#took a break in putting together my armchair
onlythebravest · 10 months
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sometimes Trevor writes down his thoughts in the newspaper, sometimes he forgets to throw it away, sometimes Jamie sees it and replies
What does he see in me? How does he deal with me? Why does he stay with me? What have I done to deserve someone as amazing as Jamie?
Because you’re you. Because you deserve everything and more. Because I love you.
(alternative version)
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tranquil-ivy · 3 months
Yearn | '24 Alphabet Challenge
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Leon S. Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Summary: You break off your FWB relationship with Leon after being feed up with his lack of commitment. But even after years of being apart and marrying another man you realize moving on was a lot harder than expected. An the feeling might just be mutual.
Words: 7.3k
Content Warning: 18+ content, pet names (sweetheart, angel, baby), cheating, possessive behavior, desperate Leon, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it please!), cream pie, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, praise, degredation(if you squint), spit and marking.
Authors Note: Listen... This is my first time ever putting something like this online so please be nice to me. I tried and think I did decent enough.
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"You want a drink?" Leon asks, pouring whiskey over some ice in a lowball glass. Looking up at you in your seat in one of his armchairs
"No, I need to go soon. Wouldn't be a good idea."
This has become the norm for you two. You come over to his apartment on the weekends. Both of you have packed schedules due to working for the D.S.O. and being on the same team. But coming over usually meant it lead to much-needed stress relief in the form of sex.
Something mutually beneficial for both of you. Leon wouldn't have to worry about you getting attached, since you knew the dangers of your job. And you... Well, you didn't really get much out of this arrangement except to stay connected to him in some form. Even if it wasn't what you wanted.
Leon wanted no string attach, no commitment. No feelings involved in the deal.
But you failed miserably in that department. Already having some kind of undefined feelings for him before starting these weekly meetings. Repeatedly getting hurt by your own actions, knowing full well how he was with this arrangement and what you agreed to.
"You got plans?" His eyebrow rises as he sips his whiskey, rounding the corner of his kitchen island and sitting on the arm of the couch next to you. Sipping his drink leisurely.
"Actually yes." You smile to yourself, gaze meeting Leon's as you look up at him. Finally, feeling happy at the thought of moving on, possibly.
"I have a date with a guy from the office. Shepard from accounting."
Leon nearly choked, covering his mouth with his arm as he coughed. Clearing his throat, his expression shifted to one of annoyance. His eyes fix on you, glaring sharply and unable to hide his obvious jealousy. Something he hasn't felt in ages now.
"And... you just decided to tell me now? What about our agreement?"
You raise a brow, confused by his reaction.
"We agreed what happens in our private lives is our business unless it directly affects one of us."
"But if you date someone, that's my business. You don't think that doesn't affect me too?" His nose wrinkles as he stands up from the arm of the couch, setting his glass on the coffee table.
He can't believe he has to even have this conversation with you. He thought it was obvious enough to not have to say anything.
"I haven't kissed him, slept with him or even held his hand. No germs or possible diseases have been swapped. How is this your problem exactly? We aren't together, we're just in a..."
You stop to ponder for a moment, really thinking about how to phrase this without coming off as a total bitch.
"We're friends with benefits. No exclusivity."
"And if you're seeing another guy, that would stop. I really don't feel like looking for someone else when what we have is good right now."
The thought of replacing you was disheartening and uncomfortable. It took him long enough to open up to you to begin with. Starting at square one again just wasn't an option he wanted to take. Your arrangement was just what he wanted, what he needed to keep his shit together.
"And what exactly did you expect of me, to just sit around and cater to just your needs?"
Your face turns to a scowl, eyes burning with a certain kind of fire that hardly anyone gets to see. You glare at him, hard. He can feel the tension rise between you two.
"I can't just wait around for someone who 'doesn't do relationships,' Leon. I have the right to be happy with someone."
"I didn't say-" He cuts himself off, swallowing the lump in his throat as he feels his face heat up. The irritation in him bubbled up in his very soul as your eyes met. He stares you down trying to get you to crack and look away first, but you don't back down.
"I didn't say you had to wait around for me. I just..." His glare faltered for a second, irritation turning to discomfort at the accusation. "I thought I'd have more time. Not just have you spring this on me so suddenly."
"Why do you think I told you? He just asked me out today, and it was out of the blue. He's a decent enough guy, so I thought I'd give him a chance."
You stand up from your chair, grab your bag from the floor and slide it over your shoulder.
"It's not like you caught me sneaking around, I told you before anything could happen. You're just pissed because you don't want to lose the only connection you have with someone outside of work that gives you the tiniest shred of normalcy."
As much as he hates to admit it, you're completely right. He knows you're right. But he's definitely too stubborn, closed off and selfish to admit it. Stepping in front of the entrance to his apartment, he crosses his arms, determined not to let you leave until everything is settled and hopefully in his favor.
"Listen, I know I'm not a relationship guy. But I'm human. I have feelings and... And needs still."
"So am I." You turn, crossing your arms as you stare back at him.
"The only reason I agreed to this situation to begin with is because... I just wanted to be closer to you and I knew you didn't do relationships." Your own words sting, admitting what you felt. And even with the new revaluation, you looked hurt over the situation.
"And I can't just sit around hanging on to the tiniest shred of hope that you'll change. That's not healthy... So I think it's time for, whatever we have, to just stop and for me to move on. And finally get fulfillment out of a relationship someone can commit to me in."
But your words cut deep. You were completely justified, Leon knew that. Despite knowing you were in the right, Leon couldn't help but feel like he was being slapped in the face. Like all the time you spent together was just nothing.
"You're just going to throw us away then? For some guy at work... What was his name? Shepard? What the hell kind of name is that!?"
"I'm not throwing it away for some guy, I'm walking away for my own sake." Your brows furrow as you glare at him again, not wanting to be hostile, but at this point it only feels like you can get the point across this way.
"I thought you of all people would understand what it's like wanting to move on from something that hurts you constantly. But I guess I was wrong."
You feel the burning behind your eyes, trying to ignore it. You sniff, blinking repeatedly to keep the tears at bay.
"All I want is not be in a situation where I know someone can't or refuses to love me like I want to be. Not anymore. I don't think that's too much to ask for."
Leon feels like he's shrinking seeing your eyes glaze with tears. He didn't even realize he was causing this much pain. Even if he hadn't intended to, he strung you along with the hopes of something he wasn't even considering. Not until now at least.
"Listen..." Taking in a deep breath, he frowns, looking into your teary eyes, "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was hurting you. I wasn't trying to hurt you."
"Trying and doing are two different things. That's why I want to call it quits now... Before I end up resenting you or... Or we feel bitter towards each other. We still have to work together, and I'd rather not think about how much I hate you every time I have to look at you."
You sniffle again, a few tears escaping before you can wipe them away and step towards him.
"It's just best if we just go back to being only colleagues."
"So that's it? We're just..." He stops himself again. It's not worth arguing, you've clearly made up your mind, and he should just be the bigger man and respect that. His head hits the door as he looks up at the ceiling, feeling a pain wash over his chest. He's not ready to let you go, and it's clear to him that even he got attached.
"Fuck... Okay." Rubbing his eyes, he steps away from the door, not blocking you from leaving anymore. "You're right. I'm sorry."
Reaching the door knob, you clutch it tightly as he jerks towards you. Not stepping in front of you but making sure he's visible.
"Wait. Can... Can we have one last kiss? For old times sake."
Every part of you is screaming no, but you tighten your shoulders with a nod.
"Yeah... I can do that." Moving in, you slot your hands onto his biceps, leaning in. Your lips land on his, applying a light pressure. Nothing remotely close to some of the more passionate kisses you've shared over your time together.
For Leon, it takes everything in him to not give in and kiss you exactly like he wants to. To wrap his arms around you and suffocate you completely with him. Make his last mark on you before you go your separate way. Show you how much he loves... the company you give him.
But this is for the best, to just go back to normal like nothing ever happened. His hands meet the small of your back as he takes in one last long look at you. Not wanting to let go until you step back.
As you pull back, you look up at him as his eyes meet yours. Almost like they're silently pleading for you to stay. Giving a quick rub to his biceps, you step past him, a small smile meeting your lips.
Saying goodbye just feels wrong to you, so you settle for a see you later.
"I'll see you at work on Monday..." Opening the front door, you give him a quick nod, closing the door behind you as you leave his apartment one last time.
He stares at the front door, hoping you'll come back any second now and just tell him it was some kind of fucked up joke you're pulling. You never do.
Walking back over, he slumps over on the couch, holding his head in his hands. Trying to think of where exactly he went wrong with this entire thing. Glancing up at the coffee table, he spotted his whiskey, swiftly picking it up and downing the almost full glass with a dissatisfied grunt. All before he gets up and makes his way towards his liquor cabinet once again.
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You're not paying attention when one of your coworkers is droning on about whatever to Shepard next to you.
Connie? Chloe? Cassie? Whatever her name was, it wasn't important right now. What was important was the glances being thrown at the end of the sturdy brewery table.
"Are you okay, hun?" Your trance was snapped, eyes shooting back to your husband as his smile filled with concern.
"Yeah." Your voice is half-hearted and still slightly dazed. "Just thinking too much."
Thinking too much about the blue eyes burning into you from a few seats down.
You didn't blame him, it's been 4 years since you two had any real conversation outside of work. Being married for 2 years, you've tried to respect your husband and steer clear of Leon at any point. Shepard didn't know your past, and you wanted to keep it that way.
But now that you're all in the same place due to a work retreat. You don't know how long that's going to stay hidden. Who knows what could happen?
You quickly smile, as you've trained yourself to do, as you look at Shepard. He smiles back before sipping his rum and coke. Looking back at the brunette across the table talking.
"What were you saying, Cassidy?" Shepard asks. The woman nodded, sipped her wine and set it back on the table.
"I asked, are you happy she's changing departments? I bet it's unnerving having your wife risk her life every time she leaves and not knowing if you'll see her again."
"He is, he always hated how much I was away or just scared something would happen, y'know?"
"I'm always worried about my special girl. I love her." Shepard squeezes your thigh with a smile. Rubbing his thumb across your bare skin.
You feel nothing when he touches you. You never have and probably never will. He always talks about this spark between the two of you, but you feel no spark at all. Not even a little buzz.
You just smile back at him and continue to sip your wine, glancing down the table at Leon, talking with one of your other colleagues. You feel uneasy but still somehow calm. Even after being apart for so long, he always seems to draw your attention.
Leon's having a conversation with another coworker. Or at the very least tries to have a conversation...
He's watching you out of the corner of his eye, observing with a Stoic expression as it usually is these days. But to the trained eye, he's completely obvious. He honestly can't help himself from looking at you.
Just as beautiful as the day you left...
His mind wanders as his side glance lingers too long, he's still so in love even after all this time. He thought it faded from your separation, but if anything, it's gotten worse with such little contact outside important assignments or the occasional workplace banter.
It's slowly driving him nuts that sometimes he wonders if this isn't just an obsession but physically seeing you brings him right back to earth. The thumping in his chest became harder to ignore.
God, he wishes he was Shepard. To spare him the looks you gave your husband. The thought of being able to touch your thigh again without care nearly gives him a hard on.
But he catches himself. Teetering on the edge of his mind, wandering too far. He swallows it, forcing it down. Knotting the pit of his stomach to not let it show. He takes a long sip of the whiskey sour in his hand and tries turning back to the conversation.
You try your hardest to put on a fake smile as you listen to Cassidy and Shepard rattle on. Sipping your wine, you feel that familiar rubbing.
Glancing down, you see Shepard's hand gripping your thigh with a firmness you've felt before. His large hand dawned with the wedding ring matching yours staring back at you as his thumb glided across your bare skin.
For any other woman, this would be an instant turn on. But for you, that's all it is, just a hand. Nothing special or thrilling. But you look at your husband as he gives you that sultry look he thinks is flirtatious, but it just makes your skin crawl.
And not in a fun way. This is getting to be too much.
"I think I'm going to go for a smoke." You cut off the chatty Cassidy. Shepard's head turned to you with a smirk.
"You want me to come with you?" Shepard sits forward, ready to stand when you put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
"No, no. I need to make a phone call anyway. Could you watch my drink though?"
He nods as you take your phone off the table and step back from your seat. Shepard clears his throat as you lean over giving him a kiss, almost as if you've been trained to do so.
Finally, you walk out of the brewery, past tables filled with chatting people and around the side of the building to the secluded smoking balcony. Surprisingly empty as you show up. Grabbing one of the two chairs, you have a seat in front of the railing.
You lean back against the seat, looking up at the dark night sky full of stars, mind wandering to the man inside.
Not your husband...
"Fuck..." You mumble, pulling the pack of Marlboro's out of your jacket and slipping one of the sticks between your lips.
You retrieve your lighter, flicking the button repeatedly. Only a tiny spark igniting with a soft click. You groan in irritation, trying again.
"This seat taken?" You nearly lurch out of your seat, quickly turning to see Leon standing next to the empty chair, drink in hand.
"Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me..." Putting your hand on your heart you feel it pound from fear, glancing up at Leon you almost swear you could feel it skip for a split second.
"Is that a yes?" He asks, his lips curling into a smirk as he looks down at you.
"Yeah, sit. I don't care." You flick your lighter repeatedly, finally getting it to light as he sits. You make brief eye contact, slipping your lighter back in your pocket.
"Following me isn't really a great look for you, Kennedy." Leon scoffs, brows knitting as he takes in your figure far longer than appropriate.
“Can’t a guy just enjoy sitting next to a beautiful woman for a while?” It's your turn to grin, taking in his old cheesy way of talking. Your eyes start to linger now, taking in his appearance.
You can see the once lively eyes he had now grown into tired and strained. Hair darkens with age to match the beginnings of crows' feet. But he still looked handsome as ever. He always will.
"It's a free country, I can't tell you no." You continue with the banter, turning your attention back to the cigarette as you take in a drag. Glancing at him, you exhale, thinking of a way to break the building tension.
"So..." You knock some ash off your cigarette into the tray between the chairs and look at him again. "How've you been? I heard you're taking my spot as team lead. Congrats."
"Thanks, I'm doing okay." His hands move as he tries looking anywhere but you. Licking his lips, he finally looks at you again.
“What about you? You're happy about the change? Being off the field completely and all.”
"If you like sitting behind a desk all day slowly rotting from the inside out, sure... You know I'm a woman of action." You wince at your own bitterness and sigh.
"I took the new job for Shepard. He's been on my ass about taking care of myself since we..." You stop yourself, looking down at the wedding band, just another reminder of what once was between you and Leon.
"I just wanted to make him happy." You slip the cigarette between your lips again, looking down at the phone as it goes off in your lap.
Leon bites his tongue before saying the first thing to come to mind and nods instead.
Yeah, if she took that job for Shepard, she probably wouldn’t be pleased with it.
He can probably guess how much you do for him by that reaction alone.
“So... you do love him, then?”
You're mid-drag when the coughing starts, caught off guard by the sudden question. Your head snaps to Leon, coughing into your closed fist.
"Excuse me?" Leon shrugs, looking unbothered by your reaction.
"You took the job for his sake. So you must love him... Or at least want to keep the peace between the two of you. But you've always been a pretty good actor."
"He's my husband, isn't he?"
You almost sound defensive, not really giving him a yes or no response. You know the answer. Leon took note of the lack of one.
"Why are you asking?"
"Just curious." He takes a sip of his whiskey sour, shaking the glass, loose ice clanking against the misty sides as he stares down at it.
“I just thought, maybe... you were looking at me earlier. During dinner, during cocktails. I know I was staring at you. And the way you looked at Shepard. It seemed like you were almost... bored with him?”
You both loved and hated how perceptive Leon can be sometimes.
"Wow, I had no idea you were suddenly an expert at what I wanted. Little late for that, don't you think?" Your tone was sarcastic, but you knew what he was saying was true to an extent.
Even if you don't want to admit it.
He takes in your response, sipping his drink again as he nods. He has your down pat and the smirk forming on his face says he's completely aware of it.
“So am I right?” He asks, not really expecting much of an answer.
"Leon, you can't..." You look away, scrunching your nose, frowning at his question.
“Accuse you of settling? You just sort of settled on Shepard? Because he’s safe? Because he’s a good guy?” Leon continues, setting his drink down next to the ashtray. He leans forward, trying to get a glimpse of your face.
"It's not fair of you to ask that. Not from you of all people." But it's true, you settled for Shepard. Knowing he loved you and was looking out for your best interest.
"He loves me and I..." You stare at the street below, unable to finish what you started saying. The ring on your finger starts to feel heavier as it weighs on your hand and conscience.
The obvious truth was that you didn't love him, you tried. Really, really tried to but never got the same kind of attachment to him like you did with him.
With Leon...
God no, his voice is so charming still...
"You don't love him, do you? You've... Never loved him." Finally, you look at him again, wanting to curse him out desperately.
But he's so smug, the look on his face says he already knows how to make you admit it. And you both know he'll drag the truth out of you one way or another.
"I hate that you can read me so well still." You finally answer, unable to keep up the lie. Taking in a deep breath, you extinguish the cigarette, leaving it in the ashtray. You look back at the street below, feeling Leon's eyes on you still.
