#this is one of those drawings where i'm like 'oh huh. maybe i actually AM improving!'
bluecatwriter · 2 months
Art request: Renfield kissing Mina's hand? I just think about that moment a lot.
I think about that scene a lot, too! (I even wrote a fic about it, from Renfield's perspective.) There's so much going on there, with Mina and Renfield relying on each other for friendship as they are both underestimated. GAH, my heart!
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I'm also very happy with how this drawing turned out!
[ID in Alt]
(I'm still taking art requests— feel free to drop an ask or comment with suggestions!)
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
Head up this ask is kinda weird.
So do you think people wear perfume in omegaverse AUs 😀? Because the fact that everyone already has scents, perfume has to kind if clash with it right? Maybe some people use light perfumes to enhance their scents, and then those "Alpha Male" (omg that just gets a whole other meaning) podcast bros call it catfishing.
Would perfume even exist in the first place? I don't really see a purpose for perfume if everyone already has a scent... but bro imagine Yuu (who isn't from an a/b/o world and is getting really confused as to what the fuck an omega is and cringes every time of the guys calls themselves an alpha. Meanwhile everyone else is trying to figure out why this weirdo doesn't even have the slightest sent. Especially jade becuase I'm on that JadeYuu shit rn) that wears perfume or cologne trying to get more. And when they can't find any at Sam's they just try to fucking make it. I mean it's a little weak smelling and some of the notes don't exactly go with the others but hey! They have something to spritz now! :)
And now their friends are doing double takes because bro you did not smell like that last night. Also it smells artificial and it's weirding them out
Anyways I sincerely apologize for making you read that.
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oh no you don't go apologizing for this confused, a/b/o is a guilty pleasure of mine (also i am doing concept drawings for asmodeaus rn. the timing of this ask made me laugh real hard) This isn't a smutty ask, but just so all of you know, I am good with those since I need the practice with suggestive stuff. I just won't be very good at it for a bit.
Anyway. I have never actually thought about this, but I have always sort of thought of scents in abo worlds to be a very instinctual thing that no amount of perfume can cover up. I don't know if you've ever encountered a scent you can taste but I have, a light in the room of a pool I was swimming in went out and let out a smoke so foul you could still feel it on your tongue and in your lungs when you pinched your nose. It was beyond overwhelming. That doesn't mean there's any less of a reason for perfumes to exist though, as I talked about in that post about Rollo's handkerchief in the past disease was thought to have been spread through foul smelling odors and bad air. If anything I could see that being an even bigger superstition in an abo world where scent is already super important. I could see people trying to make scents that complimented their natural one, maybe it could even be a courting ritual for an Alpha to give an Omega they are interested in a perfume they've made that compliments their smell and has notes of their own... Oh! Or working in notes of their scent to their own perfume to indicate interest!
a-twistedheartslonging mentioned in their tags on that post about Jade's scent that Morays use scents to attract a mate, so if you take that idea about perfume being a courting step I could see Jade just being so distraught that his beloved pearl has no discernible scent. And what's worse they keep changing what little scent they do have! What's he supposed to do with that huh? I think he'd be the only one excited by Yuu making their own perfume because it gives him an excuse to talk about the scents that Yuu likes and what perfumes are like in their world. Maybe they could make a perfume together next time (��_⚈)? Oh haha he's just thinking out loud he knows you aren't close enough for that ye- Oh you... you would like that? You think he smells nice and you want to know what sort of perfume or cologne he uses?
(he'd get so delulu so fast if you said that. sure Yuu you can smell just like him c: just let him dim the lights a bit first he hears that's important c: just remember to be gentle with him ok???)
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
22 asks!! :DD 💖💀🎉💖
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There's so much sadness! So much angst! AND JEVIL COMFORTING FRISK BY MAKING HER LAUGH?? PERFECT!!!
Now I may be not able to apply this idea word for word.. but I LOVE so much about it! Would you mind if I yoinked some of this? Its great!! :DD
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:DD Happy new year!🎉🥳🎉 And thank YOU for sending me a kind message! I endlessly appreciate it 💖💖
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:00 Really? Thank you!! :DD I was actually pretty unsure of that detail for Jevil.. Making him round and squishy kind'a made him look too young to me.. but I'm so glad you like it! Maybe his squishiness isn't so bad! :D
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:DDD Happy new year!! 💖🎉🥳🎉💖
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XD Its been a while since I watched the movie. But I think my reaction was something along the lines of:
"..oh?.... OH..?.... OH YOOOOO---" *excited for angst noises XDD*
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Thank you!! :DD As for his knuckle scars, there isn't really one specific way he got them. It just shows that he's rough and tough. He's been through a lot and has been on many dangerous missions.
You know, scraping his hands on rocks, dealing with sharp teethed and dangerous creatures every day.. Your hands would naturally get beat up a lot of you lived like Kwazii.
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Aww! How fun! I'm sure Foxy wouldn't mind the company! :}
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Foxy: "Oh? Are you a new animatronic?"
Calico Jack: "BIG TALKIN ROBOT-"
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Now usually I would say Calico Jack. And its probably still true.. but considering how I'm trying to structure my Octonauts AU.. Inkling might actually be the one who's studied up more on folk tales and mythologies.. 👀
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@rockbott0m47 (huh.. in all my days I don't think I've ever received a question like this XDD)
I try to be as factual as possible.. but in all honesty, my factual stops where the lazy begins-
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XDD You're welcome?? Ah- Sorry for your loss?? XD I'm not sure how you feel about this realization but none the less thank you! I'm so glad you've liked my artwork! :DD
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:DD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad you like my deign!! :}}💖
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(Post in question)
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Yes exactly! Shellington's "VEGGIE DAD" shirt, Kwazii's bent whiskers and scars.. AND YES YES! THE CAPTAIN IN FULL UNIFORM!! I was thinking that he is an early riser and was up before everyone else was. He's not intending to eat later- he's just already had breakfast! :0
AND YES!! The meals were all correct but one <XD google says that sea otters eat crab. So I googled "crab meat meal" and drew one of the things that came up. It might be a salad thing..? Or a crab pasta thingy.?? Not sure <XDD But MAN the potatoes would have been a good idea too-
One detail that I was fond of was the steam coming from everyone's cups. Though Peso and Barnacles have no steam, because they're drinking cold drinks! You get it?? Becuase they are cold creatures?? Don't like warm things??? I'm so smart 🤣
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YOOOO THIS IS A REALLY SOLID IDEA!! She could have the guilt of having killed everyone, while also trying to give everyone their happy ending.. Cool! Would you mind if I used this idea? Or at least part of it? Its really neat! :00
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like that design detail of his XDD
Also thank you again! Happy new year!! 🎉🥳🎉
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XD My first thought was Glamrock Freddy; "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE YOU NOW GREGORY??"
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I do! I'll have to draw them sometime-
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Thank you! I'm so glad! :DDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the designs I've given them! :}}}
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
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@my-name-is-markus-with-a-k YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID
The following text is entirely your fault
"What's in this room?"
"Oh, this one is my studio. I keep my paintings here and-"
"You can draw?" Connor's eyebrows rise, "Can I see?"
"Sure," Markus says before he manages to stop himself. Realisation catches up with him the next instant, and he almost reaches to stop Connor from entering the room to go first and at least try to hide the evidence, but Connor has already stepped inside and is now coaching down carefully examining dried paintings set on top of each-other along the wall. Good. That'll win Markus some time. He quietly steps around him, grabs a towel from one of the tables and moves to the corner of the room, closer to the window and consequently the easel with yet unfinished piece. Connor shouldn't see this one. Markus drapes the cloth over the canvas just in time for Connor to start standing up to take a closer look at those paintings hanging on the wall.
"They're so colourful, and yet your choice of colours confuses me."
"How so?" Markus steps closer, trying to make his voice sound as casual as possible, but it comes out slightly higher pitched than he intends it anyway. Maybe he'll be able to talk Connor into getting bored and deciding to leave on his own before exploring the rest of the room more throughout.
"It looks intentional, like it symbolises or references something specific. But I'm not sure what it is," he turns his head and looks genuinely curious. Given the situation Markus shouldn't be excited about this fact. No, this is bad. He won't get bored that easily, is he?
"Or am I overthinking it?" Connor adds sheepishly as Markus remains silent for way too long.
"Yes." Markus says suddenly, surprising himself with how determined this false claim came out.
Shit. That's not what he meant, he just needs Connor to leave. Now. He is dying to say something else to refute what he just said, but Connor steps aside from the painting startled by the coldness of Markus's voice.
"Oh. I'm sorry," he says.
Markus struggles to stay quiet.
It's working, don't say anything and he'll leave.
Except he doesn't. He turns around and walks to the other wall.
"Oh, you draw people too," he says as he looks at the portrait of an old man holding a chess piece – white bishop.
"Do you draw them from imagination or are there real-life models?"
"It depends," Markus gets closer, "This one is a portrait of someone I knew in real life – he actually even posed for this. But I have portraits of people that aren't really based on anyone. I can show you, if you want."
