#tomie affs
thaticonicgirl · 2 years
“you’ll never meet another girl like me again. i can promise you that”.
“you seem very sure of yourself”.
“yes, because understand, there’s no other girl in the world quite as perfect as me”.
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do it like tomie affirmations.
people just look at me and become murderously infatuated with me to the point that they’ll do anything for me and i absolutely take advantage of that.
compared to my beauty no one’s even on the scale.
there’s no better pleasure than to live as a beauty.
i have everyone hypnotised into a loving trance with my beauty so that they will do anything for me.
my only real interest is myself.
i’m so used to people just being immediately in love with me and doing exactly what i want.
i’m frequently described as almost impossibly beautiful by those i meet.
my mere presence seems to drive people to become fixated on me, positively.
the more i look at myself, the more beautiful i look.
mark my words, you’ll never find another girl of my caliber.
i’m the prettiest girl everyone has ever seen.
my beauty captivate people utterly.
i’m the protagonist of the world.
people will never stumble on another girl as beautiful as me.
not even the highest quality camera can capture a tenth of my beauty.
when people see me all they can think about is “what a bewitching girl”.
i have the ability to seduce people to do my bidding.
through my perfect tactics of seduction i eventually draw any person to fall in love with me.
my beauty’s eternal.
poor thing, it’s a pity you weren’t born with my natural charms.
everywhere i go people can’t take their eyes off me, not even for a second.
everyone desperately confesses their immense love for me.
my beauty’s otherworldly and everyone agrees.
people worships the ground i walk on.
“this woman has this… strange supernatural power. they’ll do anything for her – even murder if she asks for it”.
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minced-mangoes · 5 months
Merry Crisis losers. You guys like my Obey Me posts, so for a Christmas special, I'm gonna talk about the lamest old man ever. Lucifer.
Despite my original dislike for for Lucifer, he's grown on me, like some sort of prideful mold.
This guy would end up being so fucking touchy. He's obviously touch starved, or well, touch starved specifically for comforting touches. Please, give him head pats and hugs. I think he'd quite enjoy having you nap on his lap while he works. You're not heavy to him at all, and he can easily work around you cuddled up to him. Extra points for the fact he can use you as an excuse to A. Not get up and continue working and B. for some peace and quiet, telling his brother's to shut up so he can have some silence. This is my silly monster loving part of my brain, but please, give his horns some rubs, right where they meet his head. I can imagine massaging the skin there would be pleasant, as it would be a rather sensitive place. Preen his wings. Pull blood feathers. Move rustled feathers back into place, and plus, making him look more "well put together" would probably really feed his ego. and a silly thing. I like to think demon eyes glow in the dark (or more accurately they reflect light more, even in dark environments) So I'd like you to imagine waking up in the night, and looking around your room, to just see this pair of ruby red eyes staring you down. Real Life sleep paralysis demon. He'd try to comfort you if you got particularly spooked by him, but he'd probably find it funny. Merry Christmas you silly fellas. Hope you get a smooch from your favourite mans.
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vitopeia · 1 year
Beauty affs
to feel, look and be pretty for valentines! or any other day!
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I am a perfect embodiment of beauty
If being beautiful was illegal, I'd be arrested!
My beauty outshines all things.
I'd shine the most in a room full of diamonds.
There's no other girl in the world quite as perfect as me (tomie I luv u)
I'm the prettiest existence alive.
My beauty is just so magnetic.
I'm a beauty people would KILL for.
My beauty is utter perfection.
I was born as beauty in human form although I look like a literal goddess.
My beauty is worshipped.
My beauty would have been my greatest trait but all other aspects of myself are just as perfect.
My beauty can't ever be described.
I leave everyone I walk past in awe.
It's like beauty's coursing through my veins.
I attract compliments everywhere I go.
People GASP for air when they see me.
I am way too beautiful to ever be ignored.
It's so annoying how much praise I receive.
When people think of beauty they think of me.
My beautiful is absolutely mesmerizing.
How dare me to be so stunning naturally.
I'm so beautiful so why would I NOT be confident.
You like me? be for real... get in line.
My skin is so perfect and it's glow is so angelic.
Every aspect of my appearance is pure perfection.
I'm just TOO beautiful for y'all!
Now everyone, say this with confidence and feel as if you are the hottest thing alive cuz you are!
