#this struck me while i was half asleep a few days before his bday
azzo0 · 2 months
Infinite Memories
Summary: It's Katsuki's 25th birthday. After celebrating and cleaning up, you take him on a trip down memory lane.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
Contains: established relationship, implied childhood friends to lovers, reader takes a bath with bakugo but nothing nsfw, foofy foofy fluff
wc: 1.2k
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Katsuki made sure everyone at the party knew he was forced to be here and didn't like this shit at all, but you knew that was far from the truth. Standing with a glass of wine in your hand, you couldn't help but grin at him as he sat with his friends, Sero's arm slung around his shoulders. He was smiling unawares. He was totally enjoying this. 
Everyone had agreed to hold Katsuki's birthday party at his parents' house, given they had an enormous backyard. Mitsuki had cooked an amazing dinner while you and Mina decorated the backyard, leaving the boys to get the cake. It was supposed to be a surprise for Katsuki, but of course, he had to go and say he already remembered it was his birthday. It was just like him. You couldn't count the number of birthdays you tried to surprise him. He even acted like he was confused, but you knew better.
After the party, you and Katsuki stayed back to help with cleaning up. You dumped the plastic plates in a trash bag and then helped Mitsuki wash the dishes while the birthday boy removed the decorations in the back. 
"Are you sure you guys don't want to stay?" Mitsuki asked one last time as you two stood in the doorway. 
"No, ma," Katsuki said, "It's been a long night. Gonna go home and sleep."
"You can do that here, too," Mitsuki insisted.
"We won't fit in my old bed, you know that too," he sighed. 
"Alright, then. Good night." Mitsuki pulled you in a hug and gave Bakugo's cheek a smooch despite his protests. 
As soon as you entered the apartment, you took off your heels, kept the food Mitsuki had packed for you and joined Katsuki in the bathroom. He stood shirtless in the bathroom, brushing his teeth as the bathtub filled with warm water. You stood in front of him, grabbing a wipe to remove the makeup from your face. He rinsed his mouth and took the wipe from you, tilting your face towards him as he gently cleaned your face. 
You guys undressed, stepping into the shower cubicle, big enough for two. Katsuki sat on the step stool, and you shampooed his hair for him, followed by cleaning his back while he scrubbed the rest of his body. He did the same for you afterwards, massaging your shower products into your hair and washing your back while whispering sweet nothings in your ear, planting an occasional kiss to your neck. 
You joined him in the tub after that, your head on top of his chest while his fingers brushed through your wet hair, his eyes closed, "Did you enjoy the party, 'Suki?"
"A little," he replied. You could feel his voice reverberate in his chest. 
"Just a little?"
"Very little," he opened his eyes, looking at you with a smile, which told you he did enjoy the party. You shifted to kiss him, working your way around his jaw and onto his face. He caught your lips in a lazy kiss, his hand tracing up and down your spine. It was getting very late, and Katsuki had to go to work in the morning. 
In the bedroom, he sat on the bed as you did his skin care for him, patting serums and moisturisers onto his skin. He crawled under the covers once you were done, resting his head against the headboard as he watched you do your skincare in front of the mirror. You caught his eye in the mirror and glanced back, "Don't go to sleep. There's something I want to give you, birthday boy."
"Okay," he replied, his crimson gaze following you as you left the room. He fought to stay awake as his eyes slowly shut. 
"You're falling asleep," your voice brought him back to his senses. 
"I'm not," he retorted. 
You smiled and sat beside him, slipping under the blanket. You handed him a photo album. He took it from you, looking down at it. It had a beige leather cover with a heart engraved on the front. Inside the heart was a word in italics: Us. 
He opened the album and was greeted by a picture of him and you as toddlers, only two years old. A smile danced on his lips as he looked down at the picture. You were crying in it because he had snipped one of your pigtails while he sat on the floor with a pair of scissors, a gleeful grin on his face. Under the picture, written in your handwriting was, 'I'm not sure which one of the adults left you alone with a scissor, but I'm still mad you cut off my cutesy hair.'
"Heh, I was a fucking hair stylist!" Bakugo exclaimed, all his sleep gone. 
"Hair stylist, my ass. You just cut off a huge section of my hair." 
He turned the page to see more baby pictures of you two, with a picture of you guys standing in your elementary school uniforms on the next page. You were grinning at the camera while Bakugo pouted, looking like he'd stab someone with the stick in his hand. He found your commentary under the pictures hilarious, 'My boyfie does not like school.'
