empresswrites · 3 years
❝ God, what if we just fucked one day? ❞
❝ Don’t sass me in front of the internet. ❞
❝ Follow your stupid fucking dreams. ❞
❝ Come at me scrub lord, I’m ripped. ❞
❝ I just wanna have sex with space. ❞
❝ Get in the tub with me, daddy. ❞
❝ Will you just relax and let me kill for money? ❞
❝ That sounds like your problem. Fuck you. ❞
❝ Stay in school. Don’t do drugs. Eat your teeth. ❞ 
❝ Make like a tree and fucking die. ❞
❝ Dude just…just pity laugh at least. ❞
❝ Man, Club Penguin’s gotten weird. ❞
❝ We are like the Stephen Kings of stupid. ❞
❝ Why do you enjoy watching me suffer so? ❞
❝ Do I have to jerk you off to blow your mind? ❞
❝ I haven’t had so much fun since I killed my parents. ❞
❝ Unfortunately I had sex with a guy/girl over the weekend. ❞
❝ What’s a vegetarian zombie say? GRAAAAAAAINS. ❞
❝ Revenge is a best dish served fuck you. ❞
❝ Who wears pants anymore? So 2015. ❞
❝ I need an ice cream sandwich and a gentle blowjob. ❞
❝ Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. ❞
❝ The bananas has gone bad! ❞
❝ I cared for those bananas! I raised them with my own two feet! ❞
❝ Did you know I’m a professional joke? My life is a joke. ❞
❝ What if everyone just had constant helicopter dick? ❞
❝ [ name ], does getting me wet fill you with determination? ❞
❝ I can’t prove that someone ISN’T a reptilian. ❞
❝ Wouldn’t it be funny if, like, you lost a family member? ❞
❝ These balls are coming at me fast and furious. It’s like that movie, ‘Speed’. ❞ 
❝ Call me One Direction ‘cause my relevancy is dropping by the day. ❞ 
❝ One time I killed a person and I didn’t report it to the police. ❞
❝ I wanna take a girl to the Grand Canyon, fuck her, and throw her in. ❞ 
❝ Nothing like a gunshot wound to the face to really mellow someone out. ❞ 
❝ If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst! ❞ 
❝ [ name ], I’m on a date with a guy/girl right now and you’re embarrassing me. ❞
❝ I’ve made a decision. I’m gonna in the kitchen, gonna open the dishwasher, and I’m gonna climb inside. ❞
❝ I do apologize for my actions, even though they were totally and completely justified. ❞
❝ I could pee on this couch, right now, no problem, while looking you directly in the eyes.❞ 
❝ Look, you tell a couple jokes as a dad and suddenly everyone’s like ‘you’re making dad jokes.’ ❞
❝ All of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are blue, except for three of them. And there are four. ❞ 
❝ And Abraham said unto Moses, ‘Bro, dude, aliens.’ ❞
❝ I’m gonna throw you out the window. We don’t even have any windows in this room…I’m gonna carve out a window and throw you through it. ❞ 
❝ DO IT YOU SACK OF SHIT! – Sorry. That didn’t come out as encouraging as I meant it to. ❞
❝ [ name ], if there’s one thing I can be totally honest about, it’s that I would happily lie to your face.❞
❝ If I took pole-dancing, I would be worried that it would be too erotic for everybody else. ❞
❝ Next time we make love, [ name ], would you please refer to me as your sweet cakey treasure? ❞   
❝ I try to show at least one other human-being my butt hole every single day. ❞
❝ The only people who don’t like sluts are the people who don’t get any. ❞ 
❝ Have you ever though of a career in driving people fucking insane? Because you are already a PRO at it. ❞ 
❝ I am actively looking for ways to get you to shut the fuck up. ❞
❝ First of all, you have to stop calling it ‘Mary Jane.’ That’s the first rule of stonerdom. People will think you’re a fucking narc. ❞
❝ First of all, no one says ‘pot-eyes’, you fuckin’ narc. ❞
❝ If by OK you mean like on the inside I’m just going ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’ then yes, I’m quite OK ❞
❝ When you walk outside there are three elements of nature that you must avoid: snow, wind, and bees. ❞ 
❝ Could you imagine if you unlocked outfits in real life? Like, “Congratulations you wiped your ass, here’s a new shirt.” ❞
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empresswrites · 5 years
For the Secret Santa on the MAS chat!! @shockandlock I hope you like it!! Merry Christmas!! <3
All I Want
Bright lights twinkle, anyone would flinch on the intensity on how bright the room looked and the ceiling light or lamps weren’t even on. Yips are accompanied with a chiming of laughter from two individuals in the kitchen, the smell of baked goods wafting through the home. Marco had just come in through the door with a big box in his arms and the one of them has a smaller box with tiny holes in it. He quietly sets the big box on the coffee table before setting the smaller box to a small table that got shoved behind the Christmas tree. After it was hidden with no way to see coming in from the kitchen, he slides the large present by the tree with the other presents.
If there was one thing that Marco learned over the past few years is that his boyfriends’ loved decorating for Christmas, even more than Halloween. The first time spending Christmas together in his home, it startled him coming home from work to find tinsel wrapped around Ace and lights around Sabo’s neck like a scarf as he place them up. The whole living room was bright and even had them trailed down the hall. The bedroom had small candles, fake and some plugged in, bringing a warm glow to it. Decorations grew over time, gaining some of their own and impulsive buys, mostly on Ace’s part.
They waited until after having dinner at his family’s house to open their own presents. They only stayed to around five o’clock, max. The three of them liked cuddling up on the couch and watching Christmas movies that they did every year. The hot cocoa would run dry by tonight, though they had backups, and it could not be helped. Mistletoe hung around in every doorway to give each other excuses to provide more kisses. It always left them giggling in joy and sharing more.
“I’m back!” Marco says out, hearing clicking on the hardwood and ready’s himself to be pounced by a dalmatian. “Hey there, Stryker! You making sure they don’t burn down the house, yoi?” Barks come out sharp and tail smacks everywhere, thumping against the wall as he shows his joy. Licks get his face as Marco sees Sabo at the doorway of the kitchen.