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berryybliss · 1 year
"You're not trying to get your manifestations, you're just accepting and acknowledging the fact that they're already yours."
You ALREADY have it. it's ALREADY yours.
Useful posts
You're the sole creator.
Take time.Don't rush.
Be a Doer.
The key is within.
Dont focus on 3D.
Simplifying states.
Conciousness is the only reality
Manifesting with loa.
LOA basics.
No one to change but self.
Human experience and godliness.
New story>>old story.
Honest post about the void obssesion and hard circumstances..
Always remember.
Rules creation
How I got into the void state
Manifest Instantly Vaunt
𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭
waking up in the void vaunt
It girl vaunt Another
Pretty girl vaunt.
Tomie vaunt
It girl vaunt “instant manifestation”
Vaunt 2
Self concept affs.
Affirmations for limiting beliefs .
ᴛʜᴇ sᴏɴɢ ᴊɪ-ᴀ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛ
𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒥ℯ𝓃𝓃𝒾ℯ ℯ𝒻𝒻ℯ𝒸𝓉 another.
Some random affirmations for your social life.
𝑠𝚑𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝚑𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑦 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑒
Beauty Queen ♡ Affirmations: based on Song Jia
Few more useful posts
1 Week Challenge
Thinking as if
How to live in 4D
Conciousness is the only reality
You’re always living in the end of something
“why am i not seeing results??”
Let it be
Manifestation: Back to the Basics
Imagination is the only reality
Give in to your imagination
Guide to states
Your state is what manifests, not your thoughts.
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cinnachaos · 1 year
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egokillr · 1 year
Yes plsss
the wizard liz affs
the wizard liz sub
tomie sub
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silverstardust666 · 3 years
Alright, listen up! I need y’all to spread this around
This is a free event, the email doesn’t even have to be real, and you can book up to two seats at a time. Spread this far and wide. Sure would be a shame if the whole thing was booked up and no one showed /s.
Stay safe, kiddos!
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setyawanriky · 7 years
Jadi, ceritanya aku udah selesai perjalanan panjang koas. Banyak sekali pengalaman yang aku dapatkan. Banyak sekali stase yang aku lewati. Urut dari depan ada IPD-IKM-Kulit-Obgyn-Mata-THT-Jiwa-Anak-Saraf-Anestesi-Forensik-Radiologi-Bedah-KKN. ALHAMDULILLAH. Semuanya terlewati dengan lancar, tanpa harus mengulang. Syukurlah.
Awalnya aku pengen jadi dokter spesialis Obgyn. Atau istilah awamnya Dokter Kandungan. Tidak dipungkiri, aku pengen kaya. Aku pengen beli mobil sport. Kalo bisa sih lebih dari 2. Makanya cara tercepatnya jadi dokter Obgyn. Duitnya banyak banget broh. Dulu aku pengennya, masuk s2 dulu ngambil MARS. Pengen punya rumah sakit sendiri. Tapi, saat aku cerita sama bapabiyung, mimpiku kata mereka ketinggian, mengingat keterbatasan dana yang dimiliki orang tua. Sepertinya hal itu mustahil (untuk punya rumah sakit sendiri). Habis itu ngambil residen Obgyn, trus ngambil konsultan Endokrinologi & Infertilitas. Trus pengen punya klinik bayi tabung sendiri. Aku dulu mikirnya di Solo belum ada klinik bayi tabung. Itulah mimpi-mimpi idealisku zaman dulu.
Setelah melewati stase Mata, aku juga sempat tertarik menjadi residen mata. Kerjaanya santai banget. Operasinya mikro. Alat dependen. Operasinya cepet. Duitnya banyak. Aduh enak sekali sepertinya. Tapi, kalau jadi dokter mata di kota kecil, susah juga kalo mau cepet kaya. Alatnya terbatas dan masih kuno. Apakah mungkin aku beli alat operasi sendiri? Sementara uang masih terbatas? Berpikir ulang!
Pas lewat stase Anak, aku juga sempat tertarik. Hal ini dikarenakan aku dapat stase di Banyumas. Setiap hari harus followup pasien bangsal sendiri. Kemudian laporan ke konsulen. Trus bisa ngerjain pasien di poli sendirian, trus dikonsulin ke konsulen. Bisa periksa pasien Thalassemia. Periksa splenomegali sampai puas. Rabbit face. Tapi aku paling gak suka konsultasi atau ngobrol dengan pasien. Terlalu banyak basa-basi. Bisa sih basa-basi, tapi cuman bentar. Habis itu, keliatan banget muka gasukaku. Hahaha. Emang aku kayak e tercipta bukan buat jadi pembual. Bukan jadi seorang dokter yang suka duduk dipoli, pasien ratusan, trus visit bangsalnya lama. Thats not me.
