#this isn't even pure smut so idk what to tag it
seokmattchuus · 29 days
ZB1 Reaction to you having a neck/hand kink
A/n: Gifs could have been better but I been going through it so this is the best I can offer ;-;
Jiwoong: *Loves to tease you about it. Pretends his pictures are innocent when you call him out on it.*
"I'm wearing those rings you bought me." He typed out with a smirk as he hit 'send'. "They look good, don't they?"
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Hao: *Thoroughly confused when you're drooling over him. He doesn't get it, but he's not hating.*
"It's a simple chain?" He raised a brown when you wouldn't leave him alone. "Wh-?"
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Hanbin: *Always wears a low-cut shirt with necklaces. Nothing completes the look like his tattoos.*
"We're finally home." He showed the camera while you video called, panning it lower and pretending like he's tired.
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Matthew: *Purposefully takes pictures of new rings/necklaces he gets. A whole tease about it.*
"I bought these rings, recently." He sent you a text with a picture. "I can't wait to see how they look wrapped around your neck."
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Taerae: *Doesn't know what's going on. Truly. He thinks you just have a knack for jewelry.* (What he doesn't know won't hurt him amirite)
"They gave me these to choose fro-" He started before you cut him off, choosing for him.
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Ricky: *Takes you shopping with him because seeing you worked up does wonders for his ego."
"What about this one?" He smirked as he posed to show off. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
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Gyuvin: *Loves watching you put different rings/necklaces on him. Thinks of it as cute little date.*
"Having fun princess?" He chuckled as you clasped the fifth necklace on him before taking photos.
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Gunwook: *He's all for it but he can't help but be mildly confused by it from time to time.*
"A...chain?" He cocked his head to the side at the present you gave him. "Because it makes my neck..look good?"
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sagelovesbooks · 2 years
What Happens Behind The Curtains.
Tag: Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader, Five being a little clingy, just pure fluff, no smut.
A/n: This is a prompt I found so I decided to do it. Basically, you write for two characters including no dialogue, just the two being domestic together without others being involved. Five is aged up in this.
Summary: Where you and Five live the quiet, domestic life you had once thought would never happen.
Word count: idk
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It was a quiet morning. For once. Five's siblings, are currently on a trip, leaving the house to Five and Y/n for the weekend. Thank god.
Usually, the two would wake up to the sound of someone's voice, somehow sounding throughout the house, running through the halls, or screaming. Always eventful and never a moment of peace.
Now it's quiet. Completely silent. No running through the halls or voices sounding through the walls.
It was pure bliss.
Y/n felt Five, nuzzling into her warmth, holding her close to him. His arms were wrapped around her tight, blankets draped over them, legs entangled with one another.
Sunlight shone through the curtains, bringing light to the once, completely dark room.
Five grumbled. Taking notice of the light, he dug his head further into Y/n's shoulder. Y/n took a deep breath, moving her arms from their resting position, and rubbing her eyes. She turned around, after gently nudging Five to remove the arm that rests under her frame. Once he does, sleepily, she turns to face him and sees his puffy eyes, not yet opened out of their hazy state.
There was a lot to admire about him. His jawline was one of the most noticeable things about him. Yet, surprisingly, that wasn't what caught Y/n's attention when she first met him.
It was the forest-green eyes that were currently shut, in sleep.
She gently brushed the hair that was crowding his face to the side, taking a moment to admire him. Her lips turned up, eyes unknowingly getting brighter the longer she looks at him.
He stirs, mumbling incoherently, his eyes then fluttering open. His eyes meet with the ones admiring him and he feels his heart warm as he copies the woman, admiring her features as well.
It's a quiet moment that's shared between the two, simply cherishing each other in the tranquil moments of the morning.
The coffee is warm and steaming, the mug set between the woman's two hands as her lover's arms rest around her, his chin leaning against her shoulder, and the back of her head resting against his shoulder.
The two appreciate the scenery outside, birds and bugs flying around. The sun, still bright and shining from its recent awakening, sets the sky in its usual position as it shines down, raining the earth with its light.
Even though the two haven't spoken a word, the quiet moments that are shared between the two are enough to make up for the loss of words that usually fill each other's ears, now being completely silent.
