#to get their parents off their backs until they came out properly and continued to stay in touch as friends after LMAO
puppyeared · 23 days
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renaissance dogys
characters belong to @canisalbus
#i love i loveeee ludovica sm shes so cute. ive only known her for 5 min but i fell in love with her design and i love her friendship#with vasco ^_^ i think them having each other makes hiding their sexualities a little less lonely so thats sweet#ik in modern au shes considered an old friend of vascos but i originally assumed she and vasco fake dated in college or smth#to get their parents off their backs until they came out properly and continued to stay in touch as friends after LMAO#im not very familiar with period fashion so i had to look at renaissance costumes as reference. but i have to admit i love the#high waistlines used in some of their dresses.. i have a minidress with a similar high waistline pressed against the chest and sleeves#also if u squint machete is holding a little paper bag in the 2nd photo which is supposed to be his lunch courtesy of vasco <3#idk what ludovica would wear in modern au but i thought poet shirts might suit her because theyre like somewhere evenly between#masc and femme. to me anyway.. based on observation lesbians seem to love poet shirts and i think she looks good in one#these are all shitposts.. ill draw serious art of them one of these days i promise#i listened to fools rush in and it reminds me of them.. especially when it goes 'though i see the danger there / if theres a chance#for me then i dont care' like its so poignant and bittersweet.. a little indulgent when u think of those small moments they have togethr#save me gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries save me#my art#myart#doodles#fanart#others ocs#canisalbus#fur#furry art#machete#vasco#vaschete#ludovica#sfw fur#furry#anthro
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hai7ani · 4 months
divorced parents au / with your faves
When your daughter turned two, you and your husband had brought her to Disneyland as her birthday gift. Growing up, Umi was always fond of the 12 Disney Princesses ー more specifically Princess Belle ー and she keeps a photograph of her and Belle at a meet and greet on her nightstand. Her father's half-expected her favourite to be Ariel, given that Ariel and Umi do go pretty well together. (Ariel and the sea.)
In Disneyland that summer your baby has had the time of her life, so she starts asking for it every birthday (which slowly turned into every milestone) and up until then you both have had no issues with bringing her there. He'd told you once that if going there makes her happy then he was willing to visit again, no matter the amount of times and the slight boringness he'd have to face when waiting in line to go on rides or booths.
Today she had learned how to properly draw a flying bird in art class after failing a few times and drew flying chickens instead. When you picked her up from school, the first thing she said after showing you her art proudly was, 'Let's go to Disneyland, Mama! Let's go with Daddy!'
You would bring her if you could. You know you would in a heartbeat.
But it has been two years since her last visit to Disneyland, and you and your husband aren't together anymore.
So when he comes over for dinner tonight ー just like he has been every Friday without miss ever since your divorce ー you show him Umi's drawing of the flying bird.
"Can I bring this back with me? I'd like to frame it up." He asks. In his head he plans to hang it on the wall of his living room, right on top of his television, next to your family portrait.
You eat a piece of the orange he'd peeled. "Of course."
At noon when your daughter asked, you told her no. So at night she is tugging on her father's shirt with a red face full of tears and she is begging for him to stay.
"Stay here, daddy. Don't go." She cries to him at the foyer. Only one side of his shoe is put on and he kicks it away quick when she attempts to climb into his arms.
"You'll see me again on Sunday, Mimi." He attempts to console her. "We're gonna go to the mall together 'n we'll find the toy you've been wanting."
Her father scoops her into his arms and sits on the floor. She kicks her feet in the air and wails.
"But I want to go to Disneyland with you and Mama." She sobs into his arms. He pecks her crown and shushes her a little.
When your chest gets too heavy you push yourself off the wall you've been leaning against and turn your back to them.
(You've been watching the duo since the moment her father was putting on his shoe, ready to leave, and your daughter came running after him in her pyjamas with wet tears already streaming down her cheeks.)
And Umi continues to cry while her father rocks her in his arms, trying his best to console her.
While walking away from the scene, you pick on the skin around your thumb. Your nose sours and you try pinching it in hopes of soothing it a little.
"Why d'ya wanna go to Disneyland?" You hear him ask before you disappear into the hallway. It's funny how he still asks even though you and him both know that going or not going to Disneyland was never the problem.
Umi sniffles. Her father hums for her to say it.
You hide behind the door of your bedroom.
"I want Mama, Daddy and Umi together again."
Just the three of us together in Umi's favourite place.
You cry.
"She's asleep now."
You pause from folding laundry at the couch and look up. He's got both hands in his pockets and a soft smile planted on his face.
He's also a mess, you notice ー his shirt a little stretched and out of place from how hard your daughter had been tugging on it earlier, the fabric wet from tear and snot stains, his hair a bit disheveled (you figure he was resting beside her when putting her to sleep), and he's moving to sit beside you on the couch now.
You smile back. "Thank you. I haven't been able to calm her down easily these days."
He picks up one of the garments from the pile and starts folding it beside you. "It's fine. You know I like doing it." I like being a dad, is what he wishes to say. But he knows you know it already and he holds his tongue.
Neither of you say a thing to each other after that and he continues helping you with the laundry. He folds your bra the way you prefer and your daughter's school uniform neatly so that it doesn't crease.
You steal a few glances at him without shame while stacking his sweatpants onto his pile of clothes.
"Your hair's getting long." You comment.
"Is it?" He raises his brows, genuinely wanting to know.
"Yeah." You reach a hand up to comb through his soft strands of hair. You push them back and try parting it on the middle.
"I've been busy." He's got a boxy, kind of nervous smile on his face when he explains. "Can't really see well through the mirror anyway." He rubs his nape.
You chuckle. "Want me to cut it for you?"
You still keep a room for your ex-husband even after the end of your marriage and he's given you the house.
You like telling yourselves it's solely for the sake of your daughter, for when she misses her father a little too much and refuses to let him leave.
But both of you know that's not really the case.
Somehow it didn't feel right when he was in the process of moving out to his new apartment somewhere in Meguro, and you slowly realise that you'd be having an empty room all to yourself.
(Back then you didn't think you could cope with living alone in the house you used to love each other in ー in the house you'd both created a life in.
You still don't now. Not really, anyway.)
So you transform the room that used to be his study into his own bedroom just right across the master (yours). He didn't reject the idea when you told him so.
And because of this, you leave your bedroom door open whenever he stays the night.
Tonight you do it again, and you watch him across the hall, in his room, drying off his freshly cut hair. Your head is resting on the edge of the bed with one hand tucked under your cheek and the other playing with a plush toy he'd gifted you many years ago.
When he turns to hang his towel on the wall he sees you like this. You don't shy away when he smirks.
"Goodnight." You mouth to him. You stay like that until he leaves his door open and finally gets in bed ー until he, too, shuffles around, and dangles his head off the edge of his own bed.
"Goodnight." He mouths it back to you.
You spend some time looking at each other like that ー really taking your realities in ー in rooms across each other with heads dangling off the edge of your beds, two hearts connected by the sea, and your daughter asleep in the room next to yours.
On most nights he comes over sometime during the night and helps you back on your pillow when you accidentally fall asleep like this, and every time, you'd unconsciously tug on his arm and beg him not to go.
He stays every single time.
Tonight, however, he pads over to your room while you're still awake with a pillow clutched in one hand.
"Hi." You scoot on the bed to make space for him as he throws his pillow next to yours and lays down beside you ー face to face, heart to heart. "Hey." He sighs upon getting comfortable on the bed he'd grown to find so much comfort in.
You bring the blanket up to cover his shoulders. He scoots closer to you, sneaks a hand under your shirt, and rubs a warm hand up and down your spine. (You always sleep better when he rubs your back like this.)
And while falling asleep you think to yourself that perhaps someday you'll get to try again as lovers.
You know for a fact that you'll always love him in your heart, and you'll never stop loving him even though it doesn't really make sense anymore ー just like how he'd sworn to never love again after your divorce.
Perhaps someday the both of you would be ready to move on ー still loving each other, but ready to move on from your past, from your love.
And perhaps someday the two of you wouldn't have to argue about money or time anymore. Perhaps someday he'll find a suitable work-life balance, and you're able to trust him enough to keep himself safe at work.
But for now, he's content with rubbing your back as you fall asleep next to him in the bed you'd once shared. You're content with the flowers he still buys you from time to time and cutting his hair whenever it grows out.
For now, you know that you're not ready to move on just yet. Both of you are not, and both of you have something else in mind...
You want to try again.
And you know that trying again will not be easy, but you both also know that you're willing to start all over again with everything you have if given the chance, the opportunity.
Maybe someday.
Maybe you'll give it more time.
(You feel a nudge on your elbow.)
"Wanna go to Disneyland tomorrow?"
(You smile.)
...Maybe tomorrow?
(He reddens all over.)
You'll see.
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(i have never been to disneyland before. 😹)
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 7 months
Best friends-part 1
Pairing - Rafe Cameron x best friend!reader
Summary - it’s been 2 years since you’ve seen Rafe, he has a gf and a business degree. You are dating his cousin Cooper and still very involved with the Cameron’s.
Warnings- Descriptive sexual assault, mention of domestic Violence, drinking, language. 18+ no minors
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Your families had been friends for years, you had grown up with Rafe. He was your best friend, you couldn’t do anything without each other. Your parents would always joke around that the two of you would get married.
When you turned 14 you realized you might be in love with your best friend romantically but you knew he didn’t feel the same way. He was popular with the ladies, usually bringing a new date to a party each night. He would still tell you that you were his number 1 girl.
That’s when you become self conscious of the way you looked, you started wearing makeup, getting your hair done and exercising religiously. Just so you could match up to the girls he was hitting on.
When you both turned 18, he took off to college. Getting his business degree so his dad would let him run part of the business.
You stayed back though, doing most of your courses online. You couldn’t leave, not when your dad was so sick. So you stayed and wondered what Rafe was up to, you didn’t see him for over 2 years.
You messaged here and there but things weren’t the same anymore. After a while of waiting for him, you realized you needed to move on. You wouldn’t hope and pray that one day he would wake up and feel the same way you do.
So when his older cousin Cooper asked you out on a date, you said yes without a second thought. He was exactly 2 years and 6 months older than you, he’d never given you a second look until the New Year’s party, you had been waiting for Rafe to show up. But to avail he never showed, you met Cooper properly that night and he was instantly obsessed.
Fast forward 8 months into a relationship with him, you found yourself sat on the floor of Tanny Hill. Watching as everyone opened their Christmas presents.
You had been invited by Ward before he had even thought of inviting Cooper and his side of the family, you had to pretend to act surprised when Cooper asked you to come. You knew he had invited you since your dad had passed away, your mum had gone back to work not long after he passed and she was apparently to busy to come home for Christmas.
This year Rafe came on, he was sitting on the large black lounge, arm slung around his girlfriend Lola. She was lovely, blonde with a die for figure. Everything you weren’t. Rafe looked more mature, but happier.
He still caused butterflies to swarm your belly, your heart to stammer in your chest. He still hugged the same and spoke the same, still picked on you in a way that had you giddy.
“Who wants a drink?” Coop questions, stumbling in his step slightly. You shook your head and stood up, he had been drinking since 9am and it was 2pm now. He was wasted. He could hardly stand by himself, using the door frame for support.
“Coop I don’t think you need another drink” you whispered, following him into the kitchen. He waved you off and continued to mix liquids into a shaker.
He had started drinking a lot in the past 3 months, work had been stressful and deadlines where being thrown left and right at him. You suspected he was also nervous about Rafe coming home, he knew how close we used to be.
“Could you open that?” He asks, pushing you the unopened bottle of champagne. His hands gripped the table to steady himself, he chuckled under his breath and looked up at you.
“Open it!” He ordered, you jumped slightly at his aggressive tone. You hated when he drank, he was a whole other person. Mean, manipulative and always ended up hurting you in some way.
You proceeded to uncork the champagne and passed it back to him in silence, he snatched it from you without a thank you and went back to making his drink.
He took a gulp of his drink and walked around to you, sculling back the last of it, he reached out for you. flinching away from him as he placed his hand on your hip.
“Oh come on babe, I didn’t mean to yell” he whispered, pressing his lips to your cheek. You nodded your head in silence, holding your breath. The stench of alcohol on his breath made you woozy.
His lips trailed down your neck, sucking harshly at the skin. He pushed your back against the island bench, trapping you between his large arms. Grinding himself against you.
“Coop, not now. Someone could walk in” you whispered, moving to duck under his arm. He grabbed the pony tail that sat low on your head, pulling you back up to him.
“You don’t get to deny me what’s mine” he growled, his hand gripping the base of your throat. Tightening his fingers around it roughly.
“Coop” you cried, your throat began to burn and the breath you desperately wanted to take was trapped. “You're hurting me!”
He wasn’t listening though, his eyes were glazed over and the expression on his face was no longer him. He was the Cooper you had started to hide from when he came home at 2am in the morning.
“Shut the fuck up” he shouted, his fingers slipped under the material of your sweater. Groping the flesh of your breast roughly, scratching the skin raw.
You had started to cry at this point, tears staining your cheeks. You were thankful that this house was so big, no one would be able to hear you. You didn’t want anyone to witness this.
Cooper began to unzip your jeans, sliding his shaky hand under your panties until he found what he was looking for.
“Cooper!” You cried out, searing pain shooting through you as his fingers roughly entered you.
Tears were blurring your vision now, his lips were all over you. You were struggling to breath from his mouth on your lips and his fingers around your throat.
He began to unzip his own pants, pulling your hand away from the bench and down his jeans. Your fingers frozen, he manipulated them until they wrapped around his cock. “Come on y/n, just a quick fuck and you can go back to the fucking Cameron’s” he slurred, pulling your jeans down to expose your green panties. “Fuck, my favorite” he laughed, he spun you around pushing your face into the table.
The alcohol Cooper had spilt was now all over your face and in your hair, he had you pinned under his hand. Pulling his cock out of his pants, he didn’t warn you or ease you into it. He slammed his hips into you, causing you to cry out in pain.
You squeezed your eyes such and dug your fingernails into the wooden bench, trying to take yourself to a happy place. Anywhere but here.
“Fuck! Get a roo-” Rafes voice filled your ears, the once deafening buzz was gone and you pried your eyes open. Rafe only needed a second to realize you were in distress.
The once disgusted look in his face had vanished and was replaced with anger, his brows knitted together as he took in the scene in front of him.
“Fuck off bro” Cooper shouted, pushing your head back down onto the table and thrusting his hips again, he had no shame.
“Rafe!” You choked, pleading for him to do something. Rafe seemed to have gotten out of the trance he was in and he began bounding towards the two of you.
Cooper pulled himself out of you, tucking himself back into his pants stumbling backwards into the sink.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!!” Rafe screamed, he fisted the front of Cooper's shirt and pulled him closer.
You could tell he was fighting with himself, he didn’t want to cause a scene. Not when his dad was around, he couldn’t risk losing the business.
You had pulled your pants up in hurry, clutching the table in pain as Ward stepped into the kitchen the moment Rafe’s fist was in the air, he took one look at you crying and looked back at the boys.
“What happened?” He questioned, causing Rafe to drop his fist and look back at his dad. “He was assaulting y/n”.
This seemed to anger Ward as well, he nodded his head and stepped over to you.
“Let’s take you somewhere else” Ward whispers, he puts his hand out for you to take. You look back at Rafe and cooper, Rafe nods his head towards his dad. Cooper doesn’t even look at you, he’s so far gone his eyes are rolling behind his head.
You step over to take Ward’s hand and let him take you to his study, he situates you on the couch and hands you some water. You give him a soft smile and move your head to stare out of the window at the sea.
“I’ll be next door” he states, he wants to give you a moment of privacy. He also knows you won’t talk about it to him, you’ll want to talk to Rafe.
You're unaware how much time passes but the door to the study creaks open, Rafe steps in with a bag of ice over his hand.
You turn your head back to the window, cradling your throat in your hands. The aching hadn’t stopped, the burn in your throat was brutal. No amount of water was easing the pain.
“Can I use your shower?” You asked, moving from your spot and walking towards him. You winced in pain, you hadn’t realized how sore you were. Cooper had been much rougher this time. “Here I’ll help you”.
You let him walk you up the stairs to his room, he pushes the door open. His girlfriend Lola lay on top of his mattress reading a book, her head whips around and sorrow feels her features when she looks at you.
“Sorry babe I thought you were downstairs” he smiled at her, she pulled herself from the bed quickly and flattened her dress. “I’ll use Sarah’s shower” you stated, pulling away from Rafe and walking yourself across the landing with a whimper.
“I have to help her babe” Rafe states and his arms are back around you in a second. You let him lead you into Sarah’s room, he flips the switch in the bathroom and turns the shower on.
“Thanks Rafe” you whisper, you give a soft hug in appreciation and he kisses the top of your head like he used to. Your heart swells, he pulls away and gives you a smile.
“I’ll get you some of Sarah’s clothes” he states and steps out of the room, he goes to close the door but you grab the handle before he can. “Leave it open a little please”.
He nods and steps away from the door, he searches through Sarah’s draws and grabs her a pair of loose shorts and oversized shirt. This should do, he thought to himself.
He walked back to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of you reaching for the towel. He could see old bruises on your arms and the fresh bruises on your hips, he closed his eyes when he caught sight of the harsh scratches on your breast. He knew he shouldn’t look, but you’d seen each other naked before. Okay maybe you were only 15 but still.
“Rafe” you called out, he was at the door in seconds handing you a pile of clothes. “Let me get yours washed” he says, you look down at your clothes and back at him. “No I’ll do it” you went to grab the clothes on the bench but he was faster than you. “Rafe” you warned but his eyes were already looking at the clothes in his hands, the sight of bright red blood stained on your once favorite pair of panties.
“Fuck” he grunted, balling your clothes up in his fists. “I’m getting dad to call the dr” he states, you shake your head grabbing his bicep. “No please Rafe, I’m fine. I don’t want another dr looking at me” you cried, he pulls you into a hug and squeezes you softly against his chest.
“Does this happen a lot?” He questions, he knows he doesn’t have a right to ask. The two of you hadn’t spoken properly since he left and he knew that was all his fault.
“When he drinks a lot he is this whole other person, it only started happening recently. I was never around when he drank before” you mumbled against his chest, you could hear the harsh thump of his heart as he took in the new information.
“He pushed me around a couple of times, forced himself on me a few weeks ago when I told him I missed you. Today was different, he was brutal.” You say, pulling yourself away from his hold. You grab the clothes he brought in and begin to change, keeping the towel around your body until the oversized shirt cover your naked body, stepping into the shorts.
“I’m so sorry I haven’t been around y/n” he says, taking the towel from you and hanging it on a hook. He watches you throw your clothes into the trash, and lets you walk out of the bathroom first.
Cooper's voice frightens you, you step back hitting Rafe’s chest in the process. Your heart races as you take in his swollen bruised face, you didn’t like it. “Coop, Ward told you to leave” Rafe states, stepping around you and walks towards him. “I know I know, I just needed to see y/n. I’m so sorry this happened again baby, you know I love you”.
You shake your head and walk back into the bathroom closing the door behind you, you didn’t want to hear it, he was just trying to get you to forgive him. Take him back and pretend like none of it happened.
It was the same every time, this time he’d gone too far.
“Get out Cooper now, I’m fucking serious. Your lucky I didn’t call the fucking cops you piece of shit!” Rafe bellows, you hear a thump against a wall. Either Rafe hit the wall or he hit Cooper who fell into the wall.
“Fuck!” You hear Cooper shout, the door slams behind him. You're pressed against the bathroom door in silence, body shaking in fear.
Rafe taps on the wood quietly and you open the door for him. “He’s gone, let’s get you something to eat yeah?”.
Part two
Taglist - @laylasbunbunny @h34rtsformilli @lydiasxxsworld @hallecarey1 @mountloverr @outerbankspov @cameronmedia @crunchy-leaves77 @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade @phoenixssugarbaby @rafemotherfuckingcameron @s-we-e-t-t-ea @rafesthroatbaby @alltoomay @moremaybank
(please note a lot of people who commented or like my taglist post I am unable to actually tag, so sorry!! And if you no longer want to be tagged just let me know)
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unoislazy · 7 months
‘Til The Caged Bird Sings
(Part 1)
Mizu x Mixed! Fem! Reader
Disclaimer; This is less of a chapter and more of a prologue for what’s to come.
I see your requests and I have begun to work on a few of them, but I have a few ideas that I had started previously that I would like to get to first. Thank you for your patience.
