#total drama dj x reader
justins-1-justan · 9 months
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Doing spooky activities with total drama characters!
It's spooky season! ^=^
Horror movies?
Hahahahah. No ♡
You both stay in and cuddle while watching the Simpsons Halloween specials while eating candy.
You also wear matching halloween pajamas!
The moon has long been in the sky this Halloween, younger trick or treaters had already gone home and the older ones which stayed were met by the cold autumn breeze. But bundled up in soft throw blankets, wrapped in each other's arms as the fire roars, is you and Dj. An old episode plays, you feel your eyelids grow heavy, you rest your head against DJ's shoulder as you slowly drift off to sleep.
You can probably already guess,
Of course you're both going to a Halloween party, if not throwing one yourselves!
Matching costumes!! This year you're the grim reaper and a ghost! Geoff is the ghost & you're the reaper ofc!
Laughter, music, and a cheerful energy paints the party. The flashing lights reflect in his blue eyes, he twirls you as the monster mash booms on the speakers. The two of you party all night, for a holiday that's supposed to be scary, it made such joyful memories.
You both scare the daylights out of trick or treaters.
Your job was to stand on the porch with the candy bowl, candy bowl which is filled with fun sized candy bars disguised as full sized ones.
Izzy's idea of course.
Meanwhile Izzy would hide in the bushes in her 'franken-izzy' costume waiting to jump out at trick or treaters.
You successfully made six kids, three teenagers, and one adult man cry. Congrats?
From your peripheral vision you can see a child in the horizon approaching, you stand in position on the porch. The child, dressed like a minion, steps onto the porch. Per Izzy's instructions you hand them the 'full sized' candy bar. They smile happily and thank you and then.... "BOOOO!!" Izzy yells out at the child. After causing the child to subsequently drop their candy, earning a glare from the child's parents, Izzy practically dies of laughter while holding onto your shoulder.
Hehehahaha, he took you a grave yard.
A grave yard.
The scheme is that you'll get so scared you'll fall into his arms.
.. Let's just say that doesn't go as planned.
The moon shines brightly down upon you and Scott walking hand in hand in this abandoned graveyard. Boredom creeping over you, an idea dawns. Holding back giggles, you loudly let out a piercing howl like scream, causing Scott to quickly jump and whip his head back towards you. He glares at you and let's go of your hand when he realizes you're fine, he continues the pace of walking you were formerly at, you quickly chase after him and grab his hand, giggling with murmurs of apologies.
Area fifty~one alien Cody~Clone from S3 EP15 & briefly S5 EP7!
Breaking him out of area 51 for the holiday wasn't as difficult as you would think!
After convincing the guards you were a trick or treater, they left to go grab something to give you, then you simply walked to where he was being held and busted him out.
Since he had been in a government facility for years, he's never seen a scary movie before! Oh no!
So you decided to take him to the local AMC and see the latest horror movie.
You bought him popcorn and a slushie.
The two of you sat in your seats, interlocking your hands as their movie starts. The first jump scare happens and instinctively, you grip his hand tighter. Only to hear him let out a whaling scream. You turn towards him and your face pales as your boyfriend's arm turn completely into green goop.
You both go pumpkin carving!
She carves a sailboat meanwhile you carve a classic jack o' lantern.
More matching costumes!! She dresses as a mermaid meanwhile you're a prince/princess!
The smell of pumpkin surrounds the kitchen you are both sat on the floor of, you look up from carving your pumpkin to see Bridgette dead focus on carving the perfect pumpkin, to the point she doesn't notice the pumpkin guts on her cheek. Giggling to yourself you wait for the next time she's turning her pumpkin around to scoot closer to her. You wipe the pumpkin guts off of her cheek, she turns her attention towards you for a brief second and you take the opportunity to sweetly kiss her cheek. Successfully catching her off gaurd.
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planetatlas · 10 months
~ Sanctuary ~ Duncan (TDI)
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Summary: You and Duncan are childhood friends. After Duncan leaves for the show he got cast on, Total Drama Island, all the both of you do is count the days until he gets home.
Content: Fluff, you patiently waiting for Duncan to come home, Duncan using his love for you as his coping mechanism for getting through the show.
A/N: I listened to Sanctuary by Joji the entire time I was writing this. Just a bit of childhood friends to lovers fluff.
It was summertime. Five year old Duncan was currently chasing a five-year-old (Y/N) through the park. The sun was shining, Duncan could barely hear the birds whistling and cars driving by over the wind rushing through his ears as he ran as fast as he could after you. “TAG! You’re it!” He screamed as he finally got close enough to slap your back lightly. He watched you turn around before he took off sprinting the other direction. You were getting closer, and closer, until your little hand began reaching for his arm. You were so close to touching him, just a little further and- 
He felt a slight poking sensation on his butt, then fully woke up when he felt something poke him in the nose. He grabbed whatever was poking him before standing up and snapping it in half. It was a stick. The other members of his team were using a stick to wake him up. He was more than a little irritated, as not only had he warned them not to wake him, but they also used a stick and poked him instead of just shaking him or yelling or literally anything else. On top of that, they interrupted a dream of a fond memory he has of when you two were children. It was the day you two had met. As he demanded an explanation and then proceeded to teach his team how to win dodgeball, you stayed in the back of his mind. He wondered if you were watching him right now. 
You watched as Duncan led his team to victory in the dodgeball tournament, this episode’s event. You laughed quietly to yourself at the fact that he managed to turn the tournament into a game of one-sided prison dodgeball. You felt slightly bad watching the other team get demolished, but you were happy for Duncan for winning that episode. As it ended and you turned your TV off, you bid your parents goodbye as you grabbed your things and headed to your room. As happy as you were that Duncan was offered such a big opportunity like this, you also felt lonely. It felt a little selfish, but you missed Duncan a lot. He was basically the only person you talked to, but you tried to keep yourself occupied by talking to and hanging out with your other school friends. You just wished you could communicate with him and see how he was doing. The show he was on looked a little brutal, and you couldn’t help but worry about his well-being. 
This place was starting to get to Duncan. He didn’t show it outwardly, but it was starting to drain him and he felt like he was going insane. He knew the viewers of Total Drama Island probably believed it was all for show, but this show was actually physically dangerous sometimes. The only thing that kept him sane and determined was counting down the days until he got to go home, to you. He sat on the steps of his cabin and watched as everyone mingled about since this was one of the rare moments the cameras weren’t stalking them and they got to hang out together freely. That was another thing that got on his nerves, the constant invasion of privacy. It was all stacking up and causing him way too much stress to be normal. Courtney walked over to him and asked if he was okay, but he shrugged her off, giving her the excuse of being tired and not in the mood to socialize. That was partly true, he only really wanted to socialize with you at the moment. He wondered what you were up to, how you were doing, what you had been doing since he’d left. He wished you were here with him. He then thought about his “relationship” with Courtney. The producers, directors, and Chris thought it would be a great idea, as it would bring in more publicity and spice things up, but Duncan found that he just could not make it real no matter what. However, he knew exactly why he couldn’t feel for Courtney romantically.
She couldn’t compare to you in his eyes. You were the one who held his affection, no one else. 
You were sitting in bed, watching YouTube on your laptop. You were having trouble paying attention though, as your mind wandered to Duncan again. The episodes of Total Drama Island were getting more and more shocking and dangerous, and it made you wonder just how much of it was fake. Surely they wouldn’t knowingly endanger several minors to this degree, right? You were just glad that Duncan has made it this far unscathed. It reminded you of when he’d get into fights or hurt himself doing something stupid and you’d be there to patch him up, like always. The distance and inability to contact him was starting to weigh on you a little. You really missed him, but at least you got to see him and hear him talk, even if it was through a TV screen. You were grateful for this, as he wasn’t afforded the same luxury with you.
Duncan laid curled on his bunk, one of your hoodies tucked into his chest. He’d made sure everyone else was asleep before bringing it out, he didn’t want anyone else to get a hold of it, much less know about it. They had done the “Phobia Factor” episode today and it took a lot out of him mentally. Initially, he was scared stiff at the mere idea of hugging a Celine Dion standee, but when he got up to it, memories of you and your comfort gave him the courage to go through with it. Before he hugged it, he just remembered the times when he’d freak out if you two passed one when you were out together, and you would tease him for it. However, when the nightmares would come the night after you always comforted him through them, not a hint of teasing or judgment to be found. He breathed in the smell of your hoodie, which was lavender laundry detergent. The moonlight was shining through the window, hitting the object in his hand perfectly and giving him full visibility to it. It was a locket, to which you had a matching one, with a photo of you in it. As time went on, he felt as though this show was as bad as juvie, with no contact with you. He was grateful he was able to bring your hoodie and the locket this time, since he couldn’t have them in juvie. As he considered it, he’d probably want the items here instead as sometimes this place felt more traumatizing than juvie. The lavender scent from your hoodie lulled him to sleep that night, unaware of someone who happened to catch a glimpse of what he had been holding. 
You were struggling to sleep that night. You kept reminiscing on memories of you and Duncan. They were brought up when you watched the most recent episode of TDI. The fact that Duncan actually admitted to his fear of Celine Dion music store standees and had to hug one was hilarious to you. You remembered all the times he would jump when you would pass them, and then you would remember the many nights you had comforted him after a nightmare about the stupid things. It may be a silly fear, but you never looked down on him for it. It was just a part of who he was, and you took it in stride along with everything else. It didn’t change your perception of him, he was still the same guy you loved with all your heart. You then began to wonder about the romance he seemed to have with Courtney. You wondered if it was just some random romance for publicity or if it was real. It looked real enough, but something felt off. Maybe you just knew Duncan too well and could tell when he was acting or wasn’t being sincere about something. You hugged your plushie to your chest, trying to ground yourself and distract your mind from the topic. As you hugged it, you thought about how you got it. It was a plushie Duncan had won you at a carnival a couple of years ago. It was cheesy, just a stuffed rabbit, but it was special. It was the first thing he’d ever gotten you. Whenever you had to be separated from him for a while, or even if the smell would just start to fade, he’d spray his cologne onto it. It was subtle, but it smelt like him. Everything about him smelt like it; his room, his clothes, even his shampoo and conditioner came in the same scent, but it was his and it comforted you. You reached over and opened your matching locket to see the photo you had taken of him one day when he wasn’t paying attention. You fell asleep with the locket still clutched in your hand, which your parent took and put back on your nightstand before turning the lights off when they came to check on you after seeing your light still on. 
Harold, DJ, Geoff, and Owen snuck into the Killer Bass cabin after seeing Duncan walk into the cafeteria hall. They dug around Duncan’s bunk for a moment before DJ pulled out a plain black hoodie. “It smells like lavender,” he informed the others as they gathered around to look at it. Harold then brought up the point, “I mean it’s just a plain black hoodie but I don’t think he’s the kind of guy to use lavender laundry detergent, and it’s weird that we’ve never seen him wear it,” the other boys murmuring in agreement and confusion, wondering why Duncan would have such an item and not wear it. “Look guys! Check this out,” Geoff alerted before pulling a locket out of Duncan’s pillowcase. Owen opened the locket before gasping in surprise. The other boys gathered around and saw a photo of a person in it. They began to question who it was and if they were the reason Duncan wouldn’t pursue Courtney romantically outside of camera view. Then they heard the door slam open. Everyone screamed when they saw Duncan, who looked like he was about to explode. Needless to say, they didn’t attempt to pry into Duncan’s life and warned everyone else not to either, but they didn’t tell anyone what they saw. They felt it was personal and believed it should be Duncan's choice whether or not to talk about it.