Why again is he suggesting something that'll extend Connor's time spent in a studio?
"Or we can do something else?" Markus adds quickly, in an attempt to fix his mistake.
"No, no! Now that you mentioned it, I am curious. Show me."
Great job, Markus.
He gets to the corner of the room where a few old portraits are lying stacked on top of each other and quickly sorts through the stack of them, turning the canvases to the light, searching for the ones not based on real people.
"Why is there two different dates?" Connor asks, and Markus stops to look at the back of the canvas.
"It usually takes me more than a day to finish a piece, so I mark the day I first start it, and then the day It's completely finished. You see, it takes time for this type of paint to dry, and it's important to let every layer dry completely before starting with the next one. It takes a lot of time and patience, so I often work on a couple different paintings at once...Huh, wait, I think it's not here," Markus stands up and looks around the room, thinking where else could he find the portraits he was looking for, then crosses the room to look through the paintings lying along the wall there. Maybe he should just pick one and lie about it – it's not like Connor will now the difference anyway.
"Oh, here!" Markus picks one of the first portraits he's able to find in the stack, "This one wasn't based on anyone," he takes the canvas out of the stack and turns around expecting to see Connor still standing behind him. He could swear he was standing behind him all this time, but now that he turned around Connor wasn't there. Instead, he is standing next to the window, looking at the portrait displayed on the easel.
"How about this one?"
Markus feels as if all the air in the room suddenly disappears, leaving him no oxygen to breathe in. He takes a few steps closer to the window, desperately trying to think of a response. He looks at the towel in human's hand and wonders if there was a single chance for Connor Not to look under it.
"This..erm..," He trails off under the stare of narrowed brown eyes, "It's a little bit of both worlds, I believe."
Connor glances from a portrait back to Markus.
"You 'believe'," he echoes. Markus wishes he could understand what emotion his face is showing, but perhaps Connor himself wouldn't be able to name it if asked.
"Um, I... It's not finished," Markus says, as if this fact drastically changes everything.
"Oh," Connor says, pretending as if it actually does.
He turns the canvas around and stares at the date. He frowns, glances back at Markus, then back at the date. From the expression on his face Markus realises, that he's doing math. Another realisation hits Markus when Connor's eyes widen in silent shock. The date on the back of the canvas precedes what Connor knows to be the first time they've met. What would even be the right time to mention it anyway?
"I can explain," Markus says.
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tunashei · 8 months
First Impression of Animorphs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 8: The Alien
OOOOOOH AX POV! Ax Pov! This is not a drill! I am so hype
Oh the mental imagery of Ax watching the space battle above him while sitting alone in this artificial dome is so...so emotional. The strange disconnect of watching helplessly in a veritable garden of eden as your brother and others fight above you in the cold vacuum of space. I'd like to draw it
And then the absolute terror of being ejected from your ship and falling into the ocean of the nearby planet. Stuck beneath miles of water pressing down on you. Chills
Also now I'm really curious what the surface of the sea looks like if you're looking up at from below many miles
Ooooh we got little diary entries! Very amusing! This book is starting off so strong
Loving the amount of planning for taking Ax to a movie, they've learnt from previous times!
One of the reasons I was so excited for Ax pov is stuff like learning all these Andalite words, and bits of biology, the different ways of observing things. Alien perspective is so interesting
Confession time, I listened to this book before Megamorphs 1 which is before this book in the timeline. So I had no idea was a Veleek was and was rather confused they'd beaten one
I love the regular forays into Ax's Adventures with Food. Please don't eat cigarettes baby
I was cracking up at work for this whole sequence. Got some funny looks.
Going to make a prediction. Seerow's Kindness is referring to Andalites helping out the Yeerks somehow. Also Seerow is Visser Three's Andalite Host.
My man eat with he feet
I'm so here for Ax and Tobias best buds friendship
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Ax confirmed canonically hetero this is a sad day for us all :(
Ok why after the semi-disaster of the movies would you take Ax to school, that is one of the most stressful confusing environments for anyone. Also schools have registers they're not going to just let you bring in a new kid
Unless maybe the teacher won't care because they've got a bloody Yeerk dying in their head! The book has predicted this predicament!
However, very unrealistic that the kids fled the room instead of crowding around the freaking-out teacher. You'd spend 20 minutes chasing them out the room and they'd still crowd around the door peeping in.
Oh this is...a bad thing to have hidden Ax. Poor Jake. This whole conversation is very tense. Ax bringing up his brother as if to remind Jake he's already lost HIS brother to this war
Ax is always described as blue-and-tan, implying he's more blue than tan. I have a hard time believing people would think he's a deer from a distance considering his colours
Huh...wouldn't it be weird to never have moonless nights? The stars are always brightest on those days, great for stargazing. I wonder how bright the night would be if you had multiple moons. Or would it not be additive?
Fascinating evolutionary implications from a species having a biological clock that makes them war every 62 years. Some kind of mass population cull? Ensuring only the strongest breed?
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Ok this is pretty funny but actually made me reconsider how we appreciate stuff?? Actually kind of mindblowing. We really don't appreciate food as an art form. After I'd listened to this bit at work, my boss gave us all a tin of chocolates. Ate them on the way home and took some time to really savour the flavour. My life is being enriched by these books.
'He was a male-as all human fathers are' Implication Andalites can have female fathers??? Maybe. Would be cool.
Ax totally winning at social interaction
Aw Ax, you are being very brave :(
Huh so this Yeerk controller loved another Yeerk? I could have sworn in a previous book it said they were incapable of love, I think the one where Jake gets infested
Poor Ax. You really feel his struggle in being compared to his brother, now having to take the blame
The yeerk just fuckin bailed out the andalite?! I was not expecting this. You beat Visser Three?!
Aight so the Visser's andalite was not Seerow. He's just...some guy. Ngl was hoping for a bit more info on that, I've been very curious how Visser Three got an andalite which no other Yeerk has acomplished
Although...they're on the home world? Maybe there are other andalite controllers. Ruh roh
You guys are absolutely going to regret not putting this andalite out of his misery. He's literally begging for death and you know the horrors of being infested, and will be an incredibly powerful enemy again if you leave him. I mean, you couldn't even try to lug him out of there? How many people are going to end up killed in the future because Visser Three remains an andalite?
Called it on Seerow's Gift being helping the Yeerks. I kind of get it though I'd feel sorry for any sapient species that had to life it's entire life as a slug in a pool
Winced when Ax confessed his fears of giving humans help that would lead them to be conquerors, and Marco brushing it off. Humans would absolutely become conquerors, it's in our history
Wow. This is definitely my favourite book so far. I expected it would be, I'm very into xenofiction (when a book is written from a non-human perspective) but I think the emotional journey was also great in this. The ending was a bit quick and weak. But overall great.
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
honestly i’m never going to write this but i remember reading your post about steddie tats and thought of like steve after dealing with eddie’s persistent fondling of his ass, jokingly says how he might as well get his handprint tattooed on an ass cheek with how often his hand is there. and the idea drives eddie completely bonkers. to the point where he begs steve to just let him stencil it on, just a stencil. steve agrees and ends up liking it way more than he thought he would. possessive sex ensues with steve considering an actual tat of his hand by the end of it.
oh my god... I love this SO MUCH. Because of course Eddie would always have his hand on Steve's ass, and not just because he's got the peachiest, most squeezable ass in those tight jeans, but because Eddie's possessive and he wants everyone to know Steve belongs to him. So whenever they hang out Eddie so casually places his hand on Steve's butt or slides it into his back pocket and the others all put up with it because they're used to all the PDA from Steve & Eddie by now.
And yes yes YES to Eddie drawing a stencil of his hand on Steve's ass!!! They do it when they're both getting high in Eddie's trailer one night and Steve laughs it off at first, calling Eddie a big creep (Eddie's like "yeah but you love that I'm a creep") but he still strips out of his clothes and lies down so Eddie can place his hand down and draw around it. Trying not to get too distracted by how soft and pretty Steve's ass is under his hand. Afterwards, Steve gets up and looks over his shoulder in the mirror to look at it, and it's all supposed to be a joke, like just a dumb thing he's done to please his weird boyfriend, but the sight of it, the silhouette of Eddie's hand on his bare skin, makes him gasp and gets his dick hard. A raw, hungry kind of desire that's matched on Eddie's face, his eyes almost black when they meet Steve's in the mirror.
And that's how Steve winds up getting fucked hard, rammed full with Eddie's dick, as his insanely possessive and dommy boyfriend presses his hand against the outline on Steve's ass, digging his nails into the soft skin, and breathes into his ear, "I really am going to tattoo this on you one day, and that means you'll be mine forever, you'll never be with anyone but me," and Steve knows he should be weirded out, or that Eddie doesn't mean it, he's just talking dirty, but he can't help how he reacts to it, how he comes as soon as Eddie spanks his hand down hard on the stencil and bites down on the back of his neck, like he's branding him. He comes so hard he coats his stomach, whimpering through it, his thighs trembling, as Eddie strokes his hand through the back of his hair and calls him a good boy.