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Marriage was not something you expected to be a part of your life. You truly believed you would never find someone who completed you enough to be set on sealing the deal. All the men you had met were arrogant and egotistical, so hellbent on fueling their ego that they refused to treat you like a human being. They believed that if they had been seen being paired with an ‘unreal’ like you, they would lose any fortune or honor they might have had, no matter how small. If that was how you would be treated, maybe that wasn't the life for you. Your life was by no means glamorous, if you had married it wouldn’t have been for monetary gain by anysense, for your parents maybe, but you got the short end of the stick no matter what. It more than likely would simply have been just to extend someone else's family lineage, then again who would want to have impure blood mixed with their own. Other than the desperate men who were practically chomping at the bit to get you, likely just to sell you off to someone else.
Not wanting anything like that for yourself, you had given up your life at home in favor of living a peaceful life on your own, far away from anyone who could treat you otherwise. You stayed out of people's way and just went about business as usual.
That was until you had met Mizu.
Your paths had crossed in the most unusual way, almost as if it was fate. You had met her on a day that you had to visit the market, which was peculiar on its own considering you very rarely went into town. You hadn’t seen her get into a fight, but you did witness the very bloody outcome first hand. You knelt down before her bloody body which had been just haphazardly strewn about against a wall. She struggled to keep her eyes open as they shifted to you, you were unsure if she could even see you properly but you could just barely make out the blue hue as her eyelids began to shut.
She was a mess and no one else around her seemed to care. You didn’t have much medicinal knowledge but you thought it right to help with what you could. So, you slung her over the back of your horse along with the supplies you had bought and made your way back to your home.
And that is where she stayed.
She was extremely skeptical at first, extremely jumpy and quite hesitant to even allow you to get near her. It took some convincing but eventually she had learned to trust you, even just the slightest bit. You meant no harm to her and she eventually came to realize that. She didn’t understand why, you owed her nothing, you didn't even know who she was but you still helped. You paid no mind to her skepticism or her ‘flaws’ and continued to treat her just as you saw fit.
Because you knew what it was like to be considered a demon.
You too had mixed blood and because of that you had always been cast away, looked down upon, and pushed to the side without another thought. You had been poked and prodded at like you were some otherworldly being that amounted to nothing more than the mud underneath people's shoes.
Once you both came to the realization that you had this fact in common, your relationship slowly began to build from there.
Because of Mizu’s injured state you both spent a lot of time around each other and while Mizu wasn’t incredibly talkative at first she had begun to open up to you. You two began to share stories with each other, spend late nights together, sometimes just sitting in silence enjoying each other's company. You had never met someone who had so much in common with you and neither had she, you both completed each other in a way that you almost didn’t think to be true. It took a while for you to gain her trust, but once you had you two were inseparable. Every chore you had around the house, Mizu insisted on helping, any place you needed to go, Mizu insisted on coming with. She never left your side and you never truly left hers either.
For once in her life, Mizu had finally begun to feel comfortable around someone, which was something she wasn’t able to say for a long time. She had gotten comfortable enough that she no longer felt the need to wear her glasses or pull her hair so far back, or even wear the baggy clothes she had initially gotten used to wearing. When she was around you, she felt as if she could truly be herself, she could wear whatever she wanted, she could finally let go as if no one was waiting to ridicule her and strike her down.
She felt safe.
She didn’t think she’d ever get to say that about anyone but there she was, standing before you, a few years later. You both were dressed in your best attire as you conducted a very makeshift ceremony. You both knew it wouldn’t be legal for you to get married officially, it was one thing that you both were mixed and it was an entirely new issue that you were both women. So you decided to do it yourself, sure it wouldn’t be legally recognized, but who cares? All that matters is that you both agreed that you loved each other enough to want to vow to protect each other at any cost. If anything, you appreciated it more than what was normally done and said at weddings.
You couldn’t be happier. You lived a quiet life, now with a wonderful wife by your side who was willing to do practically anything for you, and you would do the same for her. One day you had decided to surprise her by going out to buy a horse for her, you figured it would be better than you both just trading your poor old horse. You laughed as you watched Mizu attempt to groom the horse she had picked; with Mizu being Mizu, she chose the most stubborn one anyone could have possibly gone for. You watched on as she cautiously reapproached the rambunctious stallion, surprised she had gotten so far to begin with.
You leaned your head on your hands as you rested your weight on the wooden fence of the field, your eyes not once leaving Mizu as you focused on what you could see of her facial features.
She was probably one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen. How any one could’ve even considered to claim that she was a demon or a monster, you would never know. She might have started off quite rude and abrasive but you couldn’t blame her for that, you would’ve too if one minute you were on the street and the next in some random person's house. But once her personality began to shine through and she began to slowly reveal parts of herself piece by piece, you slowly began to fall for her. You would’ve been a fool not to.
You snapped out of your thoughts, refocusing on Mizu, watching as her eyes squinted ever so slightly as she began to smile, her efforts paid off so she approached the stallion without any added effort. You cheered for her, walking onto the field with her as she continued to ever so gently pet the stallion.
“I told you I could.” She gloated in a joking manner, turning to you with a very proud smile on her face.
“And I never said you couldn’t.” You responded, matching her tone with a smile. She had taken her hand off of the horse and turned to face you as you linked your arm with hers, pulling yourself much closer to her.
“You thought about it.” She teased while sending you a challenging, yet very playful, glare.
“I did not.” You laughed at the childish nature of the conversation. You never would have guessed that stoic woman you had met years before would even think to have a conversation such as this.
You gave the woman a very soft peck on the cheek before telling her,
“I’m going to go back into the house to finish up some things, are you coming with me?” You asked. She thought about it for a second before turning back to her newly befriended horse,
“No, I think I’ll spend a little more time out here with him.” She replied, to which you smiled and nodded.
You made your way back inside, humming a tune that you had heard playing when you had visited the market last. It was light and airy, one that reminded you of something a songbird might sing. The notes were so fluttery it made you feel at peace, as if nothing could harm you.
You walked inside your home, shutting the door behind you as you continued to hum the tune. You grabbed your unfinished embroidery project and some thread and walked towards the spot where you usually sat when you were to complete a very long task. You had been so engrossed in your task you had yet to notice the three other people that also occupied the room.
By the time you had noticed their presence however, it had been too late.
“Hey, I think we need to go out and buy more fruits we don’t-” Mizu paused, Her eyes widening as she looked on at the scene before her. The house you shared, now in complete mess, the table toppled over, bits and pieces of different decorations you both had now torn to shreds and thrown about on the floor. The embroidery that you had been working on had been left, thrown carelessly to the side and still unfinished.
The worst thing Mizu had come across was a few droplets of blood that had been left on the floor.
What if it was your blood? What if they had harmed you?
Luckily though, because of the amount of blood that had been left, it was clear that the wound had not been too deep.
But if it had been your blood, whoever had raised a hand to harm you was going to wish they had never made such a careless mistake
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tainted-liquor · 9 months
'Tiny hands; Little Baby ...ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ ft. 42Miles
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✩ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and baby powder!
˙⟡TWs: Cussing, Miles speaks mostly Spanish, so ready ur spanishDict
✩A/N: Miles is soft when it comes to his children. Its not ooc, he was based off of MY sisters father. parents usually 'calm down' after having babies. pls don't start complaining
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When you think of the ideal father, you usually would think of two types of people. The happy-go-lucky super kind and outgoing person, or someone who balances both fun and order. You never in your life expected to be a mother, or even wanted kids as a matter of fact. But everything changed when you met him. Miles.
Admittedly, when you met in high school shit was rocky. Typical 'anti-social social' kid. Everybody knew him, but nobody was ever able to say they talked to him. But things slowly began to change as the school year passed, and you seemed to pop up more and more in each other's lives. Art projects, a shared interest in graffiti, seating charts in chem, and ending up at the same bodega during the wee hours of the night.
You waltzed into the small store, grabbing a tube of Pringles and a bottle of cherry Faygo. You had a project to get done within the next 5 hours and spent 3 days working nonstop so you wouldn't fail this semester. Your eyes were low and sleepy, your movement was slower than average and it looked like you had been crying. A lot. What is a girl supposed to do when she feels like her life is being drowned out by constant numbers and big words?
You waited by the counter, tapping away on your phone as you waited for the man behind the glass to finish making your chop cheese, slowly raising your head to see who just swung open the door. You made eye contact with Miles for a brief moment, nodding upward as a form of greeting before suddenly being startled. Miles's eyes widened for a moment, taking a tiny step back as he took in how sleepy you looked. Your hoodie wasn't even on properly, one arm completely off your shoulder and exposing a fraction of your black tank top to the world around you. "Well damn, nigga. I know I look like shit but don't make it obvious" you snorted, rolling your eyes as you dropped your head back to your phone screen.
"Oh, my bad. Just not used to seeing you outside of school" he shrugged, making his way to the counter to order his food and standing next to you in silence. You both tapped away on your phones, scrolling through your Instagram while you waited for your sandwich. There was nothing else to it, really. You both waved bye to each other as you left the store, silently building a smidge of a relationship compared to being just strangers. For the most part, it was like that at school too.
There was no real reason to talk to him, outside of a small hallway talk and a nod or a wave. And it stayed like that for a long time, until a random day in the school's library. Miles came strutting through the oak wood doors, seemingly pissed off as he slammed his supplies on a nearby table and started working silently. You side-eyed him, continuing to blast the music in your headphones until you felt a presence begin getting closer to you. You grabbed one of your AirPods, removing it from your ear as Miles stood over you.
"Hmm?" You hummed, looking up at him as you paused your music. He said nothing, only showing you a piece of paper with honors calculus work. "Do you need help?" you asked, scanning over the paper briefly before putting your AirPods in your case. He nodded, letting you take the paper from him as he leaned against the table. "Aight, sit down. I'm only doing one problem though" you muttered, scooting your chair over to make room for Miles.
When Miles left that table, you were closer than normal. You spent the rest of the afternoon helping him 'study' (talking to each other while he finished his work) and exchanging numbers and Instagram. "Good luck with your test!" You smiled, waving from across the room as he left the library. He gave you a nod before swiftly exiting, leaving people asking you left and right "What's Miles like?" You didn't think anything of it, at all.
You never would have imagined that that same boy would be the father of your child almost ten years later.
“MILES!” You shouted as loud as humanly possible. “SÍ? QUÉ HICE??” He shouted back from the kitchen. “MY FUCKING WATER BROKE START THE CAR!” You yelled as you stared down in absolute shock. And it was absolute chaos from there. Miles was practically stumbling out of the house as he ran to start the car, muttering curses as he ran up to get you out of your shared room.
Unfortunately for Miles, he had no idea what was happening. He was terrified but tried to be as supportive as possible through the entire situation. He was out cold for most of the delivery, having fainted 10 minutes in from anxiety. "Sir? SIR-!"
But other than that, everything went amazing! He cried for 20 whole minutes when he got to hold his beautiful baby girl. "W-what...sniffle... are you going to...sob...name h-her, love?" he asked between a puddle of tears. You took a good look at your baby through soaked eyes, realizing she was born...quiet. She had one green eye, and one dark brown eye that was taken right from her father's face, a cute little button nose, and a head full of placenta-permed hair. She cried once the entire birth and remained silent the rest of the way, just like her nonchalant-ass daddy. "I'm thinkin' about...Asomi" you replied before bursting out in tears, causing Miles to burst even further into tears.
You attempted to reach for your baby, earning a watery glare from your boyfriend. "Nigga I JUST PUSHED HER OUT! GIMME MY BABY!" you giggled as you attempted to grab your daughter. "nuh-uh. I'm not done holding her" he retorted, flashing you a middle finger as he held Asomi even closer. "Miles Gonzalo Morales."
"Lo siento. Te amo mucho. Tú eres muy bonita y inteligente" he quickly replied as he handed your daughter over.
And from that moment forward, everything in Miles's life revolved around his beautiful family. He spent hours rambling on and on to 'Omi', as he calls her, about anything under the sun. "Entonces," Miles began as he attempted to give 'Omi a sink bath. "Tú mami me dijo que necesito hablar más inglés a ti. I won't though, cuz you're my lil princess" he whispered as he curved Omi's hair into a bubbly mohawk and giggled like a child. He played with the bubbly water, pretending to be one of the countless tiny rubber duckies she had floating around in the water.
"Alright, c'mon. Necesito vestir tú antes consigue frío" he giggled as he put the kid in a prowler onesie you told him not to buy. He blew raspberries on Asomi's little belly, earning adorable giggles from his daughter as he carried the tiny baby with one arm. He cleaned up some of the toys on the floor, briefly pushing them inside the toy bin before grabbing the tiny purple pacifier and soft wooly lamb-lamb plush. Omi clung to his shirt, laying her head on his shoulder as she held the tiny lamb-lamb plushie. Miles kissed her on the forehead, sat down on the couch, and fell asleep with Omi dozing off right beside him.
You came home to two of your two favorite people in the world snuggled up on the couch. Omi's tiny hand gripped Miles's shirt as Miles held her like an inmate protecting his tray. You giggled to yourself, snapping a quick pic for the memories before joining their 'nap circle'.
"G'night, pretty babies" you whispered, pressing kisses on both of their cheeks.
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@ashsostrange @chessbox @janaeby @faeriesoiree333 @fivestardior @an1bara @bachirasegoist @kxllanxtdoor
Taglist form on my profile !! pls fill that out to be added <3
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biibini · 4 months
Could you possibly write hcs for Mizu properly introducing reader to her adoptive father for the first time??? I'm curious as to how that would play out :3
modern!mizu x reader meets eiji for the first time
tags: modern mizu, mizu & reader in relationship, meeting the parents trope, meeting the parent?, eiji is mizu’s adopted father, kohama is staged around the pacific northwest, heidi shindo &blood-soaked chiaki mentioned, TW: m*k*o, author needs to eat before she writes
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a/n: ok for some reason i cant edit my drafts on my phone bc of gifs :( ima get thru these asks fr,, hope yall like the show references teehee
when u and modern!mizu first got together, u guys figured u would take it slow
it was mizu’s first relationship out of a toxic one
and u didn’t mind the slow pace
going on dates, hanging out, relaxing together
it was a blast
until one day u guys were out downtown, having a lil cafe date
and one of eiji’s clients recognized mizu as u hopped on the back of her motorcycle, zooming off to get lunch
modern!mizu ends up getting an unexpected phone call from her adopted dad
they keep in touch every few days
but she had just called him yesterday
Mizu was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Her homework lies on her desk, ready to be done.
She groans in frustration and gently throws the phone down.
Ok, enough scrolling. Let’s get shit done-
Her phone starts to vibrate. Mizu flips the phone to spot the contact name “Swordfather”. The contact name is paired with a 0.5 selfie of him winning against Mizu. It continued to vibrate on Mizu's bed.
That’s odd. I just called him yesterday.
“Hey dad, whats up?”, Mizu answer.
“Who’s in the back of your bike?”, he yells into the phone.
“How- who- what are you talking-“
“Mr. Shindo come to me earlier today.” He starts, stern and loud, “He say he saw you with girl behind you on bike.”
Mr. Shindo was a regular at Eiji’s Repair Shop ever since Mizu was young. A man with temper and sass, he only trusted Eiji with his services. But with sass came a lot of gossip. Mizu wouldn’t believe the amount of drama happening the neighborhood if it wasn’t for Mr.Shindo’s loud mouth.
“Ok dad, I know it’s a girl but-“
“And he say he saw you hold hands! And drive off?!”, Eiji yelled with concern.
Mizu never really heard him this loud. There was the occasional disagreement and arguments about the Sunday game or who’s cooking for dinner. It was just banter at the most.
When Mizu told him about Mikio and why she left him & all his problems, he stayed calm and silent. Not many words were said when she admitted everything he did during the relationship. But it was comforting to know that her adopted dad was there, quietly listening to her sobs at the dining table.
“I know it’s not a guy but-“
“Guy, girl I do no care. Who is she?”
Mizu was stunned. Yeah, her dad’s English wasn’t the best but his words hit deep. The only time he pulled out the “I don’t care” in her lifetime was a foul customer.
A man by the name of Chiaki was on his knees close to closing hours, begging on his knees for Eiji to fix his motorcycle in hopes to make it faster. After constant days of his begging and pleading during open & closing, Eiji took it into his shop. After countless days of watching her dad attempt to fix the customer’s bike, Chiaki started criticizing and called him an “decrepit old man unable to fix shit”. Mizu wanted to rock his shit but her dad stopped her before she could.
“I may be old, but I do no care. Leave with your piece of shit you call a bike.”, Eiji said as Chiaki sped off, flipping the bird as he sent off.
"Mizu? You there?, Eiji asks. Mizu snaps back to reality.
"You tired of guys now, ha?"
Mizu scoffed, laughing at the unexpected response. She hears a hearty chuckle through the phone.
"Yeah yeah.", Mizu sighs in relief, "She's my girlfriend. Her name is Y/N.", Mizu answered, a blush blooming on her face.
"Ah good. Next time you come home, bring her. I'll make my barbeque special.", Eiji says lightheartedly.
Mizu's eyes lit up. It had been a while since she visited home. And to be greeted with the smell of her dad's honey BBQ baby back ribs and juicy prime rib? Yeah, she was sold.
"I will. I'll let you know when I'll visit."
"And Mizu?"
"Yes, Dad?"
"She take good care of you?", he asks in a concerned tone.
MIzu smiles, knowing the slow burn of confusion, hatred, and rage he witnessed over the many years. He was present during her silent middle school self, her angsty & stubborn teenage years, and her confused & rage-filled self during her previous relationship.
She looks at the wall where a photobooth strip of you two hung. It was during one of your exploring the city dates when you two found a vintage photo booth. A little dusty but it did the job of capturing you two together.
"Yes. Yes, she does, dad."
later that week, u get a text msg from mizu asking if u are free for the weekend
thinking it was another weekend date, u clear out ur schedule
and then she texts u its ab coming home w her for the weekend and see her dad
this was kinda out of nowhere
it rlly threw u off
it has been a few months now...
so yk what
maybe it is time u say hi
that friday u get on her motorcycle and ride to her hometown
its only an hr out but seeing the change from a college town to a smaller town felt like another world
You feel the motorcycle slow down as you head towards the exit. The wind calms down as you pass by the welcome sign to Kohama. As you go down the exit, you look out. Down below is a winding path to the seaside town. The town hangs next to a cliff. From your point of view, you could spot the deep blue ocean shimmers as Mizu takes you down the road.
She goes at a slower pace, taking in the familiar sights she left behind: the tall pine trees, a long coastline as far as the eye can see, and boulders scattering the beaches every once in a while. She rolls up to a stop sign and lifts her visor up.
"Smells like home."
You mimic her motions, lifting yours as well. The faint scent of sea salt mixed with the cool breeze from the ocean.
With both of you refreshed, Mizu continued along the path towards the middle of town.
u guys roll into her neighborhood
the houses share a similar bungalow-style
only changing in shades of color
however, something caught ur eye
more like ur nose
the smell of sweet barbeque caught ur attention
mizu immediately knew it was her dad cooking it up
meeting modern!mizu’s dad aka swordfather was a lil awkward
when u first arrived, he was busy in the back barbecuing and taking care of the dinner tonight
so u didnt meet him until u fully entered the house
hes busy in the back barbequing
and he does see u but the only thing he knows ab u is that ur dating his daughter
“Dad?”, Mizu calls through the house. You follow her footsteps down the hallway. She then opens the backdoor at the end, the midday shining into the hallway.
The sun blinds you for a second. You see a growing backyard with bushes aligning the fence. Tucked in the corner lied a storage shed surrounded by bikes and a few spare tires. Next to the shed is a grill in use, smoke coming out of the vent.
“I’m here Mizu.” An elderly voice called, his back facing you.
He turns around, a faint pout on his face. His eyes squinting from the harsh midday sun.
“You bring girlfriend?”
Mizu grins at her dad’s comment. She looks back at you and softly grabs your hand, pulling you next to her.
“This is Y/N.”
You smiled, waving at Mizu’s father. You know he’s not a bad guy, just a badass through Mizu’s stories of back home. However, you’re still anxious underneath your pleasing demeanor.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
You look up to meet his gaze. Old, tired eyes stare back. Stern but not mean or cruel. Amiable. You could only wonder how much wisdom he has behind those eyes.
“Nice to meet you. I am Eiji.”
He waves back, awkwardly smiling as he tends to the grill. The interaction had a striking similarity to when you first met Mizu: cordial, dry, and a little awkward.