You were watching the newest episode of TDI with your friends, just talking amongst yourselves when you weren’t glued to what was happening on screen. One of your friends asked you how you were doing with Duncan being gone for the show for so long, and you admitted that it had been a little difficult but you were grateful to them for helping you and keeping you busy. They began teasing you for having a crush on Duncan, saying you were “so in love”. You just rolled your eyes but you kept watching the TV as your eyes would stay glued to Duncan. One of your other friends then asked how you felt about his romance with Courtney, to which you responded saying it didn’t bother you that much seeing as how you weren’t dating and he could make his own choices. You didn’t admit that it did make you quite jealous, as you didn’t feel like it was your place to be.
It had been months since he started TDI. So many people had gotten sent home, and finally, it was his turn. He made it to fourth place, he wished he could’ve won but it’s better than nothing. He was more than a little annoyed when he was brought to Playa Des Losers after being eliminated and seeing how much better it was than Camp Wawanakwa. Despite that, he was trying to enjoy what little time he had there. Since he was fourth, only three more people needed to be eliminated before they all went home which wouldn’t be long. Courtney did approach him at one point, talking to him normally before asking if he wanted to make their romance on the show real. He turned her down politely, stating that he already had feelings for someone else back at home. She inquired if they were dating and if the kiss they shared on the show counted as cheating, but he told her you weren’t dating but he still did it just for the show. She understood, turning to walk over to Bridgette and Geoff sitting by the pool. His mind then swarmed with thoughts of you. He was still counting down the days until he could see you again. The thought of seeing you made his entire body buzz and fill with warmth. 
Seeing Duncan get voted off did sadden you a little, but you were also growing more excited by the day. Duncan came in fourth, which meant the show would end soon. Soon, he’d be back home, back in your arms. You could hardly contain yourself as the days passed by and the show finally ended with Owen being the winner. 
The day of his arrival was finally here and you couldn’t stop bouncing with excitement. You’d been anticipating this for so long. You watched as the plane landed, he’d texted you when the boat brought them back to the mainland telling you he got soaked and had to change before the flight. You laughed at that, and continued to wait patiently. Finally, the plane landed and the contestants began filing out. You stood there anxiously, searching for the green mohawk you’d missed. You noticed a few of the guys from the show do a double take when they saw you, but you figured they just had you confused with someone else. Finally, he came out of the loading dock and when he saw you both of you froze. You didn’t know what to do, you were so overwhelmed with excitement and shock and happiness that your brain stopped functioning for a minute. It seems like his did as well. 
When Duncan exited the loading dock and caught sight of you, it felt like time froze. To him, no one else existed at the moment, and how could they when you were finally in front of him? After a minute he shook his head to clear his thoughts, vaguely taking notice of the other former contestants staring at the both of you, but he didn’t have time to process it as he lunged at you, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged him back just as tightly, jumping up as he reached you and wrapping your legs around his waist. His arms flew behind your back and pinned you to him, squeezing so tightly you would think he was trying to suffocate you but you didn’t mind. You two stayed like that for a while before releasing your hold on him and dropping back to the ground. You grabbed him by the hand and said, “Let’s go get your luggage and go home.” All he could do was nod dumbly like a lovesick puppy as he followed you to baggage claim. 
You and Duncan were in your room, laying on your bed with you slightly leaning against stacked pillows and Duncan laying on your front with his head on your chest and your arms around his back. Duncan had music playing softly on your TV, and you were just basking in each other’s presence until Duncan let out a quiet hum. You nudged him to question what he was saying, and he brought his head up to rest his chin on your chest, looking you in the eyes. 
“You know the thing with Courtney wasn’t real right? None of it was.” he questioned you. 
You replied, “Of course I did. I know you well enough to know when something is off,” rolling your eyes at the end. 
Instead of a snarky reply, Duncan simply looked at you thoughtfully. He looked like he was gathering his thoughts and figuring out what to say before opening his mouth. “The fake romance with her did make me realize I need to admit something I’ve been hiding for too long.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“That I’m in love with you. The distance and not being able to talk to you or see you didn’t help either.”
You stared at him wide-eyed, mouth slightly open with shock. He watched your reaction for a moment, before disappointment crossed his face and he went to speak again before you stopped him. “Before you say it, don’t be sorry because you didn’t make anything uncomfortable. I’ve been waiting to hear those words for so long.”
He looked shocked for just a second before soft warmth filled his eyes. “Well if I knew you’d been waiting I would’ve told you sooner. In that case, would you go out with me? And do me the honor of going on a date this weekend?”
“Absolutely, I’m all yours,” you smiled gently as you responded to him. He gave you a content look before laying back down onto your chest, beginning to doze off as happiness and love filled his body. He felt like he’d been waiting for this forever, been waiting to be here. He’d been waiting to come home, to you. 
His sanctuary.
A/N: I loved writing this one, it's just so adorable to me. Feel free to request anything!
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tdinyomomma · 10 months
Total Drama Island! x Reader
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This is total drama island with you in it! You didn't know that this was a reality tv show when you signed up for it, Your sister had you make an audition tape but thought it was for a movie. Not a lead roll or anything but it was something that sounded fun. Now that you're stuck in this you decide to win it. Will someone ruin that chance? Will that someone be a love interest? Find out on... Total Drama Island!!
[Name] [Last Name]
Age: 16 Pronouns: She/her Clothes: black crop top, midi Jean shorts, black sneakers, and a light pink belt. Body type: yours Hair type: yours Height: (only one that might not be yours) 5'5
This will be off of the Total Drama series I don't not own anything except for the differences I make and even then I don't really own it!
Later down the road I'll decide who you end up with this is kind of looking like a Gwen x reader. But if that gets over ridden I might change it.
I don't really want to do a Duncan x reader though. I love him but eh. I was thinking maybe Courtney, Cody Or Heather.
If you want to request an imagined comment or privately dm!
1. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 1
2. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 2
3. The Big Sleep
4. Dodge Brawl
5. Not Quite Famous
6. The Sucky Outdoors
7. Phobia Factor
8. Up The Creek
9. Paintball Deer Hunter
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dozing-marshmallow · 9 months
Dawg…..i NEED NEEED NEED more of Chris Nibling with the other campers please 🙏 🙏
You ask, you shall receive ;D
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“Where did I leave it...?” The pretty blonde girl wondered around the campsite one day, in search of something. She finds you sitting in your beach chair and the missing item fades from her priorities,“Oh! Evening (Y/N)! Woah...you look tinier than I remember...” 
“Huh?” You look up at her. Did her mind go on holiday again?
“Yeah! You’re like a little kid, I’m surprised they let you on the show!” She blurted out. Yep, it has.
“That’s because I am a kid! Not a little one.” You proudly remind her,“A little kid wouldn’t own a makeup kit now, would they?” you held up the one you found to her, not knowing it was hers, let alone what she was searching for until she squalled.
“Omg!” She plucks it from you, her long hair shimmering with the sun,“Thanks (Y/M)! You’re like my Santa’s little helper! Oooo! Have you ever tried this stuff?” 
“The makeup?” You tilt your head,“Isn’t it for adults?”
“It’s for everyone!” Lindsay averred,“Oh, it’s a must! Makeoveeer!”
The idea startled you,“I don’t know... Uncle Chris might not-“
“Ohhh we’ll be fine! He’ll totally change his mind after seeing it!” She was very certain, which could either mean it’ll go exceptionally or horribly.
Only one way to find out.
"So lucky!” She holds your jaw up,“You're still at that age where you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want!”
"Huh? Can't you also eat whatever you want?" You asked your beautician of the day, unaware of adolescence’s side effects.
"I caaaan't! Too many carbs and butter tarts is bad for you!" She complained,"You break out into hives, grow hair everywhere and get taller...!"
“Eww!” you pull a face of repulsion,“I can’t imagine what you’re going through! It sounds so hard!”
"As Buddhism says, it's a part of life if you wanna keep tanning." A breath of sorrow, she searches her bag,"Okaay... Um, let's start off with the foundation!"
You watch her squirt some of this skin matching liquid on her blender,"Do you know what you’re doing?”
"Sure I dooo! But I bet you didn't know that when I was eleven, we had this charity called something Foundation visit us at school and they weren't even about make up!” She begins to dab it on your cheek,“So glad I exposed those con artists in front of everyone! What kind of charity deceives people like that?"
Uh huh...
"Eyeliner time!" She declares, hoarding the blender back into her kit.
You didn’t recognise what “eyeliner” was until she took it out, a pen looking thing,“Ohh I know what that is! My uncle uses that all the time! I always thought the way he did it looked creepy.”
“Uncle? You...have an uncle?” She repeated wide-eyed like the term was foreign.
“Ohhh right!” Her mind brought back to the minimum work,“That’s where I know you from!”
Having that needed to be recalled, you were kind of getting scared about what was she putting on your face.
“Let’s add a beauty mark therrrre! And you’re done!” She takes out her mirror and holds it in front of you,“Tadaa! What do you think?”
“It’s the wrong way, Lindsay.” You lightheartedly inform her.
“Oops! Sorry!” She flips it around, and you see the final product at last.
You gasped... 
Maybe it’s because you were inexperienced with makeup, but in your eyes, Lindsay was phenomenal, the very best: the shine on your nose and correctly placed pastels were all so glamorous to your young mind, you felt guilty for ever doubting her. She knew what she was doing!,“I love it! I love it, I love it, I love it! I look like those models Uncle Chris talks to sometimes! I don’t think I ever wanna wash my face again!”
"You're welcoooome!” The “dumb princess” chimed, twirling her finger around a strand of her hair,”Still think he won’t like it?”
Absolutely not! Maybe if he likes it enough, you could convince him to replace his current make up artist with her! Fingers crossed!
Hearing DJ, you jump into a non-lethal bush and waited until he was in your peripheral vision to grab his attention.
“Thought I heard you (Y/N)!” he warmly came over to you, used to your ways of a child,“Everything alright with you?”
“Yep!” you emerge, lifting your head up to make eye contact with the tall jock,“I wanted to know if...you wanted to feed the squirrels with me.”
“Aw, I’d love to-“ He paused. He had to remember that this adorable child was related to Chris,“Count me in!”
"Yay!" You pull onto his large hand and led him into the woods. Seeing a family of squirrels, you lean on a log and pass him your spare bag of nuts. While you waited for the bushy tailed rodents to warm up to you, DJ had a very serious question to ask.
“What’s the name of your teddy?”
Oh man! You were going to miss him so much when he goes,“Mrs Maple! She was there for me since day one! Chris got her for me.”
He takes a second to appreciate your innocence, connecting the story to his relationship with momma,“You really love him a lot, don’t you?”
You made a fuss from his imprecise words,“Mrs Maple is a girl!”
“I know that! I meant Chris.” Now they were precise; even at your error, he managed to not raise his voice if it meant the feasting squirrels could continue entrusting their vulnerability to the both of you.
“Ohh! Yeah, I love him a lot too! He’s on my top ten favourite people list(and so are you)! There’s no uncle in the world I would trade him for.” You exclaimed, goodbye-ing the squirrels in your thoughts,“Aww...”
Luckily, you weren’t left alone by nature’s animals for long; something further away moves into your sight, slow and mature. You excitedly point it out,“DJ, do you see that? There’s a moose over there!”
And he returns the excitement, by picking your smaller body up and sitting you on his shoulders. Woah! You’ve never been this high before! “Let’s get a closer look! Moose are also friendly.”
With his hands secured around your legs, you spread your arms out, mimicking an airplane,“Weeeee!”
Another session of free time led the campers to be diffused everywhere on the island, so there were very few people in the mess hall- such as Harold, Leshawna, and yourself, who was playing uno with Duncan. The stack was currently a green 8, like his mohawk. It’s Duncan’s turn and he takes a pause, before smirking.
“Two plus six makes eight...” he places down two cards at once, a blue two and a blue six.
This boils you to take discipline,“Pick up two cards, Duncan! You can’t do that, that’s cheating!”
“No it’s not!” He revolted back.
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!” you huff,“Chriiis!”
Having being called, your uncle gets up from where he was sitting and comes behind you,“What’s the problem?”
“Tell Duncan he can’t do that!” You demand, throwing a finger at the smug juvenile delinquent.
