#this is just a taste of what might come!
uncanny-tranny · 7 months
At this point, gender nonconformity is about what the person says their experience is.
If a woman with a beard or a man with lipstick and a mustache says they're gender nonconforming, then they are! If a woman with short hair or a man with long hair says they aren't, they aren't! And that's not even getting into the awesome nonbinary, abinary, genderqueer, intersex, and general genderfuckery that may both be and not be conforming.
So much of what is even considered gender conforming or gender nonconforming is based on a world of exclusion. When we start defining one's conformity with whether they fit into white cishetero perisex standards or not, we play into the idea that there's only a very narrow window of what is considered worthy of time and thought.
#gender nonconformity#gnc#queer#like. for instance a native man who keeps long hair might be considered GNC by white standards but for him it's absolutely not nonconformit#there's an aspect of white supremacy that silences everything else while saying that other culture's silence is indicative of whiteness...#...being 'correct' or 'moral' or 'neutral'#and as somebody who's trans and last i checked white i have my own thoughts from my own experiences#like how i don't consider myself to really be a GNC man. i'm just. man+#i'm a weird concoction of weird soup that tastes like a man but if it were Wrong#and i just don't see that as not conforming to manhood like it is seperate. i see it as irrevocably linked TO manhood#it is others who have excluded and exiled me from manhood because of *their* understanding of me and how i 'fit in' in cissexism#while i will never ever say i know what it's like to not be white i will say these conversations that PoC have started have been INVALUABLE#i am forever grateful to have been extended the patience and faith to listen in on the experiences of people...#...who are racialized in terms of gender and how they do/don't 'fit in' with often white supremacist views on gender/dynamics#may have made a post like this years back but. eh. arrest me officer i will not back down#i've been more and more 'gnc' as i go into my transition and i don't see it as nonconformity but as an outlet for my masculinity#which is why i'm not insecure about my crafts and creations. because it is coming from a male whether or not it's considered 'manly'#i have little to *no place* in cissexist society so why should i put any stakes into if they ~accept~ me#made this post while jamming out to skyrim's tavern OST (paused my game to write this)#why the HELL does the skyrim tavern music have to go SO HARD. i NEED to slam down BARRELS of mead while listening to this istg#i don't even LIKE honey so i haven't tried mead but. for skyrim i would.
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averlym · 11 months
4 on the angst list with Araleyn please I need them to suffer
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4 : "but it's my fault, right?" (prompt list here)
#<blinks> very gently implied angst i suppose. usually everyone makes anne suffer so for a change#here's catherine struggling with the idea that if she hadn't been so stubborn about divorce-#maybe it would have been more okay for henry to divorce anne instead of. yknow. chopping her head off.#gently implied angst with the. well. i hurt this person i care about. unintentionally. but still. hence also the historical counterparts bg#... i feel like this isn't suffering (italicised for emphasis) but unfortunately? i am in a more melancholy mood#and also coming to conclusion that whump isnt really my taste.. so quite literally you'd have to pay me to draw it .. dfdsghjkl comms open#anyways yeah i think the most you'll get from my own stuff is <reference to beheading> <mentioned death> <abstract reds that might be blood#six the musical#six the musical fanart#anne boleyn#catherine of aragon#pssst drew anne extra pretty bc coa pov. if you get what i mean.#oh that got off tangent. but also tldr; requests mean free art!! (also idm if you ask for specific things. like your own aus. just to put#that out there)#but also requests: 1. up to my creative freedom and discretion so you probs won't get exactly what you want + 2. no time limit so#can take literal years to reply to.#so ig ? if you have specific things in mind. that you want me to draw. commissions would be better for you if you'll pay!#but if you don't have the money i'm also. lowkey willing to draw for free.. stick it in the inbox .. there's just no guarantee you'll get it#within the next year.. or at all! but you may as well try your luck o.O#(this plan is terrible for business but because for a very long time i was unable to buy anything online. i sympathise greatly ig)
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pacificgasandelectric · 6 months
Current Events in Silm fandom rlly reinforce my feeling that, despite claiming an ethos of acceptance/tolerance of anything that doesn't hurt ppl, a lot of ppl in the section of Silm fandom I frequent do follow a set of socially-agreed-upon mores about what concepts are "not acceptable" to discuss or propose (or the ways in which certain topics must be discussed to be acceptable), that you all seem to have agreed on despite the things those mores restrict not being harmful to anyone.