"We both know how well I know you sweetheart." His voice is barely above a whisper. He leans in watching your eyes flicker at him. That natural shine he's used to seeing back again, to greet him like an old friend from years past.
It's enough of a greeting that you both know how this could end, easily.
You know that look all too well, feeling your heart thumping in your chest, harder than it has in years now. You know exactly what he's thinking about.
"N-No Leon." Your voice can't even carry a stern tone as he makes you weak in the knees with a single look. Your stomach does a flip as he just stares, look unwavering.
"I'm married!"
"You think I'm not aware of that?" He leans even closer, his hand sliding onto your thigh.
You say nothing, watching him put his hand on you, squeeze you like Shepard does.
Like when you feel nothing...
You know it's wrong, you should stop him from touching you. But the familiarity is so comforting as his thumb glides over your silky skin.
God, it feels so different with Leon... So good... So wrong, but so right at the same time.
The feeling of fireworks fills your chest and butterflies materialize in your stomach. That same feeling from years ago is rearing its ugly little head to claw its way back around your heart again. You just stare at each other, not saying a word.
“You’re married,” he speaks again, just repeating what you said. “But you’re still in love with me, aren't you?"
You swallow again, the gulp making an audible noise. Almost like you just sucked down a golf ball.
"I want to hear you say it." His voice sounds like he's on the verge of begging for it. You grab his shoulder and push him back to arms length.
"Leon, no... It's wrong. Happy or not."
"But, I want you." The words slipped out of him so easily, making you ache.
Ache in a lot of ways, in a lot of places you definitely shouldn't for someone who isn't your husband.
"Please... Just one kiss to see if the sparks are still there." He's quite literally begging now, grabbing your hand.
"Honey?" You shoot up from your chair the second you hear his voice, yanking your hand away. You quickly step past Leon as Shepard appears around the corner.
"Honey, hi!" You sound unnaturally excited to see him.
"Hey Shepard." Leon stood from his chair and sounded cold. Honestly, not caring to cover his bitterness about the situation.
"Oh, hey Leon." Shepard greets him, noticeably a bit intoxicated by how he's standing. "I didn't know you smoked."
"He doesn't!" You blurt out, gaining your husband's attention again. "He was just asking me for advice about being the new team lead. Just helping a co-worker out."
"Aww, that's so sweet of you, baby." Shepard smiles sheepishly at his wife, not even realizing you're lying through your teeth. "Speaking of baby... Could you help me get Cassidy to stop talking about her kids? Pretty please?"
You sigh with a fake chuckle. "Yeah just... Give me a minute."
Shepard nods, giving you a kiss on the cheek and walks back into the brewery.
"So, you're okay with that?" Leon crosses his arms, gesturing between you and the door.
You glare at him, not bothering to hide your annoyance.
"You're insufferable..." You rub your eyes thinking before you speak.
"Look, I don't... Love him... But I don't want to hurt him either. He's still a good guy..."
“A good guy, huh?” He whispers, stepping forward, taking your hands in his.
“But not enough to make you feel anything when he’s around. That's strictly reserved for me, yeah?” You feel your skin warm up as you pull your hands away.
"Jesus Christ..." His cocky attitude makes you groan in irritation.
"I could honestly choke you right now... I swear."
"You know, I know what buttons to push to get you all riled up. Just to come right back into my arms."
You roll your eyes looking back into the brewery, seeing Shepard start to wobble in his chair slightly. You know that he's at his drink limit now.
"Leon... Just... We'll talk later." You start walking away towards the door to inside the brewery when he grabs your wrist. Not painfully tight, just enough to get you to stop walking.
"Or we can talk now." You sigh, thinking of a solution, as Leon let go of your wrist.
"What hotel room number did they stick you in for the work retreat?"
"Why?" He grins, leaning in again. "You're going to drop by for a special visit later?"
"To talk." You emphasize, getting more irritated as you lean in closer "And only talk..."
"Fuck, you're so hot when you're mad." You groan watching him bite his lip as he looks you up and down.
"Room number Leon. Now."
"Can't ever let me have my fun, can you? Room 407." Your eyebrows furrow, of course he'd only be two doors down from you.
"I'll be over at midnight."
"I'll be waiting with bated breath." You shoot him a glare, making him chuckle as you walk back into the brewery.
Collecting your husband, with a lot of effort and his cooperation, you make it back to the hotel in a good amount of time. Unlocking the door, you help him over to the bed, laying him on his side.
Getting him plenty of water and making him take Tylenol before he inevitably passes out to avoid the hangover you know he'd definitely be having if it weren't for you.
Soon it's midnight, and you make your way two doors down. Knocking on room 407.
You hear heavy quick footsteps coming towards the door. Leon opens the door, his hair messy and his shirt's top three notches unbuttoned. This was starting to feel really reminiscent of your old hook-up days.
“Come on in, sweetheart. I was starting to think midnight would never come.”
You push your way into his room, shutting the door behind yourself, so none of your coworkers see them together. You glare at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
"You got a lot of nerve pulling the shit you did earlier."
"Oh I'm aware," Leon locks the door, stepping up to you slowly. His eyes trailing your figure again, "you'd be lying though if you said you didn't like it."
"So you think betraying his trust is better than cheating on him?"
"Y'know, I hate how you keep avoiding what I've been asking you today." His hand comes up, caressing your cheek, you grab his wrist to move his hand, but your eyes meet with his. His thumb runs along your jawline, leaning in closer, his voice becomes warm against your ears, a sultry tone tickling you in all the right ways.
"He doesn't get you like I do. Make your knees weak with a simple touch or feel how easily your pussy throbs if you're called the right name in bed... He doesn't know that side of you."
He smirks, feeling your skin become warm underneath his fingertips.
"I fucking hate you." Leon snickers, bringing himself closer to you.
"No you don't. You love me." His eyes flick from yours to your lips. Lingering for a split second before you speak.
"Do you have it in you to love me like I want?"
"Of course I do." He's known since you left how he felt.
"Prove it. Tell me how you feel then."
“I love you." He speaks without hesitation, running his thumb across your bottom lip.
"I’ve always felt this way. I get that feeling in my stomach when I look at you, that feeling whenever I touch your skin, I’ve needed you for years now. I’ve known it almost as long as you’ve known you don’t love Shepard... I miss you." Your breath hitches, hearing what you've wanted to for so long. Leon drew closer, lips centimeters from each other.
"Do you miss me?" With that question your little shred of resolve disappears.
"I miss everything... How you make me feel. Your touch... How you always know exactly what I'm thinking even when I can't put the words together..." You frown, looking at him before leaning on him. Wrapping yourself around his entire being.
Your noses touch, lips slightly parted as you look deeply into each others eyes. The beautiful blue in his eyes surrounding your reflection, encasing you completely.
"Tell me how much you want me." Your body quivers, hearing his borderline demanding tone.
"He loves me, but he's never made me feel like a woman. Not like you did before... And I want you so badly, I can feel it in my bones."
Your lips glide over each other's. Not able to hold back much longer.
"How badly do you want me?" You ask, watching him pull back from your lips. Smug smirk staring at you, almost like he's watching his next meal.
He reaches out, brushing the back of his hand across your cheek, feeling the warmth of your skin radiate into his. His hand moves down to your chin, tilting your head up towards him.
"I could show you instead, if you'll allow me." He stares into your eyes, waiting for a response, any sign that you'll let him in again.
You give in with a short, simple nod.
His lips are on you, fiercely pressing his tongue against your lips, possessively pushing his way in. His hand goes to the back of your neck, hitting the hotel room door with a loud rattle.
Your hands fly to paw at his open chest, his hands prodding at your thighs under your dress, pulling your legs around his waist. Hands gliding up to your ass, squeezing it while you're carried to the bed.
He breaks the kiss, pushing your body to the bed. Leon pulls off his dress shirt, popping buttons as he rushes, tossing it to the side as he climbs on top of you. Soon, his hands are back on you, gliding up your thighs, pushing your dress up past your hips to pool at your waist.
"Well, I'll be damned. My favorite pair." Leon breathes out, sounding like a laugh as she looks at his favorite pair of blue lace panties covering your lower half. His lip curls up as he kisses above the edge of the fabric. Making your hips jolt for a second, acutely aware of how wet you actually are.
His hands travel up, pushing your dress up and over your head. Sitting up on his knees, he takes you in. Biting his bottom lip as his eyes wandered, wondering where to start first.
"I missed this body so badly." Leon traces his lips across your skin, starting to kiss under your ear and down your neck. His hands gliding under you to unclasp your bra, freeing your chest.
"Do you know what I want to do to you right now?" He growls into your ear, making you whimper in response.
You try to think straight at the moment, but all you can focus on is his strong hands roaming down your side, slowly towards the wetness pooling between your legs.
"To fuck me like you'll never see me again." He smirks against your ear, feeling your warm breath against his cheek. He chuckles darkly, knowing exactly what he wants, what you both want as his hands pull your panties off, dropping them on the floor with your dress.
"Good girl. You've always been so smart, angel." You watched him sit up and undo his belt, pulling it through the loops of his pants. Quickly making work of his pants and boxers, he stands over you naked. His thick cock standing at attention against his lower stomach.
Your legs come together as he pulls you towards the edge of the bed, grip tight around your thighs as he sinks to his knees. He spreads your legs, eyes landing on your wet slit, he playfully leans over, kissing your knee as he puts your legs over her shoulders.
His lips roam, kissing down your inner thigh. Reaching up, his finger spread your folds open. Watching the wetness from your arousal glisten against your skin, Leon let out a throaty groan in satisfaction.
"Fuck, you're so perfect like this. Ready as ever for me aren't you, sweetheart?" His lips turn to a smirk as he leans down, licking a slow gentle strip up your folds. Forgetting how much he enjoyed the sweet taste of you.
A soft moan erupts from your lips, arching off the bed to grind into his mouth, Leon placing a calloused hand on your abdomen to keep you in place. His other hand digging his short nails into your plush thigh.
With a final lick to your fold, Lean spits your juices back in you entrance, burying himself in your pussy, nose on her clit and deep in your tight hole with his tongue working your g-spot expertly.
As if he never forgot where it was in the first place.
The ridiculous amount of squelching alone would be embarrassing, but it felt too good to care. You hadn't felt like this in years.
Leon feels your walls convulse around his tongue as his eyes flick up to watch you quake in pleasure. A moan leaving your lips as your fingers bury themselves into the silky hotel bedsheets. Shaky breathing breaking as you feel his mouth pull off you. Your eyes shoot down watching him lick his lips clean of your juices.
"Fuck I missed making you feel this good." Leon lines up 2 of his fingers with your core, gliding them inside you. Feeling your walls clench around his thick digits. Eliciting a moan from him as he curled into the spongy spot.
"Could have you gushing on my fingers like this forever." Leaning down nibbling at the sensitive flesh of your thighs. Leaving behind subtle teeth marks. Not caring in the slightest if your husband saw it or not.
You're finally his again, and he'd be damned if he wasn't marking his territory this time. Staring at them for a moment makes his cock twitch.
Leaving one final bite, he focuses back on your pussy, his tongue slips from between his lips, gliding across your clit. Lips move to latch on and suck gently. Your legs quiver, shaky breathing signaling you're getting close to release. His fingers move in perfect tandem with your body.
"C'mon beautiful, cum for me." Your eyes roll back, glazing over as you bite down on your lower lip muffling a cry of pleasure. Climaxing on Leon's fingers and hand as he works you through your orgasm. Feeling your body relax, tension leaving as relief washes over you after what feels like forever.
Panting softly, you lift yourself onto your elbows to watch Leon lick his slick fingers clean, savoring the taste before diving back into your dripping entrance to clean things up properly as you watch him with a close eye.
"I've been thinking about this moment for years. Been dreaming about being buried deep inside this tight little pussy again." Pulling away and licking his lips, he kisses your thigh once more.
"Has he ever made you cum like that? Or has he been depriving my angel?" Your head spins at the question, swallowing hard as you try thinking of an answer as he caresses your face.
"No, never as good as you..." He moves, pulling you up onto the bed, putting you up against the pillows, crawling on top of you. Moving to kiss your collarbone up to your ear. His full weight pressed down on you, cock pressed against your inner thigh.
"Can I fuck you? Need to be buried inside you, feel you around me again." His voice sounds borderline desperate as he asks, your eyes turning away.
"You should let me show you how good it could be to be claimed as mine again," his hot breath trickles against your ear. He moves his hand down to grip onto your chin firmly, making you meet his hot gaze again.
Desperation not only poured from his words, but his expression too.
"Tell me you'll let me have you again, so I can make you mine... Fully. Just like we both know we want." You know you want to, you feel nothing for Shepard.
Nothing comparable to what you feel with Leon.
Your lips part as you give him an answer.
"I'm yours, only yours, Leon. Every part of me." His eyes lit up, leaning in and pulling you into a passionate kiss. Happy to finally have you again in every way.
"Do you remember how good I used to make you feel?" He moves forward, positioning himself at your entrance, ready to claim you completely.
"You're mine and mine alone." Sliding into you, you feel that familiar fullness of his cock inside you. Digging your nails into his shoulders as he huffs into your neck, your legs wrap around his waist out of instinct.
"Fuck, I forgot how good you feel." He mumbles against your neck, leaving a trail of kisses down your throat to the top of your breasts. A deep groan leaves his chest as he rolls his hips into your tightness.
You feel your walls contract around him, almost like your molding to perfectly fit him and only him.
"Oh fuck, Leon." You breathed out, hand running up to the base of his neck, pulling at his hair.
"Feels too much like home," Leon's voice is thick with pleasure as he continues to drive into your wet pussy, feeling every bit of your heat surround him, "he definitely hasn't been fucking you right... Of course not. He's not me. Doesn't know shit about your body like I do, does he?"
He grunts into your neck, body trembling at the effort it takes not to cum immediately from how good you feel against him.
Reaching down, he grabs your ass, pulling you tighter to him, starting to pound into you. Moving his hand, he lifts your leg, hitting that angle that turns you into a hopeless puddle beneath him.
You let out a string of broken moans, louder than intended, but you're at the point of no return. Feeling the intense knot in your stomach building quickly. You can see his face getting red as he pulls back from your neck to look in your eyes.
"Close, so close." He watches your face contort in ecstasy, smirking.
"Mine to take care of, mine to pleasure, mine to claim... " He reaches in-between your bodies and starts to circle your clit, his voice becoming more unsteady as he gets closer to his climax.
He feels that quiver around his cock, your nails digging into his back and pulling at his roots as you finish around him.
"Fuck, fuck. I'm-" His voice breaks, burying himself deep inside you, he fills you, a pathetic moan slipping from his lips as he collapses on top of you.
You're both panting heavily, his head on your chest listening to your heart thump against your ribcage. He smiles, still trying to catch his breath, kissing over your chest. Your hand weeds through his hair, pushing his bangs back from his face.
"I didn't even know you could make a sound like that." He grumbles against your skin, biting your chest lightly. You giggle as he rolls over off you, bringing you to his chest.
"Shut up." But he smiles down at you, watching how easily you curl into his side. Bringing your hand up, you caress his cheek, brushing over the bone with your thumb. He takes it, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. Taking note of your wedding ring.
"Are you okay?" He questions, voice sounding a bit worried. "I wasn't too much?"
"No. You were perfect. Are you okay?" He just nods in response, rubbing his hand across your lower back slowly.
"Why don't you take a nap before heading back? You look tuckered out." His smirk returns, you simply nod, cuddling up to him. Nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck and putting your arm around him as he holds you close.
He knows he's going to struggle to let you go again.
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"I don't see it out here either." You say, look around the hallway. Shepard raises his head from dragging your luggage out of the door. He slides the card into the door, locking it before turning back to you.
"Baby, it's fine. We'll get you a new one." His irritation is obvious as he walks past you towards the elevator when one of the doors in the hallway opens. Out stepped Leon from his room, bag over his shoulder as you lock eyes. He smiles before noticing Shepard, his face dropping to its usual Stoic expression.
"New what?" Leon questions, watching your husband turn his head.
"She lost her wedding ring." Shepard pushes the button, calling the elevator as you and Leon walk up behind him.
"You seemed pretty drunk last night. Maybe she lost it helping you back to your room?" Shepard looks at Leon, his face dropping and irritation evaporating in an instance.
"Was I that bad? Jesus, honey, I'm sorry." Shepard puts an arm around your waist. You look at Leon from the corner of your eyes.
Leon's shooting daggers at Shepard, who's none the wiser.
"Just check the lost and found before you leave." He suggests, looking back at the elevator doors as they open. You all step in, stuck in-between Leon and Shepard.
Leon fidgets next to you, he stares straight ahead. Trying to ignore your skirt tapping his leg, or your perfume taking over his senses from how close you are.
But in the end, he can't help himself.
His pinkie finger pops out, brushing against your fingers, fully expecting rejection in the form of your hand pulling away.
Thankfully, he's greeted with your pinkie, interlocking with his until the door rings again. You walk out ahead, Shepard, carrying your bags. You spare him one last glance and a smile before leaving around the corner to the hotel lobby. Leon smiled to himself, stepping out of the elevator.
Shoving his hand in his pocket as he walks, feeling the cool metal of your wedding ring brushing against his fingertips.