The album brought back so many special memories he had with you. His fingers stopped over a page with a picture of you wearing a crown made of different flowers while he stood beside you, little ears dusting pink, 'He decided to marry me when we were six.'
"Where did you get that picture from?" He groaned, running a hand down his face in embarrassment, "I don't even remember anyone taking a picture of us!"
"Well, my father had it," You smiled, glancing up at him. He still blushed like he did when he was six. 
He flipped through each page with you, smiling at the wholesome ones and scoffing at the embarrassing ones, each turn of the page a reminder of the constant and unwavering support you gave him to this day. In this album you made him, he took a trip through his middle and high school days he spent with you. You also put a picture of him receiving his award for making it to the top two, 'Proud of you, Dyanamight- your #1 fan.'
There was a picture of your guys' engagement and wedding. He shook his head and laughed at them, blinking away the tears that were starting to form. How far he had come with you. The last picture was a fresh one. It was from the party. He was looking at you as you stuffed your mouth with the cake, 'Happy 25th birthday, Katsuki.' Mitsuki was the one hopping around with a polaroid camera. He was sure you got it from her.
"Thank you, y/n," he said, looking to his side to see you had fallen asleep on his shoulder, your mouth ajar. 
His hand searched for his phone under the pillow. He opened the camera app, switching to the front camera. He snapped a picture and stared at it for the longest time. It was beautiful, with the bedside lamps casting a golden hue around you two. He found it adorable how your cheek was mushed on his shoulder with your mouth open. He'd get it printed on his way to work and put it in the album. 
He'd slowly stick more pictures in it over time. When pages would run out, he'd add more pages because he still had infinite memories waiting to be made with you.  
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tuanyiems · 5 years
Past The Fog
Min Yoongi x Fem Reader Genre: Fluff Words: 6k [Masterlist] Plot: When you arbitrarily join a group project, you are greeted with one of your more intimidating classmates, Min Yoongi. But over the span of the project you come to realize there is more than meets the eye to your scary project partner. Perhaps he deserves a second glance. Prequel to All Clear a/n - @yugyeomsauntmimi  I hate you for guessing I was writing this story over a dumb gif I used!!! I was trying to surprise people dammit! Anyways, it’s early but in honor of Yoongi’s bday here it is. Hope y’all like it c:
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Min Yoongi scares most people. If you don’t look carefully, you’d think a scowl were permanently on his face. And if he doesn’t scare you, then you probably don’t know who he is. He’s the kid who always sits at the back of lectures, with his head on the desk or lit by the screen of his phone. Strangely enough though, he’s close with two of the most well-known guys in the university—Kim Namjoon, the smartest guy I know, and Jung Hoseok, the friendliest guy I know.  That’s how I first came across Yoongi. “Y/N, want to be part of our group for the project?” Hoseok smiled at me cheerfully, gesturing to Namjoon and Yoongi who were sitting across the room. “With you, we’d make the perfect team!” I shrugged my shoulders before getting up to join the other guys. Normally I would’ve just waited for the person sat next to me to give me an awkward look before giving into a silent partnership. When I sat down between the warm Hoseok and the ever constant, Namjoon, I was pleased to have been personally invited this time around. “Thanks for joining us, Y/N, we could use your aesthetics,” Namjoon smiled politely. I shook my head softly, naturally brushing off his compliment. We had worked together in different classes before and it was always a pleasure with the ever savvy Namjoon. “Your art is awesome! I’ve always wanted to get to know you better,” Hoseok added, his classic bright smile shining on me. I chuckled, offering him my own, albeit lesser, smile. “Same here.” And then my eyes landed on Yoongi, his serious eyes boring into mines before flickering back down to his phone.
