#this was a fun one thank you 😌
shirefantasies · 2 months
Hey, babes!
Honestly I have brain rot for the idea of the ‘woman of the group does sexy dance to help mission’ trope and like LOTR boys. I also have brain rot for them hearing her sing ‘I Wanna Make Love To You’ by Etta James.
Anyway can I request the elves reactions to reader do a sexy burlesque/strip style dance? Like they in the audience and how they’d react.
By elves I mean: Elrond, Lindir, Thranduil, Legolas, Haldir and Arwen
OK I’M YELLING (I went ahead n threw our girl Galadriel in there cuz gotta catch em all right? 😁) there’s not really a mission lol but hope this does it justice! My latest D&D session the other night ended with burlesque performance so this feels like the perfect time to post this hehe
The Elves Reacting to F!Reader’s Burlesque Performance
Warnings: suggestive obviously 😆
Sure, he knew you’d all but been dared to set foot upon the stage, but something in your resolute expression and the long robe you wore had Thranduil’s eyebrows raising. Nary did he expect the way your hand shot out, grabbing the pole the moment the lights dimmed, or the way your robe dropped, revealing the lowest-cut, highest-slit dress he’d ever seen you in. Breath hitching, he watched as a long wave of fabric draped between your gorgeous legs, which wrapped around the pole as you climbed it. Eyes darkening as you spun, he could hardly help imagining what, or whom, else they could wind around so, and if he would ever be so blessed to see the confident air overtaking you again…
Frowning, Legolas disappeared further into the gathering crowd. Gimli was the one who’d dared him to attend the show, telling him he was sure no pointy-ear could handle it. How could it be so, simply a performance? The crowd looked far too eager for you to be putting them into any sort of- oh. You emerged onto the stage, forearms and down covered with feathers like the wings of a great bird. Your legs were almost entirely bare, skirt minimal and bodice little more than a corset. Twirling and pirouetting into poses the woodland prince could only describe as suggestive, you beamed innocently at the crowd and hid behind your feathers, lashes fluttering. Another performer emerged behind you, hands on your waist and fingers deftly loosening your corset… Gripping the arms of his seat tighter, Legolas leaned in, a yearning in his own fingers readily accepting his friend’s latest challenge.
A dancer you were. That was a known fact whispered among those familiar with you, often calling you something of a knife-dancer. Curiosity got the better of Haldir when scandal colored whispers of your performance right outside the woods. Was it dangerous, perhaps? Pride flowed into the little smile of anticipation he wore as fast-paced music filled the room and flames were snuffed, leading you to slide gracefully into the dim. Crouching, you crawled to the edge of the stage with a bloodthirsty grin that sent shivers down Haldir’s spine. Flicks of your wrists revealed your famed blades, which you twirled, tossed, and dragged gently along the length of your tongue. Brows raising, he found himself leaning forward with new interest. What sort of dance was- Coherent thought ceased immediately when you tossed your blades, caught them, and began slicing away at purposefully shoddy seams upon your outfit, revealing more and more until the elf was on the edge of his seat…
Hearing of a new form of entertainment served only to pique Galadriel’s curiosity and draw her from her frequent solitude. After all, if it was making her people happy… She did not expect to see a lone performer upon a platform, elaborately feathered fans covering most of her figure, but there you were. Clad all in white, at least from what she could see near your feet, you slowly closed the fans. The long swaths of fabric that hung near the ground begun only at your hips, the expanse of your legs utterly bare as you extended them, moving gracefully across the stage as your fans accentuated every curve and undulation of your body. Jerking, you rotated, hips swiveling as you happened to face the Lady of Lórien, and watching you through her lashes Galadriel felt a devilish smile rise to her lips. She saw exactly why there had been such a buzz…
There had been talk of you giving a performance of some kind, but all Lindir had been able to retrieve on the subject was that he should quite like to be in the audience, so with a light heart he shuffled into the crowd, pleased to be quite close to the stage set up for you. Perhaps you’d learned a new instrument under his nose and wishes to surprise him with a performance! Perhaps- You slunk to the center clad in, oh dear, quite a sheer skirt. Feeling a rush of heat to his face, he tried to focus upon the swell of music, largely successful until you ripped your top off, hips swinging lower as your layers thinned and thinned… You froze momentarily, wearing little more than your corset, and made direct eye contact with Lindir, whose eyes widened and body felt quite faint. Slowly, deliberately, you took up your dance once more, grinning at him as you began unlacing the back of your garment. His hands shot up, half-covering his face, but he couldn’t help himself peeking again and again.
