#this....was uhhhhhh the best day of my life
tarot-archives · 2 months
Can I get a uhhhhhh laios with a guy/gn reader who has an equally autistic special interest in general biology and ecosystems that would 100% encompass monsters as well? Asking for a friend that just happens to be me (stg idk if I wanna smooch laios or be him tbh lmao)
an: though i haven’t written for an autistic yn, i’ll try to make it realistic. if i’d done something wrong, please tell me. i focused more on general dungeon ecology for y/n.
if marcille is studying about dungeon ecosystems while laios is more interested in monsters you would be the best of both worlds.
there’s just something thrilling about dungeon ecology, how it all interacts, every thing that fall under it and so on and so forth.
you’re a tall-man researcher, using every bit of your time to find out more about dungeons, and not just the ones in melini. it would have been good to join the magic academy, but since you don’t posses any talent for magic, you can’t enter.
it made you sad since they had a dungeon making class.
nevertheless, it won’t stomp your dreams of researching! you’ve read and copied countless of books you can get your hands on. eventually you settled in meleni where a newly discovered dungeon was found.
your room was filled with countless of journals, trinkets from dungeons and volumes of books you read many time before.
and on your first dungeon party, you were very ecstatic. too bad you had to leave because they’d only go to the easier upper floors. you wanted to head to the lowest level after all!
and that’s where you meet up with the touden party!
you will love marcille’s vast dungeon knowledge. she would love to teach you new things. much to chilchuck’s dismay, you have boosted her ego. endless praises for marcille and simply doting around her because she’s filled with knowledge.
“ah, long lifespans are so great. i’d spend all my life dedicating to dungeon ecology if i could” -y/n after every lecture apparently.
then monster facts with laios will be endless. he lent you his dungeon food guide and you surprisingly have a copy too! you took notes from the things he had written in the margin. much to chilchuck’s demise (again) both you and laios keep on talking and he can’t sleep :((
“eating monsters? can’t say i have thought about it, but do you ever think about their nutritional values? the high level of mana concentration must vary from non-dungeon born same species! This needed to be compared and studied!” -y/n when laios introduced his monster eating thoughts.
toshiro will have another person to ask about his life in the east. but he likes how you keep more time to yourself writing in the journals. he finds your drawing to be artistic. after seeing your difficulties with papers, toshiro will teach you about yotsume toji—a book binding process from his country. he’s happy to see you using it after he taught you.
though you won’t talk with namari much, you admire he strength as a dwarf. she keeps her past to herself, which you at least respect. but you’d talk about the different weapons used and other things she did as a blacksmith. her knowledge on materials is very handy. you write about the different dungeon materials on your journal along with the best weapons against monsters.
chilchuck, our lock expert, and the most unknown member of your party… you admire his knowledge on traps and have written about his experiences with various dungeon traps and ways of disarming them.
falin, she joins you as you ask questions to marcille or laios. she listens to you talk about your dungeon experiences and she tells you about her’s. you let her read the journals you made along the way.
On the day falin was eaten by the dragon, your journal wasn’t transported with you. So now, you join laios to rescue his sister and to save you journals!!
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Request? Open!
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writingoddess1125 · 5 months
How does buggy and Shanks handle their daughters s first period?
Oh Honey- it was a fucking disaster 🤣
I have the Shanks one right here if your interested but I'll do a Buggy one as a quick story!
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Press Here if you Love Buggy <-
Old Man Series Masterlist <-
• Buggy didn't really grow up around girls- So he is inexperienced with periods and such till he started dating you.
• "Where is Bubbles?-" Buggy muttered to himself, noticing immediately that Ari was missing. He looked to see you were with Ali and disapeared to the back to find his missing daughter.
• But since he knew the time would come, he had the conversation with you ahead of time about what to do when that day comes.
• It was Ari and Ali 11th birthday party. Of course he threw a big party, like he did for both sets of twins-
• Buying them all matching nice clothes, stocking up on the best of everything and even going as far as the dock in a place with lots of kids so there were plenty of playmates.
• This was no different from the other parties, the sun just starting to set and the live music was blaring as his ship was packed with people.
• However one thing was off'
• "Ari?...Bubbles?...." Buggy called out, looking around the lower deck to see if he could spot her. After a moment he stepped towards the bedroom that the twin girls shared and heard it-
• Rushing in quickly at hearing his daughter crying he came in to see her face buried in her knees and sobbing.
• Crying?
• "Uhhhhhh Shit"
• "Bubs?-" He stared at her, Her looking up up at him with wide eyes. That's when Buggy sees it- Blood. Staining her pale pink dress to high hell and some on her exposed legs
• Which ment...
• "No No! its fine! It's actually normal!" He said loudly.
• "Get out!" She cried, Lunging forward and slamming the door on his face.
• "B-Bubbles it's alright! Sorry I didn't knock uh-" Buggy stuttered trying to figure out his course of action now.
• "Go away! Im sick!?" She sobbed from behind the door- Buggy panicking himself as he tried to think.
• "W-What?!- How is this normal!?" She sobbed hysterically.
"It means-" Buggy sighed as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "It means your growing up Bubby-" He said softly, Ari sniffled and wiped her cherry nose.
• Buggy stood there for a second, Hearing her cry. Before sighing heavily himself to calm himself- "Can I come in Ari?" He said softly, sending his hand off to get the supplies he knew you kept in your bathroom.
• After a second the door cracked open and Buggy stepped in slowly, Seeing Ari now seated again still in tears.
• Buggy entered a bit awkwardly but leaned against the wall as he daughter cried.
- "What does this mean?" Ari whimpered, sniffling into her knees.
"I dont like it-"
"Ahh noone does. But thats just part of life" He said a bit sadly. His hand returning with a bag which he tucked to his side at the moment.
"It is your period Ari, it means. That your a woman, like your mother" He started, internally cringing at having to have this talk with her. She looked up to him, as he started to explain- Clearly both of them embarrassed about the situation as Buggy tried to be as mature of an adult about it.
"Oi! The party is just starting Whats going on?" Bee yelled out, Banging on the door. Buggy opening his mouth to yell at his sons to fuck off- but he was beat to him.
"So this is gonna happen for the rest of my life?-" She clarified, Buggy nodding calmly knowing damn well she didn't like that answer.
"Yep until your old and wrinkled like me-"
Ari sighed irritated at this- Groaning in frustration. Buggy could only nod at her reaction-
"Yep. Once a month.. That is why we got these-" He said calmly as he brought the bag out and passed it to her.
