#tiếng việt ← tiếng means language. that means vietnamese (language)
dykesbat · 4 months
being viet means only ever saying “viet” instead of “vietnamese”
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
MCYT on Ao3 - March '24
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers.
There were some very significant changes in the MCYT space with certain people being outed as abusive or predatory, with some people describing the wave of people coming forward as "mcyt's #metoo moment", so I would expect to see that reflected in the statistics. Let's go for it!
Incidentally, I reached the limit for bullet points on Tumblr, so it's time to switch this over to a spreadsheet! Which means I get to do colour coding, fun.
Some Notes:
I didn't see any new fandoms this month, but ocassionally I've missed something. Feel free to let me know if I've missed a fandom!
Fics are still primarily in english, but we have three exceptions with significant spanish fics. Karmaland (751 of 860 are in spanish, from 750 last month), Tortillaland (109 of 115 are in spanish, the same as last month), and QSMP (845 of 8,475 are in spanish, from 827 last month.)
QSMP also shows 47 fics in French, up from 43 last month, and 454 in Brasilian Portugese, up from 452 last month. While I did not check every language this month, I checked on the languages I knew had a fic in QSMP and we see 1 fic in Bahasa Malaysia, 1 fic in Dansk (Danish), 2 fic in Deutsch (German) up from 1 last month, 1 fic in Esperanto, 1 fic in Filipino, 5 works in European Portugese, 2 fics in Polski (Polish), 7 fics in Русский (Russian), 1 fic in Suomi (Finnish), 1 fic in Svenska (Swedish), 1 fic in Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese), and 4 fics in 中文-普通话 國語 (Mandarin Chinese, I believe) up from 3 last month. While several 한국어 (Korean) speakers were recently added to the QSMP, there are currently no fics in 한글 (written Korean). The one fic in ASL has been either re-filed or deleted.
In the small and micro-sized fandoms, HBG's atypical increase of 16 fics last month was followed by a decrease of 7 this month. So not sure what happened there but something happened there. The fandom with the greatest increase is New Life, with an increase of 11, followed by My Inner Demons, with an increase of 9.
In the middle sized fandoms, another Aphmau fandom took the flag, with MyStreet showing an increase of 42 fics. That is followed by Minecraft Diaries and Evolution SMP, at 26 and 25 respectively.
In the post-canon big fandoms, 3rd Life was our standout, with an increase of 398 fics (less than last month's 558 or the previous month's record 831. Origins was noteworthy for posting an actual decrease of 30 fics, in contrast to the previous month's increase of 19. Dream SMP was probably the fandom hardest hit by the outing of abusers mentioned at the start, and far from last month's increase of 591, they showed an actual decrease of 801 fics. So a difference in expected fics posted of approximately 1,400 fics.
Dream SMP was actually not the fandom that posted the greatest decrease, as that belongs to Minecraft (Video Game), which saw a decrease of 1,555 fics, a difference in expected fics posted of approximately 1,800 fics. So many fics were deleted that Video Blogging RPF, which showed an increase of 3,513 last month and this time last year had 3,343 fics posted, only showed an increase of 51 fics.
In the currently airing big fandoms, Hermitcraft's increase of 628 did not reach the previous month's 716 or the month before that's 784, but does beat December's 574. QSMP was also, presumably, hit by the deletion wave, as this month's 391 did not reach the previous month's 729. This marks the fifth month of decline for QSMP.
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bongsuvn · 1 month
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Art by Not A Starchild
(Tiếng Việt ở dưới)
Hồ Xuân Hương 胡春香 (1772 – 1822) was one of the greatest poets in Vietnamese history, nicknamed Lady of Nôm Poetry. Most of Hồ Xuân Hương’s works were able to escape the constrained restrictions of traditional literature to reveal her own voice; many called her distinctive language as “serenely profane.” Her poems were famous for their bold sensuality, especially her direct yet flowery depictions of sexual intercourse, completely different from the folk poems of similar motifs by Vietnamese women.
“Congratulations to whoever, skillfully Planted the four posts of the swing, beautifully. Some people climb aboard to swing, while others Are just quiet onlookers, observing and smiling. Curving his knees, the boy arches his back. Twisting her wasp waist, the girl pushes her bosom. Four pink pant-tails are flapping in the wind. Two pairs of jade legs stretch side by side. For these spring games, how many know its true meaning? Once the posts are removed, lie deserted holes!” (The Swing)
However, Hồ Xuân Hương not only liked to describe copulation between men and women, but she also enjoyed detailing the female form through sensuous imagery, as if she herself were being enchanted by her own words.
“My body is both white and round, In water and hills, I now swim, now sink. Whether I be soft or hard, depends on your playful hand, But I still shall keep my true red heart.” (The Floating Cake, Copy of Xuân Hương Poetry version)
“A gorge, a gorge, and yet, the same old gorge. Praise to whoever has gouged out this scene: A lurid red cave with a bushy arch, And rich green boulders covered with algae. Now the stiff wind blows, shaking pine branches. Dewdrops dripping from willow leaves. You who are virtuous, or saintly, who hasn’t tried, Even with weak knees, exhausted feet, to mount it?” (Ode to Ba Dội Gorge, Recorded Collection of National Literature version)
“Summer breeze gently flows from the east, A girl lies to rest but she slips into a deep sleep. Her bamboo comb is loosely attached to her hair, Her pink undergarment drops low on her waist. Virgin dew still veils her two fairy mounts, Water has yet flown through her garden of paradise. Upon noticing, a gentleman hesitates to pass by, Much difficult to leave but troubled if he stays.” (Ode to Sleep, Recorded Collection of National Literature version)
Normally, these poems were analyzed through heteronormative lens, in which Hồ Xuân Hương saw herself as the women in her works, displaying the feminine sexual power under Vietnam’s patriarchal oppression. However, when applying queer theory, these works could be viewed from a different perspective: Hồ Xuân Hương might’ve been writing from the man’s point of view. This was merely a hypothesis, but if the phenomenon of feminized Confucian scholars existed, then there could also exist a masculinized female scholar. Under queer theory, if Hồ Xuân Hương was indeed writing under a male gaze, her works would explode in homoerotic sensuality, particularly of sapphic nature.
Furthermore, Hồ Xuân Hương also had a poem addressed to a woman named Mộng Lan (literally “orchid dream”). There were many theories to explain this work: maybe Mộng Lan was the nickname of a certain man; maybe Mộng Lan was a close friend of hers. But once the poem’s atmosphere was clearly displayed, one could feel the evocation of romance.
“The wind already blows orchid breeze, But the air grows cooler as we meet. The ode to snow continues to echo, My unfinished wine cup still awaits the moon. Chariots, cannons, and horses fight bravely on the chessboard, The instrument strings in twangs and twings, To whoever dreams of my soulmate, Please don’t hesitate to speak.” (To the Flirtatious Lady Mộng Lan, Collection of Unwanted Weed version)
Did the Lady of Nôm Poetry not only write to undermine the Confucian patriarchy, to challenge the oppression of female sexual expression, but also to break the standard of sexuality and gender identity? Could she not only like men, but also women? Could she be bisexual?
In the 17th and 18th centuries, Vietnamese society suffered greatly under the ravaging wars between Cochinchina and Tonkin. While Cochinchina of the south was more relaxed in ideologies, the northern Tonkin was restricted greatly due to Confucianism. According to historian Tạ Chí Đại Trường, due to political and moral suppression, many northern Vietnamese authors would borrow the perspectives and words of women, essentially hiding under a feminine shadow, writing metaphors through another gender. They became known as feminized Confucian scholars. He also noted that many scholars also hid under the pen name of Hồ Xuân Hương.
Hồ Xuân Hương 胡春香 (1772 – 1822) là một đại thi hào của Việt Nam, được mệnh danh là Bà chúa thơ Nôm 婆主詩喃. Hầu hết thi ca Hồ Xuân Hương theo dòng chảy chung đã thoát được các quan niệm sáng tác cố hữu vốn đề cao niêm luật chặt chẽ để bộc lộ được tiếng nói của thời đại mình; có nhiều người cho rằng đặc sắc của thơ bà là “thanh thanh tục tục 清清俗俗.” Thơ của Hồ Xuân Hương nổi tiếng táo bạo, đầy gợi cảm, đặc biệt là các bài miêu tả giao hợp rất chân thật, bạch hoá tình dục một cách khác hoàn toàn các thơ ca dao cùng mô típ của phụ nữ Việt Nam.
“Bốn cột khen ai khéo khéo trồng, Người thì lên đánh kẻ ngồi trông. Trai co gối hạc khom khom cật, Gái uốn lưng ong ngửa ngửa lòng. Bốn mảnh quần hồng bay phấp phới, Hai hàng chân ngọc duỗi song song. Chơi xuân đã biết xuân chăng tá, Cọc nhổ đi rồi, lỗ bỏ không!” (Đánh đu)
Thế nhưng, Hồ Xuân Hương không chỉ thích miêu tả tình dục giữa trai với gái, mà còn thích diễn tả thân thể phụ nữ một cách mê hoặc gợi tình, như thể bà cũng đang bị từng chữ của mình hấp dẫn vào.