Housing a troupe of performers was certainly an unusual set of circumstances, but not in the slightest beyond the reach of the great homely house. Indeed, at encouragement from Lindir to let music fill his halls, Elrond acquiesced to a performance, unknowing of the so-called ‘dancers’ who would emerge after the exuberant wind section. In fact, it wasn’t until they called you out that Elrond’s eyes widened, brows expressive as ever as they flexed in great shock. You were lowered down on ropes, sitting with your legs largely bared and swinging. Garments- quite the loose term- of drapery covered the rest of your form, but as you leaned back in your swing, you began twisting, swiveling, removing one veil after another… Elrond found himself looking this way and that, but his eyes could never leave you for long. Feeling his gaze darken and his hands flex, he wondered what he had gotten himself into…
How scandalous could it be? Many a friend or even a family member or two had rolled eyes and whispered harshly about your performances, but Arwen was not afraid. No matter what it was said to be, she would experience it for it to be so in her mind. Thus she found herself in the audience of the very subject of contempt, the somewhat smaller ratio of maids to men not lost upon her. A great fount was all Arwen could see at the center of it all, at least until one bare leg slowly arched from its edge. Blinking, Arwen watched as it was followed by another, each of them kicking some water onto the crowd before your hands gripped the other side, flipping over to render most of your body visible. Hanging from the sides, you swiveled your hips, head innocently rested upon your folded arms as if your…ahem…rear end were not moving so. Sitting up, you let go, dropping back into the water with a splash before emerging again and grinningly tossing water on more patrons. Arwen found herself mirroring your expression, following your every motion with interest and a strange sense of elation.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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sineskwelaa · 2 years
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i thought it was funny
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
THE MIKOTO FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS FIC WAS SO SILLY thats literally how i discovered you, never seen a better fic on my dash..... is there any way you could write something similar where fuuta gets water poured on him like a wet cat. now that i know the prisoners will go to ungoldy lengths to cure their boredome i need more content
LMAO thank you so much!! I so glad you liked it -- and I can assure you I would love nothing more than to pour a bucket of water on everyone's saddest wettest cat -- thank you for the request! 😂
“Everyone knows the greatest way to combat boredom is psychological warfare.” 
Yuno said it very matter-of-fact. Fuuta nodded in agreement.
Es was left to stare blankly at the two prisoners summed before them. “Is that supposed to explain why my panopticon floor is soaked, or why Fuuta is dripping water all over my office…?”
“It started a few weeks ago,” Yuno added, as if that would help.
“What started a few weeks ago?”
Fuuta shrugged. “Like she said. We got bored.”
“You got… bored.”
At last, Yuno explained. It didn’t take long, she told them, for the usual methods of entertainment to lose their charm. Conversations and games could only hold them over for so long. As soon as they lost interest in those things, she knew it was time to give the mental torture route a try. 
“Of course,” Es deadpanned.
“Of course!”
She was an expert at pranks, and from very early on she was able to see that Fuuta would be the perfect nemesis.
You see, everyone else took some time to figure out. She realized Mikoto took the fastest showers and used the most products, so it was easy to swap out one of his bottles just before a rapid wash. His hair was pink for two glorious weeks. She saw that Shidou was as organized as he was independent, so once she started moving and hiding his possessions, it took a long time of searching around in silent, stubborn confusion before he finally caught on. She noticed Muu was particular enough about the way she took her coffee that it only took one tiny tampering and a huge sip was spit directly into Haruka’s face. 