Like father, like daughter, you suppose.
after introducing urself, mizu lets eiji cook
when ur making sides together in the kitchen, he gets a glimpse of how u guys act together
and he watches u help mizu make the sides like mac & cheese, baked potatoes, biscuits, and stir fried green beans
typically, he would be helping her cook
but seeing u help her mix the macaroni
and mizu helping u cut the green beans
hes a proud man and feels safe knowing mizu is ok
when mizu pops into the bathroom, he checks in on the cooking
You put on the red and blue mitts and carefully place the mac and cheese into the oven. You feel the fiery heat of the oven against your forearms.
“How is cooking going?”
You close the oven and look behind to find Eiji. You nod in response.
“It’s going good! We’re almost done.”, you say as you move to the side. He gets a view of your work with Mizu: a plate of stir fried garlic string beans with crispy fried onions, a stack of baked potatoes along with bowls of toppings portioned by Mizu, Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits, and the max and cheese that’s currently baking.
“Thank you for inviting me over and letting me stay.”, you say politely as you put the mittens away.
He nods back, a small smile forming around his lips.
The conversation falls short. A silence fills the air.
For a little too long.
It’s almost uncomfortable to breath, let alone talk, in the kitchen.
“Ribs are almost done. Please help set tables with me.”
You follow his request and help him with the plates and utensils.
“You know,”, You look up from the dinner table, giving Eiji your attention. “I did not know Mizu would bring girlfriend back.”
He chuckled as he looked back at you. You hear the emphasis on “girl” and laughed along. After hearing about Mizu’s previous relationship during the beginning of your relationship, you started to understand her ways.
And now, you understood why Eiji was awkward earlier in the day. When Mizu first met you, it was anxiousness meeting you. For Eiji, it was out of concern from Mizu’s past.
“Yeah, I’m probably not what you expected.”, you tease.
A hearty laugh comes out of Eiji. You feel the heaviness in the room lifts.
“But I’ll be here for her. I plan to, don’t worry.”, you reassure him. As serious as you sound, it was all true.
He hums in agreement. He puts down the final fork and walks over to the stir-fried green beans. His fingers reach for a string bean and tastes your cooking.
“Mm. You are honest.”, he pauses as he takes another bite. “You also make mean green beans.”
You snort, the compliment catching you off guard.
“Mean green beans?”, you question. You take a bean from the plate.
He nods.
Mean green beans…
while u and eiji are having a moment,
modern!mizu is listening to all of this go down
she tries not to smile when she comes back into the kitchen
but on the inside, she’s relieving hes getting along with u
once u and mizu help set the food on the table, its feasting time
ik for a fact that those baby back ribs are dangerously juicy
practically ripping off the bone
and with that honey bbq sauce???
and not to mention the prime rib??????
perfectly cooked
super tender
u can literally taste thyme, rosemary, and garlic with every juicy bite
(i shouldnt be writing this while im hungry)
u all enjoy a delicious dinner
afterwards, modern!mizu would give u a detailed tour of her childhood home
her fencing trophies lined up in the living room
and hallway
and bedroom
eiji didnt always say it but he was proud
if u couldnt tell already
when u guys went out to the backyard, u spot eiji working on a motorcycle in the shed
its not the biggest shed
but a closer look inside painted a pic of who he was
him on a motorcycle w his friends when he was much younger
a framed pic of a lil mizu on her scooter with him on a motorcycle, both vehicles with matching colors
the grand opening of eiji’s car shop
young mizu at the beach nearby
another of teenage mizu holding her keys and next to a blue 2004 toyota camry
u laughed and pointed it out
eiji chuckling along w u and describing the picture as mizu’s first drive after getting her license at age 16
she looks so much younger but u giggle at the scowl
on the other hand, modern!mizu is kinda embarrassed from her high school self
as crazy and insane and stubborn as she was, it was a big moment for her and for eiji
her girl could finally drive
and she got her first taste of freedom
did she cringe as u stared and laughed at how different she looked? yeah
but at least eiji isnt reminicising alone
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
Records of forgotten times.
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Old music records bring back memories and sparks talk of a new future.
Today was relaxing day in your Alexandria home.
Daryl had come home from a run and had brought home a literal truckload of items of which a couple of boxes were dropped at your place.
He busied himself moving the boxes into the living room while you continued your work in the kitchen.
"What did you bring back, Dee?" you mused from you spot in the kitchen, where you were cleaning off last night's dishes in your favorite shorts and one of Daryl's shirts that were way too large on you. It was fraying at the hem and the old classic rockband on the print was fading badly, tour dates from a long forgotten time barely recognisable anymore. He never thought twice about you stealing his shirts. They were so much more comfortable than his button downs and with the shirts smelling like him they helped you sleep when he was out on runs.
“Found an old storage place, had a bunch of boxes with music. I got first pick cuz I found ‘em.” He kept filing through the large boxes filled with records and taking each one he liked out to stack near the old record player your house came with.
“Let me have a look too when I’m done here, please?” He grumbled an agreeing response and you made sure to hurry along with your cleaning round so you could join Daryl on the living room floor.
Daryl had gotten up off the floor to fumble around with the record player and try out one of the records and to his luck it still played. He had pocketed some still boxed replacement needles and swapped the old one out before playing a Judas Priest record and got a nice, crisp sound to which he comfortably hummed along to and even sang along with some parts.
As you were hanging your cleaning rag and towel over the opened oven door to dry you mumbled along with some lyrics that had remained in the back of your head.
This surprised your dear old partner to the point of stopping entirely with what he was doing to stare at you enjoying his all time favorite band. “Ya know this music?” He sounded so confused it made you laugh. You never really talked about your old world life, never really feeling it was needed to share about it. Not until now.
“My parents were old school rockers, I grew up on this kind of music.” You had walked over and sat down at one if the boxes.
“Yer calling me old now?” Old. He hated that word, even if you were both adults he still didn’t like the sound of him being put in the same box as your late parents.
“I mean,” You started, not sure how to properly say this without being offensive. You loved Daryl and you were happy with him, really not wanting to make him uncomfortable. “I guess you’re around their age, right? Dad would have been sixty-two by now. He loved this music so much we had cabinets filled with CDs, he'd go to concerts with friends and have music nights every month. Mom woukd have been around fifty-eight I think. She preferred more symphonic stuff.” You were so caught up in your memories you had stopped looking through the music entirely, your hands shakily holding onto one record a little too tightly for Daryl’s comfort.
“I’m fifty-three, if ya really gotta know.” He had moved over to your side and put an arm around you to pry your fingers off the record. “An’ I really hope yer not secretly seein’ me as a father figure cuz I'd love it if my kid'd be one year old in about two years from now..”
You registered his comment and were pulled back into this world with a soft sob. You hoped it’d be saved for later when the sadness that these boxes brought you had blown over.
“I miss them.” Your words were barely above a whisper, but Daryl caught them all. He had managed to get the record from your hands and took a glance at the cover.
The image didn’t look all too different from the current world. A blue sky behind the ruins of a building, and a man in a rather unnatural pose on a regal looking wooden throne in the foreground. The title reading ‘A Farewell to Kings’ by RUSH.
“Yer old man listen to this?” You quietly nodded, sniffling and wiping at your tears that were now freely running down your face. He put the record aside to make a new separate pile just for you.
“Come on, let’s see what else is in here. Maybe some Ozzy. Ya like Ozzy?” You now nodded with a smile appearing on your face. “Y.. yeah, we had a dog named Ozzy. Mom liked him a lot.” The memory of the dog you had for a short while did lighten the mood a bit, thankfully.
Daryl had abandoned his search entirely and only looked through the boxes with you now, picking out records he did like and ended with almost the entire collection by Judas Priest, which you learned was his favorite.
“Oh shit, look!” You held up a copy of Mötley Crüe’s ‘Dr. Feelgood’ with an excited squeal.
“Nah, that’s what yer into? Crazy girl.” He shook his head with a loving smile. By the time you reached the second to last box you had both gathered quite the collection. Daryl had reluctantly handed you all the Crüe records he found, even if they were duplicates. You wanted to keep them because of their different covers. Even in this world you loved collecting and Daryl admired your ability to find happiness in these items.
“Hey, ya want this one too?” A Metallica record. Not one that you knew so you declined. A grumble let you know he heard you and the fwips of records being looked through continued until another one was being held in your direction. This time it was a Black Sabbath record. You took it to inspect the track list on the back and added it to your pile. “Oh! Another one, yess!” You happily pulled out an Iron Maiden album and admired the cover art, taking in all the small details.
“Ya really listen to them or just love the art?” A hand extended to hand you one more. “Ah, thanks. I like both.” You declared, staring at the next artpiece. “But I wouldn‘t be mad if these end up not playing. We could decorate with the cover arts.”
Daryl looked around the still bare walls of the house and loved your idea to make it more truly yours.
With all the boxes thoroughly searched and your collection put away you went to take the leftover boxes to the communal area for everyone else to enjoy. Seeing the other residents get so excited over music brought smiles to your faces and you went back home more satisfied than you’d thought.
“So..” You locked the front door behind you and nervously stepped over to the cabinet that held your newly acquired collection. Daryl followed your every step with a true hunter’s eye, wondering what got your nerves up all of a sudden. “Which one of these do you think has the best baby making vibes.”
“M’sorry?” No way he heard that correctly. He had convinced himself you hadn‘t heard him since you completely disregarded his comment before. “Ya sure? I mean.. I know wha’ I said but,” he stopped and couldn’t get himself to look you in the eyes. Opting for the crack in the floorboard instead. Before he had a chance to find the right words you had abandoned the record cabinet and stepped over to stand in front of him and kiss his cheek. “I love you.” You whispered before properly kissing him and making sure he got the hint that this was really what you wanted.
“But seriously, pick one. We need something loud to drown out the ..other noises.” You joked with a wink.
The talk you had with Daryl that day months ago turned out to be true.
When you laid in your shared bed you spoke about the one obvious thing about your relationship and how the Alexandrians were gonna be judging you for it. When word got out about yours and Daryl’s romantic relationship you already got stares from concerned women who thouht you were being claimed by the older man. You both were way more open about your relationship now that you had a safe place to live and try to have a normal life again, but the original residents who had never gone through the horrors that you had never really let go of their old world beliefs. And now that normal life you tried to live also came with your own child shich had the staring and quiet comments becoming even worse. Uncle Daryl already had Judith, who would always make rude comments to whoever dared to speak ill of her new auntie, but now he had you and with that his own soon to be born child and he wasn't gonna let anyone ruin his happiness because of some dumb opinions.
A/N: This one made me cry while writing. The parents are based off my own, one of which is no longer with us. Did some painful remembering for this one.
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reidintoit · 1 year
all you had to do was stay - j.m.
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pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: in which the pogues have been stuck on poguelandia for a couple weeks, and not everyone wants to leave when help arrives.
warnings: angst, unplanned pregnancy
word count: 1.2k
It had been almost two weeks since getting stranded on the island, or Poguelandia, as JJ ever so generously decided to name it. 
In that time you were impressed at how far along Poguelandia had come. John B and Pope had become experts at hand fishing. All while JJ had done an impressive job of building a shelter. It really wasn’t anything too fancy, given the resources, but having a place to shield yourself from the weather was a win in your book. 
The only prominent downside was having no soap to properly bathe with. And that we all only had one outfit, which was also in dire need of some soap. 
Another inconvenience we were reminded of was when Sarah got her period, then Kiara almost hours later. Cleo wasted no time in bragging about not having a period to worry about thanks to her IUD. 
“Here-” you broke the conversation, “I have a couple of tampons that have dried out since the swim. Not the most hygienic thing, but it’s this or nothing.” 
Kie took one from you without hesitation, while Sarah visibly looked revolted at the thought before giving in. “Absolutely disgusting, but thanks Y/N.” Sarah thanked you, walking in the opposite direction of Kie.
“Shouldn’t you keep one for yourself?” Cleo implored, causing you to tense up. There’s no way she knows I’m late. Does she? No. 
“Oh, uh-no. On the shot, probably won’t get mine for another month or so.”
The truth is, you were late. As in almost two weeks late. Before this, the longest had been maybe three days. But this was different. You were away from home, obviously stressed to the max. Your period was most likely just off due to your stress. And not the unprotected sex you had.
You could tell that being away from home was starting to weigh on everyone’s minds. Kiara feared her parents already reported her missing. Sarah didn’t know where Ward might be, but it was obvious she missed having a house to go home to. Pope knew his dad must be worried sick. John B wondered if somehow Big John returned while he was gone. 
You, JJ, and Cleo seemed to be the only ones who didn’t care to go back. 
JJ hadn’t seen his dad in months. Not since him and Kie helped get him off the island. He didn’t seem too distraught about being alone, considering you had stayed over almost every night at the chateau since you two started dating. 
While your parents were still around, you knew they weren’t missing you. Or noticing your absence, really. Your parents had never been abusive, they just didn’t care about you.
So, at the moment, being hundreds of miles away with your best friends felt like paradise. That is until Pope and John B noticed a plane flying above on their daily fishing trip.
“Guys! Hey- Come look!” John B’s voice suddenly pierced through your ears, causing you to look up from the fire pit that you were currently digging in, attempting to build the flames higher.
“What man?” JJ asked, pushing up off the ground from his spot next to you. You raised an eyebrow at whatever John B was going on about, watching him struggle to catch his breath while running up the beach. 
“There’s a plane overhead! Look!” 
As the three of you collectively looked up, you saw it almost immediately, slightly surprised that it wasn’t just John B hallucinating. “Holy shit!” JJ shouted back, sharing JB’s excitement. 
“Come on, everyone’s waving it down by the landing strip!” John B continued and started running back towards where he came from. JJ looked down at you, who had gone back to digging in the fire pit. 
“Hey, babe. Come on- we have to get their attention!” 
“You go, I’ll stay here and start gathering some things.” JJ nodded and leaned down to quickly place a kiss on your forehead before running down the beach after John B.
Fuck. fuck. There was no way you were going back to OBX. Life had been so much better since getting here. Going back to a family that hated you sent a chill down your spine at the thought. Especially if you really were pregnant.
You noticed the plane turning around as you stood up from the pit, then JJ running back towards you, to tell you the good news you presumed. 
“Y/N! They’re getting ready to land. Let’s go!”
You shook your head with your back towards him, not realizing that you were frozen in thought staring at the fire you finally had started. 
“I’m not going J..” you whispered, unsure if he heard you. He must have, because you felt a gentle grip on your wrist, urging you to turn around. 
“What? Babe, look at me.. please?” JJ pleaded, sounding defeated and confused at your sudden decision to stay on the island. You dropped your head in defeat, “I can't. I-I can’t go back, okay? I don’t want to.” 
You felt the hand on your wrist release as your boyfriend maneuvered around to stand in front of you. You opened your eyes to see JJ’s face full of concern as you bit your lip, salty tears rushing down your face. 
“Baby.. I understand.” JJ reached out to wipe away your tears, feeling the pads of his fingers across your cheek. “I don’t want to leave either. This has been awesome.” 
You harshly pushed his hand off of your face in response. “No, you don’t understand! I’m late..” pausing to take a breath, “I don’t know if I’m pregnant, obviously there aren’t any tests here, but I know I can’t go back. My parents.. they-they already are so disappointed in me. I’m free here.”
JJ was quiet after listening to you explain. He was disappointed in you for sure. You wondered why he wouldn’t just say it. Blame you for being irresponsible and potentially getting knocked up. You deserved it. 
Tears started pooling up again as you turned away from JJ, who still hadn’t moved a muscle. “Wait, Y/N.”
“Just leave.” you begged, voice cracking.
“I’m not... Y/N, fuck!” he shouted, wrapping his arms around you and turning you back to him. “I’m not leaving you here. If you do happen to be pregnant, I’m going to be by your side every step.. Okay?” 
You rolled your eyes, looking down at the sand between the two of you. “You don’t want that.. you’re just saying it.” 
JJ cupped your cheek, tilting your head back up towards him. He studied your face as you took a deep breath, opening your eyes to see him smiling at you. “No fucking way Y/N. Just the thought of having a mini you running around makes me so happy.”
“Really baby.” JJ pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Now, please, come home with me?” 
You nodded in agreeance, smiling before you felt his lips on yours. There was nothing you wanted more.
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five-rivers · 22 days
KoF pollfic continued from here.
Edit: I must be tired because I left the poll off again. It is properly attached now. Forgive me.
“What’s that?” asked Danny.  “I don’t mind doing stuff other than translation.”  He loved his parents, but they didn’t always get it.  And, yeah, it wasn’t always ghost stuff they didn’t get (even a normal teenager would rebel if their parents tried to keep them inside twenty-four seven), but it was mostly ghost stuff.  Like why he liked Three Twilights so much, or how comfortable he was around Clockwork.  Or exactly what Obsessions were and how they acted.  
… Even Danny didn’t always understand why he reacted the way he did to certain things when it came to his Obsession.  After all, he’d thought he was managing just fine helping his parents with their research and running the occasional errand for Clockwork until this near meltdown.  Maybe it was a variety thing?  Or the way his parents were so resistant to him helping, lately?  
Yeah.  Yeah, that could be it.  It could be a matter of him subconsciously not feeling like he was being helpful, because they kept telling him to not help.  
Ugh.  Why did these things have to be so complicated?  Obsessions were supposed to be simple!  Straightforward!
Stupid complicated social Obsession…
(Not that he’d ever get rid of it, or even want to get rid of it.  Helping people was so important.)
“Here,” said the attendant, standing from her desk and beckoning him towards an inconspicuous door set in the wall.  “I’ll show you.”
Danny took one last look around the copyists’ room, then followed.  Behind the door was a twisted hallway– No, not a hallway.  The room only looked like that because papers and books were stacked so high on the… desks?  Or were there bookshelves under there?  Either way, it was maze-like.  
The only people they passed had golden loops and curls under their skin, and many of them gave Danny confused or suspicious looks before the attendant greeted them.  This was, Danny quickly realized, the staff area of the library, where only members usually went.  Most of these people probably weren’t even just members, but permanent and semi-permanent residents, if the Lost Library was set up anything like the Library of Tongues.  
“You can probably tell that there’s a lot to do back here,” said the attendant.  “Sorting and all that.”
“Is that what you need me for?” asked Danny.  
“Something like that,” said the attendant.  She scratched the corner of her jaw.  “It’s, well, finding things is much more fun than sorting things out so that they’re easier to find later.  So, we get a backlog, and with the recent influx from the Mausoleum…”  She trailed off, seeming to notice Danny’s glances of trepidation at the stacks of paper.  “Of course, we aren’t going to make you do all this!  This is years worth of files and plans, and… I think some of it is just sheets of doodles, actually.  Some of it is structural, anyway, or otherwise indestructible.”
“Well, anytime the last copy of something is destroyed, it winds up here, somewhere.  It doesn’t matter if it’s bad or good, or if it was just someone’s meeting notes… if it’s the last copy, it’s here.  Somewhere.  And if the last copy is already here…”
“Oh,” said Danny, understanding.  “I get it.  But I’m still not sure what I’m doing…?”
“Oh!  Right,” said the attendant.  “Well, whenever we get new material, it shows up in one of our intake books.  But those operate strictly on a chronological basis, and they only give the title and author in the original language.  Our card catalog needs the title and author in Middle Chinese, Latin, Esperanto, or English, plus the original, as well as the date of destruction, in order to work properly, so you see the issue.”
“So you need me to make the cards for the card catalog from the intake book?”
“Yes!  That’s it exactly!” said the attendant, making the ‘so cute’ face again.  “You pick up things fast.”
“Uh huh,” said Danny.  
“Now, we’re just around the corner– Here!”  
There was a relatively clear space, with a long counter on one side and a massive wall of tiny drawers on the other.  On the counter rested a set of huge books, each one chained to the counter by a stout golden chain.  Some of them were bigger than Danny.  Well, bigger than Danny in his current form.
“Why gold?” asked Maddie.  “That can’t be secure.”
“It’s probably cursed,” said Danny.  
“Oh, yes, we have excellent security,” said the attendant, happily.  “Or, well, the books do, anyway.”  She went to the thinnest of the books and opened it up to the last few pages.  “Here, this is where you want to start.  You can make the cards in any of the languages I mentioned, and the catalog will take care of the rest.  What else…  Here’s a reference of what the cards look like.”  She handed him a rectangular piece of card with a large dark stain on one corner.  “Don’t mind the stain.”