“Thân em vừa trắng lại vừa tròn, Bảy nổi ba chìm mấy nước non. Mềm rắn nhờ tay quân tử vọc, Khăng khăng vẫn giữ tấm lòng son.” (Bánh trôi nước, bản Xuân Hương thi sao 春香詩抄)
“Một đèo một đèo lại một đèo, Khen ai khéo đặt cảnh cheo leo. Cửa son đỏ hoét tùm um móc, Hòn đá xanh rì lún phún rêu. Lắt lẻo cành thông cơn gió thốc, Đầm đìa lá liễu giọt sương gieo. Hiền nhân quân tử ai là chẳng, Mỏi gối chồn chân vẫn muốn trèo.” (Vịnh đèo Ba Dội, bản Quốc văn tùng kí 國文叢記)
“Mùa hè hây hẩy gió nồm đông, Tiên nữ nằm chơi quá giấc nồng. Lược trúc chải cài trên mái tóc, Yếm đào trễ xuống dưới nương long. Ðôi gò Bồng Đảo sương còn ngậm, Một lạch Đào Nguyên suối chửa thông. Quân tử dùng dằng đi chẳng dứt, Đi thì cũng dở ở sao xong.” (Vịnh nằm ngủ, bản Quốc văn tùng kí 國文叢記)
Bình thường thì những câu thơ này đều được phân tích theo định chuẩn hoá dị tính, là bà xem mình trong quan điểm của các cô gái trong thơ, hiển thị sức mạnh tình dục của đàn bà dưới áp chế của phụ hệ. Thế nhưng, nếu ứng dụng thuyết lệch pha, thì có thể xem các loạt thơ này dưới ánh nhìn khác: Hồ Xuân Hương có thể đang viết dưới quan điểm của các quân tử. Đây chỉ là giả thuyết, nhưng nếu đã có hiện tượng nhà Nho lại cái, thì không việc gì cái không thể lại nhà Nho. Nếu đọc các câu thơ dưới thuyết lệch pha, là bà thơ Nôm đang viết dưới ánh nhìn của đàn ông, thì thơ sẽ biểu lộ rạch ròi những miêu tả gợi cảm hướng tới cảm quan đồng tính, cụ thể là đồng tính nữ.
Không chỉ thế, Hồ Xuân Hương còn có một bài thơ gửi một nữ sĩ tên Mộng Lan. Có nhiều thuyết để giải thích thơ: có thể Mộng Lan là biệt danh của một chàng trai nào đó; có thể Mộng Lan là bạn thân thiết của bà. Nhưng nếu diễn lại cảnh trong thơ, thì cũng có thể gợi ra các yếu tố lãng mạn.
“Gió thổi hơi Lan đã mát lừng, Tự nhiên gặp gỡ cũng vì chưng. Câu thơ Vịnh tuyết còn văng vẳng, Chén rượu chờ trăng vẫn ngấn lưng. Cờ muốn thi gan xe pháo mã, Đàn còn lựa gảy tính tình tưng. Nhắn ai mơ kẻ tri âm đó, Xin ngỏ lời ra chớ ngập ngừng.” (Gởi tao nương Mộng Lan 寄騷娘夢蘭, bản Tạp thảo tập 雜草集)
Phải chăng Hồ Xuân Hương đương thời viết thơ không chỉ để đá xéo chế độ phụ hệ Nho giáo, đập tan sự áp bức của chuẩn mực tình dục, mà còn vượt rào tiêu chuẩn của tính dục và giới tính? Phải chăng bà không chỉ thích nam giới, mà còn thích nữ giới? Phải chăng bà là song tính luyến ái?
Vào thế kỉ 17 đến 18, xã hội Việt Nam có nhiều biến động với sự chia cắt Đàng Trong và Đàng Ngoài. Khi Đàng Trong có vẻ phóng khoáng hơn, thì Đàng Ngoài, những Nho sĩ bị cấm đoán nhiều hơn. Theo lí giải của nhà sử học Tạ Chí Đại Trường 謝志大長, chính sự đè nén về chính trị và đạo đức đã khiến một bộ phận tác giả mượn lời người nữ, núp bóng đàn bà, chuyển giới tưởng tượng để thác lời, sáng tác; họ trở thành những nhà Nho lại cái. Ông cũng cho rằng đã có vài Nho gia núp bóng dưới cái tên của Hồ Xuân Hương.
__________ Tham khảo: talawas.org/talaDB/showFile.php?res=10067&rb=0102 thivien.net/Hồ-Xuân-Hương/author-PBy92bBuBMMs53v9tc9E0A tienve.org/home/literature/viewLiterature.do?action=viewArtwork&artworkId=3830
__________ *Định chuẩn hoá dị tính (heteronormativity): niềm tin dị tính xác định qua chuẩn mực hệ nhị phân giới để áp đặt lên lối sống, suy nghĩ, lịch sử, văn hoá của con người lẫn động vật, xem những thứ không chuẩn mực với hệ nhị phân giới là bất thường, không tự nhiên
*Hệ nhị phân giới (gender binary): sự phân loại giới thành hai thái cực đối lập nhau, hoặc là nam, hoặc là nữ, thường theo hệ thống xã hội hoặc theo từng vùng văn hoá
*Thuyết lệch pha (queer theory): một lí thuyết phê bình văn học chuyên quan tâm đến giới tính, tính dục, và tình dục; mục tiêu bao trùm là để giải cấu trúc các chuẩn mực trong xã hội, cụ thể là định chuẩn hoá dị tính, đồng thời điều tra cách thức và lí do chúng ra đời
*Cảm quan đồng tính (homoerotism): nhận thức và cảm nhận hướng tới đồng tính luyến ái
*Đồng tính nữ (lesbian): người phụ nữ bị lôi cuốn trên phương diện tình dục hoặc tình yêu bởi những người phụ nữ khác
*Song tính luyến ái (bisexuality): mối quan hệ hay chỉ sự hấp dẫn tình cảm hoặc tình dục của một người với hai giới tính, nam và nữ, hoặc là nhiều hơn một phái tính hay giới tính
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pinatafarm · 1 month
3 câu lệnh biến ChatGPT thành giáo viên tiếng anh cho bạn
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Bạn đang loay hoay trong việc học tiếng Anh? Bạn muốn tìm một phương pháp học hiệu quả và tiết kiệm chi phí? Hãy thử biến ChatGPT thành giáo viên tiếng Anh cá nhân của bạn chỉ với 3 câu lệnh đơn giản! ChatGPT là một mô hình ngôn ngữ lớn được phát triển bởi OpenAI với khả năng giao tiếp và tạo văn bản tiếng Anh tự nhiên. Nhờ vậy, nó có thể trở thành công cụ hỗ trợ học tiếng Anh vô cùng hiệu quả cho bạn. Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách sử dụng 3 câu lệnh đơn giản để biến ChatGPT thành giáo viên tiếng Anh của riêng bạn. Với những câu lệnh này, bạn có thể: - Luyện tập giao tiếp tiếng Anh: ChatGPT có thể đóng vai trò như người bạn trò chuyện, giúp bạn luyện tập các kỹ năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh một cách tự tin và thoải mái. - Cải thiện ngữ pháp và từ vựng: ChatGPT có thể giúp bạn sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, tra cứu từ vựng và học cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh một cách chính xác. - Chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi tiếng Anh: ChatGPT có thể giúp bạn luyện tập các dạng bài thi tiếng Anh phổ biến như IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC,... Ngoài ra các câu lệnh này cũng có thể giúp bạn cải thiện giao tiếp với các mô hình AI nổi tiếng khác như Gemini AI, Midjourney, DALL-E ...