All the while knowing, he isn't losing you this time.
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babydollmarauders · 6 months
nico hischier x fem!reader
summary: in which Nico finds a fun way to wait for the fire to die down
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, edging, light bondage, dominant Nico, praise, degradation, thigh riding, oral (f receiving), nipple play, fingering, p in v (unprotected). (3.9k words)
notes: welcome to day 1 of the 12 days of kinkmas! where i wrote most of these smuts in...not at all at christmas time! i’m so excited to share these holiday themed smuts with you all and i hope you enjoy!
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an orange glow flickers over the living room, the soft tune of christmas music floating throughout the open space of the apartment.
my boyfriend and i stand in front of the christmas tree, meticulously draping ornaments from the prickly branches.
although it’s much too laborious to get a real tree amongst Nico’s schedule, he did agree to buy a fake one for the holidays. a beautiful faux tree that’s been sitting bare and untouched in our living room for far too long. but amidst his chaotic schedule, Nico and i have finally made the time to decorate it together on his night off.
“Neeks,” i speak gently, afraid to break the peaceful ambiance we’ve created in our home. “do you think the guys would come to a holiday party?”
the question is just the result of a fleeting thought; asked as i hang a silver bauble upon the tree, but a serene smile spreads across my boyfriend’s full lips, a glance of adoration shot my way.
“if they didn’t, i’d have them bag skating until they physically can’t get off the ice.” his response causes a soft huff of laughter to fall from my lips, shaking my head in amusement. “why? are you thinking of having a party?”
“no,” i drag out, joking sarcasm dripping from my words, “i was just curious.”
Nico levels me with a single raised brow, an unamused expression painting his face.
“yes, Neeks, i’m thinking of hosting a christmas party.” i tell him, gently hanging the next ornament as i speak, “i just feel like i don’t do enough. i mean, i’m the captain’s girlfriend; isn’t it kinda my job to host and fundraise and stuff?
“like, should i be making the team snacks or something? i don’t know how this works. is it like a soccer mom situation? should i be making protein shakes and sending apple slices with you to practices?”
my anxious ramble fades off as Nico’s hands come to rest upon my hips, pulling me towards him with an entertained smile.
“you don’t have to do any of that, süsse.” his forehead dips down, forehead pressing against mine, “although i wouldn’t mind some apple slices for myself.
“but if you would like to throw a christmas party, then we can do that.”
my arms wrap around, locking over the back of his neck and pulling him down until his lips meet mine. the kiss is sweet; soft and loving, as well as tasting faintly of store bought lofthouse cookies. when i pull back, his lips chase mine, eagerly trying not to let the moment fizzle, but i turn my eyes towards the tree, letting him lips land upon my cheek instead.
“i think it’s done.” i whisper, ignoring his aggravated groan at my rejection.
“we still have two more bags of ‘necessary’ decorations.” he reminds me, pointing over towards the armchair where a couple reusable grocery bags sit filled with various items that i had assured him we needed.
“okay, so i may have overbought.” my shoulders shrug lazily, my eyes rolling.
“you?” Nico questions sarcastically, gazing back down at me with an appalled look. “i bought them all. you just threw them in the cart.”
“and i obviously took my job very seriously, now we have extras for next year, if we decide to switch it up.”
my boyfriend untangles from my grasp, ducking under my arms to walk over to the bags of decor. he sticks his hand in, fishing out an unopened string of tinsel garland.
“what would we even use this for?” he huffs, glaring down at the sparkly red material in his hands.
“to put on the tree, obviously!”
Nico looks at me with a blank expression, his shoulders slumping as his eyes flicker from me to the tree and back.
“obviously.” his accent is thick and monotonous, obviously not charmed by my response. “but we didn’t use it at all.”
“well no, but we could find other uses for it!” i cheer, stalking over to try and pluck the tinsel from his grasp, but his grip on the package tightens. “like, maybe we could tie it somewhere in the apartment.”
his head snaps up from looking at the sparkly garland, eyes lighting up as he stares at me. “i think i have an idea.”
“yeah? what is it?” he throws the package on the coffee table, assuring me that we’ll use it later, before his eyes flit to the fireplace.
our fire is no longer what it once was when we started it around two hours ago. not yet dwindling but no longer blazing high and providing copious amount of heat.
“how long until the fire dies out?” i ask him, a small yawn pushing out of me. “maybe starting it so late wasn’t a good idea, i’m getting a bit tired; but we can’t leave it unattended.”
“if you’re that tired, i could watch it while you go to sleep.”
while i appreciate his kind sentiment, i shake my head, rather taking a seat on the couch instead.
“i don’t wanna sleep without you. besides, i can stay up. i’m not too tired.”
Nico sits beside me, pulling my thighs over his lap in one swift movement. one of his arms wraps around my waist, the other resting over my legs, his hand grasping at half my ass.
i lean forward, my chest pressing against his, and my neck cranes up, eyes gazing into his.
“kiss me.” i whisper, his head dipping down and his lips brushing lightly across mine.
“did you just tell me to kiss you?” he chuckles, pulling me forward to sit entirely in his lap.
“i did.” i confirm.
Nico leans forward, an arm wrapped around my waist to hold me to him as he grabs the package of tinsel from the coffee table.
as he leans back, he spins me around on his lap, my back towards his chest. i can hear the crinkle of plastic, furrowing my brows in confusion.
“what are you doing?” i laugh, attempting to peek over my shoulder.
“i told you i had an idea.”
“mhm,” i hum, “and what is it?”
“safe word?” my brows pull together again at his dismissal of my question.
“stoppen.” i recite the safe word, a german translation of ‘stop’ that he had taught me early in our relationship.
“good girl.”
his words spark a heat within me, blood rushing to my cheeks at his praise.
my arms are pulled behind my back, wrists held together with one of his own, before i feel the scratchy sensation of the tinsel being wrapped around them.
“Neeks,” my breathing picks up, chest rising and falling in quick succession as i feel him tie a knot in the garland.
i wiggle my hands, making sure the restraint isn’t too tight, and when i don’t complain, Nico pushes me up to stand on my feet. his hands spin my hips, my feet shuffling as i turn to face him.
“so pretty, süsse.” i can feel my face redden under his gaze, his gentle compliment causing fire to spread under my skin.
“thank you, Neeks.” my words are murmured softly, spoken as his hands drag along my sides.
his touch slips below my tank top, calloused fingertips smoothing along my heated skin and drawing goosebumps to the top of my flesh. a shaky breath passes my lips, his fingers dragging down until he reaches the waistband of my corduroy skirt.
“we don’t need this.” he tsk’s, popping the plastic button through the hole and letting the skirt pool to the floor around my feet.
cold air hits my now bare skin, my panties dampening as Nico’s hands rub along the sides of my thighs. he pulls me forward until i’m straddling a single leg, my panty covered core sitting on his muscular, jean clad thigh.
my lips part, eyes falling hooded as his hands grip my hips, guiding them back and forth on top of him.
“Nico,” i shudder, letting out a yelp as he smacks a hand against my ass.
“is that what you call me?” he gruffs, dark, lust filled eyes boring into mine.
his hands move my hips faster, his thigh tensing underneath me.
“Captain.” i whimper, my head tipping back as he bounces his leg lightly. a wet patch grows on the fabric of his jeans making him chuckle as i get wetter, my clit grinding down against him.
“soaking my leg like a whore.” he shakes his head as though he disapproves, clicking his tongue against his teeth. “what am i gonna do with you?”
blood rushes through my ears, drowning out the christmas music as i stare at my lover. his eyes are dark, pupils blown and his gaze stern; his thick, prominent eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he watches me grind along his leg.
the well groomed stubble that accentuates his face scruffs against my cheek as he leans forward, capturing my lips in a bruising kiss.
i moan into his lips, his tongue slipping through and pushing against mine as his hands hasten the pace of my hips.
my strangled gasp breaks our kiss, the fabric of my panties rubbing against my clit making climax approach faster.
“Cap, i’m gonna-” a knot tangles in my stomach, pressure building as my legs begin to shake and my eyes roll back into my head.
my hips are forcibly stopped, my fast approaching orgasm quickly diminishing as Nico holds my hips still. a whine falls from my lips, my eyes flying open to gauge him as pleads are babbled off my tongue.
“please, no, why?” i cry, the corner of my boyfriend’s lips quirking up in a smirk.
“let’s test your memory,” he starts, eyes glaring into mine, “last week, do you remember what you did?”
i rack my brain, filing through everything i did last week before i finally settle on what he’s referencing. sunday, right before his game against the Oilers, i sent him a video i had taken that morning; my fingers buried deep in my pussy, my breath heavy and whimpering as i moaned his name.
we’ve yet to have the chance for an intimate moment since he got back on monday, between his practices, my work schedule, and his game last night, but i had hoped he had forgotten about his promise to punish me for my actions.
“no, Nico, please.” i whine, my hands pulling at the restraints. his hands slip up, sliding over my breasts and letting his thumbs circle my stiffened nipples.
“beg all you want, süsse, i stand by my promises.” his voice is stern and unwavering, his fingers hooking over the top of my tank top.
he yanks the fabric down, my breasts spilling over until the shirt is so far down that it’s held underneath completely underneath them.
“you don’t get to cum until that fire dies down.” my head snaps over to survey the fire, its flame slowly fizzling out. i’d estimate at least another forty-five minutes or so until it’s done for good.
my breath catches in my throat as he takes me by surprise, his lips attaching to my right nipple as his left hand rolls the other between his fingers.
a high pitched moan mingles with the sound of ‘White Christmas’, my arms struggling against the tinsel ties, yearning to bury my fingers into his hair. my spine arches, pushing my breasts further into his face.
i can feel his growing smirk against my skin, his fingers pinching and rolling the left bud as his tongue swirls around the right before sucking it into his mouth.
he hums, the vibrations traveling through my body, and i make a hollow attempt at grinding my hips against his leg, only succeeding in reminding him to wrap his free hand around me, holding my hips still.
“Captain, please.” i plead, my tone high and nasal as i beg, but he just hums again, this time in disagreement.
his lips release my nipple, kissing his way over to the left before repeating the process, now pinching and prodding at the right in a torturous game of teasing.
he slowly begins to rock my hips back and forth, dragging my pulsing clit along his strained thigh as an extra stimulation.
my body shakes, overwhelmed with pleasure as my head falls back, vision going fuzzy as broken sounds fall from my lips.
i can barely form coherent thoughts, let alone sentences, but my brain is urging for me to beg to cum, hoping he’ll show mercy on me. my requests come out babbled and stuttered, not nearly what i had hoped, and Nico chuckles against my skin.
my toes curl as the familiar tightening pressure builds backs up within my stomach, my abdomen clenching as my legs begin to shake. and when Nico doesn’t pull away, i begin to believe that he’s giving me compassion, but as quick as the thought enters my mind, its expelled out.
just as i reach the precipice of my release, my walls tightening around nothing, his lips are pulled away, his hand dropping from my nipple and his arms wrapping tightly around to halt my grinding movements.
frustrated tears pool in my eyes, a silent sob wracking my chest and expelling past my lips in puffs of air. looking back into my boyfriends eyes, his expression is cocky and unforgiving, a smirk resting on his lips.
“awww,” he coos, swiftly turning and dropping me on the couch cushions beside him. “you’re being a good girl now, aren’t you? desperate to cum.”
i nod my head eagerly, shifting around underneath his gaze as i lay uncomfortably atop of my tied back arms.
“wanna cum so bad!” i whimper, my eyes fleeting over to asses the once great fire. it’s next to nothing now, and when i look back at Nico, i can tell he’s displeased by the sight.
“alright, i’ll let you cum.” a weight is lifted off my chest, a sigh of relief huffing past my smiling lips.
i eye my boyfriend eagerly as his fingers tug at the waistband of my panties, pulling them down and dropping them to the floor. he sheds himself of his t-shirt, his tight upper body on full display for me to enjoy as he hooks one of my weakened legs over the back of the couch.
bowing down between my legs, i can feel his hot breath fan over my dripping core, squirming in need as he gets closer and closer to where i so desperately crave his touch. his eyes meet mine, holding contact as he blows cool air directly onto my puffy clit, and chuckling as my hips jerk up towards him.
his arms wrap around my upper thighs, hands sprawling across my lower hips to hold me down as he licks one long stripe through my core.
my head falls back into the cushions as i cry out his name, wishing i could thread my fingers in his hair and push him deeper to where i want him.
he dips down again, tongue circling my clit before sliding back down towards my pussy. his tongue prods into me, flicking once before he really dives in. my back arches from the cushions, breathy moans coaxed out as he begins eating me like a man starved.
his nose nudges against my clit, his fingers sliding up to hold my thighs in a bruising grip as he slurps at my wetness, spreading it around as lubrication.
“cap!” i scream as his lips enclose around my swollen clit, rolling it through his lips a few times before flicking his tongue against it. one leg hooks over his shoulder, pushing him forward as i’m finally able to grind my hips against his face.
relinquishing his duty of holding me still, he plunges two fingers inside of me, curling them up to hit the velvety spot that makes me scream out in pleasure. pumping them in and out, he scissors the appendages, stretching my entrance in a pleasurably painful sensation.
with his fingers keeping me full, his mouth focuses on my clit, repetitively sucking and licking. my eyes roll back in my head, my vision dancing with stars as i feel my orgasm build up for what i believe is the last time.
a third finger pushes its way inside of me, the burning sensation of fullness making my legs shake around him as my breath catches in my throat. my pussy tightens around his fingers, effectively making him aware that i’m close whilst i can no longer speak.
but just when i’m about to cum, my orgasm is cruelly ripped away once more, his fingers pulling out and leaving empty as his mouth is detached from my clit, nothing but cold air hitting against it now.
“no!” i yell, voice gravely and sore as tears flood from my eyes. i open them again to find Nico sitting up on his knees, staring down at me with a dangerous an mocking smirk.
“you didn’t really think i was gonna let you cum, did you, süsse?” he teases, his lips frowning in a faux pout. “oh, you did. the fire wasn’t done yet, sweets.”
my head snaps over towards the fire for the last time, and through the blurry vision of my tears, i can see the final dying embers of the fire, nothing but a faintly orange glow of the logs now.
my chest heaves as i look back at my boyfriend, my face dropped in a pout as salty tears trail down into my hair.
“that was mean, Nico!” i sob, looking anywhere but his eyes.
his cocky expression drops, a look of genuine concern etching across his face as he comes to hover above me.
“oh, baby,” he coos, littering short kisses on both of my cheeks before pressing a long one to my lips. “it’s okay, you can cum now.”
i sniffle, peering up at him through wet lashes, “really this time?”
“yeah, really. but, you know, if it ever becomes too much, you can use your safe word.” i nod along to his words.
“i know, but it wasn’t anything that was too much.” i confess, “it was just mean. you told me i could! and then you didn’t let me!”
“are your arms okay?” he wonders, and i crinkle my nose.
“they’re fine, but this position is uncomfortable.” he nods, backing away and helping me sit up before i whine, “can you just fuck me now?”
a hearty laugh leaves his lips at my switch up, leaning forward to pull me in for a kiss.
“you wanna cum on my cock like a good girl, süsse?” he mutters, pulling back to watch me hastily nod.
his hands grip my hips, flipping me over to lay on my stomach before pulling my hips up so my ass is up in the air.
i wait impatiently, eyes set on the last of the dying embers of the fire as i listen to him unbuckle his belt, pulling his pants down and letting them drop to the floor with a thud.
the couch cushions dip down as he kneels on them behind me, one hand gripping my hip as he uses the other to give a few tugs to his cock.
my hips jerk as he slides his cock through my folds, lubricating himself in my wetness. tapping the tip of his cock against my clit, i let out a breathy whine, pushing my pussy back towards him.
“greedy little slut.” he tsk’s, prodding my entrance with his tip and watching as my walls attempt to suck him in whilst i moan.
he repeats the movement a few more times, teasing me one last time before he finally pushes into me in one swift movement. a squeak passing my parted lips as his cock bottoms out inside of me, filling me up so well.
“oh, Nico!” i breathe out, my body lighting up as his hand smooths over my spine, before gripping my waist.
Nico groans, pulling out and then thrusting back in at a slow speed before gradually picking up the pace. my hands form fists, my nails digging into my palms as he controls my hips, slamming into me and pushing my hips forward before pulling them back against him.
the sound of our skin slapping together and his hard cock sliding in and out of my wet cunt mixes with breathy moans and deep grunts, as well as the christmas music that still floats through the apartment.
the tip of his cock hits the soft, spongey spot inside of me with each stroke, my eyes fluttering shut as i curse, screaming his name without any care of our neighbors hearing.
“this pretty pussy was made for me.” he gruffs, hands tightening around my hips as my walls clench around him, my breathing picking up as i wiggle my hips.
one of his hands slides around my front, his fingertip pressing against my clit and making me whimper as he fucks into me, rubbing the bundle of nerves in figure eights.
“Nico, please!” i beg, the all too familiar feeling of my impending orgasm looming over me as my stomach ties itself in knots.
my legs begin to shake, weakening, and i’m sure if Nico wasn’t holding me up, they would’ve given out.
