#today was a fucking day
c-emiel · 2 months
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emily cannot process complex emotions unless she compares herself to a long deceased fictional cowboy
[image id: image is a screenshot of instagram DMs. all three messages are from OP. the messages read, “you know that scene where arthur defends thomas downes’ son from the miners bullying him and goes ‘he’s just a got damn boy’ / thats me talking about 12 year old me / UGH” /End id]
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c-kamo-archived · 2 years
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keymintt · 10 months
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a comic/zine about coyotes
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lovevanpalmer · 9 months
ive never had to run after a player to make sure he didn't swing on a parent in all 18 years i've played soccer
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
LET'S SETTLE THI- Oh hang on. Hang on, Machine, um.
It's 8 PM I need to take my testosterone.
Sorry I'll just be a second. Uh wait here, alright?
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panstarry · 2 months
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my final from last semester that i made into a zine. cooked this one up in a couple hours before the critique (the ink was still wet!), so it's very raw and kind of sloppy but the sentiment is there. i love you trans people of color. we are the backbone of this community 🌟
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doctor-newton · 1 year
when your day was shit and did not pass the vibe check but it’s okay cuz your outfit definitely did
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oappleofmyeye · 2 months
Do you think Bakugou would be instantly hooked on some sass? Like you’re some civilian who’s just really feeling themselves that day? Confident and on top of the world?
“Think you’re some hot shit, eh?”
You flutter your eyelashes. “I am, thank you for noticing.” And you flip your hair around and saunter off. Later when you come back down to earth you may be horrified and extremely embarrassed that you spoke to the number two Pro Hero of Japan like that
But I dunno. I think it would drive him crazy. What do y’all think?
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acidsaladd · 2 months
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[id: it is an animated gif of the turtles from rottmnt. raph is coming up behind the other turtles, arms spread and a mischievous smile on his face. they notice him and he then picks them all up close to his chest before coming back down while holding them in his arms. a small yellow spikey speech bubbles pops up behind raph with text that reads "HAPPY TMNT DAY"./ end id]
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hellenhighwater · 14 days
Okay. I absolutely have to finish the guest room closet today. I gotta. I must. I have to stop procrastinating and actually do it and maybe I will also get myself a little milkshake. as a treat.
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inkskinned · 2 years
but they don't care about the burnout. everyone is burnt out, they tell me. who isn't burnt out!
the good news is they don't say depression is a choice as much anymore, but the symptoms for burn out and depression are so hand-in-hand that they are mirror images of each other. but depression is serious. you're not depressed, you're just whiny. they barely change the script - don't be lazy! burn out is for people with real problems. burn out can be resolved with some fun candles and a day off work. burn out only happens in adults - no kid can be burnt out, after all; they've barely even had a life to live!
do you have a roof over your head and a steady job? you're not burnt out. so what if every night you wake up with a panic attack frothing inside your chest. you're lucky your problems are small. get back into plants or into yoga. shut up about it.
rich people get burnt out and go to fancy places. they get burnt out in their fancy offices with their real-people problems. they get burnt out and hire an assistant to help them never burn out again. you don't have the money to burn out. you don't have the two weeks to recover in a local spa. the job you come back to will still be stressful and hard.
you find yourself often wondering - does nobody remember about the pandemic? it seems almost like a joke or a punchline. being burnt-out was okay "during" the pandemic. now that people are back to ignoring covid, burnout is just-an-excuse again.
you google how to know if it's seasonal affective disorder or burnout. you google how to know if it's anxiety or it's burnout from working. you google how to know if my depression is back or i'm burning out badly.
coming back from burnout just leaves you covered in ashes, not new growth. you struggle to get back basics, and then - you're just supposed to get back up and keep going. every day the amount of tasks you are able to do seems to dwindle even further - where does the time go? why is everything moving so-fast-and-yet-so-slow?
my therapist and i were talking about how many people had latent mental illnesses that were triggered by the pandemic. how depression can be environmental and situational. i am annoyingly logic-driven about my own recovery - i like to be sure i'm working on the "right" thing. i tell her i feel like i'm lying. that it just might be burnout, and i need to stop complaining. she asks me what words come to mind when i think of burning.
oh, i guess i see.
we casually ignore the violence of being left empty.
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anniilaugh · 6 months
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2 years worth of wild moss/seaweed overgrowth in salty sea air. Sanji malfunctions.
@uniquetosmbody had such a galaxy brain prompt in twitter and my samurai aesthetics loving brain inhaled the bait, hook and sinker immediately. : D Thanks for being an inspiration! <3
Reference under the cut~
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/casually foams/ How dare this man de gozaru
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willowser · 8 months
bakugou, who has been your best friend for too long, so long that you're so unaffected by all his cheap threats, grabs you by the front of your shirt after you tease him for the umpteenth time. mouth all twisted, scowling, eyes burning. you think maybe the material in his fist is smoking.
he warns you, "watch your mouth, you fuckin' nerd, before i cream you."
and kaminari is not far, close enough to hear, and he immediately busts out laughing while clutching his stomach. "dude, you'll WHAT?"
bakugou's whole face goes red, flushes all the way down to his chest and he drops you like a hot tamale, sputtering, "you—fuckin' perv, not like that!"
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intermundia · 9 months
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more peak tier anakin behavior (and also an unfathomably incredible choice by stover to include) is anakin not noticing that palpatine was trying to imply obi-wan was fucking his wife, because he assumed that if obi-wan WAS fucking a senator, it would be a man, and it's enough to rouse him from his exhausted, annoyed haze into sitting up, because they need to go find this man Right Now. brilliant. iconic. 10/10 content and prose. god bless this book
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beybuniki · 20 days
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like this one took me HOURS and it's not even good or any different from what i usually go for and it took took me MUCH longer than my usual pieces, sometimes the vibes are just off
anyway 3rd years kagehina i <3 hinata's long hair smmmm
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latenightsundayblues · 9 months
I imagine their banter and bickering in the process of killing someone would deal greater psychological damage than the torturing itself
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