“This is Yoongi,” Namjoon introduced. “I’ll get us started with a group chat tonight. For now, we can delegate team roles.” “Since we have to make a commercial, it only makes sense that Y/N be our designer, right?” Hoseok added. I shrugged my shoulders, nodding complacently. “Yoongi, you down for the music?” Namjoon asked. Yoongi lifted his head, his lips twitching into a half smirk for a split second. “You mean a jingle? You asshole.” “Awesome!” Namjoon chuckled before pointing his pen at Hoseok. “You’re in charge of presentation then. I’ll do the research.” “Wow, we’re really the perfect team!” Hoseok exclaimed before the class regrouped as one for lecture. The second time I met Yoongi was through a video call. “Hey Y/N, thanks for meeting us at my place,” Namjoon smiled, offering me a can of cider. “It’s alright, your place is neat,” I shrugged. I had come to his flat a few times to work on different projects. His roommate, Jin, was always out working or in class anyways so we were never disturbed, and it honestly was neat—way neater than any guy’s apartment I had ever seen and certainly quieter than my family’s house. “I think Hoseok’s coming up the gates. I’m gonna go grab him, can you pull Yoongi up on video while I go get him?” Namjoon tossed me his phone before pulling on a cardigan and briskly stepped out of his flat. “Sure, no problem Joon, I’m not intimidated at all,” I muttered, staring down at the phone screen with Yoongi’s contact already pulled up. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and hit the video call. “Fucking fuck,” Yoongi’s first words resounded throughout the room as the video call remained black. There was some fumbling on his end before a dim light clicked on and I was faced with Yoongi in a big black hoodie, on the other side of the room to turn the lamp on. “Fucker, you knew I was on last night. I didn’t read your text until now.” “Uh, hey Yoongi,” I smiled politely, waiting for him to sit back down towards the front of the screen. “Namjoon told me to call you. He’s getting Hoseok right now.” “Oh shit…Y/N, hey,” Yoongi’s face slowly settled into a small frown as he tilted his head uncomfortably, rubbing at his neck. “They’ll be back soon,” I chuckled, feeling embarrassed for some reason, as if I were the one getting caught cursing like a sailor. Yoongi returned a small half smile, pulling on the hood of his hoodie further down his head. “Sorry I couldn’t make it,” he let out quietly. I shook my head, resting Namjoon’s phone against a pile of books on his coffee table. “Not at all…You were on last night.” I smiled, seeing his own lips stretch wider just a millimeter more. I had no clue what “on” even meant but it sounded important enough. This was just a silly class project anyways (that was 50% of our grade, but that was just a smaller detail). “Yeah,” he chuckled, breaking into a bigger grin now. I felt myself leaning in, as if that would make his lighting any less dim. “And that fucker knows I wouldn’t check my texts until now.” “Who you calling a fucker?” Namjoon called out as he and Hoseok entered the room. Yoongi broke out into a bright smile, his pink gums on display as his eyes curled into crescents. “You, you asshole.” And if it weren’t for Namjoon grabbing his phone back and Hoseok coming to greet me I think I would have been permanently star struck. Not only did Yoongi just smile, but that might have been the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. (Which is saying a lot as I’ve witnessed a smile from the sunshine, Hoseok, himself.) “So this is the research I’ve done so far,” Namjoon interrupted my thoughts. “I forwarded the file to everyone’s email already.” I chuckled, opening my laptop to pull up the file, though my eyes continued to flicker back to Yoongi who was now in Hoseok’s hands. His face remained blank as he stared into the screen of the phone, his chin resting in his palms. Between a screen, he didn’t seem so scary anymore. “So I think it just makes sense for you and Yoongi to work together more,” Namjoon finished, breaking me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the screen to see Yoongi nodding half heartedly, a crooked smile on his face. “You two can figure out how you want to do it.” “I can text you later to set up a meeting,” I added. He continued to nod, his crooked smile soon depleting into a tired stare. “Alright Yoongi, you can go back to bed now,” Namjoon smiled. “Wow, he’s beat his record today!” Hoseok cheered, clapping towards the phone. Yoongi answered with the roll of his eyes though he broke out into another gummy smile. “Later,” was all he said before his screen went black. “Beat his record?” I asked as the two guys chuckled amongst themselves. “Yeah, normally Yoongi just shuts the phone off ten minutes in.” “Or he just falls back asleep,” Hoseok laughed. “I’m surprised actually. I didn’t even expect him to answer since he was on last night. I already prepared a summary for him in advance,” Namjoon grinned, showing us a file on his screen. “So, is he always that quiet too?” I wondered aloud. “Only when he’s tired,” Hoseok explained. “Which is pretty much always,” Namjoon