“Right,” said Danny, looking over the format.  “Where can I find blank ones?”
“Drawers under the counter,” said the attendant.  “Oh, and stay here, alright?  Some people don’t like it when guests are back here.  And it’s also, well, a maze.  I don’t want you to get lost.”
“So, um.  Are you staying here?” asked Danny.  
“Oh, no, I really can’t,” said the attendant.  “I’ll check in on you in an hour or so, and then maybe I can show you the children’s section!  If you don’t want to keep working, that is.”
“Uh huh,” said Danny, dubiously.
“And thank you so much.  We really need this done.”
Danny sat down in one of the chairs at the counter, glowered at the edge of the counter, which was about even with his nose, then got some books to stack up in the seat so he could see over it properly.  Then, he started to work.  
“Why doesn’t their card catalog work with other languages?” asked Mom.  “That seems like an oversight.”
“Four is already a good number for things like that,” said Danny.  He glanced over his shoulder at the wall of drawers.  “If you make something like that too smart, it’ll develop sentience and start to 
“Er, Danno,” said Dad, “why are you doing this?  Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting!  But not what I thought we were doing.”
Danny sighed, and began the long process of explaining his problems to his parents.
About half an hour in, Danny noticed the quality of light had changed.  He looked up.  First at the ceiling, then around the clear area.  Glowing veins of light traced through the air in one of the gaps between piles of paper.  Veins of light that Danny hadn’t caused.  The ones he’d made on his way in had all but faded.  He frowned.  He’d definitely gotten the impression that there shouldn’t be any other guests here.
Maybe someone had gotten lost.  
Or maybe it was another guest getting a tour or helping with something back here.  Danny doubted all of the guests were translators, after all, and they had to earn their way in somehow.
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dark-night-hero · 7 months
Imagine being the guardian of Mashle: Magic and Muscle characters ft. Ames brothers, Crown Siblings, and Abyss Razor.
Ames Brothers ; Rayne Ames, Finn Ames.
But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep
Imagine the first time you happened to met the brothers was when you happened to take a short cut on one of the alleys. It was deep at night, with a little bit of magic you were able to see as you cast a small fire for light and warmth. It was almost winter season and it was already getting colder and colder at night.
Imagine how much of a coincident it was when you happened to stumble upon them. Not to far when you happened to walked passed an orphanage, you saw two kids sitting and trembling in the cold night, their worn-out blanket that barely covered the two of them.
Imagine happening to walked passed them at first, you were running late on your way home after all. But during that split moment were you happened to notice them, you made an eye contact. Your (eye color) iris met a pair of light colored ones.
Imagine you never really care. Heck normally you would not even bat an eye. But those were children. Stopping on your tracks an alley away from the children you had an eye contact with. You close your eyes, wondering what to do. You were no rich nor you were poor. You were just one of the normal people in this world trying to live all by yourself. But those were children. In the middle of the night. How long do they have to wait until someone from the orphanage notice them and took them in? In the morning?
Imagine the way you frown, rubbig your temple as you continue to contemplate of what to do. Then you took a deep breath and open your eyes. As you stood there a few second in silence, you sigh before facing the direction of the alley you just happened to passed by.
"Hey, kiddos. Are you alright?" Upon sitting down on the same level as them only then did you realise how much of a stupid question was that as you get to look at the current state they are in. With the help of your flame that went a little bit bigger in order to provide warmth for the two. "Shit."
Imagine the state they're currently in. They look like they haven't had a bath for a very long time. Dirty and torn up clothes. There was even dirt all over their skin. By the looks of it, they look like they haven't been properly taken care of. Plus, to make matters worse, the what it seems to you was the younger brother that have pass-out seems to be currently experiencing a fever as he try to snuggle up into his brothers arm that was currently holding into him with all his might.
"Come with me." You don't even know how or why those words came out of your mouth. But the moment your (eye color) iris met with those fierce yet asking for help light colored ones. "Come with me." This time it was much softer and pleasing tone you never knew you have. "I won't hurt you, I promise." This time you smiled at him, the older one. And for a moment, you saw him reach out a hand towards you only for it to get dropped down as he lost his consciousness nevertheless his the last moment he left was something warm. It was warm.
Imagine that night, after tending the two brothers, wiping them off with towel and making sure the younger one doesn't have any fever. After feeding your bunnies only, you once again step out of the house and went back into the agency and goes on to collect information about the two kids you picked up. Honestly you think it was unnecessary, you don't plan on taking them anyways, just letting them stay for the night before personality dropping them off at the orphanage the once both were all well. Still, you have this gut feeling that makes you do such troublesome things in the middle of the night.
Imagine the wicked laugh that echoed in the night as you hold on into the information about the two kids. The two kids had lost their parents for about a year now and although some relatives took care of them, they would eventually give them up giving the two for adoption, and the two have been in a cycle of transferring from one orphanage into another, all in fucking one year. "Ahhh God fucking damn. What should I do, I'm so fucking pissed." Fine, you've made up your mind.
Imagine Rayne walking up with a gasp half a day later on a very comfortable bed. At first he was on alert as he recalled what happened the previous night prior in which a stanger came lending them a hand before he lost his consciousness. "Fin- Finn-!" "Your brother is still asleep on the other room." Startled by the sudden voice, you quickly look around the room only to find you leaning on the door way with a water in hand.
Imagine the way he immediately glare at you as if he was ready to attack at any moment and you think he might actually do it, given his two marks, it would not be possible nevertheless you could only let out a chuckle of amusement before approaching him and handing him the water. "Your brother is doing fine by the way,the fever had dropped down so here is nothing you should worry about." Still despite your words, as soon as he finished that glass of water, he immediately went out of the bed to look for his brother only to realize there was in fact tons of room in this house that he could not figure out which one it is. "Right across your room is your brother's."
"What do you want?" Upon making sure that his brother was safe and sound as well as free from fever. He turn to face you with once again it seems to you is a look of distrust, his guard was once again up. "What could I possibly want?" You raise a brow. "What do you. Want?" You asked in return. "I just happened to stumble upon two kids looking for shelter so I took the two of you in out of my conscience. If you're to ask me what I want? I want nothing our of the two of you." You answered truthfully, in the first place this kid looks like he was the try of person to prefer straightforward and serious answers which also shows how much they've been through.
"Let me ask you this kid... Young man. What do you want?" You asked, this time once again kneeling down into the same position as them. "Im not confident in raising kids but I'm confident I could provide you everything you need and what you want as you long as you stay in this house-" "Are we allowed to stay here?" The older brother suddenly asked in which you immediately replied. "Of course." "You're not going to kick us out?" "I won't." "What makes you think we could easily trust you?" "Well, didn't you already?" You smile at him.
"I'm Rayne Ames. This is my brother Finn Ames." "I'm (First name)(Lastname), but you can call me (First name)." "..." "..." "Why isn't my brother waking up?" "He'll wake up soon enough. Want to help me feed my bunnies the mean time?" ".... Okay."
Imagine maybe it was just a coincidence that you happened to passed by the right alley at the right timing all because you were running late at home knowing you haven't feed your bunnies that afternoon that you happened to pick up two kids you never know you would treasure more than your live, giving them the love they never thought they deserve as well as a home that was once taken away from them.
Imagine is there was one thing Rayne Ames would never regret is the fact that he took the hand that was held out into him. Despite all the odds, despite all the bad memories of trying to trust someone coming back into him that very moment. He was glad that he took that hand, he was glad that during that moment were he decided to open up their heart for a possible another betrayal when they thought they have once again find a home. He was glad that this time, they have actually find a home.
Crown Siblings ; Lance Crown, Anna Crown.
Now hush little baby, don't you cry. Everything's gonna be alright.
Imagine the first time you met the two was on a rather peaceful day in yor clinic. Nowadays sick people were rare unless it was something lethal and deadly. After all, it was a world dominated by magic. So when a child in his teens barge into your clinic in tears carrying a sickly looking girl of what it seems was his little sister, you were quickly alerted. Only to see that her condition was by far worse than you have expected.
"It seems to me that you are fully aware of what condition your sister is in right now. Right?" "Can't you heal her? I'll do anything. Just please.. please please please help by sister-" "I believe that the other healers have made it clear to you." "So you can't save her?" "Well..."
Imagine the way you look to your side, there was his sister although breathing heavily. She has by far in a better condition than she was when she have arrived. As you look at his sister, he then follow your gaze and look at his sister too before he looks back at you only to find you already look at him.
"Although just like any other healer, there is nothing I can do to get rid of actual cause of what's causing her magic to disintegrate. I have my ways to keep her life longer, keep her from dying from this damn magic eating sh- ehem. Anyways! What I'm saying is that I have what it takes to keep her from dying and prolonging her life for years and years to come." "Then-!" "But why should I do it?" "Wha-?" "You're nothing but a runaway kids from the Crown family. What more do you have to offer than you and your close to nothing but a usless nuisance of a little sister?"
Imagine the look of absolute rage, horror, embarrassment and absolute bloodlust oozing out of him. But then you laugh, brushing back your (hair color) locks. "Sorry sorry. Just kidding." You laughed so hard that he was damn confused, you almost walk up his sister too. "Hey kiddo. What were you thinking running away with your sister?" No matter how much you look at it. It was a fucking dumb idea. They were both young, sure this punk was a double mark mage. Nevertheless a kid is a kid.
Imagine hearing him mumbling something, the way he clenched his teeth and fist. "What was that?" "I said they wanted to get rid of her as soon as her magic disappeared and I will not let that happen! I won't let that happen!" There was a moment of silence after that. "That's usually the case was it?" You spoke although this time you sound so serious it send shiver down his spine.
Imagine the way you slowly approach his sleeping sister that causes him to be alerted but the moment you place a hand on her forehead, her breathing ease up as if he wasn't having a bard time earlier. "I'll treat your sister for free. In return, you siblings will stay here until she gets well." "You said it was untreatable." "It is, but how knows. Maybe I'll pull it off." You shrug. "If you use my sister for experiments, I'll kill you." "Wow scary."
Imagine as you take up the siblings in your care, the more productive days you have. Living up to Lance expectations, you did nothing but to take care of his sister as well as teching him a few tricks on how to handle his magic better. With the two of them, nothing was boring as you were slowly being pulled away from the darkness of the days were you were alone and grieving.
"I know not many healers focused on his type of magic eating potion let alone try to cure them. Why are you trying so hard?" "Do you want your sister to get better?" "Of course!" Replied the young teen as he watches you prepare a meal for the three of you. "Then I wish the same, kiddo." "I have a name!" "Yeah yeah."
Imagine one night as you finally put the two kids into sleep. You went back into your lab where unlike doing experiments like usual, you use your wand and chant some spell to open the window and from there you stood not to far away from it and watch the stars from afar.
"They remind me so much of you and me sister." You chuckle. "But don't worry, I won't let them end up like us. I'll make sure with them, everything will be alright." There was a small genuine smile on your face. "I'll introduce them to you in sometime, but for now. I'll make sure they get the proper care and treatment they need." As you close the window behind you, a harsh gentle breeze passed you, making you chuckle.
Imagine as soon as you went out of the lab, you were greeted by the pair of siblings dragging their blanket with them causing you to chuckle. "Anna went looking for you." Lance spoke as he stand right beside his younger sister who was still lookling sleepy. "Hmmm. Let's go back to sleep shall we?" You smilw at the two as you take Anna into your arms as much as to Lance dismay but said nothing as you grab his tinny hand back to their bedroom.
"Here, have this." It was the night before he went to the academy. Raising his brows at you, he accepted that locket necklace given upon him. "You won't be seeing your sister for quite some time. Keep it with you all the time." You spoke before messing with his head. "I won't be able to take you to the academy so make sure to be careful. Good luck, Lance. Make sure to come back." You chuckle as you walk out of the door.
Imagine upon opening the locket, what greeted him was a picture of his lovely cutie little sister and their guardian for the last few years, years longer than their parent have taken care of them. And although he was quite pissed seeing you in there, he could only curse and shake his head before keeping it safe in his inner pocket.
Abyss Razor.
I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you wanna cry.
Imagine the first ime you have seen him was during a familt gathering. You really have no interest in it, the fact that you will have to socialize and please your relatives just make you feel sick but since you got nothing else to do, you decided to come and also to see what your relatives have been gossiping amongst themselves these days.
Imagine the way your veins on your temple, neck and hands starts to appear out of anger and in control not to just beat up all the people in here. Because why? You don't understand how they could treat a child like this. Even animals doesn't get such treatment.
"You fuck- what in world do you think you are doing to a child?! Your child?!" "Child? Child?! That child is no child of mine! That-! That monster! That devil!" "You know what. Fuck you. I'm taking this kid."
Imagine ignoring the way they screamed at you, deflecting magic attacks that is going on your way as you free the child bounded by chains and full of bruise and wounds. "Let's go." You spoke as you offer a hand only to pick him up once he was abot to grab it. And strange enough for him, you were holding him like he was a precious being.
Imagine letting him open up was hard. After all he was someone thought that his existence is something that should have never existed. To add up all the physical trauma on him. Your anger issues could never, maybe that was the reason why he was quite afraid of you. Or so you thought.
"What's your name?" "..." "My name is (First name)(Lastname)." "..." "Hey, it's alright. No one's going to hurt you here." You smile sweetly at him, trying your best to become approachable as you can. "Are..." As he finally utter his first word in a week after being in your care, your eyes widen as you tried to remain calm as he finishes his sentence. "Are you... not afraid of me?"
Imagine it was a question you have never thought would come out of his mouth. Quite dumbfounded, you replied with a "No? Why would I? Should I be afraid of you?" But then again, there was no reply, just staring a you with wide eyes in which you just smile in return. After all, there was nothing to be afraid of him.
"But mother... father always treat me like I'm some sort of monster... a devil." "But you're nothing like that." You spoke at him before grabing him gently by the shoulder, causing him to flich but soon relax on your touch as you kneel down at his level. "There is nothing wrong with you. That mother and father of yours was no mother and father of yours. They don't deserve you because they don't accept you for who you are."
Imagine the way he looks at you, and seeing that. You chuckle before flicking his forehead in a gentle matter. It doesn't hurt, he thought as he watch your chuckle turn into laugh. "It's okay to cry, you don't need to hold back." And as soon as you said that, for some reasons. Tears starts to fall as he throw himself at you in which you smile bitterly and pat him back.
"It.. it hurts when they hit me." He sobbed. "I was so scared... I was all alone..." He was nothing but a child, and it wasn't a sin to be born with such eye. "I know... I know... hush my child." You pat him gently in the back. "Everything gonna be alright. I'm here for you now, my dearest Abyss."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: what the, the why the imagines kept gettig shorter and shorter lmao. Still, watching the anime and reading the manga of this one just makes me wanna punch the parents of these characters because everything is their fault and the system environment they live in.
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
Meet the parents
Summary: Your parents want to meet Tommy, after realising you’ve been sneaking off to see him, but you’re a little afraid of whether he’ll behave 
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A/N: I just wanted to write the little piece, that’s literally all there’s too it XD Set around season 1, pure fluff and a little smut (Also, I’ve never written any form of smut before so be kind). Here we go!
Words: 2224
“My parents want to meet you.”
Tommy blinked a few times, which made you realise you’d spoken out loud.
“It’s... Uhm...” you stumbled now, unsure of how to continue, “It’s just... I’ve been mentioning you, so they want to meet you.”
He smoked his cigarette in silence and finally said, “You’ve been mentioning me, eh?”
“They kept on asking, about where I went at night.”
“And what did you tell them?”
Somehow, his tone made you nervous, “That I was meeting up with a man.”
Suddenly, a sort of boyish mischievous glint came into his eyes, “And did you tell them what we usually do when we meet up?”
“No,” you blushed, “of course not.”
Tommy smiled and thought about how adorable you looked when embarrassed, “Better not.”
“So?” you asked again.
“So, tomorrow. 6 PM.” And with that, he’d put on his cap and walked out.
It had only been a few months after the boys came back from France. You remembered that day so well: silently, they’d poured back into Birmingham, but they were like ghosts. So many boys who went off were absent now, but the men that had returned? They’d died too.
Your brother never made it back from France. Every day, you mourned him still, but life was too hectic for you to dwell on it. He’d told you, just before he left, “Remember to keep on living!” And so you did, with Thomas Shelby.
Without attracting too much attention to yourself, you walked through the lane, on your way to work in one of the shops. Before the war, and during of course, you’d worked in the factory, but Tommy didn’t want you to anymore. After he’d come back, he often decidedly little things like that for you, without many words. But you didn’t mind.
“Good morning,” you greeted one of your regular customers, who was already waiting by the door for you to open up, “I’ll be right with you, alright? I just need to sign this...” and you showed her the way into the shop.
You prided yourself on not being particularly noteworthy. You weren’t pretty, but not ugly either. You never had the best jokes or the most courage. Most people assumed you weren’t all that interesting and you definitely weren’t the most intelligent girl in Small Heath. But you were stable and practical, and a good cook. Or, at least, that was how you saw yourself.
Tommy entered the shops, just as your workday was coming to an end. When he looked at you, he saw something else entirely than your own self-image. From the second he’d seen you walk by, back when he was only fifteen, he’d taken note of you. To him, you were radiant. Not pretty and therefore easily replaced by some other pretty girl, not sassy or smart, trying to attract attention all the time, but you could light up the room without saying a word. And whenever you were near him, he felt calm. Maybe it was because you were so practical, but on Tommy it had the effect of him wanting to make an impression upon you, all the time. So he’d take you out, properly, he’d have gifts delivered to you and he would impulsively take you down to a special place near the Cut, just so you could be kids again, if only for a moment. You made him light, with all your simplicity. You made him at ease.
And so Tommy stood watching you, until you’d finished with a customer. Then he said, “Come on.”
“Where are we going?” you smiled, feeling his excitement radiating through those two words, “I’m not finished here yet.”
“Close up,” he urged, “We still have another hour before we have tea with your parents.”
“Tea?” you joked, eyes sparkling.
He smiled broadly and took you hand, but you protested, “I have to get changed first! Can’t meet them dressed like this.”
“Why?” Tommy furrowed his brows, “You’re perfect. Besides, your fancy clothes are only going to get messed up again, eh?”
Knowing exactly what he wanted then, you followed him out the shop, hastily locking up. Almost skipping, you followed him through the streets. He looked around to see if anyone was watching the two of you, but you didn’t care at this point. Your heart was beating in your chest for the excitement.
Under the bridge, he immediately pushed you up against the wall and went in for a deep kiss.
“Tommy!” You giggled, “What if anyone sees?”
“Let them fucking watch,” he growled in your ear and at once he made good on his statement by hiking up your skirt.
His hand made his way up your leg, around your thigh, searching frantically almost. And when he’d found your panties and touched you carefully, he grinned, “So, it’s not just me who’s been yearning for this all day...”
Like you’d been caught out, you blushed again. You’d felt yourself get wet the second he’d taken you from the shops and he was all you wanted now.
“Fuck...” he breathed, “All this, for some simple gypsy boy, eh?”
“You’re the most powerful man in Birmingham,” you replied, between moans.
“Yes,” he sounded a little breathless as his hand dipped into your panties, “And you fucking love it.”
You opened your mouth to reply, but as you did, he pushed two fingers inside of you, while rubbing your clit with his thumb. No words came out.
“Tommy...” you whispered, as you felt the stress and exhaustion of the day falling off of you. The warm sensation of pleasure seemed to engulf you, as he slowly moved inside of you. You opened your eyes for a second and saw him watching you.
For a second, he stopped and commented, “Fuck, you are beautiful.”
“That’s all well and good,” you replied, a little annoyed, but also not really, “but would you mind continuing?”
Tommy’s eyebrows shot up, “Very well.” And with that, he grabbed your legs, lifted you off the ground and draped them around his waist. You yelped out and the suddenness of his motion and he laughed along with you. And there he was again: the careless gypsy boy you loved so much.
With your back against the wall, he supported you with one hand and undid his trousers with the other. Meanwhile, he kissed you wildly, like he wouldn’t last another minute without it.
“Do you want me?” he questioned playfully in a low voice.
“Fuck, yes.” You were desperate for it now.
And so was he. Tommy pushed his cock inside of you, gently but certain. At once, a moan escaped your mouth. With a smug face, Tommy started bouncing you up and down in a perfect rhythm.
The sensation washed over you. Clinging onto his neck, you grabbed his hair and buried your face into his shoulder, to keep yourself from calling out. His movements were getting faster and you realised this wouldn’t take long. He did too, but always the gentleman, he took one of your hands and guided it down onto your clit.
