#ticklish!dipper pines
shamelessler · 3 months
Hi! Do you have any gravity falls tickle headcanons?
A/N: Sorry it took a couple days! I just wrote all these pretty recently<3 Also this is my AU where Bill is turned to a human the summer after his defeat and must spend his time on earth fixing his mistakes
if you want more for the other characters or one of the characters listed here my ask box is ALWAYS open!!
Dipper Pines
He’s canonically very ticklish, much to his disappointment
Usually the loser in every tickle fight he’s ever been in
Genuinely hates being tickled but puts up with it on Mabel’s behalf because she has so much fun
Doesn’t like the feeling of being out of control because he’s a little control freak no matter which way you look at it
His armpits are one of his worst spots
When tickled he’s not a huge squirmer, he’s more of a deer in headlights and will just freeze and laugh like crazy
Kinda of forgets that fighting back is an option because…he’s Dipper.
He has a hard time thinking straight when he’s tickled, so Mabel tickles him when he’s working too hard to distract him
Comfort tickles and soft tickles make him regress
He doesn’t really enjoy tickling all that much because he thinks it’s annoying, but if he had to pick, he’d be a ler….even though he’s usually a lee anyways.
He’s a lee in denial
On the rare occasion that he gets the upper hand he is a really shy ler
He would be a little intimidated by the lee’s reactions and constantly ask them if they were okay
He doesn’t mean to fluster the lee when he’s checking up on them and asking them if they want a different spot, but his cluelessness makes it so much worse
Only really enjoys tickling Mabel because it brings him back to his childhood but he’ll tickle anyone if they get on his nerves enough
I headcanon that he’s a regressor, so I’ll just say this: he enjoys being tickled much more when he’s small
Tickling is a supremely childish thing to him and can’t bring himself to enjoy it unless he’s tiny
Usually his tickling style is soft and gentle
Mabel Pines
Tickling is one of her favorite activities when it comes to bonding with people!
I guess you could say it’s her love language
She’s 50/50, doesn’t mind being a lee or a ler
It goes without saying that tickle fights are always started by her, if there is a tickle fight in a 10-mile radius she’s somehow the one who started it
I think she likes tickling people because it’s the most fun way of cheering people up!
She’s huge on consent and very easily spots when the lee in uncomfortable and then stops immediately
Tends to tickle a little on the rough side but if the lee wants soft tickles, she’ll do her best
Gives the lee a safe word before starting, even though she can tell when they’ve had enough because she wants them to know she listens to them
Wasn’t very good at boundaries as a kid and she’s learned most of what she knows about when someone doesn’t want to be tickled or touched by growing up with Dipper
Encourages the lee to tickle her back if she goes too far
Adores being tickled by Grenda and Candy specifically
If you tickle her, she will take that as a compliment no matter what because her mind works like “If you want to tickle me, that means you like my laugh!”
Only doesn’t like being tickled if it’s by people she’s deeply discomforted by, like the gnomes or Gideon
Teasing comes naturally to her and she is literally relentless when it comes to verbal teasing
Not a big fan of nonverbal teasing because she prefers to speak her mind and show her love through words
Prideful when it comes to tickling Dipper and would prefer to win a tickle fight with him because they turn everything into a competition
She doesn’t have many tickle spots, but the places where she is ticklish made her scream laugh
Said “scream laugh spots” consist of her knees(behind and on top) and the spot where her ribs meet her armpits
Her laugh is very similar to Dipper’s and when they’re having tickle fights it’s a little hard to tell who is laughing
She’s the opposite of Dipper when it comes to squirming, she flops around like a fish on land even though she likes it she can’t help but wriggle away, so she needs to be held still
Bill Cipher
Only enjoys tickling other people because he likes being in power, it has nothing to do with the lee’s enjoyment
…Except for when it comes to Ford. He would never admit it in his thousands of years being alive, but he specifically tickles Ford to hear his laughter
Didn’t know what tickling was before Mabel tickled him in Sock Opera
He tried tickling himself afterwards but he didn’t feel anything so he just assumed he wasn’t ticklish (he didn’t realize you can’t tickle yourself)
Combines verbal and nonverbal teasing, but only uses it if it worsens the sensation
He can’t stand the taste of his own medicine
The only people he allows to tickle him is Mabel and Ford
When the Pine’s family realized Bill was ticklish, tickles became a way to discourage bad behavior very quickly
Bill pretends to hate being tickled, claiming that he hates his stupid flesh bag of a body because it made him weak to childish human things like tickling
He’s a little intimidated by the threat of tickles, but at the same time he’s very interested in it
Ford is Bill’s caretaker and keeps him under control down in the lab, during the weekly checkups Ford almost always notices Bill squirming when Ford is examining him
He’s a lee leaning switch in denial
When he’s tickled his laughter comes out as very maniacal and evil, but if you tickle the right spot his real laugh will show
His real laughter is strangely sweet
It’s filled with high pitched gasps, and he tends to snort if he’s tickled for too long
Extremely embarrassed by the snorting and when he starts to feel the snorts coming, he begins to beg just in hopes that the ler won’t find out…poor baby!
Squirmiest little thing ever
Most ticklish on his feet
He’s very flustered by his ler talking about his ticklishness out loud
Soft tickles make him melt because he’s not used to affectionate tickling (or tickling in general)
Ler leaning switch
Of course he’s a good ler, he has 2 extra fingers
He was much more ticklish as a kid
Stan tickled him daily when he was a kid
Kept only one really bad spot from his childhood, that being his neck
His laughter goes squeaky when he’s given raspberries
Tracing his palm and fingers make him melt
Not really because it tickled as much but it just makes him feel so validated that his biggest insecurity is getting that much attention and adoration
He’s only ticklish in a few spots, his torso is practically unfeeling due to how many times Stan got him there
From his hips to his feet are filled with a goldmine of spots that all produce different adorable reactions
(But soft tickles work really well anywhere because he’s not used to them shh)
Tickles Stan and Bill the most cuz…revenge.
Isn’t too big on verbal teasing and will mostly just make stupid faces at you once he finds where you’re ticklish and then quickly tasers that spot
Only uses verbal teasing when it comes to Bill because it affects him way more than nonverbal teases
Pretends to take notes on how you react (this has Bill absolutely in tears and whining poor little chaos demon thing😪 kinda deserves it tho)
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gaybananabread · 8 months
hii! for the tickletober prompts, how about lee dipper with day 12? like the ler (they can be whoever you see fit!) knows/discovers he is really weak to them so they get him. hope you're doing well!
TickleTober Day 12 - Nibbles/Bites
Thank you! I had a helluva time picking a ler for this, but I think Stan fits best. I need to write for him more anyways. This idea ironically happened less than 10 minutes after I finally chose Stan. My brain is weird like that (TvT). I hope you have a fun spooky season, Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Stan
Summary: Dipper is stressing out over the summer spooky season. Stan decides he needs a visit from a special kind of monster.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Once again, the Gravity Falls Summerween store opened its doors. The odd tradition began again for the year, residents joyful as they picked out candies and decided on costumes. Well, every resident but one.
A certain brown-haired, blue-hatted tween was sitting in the Mystery Shack gift shop, biting at his fingers. Ever since the whole "Summerween Trickster" fiasco, Dipper had been wary of the town's strange holiday. He would never forget the scene of Soos eating that thing…ugh.
Stan was taking inventory, making sure nobody had nicked any of his moderately overpriced merchandise. His eyes eventually drifted over to his worrisome great-nephew. That kid would worry himself into the ground if Stan let him…
"Hey picks-a-lot, those cuticles taste good?" He walked over to the teen, flicking the bill of his hat. The older man didn't mean anything malicious by it. He's just unapologetically mean sometimes. Dipper was used to his Grunkle's antics, brushing the comment off.
Dipper tucked his hands in his jacket, looking down at the register. "Sorry Stan. Just thinking about…stuff." He hadn't realized he'd been biting his fingers again. It was an old habit, one he wasn't keen on picking back up. Yet there it was.
The uneasy expression on his face was barely hidden. Stan didn't really know what to do about the kid's nerves. Normally, he'd sick Mabel on him. The tween was out with Candy and Grenda, so that wasn't an option. What to do, what to do…
"Uh…look kid. You want the rest of your shift off? I've got the shop covered, and you look pretty dead." He gave it to the kid straight. Dipper looked like he was one loud noise away from snapping, his fraying nerves and general high-strung mindset on overdrive. Stan could handle the almost empty gift shop, Tuesdays were always slow.
Dipper nodded, hopping off the creaky cashier stool stool. "Yeah, please. Thanks, Grunkle Stan." He lumbered up the steps to the attic, gently closing the door to his shared room behind him.
What was Stan gonna do with that kid?
The next few days weren't any better. With the rapidly approaching local holiday, Dipper's nerves only grew. Mabel didn't really notice, too enamored by costume ideas and trying to figure out Waddles's measurements.
He didn't really know the absolute cause of his worry. Was it the chance of Mabel getting hurt? The possibility of another garbage candy monster? The fact that he still can't unsee Soos eating his way out of the monster? All are good guesses. He just wished he could pinpoint which one it was.
His antsy demeanor hadn't gone unnoticed by the other Mystery Shack residents. Soos had tried to get him to play some arcade games at the mall, but he just wasn't up for it. Wendy had little to no luck, her attempts to get him to loosen up going nowhere. It was up to Stan…and he had no idea what to do.
He had tried things that worked before, offering him an extra break and listening to his rants about the Journals. Dipper just wasn't up for infodumping at the moment, and he just got lost in thought on his breaks. On the morning of SummerWeen, Stan finally threw in the towel. He did the only thing he had left; asking Mabel what to do.
When he opened the door, Stan was met with Mabel trying to put a superhero suit on Waddles. She was dressed in similar attire, her cape dragging behind her. "Oh, hey Grunkle Stan! You come to see the best heros this side of the Falls kick some butt?"
Stan chuckled, shaking his head. He felt a bit bad for the pig, he doubted those tights were comfortable. Better Waddles than him, though. "Nah, I'll be quick. What should I do to get your brother to loosen up? Kid's been freakin' all week."
Mabel's eyes widened as he said this, her brain quickly piecing together the signs she hadn't noticed. "Crud…he has been anxious." She fidgeted with her hair, giving the pig a moment to nibble on his cape. "I normally talk him down, but if that hasn't worked…maybe make him laugh?"
