#tm 1x01
syfysource · 3 months
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THE MAGICIANS 1.01 "Unauthorized Magic"
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cpmhew · 8 months
Here's something I scream about in my head every day: The minor mendings theme is there FROM THE BEGINNING. Literally in the first scene!! In wording so close to what comes later!!
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1x01 // 1x05
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wardrobemoments · 1 year
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Look how Lisbon and Jane are the two on the team who are still fully dressed. Cho is in pajamas, Rigsby is in a t-shirt and sweats, and Grace is wearing flip-flops.
Lisbon is the leader in every way, and Jane is the man who never takes his armor off and never sleeps.
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robntunney · 2 months
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If you were a real psychic, instead of a dishonest little worm, you wouldn't need to open the door to see what I've done to your lovely wife and child. /// Sorry, Patrick. Teresa can't come to the phone right now. Can I take a message? No? Well, I'll tell her you called.
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nikossasaki · 3 years
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one gifset per episode | the mandalorian
chapter 1: the mandalorian
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theythemsam · 3 years
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kythwena · 3 years
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Why I love Eliot Waugh the unhealthy amount - Reason #4 chronologically Quentin Coldwater? The Magicians | S01E01: Unauthorized Magic (2015)
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via @honeybabydichotomy
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laufire · 4 years
a few days ago I talked about how the majority of series finales and direct dialogue with its pilots; how that can tell us a writer’s true priority better than anything (if they were able to change it at all during the course of the story or everything else was mere filler to them, partially due to outside influences etc.), and how it might be an interesting experiment to watch them back to back.
I was prompted to make that post by spoilers I saw about Supernatural (a show I won’t be doing said experiment with since I’ve watched like. 15% of it, maybe), and huh. it seems I was on the money wrt that one.
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neverheardnothing · 5 years
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spneveryseason · 4 years
Do talk abt Sam in new ep
Okay so...this might be Discourse TM but I have thoughts and opinions on this and I’ll try to state them as clearly as I can here.
I know we discuss on here a lot about Sam’s role in later seasons, and there are two general camps: those who believe Sam is underused and underappreciated, and those who don’t think so. I know people who usually fall into the first camp are labeled bitter Sam girls but I want to have a genuine discussion about this without falling into those labels and accusations and such. Let’s talk about this as objectively as we can.
To set it up: the way I see it, tv shows with multiple protagonists have several ways they can divide up screentime and narrative space. The first way, which was used in shows like friends, was to divide time episode by episode to each character and make sure they get more or less equal screen time. The second is to divide episodes focuses throughout seasons: character get different episodes that will focus on them and it’ll all even out in the end. I think most shows will do a combination of both things.
The way I see it, Supernatutal also does the combination method. There are Dean episodes and Sam episodes. There are also episodes that will be Sam or Dean-heavy, but will also feature the other a bit more significantly. There are also eps where they get a more or less equal focus. In recent years, I feel like this balance has been skewed hugely in Dean’s favor, with Sam more or less disappearing in the Dean or Dean-heavy episodes, while Dean will still be a significant presence in the Sam or Sam-heavy episodes.
Let’s take season one as a case study. I’d say, for example, that 1x14 Nightmare is a Sam episode. Despite that, Dean gets a significant presence in the ep even if it doesn’t necessarily center on him: he gets to assert his worldview, to connect emotionally to the mother who has just lost her whole family. 1x13 Route 666 is a Dean episode, but Sam still gets a presence here and talks about his college life and how he’s feeling. 1x01 Pilot is a Sam-heavy episode but Dean is still major part of it, ditto with 1x12 being a Dean-heavy episode with a significant Sam presence. This all culminates in a finale in which both play a heavy role in the final, important choice that is made that wraps up the series arc. Both of their contributions feel like they’re on the same level.