A movement is made, the coffee now held up to Five's lips in a silent 'Take a sip.' He obliges, feeling the warmth of the liquid, make its way down his throat as it matches the warmth of the woman in his arms.
He drapes himself against her, the back of his head resting against her chest as he allows himself to bring his focus onto the book resting in his hands.
Socks are clad against his feet, as well as a blanket, draped over the bodies of the two resting on the couch, indulging in each other's presence. It isn't cold for the two when they're resting in each other's arms.
Body heat is passed between the two, as they rest in silence with one another, the quiet moment, still unruined.
There's a lot that happens behind closed curtains. Sometimes it's just better that way.
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Hi There 👋
I wanted to request for a genshin smut, where yae miko x fem reader fingering and teasing the reader and a mention of yae using electro element while fingering her, idk why but i just imagined this in my head and it looks like a cool idea😅 i really can't wait to see someone write about this
All the love ❤️❤️
Best Birthday Ever
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Summary: It's Miko's first birthday that isn't spent working, or doing house chores after ending her relationship with the unbothered Ei. She now is being celebrated for being alive and spoiled by her new girlfriend and she decides to pain her back in pleasure.
Tags: Female!Reader, Undefined roles, Lesbian Sex, electricity play, Cunninglings, Fingering, Scissoring, spoiled Miko, slight aftercare.
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I sighed, it had been several hours that I had spent in this bookstore as my darling, pink and prettied girlfriend browsed the numerous shelves she would occasionally come back to me and hand me books she wished to get before hurrying back to hunt down the best ones. I currently had a stack of seven books by me as she returned from her fourth search. 
“I found more!” she beamed happily, I smiled, Miko was oftentimes a temptress that aroused me beyond belief but here, on her birthday where I decided to take her out to dinner and a bookstore along with a movie she never lost her child-like smile as she danced happily at her finds. 
“What are they about?” I ask
“Well some of them are the basic romance stories or classical hero stuff but this one, I’m most excited for this one!” Miko said, showing me a cover from the book on top of her three. I smiled and took it from her. 
“What’s got you excited about this one?” I ask
Miko quickly sat next to me with her other two books on her lap, “It’s a book set in old japanese times that discusses the love that blossoms between a knight and the queen. Apparently the king is always with his concubines that the king forgets about his wife, the queen ends up falling in love with her guardian knight that- happens to be a woman disguised as a man.” Miko explained. 
“I pretty sure I’m thinking of Chinese women, but weren’t Japenese women able to learn how to fight?” I ask
“It was china that had female warriors. But anyways, the book has suspense, love, and from reviews it also explains how both women experienced pleasure from each other’s body,” She whispered the last part to me, “ And don’t even get me started on the murder arc!” Miko squealed, I chuckled and pet her before having her lay her head against me. 
“I hate to cut your hunt short but we do have a movie to catch.” I say, she giggled softly before nuzzling her face into my neck. 
“I was wondering when you’d ask me to stop.” Miko said.
“Shall we go check out?” She hummed and gathered some of her books as did I. We quickly checked out and the moment we were out of the store she bounced so happily that her tail revealed itself from the pure joy she was feeling. When we got in the car she hugged the bags still having the biggest smile. When we got to the movies Miko hugged my arm and though I don’t believe it was unconscious she did wrap her fluffy tail around me. I got our tickets and concession snacks before I was dragged into the movie and to my shared seat. The movie was about some Oni story that I didn’t entirely get but Miko was excited about it so I didn’t mind the confusion. When the movie ended Miko was cuddling up to me and she was increasingly clingy. 
“Sleepy vixen?” I ask
“No~ I’m happy.” She corrected, “Y’know out of all my birthdays I had spent with. . .Ei. She never did anything like this for me. If I’m being honest my birthday hasn’t been something I celebrated with her, I-I mean she didn’t really do anything with me. I-If I’m being honest I was surprised you asked me to get dressed up, I didn’t expect anything today.” I sighed and hugged Miko. 
“Princess, you are not Ei’s Girlfriend anymore. You are my girlfriend, I will always spoil you so never expect anything less. Alright princess?” I say
“Y-yes,” I planted a kiss on her forehead before taking her hand and leading her back to the car. Miko was quiet to a concerning point but instead whenever I looked back her tail was swaying happily and she’d make small yips of happiness that she tried to conceal by using a hand on her mouth. When we got to the car I was about to start the car to head to dinner but Miko quickly pounced and planted her lips on mine.
