#this is a Joke if it wasnt clear enough
serenadeofthestars · 7 months
"but he's evil and manipulative and -" to you maybe. to me he's nothing but an angel
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laurajameskinney · 3 months
too many of you are treating this + the various discussions of real sexual assault/abuse in the notes as fun drama or using this post as a vehicle to spread misinformation so im turning reblogs off until you can behave
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kittykat-pikachu · 5 months
toby has forsaken us.
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what is this. this. BLASPHOMY!!! how could toby so CARELESSLY disrespect what is so right and holy. i have kept calm, amidst the cold defamation of the year gone by. but NO MORE will i stand silent.
how many years? how many years have sans and komaeda toiled together in the trenches. fighting for freedom of art. freedom of LOVE??!??!?
KNOW YOUR HISTORY!!!!!! APPRECIATE ALL THAT WAS WON AND LOST!!!! for there are crooks and scoundrels out to erase the battles once faced.
and always remember...
kanye west he likes, fingers in his ass...
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harrisonbrainrot · 5 months
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I'm gunna put my cat on the mic
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
Something something a woman slowly losing all autonomy by command of a man, losing her free will and sense of herself without her knowledge until he wishes her into non-existence by making her a duplicate of someone else, not even allowing her to die and be put to rest something something a woman being used as a prop in a man's storyline and to further the development of a gay ship and the second her use has run out she's discarded like an object something something
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ccassettetape · 2 months
im homophobic now SPECIFICALLY because of my friends flirting in front of me. cease this madness i just wanted to eat ice cream
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l48yr1nth · 6 months
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i really want a spicy chicken sandwich but we are out of bread........... the pain i feel in my heart and soul is unbearable........ please...... spicy chicken patty from my freezer..................... i am lost without my slices of white bread for my microwaved spicy chicken patty......!!!!!!!!
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gravesyard-fr · 1 year
oi guvna, spare a strange chest per’aps ? since me progens was exalted i aint got nary a tresha t’me name, an’ its olways bean me dream ta ‘ave a strange chest o’ me own
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sparklingpax · 2 years
metal screeching noise from transformers prime that they would play & sometimes it got pitched up or down but like we could all tell it was That Sound Effect Again, my beloved
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hauntingblue · 1 year
The white brunettes on tik tok are sooo funny... might actually join them.... I can't do archery or shoot and I don't really look like ellie but I like Dina and I think I'm better than Bella Ramsey form some reason
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farlooms · 2 years
tbh im mostly over what happened. i think just having it unresolved looming over my head (and the immediate aftermath of the fallout) just had me really fucked up. what happened was really really fucked up- and i wont bullshit about that. but i thought i mightve needed help moving on but really all i needed was it to end and a bit of time. im feeling mostly okay about it now- im just bothered that it even happened at all. like, i sure wish it didnt, and i wish that a friendship was possible, but the finality brought a much needed closure.
#kage rattles#thisll probably be the last time i bring it up i dont really want too many posts abt it up bc seeing them again will probably be really bad#for me down the line if im just scrolling looking for smth and re-find them#i deleted Those ones#fwiw im not terribly sure a friendship between the two of us wouldve been possible long-term even if what was done /wasnt/ done#we just both have very different and very contrasting emotional needs and that in itself is fine. really wasnt the core issue at play#and when things were fine things were- truly- fine.#but the...you know. started to outweigh the everything else#and it always sort of bothered me but i let quite a bit slide in the initial because i guess i didnt fully process how /much/ it was#bothering me#and although i made it clear from the beginning i just wanted to be friends#and they even said (and...made a joke about) that they knew there were times where they visibly made me uncomfortable#i suppose for some people an 'i just want to be friends' alongside clear disinterest and some 'no's just arent enough#but whats done is done and i made the best choice for myself#and while i regret that things happened and that they went down the way they did- i do not regret the choice i made#and while im still doing quite Bad and have a lot of things im at risk of spiralling about at every given second#this...is not one of them.#my apologies for the semi-public shitshow to all of you who have been seeing things lately.#not that i have a massive amount of followers or anything like that (nor do i really care) but im sure it wasnt very pleasant to witness
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luna0713hunter · 9 months
heavy breathing with foreheads leaning together
hands in your lovers hair
kiss me again :)
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Author's note : i suppose you meant these prompts with Zoro? If not,you can send another request with the character you wanted :) hope you like it!
"heavy breathing with foreheads leaning together"
"hands in your lover's hair"
"kiss me again"
Based on this prompt
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Warnings : some swearing,kinda heated and suggestive maybe,heavy makeout (?),and drinking
Relationship with Zoro is always thrilling.
There are always battles to fight alongside him;most of them ending with all of you whether running away or celebrating it in a bar. But ever since Sanji came along,most of your celebrations contained greatest feats and meals cooked by the best chef from all across the seas.
But then again,every once in a while you guys like to relax at a bar and just have fun.
So when Zoro starts walking toward a small bar in some alleyway after a big fight which ended with you guys winning,the rest of the crew immediately followed him. You dont drink much,but watching Zoro drink is one of your favorite things to do.