Chris complies to your exact words, by repeating in a dull tone,“Duncan, you can’t do that.”
“Aww come on, dude! You should’ve seen what I did! Look and decide as the host if it’s fair.” He gleefully folds his arms.
So Chris does and whether it was so he could see you irritated or that he genuinely liked what Duncan pulled, he approved of it.
“Hah! Sorry smarty pants!” Duncan laughed in triumph at you gritting your teeth,“Looks like you’ll be the one picking up two cards!”
You throw your deck at him,“No I won’t, because I quit!”
“Aww, is someone mad they couldn’t handle my genius?” He derided, resting his face on his palm, monobrow wiggling.
“Shut up, cheater!” You stuck your tongue out at him,“Cheater!”
So annoying!
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ezekielsuperfan · 2 months
IM SO NERVOUS this is my first time requesting anything😰 buttt (if you do headcanons) can you do a dj x reader where the reader is basically meeting dj's momma and basically what would happenn (arghhh my hands are shaking idk what else to write)
Ahh don't worry anon! I'll be happy to take your first request!! <3/p
Assuming this is romantic, but if not I'll happily correct it for you lovely! Reader is also gender neutral!
I apologize for it being so short!
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DJ x Reader HCs - meeting his Momma
Oh boy, DJ is more than excited to have you meet his momma.
And honestly... He asked at some random time of the day.
"Hey, Y/N! I've been meaning to have you meet my momma!"
And of course, you couldn't say no. You understood how much DJ's momma meant to him, so this was just another big step in your relationship.
Practically the whole way there, DJ was rambling about all the 'wonderful' things she'd done for him as a child, and even now.
DJ's momma was strict and you knew this, but nothing was going to stop you from showing how good of a partner you could be for him.
When you first met face to face with her, she seemed a little skeptical, but perhaps she was like that with everyone?
The whole time DJ would rave to the two of you about each other, it got a little intense.
"Y/N is amazing! I love everything about them, their always kind and they love animals just like I do, momma!"
"Y/N, you can thank my momma for shaping me this way, perfectly for you! Thanks mom!"
Honestly, for you, it was hard to focus on all of what DJ had said since momma seemed to keep her eyes on you the whole time he spoke, only breaking it to reply to DJ occasionally.
DJ seemed oblivious to the whole matter, you just began to assume it was normal...
It began to get a bit difficult to tell if she had been judging you or not, good or bad.
squinting her eyes, scanning you for awhile.
Afterwards, you still felt uneasy, you all said your goodbyes.
But... before you left, momma reached up and pinched your cheeks, then gave you a big hug.
"Oh, Y/N. It was a pleasure meeting you."
That went well.
Now you know the next time you come over, you shouldn't be seen as a burden.
༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧
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writerofadream · 6 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
Chapter Two: Meet the Stars
TDI! Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader
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Duncan and you had been separated for around three hours now, you had both on seperate boats and you were aleady getting twitchy. You both had brought a total of four things from juvie, as well as two confiscated items of yours. Duncan had bought his switchblade, a handheld pistol, a bracelet, his meds, a picture of his mom, as well as a small heart locket that held a picture of you when you were around nine.
You had bought a handheld pistol, a dagger with your initials on it, a locket that had a picture of Duncan in it, a picture of seven year old Duncan and you, a deck of cards, and lastly a lighter.
The older boy had been furious when Chris informed you that neither of you would be on your meds for this little 'expedition.' and by furious I mean, had quickly shoved Chris into a wall holding a knife to his throat. "I can deal without my shit. But unless you want a fucking wild animal released she get's her shit at least once a week got that, asshat?" Duncan hissed. Chris's eyes flickered towards you, as you took a selfie of the two while doing a piece symbol with a large smile.
You were crazy.
He loved crazy.
Crazy made money.
Chris didn't want you on your meds. His exact words were that you were "So much more fun without them!" he didn't seem to mind the fact that Duncan had shortly thereafter had shoved him into a wall and put his forearm to his neck. "She's going to get her meds, at least once a week, every friday, got that?" he had whispered. "You know what that's a great idea. She'll have this strange contradicting personality, people will think she's crazy!"
Chris truly, loved an insane idea.
You had leveled the gun at his head in record time, your phone gone in a flash. "Don't, call me crazy." Your voice was shaky.
"If you say so scorpion. Let's get a move on!" Chris smiled patting your shoulder as he quickly got guards to seperate you and Duncan both. Now you were on a boat on your way to an island which sure looked nice from the picures.
The medicine you took kept you steady, kept you from losing your cool on everyone around you. It kept you sedated, calm, cool, and collected. Without you turned into an injured animal that had just been cornered.
Wild, rabid, and feral.
So that was the deal, you would get your meds every friday because then you'd have a confusing contradicting personality which would get viewers intrigued and therefore more money!
The weekend after Chris had picked you up, he had seven armed guards seperate you and Duncan and put you on two different boats. Duncan had yelled for a long time and eventually got three of his guards down. You had broken the finger of a guard that had grabbed your shoulder and had broken the shin of one of the others.
You were staring at your hands by the time you felt the boat hit the dock slowly. They were already shaky. Your eyes flickered upwards and your stomach was quickly full of dread. It was a dump, the island, was an actual god forsaken waste of space. You jumped off the boat not bothering to find the ladder.
"Here she is, Y/N our resident scorpion." The insane TV show host yelled from his post on the dock. Your eyes flickered quickly around the island, at least what you could see. A pit formed itself in your stomach. "This was not what we were told, Mclean. I don't like being lied too." You nearly screeched at him, you were seething with anger.
"Oh I know princess. Your parole officer told me about that. She also told me to tase you and bring you back if you started making a fuss." The psychotic man smiled at you. Duncan watched you wearily from his spot on the dock and noticed your stance.
Hands clenched, body tense, eyebrows furrowed, eyes slitted, jaw set. Yes, all the looks of a L/N, ready to pounce.
Suddenly before you could jump there was arms around your shoulders and hands around your waist. "Scorpion, you better put that tail of yours down. I'm too pretty to die!" Chris giggled as Duncan dragged you away.
He grabbed your waist right before you could jump at the TV host. "Hey, ain't worth it, Y/N. We both know it." He hissed in your ear and gently threw you into the group of people. You sighed your body untensing and your fingers found his.
You stared at the people around you. A pretty blonde with a surfboard, a goth-chick who was fine as hell, a girl who clearly looked like she got everything she wanted, a girl with brown hair that seemed nice enough, a buff girl in a blue outfit, a girl with a shit ton of additude, a set of girls you would've thought were twins, a dude everyone thought was fine (you didn't see it), a tall chubby blonde boy, a nerdy looking redhead, a kid who was clearly homeschooled, a short boy who was looking at the goth chick with a huge smile, a dude who clearly played the guitar, a sporty dude, a blonde muscle-boy with a hat, and lastly a goody-two-shoes who was cute.
Suddenly you heard a loud yell and saw a flash of redhair hit the dock. Courtney ran to grab the girl out of the water. "She could be seriously injured guys." She scolded your group.
"If she thinks a concussion is a serious injury you've never actually been hurt have you?" Duncan laughed and honestly you had to resist the urge to giggle as well.
A chance of 100,000 dollars, and the ability to fuck around with some assholes?
This is going to be the best couple weeks ever.
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
DJ making out headcanons + reader who leaves hickeys? maybe? -👻 (also, it's very obvious who my favorites are LMAO)
making out with dj hcs!!
he is entirely fine with pda but he's not just going to make out with you in front of everyone
so if you're not making out in private, he insists on doing it somewhere that people aren't going to see you
he's definitely the kind of guy to pick you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist
never hesitates to use tongue LMFAO
absolutely LOVES the idea of hickies
his neck is already really sensitive so having you leaving hickies on it makes his knees go weak
when you're done marking him up, he loves standing in the mirror and gawking at it
literally will never get tired of it
if you're down for it, he's gonna wanna give you hickies too tbh
he just loves the idea of making every know that you're his
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cyb3rs0na · 2 years
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♡ - Angst
✦ - SFW
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ DUNCAN
- - -
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ CODY
Cody Dating Headcanons [✦]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ELLA
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ IZZY
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ DJ
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hwaightme · 1 year
Your fan, Hongjoong (part 1)
(part 2) (your fan ml)
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👘 pairing: hongjoong x fashion designer!reader 👘 genre: romance, fluff, mutual pining 👘 summary: a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if hongjoong was stanning you 👘 wordcount: 5.5k (help) 👘 warnings/tags: language, radio shows, reader is goth, goth subculture, a bit of mutual pining, seonghwa aries rage, san is sus, jealousy, DRAMA(rama), hongjoong is starstruck, reader has her own fashion house/brand, photoshoots, brand collabs, demon line boutta act up 👘 a/n: Hello fabulous people <3 Here we have, the one, the only, the legendary, Hongjoong next in the Your Fan, ___ series! Thank you so much for your love and support, reblogs, likes, asks and comments all welcome
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"So alongside your brilliant songs, you are also well known for having breathtaking performances, with an edge that only ATEEZ can do. Could you elaborate on what exactly goes into creating your unique aesthetic?"
Hongjoong looked around the studio. Him and Yunho, being the resident radio DJs, had been invited onto a show to promote their newest comeback, and talk all things creative arts.
There had been a number of guests before them who he looked up to, from others in the music industry, to visual artists, writers, and designers. This was the way in which he had discovered new changemakers, and got to know those stars he had deemed 'unreachable'. Breathtaking, but there to be admired from a distance.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the amazing designers and stylists that we work with. Really, without them none of this would be possible and ATEEZ would not be the same."
"Definitely, with each stage and comeback, it seems that there is no end to just how much they, and you, can wow the world. Now, there is a particular fashion house that ATEEZ has been collaborating with recently, could you tell us more about that?"
Now that was an interesting direction to steer into. This was very new on the horizon for ATEEZ, and few media had covered this so far. Hongjoong perked up, forgetting the tranquility that he had to normally adopt for such shows, instead letting himself bask in the rays of his passions.
More specifically, your brand. He had known of its existence, thanks to a serendipitous selection by his stylist, before he had even figured out who the brain behind the art was. He discovered the connection entirely by accident - through this radio show.
You had come in for an interview, much like Hongjoong and Yunho, and sat in one of these seats, telling your story. This same man who was asking them questions, had conversed with you. This appearance was like Hongjoong's little moment to connect with his unreachable star.
You were notoriously elusive, so public appearances were few and far between, and this explained why he had initially not even associated you and the brand together. But as it turned out, that had been the point. The lore was strong in this one.
You had explained during the show that you felt no need for your personal image to be connected to the brand itself, as the garments and those who wore them were the real imagemakers. You had also shown a deep understanding of the subcultures from which you took inspiration and, yourself, followed, diving into legends who had pioneered their popularisation over the decades. In all honestly, that had him hooked, and left him wanting to learn more about how your mind worked.
"Ah yes, more than happy! ARNURI is a brand that we only recently started working with, and could not be more happy. The brand has a world view and prides itself on destroying boundaries in fashion. There is no gender, no size, no limit to what can be achieved. It actually takes inspiration from the variety that is within goth subculture and totally redefines what is meant by luxury. I mean, their slogan is 'lead by antithesis' after all."
He had paraphrased your introductory speech from one of your first exhibitions after you had your big break at one of the Fashion Weeks. It had been a solo show, organised outside of any specific season, every detail paying homeage to what had been advertised as 'embracing the darkness of nature'. For this show, you had scouted models among your friends, among the myriad of citizens of Seoul, and used those same city streets as your catwalk.
Maybe the reason why that particular event had spoken to Hongjoong was because it reminded him of the street busking he had done in his early days. The days of when one risked it all for a future that was not guaranteed, simply because they had hope.
Hongjoong could go on, but Yunho's shift to balancing his head on his hand as he rested his eyes on the captain, and batted his eyelids like a Disney princess made him stop abruptly.
