#thorn (inheritance)
the-darkestminds · 1 month
“The riddles in books are always so easy to solve!”
Me (has never solved a riddle in my life):
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thehoodedneku · 4 months
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Saphira and Thorn together in one post! So you no longer have to reblog them separately! (They're also on my RB store) I'm reading Murtagh right now and enjoying it--I always did think Thorn and him were pretty cool. And I also have a dragon art sideblog @stardust-cove <3
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thexgrayxlady · 4 months
Saphira: Nobody is good enough for my rider.
Thorn: *set up and runs Murtagh's grindr behind his back*
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lunamond · 5 months
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Eragon and Saphira facing Murtagh and Thorn on the Burning Planes 🫠
I remember this used to be one of my favourite moments when I was younger. I used to reread this and a couple of other moments obsessively 😅
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Thorn suggesting that sex might fix whatever the hell is wrong with Murtagh was peak comedy
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satorugojjo · 1 year
how do I describe the excitement of eragon to someone who wasn’t in high school in the late 00s/early 10s?? it was one of very few book series that EVERYONE was reading - so much heart, politics, intricate worldbuilding with gray characters you will love to death alongside the most wonderful concept of a mindlink as a Dragon Rider!
a lot of people didn’t give it a chance because the setting was derivative of Tolkien but the moment you take the first book as a starter (written by a 15 year old no less), that’s where the similarities end and the series blooms into one of the most fun adventure fantasy series I’ve read.
Eragon’s growth is phenomenal to watch, especially because so much is focused on HOW he grows, which is where a lot of fantasy will skip on. Eragon definitely is a series where the author shows you, rather than tells you, and it creates a wonderful world with lots of great lore that you’ll invest yourself in heavily.
and Murtagh? No notes. Impeccable. Showstopping. My love for him runs so deep that it feels like I was born with it coded into my genetic material.
READ THE INHERITANCE CYCLE. No better time to do it than now with a new book coming out in November, and a new show next year!
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reyque · 6 months
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Thorn sketch thing that turned out okay ish for my first time drawing a dragon
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solarisetlesetoiles · 8 months
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blorbos taking a snooze
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saphira-approves · 7 months
Something something professional artist jargon something something insert art knowledge here—whatever I want to talk about the book covers
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So you’ve got Eragon, with a 3/4 portrait of Saphira; she’s giving a benevolent side eye with almost a Mona Lisa smile, she’s got that gleam in her eye, she’s looking at you but not head on—listen, this was the whole reason I picked up the book in the first place when I was eleven, she was so clearly full of life and personality and I just really wanted to meet her. It’s a really good glimpse of her character before even opening the book. She’s engaging you, but also maybe judging you a little bit, and she has a lot of thoughts but she’s going to keep them to herself for right now, thank you.
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We’re skipping Eldest for right now because I have a point to make. Shush.
For Brisingr, we get a perfect side portrait of Glaedr, the grumpy old man. He’s not even side-eyeing the viewer like Saphira does; he is eyes forward, goal-oriented, noble and regal and, unless you’re worth his time, not really going to bother with you because he has Important Business to attend to. He is The Last of the pre-Fall dragons, his Rider is The Last of the pre-Fall Riders, he represents a bygone era that will never fully be resurrected, but can still inspire the present to fight for the future; he is no longer fully his own dragon, but a Relic, a Memory, a Symbol. He’s not anxious about it the way Eragon or Saphira might be; he has grieved for a century, he couldn’t be anxious about it if he tried. But he knows that keeping his integrity intact is important, and so this is how he presents himself: Noble. Regal. The Survivor. The Last.
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Fírnen graces the cover of Inheritance, bookending the original series by almost perfectly mirroring Saphira—and seriously, it is so satisfying to line the books up with these two at the ends. Though he’s got a 3/4 profile like Saphira, Fírnen is much more reserved. No Mona Lisa smile, no mischievous gleam in his eye; he simply looks at you, and you look back, and you wonder what he’s thinking. He is, in fact, a lot like Arya—anyone who’s read the previous three books up to that point and hasn’t been spoiled for the ending might be able to guess, just from this portrait, who the final egg would hatch for. It’s also a perfect expression for the Final Book, with the fate of Alagaësia and the dragons hanging in the balance: what world does this mysterious dragon emerge into? A war-torn apocalypse? A hard-won victory? What does his future entail, and thus, what do the futures of our favorite characters entail? You ask him so many questions, but all he will ever do is stare deep into your soul with his somber, too-knowing gaze.
