#this is love at its purest
artphilosophie · 5 months
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my whole heart 🤧
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deathberi · 3 months
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laniidae-passerine · 21 days
I don’t think Tashi’s look of disgust when Art kisses her knee is actually about him. It’s at herself. Their dynamic is so entirely shaped by power, by the fact that Art is lesser than her. She’s better at tennis, better at keeping her control, better at getting Patrick to fall into her bed. It’s the uncaring idol and the tortured devotee. Hell, it’s outright stated; she asks “what am I, Jesus?” and he says “yes” like it’s obvious. Even the way they sit in that scene shows how Tashi is a religion to him, kissing and bowed over her lap like in prayer. Which is why, to a woman who buys into that dynamic, who also thinks of herself as God to Art’s worshipper, it’s so disgusting that she truly does love him. Tashi adores him. Not even close to as much as she adores tennis, but she does. Right after that scene she goes and asks Patrick to throw the match - because if Art loses, she leaves him. And she doesn’t want to have to leave him. It goes against what she knows. God is not supposed to make sacrifices for mere mortals. Achilles is not meant to swoon at the soft weakness of his heel. But here she is, seeing the chip in her armour and thinking it lovely anyway. Hence the look.
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sketchncanto · 1 year
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Yet another @incorrectmadrigalfamilyquotes quote that made me laugh every single time I looked at it so this happened as a result lmao
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momentomori24 · 4 months
Surprisingly, hearing Vox and Val technically (I love how technically needed to be added) aren't dating didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. It did... for like a minute until I thought about how painfully much it fits them.
Val throws tantrums and is ready go out and kill people to let off steam, but decides to stay put in his room and sulk instead while he waits for his flat-faced prince to come and comfort him before he does anything drastic. He's killed and abused people for the slightest hint of non-compliance, which he sees as giving him an attitude or questioning his authority, but he doesn't so much as flinch when Vox raises his voice and starts shaking him in frustration more than once. He doesn't lash out or get angry when Vox tries to talk him out of marching towards the hotel, but instead listens to his points and takes his words to heart even when they weren't what he wanted to hear. He's not interested in Alastor, but is willing to sit through watching the extermination broadcast because Vox is a passionate football dad about his one-sided rival getting dunked on. He doesn't even act jealous towards Vox's obsession, just weirdly amused and supportive even tho he hates not being the center of attention any other times. And then there's Vox, who acts like he's annoyed to have to put up with Valentino but still does it anyway. He acts disinterested about Val's ranting over Angel until he hears that Angel might've quit because he's an jealous, insecure loser that wants that mf's attention to himself. He lights his cigarette and decides to call up their lowest earners for him to terrorize without being asked just to lighten his mood a little (unrelated but i feel for their employees). He keeps his eyes on him both in his room and when he's at the pub through the cameras he's got everywhere. He takes his hand like one would with a princess and smiles fondly at him before disappearing when noticing they're being watched. He's the only person that Val trusts enough to calm him down when his temper gets the better of him. And Val-- despite his volatile temper and obnoxious quirks-- is someone he respects and cares about, both as his business associate and romantic partner.
And they aren't dating. Val and Vox clearly have a connection and understanding and attraction yet are unable to confront those feelings in fear of being vulnerable. So they aren't dating. Val obsesses over Angel and Vox obsesses over Alastor to distract themselves of the other only to fall back into each other's arms at the end of the day. Even tho they aren't dating. They celebrate, dance, sing, support and shamelessly make out with each other. They're the only ones that would put up with each other's bullshit no matter what-- but for some reason, they're still not dating. They are two of the worst Overlords in Hell, capable of committing so many despicable acts and jumping to immoral tactics for their own gain without any regrets, but opening that door into genuine emotional vulnerability? Acknowledging their softness for each other? That's where they draw the line. They're clearly made for each other, but neither of them dare to step over that line to commit to something more.