He teases Steve about it afterwards when they're lying together in bed, Steve's ass cherry red from how hard Eddie spanked him. He says, "you really liked that, huh?" And Steve tells him to shut up, hiding his face in his arms, though he still tilts his ass up into Eddie's hands when Eddie traces his fingers gently over his inflamed skin.
(I actually do think Steve would eventually get a tattoo, and maybe it would be Eddie's name, or a little thing that symbolises him, like a small bat or guitar, but it would be discreet, like on the inside of his wrist or even his thigh, while Eddie would want numerous tattoos about Steve.)
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s10e23 brother's keeper (w. jeremy carver)
so here's what i'm gonna try to do. shelve all those ugly feelings about how they handled charlie and (hopefully) not let it completely ruin watching this episode (and the show). i have too much emotional investment in sam and dean to want to walk away entirely, but i also don't want this to turn into a hatewatch.
but gonna say again what a shame it is sam is giving this impassioned speech to cas about saving dean when i can't appreciate it nearly as much as i could have a few seasons ago.
SAM Dean guessed! Cas, What are we supposed to do, huh? Just sit on our asses, do nothing? CASTIEL No. We find Dean. SAM And then what?! The only thing that stopped Cain was death. Do you want to kill Dean? Because I don't. And the only way I know how to save my brother is to cure the Mark. And, yes, I know there will be consequences, but not you, not Dean, not anybody can tell me what those consequences are. So I'm not gonna let my brother destroy himself on a guess. We save Dean.
finally someone as mad as i am about that trope, about how they jump to conclusions and make decisions off bad or no information constantly. really fucking grinds my gears. so, thanks, sam.
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DEAN Well, they let her leave the house looking like a whore.
even when will graham's brain was melting, he wasn't a fucking asshole. jesus. dean wasn't this horrible when he was a full fledged demon.
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maybe i'll paint rowena some day. she's so pretty and i do love drawing red hair. working on another one of gillian at the moment.
also was wondering the other day if crowley wasn't witchy enough to do the spell. before sam tried to kill him, that is. cooperative-ish somewhat human-ish demon witch who has (apparently) an actual soft spot for the winchesters. obviously wanted to keep rowena on the board and in action but
my tolerance level for this particular variant of asshole dean is at a zero. read the script and fast forwarding this awful interview scene with the parents.
SAM Cas, take this. It's Dean's hair. You need it for the spell.
contemplating how he even got much of his hair. i have hair of a similar length to dean's and i don't need to brush it. maybe he uses something when he styles it? i just use my hands with goop. the only time there's much of it around is after i cut it. so did they have it on-hand already? stockpile of their various leavings. little apothecary drawers of sam and dean's respective locks of hair and nail trimmings.
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oh so now they're gonna show the "dark thoughts, creepy visions, violent urges." (10x21)
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aha, i have seen this in gif form a number of times. context. everything continues to be fine
CROWLEY Who summons anymore? Couldn't you call? CASTIEL You're not in my contacts list.
all right, that got a small chuckle out of me
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not this again. (5x18) skipping self destructive and going straight to suicidal.
i really enjoy julian richings as Death, and he and jackles play off each other really well. but this trying to make a deal with him, some new made up bullshit about how *dun dun DUN* if no one has the Mark some unspeakable evil dark miasma will destroy everything, it's tiring. reminds me of some improv game where as they pass the story down to the next writer, they have to play off whatever scenario has been set up.
DEAN Brother, I'm done. SAM No. No, you're not. Dean. DEAN Grab a pen. It's time to say goodbye.
i thought i was done with suicide trauma related triggers for the season. silly me
hello improv game. yes, rando dude working at the diner is the immortal oskar of rowena's past. of course.
DEATH Even if I remove Dean from the playing field, we're still left with you, loyal, dogged Sam, who I suspect will never rest until he sets his brother free – will never rest until his brother is free of the Mark, which simply cannot happen, lest the Darkness be set free. Then there was that time you stood me up.
think that's technically on dean, not sam
DEAN Remember when we were in that church, making Crowley human, about to close the Gates of Hell? Well, you sure as hell were ready to die for the greater good then. SAM Yeah, and, Dean, you pulled me back. DEAN And I was wrong. You were right, Sam. You knew that this world would be better without us in it. SAM No, no, no, wait a second. You're twisting my words here, Dean. DEAN Why? Because we -- we track evil and kill it? The family business? Is that it? Look at the tape, Sam. Evil tracks us. And it nukes everything in our vicinity -- our family, our friends. It's time we put a proper name to what we really are and we deal with it. SAM Wait a second. We are not evil. Listen... We're far from perfect, but we are good. That thing on your arm is evil, but not you, not me. DEAN I let Rudy die. How was that not evil? I know what I am, Sam. But who were you when you --when you drove that man to sell his soul... Or when you bullied Charlie into getting herself killed? And to what end? A good end? A just end? To remove the Mark no matter what the consequences? Sam, how is that not evil? I have this thing on my arm, and you're willing to let the Darkness into the world. SAM You were also willing to summon death to make sure you could never do any more harm. You summoned me because you knew I would do anything to protect you. That's not evil, Dean. That's not an evil man. That is a good man crying to be heard, searching for... some other way. DEAN No, there is no other way, Sam. I'm sorry.
halfway convinced me they should have ended this several seasons ago, reunited in heaven and be done with it all.
when dean was beating the shit out of cas i was wondering when sam and dean were gonna get into it. well.
SAM That's enough. Hey, that's enough. You will never, ever hear me say that you -- the real you -- is anything but good. But you're right. Before you hurt...anyone else, you have to be stopped at any cost. I understand. Do it.
i know i'm especially jumpy about dean being ready to die, but sam who i tend to be more bonded with these later seasons, he's ready to die for the greater good quite regularly. or when he thinks it's time. or whatever else. but his comes from a place of being (theoretically) logical and rational, whereas dean's is the opposite. and i guess that's why it pushes my buttons so differently.
all that said, i haven't cried like this from a finale in some number of seasons. but it feels greatly cheapened by the inane plot hoops needed to jump through to get us here.
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sam nodding to give the go ahead to kill him is crushing.
i know dean kills death at some point, which is a shame. i'll miss his actor. but i'm guessing now's the time
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it's giving twister (1996)
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i hate that all this was essentially setup for the new big bad. but we can't have the sam and dean show without these kind of plot hijinks. and trying to come up with new bigger badder bads over time just makes it more and more ridiculous. the reality that there's 5 seasons left to go is really hitting me now.
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salubriousbean · 3 months
salutations and bonvenon! thanks for dropping by, I am the salubrious bean. I suck at interacting with people so if I seem weird maybe that's why. Also yea I usually mostly type how I speak stuff irl
"Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
my pinterest account: https://pin.it/1NNV9VU3T
star wars rp blog with a clone trooper oc, go check it out! : @ct-7045 🫡
writing ask game thing! (with Screw!) ✨ (trying something new, send in something if it pleases ya!)
25 follower "celebration" thing! 🫶🏼🤟🏼
The 495th Division!
fandoms I am in: STAR WARS, EPIC: The Musical, LOTR, about every Brandon Sanderson book, Urinetown (the musical), also been revisiting my childhood with Roald Dahl recently, Moon Knight, BLUEYYYYYY!!!, curious George? (one of my fave childhood shows), Gravity Falls, Ranger's Apprentice/Brotherband Chronicles, Carmen Sandiego (2019), other assorted fandoms
While asks/messages are always welcome (I love asks!), please keep them appropriate. I will do my best not to follow/interact with any NotSFW & explicit, etc. blogs. I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone (like minors) and I'll do my best to keep it that way!
A post/reblog chain I found if you're having a bad day: https://www.tumblr.com/fiddlepickdouglas/644601820180840448/in-case-anyone-is-having-a-bad-night?source=share
other stuff under the cut so this post isn't too kriffing long:
I like getting tagged in things so feel free to tag me in (appropriate ofc) things (like those get-to-know-you reblog things or those picrew things)
Apparently I really like the words "thing" and "things" hehe
Yea also I'd love to post more of my art but 1) I don't always have access to a device where I can upload the pictures of my art, since I'm a traditional artist (but would really really love to get into digital art), and the device I use for tumblr won't let me upload a pic for some reason, and 2) I have wack schedule so I don't always have time to draw and then I stay up late to draw anyways so maybe that's not very good but whatever
✨MY PERSONAL TAGS✨ (I added colors bc I was bored) (they're all at the bottom of this post so you can click on them) (yea they are kinda redundant) (i just wanted tags that were uniquely mine) :
art: #salubriousbean art
writing: #salubriousbean writing
answering asks: #salubriousbean answers
posts I had in my queue: #salubriousbean queue
polls: #salubriousbean poll
tags I might use again?:
music rambling: #salubriousbean talks about music
rambling posts about other stuff: #salubriousbean rambles
things I declare Salubrious (which in this case means I really really really love it): #IT HAS BEEN DECLARED SALUBRIOUS
25 followers: #salubriousbean 25 follower celebration
other/random: #salubriousbean random
huh, pretty self-explanatory tags I guess, I'll try an tag all of the posts I make
i use star wars swears but not actual real life ones 👍 those might be in reblogs tho so sorry bout that
when I use omg it equals "oh my grapes" or "oh my goodness"
other information about me: music nerd, I play piano and double bass. I also dance but that doesn't mean I have balance lol. I'm in my second year of pointe. also I like hoarding the cardboard tab thingies you rip off of tissue boxes. I also like trying to balance those Cadbury chocolate eggs so they're standing up.
languages I am currently learning: ASL (American Sign Language), Esperanto (on Duolingo), and Italian (also on Duolingo)
lol the capitalization on literally everything original except my writing is so wack, sorry but also not sorry. also sometimes I forget to tag all my original posts and then they disappear into the void so I'll try and tag all of them with one of my tags at least.