But Fuuta? Oh, Fuuta. There wasn't anything to figure out. He was like Mahiru in that way – what you see is what you get. He was unlike Mahiru in other ways – no one would ever dream of pranking her so often. But Fuuta could walk into a joke like no other. His reactions were just as big and outrageous every time. He was practically asking Yuno to prank him. And when had she ever refused a man?
“Hey!” Fuuta’s ears had gone bright red. “It’s not like I’m some pathetic loser!” He stuck his chin up. “I fought back just fine, don’t you worry.”
(That was, in fact, exactly what Es had been worried about.)
Both he and Yuno found themselves on the receiving end of some scares and fake bugs. They both had to struggle through a mouthful of something disgusting at one time or another. Important possessions went missing right at the very worst time. It was awful, they said. It was infuriating. Unbearable. So, naturally, they kept going. 
Which brought them to today’s stunt. With a little boost from Mikoto to get everything in place, and a captive audience gathered in the panopticon, Yuno pulled it off easily. 
They all peered around the corner at cell 003. Loud snoring echoed from inside, despite the late hour of the morning; Fuuta was the heaviest sleeper of the bunch. Yuno checked that everyone was in place. Then she cupped her hands around her mouth.
“Fuuta!” She called urgently. “Come quick! Get dressed, it's Es!” There was clattering around within the cell. It took everything in her to hold in a giggle as she added, “hurry!!” 
The bars swung open, tipping the carefully placed bucket of water above. 
Yuno bid Es to picture the beauty of the moment: the ice-cold water falling in a perfect, glimmering arc as it hit its target with a wonderful splat.
Fuuta froze in the entryway. He was missing a shoe. The half of his uniform he’d managed to get on wasn’t even fastened correctly. It, and the pajamas underneath, were entirely soaked through. His hair clung to his face, darkened and dripping. He swept it aside to reveal, in place of his characteristic fierce gaze, the saddest, most bleary eyes the prisoners had ever seen. His mouth gaped open in confusion. He shivered, flinging little droplets into the massive puddle below.
“I should have requested a camera…” she mused. His grogginess had worn off quickly, but there still existed a single moment where she could have snapped the funniest photo in existence. 
“Fuck off, it wasn’t that funny,” Fuuta clarified.
“Oh, it really was,” Yuno assured them.
Es delivered their scolding. They said this behavior was immature. They would not stand for nonsense like this in their prison. All further pranks and practical jokes were strictly banned. After dismissing the pair, they crossed their arms. 
Damn, they wish they could’ve been there…
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
the number of times i will go back into a fic to add or remove one single word or maybe move it to somewhere else in the same sentence can’t be healthy. i’m tormented by a mildly popular text post of mine going around that i am sure could be funnier with one fewer syllable, which i also added and removed 3 times in the drafts before posting. it’s not compulsive, it’s genuinely not harming me or preventing me from sharing my work, it’s just like somewhere in the intersection between perfectionism and an inability to let go i’m there ten days after posting wondering if an exclamation point instead of a period would meaningfully alter a reader’s experience, like a philosopher spending six years contemplating the nature of existence through a single grain of sand and okay, i started this post to make fun of myself but i just remembered that my linguistics tag is “language is my one true love” and writing is more like gardening than a race. something can be done when it’s done because there’s a print deadline or a hard frost or you have to put down the shears and see about the rest of your life, but in all other cases it’s just endless potential for noodling around in the dirt until you don’t feel like it anymore. there has never in history been a home garden in growing season where everything is done. i like to pet tomato leaves and maybe clicking “edit” on an old fic when i reread it to change three words and then change them right back is like that. i’m posting this one with no more fuss because i’m going inside to make tea.
