#this is soo cute
Hi! I love your work!
I was wondering if I could request a Miguel O’Hara x chubby female reader. She’s not exactly shy or insecure about her body, and she wears glasses. She meets Miguel in a line for a cafe, she’s reading a classic book while waiting in line and is totally aware of her surroundings(and she’s not even a spider person)
The place is robbed and reader loses her glasses while being held at gunpoint. Spider-Man saves the day, and reader asks where Miguel went.
You don’t have to do this, but if you do and include smut stuff, the reader keep her glasses on please.
Waaait cause why is this so cute😭
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara × Chubby!Reader
Summary: you're standing in a long, slow moving line reading a book and a certain superhero can't keep his eyes off of you
A/N: I tried working on this while I was at work, but my phone is busted and tends to glitch, and it kept uploading while I was in the middle of writing and wouldn't let me put it in drafts. I was so mad LMAO anyways enjoy!
You're standing in line with your nose buried in a novel, finger tips pushing your glasses back up the bridge of your nose. Call you a cliché for reading in line, but come on, you're getting to the juicest part!
A soft hum push past your plump lips, tongue darting out to moisten the pad of your index finger to help flip to another page. Your eyes indulge the flow of the words, heart quickening as the scene grows mortifying and intense. Will the hero be able to save his lover? Or will he have to make the fatal decision of sacrificing her to save himself?
The line shifts and you take a step forward, peering up for a moment to glance at the menu before returning to your novel.
Yet a tremor racks through your body as you feel a pair of eyes on you. Begrudgingly, you remove your gaze from the pages, looking around to find the source.
And oh.
Standing off to the side is a tall man with dark skin, brown hair, shades adorning his handsome face staring at you. His cheeks darken at getting caught and he looks away, shifting uncomfortably on his feet.
A blush rises along your cheeks and you make an attempt to go back to reading your book, moving along with the line, but your head turns slightly to get another peek of the handsome man, pushing your glasses back up.
The man is leaning against the wall, messing around with a gadget on his wrist, and this time, you're the one who gets caught for staring.
But you don't look away.
A small smile appears on your face and you give a little wave with your fingers. The man's eyes widen beneath his shades and he looks away with a small, shy pout, his arm rising a bit to give you a wave back.
You chuckle to yourself, coming up next in line and ordering yourself a iced matcha latte. You now stand off to the side with your book tucked under your arm, a few inches away from the handsome stranger.
"What are you reading?" he said after a long stretch of silence. He rubs the back of his neck, glancing down at you.
The size difference is mind boggling. He stands at 6'9 and you're below 5'5. And he finds it to be cute.
"Oh? This?" you hold the book up, staring at it. Your hand runs over the hard book, smiling. "It's the fourth installment of my favorite series. I'm at the part where the hero is faced with a difficult decision."
The man nods, almost in understanding. "That's a pretty thick book. How many pages is it?"
"Almost one thousand."
"Impressive," he said with a nod, tugging at the collar of his shirt. He's sweating.
"What's your name?" You say with the tilt of your head, finding his shyness to be adorable. You introduce yourself.
"I'm Miguel. Miguel O'Hara," he responds.
"Miguel," you say slowly, testing his name on your tongue. You smile brightly, craning your neck to beam up at him. You hold your hand out. "Nice to meet you, Miguel."
Miguel's large hand engulfs yours to shake, and his entire body heats up from how small and chubby your hand is in yours, and he's nearly reluctant to let go.
He swears he's never met someone so beautiful before. His hands itch to touch your soft, rounded body. His talons threaten to poke out so they can trace along your iridescent stretchmarks that's hidden beneath your clothes. Your kind, happy expression sends butterflies into his stomach and he looks away, taking his hand back and wiping his sweaty palms on his shirt.
"It's nice to meet you, too." It's an honor to have met you, but that would be a weird thing to say to someone he just met.
Miguel's order is placed on the counter and he grabs it, but doesn't leave. "So, um, what are you doing after this?" Please say nothing.
"Probably go back to my apartment and get comfortable in my bed. Got a novel to finish," you laugh, eyes lighting up in delight.
"Ah, I see," Miguel said. He rocks back and forth on his feet, pursing his lips. He doesn't want to intrude on your reading session, but, he wants to see you again. "Do you want to exchange numbers?"
"Huh?" you say, cheeks burning.
His heart jumps in his chest at the sight of your bashful expression. God, how can someone be so cute? He forces himself to ignore the altercation between the cashier and one of the patrons, who's demanding something for free.
"I would like to take you out sometime," he said with a smile, pushing his shades back up the bridge of his nose.
"Oh, I would lo-"
A gunshot rings throughout the coffee shop and everyone screams, ducking down instinctively. As you duck, your bottom accidentally bumps against the wall and you fall onto the ground, glasses and book sliding across the floor.