So you all set behind a table,and order your favorite drinks. Soon enough,loud laughter fills your ears as Luffy and Usopp tell joked and ask everyone silly questions.
You're so caught in laughing at a joke Usopp had made that you dont notice Zoro's trying to get your attention.
He takes your hand from under the table and tugs slightly. At that,you turn your attention to the green hair man beside you while still giggling.
Zoro jerks his head slowly toward the exit.
"step out a second with me."
You tilt your head, confused. But with a single nod,you stand up to follow him.
The weather outside is cool and refreshing;and despite not having much to drink,it still clears your head.
You take a deep breath of the fresh air,and turn toward Zoro.
"why did we come outside?"
Zoro stares at you,and just as you're about to tell him that he's drunk and you two should head back,he steps closer until your back is touching the alley wall.
A single hand finds its way to your face,and after caressing your cheek, Zoro brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. You lean your face in his palm and smile up at him.
"you look so gorgeous tonight,babe."
The confession has your breath hitching as his fingers card through your hair.
"you were amazing today, fighting those bastards. And just now at the bar," he presses himself closer to you until your chests are touching, "you were the prettiest, sitting there and laughing."
It was no secret that Zoro barely talked,and moments where he would compliment you wasnt that rare,but still little.
But drunk Zoro was always honest to fault. And apparently he has no filter either.
So when you pull him close by the collar of his shirt,he goes willingly.
And as always,the moment his lips touch yours, sparks shoot through your spine.
Zoro fucking Roronoa was born a kisser.
The kiss turns heated soon;until your fighting for breath but still refusing to pull away. The alley is empty,and a perfect place to kiss Zoro breathless as well.
But when you feel yourself getting slightly dizzy,your fingers go to his short,green hair,and tug gently.
Zoro pulls away with a groan and rests his forehead against yours while panting slightly. His high cheekbones slightly red;his hair a mess. And the fact that you made him like this has chest warming even more.
"Fuck,Zoro," you panting against his lips, "Baby you're so hot."
"Then kiss me again."
And who're you to not comply to the greatest swordsman's wishes?
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mcu-coworkers · 11 months
Summary: What you thought was your love story ended up being one cruel summer.
Word Count: 1k+
warnings: None really other than angry Miguel :I
A/n: amidst writing a part 3 for another story I got inspired by doctor strange and gave it a bit of a twist. Hope you guys like it!xx
Parts: One^ Two three Four
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You had never seen Miguel so angry before.
Sure he was always short with everyone and never smiled other than to laugh at someone.
But when he did laugh, even if it was at someone, your heart couldn't help but skip a beat.
There were days when he’d call you into his office and ask you to update him on the spiders and the sectors they were handling and sometimes, if he was in a good enough mood, he’d ask about you.
Despite the mood swings, and his constant frown you wanted nothing more than to stand by his side and be there for all of it.
Peter B. though you were crazy for having feelings towards the coldest spider in the spider society but all things considered, he was probably right.
Only a crazy person would fall head over heels for someone who gave no sign of reciprocating feelings.
You had hope you’d get through one day.
That day definitely was not today.
You’d been caught up on a mission for the past couple of hours so you never responded to any of the comms. When you arrived back at HQ you were horrified by the mess.
You tried to ring Miguel but no luck, then you tried Jess, Ben, Gwen, shit, even Hobbie and still nothing.
Finally you were about to try Peter B. when he popped up behind you.
“You’re not gonna reach them, and honestly,  I   don’t think you want to.” he said as he held a very active May Day in his arms.
“What happened here?” you asked your voice barely above a whisper.
“ I  ‘d tell you but maybe it's better if you just watch.” he said, pulling up all the camera footage.
And holy shit.
Suddenly you felt a lot worse about ignoring those comms from Miguel.
“Shit.” you cursed under your breath.
“Yeah, listen  I   should get going. Miguel will be back soon and  I  ‘m the last person he’ll want to see.” he said, opening a portal.
“Bye Pete, take care of yourself okay?” You said with a soft smile as he slowly disappeared into the portal.
Looking back at the paused footage you didn't know what to think.
You understood Miles, but you also understood Miguel.
But still, seeing the way he handled this and how out of hand he got made chills run down your spine.
You didn’t even want to think what would’ve happened had he gotten through the shield of the go home machine.
Lost in thought you never heard Miguel enter the room.
“Where the hell have you been?” you heard him yell as he walked up to you.
You practically jumped out of your skin at the sound of his tone.
“On a mission you know that Miguel” you said trying to not anger him further.
“ I   called you to come back, so where the fuck were you.” he wasnt letting up.
“Miguel  I  got the guy  I  -” you tried but he cut you off.
“When  I   say come back that means come back am  I   fucking clear?” he said, looking down at you.
You’d never felt so intimidated by him before, not even on the first day after being recruited.
“Yes sir.” was all you could manage to say.
Finally he stepped back and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
“Lyla pull up the records of the go home machine and tell me where it sent him.” He said turning his back to you.