Her kiss wasn’t like the many others she had started, in fact she was reckless, she was being clumsy and so messy but neither the less she was passionate and rough. She pulled away out of breath, she panted slightly before looking at me, “C-can we skip dinner and go home?” Miko asked
“Aren’t you hungry?” I ask
“I am. . .but not for food.” I flushed at the realization and nodded, she smiled and I drove us home. The moment we got inside our shared apartment Miko had me pushed up to a wall and her lips were back on mine as her hands were on my hips pulling me in closer. 
Though sex with Miko before has felt good, it never felt this good and she was only kissing me. When we pulled away Miko’s pink tongue was out as she panted along with her sharp teeth I loved the sight of. When she finally caught her breath. 
“W-wanna see a magic trick?” She asked, I nodded slowly and Miko quickly dragged me to the couch and got on her knees. She quickly took off my pants and panties before she held my thighs open. Before she started she looked up at me. 
“If I hurt you tell me.” I nodded petting her before she dove into my cunt the was soaked, though it felt the same as it did when she ate me out previously only mere seconds after that thought I felt a spark, though it wasn’t painful, more kept happening all these sparks were concentrated on my clit and I don’t remember a time I had ever orgasmed that fast. When Miko pulled away I saw what looked like electrical sparks coming from her tongue. 
“Are you ok?” Miko quickly asked. 
“Are you?” I ask
“Huh? I-I’m ok. . .More than ok, despite changing my techniques this made you cum faster and harder than ever.” she smiled, before tilting her head, “Why wouldn’t I be ok?” She asked
“T-the sparks from your tongue.” I say
“Oh! Hehehe, that’s my magic trick. Here.” Miko opened her mouth and showed me how the lighting was in her mouth before it went to her tongue and was focused on it. 
“T-that doesn’t hurt?” I ask
“I’ve been able to do this since I was little all I’ve ever felt from it is a little ticklish.” I sighed and pet her, “do you mind if we keep going?” I shook my head and was forced to lay down on the couch as Miko positioned her fingers to tease my clit. I went to reach out and cup hers but she took my hand and pinned it down before stimulating my clit until I was ready to take her fingers, when I did those sparks were stronger, more enjoyable, and she was in fact making me even more wet to the point I was ruining the couch, but I felt a pressure in my stomach. Miko smirked as I gushed out, completely ruining our couch with my giant squirt. 
“F-fuck Miko. You made me destroy our couch.” I sighed. 
“Hehe, I’ll clean my mess. But I still want to get you to cum one more time, think you can?” Miko asked
“Yeah, anymore than that I might pass out.” Miko giggled before she got rid of her panties and tangled our lower halves together. Miko began grinding her cunt into mine slowly but passionately. 
“F-fuck Miko, shit you feel. . .” Miko laughed and sped up to a mind numbing point, in fact as her moans echoed through the apartment I listened intently as she sang a beautiful tune that only helped me get off even more. Miko was breaking my mind and it was hard to make sense of anything until I untied that final knot just as Miko did, having our bodies convulse which only overstimulated us more until Miko finally moved to lay her head on my chest. 
“Best birthday ever.” Miko hummed as her tail swished before her stomach growled. She looked sheepishly at me before asking, “can we order pizza?” I hummed and Miko smiled, sneakily taking my phone and ordering pizza before snuggling into me. 
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I am so sorry it took so long for me to finally get around and write this, life is hectic right now and I've been in a slump but nonetheless I hope you all enjoyed this!
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 months
tagged by @awildwickedslip, thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
magicians and roswell, new mexico primarily! Also wrote a good omens fic recently but that might be a one and done for now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tales from a bookshop (good omens post season 2, fairly sure I'll never write anything this popular ever again because holy shit)
Lover's Touch - Queliot fic!
Promises - Queliot fic!
Maybe This Time - Queliot fic!