And when someone does say smth that violates those mores, the response is disproportionate to the amount of harm done (which is typically none, imo). I know it's tempting to say "but we just want people to be comfortable and safe", but treating ppl badly for the sin of sharing thoughts you dislike is NOT the same as preventing people from doing things that are harmful. The former is much more of a harmful behavior than the sharing of the thoughts that sets it off. Fannish etiquette, people: you shouldn’t act like someone’s meta makes them morally suspect just because you disagree with it; save the “this is morally bad” for things that are ACTUALLY harmful. We're all stuck on this website together & if you want to have any sort of community, you need to ACT like you're in a community, and that means letting other people say things you dislike. Block them if you need to! I block people all the time because i know it's better for me AND for them if we can both blog in peace.
I am not particularly comfortable with the young-queer-on-tumblr silm fandom rn due to this tendency to rebuke things that are uncomfortable rather than harmful. Maybe that's fine with you. But if your goal is to make all fans feel comfortable and accepted, you need to actually do that. If your goal is to make people who share your unwritten rules comfortable in your space, you need to admit that, and write those rules down, and curate your space so it follows them.
Edited 8:10am PST to clarify the specifics of the behavior I find concerning.
#mine#if there had been Actual Harm done i'd feel differently#but when ppl are this worked up over 'what if [female character] was Also a bad person in a way that's reprehensible to our current morals'#and start going ‘hm this person is morally suspect for their Taste In Fiction’ im like. yikes! and you do this in the War Crimes Fandom?!#and like listen i Get that esp in this fandom there's a high incidence of like. ppl who are genuinely bigoted and stuff#and it can be stressful to see stuff that reminds you of that bigotry and the way those ppl use the work to justify their own worldview#but that STILL doesn't give anyone the right to police stuff that Isn't Bigoted. that's just not how this works.#and then in terms of 'well it's not policing it's just disagreeing' i have to say. that's where Etiquette comes in and i'm frankly#unhappy & annoyed that so many ppl in my age group seem to care more about being Right than being comfortable to share a fannish space with#but again whatever maybe they don't want me in their space. that's fine! i don't want to be in your space if it doesn't want me.#but i wish they'd fucking ADMIT THAT instead of going 'ooooh we accept everyone' and then turning around#and censuring ppl whose ideas they find icky. you can't have it both ways is all i'm saying. pick one and actually do it. for all our sakes#haha i might regret this tomorrow but i'm sooooo sleep-deprived and so annoyed#sorry to my non-silm followers it's just that i'm right and i should say it
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sualne · 8 months
is the comic just gonna be crocohawk or are we getting some poly action? ahh i just want my man crocodile to be happy and loooved
i wouldnt say theres any actual crocohawk going on, at least not anything that would actually turn into a romantic relationship. this au isnt for romance and, again, a bad timeline and tragedy.
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cannibalisticskittles · 9 months
in the spirit of that last post -- obviously, astarion burning in the sun and running off to hide, alone, would not fly.
amity would be running after him right away, casting darkness. she'd throw her cloak over him. crouch down next to him, behind those crates he hides behind, and start casting the teleportation circle spell that's linked to the circle she made in her home/company basement while frantically muttering all the invitations she thinks he could ever need as she writes the sigil(s) -- it takes a full minute to cast so she has time to cover everything, she hopes. "i invite you into my home and my place of business and anything and everything i do or have ever called mine -- okay go go go go go"
helps him into the portal, if he needs the help; it only lasts 6 seconds so they've gotta be Real Quick
runs back to everyone else and gives an almost incoherent goodbye/explanation before scurrying off, like "YOU'RE ALL INVITED TO MY HOME, I WILL SEND WORD TO THE ELFSONG TAVERN WITH WHERE TO FIND IT BEFORE NIGHTFALL, I HAVE TO GO NOW"
and then she fucking books it through the city
full crying because two of her best friends just consigned themselves to wandering the hells just to keep one of them alive and yeah they can probably fix that eventually but that's so awful, karlach is so scared, and now astarion is all burned up in her basement, gods damn it
a tiefling running at full speed, openly weeping, probably snotty, bloody and covered in brain goo, getting closer and closer to the actual ritzy part of the city and getting stranger and stranger looks all the while
using a sending spell as she runs -- she has three 3rd level spell slots and she's using all of them on sending spells, addressing them to whichever of the company employees she thinks would be most likely to be there and/or to go down to where the teleportation circle is -- "friend in basement FRIEND NOT FOE DO NOT HARM help please, be there soon, close windows and draw blinds please, urgent urgent urgent"
meanwhile in the basement of the morninglade trading company hub, someone is coming down the stairs with an armful of scrolls, sees a dazed man hastily wrapped in a cloak who smells distinctly of ash and burnt flesh, and says "oh hey! new recruit? haha, wow, you're in slightly worse shape than we usually get. welcome aboard tho!"