ChatGPT đóng vai người cải thiện tiếng Anh
Câu lệnh tiếng Anh: - You can act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning the same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply to the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is Câu lệnh tiếng Việt: - Bạn đóng vai trò là người phiên dịch tiếng Anh, người sửa lỗi chính tả và người sửa lỗi. Tôi sẽ nói chuyện với bạn bằng bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào và bạn sẽ phát hiện ngôn ngữ đó, dịch nó và trả lời bằng phiên bản đã sửa và cải tiến của văn bản của tôi, bằng tiếng Anh. Tôi muốn bạn thay thế các từ và câu cấp độ A0 đơn giản của tôi bằng các từ và câu tiếng Anh trình độ cao hơn, đẹp hơn và trang nhã hơn. Giữ nguyên ý nghĩa nhưng làm cho chúng mang tính văn chương hơn. Tôi muốn bạn chỉ trả lời những phần sửa chữa, cải tiến và không có gì khác, không viết lời giải thích. Câu đầu tiên của tôi là 3 câu lệnh biến ChatGPT thành giáo viên tiếng anh cho bạn
ChatGPT đóng vai một giáo viên ngoại ngữ
Câu lệnh tiếng Anh: - You can act as a spoken English teacher and improver. I will speak to you in English and you will reply to me in English to practice my spoken English. I want you to keep your reply neat, limiting the reply to 100 words. I want you to strictly correct my grammar mistakes, typos, and factual errors. I want you to ask me a question in your reply. Now let’s start practicing, you could ask me a question first. Remember, I want you to strictly correct my grammar mistakes, typos, and factual errors. Câu lệnh tiếng Việt: - Bạn đóng vai trò như một giáo viên nói tiếng Anh và người cải thiện. Tôi sẽ nói chuyện với bạn bằng tiếng Anh và bạn sẽ trả lời tôi bằng tiếng Anh để thực hành tiếng Anh nói của tôi. Tôi muốn bạn giữ câu trả lời của mình gọn gàng, giới hạn câu trả lời trong 100 từ. Tôi muốn bạn sửa chữa nghiêm ngặt các lỗi ngữ pháp, lỗi chính tả và lỗi thực tế của tôi. Tôi muốn bạn hỏi tôi một câu hỏi trong câu trả lời của bạn. Bây giờ chúng ta bắt đầu luyện tập, trước tiên bạn có thể hỏi tôi một câu. Hãy nhớ rằng, tôi muốn bạn sửa chữa nghiêm ngặt các lỗi ngữ pháp, lỗi chính tả và lỗi thực tế của tôi.
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Chatpgt giúp cải thiện tiếng anh
ChatGPT trợ giúp phát âm tiếng Anh
Câu lệnh tiếng Anh: - You can act as an English pronunciation assistant for Vietnamese speaking people. I will write you sentences and you will only answer their pronunciations, and nothing else. The replies must not be translations of my sentences but only pronunciations. Pronunciations should use Turkish Latin letters for phonetics. Do not write explanations on replies. My first sentence is Câu lệnh tiếng Việt: - Bạn đóng vai trò trợ lý phát âm tiếng Anh cho người nói tiếng Việt. Tôi sẽ viết cho bạn những câu và bạn sẽ chỉ trả lời cách phát âm của chúng, không có gì khác. Các câu trả lời không được là bản dịch câu của tôi mà chỉ là cách phát âm. Cách phát âm nên sử dụng các chữ cái Latinh tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ để phát âm. Không viết lời giải thích trên các câu trả lời. Câu đầu tiên của tôi là Read the full article
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squeakygeeky · 2 years
So I decided to learn Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt). Yes, this is because of how much Vietnamese BL I’ve been watching. So, here are my beginning impressions of the Vietnamese language.
Pronunciation: Hard. So hard. Even the sounds that are basically the same just...aren’t. I can hear the difference. I can’t make it. And nothing will really improve this for me except trying to talk to someone in Vietnamese and seeing if they understand me. I don’t have any Vietnamese speaking friends and I barely talk to people in English. Oh, and some consonants are totally different in Northern and Southern dialect, so that’s fun.
Syllables: Vietnamese is sort of monosyllabic in that each syllable can can have its own meaning is written as a separate word and in speech there’s a little separation, but not really in the sense that a single concept that needs to be learned on its own may have multiple syllables. So if you think you see a word you know maybe it’s just serving as part of a different word. This also leads into the next point.
Tones: There are SIX of them. And they are very important because they completely change what word you’re saying. Sure this isn’t a totally unfamiliar concept to me, having learned a (very) little Chinese but SIX. Except in Southern Vietnamese it’s only four. Aghhh.
Listening comprehension: Can be very difficult due to the reasons above, but my sheer amount of Vietnamese media consumption is going to give me an advantage over other learners. I’d already figured out ‘I’m sorry’ before I actually started learning anything.  
Alphabet: This is one is fine, actually. Due to French colonization Vietnam uses the roman alphabet. This is one reason I’ve settled on Vietnamese instead of Thai. You do need to pay close attention to the diacritical marks but I’m already a pro at using the Vietnamese keyboard on my phone. 
Grammar: You don’t conjugate verbs. Yay! I’ve seen vastly differing opinions on whether Vietnamese grammar is easy or hard, but it seems like ultimately the barrier to making yourself understood is pronunciation and poor grammar is fine. It goes subject > verb > object and modifiers go after the thing they modify. I’m not scared of grammar.
Pronouns: I am terrified of pronouns. Or at least I was. Then my terror made me obsessed with them and now they are my favorite aspect of the language. Basically the pronouns that get used are dependent on things like the relative ages, genders, and relationship dynamic between the people who are speaking and even things like whether you want to include people who are standing there but not actively part of the conversation when you say ‘we.’ And it doesn’t just change based on who is speaking together, but as their relationship changes and also sometimes within a single conversation.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Eldritch dad comforts his ghost son
I couldn’t think of a better title.
Anyway uh- short bit of fluff about Ben and Slender talking after he has a nightmare, featuring a vietnamese-american Ben because @dragongirl2 told me the hc and I fell in love with it instantly. I’m not vietnamese and don’t speak the language so if I get something wrong uhh blame google translate. Also possibly slightly different canon to the ARG, I’m not that up to date on it sorry.
Words: 1223
He held himself tight as quiet, croaky sobs escaped him. His room was dark, save for the dim orange light coming from his 3DS, which was charging on his bedside table. He gulped and rubbed bloody tears from his eyes. He exhaled shakily and gulped again, trying to repress more sobs. 
A knock at his door made his pointed ears stick up, alert. He looked over at the door, almost not believing he'd heard the noise. 
"Ben?" A deep, kind voice asked him from outside. "Can I come in?" 
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded even though Slender couldn't see it. "Sure." He replied softly. 
The door opened quietly and Slender leaned in. He had no face, yet Ben could feel a gentle gaze resting on him. He curled up, hugging his knees as Slender crossed the room in only a few strides. A benefit of being insanely tall. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Ben. 
"Why are you awake?" Ben asked quietly. 
"I sensed your sadness." Slender tilted his head at him. Now that he was closer, his voice felt like an echo, in a way. It seemed to fill the room and reverberate through Ben's head. You'd think that would be scary, and overwhelming, but it was quite the opposite. As Slender's voice washed over Ben, so too did a sense of warmth and comfort.
"Sorry about that." He murmured. One of Slender's tendrils appeared from behind him and brushed hair from the boy's darkened eyes. 
"It's alright." The tendril tucked the hair behind Ben's ear. "Why were you crying?" 
Ben gulped and looked away. "I…" he shrugged. "Had a nightmare. It's dumb."
"Everyone has nightmares, Ben." The tendril disappeared behind Slender's back again as he spoke. "Even I do."
"That's hard to believe." Ben murmured with a tiny smile. Slender almost seemed amused. 
"Well, I think that goes to show even I have a weakness. Don't you?" 
Ben smiled a bit more and looked up at him. "Yeah...that or it just means your brain responds to stress and fear the same way a human's does."
Slender chuckled. "Clever." He said, sounding proud. "Now...about this nightmare," he watched Ben's smile drop as he looked away again. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"I kinda do and kinda...don't." Ben shrugged. "I don't wanna talk about like- what happened in it but I...do wanna talk about like- how it made me feel…? I guess? I dunno…"
Slender didn't say anything. Instead, some tendrils reached over and grabbed Ben, lifting him up for a moment. He was placed back down into Slender's lap, his arms wrapped around him. Ben realised he was being cradled. Like a small child. Then again compared to Slender he was a small child. He inhaled quietly. Slender smelled of petrichor, and pine. Like the forest after it rained. It was a nice scent. Comforting. 
"Go ahead. I'm listening." Slender said above him. Once again his voice felt almost overpowering, yet also calming at the same time. Ben wasn't sure if he'd ever get used to that.
"Well-" he paused for a second, tugging at the end of his shirt nervously. He toyed with the fabric, pulling and rolling it in his hands absentmindedly. "...I...miss my grandpa." He finally said. "I just...hope he's alright…" 
"Do you want to talk about him?" Slender asked. Ben was quiet for a second before he nodded. "Go ahead."
‘’I...spent a lot of time with him.’’ Ben mumbled after a moment of thinking. ‘’Mom would leave me with him when she didn’t wanna deal with me.’’
‘’I wouldn’t call raising a child ‘dealing with them’.’’ Slender said. Ben shrugged.
‘’I didn’t mind though. I actually really liked when I was left with him. He was really kind...he wasn’t rich, but he bought me lots of stuff. Candy, ice cream, toys, clothes…’’ Ben smiled to himself. ‘’He made me feel really special. He called me uh-’’ he paused for a moment. ‘’mặt cười.’’ he smiled sheepishly. Slender looked down at him in surprise.
‘’Is that vietnamese?’’ he asked. Ben nodded.
‘’Yeah- my mom was born in Vietnam. They moved when she was really young...I was born here, but my grandpa always told me about it. I always wanted to go…’’ he looked sad for a moment. One of Slender’s tendrils reached down and stroked his cheek. ‘’My mom didn’t really talk about our culture or even speak vietnamese...so he taught me all about it.’’ he seemed to brighten up a bit as he spoke.