I'll edit this masterpost as needed.
God is good. May the Force be with you. Always.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
im getting really off-track here and am sorry to disturb from the main storyline but im very curious what fate ralsei holds in your universe because i think? this is one of the most unique endings i saw him getting? not that ive seen much besides all of the fountains closing or rals being a villain/someone from ut partially i just wanna know how he's doing. he seemed so disappointed when leaving
oh! i can actually show it. i WANT to clean up and make the drawn comic panels i did on the dark world stream publicly available but i just never find the time for it KLFLSf it'd be a bit of an effort because i didn't know to use the webtoon feature so everything is by a LARGE folder instead of separate canvases... wild i used to work that way. hell on earth.
ok so. I WILL transcribe this comic when i do the above ^ so apologies to those who need it for now. under the cut is Ralsei's ending, minus most of the context. i want to emphasizes, THIS IS A TEMPORARY POSTING LMAO. it will be accessible and fully contextualized later
Uh. Spoilers for Darkworld Arc (the Sam's Biggest Mistake in AFR History Arc). Does it count as a spoiler if i'm a lazy ass who hasn't gotten around to cleaning this story up?
again transcript will be added in the actual release. alongside the unfinished "music" video (the audio was never composed as the vid wasn't finshed.) it has SOME merit tho.
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After the Big Battle with Gaster the knight returns (is anyone surprised? no) and posseses Lancer to help give an epilogue to the kids.
(skipping ahead a little because i DO want this scene to mostly be unspoiled, even after all this time)
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...apparently this is where either my tablet died again or i was burnt out after drawing for like, idk, 12 hours on stream SKFJSLDF. this is the last panel.
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mwuah. a master piece.
ANYWAY. Ralsie (at this point he's been reunited with the kids at the end of the battle. i DO have art for that but i'm just going to show the aftermath)
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anyway with Tazetta being crowned princess and given a fresh new life, (again, details vauge cause it's a cute scene that works best with full context) she and ralsei are set up to be new siblings -a brother and a sister!
Kris and Susie got the chance to be proper heroes to defeat Gaster (saving Ralsie in the process) so everyone's on good terms -Susie feels redeemed for attacking Feylow and Knight-Kris (Knis???), Kris got a big Hero Moment and feels validated in their ability to choose their destiny, Ralsei gets to feel the prophecy wasn't a total lie, and he's been given a full chance to live his own life now without the Knight being a turd about it
anyway with the Knight
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(AGAIN trying my best not to spoil the scene (fine with talking story beats but not in detail) so deal with being out of context as possible) the knight literally ends the fight by putting gaster in a time out and deciding to become a better person for the darkner's benefit.
yeah. jeeze. really wild how chapter 2 completely recontextualized things huh.
Also, since it's been a year :grimace emoji: i can saftely say the knight is WAY out of character and way to nice and "forgivable" in this dark world. back then I was thinking: "hm, maybe the Knight can be more redeemed and once in Darkworld, they could have a change of heart :)"
yeah thats. that's WAY off the table for Angel's Lullaby as it is now. the "will they or won't they redeem themself" is still on the table but its a WAY bigger fight to accomplish (or fail) than what was depicted here, sharing Kris' SOUL or not.
I think i was just toying with the idea of the Knight's redemption to foreshadow Asriel being flowey and not believing their SOUL was real. I felt this would help justify/foreshadow why Asriel was wrong ahead of time. or something. now i just think it hurts the story by having the knight involved, it undermines that story's intentional confusion if Asriel was right or not a ton!
yeah a big reason why the DW arc was Bad was because 1) outdated for both Angel's AND deltarune LMAO 2) bad in context of Asriel's arc 3) Feylow is kinda a big mess and overly ambitious of a writing metaphor for my skill level at the time 4) litearllyyyy hate the narrative i built for frisk and ralsei and i couldn't really salvage that x-x
ANYWAY sorry for the mean tangent. hopefully this gave you some insight to Ralsei's story arc even if I didn't show the full extent of it
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linawritesocs · 1 year
riley's birthday ssr vignette + art!
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yes, i didn't know how exactly to draw his ssr card, so i was like "you know what. sure maybe i can just draw something for their birthdays, but it doesn't have to be their cards". and i'm actually kinda proud of how it came out >:D you'll see it under the cut!
also, since riley is the last character to get a first birthday vignette this year ignoring those characters who didn't get anything last year like merrill or minnie, other vignettes are going to be the union ones! i really wanted to write something about seth interviewing those other ocs like angel or allen (SETH BEING DISGUSTED WITH ALLEN THE WHOLE TIME IS PURE COMEDY) but.. i think i should do it in a more canon way. and also i don't want to draw them wearing the same outfits, haha. but hey, maybe seth will still interview one of them! and he will definitely get his own birthday vignette too!
[ part 1 ]
[ savanaclaw dorm lounge - birthday venue ]
seth: riley-chan, happy birthday!
riley: ah, it's you, seth-san.. hello.
seth: aww, you look so cute today! i want to squish you so bad..
riley: .. squish? don't you mean "squeeze"? floyd-senpai says that word a lot, though i'm still not sure what he means by that.
seth: and it's probably for the best that you don't know that.
seth: anyway, how is our birthday boy doing? are you having fun?
riley: your microphone is so shiny..
seth: huh? wait, oh no, it still has the same design that i used for cater-chan's birthday!
riley: so you change your microphone's.. uh.. "theme" or "aesthetic" depending on who you're supposed to interview? how do you do that?
seth: yeah! for example, it had this flower theme when we celebrated avery-chan's birthday and i tried to make it as bright and colorful as possible for cater-chan's birthday!
riley: i see.. very impressive, seth-san. is it working though?
seth: it's covered in paint and glitter, riley-chan. this mic is NOT working.
riley: oh. for some reason it doesn't sound that impressive anymore.
seth: ".. is he disappointed?"
seth: anyway, about the question i asked you earlier-
riley: hm? you asked me something?
riley: oh, wait.. this is an interview, so you're probably supposed to ask questions, right? and i'm supposed to answer.
seth: y-yeah. so, about your birthday party..
riley: .. it's nice, i guess.
seth: you don't look so happy though.
riley: it's just.. i like spending time with other savanaclaw students, since most of them are scared of me or they just think i'm weird.
riley: but other students.. most of them think i'm "cute" and they refuse to leave me alone. i hate them.
seth: "h-how can these savanaclaw jocks be scared of YOU??"
seth: "wait, does this mean that he hates me too?"
riley: savanaclaw students are nice though. i like them.
seth: "i can hear vance-chan trying to make leona let him transfer to savanaclaw."
seth: are you having fun though?
riley: well.. the cake was nice. also i got to spend some time alone because i got a new bat as a birthday gift from one of the students and it made me so happy, i decided to carry it with me everywhere and others found it scary, so they just.. left me alone.
seth: "how am i supposed to tell that you're happy from your face expression??"
seth: i see, so you still got some alone time despite your popularity. that's good to hear.
riley: but then you came.
seth: o-oh.
seth: um.. wait, about the cake, where did other students get it? i don't think i know any savanaclaw students that are good at baking.. ah, they probably just bought it somewhere and didn't think too hard.
riley: oh.. by the "cake" i meant a cake-shaped soap they bought for me.
seth: HUH??
riley: it didn't taste like cake though. but it sure smelled like one.
seth: .. did you eat it, riley-chan.
riley: yeah. what about it?
seth: um?? aren't you supposed to feel sick after that??
riley: it's okay. i'm used to eating things that aren't.. uh.. "edible".
seth: .. can you give an example?
riley: well, dry leaves can be very crunchy. i like their texture. it's kind of like eating chips. grass is very tasty too.
riley: paper can be nice too. it can be very sharp though.. sometimes eating it can be a bit painful.
riley: also rocks-
riley: i told vance-kun about it before and he was just as confused as you at first, but then he said that i'm just "built different".
seth: .. i don't know if i should be concerned or amazed.
seth: "just what could possibly drive him to eating this kind of stuff?"
seth: "oh.. maybe his family's financial status wasn't that good so he had to get used to eating these things?"