Stan sighed as she said this. He considered himself a pretty funny guy, but his humor normally made Dipper groan or question his existence. Not the best for making Dipper laugh, though it always gets a chuckle out of himself
His thoughts wandered to the times he had made the kid snicker, landing on a few well-timed zings and one-liners. The last was when he had been messing around with Dipper in the gift shop. He poked his great-nephew's side, and he squealed. He hadn't done anything then, but now? Oh, it's perfect.
"Hey Mabel…your dorky brother is stupid ticklish, right?" She nodded, a smile slowly forming on her face as she figured out her Grunkle's intentions. Waddles nudged her arm, showing off the lovely slobber stain in his cape fabric. "Silly guy, now I gotta redo your cape! Grunkle Stan, do you think you can get Dipper to be less Dipper-ish by 6:30? Our costumes this year are super, heheh"
Stan rolled his eyes, his mischievous mind racing with ideas of how to get Dipper back to normal. Well, as normal as the tween gets. "Yeah, alright. If you hear girlish screaming, cheer me on." He shut the door behind him, leaving his grand-niece to her silliness. That kid never fails to make him smile.
Dipper was in the living room, a costume hung on the chair in front of him. Mabel's costume idea that summer was super heros, with him being the villain. It was actually kinda cool, with the utility belt of fake gadgets he and Mabel had put together. The only problem was him.
He was worried about putting the costume on. First off, it would mean going out and trick-or-treating with Mabel. Nothing's wrong with it, his brain was just telling him it's childish. There's also the fact that he's worried the Trickster might come back. Black licorice was bad enough before, but now he can't look at a stick without getting shivers. They very easily could've died.
Stan was creeping in the doorway, watching the tween's inner dilemma. If he wanted to be mean, he could've scared the crap out of him. But, showing a shocking amount of restraint, he knocked on the doorway. Stan walked over to him, ruffling the boy's hair. "Anybody home up there?"
Dipper, successfully snapped out of his daze, swatted at his Grunkle's hand. "Stan! Knock it off!" The older man chuckled, pulling his hand away and smirking down at the tween. That look…he knew that look. The look that meant Grunkle Stan was up to absolutely no good. "Stan…?"
He barely gave Dipper time to think before he snatched his great-nephew in his arms. It killed Stan's back, but it was worth it to hear the shocked yelp and protests from the kid. "Put me down! Stan- get off! Mabel!"
Stan flopped down in his recliner, holding Dipper in his lap. No help was coming for the boy. Mabel was in on it, as he quickly learned, and nobody else was at the Shack. It was just him, Stan, and the evil look on the older man's face as he wiggled his fingers. Crud.
"You worry too much, kid. You're gonna have more grays than me, and I put up with all'a you!" Those wiggling fingers were getting a bit too close to his stomach for comfort. Dipper squirmed, but with the way Stan held him, he was trapped. "Always thinkin' about these monsters and crazy creature things. You're so stuck in yer head, you didn't even notice the monster right in front of ya…"
He tazed Dipper's side, making him squeak at the unexpected touch. "Stahan, wait, plehehease-" He was so unbelievably screwed. "The TICKLE MONSTER!" Stan finally put his wiggling fingers on the boy's stomach, clawing and digging into the ticklish area.
Dipper squealed, shoving at his Grunkle's hands and writhing in his lap. His negative and anxious thoughts quickly faded to fuzzy, ticklish surprise. He hadn't expected this from Stan of all people. Mabel, absolutely, but Stan? He didn't really know how to react. "STAHAHAN! WHAHAHAT ARE YOUHU DOHOIHING?!"
"What's it feel like I'm doing, ya goofus? I'm tickling the snot outta ya. Now hold still." He spidered his fingers across his belly, making sure to get a few scratches in his belly button. "GEHEHET OFF! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHAN!"
Dipper kicked his legs, wishing the recliner was bigger. He barely had any room on Stan's lap, his legs nearly hanging off the armrest. Stan had him positioned so that his midsection was almost unprotectable, his arms practically pinned to his sides.
The tickling, as unexpected as it was, wasn't awful. He'd never tell the old man, but he was having a bit of fun. It was nice to let loose, to let his worrisome thoughts melt into giggles and squeaks.
The boy's laughter was, in Stan's eyes, adorable. It was nice to see the nervous kid laugh like that. Thinking of the night to come, he imagined the kids' costumes and candy-grab ideas. Candy...an evil idea bloomed in his mind. An evil, ticklish, awful idea. "I'm getting pretty hungry, Dipper. Might just have a quick snack…" He pulled up Dipper's shirt, waiting for the teen to catch on.
And catch on he did.
"Stahahan- Stan don't! Nonononoho!" Dipper's eyes went wide when he figured out Stan's plan. There's no way he could handle those. The tween desperately tried to get away, kicking out and trying to grab his Grunkle's hands.
His Grunkle easily pinned Dipper's hands, smirking down at him. It was almost too easy. Stan lowered his head, nibbling on his great-nephew's poor belly.
Dipper shrieked.
"NAHAHAHA! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHA- STAHAHAP!" He tossed his head back, kicking and thrashing under the ticklish nibbles. Stan's old man stubble wasn't helping. The scratchy texture made it so much worse.
Stan was enjoying himself. Hearing the kid's laughter reminded him of the stupid things he and his brother would do as kids, the fun they'd have. Before it all went south, they'd do this all the time. The best part was that he knew Dipper didn't mind it.
Just to be a jerk, he started making little "nom" noises as he nibbled the boy's stomach. Dipper twisted and shoved at his head, but Stan wouldn't budge. The tween resisted the urge to hit at Stan's head, instead gripping his silver hair. He didn't tug, but just grabbed on, needing something to do with his hands.
The nibbles traveled across his midsection, going from his stomach to his ribs, then back down to his belly button. Dipper was in stitches, the simple action reducing him to a cackling mess. He could barely think, his mind reeling at the assault on his nervous system. It wasn't bad, but it was mean.
Dipper managed to last for another two minutes before reaching his limit. The boy's laughter had taken on a breathy edge, his thrashing slowed with exhaustion. He patted the top of his Grunkle's head, tapping out.
Just like that, the torturous sensations stopped. Stan chuckled, raising his head and rubbing his great-nephew's midsection to try and ease the phantom tickles. Dipper curled into himself as he giggled out the leftover buzz. "Youhuhu…you suhuck…"
That got him a poke to the side. "Watch it, giggles." And Dipper, not having much of a choice, giggled. Stan let him go with a knowing smirk. The tween quickly slid off his lap, rubbing his sides. The clock read 5:30, just in time for him to get ready. "Your sister wants you dressed in an hour. Don't be late."
He left the room, leaving Dipper alone with his costume. Stan knew it wasn't a permanent fix. The boy was always stressing about something. He just hoped that the playful moment eased his worries for the night. Those kids deserve a good night.
The tween looked over at the suit, a small smile still on his face. The negative thoughts from before were gone, replaced with a light and happy feeling. He picked up the dark fabric, sliding the mask on over his red face. Maybe the night wouldn't be so bad after all…
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
Experience (Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica)
Summary: Pacifica feels out of her element when she watches the twins roughhouse. Lucky for her, Dipper doesn’t mind showing her how it’s done. (Based on a prompt by the lovely @veryblushyswitch!! This could be interpreted as Dipcifica, I do hint to a bit of crushing but the fic could be read as totally platonic too. Hope you enjoy it!)
Pacifica Northwest had not had a normal childhood. Well, that was selling it quite short. She had grown up as a rich, spoiled child who was cared for by nannies rather than her own parents. All of her friends were hand-picked and approved, other children who were trained to smile and look pretty, to obey. And, as the only heir to the Northwest name, she had no siblings to play with, leaving her to use her imagination as she played with expensive, porcelain dolls.
Most of the people in Gravity Falls were terrified of her, or treated her as some sort of celebrity. They were desperate for her approval and attention, but only knew the most basic, textbook facts about her. Yes, it was a privileged and comfortable life, but it was lonely in its own special way.
It wasn’t until Pacifica met Dipper and Mabel Pines that she realized all that she had missed out on. She watched the way that the two of them interacted with one another, or with their great-uncles, or their friends, and a wave of jealousy went through her.
Although their relationship had gotten off to a rocky start, Pacifica quickly grew to view the Pines twins as the friends she had always longed to have. Their chaos, creativity, and genuine kindness were all traits that she had rarely seen in the people her family allowed her to socialize with. It was a very welcome change of pace.
Speaking of chaos, it was rare to be around Dipper and Mabel and not be drawn into the madness of their everyday life if Gravity Falls. When they weren’t getting into trouble with the various creatures around, they were causing trouble around the Mystery Shack.
Pacifica had come over to join the twins for a double-feature of two terrible films for the sole purpose of making fun of said films, and the afternoon had ended with Mabel pinning Dipper to the floor and tickling him until he swore that she could pick the movie next time. Pacifica had sat to the side, watching them with the curiosity of the sheltered child that she was.
She couldn’t even remember the last time someone had tickled her, or if she was even ticklish herself. As she watched Mabel shriek when Dipper’s hands struck a counter-attack on her sides, she couldn’t help but feel left out of the fun. Despite becoming friends, she felt that Dipper and Mabel still had an image of her in their heads, the untouchable and spoiled girl she used to be (and still slipped back into the act on occasion) and therefore, she was left out of the roughhousing. Was it strange that she wanted to experience that?
After Dipper had agreed to Mabel’s terms, he looked flustered beyond belief, and he was winded as though he’d run a marathon. Pacifica would almost dare to say he looked cute. Before she could entertain the thought further, Mabel was grabbing her hand and dragging her upstairs to read the new magazines she’d gotten, complete with boy band posters and makeup tips galore.
She was allowed to spend the night, and Dipper, likely traumatized by all the long nights with Candy and Grenda, had gone to sleep on the couch downstairs for the night.
For such an energetic girl, Mabel was quick to fall asleep, leaving Pacifica alone with her thoughts for just a few minutes, and she tentatively ran her own dainty fingers over her stomach beneath the blanket, and felt no urge to laugh or twitch away. She remembered reading somewhere that it was impossible to tickle yourself, but she figured it was worth a shot. She drifted off to the sound of Mabel’s breathing shortly after.