“let go for me, sweets.” my walls clench at his words, attempting to keep him in the same position as my body seizes up, tensing as i finally reach my long awaited orgasm.
he continues to fuck me through my release, thrusts turning sloppy and hastened as he chases his own, until he finally shudders, his hips stilling as he cums, filling me up with his release.
Nico lets out a shaky sigh, giving us both a moment to let oxygen return to our brains before reaching up and untying the knot of tinsel garland around my wrists. pulling out of me with a hiss, he drops himself to the couch, watching as i sit up and shake out my half-asleep arms.
i slump against his side, pulling my tank top back up to cover my chest as i snuggle closer into his sweaty body.
“i think we’re going to have to clean the couch if you still wanna host a party.” he finally speaks, coaxing a bubble of laughter up from my throat.
“yeah, but i think a shower sounds nice first.” i sigh, pushing myself off the couch to stand up, but my legs feel like jelly underneath me, wobbling until Nico stands, grasping my hand in his.
“you’re right, let’s go.” he hums, helping me towards our bedroom and to our en-suite bathroom.
“who said you were joining me?” i tease, raising an eyebrow; but when he turns to look at me, a lust-driven and domineering look on his face, i shrug, “on second thought, a shower together would be nice.”
“mhm.” he simpers, turning around to turn the shower water on, and i stick my tongue out behind his back; accidentally leaving it out for too long.
he looks at me with eyebrows raised as i hurriedly pull my tongue back into my mouth, my body not nearly ready for another ‘punishment’ before he laughs.
“let’s get you cleaned up, süsse, you must be tired.”
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hippolotamus · 4 days
Sentence Sunday ✨
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I can show you lies 'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
Beloved mutuals and pocket pals... I honestly don't know what to say for myself. This is a case of 'I listened to a song too much, I had an idea I knew I was never gonna write' turned 'I'll just throw it out as a prompt' --> 'I'll just make a moodboard' --> 'Oh god, I've written over 1k words in place of a summary'. SO. Have... whatever this is, T Swift influenced Buddie actor au. Under the cut to save your dash.
Honestly, if the world still exists in the morning, Eddie Diaz doesn't really give a fuck. His girlfriend left, claiming he's still not over his late wife, and his teenage son, the last thread connecting him to said wife, went to go live with his grandparents. After, of course, blaming Eddie for pushing 'yet another one' away. Christopher wouldn't even look at him before he went.
Then there's Anita Mills, his agent, who is probably a few blood pressure points away from a stroke at this point. Assuming she doesn't fire him first.
Let her, he thinks, grabbing a bottle of Maker's Mark from the cabinet. He has a string of blockbuster films to his name, not to mention a commendable collection of Oscar's and Emmy's. Not that they made his parents proud or kept his wife from leaving him before she died. But they exist as proof that he's had a successful career. Between investments and liquid assets he has more money than he would know what to do with in a hundred lifetimes. So, fuck it.
Eddie breaks the wax seal and twists off the red cap. He doesn't even bother with a glass, not really seeing a need. He's never been a big drinker, but lately his tolerance has grown considerably. Indulging until he passes out seems like an ideal use of his time right now anyway. If he wakes up after? Well, he'll consider that a success.
"Hey! What the hell?!" Eddie manages, coughing and trying not to choke on the ice cold water hitting his body. He opens his eyes to see Mills towering over him, glowering and holding an empty vase. He swipes a hand across his face. "Seriously, Anita, what the fuck was that?"
"I don't know, Eddie, you tell me." She disappears for less than a minute, returning with a hand towel she unceremoniously drops on his chest. "Help me out here. What's today?"
He wriggles himself to something resembling sitting and leans back against the coffee table. "What's today?" He parrots back dumbly.
Anita crosses her arms and quirks an eyebrow. "I asked you first."
Today, today, today. Where was he supposed to be- "Shit! The interview with, uh, fuck." He snaps his fingers and racks his brain trying to remember a name or a face. All he knows is they're important.
"Claudette Collins. Very good, Eddie, you got it part way."
"Give me ten minutes, I'll put myself together and we can go," he says, fighting the violent wave of nausea that hits as he scrambles to stand up.
"Save your poor carpet from getting puked on and sit the hell down."
"What? No, I can-"
"Eddie," Anita interjects, "the interview was five hours ago. The interview with the Claudette Collins. The one that took me months of phone calls, groveling and cashing in favors to get for you."
Fuck. "Anita, I'm so sorry. How-"
"Save it." Anita holds her hand up, effectively silencing him. It takes him back to being seven years old and having to explain why his dad's truck had an enormous dent in it. She rests her hands on her hips, pacing back and forth as she purses her lips. Eventually she sits in the leather armchair situated in the corner. "Eddie, you and I have known each other a long time. A long time. I've been your agent since you walked into my shitty office back in Dallas. Given your impressive display of awards, I'd say we've done pretty well together."
She inhales sharply, rubbing at her temple. Anita doesn't mince words, it's part of why he's always liked her. He never has to question where he stands. She says 'jump' and he knows exactly how high. It's not difficult to guess what's coming next.
"Eddie, I know you're going through a rough patch. What you're dealing with is hard enough without seeing it splashed on every tabloid and trashy website. Not to mention none of those places knows the real story, so it's all a bunch of 'she said he might have said' bullshit. But you've made it through tougher things." Anita doesn't need to clarify that she's talking about Shannon's death and how his parents tried to take Christopher. "I don't know what's happening this time, but I need to take a step back. My wife has made it very clear that all of my attempts at stress management are not working and that if I can't get it under control I shouldn't be surprised when I come home to an empty house. So."
Eddie swallows, waiting for the inevitable and cursing himself for pretending he wouldn't care.
"I've talked to a few friends in the business and found someone willing to take you on."
"What? You're not firing me?"
Anita's features soften. "Technically, yes. I am very much dropping you like a scorpion I found in my boots. However, like I said, I found someone willing to work with you. The name is Bobby Nash. He runs a smallish agency but don't let that throw you. He's cobbled together some pretty impressive talent. I assume you've heard of Evan Buckley?"
Eddie scoffs. "Of course I have. Who hasn't? Christ, he's everywhere you look. I can't pass a damn bus stop without seeing his face." A few details begin to click into place within Eddie's muddled brain. "Bobby Nash is his agent?"
"Sure is. And we all know the stories about Evan's past aren't the type you trot out at parties. My advice is that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth, go with Nash and do whatever he tells you to do. He even has a role in mind for you, costarring with Buckley. What do you say?"
What else was there to say? If Eddie didn't want to get blacklisted or wind up as some washed up tragic Hollywood story, being gossiped about where everyone - including his son - could see what a failure he was...
"I guess I say- when can I meet him?"
"Good answer." Anita clasps her hands together and gives him her signature smirk that tells him she approves. "Just leave everything to me."
Up to this point, Eddie has trusted Anita implicitly with all the messy business that comes with having him for a client. Why stop now?
tagged by @loveyouanyway @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @tizniz
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @a-noble-dragon @mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie
@weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @shipperqueen6 @ramonaflow
@taketheplanspinitsideways @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend
@thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss
@steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes
@shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @queerbuckleys @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress
@bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05
@lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus
@thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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raimoka · 5 months
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。 ㅤꕤ ㅤ PAIRING: beast dazai & reader.
SYNOPSIS: in which, dazai wishes to dance with you for the last time as a goodbye before proceeding with his plan.
tags ➜ beast spoilers, dazai is hopelessly in love with reader, established relationship, gender neutral reader, kinda angsty but generally a fluff, author may or may have not described the dancing rather poorly, lowercase as always. ‹𝟹
⋆ author's notes: i miss my wife beastzai, do not read beast, that shit ruins you. please also read the end note.
send an order!! → guide ❀ flowers ←
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It was raining.
the tune of russian waltz — on the hills of manchuria — was playing in the background, mixing along with the sound of the rain drops falling audibly down on the metal window ledge. your gaze remained on the glass of the window, sprinkles of the rain dripping down the mirror. the skies had gotten darker and the clock read it was 1:45 am — osamu would often come home sometime during midnight. you would normally be asleep during midnight, however, as you were heading to bed earlier, a part of your mind was telling you to wait till osamu came back home. you didn't understood why but the thought lingered and you ended up being persuaded.
you were currently sitting on an arm chair, back pressing against the soft cushions. a cup of tea you brewed laid before you on a table accompanied by a opened book you were reading previously; both forgotten as your thoughts began to shift to your lover.
as you rested your head on your hand, the noise of the door opening abruptly interrupted your thoughts and you stood up from the armchair you were sitting on earlier.
you approach him steadily and you pulled him into a warm embrace, pressing your cheek against his chest.
"welcome home, osamu..." you murmur wearily and a soft laughter elicited from him.
"you sound so tired, 'bella." he pointed out as he snaked his slim arms around your waist.
"i was waiting for you."
as you uttered those words, the words in his throat died. he parted his lips but no words came out. silence filled the atmosphere, the only thing that could be heard was the waltz combining with the sound of the heavy rain.
he cleared his throat.
"you didn't need to, you know I'd be safe." he spoke, breaking the serene air that was occupying the room.
you laughed softly, "I initially planned to go sleep immediately." you paused your words before continuing.
"but I couldn't shake it off my mind. for some reason, my mind is telling me to spend more time with you and i'm worried that someday, you will disappear."
you didn't understand why you were being so open to him this time but you felt like it was necessary to say. you sensed his arms withdrawing from your waist slightly and he placed his hands instead on your waist.
"why don't i help you forget it?"
you blinked, he smiled softly before adding something else.
"i wanna ease your worries and... it seems important to do so."
because this will because the last moment we will spend.
he bit back his words. as he speaks, he gently separated his other hand on your waist and took your hands within his, interlacing your fingers together. your expression seemed rather surprised but as he interlaced your fingers together, you looked up at him, accepting his invitation to dance around, you put your hand on his shoulder and followed his steps. with a soft smile, he pulled you come closer to him.
as you two dance to the waltz playing in the background, you noticed two things about this; he completely knew each steps of the waltz's dance, and he held a melancholic gaze as he spun you rhythmically to the instrumental. while you resumed ogling at him mindlessly, a small smirk adorned his plump lips and spoke.
"you're staring at me a little too hard, 'bella." dazai teased lightly and you rolled your eyes, shifting your eyes from him before speaking.
"I didn't know you were familiar with these type of waltz, 'samu."
"I always liked this waltz."
"seriously? I never thought you would've liked these sort of songs." but osamu was always unpredictable, he never talked a lot about himself often with you, even after you managed to break in through the thick walls that encaged his throbbing heart.
you proceeded to gaze on your feets moving on the floor. you didn't understand much why he was so melancholic during this time, he was also clearly masking his intentions. you couldn't read his eyes either, his eyes were always swirling with emptiness — this was the first time you saw his eyes with this much melancholiness. he was so close and yet so far. you wanted to be even closer, you wanted to be close to his heart.
perhaps you merely didn't understand something.
to you, this was a simple dance.
to him, this was a major extension — his goodbye to you.
with your gaze on your feets, he made sure to take in every single detail of you; how your lips were shaped, how your bangs framed your face, how soft your hand felt within his, how your voice sounded, how plump your face was, how warm your body felt compared to his ice cold body, that you had grown accustomed to over time, and how your eyes shone with light, even with the slightest — oh, how he'd hate to see the pain in your eyes to his death.
he didn't even want to die.
he wanted to sink in the warm embrace of your arms and always stay by your side till you both die from old age. your embrace is something he certainly will miss in the afterlife, whether it'd be purgatory, hell, or maybe an abyss of darkness.
he wanted to spend his moments in his life with you, even if they were meaningless and you two were acting just the same as you both were while being idiots hopelessly in love each other even if it was so, so, selfish of him.
he didn't want to die but he needed to, for oda to live, and all he could do was at least give you a final goodbye before disappearing.
he lowered his eyes, he seemed to be in his own universe, and spun you again, he twirled you around as if you were a piece of porcelain he deeply prized, you could feel your worries gradually easing — even if you were still worried about his other intention for this action — with your bodies moving along the music. you glanced up where your hands joined and as the waltz's instrumental faded, he bended you over backwards slightly, wrapping his arm around your waist fully. 
you shift your gaze to his eyes that usually reflected dullness once again but this time, they were closed. he was hiding how he felt... if he had his eyes closed you could never understand what was on his mind.
before you could part your lips to call him out to gain an ounce of his attention, he beat you over it.
you lifted your head and answered with a hum.
"don't forget me."
you blinked, you seemed concerned and he couldn't blame you for that but you chose not to speak about it.
"I promise."
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₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ taglists are open everytime.
2024 © reposts are prohibited with/without permission... plagiarism is prohibited. don’t translate my work without my permission. i will take measures of reporting you.
I know dazai truly wants to die but beast dazau doesn't want to. dazai in canon and beast are different, even in the slightest, this was proven if you read the day i picked up dazai.
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skepsiss · 2 months
Post season 4 steddie fic with Steve helping Eddie recover? Like after hospital and he's technically "healed" but he's having trouble. Learning to walk again, shaky hands, sharp pains, things like that
I love them sm
I love them too, anon. This premise is like so many of my story premises for them, so I will try my best to keep it short cause I can see this getting way out of hand, oops. Lol. **Note, you can send me steddie prompts too! Anyone can** (tumblr keeps messing with this post and putting the read more WAY farther down. Forgive me) The idea behind this is they're not together, and neither of them quite knows that they have feelings for the other. Sort of... the blooming of a crush. Early, early stages of Steddie. -- "I can do it," Eddie said harshly as he attempted to pull himself out of the chair he had been lounging in. Steve stood there, arms hovering around the perimeter of the armchair, as Eddie struggled to stand. Maybe Steve had been a bit too attentive as of late, but Eddie had only been home from the hospital for a little over a week. After the accident, recovery hadn't been easy for Eddie--or Max for that matter, but while Max was still in hospital recovering, Eddie had been discharged back to the care of his uncle. Of course, Wayne was ecstatic to have Eddie back home, but with hospital bills and having to replace half of their trailer, Wayne didn't have a lot of time to spend at home. The Party had been volunteering around the clock to check in and help Eddie, but Steve had noticed that Eddie allowed very few of them to actually help him. Steve was one of those people, and even then, it was a fight. Eddie did not in fact 'do it,' as he tried to support his weight on his arms and stand. Instead, he managed to get up and then promptly collapse to the side, clinging to the armrest to stop himself from hitting the floor.
"Hey, woah--" Steve breathed, hunching to catch Eddie by one of his elbows.
Eddie snatched his arm away, looking frustrated and embarrassed as he kneeled on the ground. "Eddie, just let me help," Steve encouraged, sounding a bit exasperated as he tried to look Eddie in the face. "Don't mother-hen me," Eddie huffed, obviously trying to contain his emotions. He sounded on the verge of yelling, or like he was about to start weeping, but Steve tried to ignore that. He didn't need to embarrass Eddie any further. "Can I at least grab your cane for you?" Steve asked, sighing as he stood back up. Eddie took a moment, and then nodded, breathing out a gruff 'yeah,' without looking up. Steve moved to the door and grabbed the cane that Dustin had brought over a few days ago--one The Party had decorated and glued a dragon's head to the top of to make it 'cool.' Eddie had liked it, but he still didn't seem keen to use it.
Steve handed Eddie his walking stick and he grumbled before attempting to get his feet under himself again. "Just let me help," Steve said quietly, not stepping forward like he had before, but still standing there expectantly. "I need to be able to do it myself--" Eddie grouched, barely managing to get up onto wobbly knees and stand. "No you don't," Steve scolded, "not this early on---Eddie, you were in a hospital bed for over a month, you don't have the strength to do it by yourself." "Elaborate way to call me an uncoordinated nerd," Eddie huffed, obviously trying to inject some levity into the conversation.
"That's not what I'm saying," Steve sighed, keeping close attention to Eddie as he slowly started to pivot. "Just let me---" Eddie started as he tried to take a step forward and wobbled terribly. Steve was at his side instantly, catching Eddie around the waist and arm, stopping him from hitting the ground again. Eddie stilled in Steve's arms before Steve heard a small whine escaping him, that eventually turned into an angry snarl. "Don't---just--" Eddie complained, trying to pull away again, but not having the footing or the strength to break Steve's grip as he jerked back. "Just let me do it--" The threat of tears was evident again as Steve saw the frustration well up in Eddie's eyes. He didn't want to force Eddie, but this was getting ridiculous. "Why is it so important that you do it? I can help, Eddie. That's why I'm here, just let---" "Because you're not always going to be here!" Eddie snapped angrily, cutting Steve off. He looked away again but stopped struggling against Steve's grip, instead standing there with his face turned toward the ground like a dejected child. "What're you..." Steve trailed off, trying to grasp at Eddie's meaning. He didn't like how emotional this was making Eddie, and he didn't like that he wasn't able to help him. Whether that was with walking or feeling better. "You're not always going to be here..." Eddie repeated, his tone much softer as he continued to hold onto Steve, still unable to stand on his own.