"There are instructions inside and I can go get your mother to run down how some of that shit is u-"
"Hey!" Bee called out, smacking the door making father and daughter duo snap back from the conversation. Buggy hand quickly flying up to lock it so the boys didn't barge in- He knew this was already a sensitive situation for Ari and she didn't need her brothers getting in.
Dee starting to argue with Bee about leaving the two- clearly more socially aware.
"GO AWAY!" Ari screamed, making even Buggy jump a bit. Clearly having his lungs it seemed even if she was typically very resevered. He heard the boys scramble away pretty quickly after that. Buggy sighing at this-
"Come on Princess- Let's get you all washed up and we can get you a new dress okay?" He said sincerely, his little girl nodding as he helped her up and escorted her to go use the shower in the master bedroom.
• Buggy quickly gets you to come down from the party, giving a quick run down of the situation to you and sends you off to the bathroom with Ari.
• He knew he couldn't find an exact match and that Ari really liked this dress it being matching to Ali who was still partying upstairs.
• Buggy now tasked with figuring out what to do about the damn dress! He searched through his daughters closet to find something similar for her to wear but failing-
• "You dyed it?" She questioned gently taking it from his hands- feeling the fabric was still ever so slightly damp as well. Knowing he must has used all his strength to dry it as quickly as possible after his quick dye.
• "Think damn it!" He hisses, Looking around at what to do. Before it clicker and he runs to the supply room of the ship-
• You and Ari stepping out into the hall after a while. Ari freshly showered and in comforble clothes- clearly upset and not wanting to go out in her long pajamas for everyone to see and question.
• "It's okay honey-" You try to reassure but Ari face was sour and clearly uncomforble. You sighing and rubbing her back to comfort her.
• In moments Buggy rushed towards you two, you raising an eyebrow at your husband who haf splatters of black over his face and clothes.
• Buggy smiled down at his grumpy daughter-
• "Feeling better?" He asked, getting a shrug in response. He expected as much.
• "Well, if you're still in the partying mood since it is your birthday afterall- I fixed your dress!" He said cheerfully. You and Ari looking surprised at this since their was no way to completely remove such a heavy blood stain-
• Grinning as he pulled from behind his back the dress, now a deep dyed Purple color.
• "Well, Dark dye covers red stains so- Yeah" He said with a grin.
• Ali didn't her own period till a year later 2 weeks before their 12th birthday and at this point Buggy was prepared and mentally almost ready.
• Ari eyes well up with tears and she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Dad!"
• Buggy smiled at this and hugged her back. "Of course Princess, Now go get dressed. Your missing your party!"
• Ari smiled, now clearly happy as she rushed off to her room to change out of the provided PJs and into her new dress.
• You smile at Buggy, Proud of him for handling this so well. Kissing his cheek that didn't have the dye on it "Great Job Honey"
• After that Ari returns to her sister, The two going about eating, Opening presents and more.
• The rest of the party goes off without a hitch-
•Much to Buggy's relief-
• However sends you to handle it anyway-
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vintagevict0ria · 3 months
𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞
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Chapter 2 "Ive been watching you for ages..."
pairing: Adam Driver x f!reader content: alcohol consumption, use of Y/n. a/n: oh gosh guys im so sorry this took SOOO LONG!! I have not had any motivation but i was determined to get this out! part 3 will not take as long!! Added a tag for all my works: #victoriassecrets!!
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Endless scrolling turned into you following asleep. When you woke up, you found a pool of spit under your chin and your phone was dead. Rolling your eyes, you sat up stretching your arms before plugging your phone in and wiping your face. Today you had planned to get breakfast with Carolina today, to debrief from the past few days. It had caught you by surprise how much your co-star had been on your mind- an unhealthy amount you should say…
Hopefully this date would help clear your mind and focus on the actual movie and not Adam Driver. 
You arrived at the coffee shop shortly before Carolina did so you found a table by the window. When she arrived: she lit up instantly when her eyes met yours. “Hey girl!!!!” She let out a squeal of excitement as she frolicked over. Standing up, you embraced her in your arms. “Oh em gosh we have so much to talk about!!” Of course, Carolina couldn't wait to start talking. Sitting back down, you took a sip of hot coffee before speaking “So i want to discuss how JJ is planning on building and establishing me and- Sorry- Taylor and Johns (you and Adams characters) relationship”
“He wants you and Adam to get to know each other from the other side of the camera so that way we have something to build off of before we start filming.”  This caught you by surprise.In the past, no directors had asked you to have an actual connection that isn't just acting.
“We have 7 weeks till filming starts and I've already scheduled you and Adam a reservation at the restaurant down the road for tonight- lets get ahead yeah?” Dinner. Tonight. With Adam. It was hard to imagine what this could possibly mean. “So it's a date basically?”
“Oh gosh no silly!” She laughed, shaking her head. “Just think about it as a…” she paused. “Yeah it's basically a date.”
Oh Carolina, why would you do this to me!!
“No the red! No wait- the blue! wait - yes the red! Wait..” Holding up the two dresses and making Carolina pick was impossible. She was your hype woman and you looked good and anything but gosh this woman could not pick to save her life. “Girl, just pick! I'm going with the red-” before you could finish Adams manager walked in-”The cab will be here in an hour” she left quickly after dropping the news. Lovely, now I'm being rushed. 
“Ok pick a dress and i’ll get someone her to fix your hair and makeup-”
“No- I got this. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
Carolina smiled, looking up from her phone and going over to hug you. “First impressions are everything” she whispered in your ear. All you could do was laugh.
Dress? Red(or blue?) No yeah red…
Hair? Down! No up!! Wait… Down!!
Makeup? Uhhhhhh…
“Ms. Y/L/N! The cab is here!!”
Crap! You quickly grabbed your purse and ran downstairs while still trying to put shoes on. After who knows how long, you finally got your shoes on and was greeted by Adam. 
“Evening.” He said, holding out his arm.
“Good evening.” You joyfully intertwined your arm around his elbow, letting him guide you into the cab. 
The flash of the cameras was bleeding. Being an actor in Hollywood meant stalkers, love letters, cat calls, and of course- paparazzis. Security did their best to quickly get you too into the car with little to no time for the cameras to catch a glance of you and your co-star. As soon as you entered the car- a woman- around the age of 20, started pounding at the window of the car. “Adam! You are so hot! Have my ba-” the car sped off before the woman had a chance to finish. You glazed over at Adam but he didn't seem fazed at all. Was he used to this? The ride was quiet. All that could be heard was the rolling on the car on the roads of LA and the faint playing of the radio. Before you could be relieved of the stress of this event, you stupidly went on instagram and your DM’s were full of pictures that the paparazzis had taken just minutes ago. The pictures were not as clear as expected considering you basically ran to the car. You could just faintly make out the scene of Adams' arm around yours. 