astarion has just had something dear to him ripped away from him, and might never see sunlight again. just rolled into a portal that spat him out into a basement. has just sustained a minimum of 20 points of sunlight damage. he's not at his best.
it's a nice basement tho, at least
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sysig · 4 months
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I somehow forgot how fun Spider Bites is to draw ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Spider Bites#She is so fun to draw!! She is so cute!! I love her!!#How did I get her design So Right immediately uhghhgh save some for later past me lol - like for the TVAU! Come on! Lol#Honestly tho I just jkdflsafd I know she's designed exactly to my own tastes by design but her design balance! I love her!#Okay enough gushing for now lol (Never! Her stripes and glasses and four eyes and arms <3 <3)#There are actually Some things that I feel could use improvement lol - her legs being a standout#I wasn't very careful with her joints in some of my early doodles of her - I can't tell if she has two or three joints in her legs#Knee and ankle definitely but it almost looks like there's another joint in some of her early doodles! It's a bit hard to parse#She's very cute no matter what I think the extra joint Can look cool I'm just not sure what to do with it :0#I like her anatomy to be a bit unique but how bend what bend?? I've never tried making a skeletal deconstruction of her design haha#Might be fun :) Weird skull - elbows - legs hehe#I still haven't drawn what her second set of eyes would look like it's a mystery to me as well#Silly stretchy in the middle there lol - stretching is a sign of affection! Haha#And a couple of the Queens since they appeared in one of her previous sets but have Actually been designed now!#Queen Charlotte has had the most noticeable design whatevers - additions and changes lol#She wears her hair in a bun in the EPAU :) It's harder to change her wife's look what with her having short hair to start haha#They're both a bit less smiley tho ouò It's a little more serious ♪#Ending off and another design element that I'm not fully satisfied with around Spider Bites - her wings :P#I do like the idea of them being less stable than either individual Charm but completely disconnected from her body? Hmmm#Dunno dunno. Wanna give it a bit more thought and take another crack at it#She looks pleased tho hehe ♥ Very powerful! Very strong and capable! Self-confident! Love her ♪
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ruelpsen · 4 months
I regret to inform you that my fave is getting bodied again in another poll
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esterigermaine · 6 months
So with Astarion living off of blood for a ridiculously long amount of time, I like to think he'd end up pretty sensitive to taste and/or texture if he ever ended up cured.
Maybe not permanently, but he'd probably have to work himself up to really strong/complicated flavors or end up needing to experiment with food a little. Start with small stuff like simple broths, a couple of lightly seasoned meats/breads/veggies/sweets on their own to get used to each thing's individual flavor before trying to combine foods/flavors into some overwhelming chaos of everything at once. I'm not sure how he would do around strong/smelly cheeses, but he'd probably be okay with them since vampire smelling didn't lead to suffering.