[ part 2 ]
seth: oh, speaking of gifts, did you get anything from your family, riley-chan?
seth: if that's okay to ask, of course!
seth: "oh no.. what if they didn't have enough money to get him a gift.. this poor thing.. WAIT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY HE'S POOR IN THAT WAY!"
riley: ah, they sent me a new phone, some new outfits to wear because they were concerned about me wearing my school uniform all the time, even when i go to sleep, a game console because they heard about me being close with vance-kun, actually, they sent me like three of them because they didn't know which one is the best..
seth: ...
riley: those gifts are fine, but my favorite has to be the crystals they got for me. they're very pretty.
riley: huh? is something wrong, seth-san?
seth: "wait, it makes sense since they're cousins."
seth: um.. riley-chan.. i didn't know that your family was so rich..
riley: oh, my parents are just as rich as allen's, actually. i just don't talk about it that much, unlike him.
seth: i see. it's just that allen likes to spend A LOT of money. he usually spends it on expensive gifts, but he's also the kind of guy who goes "ah yes, it's IMPULSIVE PURCHASE TIME" whenever he's feeling sad.
riley: haha, that's just like allen. it's kind of cute of him to do that.
seth: "CUTE??"
seth: "ah, that's right, i kinda forgot that he basically worships his cousin.."
seth: i get him though, i can act like that sometimes too. riddle-chan is always there to stop me from doing that though.
riley: oh.. it doesn't sound like a good thing to do, you probably should spend your money more reasonably.
seth: oh, what about your relationship with your parents? it looks like they love you a lot.
riley: ah.. they're nice. they can be a bit.. embarrassing though.
riley: they're the type of parents to loudly cheer for me when i'm playing sports.
seth: aww, that's so sweet! it's nice to hear that your parents are so supportive.
riley: sometimes i wish they could just leave me alone.
seth: "what's wrong with this kid.."
seth: anyway, what about the other gifts you got today?
riley: oh, ruggie-senpai was the one to get me a cake-shaped soap actually. he used leona-senpai's money, so it's like.. a gift from both of them, i guess.
riley: he looked so shocked when i started eating it though.. what's the deal with him judging me for doing that? i know he eats really weird things sometimes too!
seth: "ah, he's acting more like a true "spoiled rich kid" now."
riley: jack-kun also got me this night light, it's cactus-shaped. you can really see that it's a gift from jack-kun.
seth: it looks so cute!! do you like it?
riley: yes, i like it a lot. i'm glad that it's just a night light and not a real cactus, because i don't think i would be good at taking care of it. my memory is not that good and i get distracted often, so.. and i would be very sad if something happened to it.
seth: you could ask avery-chan for help though!
riley: ah.. avery-senpai is one of those students who think i'm scary.
seth: "it's because of his eyes and face expression, isn't it?.."
[ part 3 ]
seth: oh, oh, did you get anything from vance-chan?
riley: he wished me a happy birthday earlier, but he said that i will get a gift from him a bit later. he said that i should look forward to it and he thinks that i'll like it.
seth: ohh, so interesting~ i wonder what he got for you! it must be something very special!
riley: he probably just forgot about my birthday.
seth: w-why do you think so?
riley: because i mentioned my birthday a few days ago and he started acting really weird after that. he refused to spend time with me after that and he looked very nervous and he was like "OH, S-SORRY, I-I'M VERY B-BUSY TODAY, B-BYE!"
riley: i'm telling you, he probably forgot about it and remembered only when i mentioned it.
seth: "so even though he obviously has a crush on riley-chan, vance-chan still forgot about the gift.."
seth: hm, i wonder how you used to spend your birthday in the past. do you think this year's birthday party is more fun than the ones you had when you were a kid?
riley: i'm not really a fan of birthdays, actually.
riley: i hate being the center of attention and it gets even worse when it's my birthday.
riley: my parents always insisted on inviting all the neighborhood kids even though i never was friends with them and didn't care about them that much.
riley: they were so annoying.. i always wished they could just disappear..
riley: ahaha, sometimes i imagined something very bad happening to them in the middle of the birthday party and it made me so happy..
seth: "o-okay, he can be just as scary as his cousin."
seth: "wait, his cousin-"
seth: hey, did you get anything from allen today?
riley: ...
riley: i.. i didn't.
seth: "just as i expected."
seth: oh.. i'm sorry, riley-chan. i know that he doesn't really like you.
riley: he doesn't like me?
seth: well, yeah-
riley: so you're saying allen hates me?
seth: yeah, i thought it was obvious.
riley: ...
seth: a-are you about to cry-
riley: oh well, i guess i just have to make him like me then.
seth: um.. riley-chan, why are you so obsessed with your cousin?
seth: you know, it makes you look kinda creepy.
riley: oh, it's just..
riley: it's because he was the only child who never wanted to play with me, talk to me or do anything with me.
riley: hehe, meeting a kid like that was so exciting for someone like me who was loved by everyone..
riley: it's okay if he hates me. it's even more fun to make him notice me that way.
riley: i'm sure we will become friends one day.
seth: .. hey, riley-chan.
seth: so you thought allen was interesting because he was the only person who hated you, right?
riley: yes, what's so wrong about that?
seth: well, a lot of things, but.. why do you want him to like you then?
seth: do you wish to be loved or do you wish to be hated?
seth: are you sure that you really hate being the center of attention that much?
seth: or do you secretly enjoy making people become obsessed with you?
riley: ...
riley: i think it's time for you to go, seth-san.
seth: y-you're right.
seth: once again, happy birthday, riley-chan!
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Spookengan 9 - Devilish Face
Previous / MasterPost
Made in Collab with @useless-bi-otch
"Now that I'm thinking about it…" Kaneda mutters as he slides the knife around the pumpkin's handle "It's the first time I've entered the Heavy Bakery's kitchen. I had only seen it through the window from where the orders come out."
"Oh, now that you mention it, it really is. Welcome then" Hiro smiles "Everyone's busy with Kanny's party, so it's up to me and Paikon to pack things here at the bakery for Halloween, which is the 31st. And, well…" he nods to the janitor, snoring softly in the corner "It means it's just me, really. Thanks for the help, Mr. Kaneda."
"Haha, no problem. And thanks for having me", He smiles as he finishes opening the “lid” of the pumpkin, then picking up a big spoon to remove all the pulp "It's the least I could do, considering the good service I get whenever I come here. And I won't deny it, I'm very curious about this decoration."
"Oh, it'll look great. Kanny will bring a lot of stuff from her party, then it'll look spectacular. I've already been to one of her parties and it's a blast" Hiro nods while drawing on the other pumpkin to mark the places he needed to carve "But it was a pity that there weren't many people at the time, so my Draco Malfoy costume from Harry Potter went to waste" Hiro sighs "I think I'm going as a little devil this year. What about you?"
Kaneda needs to hold back his laughter. As a devil, uh? Hiro and him weren't very close, but he already saw enough of him to know that there couldn't be a more appropriate costume.
"I'm not sure. They said I could go as a ninja, but I think it's too cliché. People look at me and can only imagine the most traditional, Edo period-like thing possible, haha." 
"And when they look at me, Drag is the first thing that comes to their minds" Hiro chuckles lowly "Boy, I can be pretty open with my sexuality, and I respect my sisters a lot, but I'm not good at it. I'm only good at playing myself."
Kaneda's smile only widens at that. 
"And knowing that, you chose to go as a devil. Your self-awareness is admirable."
"Oh, c'mon, everyone knows that Daddy Satan loves me. I'm not going to disrespect him by pretending I'm an angel" Hiro laughs "And what about you, huh? I'm well aware that you're not just a fox in appearance. You're actually worse than Tomori. You both are masters at hiding your predator-like tails under the sheep's clothing."
"Oh, but who says I hide it? People catch glimpses of it often. It's just that everyone chooses to see me as harmless, either because of my appearance or my personality" He arches an eyebrow suggestively "And that has been proven to be very useful to me, several times."
"I know", he starts to cut where he had drawn "With me it's more or less the opposite. Everyone assumes I'm dangerous because of my charm. Even the two gorillas that are always with you are scared of me. But in reality I'm just a plant dad who happens to have a sharp tongue and knows who to call if he needs help. That includes a fox-man who takes down people bigger than him."
"My, am I part of your emergency contact list then? I'm flattered" He laughs as he finishes removing the pumpkin pulp "I think I have to reciprocate in this case. How about joining my emergency contact list when it comes to costumes? Because I really have no idea what to dress up in,” he admits with an embarrassed smile.
"We can match!" Hiro says suddenly, then he cringes and clears his throat when the other widens his eyes at him "I mean, we can match costumes. Why don't you go as Angel? Or... I don't know, if you don't like the idea, maybe we'll find something that resembles a fox, like a thousand-year-old kitsune, then you'll wear a very chic white outfit with silver and gold adorns, and those fluffy little ears and... huh..