“Mistletoe!” Ace hollers, twirling Sabo to soon plant a big one to lips, both sputtering in laughter.
“Presents after cookies are done?” Marco asks with a smile and Stryker barks to Ace with hops.
“Yes, yes! You will get your doggy cookies!” Ace cheers as the dog hops over in excitement to the man and gets picked up. A hand rubs o the spotted chest and Ace nuzzles a freckled cheek to the head of the happy dog. “Who’s a good fire dog? Who’s is a good boy?” Yips leave Stryker with wiggles and Marco shakes his head as Sabo begins rubbing against the side of the dog as well.
“Let’s get baking done!” Marco mentions, the two cheering and Stryker barking happily as they go to the kitchen. 
After some sneaked cookies, accompanied with burned tongues, they got the cookies to platters to cool as they go to the living room. Stryker got some of his biscuits and happily ate them as they began dragging out presents. They are all excited and the tradition of small gifts begins. Ace bought cheesy socks for them all and a headband for Stryker, who wore it happily as he also got a new large bone for Christmas. It didn’t take long for the dog to sneak off, hitting the doorway along the way as it was rather large.
“Yes, the full season of Mentalist!” Sabo cheers, holding up a couple seasons with the rest inside.
“We are going to busy for some nights,” Marco looks towards Ace, who is grinning brightly.
“You know you love it, too!” Ace mentions as they all enjoy the show, but he receives a snort from Marco as he wouldn’t deny it.
Marco opens his box and looks over to the both as they are snickering, pineapple tissue paper is taken out with an exasperated sigh. As he got it out, he soon is surprised to see a plush blue bird. “It looks like Fennec…” He mutters as his bird looked like a small phoenix, but they lost him a few months ago. It was understandable, he was getting older and only passed because of old age.
He holds the plush, moving the box to the side and gets both hands on it. Even though it is made of only fabric, it looks handmade, and he brings it close to smell the scent of lavender. It’s the scent that helps him to soothe from any stress that may be coming along. Marco gives a deep breathe before pulling it away and smiling to his boyfriends.
“Thank you, yoi…” the words make the two grin bigger with little bounces.
“Someone handcrafted it, took some time and it was so hard to not give it to you earlier!” Sabo says and Ace gives an agreed whine as he leans to the side.
“A month! We have been holding on for a month!” He says with another whine and Stryker howls from the hallway. They all laugh at the reaction, accompanied with some barks echoing.
They continue, Ace cheering as he holds up a kit in hand. “Hell yeah! I have been wanting to trying whittling!” Hands grip the set of carving knives and waving them up and down.
“Maybe it will show you how to be patient,” Sabo remarks with a smirk and gets a balled up wrapping paper chucked at his face.
“Hush!” The remark starts a mini wrapping paper war, and Marco has to stop it when boxes go flying.
More is opened, finding a pair of slippers for each and a sweater. They got Ace a llama sweatshirt and elf looking slippers as his other ones are getting worn out. Sabo received one with a lizard on it, then some plaid slippers—blue as he loves the color. Marco got one with a dove on it, being bird related, and a pair of blue with yellow as slippers. All that was left is the large gift that Ace is aware of as him and Marco agreed on this for Sabo.
“Is that for us all? I wasn’t involved!” Sabo pouts with arms crossed and Ace is already changing his sweater to the new one he got.
“Stop whining, you will love it!” Ace says with a muffled voice before popping his head out.
“Go ahead and open it,” Marco says as he slides it over to his curious boyfriend. A sigh leaves him with small mutters of being left out as he pulls on the wrapping paper. At this point Marco stands up to push some of the paper and boxes away from the tree. “What is this? Are we getting fish?” Confusion shows as Sabo looks to the tank with some more plain boxes inside as they didn’t want them revealing anything.
“Maybe,” Ace smirks as Marco moves to behind the tree. He grabs the box and brings it out to hold it out to Sabo. Their boyfriend looks suspicious before taking it and opening it to gaze in. Shoulders tense before he jerks his head up to look at them both in shock.
“Y-You got me…?” A small squeak leaves him, small prickles of tears showing on the corners of his eyes.
The two smile as Ace inches closer, “Merry Christmas, ‘Bo!” He says with a grin and they watch as Sabo carefully puts hands into the box. As hands move up, Marco grabs the box so Sabo can hold the small creature in his hands.
“I’ve been wanting an iguana so bad.” Sabo whispers and gets the animal to one hand and begins petting it as it looks around.
“Later we will have to get a bigger tank, so it has room to grow.” Marco says as he is kneeling on the other side of the tank.
Seeing those green eyes glistening in joy at the sight of one thing he wanted so much. He always held off, a little not sure if he wanted to take the responsibility, but Ace and Marco knew he wanted one. The longing in his eyes for one never went unnoticed and they wanted to show how much he deserves one and to know he would take great care of it. The way hands pet along the reptile, it looked to be enjoying it before it scurries along his arm. Sabo gasping as it hurriedly gets to his shoulder, letting its nose near his neck before inching to rest with head forward towards Marco and Ace.
“I think he likes you,” Ace mentions while shifting to move the tank a bit.
“I hope so!” Sabo has hands tightened into fists, grinning brightly as he reaches up to pet more on his new present.
They spend the next hour getting the tank set up, Sabo realizing that they bought the shelf near the couch, pressed to the wall, for a reason now. That was over three months ago, and he about cried again at how much they planned this out for him. Once everything is set up and lamp turned on, Sabo lets the iguana nestle into its home and explore it.
Then they set out to gather cookies, hot chocolate, the three different popcorn in that large can that has Santa on it, and the biscuits for Stryker. There is already a pile of pillows and blankets on the couch that they get arranged for their movie night. On the ottoman part of the couch, they are sure to set up blankets for Stryker as Ace sits mostly there so the dalmatian curls up at his legs. The couch is all done up and Marco is in the middle to let Sabo glance to see his new pet. He knew he would want to and didn’t mind, especially as he knew Sabo would probably scoot to take a glance to it to check on it.
“Home Alone marathon!” Ace cheers as he already pulled up the movie on the television as they are renting them to watch and not have to get up unless necessary.