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katsigian · 4 months
── ⋆˖⁺‧♡ ⁺ Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴɴᴀɪʀᴇ + 5 ꜱᴏɴɢꜱ ᴛᴀɢ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ⁺ ♡‧⁺˖⋆⁺──
I was tagged to do this fun little tag game by @simonxriley thank you! ♡♡♡
5 Songs: I'm pulling them from Valen's character playlist!
1. Vois Sur Ton Chemin - BENNETT (potential theme song for Valen hehe)
2. Babydoll - Ari Abdul (specifically a shippy song for him and his baby 🌚)
3. I Can't Do This - SILZNT (this one isn't so much about his character, rather it's a thematic background song for when he's up to bad things)
4. The World Ender - Lord Huron (one of Valen's actual theme songs)
5. Unholy - Lillith Czar (just another sexy Valen song for when he's doing bad things. Again)
1. Three ships you like: I'll list some ships that aren't mine - Lan Wanji × Wei Wuxian (MDZS), Shepard × Tali (ME), Neuvilette × Wriothesley (Genshin) > I see them all over Insta and I have gotten very invested even though I don't play that game ghdshs
2. First ship ever: I'm calling myself all of the way out with this one 🌚 my first ship ever was Yuki × Kaname from Vampire Knight MDHFMFGSMS and when I tell you that I am deceased on the ground right now, I am so serious. I urge you to look up Kaname and then look at Valen. I swear that the similarities weren't intentional and I didn't even realize them until I got asked this question 😭🫠
3. Last song you heard: Haters by Zodivk
4. Favourite childhood book: I can't remember with 100% certainty, but I'm pretty sure it was a fantasy book like Eragon
5. Currently reading: I have yet to finish Dark Places by Gillian Flynn, so I'll say I'm currently reading RP writing bits from my two writing partners
6. Currently watching: a rewatch of The Killing
7. Currently craving: I would be willing to die for a poutine right now. There's this one I used to get from a pub near my old house that had Montréal smoked steak and jalapeños and I haven't had it in months now 😩
Taglist ♡ if you'd like to opt in/opt out, please feel free! As always, there's no pressure to do these if you'd rather not. And if you've been tagged already/have done this already, then feel free to ignore! 🖤
@rindemption @noirapocalypto @westealtoys @quickhacked @cloudofbutterflies92 @opaleyedprince @mercymaker @nightbloodbix @sunites @vvanessaives @skelior @peaches-n-screem @spicyraeman @feykiller @florbelles @aceghosts @riikugan @devilbrakers @dani-the-goblin @elvenbeard @dickytwister @cybersteal @hibernationsuit @hiddenbeks @jerichoes @aggravateddurian @hummingbirdsage @archonfurina @vanoefucks @seluned @gothimp @onehornedbeast @carlosoliveiraa @baldurians @thefrostyshepard @balverine2077 @magicmissiled @ancunine @ronqueesha @wormskul @vivanightcity @cyberholic77 @lilacmox @strafethesesinners @vincentmatthews @jaydenborn @sh00kspeared @crookedvultures @saintemarvel
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
🏅 🛌 and 🦑 for the ask game!!
(from @the-capricious-socialite )
🎖️ — Proudest non-Ambition accomplishment?
for twitch:
a few things i can't choose between...getting their ship, always a fond memory, of course! that's their wife, their lifelong companion, their partner, their pride and joy
being accepted into the corsairs at gaider's mourn, and sinking their first ship. illegal? yes! incredibly fun? also yes!
they're always proud anytime they manage to weasel their way into a fancy club or party, because by any normal standard they absolutely should not be there, and it's very funny to them that they are
for grace:
at his current point, he doesn't have a ton he's Hugely proud of yet :( poor guy. he still hasn't quite figured out what he's doing
he is secretly proud of himself for a couple things, though--first, forging a copy of the wilting dandy's book and saving him. it's the first time he really rebelled against an authority figure
second is punching the red honey cagekeeper guy in the nemesis storyline. he was kinda horrified at the time bc it was an impulse decision and that's usually really, really not his style...but he doesn't regret it at all. fully deserved, he'd do it again
in the future i think he'd be proud of cracking the jack of smiles case, even if it's not something he can solve entirely!!
