#tiny book review
thewritehag · 7 months
New day, new audiobook:
by Amanda Yates Garcia, read by the author
I just started it literally a few minutes ago and I already have thoughts. I'll wait to post them for now, because it wouldn't be fair to jump in now, buuuuuuut
There's a lot going on and her tone of voice is throwing me off. I shall report back.
Onward, ho!
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dr-dendritic-trees · 10 months
Tiny Book Review: The Grimoire of Grave Fates, Hanna Alkaf & Margaret Owen ed.
I'm like, 1/10th of the way through this and I'm just blown away by the whole concept and execution. I want 100 more collab books like this its amazing.
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
The worst part about reading in a genre where you have low expectations (in this case, Christian historical fiction) is that when a book impresses you, you have no idea if it's actually good or if you're just overly impressed because it was a fraction of a degree better than the usual garbage.
#basically lately anytime i read a christian fiction book that isn't romance-based i find myself surprised by the quality#i do think that some christian publishers are getting better#and trying to tell stories that dig deeper into real faith and messy issues#instead of making only vapid squeaky clean prayer-filled tropefests#but i'm not sure *how much* better#because anything above the low bar feels like great literature#the most recent is 'in a far-off land' by stephanie landsem#and let me tell you setting the prodigal son in 1930s hollywood is a genius concept#i have some issues with the history and the mystery#but the characters!#it has been a long time since i cried this hard over a book#several chapters of solid waterworks#(and i also have the issue of figuring out if it's actually that moving or if i'm just hormonal/sleep-deprived)#i keep thinking about this book but also i worry about recommending because what if it's actually terrible by normal book standards?#(also the author DOES NOT understand the seal of confession and i was SHOCKED to find that she's actually catholic)#but also looking at the reviews makes it clear that if most of christian fiction is vapid garbage it's these reviewers' fault#here you have something that's digging into sin and darkness and justice and mercy and these people are just#'how can it call itself christian fiction if it only mentions god at the end?'#are we reading the same book this WHOLE THING is about god! and humanity and our fallen nature and how this breaks relationships!#your pearl-clutching anytime someone tries to get even a tiny bit realistic is destroying this genre#i'm gonna run out of tags so i'll stop now
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towns-end-bindery · 6 months
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Books I bound in 2023
(Or at least the ones I remembered to take pictures of)
TOTAL books bound: 27 books
STATS: Blank journals: 8 Coptic stitch: 2 Square back bradel: 15 Rounded spine: 2 3-piece bradel: 4 Really tiny books: 4 Letter Quarto: 6 Letter Folio: 9 My own typeset: 7 Other people’s typesets: 5 Rebinds: 7
I can see my own growth when comparing my latest books with the first few I made in the spring. It's pretty amazing to see.
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every-sanji · 1 month
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testimonial for terra ignota: apparently i BIT a page of thechapter 'damnatio memoriae' in perhaps the stars on the first read. likethe incisor marks linger for two more pages. I have no memory of doing this but, fair enough, that sure is A Chapter,
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torchickentacos · 1 year
hot take. booktok and book review youtube are two sides of the same coin that is lying on the ground outside of a public restroom
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
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2023 reads // twitter thread
The Feast Makers
finale to the Scapegracers trilogy.
sideways’ ex is about to be on trial for what she did to them, but they think the witch covens' punishment is too harsh and plan to bail her out. Especially when more witchhunters are gathering in town which could be a much bigger problem
I loved this so so much, this trilogy is so good.
sideways best witch. so complex and flawed and interesting and im so proud of their journey....
I do feel like the pacing was a bit weird, especially it ending so fast? but also I love the characters and the writing so much I don't mind that much
I also just love how this series treats relationships (general sense) - there's no little boxes for [friend] [love interest] [sibling] they just all develop equally and messily but also it doesn't make drama about the mess. and the romance did have me losing my mind a bit
I did miss mr scratch bc his and sideways dynamic 24/7 in the last book was SO GOOD but some things can't last forever. loved every time he showed up tho.
got the arc via netgalley thanks netgalley! it comes out march 2024
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godzilla-reads · 1 year
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🐼 Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“We have a long way to go,” said Big Panda.
Tiny Dragon grinned. “Grandpa Dragon used to say, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cup of tea.’”
Good friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year, through rain and shine. Traveling through nature they find hope and inspiration, realizing that there is light even in the dark.
I really enjoyed this book of wisdom. Each painting is beautiful and simple, yet pulls you in to the tranquility of the lessons. We see our two favorite characters in high hopes, in moments of weakness, and even in silliness. I felt like I needed this book today and I’m happy to have read it.
I’ll probably be revisiting my favorite pages with a new sense of purpose and a cup of tea.
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feywildfiction · 6 months
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[ID: Two photos. The photo on the left is the poetry collection The Tiny Journalist by Naomi Shihab Nye lying in a keffiyeh. The photo on the right is of a page in the collection of the poem called "Peace Talks". The poem goes "Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Trouble Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Nothing.]
I started and finished The Tiny Journalist by Naomi Shihab Nye today, a poetry collection about her perspective as a Palestinian American and how she inspiring she found Janna - a girl known as the "Youngest Journalist in Palestine."
