated.
After hours of navigating through Balouve Mines, Noctis claimed another royal arm and the five companions left the dark, damp mines. Back outside, everyone heard a low grumbling. (Y/n) glanced to her left and saw Prompto was blushing slightly with a hand over his stomach. "S-Sorry. We didn't eat breakfast today and I'm starvin'."
Death smiled at the boy. "No need to apologize."
"I'm hungry, too. Let's head to Lestallum," Noctis said.
"What?! That's so far! Why don't we eat at Takka's?" The blonde suggested.
"It is, but we need to tell Talcott about what we found behind the waterfall."
"Kinda got sidetracked," Gladio said, gesturing to (Y/n).
Said girl blinked owlishly in confusion. "Why're you pointing at me?"
Gladio chuckled at her question. "Because His Highness wanted to check out the abandoned tomb we heard about from His Majesty before we left the city."
(Y/n) turned to glance at Noctis. "Why didn't you do that before I dragged you back to Leide?"
The prince shrugged at her question. "Just wanted to find another royal arm before headin' back."
The Horseman sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Alright. Now that you have another royal arm, let's head to Lestallum." (Y/n)'s gaze bounced over to Prompto. "Think you can hold on a bit longer?" The sharpshooter nodded and the five climbed into the Regalia, Lestallum being their next destination.
In the city, (Y/n) decided to head to the outlook while the boys made their way to the hotel and have a quick bite to eat. Her sable locks whipped in the breeze as she stared into the distance at the Disc of Cauthess. Her thoughts ran wild as she leaned against the stone railing, admiring the eerie but beautiful sight of the Meteor. She hadn't sensed the presence of the man behind her until the last second. The girl spun around, eyeing the stranger with a hint of fierceness in her (e/c) gaze.
The man had red-velvet locks, piercing amber eyes, and an odd sense of fashion. (Y/n) leaned against the stone railing as he bowed politely. "A pleasure to meet such beauty."
Death crossed her arms, unamused at the obvious pick-up line. "Does that line ever work?"
The man chuckled lightly, grinning slightly. "I am merely stating a fact, my dear." He grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and placed a kiss atop it. She grimaced at the feeling of his lips against her skin and unconsciously took a step back, her body hitting the stone railing. The stranger kept a stronger grip on her hand as she tried to be gentle and tug it away from him.
The girl glared when she realized the man wouldn't let go of her hand. Before she could snap at him, someone pried their hands apart and stood in between them. (Y/n) recognized the boy as Noctis when she spotted the familiar spiky hair. She glanced behind her and saw the other three only a few feet away.
"What a coincidence," the man smiled eerily as Noctis and (Y/n) backed away from him to join the others.
"I'm not so sure it is," Gladio huffed, his amber eyes narrowed and glued to the stranger.
"You four know him?" The Horseman inquired, glancing between the four boys and the man.
"Morosely, yes," Ignis replied, his jade eyes seemingly holding a strong foreboding in them.
"Aren't nursery rhymes curious things?" The strange man suddenly began rambling. "Like this one: "From the deep, the Archaean calls... Yet on deaf ears, the gods' tongue falls, The King made to kneel, in pain, he crawls."
Unable to hide his curiosity, Prompto had a slight jolt in his step as he questioned the stranger. "So how do we keep him on his feet?"
"You need only heed the call. Visit the Archaean and hear his plea." The man stopped, turning on his heels with a grin plastered on his face. "I can take you."
"Are you serious?" (Y/n) mumbled in disbelief, eyes slightly narrowed and glaring harshly at the stranger.
"We in?" Prompto turned to his companions, wondering what their opinions were.
The prince sighed in annoyance. "I don't know."
"We take a ride..." Prompto started.
"But watch our backs," the shield finished.
The tactician agreed after muddling over the current predicament for a few seconds. "Fair enough."
"Hold it!" (Y/n) shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. "What am I missing here?"