Granted, the opposite may also be true because taste and smell are closely linked and he could still smell. The main idea is that taste and smell also differ
#astarion#bg3#spoilers#headcanon#like imagine introducing someone who spent their entire lives eating only plain toast to other things#the richness and amount of flavor in somethings could definitely be a little too much for them to handle at times#like me and spices#i'm irish and the bland food stereotype is true#and I like the taste of jalapeños but I'm always stuck sitting there crying and chugging a drink but it is tasty#and what do you mean most of my friends can eat medium salsa no problem??????#point is yall are missing out on this idea#let him experiment a little#not trying to start fights#i just toss out ideas that come to me because others might like the same ideas#personally I think he'd particularly be interested in softer meats and the variety of drinks in the beginning#but may eventually come to accept things like raw carrots#because wtf kind of texture is that? wet and crunchy is such a weird texture and you cannot convince me otherwise#i wonder what sort of preferences he would have#like would he stick with things similar to what he is used to like only partially cooked meat#or would he end up preferring other things since he wasn't able to enjoy them for 200 years#just totally ignoring any sort of texture or flavor that reminds him of his time as a vampire#i mean we definitely know he will still have some expensive tastes but after what he has been hrough he'd probably be satisfied with whateve#as long as he wasn't starving#i mean he would probably have some overindulgence issues with everything vampirism deprived him of at first#he'd sunbathe nude for an entire day to maximize the amount of sun he could enjoy and then bitch about getting sunburned later#point is he may want to jump into things right away but sensory wise it would probably be an absolute nightmare for someone not used to#maybe he will want a bite of whatever any of his companions are eating#giving a new meaning to the existing idea that the party gives him snacks#since he isn't drinking from yall anymore#food
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reginrokkr · 4 months
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One partial less, one step closer to freedom! Today's partial went well, not as well as the others did but it's good enough. Since we're on those days™ when we don't do anything in class, I came home earlier so I had more time to relax. Meaning that I have plans to tackle down those 5 drafts that I have pending to deliver once I come back from doing some exercise with my father. In the meanwhile, since it's Munday, you can send me anything from thingy #1 and thingy #2 and I'll answer those too! ♥︎
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bleetusmcyeetus · 4 days
Puppet: How about I, me, your best friend Puppet. ☺️
Foxy: One of them yeah
Puppet: 😀 what
Foxy: One of my best friends, yeah,
Puppet: *huff* ONE OF your best friends Puppet, 😒
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honestly, maybe Blaine should have gone into interior design or something like that in another life. completely underrated moment in Blaine-history when he copes with losing his mansion and becoming persona non grata #1 in Seattle by doing this:
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he's just so. something.
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favoure · 1 year
Hello Favour :) I wanted to ask if you had any tips for poses and expressions? I found your art from the aggie (is that how its spelled?) event and Im OBSESSED! Your arts phenomenal, and your poses are so expressive! :D
Have a great day and thank you <3
HI HUNTER !!! sooo glad u enjoy my art i am honored . . . . for the aggie sketch i . i honestly just picked up this reference pic from pinterest xD literally spent an hour before the aggie planning that sketch out, searching for other pieces that had a sorta soft and sweet vibe and leaving those open alongside the ref so i can "Absorb it into my brain"
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for tips regarding poses and expressions... IM JUST REALLY PICKY WHEN PICKING OUT REFERENCES TBH 😭😭 Like i wont stop searching until it fits the mental image i have and until it has the feelings im trying to convey in the piece . i also frequently use statues as inspiration too ig . went ham with explaining my thought process in the tags btw i got shyyy ^_^
#asks for ain#IS THIS ANYTHING . im reaaaaally bad at giving tips for poses n expressions SAWRRY#I DONT HAVE ANY PREPARED ADVICE WHEN IT COMES 2 THESE. I CAN ONLY PROVIDE MY THOUGHT PROCESS OTL#ITS BC BC . I SWEAR ITS JUST MY PERSONAL TASTE THAT MAKES ME LEAN TOWARDS THESE KINDS OF POSES YK#AND WHEN IT COMES TO EXPRESSION I JUST THINK OF WHAT FEELING IM TRYING TO MAKE THAT CHARACTER CONVEY#OR WHAT I WANT THE OVERALL PIECE TO FEEL LIKE#actually that can apply for how i think abt poses too#especially for ship art im very particular about how the characters should interact n where their hands should go#i think hands r important ....#also feelings . what u want ur viewer to feel when looking at the piece ur making i put so much thought into feelings ....#im mostly using duo pieces as an example here but it can also work for solo chara sketches tbh .....#like i think about what part of the character i wanna emphasize#most of the time i show off the face bc . well i think i draw pretty faces DFJHFGDF#but other times i might wanna show off a part of their body instead#like with pieces w scar sometimes i want to show off the Scitties . or his Abs . so i figure out a pose that emphasizes those ....#the focal point of the piece ..... bc i want u to LOOK there yk#but i also think about the attitude of the character and how they act ... if they're charming or smug or serious etc etc#gotta keep them Sorta in character after all (a bit of ooc is fine . as a treat . and if done well LOL)#im ESPECIALLY picky w how i interpret my characters too... very particular with my version of them that lives in my head#Understanding of anatomy would help lots too#forgot 2 mention that im an anatomy FREAK i love obsessing over proportions and getting them right and making them look nice#ANYWAYS U PROBABLY ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THESE GYAAAAA but still ..... i hope it makes u think about poses and expressions differently .......#like in a POSITIVE WAY !!! its sm fun to think abt poses and expressions tbh u can fit a lot of meaning into even the subtlest of details#tldr IM PICKY AND I OVERTHINK ^_^
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anything new coming soon? 👀
Hopefully! I'm not sure exactly what tbh - I've been trying to be a little generous with myself recently and write based on what I feel like writing as opposed to what I "need to" or "should" work on. Which is great for my creativity but also means a lot of bouncing from project to project and also honestly scrapping a couple WIPs recently that I decided weren't going to pan out.