Which means that we could get to actually see these changes take place. We could get to see more sides to these two we still haven't seen before. We could get to see them actually start dating and the complicated journey it took to get there. We could get to scream and kick and seeth as these two morons continue to dance around admitting their very much requited romantic feelings for every stupid reason under the sun episode after episode. We could get to see these two fix each other and make each other worse simultaneously. Mostly make each other worse. We could get to see them have a romantic duet. We could get to see them be happy together-- officially together-- while they make life worse for everyone around them.
All this mumbo-jumbo, sleep-deprived ranting will likely not happen, but the potential character growth, the dynamic development, the resolved romantic tension, the SONGS we could get??? I'm clinging onto this hope for dear life until it's ripped from my cold, dead hands.
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twottyfruitty · 2 months
not to be a shourtney truther this late in the game but I’ve always thought, throughout the years of watching smosh, that there’s a specific fondness between them that has always been there. It’s most obvious in Shayne, because Courtney to me has always been an affectionate person. She is so full of love for everyone around her. Shayne keeps a brotherly energy with most of the cast, but when Courtney is present, he’s just so obviously FOND of her. He stares a little bit more. He smiles to himself more. As if he can’t help it.
Even when nobody knew they were together, I always believed Courtney was his favourite person. Like that’s his best friend. Even if they weren’t together, I still would have believed they were soulmates.
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failbrothers · 7 months
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“The Encounter” by Louise Glück
From The Triumph of Achilles (1985)
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
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big bad roy kent allowing himself to be used as a stressball squeeze toy >>>
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Handholding heals
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cacaocheri · 3 months
your self-shipping art with the dca feeds my own dca self-shipping needs, thank you so much for sharing it with us 💛🥹💛 like seriously, it makes me so happy to see it all the time on my dash and I wish I could like it 10x over every time!!! hopefully someday I'll start drawing and post my own dca self-shipping 💛
AUGHH<333 IM SO GLAD GRRGRRRR sorry im so full of gratitude right now words are hard to formulate but just know it makes me SO HAPPY to hear that my self-shipping can inspire others
PLEASE draw dca self-ship!!!! i highly encourage it!!! i love self-shipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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duckiemimi · 6 months
just to make this clear: geto and gojo—satosugu in general—transcend gender and sexuality to me! in my eyes, their love knows no boxes, no borders!
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
everyone sleeping? perfect. time to put some secret soft scenes between aruna and astarion on the dashboard.
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hollownest-whore · 11 months
Update on rereading my old (turns out they were oneshots) fics very fun maybe I should think abt picking up writing ? Wouldn't hurt to rewrite the more fun ideas I had
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wikitpowers · 3 months
words cannot describe how excited i am to see ash morgenstern with his black wings being both faerie and shadowhunter in one,,, like he’s gonna be the biggest badass mark my words
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whiskeyswifty · 1 month
Whenever I listen to so long london, I can’t help but think back to peace and how she went from “I’m a fire and I’ll keep your brittle heart warm” to “just how low did you think I’d go.” How she went from willing martyrdom at the altar of love as a declaration of her dedication to realizing hold on, love should be a partnership. It can’t be all one giving and the other taking, burning and burning bits of themselves until you’re nothing but ash and they’re still as cold as they’ve always been. Nobody is perfect, but it’s also impossible to help someone get to a better place if they don’t want to help themselves. Even unconsciously, they’ll take everything you gave but give nothing back. Soon you learn you’re just enabling them, you’re just a crutch that they grow to expect, like as she says “and you say I abandoned this ship but I was going down with it.” Realizing that they’ve given up on learning to create their own sources of heat and have fully shifted to burning you alive. how fucked up that was, and how that’s not what love is. You shouldn’t have to light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. To make them happy, to make you valuable to them, to keep you around. To love and be loved is to learn to build a fire together so you’re both warm. It’s such wonderful growth to see and I’m so relieved she finally got there.
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I want whatever the hell these lil kids have
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