“Aah…” Kaneda had expected everything but to hear him suggest something like that with such excitement. And much less that he'd be embarrassed like that at his surprise. The cashier was a lot more subtle when it came to flirting, as far as he'd realized. And that, strangely, made him a little shy too "Matching costumes, eh? It'd be funny. Everyone would probably say that the two of us should have gone as devils, hehe…"
"Oh, that's a good idea too!" Hiro smiles "How about the two of us wear black suits, red ties, horns and a tail? Trouble always comes in pairs, like the pair of gorillas you have as pals."
That makes Kaneda laugh, despite his embarrassment ​​"And if there's one thing that pair is good at, it's getting others in trouble too. But yes, it's a good idea. Simple and effective. But this also reminded me of Team Rocket's motto, you know? 'Prepare for trouble and make it double'...  now I'm imagining ourselves dressed as Musashi and Kojiro."
Hiro's face lights up "Ooohhh!!! I'll go as Musashi, your hair suits Kojiro better. Also because Musashi loves to do male cosplay, and Akane knows some temporary dyes that'll look great! Ohohoho, this is going to be awesome!" He almost jumped in the chair he was sitting on.
"Haha, indeed. And I know Kojiro likes to dress as a woman, but I'll stick with the standard uniform if you don't mind.” He watches him with a chuckle as he uses the knife to give his pumpkin a face. His friends had mostly wild, boisterous personalities, so he was used to those outbursts. And coming from Hiro, they were kinda cute, too "Nothing against it, it's just that the Team Rocket uniform is a classic. And maybe I'll borrow a couple of Pokemon plushies with Tomori. I know Okubo gave some to her..."
"I have an Arbok…" Hiro admits, blushing, looking sideways "Life size…"
Kaneda wanted to say he was surprised, but the truth was, he wasn't.
"Good, that's half of our work done, haha! Even I'm excited now" He admits with a crooked smile "The day was more productive than I expected. I even finished my pumpkin while we were talking" And he shows his pumpkin.
Hiro's was still halfway through, but the eyes at that stage looked suspiciously similar to the guy's next to him.
"Oh, don't give me that face, I'm just the cashier. I can count all these seeds in the blink of an eye, but I'm a little slow when handling knives,” he says, his face a little red.
"… Oh. Very funny" Kaneda says simply, staring at the pumpkin in exasperation "But I can't say it's not creative, in a way. I will carve my next pumpkin in your honor as a thank you."
"Ahh… it wasn't intentional, but thanks…" he blushes more "It still needs more details, but since you liked it I can leave it like that, ehhe…"
"Don't fall for his antics, Mr. Fox" they hear a voice in the corner of the kitchen "That one is trouble, I tell ya."
Kaneda nearly drops the pumpkin on the ground "Aah! Gods, Mr. Paikon…!"
"Eek! You scared the crap outta me, Paikon!" Hiro drops the knife "In addition to being a zombie, now you've turned into a ghost too?"
"It’s a good idea for a costume" Paikon laughs "As a zombie, I only have to show up when you ask me to dance to Thriller, hehehe…"
"Ahaha… we are happy to help you" Kaneda says, a hand on his chest as he recovered from the shock "I'll also be excited to see this performance. But tell me, what do you think of the pumpkins we've carved so far?" He shows the pumpkin again "Are they worthy of decorating the bakery?"
"Oh yeah, they look great, but I think you'd have done it way faster if all the flirting hadn't been happening, you know..."
The two men turn very red while the janitor stretches, getting up and collecting the pumpkin seeds from the table on a platter "I'll roast the seeds, then we'll eat them for lunch later. They're good for the guts, ya know..."
He exits the kitchen, leaving the two extremely embarrassed men behind. Kaneda cleared his throat a little.
"So…" He hesitates, not quite knowing what to say. He looks to the side, seeing the other pumpkins waiting to be carved as well. And he takes one, showing it to the other while offering with a smile:
"What do you think about carving Mr. Paikon's face in this one, Mr. Hiro? It'll be our payback."
"Hehehehe…" Hiro smiles very mischievously, showing his knife; a face worthy of his nickname, 'Satan's Spawn' "Perfect."
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Next Chapter Soon
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seelestia · 2 years
that's what i get for always spending time with him i guess lmao and yes ofc you're v v welcome to invade my inbox anytime you so wish <3
the two hu taos running around is sure to turn anyone's hair grey lol i can't for the life of me imagine the shenanigans you're both up to when put together /j
ah the social status gap ;;;; THAT'S 3 TROPES IN ONE HLDJSFLKSJDL OH MY LORD i can already taste the bitter angst at the tip of my tongue....
I THINK SO lol black + blue palette on ayato... and with all the signature fatui accessories... gosh. i really can't. any artists seeing this, if you ever want to draw it please tag me 🙏🏻 yeah no the moment he starts liking your presence you're locked in for life sis i am so sorry- /j
that's so fast sldkjfsldf i'm still on part 2 atm and i probably won't continue anytime soon cause of vacation plans sobsob
the rng gods blessed you with that one lollll nahh i am hopeless at building characters i tell you. i have no idea what i'm doing 80% of the time 🤣 i'm just here for the lore and music/voice and zhongli ✨
literally us:
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"a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one." i am dead, deceased, wheezing, tearing up with laughter-
oh al haitham is coming home whether he wants it or not 😈 i think i might skip 3.1 banners entirely in favor of saving up... the remelting tablet has got me hooked on ayato's playstyle so i'm eyeing for when he reruns too. probably not gonna be soon but still... also i want scara when he comes out solely bc his jp va lmao (and on that note, maybe childe hmmm)
definitely, more chars >>>>>>> constellations!!! yeah that's actually a good thinking hahah being on guaranteed is fun but also stressful sometimes.... my brother is at 60 pity rn and he actually wanted dori but he doesn't dare to pull bc he doesn't like ganyu or kokomi's playstyle lol rip
oooo strawberry and passionfruit tea, those sounds gooooood <3
i imagine zhongli very much approves of our tea addiction lol
atp, you should put copying zhongli's speech to a tee as your hidden talent 😭 i guess, this is what happens when you write for him sm, huh?? + all that listening to his voicelines, uh-huhhh 👀 i cannot blame you for that will also be me when i get ayato 🚶 (the day i start using, "ah, yes. naturally." like him is the day you'd know i've gone off of the deep end /j)
i may make your hair grey, but you will love me either way, right??? *innocently bats eyelashes* (/lh) hu tao and lia in one room would fr be the most effective aging process because i'd honestly laugh at her jokes and then add on to them 😭 also, i vividly recall that one time when zhongli did his osmanthus wine idle and i just absentmindedly responded, "i think your friends are six feet under tho". THE SILENCE AFTERWARDS WAS SO LOUD. idk how i can be both chaotic and chill at the same time (is this where my venti side comes out /j)
a love triangle with ayato and thoma is such a concept 🙏 but with a more realistic twist to it and with that, comes the harsh realization that reality brings. after all, a fairytale-like love is pleasant to indulge in; an escape, an almost surreal-like lantern of hope but you can't keep your head buried in books forever, can you? reality where capitalism reigns (/j) will always call, whether you wish to turn a blind eye to it or not. MMM, REALITY, THE ENEMY OF DAYDREAMERS *hiss* 🤺 (/lh)
fatui!ayato, what an enigma (don't lock me up, please. at least, let rin jie visit me because she'll help bail me out /j) 👀 yeahhh, you can't escape him if he's locked onto you <//3 which makes me think about how he'd be as your ex... i feel like ayato would be that smiling yet salty on the inside + passive aggressive ex. LOLLL he would 100% sneakily trip your new partner in public and extend an oh-so gracious and concerned helping hand to them (wowww, talk about sneaky).
rin jie, the only thing keeping me going with the quests is the aranara's <//3 i just divided the quests neatly, so i followed the process of completing at least one or two quests per day — THIS WAS EXACTLY HOW I DID MY STUDYING AND I GOT WAR FLASHBACKS FROM MY LAST EXAMS 😭 i love it when i apply my studying technique to long genshin quests, hehehe 🥸🏃 (/s)
who cares about meta because even at ar 50+, we're just cruising thru 🏂 does your brother beg to differ with his op builds??? we shall abandon him. (/j) i still remember when you told me he started building diluc after the new skin was released LOLLL and speaking of !! have you read up on enkanomiya's lore yet??? because remember my boy, caelin?? i think i might post his profile soon 👀 but absolutely dw if you haven't, the lore related to enkanomiya is only in the trivia section at the very end~
YEAHHHH, the way we are saving for both al-haitham and ayato 🤝 no because i was so happy when i saw ayato in the fayz trials + remelting tablet event 😭 the way he does his normal attacks, hello??? it was enjoyable being an ayato main even for a few minutes, i'm getting a taste of my future <//3 but let's wish scara and al-haitham won't be on the same banner because that shall be your true test + you're softening up to childe, it aeems??? 👀
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zeeposting · 9 days
tired eepy rambler wamring very long and not good spelling I'm tired how do I add this in why isn't it working :( YAY I DID IT :D I'm so tired.