"We'll... I'll be here for as long as you need," Steve tried, still not understanding what Eddie meant. "No--you... how long is it going to take for me to be normal again? A month? Five? What if it's never? What if I don't get better? You're not always---I'm not going to make any of you put your lives on hold so I can stand up and go take a fucking piss," Eddie gritted out, his voice getting tight at the end, his emotions obviously raw. Steve quieted as he stood there, understanding what Eddie meant, but not agreeing. He had to imagine that being immobilized by an injury would drive him insane too, and he understood to a degree how deregulating it was not to be able to do everything he demanded of his own body. Recovery was slow, and hard, and Eddie wasn't going to have an easy go of it, but pushing himself wasn't going to help.
"That's stupid," Steve said bluntly, watching as Eddie looked up at him, completely surprised by his words. "You almost died, Eddie. No one other than some action hero from a bad B-movie is going to recover that fast. You're just going to make it worse. You have to rebuild the muscles, man. Learn to walk properly; there isn't a point in doing it if you're going to teach yourself to do it wrong, and then have to correct yourself over and over. You'll probably hurt yourself. It'll be painful, man." Eddie seemed shocked silent by Steve's words, still hanging there as he stared. "Isn't it the same with music? You practice and practice the same string over and over again until you get it right? And then you have to practice the right way or you're never going to do it?" Steve asked, watching Eddie inhale unevenly. "Eddie... none of us are going to abandon you, that's not what we do. I'm not going to make you do this by yourself." Eddie looked away again, a choked-sounding laugh escaping him as he let his hair tumble in front of his face to hide his emotions. Steve didn't stare, instead trying to look across the room to give Eddie a bit of privacy. He knew this wasn't easy, and the emasculation of being unable to do anything by yourself had to suck, so Steve tried to preserve as much of Eddie's dignity as he could manage. "Yeah... like learning a new chord," Eddie swallowed, his voice sounding rough.
He took another beat before trying to stand up on his own again, leaning heavily on his cane, but not letting go of Steve's arm either. "Going to ruin your summer--I don't want to be a burden," Eddie breathed, obviously trying to sound a little jokey, despite his words. "You're not a burden," Steve replied easily, shifting to stand beside Eddie to help him walk toward the hall of the trailer. "What else am I doing with my summer? Swim? Actually, might be good to get you to swim. Low impact, but great muscle strengthening. Probably be good for you to swim." "I can't swim," Eddie laughed, his tone bittersweet and laced with a much deeper emotion. "I'll teach you," Steve offered, not putting too much stock in his own words. "I used to teach kids to swim all the time during the summer back in '83 and '84. It's easy." Eddie went quiet again as he took careful step after careful step down the hall toward the washroom. "Yeah... okay," Eddie mumbled quietly as he leaned on the door handle and breathed hard from the effort of walking just that short distance.
"Okay?" Steve repeated, "Hallelujah, he compromises." Steve said sarcastically as he helped Eddie slide the door aside. "Man, shut up," Eddie grouched, but he sounded charmed by the gentle tease. "What're you going to get mad about now? Not holding my dick while I piss?" "Grow up," Steve retorted, trying to sound friendly. Eddie laughed and Steve helped him as far as the sink before letting go. "Don't fall over, and don't try and stand. Just sit down, you're still recovering, man." "Don't tell me how to use the toilet, Harrington. You're not my nurse-maid," Eddie grouched, able to wobble from the sink edge to brace on the back of the toilet. "You're lucky I'm not, probably would have sedated you by now if that was the case," Steve teased again, getting another small laugh from Eddie before he turned to leave the room. "Holler if you need something." "Harrington..." Eddie mumbled, and Steve paused at the door as he held it open. "Don't... thanks... thank you." "Don't worry about it," Steve smiled, "any time man... really. Any time, I don't mind hanging out with you at all." Eddie glanced over at him, and Steve flashed him another smile before sliding the door shut and walking back down the hall. He leaned there, waiting for Eddie to call him back over when he needed him. None of this was easy, and he didn't blame Eddie for having a hard time with it. He wanted Eddie to get his freedom back as soon as possible, but he truly didn't mind hanging around with Eddie whenever he wanted him there. He liked it, actually. He liked feeling needed and helpful, and Steve liked the idea of teaching Eddie to swim. He owed a lot to Eddie, and he had meant it when he said he wasn't going to abandon him. A month, five, forever... Steve didn't plan on abandoning Eddie for anything.
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azrielhours · 2 years
Restless Dreams
Azriel x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Synopsis: Reader has unrequited feelings for Azriel, which is actively breaking her heart. She dreams about him each night as she copes. Azriel finds her one night brooding in her pain.
A/N: I put my whole azussy into this
Seated by the window in the Town House, you were surrounded by the laughter and merriment of your friends, but all you felt inside was a cold that could rival the snowfall outside. You sat politely so your presence wouldn’t be suspected of its fraudulent nature, smiling when it was appropriate, raising your eyebrows when it was required.
It was a rare evening where everyone had unceremoniously made their way into the House at one point or another, coming home from missions and meetings. Rhys declared it an official family night in, breaking out the good wine and moving everyone into the living room. In the past, these were the nights you loved the best; that hadn’t been the case for a while. You knew you couldn’t turn down yet another get-together without raising eyebrows, especially with how much you’ve already been avoiding your family. And so you sat, swallowing down your drink where it would sink to the pit of your belly, neighbouring the feelings you kept buried deep in your ribs.
You let your eyes wander over your friends to see if anyone suspected your fleeting detachment and caught Cassian’s eye across the room watching you. He was seated next to him, who you’ve become very good at avoiding when the yearning got too raw. It helped the pain, just marginally, to avoid him. He laughed warmly with Feyre in your peripheral vision, reinforcing the ache in your chest. You shuddered at both the pain and desire that flared up at his laughter. You kept your eyes trained on Cassian to keep the intake of him controlled. Like a maximum dosage that bordered fatality.
Cassian studied you. You cringed knowing he caught onto you, so you sent him your most convincing reassuring smile. His brows only furrowed further. It was time to make yourself scarce, lest the others see what Cassian saw. You kept your smile plastered on your face and stood to go to your room. As you walked by Cassian, he gently grasped your elbow to stop your exit. You noted the hurt in his eyes, and you shook your head softly to dismiss his concern, shrugging out of his hold.
Once you made it into your room, you let that familiar feeling of anguish wash over you like a safety net you could count on falling into each night. You sat in your armchair by the window and let your tears spill freely now. The cold from outside seeped generously into your room, but you welcomed the sting it brought, a slight numbness to contrast the excess emotions reeling inside you. Meals had become few and far in between, as if the stale love inside you occupied the space in your belly, leaving none for food.
You closed your eyes and awaited the dreams that came each night, dreams of a hazel-eyed male, his beauty that rivalled artistic sculptures, his patience and attentive nature, his beautiful hands that held your heart. The male you were so in love with that it bordered on insanity.
The male that didn’t return your feelings.
Did it count as heartbreak if it was ongoing? Was unrequited love the same as rejection? The definitions and borders were all blurry, just like your drowning eyes.
You were startled out of your thoughts at the sound of gentle knocking on your door, maybe a half hour later. You took a deep breath and walked over to open the door. There you found Cassian taking you in with the concerned expression he donned before. He looked behind you, scowling. “It’s freezing in here. Why are you sitting in the cold?”
You shrugged, hugging your arms across your abdomen. When you looked back up at him, Cassian was still visibly worried. His hesitation to come into your space was a testament to how aware he was of your vulnerable state because normally he’d walk right in. “Do you mind if I come in?” he asked. You nodded.
Cassian immediately made his way to your window, closing it shut. You didn’t miss him eyeing the empty bottle of drink you had near the window, but he didn’t comment on it. He sat on your bed and patted the spot adjacent to him for you to join him. You obliged.
“What’s going on, sweetheart.”
Cassian’s kind nature was testing your composure. You inhaled deeply. “Nothing, Cass. I’m fine.”
“You haven’t been fine for a while. Tell me what’s bothering you.” You hesitated, mulling it over. “Why haven’t you gone to Azriel?” he asked quietly. This prompted you to look at him in alarm. “You used to go to him for everything. Did he do something that upset you?”
You shook your head. “No, nothing happened between us.”
Cassian was thoughtful for a beat. “You’ve been avoiding him, haven’t you?”
“Not because anything bad happened,” you assured, voice small.
“Hmm,” Cassian pondered. “Nothing bad… but it is something to do with Az?”
Shit. Maybe you should’ve started with stronger denial. You exhaled in defeat, frowning at your hands in your lap again as you felt tears warm your eyes at the truth.
“You sure he didn’t do anything to upset you? I’ll kick his ass. Just say the word.”
You shook your head. “He didn’t do anything, Cass.” That’s the problem. You blinked at the tears, willing them to stay put.
“Ah,” Cassian said quietly. You looked up, sensing him reaching understanding. Cassian’s eyes were full of empathy as he spoke lowly, gently. “Do you have feelings for him, sweetheart?”
That broke your final hold on your composure. You bowed your head and began softly crying, bringing your hands up to cover your eyes. Yes. Yes. Yes. 
“Oh, (Y/N). Come here,” Cassian said, moving closer to hold you.
You let him engulf you, leaning into his warmth. You kept your hands on your face, but Cassian didn’t mind, holding you to his chest regardless. You cried silently, save for the occasional sharp inhale. Cassian rubbed your back, murmuring sweet reassurances into your hair. You felt exposed, embarrassed to be caught liking his brother, having unrequired feelings – how childish did this make you look?
You pulled away from him and Cassian released you. You furiously wiped away at the hot tears, taking shuddering inhales as you forced the crying to come to a stop. “Sorry,” you said weakly.
“Don’t apologize.”
You shook your head. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Just drunk.”
Cassian saw through the dishonesty but let you have it. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“What difference would that have made?”
Cassian took your hands in his. “It would’ve helped. We’ve been worried about you, (Y/N).”
You looked at him, the unspoken question hanging in the air.
“Yes, Azriel is worried too. He thinks you’re mad at him.”
You huffed. “No, I’m not mad. It’s just, like… marginally easier this way.”
Cassian nodded in understanding. You saw him silently eyeing the bottle again. “It helps a bit,” you explained. “With the sleep.”
“What do you mean?”
“I… when I fall asleep, I, um, I dream about him.” You swallowed at the ache in your throat. “That’s the hardest part.”
“Why?” He asked, his patience endless.
“It’s just… he’s mine in the dreams, and then I wake up, and he’s… not.”
Cassian frowned. “You’re breaking my heart, kid.”
You smiled weakly, waving off his concern. “It’s not that bad. Sorry.”
He opened his arms to hug you once more, this time you reciprocated the hold. He murmured, “it’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. Give it some time.”  
You nodded, indeed feeling a bit better. Cassian eventually released you, making you promise to keep the window closed all night. You laughed at the request but agreed. He even tucked you in and left you to fall into a deep sleep.
The next day, you worked up the courage to sit through dinner with your family. No one said anything, but you didn’t miss the momentary shock when you arrived to join them. Feyre beamed at you. Azriel tried to catch your eye, which you avoided. Cassian smiled and beckoned for you to sit beside him, so you did. Conversation resumed as you all ate.
“How was your mission in Summer Court, Az?” Rhys’s question caught your attention.
“Not bad,” Azriel answered.
“Everything go okay with Cressida?”
Azriel nodded. You firmly planted your focus on the table.
“You know, it’s time to put yourself out there,” Rhys suggested. You couldn’t suppress your frown. What?
“I can always put a good word in,” Feyre added.
“That could be a great Court relation,” Mor mused.
“You’d be great with her,” Rhys added.
You flinched.
Your cutlery clattered where they toppled onto your half-eaten plate.
Your stomach dropped. Azriel and Cressida?
Everyone’s attention slid to you, and your cheeks reddened. Rhys opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, so you rose abruptly before he had the chance to do so. “I—Sorry, I didn’t mean to—” you spoke weakly as you gracelessly backed your chair. Azriel’s gaze burned onto you as you did, which you also promptly ignored.
You didn’t mean to have a visible reaction. Didn’t mean to draw attention to yourself. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“(Y/N),” you heard Azriel say.
 “I—just—my head hurts—” you said to no one in particular. You couldn’t swallow from the dryness in your throat. The silence was deafening as they watched you leave the dining room.
Everyone remained in their seats, stunned by your sudden departure.
“What was that?” Mor asked.
Cassian watched his family piece together your reaction. Azriel had a troubled look, shadows swirling as they whispered in his ear. When Cassian turned to Rhys, he found him already watching.
Do you know what that was? Rhys spoke to Cassian mind to mind.
Cassian swallowed. Yes. 
Rhys urged him on with a nod.
She’s hurting real bad, Rhys. 
Rhys was silent for a moment. Let’s go somewhere else. 
Cassian found himself in Rhys’s office with Feyre. They left one at a time to reduce the suspiciousness of the ordeal.
“What’s going on with (Y/N)?” Feyre asked.
For your sake, everyone tried to pretend not to notice, to let you work through whatever was hurting you on your own. You’d never been the type to close yourself off, so they all tiptoed. Cassian wasn’t sure if this was a breach of confidentiality; he winced but began. “(Y/N) has feelings for Az. She’s had ‘em for a while. It’s why she’s been so off lately.”
Feyre’s mouth formed an o shape.
“How long have you known?” Rhys asked.
“Not long. I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s eating her up inside.” Cassian says.
“Damn,” Feyre murmured.
Rhys frowned. “I only suggested Az moves on because I know he wants (Y/N).”
Feyre nodded. “He’s been trying to get over her. It was just bad timing, the suggestion.”
“Did you know?” Rhys asks Cassian.
Cassian grimaced. “I suspected but didn’t want to give her any false hope.”
Feyre silently mulled over it all. “What should we do?”
Cassian rose. “Leave it to me.”
“(Y/N),” you heard a voice say softly. “(Y/N).”
You stirred.
You opened your eyes to find Azriel crouched in front of where you’d fallen asleep in your chair by the window, his face etched with concern. Your heart swelled with affection.
“Yes, angel.” He was speaking to you so gently, like his voice could break you.
There was no way he was here. This had to be one of your dreams. God, he was so beautiful. You reached out with both your hands and traced your fingers down his cheeks. They were so much warmer than your fingers. He was looking at you with his full attention, something like longing in his eyes.
“You’re here,” you said, half-asleep.
He nodded patiently. “I’m here.”
If only. The longing in his eyes turned to pain as he took you in, prompting you to frown. “What’s the matter?” you asked.
“You haven’t been okay,” he continued using that gentle tone.
You cradled his face in your hands, letting yourself have him freely in this dream. “It’s okay,” you reassured.
He shook his head. “It’s not okay. I didn’t realize that I—that I was hurting you,” he pressed. The concern on his face drew lines of worry between his brows. “I’d never want that. I thought you wanted space, so I—” he cut himself off. He reached up and gently took your hands in his, pulling them off his cheeks and securing them into one of his hands, holding them to his chest. “Why are you in the cold? Your hands are freezing.”
You shrugged, indeed feeling the bite of the cold in your room. He must’ve closed the window upon entering. You looked around you, rousing more fully, noting how crisp everything was around you. You looked back to Azriel, feeling the warmth from his chest seeping into your hands, feeling his shadows gently caress your ankles. Was this—
“This is real,” he whispered.
You felt your pulse quicken, confirming this was indeed not a dream. “Oh,” you whispered back. But how did he—
“Cassian told me,” he answered.
“Oh,” you said again. That traitor. “What did he—how much did he—?”
Azriel’s eyes softened. “Not much, but he did say you were having trouble with sleep.” You simply nodded, dumbfounded. “I brought you some food,” he added. He pulled a bowl of hot broth from the floor. The gesture and the confrontation of it all brought tears to your eyes all over again. Neither one of you commented on them as they freely fell down your cheeks.
Azriel brought the broth between the two of you. You reached for the bowl, but he didn’t let you take it. You settled for the spoon, eating spoonfuls of broth as your tears fell, the warmth soothing the lump in your throat. After you had a good helping, Azriel was satisfied with your eating. You placed the spoon back in the bowl and he put it aside. He reached forward and wiped away your tears.
“I’m sorry for not—” he took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m not good at these things. I didn’t know if you… if you wanted this. The whole time we were close, I wanted you so bad, (Y/N). I just didn’t think I deserved you.” You shook your head, but he continued. “I still don’t think I’m good enough for you,” he confessed.
“You’re all I ever wanted,” you said.
Azriel shuddered. “God, (Y/N). You don’t know how badly I... I just don’t want to be selfish, but I suppose that’s doing us more harm than good.”
Your tears finally stopped.
“I’ll spend every day trying to do right by you, angel.”
You shook your head. “Az, I want you for who you are right now. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. There’s nothing more you have to do or any part of yourself you have to fix.”
He swallowed. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”
You shrugged, smiling. “Maybe all of this was just a cry for attention.”
Azriel barked a laugh. “Right. All of this was for attention.”
You laughed with him, and he watched as you did, eyes sparkling. You reached for him again. He opened his arms to you, and you practically threw yourself onto him, where he caught you and held you steadfast to his chest.
“So you dream about me, huh?” he mused into your shoulder.
You laughed. “Shut up. More like night terrors.”
He chuckled. “Sure thing.”
You pulled back. The two of you sat across from each other on the floor. He cradled your face. “I missed you,” he breathed.
“I did too.”
He pulled you to him gently. You didn’t resist.