You could hear the distress in his voice so you thought of a way to help.
Walking up to him with caution you put a hand on his shoulder, “Miguel, Maybe you need to take a step  back let someone else handle it.” you suggested.
“Yeah? Who?You? Thats a fucking joke. You could barely handle a stupid villain, you’ll never catch this kid.” he snarled, shrugging your arm off.
Taken back by his statement you felt a heavy weight on your chest.
“Miguel-” you tried but again you were cut off.
“What are you gonna say some inspirational shit? Tell me you're here to help?hm?” he asked, turning back to you.
“Yes, Miguel, I am here for you, always. But this, this is mania. Some things can't be fixed by yourself. ” You said the weight on your chest felt heavier.
When he stayed quiet you took it as a sign to keep going.
“Maybe this is a sign to consider stopping, look at how much of a toll this is taking on you.” you urged the man was grasping for straws at this point if they didn't find Miles he’d be lost.
“This is my life's work, there is no me without the multiverse.” he exclaimed, turning away from you.
“There are so many things that give your life meaning, that could give your life meaning.” you suggested, realizing what that last part sounded like you felt your face heat up.
He stopped his pacing and turned to you, “Like what? You?”
Suddenly you felt your world come crashing down. You had nothing left to lose.
“Yeah. Me.” you said barely above a whisper.
“You care so much don’t you? You think  I   want your pity? That  I  need you?”he said aggressively.
“ I   have never pitied you.”you snapped back.
“Good, because  I   don't need it. And  I   don't need you.” and with that he turned back around leaning on his desk.
You had nothing left for him. Or the spider society.
“Goodbye, Miguel.” was all you said before you walked out of the room and opened the portal to go home, for good.
“That was a bit rough for someone you like, don't you think?” Lyla asked, watching Miguel as he looked over to the door you walked out of.
He decided to focus on one thing at a time, Miles now you later.
He knew you’d come back and when you did, he’d fix it.
If there was something he could fix in this fucked up world it was the mistakes he made with you.
“The files Lyla.” he said changing the subject.
Sighing, Lyla gave him what he wanted and left.
She didn't have the heart to tell him that you left your watch and your suit at HQ.
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l44serbeam · 1 year
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— PASS TIME ࣪𖤐 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — swearing, insecurity, anxiety, blood, guns, smut, heavy make out, fingering (r!recieving), nipple play, softdom!ellie, hair pulling, hickeys, degradation (y/n calls ellie pathetic in a joking way)
Stuck in a abandoned pharmacy closet during a storm while on a patrol, Ellie seems to have some interesting ideas on what to do while you wait it out. these ideas lead you to believe that maybe she doesn’t hate you as much as you thought she did.
not proofread
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There was one thing y/n had in agreement with Ellie Williams and that was that the two of them did not get along.
Whether it was being paired together on patrol and disagreeing on working methods or bickering over meals, the two just couldn’t seem to live in harmony.
It wasn’t because they were polar opposites or anything. On the contrary, the two were quite alike. Both carried an aura of intimidation and were known to be very good fighters. In reality, they had no real reason to have this dispute.
So when Maria partnered the two up for a two day long run to an abandoned town many miles out, not even an hour went by before they were both banging at her door.
“Its for the best. You two are my strongest forces and it’s a far place…” Maria began, looking away from them as she folded the blankets on her couch. “We’re running low on medical supplies and i don’t have enough people to spare to send a whole team. Plus, it’ll do you guys good to be out there with one another. Get to know each other maybe. End what ever stupid rivalry y’all seem to have going on.”
The two groaned and protested but Maria made it clear her pairing was final, no questions to be asked about it anymore.
“This isn’t some simple patrol y/n. No fucking around. Follow my lead, we don’t separate, and we don’t detour.” Ellie instructs sharply as the two rode down the forest, freshly leaving Jackson and preparing for the mission ahead.
“You talk to me like im not the one who was literally raised out here. If anything you should be following my lead.” y/n responded.
Ellie rolled her eyes and scoffed. “That doesn’t make you better. Just means more people were around to save your ass.”
“Then why am I here?”
“To make my life miserable apparently.”
Y/n sighed as her tongue poked the inside of her cheek. She seemed to almost be trying to contain herself, a desperate look of wanted to punch the girl on the horse next to her lingered on her face.
“Literally the only reason im on this run with you Ellie is because i am just as capable as you. So please, shut the fuck up and leave me be.” She retorted sourly, looking the opposite way from Ellie and into the trees. She didn’t want to deal with this now. The hollow, harmful words that they threw at each other.
Ellie turned her head the slightest, catching a glimpse pf her, almost slightly stunned at her response.
The two always argued, that was known, but it was never like that. The harshness and seriousness of her last words surprised Ellie, not being the usual sassy clap back she gave that Ellie could actually respond to. This time, y/n looked distant and out of it but Ellie decided to respect her wishes, looking back ahead and letting silence remain between the two.