Once you arrived at the restaurant, the door swung open and a doorman held out his hand to you. You hesitantly grabbed it. Making sure your dress didn't get caught in the car door- you exited the vehicle and was once again escored beside Adam and security. Little to no paparazzis were around but somehow, many civilians knew you two were expected. Some profanities and obscure things were shouted but you too paid no attention to them. The restaurant lights were wildly contrasted with the dark outside. Adjusting to the lighting, you walked over to a table that was draped with a white cloth along with two wine glasses, silver wear, and a candle. Adam pulled out the seat, gesturing to you to sit down. Embarrassed, you smiled and whispered ‘thank you’ under your breath. Adam sat down across from you.
“So-” Adam began to speak, his brown eyes looked so whimsical in the lighting. Before speaking again, he cleared his voice. “Where are the menus?” He chuckled, looking around the restaurant. At Least he was trying to make this not awkward as possible.
“I was just thinking that! Have you ever been here before?” You scanned the room, it was quite empty- well entirely empty.
“No, you?” You shook your head. Right as you were going to say something, your waiter walked over, pen and paper in hand. “Apologies for the wait- what can I start you off to drink?” You both ordered a glass of red wine to start and shortly after receiving menus- ordered entries. Taking a sip of your drink, Adam asked “Thoughts on the film so far? Well, the script that is.” He brushed his hair back, still making eye contact with you. You couldn't believe you were having dinner with Adam Driver. He was so beautiful and there was something about him that wouldn't allow you to look away.
“I like it! Also- apologies for Carlonia setting this whole ‘date’ thing up- she can be really extra sometimes' ' putting date in quotes excentauted how awkward this dinner was. You hoped he would just laugh it off but- oh no.
“Carolina?” he laughed, shaking his head while looking down, “No, this wasn't JJs or Carolinas idea. It was mine.”
To be added to my tag list- please make sure you are following me and allow me to tag you in post- add your @ to the form below:
TAG LIST: @crybhabie @w4nt-h1s-d1ck @qweengigi @mrvlfanman
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goldenblu · 3 months
ok i know i said the sanji week day 6 fic was gonna be short but i’m 4k words in and only about halfway through so uhhhhhh i lied
on one hand: this means more future!sanji feels! on the other hand: the probability i finish this before march 2nd ends in my timezone is…unlikely. which i hate bc i really wanted to post it on his birthday hrrrrrrgh why do i do this to myself
(edit: fic has now been posted on AO3)
random excerpt from the fic:
Sanji was thirty when Ichiji appeared on his balcony one day without warning.
“The hell are you doing here?” Sanji asked suspiciously, tensing his leg.
Ichiji held up his hands placatingly. It was not a gesture that Sanji had ever seen from him before, and that was the only thing stopping him from kicking Ichiji out without waiting for an answer.
“I’m not trying to cause any trouble,” Ichiji said. He seemed to be doing his best to appear as non-threatening as possible. “I’m just here to speak with you.”
“Now?” Sanji asked. “After all this time? Why?”
Ichiji hesitated. “Can I come inside first?”
It was a request and not a demand, and that left Sanji wrong-footed enough that he agreed after only a moment’s hesitation. So he let Ichiji inside and then promptly had no idea what to do next. Ichiji looked so out of place in Sanji’s apartment, his raid suit clashing terribly with soft blue colors that Sanji favored. It was not a sight he had ever expected to see.
“I guess you can sit down,” Sanji allowed. “I’ll get you something to drink. Tea? Water?”
Never let it be said that he was rude to guests, even asshole not-brothers.
“Water is fine.” Ichiji sat down on the couch, almost looking awkward.
So Sanji brought over a cup of water and sat across from him, crossing his arms. Ichiji took the cup in his hands and looked down at it, brows knitting together, but didn’t move to drink it. When he continued to say nothing, Sanji snapped, impatient, “So?”
Ichiji startled slightly, like he’d somehow forgotten Sanji was there. “Things are different,” he said, finally taking a sip of his water. “In Germa, I mean.”
“I’m aware.” Sanji frowned at him. “Reiju told me that she’s been in charge and making changes.”
Ichiji nodded. “Things are different,” he said again. There was an edge to his tone now. Sanji couldn’t tell what it meant. “We’re different.”
Sanji paused. Ichiji didn’t specify who we referred to, but Sanji could make a guess. Because he couldn’t deny that Ichiji has been acting oddly this whole time. More uncertain, more vulnerable. More human.
Compared with the last time he saw Ichiji, back during the mess at Whole Cake Island, the difference was obvious, and he didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Okay,” Sanji decided, flipping his cigarette between his fingers. He focused on keeping his voice even, his expression neutral. “You’re different. And now you’re here.”
He did not ask how. He did not ask why.
Ichiji looked a little startled at his easy acceptance of that statement. “I…” He hesitated before lifting his gaze to look Sanji directly in the eyes. “I wanted to apologize to you. I’m sorry for everything that we…that I did to hurt you. It wasn’t right. I didn’t know that then, but I know that now.”
That was something that Sanji had dreamed of hearing for the first eight years of his life. He’d so desperately wanted it, convincing himself that it could happen, that maybe someday his brothers would realize that they were hurting him, that they would care that they were hurting him. And then everything would be magically fixed, because that was how it worked in the fantasies of an eight-year-old, didn’t it?
He was not eight years old anymore. Nothing was magically fixed.
And maybe, despite everything, he and Ichiji were more alike than he thought, because the next thing that Ichiji said was, “I’m not expecting…forgiveness, or anything. I know that it’s thirty years too late. I know that it doesn’t change anything that happened.”
“It doesn’t,” Sanji agreed quietly.
“I really am sorry,” Ichiji said, just as quietly. “You don’t have to believe me. I just wanted to tell you I’m trying to be better.”
Sanji surveyed him, running his eyes up and down his form, and considered it. Ichiji sat hunched over, hands gripping his glass of water tightly. He wasn’t quite meeting Sanji’s eyes anymore, bracing himself for an answer.
Sanji realized what that edge in Ichiji’s voice was. It was guilt.
He sighed and put out his cigarette in the ashtray. Ichiji tensed, and then immediately wiped his expression blank.
“I know,” Sanji finally said. “I know you are.”
Ichiji jolted a bit, jaw dropping open with surprise. Sanji pretended he didn’t see it. Instead, he got up from his seat, gestured at the kitchen, and said, “Are you hungry? I’ll make dinner for us.”
“What?” Ichiji said, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “You’re not going to…?”