Compare this to season 15. Again, we have Dean episodes and Sam episodes and Dean-heavy episodes and Sam-heavy episodes. And that’s fine, that’s normal. However. The way Sam is treated in the Dean episodes is markedly different from the way Dean is treated in the Sam episodes in general. Let’s use an example: I’d argue that 15x04 is a Sam episode. It’s also the episode in the season to feature the least amount of Dean in general, but that’s more because Jensen Ackles directed this ep. Despite this, we still get an individual sense of how he’s doing: we get the meat man quips, the joking around with the school mascot, the supportive speech at the end of the episode: Dean is more background to Sam’s foreground but he’s there. He’s participating. He even contributed meaningfully by being the person to kill the monster teen. 15x11 is another example: it’s not a straight up Sam episode but it is Sam heavy. And yet, Dean gets some emotional development with regards to his own identity as a hero and his own sense of self-worth.
Let’s compare this to, say, 15x13. Sam gets his moments here and there, but there’s no concrete sense of development or care here. He even gets left off altogether in the final battle, holding the door, for no discernable reason. It seems Sam is shifted to the side when there is development needed for Dean and others. The focus of Jack’s role in the episode is also focused through the lens of how Dean feels about it rather than Sam. Another example is this most recent episode, 15x15. It’s not a Dean or a Sam episode, it’s more a Cas and Jack episode. Dean still gets some concrete role here: he gets closure on his mother, he has a confrontation with Amara, he gets one-on-one time with her. Is there anything you can think of that Sam honestly and sincerely contributes to this ep? Last we see of him, perhaps 3/4 of the way into the episodes, is Dean telling him to stay in the car while he talks to Amara. He doesn’t even get to be in the final reveal scene. There’s something skewed here that there wasn’t before: episode contributions and screen time are overall distributed unevenly, and it seems Sam is the most acceptable of the brothers to sub out entirely when it comes to having an important episode moment.
All this to say: the beef I have isn’t with the way Sam is treated on the show generally. He does get attention in his own eps. However, what I do have a problem with is the way he’s treated in episodes that do not center on him, where generally he’s shuffled off into a corner. Dean categorically does not get this same treatment.
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Loki 1x01
Having watched Falcon and Winter Soldier, expectations are high
Thor's 'shut up' is peak brothers
Not Thor calling for Loki - I can't
"I beg your pardon" - shouldn't be nearly so hot
Crimes against the time line: I assume Steve is rotting in a cell, or the Russos at any rate
The shirtless scene is about as gratuitous as in Guardians, but I'll allow it because he looks good
You know he's British because he went all around the ropes
Exposition through cringey graphic though accurate to a bureaucratic agency is still irritating
So he TVA are ... God?
The 'Loki' graphic is still fucking ugly man
Okay, Owen Wilson even with the 'tache be looking fine
Loki looking all menacing in his mugshot is so on brand
This is very Ragnarok
Is the TVA ... meant to look good? It looks ... so bad? A cyberpunk mess tbh
Mobius making jokes about the fire is adorable. I already love him. If anything bad happens to him I'm going to burn down Marvel. “You can start with my desk” “I’ll help you burn down those guys”- I’m cackling
"wooing someone powerful you intend to betray" - Loki and the Grandmaster fucked on Sakaar, that's canon now
Mobius is definitely in love with Loki already. His soft "I know" - that's the sound of a man with a crush
He looks like he enjoys hurting people and he looks good doing it <3
Oh my God, this Loki hasn't watched Frigga die !! OhmyGod!! Noooooooo! Baby!
Loki's purpose is to lose. Oh :(
I'm calling it now: whatever Time fuckery Marvel have going on now is gonna be so fucking stupid. I already hated the alternate timelines thing with Endgame, I don't like it now. It's overcomplicated: Marvel is supposed to be simple and formulaic. This is going to be a headache to try and follow
So Loki really caused the deaths of both of his parents. Oh.
I can't believe Endgame turned Thor's grief into a punchline. It's so raw in Infinity War and then what. It really pisses me off.
