#this is all exactly accurate factual content
ATTENTION PLZ READ: Serious Post & Call To Action
I almost never get serious on here, but this is an emergency that effects ALL of us. This is gonna b a long post, but there's a lot of info so plz bear with me.
If you're not on tiktok, you probably haven't heard abt this cuz I've heard and seen NO ONE outside of tiktok talking about this and that's scary.
We have a major mass internet censorship bill that Facists- I mean "Conservatives" are trying to get through congress that was co-signed by Dove (yes, the soap company) & LIZZO of all people back in April of this year.
This bill is called the "Kids Online Safety Act" or KOSA for short.
Under the guise of "protecting children" it is the worst mass internet censorship bill to date and if it passes, it will give state senators and the government the power to censor and destroy anything they don't like off the face of the internet. And by that I mean in a recent video interview of Senator Marsha Blackburn (one of the senators that introduced the bill) said the quiet part out loud and detailed EXACTLY what we knew they were gonna do.
If they pass it, they're going to use it to wipe any LGBTQIA+ content & info off the face of the internet, but ESPECIALLY anything to do with Transgender people and being Trans. And they intend on targeting Transgender children especially.
Due to the purposefully vague wording of the bill giving the gov. the power to destroy anything they deem "a danger to kids" you know that's what they're gonna use it for instead of censoring anything that's an actual danger to kids. They said it themselves.
But it gets SO MUCH WORSE than that. This bill would also give th4em the power to control EVERYTHING you do and EVERYWHERE yo go on the internet and no. A VPN won't help you.
This goes way beyond just lgbtqia info and fandom content/culture being in danger. This also means our right to free speech, access to accurate and factual information, and ability to communicate & organize with each other is also up on the chopping block. They're trying to make it harder for us to fight back against what they're doing.
And even if you don't live in the US, this will also effect you too. Access to any US based content creators and US based media as well as your ability to communicate with your US friends & Family as well as access to info on what's happening in the US will also be in danger as well.
If you're on tiktok and want more info, I reccomend looking up omarsbigsister who has an entire playlist on the bill as well as info and petition links in her bio and a call script to read off for contacting your senators. but I will also be providing those same links at the end of this post.
So what can we do to stop it?
Sign petitions
COntact your senators and reps. Call them, email them, send physical letters,
but most importantly,
share and repost this because the fact that no one oustide of tiktok is talking about this even though it will effect ALL OF US and could spell the end of the internet as we know it is SCARY
This bill is text book fascism and we need to kill it in its crib.
Here are all the links:
Resources for learning about KOSA
Sign this petition and call your senators! (this one includes a call script for you to read from
Sign the open letter against KOSA
Stop KOSA movement's linktree with even more petitons and resources to help
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
as much as i love serious no-nonsense alhaitham, i like to imagine him engaging in silly little mock arguments in different languages with a haravatat or vahumana reader that he (privately) considers one of his dearest friends. he probably spins it as a learning opportunity for both of you ("conversation is a good way to properly grasp the nuances of conversation and the little linguistic gimmicks of a language, after all") but in all honesty? alhaitham enjoys just being able to indulge in what he'd normally consider "pointless" or "childish" behavior with someone he knows won't judge him for it, and will enthusiastically join in when he offers.
(and as a personal plus for him: not only does it give him an outlet for every niche tidbit of history he's accumulated over the years in order to create not only incredibly witty responses that are also factual and accurate to the time period, but also, your company is exactly what he needs after a long day at work. there's no better pick-me-up than hearing you try to hide your snort when he drops a particularly hard line. he's glad you think he's funny. your joy is a wonderful sight to see.)
he treasures the moments where he can sit beside you, trading light jabs and in-character insults at each other in your private corner of lambad's tavern. to alhaitham, it's moments like these that remind him that there's more to life than just his work, his hobbies, and himself.
good food, good drinks, and good company mark the end of most of alhaitham's days, and his heart always leaves the tavern full and content with the promise of seeing you again soon, safe and whole and happy, in the table you've always saved a seat for him at since your days in the akademiya.
(can be read as platonic or romantic! either way, alhaitham cares greatly for you and enjoys the times you can spend together, even when it's mostly spent trading insults in languages both of you have varying levels of mastery in lmao)
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the-rocket-scientist · 3 months
Sorry for the long letter. This is me writing for awareness and my thoughts on the recent event! Also an apology letter due to my long hiatus, sorry to all those 20+ requestors waiting!! :,(
If any of you were up to date then you probably noticed the Alex Kister incident. There were victims, and there is evidence exposed by the victims. 
In a very basic nutshell he was a weird person. I'm putting that in the nicest way possible. 
In a plain nutshell he showed signs of predatory behavior towards minors and other people alike. I'm putting that in the most factual way possible but still trying to be relatively nice and mellow. 
For the long story here is the twitter post that leads to a google document that shows screenshots of what happened in very specific manners. You don't have to read them all, but skim through for the general context.
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Here's the thing.... I was slowly moving out of the fandom, trying to focus on my life and my personal projects. However, as soon as I saw this, it was about time I moved out of the fandom. I'll still be writing! But for now... hiatus. It's very ironic how Alex Kister said he was uncomfortable with his characters and the alternates all represented sexually in smut fics and other fanart, when he... probably liked the attention? Felt complicated about NSFW of his show? I will never know. 
When the actor of Jonah was fired for controversial events that he perhaps caused due to the obvious conflict between Gabriel Linan and Alex Kister, he had uploaded a screenshot that proved how rude to Alex Kister he was. But the screenshot didn't seem to have anything wrong with that or had offensive content... not that I know. Humans are complex and unpredictable. They could be hiding something and taking things out deliberately that show their true nature. That doesn't mean I support either of them, nor will I degrade them. I will never know unless in full truth, and that is very hard to discover. I don't want to act out impulsively on emotions, I want to act with my mind first. Think before I judge. So I will wait until the testimonies are proven to be somewhat accurate to be true.
(This is the link from Linan's final statement before he had left X/Twitter. If the link is inaccessable, that's weird. It doesn't work for me too, but I swear just a year ago it still worked...)
But despite this I cannot help but feel that Gabriel Linan was trying to help with Alex Kister's mental issues that have been prevailing for a long time (which is what he said in the apology letter), but to keep the reputation he had been fired from keeping the news spreading more. Then yet again, these are just predictions and doubts, that doesn't mean they are confirmed to be real. 
There is a quote I heard from somewhere, but I don't know who said it or how exactly it was worded. And I'm glad to see that although there are people who act out on emotion instead of waiting for the truth to unravel more, there are people who support the creation itself rather than the creator. So for the moment I am supporting the fandom, but I am also supporting the victims, and my respect for Alex Kister has gone a little down. It is also ironic that he would do this when he said he was a Christian (from what I heard last time), but the actions he did were considered sinful and immoral in the Bible. I may not be the best devoted believer in Christianity but believe me, it is considered a sin. Perhaps he is no longer a Christian, which I respect. I wasn't up to date with anything happening in the TMC fandom after all until recently.
So to spite the respect because of the betrayal we all feel?
Smut requests might be going to be soon opened on a separate book.
You heard me right.
I no longer feel uncomfortable with NSFW content and I am now willing to try to take a step further in enhancing my writing, to a variety of contents. HOWEVER. The key word here is MIGHT, I may not open the book for who knows how long. But in the end, the truth has been revealed and why do all content creators I admire have to be one of the kinds of humans that have the most strangest immoralities.
Alright. R_Sci out. Sorry for the long hiatus, had lots to do and had lots in mind. 
Stay safe, everyone. 
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itsexclusive2 · 1 year
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration has blocked a new Advanced Placement course on African American studies from being taught in high schools, saying it violates state law and is historically inaccurate.
The state education department rejected the program in a letter last week to the College Board, which oversees AP classes.
Florida education officials did not specify exactly what content the state found objectionable but said, “As presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.”
“In the future, should College Board be willing to come back to the table with lawful, historically accurate content, (the education department) will always be willing to reopen the discussion," the letter continued.
In a statement, the College Board said, “Like all new AP courses, AP African American Studies is undergoing a rigorous, multi-year pilot phase, collecting feedback from teachers, students, scholars and policymakers.”
“The process of piloting and revising course frameworks is a standard part of any new AP course, and frameworks often change significantly as a result,” the statement read.
The College Board website describes the course as interdisciplinary, touching on literature, arts, humanities, political science, geography and science. The pilot program is debuting at 60 schools across the country before it expands to additional schools. The organization has been working on constructing the course for more than a decade, according to its website.
DeSantis, a potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate, has opposed what he calls liberal ideologies in schools, including lessons around critical race theory, which examines systemic racism and has become a frequent target of conservatives.
Last year the governor signed legislation dubbed the Stop WOKE Act that restricts certain race-based conversations and analysis in schools and businesses. The law bars instruction that says members of one race are inherently racist or should feel guilt for past actions committed by others of the same race, among other things.
More recently the governor's budget office called on state colleges to submit spending information on programs related to diversity, equity and inclusion and critical race theory, raising concerns of potential funding cuts around such initiatives.
Sharon Courtney, a high school teacher in Peekskill, New York teaching the African American studies course, said her students were "shocked" to learn Florida blocked the class. She described it as a factual African history course that also details what Africans experienced upon their arrival in North America.
“There’s nothing objectionable, it's history that hasn’t been traditionally taught in the United States in a K through 12 setting,” she said, “but it's also history that once known and understood could change race relations and improve them.”