Not that the host had noticed.
"Ah yes! And isn't the name, ARNURI, a play on "Our World?"
"Uh, yeah!" caught off-guard by the follow-up since he was trying to telepathically communicated to Yunho to cut whatever he was trying to do out, he stumbled over his words a little. But it was easy enough to settle back in once he thought of the moment KQ management had shared the official communications between the two companies with him.
"So it was quite funny when the brand approached us for this, they actually quoted our song 'New World'. Really if it were up to me I wouldn't even ask for a portfolio at that point."
"Of course you wouldn't..." Yunho whispered, leaning away from the mic so it barely caught, serving like background noise more than anything.
Hongjoong's head snapped in the other member's direction, but he was met with legendary nonchalance. Truly, the epitome of 'it's not awkward unless you make it awkward'. The guy even raised an eyebrow back at him as though Hongjoong was acting out of line.
"That is magnificent, it was meant to be! Maybe there are some ATINY in the company!"
"Oh we wish!" Yunho interjected, a chuckle escaping him as he glanced in Hongjoong's direction.
"Well, we are very much looking forward to seeing more of these fantastic designs, and the photoshoot that ATEEZ will be doing with ARNURI! Maybe you will be able to create some items together? Can ATINY hope for a new line in the future?"
"Hah, I do enjoy altering clothing and really letting creativity run free, but I am looking forward to the learning-".
"Oh yeah, Hongjoong has been a fan of the brand for quite some time, so finding out that we are now working together is a dream come true!"
Hongjoong lowered his eyes and let his fingers flitter across the table in front of him. There went his opportunity to be all slick and cool. Or was he over-reacting? Again, Yunho was unreadable.
The host then quickly rounded off that segment of the discussion, and cut to an ATEEZ song break, in honour of the guests.
Confirming that the mics were indeed off and he wasn't about to cuss out the entire nation, Hongjoong turned to his 6'1'' headache and hissed:
"Let's keep this about ATEEZ, shall we?"
"Why so serious, bro? Don't you like ARNURI?"
That, he did. The problem was that it was no longer just ARNURI he liked. To borrow some fandom-speak, he had abandoned the 'casual fan' territory, and had found himself quite a few clothing items and accessories-deep, and with a bias.
And since he would rather have Yeosang feeding him sour candy than revealing that he liked ARNURI more than he probably should, any joke in that direction was like an arrow that he felt the desperate need to dodge.
"Yeah, of course I do. I mean, we are working with them right?"
"Riiiight. And you are wearing their jacket. That you literally do not let anyone touch."
"What? I like clothes."
"And you keep said jacket in a plastic bag from the dry cleaner's because suddenly you are Seonghwa two point oh."
"Is that not... normal?"
"Rich to ask for a person who spray paints shoes in the living room at three in the morning."
"Hey I ventilate."
"Shh, Yunho, we good. We can discuss this later-"
"Oh no I like your discomfort shawty talk to me."
Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose. This kid with his surprise attacks. Before he could think of a way to get himself out of the hole he dug, the host was suddenly showing that they had thirty seconds before going live. So he settled for:
"We'll continue this conversation later."
"And I chose Seonghwa over you."
"Choosing violence... I swear to-"
"And we are back! I hope you, dear listeners, enjoyed the wonderful-"
You paused the podcast. So, your personal assistant was not kidding when she ran into your office, waving her phone side to side as though she was at a concert, saying that Kim Hongjoong knew a lot more about ARNURI than you assumed.
Really sometimes you thought you hired her not for her abilities as a PA, but because she made you feel a tiny bit more sane. But at the same time, you were one in the same - who was listening to the recorded radio broadcast right after she left your office, reduced to a fit of giggles, sitting in total solitude? You.
Quite the contrast to how you normally were - zoned out due to exhaustion, brutal because that was how your business worked, or totally unreachable because 'the vibe was right and you were in a creative flow state'.
But this was how you got that bread. And had taken ARNURI to new heights. You continuously sacrificed yourself for the art.
There had never been another option for you - ever since you were a kid there was only one thing you were interested in, and that was fashion. You were that one kid who shamelessly stole (and wore) her parents' and siblings' clothing, modifying it so that it looked more like you.
You had 're-designed' your school uniform which had nearly led to your suspension. To this day you were confident you had done the right thing remaking the outfit to being pitch black - it was not your fault that the school had no sense of taste and had chosen such a horrid shade of grey.
And aside from becoming the 'adopted child' of some goth clubs in the city, you had crashed fashion show after fashion show to just see how the legends did it. You were taken by the stark contrast between what was classically accepted and popular on the runways versus the enchanting amalgamation of Victorian era dress, New Romantic, punk and new wave.
You had sworn to yourself that if there was one thing you were going to do, it was be one of the designers to fuse the worlds together. So you gave all you had to this dream. You had completed fashion school, worked in Finland to immerse yourself in the nation's vibrant, borderline mainstream goth scene, and had participated in many art exhibitions and avante garde fashion shows to make yourself known.
This was your calling. Your everything. So when you finally managed to get your brand up and running, bringing your vision to South Korea, you were shamelessly promoting it as best you could. Sending samples, contacting influencers, knocking on all the doors until SOMEONE answered.
And that someone turned out to be a stylist at KQ Entertainment, working with a group called ATEEZ. After a few exchanges on Instagram, they had agreed to use a couple of items, and let the media do the promotional magic.
You were desperate, having not had much success in the country due to difficulty in finding early adopters of the brand, so you agreed.
Turned out it was a much better investment than you had initially thought. A few members had sported ARNURI wear for a fansign, and pictures from the event FLEW around the internet. Eventually, the clothing was discovered, and your site started getting more and more hits.
You assumed it was just a fluke, but that fluke turned into one of the members, who you learned to be Kim Hongjoong, starting to make regular appearances in ARNURI, especially when it was evident that he had the final say in what to wear - airport looks, more casual events... black-clad, supporting you more than he could imagine.
Inadvertently, he had turned into a motivation for you. He had given you the hope that you could reach the stars if you so desired, and so you began to build up.
Season after season, you worked tirelessly, and eventually broke into Seoul Fashion Week. Your daring showcase of your 'ANTITHESIS' collection had gathered a large audience, and soon enough, you had to step into the spotlight, and reveal your identity.
You could remember it as clear as day, 'She Sells Sanctuary' by The Cult roaring in the background as you stepped out, every bit ARNURI, an overnight neo-goth sensation.
As your brand got bigger and bigger, and you were now leading a business of nearly 100 people strong, you had to become colder and more distant. It was a sort of self-preservation, since fashion was not an industry where one could escape criticism and blatant slander, especially when your primary goal was to be yourself.
But that one idol. The one who had agreed to wear your brand, and then continued to do so voluntarily, Kim Hongjoong, still remained special to you. He was your quiet encouragement.
So when you heard from your marketing and communications team that they had scouted out an opportunity to work with ATEEZ, you gave them the green light almost instantly, and much to their surprise, participated in crafting out the perfect proposal.
And when you received an agreement and contracts in response, you needed to excuse yourself and locked yourself in your studio, letting yourself squeal. Just a bit. And then walked back out - she is beauty she is grace.
The first stage of the collaboration was going to be a nice and simple photoshoot. You said simple but you were running around the building like a headless chicken making sure everything was ready.
It was going to be for a new line, 'PHANTASMOS', an ode to phantasmagoria, horror theatre and the portrayal of all things fantastic, strange and ghoulish. And who would be a better group of models than ATEEZ?
As the day approached, Hongjoong was becoming considerably more nervous, and that was only exacerbated by the announcement that you personally would be attending the shoot.
He did not want to come across as a fool of some sort, wanted to be a serious leader, really leave the impression that he meant business. To him, you were elegance itself, a tranquil beauty in black, and he wanted to match that to the best of his ability.
Which was exactly why he had turned his and Seonghwa's dorm into a fabric skip, with shirts, trousers, t-shirts... all of his prized possessions were strewn around the perimeter and occupied nearly every inch of the floor. Hell, even his customised Doc Martens were lying miserably on his bed.
Just as he was contemplating between a blazer with lines of safety pins as decal on the lapels or a classic leather jacket with more zippers than ways his children could annoy him, Seonghwa returned from his trip to the LEGO store.
Hongjoong had never seen every single stage of grief flash across a person's face in one second. But there it was. He gave the eldest member a sheepish grin, subconsciously cowering away closer to the windows - as far away from the evidently not too pleased Seonghwa.
"Kim. Hong. Joong. What kind of fuckery is this?"
"Oh. OH! Amy Winehouse! Yes, big fan, that's uh, that's Me & Mr. Jones right?"
"I will use you as a broom stick Joong."
"Look I just got carried-"
"What's happening- oh Joongie is in trouble~" Mingi poked his head in through the door, making it look as though it was the Teletubbies sun floating above Seonghwa's shoulder.
Hongjoong really wished he could laugh. He really did. But he was afraid he was about to be forced to eat the starship that his roommate bought.
So much for trying to be 'chic' and impressing you. Now he had the goal of making it to the shoot in one piece.
"Mingi. Exit. Now." Seonghwa commanded, jaw clenched, which made the younger member quite literally bolt, slamming the door so hard that the items that were hanging on the stuck-on hooks slid off and fell behind Seonghwa.
There was a mass meeting audible right outside of the room, and a very distinct seagull laugh penetrated the walls. Hongjoong cursed his bad timing. Had he only started early, maybe he would have had time to shove at least some of the items under the bunk so it didn't look too bad.
"Right. You know what. I am zen. I am the calmest of the calm. You take care of others, I take care of you. Right? Now. Wait, you know what I need to just-"
Seonghwa picked up a large pillow off one of the beds, eyed it, looked at Hongjoong once more, and then PUNCHED it with blinding rage, sending it flying right back into the bed.
"Okay now I am fine. Care to explain when you were planning to sort this shit out?"
There was another wave of mumbles outside, to which Seonghwa responded by making the door fly open and shouting out "we are having a VERY IMPORTANT CONVERSATION."
Before closing the door entirely, a quiet comment from Yeosang could be overheard: "they're getting divorced in there," leading to some giggles, and pitter-patter of footsteps away from the door. They probably just chose a slightly different location to camp and snoop.
Hongjoong decided to sink into one of the clothes piles, motioning for Seonghwa to take a seat next to him. He was in a dilemma, unsure of what sort of explanation would be the most effective for Seonghwa. So he just settled for the truth.
"You know the shoot that we are going to do?" he began, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yes, I do. What, is the aesthetic landfill-chic?" Seonghwa motioned at the explosion over the room.
"No, not at all! Don't even. You have seen the clothing, right?"
"Of course, I wore ARNURI before. Must say, very flattering. And fashionable. That one overcoat made me feel like a vampire prince."
Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, but chose not to comment on that. Seonghwa was Seonghwa, he had his own agenda and his own interpretations.
"Right, so... well, you know I have a lot of ARNURI stuff? It's not just that... I have um... sort of become a... fan? Of the designer? L/N Y/N? She is just... her vision... her style is just... yeah she is great."
"Oh my gosh my boy Kim Hongjoong actually wants to meet someone outside of ATEEZ, this is legendary, I should post this on Universe."
"What in the- hey I meet people! And don't you dare"
"When, mister 'I don't really have many friends' and literally getting jealous over me talking to Minho from Stray Kids?"
"Hey, being a best friend is a responsibility, and you are my best friend!"
"Oh wait... I get it... I don't think you are aiming for friendship here... isn't that right?" a grin started spreading over Seonghwa's face as he looked like he discovered a new planet.
"I am just a fan of hers! Don't twist this!"
"Sure... okay now I get... this," he gave a judgmental side eye to the pile of sweaters that had made their home right by his display cabinet. "You are like a middle schooler before a first date, I swear. This is definitely because she's going to be there, right?"