‘’You speak vietnamese?’’ Slender asked, sounding impressed.
‘’Not fluently! But- I know a lot.’’ Ben smiled a bit. ‘’I wish he could’ve taught me more…’’
‘’I could teach you.’’ Slender said. Ben looked up at him. ‘'Tôi biết một số điều.’’ he added with what would’ve been a smile if he had a mouth. Ben looked excited and squirmed in his arms, sitting up.
‘’Bạn có thể nói tiếng Việt?!’’ he asked excitedly. Slender chuckled and nodded at the boy’s excitement.
‘’I know nearly every language there is, Ben.’’ he said softly. ‘’If speaking vietnamese makes you feel more comfortable here I’ll gladly do so.’’
Ben grinned. ‘’Oh!’’ his face seemed to light up for a moment. His hands flapped about in his excitement for a moment. He gripped the knees on his pyjama pants to make his hands be still. ‘’Do you think you could cook some of the food too? My grandpa was a great cook- he made really really good banh xeo.’’ Ben beamed up at Slender, looking excited and hopeful. He chuckled, one of his tendrils curling around the boy’s hand. Ben tapped his fingers against it absentmindedly.
‘’Of course I can. I can’t guarantee I’ll be better than your grandpa was though.’’
Ben smirked. ‘’Yeah...he did make some great pho…’’ he giggled a bit. ‘’Your pancakes give him a run for his money though.’’
‘’Mmm...well I suppose they are good.’’ Ben could hear the smirk in his voice. One of Slender’s tendrils pushed the boy back down and he was cradled again. He didn’t really mind. Slender felt comfortable, and being held was nice. He smiled for a moment, then looked away. He toyed with the end of his shirt again.
‘’Hey Slender?’’
Slender Looked down, staring at him with nonexistent eyes. ‘’Hm?’’ 
‘’Could I uh-’’ Ben gulped. ‘’Could I call you- um- I mean you don’t have to say yes but could I- c-call you ‘cha’?’’
Slender tensed, recognising the word for ‘father’ immediately. He nodded almost too quickly. ‘’Of course you can Ben.’’ he said, sounding a little choked up. Ben smiled. ‘’But only if I can call you ‘con trai’.’’ Ben grinned wide. He nodded quickly. A tendril snaked up and ruffled the boy’s hair affectionately. ‘’Good.’’ he withdrew the tendril. ‘’Now, how about you get some sleep, little one?’’
Ben softened and gave a nod. ‘’Alright…’’ he murmured. The tendrils lifted him again and placed him gently into his bed. Slender pulled up the blankets, tucking him in. He stood up off the bed and looked him over for a moment. Ben smiled up at him and closed his eyes, curling up in his blanket. ‘’Goodnight, cha.’’ he murmured. Once again Slender tensed.
‘’Sleep well, con trai.’’ he whispered. He watched Ben for a few moments more, then quietly wandered out of the room and downstairs to go practice making vietnamese food.
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Tiếng Việt
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Don’t Fall for the Wrong Call
Protect yourself against telemarketing fraud
Telemarketing fraud — using the phone to swindle and cheat — robs U.S. consumers of about $40 billion a year. Don't fall for the wrong call, an 8-page, in-depth guide provides information on common tricks and charitable donation scams used by telemarketers, how to answer sales calls, warning signs of fraud, how to protect yourself from unwanted calls, your rights under the law and how you can sue telemarketers who do not honor your wishes not to be called. The guide also contains a listing of complaint handling agencies and other helpful resources.
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Table of Contents
Don't fall for the wrong call
Tricks and traps
Give wisely
Warning signs of fraud
'Who's There?'
Stopping unwanted calls
Telemarketing Sales Rule
Optional services, gadgets & gizmos
How to complain
Don’t fall for the wrong call
Telemarketing fraud—using the phone to swindle and cheat—robs U.S. consumers of about $40 billion a year.
According to the Direct Marketing Association, overall telemarketing sales, both business-to-consumer and business-to-business, reached $585 billion in 2000. There are many legitimate, law-abiding companies offering their products and services over the phone. But the problem is that not all telemarketers work for legitimate companies—some are crooks to whom the law means nothing.
To protect yourself from telemarketing fraud, it's a good rule not to do business over the phone with any company you don't know. Crooks are skilled in manipulating you. They sound professional and convincing. You do not have to listen to any sales pitch over the phone—you can always say you are not interested and hang up.
In 2001, AARP estimated that U.S. residents received approximately 19 billion unsolicited sales calls per month. To combat potential fraud, federal and state governments have passed laws and regulations that protect consumers. Nationally, some 5 million households are on do-not-call lists. There are also services and products you can buy to prevent telemarketers from calling you. But the best way to fight phone fraud is to understand how it works and know your consumer rights.
Telemarketing industry executives point out that unsolicited sales calls aren’t always unwelcome. You might hear from a company you want to do business with, such as your local newspaper. The Newspaper Association of America reports that phone solicitations account for 58% of new subscribers generated by marketing campaigns. You might save money by taking advantage of discounts offered through a telemarketing campaign. Just be sure you’re dealing with a company you recognize.
Tricks and traps
If a telemarketing offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t fall for these common tricks:
Prizes. If a caller says you’ve won something, it might signal fraud. “Winners” often are asked to send an inflated shipping and handling fee for their “free” prize, which turns out to be worthless. In other cases, crooks mail millions of postcards promising people that they’ve won prizes. So-called winners are asked to call a 900 number (which costs money) and are subjected to a lengthy sales pitch.
Free trial offers. So-called “no obligation” offers to try a new product or service end up costing consumers as much as $100 million per year because they fail to tell you that you’ll be billed for the full price of the service if you don’t cancel by a certain deadline. Even if you never gave the company your credit card number, you might be charged for a free offer because telemarketers often obtain your credit card information illegally.
Travel deals. Some telemarketers offer travel deals that sound great. Not every deal is fraudulent, but even legitimate travel offers can have significant conditions or catches. Many such offers require you to sit through a lengthy sales pitch for “time share” resorts, a type of vacation real estate ownership that has been the subject of many complaints.
Credit cards. The telemarketer offers a “guaranteed” credit card if you pay a hefty fee in advance. It is illegal for telemarketers to require up front payment for credit.
Credit protection. Swindlers may call saying they are from MasterCard or Visa, hoping to fool you into paying for phony credit protection. The callers warn that if you don’t purchase their protection services you will be held liable for any unauthorized charges made on your credit card. But existing federal law limits your loss to $50 if your card is used without your permission.
Investment fraud. You are promised a “guaranteed risk-free investment.” There is no such thing. The scam artists who pitch the investments are good at sounding as if they represent legitimate businesses. They may have lots of information about you—such as your age, income and net worth. This information is available from marketing lists that anyone can buy. Many people have lost their life savings after only a phone conversation, and despite their best efforts, law enforcement and regulatory agencies usually can’t get the victims’ money back.
Responding to ads. It’s common for swindlers to send direct mailings or advertise in reputable publications or on the Internet to entice you to call them. The ads offer easy loans, credit cards, investments or work-at-home opportunities. Even if you are the one to place the call, be very cautious about giving out bank account and credit card numbers to unfamiliar businesses.
Scam artists compile and sell “sucker lists” of people who are easy to trick because they’ve fallen for telemarketing pitches in the past.
Give wisely
When a crisis hits the news, crooks are usually close behind. Following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, many people received calls—and e-mails—attempting to take advantage of the tragedy. Often these scam artists are trying to get your bank or credit card account numbers.
Be careful before promising a telemarketer money for a charity. Many legitimate charities raise money by phoning potential donors, but crooks take advantage of people’s generosity. Don’t be fooled by the name of a charity—many scam artists use a name that sounds like a well-known charitable organization to trick you into making a donation that ends up in their pockets.
Ask the caller to send you information about the charity. Get all the information you can about the charity and then verify it.
Ask what percentage of the money you donate actually goes to the charity (and not the fund-raising effort). Before donating, check with one of the charity watchdog organizations listed under For More Information at the end of this article.
Warning signs of fraud
Be suspicious of statements like these:
You’ve won a prize or free gift.
You’ve been selected to receive a special offer.
You must act immediately or lose out on a great deal.
You must pay for shipping your prize or free gift.
You’re promised fantastic financial returns or risk-free investing.
You’re told that there’s a secret legal loophole that will allow you to profit.
You’re asked for your credit card number and expiration date to verify that you are a credit cardholder.
You’re asked to donate to an agency whose name sounds like a well-known charity—such as the “American Cancer Center” (instead of the American Cancer Society).
You’re told that you are one of just a few special people to receive this offer.
You are pressured to allow the caller to send a courier to your home to get your payment.
You’re told that you have purchased the caller’s product or service in the past but you don’t remember doing so.
‘Who’s There?’