The next morning, Mabel shook her awake with unnecessary urgency, with the excuse that Stan was making pancakes for breakfast, and they needed to stack their plates before Dipper went back for a second helping.
The two girls made their way down the creaky stairs of the Mystery Shack, Mabel humming to herself the whole way. Pacifica was surprised to see how much energy she had in the mornings, but followed without comment.
As they entered the kitchen, Mabel grabbed two plates and began tossing pancakes onto them both while Pacifica took a seat next to Dipper at the table. Stan offered her a toothy grin, and Ford gave her a polite nod over his newspaper. Dipper gave her a little smile before shoveling another forkful of pancake into his mouth. Mabel held most of the conversation at the table, and once they were all finished eating, the twins got to helping their great-uncles with the dishes.
Pacifica wasn’t sure how to be helpful, having never really done her own chores before, but Dipper seemed to notice her hesitation and asked her to help him dry off the plates and hand them over to Mabel. She did so, forming a nice assembly line that got the kitchen clean quickly, letting the kids run back up to the attic to plan their activities for the day.
“Oh, I totally forgot!” Mabel suddenly exclaimed. “I’m supposed to go to Candy’s house today! She wants to show Grenda and I the stuff she made at robotics camp!”
Pacifica really didn’t want to go home yet, but she barely had time to accept that fate before Dipper spoke up.
“That’s alright Mabel, Pacifica and I won’t go on any cool adventures without you,” he promised.
Mabel grinned before running off to the bathroom to get dressed and ready for the day, leaving Pacifica sitting on her bed, feeling Dipper’s eyes on her.
“What are you smiling at?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Dipper flushed. “Oh, sorry, I just…I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without any makeup, or jewelry. You actually look like we’re the same age when you aren’t all dressed up.”
Pacifica had honestly forgotten that she had washed off her signature purple eyeshadow and removed her earrings and bracelet before bed last night, and her own cheeks went a little pink as she realized she had been seen by the whole Pines family with a messy ponytail, and wearing a pair of Mabel’s baggy sleep shorts. “Thanks, I think?” she said.
“Don’t get used to me complimenting you,” he replied, but his grin told her he was joking.
Mabel returned shortly after, telling Pacifica that she could raid her closet for whatever she wanted, before giving her a hug and leaving again, the sound of her calling goodbye to Stan and Ford echoing throughout the house.
“So,” Dipper said. “Since I promised we wouldn’t do anything exciting without Mabel, I don’t really have any good ideas for the day. I wanted to show you something cool, y’know, but I don’t want to do anything too crazy for your first time, but I still want it to—”
“It’s okay,” she assured him. “I don’t need to hunt down some weird creature to have a good time, you know. We can just…I don’t know, watch another movie?”
Dipper’s nervous expression softened at that. “Okay!”
Pacifica took Mabel’s offer to borrow some clothes, taking a pair of denim shorts and a purple sweater which boasted a puppy playing basketball on it, and took the borrowed outfit into the bathroom to change and give Dipper the privacy to do the same.
They met up back in the living room, with Dipper already flipping through a stack of DVDs.
“Now that Mabel isn’t here, I don’t have to sit through a rom-com,” he said cheerfully, but then frowned. “Unless you want to, that is. I picked yesterday, so if you have something else you’d rather watch, we totally can watch that instead.”
The mention of his promise to Mabel only reminded her of the thoughts she’d had the night before. Still, Pacifica chuckled at his rambling. “Pick whatever you want. I liked the ones we watched last night, they were cool.”
Dipper’s face lit up once again, and plucked a DVD out of the pile, popping it into the player before joining her on the couch.
Pacifica had already swallowed her pride so many times recently: Dealing with the significant drop in her family’s wealth was a good example. So, there was really no reason to hold back what she was thinking. Besides, while Mabel was probably her best friend, it felt easier to talk to Dipper, after he’d seen her vulnerable, crying in a closet at a party, or covered in dirt and grime during a battle with a triangle demon. What did she have to be nervous about?
“Sorry I didn’t like, help you when Mabel was bothering you,” she said. “I’ve never really…had a tickle fight before? So I didn’t know if I should try to intervene.”
Dipper, who was still digging for the remote amongst the couch cushions, raised an eyebrow. “It’s okay, I mean, there really is no etiquette to it…But you’ve never had a tickle fight before? Like, ever?”
She shook her head. “I don’t have siblings, and none of my friends were the touchy type.”
“But, it’s…That’s just, like, a rite of passage in life!” Dipper said. “I don’t think I’ve gone a week of my life without Mabel tickling me.”
“Well, you seem really ticklish, so I guess it’s hard to resist,” Pacifica replied, smirking.
Dipper’s cheeks went red, but he narrowed his eyes. “Well, maybe it’s time you experience it, since you want to talk all confidently.”
Pacifica didn’t say anything, just widened her eyes in anticipation as Dipper’s hands reached out and grabbed at her sides, fingers wiggling.
The surprised, genuine laughter that burst from her lips was foreign even to her; she couldn’t remember if she had ever laughed that hard. The sensation was overwhelming, and although her body was screaming for her to escape, she was…having fun.
She brought her knees up to her chest, a poor attempt at defending her torso, and Dipper just gleefully began squeezing her knees, making her squeal. It was surely the most undignified sound to ever leave her lips, and she couldn’t even be bothered to care.
Not quite knowing what she was doing, she reached her hands out and poked her fingers into Dipper’s stomach, and felt proud when he began to giggle too.
While Pacifica was clearly quite ticklish, Dipper was apparently absurdly sensitive, and so his laughter quickly overpowered hers, making her feel mischievous and proud, a grin stretching across her face.
Dipper was quickly backed into the corner of the couch, Pacifica hovering over him and using one hand to scribble at his neck while the other snuck behind his knee, making him cackle. It was actually pretty cute, but that was a thought to analyze another time.
She assumed that she had won the tickle fight, a victory on her first try, but she wasn’t expecting Dipper to suddenly regain enough strength to push her back against the cushions and launch a new attack on her tummy and sides, making her kick her legs and shriek like some creature from Ford’s journals.
“Okay, okay!” she cried. “I can’t—”
Dipper stopped immediately, letting her sit up and catch her breath, arms wrapping around her torso to try and make the phantom sensation of his fingers go away.
When she met his eye, he was smiling, his cheeks flushed and his hat crooked on his head. “So, how was that for your first tickle fight?” he asked.
She couldn’t help but smile too. “It was fun. But, I think it’ll be better next time, when I win.”
Dipper raised his eyebrows. “Oh, is that a challenge?”
“Yup. And I’m not above asking Mabel for pointers,” she replied.
“That’s so not fair!” Dipper said.
Pacifica just giggled.
It had been a weird experience; being tickled was a lot different than she had imagined it, childhood memories of it still foggy, the whole fight-or-flight aspect having slipped her expectations. But regardless, letting loose and laughing like that had been fun. Refreshing, even. It made her feel like Dipper didn’t see her as some expensive, fragile item that would shatter in his hands, and then sue him for the damages.
Before either of them found something else to say, Mabel came bounding through the front door of the house, and peered into the living room. “What did you guys do while I was gone?” she asked in her usual bubbly manner.
Dipper caught Pacifica’s eye and grinned. “Wanna see what it’s like to win 2-against-1?”
Pacifica returned his grin. “Definitely.”
The two of them chased Mabel all the way up to the attic before they caught her, but it wasn’t long before laughter filled the Mystery Shack once again.
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veryblushyswitch · 2 months
You better make Ford being a tickle monster to Mabel and Dipper. Now.👁👁
/playful + /amused
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 😭💖💖And not gonna lie, I’m rewatching some episodes with a friend and I may make another fic or two. Specifically about the Double Dipper episode! 💖
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random fluff hcs ; dipper
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requested by ; anonymous (18/02/22)
fandom(s) ; gravity falls
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; dipper pines
outline ; “Could I request some Dipper Pines x reader fluff? Drabble or headcanons maybe?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
holds your hand whenever he’s stressed or anxious, always feeling much safer and more confident once he’s made contact with you
he’s a terrible flirt: he stumbles over his words, turns bright red and isn’t able to look at you when he does it — but he tries his best
despite your first date being casual, he showed up in his best clothes because he panicked and wanted to make a good impression
immediately after your first kiss he just said ‘wow’ before stumbling over his words as he realised that it was a silly thing to say
will rant about magic and science for hours, explaining everything in such detail that he paints a crystal clear image in your mind
he gives fantastic massages and will over them alongside a cup of hot chocolate and some of your favourite sweets whenever you’re stressed
your contact name in his phone is ‘(name) 💙’ (he likes blue)
whenever you’re having a rough day and he can’t be there with you for whatever reason, he’ll order your favourite takeout to be delivered to your home and will send you a text saying something along the lines of ‘take care of yourself, i love you’ but in a much geekier way
incredibly sentimental and keeps every card you send him but you’ll never catch him admitting to it
sometimes when he can’t think of something sweet or romantic to say, he’ll send your message to mabel and ask her to brainstorm a response with him
you have matching couple jumpers (mabel made them, obviously)
loves going on walks with you but he also loves staying inside and either watching a film, playing a game or reading together
he wears reading glasses at night and this combined with his plaid pyjamas makes him look like a 20 year old grandfather — he says he doesn’t see it but you certainly do
he’s extremely ticklish on his neck and will try and hide in his shoulders if you try and tickle him
if you kiss him on his birth mark then he’ll turn pink and avert his gaze — he doesn’t do well with being flustered
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jamiesgotchu · 1 month
Do you have any gravity falls tickle headcanons?
HELLOO ANON YES I DO!! You have no idea what monster you've just unleashed
Dipper Pines
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this poor guy
- when his ticklishness is brought up, he pulls this face ^
- his voice cracks BAD when he laughs enough, and so the more someone tickles him, the more ammo the tickler has to make fun of him (lovingly)
- him and mabel get into tickle fights often (9/10 times he loses, but only because Mabel knows all his worst spots)
- Out of every character, he's the one to have his ticklishness used against him the most
- his laugh is full of dorky giggles, voice cracks and the occasionally girly screech (Mabel will NOT let him live that down)
Stanford Pines
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- Ford tickles Dipper often, and Ford claims it's "for scientific purposes" (it's not, he just thinks it's fun)
- Speaking of this, Ford will occasionally sneak up behind Dipper when he least expects it, then yell "SURPRISE EXPERIMENT!!" and tickle the living daylights outta him
- 6 fingers = one extra tickle per hand!