"Noct's been having these headaches after seeing a vision of the Disc," Gladio said, gladly filling the Horseman in.
"Oh," Death gasped. "That's why you were holding a hand against your head in the mines. You were experiencing a headache."
"You noticed?" The raven-haired hoy asked. He was shocked at how close she was truly watching over him. (Y/n) nodded with a small smile, causing Noctis' own smile to come forth. When he saw the smile, his thoughts raced back to the nightmare he had. He stared into Death's (e/c) eyes, wondering if she would ever smile like she did with Caspian.
The Horseman waved a hand in front of the prince's face, wondering why he fell silent all of a sudden. "Noctis?"
Blinking a few times, the boy shook his head. "Sorry. Let's do it."
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
good for the soul ryance hcs
adam is giving the mfe pilots instructions but the second the pretty boy with the blue eyes and bright smile comes out of the pod the world stops
adam: was i clear, cadet?
kinkade: i'm so gay
rizavi, under her breath, offended: wow, bi erasure much?
adam: become a teacher they said, it’ll be fun they said. fuck you, takashi
cue to shiro lightly tapping adam’s shoulder
iverson introduces the paladins and pilots and lance calls kinkade “ryan”
rizavi, being the godsend she is: actually, he’s not comfortable with people calling him-
kinkade, blushing: its okay, really *turning to lance* you can call me ryan
the mfe pilots might be in the middle of an alien war but that had to be at the top 5 of most unbelievable things they've ever seen
leifsdottir: it’s not humanly possible but you just might be blushing about 50 shades of red right now *turning to rizavi* d-did i used the reference right?
rizavi, on the floor: you got it, babygirl
griffin wheezing noises in the background
kinkade goes to visit lance at his hospital room after war is over, lance pretending to be asleep just to see how ryan will deal with his mom alone, his plan backfiring him when the beeping of his heart going into cardiac arrest coming from the machine betrayes him when the word "hero" comes from the other boy's lips
lance goes to shiro with his mayhaps-mayhaps-not boy problems
lance: i thought nothing could scare me anymore, i mean i died and everything but now a pretty boy smiles at me and i feel like i’m gonna be sick
shiro: yOU fUCkING DiEd??!!!?!!?!!
since his talk with shiro almost ended up on him dying, again, lance goes to adam, he doesn’t get that much help but b OI does he has enough material to blackmail shiro now
desperate times call for desperate measures
lance: you have to promise not to tell anyone but... i think ryan likes me...? and i think i like him too...?
keith, stopping halfway his knife trick:
keith: and they say i'm the dense one? jfc its like adam and shiro all over again
lance is telling ryan voltron stories, and ryan it’s a great listener of course, but just objectifies he’s having a hard time believing lance piloted a giant robotic alien lion
lance, before he realizes what he's saying: i could show you around sometime
kinkade, smirking: are you offering me a ride?
lance, after rebooting for the 5th time that night: only if you say yes
spolier alert ahead: he says yes
lance: you'll have to be careful tho, red isn't very-
red’s jaw drops at the sight of kinkade just like everyone else
lance: ...friendly
kinkade, already getting inside: hey, you coming?
lance, staring at the red lion for solid 5 seconds: traitor
dudes pals bros who train together...
kinkade, panting: okay, you might be good at shooting and sparring but i'm sure there's something i'm better at
sponge bob narrator's voice: a few moments later
kinkade, pining lance to the ground: hm, who knew you'd be so bad at hand on hand combat? i win, again
lance, smirking: i got you pinning me down so who's the real winner here
lance asking kinkade for advice because he could listen to him talk forever, and if takes pride he's the only one ryan says more than two words to no one needs to know
lance: nice work out there, sharpshooter
pidge, confused: i thought sharpshooter was your thing?
lance, sighing dreamily watching as ryan walks away: he’s about to be
one day shiro beckons kinkade over after training
kinkade, mocking: is this the part where we have the "you break his heart, i break your neck" talk, commander?