Anestesi. Dulu sempet kepikiran sih. Kerjanya bersih. Cuman visit bangsal buat pre-op. Jawab konsulan. Kerjaan seharian di ok (operating kamer). Tapi, kerjaannya buka ok dan tutup ok. Pergi ke ok paling pagi, pulang dari ok paling malam. Trus jadi penanggung jawab ICU. Pasien dengan angka harapan hidup yang dianggap paling tinggi yang dirawat di sana.
Trus lewat stase bedah, nah di sini aku merasa tertantang. Ceile. Ketemu sama dr IS, trus beliau bilang, kalau dokter bedah itu ga suka visit bangsal. Tapi kalo dikasih tindakan di ok, seneng banget. Ini uwe banget. Pemikirannya simpel. Tidak ketemu ya dibuka. Di stase ini, koas diharapkan lulus semua, ujian dipermudah. Istilahnya mereka ngusir kita supaya kita segera lulus, biar mereka (dosen) gak ngajar kita 2x. Dokter bedah itu kalo marah sehari doang atau di ok doang. Habis itu no heart-feeling. Kayak gak terjadi apa-apa. Ini manly banget bos. No baper at all. Trus kebetulan aku dapet stase di Klaten. Wah seru banget ini. Tiap minggu aku berganti stase. Stase minggu pertamaku di Bedah Umum, pembimbingnya dr. Hartolo, Sp.B, dr. Suharto, Sp.B, dr. Andrian, Sp.B. Minggu kedua aku dibimbing sama dokter yang aku jadiin role model, yaitu dr. Sholahuddin Rhatomy, Sp.OT(K)Hip&Knee&Shoulder Arthroscopy. Masuk stase Orthopaedi. Keren banget ini dokter. (Pembahasan di bawah). Di minggu kedua ini aku juga masuk ke stase Rehabilitasi Medik, dibimbing sama dr. Dody, Sp.KFR, dr. Shinta, Sp.KFR. Diajarin rehabilitasi pasien post-patah tulang. Di minggu ketiga aku masuk ke stase Bedah Plastik, dibimbing sama konsulen malaikat, dr. Bayu, Sp.BP. Diajarin cara merawat luka bakar dan jahit skin grafting. Sumpah ini dokter baiknya luar biasa. Di minggu keempat, aku masuk ke stase Bedah Anak, dibimbing sama dr. Guntur, Sp.B, Sp.BA. Diajarin operasi Megacolon Congenital, ductus omphalomesentericus persisten, hemangioma. Trus minggu kelima aku masuk stase Urologi, dibimbing sama dr. Fajar, Sp.U, dan dr. Adhika, Sp.U. Diajarin metode operasi TURP, PCNL, trus kasus jarang Paraffinoma. Di minggu terakhir, ketemu sama kadept. Bedah di stase Bedah Digesti, dr. Wachid, Sp.B-KBD. Di poli disuruh aff hecting, di ok lihat operasi app, peritonitis, app laparoscopic. Seru banget ini stase. Full tindakan. Jahit-jahit. Lepas baut Implan. Pegangin kamera arthroskopi. Sumpah pengalaman yang luar biasa.
Jadi balik lagi ke topik pembicaraan. Pas aku stase bedah aku berdoa terus, minta sama Allah, buat nunjukin spesialis apa yang aku harus masukin. Trus berdoa, dan diberikan jawaban sama Allah. Aku tertarik sama ilmu bedah ini. Alhamdulillah, maturnuwun yaAllah, semoga aku makin istiqamah menatap masa depan. Hehe.