- He is SUPER sweet and goofy when he tickles people, especially his niece and nephew
- But if it's a tickle chase, he is TERRIFYING
- like, COME ON, LOOK:
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- He's the kinda guy to have the biggest smile on his face and let out occasional chuckles while tickling
- Not very ticklish, but there's ONE spot on his ribs that get him going
- (Psst: Stan has that exact same bad spot. They're twins after all<3)
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august-anon · 3 years
Tickle Monster
sequel to Tickletober 2020 Day 13 - “Wake Up!”
Someone on ao3 asked about a sequel to that fic literally in October of 2020, and mentioned it again in Jan of this year, and I’m finally posting this. I am so sorry this took ages, whoever you were, I hope you enjoy this lol
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Ship(s): Gen!!!!!!
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Ford,Mabel,Dipper,Stan, Ler!Ford,Mabel,Dipper,Stan
Word Count: 1720 words
Summary: Dipper and Mabel complete their mission, distracting Great Uncle Ford, with flying colors. Unfortunately for them (and for Stan), Ford knows how to fight back.
[ao3 link]
ALSO: warnings for some light angst in the beginning because apparently i can’t write Ford as not angsty lol
Ford sighed as he watched Stanley go, that lost, desperate look still in his eyes. He really didn’t know what to do to help him at this point, and that hurt more than Ford had been prepared for.
It seemed that he just kept failing people.
He started this whole thing. He came to Gravity Falls in the first place. He brought Bill into this world. He was foolish and naive and power-hungry enough to listen to Bill’s lies. He built the portal Bill wanted, not considering the dangers. And he failed to protect his family, Stan especially.
And now his own brother could barely remember him.
Ford forced himself out of his thoughts as he moved toward the refrigerator. He said he’d make breakfast, so that’s what he’d do. Eggs could be easy enough, maybe even omelettes? Or perhaps pancakes, they were probably easy, right? They were just flour and eggs… and maybe they had some sugar in them? He’d figure it out.
He let out a bitter smile as happy, childish laughter rang out from the attic. Stan was a far better great-uncle than he was, even with his lapses in memory. It wasn’t really all that surprising to Ford.
Ford hadn’t really made all that much effort to be good with the kids, after all. Yet another failure of his.
He continued to struggle with breakfast, his bowl of pancake batter looking more like foaming grey sludge than anything edible. It seemed his multitudes of knowledge didn’t extend to cooking. He was debating starting over, maybe trying to actually find a recipe somewhere in this old shack, when he heard tiny footsteps thundering down the stairs.
“Great Uncle Ford!” Twin voices rang out.
Ford turned away from the counter, plastering a smile on his face that was probably more of a grimace. Dipper and Mabel slid into the kitchen on socked feet, giddy and giggling. A far cry from the tear-streaked faces he saw when he checked on them at night, making sure they were still there and alive, and finding them curled together in one of their tiny twin beds, clearly shaken by nightmares.
“Hello, kids,” he said. “You’re rather awake for the early hour.”
Mabel gave him a mischievous grin. “We’ve been tasked with distracting you.”
Ford furrowed his brow. “What--”
The two launched themselves at him and Ford’s eyes went wide in shock. He reached out to catch them so that they wouldn’t slip and hit the floor (tile floor and heads did not mix, Ford remembered that well from tussling with Stanley back in the day), but in doing so he overbalanced himself, toppling backwards and taking the kids down with him.
Before he could even begin to process what had just happened, and just what Mabel had meant by distracting him, he had two tiny bodies on top of him, pressing him into the tile. They had matching devilish grins focused on him, and Ford wondered what the hell Stanley had told them, and whether or not he needed to get up and run.
“Grunkle Stan told us about a monster that you might not have in your journals,” Dipper said, leaning forward.
Ford scrunched his face up in confusion. Was this just a distraction, as they said, or was Dipper telling the truth? Just as he opened his mouth to ask for clarification, Mabel leaned forward as well.
“Yeah, yeah! It’s such a cool monster, too! You know what it is?”
Ford shook his head, playing along. “No, what is this monster?” Perhaps if he placated them, he could get back to making breakfast before Stanley came back down and saw his pitiful progress.
Dipper and Mable exchanged an evil glance and grinned down at him. They raised their hands, fingers shaped in claws and wiggling wildly, and Ford felt a spark of recognition run through him. His eyes widened before they even answered.
“The Tickle Monster!” They shouted in unison.
And then, before he could even blink or think to defend himself, he had four tiny hands wiggling into all sorts of sensitive places. Ford tossed his head back against the tile and snickered quietly, trying to keep the worst of his laughter in. He couldn’t let two children best him!
But Mabel’s fingernails were wreaking havoc on the nerves of his ribs and neck, and Dipper’s fingertips digging into his sides and stomach weren’t serving him much better. He forgot how uncoordinated he got when he was tickled, not having been subjected to it since before Stanley got kicked out when they were younger. His hands were flailing everywhere, unable to latch onto either twin and save himself from their playful torture.
“No no no, you’re doing it all wrong,” a voice called out from the entryway. 
Ford felt a mix of dread, excitement, and anticipation fill his belly when he saw Stanley standing there. It only grew when he saw the spark of recognition in his eyes as he stalked closer.
“You gotta do it like this,” Stanley told the kids, and unceremoniously stuffed his hands into Ford’s armpits, scribbling away.
Ford howled, curling in on himself as best he could with two almost-teens still sitting on top of him and Stan looming over top of them all. He cackled madly and he could feel the tears building up in his eyes the longer the playful torment went on. It was so embarrassing, so humiliating, so…
It felt kind of nice to let loose and laugh like he was, something he hadn’t done in a long time. The fingers driving him insane left him with no chance to overthink things as he usually did. All he could do was laugh and squirm and gasp for air.
The tickling abruptly halted and Ford sucked in a much-needed breath. He was naive to think it was over, however, because Stanley only grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head before grinning at the kids. A nervous, playful, fluttering feeling filled his stomach, and he shot a look down at the kids.
“Have at it,” Stanley said.
Dipper and Mabel laughed before darting forward, burying their hands into his armpits. Ford was lost to his hysteria once more, only this time it was worse. His hands were pinned, he could even pretend like he was trying to defend himself from their dancing fingers, and he was too weak from laughter to tug his hands back.
Just when Ford was finally reaching his limit, he tilted his head back and made teary eye-contact with Stanley. Stanley gave him a smirk and a wink before releasing his wrists and setting Ford free.
Ford shot up, still laughing, and tackled Dipper and Mabel to the ground, careful to cushion their fall and avoid any injuries.
“Do you know what’s even worse than a Tickle Monster?” He asked, voice hoarse from the laughter his vocal cords were no longer used to.
Dipper and Mabel were giggling and squirming, clearly having picked up on where this was going, but neither made an attempt to escape. They shook their heads.
Ford raised his hands, fingers curled threateningly into claws, just as they had done to him. “A six-fingered Tickle Monster.”
Dipper and Mable squealed as his hands darted forward, the two soon lost to childish shrieks and cackles as he tickled away. The wide grin still hadn’t left Ford’s lips, even as his cheeks and eyes began to dry from his own mirthful tears. He even let out a few more chuckles at particularly silly sounds the kids made.
Maybe he wasn’t such a failure with them, after all.
But there was still one thing missing from their morning full of laughter. Ford turned around, slowing his ticklish assault on the kids, searching out Stanley. He stood at the counter, a new mixing bowl in front of him, making something that looked a lot closer to pancake batter than Ford’s attempt was.
Oh well, can’t win them all.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook,” Ford growled playfully.
Stanley froze, his body tense, and he slowly turned around to face Ford, a nervous smile spreading across his lips. His hands were raised in surrender, and he looked ready to bolt at any moment.
“You were just so sad this morning,” Stanley tried to reason with him, “I thought the kids could help cheer you up.”
Ford raised an eyebrow. “If I remember correctly, you were rather melancholy earlier, as well.”
They stared each other down, trapped in their little stand-off as Dipper and Mabel giggled quietly behind Ford. Then, Stanley tried to bolt, but Ford was much faster, the two of them crashing to the floor in no time. He quickly got Stanley pinned underneath him.
“Any last words?”
Stanley scowled (though Ford could see the amusement dancing in his eyes, so he wasn’t too worried), but Ford never actually gave him the chance to speak. He dug his fingers in, skittering around with no rhyme or reason as he mentally catalogued Stanely’s tickle spots. Eventually, he settled on Stanley’s ribs, the left side, the second rib from the top (that always used to get him screaming), as well as the little patch of skin on the right side on Stanley’s stomach, just a couple inches under his ribcage (that always used to get him begging for mercy). Stanley yelled and burst out into wild laughter, shoving at Ford’s hands but being too weak to stop him.
“You little--” Stanley started to yell through his laughter, but Ford cut him off.
“Ah ah ah, there are children present, Stanley.”
Stanley only cackled louder. Though that could have also been due to the fact that Ford had upped his tickling.
But speak of the devil and he shall appear, for the kids chose that moment to again make themselves known. Dipper attached himself to Ford’s back, shoving his hands into Ford’s armpits and clumsily tickling away. Mabel, on the other hand, launched herself into Stanley’s chest and started scribbling away at his stomach and sides.
Alright, Ford thought. The kids want a tickle fight? I’ll give them a tickle fight. And he dove back into the fray.
Needless to say, breakfast soon became brunch and the Shack was filled with laughter for a long time to come.
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pastery1 · 3 years
I'm watching Gravity falls and I realized I have to write a tk fic for the Myster Shack.
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She is absolutely adorable. She seems like a lee but she's 100% a ler. The only time she is a lee is when ppl dare to tickle her, but be prepared for her to get revenge. Because she won't stop, until she feels like it. Don't get me wrong, she's ticklish too. Her ticklish spots are her knees, hips, and stomach. Her death spot is her navel. She thinks tickling of a playful hobby, ig? She loves getting tickled, but she loves tickling ppl more. Her usual target is Dipper, because he's an easier target. She also tickles Wendy, but since Wendy is way taller, stronger, and older, it won't last long.