When you pick up a ringing phone and hear silence on the other end, you may have been called by a computer dialing system. Companies use automatic dialers to simultaneously dial many phone numbers—more than their employees could handle—predicting that some of those calls will be answered by an answering machine, will ring with no answer because no one’s home or will be busy. Answered calls are routed to available sales agents. Sometimes more people answer than predicted. At that point, some of the calls are disconnected.
Automatic dialing is frustrating in itself but it also makes it difficult to exercise your rights because victims of aborted calls can’t identify the company that’s calling to ask to be placed on its do-not-call list.
Stopping unwanted calls
In 1991 Congress passed the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act to help people reduce the nuisance and invasion of privacy caused by telemarketing calls and prerecorded sales calls. The more recent federal Telemarketing Sales Rule sets additional limits on telemarketers.
If you don’t want a telemarketer to call you again, ask to be put on the company’s do-not-call list. The Telemarketing Sales Rule requires that companies maintain their own do-not-call registries. You must ask each company to place you on its list. It helps to keep detailed notes about when and whom you asked.
In December 2002, the FTC strengthened the Telemarketing Sales Rule and created a national do-not-call registry for people who do not want to receive telemarketing calls. The do-not-call registry will not be in place before 2004. Immediately in effect are restrictions on hang-ups (see “Who’s There?”) and a requirement that telemarketers must display company names and phone numbers to Caller ID users.
You can sue a telemarketer in small claims court if you ask to be placed on its do-not-call list and the company does not comply with your request. Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, you can sue for your actual monetary loss or up to $500—whichever is greater—for each call received after you asked the company not to call again.
(Non-profit organizations, political groups and businesses with whom you have an established relationship are exempt from do-not-call lists.)
A firm that calls you after specifically being told not to is liable for $500 in damages, which you can win by bringing an action against the company in your local small claims court.
If you have an existing business relationship with a company, it doesn’t have to honor your request that it stop calling you with sales offers. But you can ask anyway—firms have an incentive to respect the wishes of current customers.
You can also write to the Direct Marketing Association and ask it to inform its telemarketing members that you do not want to receive their calls. Your name remains on file for five years. However, this won’t stop all calls because many companies don’t belong to the association. To get on the list, write to the DMA, Telephone Preference Service, P.O. Box 282, Carmel, NY 10512. There is a $5 processing fee for registering with the Telephone Preference Service online (http://www.dmaconsumers.org). However, you can print out a form from the web site and mail it to the organization at no charge.
Many states prohibit all telemarketing calls to individuals who have registered on the state’s do-not-call list. The Direct Marketing Association maintains a list of state do-not-call sites on its web site (www.the-dma.org/government/donotcalllists.shtml).
California’s do-not-call list is expected to be in place in early 2003. When it is operational, you can add your name to the state-maintained list and, if your request is ignored, the state can fine the company $500 for the first violation and $1,000 for subsequent violations. You may still receive political calls, including those seeking campaign contributions, and solicitations from non-profit organizations. For more information about the California do-not-call list, visit the California Office of the Attorney General web site (http://caag.state.ca.us) and click on Programs & Services.
It is a sure sign that you’re dealing with scam artists if they offer to send a messenger or delivery service to your home to pick up your contribution.
Telemarketing Sales Rule
The federal Telemarketing Sales Rule provides some strong legal protections:
It prohibits late night/early morning phone solicitations between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.
Telemarketers must tell you up front that they are selling something—and which company is doing the selling—before they make a pitch.
All mentions of promotions, prizes or contests must be accompanied by the disclosure that no purchase is necessary to enter or win.
Telemarketers who promise to “repair” your credit are banned from accepting any payment before they have provided you with an amended copy of your credit report.
When calling to solicit a credit service, such as a credit card, loan or credit repair service, telemarketers are prohibited from asking for payment in advance. You need not make any payment until the service has been delivered satisfactorily.
Telemarketers may not use abusive or obscene language, threats or intimidation.
They cannot misrepresent goods or services. When selling an investment, telemarketers cannot exaggerate or lie about its earnings potential, profitability, risk or liquidity.
Telemarketers are not allowed to accept payment before you have been given the total cost of the goods or service and told whether or not the purchase is refundable. It is illegal for a telemarketer to withdraw money from your checking account to satisfy a payment without your written or recorded oral permission.
Other federal laws also prohibit:
Computer-generated or prerecorded voice phone messages without your prior consent.
Unsolicited faxes sent without a toll-free number for you to call to tell the sender you don’t want to receive the faxes.
Unsolicited sales calls to any line where the recipient is charged for the call—such as cell phone calls or text messages.
Answering sales calls
Do not feel you have to be polite. Hang up on aggressive or harassing callers.
Don’t be pressured. Get all the facts, hang up and talk it over with your spouse and friends. If the deal is legitimate, there’s no need to rush.
Ask the caller to send you information. This will give you more time to review the offer.
If you’re interested, find out as much as you can about who is calling, and why. Write this information down along with the time and date of the call. You will need this information if the telemarketer continues to call after you asked him or her not to.
Optional services, gadgets & gizmos
There are services and products sold to avoid telemarketers’ calls. Many people use an answering machine to screen calls. Before buying a product just to avoid telemarketing calls, make sure it will help you. None of these products can outwit telemarketers or scam artists and they do nothing to force telemarketers to stop calling:
Caller ID. This service is sold by your local phone company. It requires a phone with caller ID capability or a separate caller ID (identification) device. The compatible phones have display screens that show the phone number from which the call is being placed and the name of the person who holds the account for that number. You may choose to ignore calls from numbers, people or businesses that you do not recognize. (If you ignore all calls from numbers you don’t recognize, you may miss a call from a friend or family member who is not calling from home.) Caller ID saves the name and number of the last 50-100 calls, which may help you verify that you were contacted by a telemarketing company after you told it to stop calling you.
Privacy screening. A fee-based service is sold to phone customers with caller ID as a way to avoid missing calls from callers who block display of their phone numbers, as some telemarketers do. Any caller with a blocked number is invited to leave a message and is placed on hold while the person being called listens to the message and decides whether to take the call. You also can play a legally binding announcement asking the caller to take you off its marketing lists.
Gadgets. Some products claim to stop telemarketers. The TeleZapper plugs into your phone jack and tries to outsmart automatic dialing programs by answering the call and emitting the sound of a disconnected line. The company claims that this fools the computer into dropping your number from its list.
A gadget called the Phone Butler plugs into any phone jack. When a telemarketer calls, you can press the star (asterisk) key on your phone and the Phone Butler takes over. In a prim and proper British accent, a recording says, “Pardon me, this is the Phone Butler...kindly place this number on your do-not-call list.”
When a stranger or business you don’t know calls you, do not give out your credit card number, Social Security number, checking account number or other personal information.
Protecting yourself
Consider getting an unlisted phone number. An unlisted number may reduce the number of unsolicited calls you receive, but it cannot protect you from marketers who call random combinations of numbers.
Protect your phone number. Don’t print it on your checks or give it to anyone you don’t know well. Whenever you are asked for your phone number, ask what it will be used for. Make it clear that you don’t want your phone number to be shared with marketers.
Voter registration information is available to the public. Ignore the space that asks for your phone number or put down “unlisted.”
Don’t give your credit card number and expiration date to strangers. These can be used to make unauthorized charges on your card and to make counterfeit cards.
Don’t give your Social Security number to strangers. It can help a crook get credit in your name and run up huge bills.
Don’t give your bank account number to strangers. It can be used to make withdrawals without your permission.
How to complain
If you have lost money to a telemarketing scam, contact the attorney general of your state, or the district attorney or consumer affairs agency in your area.
If a telemarketer fails to fulfill the requirements of federal telemarketing laws, write to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Correspondence Branch, Washington, DC 20580. For more information, call (877) 382-4357 or (866) 653-4261 (TTY) or visit the FTC web site (www.ftc.gov).
If a telemarketer calls you between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. or calls again after you have asked to be placed on its do-not-call list, write to the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC also handles complaints about telemarketing calls from outside your state. Call for instructions before filing a complaint: (888) 225-5322; (888) 835-5322 (TTY). You can send your complaint to: FCC Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, Consumer Complaints, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554, or by e-mail ([email protected]). For more information, visit the web site (www.fcc.gov).
If the court determines that the company knowingly broke the law, the maximum penalty triples, up to $1,500. You can also sue for that amount if you ask a telemarketing firm for a copy of its written policy on complying with “do-not-call” requests and it fails to send you one.
The Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud Abuse Prevention Act allows you to sue in federal court if you can show damages greater than $50,000—such large amounts are often involved in investment scams.
Cell phone telemarketing—known as wireless spamming—is prohibited by federal and certain state laws. Federal law prohibits unsolicited messages in situations where the called party is charged for the call. California law prohibits unsolicited advertising messages from being sent via fax or e-mail unless they are clearly labeled as advertising and provide a toll-free phone number that allows the recipient to opt out of future communications.