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hi! my fyp on tiktok has recently been just full of nightwing content and im very interested!! ive never watched much, if any, dc content before.. can you help me figure out where i should get started? im mostly interested in nightwing but willing to watch anything. i gather its mostly animated shows/movies on hbo? thanks!!!
hello! same omg i LOVE nightwing, hes my lil guy. and i'm glad u wanna kno more! love talkin to ppl abt dc especially the bats 🥰 so this is gonna be long sorry in advance lmao
general rundown jus cos the media for dc is officially split into three parts mainly
unofficially (and no shade cos i have a dc tiktok), tiktoks not always character accurate representation. lotta ppl call it fanon, its like the fan ideas of how character are that arent actually accurate or factual. (i dont have a problem w fanon rly but its a whole thing)
officially, the dc animated universe ones (dcau) ones are vaguely connected so they have the same characterisation throughout for the most part. usually events happen differently from the comics even if the movie or show is based on a comic like justice league dark for example. the dcau's also different from the dc universe (dcu aka the live actions) but do the same thing.
and comics are the source for everything. for the most part.
all that to say nightwing might not be exactly how ur expecting but im sure you'll still love him regardless he's a loveable guy. even if u dont like him in the comics specifically but still the movies or smthn thats a okay imo, (personally altho i read a lot of comics films & shows r easier to digest)
for comics
wayne family adventures: it vaguely follows canon but its sweet and an easy read webcomic on webtoon. the first and second season have physical copies
but for the canon timeline here's a few good beginner nightwing reading list from twitter i recommend, from:
for shows & film
he doesnt actually have any solos, its either hes with batman the titans or he's there as a feature. so the ones i remember and liked him in:
batman & robin (1997)
batman ninja
batman the animated series
batman (2004) - the tv show
lego batman
teen titans
teen titans go
justice league vs teen titans
teen titans judas contract
young justice
the dark knight rises
thats abt it, i hope you like them! lmk what u think if u go thru them 🖤
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lexosaurus · 5 years
Another Tag Game
I’ve been tagged in this one a few times. I figured I should do this so you all can get to know the true me 💁‍♀️
Nickname: Lexx, lexosaurus, oh-my-god-shut-up-you’re-ruining-this-family, WhyDoYouDoTheThingsYouDo, You Make Me Regret Ever Being Born
Zodiac: Definitely Ted Cruz
Height: somewhere between 4 and 7 feet i would guesstimate.
Hogwarts house: Slither Inn
Last thing I googled: 
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tbh i wanted to make sure i knew how to spell Ted Cruz correctly
Favorite musicians: What the fuck is music I’ve never heard of it all musicians are probably fucking nerds anyways
Song stuck in my head: My asshole friend just send me a video that was disguised as the Father Daughter Beatbox video because it went viral a few years back but it’s actually really shitty beatboxing (they were on Ellen??? idk???) but we like to send it to each other as a joke (because again i cannot stress enough how beginner-level the beatboxing is) and idk why i watched the whole thing and now i kind of hate myself and wanna cut my own ears off
it’s literally the beatbox version of like some guy “knowing how to play the guitar” when really he just knows the 4 chords in Wonderwall. 
Or like some untrained average joe going on like America’s Got Talent with a classical instrument and claiming to be really good and the judges don’t know anything about the classical instrument so they assume they’re some fucking prodigy when it’s really just Some Regular Average Dude Who Can Play Flight Of The Bumblebee With 55% Accuracy. 
Following: i cant be bothered to check. probably more than 8 people tho
Followers: at least 2
Do I get asks: i just get a lot of weird messages that i feel like i shouldn’t post yet i do for some reason and then i’ll respond like “choke me daddy” and make them worse why??? do i feel the need to do this??? is it validation??? a sense of belonging??? is it because i watch too much cody ko and h3h3 productions content??? or because i think pewdiepie’s meme reviews are funny??? who knows. 
Amount of sleep: what 
Wearing: arguably clothes
Dream Job: Fidget Spinner spinner. I get paid a dollar every time my fidget spinner makes a rotation. If I have one fidget spinner in each hand, aka TWO fidget spinners going at once, I get paid double.
Instruments: never heard of them
Languages: hey kids come inside my van i have syntax trees and the phonology of Pirahã 
Favorite songs: again with this music shit who even listens to music anyways like what i’ve never heard of such an outlandish thing in my life
Random fact: Pirahã, a language spoken by about 300 people on the Amazon River, is considered (with debate) the phonologically simplest language known to man with only 10 phonemes, one fewer phonemes than the previous King of Low Phonemes language Rotokas in New Guinea. 
Aesthetic: Trident Cinnamon Flavored gum. It’s the best gum out there you can suck my dick if you disagree because ur wrong i have no bias only facts.
im tagging @dannyphandump​ @reallydumbdannyphantomaus​ @kinglazrus​ @ghostgothgeek​ and @d-o-t-s​ i challenge you to look deep within yourself and answer these incredibly philosophically intriguing questions 
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queeranarchism · 2 years
Is there any good sources or sources to avoid/question for information on Ukraine and Russia? I have been trying to keep up with proper information and updates and been doing what I can to fact check, but I still really want to make sure I am properly doing that. I know major news outlets have propaganda and I have seen the racism/xenophobia coming out of them (multiple instances of them calling Middle Eastern countries uncivilized while talking about this invasion from Russia to Ukraine). But again, I want to be able to know which ones, major or not, that should definitely should be avoided. And which ones can be more reliable, but I am sure everything should still be checked.
Also, if there is any general advice on fact checking during these times I really want to know.
A lot of people are going to disagree with me on this but here goes:
Every source of information has a political filter that colors the information that comes out. It is important to distinguish between 'very biased' (CNN, BBC) and 'spreading misinformation' (Fox, RussiaToday).
It is fine to get some of your information about the facts of the war from biased mainstream media as long as you keep in mind that everything they make is coming through their political filter. So on a place like CNN factual claims like "The Russian army shelled Mariupol between 2 and 4 AM" are probably going to be accurate but moral claims like "These are the worst war crimes in a decade!" are probably going to be bullshit.
Although they're not exactly perfect, my favorite mainstream daily news source during this war so far has definitely been Aljazeera. If you want daily updates, good background analysis articles and occasional call-outs of the hypocrisy and racism of Europe and the US, they're a decent bet.
You can compliment that with coverage from non-mainstream sources that have the same political filter that you do but generally update less frequently. I quite like the coverage CrimethInc has put out so far.
I would advice against getting any of your news from social media. If you do, try to vet and curate your content. Look at how old an account is, whether they are being endorsed by bigger anarchist organizations, whether you can fact check some of the content they can put out, etc. Do not rely on the fact that a post has a lot of likes/reblogs/retweets/upvites etc. Outrage travels fast, that doesn't mean it's true. Try to always verify claims through non-social-media sources.
Finally: there's a war on. Although Russia is spreading a bananas amount of misinformation, ALL sides are spreading misinformation. Accept that you're probably going to get hit by some of it, that you're not always going to know for sure everything that is happening and that you may have to change your mind about something along the way.
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missdrarrydawn · 3 years
This blog is why we need post-birth abortion rights for women. Your mother would have made the right choice.
yes wow darling very smart you sound incredibly intelligent for sending this yes yes quite an outstanding achievement you got there, amazingly brave too, yes such courage to go on anon and insult people, wow i applaud your bravery truly
my blog is a HP blog with ocassional diverse content, you're getting mad at a joke post that's probably 4-5 days old by now (i'm not sure about this exactly as i lose track of time easily) that described a real medically documented experience a lot of trans women have been observed to go through as their transition and therapy continues which i said is similar to a period of a cisgender woman because of the very real similarities between the two processes
i very clearly stated twice that they are biologically different but still similar enough to warrant validation
i support trans women and i always have and i always will, they are real women just as much as i am. i also understand, unlike most of you getting mad in the notes of the post, that women are not walking talking uteruses and i do not reduce nor define women by that one thing alone because that would be ridiculous and hurtful, since there is more to being a woman than just having a uterus
i don't really see why everyone is so upset (transphobes gonna transphobe i suppose) that i called a trans woman's cycle period like or a pseudo period, when that is the most accurate term that exists for that process as of right now.
what else would you call hormonal fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone (because guess what? trans women do in fact receive estrogen and progesterone injections as part of feminizing hormone therapy) and other symptoms (abdominal cramping, headaches, acne breakouts, hot flashes, dizziness, mood swings, pain, nausea etc.) happening every 5 weeks and lasting for 6-7 days? that's right, everyone would call that a period, it's just the most accurate way to describe the process.
trans women can not menstruate, they can not bleed because they do not have a uterus (something i very explicitly stated in my post explaining my point but transphobes can't read apparently) but, like I said in my original post, the bleeding is honestly the least important byproduct of a period, or better yet, the entire cycle, because it is just that - a byproduct, a consequence of the uterine lining shedding. it is not the one defining staple of a cycle, a lot of cis women don't menstruate but you don't go around calling them fake so. the bleeding is not the goal of a monthly cycle, it is not the end result your body wants to reach (the end result would ideally be pregnancy), just a consequence of the process, and i argue it is the least important part of it, its nothing more than another symptom, just like the cramps and pain are
do you want to know what your entire argument sounds like? let me demonstrate:
person A comes in with a fever, a sore throat and a runny nose. their doctor tells them they have a cold.
person B comes in with a fever and a sore throat but no runny nose. their doctor tells them they're faking their cold and should stop pretending to have a cold because it is insensitive to people who have real colds since person B hasn't presented every single typical byproduct and symptom having a cold produces unlike person A did
yea? isn't that ridiculous? that's exactly what you sound like
'trans women experience every other symptom of a period i do, on a monthly basis like i do, lasting about a week, like mine do, but they don't experience this one specific symptom that i typically do which is bleeding therefore they're fake'
obviously the cycle of a trans women isn't going to be the same as the cycle of a cis woman, i have not once contested that nor have i equated the two, what i have done however, is defend the fact a lot of trans women do in fact experience their own form of a monthly cycle that actually presents all the symptoms of PMS (if we're going to be super picky about it) and I've stated that there is nothing wrong with a trans woman calling her own cycle a period, even if she does not experience the bleeding.
you all are just incredibly transphobic (i checked out some of the blogs replying and found them to be terfs, ew) and i don't want to cross into your territory any more than i've already ended up doing, and i will not be responding to any of your notes or anon messages anymore because i've moved on from that post and you should too, because it is obvious you will never understand what i'm trying to say and i will never understand the hatred you spew
it is telling though that terfs and transphobes came across my post which was in the 'pro trans' tag, i assume while casually browsing there for people to start fights with? very telling indeed.
i will be a doctor by the end of the year and i do not have time to argue with transphobes online over matters of trans health they know nothing about (my knowledge is far from perfect either because i am not transgender but i have listened to trans people and read about what transitions can be like because i wanted to learn and feel comfortable stating what i have). ive seen y'all constantly talk about indigestion and diarrhea which have absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand and seen some people bring up endometriosis which also has nothing to do with the matter at hand, no one is talking about disordered periods or other health conditions, we're talking about just the regular period of a healthy person
people have asked me to provide proof i'm attending medical school which i don't think i can provide without giving out my personal information which i am not inclined to do to strangers on the internet and a lot of people didn't believe me but honestly that is not my problem
i know who i am and what i stand for and the thing i said is a true factual experience that many trans women go through as their transition continues and calling that cycle they experience a period hurts no one and only helps trans communities
of course terfs and transphobes don't care about that, which is why i urge everyone to go their separate ways. i do not want your transphobia on my posts and you don't want my activism on yours so if you're itching to comment and get pissy with me or send me anons, kindly don't because i truly couldn't care less about your opinion on matters you know nothing about and don't care to learn about either
coming from one cis woman to another, just scroll past me and any of my posts from now on and i'll do the same for you so that we may never have to interact again in any way shape or form
i'm closing my end of the discourse of the post right here with this and i stand by what i said. i believe you are wrong for invalidating the experiences of trans women and transphobic for wishing ill upon the trans community in general and i do not wish to ever associate with any of you ever again
i have said my peace
(if any trans woman or trans person in general wishes to correct anything wrong i stated here please feel free to do so, because i am cisgender and you will of course know more about your transition and experiences than me no matter how much reading i do :)) remember you are valid and loved and pls stay safe <33)
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arcticdementor · 3 years
You know what America needs? More mirrors for princes—the Renaissance genre of advice books directed at statesmen. On the Right, we have many books that identify, and complain about, the problems of modernity and the challenges facing us. Some of those books do offer concrete solutions, but their audience is usually either the educated masses, who cannot themselves translate those solutions into policy, or policymakers who have no actual power, or refuse to use the power they do have. Scott Yenor’s bold new book is directed at those who have the will to actually rule. He lays out what has been done to the modern family, why, and what can and should be done about it, by those who have power, now or in the future. Let’s hope the target audience pays attention.