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Stan isn't ticklish at all. He had a lot of tickle fights with his brother when they were younger, but he always wins. He dosen't like tickling ppl either bc he thinks the idea is ubsurb. But when he sees Dipper at his lost, Stan will js sit there watching ppl destroy him and Stan will js laugh at how cute Dipper is.
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Soos is very active when it comes to tickling. He's ticklish, but not as ticklish. He is always the ler. But when Wendy or Mabel has the chance to tickle Soos, (which is very rare) he would js freeze up and play dead😭. Honestly if u js poke his side he'll cave in on instinct bc of reflexes. His ticklish spot(s) is his feet, but his death spot is his sides. He dosen't like nore dislike being tickled, it's an off and on deal with him. His usual target is Dipper (ofc).
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She only likes tickling if she's tickling Dipper. She dosen't mind getting tickled though. Her ticklish spot(s) are under her arms, but her death spot is her feet. She thinks Dipper's laugh is adorable (I mean everyone thinks that). So her target is always Dipper.
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He HATES tickling and being tickled. This kid is everyone's target and he thinks it's ambarrassing. He dosen't like his laugh at all, it's so high pitch, he squeals, and js... it's soo fking adorable. Everyone would js constantly tell him to not be so embarrassed of his laugh, but either way he hates tickling bc he dosen't like the feeling of it. His ticklish spot is everywhere for this man. And his death spot is his neck, like don't. Touch. This. Manz. Neck. He would probably actually try to murder u even more after u started tickling him. He dosen't wanna get revenge on anyone bc he dosen't think he has the power to anyways. Mabel kept tickling him at their parents house so that caused him to be more aware of his surroundings. If he sees a tickle fight break lose, he will descretly walk the other direction so he won't be brought up into the mess. That is untill Mabel, Soos, or Wendy finds him then he's in trouble.
Anyways this is my first ever tk fic and I hope u liked it.
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happyandticklish · 2 years
(In answer to X)
I dunno if Dipcifica is your otp as it is mine atm, but it's been a w h i l e since I've seen anyone write something for them - if they ever have written tk fics for them, and I'd love to see what you can do! ^_^
I, uh, hope this doesn't make me sound too greedy, but, do you think you can do all seven? 😅👉🏾👈🏾 If not, then just the first five are good.
Yeah, no problem! And yeah, no worries, I've been doing all seven of them for all the brotp asks lol
Dipper & Pacifica:
1. Who's more ticklish?
Dipper for sure. He likes to pretend like he isn't as tickling is "childish and lame", but a single look could have him laughing already and protesting.
2. What kind of tickles are they sensitive too?
Light tickles for both of them! Pacifica didn't even realize she was ticklish for a lot of her life until she met the Pines twins, as she didn't receive a lot of parental or friend affection, so she always just assumed she wasn't. She was, as it turned out, incredibly wrong, and will let out these undignified giggles and squeals if you lightly run nails over her sides or stomach. Dipper on the other hand, had always known he was ticklish, and would probably say that rougher tickling works best on him, because that's all he's exposed to. This is entirely untrue, however, light, gentle traces has him losing his mind.
3. Which role (lee/ler) does each of them hold?
Honestly, I think both of them would probably be lers, with Pacifica slightly more lee-leaning, just because she's so touch-starved after her cold childhood. Dipper doesn't mind being tickled, necessarily, but he gets really embarrassed, and you definitely have to be the right person.
4. How did they discover each other's ticklishness?
Pacifica found out through Mabel being Mabel and her affectionate teasing towards her brother, and Dipper found out in the aftermath when Pacifica was mentioning how cute it was that he was ticklish. Bro got flustered so fast and immediatelly decided to test for revenge.
5. Who's more likely to instigate a tickle fight?
Probably Pacifica. She finds it funny (and utterly adorable) how easy it is to make Dipper jump and let out odd noises due to a single poke to the side, and will take advantage of it constantly. This, of course, leads to Dipper trying to get her back, and thus ensues the most competitive tickle fight on the planet.
6. How often do they tickle each other?
Not terribly often, once every couple of weeks, probably.
7. Who's the least likely to ask for tickles?
Neither of them would ever ask, but I think if it came down to it, Dipper would break first.
Thank you for the ask!
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thebest-medicine · 3 years
recently rewatched this wonderful show so I thought I would do some...
~*~*gravity falls tk hc*~*~
Mabel Pines
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Definitely a switch, enjoys tickling her brother and friends and people close to her and doesn’t mind being tickled at all. Thinks of it as a fun and silly way to bond and GREAT way to tease her brother. Often wins tickle fights against Dipper to his dismay simply because she can take it and he cannnnottttt. She loves teasing and taunting her tickle victims.
Dipper Pines
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Dipper is ticklish to a fault. He hates being teased when tickled and completely falls apart. Very rarely in a tickle fight with Mabel he will be able to get her stuck and tickle her until she’s finally too tired to be able to fight him back at all, but otherwise he’s unfortunately the loser in most tickle fights. He can’t stand having his armpits or feet tickled and will cave and give up to get it to stop. Would be super embarrassed if Wendy found out he was ticklish. Secretly doesn’t 100% hate it when Mabel or his close friends tickle him BUT CANT TAKE IT.
Wendy Cordurouy
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Wendy is tough, has an endurance and will of steel, and takes skill and persistence to crack when trying to tickle her. She has a few bad spots that if you work hard and can get her pinned down and tease her just enough, you’ll probably be able to get her to crack a smile. If you catch her without her guard up or one on one when she feels safe enough to show a little weakness, you can even get some laughs out of her. She enjoys being ruthless when on the giving end and doesn’t often start but is happy to join in and wreck someone if she stumbles upon a tickle fight among her friends.
Pacifica Northwest
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Probably didn’t know whether she was ticklish for a long time because her family never really entertained that kind of playing/goofing around. When she’s better friends with/more trusting of Dipper and Mabel, she would eventually probably see or get dragged into a tickle fight and find she enjoys making others laugh and suffer a little as well as the silliness of it. She would be surprised at how ticklish she is and probably be embarrassed of her goofy tickled laugh and cave to teasing. She would say she hates being tickled but not actually mind it.
Stanley Pines
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Definitely ticklish, would use tickling as a method to flirt with girls. When he was young probably got in lots of tickle fights with his brother, usually winning because he could pin him down better. Teasy and gloating as a ler. Sore loser and stubborn as a lee.
Stanford Pines
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More ticklish than Stan but not by too much. Used to lose most tickle fights with his brother. Curls up and cackles when tickled. Susceptible to teasing and a sucker if you get him pinned and tickle him. Sometimes uses tickling after he gets back from the rift to bond with his family. Would gloat heavily and rub it in his brother’s face if he got him back good.
Gideon Gleeful
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Veeeeery ticklish. Hates it. Laughs uncontrollably and cries easily when tickled. Will fight you to stop you from tickling him. Never really gets a chance to get anyone back. Filled with rage and giggles.
Bill Cipher
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Never tickled before until the incident with Dipper’s body. Was perplexed by this fiendish new form of torture. Probably definitely would use it on someone in the future to get something he wants. Low key thought he was bout to pull a tickle torture card during Weirdmaggedon.
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shamelessler · 2 years
Lee!Bill Cipher Headcanons
Just talkng about his tickle spots cuz I can<3
Sides - Ah shit. Just grant him mercy. He will go insane if you tickle him here, forget trying not to laugh it's no use. If anyone were to find out about this little weakness he'd be in big trouble. His laugh is very screechy when you tickle him here, he's so ticklish here that he can't even struggle against it he just has to sit there and take it while clenching his fists super tight and laughing his little heart out.
Feet - His feet are super tiny so there isn't much to tickle but you can just poke his foot and he'll tense up and giggle. His lil feetsies are like ironically extremely soft they're like baby feet honestly. He has the ability to actually squirm when you tickle him here so you know he'll be wriggling around like a worm on a hook. His laughter sounds so strained, like he's trying so hard to conceal it. If you're very very close to him(which nobody is) he'll open up about his laughter. It's honestly the cutest thing in the world.
Tummy - I'm talking more about the spaces inbetween his brick things. I feel like tracing them would drive him up the wall. It would make him snort reeally cutely and he'd throw his head back and cry a few happy tears but it's still not even his worst spot surprisingly enough.
Armpits - His laugh is pretty much the same as it was in Sock Opera when Mabel tickled him there, his laughter starts out kind of surprised but it quickly gains momentum and starts getting pretty loud and he ends up hugging himself to attempt to squirm away. He doesn't exactly like this spot so he'd definetly whine about it
Hands - This is totally Bill's melt spot. He'd deny even being ticklish let alone having a "melt spot" because Bill Cipher doesn't "melt". He does though, when you trace the lines of his hand and if you drag your hands up his arm it turns him feralll. His laugh gets super hiccupy and high pitched here it's so hard to remember that he's evil when he's so frickin cute.
- After Mabel tickled Bill in Dippers body Bill attempted to tickle himself later but was then confused as to why it didnt work(It's cuz you can't tickle urself lol)
- He's obviously extremely embaressed about being deathly ticklish
- More ticklish than Dipper because I'm spiteful
- Pines family ganged up on him when they realized Bill's ticklishness
- Mabel is Bill's favorite ler aww
- He's absolutely terrified of Ford because he knows that if he and Ford were left alone together in a room Ford would WRECK Bill with some pretty mean 6 fingered tickles
- Revenge tickles are a regular thing for Bill to recieve
- Bill isn't super flexible with the whole...made from bricks thing so when he squirms it's kinda just like a little squirmy dance from side to side
- Definitely flails and beats fists on the ground
- Often is stressed and depressed so cheer up tickles are common
- Bill claims to absoutely dispise tickles, running from them and complaining very loudly about them but he really thinks their fun
- He has a hard time laughing genuinely so tickles are a good cure for that
- Every. Part. Of. Him. Is. Ticklish.
__________________________A/N: Sorry if these don't make too much sense, I made them last night at 2AM in the span of 10 minutes. Also I apologise for my absence, I'm usually not super consistant when it comes to blogs. Maybe I'll have more time this summer to post:)
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Hiii! Could you write a fic where Dipper challenges Wendy to a wrestling match, and loses miserably lol. While she’s sitting on him, he’s sore loser, so she tickles him to get him to shut up. If you could have her give him a raspberry or two, that would be great too! Ty!