"You know what? Yes, yes it is. And I might not have had my growth spurt yet but I am not a middle schooler." Hongjoong said, standing up as straight as possible, putting his hands on his hips.
"That's exactly what an angsty middle schooler would say." Seonghwa looked him up and down, stifling a laugh.
"You are on a power trip aren't you?"
"Hell yeah I am, and I will be for the entire shoot and beyond."
"Park Seonghwa why you do this to ME?"
"If you don't want the others to get the details I have an offer."
This made Hongjoong stop on his tracks and retract his 'leader card'. He did not want to lose face in front of the 'teezer crew entirely, so keeping this information in confidence was enticing.
"First off, clean your shit. And second, I get that spot on the dresser for the Imperial All Terrain Armoured Transport model I've been hunting down."
"First, deal. Second, say that one more fucking time dude I dare you."
"Did you legit memorise Wikipedia or something?"
"May the force be with you, bitch. Now you clean, I will go chill outside so I don't have an aneurysm because of how you do it. And by the way, I'd pick the leather jacket if I were you. Classic, timeless and looks good."
"Thank you man, you are the best."
"I know, now impress me with how you can make this room spotless."
And with that, Seonghwa left Hongjoong alone in the room. From what he could hear, there was a circus outside, with the other members having gathered around, interrogating about what had just unfolded. but Seonghwa was keeping his word, for now at least. He knew that he did not have to try too hard, since Hongjoong would probably expose himself as soon as he were to see you anyways.
And Seonghwa was more than right. The next day, when ATEEZ arrived to the studio, Hongjoong was very jittery. Alert to any and all people and sounds, he was looking around as if he was expecting someone - well he definitely was. As soon as they stepped into the ARNURI office, he was convinced that you could be around any corner.
The other members were beginning to catch on that this hyung was acting odd, to the point where Yeosang commented on Hongjoong looking like he was playing Alien Isolation in real life. The reference flew right over the leader's head, but he tried his best to tone his Pink Panther-style snooping down.
And instead focus on the many photos that decorated the walls of your house of fashion. Memories of particularly memorable parts of a show, awards, red carpet events... club nights, themed evenings, collaborations... this was your life. Right there, immortalised in tasteful monochrome.
The boys were in awe of the refined interior - strictly monochromatic, any accents in the otherwise white rooms and corridors were done using the colour black. Although it was not a rule by any means (in fact, you encouraged being as daring as one wanted), the majority of ARNURI employees were clad in the colour, fitting right into the brand and the aesthetics.
They were led up a couple of flights of stairs, and as they were making their way down one corridor, Hongjoong began to catch snippets of lively conversation, the occasional staff gliding a clothing rack past them or across the hallway, and... shouts of 'yes ma'am'?
Initially he was confused, but as they were getting closer to the photo studio, it clicked in his head: you were in there. Who else could be referred to as ma'am?
"Hey, Hongjoong, I think we are -actually- meant to... walk in the hall to do the shoot." Jongho walked up behind the leader, fake whispering, causing a round of chuckles from the other members. The only member who was not as smiley (except Hongjoong himself, that is) was Seonghwa, and it was because Hongjoong not so little infatuation was old news to him, and the room had been cleaned to a very satisfying level, much to his surprise.
"Woah no way, Jongho, that's insane. I was sure that this was a new technique or something..." Yunho piped in, glancing at Hongjoong, lips curling up.
He had a couple of sneaking suspicions about Hongjoong's behaviour whenever ARNURI, or more specifically the founder and lead designer, were mentioned or he was given the chance to gush about it.
The radio appearance was the closest to a confirmation that he could get - Hongjoong getting shy over being a big fan... what a sight to see. But seeing the post-discussion silent conversations between the two eldest members, and some signal exchanges while they were driving up to the venue really sealed the deal. There was something really fun going on with Hongjoong, and Yunho needed the deets.
For research purposes. And who was he to pass up on a ship in the making?
Finally, their manager, after finishing up a conversation with some of the relationship management staff from ARNURI, who had greeted them, decided to speed up the process and usher the kids in.
To soothe his nerves, Hongjoong picked at a bracelet he had selected for completing his 'first meeting and first impression' look. He had worn it many times over, and had even taken it with him on tour before, so it was a little ball of positive energy for him.
But nothing could prepare or prevent the Error that Hongjoong.exe experienced as he finally saw you in your element.
There was something spellbinding about the way you looked. Head to toe in your own creations, you were wearing an onyx-hued Victorian era inspired suit, matched with military boots that had immaculate metal detailing.
He could not stop staring, even if it could be perceived as rude, or too forward. There you were.
"Oh, guys, man down, man down, our captain's overboard~" Wooyoung taunted, shouldering San and Yeosang who were on either side of him.
It really was a sight to behold. Hongjoong, entirely captivated as you stood in the middle of the photo studio, guiding the entire room like a conductor would lead an orchestra.
He ignored the youngers' attempts to get his attention, much to their utter disbelief and resulting giddiness. If there was a definition of starstruck. This was it.
You appeared to have a pulse on EVERYTHING, down to the tiniest details, pointing out that there was a very specific prop missing, adjusting accessories, exchanging one scarf for another. It was the most organised chaos that Hongjoong had ever seen, and he was amazed at how you could keep it under control.
The star he had deemed unreachable was right there. Right in front of him.
"Joongie, I think you can leave your drooling until after the shoot. You don't want your makeup ruined."
"Oh Hwa is this how it is?" he looked at his friend in disbelief.
"I think you exposed yourself enough, no?"
"Ew, Hongjoong come on don't traumatise your wife." Wooyoung was not giving up on his mission to annoy Hongjoong into early retirement.
"GUYS please don't embarrass me-"
"Oh so you admit it?" San questioned, smirking like the devil.
"Admit what?"
"That you are doing some shady shit."
"Where did this even come from, San."
"So the studio then, no wonder you come back from there at like four in the morning."
"You guys are making me lose brain cells that I need to get instructions from the photographer." Yeosang deadpanned, nodding towards the set.
"I don't even want to begin imagining what sort of things you are thinking about, but I can assure you I will annihilate you if you start kindergarten season here." Hongjoong threatened but it fell short as Mingi grinned and joined in the ambush:
"Say 'aye' if you think this minion is invested into this shoot." the way he said it almost sounded like an innuendo, making Hongjoong scowl.
The most deafening collection of 'ayes' resounded around Hongjoong, and caused you to shift your focus to the newly arrived group. He noticed your expression soften, shoulders roll a little further back as you ambled towards them, the thuds of your boots setting his heart's pace.
"Ah good morning to you all! It is such a pleasure to be working with you. Did I make you wait for long?"
"Not at all, the pleasure is all ours." Hongjoong forced out, pushing the snickering members out of his sphere of attention.
"Great, well it is wonderful to finally meet you, I am L/N Y/N, the mad scientist behind ARNURI!"
"Very much the same here, Miss-"
"We'll be working closely enough to be informal, no?" you interjected before Hongjoong could call you by your last name.
Your allure was more powerful than he had hypothesised, to the point where some of the other members, more specifically San and Seonghwa, could not look away from you either - it seemed that you had the energy for attracting demons. The way you carried yourself, poised and courteous, demanded nothing less than respect.
At the same time, there was nothing demure about you. If anything, you resembled a cat that was ready to pounce any moment. As though there was a coil within you, permanently tense and even slightly dangerous. But that was thrilling.
Hongjoong cleared his throat, and corrected himself, "Yes, of course, sorry, Y/N. Shall we do the official greeting or-"
"Let's keep things personal for now, and once my lovely colleagues are done with the final checks, we can get started with eight makes one team." you winked, and suggested, quoting the greeting.
It was beyond entertaining for Wooyoung to see just how putty-like Hongjoong had become in your presence. He was just playing by your rules at this point, without questioning them. But it was understandable, who wouldn't get weak when their type was right in front of them and said 'let's keep things personal'?
"Well then let me be proper, I am San!" whilst you were exchanging words with Hongjoong, the member had time to slip from where he originally stood, and was now almost right in front of you, beaming.
Hongjoong chortled, but at the same time wanted to kick his fellow member in the shins because of the interception. What was his game here exactly?
Ever so politely, you greeted San back, not giving away that you were interested in continuing your chat with Hongjoong. It was second nature to you to blend one interaction into another without revealing any preferences - otherwise you would have a lot more enemies in the industry.
Then you simply proceeded to greet each ATEEZ member separately, your attention shifting entirely each time. You had a way of making people feel like, for even if just a moment, they were your universe.
It came from your tendency of seeing people both as perfect canvases, and as living works of art. You enjoyed the challenge that working off a person gave you, and this was mainly why you wanted to give each ATEEZ member a final once over - to see whether what you had planned was even right.
Each member gave you a unique impression, ranging from mischievous to shy to strictly professional. Seeing as you had never actively followed their activities, aside from their leader's, you were fascinated by the dynamic they were displaying, taking note for who you wanted to see in the camera together, and maybe even matching in some accessories.
Hongjoong was nearly holding his breath as he saw you reading ATEEZ like an open book. You were scanning everyone in the way he had seen renowned critics do while inspecting models on the runway. A Mona Lisa smile, and conclusions no one would know except yourself.
When it was finally his turn, he said his name as brightly as possible, faltering only towards the end as your eyes locked. He swore his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. It did not last long though, as you glanced down, and appeared to be incredibly happy because of something you spotted.
San was taking a particular interest in this silent mental tango, intently following your every move, while Wooyoung cupped his hand around his friend's ear and whispered.
"The bracelet."
"Ah, yes, it's uhm, should I say yours?"
"I guess so! It is from the limited edition MEDUSA collection. It suits you well. And the condition is impeccable though it's been what, a couple of years?"
"It's very precious to me, I try to take good care of it."
Seonghwa pursed his lips, the chaos of their dorm room clouding his vision. He imagined that you probably would go ballistic if you were to ever see clothing being treated in that way. Though Hongjoong did have separate storage for accessories and jewelry - that much was true.
"That means a lot. Thank you-" you turned as someone called out for you, alerting that everything was ready to go, "it's time, gentlemen, let's get this party started!"
As you clasped your hands together and moved away to join the lead photographer, allowing stylists to guide the group away and begin working their magic, San peered at Hongjoong once more.
When he made sure everyone else was out of earshot, he placed a hand on the captain's shoulder, and muttered:
"If you don't ask her out, I will. No hierarchy on this battle field."
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apples4day · 2 months
BLAME || Yandere! TDWT x Fem! Reader
1/2 EPISODE ONE (Walk Like An Egyptian)
Prologue is on my page, part two IS out!!
Chapter 1 & 2 are very boring sorry🤷‍♀️
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"Season three of total drama folks! The world is gonna be mine" Chris began as a bus pulled up next to him, he continued talking as the doors opened. Explaining how everyone inside the bus will be competing for a million dollars around the globe and then introducing everyone as they walked out.
One by one, they left the bus, each with their own pizzazz. "Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna!" He announced pointing to each of them as he said their name. Heather stopped to tick off Gwen, causing Gwen to run into Heather.
"Are there reserved seats? I.E can I have one not behind heathers pony hair pony tail?" Gwen pointed to Heathers hair before putting her hands on her hips. Heather turned around and crossed her arms, "um! My extensions are HUMAN hair." Duncan smiled and decided to reply to Heathers comment, "you learn something new everyday." This earned a giggle from Gwen. Courtney, who was standing next to Duncan, grimaced. Chris continued to speak once the moment had ended, introducing the next few people.
"Lindsay, Owen, DJ, and Harold." Only Lindsay walked out which made Chris raise a brow. "Guys?" He asked, hoping they would come out. DJ came out restraining Owen, something about Owen being scared of flying. Harold began geeking out about phobias and Noah followed behind Harold with a snarky remark. Chris smiled,
"And returning favorites! Noah, Cody, and.." Chris was cut off by Ezekiel pretending to be 'all that' and being odd. Izzy peeked out the bus and jumped onto Ezekiel's shoulders, causing them both to fall over. "Yup! Izzy's back. Also returning this season...Tyler!" Tyler walked out and struck a pose before falling over. Chris continued.