The Recovery of Family Life instructs future princes in two steps. First, Yenor dissects the venomous ideology of feminism, which seeks to abolish all natural distinctions between the sexes, as well as all social structures that organically arise from those distinctions. Second, he tells how the family regime of a healthy modern society should be structured. By absorbing both lessons and applying them in practice, the wise statesman can, Yenor hopes, accomplish the recovery of family life. (Yenor himself does not compare his book to a mirror for princes; he’s too modest for that. But that’s what it is.)
You will note that this is a spicy set of positions for an academic of today to hold. You will therefore not be surprised to learn that Yenor was the target of cancel culture before being a target was cool. He is a professor of political philosophy at Boise State University, and in 2016, in response to Yenor’s publication of two pieces containing, to normal people, anodyne factual statements about men and women, a mob of leftist students tried to defenestrate him. Yenor was “homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic.” (We can ignore that the first two of those words are mostly content-free propaganda terms designed to blur discourse, though certainly to the extent they do have meaning, that meaning should be celebrated—I would have given Yenor a medal, if I had been in charge of Boise State.) They didn’t manage to get him fired (he has tenure and refused to bend), but the usual baying mob, led by Yenor’s supposed peers, put enormous pressure on him, which could not have been easy. He still teaches there; whether it is fun for him, I do not know, but it certainly hasn’t stopped him promulgating the truth.
Yenor begins by examining the intellectual origins of the rolling revolution, found most clearly within twentieth-century feminism. One service Yenor provides is to draw the battle lines clearly. He does this by swimming in the fetid swamps of feminism; I learned a lot I did not know, although none of it was pleasing. He spends a little time discussing so-called first-wave feminism, but much more on second-wave feminists, starting with Simone de Beauvoir, through Betty Friedan, and into Shulamith Firestone, this latter a literally insane harridan who starved herself to death. The common thread among these writers was their baseless claim that women had no inherent meaningful difference from men, and that women could only be happy by the abolition of any perceived difference. This was to lead to self-focused self-actualization resulting in total autonomy, and a woman would know she had achieved this, most often, by making working outside the home the focus of her existence. Friedan was the great popularizer of this destructive message, of course, which I recently attacked at length in my thoughts on her book The Feminine Mystique.
After this detailed examination of core feminist ideas, Yenor suffers more, slogging through the thought about autonomy of various two-bit modern con men, notably Ronald Dworkin and John Rawls. He analyzes the dishonest argumentative methods of all the Left, in general and in specific with regard to family topics—false claims mixed with false dichotomies and false comparisons, what he calls the “liberal wringer,” the mechanism by which any argument against the rolling revolution is dishonestly deconstructed and all engagement with it avoided. The lesson for princes, I think, is to not participate in such arguments, and to remember what our enemies long ago learned and put into practice—that power is all.
Yenor describes how the modern Left (which he somewhat confusingly calls “liberalism,” but Rawls and his ilk are not liberal in any meaningful sense of the term, rather they are Left) uses the law to achieve its goal of the “pure relationship,” meaning the aim that all relationships must be ones of free continuous choice, that is, without any supposed repression. This leads to various destructive results when it collides with reality, including the reality of parent-child bonds, and more generally is hugely destructive of social cohesion. From this also flow various deleterious consequences resulting from ending supposed sexual repression; this section is replete with analysis of writings from Michel Foucault to Aldous Huxley, and contains much complexity, but in short revolves around what was once a commonplace—true freedom is not release from constraints, but the freedom to choose rightly, to choose virtue and not to be a slave to passions, and rejection of this truth is the basis of many of our modern problems.
Finally, Yenor turns to what should be done, which is the most noteworthy part of the book. As he says, “Intellectuals who defend the family rightly spend much time exposing blind spots in the contemporary ideology. All this time spent in the defensive crouch, however, distracts them from thinking through where these limits [i.e., the limits Yenor has just outlined in detail] point in our particular time and place. Seeing the goodness in those limits, it is necessary also to reconstruct a public opinion and a public policy that appreciates those limits.” Thus, Yenor strives to show what a “better family policy” would be.
This is an admirable effort, but I fear it is caught on the horns of a dilemma. The rolling revolution does not permit any stopping or slowing; much less does it permit any retrenchment or reversal. Our enemies don’t care what we think a better family policy would be. And if we were to gain the power to implement a better family policy, by first smashing their power, there is no reason for it to be as modest as that Yenor outlines—rather, it should be radical, an utter unwinding of the nasty web they have woven, and the creation of a new thing. Not a restoration, precisely, but a new thing for our time, informed by the timeless Old Wisdom that Yenor extols. The defect in Yenor’s thought, or at least in his writing, is refusing to acknowledge it is only power that matters for the topics about which he cares most. But presumably the future princes at whom this book is aimed will know this in their bones.
Yenor himself doesn’t exactly exude optimism. Nor does he exude pessimism, but he begins by telling us that “we are still only in the infancy” of the rolling revolution. This seems wrong to me; in the modern age, time is compressed, and fifty years is plenty of time for the rolling revolution, a set of ideologies based on the denial of reality, to reach its inevitable senescence, when reality reasserts itself with vigor. This is particularly true since every new front opened by the revolution is more anti-reality, more destructive, and more revolting to normal people, who eventually will have had enough, and the sooner, if given the right leadership.
For most purposes, what Yenor advocates would be a restoration of family policy, both in law and society, as it existed in America in the mid-twentieth century. I’m not sure that’s going back far enough for ideas. You’re not supposed to say it out loud, and Yenor doesn’t, but it’s not at all clear to me that even first-wave feminism had any virtue at all. To the extent it is substantively discussed today, we are given a caricature, where the views of those opposed to Mary Wollstonecraft or John Stuart Mill are not told to us, rather distorted polemics of those authors about their opponents are presented as accurate depictions, which is unlikely, and even those depictions are never engaged with. But we know that most of what Mill said about politics in general was self-dealing lies that have proven to be enormously destructive, so the presumption should be that what he said about relations between men and women was equally risible.
Penultimately, Yenor addresses such new frontiers being sought by the rolling revolution, with the implication that the rolling revolution might, perhaps, be halted. Here he talks about the desire of the Left to have the state separate children from parents, particularly where and because the parents oppose the revolution, but more generally to break the parent-child bond as a threat to unlimited autonomy. He says, optimistically, “No respectable person has (yet) suggested that parents could be turned in for hate speech behind closed doors.” But this has already been proven false; Scotland is on the verge of passing a new blasphemy law, the “Hate Crime and Public Order Law,” and Scotland’s so-called Justice Minister (with the very Scots name of Humza Yousaf) has explicitly noted, and called for, entirely private conversations in the home that were “hate speech” to be prosecuted once the law is passed. A man like that is beyond secular redemption, yet he is also a mainline representative of the rolling revolution. The reality is that discussion does not, and will never work, with these people, only force. Still trying, Yenor presents a balanced picture to his hoped-for audience of princes, such as discussing when state interference in the family makes sense (as in cases of abuse). However, such situations have been adequately addressed in law for hundreds of years; the rolling revolution is not a new type of such balancing, but the Enemy. Discussions about it will not stop it. No general of the rolling revolution will even notice this book, except in that perhaps some myrmidons may be detached from the main host to punish Yenor, or to record his name for future punishment.
Yenor ends with a pithy set of responses to the tedious propagandistic aphorisms of the rolling revolution, such as “Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” And, laying out a clear vision of a renewed society based on the principals he has earlier discussed, he tells us, “In the long term, the goal is to stigmatize the assumptions of the rolling revolution.” No doubt this is true; cauterizing the societal wound where the rolling revolution will have been amputated from our society will be, in part, accomplished by stigmatizing both the ideas and those who clamored for them or led their implementation. How to get to that desirable “long term,” though, when their long term is very clear, and very different from the long term Yenor hopes for? He says “Prudent statesmen must mix our dominant regime with doses of reality.” Yeah, no. Prudent statesmen, the new princes, must entirely overthrow our dominant regime, or not only will not a single one of Yenor’s desired outcomes see the light of day, far worse evils will be imposed on us. Oh, I’m sure Yenor knows this; it’s the necessary conclusion of Yenor’s own discussion of those eagerly desired future evils. He just can’t be as aggressive as me. I’m here to tell you that you should read this book, but amp up the aggression a good eight times—which shouldn’t be a problem, especially if you have children of your own, whose innocence and future these people want to steal.
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taltos-seidmadr · 4 years
Okay so I just happened to be working on two playlists that had nothing to do with each other but coincidentally their common aesthetic was “unhinged“. And then suddenly, at a moment’s notice, a god more ancient than pagan beamed an understanding into my brain in a matter of something like 10 seconds and my third eye just opened so wide that it fell right out of my skull. NONE of you are ready for the forbidden knowledge that I’m about to unleash
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I would like to point out that a). what one’s definition of “unhinged“ is, is a personal metric that is not only very subjective but doesn’t need to be made objective, and b). the names are just meant to be taken as examples, they are obviously limited to music that I could think of off the top of my head, and c). regardless of a) and b) the spectrum itself in essence is still factually accurate and transcends musical genres or personal tastes
Why yes, thank you for asking, I actually DO have a playlist with examples to illustrate my point, MOREOVER even working on an extended edition of the playlist where I welcome your recommendations of music that you consider to be unhinged.