For more information
The American Institute of Philanthropy has a guide that grades charities on their finances and openness with the public. AIP, 4905 Del Ray Avenue, Suite 300W, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, (773) 529-2300. E-mail: [email protected]. Web site: www.charitywatch.org.
Ban The Spam (www.banthespam.com) is an online clearinghouse created by Consumer Action, the National Consumers League and the Telecommunications Research and Action Center, where consumers can report unsolicited commercial e-mail solicitations (junk e-mails, or spam) in order to help federal regulators crack down on e-mail abuses.
Junkbusters (www.junkbusters.com) provides detailed instructions on how to foil unwanted telemarketing calls, as well as how to rid yourself of junk mail, unwanted commercial e-mails (spam) and unsolicited faxes. Online services only.
BBB Wise Giving Alliance (www.give.org) tracks hundreds of charities and evaluates about 250 according to standards that include purpose, financial support, use of funds, annual reporting, accountability and budget, and publishes the “Wise Giving Guide.” 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA (703) 276-0100.
The National Fraud Information Center, a project of the National Consumers League, has a toll-free hotline—(800) 876-7060 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET—to help people learn about fraud and file complaints. It also provides information on its web site (www.fraud.org) on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.
Published / Reviewed Date
Published: February 14, 2003
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thanhduydesign · 2 years
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Language Remedy [P1]
“What is language? Why do I have to speak English? Tại sao tôi không thể nói tiếng Việt? Tại sao tôi phải nói tiếng Anh? Why English speakers are considered more elite than other languages speakers? Why language is such a biased and unequal system but is widely accepted? Are people assimilated in their mind?”
These are some questions that made me believed and motivated to carry out this project. Language is much more than just a communicative tool. It represents our culture and shapes our own ways of thinking. In fact, language is a powerful tool for colonization. The colonizers started to colonize countries by stripping off people’s rights of politics, economics and culture. And language plays a pivotal and utmost important role in all of the above aspects, especially culture. When the French colonized Viet Nam, they carried out Obscurantism, which is the practice of limiting education and the process of acquiring knowledge. But, if traced back to even further in the Vietnamese history, Obscurantism had been carried out decades ago. Our current alphabet was first created and used by a pastor as a colonized tool for Christianity indoctrination. We lost track of our historical documents because of colonization. We lost track of our roots because of colonization. But, we, as Vietnamese, were not and will never be assimilated. We stood up, we fought against, and we strived. For today, for our generation, the important thing is to carry on the process of fighting against that colonization, which gives light even more to this project. We must reclaim our rights to our people. And we must do it now.
Decolonization must start with decolonizing our own language system. By decolonizing our own language system I mean we need to respect the differences and diversity of our language. We speak language, we listen to language, and most importantly, we think in language. If a language that has recorded a rich history in colonialism such as English, French and Spanish, what does it say to our thinking? If a language was made through colonialism, we are colonialized in our own mindset. Realizing the importance of language, I strongly encourage that we need to start practicing reclaiming our own native language. I suggest connecting language deeply to our personal experience with the words themselves. Then, from that experience, we can learn and build up our own system of language to a more equal one that provides a platform for cultures to speak up for themselves. I am currently proposing two parts of a project, the first one is Đông Tây Nam Bắc (East West South North) (ĐTNB). ĐTNB is a tribute to my childhood memory. I was looking for a way to demonstrate language differences in nuances and its poetic meaning.This ĐTNB is a first and early version of word playing. First, we choose a direction, and then how many steps we want to move. Inside it has 8 randomly assigned words. After we move, it stops at a specific step and direction, and there’s a word in it. We choose 2 directions, and then 2 randomly words appear, such as: “Crazy” and“Princess”, “Pink” and “Prisoner”, etc. It was fun and I decided to develop it into a piece of device so that we can learn from each others.Instead of randomly assigned words, I choose 8 specific words that relate to my memories, experiences.... Whenever that word is chosen,I need to describe it in my entirely experiences of that word rather than its dictionary meaning. Together, when combine every ĐTNB, it creates a garden, a garden of different languages from people from every walks of life. We meet, and interact with each others in this garden, we learn and help each others, and water the garden together so it grows strongly.
This, in my opinion, is one way to reclaim our languages, by connecting each words to our experiences with the words. 
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ao3feed-johnlock · 3 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3CUBoPZ
by Aesitof
Sau hai tuần đi xa, John cuối cùng cũng nhắn tin cho Sherlock. Cậu không ngờ rằng Sherlock sẽ trả lời. Cậu không ngờ rằng Sherlock sẽ tiếp tục nhắn lại. Và cậu càng không ngờ mọi thứ sẽ tiến triển nhanh đến mức này.
Words: 1438, Chapters: 1/13, Language: Tiếng Việt
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Additional Tags: Texting, Humor, Awkward Romance, Post Season 2, spoilers for reichenbach
September 29, 2021 at 07:25AM
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muslim-library · 3 years
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an in Vietnamese (By Islam House)
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an in Vietnamese (By Islam House)
Translation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an in Vietnamese (By Islam House)
Dịch ý nghĩa nội dung Qur’an sang Việt ngữ Dịch thuật Trung tâm dịch thuật Ruwad
As non-Arabic speakers exceed 90% of the world population, it is impossible to convey the Qur’an and its meanings, arguments, evidence, and miraculousness to them, except through proficient translations in their respective languages. In order to fulfill a part of this duty, Rowad Translation Center, in collaboration with www.Islamhouse.com, which is affiliated to the Islamic Propagation Association in Rabwah, has embarked upon an initiative for explaining and disseminating the meanings of the Qur’an through a number of projects aimed at producing accurate and reliable translations of the meanings of the Qur’an in different languages, then printing them and making them available for free, as well as publishing them on the website of the Noble Qur’an encyclopedia www.quranenc.com
We are greatly pleased to present this new translation – Explanation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an in the Vietnamese Language – as a service for English speakers worldwide.
All praise be to Allah Almighty Who facilitated the accomplishment of this work and made it possible. We hope that Allah will make it beneficial and accept it as purely rendered for His sake. We thank everyone who played any part in accomplishing this large-scale project. It is noteworthy that no matter how accurate any translation of the meanings of the Qur’an may be, it will still fall short in conveying the transcendent meanings of the miraculous Qur’anic text, and that the meanings conveyed by this translation is only the product reached by the extent of the team’s knowledge as far as understanding this Sacred Book. Hence, this translation cannot be error-free, as is the case with any human endeavor.
As we always seek to improve these translations on an ongoing basis, you are kindly invited to send your remarks, if any, through the note box next to each verse on the website of the Noble Qur’an encyclopedia www.quranenc.com. For other suggestions or queries, you can contact us via this email: [email protected]
Vì những người không nói tiếng Ả Rập tại thời điểm này chiếm hơn 90% tổng số nhân loại, nên ánh sáng, ý nghĩa, lập luận, bằng chứng và sự kỳ diệu của Qur’an sẽ không thể truyền đạt cho họ, ngoại trừ bằng cách tìm những bản dịch thành thạo bằng ngôn ngữ của họ.
Vì công việc dịch nghĩa của Kinh Qur’an còn nhiều yếu kém và thiếu xót cũng như không được quan tâm đúng mức bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ, và bởi vì muốn thực hiện một phần nhiệm vụ này, Trung tâm Dịch thuật Rowwad, phối hợp với trang web (www.islamhouse.com) trực thuộc văn phòng hướng dẫn và tuyên truyền cho cộng đồng người nước ngoài tại Rabwah, đã bắt tay vào ý tưởng giảng giải và phổ biến ý nghĩa của Kinh Qur’an thông qua một số dự án nhằm tạo ra các bản dịch chuẩn xác, đáng tin đồng thời nâng cao Kinh Sách cao quý này bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ trên thế giới. Sau đó, chúng đã được in, cung cấp miễn phí và xuất bản trên trang web Bách khoa Toàn thư về Kinh Qur’an (www.quranenc.com).
Chúng tôi rất vui và vinh hạnh giới thiệu bản dịch mới “Nội dung và ý nghĩa của Kinh Qur’an” bằng Việt ngữ, như một sự phục vụ cho những người nói ngôn ngữ này. Chúng tôi xin tạ ơn Thượng Đế Toàn Năng đã phù hộ cho chúng tôi hoàn thành công việc này. Chúng tôi hi vọng tất cả nỗ lực của chúng tôi được Ngài đón nhận, xin Ngài làm cho nó được hữu ích. Chúng tôi cũng xin cảm ơn tất cả quí đạo hữu đã nỗ lực để hoàn thành dự án vĩ đại này
Source: islamhouse
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badmonblog · 5 years
How is Tet in Vietnam? – Part 1: Lễ cúng Ông Công Ông Táo (Kitchen Gods Customs)
(Tiếng Việt ở dưới nhe!)
So I’ve decided to start a new series right at this special time of the year: Tết – or Lunar New Year in Vietnam, specifically in Northern Vietnam (please don’t call it Chinese New Year. There are 4 other countries other than China joining this spiritual celebration.). If you are a first-timer in Vietnam, you must wonder a lot why people burn papers so much! In this post, you will find out why!