And now for the main event:
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My beautiful precious son, the red-scaled Thorn, staring you down from the covers of both Eldest and Murtagh. I have loved the cover of the second book ever since I first picked it up, and my appreciation has only grown with time; needless to say I was very excited when the Murtagh cover dropped, and I got to see both of my favorite characters in one place. For both of these, Thorn takes the same stance: a full-frontal combative position, looking You, The Viewer directly in the eye, daring you to judge him, daring you to get in his way. I’ve always had my own opinions about what lay behind this show of force, and the context we get in Murtagh does not disappoint. He may be terrifying, he may be the scourge of the war, but underneath all that, Thorn is terrified. He’s traumatized, he’s claustrophobic, his body is too big for his age; he is painfully young still, and yet treated like a dragon ten times his age because that’s how he looks. He’s also sweet, and playful, and cares so much about his Rider, and wants desperately to keep Murtagh safe and happy. Just like Murtagh, he hides all of that—the fear and the softness both—behind a visage of ferocity, playing into the fears and preconceived notions people have of him, warning enemies away so they can’t get too close to what will actually hurt him. He dares you to try. He’s terrified you will try. He will fight tooth and nail if you do try.
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hurricanes-art · 4 months
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doodling a fairy tale au concept
dragons have opposable thumbs so they can commit crimes 👍
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thepictureofsdr · 1 year
sophie defending gideon from everyone who tried to warn her off him vs. thomas defending alastair from anyone who speaks badly of him
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fuck-kirk · 10 months
Thinking about Murtagh. Thinking about Nasuada. Thinking about Murtagh and Nasuada. Thinking about how Murtagh literally changes his entire being, his true name, because he finally realizes what it’s like to be willing to fight and die to protect another person. What it’s like to love and be loved. Thinking about how Nasuada had to let Murtagh go, both for his own good and hers.
Thinking about how Murtagh and Nasuada both survived a final battle they had no reason to expect to come away from. Thinking about how they are both whole, safe, and free…and yet circumstances demand they must stay apart. Thinking about how Murtagh is immortal, and Nasuada is not. She will grow old while he stays the same. She will live a life without him and someday, she will die. All the while Murtagh must stay away and watch the love of his life wither from old age.
Thinking about all the times Murtagh mentions that Eragon got the better end of the stick. And how, in this, too, Eragon’s situation still comes out on top. Eragon’s love is an elf, and on top of that, a rider. Even if they aren’t right for each other now, maybe someday, a millennia down the line, they will be. And even if not, they will remain friends through the centuries. Murtagh is not afforded even that mercy. He is not able to spend the time he does have with the one person he loves and trusts above all others (besides Thorn). The person he fought so hard for he changed the very core of his being in order to protect. The person he loved so much he broke himself from his own enslavement in order to have even a chance of saving her.
Thinking about how despite it all, he will still lose her in the end to time.
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lunamond · 7 months
Murtagh and a very grumpy Silna in the tunnels under Gil'ead
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modern-inheritance · 2 months
Murtagh: Why did you hatch for me?
Thorn: Simple. I was bored of all the waiting, I felt you were a good match, and you weren’t crazier than a usurping dingbat.
Murtagh: ….
Murtagh: Sometimes I regret teaching you my vocabulary.
Thorn: You’re my favorite dingbat.
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umunschaas · 3 months
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Apparently people liked my drawing of Shruikan both on dA and here, more than I thought. So I decided to just go and draw the others too. Soooo here's my attempt at Firnen. I don't work well with green tho xD (Also all of my dragons have opposable thumbs, I'm just used to that from my own OCs... I don't think the dragons in IC have those?)
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thehoodedneku · 1 year
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The Thorn in your side ;) a Thorn a day keeps King Galbatorix away (that's not how the saying goes)
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