He did not seem to know how to finish that sentence.
“No,” Sanji said anyway. “You’re trying. That’s all I ask for.”
I didn’t deserve what you did to me, but none of you deserved what was done to you, either, he thought. So he asked, again, “Well? Are you hungry?”
Ichiji continued to look at him, stunned, before nodding, slow and a bit dazed.
“Good. I’ll make you the best meal you’ve ever had,” Sanji promised. Then, curious but not accusing, he asked, “How come you’re the only one here?”
“I’m just the first,” Ichiji corrected. Then a half-smile tentatively ghosted over his lips, like it wasn’t an expression he was used to. “Duty of the eldest, isn’t it?”
“If it wasn’t before,” Sanji said, “it is now.”
He smiled at his brother and went to start cooking.
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intotheelliwoods · 11 months
Woah lots of asks! Augh you guys got such good questions!
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That happened when Medium Leo was 26, and Big Leo 50! They got an extra 10 years after the movie to just, relax, honestly? Those were probably some of the best years of their lives
Then well, after that I think it only took about a month (as in they left a few days later after Raphs death to venture off to the horrors)
After that, 20 years of the newfound apocalypse, leaving Medium Leo at 46 when he gets sent back in time!
(and auguoahg ty wren you are amazing!)
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No he does not! Each timeline has its own goop fella, the one in the Krang timeline remained traped through the apocalypse and will probably never actually break free in that time-
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Yeah... :( Big Leo, the saddest character to ever exist. He tried his best he really did, but in the end though I dont think people will remember him for his failures. They will remember him for his kindness and effort
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Funny story, I do have a backstory for the guy in mind! A good one actually, I was going to make a comic for the backstory but I have no clue how to make it look visually? And I am also not sure if I am going to have the energy for it with everything else going on whoops, I might just type it out in text form by the end of the week to save my strength for everything else I need to draw aha...
But back to your first question, yes, they are intertwined! Very much so actually! The goop has a lot to do with the Krang and their similar trap!
As for your second ask here, nope! Well, yes and no? Hamatos are involved in the backstory but not involved in the freeing half- Anyways though, after that last update and the potential of some later nightmare sequences, that will be the last you see of the guy until the finale! In other words, not really any more lore for him! Again I have a backstory just not much energy to actually draw it! And by this point in time, the backstory is not even really spoilery, its just neat worldbuilding at this point :)
He/Him pronouns be good, or they, honestly the thing jsut has big he/they energy overall tbh
@amazing-captain-castiel (if I worded this weird I am so sorry, I answered your first question before going back realizing oh shoot you sent another ask aha-)
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Haha.. yeah.. yeah he does... (im so sorry, I would do something about this but I can barely keep track of 2 huggy leos)
Though in compensation he did have a relatively nice rest of life. This is also something I sooo wanted to make a comic for but I dont know if I will have the energy for it whoops
He found being in a apocalypse again relatively, surprisingly comforting. Felt like home, his old home, his first home, his own timeline. He thrived in this newfound worldly chaos for years until about 5 years before Medium Leo got sent back, where he ended up leaving the home base they set up with his mother, to explore what was left of the world before that was gone too. This was due to just some good deja vu but well, younger turtles, Medium Leo never stopped looking more and more like someone who would never come back so-
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yeah.... oops. But Sprout is alive and well🥺At least he will be well by the end of the series-
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<3 uhhhhhh oops <3
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Sweats, theres so much inspo pulled from FMA here my guy!
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I love your sabo stuff and seeing your takes on his (non existent) morality is great but seeing it makes me so sad there’ll never be a full cannon asl reunion so ace can in fact realize he’s the sane and domesticated one. That it was in fact sabo that became the deranged demon spawn not him the literal son of the ‘devil’. Oda robbed us
I really have to agree. Many a tears have been shed over this trio from my eyes in the past over this very revelation.
In my headcanon, sabo’s always been teetering on insanity throughout his life with amnesia. In the flashback we get when he’s revealing how he got his memory back, we see him being impulsive and reckless by charging into that fortress, taking it down, and having fun while doing so. Those signs were showing, but they werent much of a problem before he got his memories back.
I think that in that moment of realization for him, as its all coming back to him while finding out his brother was dead, there was a part of his heart that did grow. His heart grew because he remembered that he has two amazing brothers who he was so close with… And then that heart was promptly ripped out and stomped on because the world had taken away one of them.
To quote SAO abridged, His heart grew three sizes that day! Then immediately shrank six. Imploding into a black hole from which no love could escape.
From Ace, to Kuma, to countless countries torn into ruin, all because of the world government. The world is so, so cruel. He probably feels like he cant love anything anymore. And that. That is where he goes from “probably insane” to Definitively insane.
But theres been one hope for him. One lone solace that has kept him from completely giving up fighting. A man who he will continue pushing for a better world for. Because if he doesn’t keep fighting for this better world, then That Man wont be King of the Pirates in a free enough world.
That’s all the ASL trio ever wanted. Freedom. And it was stolen from them time after time after time.
Sorry for the rant, i am uhhhhhh very passionate about these three. I actually like Ace the best, but i just cant bring myself to draw him or consume content with him(besides his part in Alabasta) because it makes me so sad. I am… fragile 😔….
Thanks for the ask! Lmk what you’d like to see in the future! 🫶
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swordsmans · 3 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by: @acewithapaintbrush and @lesbiansanemi !!! thanks guys!! :D <3
1. poly philtatos (the most loved by far): Zoro's been on the island for three days when he finally feels their approach tickling against his senses.
2. ocean theology: uhhhhhh uhhhh i won't post this one because the opening sentence is three paragraphs long. intentionally. but admittedly that also says a lot about me and it still technically follows my rule!!!!!
3. feed your plants a little sunlight: Two hours in the afternoon sun, cool ocean spray at his back—dozing to Sunny’s rhythm.
4. alleluia: In the wake of it all, of Wano, they watch—and they wait.
5. bury your albatross in a shallow grave: He’s halfway through swinging himself on deck when he hears Nami wail, “Luffy—Luffy, you need to—Luffy, get back here—Zoro—Zoro, stop—grab him! What are you—Zoro!” just as Luffy zips past him, splattering mud and blood and who-know-what-else across Sunny’s grass.
6. how to talk without speaking: It only takes a day or two for Zoro to notice—which he’s almost proud of, really, given his own observational track record.
7. the sea makes bones of bodies: “ACE!” he screams, raw and bloody and broken—drawn out in a cry that reaches across the roiling waves like claws.