eaipugapbjnlkwe43uo3thfqww; keyboard= asmh
im tired
typing feels weird like my fingers feel heavier or something idk how to explain It
oh my golly gosh every time I blink like. not manually it feels sliike the lights fligkcerd like huh why do my eyes do that
im so tired yet hardly tired at the same time
my typing is so bad (sign of eepy) Im tearing up a bit I think (either sign of eepy or I got an eyelash in my eye) but also I don't really feel all that tired. but I am tireed
i wanna go home but I KNOW my parents are gonna be talking for SO LONG so I'll probably go home at 10 or something
i wish more of m friends were open to talk I want to annoy multiple of my friends like I wanna talk
im rambling but ioh well
irihhherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pok uhhh what happening idk
maybe its home time? no I don't think so :(
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just wanna hold my finger on one key I'm eepy
dude I forgot to write. LAC is postponed again, sorry gator you and the actual characters are going back to the "I always forget them" side of my brain oh my golly I coulda written more camp of keys!! except I have no idea where I'm going with that. uhh think think thinks what is this Pepsi ad??? anyways uhh.... what could hppen that would make sense.... maybe uhh... maybe wait is Ella going with them?? I don't think so. yeah no. okay so maybe storme says something and Clarissa basically goes back to depression mode?? but what would bring her back there. maybe Leah just starts getting all sad. and that makes clarissa sad. dude what if like I had an eepy story that I wrote more of every time I was eepy. like. no typing corrections, no thinking about it in the day, just every night when I think "oh I'm kinda eepy" I continue the story suighs I don't like having praces
bee Kay have it your way. you rule!
i want to write scroll and Quill lore but I don't at the same time. like I want to write it all out but also I have like no idea how that would work I have like half of it figured out what happened on that day I dunn!!! i love scroll and Quill sm like dude I justwant to hold them and talk to them and idk I just love those little gay freaks so much I love them and their lore and everyone involved in their story
when someone tells me they like one of my characters I have to draw thme nore tlike especially one o y friends like ryu ryu likes floe and that's why I'm gdaing globe so much more fonten because I want to make ryu happy like I just want to make my friends happy I don't really care about myself I just want them to be happy. i tell my friend that she can spam me jer worries int he private chat of this ma and her because I want her to feel btert, I don't really care I just want her to feel better.
m yypung is so bad because I'm so tired I guess but I don't really feel like fixing it. sorry I can translate in the morning but no ones gonna read this because who actuallycareas
i mean maybe ryu but like.why idk. maybe Milly. man idk
this is gonna turn into an acicnela vent or something but idrc I'm just tired ok??
tbh I don't feel like a good friend lately. idk o don't feel like elaborating but I do
in science we got to play jeopardy and the team names were so stupid
Jackie Likes Pencils, TikTok Rizz Party, Skibidy Stephen, The Billy Bus, Team Chicken Leg
(yes all of those are spelt properly I made sure of it. yes it was spelt skiidy ask inki.)
guess what team was me, inki, Ezra and ratthew comet? haha. team chicken leg. SOWA CREWMA!!!!!
man I'm tired. like eepy. super epy.
i love rue so much shes just a cute lotel pony and like she sjst so cute and I love her so much shes oh my gosh I miss Chico he's so cute and silly and goofy and funnyand I miss him.
i love my friends sm thank you
friend I wont name #1, bubblez, inki, Ezra, ryu, Milly, kit (asktrianglesblog rn), Abb, rabbit, friend I wont name #2, sapp, Ollie, zoe/fishy (I don't remember sorry) I love you all so so much
i want to cry a bit. so lets yap about something happier
should I make another character. yes
im thinking TANA melatonin for some reason. no not them stop it. dude I love TANA so much especially mug and battery and valentine they're so cool I cant wait for the actual thing to come out. or for it to come across my path idk if its actually gonna be a thing okay hmm what objects are around.
what abotu a gouwer. no that's basic plus I already have night. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why si this kids bday party football themed dude you don't like football at least uve never said anything about it at least around me???
what aib0ut uhh.. random object generator help
yk I don't have a lot of characters with names that end in uy! so. hmm jammy. like a jar of ja,. what jams are there I don't think iev ever had jam
plum han!! jammy!! !rhehe silly. any pronouns. just a silly guy.
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look at her shes so silly and so funny I love her already I don't want to give her lore she's just a silly farmer that makes jam and she gets soopu eepy like me when she doesn't have his jam beucae I said so. he's my eepy character. my ltiel eepy friend. I love him already just a silly farmer wait should he have a love interest? NO. aroace jammy. #aroacejammyforpresident2024
im rambling so much but I don't want to put on a keep on reading because do I care no. read to learn about jammy. lol what if someone read it as jimmy. Jimmy jammy. hheh,o orphan in black?? tv what are you talking about who is that.
oh no someone approaching AAA!! haha other side of the couch they are. why is my batter on re dnoo oh yeah hour 54 left
dude I knew I was gonna leave at 10 its 941 nd I'm still here.
jammy is so cute I love them so much. I should draw them more
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hegegehe happy jammy
i don't like that noise :( loud
dude in so tired I'm fighting the urge to say dude in every sentance
what is arm lasseration? dhters a guy and he's a police guy or something familyy friend and he just got a call thing on the walkie talkie II and uhh he said "ooh lovely!{" "what" "arm lasseratioin" what does that mean.
ohh its like a cut. it breaks the skin. okayyy!!!
im gonna draw sad jammy because I feel like it :(
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i love drawing on my d=touch screen computer its so fun
i fee like jammy should be my comfort character like I love them somuhc they're just my eepy gal
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jammy no your half filled with juice jammy you need more jam your gonna die!!1 of EEPYJNES!!
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aww look eeping jammy I love them so much I keep saying that but I love jammy they are a part of me I drew eepy jammy because I want to go jhome and sleep and think about scroll and Quill I don't think I'm gonna read tonight because I'm so tired and its interesting but dude I'm so tired I wanna go to sleep :(
i know I'm talking way too much but I don't care I'm eepy. there you get your keep on reading because I guess its too much
jammy I love you
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i just wanna hug jammy and go to sleep in a /p kinda way I love them so much
dude jammy is just so cute I love them they look so huggable
pleas draw jammy guys I love them.
dude I'm gonna look a this tomorrow and be so concerned
honk mimiii honk mimiii goodnight
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theclo4ked1 · 24 days
iiiIIT'S SUMMER! Well, not quite, but close (enough...) I feel so free, but you know what isn't free? My laptop's storage space, there's a gigabyte and a half left on the C drive right now, but that hinders the performance; it frees its own space so I can put more things, but that's not good since the computer needs those resources to function goodly, or so I've heard.
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This is why I am (not) launching a Kickstarter to buy a Faster Stronger Better Gaben- I mean a cooler computer, preferably a desktop tower. Here's a list of perks and things YOU will RECEIVE If you support me:
...and as a bonus,  
Please (do not) donate! Give to the (not so) needy XP... Alright alright, I was just playin'. I finally caught another break so now I can rest and do other things like: cleaning... AHEM so, some days ago, I made a short post hinting at something I was doing relating to Dora the Explorer, if it wasn't obvious. If you know me, you'd know that show (the first four seasons anyway) is a...pretty significant part of my life, and I look forward to what plans the creators have in store for her future.
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Hm, what's that? A reboot on Paramount+? One season has been released? Oh, okay, yeah I'll give it a look- Kathleen Herles returns as a voice? Holy. Miér-coles. Okay real talk, I was gonna watch regardless of if she was gonna come back as a voice, if she would come back at all. I actually just watched the first Paramount+ episode, not the ones pre-released on YouTube, and when I finished watching it, I thought to myself...
Huh. I don't think I learned much of anything.