I can tell you I'm determined to follow thru on my promise of Luke fic this year. (I still intend to finish the post-show one I teased last summer but I've been working on a new one that may or may not see the light of day depending on how it turns out lmao). I'd still like to write the idea I had for a 5SOS5 release week fic, as a nice companion to my CALM and Superbloom release centric stories. The PolyCashton chaptered series I've been writing for literal years needs to happen this year. There's a long lost Gardener Ash storyline I'd love to revive. No one's asked explicitly for more Stage!Ash adventures but I love that couple so it's a possibility. I plotted out my first true AU last year and I'd like to see if I could pull that concept. I've also had ambitions the past couple years of entering the slash arena so we'll see if 2023 is finally the year. (Although full disclosure, one of my recently scrapped WIPs was a slash fic 🥸) And obviously I'd love to take any and every opportunity I can to collab with @cal-puddies - for personal reasons, we had to back off of a lot of good ideas last year but I'm hopeful we'll be able to pick up where we left off.
So short answer: yes, I'm actively writing and as soon as I have something I feel confident in sharing, you guys will be the first to know! 💙
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em-bandaid-boy · 2 years
Btw guys. I'm in my guyliner era now
Also I added way too many tags on this post hhhhh sorry girlboss </3
#text#just thought you should know#its almost midnight bro#anyways yeah i bought BLACK eyeliner and i am still kinda figuring out how to use it#my birthdays coming up this is my gift to myself#i dont wear it all the time. just when im feeling extra unhinged#today wouldve been good. i had a monster energy#GIRLL ok so yesterday. this isnt related to anything. but i took my waterbottle and filled it with all the pepsi products available to me#is waterbottle a word.#anyways um it would taste like. um pepsi. but then the aftertaste was every single other product at once#id drink it and then be like yep. this is 12 drinks#i dont think its 12 actually i lied its like 8 or 9#so basically. yeah um is waterbottle an actual word i feel like it should be#if i go to sleep rn i will get. about 7 hours of sleep for tomorrow </3#anyways um. nice talking to u even tho im not actually and youre just reading this. unless you saw all of it and didnt wanna read it all#like. yeah i get it#also um yesterday there was like. episode one of the my little pony show based off the new movie and i watched it#i wanted to see what they did with the characters afterwards#its alright ig. for what it was i think they did a good job. nothing groundbreaking but like. im not exactly expecting deep lore from mlp#girl.. one. MILLION... likes and i make a mlp oc. actually i might do it anyway#ill rewatch the movie itself and see if that makes me want to more#girl im sorry i have so many tags#idk how this happened#HHH ok i have to go to sleep um ok bye bye ill see u later <3#remember when i said its almost midnignt. guess what time it is now oops
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wcrstarter · 1 year
mistletoe symbol for Keigo ♡ 83
🌿// @iiryoku
It was the same bar they had originally met in, the clientele was still the same sort you needed to watch both your back, your drink, and your wallet around. The only difference, was the token holiday decorations that had been strung about the establishment. She eyed the twisted lights and plastic tinsel garland with bemusement as she slid into a seat at the bartop, the only real option she had for a comfortable seat without wings getting in the way. At least compared to a civilian bar, she could trust that nobody would be foolish enough to yank on her feathers--well, save for one person. But he more or less had her permission to touch. Others would get either a verbal dressing down, or a swipe of talons as retribution for being so presumptuous with the raveness.