"And the co-host of total drama after math, Bridgette!" Bridgette also fell over. Now there was a pile of people on the floor on top of each other. Ezekiel, at the bottom of the pile, began speaking "Yo Chris you forgot to introduce me." Chris sighed, "and Ezekiel."
"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors! He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability charm the pants off most species. Alejandro!" A tan Latin man with a red shirt and a necklace walked out confidently, "perhaps..I can assist." He lifted Bridgette and Izzy up, which had them in awe over his beauty. Bridgette panicked, "I-I-I have a boyfriend!" Alejandro smirked and gave a hand to the boys still on the floor, "and amigos, please! Allow me." They both seemed impressed and a bit hesitant, Tyler backed away, "I like girls."
Chris continued to introduce, "and she's a sugar addicted super fan with sixteen total drama blogs, Sierra!" A purple haired woman in green clothes walked out looking excited, "oh my gosh! I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life!! Anybody got a paper bag I can breathe into?" She panted in excitement and squealed, her movements rushed.
She rushed over to Cody with the biggest smile on her face ever, "oh my gosh Cody! I've dreamt of this moment..only you weren't wearing a shirt!" Cody looked scared as she leaned in slightly more while shaking. Chris let out a chuckle before continuing, "next up is a clumsy, plushie loving, cat owning girl...Y/n!" He didn't get much from your video, having no idea how to introduce you. All he saw was you struggling with the camera, a collection of plushies on your bed, and a cat knocking the camera over before the video shut down.
You walked out, an awkward smile on your face as you waved slowly to everyone. You had manners, as your mother had taught you, you should shake people's hands. "Hello..nice to meet you all. Nice shirt Chris," you shook his hand and he smiled as always. Making your way next to DJ and smiling and nodding at him politely. He did the same.
A big grey plane pulled up, looking like it was gonna fall apart at any moment. "What the.." Duncan exclaimed. You grimaced. "Excuse me..but I'd like to express some concerns about the safety of our plane!" Courtney raised her hand and looked skeptical. Chris smiled, "relax it's perfectly safe! Now boarding!" A piece of the plane fell off and you blinked awkwardly.
Tugging on DJ, "if we die on that plane, throw my phone in the ocean." You joked. Earning a laugh from him. Owen began panicking and mumbling, Chris' smile dropped and he pulled out a frying pan. Everyone looked amused, wondering what was gonna happen, Chris knocked Owen out. "Anybody else got a problem with it?" Immediately everyone started complimenting it. "Don't judge a book by its cover!" You said, scratching your head knowing damn well this plane wasn't much better on the inside.
"Nowww boarding on our voyage to a million big ones!" Chris pointed to the camera, "we're saving you a first class seat for all the action, right here, on total drama world tour!" The cameras cut. "Seriously?" Someone said. Everyone began walking onto the plane, you accidentally stepping on Heathers heel. She gave you a dirty look, "watch where you're going fre-" before pausing as if she realized something. "Actually..it's totally fine don't worry about it!" You raised a brow and divided the word "okay" into two like you were skeptical, "oh-kay?"
New girl seems nice enough, better get on her good side to make an alliance!
Everyone got inside right as Gwen said, "singing really? I thought Chris was joking about that!" Raising her hands up.
Courtney smiled, "well I don't have a problem with it." Leshawna groaned and gave her a look, "yeah cause you LIKE singing.."
Duncan pointed to himself with his thumb. "Well I don't! Girls sing," he pointed somewhere and then flapped his arms like a bird as he continued, "little birdies sing, Duncan's do not sing!" He crossed his arms.
Harold's eyes wandered over to Duncan, "think I'll get to beatbox?" He said with a coarse voice, only for Duncan to shut him down. "I'll beat you if you try!" He threatened.
"Why are you doing this to us?" Heather pointed accusingly at Chris and snarled after speaking. Chris shrugged. "Singing reality shows are huge! And the worse the singing, the higher the ratings WHICH is why on this show there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warning!" Everyone looked annoyed and began speaking above each other, you included. Chris raised his arms.
"Anywho! This is the dining area where you'll enjoy in flight meals!" Chris began his 'tour' and Ezekiel spoke up. "Not for long ay! Prepare to lose to Zeke!" He pointed to himself and furrowed his brows while smiling like he was some devious gremlin. Gwen looked unimpressed, "okay..so not trying to be mean here but..you do know you got voted out first last time right?"
You chimed in, "yeah..don't be so sure of yourself 'Zeke', don't get your hopes up." Emphasis on Zeke, as if you were mocking him. Noah let out a small chuckle along with Gwen. "Word! And I spent every minute since making sure that don't happen again. I'm stronger, faster, smarter.." He got cut off by you and Chris speaking over each other.
"A lot more talkative," you said while Chris said "chattier, flabbier, can't-shut-upier, now zip it and let me finish the tour so we can get this bird in flight!" Once Chris finished he looked over at you, "glad someone agrees with me!" Waving his hands in the air.
Leshawna raised her finger up, "is there a ladies room?" Chris pointed behind him, "just through there," with a smile that screamed mischief. "Good! Cause I gotta make a deposit." Leshawna made her way to the bathroom. She seemed to be yelling inside the bathroom, something about privacy.
After Leshawna came out of the bathroom, Chris began talking again. "Losing teams will enjoy luxurious economy class accommodations between destinations!" He gestured to the room you were all standing in. You bit your lip as if you were thinking before making a small remark, "nothing a few plushies can't make comfortable." Chris raised a brow, "I thought we said nothing extra!" He sighed.
DJ looked down at you, "mind sharing some? Seems like that'll be the only sense of comfort in this room." He spoke softly and as if he wasn't looking forward to staying here. Lindsay looked around, "But where are our beds?" You spoke up again, "seems like we'll be sleeping like Owen." You pointed over to him and everyone looked over at him. "As you can see, Owen is demonstrating your sleeping situation!" Chris said letting out an evil laugh.
"That does not look comfortable," Heather said. "No comfort for losers," Chris replied. "Safety harnesses and an emergency exit! But no comfort here, here, or here!" He pointed to different areas of the room. Sierra stepped forward laughed oddly, "oh em gee Chris! I am just L.O.L!" She continued laughing as Ezekiel spoke. "We should hit the winners compartment ey cause I ain't never gonna sit back here ha! Never." Raising his arm and swiping it in front of him.
Noah looked over at him and waved the air as if he was shooing something away, "is never your policy on mouthwash to, homeschool?" Ezekiel must of stunk. (Ewww smelly) You laughed and Noah looked over at you before pursing his lips awkwardly. Chris led the way to the winners area, in the process you ended up walking next to Duncan somehow instead of DJ.
"Not enjoying this so far?" You began a conversation with him. Duncan looked down at you and sighed, "not even close." You let out a light laugh crossed your arms, "who knows? Maybe it'll get better!" He glanced at you again, "I doubt that, you're oddly enthusiastic. Someone's gonna kill that soon, trust me." He laughed like he was gonna enjoy you becoming hopeless.
"I'm not like you alt kid, chill." You replied jokingly, this earned a genuine, non evil laugh from him. People began getting accommodated in the winners area, you and Duncan included. He sat in a purple chair and you sat in a gold one next to Izzy. Chris smiled at everyone again, "this is the first class cabin! The domain of each weeks winners."
Alejandro talked to Lindsay, "now this is the kind of accommodation ladies deserve!" Lindsay looked around and replied with a thoughtless comment. "There are ladies in first class too?" She said. You spoke up, "I think he meant you sunshine." Lindsay smiled at you and then turned to him with an awkward smile, "oh! Me! You meant me...!" DJ stood next to a crouching Tyler, "that guy is as smooth as mamas gravy!" Tyler looked defeated.
"Lindsays supposed to like me.." This earned a chuckle and head nod from DJ before he said "no one can compete with gravy." Tyler yelled out, "Lindsay I can do a handspring!" You watched in amusement as Tyler failed the handspring and had a rough landing, being the nice(ish) person you are..you made your way over to him and offered him a hand.
"Need some help there?" He accepted and thanked you before turning to Lindsay. "Oh my gosh! Poor...im blanking on his name. Oh! Oh! I know, Alejandro." She said, getting his name completely wrong. Alejandro looked at her with a smile, "that's my name." Lindsay smiled, "and what a nice name! Alejandro..I could say it all day!" Rough..that sucks..You thought while giving Alejandro and Lindsay a mean look before going back to your sweet one.
"Please do!" Alejandro said. Alejandro looked over at you, and you noticed. This ended up with you giving him a disapproving nod which just earned a wink from him.
"I can see right through that guy!" She lifted a finger up like ☝️🤓 and then looked around. "You know...this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toilet." She said with a smile. Her smile dropped into a frown when Chef began speaking, "maybe for you! I'm trying to prep for a flight here."
"Uh hello? Venting! Shhh!" She shushed him and continued. "Anyway! New guy is SO transparent SO fake SO-" she got cut off by chef.
"So deliciously seductive" he added. Heather was not pleased, "that is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to say!"
"Pretty good looking guy though. I'm just saying!" Heather groaned as chef talked about how good looking Alejandro was. "Ughhh forget this!!"
Lowkey reminded me of "she was so rude and so mean!" Like that audio?? Yk??😭
"Camera in the bathroom? No surprise honestly." You sighed and looked at your nails to look busy, "That new guy? Such a dick! I can't with him already! It's obvious what his plan is, well it isn't gonna work on me! No way!...he's pretty attractive though. But still. I'm in it to win it, no way I'm losing to..to..a man whore!" You crossed your arms.
"I already have a plan though, I'll just be a goody two shoes..to literally everyone. Mirror them, be them, suck up to them. Sadly, I think the most important person to do that to will be Heather or Alejandro. Heather because well...it's obvious from season one of total drama! And Alejandro because he's already on good terms with most people here. After I'm on good terms with them both..I'll get rid of them. Which shouldn't be too hard since by then I'll be on good terms with literally everyone with the way I'm going. So far I've talked to DJ, Duncan, given a helpful hand to Tyler, and a few looks with Alejandro and Noah. Bottom priority is probably Tyler, he seems useless but an extra vote on my side always counts."
You spoke quickly but said a lot. "I'm gonna win this thing!" You made a fist and punched it in the air. Ewww that was kinda cringey.. you thought.
Chris continued touring and people looked to be in awe over his living quarter. "Off limits!" He said, you smirked. What do I gotta do to make this guy want me? Some perks gotta come out of that.
Noah looked over at you, "so? What's your deal?" You looked at him, "what?" He sighed.
"You talk like you're comfortable but at the same time when you aren't talking you look like you have a plan to kill someone or like you're brain dead, tell me..are you dumb or smart? Cause no way there's an in between based off your little smirks from time to time." He said to you. You giggled,
"There's no way you can tell that from me smiling, you're reading into it way too much. I just have an active imagination. Plus what's wrong with smiling? Empire State Building for a forehead...'tell me' do you think ANYONE who smiles is either brain dead or ridiculously smart?" You mocked his little 'tell me' comment. Despite saying being nice was your game plan, you couldn't help but notice the skyscraper he had for a forehead.
"Based off your response dear short elf, it's obvious you're brain dead, not a thought behind those magical elf eyes of yours," he snapped, insulting your IQ and height all at once. Calling you a magical elf was just a poke at your height. You let out a laugh, not expecting another person to be able to bicker with you. "Touché, you should get some pants though, in those shorts you look like you'll blow away at any moment." He rolled his eyes at yet another one of your insults.
Heather began listing the people she no longer had as allies off and calling them threats as well. "My only strategic option is to make friends with the new girls. But pretending to like THAT is gonna be hard. I do not heart the new girls!"