shiro: hmm, i didn't even thought about it but now that you mention it *shiro's arm glow*
one night while doing his perimeter check kinkade bumps into lance stargazing at the garrison's rooftop
lance, smirking: hey, you come here often?
kinkade: umm, we take turns to do our night rounds and i'm in charge of this wing today
lance, after going over the garrison pilots' schedules with hunk and pidge ten thousand times: oh, i didn't knew that
another night kinkade walks into the showers late at night after training, immediately stopping dead on his tracks
someone is s i n g i n g
someone is s i n g i n g in the s h o w e r s
someone is s i n g i n g in s p a n i s h in the s h o w e r s
lance, walking out of the shower: ah! oh, ryan, you scared me! *blushes looking away tightening his altean robe around himself* sorry, i'm still not used to share with so many people after being stuck in space, and i come from a huge family like-wow, okay, i'm rambling again. so, i'm just gonna-
kinkade, turning to take off his shirt, not being able to look at lance in the eye: you have a beautiful voice, lance
*lance.exe has stopped working for so many reasons*
lance beaming when ryan asks him the next day what song he was singing, making his way downtown walking fast and into his room to look for his ancient mp4 where his childhood playlist was intact and giving it to him
lance’s heart screaming in two different languages when ryan asks him to share headphones so lance can translate the songs for him
they try to learn spanish together but both get awfully distracted
lance convinces ryan to do beauty masks with him because, bonding of course, and if he gets to touch the other boy while doing so he won’t complain
kinkade, who has been bullied when little, thrives as lance keeps rambling about how cool his hair is and how beautiful his skin tone is
kinkade: you do know you don't need these, right? or cover up your freckles? or straighten your hair? or pretend you don't use reading glasses?
lance, thanking god the mask won't let his blush show: h-how?
kinkade, quickly looking away: i just like observing people
hunk and ryan become cooking buddies and that’s the law
hunk, leaving the room: and whatever you do, don't let lance lick the spoon
lance, indeed, immediately goes for the spoon
kinkade: lance...
lance, licking the spoon: yes, ryan?
*kinkade.exe has stopped working*
lance knows both the paladins and the mfe would rat him out so literally his only choice is
lance: come on, veronica. i need you to work with me here
veronica: lance, for the last time, my knowledge on the mfe pilots is strictly academic so no, i don't know if kinkade enjoys romcoms, long walks on the beach and deep talks about his future
they're hanging out at lance's old room, with the door open because lance’s mom says so, when ryan finally notices the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling
kinkade, snorting: oh my god. you were that kind of nerd *they both giggle then stay in silence* how was it like? *turns to lance* to see real ones?
lance: if there's something i've learned from space is that everything is more beautiful up close
kinkade, looking at lance: yeah..
its movie night for team garrison/team voltron but certain pair is mia
pidge at the mfe: wait, if lance isn't with you...
rizavi at the paladins: and kinkade isn't with you...
allura, entering the room: has any of you seen the blue lion?
meanwhile on what was left of varadero beach after the war
lance, walking into the water with his jeans rolled up: i've been dying to come here since since i got back, it looks so different, but still so beautiful. i’m glad you accepted to come with me
as if out of a fucking nicholas sparks book, it starts to rain, and fuck if it isn’t perfect because lance looks so fucking happy and ryan is just weak
kinkade, watching as lance dances under the rain: hey, lance? speaking of things we've been dying to do since you got back
lance, turning to him, smiling: yeah?
kinkade takes lance’s hand to pull him in a twirl and finally kissing him, loosing his balance and falling into the water when lance immediately kisses him back
keith, sitting upside down on the couch playing video games: lance, how do you get a boyfriend?
lance, pausing the game to look at him dead in the eye: keith, my man, the fact i'm dating ryan doesn't mean i have any idea of what the fuck i'm doing
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