“Come on, why not the Grinch first?!” Sabo whines and Stryker howls, causing them all to laugh before smashing together on the couch.
“Grinch and then Home Alone, since there is only one Grinch movie.” Marco compromises that they both agree to, Ace a little reluctant. As the movie starts, Stryker is already moving to lounge along Ace’s lap with front paws on Marco’s lap, to be reached by all them, plus Sabo could reach his biscuits better.
They each could agree, this was by far one of the greatest Christmas ever.
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empresswrites · 5 years
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Image Prompt
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empresswrites · 5 years
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It is EmpressKira on both AO3 and fanfiction!! I wanted to make it easier to find me! (EmpressKira is my main tumblr platform) Hope you can find me!
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empresswrites · 5 years
are you okay?
Oh ,hey! I know I post on my main a bit, but really it’s just a simple passing and then I’m off.
So like short answer to your question: No, not really
Long answer: The past couple weeks have been exhausting for me actually. Like mentally, health wise. More things are popping up and I was recommended to see a different neurologist, since my other one wanted me to see someone else even though my problem was nerve related?? So my main doctor was like ‘nope, someone else’.  
I’m just… trying to stay afloat right now. I won’t go into my health issue details since that just would take forever and I don’t want to wastes ya’lls time if I start ranting. But besides that, I try to tell someone who has supported me and said it was okay to tell them stuff just stomped me down. Claiming I needed to suck it up or we would be in debt, just saying that and all with a ‘lighten up the conversation’. 
So, it’s a little hard right now, I am terrible at expressing my problems because of my childhood, but like… I was getting used to having a full support, but no I feel knocked down. Especially since I wanted to talk about how scared I am about what’s happening with my body and no solution seeming to be in sight. Plus that same night I basically had an internal mental breakdown and then slept for over 14 hours.
I’m still not… myself or something, I guess? Just struggling mentally and that also means my medication isn’t working to calm me down some notches at least. My head feels worse on some days than usual, the other rising problems are there, and just… I’m tired, but also can’t sleep on most nights. I was lucky for that 14 hour snooze fest and probably would have slept longer, but I woke up with my daughter since I knew my hubs wouldn’t…
So, please forgive me… I just, all of this isn’t an excuse or reason… I’m just a shitty person struggling, okay? I don’t know when I will be fully back honestly. I’ll still try to periodically come back to post, but that’s all I can promise is that I will try.
I’m sorry, lovelies. If you stick around, I hope you enjoy anything I am able to throw at you
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empresswrites · 6 years
Welcome to Marco/Ace week 2018!
It will be run from the 1st to the 7th of October so make sure to mark your calendars down and get ready! ;3
As decided via poll, this year’s prompts are:
1st October (Day 1): Deep / Light
2nd October (Day 2): Lost / Found
3rd October (Day 3): Fire / Smoke
4th October (Day 4): Violence / Bodyguard
5th October (Day 5): Mark / Challenge
6th October (Day 6): Nest / Knife
7th October (Day 7): AU / Free Choice
If you have any questions, please feel free to check out:
Or send the mods an ask!
Also, a reminder that:
You don’t have to do both prompts. Two prompts a day is just to allow people more inspiration. 
You don’t have to finish all the days, and entries can totally be late!
Prompts can be followed in the loosest definition of the word. 
‘Free choice’ is the ‘do anything you want as long as it’s about marco & ace’ prompt!
Content can be romantic or platonic, as long as it focuses on Marco and Ace and their relationship with each other. 
Tag the marcoace week blog to get your stuff reblogged!
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empresswrites · 6 years
Prompt List of Sarcasm
“Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.” 
“Define normal.” 
“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” 
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” 
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.” 
“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.” 
“And you wonder why you’re still single.” 
“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.” 
“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” 
“Were you dropped on your head?” 
“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.” 
“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.” 
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
“If I survive, can I go home?” 
“My middle finger salutes you.” 
“This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you.” 
“I don’t think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let’s be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.” 
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.” 
“Insanity run in my family. It practically gallops.” 
“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.” 
“Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 
“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.” 
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.” 
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” 
“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?” 
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
“I need therapy after this.” 
“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
“I’m not weird. I am limited edition.” 
“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
“If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur.” 
“You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?” 
“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” 
“I’d explain it to you, but you’re brain would explode.” 
“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
“Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass!” 
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
“You’re good. A monster pain in the ass… but you’re good.” 
“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
“The female of the species is more deadly than the male.” 
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” 
“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” 
“Go on, knock his teeth down his throat.” 
“You’re going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers and people who talk at the theater.” 
“What’s the point in screaming? No one’s listening anyway.” 
“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.” 
“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.” 
“This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some… No. No, no, all bad.” 
“A little gasoline… blowtorch… no problem.” 
“Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.” 
“I know you can’t kill anybody, ‘cause I can’t kill anybody.” 
“You’re insane, but you might also be brilliant.” 
“What you call insanity, I call inspiration.” 
“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.” 
“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.” 
“I like you. You’re different.” 
“You successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.” 
“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” 
“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.” 
“I care so little, I almost passed out.” 
“Well behaved woman rarely make history.” 
“You’re so weird.” “You have no idea.” 
“The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor.” 
“You haven’t even seen my bad side yet.” 
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.” 
“How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over it’s dog.” 
“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
“Oh God, we’re not gonna have to hug or anything, are we.” 
“I’m so glad you could come.” “Cut the crap. Give me a drink.” 
“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
“Have fun being deal.” “I will.” 
“Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.” 
“It’s called thinking. Go with it.” 
“I made a new friend today.” “Real or imaginary?” “Imaginary.” 
“Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.” 
“I’m getting real bored and impatient. I don’t do bored and impatient.” 
“The girl is strange no question.” 
“Do us a favor… I know it’s difficult for you… but please, stay here, and try no to do anything… stupid.” 
“I know most people don’t like me; I don’t care, I don’t like most people.” 
“You are a very strange person.” “Well, thanks for noticing.” 
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but… no.”
“I didn’t steal it. I permanently borrowed it.” 
“I’m not shy. I’m just examining my prey.” 