Everyone was now sitting in the cafeteria, you standing next to Leshawna. "And that's pretty much it! I skipped the cargo hold and galley but I'm sure you'll find those exciting destinations later when I accidentally lock you in them!" Chris said, emphasizing accidentally. The plane shook which caused both you and Leshawna to stumble slightly, you grabbed her shoulders to steady her. "You alright?" You asked, she smiled at you. "Yeah, thanks new girl."
Bridgette also fell...right onto Alejandro's lap. "Señorita! Are you okay?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. Bridgette smiled and looked up at him. "Is the earth moving?" She asked. Izzy replied to her. "Nope! We are! Woo!" Chris began speaking again. "One more thing! I'm sure you remember a little something called elimination ceremony. Takes place right in there my friends." Chris pointed to yet another area.
"If you don't receive a barf bag full of air line issued peanuts-" Ezekiel cut Chris off, "I got a peanut allergy or..more like a sensitivity?" Chris gave him a weird look, "you will be forced to take a drop of shame." Ezekiel tried to speak again before getting grabbed by Chris, "kinda like this!" Ezekiel was shoved out the plane and began chasing after it as we took off.
Chris told him all eliminations are final and waved goodbye.
"Every second we're getting closer to adventure..and further from mama." DJ said resting his head on his arms. Sierra called out Cody's full name and made a pun out of his birth month. A ding noise was heard and Chris was put in a spot light with a suit and a hat, "whenever you hear that friendly little bell it's musical number time! So..let's hear it!"
Courtney spoke up, "but..what are we supposed to sing?" You added to her sentence, "do we just make it up..?" Chris nodded in approval, "you have to make it up as you go, wouldn't be challenging otherwise now would it?" Courtney smiled like she had been waiting for this her whole life meanwhile you whined like a brat, no one heard luckily.
Your part being with Noah, "come fly with us! Come die with us!"
Chef used the speaker, "enough singing fruit cakes!" He continued to tell you that you were going to Egypt, then insulting the idea of musical numbers not realizing the p.a was still on. "We'll be right back." Chris said looking angry after having his musical idea insulted.
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This was NOT proofread.
There will be lots more action between Y/n and her main love interests next chapter. Y/n is hinted to be "short" multiple times through the story by the way sorryyy.
Next chapter will be in a more personal writing style, with less genuine detail and more feelings and characters thoughts.
PART TWO IS OUT. Part 3 is only out on my wattpad. Go read them<3
Every chapter is half an episode🤷‍♀️
This was way longer than I thought it would be with over 3100 words.
chapter one and two are veryyyy boring but chapter three is definitely way better trust me.
Part two ⬇️
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Don't Tell Her
A First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: hehe cute little short fic with Jack being a complete mess 
Synopsis: Jack is panicking because he seems to have misplaced his Private Garden ring along with his wedding ring. He enlists the help of his best friend to help him find it before you find out.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
"Fuck!" Jack ran his hands through his curly hair indicating his frustration as Urban was also starting to look panicked.
"We're going to find them. Calm down."
"Calm down?! Calm down?! Have you met my wife!? She's going to kill me."
"Y/N is definitely not going to kill you. She might come close and have you beg for mercy but she won't kill you."
"Thank you for that Urb."
"Just saying." Urban replied before holding up his hands in defense.
Currently Jack could not find his Private Garden ring along with his wedding ring both of which you gifted him and you were due back home in the next three hours.
So he had a total of three hours to make them appear. 
You had bought everyone in PG a ring a few months after Jack got signed with DJ Drama. 
You spent a shit ton of money on them and since they had been personalized, the last thing that Jack wanted to do was lose them.
Except, he did lose them. 
"When did you last have them?"
"I remember before I took a shower I took them off and when I got out, I didn't immediately put them back on and when I remembered to, they were nowhere to be found."
"Well they just didn't get up and walk away."
"At this point anything is possible because where the hell could they have went?"
Just then they both jumped when Jack's phone went off indicating that he had a FaceTime call from you.
Both of them stared at the phone waiting for the other one to answer it. 
Then that led to Urban picking up the phone and throwing it at Jack and he responded by throwing it right back to him scared of what you were going to say.
"Will you answer it?!" Urban yelled as Jack looked at the phone with wide eyes.
"She's going to know!"
"You know I can't keep anything from her and I fold every time!"
"You better not tell her if you want to live to see 30!"
"Fuck okay. Hiii baby girl!"
"Hiya smush!"
"You all done for the day?"
"Not quite. Just a few more things I have to do."
You were now eyeing him and he felt like you knew and that you were onto him.
"Baby? Do you feel okay? You look a little flustered."
"I'm fine, baby girl. Nothing you need to worry about."
"Are you sure? Because I can come ho..."
"Jackman what is happening with you baby?"
"I'm fine just... Urb is calling me."
"Okay, love you. See you soon. I shouldn’t be too much longer."
"Love you too mamas."
Once he hung up with you, he let out a sigh of relief.
"Well that went terribly. Now she really knows something is wrong."
"Ehhh what am I going to do!?"
"We keep looking you dumbass!"
"I'll look upstairs and you look down here."
Well, you came home and neither of the rings were found by Jack or Urban. The both of you were currently laying down and you couldn’t help but feel that something was definitely off with your husband.
Jack just knew you were onto him and no one could convince him otherwise.
"Baby?" You poked his side in order to get his attention and it almost looked as if he was deep in thought. 
"Yes mamas?"
"Do you feel alright?" You asked as you felt his forehead. He simply brought your hand to his lips to press a kiss on the back of it.
"Yeah baby. I'm okay."
"You've been acting really weird all day. Like weirder than usual."
"Me? Weird?"
"Jack, come on. You can tell me if something is bothering you."
"I know, but I'm fine. I promise."
"Imma let it slide for now, but okay. I’ll get it out of you sooner or later."
You turned your attention back to the tv, but you could tell that your husband was uneasy.
When Jack noticed you had fell asleep because your breathing had slowed down, he slid out from under you to look once more for the rings.
They had to be here somewhere.
He tore up the bathroom, the closet, the master bedroom, behind shelves, under the bed, the kitchen, the living room, the lounge area in the basement and he still came up with nothing.
It was now four in the morning and he decided to call it a night. He slid in the bed next to you and you immediately curled into him, if it had been any longer you would have woken up and would have been looking for him.
That was literally the last thing that he needed. 
It was only a matter of time before you found out the rings were missing and he wasn’t ready to feel your wrath from losing them. 
It had been a few days and Jack was surprised that you hadn’t noticed that he hadn’t been wearing his rings. You had just been going about your daily routine as usual. 
You were currently in your walk-in closet trying to make room for the multiple pairs of shoes that Jack had gotten for you recently when he walked in looking panicked.
“Hi, boo. You okay?” You asked as you reached up to kiss him.
"Baby! I can't take it anymore." Jack practically yelled and you were taken aback by his sudden outburst. 
"What? Babe, what's wrong. Whatever it is, we can fix it."
"I lost my wedding ring and Private Garden ring!"
You simply looked at him in his panicked state for a few seconds before you busted out laughing.
"Whaaa? Baby, why are you laughing? I came to confess."
"Baby, I took our rings to get them cleaned! I'm not wearing mine either! You didn’t lose them, I took them and I’m going to pick them up today." You said while holding up your left hand so he could see that your ring finger was bare. 
“Y/N, you gotta stop playin with me like that. I thought you were going to kill me.”
“Oh, best believe if you actually did lose them that I would kill you with no hesitations. But, not this time. It was my doing. You’re fine baby.” You responded while placing a kiss on his cheek. 
“Ehhh, why you always stressing me out mamas?”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to. I admit that I probably should have told you that I took them. But seeing you in a panic these past few days has kinda been hilarious. I had no idea that this was what you had been freaking out about. I noticed that you had been acting weird.”
“Y/N....” Jack whined before you brought him into a hug.
“I’m sorry for making you panic, smush. Do you forgive me?”
“On one condition and one condition only.”
“And what’s that.”
“Sit on my face for all the stress you put me through.”
“Your wish is my command.” You replied as you led the way out of the walk-in closet. 
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Liked by y/ninsta, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, 2forwoyne, privategarden, champagnepapi, and 4,268,901 others
jackharlow: one of my favorite pieces of jewelry that wifey has ever given me. Love you mamas y/ninsta ❤️
y/ninsta: Love you more. You know there's nothing I won't do for you 🥺
saweetie: I know jackharlow is red as a tomato now. y/ninsta is truly his weakness lol
jackharlow: saweetie and I'm not complaining one bit. that's my baby 😌
urbanwyatt: is this before or after your meltdown earlier this week 👀
jackharlow: urbanwyatt after 🙄
urbanwyatt: jackharlow where were they!?!
jackharlow: she took them to get them cleaned and didn't tell me 🙄
y/ninsta: 🤭🤭🤭
jackharlow: y/ninsta baby! It’s not funny! I really thought I lost them and that you were going to kill me 😫
y/ninsta: jackharlow come on smush. you gotta admit it was a little funny. I take it you made urbanwyatt try and help you find them?
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta most stressful 3 hours of my life.
jackharlowsource: wifey stays giving you heart palpitations
jackharlow: jackharlowsource you don't even know the half of it 🙃
y/ninsta: jackharlow just make sure you don't lose them forreal. Same goes for all of PG. 🤨
2forwoyne: now how did we get dragged into it?! 😧
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne as much money as I spent on them damn rings all of yall gonna catch these hands if they get lost. don't play with me.
druski2funny: well damn
privategarden: first lady has spoken and always has the last word 😭😭
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Childhood reunion
Pairing: Gwen x Fem reader
Description: After you arrive at the island for Total drama, you are unexpectedly reunited with your dear childhood friend
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You feel your anxiety eating away at you as you look at the passing scene of water and the forest on the boat ride to the island for Total drama where you will be spending the next few weeks with strangers. You take a deep breath as you see a few people and Chris McLean, you watch the boat leave after stepping off with your bag sharing a side hug with chris before you stand next to a dark haired boy with a guitar and a goth girl that seemed familiar to you while looking at her from the corner of your eye as more people came until everyone was there leaving the docks for your first challenge feeling your anxiety take hold strongly as you watch other people jump, get knocked, shoved, and even thrown by others down to the water below the high ledge where all of you were, after quite a few people it was your turn realizing there were only six of you left trying to keep your nerves at bay as you walk to the ledge turning quickly when you feel someone grab your hand only to see the girl from earlier again this time with a look of fear instead of irritation like before. "Jump together?" you nod with a shaky breath as you grab and hold each other's hands before slowly backing up and jogging before jumping off screaming until you both landed in the water looking around after surfacing to see that both of you landed in the circle cheering together before swimming to shore, you both look at each other and laugh as everyone else jumps off sharing a hug "You are stronger than you think" suddenly the two of you pulled away with wide eyes staring at each other as the flood of memories pours in flashbacks until you both are talking over each other of each memory before grabbing and hugging each other tightly, finally after completing the challenge of building a hot tub you and gwen sit under a tree and catch up feeling so many emotions at seeing each other again after so long of not knowing what happened to each other "God still have those brown emotion filled eyes" you shake your head with a small smile remembering when she said one of the things she liked about you was how she just looked into your eyes and could see the emotion in them, the two of you had been friends since you were three and were very close always side by side until you were both 12 and she moved away remaining in contact for the first two months until not only things got in the way but both your numbers changed and you couldn't get into contact again always wondering and worrying about the other even years later on. You both were seen from that point of the first challenge onwards together attached to the hip always secretly helping each other with challenges whenever no one paid the least bit of attention gaining some of the same friends including Leshawna, Geoff, Courtney, DJ, Bridgette, and Trent always showing support for them and each other leading to the two of you being in the final three with Owen before she was eliminated and then to a lot of people's surprise and others not including her's that you won and returned for more seasons with her staying in constant contact after being reunited on the island in the middle of nowhere.