joked. “But he laughs around you two. For a while I thought Yoongi wasn’t capable of smiling,” I admitted, causing the boys to laugh. “For a while, huh?” Namjoon lifted a brow. Hoseok smirked, catching on quickly. “Aw, does Y/N have a crush on our Yoongles?” “W-what? No, I was just—” “It’s okay, Y/N, we’re just teasing,” Namjoon interrupted, saving me from what probably would have been a mess of an excuse. “But Yoongi could use a girl like you,” Hoseok chuckled, nudging me playfully with his elbow. “Maybe he’d be less grouchy.” “Yeah, if you’re into Yoongi,” Namjoon added, “we’ll be totally down to set you two up.” “Yeah, you two would match really well. You’re both creative!” I smiled, shaking my head at their teasing. “Let’s see how much I like him after this project is over.” Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged looks before turning back to their laptops. “Yoongi can stay single.” - “It’s…nice. I like the use of color in your piece.” I stared at Jenny as she gestured loosely at my canvas as the other members of my cohort nodded along. “I think your strokes could be more defined.” I took in a deep breath, looking back at my midterm painting, blatantly titled “Fog” and the muted colors across the canvas. “Anything else?” Our professor asked. “Overall, I think it’s a pretty piece.” “Alright, since Y/N was our last peer review we’re done for the day. Keep working on your project for next week.” Jenny sighed, stretching her arms across the table as we all proceeded to put away our supplies. “Man, I’m so glad this week is over!” “I know, I just want to drink the weekend away,” Krystal sighed, plopping herself on Jenny’s table. “Do you guys want to hit the club after this?” Jenny asked, sitting up with renewed energy. “Oh my gosh, yes! Let’s!” Rose squealed, swinging her paint brushes in the air. Johnny turned to me with a smile. “Let’s all go together! Y/N, you too!” And normally I would have insisted they go without me. My cohort and I never truly clicked and I knew they were just inviting me out of politeness. But the truth was, it really had been a long week. Part of it was the fact that I had pulled an all-nighter to get my midterm piece ready for the review and yet the only feedback I got was essentially, that it was “nice”. I could use a glass of whiskey right about now. But honestly, would I go to the club by myself ever? The answer was no. And so despite my better judgement, I smiled at Johnny and nodded along. We arrived to a club I had never been to before. It didn’t appear like anything more than any other brick building in the city, but once we were inside the dark place, lit with neon lights, the music rumbled thick in the air. The base was so strong, I could feel the vibration on my skin with each beat drop. As my cohort left for the dance floor, I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the bar. Relieved of any other forced interaction with my cohort, I was now free to drink to my heart’s content while listening to good music. I guess it was a good idea to tag along after all. “On your own?” The bartender shouted my way. I smiled handing him my card along with a hefty bill. “I’d like my glass filled at all times tonight.” He laughed, pocketing the bill and sliding my credit card through. “You got it. How do you want it?” “Jack Daniel’s, straight.” With a wink and a fresh cup of whiskey, my bartender left to serve others and I was left by myself again. But it was nice to sip on the dark, bitter taste of whiskey while listening to music, which by the way, was great. Turning around to the dance floor, my eyes landed on Johnny and Jenny getting a little too friendly on the dance floor, but soon my eyes glazed over and fell on the DJ. He was slouched over his turntables, black hoodie over his head. It reminded me of Yoongi. He was always slouching. He also always had his hoodie over him. Such a shame though. It wasn’t like he even had the kind of face that needed hiding. I smiled to myself as Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s teasing replayed in my head. Maybe I did have a slight interest in Yoongi. If only he weren’t so scary. Shrugging my shoulders, I turned back around and continued to enjoy my drink, satisfied when the bartender reached his arm over to refill my glass each time. After a while I found myself giggling. “You’re really good at this,” I mused when he did it again before I could even lift my glass for his attention. He smiled, blowing at the whiskey bottle as if it were a gun barrel. “You could call it a sort of intuition.” “Hey there beautiful,” a voice whispered way too close to my ear. The smile left my face as I turned to my right. Though it took a few blinks before my eyes could focus, I could already tell it was going to be a sleazy guy. That was the downfall of going to a club. I looked over my shoulder before turning back to him. “Where?” I could hear my bartender scoffing from the corner. “You, of course,” he smiled, unfazed by my joke. “You look like you could use some company.” “Do I?” I deadpanned. “You want to come to my place?” he continued, completely undeterred by my answers. I had to give it to