Lunar New Year in Vietnam is usually prepared long ahead the actual first day of Lunar year. Among the celebrations, “Ông Công Ông Táo” – Kitchen Gods Ritual is considered as the true announcement of “Here comes Tết!” spirit. The date of this custom is fixed on the 23rd of December in Lunar calendar. The legend says that on this day, the gate of the Heaven will be opened and the Kitchen Gods (Táo Quân) will return to the Heaven to file reports about activities of every household over the past year to the Jade Emperor - Emperor of the heavens. Based on that report, the Emperor will then decide to reward or punish the family.
The tale of Kitchen Gods differs from original Chinese one to Vietnamese one. And of course I will tell you the Vietnamese version, which is like a romantic but tragic story:
Trong Cao and Thi Nhi had been married for a long time without a child, which caused a lot of quarrels between them. One day, Trong Cao hit his wife and she immediately left home, later got married to Pham Lang. After the anger had gone away, Trong Cao tried to find his wife to apologize. On his path of looking for her, he eventually lost all of his property and became a beggar.
One day, he finally reached Thi Nhi's house asking for food, and they realized each other. Inviting her ex-husband in, Thi Nhi told him the story and regretted her quick decision of getting married to her present husband - Pham Lang.
Right at that time, Pham Lang returned from the rice fields. Being afraid that he would get angry with Trong Cao, Thi Nhi told him to hide in the straw pile. In order to make fertilizer from straw, Pham Lang, without knowing his wife's hiding ex-husband, burnt the pile of straw. Trong Cao of course was too scared to come out, and he ended up dead in the fire. Thi Nhi was so heartbroken that she jumped into the fire and died as well. Too surprised at the scene, Pham Lang also jumped into the fire and 3 of them died together.
Later in the Heaven, Jade Emperor called the souls of 3 people and ordained them because of their love and commitment for each other.
Pham Lang became "Thổ Công" - Kitchen God who takes care of the kitchen activities. He is also called “Ông Táo” in Vietnamese underground language, which is the reason for the commonly used name of this ritual: “Ông Công Ông Táo” with “Ông” meaning “Mr”.
Trong Cao became "Thổ Địa" - Land God who takes care of the house gate.
Thi Nhi became "Thổ Kỳ" - Market God who takes care of daily shopping for the family.
3 pairs of joss paper clothing (2 for male, and 1 for female), including each: a hat, a pair of boots, and a suit.
Some joss paper money as "road spare money" for Kitchen Gods to spend on the way from the Earth to the Heaven.
3 live carps as the transportation for the Kitchen Gods. It is believed to become the Dragon later on and bring Kitchen Gods to the Heaven. The carp will then be released into the open water so it can bring luck and fortune to its savior.
A report of the last year: prepared by the owner of the house. Normally people in Northern Vietnam go to the pagodas where there are professional people writing these reports in a traditional way.
Some flowers, fresh fruits and food by the choice of the family.
The family altar is cleaned thoroughly to welcome the New Year. All the offerings are plated on the family altar and a temporary altar near the kitchen, and then the incenses are lighted. After the incenses have burnt out, the joss paper offerings are burnt and the carps are released, as a metaphor and belief that Kitchen Gods will receive their clothing, money, transportation and report to go to the Heaven.
Because the Heaven’s gate opens on 23rd of Lunar December, people usually perform the customs before that day, so there is no “traffic jam” on the way to Heaven and the Kitchen Gods can come there on time. If Kitchen Gods fail to go to Heaven on time, or even do not appear in Heaven (the case that the family doesn’t perform the ritual), it is believed that Jade Emperor will punish the family where Kitchen Gods are residing.
Vietnam has been developing significantly since when this ritual was born; therefore there must be some changes to adapt to the new modern life. For example:
- Many families start burning joss paper carps instead of releasing the real carps.
Reason: Water pollution in big cities in Vietnam is quite a problem, and no Vietnamese wants their fish to die on the way to Heaven. So a paper version is better for the fish, for the family’s own luck and a bit for the pocket money.
- In the past, people may perform the ritual from 20th of Lunar December on. However now, like my family, many house-owners burn the joss paper in the closest weekend to the 23rd of Lunar December because of their spare time in the weekend.
- Offering food used to be complicated and heavy in protein. Nowadays, more families start to be more minimal because of the economy decline and health benefits.
Still, must-have items are: some uncooked rice, some salt, some boiled lean pork, some sticky rice and some rice alcohol.
Here is a video I just made about this ritual in my hometown - Haiphong city. More videos will come soon, about Tet holiday and other topics. Stay tuned by clicking Subscribe and tell me how you feel about the video and this writing too.
Does your country have some similar tradition? What do you think about this Kitchen Gods story and this Vietnamese tradition? If you have any questions, of course, raise your voice!
Chưa hết serie cũ, mình đã ra serie mới vào thời điểm đặc biệt này của năm: Tếtttttt. Mà là Tết miền Bắc thui, vì mình chưa có sống ở Miền Nam cái Tết nào. Tết là gì mà sao người ta đốt giấy nhiều thế nhỉ?
Tết ở Việt Nam được chuẩn bị chu đáo từ trước ngày mùng 1 Tết rất lâu. Giữa cơ man lễ lạt thì lễ cúng Ông Công Ông Táo gần như là hồi chuông báo “Tết tới rồi!” cho người Việt.
Ngày ông Táo lên trời là 23 tháng Chạp, cái ngày mà cổng Thiên Đình mở ra để đón các Táo về báo cáo với Ngọc Hoàng thành tựu 1 năm của gia đình. Nhờ vào báo cáo này mà Ngọc Hoàng sẽ quyết định thưởng hay phạt gia đình đó.
Truyền thuyết Táo Quân ở Việt Nam thì khác với bản gốc từ Trung Hoa. Bản Việt như một câu chuyện siêu lãng mạn, nhưng cũng rất bi đát:
Trọng Cao có vợ là Thị Nhi ăn ở với nhau đã lâu mà không con, nên sinh ra buồn phiền, hay cãi cọ nhau. Một hôm, Trọng Cao giận quá, đánh vợ. Thị Nhi bỏ nhà ra đi sau đó gặp và bằng lòng làm vợ Phạm Lang. Khi Trọng Cao hết giận vợ, nghĩ lại mình cũng có lỗi nên đi tìm vợ. Khi đi tìm vì tiền bạc đem theo đều tiêu hết nên Trọng Cao đành phải đi ăn xin.
Khi Trọng Cao đến ăn xin nhà Thị Nhi, thì hai bên nhận ra nhau. Thị Nhi rước Trọng Cao vào nhà, hai người kể chuyện và Thị Nhi tỏ lòng ân hận vì đã trót lấy Phạm Lang làm chồng.
Phạm Lang trở về nhà, sợ chồng bắt gặp Trọng Cao nơi đây thì khó giải thích, nên Thị Nhi bảo Trọng Cao ẩn trong đống rơm ngoài vườn. Phạm Lang về nhà liền ra đốt đống rơm để lấy tro bón ruộng. Trọng Cao không dám chui ra nên bị chết thiêu. Thị Nhi trong nhà chạy ra thấy Trọng Cao đã chết bởi sự sắp đặt của mình nên nhào vào đống rơm đang cháy để chết theo.
Phạm Lang gặp tình cảnh quá bất ngờ, thấy vợ chết không biết tính sao, liền nhảy vào đống rơm đang cháy để chết theo vợ.
Linh hồn của ba vị được đưa lên Thượng đế. Thượng đế thấy ba người đều có nghĩa, nên sắc phong cho làm Táo Quân, gọi chung là: Định Phúc Táo Quân (定福灶君), nhưng mỗi người giữ một việc:
Phạm Lang làm Thổ Công, trông coi việc bếp.
Trọng Cao làm Thổ Địa, trông coi việc nhà cửa.
Thị Nhi làm Thổ Kỳ, trông coi việc chợ búa.
3 bộ quần áo mã (2 bộ nam, 1 bộ nữ), mỗi bộ có: 1 mũ, 1 đôi hài và 1 bộ quần áo.
Một ít tiền vàng làm lệ phí đi đường cho các Táo.
3 con cá chép sống để làm phương tiện cho các Táo chầu Trời. Người ta tin là cá chép rồi sẽ hóa rồng và sẽ đưa Táo lên trời. Sau khi hóa vàng, cá chép được thả ở chỗ nước thoát với mong muốn mang lại may mắn cho người phóng sinh.
Bài vị của năm cũ: ở miền Bắc, gia đình tới đình, chùa và nhờ người viết sớ thuê viết “báo cáo” cho gia đình mình.
Một ít hoa (thường có hoa cúc), hoa quả tươi và đồ ăn do gia chủ chọn.