8. bone-breaker ospreys mate for life: It starts when Luffy swings his arm, winding back slow in a way he rarely does, feeling out the motion of a new punch (or the same punch practiced a thousand times to lethal perfection) right in the middle of Sunny’s deck.
9. wood is a living creature: They keep her—history’s forgotten hero, the first great ship of the second Pirate King.
10. step 1: die: He knows, logically, that the journal makes some kind of sound when it hits the galley wall.
Conclusion: my openers always include the story's setting + movement... or at least something that orients the reader with mention of either time or place and an action. imo the best way to grab a reader's attention is to give them a mental picture as soon as possible. even if there are other details to figure out, theyve at least got a partial visual or something to latch onto by the end of the first sentence, even if its just a single word. shrug. i just usually like to put place before character in my intro sections. #6 is an exception because it's technically the not the opener, it's meant to be read after the fic summary (so the "true" opener is In the beginning, Luffy does not know how to read. which functions as the setting hook, smth you could literally only do on ao3), and #9 is particularly fun because the character and the setting are the same thing. do i think about the technical aspects of my fanfic too much? probably.
Tagging: @thychesters, @starshipcaptainjojo, @majormiles, @ghostlandtoo, and @sciencemyfiction >;3c
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I'm tired and I have a terrible headache but
Alfred trying his best to be a big brother to Jack and Liam (Oz and Zea) in modern day gives me ✨✨✨
they just............ it's complicated yknow, cause up until ww2 their relationship was basically
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not to mention I LOVE the hc that Jack used to hate Alfred cause of the whole 'you accidentally determined my entire childhood' and even in modern day Jack is jealous of everything Alfred has bc 'he's the wayward son, why did he get the crown? couldn't it at least have been Mattie?'
Then I haven't read much on others hc about New Zealand but.... Liam aka William Richard Kirkland jr. has mixed feelings about all of his siblings? but like; Liam always thought of Alfred as some Bigger Than Life being yknow? He was there. but he existed in a far off place, and it just never really clicked that Alfred wasn't just a 'real person' but actually his older brother.
BUT ANYWAY; in modern day they just, Alfred tries, he really does and I'll fight people on this. And tbh? because Alfred wasn't around Jack and Liam still sometimes have a hard time thinking of him as their brother so it takes trying on their side to not treat him like just a friend.
the moment they're around each other (particularly without Canada) they just forget how to be siblings. Likes straight up, it's actually funny to watch them stand their awkwardly cause uhhhhhh,,,,,,,,, and Jack and Liam being so much younger than Alfred doesn't help either!!!!!!! But gosh, bro idfk what they do together to try to bond I just know they try. They try so hard cause they want to be siblings, and they want to pretend they can be comfortable around each other like if they grew up together. but man it's hard.
anyway happy thanksgiving if ur American.
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monsterfloofs · 2 months
Favorite new character you found from any media as of late?
(A favorite of mine lately has been The General/Mr. Villain from Mr. Villain’s Day off. Though I started it back in late January. It’s a really funny cute slice of life anime about an alien villain from the perspective of the equivalence of a power rangers having fun days off and a love for pandas, I totally recommend it!)
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This is a picture of the show it has about 13 episodes in sub and the season just finished and has been a real help for me when I’m stress and been a treat at the end of the week when it came out.
Sorry if this was long!
I also just wanted to try and send some good vibes back your way since you always give them back with your wonderful writing and art! I hope you have the loveliest of lovely days!
Favorite new character from media... That's a great question!! I really have to sit and think about that I. . . I kinda struggle with finding characters in media that I am super drawn to??
I am pretty jealous of folks who get crushes on characters in media! 🤣 It unfortunately doesn't happen a lot with me, so I typically swoon over my characters to make up for that ehehe.
But uhhhHHH let me think... has there been any character that I have found cute?...
Nos-4-A2 from the Buzzlight Year of Star Command cartoon! It's a old cartoon, but rewatching that show was a fun NOStalgic trip! 🤣
I have also been playing a beta version of a Nsfw game called Cloud Meadow and I think Brontide has a fun personality, between being this tanky warrior vs the silly blushy guy you see in the art sometimes. It gives me the vibes that he gets silly and shy with the romanto and that is very cute! = D
Also the weird silly clown man that appears? He is weird, he is silly, he has puppets on his hands that talk to you. Is he throwing voices or are the puppets sentient? I have no idea!
Though I have to say I am personally really drawn to the shadowy NPCs you run into, they are human shaped but drawne in a way where their features are obscurred.♡A♡ ) You can't tell if they are just regular humans or if they are some kind of shadowy beings and.. I really like the mystery and think they are cool looking. Also the resident mage has a really neat design and I wish you could talk to them more too. . .
Of course I take a liking to the guys that you can't romance in the romance game ahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Oh! Yes, I think I have read a little bit of that!! That is such a cute comic! (And an anime? Heck yeh!) I am so glad you found fun stuff to read with cute characters that you enjoy! >//U//< ) That is the best!!
Thank you for chatting with me, I really appreciate it! 💖 I hope you have a restful weekend = D
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steelthroat · 1 month
For the fandom ask game, if you've time with the portfolio ongoing...
10. What's your favourite piece of fanart for Soundwave?
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
22. Give us a headcanon for Megatron/Jazz. (the template specified a single character, so go for either one of them individually if you prefer...)
Heyyy! Yeah just finished drawing for the day because my eyes were begging me for a break.
So... uh it's hard. And i can't choose one
Everything @chamm0y does Soundwave related is like a gift from the gods. Oh, then there was this incredible humanformer/knight(?) Piece by Sarah Stone. My god. Beautiful. There are a couple of artist on Twitter, and I can not for the life of me remember their username aaaaah. If i find them, I'll dm them to you. Ohhh, and a couple of echo garden fanarts were stuck in my mind for ages. I swear. The artists went crazy for that one! Also, the fanarts by @/darlsdraws and @/aldecaver, too.
answered this one but I can do jt again because there are many things I want to write.
For the characters, I want to write Springer, Impactor, and mh also I have a little whimsical idea for Octane >:3
Speaking of ships... uhhhhhh Astrotrain/Blitzwing please they do things to me, they can make each others worse!!!!! They're perfect.