“If you pull out my earphones, I will pull out your lungs.”
“I don’t dislike you, I nothing you.” 
“Are you crying? No, I’m impersonating a fountain.” 
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.” 
“You’re kinda anti-social, you know that?” 
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.” 
“My advice is much more subtle. Stop being an ass.” 
“I’m just gonna pack up and go straight to hell now.” 
“My ex? Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or baseball bat.” 
“She’s complicated like the DaVinci code, you know but harder to crack.” 
“And just like everything else we do around here, it’s about to get weirder.” 
“Such big evil in such a little thing.” 
“Why do I still like you, knowing you’re a total asshole?” 
“What does not kill you will likely try again.” 
“Oh honey, I would but… I don’t want to.” 
“And hello to you too… little homewrecker.” 
“I’m gonna make you wish you were dead.” 
“I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.” 
“What doesn’t kill me might make me kill you.”
“In another life, I think I was in a mental institution.” 
“I’m not crazy. I’m just interesting.” 
“Don’t make me pop your ten grand sand bags honey.” 
“This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.” 
Request [x] Masterlist [x]
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empresswrites · 6 years
congrats! :)
Thank you~!! I can’t believe how long it has been!! Thanks for sticking around~!!
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empresswrites · 6 years
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Empress Writes turned 1 today!
A whole year! I can’t believe it’s already gone by! Here is to more years where I get to posting more! 
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empresswrites · 6 years
oh hi thanks for checking in I’m still a piece of garbage
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empresswrites · 6 years
There is a poll on my fanfiction if anyone is interested? Its a more curiosity poll!! XD
(Relates to my story line for Trapped, Delve, and Damage)
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empresswrites · 6 years
Hello, hello! 
So, just wanting to let you all know, I am sorry for not being so active on here! I mean, I haven’t been on tumblr much at all, not even on my main. I reblog occasionally, but I just kind of focus on my book or oneshots that are in progress. I do post stories and chappie updates on both fanfiction and AO3 still, if you are wondering and can link if need be but Empress Kira is my penname. I love seeing requests, but again it depends on mood and what I am doing.
Also, I’m human. A human that is broken, in a more health/brain wise manner. I am also trying to pick up on school as I really am ready to start back with it and see where it goes. I just haven’t been on a social media rampage much, not even on facebook. Stories are what make my life go round and for a couple months I have just wanted to focus on them. 
I apologize for not responding to requests that are stacked in my inbox, I love seeing them and really try to get to them when I feel inspired. But I am a go with the flow kind of person, less stressful and less bad head days. So thank you for all those who have stuck around with me and the disappearances I do. It means a whole lot to still see hearts and reblogs~! <3
Empress Kira
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empresswrites · 6 years
Lets Not Meet (MAS)
A very lovely @lorena12me was curious on where this was going and I continued some, so I don’t mind sharing what I have! The main prompt is included so you do not have to scour for it XD
[Under read more for length]
Ace had been told by a friend that sometimes, even on his tumblr account, posting stories of his experiences could help him relieve some of the memories. So, deciding to take a chance, Ace got on his account to retell his story of when he was ten years old. 
He typed everything that happened out, from the moment icy fingers touched along his face to seeing his friend taken from him to even the end where he was able to escape. It still brought a slight ache in him, thinking of how his friend had been held captive together and then one day he had been dragged out, not returning. Ace had feared the worst on what happened to his friend, Sabo, and really hoped he was able to escape the being’s clutches before anything could happen to him. The way Ace had been able to escape the room, fitting to seem like a normal small bedroom, was by finally getting the door knob off and making a run for it. The jump from the second-floor window at the end of the hall had resulted in a sprain in his wrist at the awkward landing, but he made it out and away.  
Ace had been trapped for six months, four of them with his friend and he couldn’t have been so relieved to finally make it away. If anything, the experience had been odd, they weren’t tortured or anything, they just had been subject to seeing some of the things the man did. It was obvious by the experiences that the man had been of a vampire and though at first his hands had been icy, they were warm after that. As a child, Ace knew something had been different and he was afraid of what was happening, not wanting to somehow become a raised-up meal for the vampire. 
As he posted his story, it took a couple days before a popular blog had it take off with others commenting on how the experience seemed scary. They would make comments towards how the monster was probably just some sick person and they needed to be put down. Others mentioning on ‘good story’ and then the ones of saying how they were glad he made it out alive since most don’t escape such a fate. In a way, Ace did feel better to get that off his chest and breathe out a little in relief ever since he posted it and would still occasionally get comments on it. 
After a week is when he got a comment on it and seemed confused, “I can’t wait to see you again.” 
It brought a chill through him, feeling uncertain and didn’t recognize the account. After taking a few deep breaths, Ace figured it was someone messing with him and ignored it. Then there was a few more comments and then messages being sent to his inbox on how they would see him again, hoping they could talk with him fully to explain. When it mentions of more than one, Ace was being more freaked out by the second on what exactly that meant for more than one. He ended up turning off messages and asks to get the person to back off, even making a post with the account tagged to leave him alone, but they merely commented on the post about not getting the wrong idea, though some people did try to help defend him on them stopping on harassing him. It got to the point it finally got that account locked out as blocking wasn’t seeming to work. 
By that point, though, Ace finally had enough of anymore comments, whether they were bad or not. He stayed off tumblr for a little while, deciding he needed to stray away as it was getting him stressed out. Going about life, he starts to calm more as some days pass and tried not to think of everything that happened with the past, including his childhood abduction. As he heads out one day, he opens his door to be met with sharp green eyes. His eyes widen in surprise at the familiarity of the man before him and tries to keep calm, though his heart races and blood pumping thunders in his ears. 
“Ace,” a breath of relief is there and the mentioned male is staring in confusion with his lips parting as if trying to comprehend what he is seeing. 
A thick swallow before he tries to speak, “S-Sabo?” The name has the blond brighten with a wide smile and he knew that this person was his friend from all those years ago. 
“Hey,” his friend starts out with a sheepish smile and fiddles his gloved fingers a bit as he clears his throat. “I was finally able to look you up properly...” He mentions with a warming smile as he looks absolutely happy to see Ace, who is feeling so much thrill fill him at the sight alone. 