🛌 — How’s their sleep schedule?
answered for grace here!
for twitch, it's not Great, by normal people standards--odd hours, more prone to naps than a full night's restful sleep, occasionally they'll collapse from forgetting (or avoiding) sleep for too long
they just don't like sleeping!! they like to be on the move at all times. they find it hard to fall asleep, they have weird dreams, and they hate dreaming in the regular way--if they're going to parabola, they want it to be on their own terms!!
plus, they zail at odd hours, they trade the night watch & driving duties with their crew at random, most of their smuggling has to be done when other people are asleep...so it's very inconsistent
🦑 — Would they kiss a Rubbery Man?
twitch: absolutely in a heartbeat without question, yes
grace: absolutely not.....he's still getting used to the idea that rubberies exist at all :( (and he isn't one to kiss strangers. and has yet to meet any rubberies properly)
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 months
heyyyyyyy hey wait I forgot I follow up on this, you mentioned there was tea regarding Adam’s dad and his first wife 👁️ is that something you’re willing to share bc I am all ears
ahhhh yes yes yes. my LORE!!!!!!! i am absolutely happy to spill that tea. i did indeed mention here that adam is the product of his father’s second wife, not his first. so let me divulge all the stuff that went down before adam came around!!
so, first, some backstory on louis, adam’s father. he was his father, king antoine’s, firstborn. four years later, he has a brother named adrien. adrien dies of illness around age five, and young louis is devastated, but his father is tough and hard and tells his son to buck up! crying is for the ladies. a few years later, louis’s mother, anne michelle, also dies. louis doesn’t cope well with this at all, but he’s so scared of his abusive father that he hides his feelings once again. soon, king antoine remarries. he and his new wife have a daughter, and they name her genevieve after her mother. they entirely dote on genevieve, completely neglecting louis, leaving him to his own devices. he becomes miserable and cruel, and an entirely reckless young man.
when prince louis is 24, king antoine has a health scare that causes him concern. he fears he may not live much longer, and he sees that his son is in no place to take the throne, should he die. so, he arranges for his reckless son to marry an upstanding young lady, to ensure that louis could become king at the moment of antoine’s passing. louis is less than thrilled about his bride, but when they meet on their wedding day, there is actually a spark between them. her name is agnès claudine marie. she was chosen because their marriage would be politically advantageous, as well as look very perfect to the public eye. louis was all ready to loathe this new wife of his. but he just… didn’t.
agnès was firey and stood her ground. she challenged him constantly and louis was pretty shocked by it. (but also… turned on by it as well.) louis was still a very shitty person, like, agnès did Not make him a better man. but they sort of got along in their own twisted way. they appeared a perfect, prim and proper couple to the public eye, but behind closed doors they were very just… toxic and messy. and what made matters worse was that king antoine died shortly after they were married, so louis had to grapple with his father’s death (sprouting the classic, complicated grief that comes along with losing an abusive father), and handle being king, all while never being mentally or emotionally prepared for it, nor having anyone to lean on in the process. it’s ROUGH.
louis had such a quick temper and was insanely jealous. he got pissed at agnès for even so much as talking to another man at a party, even if he was right there by her side. after the parties would end, he’d throw things and break things and scream at her and she’d scream right back, bullying him just as much as he berated her. these arguments almost always ended in ridiculously hot sex. which is funny and i don’t know why i feel the need to mention it but. as a fake historian it’s my duty to share all fake facts. anyway.
eventually, louis and agnès had a daughter. they named her claudine. louis doesn’t feel MUCH about this, as he very much needs a son to be his heir, but he does care enough about agnès to not completely despise his daughter. he’s a pretty indifferent father at this point. although i’m sure he always made claudine feel fairly useless, just for being a girl.
about six years later, agnès became pregnant with their second child. tragedy struck, however, when she died in childbirth. she delivered a boy, but he did not live longer than a day.