The people that surrounded them always tried to recall why the two fueded, but no one ever could. It seemed like from the very first time they interacted, they just didn’t like each other. But, their “first” interaction according to those people wasnt truly their first interaction.
Y/n was brought into Jackson three years ago, scared and alone. Covered in blood and looking with eyes that seemed to shoot daggers at everyone. A team of people had come across her, running from three runners in a torn down office building. Once settled, she had been given a house next to Joels, being one of the smaller ones considering she was just one person.
For the first few days, y/n didn’t leave her house, taking advantage of the fact she hadn’t been assigned with a job yet and avoiding interaction with the public. The majority of the town still hadn’t even seen her since she first came in, rumors beginning to spread about who she was. Some said she had a face covered in scared skin, others said she was tiny and frail but her hands were stained a deep red with blood.
Ellie being the way she was, desperately wanted to know who she really was. She wanted to see this girl and figure out whether the monstrosities people whispered about her.
Y/n was awoken one morning by three heavy knocks on her door. She seriously considered ignoring them, groaning into her pillow as she stood up.
Could be important. She told herself. When she swung the door open, the girl that stood before her was unfamiliar. Unlike most people, she looked closer to her own age, being 17 at the time. The wide smile on her face faltered and her eyes widened when her eyes met with y/ns. Her hands flew up to the hairs sticking out of her bun and tried to smooth them back as much as possible.
“Um… Hello?” Y/n quipped, breaking the girl from whatever trance she was stuck in, her cheeks reddening and eyes rushing the the ground.
“Oh- Uh- Hi! Im Ellie. Your neighbor.” She began, pointing at her own home in the distance. Y/n nodded and gave her an acknowledging smirk.
“Im y/n,” She introduced, leaning against the door with her hand still on the handle. “Is there anything i can help you with?” She asked when Ellie returned to silence again.
“N-No not eaxctly. In all honesty i came by out of curiosity. Wanted to see if you were really like some murderous crazy person.” She laughed slightly, a strange pitting feeling in her stomach.
Y/ns eyebrows knitted together and her demeanor changed as she shifted on her legs.
“Why? Because im from the outside? So seems like since Im not from some fuck ass FEDRA base or some community im automatically a wild animal that kills people for fun?” She begins, clearly offended by Ellies comment.
Ellies eyes opened worriedly. “No no no. I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant that thats what people have been sort of saying about you since no ones really seen you. Kinda cant blame them-”
“For titling me as some savage just because I was born outside their little bubble?”
“Im just saying you haven’t really given them much to work on. And its not like your the sweetest either.” She said, mumbling the last bit.
Y/n scoffed, stepping back into the house but leaving the door open, her hand still on the door knob. “You come to my house, call me a murderous crazy person, then try to justify it?”
“I wasn’t calling you that. I- I just meant i get why youve stayed home but you really havent gone out and last time people saw you was when you first came in and-“ Ellie hissed and raised her eyebrows, suggesting severity, “that wasn’t exactly the kindest sight.” She finished rambling, realizing it didn’t help in the slightest when her eyes fell on y/n.
“Ok you know what, fuck you.” y/n said, slamming the door shut and leaving Ellie wide eyed and red.
How could i have fucked that up so badly. Ellie asked herself frozen in guilt and embarrassment.
After that, Ellie couldn’t bare being around her and not feeling that turmoiling feeling in her gut. She automatically counteracted it with harsh comments and rudeness. Even when a few days later, y/n attempted to apologize, Ellie dismissing her with a rude comment and sparking another fight that solidified their dislike.
But after a year or two and one drunken evening where their bickering turned into borderline foreplay, the dynamic changed. The majority of times, their stabs at each other seemed to be laced with an igniting feeling and fiery looks at each other. People close to them had seemed to start noticing this shift, whether it was the devilish smirks on Ellies face or the way y/n seemed to gravitate closer and closer to her.
So now, when y/n had barely even looked Ellie in the eye and dryly responded to every comment thrown at her by the girl as the walked down the foreign towns roads, the map in Ellies hand and a knife in y/ns, Ellie couldnt help but feel a growing sense of concern.
Did someone do something to her? She wondered, anger stacking up at this imaginary person just at the thought of it
“The pharmacy should be up ahead. Joel gave me a side note to check back room closest and storage rooms. Most should be locked so they’ll probably have shit inside.” Ellie began, scanning her surroundings.
“If the rooms are locked how are we getting in?” Y/n asked.
“Lucky for us, i have a lock pick and 6 hours worth of learning from Tommy.” She says with a smirk. Y/n simply nods and keeps walking with precaution.
“Whats up with you?” Ellie finally voices, her tome coming out harsher than she’d meant it to.
“Nothing. I thought we weren’t fucking around so thats what im doing. Not fucking around.” She shot back. Ellie sighed and rolled her eyes.
“God you’re dramatic.” She mumbled under her breath.
Y/n scoffed a sarcastic laugh, suggesting her comment to be absurd, but she didn’t respond.
Suddenly, thunder boomed from the gray clouds above, the scent of rain invading their senses with the gust of wind that hit them.