“Where... Where have you been? It’s been almost eleven years...” Ace is confused, but the relieved look is enough to tell the other how he is happy to see him. 
“Sorry, I had been going through a lot of changes...” A reassuring smile on Sabo gives Ace some relief and soon is caught by a slight shift of realization of the dark-haired male seeming to be going out. “Were you leaving? I could always just come back...” 
“No, no!” Ace quickly states and gives a grin as he opens his door more and tosses his keys to the side. “You are way more important than getting coffee with a friend from work.” He mentions while tugging off his coat as the weather had been starting to cool and smiles to the other while tossing his coat to the small table as well. 
“Can we come in?” The question doesn’t register as Ace merely nods while turning away. 
“Of course, come in!” The words leave him as he stops a bit away to begin tugging off his boots and dropping them. Satisfied that he wouldn’t worry about those right now, he hears the door close and turns to feel his blood run cold. 
Right behind Sabo is the same man from years ago with sharp azure eyes piercing him down in his spot. 
It takes him a few seconds to realize he still needs to breathe and his friend is immediately moving to block the path as much as he can. Dark eyes find green in flaring confusion and sees gloved hands holding with a notion to stay calm. Ace’s heart is thundering in panic and it takes everything in him not to bolt anywhere but here at this moment. 
“Ace, please listen to us…” Sabo tries out softly as he keeps steps slow and winces when his friend flinches from him. 
“Y-You brought…” It’s a straining voice as Ace begins walking back with a hand to the wall. 
“It wasn’t what we had thought, okay?” Hearing those words does nothing to help coax him to calm down and soon finds himself finally backed against a bookshelf. “We should sit, please let me explain…” Sabo tries as he doesn’t want the other to feel cornered and where he stands is pushing those boundaries. It’s obvious that Ace didn’t want to move and was only relieved by the fact that the other hadn’t moved from the door. “Trust me, please.” Sabo almost whispers in a plead and sees the confliction, trying to stay as approachable as possible. 
“Just you…” Ace’s voice is clear as he keeps his eyes only to his friend, not once gazing anywhere else. 
“Okay, that’s fine…” Sabo agreed as that was better than nothing and shifts to wave a hand out. This has Ace slowly moving with a last glance to the man by the door who was merely leaning against the wall now with eyes away, making him a bit more comfortable. He makes his way to his couch since it viewed the room more and stiffly sits down farthest away and his friend carefully takes a seat next to him, but enough room. 
“Start,” the strain lingers with dark eyes piercing a look to his friend, wanting a good explanation. 
“Just promise to hear me fully out…” Sabo comments while the other nodded slowly and he breathes out to soon start. “There are people in the world who have this genetic strand that is different and doesn’t show unless activated by usually a more supernatural occurrence.” The starting of it already has Ace raising an eyebrow, but holds his tongue which Sabo is grateful for. “We both… We both have a strand of powers, which would have done nothing, but because we were orphaned it made us more vulnerable. There are people out there that take people to force stop the powers from ever showing, which is usually dealt with by being held in a facility to be evaluated by experiments or they just…” He trails off as it is evident what the other would be and notices Ace stiffen with a strangled look. 
Ace looks like he wants to comment, but holds himself firm by being quiet as he promised he would let the other speak. 
“They found a list of all the people they were hunting down and we… we were on it. So, Marco,” Sabo begins gesturing towards the man by the door, dark eyes flicker to view over said man before his friend speaks. “Decided to retrieve us first, it wasn’t supposed to be so long and he was merely going to find us somewhere safer to go and be taken care of.” As Ace shifts, a gloved hand moves to press a finger to his lips to stop any words, causing a searing heat to fill them both, Sabo pulling away quickly. “Ah, sorry…” The quick apology is there before he clears his throat and looks to the side for a moment. “I was taken out because having us together was actually… harmful for us both as our powers were trying to combust.” 
“Combust?” The word leaves Ace in confusion and sees the other clearing his throat lightly while shifting to pull a glove off. 
“Sabo…” It’s the first time Marco has spoken since being here and it’s a warning with a hint of worry. 
“I-I’m not going to let it near him…” Sabo reassures before holding his hand out away and let fingers curl, a warm glow appearing to show that of a flame. It immediately has Ace’s eyes to it as he always felt drawn to fire and wanted nothing more than to let himself bathe in it if he knew that wasn’t completely insane to do. “We both have fire, and the fact we were so close was clashing our abilities…” He explains as dark eyes couldn’t pull eyes away from the flame and grips hands into fists. 
“Sabo,” the name has the flames disappear and Ace quickly glares to the man by the door. Blue eyes stare in worry at them both and merely shifts on his feet to balance his weight differently. “He’s still at risk, yoi.” 
“I-I know that…” Sabo mutters slightly in embarrassment and starts pulling his glove back on before Ace notices too much on how his skin showed to harden a bit. “It’s just hard not to…” Green eyes flicker to his friend that stares back with high confusion but can feel the pull lingering. Sabo shifts his body slightly away while clearing his throat with a smile soon showing. “I only changed over a couple years ago, I’m still new at everything. It’s best I keep a distance for us.” Ace is clearly disgruntled by those words with eyebrows furrowing and frowns. 
“I haven’t seen you for eleven years and you don’t think I want to be near you?” Ace asks, bothered that it was seeming like he wouldn’t be able to touch his friend even with a simple handshake. 
“My power is still raw and yours is still locked.” Sabo begins to explain a little hurriedly as he knows the feeling of wanting to hug the other for how long it has been and just wanting to claim him as a part of his horde. “I could make your power combust, which means it makes your entire body turn to of flames. You would burn from the inside before it reaches your skin.” He tries to explain more to show why it was so serious and Ace breathes out with a scowl. 
“Then why did you bother?” The question comes out, meaning to hurt the other and he knew that well enough. Which it did, those green eyes flaring in absolute ache on the question and glove hands grip together. 