A little bit more wordy explanation of my playlist under the cut.
First, the purest forms:
St. Anger by Metallica (I meant the whole album, but the titular song is as good as any) a good example of Vaporwave that I could find Elddansurin by Heilung (pretty much anything from Heilung, but this particular song is both short enough to prove the point succinctly and fucks)
I don’t have a lot to say about these, listen into them for a few seconds and you will get a good idea what each tip of the triangle really means.
The 50/50 forms:
Sexy + angry: Engin Miskunn [No Mercy] by Hatari Their perfectly balanced nature is heightened by the complementary duality of their vocals - Hatari is like a two-headed monster whose one head is trying to seduce you and the other is very, very angry. Though, that can also be seductive in it’s own way, if that’s your thing, I’m not judging. Hatari would certainly agree from what I would know. Their entire oeuvre is kinda like this, so here’s a fresh and sexy sexy song by them that, indeed, mercilessly slaps.
Angry + c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀,: Good God by KoRn KoRn has always been famous for doing their extremely unhinged own thing, especially in their early days. This is not even their most unhinged song from the album that this song comes from, but i felt like this is a good intersection between accessible + illustrating the point.
Sexy + c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀,: Грустная Сука [Sad Bitch] by IC3PEAK If you don’t know them already, allow me to introduce you to absolute embodiment of Feral Big Dick Energy music of IC3PEAK. This is their most famous banger but literally everything that they make sounds like this.
Perfectly balanced, master of the three elements, the avatar themselves:
Blue Mark by Altan Urag Exactly what it says on the tin tbh. I want to add that technically any combination of modern music genre + leaning into a folk music aspect in a feral way + strange vocalizations/instruments could fit this bill, but there is something specifically about Mongolian metal that makes me instantly regress into the genetic memory of an 1200 year old ancestor who was still backwards-riding a horse on the Eurasian steppes as a nomad warrior. So here’s a little Altan Urag. If you think Apocalyptica is cool, you will like this A LOT.
Mixed forms:
Crucify Me feat. Lights by Bring Me The Horizon 60% angry, 40% sexy I had to ask for the expertise of my sister on this, who literally grew up on screamo. Based on my limited experience, I think the cursed aesthetic is missing from this genre entirely by definition, though there might be some variation to that.
Holidays In The Sun by Sex Pistols 85% angry, 15% sexy The spiritual great-uncle of screamo, this genre is an almost pure manifestation of angry unhinged, but as opposed to early Slipknot, with more of a slight sexy streak.
Human Behaviour by Björk 90% sexy, 10% c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀ For me personally, Björk plucks the blurred line between “normal“ and “unhinged“ like the string of a harp, just being a tiny little bit off-kilter enough to be categorized as such, which in itself ads an uncanny aura to her otherwise whimsical music.
Székely keserves [Transylvanian Lament] by Kodály Zoltán 80% sexy, 20% c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀ Kodály is a Hungarian neoclassical composer. Not everything he wrote is like this, but he can lean into the cursedness surprisingly hard if the topic/emotion demands. Please enjoy his unhinged interpretation of a miserable folk song.
Very different genre, but same sexy to cursed ratio: Too late, all gone by How To Destroy Angels
I admit that I have zero idea who the big names are in contemporary jazz but I added the first thing that sounded similar enough to what I imagined in my head. Since fluidity and going off the rails is a big staple of jazz, I think the whole genre deserves the honor. Depending on song and performance I would rate it on average about 50+% sexy, ~30-40% cursed and up to ~15% angry.
What You Believe by Jonathan Davis  20% angry, 40% sexy, 40% c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀ This is such an interesting example because the chorus is completely unironically normal but the verses inbetween are just so cursed in a peculiar way, making the song overall both extremely strange and SUPER catchy at the same time. To the point you’re almost feeling like you’re being somehow subliminally manipulated. Just don’t worry about it mate. Everything’s fine. It slaps.
Closer (Deviation) by Nine Inch Nails Not everything that they make would I consider unhinged, but Trent Reznor has a great flare to inject music with electronic effects that sound kinda bizarre, putting his work somewhere in the direction of ~30% angry, ~50% sexy and up to 20% cursed on average. I added the most unhinged song that I could think of, and possibly one of the most unhinged songs ever made. 50% sexy, 50% cursed and 120% gnawing on the walls levels of sexually frustrated. Very NSFW.
Bitches by Mindless Self Indulgence 30% angry, 30% sexy, 40% c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀ MSI, within this spectrum at least, is almost exactly the same as Nine Inch Nails except that they are way more cursed leaning. They are also a pretty good illustration for the point that sexual topics and “sexy” unhinged as an aesthetic are two completely different things. NSFW.
Apex Predator by Otep 60% angry, 30% sexy, 10% c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀ I don’t have a lot to add about this, but if you wanna hear a truly unhinged woman lead a band, then you’re going to have a field day with Otep. Enjoy to your heart’s content. 
My Plague by Slipknot 85% angry, 15% c̵͓̗̿͘u̶͈̾̍R̸̪̔͠s̸̖͙̀e̶̺͖̓d̴̦͂̎?̶̥͂͋ͅ,̷̟̀ When Slipknot first entered the scene, I heard a lot of metalheads turn their noses up at their work for not being “heavy enough(?)“ whatever that even means, but I think that their earliest stuff is bravely unhinged in a way that seems entirely unique to them. Kinda like the sloppiest, dirtiest of punk, but in an intentionally unappealing, even disgusting manner. Early Slipknot shamelessly embraces the filth and that earns my respect, in a way (their later stuff unfortunately lost this quality but they still write good songs, I think?) You could listen to literally anything from their first album Iowa to get my point but to be seasonaI, I added a #quarantine mood to the playlist.
So that would conclude my introductory 101 tedward talk about unhinged music that literally nobody asked for but hopefully got you acquainted with some new music and/or ideas that you have never heard before!
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hightidelowmood · 4 years
Totally off topic from my usual content but for all my Aussie followers, it’s so bloody important we all sign the below petition.
It’s important because the 37+ are voting based on what they see on the news, in the papers/ news apps and on Facebook adverts. I mean my 40 year old mum believes climate change isn’t real because of trash she reads. Most of Australia are unaware 50% of the Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia’s biggest and likely most profitable natural landmarks has been destroyed? Because our media didn’t report on it, you know who did though? Every other media outlet in every single other country.
Please sign this petition, it doesn’t matter if you’re a liberal supporter or a labour supporter, you have the right to facts, not opinion pieces. You deserve factual and accurate information on exactly what our leaders are doing.
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anyways my Musings on rian and winston’s dynamique in 5x06.......
first and foremost it’s truly wild that there wasn’t at least one more scene ft. either of them in this episode. that felt like Setup that like, i’m sure will be more Followed Through On in the next episode, but also really easily could’ve (and i think should’ve lol) been also followed up on in this episode......it really just doesn’t feel like yea we can just leave things at that for this week!! but we did
anyways like yeah @arabellaturner3 was saying how maybe winston wants to Impress rian here but natch it’s combining with some jealousy maybe, b/c even if [the glances] happened, rian was still meant by one person to Replace him and it’s probably not easy to drop any sense of like, comparing yourselves and feeling like you’re positioned like anything she can do is a Challenge or implicitly understood by others to be her being Better than you or whatever......a little weird to just be back in this quasirivalry territory after last week seemed to have that over with by the end of Day 1 lol, but still makes sense / understandable i Suppose........and really i think they could just enjoy talking math shit together truly if not for this lingering contention lmao.......
like i said winston silently looking over at rian for a moment before talking to her while looking at his computer is Funny and we love an implication of “i might be paying attention to you at a particular moment in which i’m also trying to act like i’m not really paying attention to you”......while rian’s just completely rolling with this lol no moment of giving him a Look like “what are you doing weirdo” or w/e
and this hardly seemed too heated or saturated w/ any genuine antipathy, just a bit of pettiness here, and while they’re indulging said pettiness they’re both exercising Some restraint about it all. like, seems like rian finds him fun to interact with still, and like this is akin to her calling him a douche last episode lmao where it was a little lingering + her looking at him, like that was also just her wanting to get a reaction out of him there. and she’s also sure like, deliberately prodding him a bit in this exchange lmao but also not exactly like either of them are out for blood here and willing to just escalate this w/o limit, more like they both want each other’s attention and want to interact and this isn’t really about winston thinking that what rian does is like, redundant / irrelevant / insignificant or whatever, or rian thinking that winston is in turn useless or incapable or whatever, like yeah they might wanna prove their mathematical / Ideas capability to each other b/c they Were just basically pitted as competitors five minutes ago (in 5x05 lol) but also it’s just like. seems like they’re both just needling each other a bit and the “argument” here is somewhat beside the point
b/c i mean, i’m sure Average Billions Viewers will continue to take [saying anything negative about winston] at face value as Factual / accurate, and while i guess winston brought up what he did for taylor last episode b/c that’s the only thing rian was present for, that’s probably the only thing billions viewers will remember either l o l. but even if he did only bring it Once, say, when he singlehandedly did the work of 50 phds apparently and crafted a market-crushing algorithm for taylor which allowed mase cap to exist in the first place and thus for mase carb to exist (not to mention how the nlp stuff he did paid off And also led fairly directly to mase carb, so) and like, that was Also when he thought he was working for taylor under axe cap and was alone in a semifurnished basement nigh the whole time, so that ability And willingness to do that kind of huge project to that caliber is like, yeah if that was still the only Especial Thing he’d done ever, it’d still be worth keeping him on truly lol. and like, something like that sure is Valuable and yet not Simple (i mean idk maybe his coding is really Elegant, who can say lmao)........but also i doubt rian was just truly like arguing about pasteurization and stuff b/c like, this isn’t either of them bringing their best epic debate skills here, they just kinda Want to elbow each other here and will maybe ramp up their own arguments a bit to do so...........but yeah the point is more about them like, not really wanting to leave each other alone vs what they might be saying in the course of doing so, though natch what they’re saying does seem to establish like this feeling of competition / rivalry, but even that is hardly that Unrestrained, rian’s still got this vibe of more messing with him than feeling any real animosity, while winston’s maybe not just filled with happiness here but also would probably be fine with it all if wendy hadn’t just been considering winston disposable and rian his replacement (and ostensibly taylor as well, which like, even w/ the Glance can’t be fun to have that be the idea that’s Out There rn)........and he’s hardly acting like he’s just outright seething either, just Also wanting to interact but also not exactly being thrilled with the fact that she’s supposedly the superior option here, and where yeah like maybe a mixture of “hey i’m also good at math :)” and “hey i’m also good at math >:(” lmao like, this is all a bit messy
i still sure wouldn’t call this Intense, Horrible, or Passionate lmao, aaand i guess 5x07 is the only thing which could change that, since 5x08 wasn’t even written, much less filmed........like, i’m guessing that the Simmering Tension set up here will be built on in the next episode, and idk, maybe they’ll be arguing harder, maybe they’ll be striving to show each other up, who knows, and yeah i’m still pretending my expectations are just “ep 7 will not leave us off on any kind of satisfactory point with these two and let’s say winston will only ever be engaged in one-sided pining” but i think we could get to kissing in just two scenes. or fuck it, even One scene, but two is more likely, and it’s reasonable to think they could have two scenes. and same as last week i guess there’s the worry that anything that happens could Really be a disaster which makes us regret these two having a dynamic of any kind at all lmao, but i think it could be a bit of A Hot Mess of this tension / rivalry bubbling over and still like, not be 100% unfortunate lol........this is billions, this situation is so far absolutely Not at all that bad
anyways yeah lol seems like they’re both just gently nudging each other for Attention even if it’s not heartwarming at this juncture.....it’s also sure not all that deeply bitter or caustic and it feels a lot closer to Messing With Each Other territory than it does like, fighting b/c they hate each other or anything.......dialed-back bickering that dies off after 12 seconds is not the most foreboding thing, and neither is the idea that these two get off to a messy start (and could continue to), but fingers crossed still..........that Developments of greater significance happen next episode and that they aren’t a nightmare. the low bar we have to have with this series i s2g. billions Please
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snicketstrange · 5 years
The Hypothetical Identity of JS.