“Shit.” Ellie hissed beneath her breath. “We should get to the pharmacy soon. Seems like it gonna be a bad one.” She finished, referencing to the harsh wind that rocked the trees and over grown vines around them, the sky darkening above them.
“We should pick up the pace.” Y/n suggested as she began jogging and Ellie trailed behind her.
As the two felt patters of rain fall on their shoulders, the jog became a run as the wind picked up.
“There!” Ellie yelled, pointing ahead of them to their left. As the two approached, they saw the busted out windows, the glass covering the ground around it.
They jumped through the glassless windows and unto the store. The two breathed heavily when they reached somewhat safety.
The pharmacy looked completely ran through, shelves thrown all over the ground and trash everywhere.
“He was right! Come back here Ellie.” Y/n yelled against the sound of the wind whistling. By this point, the weather had reached full storm level and the strength of the wind tunneled throughout the exposed pharmacy.
With the aggressive push of the wind on Ellies back, she ran to y/n.
“Fuck i don’t know how well i can do this while a fucking tornado is going on.” She yelled at y/n as she crouched before the door knob.
“Ill block you.” Y/n said as she stood behind Ellie, bringing her arms to lean on the door on each side of Ellie above her, y/n head near Ellies neck and the gusts of wind pushing y/ns front into Ellies back. How the fuck is this supposed to help me focus.
Ellie inserted the lock pick into the slot and began twisting and turning it, different clicks falling into place and the knob rattling.
Y/n couldn’t lie, but her apathetic mood almost slipped with Ellies proximity. As Ellies arms moved to undo the lock, her back muscles flexed against y/ns chest, the wind blowing her into Ellies neck, the scent of pinewood soap and the metallic sent of blood from the infected they’d taken down earlier.
“I got it!” Ellie beamed, shooting up to pull the door. The resistance of the wind made it particularly difficult to open, y/n grabbing onto the door through the little crack Ellie opened and helped her.
When it opened just enough, the two rushed in as Ellie gripped the door, letting it slam closed when they were in. The room was pitch black, the two utterly unaware of their surroundings.
Ellie fiddled with the knob and tried to open the door, her theory being proved when the door didn’t budge at her push.
“Guess were camping in here tonight.” She said as y/n clicked on the flash light. The two looked around and saw quite a few things they could bring back. Bulk packages of ibuprofen and other medications.
“Fuck yeah.” Ellie said, inspecting the items and making sure they weren’t broken open or contaminated.
y/n set down her bag and removed her sleeping bag from it, laying it on the ground.
“Think the horses will be ok?” Ellie asked, attempting to start conversation.
“Yeah they should be. I tied down the garage door pretty well.” She responded, grabbing amo and supplies out of the bag to clean and reload her gun.
Ellie sat down on the ground in the small spot that wasn’t covered by y/ns sleeping bag, her lip in between her teeth and eyes nervous, like she was resisting saying something.
Y/ns eyes flickered up from the gun to Ellies face. “What?” She asked.
“Why are you acting weird?” Ellie finally asked. “You’ve been super fucking offputish and like not talking.”
Y/n sighed and shook her head in almost disbelief. “I haven’t been acting weird Ellie. Were on a mission and im focusing on it like you said.” She repeated, making Ellie bite her cheek at the rising feeling of guilt . “And why do you even fucking care. You dont want me to be here and i dont want to be here. We dont have to pretend.”
“What do you mean i dont want you to be here?” Ellie asked accusatively.
“You’ve made it pretty obvious Ellie! Like for the past three years maybe!” Y/n said, putting down the gun and investing herself into the interaction.
“Why would you say that? I never said i dont want you here. Never.” Ellie retorted, putting a punctuating finger in the air.
“You practically do every day! You pick apart everything i do and make sure to insult me on it. I mean Jesus i cant breath around you without you telling me im doing something wrong!” Y/n began yelling, rising to her feet and towering above Ellie, her eyes going up all of y/ns body as they fell on her face.
Fuck. y/n thought. Her eyes. Her big, round, bright eyes looked up at her, her eyebrows knitted together and tongue cupping her teeth.
“You say that like you don’t do the same thing y/n! Dont act like im just some bully, this situation goes both ways!” She said, also coming up to her feet to match y/n.
“I do it because im not gonna let you just insult me and act like nothing happened! Im not going to let that slide Ellie so of course i argue back but thats because you start it!” Y/n said, punctuating her ‘you’ by aggressively poking Ellies chest, her wrist immediately being caught by the girls strong hand.
They’re eyes met one another, anger coating them. But, beneath, there was something else. Something almost animalistic.
“Stop fucking yelling at me.” Ellie said, her words bitter but tone almost pleading.
The closeness between the two finally seemed to settle in their minds. Y/n’s wrist still in Ellies hand, their fronts pressed together. Y/n could feel Ellies warm breath against her skin, igniting goosebumps all along her spine.
There was no way Ellie didn’t feel it too, she thought. There was no way that Ellie would let herself be in this position if she wasn’t feeling the same carnal compulsion as her. She wouldn’t be looking at her with the eyes she was.