“Because I miss you…” 
“And? It’s not like I can be near you!” Ace waves hands out in frustration and soon stands in irritation with a sharp glare to Marco. “So, what about you?! You going to do a party trick too?!” The complete anger has Sabo standing to cool off the other that is heated with his temper and snaps with a tense jaw to his friend. “Calm down?! What for?! What was the point?! You come back like ‘hey, I joined with the dude and we have these powers which I am not supposed to be near you, haha-hehe’—give me a fucking break!” The sneer is there before Marco tenses and is next to Sabo to pull him back away from the other. 
“Sabo, this is too much…” Marco comments and dark eyes are gleaming in absolute devastation over everything happening in his life. 
“Go ahead! Take him from me again! It’s going to be no different!” Ace shouts angrily before kicking his coffee table, shattering the bowl full of wrapped candies to the ground. 
“We came because you exposed yourself to the ones hunting people down for their powers!” Sabo quickly tries to explain and flinches as Ace grips a shelf to toss it to the side like it was nothing. 
“I DON’T FUCKING CARE!” Ace practically lets out an inhuman screech while moving closer to his kitchen area and glares to them both with fists to his sides as Marco shields Sabo with his body. “GET OUT!” They both shift at the words and Marco coaxes the other to leave the place. 
After being gone for a minute, Ace starts to shake with tears welling and he glares angrily to the floor with heavy breaths. A frustrated screech leaves him as he swings to have a dent made into his fridge and soon stumbles to grasp at a counter and just lets himself slide down to the floor. Tears trail his face as one arm grips around his legs that he curled up to his chest. Disbelief flares through him at how his life has turned and knew that those years making sure to control his hot temper was for nothing. 
He drove Sabo away… after so many years… 
It had been close to two weeks since Ace pushed the two away, cooling enough to realize that this Marco person has been taking care of his friend to keep him safe and Sabo wouldn’t lie to him about the other being good. The hurt he felt for being so irrational thundered through Ace with regret, rethinking how everything has been. It wasn’t like when they were held in that room that they were mistreated or anything. They had been feed frequently with lasting snacks, then there was the fact of how they were still given things and had material to keep learning as Sabo was helping for him to learn on a wider variety of things. 
In all honesty, Ace kind of felt like an ass for flipping out so bad. There was no way to get into contact with them, having him hope that they would possibly come back after they figured he was cooled off. Ace hoped that was sooner as he missed Sabo, still not able to find someone he trusted so much like he did the other and didn’t want to lose that again. 
“Can I help you?” The question leaves Ace as he answers his door to a tall man with nicer adornment and a cane, it looked kind of cliché at the way he looked, but made no comment. 
“Would you happen to be Ace?” The man asks in a polite gesture, though Ace can tell nothing good lays within those eyes and stays on guard. 
“He just left the other day, I am just house sitting.” The reply comes as a means to hopefully get the guy to leave as he feels his stomach curl. 
“Oh, I see. Do you know when he will return?” The question returns as a hand moves the cane before his body to rest both hands on. 
“He won’t be gone long, just the weekend. He will be back late Sunday. You can probably catch him late Monday afternoon.” Ace replies with a straight forward look, not wanting to give himself away and thinks he may have fooled the other. 
“Then I do hope to catch him at that point.” The visitor comments before moving his cane to have one hand stay on the top and the other along underneath the grip. “Oh, wait, I have remembered that I do not have that time before the two returns.” In blinding speed, Ace is unprepared as pain blossoms through his arm and jerks back with a yelp as the cane was suddenly a sword. “Do not try to fool me, mundane.” The voice drips like venom and Ace stumbles before trying to throw the door shut while moving into his home. Unluckily, the door bounces back and the man is moving into his home, having him realize he wasn’t one that needed permission to enter. “Warlocks may cross wherever they please,” a chortle of amusement lingers as Ace feels a lump form in his throat with fear at his predicament as he is farther in the home. “On the other hand, you need to give my boss permission to enter.” 
A yelp leaves Ace as the man is quick on him like a blur and grips to his throat to throw him against the bookshelf he had thrown down a couple weeks ago, but now it cracks and breaks under the pressure of his body pinned to it. It’s hard for him to breathe as he tries to fend off his predicament, only receiving a grin of amusement. The fight or flight kicks in, Ace trying to figure out what to do, denying on saying for anything to come into his home. Letting his mind speak for itself, he scatters hands behind himself more before finding a book to soon smack the man with it. The corner of it drives into an eye, from what Ace can tell, and gets the grip loosened enough to kick the man away before stumbling to run towards his window. It’s to the alleyway in the back and he is a good distance up, but it’s better than out the door where he knows someone lurks. 
Jumping through his open window, he hangs to the edge with a thick swallow before letting himself drop to quickly grab the second story window below his, but the pain in his arm has one hand slip. From sweating, his other hand slips and he tries to land decent enough, but a pain shoots through his leg and has him let out that inhuman screech of pain. Ace tumbles, knees scrapping to concrete as he tries to push on and ignoring the searing pain shooting up his leg as every step he makes sends the blinding ache through him. 
“There you are,” a dark voice lingers with the tone of something sinister as this ice cold is around his feet up to mid-calf. Ace is yanked to sprawl out along his front side, not able to pull his legs free, hands are moving to try and push himself up, but only one arm is useful enough to try and do anything. “Your power will be put to such good use…” The words are wavering next to his ear as he feels the presence above him, having his eyes widen with quakes of his body. A pressure is to his back as he tries to get away, but the ghost feeling surrounds his lower half to stay in place and it’s as if something starts clutching down on his arms, having him notice the dark like shadowy mist linger to hold him still. 
A pulling begins, as if someone is trying to pull out his veins, having him cry as the cold begins at the tips of his fingers and toes. Eyes prickle and start to water as it hurts and he tries to reach out for anything to make it stop. The pull becomes harder, tears slipping as the overwhelming cold clashes to intensify the pain and Ace knows this is how he is going to die. It’s a harsh reality, having him wish he could have just listened and figured out what Sabo fully wanted to do. At this moment, he wanted to be able to go apologize for his reaction and give them a chance. 