What can I even say about this collection that would do it justice? 5/5
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Books of 2023. THE EMPLOYEES by Olga Ravn. This was a very weird, very poetic, reasonably fucked up little book that I’ve had my eye on since it was released in English, and I enjoyed it! It’s one of those hugely ambiguous, “good luck sorting this shit out” type books, told in statements by the human and humanoid coworkers on a space ship (and there are alien artifacts involved).
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dr-dendritic-trees · 4 months
Tiny Book Review: Ariadne - Jennifer Saint
There's nothing wrong with this book, but honestly, I read these woman/minor character focused retellings hoping they will add complexity, not take it away.
And this was, ultimately, boring.
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bon-bon-blog · 7 months
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Hanon Tiny Wardrobe [Review]
Finally an English book! This one is a real treasure, a book from HANON, a creator and customiser who I think is well known in the blythe community. There are 12 patterns to follow and the resulting pieces in this book have an oversized silhouette. They have been made up in natural materials with warm muted colours which gives them a lot of charm and elegance. The first half of the book is editorial style photography showing off the fashions.  The instructions follow, and are also accompanied by nice clear photos. The patterns are inserted at the back and can be pulled out for photocopying and use.
Language: English Author: [Hanon] Satomi Fujii ISBN-10: 4798611948 Patterns: Peter pan collar dress,Vest and corsage,Coat,Trousers,Sarouel pants,Lace strap dress,Boots and socks,Shoulder bag,Waist apron,Blouse,Stuffed animals,Skirt,Embroidered smock dress Sizes included: Unoa sister, Blythe middie, Blythe neo
Visual pattern list
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Beginner friendly
Gorgeous photos of final pieces and styling ideas
Very clear photographic step-by-step instructions
Lots of patterns
Lovely binding
Includes a few extra techniques like embroidery that were nice to see / learn
Includes tips and tricks from Hanon, like washing finished pieces in water to get great pleats and wrinkles
There’s some cute extras - like a handbag and shoe pattern
The patterns are very oversized which I personally didn’t always like
Final thoughts
This one is an easy recommend, if only for the fact that it’s in English. I’ve made at least half a dozen patterns from the book and they were easy to follow with clear photographs for each step. I think the patterns are versatile and can look very different depending on the fabric and decorations chosen.   
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eddis-not-eeddis · 2 years
AUGH! My town only has ONE teeny-tiny piddly bookstore. Half of the books are about racism, the other half are about psychology. The music is perverse. I want to go book shopping so badly, but in the entire area we have no used bookstores. HELP!
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Beetle & the Hollowbones
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Beetle & the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. it has everything i want. best friends, magic, chosen family, queer kids, adults who help them and love them and protect them from adults who are awful, incredible art!! i love precious goblin girl Beetle, i love sweetie pie Blob Ghost who talks in pictures, i love skeleton girl love interest Kat, i love badass Gran!! the stakes are small but personal, the emotions are tender and sincere. i'm a sucker for a story about finding your power and using it to help the people you love.
some other things i love about this book: the introduction of a romantic interest doesn't break up the central friendship! it feels rare and precious to encounter stories where friendships are just as or more important to the plot than the romantic element. it's less hard to find in children's lit just because of the target age group, but still! also i LOVE Blob Ghost's picture-speak, it's like a graphic novel inside the graphic novel, incredibly charming and always clear even without any words. also also!!! i won't spoil the ending, but i love the resolution of the tension between Beetle wanting to be a beautiful sorceress doing flashy magic and the more grounded, homey goblin magic her Gran is teaching her.
also i'm realizing belatedly that none of this really explains the plot at all, but i went into this book knowing nothing and had a great time, so
the deets
how i read it: i read a physical paperback copy (and then wrapped it up to give to my best friends and bought myself another copy).
try this if you: like a spooky-themed town, miss hanging out at the mall, cry when characters express sincere emotions, are into magical girls, dig a small story with big magic and bigger love
some panels i really liked: "We used to write FAN FICTION together!"
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marydublinauthor · 1 year
i just finished reading the restoration program like five minutes ago (i started it yesterday and literally couldn’t put it down) and i just have to say that i had an incredible time!! i’ve been following your guy’s work for several years now as an avid g/t tumblr lurker and was so excited to dig into this novel before i even got it. the character work is incredible, Nicole is such an excellent protagonist and perspective on the realism of what a situation like this would be like. ALL of the characters were so well done, and the dynamic between Ryan and Nicole was explored with such complexity and depth that really hooked me. I was swept up in the narrative and darkness of the book, and when i tell you that ending floored me!! (mouth literally agape, gasps abound, the works). just wanted to say thank you for putting so much love and energy towards this small corner of the internet, and that i really love your writing. ❤️💕
(sorry for the textwall lmao)
SOBB🥹💕💕💕💕💕💕 thank you so much for sending this, anon!!! This means more than you know. This little corner of the internet owns my heart. It’s home 🖤
We worked so hard on this and to read this is just amazing and emotional and incredible.
I’m so happy you enjoyed the book!!! 😊 Thank you for supporting us!
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