Pas di Klaten sebenarnya aku belum begitu tertarik terhadap keilmuan Orthopaedi. Di minggu awal, hari Jumat, pas ikut visit dr. Tomy, aku dimarahin habis sama beliau. Dibanding-bandingkan dengan mahasiswa di tempat beliau mengikuti shoulder fellowship di Korea. Di sana mahasiswanya cekatan dan cerdas. Begitu ditanya bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh konsulen. Luar biasa. Di sana aku merasa tertampar. Aku masih bodoh, tetapi tidak menyadari kalau aku bodoh, dan malah tertawa-tawa tanpa rasa bersalah. Trus minggu depannya aku ikut poli beliau di hari Selasa, aku banyak diajarin sama beliau, untuk ganti verban, pasang elastic bandage, lepas POP, cek luka post-op, mendiagnosis ruptur acl, pcl, maupun rotator cuff. Luar biasa. Diajarin baca MRI. Keren sekali. Beliau pinter banget. Ngefans coy. Ke pasien juga baik. Pasien beliau pas beliau praktik di poli bisa tembus 100 pasien. Sampai beliau kewalahan untuk ngerjain pasien beliau. Pas di ok, aku pernah lewat di depan beliau pas habis sholat. Trus dipanggil disuruh untuk ikut makan siang bareng beliau. Dan, hanya aku yang dipanggil diantara teman-teman koas yang lain. Disana beliau cerita ujian fellowship hipknee internasional kalau gak salah. Cocok banget ini dokter dijadikan panutan. Trus beliau pernah cerita tentang program fellowship hipknee di indonesia, yang nama perkumpulannya IHKS. Beliau paling sering ngerjain ACL Reconstruction di Indonesia. Banyak pasien beliau yang memposting pelayanan rekonstruksi acl di RSST yang terbilang cepat daripada di jakarta yang notabene paling maju. Cepat dalam artian tidak perlu antre sampai berbulan-bulan untuk dioperasi. Jika hari ini masuk bangsal, besok pasien dioperasi. Yang aku salut juga dari beliau, beliau sangat menghargai guru-guru beliau. Walaupun beliau sudah konsultan beliau tetap rendah hati. Beliau juga jadi dosen di UI. Mantap sekali sepak terjang beliau. Beliau menyarankan anak didik beliau untuk mengambil program fellowship di luar negeri. Menabung dengan uang sendiri. Karena hakikat ilmu sendiri sangat penting. Beliau juga mengajarkan sebuah quote dari rekan sejawat orthopaedi beliau, yang merupakan guru beliau juga di bidang hipknee, yaitu dr. Andre Pontoh, Sp.OT(K) “Bekerjalah dengan hati, hati-hati dalam bekerja.” Panutan memang.
Selain itu kenapa aku tertarik bidang orthopaedi ini, ilmu tentang ligamen banyak menarik minatku, terutama ligamen di bagian ekstremitas inferior. Contoh: ligamen Cruciatum Anterior, ligamen Cruciatum Posterior, ligamen Lateral (talofibular). Sangat menarik. Aku sangat tertantang untuk mempelajarinya. Dan cedera olahraga banyak sekali berkaitan dengan cedera ekstremitas. Banyak sekali ilmu orthopaedi yang dapat dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kebetulan, aku mulai senang berolahraga. Berolahraga yang menggerakan seluruh ekstremitasku. Pengen belajar lari supaya enduranceku terlatih dan tetap bugar dalam menjalani hari demi hari kehidupan. Ea. Sekarang masih sedikit Orthopaedist yang mendalami tentang ligamen. Beberapa tahun ke depan aku rasa, ilmu arthroskopi akan semakin berkembang. Semakin banyak ligamen yang dapat disambung dan output post-operasi yang semakin bagus sehingga pasien dapat beraktivitas sama seperti sebelum terjadi cedere tanpa adanya suatu morbiditas yang nyata. Semoga Allah mengijabah setiap omonganku yang orang-orang anggap sebagai doa. Aaamiiin.
Ditulis di dapur Pak Muslim. 1037pm. 11112017.
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rheinsiegmagazin · 5 years
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Pippi Langstrumpf wird neu verfilmt #pippilangstrumpf#film#video#rheinsiegmagazin#astridlindgren#geschichte#mädchen#zöpfe#kinderbücher#kinder#bücher#welt#kinofilm#studiocanal#pferd#affe#sommersprossen#kinderfilm#kino#tomi#anika#fans#follower#kommentare Astrid Lindgrens Geschichte um das freche Mädchen mit den roten Zöpfen ist eines der beliebtesten Kinderbücher der Welt und wurde mehrmals verfilmt. Nun haben die Studiocanal, Heyday Films und die Astrid Lindgren Company einen neuen Kinofilm angekündigt.
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