“Make me.” y/n said, her actions turning to become beyond her own control.
A devilish smirk painted Ellies lips for mere seconds before she slammed herself into y/ns lips, the force so strong y/n back hit the wall behind her.
Their bodies flowed together violently, pushing each others hips back and forth against one another. The kiss was fueled with regressed anger and burning passion, tongues not waiting a second to collide.
Y/ns hands found themselves to grab onto the girls hair, nails scratching at her scalp as she hissed into y/ns mouth.
“You’re a bitch, you know that?” Ellie groaned into her mouth.
“You’re telling me?” Y/n responded, Ellies taking advantage and letting her lips trail down y/ns neck, latching onto her pulse point the second she felt ut and biting down, a breath of air harshly leaving y/ns lips as she felt Ellies thigh press against the place she wanted her most.
The lack of friction from layers of clothing made y/n whine as she tried to find some kind of it, grinding against Ellies leg as she made an attack on y/ns neck, leaving red marks in her trail that were sure to become purple within a few hours.
“Desperate aren’t ya?” Ellie litted.
“Fuck you.”
Ellie laughed, her teeth pressed cold against y/ns jaw. “Isn’t that what you’re trying to do?”
y/n rolled her eyes and pulled Ellies head back into a heated kiss, one Ellie cheekily smiled into. Her warm hands found themselves under y/ns shirt going up, dragging up y/ns shirt with it.
“This ok?” Ellie asked, y/ns frantic nods being her signal to fully separate and remove the shirt over y/ns head.
She looked down at y/n in awe, her tongue peaking out from between her lips and her cheeks reddening. “Fuck. i’ve been wanting this for so long.”
“Oh really?” Y/n responded as she brought her arma up to rest of Ellies shoulder, her own hands on y/ns hips, holding the two of their pelvises pressed together.
“Yeah, really. From the time you opened your door front door and yelled at me.” Y/n laughed at that.
“God you’re so pathetic.” She laughed as Ellies arms wrapped around her upper body and unclipped y/ns bra, slowly pulling the straps down her arms.
“Watch yourself. Just cause im gonna fuck you does it mean im gonna be nice.” Ellie said into her ear, shots of electricity flying down y/ns back.
Before y/n could say anything in return, her head flew back against the wall as she felt Ellies lips wrap around her nipple and her hands knead the other. Her tongue worked against it and she rolled her thigh up and down, an extended groan leaving y/ns lips.
She switched positions, paying attention to the other nipple and reciprocating her same movements,
Y/ns hand knotted itself in Ellies auburn hair as her lips seared her chest.
Ellies lips kissed up her breast, her neck and her jaw and fell into y/ns mouth, her hand crawling down and being met with the barrier of y/ns jeans.
“Can i get these off of you baby?” She asked into y/n’s mouth, her words rushed and desperate.
Y/ns hands came to the button of her pants and undid them, lowering them slightly and undoing the zipper. Ellies didn’t wait a second before dipping into the pants, the pads of her fingers pressing into y/n’s aching clit.
Y/n let out a lengthy moan as Ellie drew tight circles, her slick pooling in her panties. She mewled desperately, her hips grinding against Ellies hand.
“Shit- Please Ellie. More.” Y/n groaned, her head falling into the crook between Ellies shoulder and neck.
Ellie smiled smugly, pressing kisses into her exposed shoulders as she pushed aside y/ns underwear. “Whatever you want, pretty.” Ellie said, her middle finger running through her wetness, separating her folds and making a mess of her.
Ellie cursed under her breath at the feeling of y/n clenching around nothing, practically begging for her fingers.
Appeasing her wishes, Ellie sunk two fingers into her slowly, hooking her fingers to bottom out into the sweet spot that caused y/n to moan out into Ellies neck.
Gently, Ellie pulled put her fingers and pushed them back in, her palm hitting y/ns clit in the movement. She Ellie repeated her movements over and over, her free hand coming down from y/n’s waist and to the back of one of her thighs, lifting it from the ground and up to Ellies waist, giving her better access to hit y/n as deep as possible.
Y/n’s moans and pants made the hairs on Ellies neck stand. She couldn’t believe this. She thought shed utterly blown her chances from the second y/n first raised her voice at her, standing on her porch. Now, she was knuckle deep in her and cradling her body against the wall.
“Fuck Ellie don’t stop. Im close-” Y/n groaned.
Impossibly, Ellies fingers started to slam into her faster, the vibrations shooting straight to y/n’s clit and the tips of her finger repeatedly plunged against the spot that made y/n moan out in pleasure. “I wasn’t planning on it.”
Y/n legs began to shake, Ellie keeping her pressed against the wall and holding her up with her leg and hand. Ellie could feel y/n’s insides spasming around her fingers, her orgasm close and brimming.
“C’mon baby. I know you’re there.” She mumbled into her ear.
Y/n’s eyes squeezed tightly and her mouth flew open silently, her hand flying to Ellies wrist as a way of stabilization as her orgasm flushed over her like a tsunami. Wetness rolled down Ellies fingers, Y/n’s pants and underwear made a complete mess.