“You first,” he ordered, as he traced a hand down your back. It felt like electricity running down your spine.
As you carefully rubbed your clit, Tommy adjusted his speed a little, not wanting to cum before you did.
But is wasn’t necessary. You felt the pressure building up in your abdomen and the familiar tingling sensation working its way down your legs. “Faster,” you ordered him about now, “Fuck, Tommy, make me cum hard!”
And apparently, just your words were enough for him. As he picked up the pace again, and you felt your orgasm take over, so did he. You arched your back and let your head fall back, as your muscles clenched around his cock. Another spasm went through you when he pushed in as deep as he could and ejaculated inside of you.
“Fuck...” he could only breathe, “Fucking hell, what are you doing to me? I’m like some fucking boy again, hardly able to fucking contain myself...”
“Me?” you laughed, after you’d gained your breath again, “What are you doing to me! I was a respectable girl once and now I’m being fucked under the bridge by a gangster!”
“Respectable, eh?” He smirked, after lifting you down from his waist and turning you around to hug you against his chest. Which was good, because standing was still a little hard at the moment. “There’s nothing much respectable about either of us.”
“Yes, there is!” you frowned, “Or there better be soon, because we’re expected at my parents any minute now.”
Tommy lit a cigarette and let his chin rest on your shoulder, “Or we could stay here. Go again. Your parents can fucking wait.”
“No, they can’t,” you said strictly.
He sighed in an almost disappointed manner.
“Maybe afterwards,” you smirked a little.
“Oh, well in that case!” He took your hand and marched off like a man on a mission, “Let’s go meet the parents! Come on, I haven’t got all day!”
As soon as your mum had opened the door, Tommy had put on a big smile you hardly saw these days anymore. For a second, it had made you stumble for words. He’d introduced himself politely to both your parents and even told a few jokes to your younger siblings. He’d complimented the food, offered to help and had been an absolute gentleman throughout. You had no idea how to respond to any of it, but it wasn’t unpleasant by any means.
Only once, you got nervous. After dinner, your father asked, “We of course have heard of what you do, Mr. Shelby. Is it all true?”
Tommy cleared his throat, “People like to tell a lot of stories about me. Most are not true.”
“I don’t believe they are,” your mother reacted quickly, “You seem too sweet to be a menace.”
You send Tommy a look that said: Bravo, you’ve won her over.
Politely, Tommy smiled at her. But your father wanted to know more, “What is it that you do, exactly?”
“I’m just a simple man, a working man, just like you, Mister,” Tommy waved a hand, “And all I want is to make my business a successful one, and if I can make Small Heath a little bit safer in the process, that’s even better. You see, some people may call me a gangster or a criminal, but I look out for my own people. We’ve had it hard here, especially after the war, very hard. I want to make this place, my home, a better place and in doing so, I need to make sure some things change around here. We’ve had enough trouble with the big bosses and the police and petty gangs around here: I’m changing all that. And with Y/N by my side, her wisdom and down-to-earth guidance, I’m sure I can make a change.”
And just like that, he’d won your dad over as well.
After dinner was over, Tommy talked to your father some more in the front room. Your mum wanted to talk to you. She was as practical as you were, “Will he make an honest woman out of you?”
You looked over at Thomas Shelby for a minute and nodded, “I think he will.”
“Good,” she said, “And then maybe you can make him honest too.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you laughed a little, “Tommy does what Tommy wants, and there’s no one who can change him.”
“I think you can...” your mother mused, “But I think he already is a good boy, deep down.”
It was still early when the two of you left the small house again. Tommy smoked silently and you walked alongside him.
“So, how did I do?” he asked casually.
“Not bad!” you complimented, “Mum even called you a ‘good boy’.”
Tommy shot you a look like that was one of the most offensive things he’d heard in a long time.
You smiled fondly at him, “I think she’s right.”
“Good boy...” he grumbled, “I’ll fucking show you ‘good boy’ in a second!” But he winked when he met your eye.
“It’s cold...” you complained a little.
Tommy took your hand, “Are your hands cold?” And he put both his and your hand into the pocket on his long coat. It was the smallest of gestures but it warmed you right up.
You leaned into him and whispered, “Let’s not go back to the bridge?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to fuck under a bridge in the cold... do you want us to do it there forever? Always hasty?”
“Nope,” he said matter-of-factly, “When we get married, we’ll get our own house. And as my wife, I’ll fuck you on a satin pillow, every day, like a princess.”
“So, pretend we’re married already?”you ventured. Because honestly, sometimes it felt like you couldn’t wait another day to become Mrs. Shelby.
He locked eyes with you and pursed his lips a little. And you pressed on, “You’ve met my parents already. I mean, it’s practically done.”
Tommy stopped in the middle of the streets and thought about it for a while. Then he decided, “Alright. But I just need to make a small stop on the way.”
“What for?”
“To get a satin pillow!”
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xmalereader · 1 year
Simon Riley X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Guess who’s back?! I’ve been gone for a month and have come back with a lot of inspiration and new ideas! So, I’ll be starting off with another baker reader because so far this idea has become a very popular and favorite amongst a lot of readers!
Summary: Reader is a single father who owns a bakery with their son. Simon has recently gotten himself a job there after helping Alex in the past with opening, the relationship between them grows and a new discoveries are made.
Warnings: Fluff, baker reader, single father, OC Alex, Simon is a hunk, baking skills, mentions of past abuse, past memories, simons past life, mentions of work, reader is a good parent, dating.
Word count: 2.1K
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Simon had made himself a new routine that involved the bakery. He’d grown used to waking up at such early hours that he decided to put them to a good use by using that extra time and arriving to the bakery where he would usually help Alex with opening and getting the ovens turns on and place cleaned up before they open. He’d told himself that he’d only help the small family for a few days after the delivery incident, but after that he continued to come to the point where Y/n officially hired him.
He didn’t need a job, the money he earned while working with the military was enough. But, he was given a chance to spend more time with both Alex and Y/n, accepting the position and only working for a few hours. Most days he’d stay around until closing and help the two with cleaning. Even though he wasn’t a great baker himself he still tried when it came towards baking small pastries or perhaps some simple cookies for customers to enjoy. Simons regular duty was to mainly clean the place up and remove the chairs from the tables, setting them out properly.
While Alex checked the back room and double checking that all ingredients are available and in good condition. The teen was only seventeen and yet, he acted responsible towards his fathers bakery, keeping it clean and stocked. Simon is always impressed by the kid, finding out that he plays the violin, works with his father, and has graduated early from school. He didn’t attend university since his future was to continue on with the family business and keep the bakery open and going. Simon knew very little about Alex’s past but knew what the kid had gone though.
Y/n had told him a thing or two about Alex’s real parents, causing his blood to boil at the thought of an innocent child being abused. It brought him terrible memories that not even he wishes to remember. So, Simon grew protective over the kid, keeping a close eye on him whenever he dealt with customers on his own. The kid had gone through a tough life but he knew how to take care of himself when it comes towards his family business.
The day had grown cloudy and cold, raining pouring down hard. Simon made it to the bakery on time but had gotten drenched with rain on his way over, covering the floors in water as he locks the door behind him.
“Rain got you, huh?”
Simon looks up to see Alex by the register, grinning mischievously at Simon. He hums to himself as he goes back to counting the money to place inside the register while Simon made his way around the counter. “It’s pouring hard.” He mumbled, removing the hood on his head, frowning when the wet cloth touched his skin.
“Dad said that it’s going to be raining this whole week and we usually get the most customers during this weather. They all come in to get a warm drink.” Alex closed the register and glanced over to Simon, taking notice of his wet clothes. “My dads upstairs getting ready. I can check if we have any dry clothes in your size?” He offers.
Simon shakes his head. “I’ve dealt with worse weather conditions.” He grunts, removing the hoodie and revealing a simple white shirt as he hangs the jacket. His balaclava all wet that he grows irritated and rips it off his head, revealing his face as the warmth hit his face.
“Well, if you need anything just let me—“ Alex had turned around with a towel in hand, freezing in place as his eyes widen. His silence gets Simons attention and looks down at the teen who continued to stare. It occurred to Simon that this was the first time that Alex was seeing his full face, actually seeing him inside of hiding behind a mask. He too freezes, not knowing how to react or what to say during this type of situation.
It wasn’t until Alex finally speaks up. “Your blonde?” He points out to Simon’s messy hair which was slight damp. “I know I’ve seen your eyes but they look even darker—like the ocean water when the sun first rises!” He exclaims with a soft smile on his face.
Alex’s sudden reaction is enough to give Simon some comfort. He’s used to hiding behind a mask that Alex’s statement is the first that he’s ever heard in a while. He lets a small laugh slip past his lips while Alex continued to examine his face. “You look like any normal guy, although…” he groans. “Yep, your definitely my dads type.” The teen rolls his eyes, already knowing how his father is going to react when he comes downstairs.
He throws the towel at Simons face before the sound of tapping shoes is heard. Y/n was dressed warm for the cold weather, stepping downstairs into the empty bakery as he first turns to Alex. “Are the ovens turned on yet?”
“Not yet, Simon just got here.” He points over to Simon who was drying his face.
When Y/n looks over his smile falls open, eyes wide as he stares at Simon. “W—what—“
He clears his throat. “What happened? Did the rain get you?” He questions, obviously. He was taking in simons looks, head tilting slightly as he takes in the slight stubble that he had showing along his jawline. His hair was damp and a dirty blonde which gets Y/n staring all mesmerized.
He doesn’t know how long he was staring until Alex claps his hands in front of his face, pulling him out of trance and getting startled. “Yes?” He mumbled out, turning to face Alex who frowned. “I get that he’s attractive but I need the stoves turned on.”
“What? Attractive, what are you talking about?” Y/n nervously chuckles, side stepping Alex as he goes around the counter, taking his apron as he continued to ramble. “I don’t know what your talking about, I’d rather turn on the stoves then look at—“ He turns to glance at Simon who was staring back at him with a small smile on his face, causing Y/n’s breath to hitch. “I—stoves!” He squeaks out, stumbling into the back room to get the stoves started while Simon chuckles.
He sets the towel aside and turns to Alex who grins. “See? Dad has a crush on you.” He tells him, focusing back on putting the clean cups away and setting a few out for quick drink orders. While Simon grabs his own apron to put on. He was having second thoughts on putting the balaclava back on but seeing Y/n’s reaction stopped him from doing so. Instead he gets to cleaning without his mask, focusing on his task as he draws the blinds and sets out the chairs.
Throughout the day, Simon is able to keep his face exposed for about two hours before he grew uncomfortable and anxious. His balaclava is still wet and hasn’t dried yet, Alex had taken notice of his discomfort and offered him a black face mask that is used whenever someone was baking and couldn’t deal with specific ingredients. Simon had accepted the fake mask, even though it didn’t cover his entire face his anxiety had gone away once he’s able to hide half of his face.
With the bakery now open and students pouring inside to avoid the horrible weather he’s able to step back into routine. “Behind!” The two hears Y/n call out as they moved forward, avoiding the hot tray of cookies that was placed in front of them. Y/n smiles widely.
“Oh! Mr. Y/n these smell amazing are they new?” One of the college students ask as they pay for their drink while Y/n nods. “Correct! I was working on these for a few days, trying to get the right taste and texture. Would you like you?” He offers.
The student nods their head. “How much will it cost?”
“On the house! I’ve only made a few so I can’t sell them yet but I’ll appreciate some honest feedback.” Y/n looks around for some napkins to hand the cookies out with but doesn’t find any until Simon holds out a small pile to him which he accepts with a small ‘thank you’ and began to hand the cookies out to the nearest students who asked for one. A few gave him honest criticism, letting him know what was missing and what he could possibly add. He takes in all the information with a smile on his face.
“Very well, I’ll be in the back working on this new recipe again.” Y/n sighs deeply, picking up the empty tray. “Don’t work yourself to hard.” Simon says. Y/n looks up to him and nodded. “I won’t, I just want to make sure that I get these right.” He’s determined to make the best cookies ever!
“You said you made a few, have anymore in the back?”
“Oh! I do, would you like to try one?”
Simon gives him a nod before he’s being guided to the back where Y/n had left a mess all over the baking table, flour and a mixture of other ingredients were all over the table. He hums happily to himself, ignoring the mess as he pulls out a tin can and pulling the lid open to reveal the same cookies he finished baking. “I kept a few in order to die some taste testing and to keep track of ingredients I added.” He offers one to Simon who takes it, giving it a hard stare and lowering his face mask to take a bite of the cookie.
Y/n watched him in silence, always getting caught off guard whenever he showed his face. He felt warm inside and his face always grew warm and avoids to stare at Simon longer, instead he focused on cleaning his mess and using a rag to throw the mess away. “So…did you like it?” He questions, glancing at Simon.
“I like everything you bake.”
Y/n blushed deeply, chuckling a little. “Don’t lie, there has to be something I bake that isn’t too your liking.”
“I would say the coffee but Alex is the one who makes it, not you.” Simon eats the last part of the cookie, smirking at him as he swallows.
“That doesn’t count, that’s Alex’s doing.” Y/n rolls his eyes.
“You’re right but, like I said. Your baking is good and I can’t find a single one to complain about.”
“There’s always something to ask about.” Y/n picks up some of the bowls he was using and walks over to the sink where he placed the bowls inside and turns on the water. Simon followed his every move, pulling the mask back up and suddenly asking.
“Alex says you have a crush on me.”
Y/n’s hands grow slippery as the dish slips from his hands, falling back into the sink and splashing water all over his apron. “What—?” He gasped out in shock and disbelief, taking one of the clean towels to dry himself with even though it wasn’t much help.
“I don’t—well, maybe, No! I don’t I—“ He groans in frustration as he tries to dry his clothes faster but nothing works. Simon steps forward, taking the towel from his hand and setting it aside. His hands sneak around Y/n’s waist and turns him around, his back facing him while Y/n gasped and grows stiff.
“You do or you don’t?” Simon asks again while he worked on the aprons knot and getting it untied. “I do…” Y/n responded back. “But, I understand if you don’t feel the same don’t force yourself to say anything.” He chuckles nervously. “It’s something small and I don’t usually get attracted to anyone.” He rambled on, Simon allowing it as he got the knot untied and gently removed the apron from around his neck.
Y/n turning back around without thinking as he continued. “—it’s not really a crush but an attraction? Or I think that is considered a crush?” He whines, throwing his head back in defeat. “I admit I’ve had a thing for you ever since you came in!” He confessed.
Simon silently watched, amused. He sets the wet apron aside and focused his attention back to Y/n. “Ever since I came in?”
Y/n nods, avoiding his stare.
“I thought I scared you.”
Y/n whipped his head up, almost giving himself whiplash. “Never! I knew that you were a softy after helping Alex.” He huffs out, finally looking into Simons eyes as he lets out a soft breath. The two staring in silence until Simon is the first the cut the tension between them. His voice is soft as he leans down to match Y/n’s height and asking.
“Go on a date with me.”
[ AN: Credit goes to all artists! ]
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bibbykins · 1 year
Moonlight Reign Ch. 3
A/N: here's a continuation of the pain lol hopefully next update will come quicker and I hope you all enjoy! Be warned here and the series as a whole is pretty heavy emotionally, so heed all warnings and put yourself first! Also as usual shoutout to my lovely beta reader @rapline-heaux who read this forever ago lol ily
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yandere! Mafia! BTS x Reader
Words: 5.0k
Warnings: crime, sensory flashbacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior, pining, violence, past abuse, past neglect/academic neglect, talk of stitches, wound description, panic attack, acrylic nail slips on a keyboard but doesn't break, brief suicidal thought, lip biting until it bleeds, abandonment by male parental guardian, lots of crying
Silence threaded into the air, making it that much harder to breathe as Jungkook’s hands limply slid from you and back to his sides. The bubble of ignorance you shrouded each other in, now effectively popped as the world was de-muffled as your hands were now clasped in front of you. Tears welled in the back of your eyes, stinging more than usual, and no matter how much you blinked to keep them at bay they just came back. Nothing could shroud the horror that was your reality. 
It’s funny, really, you remember learning about how to create a safe space for your patients in college. You learned how important it was for children to feel safe in development. You studied all the reasons safety was so vital to survival, and yet, you never once felt safe growing up. It was only in this moment you realized you had found your safe place. 
It was only as you watched the weekly dinners, cramming sessions, and mutually intoxicated affection go up in smoke that you realized you had just lost it. Everything you never thought you could have was in flames, and one would think you would be used to the feeling of your life on fire by now, but your throat still burned with the agony of it all, no matter how familiar the taste was on your tongue. 
Hurt flooded your eyes along with tears that Jungkook wanted nothing more than to gently brush away. But he knew shouldn’t, and now more than ever, he couldn’t. He didn’t know how you knew what it meant to be the head of Bangtan, and it was so hard for him to care as your fear and sorrow burnt a hole in his heart in the very space he kept the friendship you both shared. The gaping wound was only furthered by how much it took over his being. You both cared about each other much, much, more than you both let on to one another properly, and it’s only now he’s regretting that with his entire being. 
Finally, he couldn’t bear to look at you anymore, not when he was part of the reason you were looking at him like that. He looked at the beaten faux hardwood of your apartment and could feel an ache when he noticed the scratch from when he helped rearrange your living room furniture. Truly, he’d give anything to go back to that day, or even to when he got here so he could turn off the TV and delay the inevitable. 
He didn’t even get a chance to try and pretend there was no reason to be scared. He wanted so badly to pretend he was a sugar baby who has no idea who he was dating, but he just couldn’t. You both have lied to each other enough to last a lifetime, and he knew it was too late. What you both had has already slipped through his fingers before he even had a chance to try and catch it.
You exhaled a shaky breath, and he looked at you again. There was not even a semblance of hope on his face, and it made the part of you he revived die all over again, “...should probably go, huh?” Your voice was too mangled for Jungkook to hear the first part of what you said, but it certainly didn’t take a genius to figure it out. 
Your form grew blurry as tears clouded his vision, preventing him from committing your feature to his memory properly before it was too late, “You’re right.” He settled solemnly.
Neither yours nor his tears were helped when you each noticed the other was crying. You wanted so badly to be angry at him for lying to you, but you weren’t nearly that much of a hypocrite. You both used the other as an escape from the ugliness of reality. Around Jungkook you were nothing but his friend and vice versa. It was a sweet escape, a nice vacation, but certainly nothing more than that, not anymore. 
You had to figure out if you should disappear or if you could survive with simply moving out of the building. You had phone calls to old contacts to make, you had a million and one things to figure out, a million and one pieces to move and yet you threw your arms around the man in front of you. 
Jungkook wasted no time in holding you to him with an intensity you’d never felt before. No one had ever wanted to keep you this badly, and you didn’t know what to do other than ball your fists around his shirt and silently cry into his shoulder. Your arms tightened around his neck as you counted down the mere minutes before he also figured out who you were. You knew he would leave you, replay each moment leading up to this, and figure out who you were talking to. You just didn’t know what he would do with that information. You didn’t even know for sure how much it meant to him, but it was so hard to focus when his body shook against yours with a silent sob that you echoed with ease. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be gracious enough to look the other way for just a little bit so you could touch the bedroom wall you both shared and pretend it wasn’t there tonight.
You don’t know how long you stayed wrapped up in each other’s arms, soaking in the finality of the embrace, bones heavy with melancholy. You only remembered the look you gave one another, filled to the brim with tears, longing, and an insincere hatred of everything beyond the four walls of your apartment. Slowly, you leaned up and pressed a quivering kiss to his cheek. 
A harsh breath left Jungkook and you could feel his tears on your lips when you pulled away, “Close your eyes.” He pleaded, voice barely above a whisper, “I don’t want you to see me leave you.” The plea for him to not leave was on the tip of your tongue, but you choked it down with another cry.
You nodded, and he granted you one last smile before you let your wet lashes touch each other. Your world was shrouded in darkness and part of you knew it would remain this way long after you opened them to an empty apartment. Still, you squeezed your eyes shut, not too keen on seeing Jungkook leave you either. You swallowed back a cry when he pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of your lips as you counted the steps he took to your door. Your body quaked when you could feel him giving you one final look. Your lips struggled to give him one more smile, and then the door closed. 
Your knees hit the floor with no one there to catch you anymore. The shock waves slid up your thigh as you cried into your hands, wondering how many people were going to leave you before you stopped letting them in.