Fragments - Queliot fic!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I didn't used to in my earlier fandom days but now I'm pretty consistent about it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I once wrote a major character death fic for Queer as Folk where Justin died. Not really my style anymore. Back in my ff.net days I also wrote Merthur major character death fic, I'm just remembering.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I always try and do happily ever afters! A lot of my stories end with a sense of "and then they continue on their adventures, and life isn't always simple or easy", so in terms of the most pure, joyful ending? I guess I'll go living proof, which is the end of my episode series for Roswell, NM, which is just a "now they're married and happy forever" fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have before, but not as a rule. Once got called an abuse apologist & incest support (oh the horror /s) for exploring the canonical close friendship (not even a romantic relationship!) between two dudes from Shadowhunters lmao. And there's a troll in the Roswell fandom who writes hilarious and idiotic unhinged rants and I've been hit by her before, but she's got a scatter-shot approach and attacks a lot of people, so, at least I know it's nothing personal.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep! What is meant by "what kind" here? lol. I'm pretty vanilla. Mostly m/m, but I usually don't pass over the chance for m/m/f. I actually recently wrote my very first m/f full-on sex scene ever for a little Magicians snippet, Kady/Penny lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, I don't wrote crossovers in the sense that characters from various worlds don't meet each other in my fics. HOWEVER, two of my favorite things I've ever written have been Magicians AUs that crossed over the characters from that show with the full plot from other films. One is The Old Guard (A Comet Pulled From Orbit), and one is When Harry Met Sally (When Quentin Met Eliot).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few times! Used to happen a lot back with old ff.net stuff, and I recently had my good omens fic translated.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm co-writing a series right now! First time I've ever done it and it's a blast.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
uhhhhh don't make me choose? lmao. In terms of fandom engagement and longevity I guess Queliot at this point. But in terms of... the ships that made me discover and appreciate and explore fandom in the first place? Kirk/Spock and Brian/Justin. Classics.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and tone setting, I think?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot details (I get bored and distracted mapping things out)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
tbh I usually wince when I see it in fic? I'm not a fan. It always feels a little silly. Maybe very very sparingly if there's like a singular phrase or term of endearment or something but I'd rather just indicate that someone is speaking another language rather than write it out. I feel like it can often be tokenizing if you just have one character who's bilingual and you give them little one-liners in a different language. Idk. If the author is bilingual and doing a thing, then that's awesome. But I can usually tell when someone's just using google translate for stuff lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm gonna cheat and name one each for my two big fandoms. Also idk if these are my favorites but they're two I really love that aren't my most popular:
Regrets, or the Absence Thereof (Magicians)
all the roads that lead you there (Roswell)
tagging @portraitofemmy @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier @orchardsinsnow @r-dtoblack and YOU if you're reading this and want to play!
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mj4eva · 16 days
hey guyss || welcome <33,
about me:
my name is tori, im 17 from melb, aus. I have been a fan of MJ since 2015 and literally have been in love w him since. I love music in general, it acts as my escape and a place where i can really feel safe and not judged. I love the 60's , like if there was a time machine that could send me back, SEND ME BACK ASAP. idk jus smth about that era makes me so happy and the music (ugh don't even get me started). I'm a taurus (lol random). lastly, i absolutely adore singing, like girl there ain't a millisecond of the day that you won't find me mindlessly singing a tune (most deff it'll be mj).
I started this page outta love for mj. like a lot of you, ik we all miss him a lot and this page is souly based on keeping his soul alive. he is an angel. he gave his soul to the world and the world just wouldn’t let him be, he wanted to live forever but the world wouldn’t let him, so I really wanna be here to help keep his spirit and love for the world alive.
i am a strong defender of mj and literally vow to make his innocence known. this page is also for educating people on what MJ went through and the horrible pain and suffering he went through due to the false allegations bound upon him. our poor baby was brutally misunderstood and treated like such a monster, in no way would i ever wish for anyone to endure the suffering he went through. Michael Jackson was not some fictional character from a book or movie, he was a human being with emotions and feelings.
So, if you strongly disagree with this please don't bother to comment or make any nasty remarks, it's not needed as this page is meant to educate. ty mls. <33
before you continue:
i'll be posting lil rants here and there cus like (omfg he's the hottest man to ever walk the earth).
this blog may include nsfw material such as smut fan fics or me jus ranting over this heavenly man. but, viewer discretion is advised.
I might start doin some writing, mainly on michael x readers and maybe some sad stories from his perspective of his life. whatever I write comes out of pure love and adoration for the man ( i mean how could u not love him). BUT, under no circumstances will any of my pieces include violence or harm to him or readers in any way.
please, if you feel uncomfy at all on this page just feel free to block me or ignore my posts. this blog isn't intended to make you feel upset or uncomfy so just leave if u find it's not ur cup of tea. any negativity or rudeness will be deleted.