Loki just makes me so sad. He just wanted to be respected and appreciated but loved. GOOOOOd.
As an unapologetic Loki apologist, I have a feeling this show is going to make me emotional TM.
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wishfulromancing · 7 years
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cpmhew · 8 months
I wasn't sure what to expect emotionally from rewatching 1x01 but it felt like hanging out with an old friend 🥲 For all my complicated emotions about this show and all the ways it makes me absolutely incandescently angry, I do also really love it.
I've probably watched this show like five times at this point, and I really like rewatching it after having been in the fandom for awhile. I love getting to bring all these different perspectives and interpretations with me. I liked Quentin well enough the first time I watched it, but getting to know him through the eyes of people who felt more strongly about him has changed my understanding of him and made me love him so, so much. It's really fun and special to get to see so much in him from the beginning, that I didn't really understand the first time I watched the show.
Anyway, yeah, I love this fandom and the Unauthorized Magicians Rewatch is a blast, you should join us!!!
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wardrobemoments · 1 year
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Jane in s1e01, The Pilot
Row 1: First appearance! Megawatt smile, blonde curls, signature shades of blue (symbolically placing him opposite Red John). Look at the red inside collar band against the pale blue and white: there's a dark streak in his nature; he's been touched by evil, by death, by revenge. It's at his neck, as if his own throat has been slashed like Red John does to his victims.
Blue, his predominant color, is associated with, among other things: faithfulness, confidence, distance, the imagination, sadness, intelligence, and concentration (Heller, Eva. Psychologie de la couleur: effets et symboliques). What a perfect color for Jane!
Row 2: This shirt, seen often, has a very light beige or brown stripe in with the blue. Again, it's a subtle streak of the more "aggressive" color in his character palette. Lisbon wears this complementary deep wine red, which I've already spoken about symbolizing her passion, leadership, etc.
Now see Jane, on the right, disheveled and unbuttoned, probably sleeping in his clothes, a contrast to the put-together image seen in his past. Many people have already spoken about how his ensemble of vest and suit is like armor, so I won't reiterate that point.
Row 3: This is Jane in his element as a showman, lacking all the character development we've seen in just the span of half an hour. His suit is more fitted than what he wears in the present, it's flashier and shinier, his hair is tamed and gelled back, and most obviously he wears a tie as opposed to his notably bare neck in the present.
The same megawatt smile is there, but you get the sense that it's equally false -- though for different reasons. Jane is a man who wears a mask.
I also noticed that he wears a watch in the flashbacks (not pictured), and doesn't often do so in the present. He looks at Lisbon's watch instead. Perhaps we can extrapolate that after his family was killed, time stopped for him -- life stopped for him -- and will only resume once he attains revenge. He's in a sort of purgatory in this way.
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robntunney · 2 years
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bytheangell · 3 years
Izzy might be surprised to learn it, but she never makes him feel bad for it -> tbh I’m not sure about earlier s1 Izzy though. Her needling remarks (some of which are casually homophobic) and patronising attitude, typical for straight (tm) person, from 1x01 to 1x04 is still something I’m not comfortable about.
That’s fair - I was thinking more along the lines of once he actually tells her, that moment where he goes to her for advice and he admits it isn’t just that he hasn’t been with a man before, but with anyone. Because before that, whether she suspected or not, he’d lead her to believe that he’s had crushes/relationships in the past, or at least hinted enough to hope she’d assume (like with the very made up Jessica Hawkblue). So her teasing earlier on was with an understanding between the two of them that she’s supposed to believe he’s at least been interested in, if not actually been with, girls before. 
Once he admits to her that isn’t the case she doesn’t guilt or shame him for it, or even give him too much shit for lying to her before, only tries to help with what he came to her for advice on and supports him and his relationship with magnus and whatever Alec wants it to be, not pushing any expectations or judgments.
(but yes, those things aside, a lot of characterization and remarks in early season 1 especially from a lot of characters were, uh, Not Great™)  
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