And skywarp/EVERYONE because pookie deserves it :)
Oh and I was also thinking about the elite trine/Optimus. They would bully him to death but in the end everyone has a ✨️good time✨️
And idk I wanna try so many more ships
Okay so:
Jazz: he starts speaking Deutsch to mess with others (especially prowl) sometimes. No one knows why. (Not even I know why, one day it just hit me and I accepted this weird thought. Also I like the thought of him having a weird accent while speaking deutsch)
Megatron: second best dancer other than Soundwave within the Decepticons. I'd like to think Soundwave taught him (i always insert a little sentence that recalls this on my works lol) I think it would be cute if sometimes when they have nothing to do they have their own evenings where they dance and listen to music together as friends :3. Their cute sleepovers where no one is crazy and they just chill out :)
Megatron/Jazz: sometimes they ambush each other. They both like it because they don't know when it's gonna happen, where and what these ambush lead to... either pain or pleasure(or both) [especially if it's still wartime, sweet sweet danger]
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morickkk · 4 months
morick um. i know i sent an ask like.. a day ago but . you keep interacting with my blog so im sending another idk youre cool i like your stuff and. i dunno LAWWLL i just wanna send another ask
which is your favorite skin that one of the traffic members has dawned throughout the life series? which one is your favorite to draw (and why) and to get my ethogirl propaganda in , which animals do you think could fit him OTHER than wolf (and fox, probably)
Hi i saw ur other ask, forgot to reply bc i had spemthing to do but for this hmmm its hard to pick the best skin for me but uhhhhhh maybe green/yellow life limited life scar, i really like when people mix colours that gives contrast to eachother ( orange and blue ) hehehehe but its not my fav to draw
I guess uhm i think i like drawing scar's double life skin to draw most, i love double life in general so i often draw desert duo there JWFDJEBD for my non canon skin tho, grian secret life is my fav to draw since it was one of the times i was actually experimenting with designs and what sticked to me until now hehehe
Ooo i've heard of ethogirls omg im glad to see one here HeHe
Animal hmmm I'd say not really an animal but the warden because he was playing with it on secret life and it would look sick with his colour scheme hehehehehehe
Polar bear too maybe maybe or a moose ( totally not bc he's a canadian /j )
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
SLEEPOVER WEEKEND (or two electric boogaloo bc I can’t work tumblr at all)
MJ what is the most fanfiction moment that has happened to you IRL let’s have some story time!!!
I mean what fic genre are we talking here? Meet-cute? Angst? PWP? 🤣
I have had incredibly bad luck with my birthdays (parental abandonment, childhood pets dying, natural disasters, being cheated on, global pandemics, cats having medical emergencies...) BUT I also met my now-spouse the night before my birthday, and I think that would make a fucking excellent "five times their birthday was the worst day of their life and one time it was the best" type fic lmao.
I once flirted with a guy working at a pop-up retail stand in the middle of a mall, gave him my number, he came round to my place after work and we had a two-day bangfest. Good times.
I also once got railed so hard I dislocated my shoulder lol.
In general there are probably a lot of PWPs on this list, let's not get into them all hahaha.
(The story of my engagement would be a GREAT fic, however it would also doxx me immediately to anyone who knows me IRL as it was a pretty uhhhhhh specific story, so that anon that asked me yesterday if I've ever written a fic anon/under a secret pseud? If anything would make me do it it'd be that.)
[Sleepover Saturday]
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leyleys-cannibal-cafe · 2 months
What're your opinions on Lilith Owledhome?
Her and Amity fuck nasty next question ssdsgdgsfsfs
Okay seriously though. She is probably one of the most compelling characters I've ever really seen. I love my unapologetically evil women (TCOAAL is proof of that lmao) but I'm also a sucker for a well done redemption arc. Spoilers below
So. Lilith Starts out as Amity's mentor, and since Amity herself starts as an antagonistic force (and believe me, I could write ESSAYS on that girl she is the BEST, plus her parallels to both Andrew and Ashley are. Just plain delicious. But that's a post for another day >:3) Where was I? OH YEAH SGSGDGDC
Since Lilith starts off as Amity's mentor and Amity starts off as an antagonistic force herself, Lilith also starts as one. We don't even know that Emperor Belos is a villain at first, the only hints we get are through Eda's rightful distrust of the coven system. But Lilith being an antagonist is such a clever and natural way of showing us how twisted and evil the televangelistic dictator is, plus a good later contrast to him to drive home the point that some villains can't and shouldn't be redeemed. She's also a very large part of Amity's character and serves as a good parallel to her with how Amity makes up with her father and cuts ties with her mother, and Lilith rebuilds the bridge with her own parents. Amity herself is my favorite character in the show, so being so closely tied to her is a bunch of bonus points ngl. I live for Hooty and Lilith's friendship omg they give me life. Uhhhhhh that's. Honestly about all I can think of ngl... OH!!! I loved her having such a big role in season 3 (although I suppose everyone did since it was so short rip :,) That's about all I can think of right now, thank you for the ask! I do adore Eda but Lilith will always be my favorite Clawthorne sister.
Also yes I do ship Lilith and Amity 💗💗💗
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Ezra vibes — you’re right and you should say it ❤️
Also — tell me more 👀👀
Uhhhhhh I don't know what happened, but here's 600ish words of some real gen Ezra meta with a side of accidental girldad schmoop and a reader who's worked with Ezra before.
Bish I do not know what this is or if it is good but it is words and I will take it 😅
Ezra was not a man you would've ever considered frugal with his words. Point of fact the man carried on so effusively that you had, on more than one occasion, accused him of having lost the key, lock, and latch to his bonebox all together. With time, though, you grew accustomed to the easy chatter, mapping out the cadence and rhythm of his speech, the tone and temperature of his voice, and the meticulous navigation of his vocabulary.
Fringeling dialect was no small part of it - that odd colloquial snarl of Basic, Vayok, and Kevva-only-knew-what that had crossbred and rooted out there at the edge of the Black, a manner of speech that had by design or by chance grown thick and sharp and able to confuse and snare the unwary or dim-witted. But that wasn't the end of it.
Ezra was careful with his words. He rarely lied. Not that he never did, but he seemed to prefer a cautious navigation around the truth rather than an outright lie. On a good day he could talk even the dustiest old floater into pirouettes around a single point of avoidance with a pearl-bright smile and barely a pinprick of sweat on the laddered creases of his brow. On a bad day, well, those were the reasons he preferred such caution. The close scrape of honesty by virtue of a technicality had been his salvation more than once.
All this to say, he was not a man that gave his word lightly. If he gave it at all. Deals, bargains, and arrangements, sure. But oaths; well, those that held an ounce of air were scarce. Promises were a hard thing to keep in the Black, and the folk that drifted out in it long enough to survive it learned to dispense them prudently.
The girl, hard-eyed and unmoving as a gods-damned sand bear, had no mind for such prudence.
You're leaving, she said, arms folded tightly to her narrow chest, fingers digging into the grimy sleeves of her sweatshirt. A statement, not a question, a splinter of fear wedged deep through it.