His breath fanned across your face, and his lips grazed yours. He kissed you gently, testing the waters. You needed more. He complied, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you into his lap where you happily climbed into. He kissed you so deeply you felt warm everywhere. You followed his lead, the intensity of it all, matching his movements until he finally broke for air. The two of you stared at each other, dazed and wild-eyed.
“Don’t leave again,” he rasped.
“I won’t.” I can’t.
“Say you’re here to stay,” you breathed. He kissed you one final time.
“Always, angel.”
taglist: @iimisty-a @feyretopiaa @cityofidek @cullenswife @reiincarnatiion @sfhsgrad-blog @answer-the-sirens @mrstangerinejohnson @marigold-morelli
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sunny44 · 1 year
Date night
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: nothing.
Summary: Y/n and Lewis have their monthly date night.
Ps: sorry for the short story
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Lewis and I had been together for 4 years and I have nothing to complain about.
He is the most perfect man I’ve ever met in my entire life.
The kisses all over my face every morning when we were together, the hugs from behind that make me feel at home, the single flower that he gave me every day that I press in a book and am putting in a frame, the times that at a family lunch when he is talking to my parents he passes by me and gives me a kiss on the forehead just to show that even if we are apart at that moment he is still paying attention and taking care of me.
And that's why every month we had a special date, we picked a day when we were both together and we went out to enjoy each other's company.
This was the last weekend of the race, we were in Dubai and it would be our last date of the year. I had chosen a green dress that looked like Tinker bell's, I had found it some time ago and decided to leave it for our last meeting of the year.
The podium today was Lewis, Charles and Max and with this last victory Lewis became 8 times Formula 1 world champion so it was another reason to celebrate.
Lewis had showered first so that I could have the bathroom to myself and put on makeup without him seeing me before I was completely ready.
As soon as I finished I looked at myself in the mirror once more and came out of the bathroom seeing my boyfriend sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room playing on his cell phone but he looked away from the screen as soon as he heard the bathroom door open and then smiled and stood up.
"Wow you look gorgeous."
"Thanks, you look perfect too." He smiles and holds my waist with his hands.
"Can we go? We have a lot to celebrate."
"We can."
We went to the restaurant he had chosen and made a reservation.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, it's this way." They led us to an outside area with a table just for the two of us which I thought was odd since we usually sat with the other people just in a more private corner to avoid people getting in the way.
"Are we sit alone today?" he pulled out a chair for me.
"Yes, why you didn't like it?"
"It's not that, I loved it, I just asked because you usually like to act normal and sit with everyone." He laughs.
"And I do but today I wanted to do something different since it's an important celebration."
"Absolutely, it's not every day that you become 8th time formula one world champion and breaking a record." I smiled at him who held my hand.
"Are you okay? You seem a little nervous."
"I'm fine yes just still can't believe all this happened today."
We ordered our food and had one of the best dinners ever, the night was beautiful with the star’s in the sky making everything even more perfect.
"Hey." He calls out to me and I looked up at him. "You are without a doubt the love of my life, I have never loved anyone the way I love you and I can't even imagine my life without you in it. Not many people can adapt with a hectic life like us driver’s and I thank you so much that besides you’re supporting me you are always there for me when I need you."
"Love you know I would do anything for you."
"With that said I want to ask you a question." I nodded and he reached up and took something from his pocket and knelt down in front of me. "Would you make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me?"
At this I started to cry and nodded my head in agreement.
"There is nothing I want more in the world than to be your wife." He smiled placing the ring on my finger and we both stood up and I slung my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. "Thank you for choosing me to be your wife."
"Thank you for choosing me to be your husband."
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram post
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Liked by @lewishamilton, @yourmom, @georgerussel and other 91727
Yourusername today the love of my life asked me to be his wife. I can’t imagine my life without you in it and I’m so grateful for you.
I can’t wait to be Mrs Hamilton.
Tagged: @lewishamilton
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sadesluvr · 4 months
College student femreader and janitor William..
William overhears reader in a heated argument with her bf who cheated on her and it ends with the bf throwing things around and yelling before storming off.
A/N: Thanks for being patient Anon! I wasn't sure what kind of req this was so it's only mildly suggestive. Fluffy! William, ig. Warning for abusive/angry behaviours.
Right off the bat, William knows that your boyfriend is an asshole. He's basically been everywhere on campus, so he knows what everyone gets up to, when and with who. It's not his place to say anything because he's just a 'lowly' janitor, but he's secretly been wondering about how you'd take the news. Of course, he cares about you, but once he's out of the picture he can have you to himself. After all, you're graduating in a few months, and he can quit his job to look after you...
"Who is she?" he hears you yell. The tone of your voice is undeniably filled with rage, but he can hear your words crack ever so slightly as they hitch in your throat. "Who the fuck is she, Chad?"
"No one, she doesn't mean anything!" the boy says. He can't see you, but he can see the scene playing out right in front of him, like some fucked up play. You're on the verge of tears, and he's nonchalant, like nothing ever happened. "She was just some girl on the cheer team..."
"So you're not even going to deny that there is a girl?" you scoff. "On the cheerleading team, of all things?"
There's a pause, and you shake your head.
"I knew something was up," you sniff. "You're hot one day, and cold the next. I'm fucking sick of it, Chad! Get the hell out of my apartment!"
"Woah, what?" the guy sneers. "Are you fucking joking me? I put all this time and effort into you and you're breaking up with me just like that?" he snaps. "Do I look like a joke to you?"
You're silent. He's never raised his voice like this before. William knows this, and he tightens his fingers around the base of his mop, blood coursing through his veins as his jaw clenched. He'd spear the bastard's eyes out if he had to.
"Don't you dare fucking treat me like a second option," he snarls. It's low and ominous this time, and William can hear his heavy footsteps pacing around the landscape of your apartment, the piercing sound of metal scraping against wood filling the usually quiet corridors. "I love you, and I'm the best thing that could ever happen to you. Don't you ever forget that."
There's a thud, and an object, likely a lamp, hits the floor. It doesn't stop there; paper, pens, books, even your remote, all flung across the room like they were nothing, neglecting the fact that these tools were what had once brought you together. William can hear you scream, straining your throat as you beg him to stop, seemingly to no avail until he decides to stop himself; barrelling out of your apartment door like a raging bull, leaving the door open and leaving you alone, exposed to the truth of what you'd laid next to most nights.
William peers in, and he can see you closing in on yourself, staring in disbelief at the mess around you. Anyone would be able to see you tremble; utterly in fear of just how quickly he'd switched his temperament. You look up, aware of the feeling of being watched, and you make a pained face.
"...I guess we disturbed you, huh? I- I'm sorry, I'll ---"
"It's not your fault," he says quickly and pointedly, blue eyes staring directly into your own. He wants you to feel every inch and gravity of his words. "You're better off without him,"
"That's what they all say," you chuckle defeatedly, slumping onto your couch. William took this as a sign to come in, and made sure he firmly closed the door behind him. It was just the two of you alone now, and he was determined to make sure it stayed that way. "Why are guys such assholes?" you continued, and William sighed.
"I wish I knew," he said, sitting on the armchair next to you. What made him swoon was how you hadn't even flinched at the action, when people usually wanted away from janitors as much as possible. You were truly made for him, after all. He cleared his throat, glancing down at you through his lashes, and cocked his head before he spoke.
"...I can assure you, I would never treat you that way, love," he hummed. "You're too much of a doll..."
His cock twitched slightly at the small gasp you let out, watching the way you licked your lips immediately after. Swallowing, you looked up at the older man with glassy eyes.
"Thank you..." you said softly. "I-I I really needed to hear that..." you chuckle, and your smile puts one on his. It would only be a few more months until he could have you for his own; to look after you in the way you deserved to be. He'd spoil you with roses, clothes, trips abroad...Anything and everything he could obtain, even if that meant having to murder your (presumed) ex, and the people around you. He wasn't just a janitor, you see, no - he was much, much more than he let on. But you needn't worry about that for now.
A smirk spread across his lips as he placed a hand on your shoulder, tracing small circles with his calloused fingertips.
"Why don't I help you tidy up?" he grinned. "I'm sure we can find ways to forget about him along the way.."
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hepbaestus · 1 month
Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun.
Day 1 of the Hideduo Kiss Week Event by LazyCat
Day 1 prompt: Kiss on the cheek
1.6k words|stardew valley au family fluff| no TW's apply|ao3 link
After a long day in the mines, all Fit wants to do is sit at the fire with his husband Pac and their three kids, Richarlyson, Ramón and Rosa. This is him doing exactly that and what comes after.
Fic under the read more
The sun set slowly as Fit was walking back to the farm from the mountains, having gotten up early to go mining for a quest put up by Shane on the questboard at Pierre’s shop. He was tired and he hadn’t seen Pac all day, both of them having important things to do, on and off the farm. Despite his exhaustion, he still felt like walking back to the farm instead of taking the rickety minecart that he had given away bars of copper, iron and gold to the community centre for its repair. He didn’t yet trust that it wouldn’t break down mid journey, so he took the scenic route; past Linus’ tent and the Carpenter’s Shop.
Pac, the night before, had insisted that he’d stay at the farm the next day, wanting to spend time with their sons Ramón and Richarlyson and daughter Rosa, wanting to get the new animals that they’d bought recently from Marnie to get acclimated to the farm. Fit smiled to himself, despite being the primary owner of the farm, it having been his grandfather’s before him, he would not have thought to try to acclimate the farm animals personally. He’d have just let them do their thing until they were comfortable enough for him to shear them or take their eggs. But that was very in nature for Pac, especially when he, while Fit went mining or to Calico Desert for the Skull Caverns, looked after their two boys and the newest addition to their family. Though that’s not to say that Pac didn’t also do those things, they took it in turns to go mining while the other spent time at the farm.
Reaching the northernmost point of the farm, Fit made a pit stop to the water bowl outside the house, refilling it with water from his watering can. It was a task that normally they’d let the kids do but Fit noticed it to be empty. He didn’t like their cat, at first; it being a mangy old thing that Ramón had fallen in love with when it had made its home underneath the covering over their small orchard. He ’d succumbed to the puppy dog look that his three boys pulled when he suggested moving the cat somewhere else. Having filled Katos’ bowl and emptied his items in their assorted chests, he headed into the house.
Their house was laid out in a pretty standard way, Fit thought, with the first room you entered from the front door being the living room with kitchen on the left, in an open plan design. On the furthest wall from the front door was a fireplace that he and Pac had built together, as the house when he first moved in had no central heating. It wasn’t built well, clearly having multiple repairs made to it over their time living on the farm but he loved it. It was a show of their love of their home. Of their life spent together.
Shouts too loud for the time it was could be heard from the armchair in front of the fire, followed by little footsteps that could only belong to his two sons. He crouched down, reaching their height as they bulldozed their way into his arms, feeling the full force of two young children slamming into his body.
“Well isn’t it good to be back home eh? I hope you boys have been behaving yourselves for your Pai,” Fit looks at the two boys in his arms, having stood up with a child in each arm.
They both nod before, in almost unison, rambling about what happened while he was gone, voices getting muddled as they spoke on top of one another. Fit nods as if he’s understanding the two, when in reality, their voices blend into one amalgamation that no one would be able to understand. The young boys don’t notice this however, both too engrossed in informing their dad of the day’s events.
He walks to where Pac was still sitting with their youngest child Rosa leaning on his chest, sleeping soundly. He gently lowers each of the boys back onto the armrests of the chair, ruffling Ramón’s wavy hair, knowing that it wouldn’t have the potential to badly affect the boy’s hair like it would Richarlyson’s tight, curled hair.
“Oi Fitchie. Tudo bem?” Pac talks quietly, aware of the sleeping toddler, eyes quickly taking in any visible injuries on Fit’s person. Fit smiles to himself at the action, feeling Pac’s love through his searching eyes. He had no injuries for Pac to treat but he allowed his husband to look for some anyways.
“Oh you know, the usual. Too many slimes and cave flies,” Fit reaches a hand out to cup Pac’s face before kissing his cheek, “I’ll let you continue the story while I shower and get ready for bed.” He emphasises the end of his sentence, knowing that his boys do not like the preemptive part of going to bed, but adored the actual act of sleeping greatly. Pac, as if their relationship was brand new and not several years old at this point, blushed scarlet at Fit’s action, still not fully used to the initially stoic man showing such affection.
He heads off to shower and as he walks away, he can hear Pac picking up from where he left off, midway through telling a story of an adventure of him as a teen with their Tia Bagi and Tio Cellbit. The trio were known as the ‘troublesome trio’ growing up, having grown up in Pelican Town unlike Fit.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Feeling fresh and mostly rested after his shower, Fit walked back into the living room to see Pac having finished his story with their two boys on the verge of sleep, resting their heads on his shoulders. Picking up Richarlyson softly, so as to not rouse him from his almost slumbering state, he leads Pac holding both Rosa and Ramón in his arms to the children’s bedroom. As the two boys were still young they shared a room while Rosa got the smallest room that connected to Fit and Pac’s room. Once the two grew older, they’d commission Robin to build another room in the house for whichever of the kids to move into.
Fit took off Richarlyson’s prosthetic, knowing the boy would be too drowsy to unhook the little bands and clasps, before tucking him into his bed. He also tucked Richarlyson’s hair into his bonnet, preventing the potential for his hair to frizz as he slept. His side of the room was a lot messier than Ramón’s, with a mural in its beginning stages being painted on one wall and paint supplies and sketches strewn across the floor. As Pac had told him once, if it had happened at the orphanage where he grew up, the culprit would’ve been forced to get rid of it themselves; sanding away the paint and giving the wall a fresh coat of whatever bland off-white they’d decided to paint that specific room.
To Fit’s right, he could see in his peripheral vision that Pac was doing the same with Ramón, tucking him in tightly and leaving a kiss on the top of his head before exiting the room. Fit followed after him, having leaned Ricarlyson’s leg against his bedside table so that it was in arm’s reach for when the child woke up. Ramón’s side of the room was no less messy, more it being an organised mess. He knew where everything was despite the numerous pieces of machinery he’d been tinkering with scattered across any available surface.
They go back to the lounge after having put Rosa in her crib, sitting together on the armchair despite them clearly not being able to fit comfortably. Speaking in quiet voices, they tell each other of their days; who they spoke to, what fofoca Pac managed to get and other such things. As they spoke, the crackles of the fire faded into background noise, the two solely focusing on each other with a slight ear out listening for the potential of Rosa waking up.
It’s late into the night when their conversation dwindles down, the need to sleep finally taking hold of their bodies. Pac kisses his cheek before lightly tapping his ass, signalling him to get up from his lap so that they could go to bed. It’s not a common motion for Pac to do, so it causes Fit to stutter and stumble slightly as he lifts himself from his husband’s lap and walks to their room, glancing briefly at all of the different adventures the family had been memorialised in a gallery wall.
Their room was decorated simply. With framed birth certificates for each of their children and the deed to the farm pinned to one wall. Their bed rested against another wall and was a successful experiment of Robin’s, and was kindly given to the pair as a wedding gift when she had heard Pac jokingly complain about Fit’s old bed. They walked to the bed, each choosing a side, before getting comfortable. They were both quite specific on how they slept; Fit needed flat pillows for he slept on his back, having needed to sleep that way when living in a rundown area of Zuzu City, and Pac needed fluffy pillows for he slept on his side facing away from the wall, needing to be aware of his surroundings at all times because of the hostility in the orphanage he grew up in. They fell into a deep sleep quickly, the events of the day fully catching up to the pair.
With the sound of chickens clucking and their other animals waking up, Fit rouses to a weight on his chest. Expecting it to be Pac, he rests his hand on their hair, only to feel the bonnet that he’d gotten Richarlyson to wear not even twelve hours prior. He lifts his head up slightly, looking to his side to see his position replicated but with Pac and Ramón, his heart warming at the sight. 
This was home, Fit thought.
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veeluvss · 6 months
✮⋆˙ christmas retreat
day 3 of 12 days of Christmas !
Elle x reader
1043 words
Elle takes you away for a Christmas holiday
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A few hours later, she began waking you up. She played with your hair and blew softly on your face making you giggle.
“Wakey wakey baby,” she muttered.
“Why?” You questioned. You were away on holiday, you didn’t want to be awake.
“We’ve got plans,” she said. “Plus it’s snowing.”
You gasped and jumped up. You adored the snow! You launched out of the bed and Elle just laughed as you went to the window and whipped open the curtains. Sure enough, snow was falling, settling a blanket of serenity across the view. Trees rose all around the cabin you were in and the snow was so pretty. It was as if a million tiny angels were flying down from the heavens.
“It’s almost as pretty as you,” Elle whispered, coming over. She snaked her arms around your waist and put her head on your shoulder. You smiled and tried to hide your blush as you stared, together, at the peaceful scene.
“Okay, are you sure you're ready to go?” Elle asked. You nodded and double checked your pockets.
“Awesome, let’s go.”
You headed out into the thick snow and laughed as Elle immediately groaned.
“It’s pretty but so impractical,” she muttered, locking the door.
“Yeah,” you said, not paying attention. You kneeled down in the snow and took a handful of it. You manipulated it into a tight ball as Elle began to turn around.