THIS is really the turning point where louis goes from bad to the absolute worst. it’s all buried and complicated inside him but he’s truly devastated by agnès’s death. she was always so alive with passion he just never expected to lose her. and the fact that he loses their son, HIS SON, within a day, it just breaks him for good. he goes from awful to downright ruthless. he grows more wicked toward his daughter, seeing too much of her mother in her and blaming her for it. blaming her too, for not being his much-needed male heir. he also becomes a terror in his court, and in general just a horrible person to be around.
unfortunately at this point, the psychological damage that has been done to him just really causes him to spiral out of control. he’s blinded by unprocessed grief and unfounded rage. and the people are in an uproar! who will be their heir! where is the dauphin of france!! all this just makes him desperate to find another wife to give him a male heir. it’s all he cares about now. so, less than a year later, louis found someone. it was similar to prologue adam’s parties where the villages and towns were taxed to send all their maidens. and renée elizabeth aubert was the only daughter of five children. her parents OF COURSE wanted to give her the opportunity to marry THE KING!
and… it worked. louis saw her and found her to be beautiful. (oh, shall i mention here that he’s 30 and she’s 17?) renée wasn’t as tenacious as agnès but she was gorgeous and held her head high. she intrigued him. (and her mentioning that she had four brothers was definitely a factor for louis.) so, he courted her and married her swiftly.
renée settled into her new life as queen. louis distracted and enticed her with the finest clothes and jewelry, making her feel so very adored. she tried to get along with her step-daughter, claudine, who was around 7 years old at this point, but poor princess claudine was so traumatized from losing her mother and from louis’s abuse, so she didn’t really want to connect much with renée. so, claudine spend the vast majority of her time with her governess, who was basically raising her fully at that point.
soon, renée became pregnant, and successfully delivered a boy! huzzah!! adam is here!!
for a few years, things carry on. louis grows more twisted and disinterested in his wife and children. he hardly sees claudine, and he’s disappointed in adam thus far. (adam didn’t start speaking or walking until he was like 2-3, so louis was convinced he was just “stupid” and they all got worried he was possibly deaf. but renée knew her boy wasn’t deaf or stupid, because she actually spent time with him and could see that his mind just worked differently. and he always looked up at her when she called his name.) regardless, louis was also getting increasingly frustrated with renée, because she kept miscarrying pregnancies. (i think giving birth to adam very nearly killed her, and left damage that just made carrying any future pregnancy to full term impossible.) so, louis was now stuck with a useless daughter and a worthless son and a dysfunctional wife. and he made sure they all knew it! he continued to drink and be abusive. claudine sort of gets out of it, eventually going to live in paris for private tutoring and finishing school.
but! claudine would still come home for christmas, and other events. well, approaching one christmas, louis and renée had been away on a trip for diplomatic reasons. on the trip, renée had caught some sort of illness. when they returned, they kept adam away from her (for fear that the heir would catch it) but unfortunately, princess claudine was there, and caught the illness. renée recovered in a couple of weeks. the princess, however, died. she was 12 years old.
adam was 4, and doesn’t really have any memories of his sister claudine. especially since they didn’t really grow up under the same roof. but anyway, louis is just angered by yet ANOTHER death in this godforsaken family of his. and he, despite caring very little for claudine, IS saddened because she WAS his last piece of agnès. he decided to blame renée, since she’s the one who brought the illness home.
well. time carries on. some years later, when adam is nine and a half, he loses his mother, queen renée, to illness as well. he’s left alone with his father, and you know how the story goes…
anyway my take is that the de beaumont family is quite literally cursed by death and for generations they’re just plagued to lose people but Just Enough survive to maintain the family line. and adam, breaking his own separate curse by the enchantress, does then, in turn, break the beaumont family death curse as well. because true love conquers ALL. thank you 💙
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misspoetree · 1 year
Aaaand we've reached another FINAL CONTENDERS poll, folks!
Yet again, you had 25 (well, 26 actually, but I got scolded for re-including the dark velvet shirt because of the fluffy hair 😂) options to choose from, you picked your favourite ones and now let me ask you ONE last time:
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Presenting: The Great KinnPorsche Fashion Showdown (nobody asked for)
A few weeks ago, I made a poll about the best dressed KinnPorsche character. Tankhun won that one, followed by Vegas and Tay. Legitimate results - but the tags had some really interesting arguments for a bunch of different contenders. So why don't we take a closer look? Why don't we go through all the characters and their outfits one by one, choose the best one for each of them and repeat the initial poll at the end?