him, at least he was tenacious. I chuckled before downing the rest of my glass. “Listen—” “How about I get you a drink then?” he interrupted. “That’s alright, I’ve already got her covered,” my bartender intervened, pouring me another helping of whiskey. I giggled when he sent me a wink. The man beside me sighed before getting up from his seat, “It’s too late in the night for this.” I laughed when he finally slipped away, downing my glass again. “You are really great at your job!” He shrugged, smiling humbly. “But if you don’t mind me asking, why are you alone? I saw you come in with friends.” It was my turn to shrug my shoulders this time. “I wouldn’t really call them my friends.” “I see,” he nodded understandingly. “So you’re by yourself? Do you need me to call you a cab?” I chuckled, shaking my head. “I’m a big girl. I can get home by myself just fine. Look!” I jumped off my seat to show him just how fine I really was only to feel the ground get pulled from right under my feet. “Woah there,” a voice grumbled from behind me as firm arms came around my waist, holding me upright. “Y/N?” “That’s not my fault! The floor was just slippery!” I yelled towards the bartender who was laughing wholeheartedly now. “You know her, Yoongi?” my bartender asked, addressing the man behind me. “Yoongi?” I turned around in the man’s arms only to be faced with a blurry but very Yoongi, unamused face. I giggled, relaxing into his arms now. “Hey Yoongi!” “Well it looks like she knows you. Is your shift already over?” Yoongi sighed, helping me back onto my seat. “Yeah, it’s finally over. Why’d you give her so much to drink, Jimin?” “Hey, when a cute girl hands me her card and asks for bottomless whiskey, I can only oblige. I’m a gentleman, Yoongi.” “Gentleman my ass,” Yoongi scoffed, grabbing my glass of whiskey and taking a gulp. “You just wanted to take her home for yourself.” Jimin smirked, pouring more whiskey into my glass for Yoongi. “Well, if it were to happen like that, I wouldn’t have been opposed. But clearly, she’s off limits.” I frowned. “Hey! That’s my whiskey!” Yoongi chuckled dryly, finishing off the glass before flipping it over. “You’re drunk, Y/N. And no, she’s not ‘off limits’. It’s not like she’s a patch of grass.” I sighed, placing my head on the counter in an attempt to keep the room from spinning. “Can you guys not talk about me like I’m not here, please?” “We will when you finish saying your abc’s backwards,” Yoongi answered back curtly. “C, B, A!” “She’s got you there,” Jimin chuckled. “Okay, smart one, now tell me your address,” Yoongi continued though his tone seemed lighter. “Okay,” I agreed, lifting my head off the counter. I stared at Yoongi, waiting for his clones to disappear. “Say please first.” He sighed. “You can go trip in a ditch, I don’t really care.”
“Wow, rude!” I whined, pointing my finger into his arm. “And I was even telling Mr. Bartender here all about you! And now you’ll never know!” “She was talking about me?” “Don’t look so happy Yoongi. She was enjoying your DJing though.” “Urgh, Mr. Bartender!” I pouted. He only answered with a hearty laugh. “Anyways, let’s get you home Y/N. It’s getting late and I wanna go home,” Yoongi grumbled, getting up from his seat. “No thanks, I already made plans to trip in a ditch.” Yoongi broke out into a smile at this, his pink gums peeking out. “Aww that’s nice,” I cooed, reaching closer to cup his cheek though my hand landed on his shoulder. “What is?” he grumbled, helping me out of my chair. “Your smile,” I answered, leaning my weight on his body. I let my head rest on his chest, indulging in the clean scent of his laundry detergent that amazingly managed to last in a crowded, sweaty place like this club. “I like your smile.” “That makes two of us.” “Shut up Jimin,” Yoongi groaned as warm arms came back around my waist. “Come on, let’s go. Can you walk on your own, Y/N?” I yawned, lifting my head off of him. “Hmm, I can. Do I want to though?” Yoongi rolled his eyes making me laugh. “Okay okay, I’ll use the two legs my mother birthed me,” I relented, letting go of his shoulder, though his warm touched remained on the small of my back. “Have fun you two!” Jimin cheered. “Alright,” Yoongi sighed once we were outside the club. “Okay,” I giggled, taking in the cool air of the night. I bit my lip, trying to contain my own laughter as I looked back at Yoongi. “My legs are jelly.” “I can see that,” he answered dully though the smile on his lips said something else. “Come here, let’s get you down these steps. My apartment is five minutes away.” I smiled as he took my hands in his before leading me down the steps and onto the sidewalk. “So that’s what ‘on’ meant.” “What?” “You’re a cool DJ!” I could feel Yoongi chuckle against me. “Thanks I guess.” “Is that why you’re always tired?” Yoongi huffed, pulling me closer to him as we entered a new building. “I’m tired because life is tiring.” I grinned, holding onto his hands tightly as we walked up a flight of stairs. “Whiskey helps though!” He chuckled. “You’re right about that one.” “Next time,” I muttered as Yoongi bent down to pull off my heels. “I’ll treat you to some whiskey next time.” In