Once y/n’s breathing settled, Ellie removed her fingers from her and brought them to her own lips.
“Fuck. You taste good.” She whispered, kissing up her neck and into her lips.
She settles y/n’s leg down but still held onto her waist, her knees bucking the second she put weight on them, making them both laugh.
“I should change into the other pants.” y/n quipped, separating from the kiss.
“Yeah you should..” Ellie said almost dismissively as she pulled y/n down to lay on the sleeping bag, flipping over and placing herself on top.
“Whenever im done with you i mean.”
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a/n: heyy babes! my bad i said i was gna post this last night but i got a little too high and fell asleep at like 5pm and forgot to post it 😭😭 also i got carried away with added backstory and setting so i hope you enjoy my beauts. Also wanted to giv a big thank u for the positive feed back on Tired of You!! part two is gna be out on sunday for any of you guys reading this that are waiting for that too!!
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thinking about the end of kotfm & initially i just thought ‘wow that was a clever way to summarize & tie up the film without it being lazy’ but now i realize how well it slots into the whole theme of white peoples complacency in racism while also IMPLICATING THE AUDIENCE IN THE THEATER ITSELF.
as much as i dislike ernest being the ‘main’ i do now think it works well because he wasnt initially cruel or malicious! he was a dumb bitch but he tried to be nice & accepting!
but in an effort to not disappoint hale he goes along with hale’s racism. goes along with ‘the crowd’.
when it does this its saying ‘how far is too far? do you avoid calling people out on their racism to keep the peace? do you laugh uncomfortably at yr older relative’s racist jokes? do you ignore how marginalized people are treated when it doesnt effect you (ex the casket scene)? do you go along with things so you dont upset people?
you can claim to love mollie & still poison her because yr uncle told you to. you want to defend yr family but you still kill off its members, so at what point does it stop being ‘ignorance of casual racism’ & starts being ‘complacency in active discrimination’ all the way to ‘actively participating in systemic exploitation & murder’?
this is solidified by the aftermath of hales trial, explained by a white person with white people playing the indigenous & white characters to a white audience—on a radio show! for entertainment! you know who, in the film, appears in movie theaters & audiences & places for entertainment?
the villain.
that scene says ‘these people are mirroring hale! & you know who you, the audience in this movie theater mirror? THOSE PEOPLE AT THE RADIO SHOW. who WATCH & HEAR stories about MARGINALIZED PEOPLES OPPRESSION—FOR FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT!!!’
& if that point wasnt clear enough THE DIRECTOR OF THE FUCKING FILM APPEARS & tells the audience about the end of mollies story. you, the people sitting in the movie theater, ARE THAT AUDIENCE! YOU ARE THE AUDIENCE! YOU ARE HALE! YOU ARE ERNEST! HOW LONG WILL YOU BE COMPLACENT IN THIS?
& then it ends on the joy of the osage in the modern day. because they persevered. & that story will be told. you can kill them & take their money & participate in their misery but they will still fucking be there.
tl;dr as much as kotfm was undoubtly made for a white audience it refuses to coddle its white audience & it makes steps to make the white audience uncomfortable. you dont get to feel comfortable witnessing these atrocities bitch! yr a part of them!
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d6volution · 7 months
okay so like, what about a reader that also goes into heat? And as soon as Jax finds out (while he himself is also in heat) he just breaks into readers room while reader happens to be humping a pillow and just fucks them raw then and there. (Breeding kink maybe?-)
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decided to put these two asks together since they were similar, 🤭
tags: heat cycles, breeding kink, overstim, manhandling, tail pulling, cursing, crying, rough sex. kinda mean jax. (fem reader)
Usually Jax was more or less good at hiding his heat. After all there was no way in hell he planned on letting anyone get the jump on him about this. It'd probably become the main topic of conversation among the circus, seeing as everyone has nothing else to do here.
The only downside was he'd be bored completely out of his mind being stuck in his room. It was a better alternative to pouncing any living creature that walked and trying to fuck it raw though. So he'd have to deal with the boredom for the time being.
Days went by, and Jax spent his time rutting into his fist and hand to take the edge off. But it never satisfied him. It was honestly humiliating how many times he jacked off in one day just to feel a piece of normalcy. So not only did he have to deal with being trapped here, but every once in a while, he had to go through this torment. With no one to relieve him, but.. well him.
It did occur to him that maybe others may have had this problem, like you, for example. The new girl, you had two ears that sprouted from your head and a tail as well. But as far as he's concerned, you've been perfectly fine. It wasn't fair. What kind of sick joke was this anyway?
A day trudged by, and luckily enough Jax wasn't bothered by any of the other members. Which was great considering he was preparing to fuck his fist once again .. until. A very particular smell hit his senses. All of the sudden his pupils were blown wide. "What.. is that.." He muttered to himself , absolutely confused yet intrigued by this scent drawing him in. Made his dick throb in his pants.