I will be taking requests on what you guys wanna read (which i'm pretty broad on) but in no way shape or from will I be writing anything to do with;
hard kinks, scat kink, drug consumption, knife/gun kink, pedophillia, rape (or SA of any form), breeding kink, pregnant reader, pregnancy kink, incest/stepcest, mommy kink, sub michael, pegging, abuse, degration kink.
tiktok: mj4eva__
my tag system:
for my writing: tori's pieces
for thirst posts: the girl is so dangerous
for answering asks: liberian girl
for reblogs: reblogs
i wanna make sure this is a safe environment for everyone. no matter what, EVERYONE is welcomed here and is free to share there thoughts in a non-judgemental environment. even if they're dirty. (i mean c'mon it's hard not to think abt that when you're obssesing over the most perfect man ever.)
please feel so free to send me literally anything in my inbox. (questions, queries, requests or if you just simply wanna rant about michael FEEL FREE TO DO SO!!) I would absolutely love to make some new friends and talk w you moonwalkers!
don't hesitate at all to reach out even if u jus need someone to talk to about anything, i'm here. <33
tysm for reading! u are loved xx
© mj4eva 2024
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fitzrove · 2 years
Complaining about fanfic trends (the treatment of F/F vs M/M specifically). This will probably come off very petty. Also, related to smut, so mentions of explicit content ahead...
The corpus of fanfic borne out of the Goncharov meme is so telling to me re: a wider phenomenon that has bugged me for a long time. This is a fandom where it's 100% invented characters and invented storylines - all that is commonly agreed on is a rough list of characters, among whom are a F/F ship (Katya and Sofia) and a M/M ship (Andrey and Goncharov). There should be literally no difference in how the ships are treated - one set of characters is not written differently than the other in canon, because CANON HAS NEVER BEEN WRITTEN. But immediately, two very separate trends emerge in fic. Take a look at the stats on ao3:
Goncharov/Andrey (207 fics in total)
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Katya/Sofia (257 in total)
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For once, there are more F/F fics than M/M fics in a fandom. But yet, the proportion of mature and explicit works out of the entire corpus is totally different across the ships. For the M/M ship, mature works form 17,8% of the entire body; for F/F, it's 15,9%. For explicit fics it's 8,2% for the guys and 3,5% for the girls. A noticeable difference!
When you look closer at the tags, you will find that the M/M fic (especially the explicit stuff) deals with considerably heavier and kinkier stuff. You have BDSM, toxic relationships, lots of enemies to lovers. The F/F fic is mostly tenderness and yearning... (Also some threesomes with a guy as a third.) This also seems like a trend in the wider characterisation of the relationships in fic across the board as well as tumblr posts - A/G is an enemies to lovers relationship with a lot of passion and tension, while K/S is soft and tender.
... Which is completely okay! People write what they want, and evidently, the people hard at work writing fic (but in actuality worldbuilding and characterbuilding from scratch!) want to write the stuff I've described. It's not up to outsiders to police what others write, fanfic is a hobby.
BUT STILL. I'm fucking starving 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why are the wlw ships in fandom always either 1) background decorations 2) soft, sweet and pure 3) not really focused on the relationship but rather wider angst related to trauma (and usually trauma related to men). (I know it isnt actually always like this - the Rebecca fandom for example is doing great ajfjkskd.)
Can't I just want to read about absolutely toxic women being horrible to one another all on their own 😭😭 Or idk, just something super kinky. It's so frustrating that the trends centered around wlw ships always lean in the same tender direction EVEN WHEN NOTHING IN CANON POINTS THAT WAY. The tenderness isn't even earned a lot of the time!!! They don't even almost die due to their own mistakes!!!!!! They just meet and are very sweet about it. And like, I get the appeal of such stories, and I even enjoy them, but it's so frustrating when you want to read something toxic and it doesn't exist. 🤣 I would write more myself but none of my fandoms have those ships prebuilt and genderbends don't necessarily find a broad audience. So I just write and read M/M and occasionally lose my mind over an awesome F/F fic if I can find one. 😅
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