“Get off him!” The voice sends a flaring hope as the pulling sensation stops and it’s like the weight is gone. Gasping for air, Ace tries to move to get away, but his injuries don’t help with a spotting in his vision. “I have you, yoi.” As Ace thought, he opens eyes enough to look up and notice Marco kneeling before him to tuck hands under his arm pits to begin pulling on him. No hesitation leaves Ace as he moves his good arm to have it grasp to the other in desperation, feeling the tension before it eases. 
“His power will be mine!” The creature that tried to pull the power away is seething in anger, but Ace only cares about how he felt considerably safer with Marco getting a better hold on him. 
“He is under our protection, Teach! You mess with him then you mess with the whole family, yoi!” Marco replies as he holds to the trembling body in his arms and can feel the damage already done. Though, this does not stop him from making a verbal threat and sees that the dark being is stilled in place, not able to move as he knows how real that threat is. Noticing it to work, Marco quickly makes his getaway as his priority is the male in his arms that will have a reaction soon. 
Ace is not sure where they end up at, not really caring as he keeps his hold on the man carrying him. That’s when he hears multiple noises along with Marco warding them off with a low cooing before it’s quiet again. A door opens swiftly as he hears Sabo’s panicked voice asking a million things and then the door is closed. 
“Don’t touch him, Sabo. His body is already about to trigger.” Marco remarks as Ace is resting to the floor with his upper body resting to a leg supporting him. Shaky breaths are leaving him, feeling a cold sweat over him as he blindly searches for a way to get the feeling away. “Listen, Ace…” The voice coaxes and Ace lets his eyes focus more to blue eyes as he feels a hand on his heated cheek. “It’s going to hurt… There is no way for me to stop the damage he has done, yoi.” He starts to mention as the heated skin starts to intensify and can see the flicker of dark eyes show discomfort. “Sabo will be here the whole time, okay?” The mentioning has said male moving to behind him so Ace can see him clearly, letting reassuring eyes look down. 
“Wh-why does it hurt…?” The question is strained as Ace begins shaking at the fact his body starts getting too hot under his skin to a hurting flare through him. Before an answer could come, it was like someone put a burning object to press the inside of his body and causing him to jerk and let out a pained screech. Trying to get away from his own body is useless as he grips to a shirt and hears voices trying to coax him. It does nothing, his body feeling the pain spread as he arches with another cry, eyes squeezed shut as the pain resides within his chest more noticeably. 
Then there is a grip to his neck that does nothing compared to the pain he is in, but a hand brushes his hair back as he is shaking with sobs. The hand moves along his head to the back of it to tilt him and the pain starts to subside, breath shallowing. It doesn’t take long for his vision to become blurry and the hand in his hair moves as they are gone before a palm is shoved to his mouth, letting an irony taste into his mouth. Eyes are heavy as Ace stares towards the ceiling and can’t help but be grateful for the calm of no more pain. For a moment, his eyes close with an exhale before his heart flickers. 
It was like a pause before another flicker that has Ace inhale with gums giving a slight ache. A hand is petting through his hair as he is now resting sideways against a body with another pair of hands touching along his back and leg as if checking him over. Ace isn’t sure on where he is momentarily, but the two people with him bring only comfort to his being and he delves into that. Rubbing his head against the person holding him, receiving a light cooing noise and there is a small growl before a different hand is in his hair. 
“He should eat before laying down… then you can cuddle him, yoi.” 
“Shush, stupid.” 
A chortle is heard, Ace giving a soft groan as it shakes him lightly before his head is directed. Everything was still a little fogged in his brain, so he was confused when he felt skin under his lips. Furrowing eyebrows, he makes a noise of confusion and then there is something there with his mouth before something touches his lips. The smell is like a yogurt scent of berries and licking his lips has his body stiffen at the bursting taste before shifting to follow as his instincts drives him to do. Teeth sink into the skin, getting a sharp inhale as response, but Ace keeps eyes closed as he enjoys the taste along his tongue. 
There is something more, having his tongue burn along skin and earning cool flames to counter and a hitch of breath. “He’s already trying to eat my flames.” 
“Wow, Ace was faster than I was.” The voice registers as Sabo, but Ace merely takes in what he is drinking with a breath of relief, only to stop shortly to rest against the shoulder. 
“He must still be a little tired to eat, yoi.” The voice is in his ear, recognizing it to be Marco, and this time he feels no need to pull away from his presence. It fills him, the feeling of the two and he is being moved with a careful hold and feels sleep pulling at him. “Wait until he settles more before claiming something on him.” 
“I know,” a low growling is heard with a huff before Ace is laying to a softer surface and has him realize it’s a bed. A low moan of relief falls from his lips and shifts a bit to take it in, whimpering at the pain still lingering in his arm and leg. When he notices hands pulling on him, he is soon pulled into a hold and barely flickers eyes open to view a collarbone and along the back of the neck there are those blond locks. 
“’abo…” The whisper comes out with Ace’s eyes feeling too heavy to stay open as he rubs his face into his friend and lets the hold warm him. 
“I have you, Ace… We have you…” Just the words alone bring comfort and the added hand in his hair has Ace completely melt into the sheets and hold with sleep pulling at him to fully succumb. 
The sound of soft cooing lingers, Marco waking up at the notice of it and a growl strings along after it. He looks to notice arms holding one of his and Ace is being held onto by Sabo, as he rests along his back. A bit trying to get himself awake, Marco is brought back to why he was in the first place and hears another soft cooing next to him. Blue eyes flicker down at Ace in surprise as he had been a little questionable if the screeches he let out were that of one, but he hadn’t been positive. Usually having an animal trait with elemental abilities is rare, though having powers isn’t all that common either. 
When another cooing is there, Marco notices with eyes flickering that Sabo is nuzzling to the back of his neck in affection, a leg coming to lay over Ace’s waist. A sigh leaves him, not surprised that Sabo’s instincts are trying to lay a mark which is only biting the other, but if anything happened like it did with him, then he wouldn’t be able to leave them alone. Marco knew it would be a bit of a hassle with Sabo’s dragon instincts, already seeing Ace as part of his horde and they mostly waited to see Ace again because of the fact that Sabo was on the verge of wanting Ace to be changed so he could mark him with a bite. 
