#this is not the norm
hel7l7 · 10 months
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My therapist traumatized me and I can't let go of the anger I feel towards her
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You are one of four people I’m asking this stupid yet important question to:
Can Cybertronian’s twerk?
For the last hour or so, I’ve been doing research on twerking and looking at robots from all angles. I considered not answering this, but my findings are too interesting for me not to share. lol
The short answer:
No. They can bend over and maybe make a small jerking movement, but it wouldn’t look like twerking.
The long answer:
No. And let me explain exactly why.
True twerking requires a certain level of flexibility in the upper thighs and a LOT of flexibility in the lower back. Most Cybertronians have neither.
In IDW, when looking at what I consider to be the most bare-bones body a Cybertronian can inhabit while conscious (thanks Shockwave and Megatron), it looks like it lacks the ability to bend in ways that would be needed for twerking:
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The only other reference I can find for a Cybertronian skeleton is this “Core Body” from the Trans Scanning Optimus (or Bumblebee) figure set:
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Looking at the lower-middle core and the upper legs, there’s no way that’s flexible enough to make the movements seen in twerking.
P.S. The fact that Mac and I are two out of four that you’ve asked is so funny to me. Do I even want to know what that says about my status in this fandom? xD
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otter-pop-supreme · 3 months
I want ppl ik to know that if I'm off the bat kinda deranged with you & you don't know me outside of some thing that crawled out of your flooded basement that you immediately became the rank of "bestie".
Like u skipped so many stages of knowing me-
Ive know ppl for year IRL that never saw that level of friendship w me, my default w ppl utter mute silent.
Getting my to speak above a whisper is really smth.
If you achieved "I'm not taking to you like I'm emailing a teacher" off the bat that means smth
Idfk what but it d o e s
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running on two hours of sleep woooo
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mybreadsmybutters · 5 months
when i was a kid i wanted to be a famous youtuber like dan and phil so that people would gay ship me with my irl best friend and we would be sooo weirded out by it and laugh and make videos joking about it but secretly it would make her realize her repressed gay crush on me and i'd help her through her gay crisis and then we would have a sickeningly sweet sappy romance and read fanfiction about ourselves together... anyways just found out she's married to a guy in the mafia now so i probably don't have a chance
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ionomycin · 2 months
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
“you don’t like the proliferation of terms like Unalive outside of TikTok because you realize that you’re aging out of youth culture and it makes you uncomfortable!”
no I don’t like it because there’s something INCREDIBLY dystopian about being forced to soften terms for basic parts of the human experience like death and sex (and even more so terms for oppressed minorities- call me a “le-dollar sign-bian” and I will bite you) purely because advertisers and corporations demand it
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leona-florianova · 1 month
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melodyoffire · 1 month
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hangon-silvergirl · 1 month
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fallout tv series + onion headlines, okey dokey?
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sobbing-space-trash · 1 month
How is everyone not losing their minds over Norm????
Look at him! He's only 3 apples tall 🥺
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trashcanhancock · 2 months
I really like how it feels like each character represents different player styles. Or specs.
Lucy feels like the player that just ~can't~ be mean to the npcs. Tries to talk down violent npcs. Maxed charisma.
Norm is the player who'd read all the computer entries and flavor text. Lore is really important to him. Perception and intelligence are maxed so he can hack and lockpick anything.
Max is a bit of a bro who thinks they want a BoS playthrough because military hoorah, but ends up really really liking a companion that dislikes half of your choices that align with the BoS. Would probably force close the game if he saw [Lucy disliked that.] To try again. Also maxed luck.
Coop clearly wants to be a badass that shoots first and asks questions later, but ends up being a lovable rouge who begrudgingly helps the npcs. Maxed agility.
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animentality · 4 months
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bedupolker · 1 year
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Sparklina in: Rawr of the Wild
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idolomantises · 6 months
Does it like, annoy anyone else when a story presents itself as "feminist" and "progressive", but also punches down on women who are sex workers or sexually active.
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rasairui · 17 days
"The bigots up top think we're ALL fucked up! They want us ALL dead!" Hey that's cool dude you're right! Now are you saying this as a genuine expression of solidarity and community, or do you only bring this point up when the acknowledgement of intersectionality makes you uncomfortable? Is it a rallying cry, or a way to shut down people affected by intercommunity bigotry?
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