“Y/N…” she warned. A devilish smirk spread across your face as you threw the snowball towards her. It exploded as it collided with her chest and you laughed loudly. She gasped, standing there frozen in shock.
“Oh you’re going to get it now,” she smirked and began picking up piles of snow and just throwing them at you willy nilly. You howled as you ran away, into the trees, being chased by your snow covered girlfriend; who was shit at throwing snowballs.
After your playful diversion, you ended up in a sweet, log cabin cafe. You’d grabbed the best seats in front of the flickering fire and Elle was ordering you both hot chocolates and some mince pies. You loved this time of year. You piled your snow coat, scarf and other cold remedies onto the armchair and sat down on the love seat. You felt so at peace. Away from work, away from all the nasty criminals who didn’t take breaks for the holidays. Elle had made you save up your holidays for this week, she’d been planning it for a while. You felt like a princess.
The cabin you were staying at was the best holiday you’d ever been on. You craved comfort and warmth and even though you were surrounded by snow, having chunky blankets, gentle fires, hot cocoa, books, christmas films and the most amazing, cuddly girlfriend, made your soul warm.
“One hot chocolate for the baby,” Elle said. She handed you the mug, as big as your face, and you gasped. In a beautiful swirl on top was whipped cream covered in chocolate sprinkles, marshmallows and a small gingerbread man stuck out the side.
“This is insane!” you said.
“Only the best for you my darling,” she smiled and sat beside you. You blushed again..
“Thank you, baby.”
“You’re most welcome.”
You stayed in silence for a while, drinking your drinks and watching the fire burn away. Elle’s fingers brushed the outside of your thigh and you sighed contently.
“Angel,” she whispered. You turned your head to look at her, urging her to continue. “Do you ever think about marriage?” Your heart skipped and a smile emerged. You didn’t say anything for a few minutes, staring at her eyes and thinking about marrying her. How gorgeous she’d look in a dress, heading towards her as you walk down the isle. Feeling her lips on yours after you pour your hearts out to each other. Thinking about dancing with her all night long, hand in hand and spending the rest of your life with her.
“Do you?” she asked again, moving her hand to your hair. She turned, pulling her leg up so she was facing you properly.
“I do.”
“Geez, I only asked if you thought about it -” she laughed and you laughed too, noticing the pun.
“I do think about it. Regularly,” you admitted.
“Really? And you want it?”
“With you I do.”
“With me?” she blushed and you nodded, moving closer to her on the love seat. “You want to marry me?”
“I’ve wanted to marry you since the day I met you,” you replied, looping your arm around her waist. She didn’t sat anything. You put your head on her chest and joined both hands behind her. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer and you felt her kiss your head.
“I know-” she began then paused. You waited, feeling her heart pound in her chest. You lifted the edge of her top and began drawing small circles with your thumb on her skin. “I know this probably is awful timing and I will make ot perfect for you eventually but-”
“Spit it out Greenaway,” you giggled as she paused again. She hit your back gently and you smiled, looking up at her from her chest. She looked down at you.
“Will you marry me y/n?” You moved up and took her lips into a deep kiss.
“Yeah, yeah I think I will.”
You got your ring a week later and she asked you again. Christmas day you got matching jewlery set for the ring and she asked you again. The night before your wedding, she asked you again and when you reached the end of the isle and took her hands in yours, she asked again.
“I will marry you a million times over Elle. I love you, forever.”
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squirting-sub · 7 months
Spanking with an audience
My dom and I went to an all female party in a BDSM club. It wasn't explicitly a BDSM party, but due to the location it was implied.
Since it was my first party of the sort and our first party together, we weren't sure if we'd do anything except watch other people. For me, people watching is a turn-on, so since I was feeling good, I told my dom I'd be up for a public spanking session if she's comfortable with it. After some consideration, she decided she wanted to try it. We got our toys and headed for the X-cross, since we were both interested in trying it before. However, it was already occupied, so we went to another room instead.
It was a big, mostly empty room with multiple options for restraining subs. My dom chose a suspension bar. She kissed me, taking off the see-through black kimono I was wearing, leaving me in my black lacy underwear, black thigh-high tights held up by a garter belt, and black heels. She put cuffs around my wrists and attached them to the suspension bar so my arms were spread apart above my head and I was in a standing position. She kissed me some more, then walked behind me to remove the garters from my backside. She felt up my waist and kissed my neck, biting my shoulder, then told me to kiss her. I turned my head to obey while she groped my ass. Then, she started warming it up with lighter slaps with her hands.
She started the session with me facing the wall, so my ass was nicely on display for the audience that got attracted just after a few slaps as the spanks were very loud in the big room. Especially once my dom took out the long, split leather paddle we both like a lot. Each slap would echo in the room, and soon after starting the session roughly ten women were watching. I barely noticed them since I only saw them when looking over my shoulder at my dom.
Since it was our first time doing something with an audience she made sure to check up on me a lot. She'd take breaks to walk around me and kiss me or whisper into my ear, always asking if I'm ok and if she can keep going. When the first watchers arrived she whispered in my ear that people are watching. I kissed her and reassured her that we can stop any time if she doesn't feel comfortable with it, but she continued.
She worked her way up to harder spanks, getting my ass and thighs pretty red. She wasn't as rough as she usually would be when we're alone as the audience wasn't necessarily into BDSM and some women looked a little shocked at the intensity and left, which made my dom hold back.
Nonetheless, it wasn't so easy to stay upright in heels when she spanked the back of my thighs. Towards the end of the session, she told me to turn around to face the audience. I did like being watched, but actually seeing them made me quite shy. I got embarrassed looking at their faces and instead looked at the floor while she kept spanking me. Since it was the first time, she ended the session not long after reaching a level that made me struggle and cry out in pain.
However, it didn't take long for round two to begin. My dom wanted to be alone with me to fuck me as she's not comfy doing that with an audience. However, both private rooms were occupied so we ended up back where we started. Me with my hands tied above my head and her with the leather paddle, working my ass and thighs. This time, she went harder, actually making me struggle and getting more noises from me. When she reached the level that made me cry out, she'd comment "Ahh that's what I want to hear.". Her slaps were getting harder and they echoed in the room. Again, she told me to turn around and face the audience. My eyes fell on a middle-aged butch, sitting in an armchair right across from me. She was watching us intently, obviously turned-on and interested. At this point, my dom was going pretty hard. She hit the back of my thigh so hard it made whince, but didn't stop spanking me. Instead, she kept going even harder and faster, making me cry out more. This apparently was too much for the butch watching us, so she got up and left.
My dom told me to turn around again and asked if I'm satisfied or if I wanted her to keep going a little longer since my skin was already looking pretty rough. The audience turned me on a lot, so I told her to keep going. She slipped her hand into my string and felt my wetness, then pushed her fingers into me, fucking me. It was even harder to stay upright like that so all I could do was rest my head against her shoulder and moan. I'm guessing at this point the rest of the audience had already left. My dom pulled her fingers out and cleaned them on my thigh. I pouted, saying I would've cleaned them up for her. "I know. You'd love that, wouldn't you? That's exactly why I'm not letting you.". Then, she walked around me again to spank me some more. She kept hitting the same spots, making me whince and cry, which turns her on a lot.
Finally, she unhooked the cuffs from the bar, pushed me against the wall and fucked me right then and there. Noone was watching, but the thought of someone walking in on us and staying to watch turned me on a lot. Unfortunately, she didn't let me cum and also didn't allow me to put my kimono back on. So the rest of the night I was walking around in my underwear, my bruised thighs and ass on display for everyone. The garter belt really accentuated my ass, so I noticed women looking at it with interest, awe, or plain lust. It also caused my dom to grab my ass more. The next day she told me that I looked stunning and although she loves my ass and it always looks great, it looked especially hot framed by the tights, garters and my string so she kept looking at it as well.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 11 months
Power Play - Chapter 3
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AN: I hope you all enjoyed part two - here we go, into part three - two more parts to go
I’ve chosen the prompt Who is this... My lover, and as ever, big thanks to @buckybarnesevents for bringing us Hot Bucky Summer
Beta’d by @buckysbarne, who is the cutest and sweetest beta ever.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and banner by me
Master list | Hot Bucky Summer Master list | Chapter 2
Summary: After the revelation that you’ve been betrayed you take the final step towards your new life.
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Relationship: Mob! Bucky x Undercover Agent! Reader
WC: 2.4k
CW: Soft!Dark! Bucky, Canon Typical Violence, Angst, Alcohol consumption, Themes of betrayal, more kissing, Vaginal Fingering, Revenge, Russian Pet names as mangled by Google translate.
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This kiss was different from the other ones you’d shared with the mob boss. Previously, he’d been in control, even if gently, but it had never been a question. However, with this kiss, while he wasn’t submitting to you, he was happy to let you take the lead. Happy to let you use him to let out your swirling emotions.
You stood up, pulling him with you, the kiss never breaking. You devoured him and he did the same in return, heat building between you. You pulled your hands from his, one going to his hair, the other to his tie and you moved again, backing up until you were stopped by the wall of his office. The coolness of it made your heated body shiver against his, but still you continued to kiss him, no mere hunger driving you on, but an absolute greed for all you could take from him.
Bucky  smiled against your lips, and his hands started to wander, pushing up under your sweater to land on your hips, half over denim, half on your bare flesh. You pulled him to you, moulding your bodies together. You were engulfed by the kiss, by the passion that was gaining momentum at an alarming pace.
You were letting out breathy sighs and your hips were rolling of their own accord, rubbing over the prominent bulge distorting the fabric of Bucky’s suit. Bucky moved his right hand, deftly popping the button on the front of your jeans, and without preamble, sliding his fingers under the stiff fabric, under your panties and into your slick folds. 
With unerring precision he found your clit and you pulled your lips from his with an impassioned cry, your head resting against the wall behind you. Bucky’s lips trailed down your neck, much as they had when he’d woken you earlier on, providing two points of pleasure on your body. 
It felt so good.
Your breath came in strangled gasps, your eyes rolling back in your head as he brought you steadily towards orgasm. Everything was hazy, but amongst it all you heard Bucky’s deep voice, muttering in Russian as you trembled against him. You didn’t know exactly what he was saying, but you got the gist of it - praise and dirty talk. 
When his fingers slipped lower, pressing inside your wet heat, you keened. His thumb took over stimulating your clit as his fingers pumped and he raised his other hand to tenderly caress your cheek.
“That’s it, Pchelka. Let it out. Turn that hurt into something beautiful. Ya khochu uvidet’ eto. Show me, milyy. Show me how you look.”
Tears ran down your face and you didn’t know if you were crying out in pleasure or anguish, but at this moment it was one and the same.
Then you came.
“Bucky! BuckyBuckyBuckyBucky…” His name was like a prayer on your lips as the ecstasy washed over your body.
“Moya krasavitsa. Moya pchelka.”
He finally kissed you again, and you fell into him, your body boneless and spent. You registered the fact that he put your panties and jeans to rights, and then, unexpectedly he swept you up in his arms, moving back to the armchair and sitting down with you in his lap. His kisses continued, becoming gentler and slower until finally they stopped, and you let your head fall onto his shoulder.
However, it was hard to ignore how aroused Bucky was when his erection was pressing into the backs of your thighs, and you felt a flash of guilt. You tried to slip from his lap, intent on returning the pleasure he’d given you, but his arms just tightened around your waist as you tried to move, ensuring you stayed exactly where you were.
“No, milyy. Not yet. That was just for you, because it’s what you needed. You don’t owe me anything. Just relax. Having you here with me is all I need. In a few days everything will be in place. There’s nothing for you to do except enjoy yourself.”
You had to admit, it was nice to be feted and coddled, and have pleasure centred solely on you.
You could get used to this.
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For the next few days you were like a lady of leisure. Each morning, Bucky knocked on your door - the main one, not the connecting one - at 8.30am, inviting you to join him for breakfast. An hour later he’d give you a soft, lingering kiss before heading off to his office, leaving you to entertain yourself. 
One of his men, a tall, snarky guy called Sam, had been tasked with showing you around the house, pointing out the library, the home gym, cinema room and the way out to the hot tub and pool.
You made good use of each, taking the chance to relax more than you had in years - it was just like having a holiday.
But between all the lounging, the reading and the miles pounded on the treadmill was Bucky.
Sometimes you’d look up to find he’d left his office just to watch you. On some of these occasions, when you caught his eye, he’d join you for lunch, but on others he’d just smile, chewing on that damn toothpick, and then saunter back the way he’d come.
And then there were the moments where he’d do neither of those things. Where he’d come close, watching you with an intensity that made you shiver. Where he’d slide a hand up to cup your face and kiss you with a gentle ferocity, backing you up against the closest firm surface. Where he’d make you dizzy with his touch until you were clinging on to him, mewling and needy. 
He made no move to get you off and didn’t invite any similar touch from you. And you knew, as if there were some unspoken agreement between you, that you wouldn’t touch yourself in the privacy of your own room. 
Not yet.
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This went on for four days, until, on the morning of the fifth day, as you pushed away your plate after finishing another astounding breakfast, Bucky didn’t bid you good day, but instead invited you to join him in his office.
With you settled in the armchair once more he took up what you’d come to think of as his usual position, perched against the edge of his desk.
“It is time, Pchelka. The internal investigation into your disappearance  from the gala has been concluded. They’re certain that I killed you after I took you. Not surprising when they found a car that could be almost traced to me, burned out with a woman’s body inside.”
He saw your expression change to one of worried shock, but he was quick to placate you.
“Don’t worry. No-one was hurt. It was an unknown cadaver, appropriated to put this plan into action.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding and gave him a weak smile, encouraging him to continue.
“Of course, Walker bears no blame for the failure of the mission -  that has been placed solely at your feet, just as he planned. However, I don’t imagine it would look good for him if you were to suddenly turn up at the office, alive and well, with evidence of his disloyalty in your hands.”
Your smile broadened at that, the mental images of strutting in, as if from the dead, and then destroying the asshat who hadn’t cared what his machinations did to you, exciting you beyond what you’d thought you were capable of.
Had you always had this streak of darkness in you? Or had it been sown by John and his schemes, only to be further nurtured by the man in front of you? Either way, you could almost taste the sweetness of revenge.
You stood up, taking two steps forward to press yourself against Bucky, winding your arms around his neck and rubbing your nose against his.
“When do we begin?”
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Bucky’s car pulled up just down the block from the office that had been your place of work for five years. You stared out of the window and felt just as nervous now as you had that first day. Then it had been because it was the start of a new chapter of your life. Now, you were closing that chapter and heading towards a new one. You supposed you were allowed to approach it with some trepidation - that was not only sensible, but also natural.
Bucky squeezed your hand, breaking you from your reverie and you turned toward him.
“You’ll be fine, lyubimaya. I’ll be right out here waiting for you.” He dropped a kiss on the corner of your mouth and you squeezed his hand back. He was right. You could do this.
You got out of the car, and with your new Louboutin heels clicking along the sidewalk, you made your way to the doors of your office.
As anticipated, your appearance at the security desk caused no small amount of consternation, given the fact that you were apparently dead. It took about five minutes for you to hear the booming voice of your section chief.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
You gave him an enigmatic smile and stood up from the chair where you’d been waiting for him, smoothing out your skirt as you did.
“Good to see you too, Fury. Can we go upstairs?  I’m sure you’ve got some questions for me and I sure as hell have some answers for you.” 
The man ran his hand down his face. He’d seen a lot of things during his years, but this undoubtedly took the cake - you almost felt sorry for him, but this was the price he paid for not keeping his house in order.
You pretended not to see Fury’s raised eyebrow as you led the way to his office. You were done following. You also pretended not to see the shocked expressions, or hear the accompanying gasps from your former colleagues as they looked at you. The only person you met the eyes of was Walker.
He was standing next to his desk, phone in one hand, coffee in the other. You raised your hand, wiggling your fingers in a mocking wave, and couldn’t hold back your smirk when you took in his blanched face and the way that his coffee was now spilling out over the floor as he looked at you in disbelief.
You strode into Fury’s office, pulling the blinds shut before sitting down into the chair as the man himself shut the door, blocking out the rest of the office and the murmurs that were getting louder by the second.
“Where the fuck have you been, agent?”
You looked down at your polished nails. You couldn’t believe that Bucky had organised for a beautician to come in and do them for you.
“Recovering from my ordeal. I was set up.”
You returned your gaze to Fury’s and he raised an eyebrow at your statement.
“What do you mean?”
“My cover was blown before I even got to the gala. Barnes knew who and what I was the entire time.”
Before he could even question you, you pulled your phone from your purse, and pressed play on the recording that you’d downloaded to it. As he listened, Fury didn’t give away his thoughts, but you were prepared for a certain level of scepticism - you’d be suspicious in his place. Therefore, as the recording ended, before he could even open his mouth, you pulled out a flash drive and passed it to him.
“This has the original on. You can send it to the lab, check it, whatever.”
“You know that I’m gonna have to start another investigation into this matter, and until it’s concluded, you’ll be suspended?”
You placed your phone back in your purse and stood, smoothing your skirt once again.
“Don’t worry about that, Fury. I quit.”
He gaped like a fish but you spun on your heel and walked out of the office. You ignored his calls as they followed you through the office, but did waggle your fingers once again at Walker, who was now sitting at his desk, head in his hands.