Hear me out, little bird, Ezra said, his lone hand raised in placation. Two cycles. Three at the most. Long enough to arrive at our destination, make our trade safely, and return. The docking here's paid up for seven, and your room the same. We'll be back long before then, safe and sound and far, far richer than we left.
The girl's eyes landed on you, sharp and cold as stones. If even half of what Ezra said about their time down in the Green was true, you could hardly fault her for her mistrust. Ezra knew you, trusted you. She didn't.
You trust them?
Ezra looked to you, brows hiked high. The shadows under his eyes were lessening finally, but he still looked thinner and more haggard than the sly, round-cheeked man you last saw stepping onto the loading docks at Puggart Bench.
I do, he said, the words plain and unembellished.
The girl scowled, but the set of her shoulders relaxed an inch. You nearly smiled. Brevity was the clearest hallmark of sincerity with Ezra. You knew it; clearly the girl knew it, too.
Two days, Cee, he said again. This is the best price we're like to get on this haul without a corporate contact. Two days, and we come back rich.
Swear. The word left the girl's mouth like a rifle shot. Swear you're coming back.
The lines of Ezra's face slackened, and there was a brief look of understanding in his eyes before an unusual warmth bloomed in its place. And then, slowly, he nodded.
On my life.
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
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Media Doctor Who
Character Timothy Latimer (Age Up)
Couple Tim X Reader
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day Sixteen
Kinktober consept Overstimulation
Smut overstimulation/ raw sex / jizz/ overload / nudity
I collapsed on my little metal bed desperate for my breath back "I've missed you so bad angel" I cooed "I've missed you too Tim" Y/n giggled laying with my covers, the school had one of those stupid show-off things this weekend to show off work and such we all got tickets to send to parents and friends so, of course, I invited Y/n as I hadn't seen her since the summer and I missed her so desperately, and obviously within ten minutes of it all starting we snuck away to have sex like the horny teens we are "Tim?" "Yeah y/n?" "More" she giggled "What?" "More!" she giggled climbing on top of me "Aww you really have missed me, alright angel" I smirked pulling her back into a kiss she happily slipped down letting me back inside her and she began to ride me fast and hard I did my best to kiss her and not to scream but given how long we'd been apart every single moment was heavenly I thrust up as much as I could but she was pretty good just working on her own until I hit my second burying myself inside her "Uhhhhhh uughhhh… you're too good to me angel" I gasped "Tim?" "Umm yes my little angel" "More?" "More!? I've already had too angel I don't think I can do any more" "Please I've missed you so badly" she whined shifting her hips "Ummm okay I don't know how well it'll go though" I warn her she giggled kissing down my neck as she bounced and moved hard and fast I was not really struggling to keep quiet beyond overwhelmed rolling my head on the pillow watching her beautiful bodywork on top of me it felt amazing but I was getting hot, sweaty, tired and exhausted but none of that seemed to denture or even slow her until I had to stop her "Angel, please give me a second to breathe" "More" she yelled pinning me down on the bed and moving faster and harder than I'd ever known her to before "Why don't you jump off and I'll let you ride my fingers a little while?" I offered "No! I want my timothy's cock" she smirked "Ummmmm that's so sexy to hear you say that but I'm a tired angel I don't know If I can" "You can. I'll make you" she smirked moving my hands to her breasts "Ummm that's very cute y/n but realistically" I began before she moved slightly working even more intensely "Ughhhhhh angel why don't you lay down I promise I'll use my mouth to finish you just let me stop for a minute" "No!" she giggled "More!" she giggled I was actually kind of worried my vision began to blur my body shaking and I felt such overwhelming pleasure rip through me as I was so tired until she hit her orgasm tightening around me squealing and squirting down my cock and that triggered what may have been the most amazing orgasm of my life -
My blood boiled, my toes curled, my body arched up towards her, my eyes rolled back, my mouth made sounds I'd never heard myself make before utterly uncontrollably as she rides out her own, burying my seed deep inside her feeling this wall of pleasure so strong and hard like nothing I'd ever felt in my life and then she laid down with me. "Holy fuck-" "I told you" she giggled "Yeah you told me- fuck… that felt amazing" "I did" she smiled giving me a kiss and nuzzling close to my still gasping body "I've really missed you" "I've missed you too angel" I cooed kissing her head "Tim?" she spoke up after a while of us calming down "Yeah?" "More?" she giggled "You are a little succubus aren't you, fine but my hand this time before you use me so much I'm shooting dust" I laughed pulling her into a kiss
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madphantom · 5 months
Brand new Susan's Hell Sprint snippet incoming
Log of Susan Adams, written December 1st, 1973
Aunt Dot passed away in October. Unfortunately, it wasn't really a peaceful or natural death. Well, I don't know about the peaceful aspect. She drank an entire bottle of wine, then wandered out into the woods and fell asleep face down in a roadside puddle. Someone heard her dog howl in the woods and found her the next morning.
It's a strange feeling, to know she's gone. I enjoyed Aunt Dot's company. She was a small, chatty woman with once black hair and freckles on the bridge of her nose, a sweet, gentle soul with a great appreciation for life in all its forms, and a great storyteller. She always had a lot of ghost stories from the valley she lived in - she had this house she built in the fifties, in the middle of the woods, near a lake. The place looks like it's straight out of a fairytale, especially in the mornings, when the fog looks like spirits wandering through the long grass and spindly trees.
After Aunt Dot's death it was me who inherited the house.
I had been there before as a child, two or three times. It really was a beautiful house, but one that left you with a somewhat uneasy feeling when darkness fell upon the valley.
And I had the worst dreams of my life in that house.
There wasn't a single night when I did not wake up sobbing at some point, calling out for Aunt Dot until she came running over to the guest bedroom to calm me down. What happened?, she would ask. What did you dream about? And I would curl up, a shaking mess, and stutter something about a burning house, or a woman in red hanging upside down in a tree and staring at me, her burnt cindered face twisted into a grotesque, horrifying grin. Those nightmares were freakish. That's why, eventually, I stopped visiting and she began to stay with us in the city every summer.
Before selling it, however, nostalgia got the best of me, and I decided to return one last time. For old times’ sake. I think some part of me just wanted to see if it really was as spooky as I remembered it. Morbid curiosity. It's a little bit silly.
But anyway, I traveled to the house. I planned to stay for a month; I ended up staying for a week. I dug through the house, found old photographs, postcards, notebooks, letters, all kinds of memorabilia. I immersed myself in the history of that house.
In the end, I left it unsold. What I found creeped me out too much.