This is part 12 of the Strange Interpretation of Jean Lúcio from Brazil
To understand this text, it is necessary to read some of my previous texts.
The Snicket File Inquiry
The Beatrice Letters Theory
The Sugar Bowls Theory
Hypotheses are based on circumstantial evidence. Being an ASOUE theorist involves "testing" various hypotheses, performing mental experiments, and verifying whether the hypothesis is valid or not. Hypotheses that can be denied are not valid, and should be discarded. Hypotheses that can not be denied are taken advantage of. And the hypotheses that fit the personality of the author, and that solve mysteries in a coherent way, and that even allow to solve other mysteries, pass to the status of theory. When dealing with a text that contains an unreliable narrator like Lemony, testing hypotheses is a great challenge. But as I showed in my first and second text, Lemony is a partially unreliable narrator. He promised himself not to tell lies about the events surrounding the Baudelaire siblings. But at the same time he must avoid telling the Public that Beatrice survived the burning of her house. Thus, to protect Beatrice's life, Lemony resorts to lies and cheating within his own 13 books, as long as this does not violate the promise he made that he will record the history of the Baudelaire siblings accurately. So, given the theory I created, I can say that I also created a hypothesis that had been disregarded by most fans. I am almost to promote this hypothesis at the level of theory, but perhaps some adjustments are necessary. So, briefly, I can say that my hypothesis is that JS is Beatrice pretending to be Jacques Snicket after the death of Jacques Sincket. I think this is Beatrice's recurring way of acting: she likes to pretend to be the siblings of Lemony who die. Of course, I did not imagine it out of the blue. There's a reason for me to find this, and I'll explain now. I will first explain my whole hypothesis, and then I will show the evidence. First, Kit herself believed that J. S. was an impostor, that is, someone pretending to be her brother.
  TPP chapter 2:
“At last she held up a tiny piece of paper, no bigger than a caterpillar, which was rolled into a tiny scroll. "Here it is," she said. "A waiter slipped this to me last night by hiding it inside a cookie." She handed it to Klaus, who unrolled the paper and squinted at it behind his glasses. "'J. S. has checked in,'" he read out loud, "'and requested tea with sugar. My brother sends his regards. Sincerely, Frank.'" "Usually the messages inside the cookies are just superstitious nonsense," Kit said, "but recently the restaurant has changed management. You can understand why this message made me so distraught, Baudelaires. Someone is posing as my brother, and has checked into the hotel shortly before our entire organization is scheduled to arrive."
In the same passage we observe that J. S. asked for sugar when he arrived at the hotel. Of course this was a code. If you've read my theory about sugar bowls, you know that I believe a short woman got one of the sugar bowls in GG. Imagine the following hypothesis: this woman is the person who is going by J. S. This woman went to the HQ of VFD, received the message in the refrigerator. Captain Windershins sent a telegram to her informing her that the sugar bowl was in GG, after Klaus found out. She went to AA, went down the tunnels, picked up the sugar bowl at GG, went to Queequeg, persuaded Windershins and Bill to abandon the submarine, used the Great Unknown to chase away Olaf, and then used the Great Unknown to quickly get to the hotel, has registered as JS  She hid the sugar bowl somewhere with water. She then ordered tea with sugar, informing the allies that she already had one of the sugar bowls in her hands. These allies were members of the secret organization within the secret organization created by Lemony. When she asked for sugar, the waiters searched her ankles. They did not find any tattoos.
(I believe that Beatrice does not have a tattoo because her children had never seen anything like it before contacting Count Olaf.) Chapter 7 of TPP shows what treatment was given to anyone who asked for sugar:
" in  the  coffee  shop,  located  in  Room  178,  a  villain  requested sugar in  his  coffee, was immediately thrown  to  the  floor  so  a  waitress could  see if  he  had  a tattoo  on  his  ankle,  and  then  received  an  apology  and  a  free  slice  of  rhubarb  pie  for  all  his trouble."
The waiters believed that all the supporters of the incendiary side of Schism had entered VFD before Schism itself, so everyone should have ankle tattoos. Of course they were wrong. Esmé did not have a tattoo because she participated in Olaf's Schism, years after the Great VFD Schism, but she had no tattoo. Esmé entered VFD after the Great Schism. Similarly, the woman who was going through J.S. also did not have a tattoo because she entered VFD after the Great Schism.
(chapter 12 The UA: 3. Do I Have to get a Tatto? - No anymore. Since the schism, we have realized that it is not wise to permanently mark oneself with a symbol when the meaning of the symbol change at any moment.)
The woman then received a telegram from Quigley. The telegram informed through a complex code that Baudelaire siblings would meet someone in a taxi on Briny Beach to accomplish a mission, and then she deduced that there was someone who would bring the Baudelaire siblings to the hotel. What "J.S." did? She sent a telegram to Mr. Poe. She did not want the Baudelaire siblings to go to the hotel. She asked Mr. Poe to fetch the Baudelaire Siblings. Why she did it?
  For me, the answer is: Because J. S. was Beatrice pretending to be Jacques Snicket. She did not want her children to face the Deadly Dangers that would exist in the hotel. Finally, Beatrice was taken from the hotel in the trunk of a taxi. She handed the sugar bowl to the mysterious taxi driver. Anyway, as I explained in the Sugar Bowls theory, Beatrice was taken to the beach, where she invoked the Great Unknown using the whistle (which was the contents of the sugar bowl), and went to save the Quagmires and the others. She probably wanted to save her own children too, but she should not have known where their children were. When Beatrice went to save the Quagmires one of them shouted for the name “Violet” because he saw Beatrice inside the beast's mouth and thought she was Violet. Now see some evidence about JS being Beatrice in disguise:
TGG chapter 12:
"A Volunteer Factual Dispatch," Klaus finished. Violet nodded, and scanned the paper quickly. Sure enough, the words "Volunteer Factual Dispatch " were printed on the top, and as more and more of the paper appeared, the eldest Baudelaire saw that it was addressed "To the Queequeg," with the date printed below, as well as the name of the person who was sending the telegram, miles and miles away on dry land…
"It's from Quigley Quagmire," she said quietly. Klaus's eyes widened in astonishment. "What does he say?" he asked.
" 'It is my understanding that you have three additional volunteers on board… 'We are in desperate need of their services for a most urgent matter… Please deliver them Tuesday to the location indicated in the rhymes below.”
She scanned the paper and frowned thoughtfully. "Then there are two poems," she said. "One by Lewis Carroll and the other by T. S. Eliot."
"Verse Fluctuation Declaration," he said….
"There's nothing else in the telegram?" "Only a few letters at the very bottom," she said. " 'CC: J.S.' What does that mean?" " 'CC' means that Quigley sent a copy of this message to someone else," Klaus said, "and 'J.S.' are the initials of the person." "Those mysterious initials again," Violet said. "It can't be Jacques Snicket, because he's dead. But who else could it be?"… Klaus closed the book and looked up at his sisters. "Quigley wants us to meet him tomorrow," he said, "at Briny Beach."
  Chapter 13
"The missing words," Violet said to her siblings, as if the coughing banker had not spoken, "are 'violet,' 'taxi,' and 'waiting.'
  These excerpts above show that Quigley sent the message to Queequeg and sent a copy of the same message to J.S.
  Chapter 13
“"Gack!" Sunny said, which meant "Look at that mysterious figure emerging from the fog!" and the Baudclaires watched as a familiar shape stopped in front of them, took off a tall top hat, and coughed into a white handkerchief… "Baudelaires!" Mr. Poe said, when he was done coughing. "Egad! I can't believe it! I can't believe you're here!" "You?" Klaus asked, gazing at the banker in astonishment. "You're the one we're supposed to meet?" "I guess so," Mr. Poe said, frowning and taking a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. "I received a message saying that you'd be here at Briny Beach today.”
"Who sent the message?" Klaus asked…
"The message is signed J.S.," Mr. Poe said… “You'd better come with me – my car's parked nearby. You have a great deal of explaining to do."
No," Violet said. "No?" Mr. Poe said in amazement, and coughed violently into his handkerchief. "Of course you do! You've been missing for a very long time, children! It was very inconsiderate of you to run away without telling me where you were, particularly when you've been accused of murder, arson, kidnapping, and some assorted misdemeanors! We're going to get right in my car, and I'll drive you to the police station, and –" "No,…"
This passage above shows that JS sent Mr. Poe a message asking him to go and meet the Baudelaire siblings at Briny Beach. It is unlikely that this message was intercepted by an enemy, decoded, and then that enemy would have passed through J.S. and then sent a message to Mr. Poe. Enemies on the noble side do not like books, and that's why creating a code involving books is so safe. Also, it is unlikely that the enemies had exactly the books they needed to decode the message. That means that the person who was going through J.S. was not a villain. He was a member of the "noble" side of VFD. And this member of the noble side did not want the Baudelaire siblings to be taken to the hotel. The only members of the noble side who did not want the Baudelaire siblings to become involved with VFD were the Baudelaire siblings' own parents. This is evidence that J. S. was actually Beatrice, who did not want her children to be taken to the hotel. Beatrice knew the dangers in the hotel would be deadly. Worst mother she's proving to be because of my theories, she did not want her children to die.