“Let go of me, please,” It was the first time you had heard your father say please, and it was one of the last things you would hear him say. Byungyeol looked at you, eyes filled with a mix of pity and sorrow that you couldn’t decipher if it was for you or the empire that lay in ashes. Regardless, it was an order and you weren’t raised to disobey, so you finally relented and released his torso from your arms with a trembling lip and a river that flowed freely from your eyes. The last time you cried in front of him like this had been when your age was in the single digits, but he didn’t patronize you this time– he no longer had any reason to. 
“I can’t… You can’t… Please, stay with me.” You begged, very becoming of the heir to nothing as you clung to the last person who could prove you were even alive before today, “I’m so scared of being alone-” You sobbed into your hands as you both sat in a car outside of a restaurant owned by a family friend. You had nothing but a backpack with cash and two days worth of clothing, but your biggest fear was leaving this car. 
“Daughter.” His voice commanded, and you straightened up. You looked at him, eyes bleary and wide, still a puppet waiting for orders. He regarded you with a sharp glare, “We do not show fear.” His tone was finite, it alway was. He always spoke in simple commands, because even now, he didn’t expect you to say anything in response.
However, you sniffled, “I am scared.” You admitted, the closest you’d gotten to defiance in over a decade, “I can’t do this alone.” 
“And yet, you will.” His voice was the same amount of cold it had always been, but it burned you nonetheless, “You must.” Something in his voice tapered off that made you look at him a little closer. He looked so… old. You could see the years in his eyes and in the deep rivets that framed his frown, and it made something in your chest twist. 
“Should’ve left me with them, huh?” You asked, and he looked at you with confusion, “Should’ve never taken me in, I bet?” You tried to ask again, but he couldn’t understand you. It was often hard to understand if you were asking if that’s how he felt or if you were admitting that’s how you felt. You were never taught how to make it clear, after all. No one ever cared for your words. 
Instead of prying or correcting you, he shook his head. His hand on your head quieted you. “I love you,” He whispered, kissing the top of your head, and the notion made your body freeze. The feeling was foreign, and the action was something that was usually reserved for holidays, “I rarely ever say it, but know that I do, my daughter,” He said softly, but he opened your door all the same, not wanting to entertain this goodbye for any longer, “We will see each other again, I promise, give me three years and we’ll be together again, a normal family.” 
You knew now it had all been nothing but a lie to get you out of the car so he could watch you grow smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror until you dissolved into nothing but a memory. You didn't think your father was even really capable of love in the first place. You’d give anything at the moment to be that cold, but you could certainly fake it. You let in a shaky breath as you looked to your fingertips, your ring one brushing along the scratch on the floor you were not looking forward to letting your security deposit go to. Brushing away the tears away from the streaks that have undoubtedly dried on already, you took one last moment to be upset, to be human, before you stood to pick up your phone. 
The line only rang once before it clicked, “Thank you for calling The Rose Palace, how can I help you?” A sweet feminine voice hardly touched with the age she was filled your ears.
“Eunhwa?” You breathed, wanting more than anything to feel her maternal embrace but settling for the concern in her voice.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” Your eyes fluttered closed when your one last tie to your previous life spoke.
“No.” Your answer was far too honest, but you grew so sick of lying today, “I, uh, need you to tell me how fucked I am.” You sniffled, pressing your eyes shut so you would stop looking at that damn scratch on the floor.
Jungkook was thankful when he found his apartment empty as he slid his back down the door, slumping against it on the floor defeatedly. His head hung low as he rested his arms on his knees. He shook his head, wanting more than anything to wake up from this nightmare already. 
Every moment with you this morning circled in his mind like a broken record. It was torturous, but it was all he could do to face the reality of the situation. If he couldn’t keep you in his life, he had to at least figure out why. Had Bangtan done something to hurt you? Or had they hurt your family somehow? Did you even have any family for them to hurt? Fuck, where did it all go wrong?
He got himself stuck in this loop of questioning for an indeterminate amount of time as he ran through every millisecond of his time with you today. Every time he circled back, he always got stuck on that phone call. That phone call was the catalyst of the ruin he was in the throes of right now and something about it just… didn’t sit right with him. How often did coworkers call you for it to make sense? Sure, you could’ve lied, he’d hardly be in a place to judge, but then who else could it have been? 
Suddenly keeping as much of yourselves private from each other felt like a mistake. Now that the people you both became in the presence of one another have effectively died, he’s left with nothing to do but cling to the you he never got to know. It’s an addiction, really. He should just be mourning the civillian distraction of his real life, but he knew you were so much more than a distraction, it’s just the first time he’s really feeling it. He couldn’t let you go, and he refused to even if he had the ability. He needed to figure out why it all went up in flames before he even considered mourning. 
“I won’t lie to you, darling, but I will ask, do you want the good news or bad news first?” Eunhwa finally spoke after listening intently to your panicked word vomit.
You blew out a shallow sigh, “Bad news.” It would be pretty difficult for your day to get any worse at this point. 
“Right.” Your former nanny had a nostalgic lilt to her voice before speaking, “Since the capture of your uncle and with the anniversary week in full swing, it would be pretty difficult to find someone in the underground willing to help you… in the way you may need help.” She spoke delicately, “The whispers suggest Bangtan isn’t going to stop with your uncle, and the whereabouts of your father and even you are… well, high ticket items, if you understand what I mean.” 
“Yeah.” You struggled out. You knew all too well what she meant. In a world where the most important currency is power, almost anything was for sale in the Underworld’s market, especially information. You knew firsthand there were few things people wouldn’t do to get in the good graces of the syndicate in power, and you were more thankful than ever that the only active tie to your life before wouldn’t sell you out. Not that she would ever need to. Eunhwa was and always has been a well-respected figure in the underground, and she’s mastered the rare skill of neutrality while maintaining respect. 
“And unless you have your father’s whereabouts to offer, it wouldn’t be wise to voluntarily come forward.” Or else they’d kill you on the spot. She spared you the detail, but you understood what she meant, “Good news is, after all of the mayhem of anniversary week cools down in a few weeks, we’d most likely be able to find someone to help.” Her weak attempt at trying to sound joyful was comforting regardless of how not effective it was on you, “Plus, Jungkook may not even add two and two together before then. I doubt he would be too keen on putting his best friend to death.” 
“Except I’m no longer his best friend.” Your voice cracked with your heart, and you couldn't help that pitiful laugh that left you at how childish you sounded, “So I’m not sure if that would help me.” 
Eunhwa sighs, and you can hear the pity in it. It should make you sick, but this was your last human connection in your personal life, so any care towards you was welcome right now, “Feelings don’t just go away the moment they should, you know that.” She softly chided, “We’ve all loved people for longer than we should’ve, and that might be the fact of life that’ll buy you the time you need.” 
You hummed, not able to say much as her words soaked into your wet cheeks. You loved your father for much longer than you cared to and with Jungkook… Well, the pain would be one you were sure you’d feel for ages.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” She said, her voice going up an octave now that the logistics were out of the way, “Right now, just keep your head down and live your life like normal, okay?” 
You hummed again, defeated, “What if I just packed a bag and left?” You mused, looking out the window. You knew why that wasn’t an option. There was no such thing as leaving the underground, especially not on your own. Not with the trail of bodies you’d have to leave behind. All it took was one call, and it would shatter you completely. How would you pay for anything? You were only given enough of a payout for school, everything else was given up. You’d be caught before you even made it to the airport or snuck onto a ship.
“You know better.” Eunhwa breathed, “You would be calling even more attention to yourself, and that would piss Jungkook off and tip him off to who you are at the same time.” You nodded. She always had a point. The fact was that Jungkook didn’t yet know who you were, but you feared it was only a matter of time, “I’ll call you when it’s time.” Was all she said before the line clicked. You almost laughed at the fact that before Jungkook, you were convinced your interactions with Eunhwa was the highest form of affection. Not that she didn’t care about you, it’s just the world she knew was one of keeping those she could love at an arm’s length. It was safest that way, and no one, not even you, was worth jeopardizing her safety. You couldn’t blame her for that, and you could only hope Jungkook would feel the same if he did find out about who you were. 
Even more, you hoped you were long gone before the day came.
“I hear you, Sohee, I do, but you cannot just punch at full force everytime you get upset.” You looked at the 16-year-old as you tossed her ice, which she caught with ease and a pout in your direction. Kang Sohee was someone you’d consider a regular in your office. She was a bright student with poor emotional regulation– like most high school students already had– add that to the pressure of being in the top percentile in the nation, meant she was routinely in for her ibuprofen or a pack of ice. 
“Would you rather I hit people?” She challenged but shrank when you gave her an exasperated look as you sat at your desk to type up the incident.
“Raise the bar, kid.” You sighed, “I’d rather you take those deep breaths we’ve rehearsed or punch a pillow or a folded hoodie like we’ve also rehearsed.” You gave her a pointed look, “I don’t want you to break your hand or split your knuckles to the point of needing stitches.” She winced at the thought and you nodded, “Exactly, it would be gruesome and only make you more upset in the end.”
She sighed, nodding, “It’s just…” She trailed off, and you nodded empathetically even though you had no idea what going to high school was like, from what you could tell it was no different than any other cliquey group with a hierarchy. There was significantly less bloodshed, which you were thankful for. 
“I know.” You sighed, “Exams are coming, and emotions are running high.” She nodded at this, “And I’m glad you’re allowing yourself to feel those emotions, I just want you to express them in a way that doesn’t get you or anyone else hurt.” 
She nodded once again, but snorted, “Okay, school counselor.” You sent her another glare as you paused your typing, making her smile. 
Even though you rolled your eyes, you were just glad she was feeling better. These kids had a million different stressors that landed them in your office and led you to need to provide some kind of emotional support. You never figured yourself as good with children, but the students liked you well enough, so you figured you were doing something right. Maybe all that therapy you did during college came in handy, just not in the way your therapist might have thought. 
“You have any significant others, Nurse L/n?” Sohee asked, making your typing cease. 
Your eyes bulged as you blinked at her, “Now how did we get here?” You asked, making her giggle. Truthfully, you should’ve been used it by now. These kids rarely had any sense of decorum or minding intrusive questions.
“So no?” She tittered, chipping at your flimsy dignity a bit. 
You snorted, “How mean, but no, Ms. Nosey, I am not… involved with anyone.” Jungkook’s face flashed in your mind for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint nor wanted to entertain. Especially not now. He was a friend and nothing more. Keyword: was.
Sohee thought for a moment before speaking again, a true rarity for her, “Well, Mr. Kang totally has a crush on you.” She blurted, and your fingers tripped along the keys, making your nail sink in the space between two of them.
“Sohee!” You gasped, erasing the series of semicolons that populated the page, “Wh- I-” You took a moment to breathe, “Mr. Kang does not-”
“Well, thanks for the icepack!” She called as she slipped out the door, leaving you with your mouth agape, “Oh, hi Mr. Kang!” She sang loudly, making your chest seize. 
In walked Changhyun Kang, the history department head and advanced history teacher with a smile on his almost unnervingly handsome face. Living in the city on your own as you navigated adulthood came with many culture shocks, but one of them were how pretty some of the people you came across, Changhyun being one of them. He was nice though, because of course he was, and he came in every day to steal some ice for his mid-day coffee. He could very well go to the cafeteria for some, but your office was closer– barely. Regardless, you were in no state to pry into why he insisted on coming to your office. Jungkook had done his best to give you a rundown on how to talk to your fellow coworkers, but you elected to only use that advice when absolutely necessary. Now you couldn’t help but wonder how he even knew to coach you on that. 
Changhyun’s eyes darted to the door, giving you a questioning brow, “Sohee is awfully chipper today.” He observed, “Especially for a Monday.” He chuckled. You never understood the fixation with announcing the days of the week among your coworkers, but you played along nonetheless. Right now, it just served as a reminder that you had a mere two days before anniversary week would reach its crescendo. 
You sighed, “That she is.” You simply left it at that before changing the subject, “Thank you for reminding me it is nearly my lunch time.” You chuckled, continuing to type up the report. 
He nodded, thinking for a moment, “Are you ever able to take your lunch early?” He asked curiously, before moving to get some ice.
You didn’t look up from your screen as you spoke, “Well, sure, I guess I just keep my usual time for the sake of routine.” You responded thoughtlessly. 
“I see.” He spoke and the typing off your keyboard suddenly sounded way too loud. 
You gulped, not sure how to fill the sudden awkward tension, “Why?” You asked, insistent on looking at your computer still. 
“W-Well, I was just thinking maybe we could have lunch tomorrow or something?” He rushed out, and you paused, blinking for a moment. The urge to overthink the invitation was strong, especially since you weren’t sure how long you were even going to be here with everything else in your life going on. However, that was all the more reason it didn’t matter. Plus, who’s to say he was intending anything other than friendship. Changhyun was a good-looking guy, so it wouldn’t make much sense for him to be so bashful when asking for a date– not that you would even think to count an in-work lunch as a date in the first place. Obviously you were overthinking the situation anyways and for a bit too long as he continued, “I mean I bring my lunch, and you bring yours, and I come in here anyways, so we could just eat in here? –But if you prefer not–”
“Sure.” You turned to smile at him, “I could use the company.” You did your best to brighten your smile, and he returned it tenfold, “Maybe then the students will stop asking me if I have friends.” You tried to joke lightly, and surely Jungkook would be proud of you as Changhyun let out a hearty laugh. 
“Same here.” He chuckled, but it did little to simmer the sting of Jungkook on your mind. Just before your coworker could notice your smile fall, you phone started vibrating. You looked down at it with a frown, “Well, I’ll let you get that. See you!” He gave a polite wave that you mirrored just as Jungkook told you to do. 
Changhyun was kind enough to close your office door, which you were thankful for as you picked up the phone, too nervous to check the caller ID, “Hello?” 
“Was it Byungjoo?” Your blood ran cold as Jungkook’s voice sliced through the receiver. 
You’d seldom heard him sound like this before, but you can hardly register his tone when the name he uttered slices through your skin. 
“Wh-What are you–” You tried to say something, but Jungkook couldn’t bear to hear you try to lie anymore. 
“Who you saw at the fight. It was Byungjoo, wasn’t it?” He demanded, but something about his voice sounded… off. Like the way it would sound during finals week when he’d join your marathon studying. Has he… been up all night? Or longer? It’s Monday now and you both ended things Saturday morning. 
Suddenly, Byungjoo fades from your mind and you’re just a friend again, “Jungkook, have you… slept?” You asked, and flinched at the sound of his sharp exhale, letting it sink in that he’d no longer be your solace from your past. 
“Answer my question.” He demanded, but you pressed your lips together. You can’t answer his question, so that left you with one choice.
“I don’t know who–”
“Aren’t we done lying to each other?” He snapped, making your eyes widen, “Here, I’ll go first: I’ve watched every fucking frame of the crowd footage of the fight and cross-referenced them with every teacher in the goddamn city, and the only one’s that were the only ones that were in that footage for even a second hadn’t called out of work that day.” 
It was like the air knocked out of you. Why? How? It didn’t make sense. What the fuck did Jungkook do for work? Is Namjoon more than just a boyfriend? The thought was too much to bear, “Please, it’s– it’s–” You had to take a semi-stabalizing breath, “Don’t do this.” You whispered. 
“I wish I didn’t need to.” He spit, “But I can’t fucking do this without you–”
“Yes, you can–” You cut him off desperately despite how much you wanted to agree. He had no choice. Neither of you did. “Well then I don’t fucking want to!” He yelled, making your throat nearly close, “Look, you don’t have to worry about Byungjoo anymore–”
“It’s not Byungjoo I’m worried about.” You spoke honestly, not wanting to hear about your uncle’s fate any further,  “It’s… not safe for me to be around you, Kook.” You admitted and it felt like pouring hot wax down your throat.
There were a few beats of agonizing silence before he spoke again, “I can make it safe for you.” 
You shook your head before sighing, “You can’t.” The crack in your voice mirrored your resolve. It would be so easy to just say the full truth, but you let your mouth close, hoping it would stau that way, “This is… it’s bigger than just you, okay?” 
“No.” He deadpanned, and you sighed,  “No, not okay. This… nothing is too big for me…” He all but promises before adding, “...not when it comes to you.” 
Your heart ached in your chest. How many times had anyone deemed you worth much beyonf what you could give them? And would anyone else do it in the future? Jungkook was all you had and how much that meant to you teared you apart as you spoke, “It’s not worth–”
“Yes, you are.” Was all he seethed before hanging up.
You were stuck there for a moment, frozen with your phone to your ear. Had you not seen the call log yourself, you could’ve convinced yourself that whole thing was just a horrible nightmare. You wished it had been. The last thing you needed was Jungkook to tear open the wounds that haven’t even begun to heal properly and incidentally signing your death certificate. Then again, maybe his tune would change once he found out who you were. You weren’t some unsullied reprieve from his life in the Underworld, and maybe once he realized that, he’d turn his back on you. He’d realize you weren’t worth much at all. Just like everyone eventually does. 
Bitterness filled your mouth and it’s only then you realized you gnawed on the skin of your lips for too long. You huffed out, opening your compact mirror to asses the damage only to find one small red sliver. You placed a small piece of tissue on the oozing blood and put on your mask for the rest of the day. 
If you enjoy my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi (also pls send me an ask, I love to hear from y'all!)
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hey again! :D A similar request as the last one, but this time the child is smaller (10-11), and Fyodor and Nikolai raise them together! I just wanna see how good they would be at parenting together TvT (i love your writing!!)
Thaaaank yoooouuuuuu :))))))
Thanks for your request!!!!!
'•.¸♡ parenting ♡¸.•'
Gn!reader (platonic)
Fyodor x Nikolai ig, weather you see it as platonic or not is up to you.
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Again, who the fuck knows where Nikolai found a random child but he found you and now he's rasing you with Fyodor.
Tbh they are shit at parenting, like a clown and a manipulative bitch as parents? That child is growing up to be fucked up for real.
Okay, I've calmed down a bit, let's continue.
In this scenario Nikolai and Fyodor live together.
The first time Fyodor met you was when he came home to you sleeping on the sofa and Nikolai making something to drink in the kitchen.
'Why is there a child in out living room?' Fyodor asked, confession lingering in his voice.
'Their name is y/n and they are our new child!' Nikolai explained with a smile while preparing a cup of tea for Fyodor.
'Why?' Fyodor's tone was more of an annoyed one this time.
'Why not?' Nikolai placed a tea bag in a cup before pouring the water in.
Fyodor just sighed and accepted the fact that you were going to live with them now.
Fyodor isn't around that much naturally so you were closer to Nikolai but whenever Fyodor was around he didn't seem as scary as people made him out to be.
Fyodor did try to take care of you properly, educating you if he had the time and when he didn't he told you what to learn and gave you a plan until your next lesson, Fyodor wasn't the best teacher and had a hard time comprehending the fact that you were 10 and 10 year olds (including most of the population) aren't as smart as him.
Does Nikolai try to teach you anything? Nope, maybe some magic tricks here and there but other than that not much. Education is restricting in some ways and doesn't let the mind be creative and learn on its own so they way to be as free as one could get is to not learn stuff which will restrict the person and their imagination, now one should still attend school because you need to learn and stuff.
Since Fyodor is out at work most of the time you are left alone with Nikolai, you're too young to be left alone so Nikolai has to take care of you but he also has work and who else would be a great Babysitter than everyone's favourite: Sigma!
Nikolai said he had to go to work and you couldn't go with him so he took you to a good friend by the name of Sigma.
Without a knock Nikolai burst in through the door and startled a man sitting by a desk doing some paper work. 'Quiz time! Why am I here?' Nikolai announced while you awkwardly stood slightly behind him. Sigma didn't answer and only stared in disbelief at you for a few seconds before practically shouting at Nikolai 'Why on earth do you have a child with you?!'
Nikolai only laughed him off and started to walk up to him. By the time you two were in front of the desk Sigma calmed down and spoke in softer and more calmer tone to you trying to be as nice as he could while not being irritated by Nikolai. 'Is everything okay? Do you need help?'
Nikolai laughed at his questions and asked him to look after you for a while before leaving you there.
Sigma became a regular Babysitter to you and the longer you spend there the more activities became available to you. Sigma get some board games or something so the two of you could play while being there.
But what if Sigma cannot take care of you? Well the only option is bring-your-child-to-work day for Fyodor. He told you to just kinda chill there and stay quiet as he typed away but you cannot expect a child to sit I'm silence for hours and hours on end.