It's been a hot second since I've written anything Gravity Falls. Kinda straying away from this fandom, I hope this doesn't suck! Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Wendy
Summary: After Dipper looses miserably in a wrestling match against Wendy, he decides to be a sore loser. Wendy teaches him some good sportsmanship.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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"C'mon Wendy, get off!"
Dipper shoves at his older friend, who's currently pinning his arms down on her bed. They had been watching a survival show, and he had bet Wendy that he could beat her in a wrestling match. Needless to say, he's five dollars poorer.
"Then quit acting like I cheated. I won, fair and square. Now say it." She smirked down at him, sitting on his waist and pinning his arms down with one hand.
She had known she would win, easiest five bucks ever. All he has to do is say the sentence. A simple 'You're stronger than me, oh great warrior', as agreed upon before they wrestled. But he wouldn't, the little snot.
"No, you so cheated! It's your bed, you probably knew an extra bouncy spot or something to throw me off!" He's honestly just grasping at straws. There was no heat behind anything he says, he was just being a bad sport on purpose.
Wendy, being the "responsible teen" she isn't, felt it was her job to fix that attitude. Adjusting her grip, she places a hand on his stomach, smirking. "Dude, I'm giving you one more chance. Say it or suffer the consequences."
Realization dawned on him in that moment. He *could* say the phrase. It would certainly be quicker. Then again, did he really want the fun to stop? And getting tickled isn't the worst consequence in the world...
"Make me, cheater!" A smile worked its way onto his face. He has an awful poker face. Wendy quickly realized what he wanted. If her friend wants to get the snot tickled out of him, who is she to say no?
She chuckles, shaking her head. "Fine. You asked for it, dude." Her fingers dig into his belly, scribbling across the sensitive skin. Squeaky, almost childish laughter poured from his mouth.
"W-Wehehehendy!" He squirmed and wriggled at the tickling. He may have wanted it, but that doesn't mean he has to act like it. He didn't make any real efforts to get away. He's enjoying this.
It's a pretty cute sight. Wendy quietly giggled along with him, his laughter contagious. "Wow, almost forgot how ticklish you are. It's kinda adorable."
Curious at what other kind of reaction she could get, she lifted his shirt. He squeaked as he felt the cool air of the room on his bare skin. He giggles in anticipation, eyeing her hands with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. That was gonna be bad.
She scratched around his belly button, occasionally dipping her finger inside to scratch at the ticklish interior. He squealed, twisting and turning as his laughter doubled. He tugged at his arms, trying to break her grip on his arms. He failed.
"NOHOHO! NOHOT THEHEHRE!" Wendy chuckled, getting an idea. Raspberries drive her little brother up the wall. She wondered how they'd work on Dipper. Only one way to find out...
Taking a deep breath, she blew a massive raspberry right on his belly button. Dipper shrieked, tossing his head back and bucking his hips. It was both horrible and amazing, though he couldn't tell you how. It just was.
"Wohow, man. You've got some good pipes, huh? Let's see what happens if I do this..." With an evil chuckle, she leaned down, giving him multiple raspberries in the same spot while her hand danced along his ribs.
Dipper lost his mind, squirming and bucking wildly. It was overwhelming in the best way. He couldn't think, save for "oh my gosh it tickles it tickles it TICKLES!" He just tossed his head back, unable to do anything other than laugh and squeal like a deranged piglet.
Soon, his laughter took on a wheezing edge, tears of mirth sliding down the sides of his eyes. Wendy took that as her sign to give him a break and tone it down.
"Woah, remember to breathe, man. Don't wanna kill you. Stan would make me finance the funeral, and I'm broke enough as is." She chuckled, rubbing his belly to try and dull the sensations. Dipper still giggled like a schoolgirl, trying and failing to regain his composure.
After a few seconds of giggling and soothing rubs, Dipper got ahold of himself. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back. "Jeez.. that was just cruel, Wendy."
She smirking, drumming her fingers on his belly. "Who said I was done? You still have something to tell me, sore loser." She began tickling him again, much slower than before. She slowly moved across his midsection, gently fluttering her fingers against his sides, belly, ribs and navel.
He giggled like crazy, groaning as he squirmed weakly. He was tired, and the tickling was wearing him down quickly. "F-fihihine! Yohohu're strohonger than mehehe, oh greheheheat waharriohohor!"
The second he finished the sentence, her fingers lifted off him. She released his arms, laying down beside him on the bed. He pulls his shirt back down, hugging his midsection.
"You're, like, adorkably ticklish. How are you still alive?" He just groaned, lightly kicking the teen. Wendy laughted, nudging him. She could tell he was tired, and that something calm would probably be best. "Hey dude, you maybe wanna watch a movie? It's a Saturday, and I've got nothing better to do."
"...yeah, sure. Wanna turn it on to the crappy horror movie channel?" Dipper turned to face her, a small smile and blush still on his face. She nodded, grabbing the remote and turning on the Geavify Falls Extra Scary Movies channel.
They spent the next few hours poking fun at the awful movies, Dipper passing out after the third film. All in all, ot a bad day for the duo.
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
Stronger (Dipper/Wendy)
Summary: Now that they’re older, Dipper can hold his own against Wendy. (Got an anonymous prompt that wanted some aged-up Wendy and Dipper, so here it is! This fic takes place post-canon, when they would be in their early twenties. I did originally plan to post this on the show’s anniversary, but life got in the way of me finishing it in time, so here it is now, lol. Enjoy!)
That first summer in Gravity Falls had changed Dipper’s life forever. From the age of twelve, he knew that the old, small, and odd town in Oregon was where he belonged. And he had been right. Now twenty-two, he and Mabel had returned and decided to settle in the same place that they had promised one another that they would never allow themselves to grow apart.
Mabel and Pacifica were living together in a pretty little cottage they had fixed up in town, and Mabel gushed non-stop about it all, which Dipper pretended to be annoyed by, but he secretly couldn’t be more pleased to see his sister so happy.
Dipper and Wendy had never lost contact, and that childhood crush had never faded. The only difference was that Wendy had begun to reciprocate it, as a two-year age-gap held a lot less weight when you were both in your early twenties.
Having spent so much of their childhoods in fear, Dipper was just grateful for things to be peaceful. Well, as peaceful as Gravity Falls could get, at least.
It was a cloudy morning when Dipper awoke next to Wendy in bed, having been together for a year, however it felt more like an eternity. In fact, Dipper could hardly remember a time where he didn’t love Wendy. It felt like such a distant memory, certainly more than just ten years.
Red hair spilled over her freckled shoulders, and he couldn’t help but lay there and watch her breathe. He should have known that peaceful moments were rare while in Wendy’s presence, though, because it wasn’t long until her eyes had fluttered open, and her face twisted into a sleepy smile.
“Morning, stalker,” she said.
Dipper felt his face turn red, still easy to fluster as ever. “Good morning,” he replied nevertheless.
Wendy sat up in bed, and Dipper still couldn’t believe how immediately alert she was in the mornings. Perhaps it came from all that survival training her father had forced her to complete, which had conditioned her to rise with the sun.
While he was distracted, marveling at the fact that she could be so awake before coffee, she pushed the sheets off of her body and clambered on top of his legs, grinning down at him.
“Got a staring problem?” she asked.
“I wasn’t staring,” he replied. “I was just…admiring.”
That made her chuckle, and Dipper couldn’t help but smile at the sound.
Wendy leaned down, bringing her face close to his. Dipper, expecting a kiss, closed his eyes and leaned in, only to be startled when her hands latched onto his sides and squeezed, making him shriek in surprise. Being straddled meant that he could only wriggle so much, leaving him helpless beneath her touch.
“No, wait—!”
“What am I waiting for?” Wendy asked, nonchalant as ever.
Dipper huffed, attempting to hold back his giggles and failing miserably. It was so completely unfair that she not only functioned so well in the mornings, but it was also unfair that she had grown up with three younger brothers to wrestle with, giving her a significant advantage against him, who only had a twin sister who had always managed to beat him.
When they were younger, all the way back to that first summer in Gravity Falls, when his gigantic crush on Wendy Corduroy formed, she had tickled him a few times after Mabel had ratted out his worst spots, but he had never struck back, knowing she would have him begging for mercy in seconds if he tried. It might have been worth it, to hear her laugh. Lately though, he heard it every day.
Her fingers scribbled at his stomach and sides, making laughter pour from his lips like a waterfall, seemingly never-ending. But Dipper wasn’t a kid anymore, and he had learned over the past few years of craziness to stand up for himself and to fight back. Sure, in much more dire, life-threatening situations, but still, the moral still counted.
With a newfound bout of strength, he took Wendy by the hips and managed to roll them both over, catching her off guard and making her yelp. Breathless and grinning triumphantly, Dipper hovered over her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Oh, well, would you look at the time? We should probably get up,” Wendy attempted, but the smile already curling on her lips proved that she knew she was about to get a taste of her own medicine.
“You’re not getting out of this that easily,” Dipper replied, and before she could say anything else, he started tickling her ribs in earnest.
Wendy’s laugh was beautiful. It was loud, unapologetic, and just so totally her. If he hadn’t been on a very important mission, he may have melted at the sound.
“You see, I’m not so weak anymore,” he said. “So I can actually fight back.”
With those words, he unleashed a flurry of staccato pokes to her midriff, over her stomach, sides, and ribs, causing her to flail wildly beneath him in a new fit of laughter. 
His victory was short-lived, however, as one of Wendy’s arms shot out and smacked into the side of his head, not quite hard enough to cause a substantial amount of pain, but certainly enough to startle him, making him cry out and topple to the side.
Wendy scrambled after him. “Are you okay? I’m sorry!”
Dipper began to laugh, nodding to ease her worries. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
Once she got confirmation that she hadn’t hurt or upset him, Wendy laughed too.
Mornings in Gravity Falls were always filled with laughter, whether it was him and Mabel cackling over Grunkle Stan’s stories all those years ago, or him and Wendy starting their day with a tickle fight. It was the place that Dipper was happiest, and he wouldn’t change that for the world.
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veryblushyswitch · 9 months
Who do you think would win in a tickle fight, Wirt or Dipper?