Maybe the point is to just entertain children, and if that's the case, fine. But in my opinion, that makes this reboot far less interesting. Y'know I wrote this big ass post to the Forum for the franchise's fandom wiki giving a critical look at the reboot, "Dora '24", and comparing it to the original show that I lovingly call "Dora2K" because the show began airing in 2000, but did you know it was being produced in the late '90s? I call them by numbers after "Dora" because the new show is just called "DORA", subtitled "Say Hola to Adventure". Anyways, I'd appreciate if you read it, and gave me your thoughts either here or there. Actually, I found out today that someone wanted to know about a Discord to talk about the show, one that I did want to lead, but wasn't sure how it would go, how to promote it, who would help moderate; the works. Okay okay okay okay, enough pr'amble, (more like mumble lol (could you even call it preamble? i got caught up in things again, im so sorry)) BEHOLD, MY FLOATING MA- *skips cutscene*
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This, my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, is my BIG FUCKING THING! I'm not just referencing the Shadow the Hedgehog Fandub unnecessarily, no, this paper is approximately 4'x6'. "seee~, moy grahn-day" teehee Yes, this is what was brewing at D(ora) ‘n D(rawing). I planned for a cubism kind of drawing, then saw it after it was finished and decided it wasn't exactly cubism, then I was told it looked like cubism, so ultimately... It'S iS CuBiSm!!! I didn't explain it before, but the drawing takes from that scene from the live-action movie where Dora's cutting a GOT damn rug at the high school dance. She dances in a style that mimics animals from the rainforest, but the thing about that scene is that it's just Dora on the floor-a. Everybody else is by the wall, not on the dance floor at all because it's an awkward event, as any school would have it. I call this piece "Disco Dorka: Inspiring Sunshine", but I shortened it to the subtitle when sharing it with peers. "Inspiring", because the whole scene with Dora just being herself, not giving a damn (though I can't remember if she knew the other students were making fun of her right there) is inspiring to me. "Sunshine" comes from the sun costume Dora wore because it was a solar system-themed school dance. You may have noticed this is an ink drawing as opposed to my pencil or a digital drawings. A month or two ago, I was introduced to ink, and of course, that changed my life. I wholeheartedly adore ink, THIS is what I needed, it's a digital exclusive thing I can achieve only on a computer screen; it flows, it can make thick black lines THATS LIKE MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD but its messy but like OMG WHO. DA HELL. CARES?
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Being introduced to ink really helped me to find myself, artistically, and my, is it freeing to know what I can do; what kinda potential I had. I apologize if it sounds like I'm bragging, but I think maybe it shows that finding out exactly what you're made of requires you to go outta your zone. Not your comfort zone, just what you know. Explore. (oh my god thats dora's whole thing, wtf why does it loop back) Last thing I wanna bring up is the text. I was told by peers that adding text is something that defines my ink style, it makes it mine. Probably not unique, I shouldn't have to say "i KnOw I'm NoT tHe FiRsT", but I know. I'mnotthefirstHAHA The text references Season 3 and parts of 4 of "Dora2K", y'know, the stars that Dora and Boots caught like Pokémon? It confuses me, do the stars travel from Star Mountain and are returned there from a wormhole in the Star Pocket, or is the Star Mountain in the pocket a pocket dimension, or OUGH! MY HEAD. The movie, as far as I know, makes no reference to this. I thought of writing REACH FOR THE STARS but then I was like "nah that's Sonic, this is about Dora now change it" and so i did. Ah, that's all I wanna say about my cool thing. These last four months have certainly been a trip, but now you can expect MORE ART probably. I'd get back to playing Sonic Mania (which is apparently bad now??) but I'm too tired...zzzzzzz... zzzz- oh yeah thanks for reading... z.....zzzz......zzzzzzz.......
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ultraphobic · 6 months
Hiya Lane! Another day - another message from Santa! 🎅🏻
Today is a bit of a sad day for Hanoi Rocks fans, but I love watching All Those Wasted Years (Live at Marquee) concert, it lifts my spirits. Maybe you also have a favorite Hanoi Rocks performance? Today I started with a sad damn thing. It turns out to be some kind of depressive Santa lmao
Omg!! The glam festival is wonderful! Which groups are already known?
It sounds pretty funny about national holidays! The King and two birthdays hehe
Oh, I'm sorry that your work week was quite busy :( If it's not a secret, who do you work for? I work in a vinyl store and sometimes it can be too boring lol
Wow!! What's your cat's name?
And I'm sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹
Wow, this is an amazing top album! Ultraphobic, in my opinion, is very underrated. Your playlist is very cool and diverse! I like it!
🎄 Do you have a favorite hobby?
🎄 Where would you like to travel and why?
🎄 Your favorite time of the year and association with it?
Your Santa ⛄️ 🎄
hey santa!
i was a little confused on the hanoi rocks thing until i remembered time zones & it's probably still the 8th wherever you are! i haven't watched any live performances of theirs, i can't seem to do that for any groups i like for some reason? theres one single faster pussycat live cover i listened to from last years glamfest in my country that i listened to, but only because it was an inxs song that i really connect with
i do have some favourite hanoi songs though: don't follow me, a million miles away, cutting corners, & underwater world to name a few
the few artists they have already announced for glamfest are jetboy, janet gardner, the cruel intentions (all international), and ablaze, sisters doll (local acts). i'm hoping for michael monroe as he is in japan the week before which would make travel easy and would line up with the hints we've been given! i'm also hoping for firehouse and also a newer aussie band called southern river band who i actually saw earlier this year, they're awesome!
i can't say the company i work for just for online safety reasons but i work as a piercer! i'm still training so i am an apprentice but it's super fun!! it's so cool you work in a record store tho i feel like that's something i could see myself doing in an alternate reality
my cat's name is bandit!
thank you! i do pride myself on my spotify & my music taste and i have probably over 200 playlists at this point just from getting random ideas for silly little playlists that i think huh that would be fun (and then i end up having three songs and abandon)
ultraphobic is soooo underrated and i am SO upset that it (+belly to belly) isn't available at all to stream in my country! i'm even blocked from listening on youtube! i had to buy copies on cd (from overseas mind you, they only sell the first three albums and then the best of compilation here) and download the files from there and add them as local files so i could listen with the rest of my stuff.
okok question time i love this part
i have a few hobbies; i've recently been doing a few art classes and discovered i'm kinda ok at drawing so that's fun! i also do a bit of photoshop and make stupid t shirts n stuff (those were my christmas gifts to everyone last year)
i'd like to travel more within my own country as i've only been to one other state, and one territory, i'd also like to visit some of my online friends in the us & canada! and also just europe in general for touristy stuff
i used to say i hate summer and to a degree i kiiinda still do? like i don't like australian summer weather and the heat BUT i kinda have to let up on that and realise that i end up being the happiest at this time of the year and somehow all my stress happens around the middle of the year (and my birthday and christmas both happen in summer so....)
nice to hear from you!!!
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
Jack talking to himself post for organizing thoughts about the day's energy allocation don't mind me:
Man, I'm tired in a 'deep brain migraine-threat full-body muscle exhaustion' kinda way. I guess that means I need to be extra careful with myself today. -- Even if that is... not an unusual status quo for me. (Even if that means I must simply continue strengthening my habit of being very gentle with myself almost all the time. Jokes on you though - doing so makes me even more powerful! I may be in a shitty situation, but it is already WORLDS better than where I was and it WILL get WAY BETTER still because I will MAKE IT SO NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES. And in the meantime - and in the warm golden future: gentleness, on purpose.)
Food will help. Food prep is high-cost when pain is like this. Esp in my inaccessible kitchen. But wife can help, and there is no use denying that I will once again spend a large chunk of the day's spoons just getting enough food in me. But some days there is no way around that. Food is essential, and as far as I can tell, it always will be as long as I am alive. And I want to stay alive and I want to thrive. And so i must eat when I am hungry, even when I rather wouldn't.
(This is basically just how I journal, huh)
I have a message from my physical therapist about scheduling. Seems like responding to that today would be a good idea. [Update: Task completed! Achievement unlocked: "Super Calendar Boi"]
Gods, i fucking love Adderall.
Okay so I have my next meal planned, and I can probably hang with my wife and dog and watch TV while I eat. That's good. I can't really worry about dinner until after that. One thing at a time.
I have taken my medication. I have nausea medication standing by if need be.
Pain management: I have stretched and showered, but cardio is still needed. I will use the treadmill. And maybe do some more strengthening exercises.
I may go out to a lesbian bar tonight and meet up with a cute boi. I don't know yet. It is so hard to plan. But my wife says we have the money for me to do a night out. She doesn't want to go, but wishes me luck. 👌
I think I will be a happier Jack if I go out tonight. Just have to make sure I actually eat enough before I go this time. I always forget to have dinner before I go and then I get there like oh fuck!!
I'm really trying not to take an edible today because if I take them every day to manage my pain, they become less effective, and that's not great. Also they cost money lol. But if that ends up the only way I can find relief, so be it.
If I go out today, that will use and stretch muscles that don't normally get used. That is definitely a good thing. I think I will go out unless my condition worsens. If only because then when I come home it will feel really good to watch TV and chill.
There are other messages and voice-mails to respond to. I may do one or two more today. Nothing too urgent, it seems. Just... a lot of things to keep track of. It is overwhelming.
There's nothing I can do today to make money. It's a shame, but I simply have to continue taking care of myself day to day.
There are many creative and fun things for me to engage in if I want to write or draw or play video games or edit video or organize my concept art files. None of those things have to happen today, but some of them will and that is vital.
Okay, so here's the plan: get dressed, get food, watch TV, light cardio, rest, play Dragon Age Origins, go out to be gay in a location with the big couches i can lay down on! And then! Probably more Dragon Age, baby!!!! And also Princess Weekes' YouTube channel she is so good at explaining things! Or maybe the Musical-splaining podcast! Let's GOOOOOOOOOOO 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎆🎇🎆🎆😤😤😤😤😤
Achievement unlocked: "Journal Boi Ultra!"
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