'Fyodor... I'm sorry but I'm hungry.' You were sitting on the floor surrounded by cables and what not. Fyodor stopped his typing and look at you, at the time and back to you, it was (whatever time you eat dinner) so he decided to take you somewhere to eat something.
The most likely scenario is the two of you going back to his house so he can make something for you to eat but if he's in a rush he'll get take out or something.
Since today was more of a busy day for him he told you to get up and the two of you left for town to get something, he wasn't going to call for take out, that would risk people knowing where he lives and that is bad, very bad.
You had a great time out, you did mostly walk in silence to the restaurant and turn back but it was still nice. On your way there you spotted a cat and wanted to pet it but Fyodor was moving quickly ahead and didn't bother to stop for a simple cat.
Once going back the cat was still in its and you ran up to the cat carefully as to not scare it away and started petting it. The cat was woke up but didn't move still enjoying the sun. Fyodor caught up to you rather quickly but instead of moving along not paying attention he stopped and let you pet the cat for a little before telling you that you two have to leave.
You two got back and ate your food making light conversation
I don't believe Fyodor has any other chairs beside his own in his office so you have to sit on the floor or stand.
Overall Nikolai and Fyodor aren't the best parents a child could ask for but not the worst, they care for their child and their wellbeing.
Also Nikolai insists on calling him тато (tato: dad) or pa or something like that.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Тато is Ukrainian btw
His is longer than expected and honestly I could keep going.
Have a wonderful day/night and do something you enjoy.
-love, Az
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fanficimagery · 2 years
La Loba
When Tara up and left Charming all those years ago- the town, Jax and the club weren't the only things left behind. She left you, her baby sister.
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Words: 5.2K Author's Note: Sons of Anarchy AU. Crossover with Mayans. Trigger Warning for brief mentions of sexual assault.
When Tara left Charming all those years ago, you had only been fifteen. She left you with your drunk of a father, but Jax Teller and his mother Gemma quickly stepped in to look after you. However, when your uncle checked in one day, he didn't like what you had to say about your living situation. So as quick as he could, he managed to get custody of you and whisked you away to Texas.
For years you longed to be back in Charming, calling Jax every weekend you could to hear about what was going on there because, though he and your sister were broken up, you still looked up to him as your big brother. But until you graduated, as you were continuously reminded by your uncle and Jax, there was nothing you could do. So, until you walked the stage and had your high school diploma in hand, you let yourself make some friends and have some fun while you were still young.
Jax, Opie and Gemma made the drive down to Texas to see you walk the stage, and then Gemma told you she already had living arrangements situated for you should you want to return to Charming. You did and you were immediately set up with a job at Teller-Morrow Automotive.
For the following couple of years, you worked your butt off keeping the garage running smoothly while Gemma made herself busy elsewhere. You became close to those within the Sons of Anarchy, keeping their secrets and helping out when asked as if you were a part of the club yourself. And if you asked any of the men, they'd say you were.
But then your sister came back to Charming, ruffling feathers within the club, and making you doubt your place with the Sons.
For as long as you can remember, Clay and Gemma were the parents you wished had been yours. But then they started to make questionable calls and you realized you had to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. It also didn't help that you had Tara whispering nothing but terrible things in your ear, but you did your best to not let her opinion cloud your judgment.
And just when you were coming to terms with everything again, AJ Weston happened.
Fortunately, you weren't sexually assaulted, but you were forced to watch them assault Gemma over and over before taking a beating that left you in the hospital for nearly a week. And through it all, your sister still tried to get you to cut ties with the club. Instead of listening, however, you pulled back into yourself and sought out Happy to teach you how to properly fight.
For a couple of years, you hardened yourself to become numb to anything and everything the club did, doing odd jobs here and there when they needed a face to blend in that wasn't male. You became the club's ace up their sleeve, much to your sister's displeasure, and did your best to stay afloat while Clay and Gemma spiraled out of control.
Life within the club became a clusterfuck- betrayal after betrayal and lie after lie piling up faster than anyone could keep up with. And in the end, several people paid the price. Piney, Bobby, Clay, Juice, Tara and Gemma. All dead.
Then when Jax took up the gavel, he thought for sure you wouldn't want anything to do with the club anymore. But the club had been a part of your life for the longest time and so long as he didn't follow in Clay's or his mother's footsteps, you were more than happy to continue being there for anything the Sons needed.
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With Jax as President and Opie as Vice President, things within the charters along the West Coast were shaken up. No one wanted war or petty fights for past grievances, so many bridges were mended. One, most importantly, being that of the bridge between the Sons and the Mayans.
Jax, Opie, and Chibs are hosting a few Mayans when you walk in behind Happy, more than ready to shower and get to work behind the bar. But first, you needed to check in with Jax and with the others, letting them know how the night went. Happy takes a seat, smirking as all eyes fall on you. You figure you must look a sight- hair wavy from the two braids you had it in all day, a Reaper hoodie that's a size too big, ripped jeans and Doc Martens. Your hands grip tight to the straps of the backpack you're wearing, and you offer Jax a nod.
"Hey, sis." Jax slowly smirks. "You good?" You give him another nod. "You win?"
Happy scoffs as if he really needed to ask that, after all he trained you, and all eyes turn towards him. "They tapped her for two matches."
Jax's amusement suddenly clears, worry in his eyes. "Two?" He glances between you and Happy, the rest of the onlookers curious as to what's going on. "Why the fuck did they tap you for two?"
You roll your eyes and slip the straps of the backpack off your shoulders. Holding the bag with one hand, you unzip the bag with the other and pull out a ziplock bag of cash. Abel and Thomas' name is written on it in black sharpie, as well as the very obvious 5K. You toss the money into Jax's lap.
"Holy shit," Opie utters. "What the hell happened?"
You grin and glance at Happy so he can tell the story. "Her first opponent had a glass jaw. One hit and she was out. The crowd wasn't too happy, so the coordinator asked if she'd fight again. Her second opponent was a dude and a little harder to take down, but our girl had a lot of rage tonight. Brought home 15K."
One of the Mayans lowly whistles. "Damn, mami. There an underground fight club we don't know about?"
The Sons all seem to hold their breath as you glance at the Mayan in question, expression going lax as you take him in. He's handsome, really handsome, what with his groomed beard and all. His hair is shaved close to the sides while the top has some length to it. And slowly, but surely, you grin and shrug at him.
"Hey guys, this is my sister-in-law YN," Jax says, introducing you. "YN, this is Bishop, Angel (the one who had spoken to you) and EZ. Creeper's at the bar with Tig." You glance at each men, nodding and grinning in greeting as they give their hellos. "You should clean up before you get behind the bar," Jax then says, easily dismissing you.
"Ribs need to be checked out. Probably wrapped," Happy mentions.
"And that's my cue," Chibs says as he stands, finishing off the last of his beer. "Come on, lass, let's go get ye naked."
You roll your eyes as Happy and Opie laugh, Jax kicking out in hopes of landing a kick to his Scottish brother.
Everyone watches as Chibs leads YN down the hallway towards the dorms and then Jax is grabbing the money to tuck inside his kutte. "Excuse YN," he says. "She doesn't talk."
"Ever?" Angel asks. Bishop and EZ are quick to slap their brother, causing him to flinch and glare at each of them.
The Sons all chuckle.
"She used to be a chatterbox," Jax says, smiling. Slowly the expression melts away. "She got kidnapped alongside Gemma by Zobelle's crew."
"Shit," Bishop swears. "We heard about that."
"Was she.. you know," EZ asks, uncomfortable. Everyone knew what had happened to the ex-president's old lady and the rage that possessed him and her son when they found out. "That why she don't talk?"
"Nah." Opie shakes his head. "They made her watch as they assaulted Gemma though, and then beat her black and blue. Stopped talking after that. She will talk sometimes, but only to those she feels at ease around."
"The physical assault was just the beginning of it all; started closing herself off. But then when Gemma killed Tara.."
"Fuck, bro," Angel exhales in realization. "Your mother killed her sister?"
"Yeah." Jax takes a long pull of his beer. "YN felt deeply betrayed, looked up to my ma like she was her own. When we found out who killed Tara, YN begged me to let her deal with it. I almost didn't, but Unser stuck his nose in my business and put a tail on me. We came up with an alibi for YN and let her deal with Gemma as she saw fit."
"And did she?" Bishop wonders, stroking his salt-n-pepper beard.
Happy smirks. "She did. Took Gemma out the way Gemma took her sister out."
"Which was how?"
Jax gulps, but pushes through the conversation. "By stabbing Gemma repeatedly in the back of the head with a barbecue fork."
"And no one suspected it was her?" Angel asks, awed.
"Nah. She's our fly on the wall. Everyone thinks she's damaged goods and we don't correct them. No one suspects the mute girl to be gathering intel."
Bishop chuckles. "That's actually kind of genius."
The men all get back to drinking, listening to Happy describe YN's fight and the fact that she's not scheduled for another for another three months. She eventually comes back out, a tight long sleeve plaid shirt taking the place of the hoodie she first wore. Tig grabs her attention, introducing her to Creeper who she grins and nods at before serving up a few shots and taking one with the two men.
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The following morning, you task the prospects and the lingering croweaters to clean up the clubhouse and have everything set up for a family breakfast before you get back with the food. And since you are the President's sister who has no urge to crawl into the lap of any Son, the croweaters readily get to work without any huffing and puffing.
Nearly half an hour later, you return to the clubhouse with bags of food. The normal round tables have been pushed aside and long rectangular tables have been brought out. Three pots of steaming coffee are sitting atop the bar, stacks of styrofoam cups, milk, creamer, and sugar placed next to them. You set the bags of food on the table, pulling out containers of barbacoa meat, beef and bean tamales that had been wrapped up in foil, a few containers of green hot sauce, a bag of cut up lemons, and a stack of still hot tortillas.
You send the prospects to start knocking on doors and waking the sleeping men before you head towards the refrigerator and pull yourself out two cans of Big Red soda. Then making your way back out to the tables in the middle of the clubhouse, you grab yourself a paper plate and start to serve yourself before the men make it nearly impossible to.
Surprisingly, most of the men are already awake and settle down around the table as you're assembling your tacos. You spread some barbacoa on a tortilla, squeeze a bit of lemon juice on the meat, then open up a bean tamale to lay atop the meat. Then you sprinkle some salt before spooning some greet hot sauce onto it all, bringing two sides of the tortilla together and taking a bite. You hum in appreciation and then crack open a can of soda before taking a sip of it.
As you glance around the table, you see the Mayans all staring at you, amusement clear in their expression.
"Damn, guera, you can throw down, huh?" Creeper muses.
You grin at him, heat flooding your cheeks before you avert your eyes back to your food. Slowly but surely, everyone starts to fill their plates. And when you fill your second taco, adding even more hot sauce than the first time, you happily eat the spicy goodness.
"I have a question," Angel says in between bites of his food. "How does a white girl throw down with barbacoa and hot sauce? None of these white boys will even look at the hot sauce."
Jax laughs. "When YN was fifteen and Tara left for college, their uncle swooped in and took YN to Texas. The uncle's wife is Hispanic and apparently breakfast tacos and Big Red was a staple there. Had it every Sunday morning and now we have it once a week here too."
"Well, if it's a staple down in Texas, now we gotta try it too," Angel says. He glances at you, winking. "Got any more of those sodas, princesa?"
You roll your eyes at the nickname, nodding. Quickly wiping your fingers off on a napkin, you stand up to go grab four more of your sodas for the men to try. And when you make it back to the table, you hand each Mayan a soda since the Sons were all coffee drinkers in the morning.
EZ and Angel like the soda drink, Creeper takes a few sips before deciding he likes it, and Bishop hands his can off to Angel after the first sip. It seems he preferred his coffee as well.
Once breakfast is over and Jax sends Chibs, Tig and Happy to work in the garage, you drag your feet over to the couch where Opie is sitting. There's plenty of space on the couch next to him, but you want a cuddle after stuffing yourself full of food. So as the men are talking, you crawl into his lap without a word, curling up there and hiding your face in the side of his neck. He merely lifts his arm to position it behind your back, used to this behavior by now.
"She good?" You hear someone ask.
You grin against Opie's neck and raise a hand, giving the room a thumb's up. He chuckles as he rubs your back. "She's fine. She likes to curl up on any available lap after eating so much."
"My lap was empty too, cariña. You could have-"
The sound of a slap resonates around the room which sends the men into a round of laughter, and when you pick your head up enough to see what's going on, Bishop is shaking his head at Angel who's rubbing the back of his head with a very disgruntled expression. You huff a laugh and go back to dozing on Opie.
The men continue to talk shop as Opie lulls you back to sleep, but then the shouting of a prospect makes you jerk back into consciousness. "Ope! Old Lady incoming."
The Mayans all fidget in their seats as a petite blonde marches into the clubhouse, heading straight towards your small group.
"Uhh.. should the girl be-"
Bishop's words trail off as Lyla comes up to Opie's side, leaning over you to press a kiss to her husband's mouth. You squirm in his lap, turning your head just enough to pucker your lips at Lyla. She laughs. "One of these days I'm actually going to kiss you and then what?" You shrug and wiggle your eyebrows. "I'll get you to finally take up our offer on that threesome sooner or later."
Your nose wrinkles and you immediately climb out of Opie's lap, scowling at her as you curl up on the opposite side of the couch. Lyla laughs and claims her husband's lap for herself as he says, "Come on, Ly. We all know white boys don't do it for SAMCRO's princess."
You narrow your eyes as Opie and Jax chuckle, chuckles turning into full blown laughter as Angel asks, "Yeah? That mean I'm still in the running then?"
"Jesus Christ," EZ mumbles, rubbing the space between his brows.
As you glance at Angel, you can't help the heating of your cheeks as he slowly smirks at you.
Lyla giggles as you blush under the stare of the Mayan and she reaches over to wrap her hand around your ankle. "I'm in a shopping mood. What do you say you go shower and we'll get out of the club's hair for a bit?"
You smile at her, grateful for the escape. But before you can get up, Jax says, "You'll need an escort. We're in good standing with everyone, but it'll give me some peace of mind."
"Don't send Tig. Or Happy," Lyla says.
"You can take EZ," Bishop speaks up, gesturing to the man in question. EZ looks so startled at being volunteered for protection detail that Creeper and Angel burst into laughter.
Glancing at EZ, you gauge his reaction to make sure he's okay with going. And when he catches you trying to size him up, he relaxes and nods. "I, uh, it's fine. Just as long as I don't have to hold anyone's purse."
His brothers continue to snicker as you flash him a grin, shaking your head in amusement. As you pass him, you squeeze his shoulder in thanks and then disappear down the hallway that leads to your dorm.
It takes you just about twenty minutes to shower and change into something suitable for the public, and then you're tossing your wallet, phone, and ID into a mini backpack that you readily strap to your back. You put on some sunglasses to shield your eyes from the intense brightness you know that awaits you outside the building, and then walk back out to the front. Clapping your hands, you grab Lyla and EZ's attention.
Jax, Bishop and Angel call out for the three of you to be careful, and then Lyla is telling EZ that you'll be driving over to Lodi since that was the only place close enough to do some decent shopping. He follows behind you and Lyla on his bike, and thankfully the drive is very short.
EZ eyes the boutique Lyla parks in front of with a critical eye and you grin at him. You were pretty sure he was expecting a mall with several stops at various clothing stores, but you and Lyla had a specific place where you did all your shopping. The owner was kind and courteous, and even pulled aside items she thought you and Lyla would like to try on, on days like today.
Walking into the spacious back room, you slip off your backpack and let it fall onto the couch that's there. EZ hesitantly takes a seat, and you smile at him, nodding that it's okay. The owner reappears within a couple of minutes, dragging two racks of clothing along with her. She tells you that she's got some shoes and accessories in as well, and Lyla tells her to bring anything and everything that she thinks they'll like. And when the owner warily glances at EZ, Lyla waves off her concern and tells her that Jax is just being a little protective this morning. She laughs and then leaves to bring back even more items.
As you go through one rack, you hear Lyla explaining to EZ that this is the only place you'll be shopping and that you'll grab lunch afterwards. And once you have a few items you want to try on in hand, you walk over to a smaller room and pull the curtain behind you so you can change in private. You and Lyla usually changed out in the open, but with EZ there you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
The first outfit you try on are black faux leather pants that cling like a second skin, a white crop top that has two thin straps crisscrossing over your abdomen, and a cropped leather jacket. You walk out from behind the curtain and head straight for the small dais in front of a mirror, turning this way and that way to see whether or not you like it.
Lyla steps out from behind her curtain in her own outfit- a dress that leaves little to the imagination- and immediately, she says, "Yes! You're getting that outfit." You chuckle at her and then wiggle your foot for her to realize you need shoes. Her lips purse as she looks at the rack of shoes and then practically lunges for a pair of peep toe stilettos.
Shaking your head in amusement, you sit down to slip the shoes on the walk back to the dais.
"How do you girls even walk in shoes like that?" EZ asks. "I'd probably break a bone. Or three."
You meet his gaze in the mirror, smirking.
"Lots and lots of practice," Lyla answers for the both of you.
For the next hour, EZ endures outfit change after outfit change. He can't seem to comprehend how many items of clothing you and Lyla have tossed into your buy pile, but he doesn't utter a peep.
The last outfit in your pile is a pair of dark washed jean shorts, a black distressed tank top with the phases of the moon on the front of it, and a thin cream-colored cardigan whose hem falls just past your butt. When you walk out, you immediately head for a pair of dark gray suede ankle booties and zip them on before showing Lyla the final product.
When you glance at EZ, you catch him staring at your thigh. More specifically, the tattoo that nearly takes up your entire thigh of a howling wolf head and the full moon right behind it. "That's some detailed ink you got there."
You glance at Lyla and she smirks at you, nodding- encouraging you to finally speak. When Jax told the Mayans you were mute, he wasn't lying. He just failed to mention that it is selective mutism and you could speak when you were comfortable enough. And after spending these last couple of hours with EZ and Lyla, you've become comfortable. "La loba."
EZ's head snaps up at the sound of your voice, meeting your gaze as you offer him a small smile. "She-wolf?" He asks.
You subtly gulp. "It's what they.. call me in the ring."
"She's a vicious little thing when fighting," Lyla says. "It's brutal and fucking fantastic."
"Yeah?" The surprise slowly vacates his expression, and then he grins. "I'm gonna have to see you in action one of these days."
"My next match is still a few months away, but I'll let you know when and where it takes place."
"I'd like that."
You and Lyla end up with more bags than the two of you can carry, and EZ laughs as he helps the two of you load up your purchases. You treat the two of them to lunch, choosing a Mexican place since you were craving a quesadilla with some chips and salsa. You and Lyla each had a margarita, and EZ made the two of you wear sombreros so he could snap a picture of it. You asked him to send you the picture, and that was the beginning of yours and EZ's very platonic texting relationship since he was already in a relationship himself.
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Angel Reyes is sitting outside the clubhouse, sunglasses shielding his eyes as he waits for his baby brother to get his ass outside and tell him what it is they're doing for the day. The day was still young and hot, and he'd rather be anywhere than sitting still under the blistering sun rays.
Finally, EZ walks out of the clubhouse just as the sound of a motorcycle comes up from behind him. Angel turns around after seeing his brother smirk and he's surprised to see the Tacoma Killer rolling into their lot. But not only that, he apparently has SAMCRO's princess perched on the seat behind him, looking completely at ease on the bike.
Angel stands as EZ comes up behind him, whistling lowly as he pushes his sunglasses up to rest atop his head. "You knew she was coming?"
"Yeah. She's got a match tonight in the next town over. I think Bishop's thinking about putting some cash down on her."
. .
. .
The clubhouse doors bang open just as you and Happy climb off the bike, and Bishop walks down the steps. ¡Chiquitita!" You smile at him as he heads straight for you. "Are you feeling good about the fight tonight?"
You nod and readily hug the man as his arms spread wide. Glancing over his shoulder, you can't help but huff a laugh at EZ and Angel's surprised expressions.
"Did some research into her opponent," Happy says as you step back to stand by his side. "She has a decent record, but YN's is better. And she's in a good mood today so Jax is putting money down on her."
"Good, good." Bishop turns around, taking in the Reyes brothers. "I'm giving you five thousand. Bet it all on YN."
. .
. .
Angel and EZ are anxiously waiting in the front row, taking in the cage in front of them. It looks almost professional, but the sketchy individuals all around them say otherwise. Happy had directed them where to place their bets and then settled them down in a specific spot. It was going to be a bit longer before YN fought.