P.S. I love your blog! :)
Aww hi! Thank you so much that means a lot 🥺
And to answer your question, Dipper without a doubt. He’s definitely incredibly ticklish, but growing up with Mabel gave him years of experience with tickling and tickle fights. I feel like Wirt could put up a little bit of a fight since he’s an older brother to Greg, but he’s so insanely sensitive and such a shy little guy. He’d curl into a ball unable to fight back. 💖
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portalford · 4 years
Another Life or Another Dream
Stanford Pines is seven years old and can’t sleep.
His brother, Stanley Pines—also seven—can’t sleep either.
These things may or may not be directly related.
“Sixer, s’like, the middle of the night.”  Stan, still mostly asleep, pulls a pillow over his face.
Ford, hanging upside down off his bed, swats the pillow away.  “It’s two in the morning, Stanley.”
“Yeah?  S’worse.”  Stan pats around for the pillow for about three seconds before giving up and tossing his arm over his eyes.  “Go back to sleep.”
“I can’t.”
That gets him one open eye.  “Didja try lyin’ down.”
“Yes, Stanley.”  
Both eyes open now.  “Bad dreams?”
Ford hesitates a moment, two, before admitting, “Yes.”
Stan is scowling, but Ford knows it’s not at him.  “Want me to go check in the closet?”
“Under the bed?”
Stan’s scowl has morphed into a frown.  He’s thinking.  
“I fell asleep reading a book about monsters,”  Ford offers.  Maybe if Stanley has more information he’ll be able to help.  “I didn’t get to the part about how to fight them—maybe if I read that it’ll help.”
Stan, wide awake now, stands up on his mattress so Ford doesn’t have to lean out so far.  “Want me t’ listen so I’ll know too?”
Ford had really been hoping for this, but he offers Stan an out, just in case: “You sure?”
“Yeah, dude.”  Stan bounces up; Ford catches his arm and helps drag him up into the top bunk.  “You think I’d miss a chance to punch a monster?”
“You wouldn’t miss a chance to punch anything.”
“‘Xactly.”  Stan pokes him in the ribs, right where he’s ticklish.  Ford scoots away before either of them can escalate things.  “Start readin’, Sixer.”
Ford opens the book to the correct chapter and clears his throat, like the announcers on the radio do when they have something important to say.  “All right.  ‘Changelings are fearsome creatures, but they are not invincible.  There are some weaknesses you can exploit, should you be faced with this beast…”
Stanford Pines is twenty years old and can’t sleep.
Fiddleford is awake as well, but he seems happy with this state of affairs, blankets pulled up to his chin to ward off the chill of their poorly-equipped dorm and weighty book of advanced mechanics balanced on his knees.
Most nights, Ford is perfectly content to work well into the earliest hours of the morning, and sometimes straight through until classes the next day.
With the current state of his throat, head, and overall wellness, however, he would welcome unconsciousness over the awful half-alert state he’s been in most of the day.
A stifled cough escapes—his control is slipping, after twenty-three hours of forcing his mind and body to operate at normal capacity—and catches Fiddleford’s attention.
“Stanford?”  Fiddleford lowers the book just enough to see over it.  “Y’alright?”
Ford discreetly clears his throat.  “Fine, yes.”  Damn.  He still sounds like he’s dragging his voice over a gravel road.
Fiddleford’s book is lying in his lap now, disregarded.  “You sure about that?”  
He’s using the tone that means he knows Ford is lying, and that he’s allowing one more chance for Ford to tell the truth of his own volition.  Ford ignores it.  “Certainly.”
Fiddleford is glaring overtop of his glasses now.  “Stanford Pines, you are sick as a dog, and lying like one t’boot.”
Ford badly wants to make a sarcastic response, but he’s no longer sure he can speak without setting himself off coughing.  He settles for a shrug.
“Did you take anything?”
Another shrug.
“Heaven’s sakes, Stanford.”  Fiddleford tosses his book aside and bustles off to the drawer that contains various over the counter medications (his), snacks (his), and spare pencils (Ford’s).
Two minutes and no less than six furious and deathly sincere threats of shoving aspirin “down your stubborn gullet God help me I’ll do it,”  Ford has been coerced into taking painkillers and drinking a glass of water.  Fiddleford offered to run out and get soup and crackers, but Ford refused.  Fiddleford has a test tomorrow—he should be sleeping.
“It ain’t until tomorrow afternoon, knucklehead,”  Fiddleford says when Ford suggests this.  “I got time.”  A moment of silence.  “Still can’t sleep?”
Ford makes a vague gesture with his hand to the affirmative.  Now that Fiddleford knows he’s ill, there’s no need to try and keep up a facade of being well.
“My sister used t’read to me when I couldn’t sleep.”  Fiddleford hefts his book.  “This stuff’ll put me to sleep, and I like mechanics.  I bet it’ll work on you.”
“Bet it won’t,”  Ford rasps.
“I’m not takin’ that bet because you’ll kill yourself to win.”  Fiddleford fluffs his pillow behind him, clearly settling in for the night.  “I’m gonna read out loud and you can tell me to shut up whenever.”  He harrumphs and starts from what’s clearly the middle of a sentence in the middle of a chapter.  “—can be modified to accept most kinds of springs.”
Ford doesn’t tell him to shut up.
Stanford Pines is twenty-eight years old and can’t sleep.
To be entirely truthful (and the rarity with which he is truthful these days, even to himself, would be disturbing if he could dredge up the energy to feel disturbed), he can’t remember the last time he did sleep.  Possibly three days ago.
Now, being unconscious while a multi-dimensional demon uses your body for nefarious means probably should not count as sleep, but the other option was to admit that he truly could not remember the last time he slept, and that was unacceptable.
So.  Three days ago.
His house is freezing.  He’s had this thought many times in the past however-long-it’s-been, and every time it takes him longer and longer to remember that this is because he fell behind on his heating bill at some point Before.
Absurd things, bills.  He should have built that self-sustaining generator and taken his house off the grid entirely.  Why hadn’t he?
Ah.  Yes.  
Anyway, the cold makes him sluggish, but not sleepy, so it’s nothing to be concerned about.  Imagine being concerned with something like the temperature.
Ridiculous.  There are thousands of things much more concerning than the measure of hot or cold, and he is dealing with approximately nine hundred and fifty-three of them.
This is not an exaggeration.  He did the math a few days (months? years?) ago. 
Oh, it would have been three days ago—he remembers because he came to groggy and wondering when theoretical mathematics made his ribs hurt.  His head, certainly, if the problem was knotty enough, but surely not his ribs?
Realization had set in a moment later (as had the ever-impending panic attack, but let’s not dwell on that).
The glass of water he’d been drinking falls from his hand, apparently for no reason.  He stares at it blankly, mind automatically attempting to draw patterns in the spattered liquid and crystalline shards of glass.
Another part of him offers some comparison between his own mind and the shatter-shapes of the glass.  He promptly silences that part.
He’s shivering.  Probably it’s why he dropped the glass.  Probably it’s the cold.
He tucks his hands under his armpits.  That should help.
Still.  Best not to sleep.
Stanford Pines is fifty-something years old and can’t sleep.
His sleep schedule is haphazard, but the sleep itself is better than it has been in years.  Complete and utter exhaustion will do that for a man.
The nightmares don’t even wake him up every time anymore, so those ones don’t count.
Unfortunately, tonight he’s let himself go past ‘exhausted to the point of collapse’ and right into ‘exhausted to the point of being too wired to sleep’.
Nothing Bill has or ever will put him through could rival the sheer torture of this state of being.  He takes a moment to enjoy being able to think such a thing without fear that Bill will pull the thought from his head and use it against him.  Only a moment, though—his concentration is too fragmented for anything more.
He won’t take anything to help himself sleep—he never does.  He can’t.  A single moment of grogginess could be a moment too many, and he won’t take that risk.
He falls back on well-worn techniques instead—cataloguing the constellations of different worlds, conjugating pluperfect Kesslian verbs, translating a poem he heard at a campfire one time.
He doesn’t think about Earth.  Somehow that never helps.
There is one thing to say for running so utterly on empty:
once you fall asleep, you’re far too tired to dream.
Stanford Pines is fifty-eight years old and can’t sleep.
He was asleep, until about thirty seconds ago.
He much prefers being awake.
His hands are shaking and his heart is pounding and judging from the pain when he twists to look at the clock, he probably wrenched his back again.
There is nothing yellow in the room.  The only omen of Bill is the remembered laughing cacophony in his head.
Sometimes, in more morbid moments, he fancies that the metal plate reinforcing his skull only gives Bill better ambiance and acoustics for his fits of hysterics.
His back is aching and it’s still hours before anyone else will be up and he can’t tell if the faint tremor in his body is from exhaustion or the nightmare.
He still prefers being awake.
Stanford Pines is fifty-eight years old and can’t sleep.
It isn’t because of nightmares or illness.  There are no demons, real or imagined, and he isn’t lost in another dimension.
“And then what, Grunkle Ford?”
It is, in fact, because of two small children with an insatiable appetite for stories.
Ford smiles at Mabel.  She’s far more likely to air her impatience with his theatrical and intentionally-provoking pauses than Dipper, though her twin’s expression matches her eagerness.
“Are you sure you want to know?”  He asks, just for that little bit more.
Mabel does not disappoint.  She swats at him—she has quite an arm; Ford wouldn’t be surprised if Stan has been giving her boxing lessons—and yells “YES!”
“C’mon, Grunkle Ford, tell us,”  Dipper cajoles.
“All right, all right.���  He leans in, as though to tell them a secret, and they mimic the motion, eyes bright with anticipation.  “The ice would have crushed the boat if we had tried to go through—so we went over instead.”
Bafflement.  “What?”
“We flew.”
Astonishment.  “It was a flying ship?”
Ford laughs.  He can’t help it—their unfeigned delight at the strangeness of the universe reminds him of days when his eyes had been that bright, his wonder that unfettered.
He is living those days vicariously through them for now, for now, but—maybe not forever.
He has hope that he will live them for himself again someday soon.
He has hope for a lot of things now, actually.
It’s nice.
Mabel opens her mouth to ask what is probably seven or eight questions all at once, and lets the air out in an ear-piercing squeal as Stan swoops in from behind and swings her up onto his shoulders.  He catches Dipper with his other hand, tucking the boy up under his arm.  “All right, you little gremlins, time to hit the sack.”