the dimly lit entrance way I felt a weight over my head and then Yoongi let out a sigh. “How about you work on getting sober first.” I pouted as Yoongi walked away, flipping a switch on his way and lighting the rest of the room. “Sober’s not as fun though.” He smiled, handing me a bottle of water. “True, but neither are hangovers. Drink up.” I giggled, taking a sip before offering him my hand again. He chuckled before taking my hand and leading me into a bedroom. And as I giggled my way into bed, the room went dark and I was fast asleep. I woke up with cotton mouth and a sore throat. With a groan, I forced my eyes open. The room was bare, aside from the nightstand next to me with a bottle of water and an old alarm clock. I sighed, seeing the red lights read 11AM. And if it weren’t for the fact I was in a strange room, I would have curled back in bed. Unfortunately, the responsible side of me won over this time and I forced myself out of bed. When I opened the door I was met with Yoongi curled up on his couch, sound asleep with his phone still in his hand. I bit at my lip, the guilt finally seeping through. I really hadn’t meant to get so drunk last night…or well, I did, but I hadn’t meant for Yoongi to be the one to care for me. I could usually find my way home no matter how shitfaced I got. As if sensing my presence, Yoongi stirred awake, peeking on eye open before rising at the sight of me. “Morning,” I spoke up softly. “I’m really sorry, Yoongi.” He shrugged his shoulders, rubbing at his eyes. “If I get back pain later, I’ll just sue you.” I smiled at his nonchalance. “And thanks. For not leaving me in a ditch even though I probably annoyed you all night.” His lips moved ever so slightly as he looked down to check his phone. “Your phone is charging on the kitchen counter.” He pointed his thumb behind him without looking. My eyes lingered on his profile for a moment longer before I finally headed towards his open kitchen where my phone was, indeed, charging. As I lifted my phone off the counter, I couldn’t help the smile growing on my face. Min Yoongi scares most people. Up until now, he was the scariest person I knew. But now, instead of the nervous tick of my heart beating against my chest, I felt something I could only describe as warmth. Was I embarrassed about my behavior last night? Absolutely. But did I regret it? It was a strange thing, but no, I didn’t. If last night didn’t happen I wouldn’t have realized how sweet Yoongi actually was. - “Okay, so I sent the Powerpoint to everyone last night. I’m filling the first few slides and then Hobi’s section is after that. I looked over your designs, Y/N, and I think they’re great. I think by next week we can finish the filming. From there, you and Yoongi can start editing.” My eyes trailed from Namjoon whose nose was buried in his own notes, to Hoseok who was busy nodding with a big, approving smile on his face. I cleared my throat. “Uh, that’s great and all…but are we going to just ignore the fact that Yoongi’s been missing from class for the past two weeks?” Hoseok laughed, “Don’t worry, Y/N, he’ll eventually show up.” “Yeah,” Namjoon added. “He always does this. He’ll go MIA for a couple weeks, but he always comes back.” “Oh,” I nodded, collecting my things. “Okay.” And the two went on like normal but I couldn’t get the worry out of my head. It wasn’t just about the grade. I could care less about this class. But why would someone go missing all of sudden when everything seemed so normal before? And why were his friends so nonchalant about him going missing? “Y/N?” “Huh?” “We were just talking about hanging out later with some of our other friends. You want to join us?” Namjoon smiled. “We’re getting fried chicken!” Hoseok cheered. I chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Maybe another time guys.” “Oh? Plans?” Namjoon grinned teasingly. I chuckled, glancing down at my phone for any new texts. I shrugged. “Maybe, something like that.” Yeah. Something like that. I stared at my phone for probably the hundredth time, hoping to get a text of some sort as I stood outside of an apartment building with a box full of fried chicken in one arm and a six pack of beer in the other. Me:  Hey Yoongi… [2:13PM]         Is everything okay? [2:15PM]         You’ve just been missing a few classes so I was wondering… [3:34PM]         are you free this evening? can I come over? [4:08PM] But of course, there was no reply. I don’t know why I was expecting one. If he wasn’t responding to his friends, why would he be responding to me? Which was why I was outside his door now. Honestly, 99.999999% of my body and mind was telling me I was crazy. That he was just tired of people and my face was probably the last thing he wanted to see. But listen. The 0.000001% was screaming in my head, what if this time around things were different? What if Joon and Hoseok were wrong? What if he hurt himself and needed to be checked on? And so with that in mind, I rang his doorbell, praying in my heart he wasn’t home. Okay, not really praying for him to not be home. Of course I wanted to know that he was at least safe and sound. That’s the whole reason I