You try to scramble onto your hands and knees when an arm wraps around your neck and lifts you up onto your feet, and you feel the barrel of gun pressed into the side of your head.
"Dammit! I said give me my free coffee or this bitch gets it!" the man screamed, spit trickling onto your cheek. You groan in utter disgust.
The world is fuzzy and you squint, attempting to find Miguel - he's gone.
"Sir, please! Let her go and we'll make you the coffee!" the cashier said in panic.
"Make it! Make it now!" he screamed.
"All of this over a coffee?" a deep voice called out. Their tongue clicks in disappointment. "Man, you need to get a fucking life."
The man holding you hostage turns to the voice, dragging you along with, and he begins to tremble.
In all of his glory, yet fuzzy, stands the protector of Nueva York - Spiderman. He narrows his eyes, cracking his knuckles.
"Let her go, now," he growled.
The man made the mistake of pointing the gun at him, his hand shaking. "G-Go away! I just want some coffee!"
Spiderman thwips a web to the barrel of the gun, clogging it, and takes it from his hand, breaking the gun in half and toss it aside. With the threat neutralized, he takes a step forward. The man eeps and tosses you to the ground, attempting to make a run for it.
As Spiderman deals with the perp, you're on your hands and knees searching around for your lost book and glasses. A whoosh flies over your body and you press yourself down, flinching as you hear the breaking of glass. You army crawl along the floor and eventually find your glasses. You sit back up and place your glasses back on your face, sitting up and blinking.
Spiderman, in your restored vision, is holding the knocked out perp in his arms, and his holding a hand out ot you.
"Are you okay, miss?" he whispers softly, helping you back onto your feet. You stumble a bit and he steadies you with a firm hand on your waist.
"I-I'm fine," you said. You then straighten yourself up, searching around the cafe. "Miguel! My friend, he's tall like you and he's wearing sun glasses. Did you see where he went?"
"I'm sure he's okay," Spiderman spoke with a gentle tone, hand itching to touch your face. He then reaches for a drink and hands it to you. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure a big man like him can take care of himself."
Spiderman walks out with the perp to turn into the police, and you're staring down at the drink in your hand, a number written on the side. Miguel's number. As your heart warms, a smile on your face, you come to a sudden realization.
How did Spiderman know you ordered the iced matcha?
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yummycrummy · 1 year
gato for manny(its squiggles)
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Kitty 🥺💕
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tarsyu · 2 months
“actions speak louder than words” prompts — accepting!
@badtrigger said: flower, sender gives receiver a flower. // tse'sar!
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As Skorakstxey navigated through the corridors of Resistance HQ, the memories of his past among the Tawkami flooded his mind. He recalled the reverence with which his people regarded Pandora's biodiversity, their deep connection to the land and its flora ingrained in their very essence.
Amidst the chaos of war, the sight of Tse'sar, a member of the Aranahe clan, brought a sense of familiarity and comfort to Skorakstxey. Though their paths had not crossed much before, their similar heritage bound them together in solidarity against the common enemy.
When Tse'sar extended a delicate flower towards him, Skorakstxey couldn't help but be transported back to his days among the Tawkami. He remembered the rituals and ceremonies that honored Pandora's flora, the delicate balance of life that sustained their people.
"Thank you," Skorakstxey murmured, his voice tinged with nostalgia as he accepted the flower. In Tse'sar's offering, he saw a reflection of the reverence for nature that had been instilled in him since childhood—a reminder of the beauty and fragility of Pandora's ecosystems.
As he held the flower in his hands, Skorakstxey felt a renewed sense of purpose stirring within him. In Tse'sar's gesture, he found hope for a future where Pandora's biodiversity could thrive once more—a future worth fighting for, no matter the odds.
"As a token of my gratitude," Skorakstxey continued, his voice warm with appreciation, "allow me to offer something in return. Is there anything I can do for you, Tse'sar?”
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mickeysclubhouse · 4 months
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happy valentine's day, have a good day as always!
oh my god! you even used roadster racer mickey for this!! aaaa
it's the day before here in seoul. and I currently have a girlfriend, but I really appreciate this!
have a mickey-riffic day. 💌
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icarustypicalfall · 7 months
doneee!! all new and cute :3
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lillibetbunny · 7 months
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swimming my way to christmas~
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foreversedici · 9 months
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accelerandy15 · 2 years
How to bless ur mornings- 
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literallycryingggg · 2 years
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mebssann · 8 months
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local old man finally gets new clothes
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beelur · 1 month
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bimboviolence · 1 year
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goodomens6666 · 5 months
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st0neymal0neyx0 · 18 days
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ayzscream · 1 year
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ryllen · 3 months
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the book can wait, he just push himself too hard sometimes
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