  TPP chapter 8:
 "I'm so happy to find you," said the judge, taking off her Vision Furthering Device so she could dab at her eyes and embrace the children one by one. "I was afraid I'd never see you again. I'll never forgive myself for letting that idiotic banker take you away from me."
  This passage above shows that Justice Strauss would never ask Mr. Poe to fetch the Baudelaire siblings at Briny Beach. So it is not the true J. S.
  TPP chapter 8:
"I'm sorry, too," Jerome said. "As soon as I heard about all the troubles that befell you in the Village of Fowl Devotees, I began my own Baudelaire search. Volunteers were leaving me messages everywhere-at least, I thought the messages were addressed to me." "And I thought they were addressed to me ," Justice Strauss said. "There are certainly plenty of people with the initials J. S." "I began to feel like an impostor," Jerome said.
  This excerpt shows that Justice Strauss and Jerome found it very strange to have messages for JS. Jerome even felt like an impostor. They evidently do not know many secrets of VFD, and were not the recipients of the message in the refrigerator, nor of Quigley 's message.
    Other evidence: In TPP there is a picture and a passage showing that female VFD members can disguise themselves as VFD members of the male gender. The engraving is in ALSO NOT CHAPTER. The picture shows a woman who was disguised as a man. About this, Lemony wrote in TPP chapter 7:
"In  the  basement,  a  strange  sight  housekeepers  removed  a  disguise,  and  drilled  a  hole  behind an  ornamental  vase  in  order  to  examine  the  cables  that  held  one  of  the  elevators  in  place, while  listening  to  the  faint  sound  of  a  very  annoying  song  coming  from  a  room  just  above her."
The engraving shows that the woman's disguise involves a false mustache, a type of barrel decorated with eyes, a top hat and a suit. This is evidence that Beatrice could disguise herself as a man easily. This is evidence that Beatrice could also disguise herself as a man easily.
It's interesting what Esmé said about J.S. when she talked to Geraldine Julienne. TPP chapter 4:
  "I reveal  my special  hors  d'oeuvres  for  Thursday's cocktail  party,  I  want  you to  tell  me something  about  a  certain  guest at  this  hotel.  He's  been  lurking around  the  basement,  plotting to spoil our party. His initials are J. S."
  This is evidence that Esmé did not know who JS was. This shows that JS was on the noble side of Schism.
  Also interesting is what Charles said about JS in TPP chapter 5:
  (Sir): "You're  the  one  who  said  enemies might be lurking in this hotel!"
"That's what  I was  told  in  the letter  I  received," Charles  said.  "According to  J.  S.,  we must be very cautious if we want to find the Baudelaires."
"... Perhaps  I  can  ask  one  of  the  concierges  for  a  pair  of binoculars.  J.  S.  said  they  might  be  arriving  by  submarine,  so  I  could  watch  for  a  periscope rising from the sea."
  This is evidence that J. S. was someone on the "noble" side of VFD because he warned Charles about the dangers. In addition, J.S. warned Charles that the Baudelaire siblings would be arriving by submarine. This shows that JS knew about Queequeg.
  TPP chapter 5:
I  care  about  you, Sir. And I care about the Baudelaires. If what J. S. wrote is true, then their parents-" 
  That is other evidence. J.S. wrote to Charles in a letter some secret about the parents of the Baudelaires siblings. This time, the person who must have written to Charles was Jacques Snicket himself. This letter in which Jacques wrote to Charles about the Baudelaires' parents must have been sent to him before the death of Jacques Snicket. In TVV, when Jacques Snicket tried to talk to the Baudelaire siblings, he almost told a secret about their parents.
  TVV chapter 6:
(Jacques Snicket:) Please listen to me, I beg of you! I'm not Count Olaf! My name is Jacques!" He turned to the three siblings, who could see he had tears in his eyes. "Oh, Baudelaires," he said, "I am so relieved to see that you are alive. Your parents — "
      "That's  enough  out  of  you,"  Officer  Luciana  said,  clasping  her  white-gloved  hand  over Jacques's mouth.
  I believe Jacques would tell the Baudelaire siblings that one of their parents was alive.
  TPP Chpater 6:
Chapter 6:
 "I  have  news  from  J.  S." - either  Frank  or  Ernest  was  whispering  to  Hal.
“J. S.?" Hal said. "She's here?" "She's  here  to  help,"  the  manager  corrected.  "She's  been  using  her  Vision  Furthering Device to watch the skies, and I'm afraid she reports that we will all be eating crow."
"I'm  sorry to  hear  that,"  Hal  said.  "Crow  is  a  tough  bird  to  cook,  because  the  meat  is  very muscular from all the carrying that crows do."
“It  is  a  shame,"  agreed  either  Frank  or  Ernest.  "If  only  there  was  something  that  could make the dish a little sweeter. I've heard that certain mushrooms are available." "Sugar would be better than mushrooms," Hal said unfathomably.
"According  to  our  calculations,  the  sugar  will  be  laundered  sometime  after  nightfall," replied the manager, equally unfathomably.
"I'm  glad,"  Hal  said.  "My  job's  been  difficult  enough.  Do  you  know  how  many  leaves  of lettuce I've had to send up to the roof?"
  For some reason, Hal was apparently working with Esmé. He was sending lettuce leaves to her clothes. Lemony had said in THH that he had to search for several months if Hal, at the time he worked at the hospital, was or was not a spy. The question is, why did Lemony have this doubt? Because evidently, at the time of events recorded in TPP, Hal was already a spy on the incendiary side. Dewey knew this, so he passed on false information to Hal. It was in this way that Olaf received insider information about what was apparently to happen at the hotel. That's why the information Dewey passed to Hal about JS was not true. JS was not there to help the incendiary side. But the interesting thing is that Hal believed she was there to help the incendiary side. Hal acted as if he already knew JS. This is evidence that JS was acting as a double agent. Beatrice was pretending to support the incendiary side by disguising herself as a woman named JS. But evidently she had only communicated with people who did not know her personally. So Olaf and Esmé were not contacted by her.
The passage also points to how Dewey passed the false information to Olaf's supporters as to where the sugar bowl would fall. Olaf's supporters believed that the sugar bowl containing the whistle to control the Great Unknown would come by the crows. Hal was saying that he thought it would be better to have a giant beast attack than exposure to a deadly fungus.
  That's what I have as evidence. But that raises an interesting question.
Did the first time Mr. Poe fetched the Baudelaire Siblings at Briny Beach, he also received a message from Beatrice about where they were?
After all, how did Mr. Poe know exactly where the Baudelaire siblings were on the day of the fire? Who warned him? How did he get there so fast?
According to the UA, chapter 11, Lemony also knew about the possibility of one or more survivors in the Baudelaire mansion fire. How could he know that?
Also, exists in the bad beginning the rare edition, there is a very interesting note:
  p.2 The three Baudelaire children lived with their parents in an enormous mansion at the heart of a dirty and busy city, and occasionally their parents gave them permission to take a rickety trolley-the word “rickety”, you probably know, here means “unsteady” or “likely to collapse”-alone to the seashore…
 On that particular occasion, the Baudelaire parents not only gave their children permission but encouraged them to leave the house, as the adults had some pressing business to atten to. This business was delayed indefinitely due to death. 
  Why had Beatrice and Bertrand insisted so much that their children left home exactly that day? What did not their parents want them to see happen? Why did Bertrand die and Beatrice survived? Why did Beatrice have so much fun killing Count Olaf's father or parents? And why did R. claim that Beatrice was not a person to look for lost goods?
And why is not Lemony who you think he is? What dark secrets are hidden in TBL? What is "the End"? Why is Lemony finished? The next text will answer these questions through my other hypothesis.
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sariasprincy-writes · 5 years
Hollow Point 20
One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve // Thirteen // Fourteen // Fifteen // Sixteen // Seventeen // Eighteen // Nineteen // Twenty (here) 
Chapter Twenty There is always a cost in the end
Sakura stayed in Israel another three days before heading back to New York. She tried to tell herself it was everything to do with the warm weather and checking in on her contacts, and nothing to do with her concerns over Kisame and Mossad. Or Itachi.
He had headed home the following day. She hadn’t heard from him since that night. Which was fine, she told herself for the umpteenth time.
Failing to bite back her sigh, Sakura darkened the screen of her phone and tucked it into her pocket. As soon as her plane completed its taxiing and came to a stop outside the terminal, she stood from her seat and collected her suitcase. Together, she and the rest of the passengers filed out of the narrow aircraft.
Following the familiar halls, Sakura swept through customs and down to the lower level where the taxis picked up passengers. She hadn’t called Kakashi for a ride, not really in the mood to talk. Things were becoming complicated.
Stopping on the sidewalk, Sakura glanced down the terminal for an available cab. She hadn’t even the chance to hail one before a familiar BMW pulled up to the curve in front of her. Tires nearly screeching as it came to a stop.
“Get in,” Tobirama told her through the open passenger window.
Shit. Things were about to become even more complicated.
There was no point in arguing. The look on his face told her he would drag her into the car if he had to.
Without a word, Sakura threw her bag in the backseat before she slipped into the sleek car. Tobirama took off before she had even fully closed her door.
They drove in silence for several minutes before Tobirama spoke, eyes straight ahead. “We have a problem.”
Sakura resisted her sigh, instead resting her chin on her fist as she peered out the window. “When it comes to you, there’s always a problem, Tobirama,” she muttered. “What is it this time?”
She felt his glare linger on her a moment before his eyes returned to the road. “Akatsuki is moving again. They raided one of Hashirama’s shipments coming in and burned down one of the ports we had further south. Over a dozen of our men got caught in the crossfire. We’re holding them off the best we can, but it won’t last.”
“And what do you want me to do?” Sakura asked, her voice tinted with something close to boredom.
Tobirama nearly slammed on the brakes at the next light. This time he was full on glaring at her. “We’re paying you for your help,” he told her sharply. “I expect that you’ll give it when we need. And that includes this.”
“Except you’re not paying me for my help,” she said simply. Factually. “You’re paying me for my guns. And as long as I continue to uphold my end of the bargain, you can’t have anything to complain about.”