“But Grunkle Stan—”
“Don’t ‘but Grunkle Stan’ me, kiddo.”  He gives Dipper a little shake, nearly dropping him in the process.  He is either not aware of or ignoring the fact that Mabel has stolen his hat and is trying to find some way to wear it that will not impede her vision.  “Ford’s got enough nerd stories to last ten of your young lifetimes.  Trust me—I’d know.”
Ford makes a bit of a face at that.  He has to stop it from twisting into a smile when Stan makes a much more exaggerated face in return.
“Could you do the monster chase game, Grunkle Stan? Please?”  Mabel’s eyelash-batting is entirely wasted due to the fact that Stan can’t see her, but it adds something to her plea nonetheless.
“What’s in it for me?”
“We’ll go to bed without complaining?”  Dipper offers.
“If you catch us we’ll pick up the whole yard tomorrow!”
Ford and Dipper give near-identical winces at Mabel’s recklessness.  
Stan, of course, is immediately sold.
“Done,” he says.  He swings Mabel off his shoulders and lets Dipper down, but keeps hold of both of them.  “Hope both of you are ready to lose all your free time.”
“Big words,”  Mabel challenges.
Stan snorts.  “On my mark—readysetgo!”
They’re off, Stan roaring in a fairly good imitation of the giant six-legged creature of unknown origin Ford had run across on D-272, and Dipper and Mabel laughing and shouting as they barrel toward the stairs.
It’s impossible to sleep through this racket.
Ford doesn’t mind at all.
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august-anon · 4 years
Tickletober Day 13 - Wake up!
Fun fact: this is the very first fic I wrote when prepping for tickletober and that's why it's so plot-heavy lol. It's also one of my favorite fics I've written for tickletober, so I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, sorry for the bit of angst lol
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Ship(s): platonic Pines fam
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Dipper, Lee!Mabel, Ler!Stan (also Ford is here briefly)
Word Count: 1691 words
Summary: Stan may have difficulty recalling anything now, but at least he knows the kids will be a constant.
[ao3 link]
Stan sat at the kitchen table, staring down at Mabel’s scrapbook and flipping through pages. He hadn’t been able to stop since she’d given it to him a few days ago, after they all realized how much it had started helping his memory.
The thing was, Stan couldn’t remember much beyond this past summer, and even that was fractured at best. Ford told him stories, of course. Their mom, their dad, their brother. He’d told Stan about the Stan ‘O War, about how they’d always been there for each other, about shenanigans the two of them had gotten into. Stories from Ford’s perspective could only do so much, though. And Stan wasn’t as clueless as Ford thought he was, he could clearly see that Ford was holding a lot back.
Something had happened between the two of them. Possibly multiple somethings. And not good somethings, seeing as Ford wouldn’t crack.
It was disorienting and uncomfortable, to have so much of his life blank. He forgot names, faces, places. He had lapses, even with memories they thought he’d recovered permanently. Sometimes, on bad nights, Stan forgot who he was entirely again, and where he was, and why this strange man that looked like him was trying to tell him to calm down.
He didn’t know why he gave it all up. Stan’s family said, repeatedly, that what he did saved them, all of them. Even people he didn’t know or couldn’t remember. Stan wished that it brought him peace, knowing that, but it never did. He did know, though, that if it came down to it, he would probably make the same choice again in a heartbeat.
No one was hurting those kids, or his brother, ever again. Not if he could help it.
“Stanley?” Someone called from nearby. Stan got the notion that it wasn’t the first time they’d tried to get his attention.
He glanced up, seeing Ford in the doorway to the kitchen. He chuckled, slipping into a nonchalant persona that felt comfortably familiar, even if he hardly remembered it.
“Sorry, lost in thought, I guess,” he said, knocking a fist against his forehead. “Didja need something?”
Ford’s smile was tight around his eyes, like he knew exactly what Stan had been lost in thought about. “No, not at all.”
An awkward silence spread through the room again and an anxious feeling rose up in Stan’s chest. Was he supposed to be remembering something? Was this another routine he forgot, and now he was messing up the steps?
“Why don’t you go wake the kids?” Ford offered, cutting through the silence. “I can make us all breakfast. It’s starting to get late, anyway.”
Stan snorted. “Eight thirty is hardly late, Poindexter,” he said, but he was already rising from the table even as he said it, closing the scrapbook as he went.
Sure, the kids would probably be a bit grumpy. He would too, being woken up so early during a day off, especially in summer, but it gave Stan a task. Something to do that would (hopefully) be hard to mess up, memory or not. 
So Stan dragged himself up the stairs to the attic and quietly pushed open the door to the kids’ room. He sighed when he saw the two of them curled up together in Dipper’s bed. He wasn’t surprised that they were having nightmares. He couldn’t fall asleep either, most nights, but instead of a face or voice haunting him, he had no name to put to his tormentor. Stan didn’t know if that made it easier or harder.
He heard them shuffling around at night when he couldn’t sleep, whispers carrying down through the old wooden house. Never enough for the words to travel, though, just the tone: angry, scared, tired, resigned. These kids acted far too old for their age.
Stan was rather tempted to just leave them and let them sleep. They clearly weren’t sleeping any better than him or Ford, the dark bruises under their eyes only accentuated by the shadows from the window. Really, Stan doubted anyone had been sleeping well, ever since what the town had dubbed “Weirdmaggedon.”
Maybe the kids would benefit from some time outside their realms of nightmares. He could already see Mabel’s face scrunching up in fear.
But how did he wake them? How did one wake an almost-teenager? Shake them? Poke them until they got annoyed enough to open their eyes? Talk really loud until it drew them out of dreamland? None of that seemed like it would lead to very happy children.
Stan sighed again and quietly entered the room, moving to stand next to the bed. Mabel made a distressed sound in her sleep and Stan couldn’t help but let out a sympathetic hum, tucking some of her tangled hair behind her ear. Mabel scrunched up her shoulder weird and a smile briefly tugged at her lips.
Now there was an idea.
Stan may not have had much memory left, but he knew a ticklish kid when he saw them. It felt a little rude to just tickle them right awake, though. Stan figured that would be pretty startling, while coming out of a nightmare. Instead he gently grabbed each of their shoulders and carefully shook them.
“Kids,” Stan said, voice low but not quite a whisper. “Kids, it’s time to wake up.”
Mabel’s face scrunched up, this time in annoyance and not fear. “Grunkle Stan, no,” she moaned, slurring her words in her half-asleep state and rolling over to bury her face in a pillow.
“Too early,” Dipper grumbled, and pulled the blanket over both of their heads.
Stan couldn’t help but chuckle. “Alright, maybe it is a bit early for grumpy pre-teens. But you know who it’s not too early for?”
Twins gasps sounded from under the blanket, and Stan got the distinct feeling that they’d gone through this song and dance before. Well, at least it was reassuring that his personality didn’t seem to have changed much, despite the gaps in memory.
“Grunkle Stan, wait!��� Mabel cried, and it already sounded like she was laughing.
“No, no!” Dipper yelled, but his voice was giddy and excited.
“There’s no Grunkle Stan, here,” Stan growled, ripping the blanket off the two of them. “There’s only… the Tickle Monster!”
Dipper and Mabel shrieked as Stan lunged.
Even if Stan himself didn’t remember, it seemed like his fingers did. One hand clawed into Dipper’s stomach, making him squawk and cackle, while the other quickly buried itself up under Mabel’s arm, making her shriek and squeal. Stan couldn’t help but laugh along with the two of them, their laughter being painfully contagious.
“Hey,” Stan said, a goofy grin spreading across his lips. “Did you know, my ex-wife still misses me--”
Dipper and Mabel both groaned through their laughter.
“But her aim is getting better!”
Stan laughed, and he was certain that if the kids weren’t laughing too hard to talk, they would be making the usual assortment of annoyed comments. 
“Wow, kids, I know I’m funny, but I didn’t know my jokes were that good.”
Mabel’s legs had started kicking, trying to propel her away from the tickling fingers, while Dipper seemed to curl in on himself as he snorted and cackled. It was an interesting dichotomy, with them being twins, and reminded Stan a lot of him and Ford when they were younger--
Well well, looks like goofing off did some good for Stan, after all.
But Stan decided that he had plenty of time to focus on that, later. For now, he needed to finish these kids off and get them down to breakfast. Preferably soon, because the realization that Ford could not cook and would likely burn the Shack down had also just hit him.
Stan leaned down, deciding to do his big finish on Dipper first. He pushed Dipper’s legs back down and pulled up his sleep shirt just enough to see his belly. Then, he took a deep breath and blew the biggest raspberry he could in the center of Dipper’s stomach, making sure to shake his head and rub his stubble in on it, and almost breaking to laugh at the near-scream that left Dipper’s lips. He blew a handful of smaller raspberries in a few random places before pulling back and letting Dipper breathe.
Turning toward Mabel, she had already tilted her head back like she knew what to expect. And now that he thought about it, Stan did seem to be getting a weird sense of deja-vu, so maybe this had been routine, before. Stan darted forward to blow a big raspberry against the side of her neck, hoping he didn’t go deaf from her shrill laughter right next to his ear, and blew a handful of smaller raspberries as he moved to the other side of it. There, he blew one last big raspberry before pulling back.
Stan sat on the edge of the bed as the kids caught their breath. They recovered faster than he expected, and Stan suddenly found himself tackled backwards to the bed, the kids laughing as they piled on top of him. Stan laughed, too.
“Good morning, Grunkle Stan!” Mabel yelled, far too loudly for having been asleep just moments before.
“Good morning!” Dipper echoed at a much lower volume.
“Come on,” he said. “We’d better get down to the kitchen before Ford blows the whole place up. I’m sure you two could convince him to step away from the stove long enough for me to make something.”
Dipper and Mabel both gave him incredibly mischievous looks before rushing out of the room without another word. Stan huffed out a breath, watching them go. Then, he quickly rose to follow them. Either his brother was about to get absolutely wrecked by two 12-year-olds, or those kids were about to have quite the round two (six fingers did wonders for tickling skills, based on what was coming back to Stan) and he didn’t want to miss a moment of either scenario.
After all, he knew more than anyone, now, that the memories he made with his family were beyond precious.
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