As rough as the exterior was, she liked the bar. The bartender was good at what he did, she was accustomed to the mist faced man, and he was hardly the oddest quirk user she'd encountered. There was no judgement for quirks, one of the few places she'd ever been where mutant quirks weren't regarded as fey. She could relax in ways she couldn't in other establishments, but still couldn't completely relax. After all, she was hovering above a very particular fence with her occupation, yet to decide which side she wanted to fly over to. The longer she lingered, especially in Japan, and in the company of Keigo, the more she was tempted to fully and outright join the so called villains.
Sonja sipped on her drink slowly, dark eyes watching over the room,. There was petty squabbling breaking out over the card and pool tables, and various people huddled at tables in the darker corners for clandestine meetings. If she focused, she would be able to hear what they were saying, but she didn't care enough to. Movement drew her eye, the flash of red confirmed the scent she was quickly growing familiar with. The handsome hawk, the beautifully dangerous predator Keigo that had captured her attention quite thoroughly during her stay. Sonja had a number of theories why he entranced her, but she did not care to particularly analyze them. He was like her, in a way, it was rare to encounter people who could fly like them, rarer still to meet someone who understood the desire to hunt and the sweet taste of fresh blood on the tongue.
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She played coy, pretending she hadn't noticed. She was plenty aware of Keigo, and her sharp eyesight had spotted the mistletoe bundle hanging overhead the stool beside hers some time ago. He'd caught her by surprise at the event they'd infiltrated, and she intended to do the same this time around. There was notably, the advantage of her european background to greet with a side kiss to the cheeks for those she was familiar with, an easy show of respect and an easier distraction tactic.
"Hello, handsome." She greeted once the other predator slid into the seat next to her, turning her head to do the greeting that was common over in her homeland then waited a moment before she pressed her lips to his. It was a tame enough kiss, as she liked the bar and didn't want to be thrown out, but she lingered for a moment before drawing back. Sonja grinned, flashing her sharp eyeteeth then nodded her head towards the ceiling where the mistletoe idly spun on it's hung string.
"Careful, someone might think you sat underneath it deliberately Keigo. " She teased, well aware that the same could be said that she chose the stool she had on purpose. She had, just a little. The opportunity for payback was too great for her to pass up.
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doomxdriven · 2 years
What Color is Your Aura?
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rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, dripping jewelry. your essence is CRIMSON: you are the strong, defiant and avoidant. you crave some sort of deviation; to walk in another's footsteps feels mundane, a waste of your time. you are possessive and never look back at the things you've lost or forgotten. you are the rebel. you are the one who will change the world. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of red, blush, garnet, and bronze, who share your impassioned existence. you are also drawn to the confident souls royal and gold, who will help you grow and show that not everyone seeks to break you. however, you may struggle to get along with the slow-acting personalities of navy and umber who never seem assertive about anything.
Tagged By: @compassionatekiller Tagging: @serenexgraced (for whichever of your gals you want) and WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO!!
#;oil that tastes like blood (JIN DASH MEMES);#//tbh p. on point. 'avoidant' made me think for a moment but tbh jin is kinda avoidant as far as his true emotions go#//whether that means just not talking about how he feels or masking his anger and pain with his dumb little faux-affably evil shtick#// 'not looking back at things you've lost or forgotten' is kinda true too bc while he is big on taking revenge on the soul society#//for what they did to the bount. and while what happened to the bount genuinely fucked with him#//he doesnt really look back and long for anything or 'miss' anything or anyone.#//all the bount that were exterminated by the shinigami?#//jin feels anger for their deaths. but he's successfully compartmentalized their losses and written them off as weak#//def hates what the shinigami did to the bount and he uses that as the vehicle for driving his revenge but he's more so#//looking forward at the pain he can inflict on the soul society vs looking back and mourning anyone or anything#//at least he thinks he is LOL. the guy could probably use a team of therapists.#//the only bount he cares for anymore are those who follow him. and even then. he's so jaded inside that their deaths might#//not even phase him too much should they come to pass.#//also on point for him being drawn to confident souls. jin is very appreciate of power and skill in others and also just confidence in#//general.#//which isnt to say he cant get along with more meek or self-doubting invididuals but he def does see those as negatives#// * individuals* im too lazy to delete that previous tag and correct my grammar lmao#//ANYWAY GOOD MEME
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