When Tobirama didn’t reply, she peered at him. The only give away of his upset was the white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel. Then that too relaxed. “If this is because of what happened that night in your apartment-”
“This has nothing to do with that,” Sakura interrupted. His chance to apologize for that had long since come and gone.
“Then what is it?”
Sakura didn’t answer. They were almost at her apartment. She waited until he stopped at the next red light before she reached for the door handle. “I’ll get your boys what they need.”
“Sakura-” he begun.
But she was already opening the door. Without a word, she collected her bag from the backseat before she made her way down the sidewalk. The light turned green, but Tobirama made no immediate move to go. Only once the car behind him blared his horn did she hear the harsh squeal of his tires as he sped away.
That sound rattled around her brain the rest of the walk home. Without bothering to turn on the lights, she dropped her bag near the front table before she left again.
For a while, Sakura wandered down the city streets, her jacket wrapped around her and her hands tucked into her pockets. Spring was beginning to thaw out the cold frost of winter, but the air still chilled her skin and twisted around her hair like death’s caress.
She slipped inside a restaurant just as the bartender flipped the ‘open’ sign on. Smiling at him, she ordered a shot of tequila before she wandered to the piano in the back. With no one but the staff to hear her play, she unleashed her thoughts, letting the music take hold of everything she wanted but yet couldn’t express.
The notes came from the deepest corners of her mind, soothing her stresses, her fears and all the anger that seemed to stem from everywhere. Tobirama, Tsunade, Hashirama. Even Itachi. The last of which surprised her, considering her latest visit with him had been…pleasant. Still, she orchestrated those notes until she scrubbed her soul clean.
Sakura was still sitting before the well-used instrument when Ino arrived some time later. The soundboard was closed, her shot glass half-full. Sakura sipped it slowly, her gaze a million miles away.
“Hey,” Ino said, sliding onto the wooden bench beside her.
Sakura blinked, turning her attention to her oldest friend as she slipped a pink wig off to expose her long, blonde hair underneath. “How did it go?” Sakura asked.
Ino smiled, grabbing Sakura’s shot from her and swallowing it back in one-go. She set the glass on the piano before she held up two fingers towards the bartender. “Good,” Ino said. “Madara’s man followed me all week. To the ports, to a few meet ups.” Then she smirked. “To the mall. And the nail salon. Three times.”
Sakura laughed, the sound bubbling out of her mouth without force. A burst of true amusement. “Let me see.”
Ino held up her hand, letting Sakura inspect her perfectly manicured nails. And they were perfect, her gel coat not even scratched. Whoever had done Ino’s nails had done it meticulously.
“Everything else went smoothly?” Sakura asked.
Ino nodded. “Hyuuga got his shipment. He’s very happy with your work, and Kabuto is actually paying on time for once. Seems he took your threat seriously.”
The blonde paused as the bartender arrived, smiling as he dropped off their drinks. The moment his back was turned, her smile fell. “Naruto’s been watching your port,” Ino continued, her tone turning grim. “He says at least three shipments have dropped in the last week. And they don’t seem to be slowing down.”
“Three?” Sakura repeated.
Ino confirmed with a solemn nod. That news made Sakura frown. Deeply. An unsettling feeling sinking down into the pit of her stomach. There was no way Akatsuki could move that fast. Not without help. There was something she was missing. Something she couldn’t see.
“I have to drop one more shipment to the Senju. After that, we pull everything in,” Sakura eventually said. “Until I figure out what’s going on, we keep our store. No more deliveries.”
Ino blinked in surprise. “You’re going to lose a lot of money.”
“It’s just temporary. Until at least Temari gets back to me.”
“An old contact of mine in Africa,” Sakura told her. “She deals with information. She’s incredibly resourceful. And accurate.”
“You’re having her look into the port then,” Ino guessed.
Sakura nodded. “Tell Naruto to freeze everything. I’ll let you know when we can move again.”
“And when one of your customers gets upset?”
Sakura just shot her a look. “Tell them to talk to me.”
Ino didn’t look too convinced but she relented nonetheless. They didn’t speak much after that. Sakura lost in her thoughts as Ino eyed the other patrons.
Only once their shots were empty did they stand from the piano. Sakura straightened the collar of her shirt while Ino adjusted the locks of her pink wig before she slipped it over her head. Her blonde hair disappeared flawlessly.
“What do you think? Should I make it permanent?” Ino asked playfully before she made her way towards the door.
Sakura couldn’t resist her smile. She waited exactly three minutes before she too headed out into the night. She didn’t know why but for some reason she chose to take the bus home. It was almost completely empty, the usual rush of commuters already gone. Only a single woman in a waitressing outfit and a young, teenage couple to share the ride with.
Sakura sat by the window, three rows from the back. Watching the moisture gathered on the outside panels of the window. The bumps in the road bounced beneath her feet.
Everything was quiet. Content. Which is why when someone sat beside her on the next stop, Sakura glanced at them sharply. Only to kill the sharp retort on her tongue when she recognized Shisui, dressed in a pair of jeans and a black hoodie.
She waited until the bus merged back in with traffic before speaking, “It’s been awhile.”
Beside her Shisui smiled, those familiar dimples appearing in the corners of his mouth. “Did you miss me?”
“Like a bad hangover.”
“Hangover is just a sign of a good time.”
Sakura couldn’t help but laugh at that, but she cut the banter short. Her stop only a handful of blocks away. “It’s been almost three months, so either your only objective was to get me to talk to Itachi. Or you’ve been working on something.”
He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, a smirk on his lips that reminded her eerily of Itachi. “You’re too perceptive for your own good, you know that?”
She smiled in return but didn’t speak.
Slowly, that teasing smile slid off his face. “I’ve been following Hashirama,” he told her.
Sakura cocked her brow in surprise. “That’s a dangerous thing to do.”
“I know.”
“Then why do it?”
“Because of what you told Itachi.” When a look of confusion passed over her expression, he supplied, “That it’ll be easier to take out Madara by taking down Hashirama as well.”
“And what did you find?”
“That Hashirama has a lot of money,” Shisui said. His gaze fell forward, casually peering at the other passengers as the bus bumped along. Studied them. Then his attention returned to her. “And not all of it was obtained through his business.”
Sakura couldn’t help the slightly condescending laugh that bubbled out of her mouth. “This may surprise you, Shisui, but most people in the one percent don’t earn all their money the traditional way.”
However, Shisui didn’t share her amusement. “I’m not talking about a small portion. Nearly eighty-five percent of Hashirama’s income is from some other means. Something under the table.”
That gave her some pause. “His business is a front?”
Shisui simply inclined his head in her direction. “I mean, it does generate revenue, but less than five hundred thousand a year. Nowhere near the multimillions it claims to. Which means Hashirama is making his profit elsewhere. And he’s paying someone a good chunk of change to make it seem like it comes from his business.”
“Have you figured out where his money coming from?” Sakura asked.
Shisui shrugged. “Not yet. But it has to be the underground.”
Sakura hummed low in her throat as she considered that. If Hashirama really was that deep in the black market in the States than she would need to tread carefully. A lot more carefully than she had been recently.
Outside, the streetlights flashed by as the bus trucked along. It took her a moment to realize they had passed her stop. By a few blocks. Shisui was looking forward again when she glanced at him. It took her a moment to realize that he seemed to have no stop in mind. Like he was riding the bus purely for the fun of it.
“You didn’t find me just to tell me that, did you?” she asked.
Shisui’s eyes flickered to her but it was a moment before he spoke. “No,” he said quietly. “Our company is getting frustrated that we haven’t had more leads on Madara. They want to shut down your work with Itachi.”
“And what does he think about that?” she murmured. When Shisui didn’t answer, she smiled. “Itachi doesn’t know, does he?”
“Itachi likes you. I don’t know if he thinks you can actually get us information or if he feels like he wants to help you or whatever, but our company is becoming impatient,” he told her. Both not answering her question and answering one she never asked.
She got the impression Shisui was torn on his opinion of her. Both wanting to see her as nothing but a criminal, but also wanting to help her for the sake of his cousin. She understood that. That was how her relationship with Kakashi had begun. On opposite sides but with the same goal.
And not that she would ever admit it aloud, but she wanted Itachi. His help was proving to be invaluable to her. Even given his affiliation.
“What do you want me to do?” Sakura eventually asked.
From inside his pocket, Shisui retrieved a cell phone with a micro-USB cord attached to it. He held it out towards her. “You’re the only one who can get close enough to Madara. Plug this into his cell phone and it’ll make an exact copy. It’ll even receive all his new incoming text messages and emails.”
Sakura stared at the device in his hands for a very long moment. “You want me to steal Madara’s cell phone?” she repeated like he had just asked her to rob a bank that was already surrounded by police. Because he pretty much had.
“No, he can’t know it’s missing. Otherwise, he’ll just get a new phone. We just need you to plug the phones into each other. The transfer only takes five seconds,” he told her. As if that made it any better.
She eyed him flatly. “Madara has a lot of people after him. He won’t just leave it laying around.”
Shisui stared right back. “This is the only thing that will keep my company happy.”
A long moment of silence passed. Shisui waiting for her answer as Sakura seriously considered dropping her entire relationship with him and Itachi and the whole CIA.
Then Sakura took the device from his hands. “I fucking hate your company.”
Shisui’s response was a smirk as the bus rolled to a stop. And without another word, he stood and slipped out into the night.
“You’re sure this will work?”
“Of course, it will,” Sakura told Ino not for the first time. Like if she kept saying it over and over again she might actually convince herself.
Ino held Sakura’s gaze for a moment longer, silently conveying her lack of belief. They were both aware of what might happen should they fail. But neither mentioned this before the blonde turned away. She slipped into the crowd seamlessly, her elegant, black dress melting in with the crowd.
The black-and-white affair was already in full swing. Where people with too much money wore clothes that cost too much and sipped from champagne whose flavor wasn’t worth the price of the bottle. At least it was an open bar.
In the back of the room, Sakura sipped from a flute filled with one of those champagnes. The rich, golden liquid bubbled in her mouth and left a pleasant tang on her tongue. Absently she ran her fingers through her hair as her eyes scanned the room. The texture of the black wig she had borrowed from Ino was silky and smooth. It felt real. But more importantly, it covered her own, unique hair color.
Sakura hadn’t specifically been invited to Hashirama’s party but she hadn’t been turned away at the door either. As if he had suspected she might join for a night of conversing and scheming and making deals.
She had been careful to avoid running into him. And Madara. Just in case either of them recognized her even with her new hairstyle. Because it would be impossible for Sakura to lift Madara’s phone. Not when both men trusted her so little already, their observant eyes scrutinizing her every move.