He had tunnel vision now and had to find the source, maybe it was the cure he needed to get rid of this damn feeling.
"Not now Kinger, don't got the time." He said once he opened the door to leave his room. Kinger was standing there waiting to knock but Jax walked right past him. Kinger hunched over in disappointment.
Jax walked past a few doors in the large corridor, he knew he was getting closer as the scent grew stronger.
"Huh." Jax scoffed, arriving in front of your door after following the scent here, it was so overwhelming that his instincts took over again and he opened the door slipped inside , and closed it behind him immediately... and there you were , the room full of your scent. Jax shuddered, watching you hump a pillow on your bed, whining and gripping at it in need. Ears flat against your head. He watched for a moment in silence. His dick throbbing and straining against his overalls.
"H.. Hey, doll—" He said and cleared his throat his throat, trying to interrupt your little session. He was still quite surprised you didn't hear him come in.
"Hhn.. J.. Jax? Please.. I need help.. I.." You were too dazed, too drunk on lust to care that he barged in. "I don't know whats wrong with me.."
"The pillow not cuttin it doll? You know I can help ya.." You both were like animals in heat... literally.
You weren't even aware you could go into heat until now, and it was driving you insane. You came so many times that your cunt was sore and puffy but it wasnt enough. You needed something inside, you needed to be bred. Full of someomes young. Jax's young.
"Jax.. please..." You whined, and positioned yourself in such a way that Jax almost came in his pants immediately. Your ass was in the air, two fingers pushing your puffy lips apart to show off the wet needy hole in between your legs.
"Don't gotta ask me twice," Jax climbed onto the bed , in the process pushing his overalls off his shoulders and pulling his heavy cock from its confines. You both were far from needing foreplay, he needed a hole to fuck and you needed to be filled. "You always this wet.. its like you pissed your pants or somethin'.." He jokes, teasing his angry throbbing tip against your slick.
"Ah.. J.. Jax, I've only used m'fingers before so— nnhg..!!" He slammed all the way inside, burying himself to the hilt in your cunt. You squirmed beneath him, as the wind was knocked out of you.. there was a tinge of pain but overwhelming euphoria. "S.. So d...deep hha.." Your fingers clawed at the blankets beneath you.
Jax's self-control was thrown out the window as soon as he was buried inside of you. He used his hand to push your face into the mattress. His mind is now filled with, "Breed, breed breed."
The panting bunny was forcing your back to bow in a steep arch, giving him acess to dig deeper into your cunt. You gasped and continued to squirm, whining that it was 'too much, too big'.. until your words turned into incoherent babbles. As Jax refused to stop humping into you.
"Too much? Nah, doll sit here and take it. I've been dealing with this for way too long for you to back out now... ghn..." You were squeezing him so tight, sucking him in. You were made for this. Made for him.
"J.. Jax pleas.. nnh.. senstive..!" You wailed, tears welling up in your eyes. Ypur poor body was jerked forward each time he thrusted into you.
Your body was at war with itself, Jax was battering against your most senstive spots.. it was so good but too much at the same time. You felt like your brain was melting. Maybe you should just give in, get bred and maybe you wouldn't have to worry about a thing after that.. right? He'd take care of you.. and your babies.
Jax's voice pulled you out of your head, and back to reality. Suddenly your body was buzzing and the feeling of Jax's thick dick pummeling inside of you was real again.
"J—Just stay still sweetheart, it isnt that hard. Heh, maybe this is what ya get for letting someone.. l-like me into your room at a time like this..heh.." He grunted, eyes hovering over your form before his gaze rested on your tail. He grinned wide before yanking it and forcing your ass to perk up a little towards the air. You yelped and convulsed around his dick, orgasming immediately from him manhandling your tail.
"J..Jeez, doll..!" He spoke through gritted teeth, your slick insides clamping down on him as he humped you through your climax. Jax had to hold on though, he wasn't quite ready to cum yet. "Wonder how many times you can do/that.." He yanked your tail again, and just like that you were squeezing him.
It was pure bliss for him, "There ya go, just like that.. ngh.. k-keep squeezing on my dick babe... gotta get you pregnant after all.." The words left his mouth carelessly.
Jax didn't care that you were overstimulated, no it was too late for that. You were the answer to this problem, his perfect little slut, and he'd do this as many times as he needed to.
Who else could you go to that would take care of you like this?
"Tell me you want it baby, c'mon.." He urged into your ear. Jax gave your tail a rest, instead opting to pull your hair. Yanking your head from the pillows so he could hear you.
"W.. Want your cum Jax..! Wa.. Wanna get pregnant please..!" You whined and he throbbed in your cunt, grunting in pleasure. "Yeah, I'll get you pregnant babe, you'll be nice and r-round f'me.."
The sound of that made him snap finally, he couldn't hold it in anymore. "S.. Shit, doll—" His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you towards him. Your back was flush to his stomach as he pumped his cum inside of you. Stil thrusting even when he stopped cumming.
"There ya go.. can't waste a drop.. or who knows, maybe we can doll. You can go another few rounds, can't ya..?"
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