was here. So when a minute passed and no one came to the door, a chill of anxiety ran down my spine and I rang the doorbell five more times. Relief washed over quickly once the door opened though. Yoongi frowned, opening his door just a crack. He looked at me up and down with tired eyes and I could only smile back sheepishly. I raised the box of food up. “Chicken and beer?” Yoongi let out a very audible sigh before walking away from the door. I smiled, taking the sliver of opening as an invitation in. I chuckled, following quickly behind. Yoongi was dressed casually in an oversized white t-shirt and black sweats. It was strange not seeing him in a hoodie. And the back of his head showed clear signs of bed hair. “Did you just wake up Yoongi?” I asked, setting the food down on his living room floor. “Says the girl that woke me up,” he grumbled under his breath. But despite his frown, he came back from the kitchen with plates and cups. I smiled, opening the box of chicken and popping open a can of beer. I handed it to Yoongi. “Figured I should share good food, you know? And I just happened to be near your apartment.” He rolled his eyes, plopping himself onto the floor beside me. “You have good memory for a drunk.” I grinned, raising my can to his. “I drink to remember, not to forget.” “That doesn’t sound very fun,” he mumbled, clinking his can with mines. I laughed, placing a piece of chicken on his plate before grabbing a drumstick. “I’m sorry I woke you up Yoongi. I was worried though.” He bit into his chicken quietly before shrugging. “It’s alright, it was just another depression nap. I had to wake up soon anyways.” “You don’t have to go to work tonight, do you?” When he shook his head, I smiled in relief. “Good, I can’t finish all this food by myself,” I chuckled. His lips curved ever so slightly before he covered it with the sip of his beer. He let out another sigh. “I can’t even remember the last time I had a full meal like this.” I frowned at his words before placing more chicken on his plate. “Here, have some more. Next time I’ll bring some healthier food. But this is good food for the soul.” I laughed at my own words. Yoongi only looked at me with a raised brow. “Next time?” I smiled cheekily, nodding my head. “Well yeah, if you keep ignoring others, we’re bound to worry. I know we aren’t very close…and I’m not usually someone that would stick my nose in other people’s business…” I shrugged, chuckling out of embarrassment. “But I don’t know, I just wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t come check on you.” He nodded his head quietly, continuing to eat as I spoke. “I…” I bit at my lips cautiously as he continued to eat without ever looking up. “This might sound weird since we don’t know each other much but well…I guess I could say the same about you. You didn’t really know me but you helped me when I was drunk.” “But not drunk enough to forget the directions to my house,” Yoongi deadpanned, making me break out into a smile. “But you’re eating my chicken now, so quit complaining,” I countered. I grinned seeing him break out into a smile. “Anyways I just wanted to say that you’ll make people worried if you just disappear like this. It would be helpful if you could at least send a text.” “Okay, okay, I get it,” Yoongi finally huffed, sticking a wing into my mouth. “Now eat your chicken before I finish it all!” I giggled, chewing obligingly. After cleaning away all the chicken scraps, we sipped at our beers slowly. I looked at Yoongi, his eyes still drooping with exhaustion. At least there was more color in his face. I wondered if that was the beer working its way into his system. “What?” Yoongi looked me. I shrugged, swirling my beer as if I hadn’t just been staring at his face. “Nothing.” “You’re a real weirdo, Y/N.” I chuckled, turning to him again. “It’s your fault, you let me in.” “Only because of your good taste in alcohol,” Yoongi smiled softly. I smiled, scooting closer. “Next time, I really will treat you to whiskey!” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Your memory is really uncanny.” I chugged the rest of my beer before setting it down. “But seriously, if you ever need help with anything, like assignments, or if you just want to talk, I’ve got you—with whiskey or whatever kind of beverage you want. I mean it. I supervise one of the campus art studios but no one ever comes so I’m always on my own. So if you ever find yourself wanting to escape or you just want some quiet company, I’m here.” Yoongi nodded quietly before putting his can down too. “I have a studio too. In my apartment.” “You do?” I smiled along, knowing very well he had just changed the subject. Yoongi got up and I followed along as he led me to one of the back rooms in his apartment. Sure enough, there was a small office filled with music and recording equipment. “So that’s why Namjoon asked you to make the jingle,” I realized. Yoongi scoffed, taking a seat at the desk and opening his laptop. “That fucker was just pulling my leg.” I stood next to him, bending over to look at the files on his screen. “Can I hear something?” Yoongi rubbed at the back of his neck before scrolling down his list of files. “I don’t know…here, this is one of the jingles I made.” He clicked on the file, adjusting his sound before settling in his seat, his head resting on his hands with a look of boredom. But I could only open my mouth in silent awe as the beat resounded throughout the room. “Yoongi,” I whispered as the music came to an end. “That sounds too good to be wasted on a dumb school project.” He laughed, shaking his head. “It’s really not. I’ll work on it more.” I looked at him, smiling. “If we don’t get an A with this, I’m sending our professor to get his ears checked.” Yoongi only smiled to himself shyly. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to work then,” I finally spoke up after a moment of silence. “Let’s meet again and discuss the project properly then.” Yoongi nodded before getting up from his seat. “Next time don’t come knocking on my door at weird hours.” “6PM is not a weird hour Yoongi,” I argued. I grinned mischievously at him. “What if I bring whiskey with me next time?” He rolled his eyes with a small smile on his lips. And with that I was on my way back to my own apartment. Yoongi:      thx Y/N [9:40PM] for food and waking me to get work done [9:43PM] ur a good weirdo [9:55PM] - I sat in the quiet of my studio, staring at my midterm painting for what seemed like the thousandth hour. Yet again, no one was using this studio, which I had figured when I took on the job. Everyone else preferred to use the studio that Jenny used. Not that it was the bad thing, I liked that I had a whole studio to myself. “You’ve been staring at that for a long time.” I jerked around to see Yoongi leaning on the door frame. He gave me a small smile before lifting his hand, revealing a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. I laughed. “Perfect.” “Courtesy of Jimin,” Yoongi added before taking a seat beside me. I chuckled, taking the bottle into my own hands. “Tell Mr. Bartender thanks then.” I got up to get mugs out of the cabinets. I smiled, handing Yoongi a mug. “Sunshine Club,” Yoongi read the cup aloud. “Sounds just like me.” I chuckled, pouring a generous amount into our mugs. “You mean a cup full of whiskey? Yes, it does.” “This is nice,” Yoongi commented, gesturing to my painting. I sighed at the sound of nice again. Yoongi sipped at his whiskey. “In a, you know, sucky, feels like shit kinda nice.” I broke out into a laugh. “Yeah? How so?” His eyes lingered on the canvas. “It feels confusing, like something is just beyond the blur, but I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a scary thing. And that’s fucking anxiety-inducing,” he chuckled, taking another sip. “But fuck, that’s kinda comforting too…to think someone else is thinking the same thing as me.” I smiled. “Can you join the fine art’s department, Yoongi?” “Not enjoying yourself here?” I shrugged, finishing my mug of whiskey. He poured me more quietly. I smiled, waiting for his eyes to meet mine. “It’s better now that you’ve come.” A smile flashed across his face as he rubbed at his neck shyly. “Anyways, what’s it called?” I sighed, looking back at my own painting. “Fog.” “Hmm, fitting.” A quietness settled around us as we stared at my canvas, lost in our own thoughts. “How’s your music coming along?” I finally asked, breaking the silence. He hummed, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s going and then it’s not. It cycles over and over.” “It was already so good when I heard it last,” I smiled softly. “I’m glad you let me hear some of it.” “Glad?” “Yeah,” I chuckled. “So when you become famous, I can tell everyone I heard your music first.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes, a lopsided smile stamped over his face again. “Whatever.” “And I’m glad,” I added, “because the same way you described my painting is the same way I feel about your music. It’s comforting. Plus, as a fellow artist, I know how scary it is to share your work. Thanks for trusting me.” There was another silence before Yoongi took my empty mug and walked over to the sink. “Thanks,” he spoke softly, his back to me, “for coming to me that day. No one’s ever done that…checking on me to see if I’m okay. I didn’t think I needed it until, well, until you showed me I did.” Most people think Min Yoongi is scary. People see the scowl on his face and look away too quickly. Now seeing the small of his back, bent over the studio sink, I know now Min Yoongi is not scary. He’s only human. And people are so busy looking away, they missed the sweet smile that graces his lips and the way his shoulders squeeze together, shivering softly when he laughs. And if I had been one of those people, I would have missed the tired look in his eyes, the heavy bags that carried the weight of his dreams and worries. I’m glad I wasn’t. “What?” Yoongi glared my way as he turned around to see me staring at him. “Stop looking at me like that.” I shook my head, smiling. “No Yoongi, I’m glad I came that day too. Now you’ll always know where to find me, and I’ll know where to find you. We’ve got each other.” - Thanks for reading! [Masterlist] Prequel to All Clear
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