When the matches get underway, EZ and Angel get to witness two men's matches and one female, letting the atmosphere get the best of them and carry them away. They're shouting and cheering and enjoying every bit of violence.
"I can't believe we never knew about this, 'mano," Angel says, taking a sip of his beer. "We could have been making bank."
EZ snorts. "I don't know about that. It's too risky. Bishop is only putting down money because of a Son's word. You think he's gonna be happy if YN loses tonight?"
Angel opens his mouth to retort, but the ring announcer steps into the cage once more. He introduces one female- a blonde with her hair done up in a french braid that hangs down her back. She's around 5'8, slightly ripped, and expression lax as she hops from foot to foot in her corner of the cage as the crowd cheers for her.
As the ring announcer introduces La loba, he's surprised at the crowd's instantaneous reaction. Even more so when EZ stands and bangs his hand on the cage. The woman that steps into the cage is wearing a small silk robe with a hood covering her head, but it's open in the front so he can see the sports bra, black spandex shorts, and the tattoo of a howling wolf on her thigh. La loba. She wolf.
As she pushes the hood off and stares at her opponent, Angel swears as he sees YN. "Fuck. You knew?" He then asks his brother, seeing how excited he is.
When EZ settles down, he nods. "Yeah. Apparently, she's a vicious little thing in the ring. Lyla said it's a sight to behold."
When the fight starts, Angel seems to hold his breath as YN and her opponent bump their taped fists together. Then like a switch was flipped, both women go on the attack. Fists fly out- aimed at the head, ribs and abdomen. Forearms deflect the hits, but some are not quick enough. YN clips her opponent on the chin, briefly dazing her, and that's all the opening she needs. YN goes on the attack immediately, fists throwing punches in a flurry before she grasps onto the girl's neck. As she pulls her down until she's hunched, YN quickly drives her knee into her opponent's abdomen and chest over and over.
A bell dings and a ref throws himself between the two women before sending them to opposite corners. The crowd and EZ go wild, and Happy smugly saunters into the ring to give YN some water and to wipe her down.
"Holy shit."
"I know," EZ agrees. "That was just one round. Can you imagine the next?"
The second round is just as vicious as the first, but YN gets severely pissed off when she drops her guard and takes a hit to the face right before the bell rings. The Reyes brothers sharply suck in some air at the look YN gives her opponent, thanking their lucky stars that they're not the one in the ring with her. Again, Happy cleans up YN, taking care to clean up the small cut at YN's eyebrow and telling her something while she glares across the ring.
Then in the third round, YN lets her opponent tire herself out before delivering an uppercut to the underside of the woman's chin. It's lights out for her.
The crowd goes absolutely wild as Happy rushes into the cage, lifting YN so she's settled on one of his shoulders in victory.
The ring announcer goes through the motions of announcing the victor before reminding everyone where to collect their winnings, and then the Reyes brothers are pushing through the crowd to get to Happy and YN.
When the Reyes brothers are led to a small room, they walk in to find Happy tending to YN's cut. Her eyes meet theirs and she flashes them a smile, beckoning them further in.
"Damn, querida," Angel muses. "That was one hell of a fight. Who knew you could throw down like that."
You smirk at him. "The she-wolf title should have tipped you off, guapo."
Angel's jaw drops open, and Happy and EZ snort. "You- you talk?"
"Selective mutism, 'mano." EZ nudges his brother's shoulder. "She can talk when she feels comfortable."
"Which is mostly when there's not a lot of people around and she knows you," Happy says. "Social anxiety sucks."
You roll your eyes as Happy puts a butterfly bandage over your cut and then you turn around to get dressed. You pull on a pair of jeans and a tank top that EZ remembers you buying from that shopping trip months ago, and then slip your feet into a pair of boots. Happy hands you a leather jacket before dropping the strap of your duffel bag over your head.
"So, who's gonna let me ride with them back to the clubhouse? Bishop's throwing a party and I need a drink or three before we roll out back to Charming tomorrow afternoon."
"You can ride me- I mean with me, querida." Angel smirks.
You snort as Happy and EZ roll their eyes, knowing full well Angel messed up that line on purpose. You glance at Happy, questioning whether or not he's okay with that, and he shrugs. "You're a grown woman, hermanita. You can ride whoever you want."
This time it's your turn to roll your eyes as the Reyes brothers laugh. Then throwing caution to the wind, you grab Angel's wrist and drag him out of the room.
"Should I be worried about that?" EZ asks, chuckling.
"For your brother? Maybe." Happy shrugs. "YN is a whole lot of woman and I'm not sure Angel's prepared for that. You saw how shocked he was when she spoke to him for the first time."
"Though she won't speak when there's a large crowd around, she will drink so long as she's surrounded by someone she trusts. She's got me, you, and now your brother. He's about to realize what he's just signed up for the moment she downs a fifth shot."
EZ laughs. "Then let's get out of here. I wanna see Angel panic over a girl for once."
guera - white girl princesa - princess cariña - darling guapo - handsome
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luna-writes-stuff · 7 months
Eternally Missed, Bilbo Baggins
Song link
Fanfic, fem! reader
Fluff, mutual pining/oblivious reader
Word count: 3295
Tw: Not proofread. Race not specified, but could be implied as dwarvish. Self-degrading thoughts, mutual pining. Will they, won’t they. Slight angst. Misinterpreted feelings and actions. Oblivious reader, oops. That’s it?
Summary: Ever since laying eyes on your first, Bilbo knew it was you who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He tries to make this clear incredibly quick, fully aware of how little time he may have. But you were as oblivious as they came, and dismissed his proposals as platonic gestures. Until finally, he snaps, and just decides to tell you.
Buy me a coffee/force me to write more
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“Chase your dreams away.
Glass needles in the hay.”
Throughout the journey, you could only be described as truly oblivious. Maybe not in your eyes, but definitely in those of the company. Their beloved burglar had fallen absolutely head over heels with you, yet there was something within you that simply seemed to not acknowledge it.
In hindsight, you might have seen it, or might have had a slight idea of what was happening, but the last thing you wanted to do was to get your hopes up. Thus, it was mere matter of a polite smile and dismissal without making it sound like a dismissal. You didn’t want to let him down, even though you had no idea of his true intentions.
You see, during the entire time of your travel to Erebor, Bilbo has tried to make it abundandly clear how fond he is of you. But between the running from imminent death, enemies luring around every corner and getting imprisoned every once in a while, the moments were never opportune enough. It didn’t mean that he didn’t try, but clearly, the ambiance was wrong. If he ever wanted to court someone, he’d propose it in his garden, under the clear nightsky of Hobbiton with a warm breeze in the air. Not after recovering for breath after having to run for thirty whole minutes, or in the dirty atmosphere of the Goblin caves. But fate did not seem to be on his side whatsoever. But he was nothing if not adamant.
“The sun forgives the clouds.
You are my holy shroud.”
The first time wanted to make his intentions clear during your stay in Rivendell. The dwarves had been bathing when he approached you, doubt and anxiety apparent in his features - but then again, when wasn’t it?
He had sat down next to you on one of the balconies, talking about anything but the mountain and the now known presence of the orcs. He had spoken about his home in the Shire fondly, recounting many tales of friends and neighbours. It was a nice distraction after the adrenaline of the travel had worn off.
In turn, you had spoken about your home and those waiting for you. He remembered the hesitance in his voice when he asked you about a suitor. You hadn’t even properly answered him at that to begin with. At first, you began to laugh, and talked about your parents. He thought you were mocking him, even though that was extremely unlinke you. But when you continued to rant and talk, it appeared to him that you had no idea what he was actually asking you. And he didn’t have it in him to correct you or to properly ask you. Perhaps it was a bit too early. You just met a handful of days ago.
Fortunately, he did not leave it at that.
“I just don't care if it's real.
That won't change how it feels.”
The second time he tried was when the group was making their way out of Rivendell. He had gotten some good rest and found himself comfortable enough to bring the conversation back up.
But you were distracted. He couldn’t tell back then, but he certainly could now. The talk with Bilbo had left you somewhat homesick. The comfort of Rivendell was almost begging for you to stay. You wanted to help the dwarves - more than anything, but you understood the comfort hobbits sought in their own homes.
You had given him brief, one-worded answers, your gaze absent. It had broken his heart that day. If you weren’t making your disinterest clear the day before, you certainly had then. It caused him to be silent for the rest of the travels until you crossed the mountains. Much to his relief, you stayed close to him, and didn’t part during the fight of the giants, but the new hit of adrenaline caused him to cling to you the entire time, a mutual action. Neither of you had realized how close the two of you were until you were roughly separated after a rough boulder collided between the two of you.
“I just don't care if it's real.
That won't change how it feels.
No, it doesn't change.”
That night in the cave you kept circling Bilbo. He had almost fallen from the cliff if it hadn’t been for Thorin. And the idea made you inexplicably sick. You liked Thorin, even as he had been harsh from the start, but the fact that you weren’t able to dangle off the cliff to save Bilbo had left you feeling somewhat powerless. And the only comfort you could offer the hobbit was your company and your tales.
It had caused his hopes to resurface again. Of everyone out there, you wanted to sit with him, and talk with him. Perhaps your absent answers were simply because you were tired, or too focused.
He didn’t know how to bring the topic back up, though. It had caused an awkward silence after you finished your talk. He still couldn’t quite tell if he was grateful for the floor to - literally - fall through or not.
“And you can't resist
Making me feel eternally missed.”
The first time he swore he could have kissed you, was after Azog’s confrontation with Thorin. The battle had left the king defenseless, and you had rushed to his aid. At your actions, Bilbo blindly followed, making sure his eyes were on you constantly. The eagles had come just in time to sweep you off to safety, but the entire flight had left him nauseous. If it wasn’t for Gandalf, both you and Thorin would have lain on that floor, completely lifeless. To make matters even worse, you had landed on a different eagle. So, Bilbo had no choice but to simply sit there with a heavy feeling in his stomach until he could finally stand again.
And when he did, he rushed towards you. This could have been his moment. He could have swung his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him, his lips finally touching yours in a manner he was only able to dream off, but when you stood a few inches from him, something in him had told him to stop.
In that moment, you swore he was going to kiss you. Instead, he gave you an uncomfortable hug, followed by two brief pats on the back. He had turned around immediatelym refusing to let you see his reddening face, leaving you with a slight frown. If he was going to kiss you, you might have just let it happen.
“And you can't resist.
And you can't resist.
Making me feel.”
The rest of the journey had been awful for him. In his mind, that awkward reunion kept lingering. His chance had been right there and he refused to take it for whatever reason. And to top it all of; you seemed to grow more distant from him, and it hurt him deeply. It bothered him so much, that eventually, the company began catching on. Fili was the first one to notice, and had given him a good talk about courtship and whatnot. It was all in good nature, but it had left Bilbo with more details than he might have wanted.
But simple hints in conversation seemed to not do the trick. And maybe dwarven courting ideals weren’t the best, but they were certainly worth the try. When he made his first move according to Fili’s advice, more dwarves began to catch on.
“Chase your dreams away.
Glass needles in the hay.”
He had taken his sweet time hunting down anything he could find. Food, especially for you, to prove that - in Fili’s words - he could provide. But when he had a chance of slaying a rabbit, he didn’t have it in him. Instead, he came back with fresh mushroom, some non-poisonous berries and leaves that would make an excellent soup. It wasn’t hunting, but it still gave him the idea that - yes; he could provide.
You didn’t think much of. You find it nice, and thanked him fondly for it. Yet, there were others in the company that might have been hungry, so you gave it to Bombur, so he could use it in his meal for the group. Bilbo had told you this was okay, but he couldn’t help but feel slight heartbreak when you asked him.
He wasn’t being clear enough. Stupidly enough, he seemed to take comfort in Fili’s words, so he had returned to him that same night, telling the dwarf about what had happened. He agreed that you might just need some bolder insinuations. So, it was time for the next part.
“The sun forgives the clouds.
You are my holy shroud.”
It was at Beorn’s house when he approached you with a small wooden sculpture he made. It couldn’t have been bigger than your palm. It was sloppy and crude, and nowhere near the excellent craft of the dwarves, but Fili assured him that it wouldn’t matter if the feelings and intentions were true. He had tried to create the birds you mentioned in your tales about home. You would speak about them fondly when he asked how your place was.
Again, you accepted the gift with much glee, thanking him an endless amount of times. A warm hug was shared - one that would remain in Bilbo’s mind for a long time. It was soothing, unlike the uncomfortable embrace shared upon the rock. This was heartfelt, and genuine. He remembered thinking that this was it; you had accepted.
But, you stuffed it in your pocket, promising to keep it close, before showing it off to the rest of the company. And that was it. No other words mentioned to him, or even slight hints that you were catching on. You seemed to remain oblivious. Now, Bilbo truly couldn’t tell whether this was because you simply had no idea what was happening, or if this was your way of letting him know you weren’t interested.
“I just don't care if it's real.
That won't change how it feels.”
There were so many more times where he tried to make his feelings clear. Countless conversations were held, more gifts were shared, he fought at your side, he would continue to bring you food, even if it was to be shared with the company. And you didn’t seem to catch on to anything.
What Bilbo hadn’t known was the true moment of the defeat you held whilst imprisoned by the woodland elves. Bilbo hadn’t known how you had been sitting against the wall in your cell, your knees up to your chest. He didn’t hear your own degrading words circling around in your mind about how you were just making things up. About how someone as sincere and kind as Bilbo could never show true interest in someone like you. How you had cursed yourself to stop thinking every gift he gave you, was to show you he wanted to court you - even though you were right to think those things.
The dwarves didn’t dare to speak about it. They didn’t know your words, but they knew your looks. They wouldn’t intervene. They knew how precious and fragily courtship was; one wrong word and it could cause huge grief on either side. Women were most treaured in their culture, and they’d rather die than see your heart break into a million pieces if Fili were to slip up or Ori would say something out of their norms.
They didn’t dare to let Bilbo know how helplessly you had told them that Bilbo wouldn’t come for them. That he was off to safety - as you had wished.
“I just don't care if it's real.
That won't change how it feels.
No, it doesn't change.”
It wasn’t until Smaug had finally been slain that Bilbo decided enough was enough. It wasn’t until Thorin had gone completely mad, that he decided that now would be the excellent time to share yet another one of your precious conversations.
Somewhere in the treasure chamber, you had collapsed behind a huge golden pile. Here, Thorin couldn’t see you. A brief break would surely escape his eyes.
You had shot up at the sound of footsteps, pretending to be searching through the endless piles of jewels. You were tired; your muscles were aching, your head was pounding from the golden light, you were starving and you felt as if you were going to fall asleep if you were to lie down again.
When you noticed Bilbo’s form approaching on top of the mountain you were working on, you uttered a sigh of relief, collapsing once again, knowing he wouldn’t dare to alert Thorin of your short break.
“And you can't resist
Making me feel eternally missed.”
“There you are,” He spoke, not needing to lower his volume, as the clattering of gold bounced off the walls, drowning out enough noise. You looked up at him with a kind smile: “Not much else to go to.” He frowned, sitting down beside you as he studied your features.
“I’m sorry, Bilbo,” You sighed, rolling your shoulders. “I’m exhausted.” “I can tell.” He muttered, worried evident in his eyes, a glimpse you caught. “Sorry.” “No, it’s fine.” You dismissed, knowing he had no ill intentions. Silence fell over the two of you, though this one wasn’t uncomfortable. In the weirdest location, it brough some sense of peace.
Bilbo fished into his pockets, placing a piece of bread and a small flask on your lap. “I brought you this.” Your heart warmed at the sight, a feather-light feeling entering your chest: “Thank you,” “I couldn’t sneak a full plate in. Thorin would notice.” “This is fine, Bilbo,” You assured, immediately starting your small meal. ”Thank you.”
“Yes,” he mumbled.
“You can't resist.
You can't resist.
Making me feel.”
He didn’t quite know what to do when you were eating. He came here with the intention of being honest with you. No turning around anything, no sugar-coating, just the proposal. If it was to be brief and boring, than so be it.
But, once more, something held him back. It didn’t seem right. He was going to run off this night for the Arkenstone, so if you rejected him, he wouldn’t really have to face you afterwards. But a hurtful rejection followed by betrayal might not have been the smartest move either. He was too much in his head when the words suddenly flew out, even surprising him: “Do you like me?”
You stopped chewing at the words, swallowing harshly as you looked at him, confusion in your eyes as your eyebrows furrowed together: “Beg your pardon?”
“You can't resist
Making me feel eternally missed.”
Bilbo recovered quickly, coughing slightly as he tried to defend himself. “It’s just that, throughout the journey, you keep creating distance between us. And we were so close at the beginning.” You nodded your head at that, cursing yourself silently for giving him the completely wrong idea. “Yes,” You hissed. “I do like you, Bilbo. And I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression.”
A huge weight lifted off his shoulders at your words, his chest suddenly feeling a lot less restricting than it suddenly had.
“You can't resist.
You can't resist
Making me feel.”
He watched your hands wander to your pockets, pulling out a familiar pebble as you anxiously toyed with it. Bilbo had given it to you after your escape from Mirkwood. You seemed to not be there completely, so he gave you a rock from the river so you had something to fidget with while Balin talked to Bard. He hadn’t known how much it actually soothed you, if only for the simple though of it.
“You kept that?” He asked curiously. “Of course I did,” You smiled, taking the pebble out of your pocket and laying it in the palm of your hand. “It was a gift. What did you think I would do with it?” “I don’t know.” The hobbit spoke honestly. “I’ve never seen them after I handed them to you.”
You breathed an ‘ah’ of understanding, before storing it back in your coat. “I kept them in my bag. Most of it has been stolen by the elves now, but some things still remain. You didn’t think I’d get rid of them, right?” When he didn’t answer to that, your hands found his, unconsciously sending goosebumps up his arm: “I would never. Not voluntarily.”
“Thank you.” He muttered.
“And you can't resist
Making me feel eternally missed.”
“Bilbo,” You began, retreating your hands as you thought over all that he had done for you. You might have been oblivious, but you weren’t stupid: “I do not wish to give you any unwanted impression of anything, but…” You trailed off, holding your breath as a bad kind of butterflies entered your stomach. “You have given me many things and kept me safe a numerous amount of times, and my gratitude exceeds my words, but…”
You didn’t know what to tell him. You didn’t know how. And there was no way to bring it lightly. Thus, with a hard swallow, you threw it out. “You do know that your actions look an awful lot like dwarven courting customs? I am pretty sure the company is convinced I am your spouse.”
His breath hitched at that. He came here to tell you, and now you were starting his conversation. What was he going to tell you? Honesty seemed so difficult now, but there was something in your eyes that hadn’t been there before. Some faint glance of recognition. And it gave him confidence: “They are.” He breathed, before quickly correcting himself. “Courting customs. Fili taught me.” “Oh,” “Yes,”
A second silence laid heavily, and neither of you really knew what to say to the other. So, per usual, Bilbo took the lead after a handful of hesitant seconds. “Um, but I’ve probably gotten the wrong hints from you so-”
“No,” You denied. “No, no, no. It’s simply that…This was intentional?”
“And you can't resist
Making me feel eternally missed.”
“But I understand if the feelings aren’t returned.” Bilbo added, already standing up from his seat. He was about to leave when your voice forced him to turn around: “Why me?” He couldn’t help but let a quiet scoff of confusion out. “I’m sorry?” “Of all the people out there, why me?”
Why you? He really couldn’t tell. He hadn’t met anyone in the Shire, and the way his life would have gone if it hadn’t been for Gandalf showing up, he might have never found anyone. Why you? He didn’t know. And he was honest to voice it: “I just know.”
“Oh,” You repeated, the sound coming out more as a breath than a pronounced word. “I am sorry. I wasn’t blind, though I doubt that will make you feel better.” You admitted. “I didn’t want to imagine things that weren’t there.” You didn’t see the way Bilbo’s face softened at that, or the way his heart fluttered when you finally spoke those words. “Thought I would save myself the heartbreak.” “You didn’t have to.” He sighed. Once more, he prepared to leave. And once more, he was interrupted by you.
“Bilbo?” “Hm?” He hummed as he turned around, a faint glimpse of hope in his heart. It only grew as you asked him your next question: “Once we get out of this, where will we go?” A bright smile came from his face as his breath hitched significantly. “Home, I suppose.”
You copied his smile, nodding your head at him.
“I’d like that.”
“And you can't resist.
And you can't resist
Making me feel.”
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