But Ino…neither Madara or Hashirama had ever seen her face before. It would almost be too easy for the blonde to slip in and out without being noticed.
Sakura hoped.
Sakura’s attention sharpened when she saw Madara slip his phone into the pocket of his pants as a pair of men approached him and Hashirama. The perfect distraction. Sakura held her breath, her drink halfway to her lips as Ino went in for the kill.
As if completely by accident, Ino bumped into Madara mid-conversation as she tried to slip between him and a waiter with a tray of drinks. She apologized with a pretty smile and made her exit cleanly, only pausing once to grab a hors d’oeuvre from another staff member with a platter before she took her time rounding back to Sakura.
“Have you done this before?” Sakura asked, unable to keep the impressed note out of her voice.
Ino just smiled as she smoothly passed Madara’s cell phone over. “I may have swiped a credit card or two in my younger years.”
Sakura replied with an amused smile. She set her drink aside before she withdrew the cell phone Shisui had given her from her purse. Just as he said, the transfer only took five seconds. Curiously she flipped the phone open, amazed at how much information there was on the device. Phone calls, text messages, emails. Even recent Google searches. She was reluctant to even give this back to the CIA. She would benefit from it enormously. She could spend the next week looking through Madara’s information.
Flipping the phone closed, Sakura returned the cell to her purse before she passed Madara’s back to Ino. “Are you able to get this back to him?”
Ino smiled. A little sweet. A little cunning. “Of course.”
Without a word, Ino made her way back out into the room. She weaved through the other men and women dressed to impress, only stopping once to pick up a drink at the bar.
Sipping from her glass, Sakura eyed Ino curiously, wondering exactly what her friend would do. It took a few minutes for the two men Madara and Hashirama were chatting with to depart. The very instant they were gone, Ino was there. This time, she engaged Madara, offering him an apologetic smile as she passed him a fresh drink. Sakura didn’t even see her replace his phone in his pocket.
Ino was far better at this than Sakura thought.
Smirking, Sakura sipped her champagne. She wasn’t entirely sure what drew her gaze to one side of the room, but her eyes wandered. Stopping when they landed on Tobirama.
There were a handful of others with him all engaged in conversation, but he seemed to be paying them no mind. Instead, his eyes lingered on Ino. Before they shifted to Sakura. Their eyes met.
In that moment, Sakura knew Tobirama knew it was her, even with her mild disguise. Knew he had watched the whole scene play out. She doubted he was aware of exactly what had just occurred but at least understood he had witnessed something he wasn’t supposed to.
Sakura didn’t bother trying to hide from him. Merely held his gaze for a moment longer before she turned away and headed towards the door. Ino only a minute behind her.
to be continued…
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pembekhalilah-blog · 5 years
Not Known Factual Statements About realistic draw
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I do not think I've ever fulfilled anyone that doesn't like dolphins, I imply, what's not to love? They're I prefer to fill from the lightest locations 1st, and after that increase the darks. Usually the higher beak gets to be light-weight toward the middle line, and the decrease beak is all dark. Draw lemon-formed circles on possibly side to the eyes as well as a little curved line with the tip in the nose. Artist will show many step pics along how on this 1. Artist selected this photo as a consequence of it’s Wealthy written content, and it’s Large level of TONAL VALUES, Distinction along with it being a substantial resolution file, Finding just the best photo is fifty percent the struggle to an excellent drawing. Hardly ever EVER get the job done having a very low high quality Picture. As you can implement exactly the same process since the 1 higher than to precisely draw a scene with buildings, it is frequently much more practical as a shortcut to look at building vanishing points alternatively.
Little children do have unique proportions. I don’t know how they’re distinctive off the highest of my head simply because I’m continue to in the educational phase likewise. Conversely, in case you make element of your impression incredibly accurate, it would make deviations from accuracy on larger points considerably more obvious. A realistic draw facial area drawn realistically is going to be judged Significantly even worse for slight imperfections than one particular accomplished to be a sketch. Often needed to draw human beings and animals but until i see this tutorial and do my 1st human face I'm willing to just take the risk due to the fact your tutorials are awesome. Thanks for finding the time to teach us. We’ve presently seen how making use of our knowledge of the 3D entire world to 2D drawings may result in misleading photographs. But, that was reasonably minor to the issues relative contrast can result in.
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To be a guidebook you can use a ebook or a picture of the painting which includes roses in it. Familiarize your self While using the rose construction, curso de desenho realista com Alexandre Porto. One more method is subtractive drawing in which the drawing floor is covered with graphite or charcoal and then erased to help make the impression.[29] Tone[edit]
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Imagine two people walking through a field. One of them tiptoes gingerly, zigging and zagging from one side to another. The other strides confidently straight ahead. Who looks more like they know what they’re doing?
Now what if I told you the field is full of land mines?
Confidence doesn’t equal competence. But our brains tend to assume it does. And that can create big problems when scientific evidence collides with political rhetoric. The senator who confidently throws a snowball to prove that winter is cold can be more memorable (and more believable) than the one who takes the podium to carefully explain how we know fossil fuel use is changing climate over decades. “Denialism has an advantage. Absolutely. There’s no question,” said Stephan Lewandowsky, professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol in the UK.
As the U.S. confronts what to do about climate change, human psychology leaves climate-conscious politicians in a tough spot. Political action means convincing both constituents and colleagues that said action has to be taken and that you know the right path forward. But the global climate system, and our understanding of how humans are altering it, is complex and nuanced enough that talking about it can easily involve a stumbled series of “ifs,” “ands” and “buts.” So it’s worth asking: Is the science of rhetoric fundamentally at odds with the science of evidence-based policymaking?
Scientists who study the psychology of storytelling and rhetoric say there are several factors that give climate change denialists an advantage in the political marketplace. Simplicity and smoothness of the message is a big part of it, said Eryn Newman, professor of psychology at the Australian National University. In an email, she told me that the easier it is to process information, the more likely people are to believe it.
In other words, the simpler the words are to understand, the clearer and more consistent the narrative is and the more absolute and concrete the claims, the more likely people are to nod along. Anything that makes us briefly confused or makes our train of thought stumble will make an idea less believable. On the extreme end, this effect can mean that people have a harder time believing experts whose names they can’t pronounce, Newman told me. And in one study, a question asked in a hard-to-read typeface even makes it less believable. Scientists asked participants to read and answer a question that was intentionally flawed — “How many animals of each kind did Moses take on the ark?” When the font was less easily legible, people were more likely to notice that it was Noah, not Moses, who built the biblical boat.
Pretty often, we’re just working off intuition about what seems reasonable, Newman said. And this effect matters to political debates about climate change because scientists and advocates of climate change action often sacrifice smoothness of narrative and ease of processing in favor of nuance and accuracy.
Case in point: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.
This is the document that summarizes climate science for politicians and the public. It’s pretty crucial to lay understandings of climate risks and to the crafting of policy meant to address those risks. But a 2015 study showed that the language used in the IPCC report tends to be more cautious, more complex, and less confident than language used by a factually misleading denialist report. The IPCC had more tentative words, more modifiers, more use of passive voice. The other report confidently told a narrative with fewer caveats.
“They have a rhetorical advantage because they don’t have to be scientific. They want to be politically effective. And that makes it very easy to come across as being convincing,” Lewandowsky said.
The trouble, of course, is that nuance and complexity aren’t always optional.
Take, for instance, the data that the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration collects on trends in natural disaster frequency. One metric that’s tracked is events where damage is valued at $1 billion or more. The statistic combines winter storms, wildfires, hurricanes, severe storms, freezing, flooding and drought. Since 1980, these events have become more frequent … and more expensive. There are only eight years that had 10 or more of these billion-dollar disasters, and seven of those years have happened since 2008.
This metric can tell us something about the risks of climate change, said Adam Smith, an applied climatologist at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information Center for Weather & Climate. Other research shows that drought, heavy rainfall, and sea levels are all increasing in the United States and those things play a role in increasing the costs associated with fires, floods, and hurricanes. Combined, this is all useful information for politicians and the public to have because it helps us make cost/benefit analyses and decide what risks are too big.
But you also can’t talk about this metric without clarifying that the increase in billion dollar disasters isn’t totally attributable to climate change. As Smith wrote in a NOAA blog, some of it also has to do with increases in wealth, population, and the size and scale of buildings built in high-risk zones. But those caveats don’t mean climate had nothing to do with the cost increases.1 Climate isn’t the whole picture but it is part of the picture. Politicians can certainly simplify this into something less accurate and more sticky. But, by doing that, they also open up a space for another politician to point out the discrepancy and create doubt. The metric is valuable, but can only be explained in ways that tend to make it — psychologically speaking — less believable than an all-or-nothing factoid.
And this is why the political rhetoric of climate change is such a pickle. The very nature of the science means it’s easy for opponents to rebut it with doubt. You can see that at work in the “sound science” movement my colleague Christie Aschwanden wrote about in 2017. Gathering scientific evidence is always a nuanced and complex process. So it’s easy for someone with an agenda to highlight that complexity and make the conclusions seem less trustworthy than they really are. Currently, President Trump’s critics are worried that’s exactly what the Trump administration plans to do with climate science by putting together a panel overseen by an official whose climate denialist organization has distributed misleading data in the past. “A simple sound bite is going to stick really well, and a nuanced, complicated story that is perfectly true but has caveats is much harder to sell. People just don’t remember that,” Lewandowsky said.
But he, and other experts, also offered some reason to be optimistic that politicians are starting to figure out ways around the rhetorical divide. For instance, Newman said, consensus is one of the tools that people use to decide, on a gut level, if something is true. We’re generally more confident in our beliefs if others share them and trust our own memories more if they’re corroborated by others. That probably goes a long way toward explaining why politicians who don’t believe in climate change spend so much time trying to undermine the idea of scientific consensus. But it also means that, when governmental organizations and politicians focus on consensus, they’re making headway. In fact, research has shown that telling people there’s a scientific consensus on climate change makes them more likely to believe in it.
What’s more, lessons from psychology offer some hope of making political headway on climate change in a world where a person’s ideological affiliation seems to determine whether they believe in climate change (rather than the other way around) and where action on climate might need to come from the top down (rather than bottom up). Our gut instinct is more likely to believe a person we know, who shares our identities and ideologies. And that means political leadership matters. So when psychologists see bills like the New Green Deal changing the arguments we’re having about climate change policy or Republican politicians coming out as believing in climate change and opposing denialism — those things look like viable paths forward.
“The entrenchment of attitudes is conditional on what leadership is doing,” Lewandowsky said.
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