But back to my visit. I arrived in the nearest village on the evening of October 26th, a week after Aunt Dot’s funeral. I planned to go to the funeral, but I didn't get the day off at work. I quit my job after that, by the way. I'm currently looking for another one.
The weather was terrible. It was gradually getting darker on the train ride, and by the time I arrived it was absolutely pouring. Murky knee deep puddles stood on the roadside and rainwater ran down the streets. The emptying trees stood in the dark like starved giants. There were only a few lights on in the village, and out by the woodside I saw the flickering orange glow of a lonesome window.
I was thirsty and to be honest, a bit lost, so I walked into the nearest pub to look for directions. The place looked like time had stood still there for a long while. It was mostly empty, but it was still early in the evening.
I sat down at the counter and the friendly bartender poured me a beer. “So, why are you here?”
“I’m uh, Susan, the niece of Dot Wilkins,” I awkwardly explained, cleaning my glasses on my shirt. “I inherited the house and I uhhhhhh wanted to come visit it.”
“Oh dear, poor Dot. She was a lovely woman.” He shook his head in disdain. “Such a shame, what happened. Where are you staying?”
“Uhhhhhh the house in the valley.” I laughed nervously. “But I don't really know the way, it's been years since I was here.”
The bartender tilted his head and leaned forward. “Between you and me - you're going to have a hard time finding someone who’ll accompany you to that house after dark. There are a lot of stories about that place.”
“Oh.” I hesitated, running out of things to say. “What now?”
“You could ask Rory. He really doesn't have any issues with going there.”
“He lives down by the woodside. Bit of a strange guy, but you can trust him. He actually got along quite well with your aunt.”
“Oh, that sounds nice. Is he coming here?”
“Oh, he's here every night. One of my favourite patrons.”
“That's nice.” I awkwardly played around with my sleeves.
The door opened behind me and a gust of cold air entered the pub. The bartender's eyes lit up. “Speak of the devil, there he is!”
I turned around.
Rory was a tall and slight young man in a green turtleneck, who would have looked like a girl that looked like a boy if not for the slight ginger stubble on his chin. He had shoulder-lengthed flaming red hair, with bangs so thick they completely covered his eyes. His nose was Roman, his cheekbones sharp and he had dimples, and I think I fell for him, just a little.
“Hi Stevie!”, he greeted the bartender and grinned. His sharp teeth gave his smile something foxlike, just the tiniest bit uncanny, almost like a snarl. “How's it going?”
His voice struck me. It sounded like birch trees in the wind, like green woodpeckers calling to each other in the treetops in the mornings, somehow light and deep at the same time, young and old, timelessly classy, somehow, inexplicably fascinating.
“Hi Rory. Same as usual?” Stevie reached for a glass and grabbed it as soon as the young man nodded. “Not much special. Say, would you want to take a walk out to Dot’s house tonight?”
Rory tilted his head. “Tonight? In this weather?”
“This lovely lady here is Dot’s niece.” Stevie patted me on the shoulder. “She inherited the house and she's planning on staying there.”
“Oh dear.”
I smiled nervously. “I have to admit, I'll most likely sell it. I visited a couple times as a kid, but I always get nightmares in that house, so…”
“Hm.” Rory sat down next to me and folded his hands, his rings clicking. “Why'd you come here then?” He must've seen how anxious I was, because he quickly added: “Sorry, I'm not being hostile, I'm just curious.” He chuckled.
I shrugged. “Nostalgia, I suppose. I haven't been here in years, but it is kind of a childhood memory, so…”
He nodded. “Ah, I get that.”
The rain came down like it was the end of the world. We sat in that pub and talked and talked, and laughed and laughed, until finally it was almost midnight and Stevie wanted to close the place. Shuddering, the two of us found ourselves in front of the door. When I looked up I saw barely illuminated droplets fall out of the void that was the night sky.
“Alright,” Rory said and smiled at me. “Let me just get my jacket at home. You can come along.”
“Thank you.” I awkwardly trundled along down the street. The lights in the windows became fewer and fewer, and when we reached the last house on the street it was almost pitch black.
“Maybe I should get a flashlight as well,” Rory suggested and I laughed nervously. “Sounds good.”
He clicked his tongue and pulled his keys out of the pocket of his jeans. With a slight ta-chick he opened the door. “You can come in for a moment.”
I stepped inside. It was warm and comfortable. The corridor had green wallpapers and a faded movie poster from fifty years ago stuck to one wall. Rory grabbed a scratched up brown leather jacket and grinned at me. His white teeth glinted in the dark. “I'll go get the flashlight upstairs. Be right back.”
I awkwardly waited while he jogged upstairs. I listened to his footsteps and him mumbling something under his breath, then rummaging through what I assumed was a drawer. Then, finally, I heard a triumphant “Ah!” and then he came back downstairs.
“Took a bit of searching,” he explained. “Let's go.”
The wind roared quietly in the treetops when we set foot into the forest. I was glad that I didn't pack more than a backpack for the trip. Carrying an entire suitcase along would have been an absolute disaster.
“So, how come everybody's so spooked by the valley?”, I asked after we had walked in silence for a while.
Rory glanced up. His damp hair stuck to his face, completely hiding his eyes, but he didn't bother to brush it away. “Ohh, that.” He chuckled. “It's a long story.”
“I think we have time, don't we?”
Rory smiled. “I suppose we do. It is a ghost story though. What are your thoughts on ghost stories?”
“They scare me. Though I think that's the purpose, haha.”
“The valley has set the scene for a lot of tragedies in the past two hundred years or so,” he began. “Over and over, people died here. Sometimes quietly. Sometimes with a bang. But they died, over and over, and for all kinds of reasons. Drowning, falling from trees they climbed, freezing to death, burning to death, murder - of course -, the list is long and, dare I say, creative.”
I hesitated when I saw something white flickering among the trees. When we got closer I saw that they were ribbons tied to a wreath of flowers. Rory paused.
“Is…this where it happened?”, I asked.
He chewed his lip. “Yeah. Shame, really. I liked your aunt. She was a wonderful person.”
“Yeah, she was.” I felt a bit lost for the moment. “Did you know each other well?”
Rory continued walking and I hopped after him. “Everyone knows everyone here. Though, I suppose you could say we were friends. Personally, I believe it was our mutual lack of respect towards the valley.” He chuckled. “She was never afraid of whatever is going on here. She had many stories to tell about it.”
The flashlight hushed across an opening among the trees. We were leaving the woods and stepping into a field.
Rory pointed into the distance. “The house is over there. Do you see it?”
I squinted and barely saw the contours of it, like a pale giant sleeping in the long grass. “Yes.”
“Well, then let's go.” He smiled.
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