When you exited the building your calm stride turned into a little skip, and you were beaming when you caught sight of Bucky leaning against his car, chewing on a toothpick. When he saw you, he flicked it away, smiled back and opened his arms.
You pressed right in, your head in the crook of his neck.
“I take it that it all went well, Pchelka?”
“It did. But all I want to do now is go home and start the rest of my life.”
Bucky pressed a kiss to your temple, then tilted up your chin with his index finger, dropping a second kiss to your lips.
“You bitch!”
An angry shout assaulted your ears and you broke away from Bucky’s kiss to turn towards it. 
Walker stalked down the sidewalk, fists balled at his sides and face red with rage. Hoskins followed behind, looking more worried than angry. Bucky eased you away from him, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Let me handle this.”
He stepped forward, confidence and raw power showing in every move. You hadn’t had the chance to really observe him like this, and a shiver of desire flashed down your spine, lighting up your core.
“Can I help you, gentlemen?”
“Keep your nose out of this, Barnes. My issue isn’t with you, at least not today. But she,” he jabbed his finger in your direction. “She’s ruined my career. I’m suspended. Without pay.” He looked around Bucky’s broad form to glare right at you, but you just smiled, coyly.
“Not bad for someone who should ‘stick to filing and looking cute’.” You smirked when you saw all the blood drain from Walker’s face for the second time in thirty minutes. You stepped up behind Bucky and placed your hand on his shoulder.
“Shall we get going? I remember you saying something about spread open and needy.” Bucky turned his head and smiled, only for the pair of you to be interrupted again.
“Are you his slut now?” Walker didn’t know when to quit and you decided you had to put him in his place.
“No, you ass. I’m no-one’s slut. But I will tell you who I am. I’m his lover. His Queen. And you’d do well not to forget it.” Bucky reached past you, opening the door to the car. You slid in, your mob boss following you, and as soon as the door shut, the driver was pulling away, leaving Walker and Hoskins in the dust.
As you cuddled into Bucky’s side, you couldn’t believe that only a few days had passed since you’d first met him, and your memories came flooding back in, in Technicolor.
Chapter 4
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @talia-rumlow @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel @kmc1989 @casa-boiardi
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epigstolary · 2 years
Too Much of a Good Thing
When you said I’d never have to lift a finger if I didn’t want to, it turned out you meant it literally. And now, I almost can’t manage even that much. In all the years we’ve been together, you’ve always been the sweetest, kindest, most attentive partner anyone could ask for. You’ve indulged, even anticipated, my every whim. The hundreds of pounds of blubber I’m buried under are visible proof of that. But I don’t know how much more of your love my body can take.
When we met, I was comparatively skinny. Not fat; barely chubby, even. It didn’t take long for that to stop being true. You doted on me with regular boxes of chocolate, romantic dinners out, late nights staying at the ice cream parlor near my apartment until closing, homemade baked goods and other treats delivered before our dates. I was so taken by all your affection and how much I was enjoying all the treats that I barely noticed what it was doing to my waistline. The new (bigger) clothes you consistently brought me helped with that, too; but there was a part of me that was enjoying it so much that I didn’t want to notice, either.
I won’t say things changed, but they definitely accelerated once we moved in together. With basically a 24/7 opportunity to see me, your flow of affection turned into a torrent. Now, instead of only getting spoiled when we were going on a date or hanging out together, I was the beneficiary of your generosity almost constantly. It went from being a little pastry with my coffee break or a special second dessert, to having something new to eat or drink every couple of hours or less. It started taking conscious effort to finish one treat before you appeared, smiling, with another. I hated to be ungrateful, didn’t want you to think I didn’t appreciate what you were doing for me, and so… I just kept eating.
Eventually, I got used to it. It became a habit to accept your regular round of indulgences without question. And I started looking like someone who was used to it. My belly got too big to fit into our compact car, even doing everything I could to press its pendulous weight down between my legs. My rump and love handles thickened and widened until the armchairs in our living room became impractical, comfortable traps that my girth would fill and overflow and be completely stuck in without help. My elbows and wrists disappeared under puffy sleeves of chub that I could feel wobbling with each swing of my now-weightier arms, trying to counterbalance the movement of my body from walking. I say walking; it quickly came to look more like I was barely picking up each of my blubbery, shapeless legs and putting it down a little ahead of where it had been before repeating the process with the other. Once you told me I’d run out of plus-sizes at our favorite clothing store, and I saw no signs that my ballooning would be slowing down anytime soon, I knew I had to say something
It’s hard to describe the few times I tried to rein you in as anything other than a disaster. Try as I might, I just couldn’t make you understand that wanting to slow down on all the special snacks and desserts and goodies had nothing to do with how I felt about our relationship. You said you did, of course, and tried to put on a good show; but eventually you started to mope and seem listless and look absolutely miserable. You hardly ate anything yourself. And for my part, having gotten used to the constant flow of calories and the dopamine hit with every new treat, there wasn’t much willpower left when I saw how hard it was hitting you. It never took long for me to give in, see the joy return to your face when you got to start filling me up with lavish indulgences again, and go along with it when you made a point of outdoing your past spoiling to make up for lost time.
Now that it’s so hard to move, it’s only gotten worse. You know I can barely get out of bed, and how tired I get those few times a day when I do. You’re always ready to make sure I have what I need so I, literally, never have to lift a finger or even ask for something I might want. It seems like every couple of minutes, you bring me some new treat, something else to snack on, another drink, another meal, another candy. There’s always more, right at hand, to keep shoveling in.
And there’s nowhere to go. These days, I can’t even reach around all the fat on my body. It just about fills the bed that used to be big enough for the both of us. If I could manage to waddle all the way to the front door, I’m not even sure I’d fit through it anymore. I can’t get away; so whatever you bring me, I eat it. And drink it. And chew it. And swallow it.
And enjoy it. And dread it. And crave it. And fear it.
I wish you could see with clear eyes what you’re doing to me and what I really need. I wish you could see that I’m way, way too fat for my own good. That you should be making me move and exercise instead of sit and eat. That I need you to make me diet instead of make me indulge. That every treat is a temptation, every snack a sap to my willpower, every meal a means to make it that much harder to ever go back. You’re loving me to death, and every new pound proves just how completely, thoroughly, smotheringly you love me.
It takes my breath away.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
I have this idea, you can completely ignore this by the way! Also I hope you had a great day today <3 make sure you take rest!
My idea was this, what would it be like Joseph Quinn dating someone who isn’t a actor/model? Like the reader just lives a normal life, being a vet etc. what would that be like?
Oh, I mean I think he'd quite suit it seeing as he's not lived in the limelight his whole life but would do anything to keep you protected and wouldn't want you in the public eye much - ummmm I LOVE IT
Thank you so much anon, my day got easier eventually :) ilysm!
Similar to my mini-series I wrote: 'Worlds Change When Eyes Meet'
A small, short imagine is screaming into this, I hope you love it! It'd break my heart for when Joe gets a girlfriend for her to actually go through this, but I've seen it happen with a lot of celebrities over the years.
Thanks for requesting :) x
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Joe loved having you as his girlfriend, he adored you and spoilt you in every way you had always deserved, but his main fear now that he was becoming more and more known to the public since the premiere of Stranger Things all those months ago and that your relationship was progressing further was that once you were known to the public, things may go down south.
He didn't want to let that happen, but he was always terrified of losing you almost because of the career path he'd chosen. You were once photographed around London together around a month after the premiere to which it caused a stir amongst a small dose of his fan base and the abuse you got online from people finding your social media was something that scarred you, especially when people go to extreme lengths with the death threats you began to receive, truly unbearable at times. That was just the start of it.
It was harder after Joe finally admitted in an interview that he was in fact in a relationship and had kept it private for a long time, even before his fame hit. Going from being a normal part of society to becoming headline news and being named as: "Joseph Quinn's secret lover." or "Joseph Quinn's dirty little secret." It would drive you mad. You'd go to your normal 9-5 job every day with harassment from strangers you'd never even seen before, hounded by paparazzi and people filming you secretly or at least watched by someone wherever you went, whether it be at the end of your shift or just walking along the streets, with or without Joe. Since he was put at the top, you were proud of everything he had achieved, but this was becoming a definite strain on your everyday life.
One particular night, Joe had come home to find you crying in your apartment you shared together, curled up in a ball on the sofa, clutching your phone in your hand as you scrolled through social media, sighting videos about you being made by crazy fan girls who clearly didn't want you around or the tabloids spreading lies about you two breaking up which also clearly meant they weren't out for Joe's true happiness either. He instantly fell to his knees in front of you and pulled you into him in an awkward position, but you welcomed it. He took your phone out of your hand, took a glance and threw it onto the armchair beside where you lay.
"Y/N, I told you not to delve that deep into stuff, it's all bullshit, it's all stupid, please stop looking at it, baby. I beg of you."
You sobbed your heart out, not a word could be brought from your lips, only muffled weeping noises jerked from your chest to your throat. Joe felt his heart breaking for you, he was learning to deal with the anxiety that stardom had brought, but you in a way, were still foreign to all of this.
"I love you so much, beautiful. Please don't let them win, please don't cry." His hand ran through your hair slowly as his other hand was wrapped around the top of your back, rubbing it to ease the severity of your upset.
"I don't want this to ruin you, to ruin us." Joe muttered as a single tear fell from his eye.
You looked up at him at the mention of ruin and managed to speak, the touch of your boyfriend slowly calming you down, nothing could bring you back down to earth more than your Joseph.
"Nothing could ever tear me away from you, Joe. But will it ever stop?"
He couldn't lie to you, he had no idea, but he could try and come up with a solution. "I'd like to think so, but maybe it will be something more of acceptance and ignorance eventually that will get you through it and eventually you won't care what people say."
You agreed as he planted a soft kiss on your lips, a small glimpse of a smile from the gesture. "You know I'll protect you from everything right? Shield you where I can, I'll never let anything, or anyone harm you as long as I'm around. They're only jealous that you've got what they can't have which you know, is pretty good."
He was completely right, cocky as hell sometimes, but right. You chortled at his smugness and playfully moved your hand out from your chest to hit his arm.
Before fame and after fame, Joe was still himself, his sweet, loving, funny and carefree nature that you'd come to fall in love with originally never ripped away by his breakout status.
You were willing to go through hell and back just to be with this man and eventually yes, your life did continue maybe a little differently to normal, with a few added unexpected extras in between but as the saying goes ignorance is bliss.
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a-whispering-echo · 10 months
I didn't know you wore glasses.
A Crust/CrossDust oneshot for my band au, where Cross didn't know Dust wore glasses
They're very gay.
This will be in the oneshot book that I'll post after the full fic is finished updating :)
Theres a bit that get a bit suggestive, so just a heads up, Cross is fantasising, but nothing happens any more pg than a kiss here :)
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and the Night Shard Crescents were taking a break from their busy schedule. Dust and Cross had decided to spend the day together at their shared apartment, enjoying each other's company and catching up on some reading.
As Cross lounged on the couch, engrossed in a book, Dust sat across from him curled up in an armchair, a novel in his hands. He had a habit of squinting slightly when he read, his expression one of concentration and focus.
Cross found himself stealing glances at the brunette every now and then, unable to resist the urge to admire his boyfriend. He loved the way heterochromatic eyes moved across the pages, brows furrowing in thought as he absorbed the words. He loved the way Dust's lips would sometimes curl up in a small smile or how he would chew on the end of his pen when he was engrossed in a passage.
But today, something was different. The blond noticed that Dust's squint seemed more pronounced, and there was a faint hint of a frown on his face. He wondered if something was bothering Dust, but he didn't want to interrupt his reading.
He didn't want to pry if Dust wasn't ready to share whatever was bothering him, so he decided to keep his observations to himself. Instead, he continued to feign interest in his book, while stealing glances at Dust every now and then, his concerned eyes hoping to catch a glimpse of what might be bothering his boyfriend - who kept fidgeting and occasionally rubbing his eyes.
As the minutes ticked by, Dust's eyes started to strain even more, and he found himself blinking rapidly to try and ease the discomfort. Eyes flicking up, he checked to see if Cross was looking at him, relieved to find him with his nose in his book, Dust took a deep breath and carefully reached for the drawer of the nearby side table.
The bassist's heart skipped a beat as he saw his subtle movements. Now, with his curiosity piqued, he continued to pretend to be engrossed in his book while carefully keeping an eye on his boyfriend. He watched as Dust opened the drawer of the lampstand, raising his head slightly to see what he was searching for.
His heart only continued to swell when he saw the guitarist take out a glasses case from the drawer. He had never seen Dust wear glasses before, and the realization that his boyfriend needed them for reading hit him like a sucker punch to the heartstrings.
Dust's face relaxed as he put the glasses on, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and Cross couldn't help but find the sight endearing. He watched as Dust's squint disappeared, honey-brown and ocean-blue eyes sparkled in relaxation behind the glasses. Seemingly, he believed he'd gotten away with his little secret.
He tried to push away his thoughts and be nonchalant about his revelation, but his mind kept flicking back to the image of Dust wearing glasses. He imagined reaching out and pushing those stray strands of hair away from Dust's face, tucking them behind his ear to get a better view of those beautiful eyes framed by the glasses.
'No, bad Cross, don't think about that, he clearly doesn't want you to know!'
But imagine him all flushed and pretty - blown-out eyes only looking bigger behind the lenses, as he stared up at the blond over him with adoration, as he whimpered, arms held pinned above his head by entwined fingers…
He quickly shook his head, trying to clear away the inappropriate thoughts.
'Focus, Cross, focus on your book. Stop daydreaming about your boyfriend in glasses.'
Every time Dust looked up from his book, Cross couldn't help but stare, captivated by the new sight. He found himself mesmerized by the way the glasses perched on the guitarist's nose, founding his face and making him look even more adorable than usual.
The brunette continued reading, seemingly unaware of Cross's internal turmoil. He occasionally adjusted his glasses, pushing them up slightly when they slipped down his nose. He found even those small gestures incredibly endearing.
Waking up in the morning with him sitting up in bed, glasses perched on his nose, his hair tied back and messy, the freckles that coated his face visible as he handed Cross a cup of coffee, his voice raspy with sleep as he muttered 'Good morning.'
The more Cross tried to distract himself, the more vivid his daydreams became. He imagined lazy mornings spent in bed, cuddled up with Dust, savouring the quiet moments before the world woke up. He pictured himself tracing the bridge of Dust's glasses with his fingers, leaving light touches on his cheeks, and feeling the warmth of his breath as they shared gentle morning kisses.
'Get a grip, Cross. This is not the time to fantasise about your boyfriend.'
But he couldn't help it. The image of Dust wearing glasses captured his heart, and he found himself falling deeper in love with the guitarist. It wasn't just the glasses; it was the vulnerability and intimacy of Dust sharing this part of himself with him, even if unintentionally.
As the afternoon sun began to dip lower in the sky, Dust finally closed his book, stretching his arms above his head in a contented yawn. He pushed his glasses up once more, the movement drawing Cross's attention yet again.
"Hey, Crossy, what you staring at?" Dust asked, catching the blond's gaze.
Cross quickly averted his eyes, feeling a blush creeping up his cheeks. "N-nothing," he stammered, trying to act casual. "Just lost in thought."
"Lost in thought, hm? What kind of thoughts you having that make you blush like that, huh?" The guitarist smirked.
"Oh, you know, just daydreaming about… stuff," he said, trying to play it off as casually as possible.
Dust raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Cross's flustered state, as he strode closer. "Stuff, huh? Care to share what kind of stuff you're daydreaming about?"
"Well, it's… um, you," he admitted, trying to avoid eye contact.
Dust's playful smirk grew into something much darker, a mischievous glint in his eye, as he got closer again, their noses almost touching. "Me, huh? What about me?" he hushed, leaning down, practically in his boyfriend's lap.
Cross's cheeks turned even redder, and his heart pounded in his chest as Dust got closer. He found himself unable to look away from the captivating gaze of those heterochromatic eyes behind the glasses.
"You look really good in glasses," Cross blurted out, unable to hold back the compliment any longer.
That gave him pause, as he blinked, reaching his hand up to trace a finger over his glasses, feeling slightly self-conscious. "Oh…I forgot I was wearing them, heh."
Cross gently reached out, taking the brunette's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers. "Don't be embarrassed," he said softly, bringing Dust's hand to his lips, leaving a tender kiss on his knuckles."You should wear them more often; you look gorgeous."
"I might if you keep looking at me like that."
Cross couldn't help but smile at Dust's response as he leaned in, unable to resist the pull between them, and pressed a gentle kiss to Dust's lips, conveying all the affection and admiration he felt for the other man.
Dust melted into the kiss, his fingers tightening their grip on the bassist's hand as he leaned in closer. The warmth of their embrace, the taste of Cross's lips, and the feeling of being cherished made his heart swell with love. The glasses on his nose bumped lightly against Cross's cheek, making him smile.
They broke the kiss but remained close, foreheads touching as they breathed in each other's presence. "Well, I'm glad you find my glasses so fascinating," Dust murmured, his voice soft and filled with affection.
Cross smiled, his eyes locked with Dust's. "I find everything about you fascinating."
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