Hands grip to his arm with a sputter and coos, causing Marco to be at attention as he shifts to stop Sabo, but he was a bit too slow. Dark eyes flare open in surprise and looking to Marco in confusion, hands gripping as he can’t move from the grip. 
“Stay calm, Ace.” It’s a coaxing as Marco lays to his side more with his other hand brushing back dark hair. Heat is emitting from the younger higher than he was before, his body temperature adjusting to his power, and then he whimpers. “Sabo has dragon instincts, he just wants to make you part of his horde to protect you… Just give him a minute, yoi.” The reassurance is flowing from the older, giving soft cooing and that immediately has Ace calming with shaky breaths. Marco shifts to begin pressing chaste kisses to his forehead, earning a low cooing of appreciation before he relaxes his body and that lets Marco know that the other released him. Giving a glance to be sure, he smacks the other on top of the head, earning a startled yelp and then whine. 
“What the hell?!” Sabo asks in confusion as he glares to blue eyes that stare with a hard gaze. 
“I told you to wait…” Confusion is showing within those green eyes before he licks lips and looks down to Ace’s neck. 
“A-Ace, I didn’t mean to…” Sabo is a little panicked and quickly grabs the other to nuzzle with his head, giving a short gravelling whimper. 
“I’m okay…” It’s a light tone and soon they get Ace moved to lying on his back to raise one arm. “I’m fine?” The questioning shows confusion and Marco chuckles while enjoying the fact he still lingers close to him. 
“We had to change you, so you are okay now…” Sabo explains with a huff as he still feels bad about what he did and is curled up along the other. Though his ‘horde’ is considered the family, there is only Marco and Ace that he considers to be on a more intimate level for the bite, though they would save that explanation later for Ace. 
“Oh…” The word is soft as Marco views as the other is thinking of something, contemplating before sighing out. “I… I’m sorry…” The other hand not up is gripping to his hand, Marco feeling a fizzle within him at the interaction. He watches as the other hand moves to grab at the arm over his chest from Sabo. “I… I overreacted…” Ace keeps his tone light and is pursing lips as it was clearly evident he didn’t expect to be forgiven. 
“It’s okay, Ace.” Marco begins with a light smile and situates to be closer, switching their hands so he can prop onto his arm to rest his head to his hand. “If anything, I don’t expect anything, yoi… I know that had to have been scary for you. That’s why I tried to keep my distance from both of you, up until I noticed you both causing sparks that shows of a sign that you two had powers that could ignite one another.” The explanation comes out as he grips the hand in his and rubs a thumb to knuckles. “You both were too young to be changed and I had rather you both view me as the bad guy for splitting you than having to change either of you so young or end up dying…” 
After saying all that, dark eyes stare up to him and Ace is looking to be shocked. Though, Marco didn’t like that stemming regret as no doubt he was thinking of how he had acted as a child. A reassuring smile shows as he lifts the hand in his and Marco gives it kisses to show he wasn’t bothered. He tries to not show a whole lot, but Sabo had made it clear that he was having Ace a part of their nest. This had Marco want to show and prove how much he cared to have the other there with them, not wanting him to stray again. 
“You can sleep more if you need it…” Sabo comments as he is gripping to Ace, trying to get as close as possible because the lack of the other and for his scent to start lingering better. 
“I wanna stay up a bit…” Ace mentions while shifting in his spot a little before noticing how Sabo moves to grab at Marco to pull him closer with a soft growling. 
A chortle with a low cooing follows from Marco, amused by it and lets himself rest along Ace with a nuzzle to him. There is not a piece of Ace that wants to move away from either one, surprising him a little, and this cooing leaves him. It makes him tense, not sure on why that came from him and receives a noise from the other two—Sabo growls with a huff and Marco gives a more sing song tune. Though returned with those reassuring noises, Ace feels himself flush and then a bit of a chill is through him, making him huff lightly. 
“You’re cold…” Sabo comments while immediately spiking his body temperature to accommodate the one in the middle. 
“Ace will need to be warmed at least for a week before being able to adjust, yoi.” Marco clarifies as he also gets his body temperature to adjust with blue flames flickering along the hand he holds. It earns a soft cooing of appreciation and though Ace said he wanted to stay up a bit, eye lids are heavy as he soon slacks with eyes closing. His body relaxes in the space provided and can’t help but relish in the heat. 
Seeing the sight, Marco relaxes more and feels a hand rubbing to his arm in reassurance. “I told you he would come around.” Sabo mentions while smiling and perking up his head to gaze to blue eyes and sees relief. 
“Yeah, but the sensations will calm down…” Worry reappears at the thought and Marco keeps a firm grip to the hand in his that is lax. “I mean… how long did it take for you to not see me that way?” The question has Sabo frown and grimace lightly while gripping to the arm and soon moving it to touch a cringing face. 
“That was different, Marco. I was still younger and didn’t understand or want to. It may have taken me some years, but I understood and now I am here to help with Ace to understand, though I really think he does after mentioning it. He’s older and I am here to help reassure…” Sabo rubs a thumb to the cheekbone as he tries to comfort the other who is soon sighing, already trying to sound like he was left in defeat. “Even with the perk, if he really didn’t like you then he wouldn’t have looked at you with so much relief and reassurance of how you were there.” Those words do give a little hope for Marco as he smiles lightly before nodding and nuzzling into Ace, hearing a soft cooing, and returns the noise to get a growling from Sabo that moves closer as well.
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empresswrites · 6 years
So I'm sort of curious, are you taking requests?
Yes, but I do fair warn on my mind set right now is on my book and random oneshots. If the request spikes my interest I can get it done in a short amount of time.
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empresswrites · 6 years
You love big swords huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Along with the men who wield them ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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empresswrites · 6 years
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a Vampire Slayer Ace for empresskira
@empresskira @empresswrites
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empresswrites · 6 years
Universal Dive Update
Super promise the chappie is coming its just been one of those chapters that I have literally started over three times now! I’m trying to get things placed right for the events to come! 
Don’t worry! I have plenty of plots for it, just this damn chapter is being a pain in my ass! I know it’s been a while!
Please be patient with me! <3
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