Sooo...that's exactly what we're doing right now.
*For the characters with more than 10 outfits - like Vegas - I'm making multiple polls and put the best voted ones into a final one - hence the FINAL CONTENDERS poll you have right before you!
**I deciced to include a WILDCARD - an outift that didn't win any of the pre-selections but was most frequently mentioned in the tags and comments.
Tankhun - FINAL CONTENDERS (CAPE vs. CRUELLA DE VIL vs. FUNERAL FIT ) (closes March 22nd!!!!!!)
Vegas - Part 1 (CLOSED) | Part 2 (CLOSED) | Part 3 (CLOSED)
Kim - Part 1 | Part 2 coming March 23rd | FINAL CONTENDERS coming March 30th
You can find the links to all the polls (as I gradually post them) HERE (pinned on my profile).
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moregraceful · 9 months
feeling uncooperative with the prompts in the meme. between cheech and old pat which one would survive a joint venture into a thrift store? and which of them would you convert into a minor league baseball player if you had a magic wand
God yeah I reblogged that list and then read the questions and was like...this list is wack lol. Anyway THANK YOU these questions are much more important and gets really into the Hearts and Minds of these men.
Who survives a joint venture to the thrift store: Old Pat. It's Old Pat. Man has looked 40 years old since he hit puberty and has just kept growing older. Old man is in his element with the real senior citizens. However it is very important to me to mention that they're going to a bespoke thrift store for like farm and cowboy shit. Cheech could handle normal thrifting. Cheech would be great at normal thrifting. But take him to a store where it's JUST vintage farming equipment and cowboy leather shit and that city boy is going to panic. Old Pat is having a blast looking at pieces of metal that clearly spark joy in his construction worker heart but make NO sense to Cheech, son of academics, WHL overager. Cheech agreed to come to the store to push the cart but now he is manfully deep breathing while Old Pat examines a metal thing with rings. Is it for horses? Is it for wearing? Is it a BDSM thing? Do you put it on a tractor? Cheech is scared. (It is literally just a beval bit.) These stores don't exist in the Bay Area but maybe they do in idk Manitoba or Michigan or whatever. Or Gilroy, where all our dreams come true.
Minor league baseball player: the thing is, we're on Sieloff Watch (KING. ANNOUNCE YOUR RETIREMENT OR SIGN SOMEWHERE BEFORE I THROW UP) and Cheech is having his hot girl summer. So I'm inclined to say Cheech, just bc I think he has a shot in hell of making it OUT of minor league baseball. Also he is handsome like a baseball player. He has the looks for it. Not that you have to be handsome to be a baseball player but it helps. Can you imagine that man in the humid outfield of some nameless town in the San Joaquin Valley, fighting for his life in the game, the top three buttons of his jersey are undone, his curls are wilting, the uhhhh idk Fresno Nightcrawlers, AA for some cursed af West Coast team, are down 9-7 in the 8th, when the skies open up and it starts pouring...the stands, already two-thirds empty on a Tuesday night clear, while the teams run for cover under the downpour. Nick stands in the outfield and tilts his head toward the sky, feeling, for a moment, relief and peace.