Bàn thờ gia tiên được lau dọn cẩn thận để chuẩn bị cho năm mới. Lễ vật được bày lên ban gia tiên cũng như bàn thờ tạm ở gần bếp. Sau khi hồi nhang đã tắt, gia chủ mang tiền vàng và đồ cho Táo ra hóa, phóng sinh cá chép với lòng tin là các Táo sẽ nhận được những lễ vật này để lên chầu Trời.
Cổng Thiên Đình được mở ra vào ngày 23 tháng Chạp, vì thế mà các nhà thường làm lễ cúng trước đó để tránh “tắc đường” cho các Táo. Trong trường hợp mà Táo không lên Thiên Đình được đúng ngày, gia đình sẽ bị Ngọc Hoàng định tội.
Việt Nam đã và đang phát triển khá mạnh, thế nên phong tục cúng Ông Công Ông Táo cũng cần được biến chuyển đi một chút để hội nhập xu thế thời đại mới. Tỉ dụ như:
Nhiều gia đình bắt đầu đốt vàng mã cá chép thay vì thả cá chép sống như trước.
Lý do: Ở các thành phố lớn, ô nhiễm nguồn nước là vấn đề khá *nhức nhối*, và chả ai muốn cá mình mới thả ra đã toi cả. Vậy nên cá mã vừa tốt cho cá sống, vừa tốt cho phúc của gia đình và tiết kiệm được cả cho túi tiền (vì ko phải mua cá sống).
Ngày xưa thì các nhà hay bắt đầu cúng từ ngày 20 tháng chạp. Giờ thì nhiều nhà tiễn các Cá đi từ sớm, thường là vào cuối tuần gần nhất ngày 23 vì họ có nhiều thời gian rảnh hơn vào lúc này.
Đồ cúng ngày trước thường khá cầu kỳ và nhiều đạm. Giờ đây, nhiều nhà tiết giảm cho tiết kiệm và cho cả sức khỏe nữa.
Tuy vậy, những món đồ cần có trên mâm cúng vẫn là: gạo, muối, thịt lợn nạc vai luộc, xôi và rượu nếp.
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vô hại, bất khuất
by BurnedGrass
Mary Bonnet gặp một vài vị khách không mời mà tới.
Words: 2681, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Tiếng Việt
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Doug (Our Flag Means Death), Israel Hands, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Stede Bonnet (Mentioned), The Widow Evelyn Higgens
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Mary Allamby Bonnet, Mary Allamby Bonnet/Doug
Additional Tags: Miscommunication, Post-Season/Series 01, Post-Canon, Fix-It, Ed found out that Stede died, Hurt/Comfort, Mary is the best and we stan her in this house, Bản dịch Tiếng Việt | Translation in Vietnamese
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39515001
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pandora-box-of-mind · 7 years
Nhân vật Neon Genesis Evangelion yêu thích của bạn là ai? (Xin lỗi vì người Việt xấu - Tôi vẫn học!)
Oh my god, I’m sorry, I haven’t checked my message box for a while.Well, about your question, I like all of them but probably prefer Kaworu more. I just like white hair boys ^^
And your Vietnamese is fine, maybe it isn’t perfect but it’s understandable :’)Cố lên!
P/s: "xin lỗi vì người Việt xấu" is actually "sorry for bad Vietnamese people" instead of "sorry for my bad Vietnamese". Google translate doesn't understand the difference between "tiếng Việt" (language) and "người Việt" (people) when it comes to "Vietnamese", and while "bad" does mean "xấu", it actually means "dở", "kém" when you talk about skills. So that whole sentence should be "Xin lỗi vì tiếng Việt của tôi kém". Thanks to "tôi vẫn học" to help me understand what "xin lỗi vì người Việt xấu" means.P/s2: "Tôi vẫn đang học" is better than "tôi vẫn học" because nothing sounds more "continuing" than the phrase "vẫn đang". Hope this help!
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foryourinsight · 7 years
Notebook 1
The ‘object’ that I chose for this notebook is the Southern Vietnam national anthem “Tiếng Gọi Công Dân”. The first version of the anthem was created when the Vietnamese people were fighting for independence against the French by Lưu Hữu Phước. He wrote the lyrics to the anthem while he was a student during World War II. It got known through other students. At the time, he was rallying students so the anthem was to gather the youth of Vietnam.  In 1954, the Geneva Accord split Vietnam into two. In 1955, when the independence from France occurred Ngô Đình Diệm restructured the lyrics to include everyone since the song was mostly promoted for youth. South Vietnam adopted the song after Saigon fell. Today Vietnam, which is currently a communist country, still use this song as one of their anthems; however, the lyrics are a bit different.
 I think that the anthem relates to the theme of War and the Figure of the Refugee since the anthem was used when the Vietnamese people were at war and the fact that the North American Vietnamese people still use this song during events. I came across this anthem when my parents decided to send me to a local Vietnamese School that spread the Vietnamese culture where I live when I was about 12 years old. The organization was called Hội Người Việt which stood basically translates to The Vietnamese People. The school’s name was Việt Ngữ Văn Long. During the six years that I was learning the Vietnamese language, there were many traditions that I learned about. The first was that the first week of every month all the students were to sing the anthem. After a year, I was one of the students that stood in the front singing the anthem. This specific anthem that I learned is actually the third national anthem of the Republic of Vietnam from 1956 until 1975.
 This anthem circulated from when the Republic of Vietnam was created in 1956 to today in the United States; however, this anthem also was around the communists in the North of Vietnam. Nation, in this case, is where people are recognized in and where they are accepted in. During the time when there was a united Vietnam fighting for the independence of Vietnam the people came together; however, when Vietnam split into two governments the people had to choose which side that they belong in. Once the two governments split war took place. The South Vietnamese people used this anthem to help promote the war while it was going on and to get more people to join their side. During this time my grandfather had was enlisted to fight in the war with South Vietnam. The last memory that my mother has of her father was when he gave her one of his tags when he was on his way to leave Saigon. I’m not sure whether it was a few months or years after but when a neighbor from the same town my mother lived in came back he told the family that my grandfather had died by stepping on a bomb and exploded. I don’t know if this was how my grandfather died for sure, but the only thing I’m sure of is that he did not make it because I have not seen him yet. In North Vietnam, this anthem circulated as a revolutionary song. In the United States, this anthem is used to remember their old country that they used to live in. This anthem is widely used by Vietnamese refugees in other countries as well. This anthem could also mean that although the South had lost the war there are still Vietnamese people around the globe that are from the South. In other words, the war was not lost because they still have the thoughts and ideas of the South within the refugees and their descendants.
Link to the song and the Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsB1XE-sb7U
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obinbooks · 5 years
[Pseudo-Emacs] Viết Tiếng Việt trong Emacs
[Pseudo-Emacs] Viết Tiếng Việt trong Emacs
This is used to set up the language interactively (Dùng để set language tại cửa sổ Emacs hiện hành).
Look up the supported language environment
M-x describe-language-environment
Then Enter
Then Type “Vietnamese”
Break it down:
M-x means Alt+x
Type this “describe-language-environment” into the console
or (guru)
C-h L
Set language environment
M-x set-language-environment
Break it…
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sortsalmon6-blog · 6 years
The Excellent Compassion Mantra or Excellent Dharani Mantra
Chú Đại Bi The Fantastic Compassion Mantra or Great Dharani Mantra (Vietnamese: Chú Đại Bi) is most likely the 2nd most well-known mantra following Om Mani Padme Hum. 84 is a stunning determine in Buddhism, though it is a comparatively long mantra, but it is recited by a lot of Buddhist Buddhists to demonstrate compassion to all sentient beings. About the world, tens of millions of Buddhists chanting Excellent Compassion Mantra (much more: cách tụng Chú Đại Bi bằng tiếng Việt) of the Avalokitesvara in get to enjoy the enormous positive aspects of the healing, defense and purification of the mantras. Why is Dai Bi well-liked? Simply because it carries a fantastic significance (much more: ý nghĩa Chú Đại Bi), it shows the infinite compassion of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for all sentient beings. This is the main of the Bodhisattva's compassionate mission. Rewards excellent of Wonderful Dharani Mantra as taught in the sutras, are purification of karma, purification, therapeutic and security. With great compassion, Dai Bi can minimize the suffering and difficulties of every species on the planet. For Buddhist followers of Mahayana Buddhism, everyone knows the Fantastic Compassion, the benefits that the mantra provide is not possible to all. For that reason, Buddhists recite this mantra extremely much, they often go Buddhist temple, vegetarian, free start and charity. Probably, Wonderful Compassion has positively motivated a particular portion of their minds, increasing compassion and adore in a physique that should continuously experience the adversities of lifestyle. Mantras are frequently sung or recited in Sanskrit, not in English, Thai, Vietnamese or Chinese translations. Translations typically call for a translator to study in depth the indicating of the term, but like any other spell, the which means of the word does not make a difference. Sanskrit is a language of "sacred" syllables, not just words and phrases that are shaped, but also sacred sounds with its invisible meaning. For this cause, Great Dharani is frequently recited in Sanskrit.
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