#this was soooo fun thank you#i unpacked 21 boxes of books. i need to organize since the categorization is loose but at least there are no longer 24 boxes in that room#there is a box of comics i don't want and two boxes of cookbooks for the kitchen#idk what to do with the comics. the part of my life where i was an issue by issue reader of comics is over#tempted to loosely inventory and sell on ebay like here for $50 all these doa indies can be YOUR problem#i'm also missing a whole chunk of my tkams but my mom says she saw a box of them in another room#which is good bc i would literally go insane if i were truly missing any of my intl copies of tkam some of that shit was SO hard to aquire#anyway i just remembered what i was going to say which is that in the cuda frontier town au in my shower thoughts#siels is the washer woman. he runs a laundry. employs robbie (too small to ride horses) and weather (doesn't want to be a cowboy)#cheech comes from way out of town bc he's on the run from the LAW (shot a man in manitoba but the other guy had it coming)#he lives in old pat's house above the laundry. shares a bedroom with robbie. siels teaches him how to get the blood off of leather#siels falls in love but the LAW catches up with cheech and he has to run further west and old washerwoman pat and his boys stonewall the LA#siels thinks of him still on cold nights. when he can hear his boarders laughing through the walls as they play cards#what life must be like to be young and in love..... (he is literally 28)#also henry is the one room school teacher#cage replies#anon#i love this ask lol thank you so much 🙏😌
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irritablepoe · 2 months
For the fucked up ship bingo: Fyolai and Bramcraft (if no one else sends you Ranpoe well ofc them too)
But also that mtp ship of Louis, James, and Moran.
Ahhhh thank youuuu💜💜💜
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If it's platonic/queerplatonic or romantic depends on my mood tbh, anything is true, same with their gender literally everything is true at once😌 also they NEED to get weirder with it omg (they would also die in a heart shaped pool of blood but that doesn't mean I want them to btw) THINKING ABOUT THEM ALWAYS FOREVERRR
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BINGO!! I feel like "you should see the other guy *points at dead body*" was hard enough so I'll spare you the "divorced" thingy💀 that'd be too much emotional damage I think...
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I mean they would go off and kill together but not each other so I'm unsure about that one thing there lmao
Louis x James x Moran
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I NEED WHAT THEY HAVE PLSPLSPLSPLS, and they are in love but like in a queerplatonic way if that makes sense, at least in my head bc there's not a single fanfic about them, I'm literally the only fanfic for Louis and James and I'm so confused how they're not getting more attention but ANYWAYS I'm thinking about them a lot but I don't want to write until I have read the whole manga so I myself and the world has to wait😭💀but know that I'm THINKING
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toadallytickles · 8 months
"Ewww" "No thanks NO THANKS" You're so funny Jess hahaha
Also you have such cute tiny feetsies! And I'm not even into feet so I think that's really saying something haha! - kochofairy
Shush~!! (〃^▽^〃)ゞ Yeah I have a lot of tickle catchphrases like that, there’s more than that lmaoo~. 🤭 thank you~ 💕
Omg !! Whatever~!! 🫣 THEY LOOK SO TINY IN THE CHAIR 😆
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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SCARLET; the corpo -> CYBERPUNK 2077
— OCS + THE HOLIDAYS // for @marivenah and happy birthday!
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
just got home for holiday break and I'm excited for my favorite tradition: getting stressed by my chaotic family and unwinding every night with your holiday smut master list 🥰
Aww, I'm happy to hear you still enjoy those! I have such fond memories of putting that event together with @cal-puddies! And our Poly!Cashton story is still one of my fav collabs we did 🎄♥️
Hoe For The Hoe-lidays: A Holiday Fic Event Masterlist
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
I keep forgetting to tell you ashshshah, but your 'mikoto gets pushed off stairs' crackfic lives rent free in my head, and one time while writing an exam around last month i nearly burst out laughing in the middle of like 1000 students because i remembered that it's so funny i love it :3
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Aw thank you so much!!!!! That's both an incredible compliment and also I'm so sorry asddcvvg 😅😅😅
I wonder how in-depth the Milgram Voices are... can Mikoto hear us laughing at the mere thought of him tumbling down the stairs.....
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bobmckenzie · 1 year
IM THINKING.... I might come out of hiding from the search function 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 and I might partake the next time the sunshine meme rolls around 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 and I might just stop caring so much what people think 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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sochilll · 10 months
I had to look through like 10 wips for this 😭 apparently I do NOT like describing the lighting situations lmao
“I’m sorry.” Evan looked up at him in the dim light.
He looked so sad, it broke Jared’s heart even more. So he said, “it’s okay,” even though it wasn’t.
Send me 📝 + a word and I’ll post an excerpt from a fic i’m currently writing that contains that word
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