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tdinyomomma · 9 months
TDWT- Cody X Reader: Walk Like An Egyptian Pt. 1 (Chapter Two)
If you haven’t read: one
“Season three of Total Drama, folks! The world is gonna be mine, sea to shining sea! Sadly I’m forced to share my world with a three-ring traveling teen freak show!” A bus pulls up behind Chris McLean, as he continues to talk. 
“They’ll be competing all around the globe for another one million dollars!” he grins. 
“So let’s meet our players.” The first few teens come out, “Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna!” Introducing them. Gwen accidentally bumps into Heather. 
“Are there reserved seating? I.E. can’t have one behind Heather’s pony-hair ponytail?” She makes a jab at the once bald headed mean girl in front of her. “Um, my extensions are human hair!” Heather folds her arms. 
“You learn something new everyday.” Duncan adds in, to which Gwen giggles at. He smirks, pissing off his girlfriend, Courtney.
“Lindsay!” Chris suddenly shouts, moving on from that whole hot mess, the blonde comes down from the bus. Blowing a kiss. 
“Owen, DJ, and Harold!” He has his eyes shut, waiting for the boys to come out. 
“Hey! Oh! Ah!” Owen grunts, he comes out with DJ bear hugging him from behind. 
“Sweet Strawberry preserves! No!” The big guy yells out. “He’s afraid of flying remember?” DJ speaks for him, walking with Owen away from the bus to let others come out. 
“Aerophobia, from the Latin, as apposed to Aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness.” Harold tells everyone his nerdy information,
 “Keep up the fascinating facts and I’m going to be Aeronauseous all over you.” Noah threatens. 
“And returning favorites: Noah, Cody and-” 
“Yo, yo, yo! This years winner is in the house- Uh, bus. I mean runway! Where’s the plane, eh?” Ezekial announces himself. 
“I know right? Let’s fly! Whoo!” Izzy pops out, jumping onto Ezekial’s shoulders. “Watch out! Ooh!” They both fall to the ground. “Yep Izzy’s back. Also returning this season, Tyler and the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette.” Both the athletes trip and fall over Izzy and Ezekial who still laid on the ground from falling themselves. “
Yo, Chris, you forgot to introduce me.” Ezekiel raises his hand, Chris sighs. “And Ezekial.”
“And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we’re adding three new competitors. He’s an honor-roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species; Alejandro!” The good looking Hispanic teen struts down the steps of the bus. 
“Perhaps I can assist.” He helps up Izzy and Bridgette. “Wow-whee.” Izzy dreamily says. “I-I have a boyfriend!” Bridgette stammers. 
“And, amigos, please allow me.” Alejandro then helps up the two other boys. “Wow-whee.” Ezekiel says. “I like girls.” Tyler defends himself unnecessarily. 
“Here’s our first girl, she’s a well known actress who hates germs, super pretty by the way; [Name]!” The girl comes out with a disgusted expression, trying not to touch the handles of the bus, jumping off the last step. 
“When was the last time this thing has been washed?” She questions, squirting hand sanitizer into her hands. A few of the teens hold back squeals, waving at her and she changes her expression and waves back with a small smile, before she can walk away Chris is already announcing the next girl. 
“And she’s a sugar addicted superfan with 16 Total Drama blogs; Sierra!” The tall purple haired girl runs out, squeezing [Name] into an embrace, lifting the girl up. 
“Oh, my gosh! I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life and-” She gasps for breath, hyperventilating and finally letting go of the actress who hurries away from her. “Anybody, got a paper bad I can breathe into?” She asks around then is quickly over that, heading to the other contestants. 
“Ah! Oh my gosh! Cody and [Name] standing together!” She runs up to then, they both look confused. “I dreamt of this moment, Only you weren’t wearing a shirt!” She whispers the last part to Cody.
Cutting that off there’s a loud squeaking noise then they all turn to see a rusted plane.
POV change
“Excuse me, but I’d like to express some concerns about the safety of our plane.” That one smart girl, courtney raises her hand. 
“Relax it’s perfectly safe,” Chris puts his hands up but then a part of the plan falls off. Freaking out that big blonde guy. “Really looks safe.” I comment, and the Noah guy agrees with me. 
“Now, boarding!”
“No! I can’t ride in that! Call the United Nations! Call a cab! Call my mom! No I’m not doing this! I’m out, this is unethical!” He panics, but before he can keep it up, Chris knocks him out with a frying pan. “Mommy.” He whimpers. 
“Anybody else got a problem with it?” The host motions to us.
“No.” Cody says. 
“Love it!” Lindsay rubs her head nervously. 
“Dibs on the window seat.” Bridgette calls. 
“Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones! We’re saving you a first-class seat for all the action right here on Total Drama World Tour!” Chris sings, “Seriously?” Duncan questions
We get into he plane. “Singing? Really? I thought Chris was joking about that.” Gwen exclaims. “Well I don’t have a problem with it.” Courtney shrugs. 
“Yeah, cause you like singing.” Leshawna adds in. 
“Well, I don’t. Girls sing. Little birdies sing. Duncan’s do not sing.” Duncan folds his arms.“Mm, we can tell.” I mutter, leaning my weight onto my right foot. 
“Think I’ll get to beat box?” Harold asks in a hopeful tone. “I’ll beat you if you try.” Duncan holds up a fist. 
“Why are you doing this to us?” Heather questions the host. 
“Singing reality shows are huge. And the worse the singing the higher the ratings. Which is why this show, there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warning.” Chris announces. Everyone grumbles but I sat there smirking. 
Being a child star meant I had a little bit of an advantage, having extensive vocal coaching I won’t be embarrassed like the rest. 
“Anywho this is the dining area, where you all enjoy in-flight meals.” Chris shows us the room we’ve been standing in for a few minutes now. 
“Not for long, eh? Prepare to lose to the Zeke!” Ezekiel says. “Okay, so not trying to be mean here, but you do know that you got voted out first last time right?” Gwen reminds him. 
“Word. And I spent every minute since making sure that don’t happen again. I’m stronger, faster, smarter-”
 “Chattier, blabbier, can’t-shut-uppier.” Chris shouts, cutting the boy who we falters down. 
“Is there a ladies room?” Leshawna speaks up. “Just through there.” Chris points. “Good, cause I got to make a deposit.” She says.
“Losing teams will enjoy a luxurious economy-class accommodations between destinations.” Chris informs. 
“Okay, well were are our beds?” That blonde athletic girl glances around. “Owen, care to demonstrate?” Chris yells, we all turn our heads over to see Owen sleeping, strapped to the wall. “That does not look comfortable.” Heather speaks. 
“No comfort for losers.” Chris teases. “Safety harnesses and an emergency exit out. No comfort here, here, or here.” Chris jokes, Sierra goes up to him with an obnoxious laugh but it was finally away from me so I don’t care. “O.M.G. Chris I am L.O.L.” She bends down laughing. 
“We should hit the winners compartment, eh? Cause I ain’t never gonna be in here. Ha! Never!” Ezekiel confidently tells everyone.
“Is never your policy on mouthwash too, homeschool?” Noah fans his face, grossed out. We then move onto first class. 
"You smell like coconut and vanilla.” Sierra whispers in my ear and my eyes widen, I move away from her for the hundredth time. 
“This is the first-class cabin, the domain on each weeks winners.” Chris shows off,. “Now this is the kind of accommodation ladies deserve.” Alejandro flirts with Lindsay and I scrunch my face. “They get ladies in first class, too? Oh! Me! You meant me!” Lindsay then gushes at her realization, hiding behind her hand to giggle. 
“That guy is as smooth as moma’s gravy.” DJ says and I agree. “You gotta be stupid to not see it’s poisoned though.” I mutter. “Lindsay’s supposed to like me.” Tyler slumps. 
“Nobody can compete with gravy. Even the poisoned kind.” Dj nudges me and we both chuckle. “Lindsay! I can do a handspring!” We probably should’ve stopped him but instead we watch him do it and completely fail. 
“Oh my gosh! Poor… uh I’m blanking on his name- Oh! Oh! I know! Alejandro.” She holds her r=hands together. “That’s my name.” The Hispanic smirks. “And what a nice name, Alejandro. I could say it all day.” She flirts back with him. “Please do.” She giggles at his response. I look over to see that Heather girl get annoyed.
“I can see right through that guy. You know, this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toilet.” heather admits. “Maybe for you. I’m trying to prep for a flight here.” Chef interrupts. “Hello, venting! Shh! Anyway, new guy is so transparent. So fake, so-” “Deliciously seductive.” chef speaks up once again. “That is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to say.” The girl disagrees. “Pretty good looking guy to boot, I’m just saying. Also there’s that actress it’s gonna be tough to compete with such a loved girl like her.” “Ugh! Forget this!”
“Whoa! Where are we now? A grand piano? Wood burning pizza over? Four person hot-tub with L.E.D. light show and dancing waters?” Cody questions, pointing out everything like we couldn’t see it ourselves.
  “Definitely not ours.” I cross my arms and he looks over at me. “Huh?” “it’s Chris’s.” I laugh, his face turns red as I’m chuckling. 
“Easy tiger, [Name]s right these are my quarters. And they’re off limits? Clear?” It looks like he was mainly talking to Harold but I missed what he said. “Crystal.” Harold puts his head down. “Oh, Chris. I heart your limits.” Sierra sighs.
“Anyway, with Beth gone, Lindsiot and Ale-whatever looking like a real threat, same with Miss all-loved actress, my only strategic option is to make friends with the other new girl, But pretending to like that is gonna be hard. I do not heart the new girl.” Heather declares to the camera, even getting closer to it.
“And that’s pretty much it, I skipped the cargo hold and galley but I’m sure you’ll find those exciting destinations later when I accidentally lock you in them.” Chris uses quotation marks with his fingers towards the end, being sarcastic. Then the plane moves like there’s a huge bump. 
“One more thing. I’m sure you remember a little something called the elimination ceremony. Takes place right in here, my friends.” He points, we all follow him to the next area.
“If you don’t receive a barf bag full of airline-tissue peanuts-” 
“I got a peanut allergy, yo, or more like a sensitivity.” Ezekiel confesses. “You will be forced to a drop of shame.” Chris ignores the boy who decides to carry. 
“Okay, I just don’t like-” “Kind of like this.” Chris grabs the boy, throwing him out of the plane. “All eliminations are final, bro!” Chris waves outside the door.
Now we’re sitting back at the tables. “Every second, we’re getting closer to ad
venture. And further from momma.” DJ frowns, I pat his back. “It’s gonna be alright. You’ll be back with her in no time.” I smile, of course I notice the staring and gawking over me comforting the boy. There’s always eyes on me. 
“Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson and [Name] [Middle Name] [Last Name]. I also happen to know your birthdays are April 1st and February 14th. My own April fool and Valentine.” Sierra stares at us in a creepy way except these eyes just have to be the most unsettling the I actually want to stop looking at me.
A spotlight shows upon the host. “Whenever you hear that friendly little bell, it’s musical number time. So let’s hear ti!” Chris tells them. “But what are we supposed to sing?” Courtney asks. “You have to make it up as you go. It wouldn’t be challenging otherwise now would it?” He questions and then music really starts and the teens start singing.
“Up, up, up, up!” Courtney starts it off, three other girls after. “Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!” Harold, Cody, DJ, and Tyler go, looking quite panicked. “We’re flying and singing. We’re flying and we’re singing!” They all bunch together to sing. Cody sits on the edge of a snack cart, [Name] behind him as Sierra pushes them. “Come fly with us!” Sierra sings, “Come fly with us!” The three then sing together. “We’ve got a lot of crazy tunes to bust. Ha-ha!” Izzy jumps out of the vent. “Come fly with us!” Bridgette stands on the couch with her arms out and Lindsay does the same thing on a seat opposite side of Bridgette. “Come fly with us!”
“It’s a pleasure and a honor and a must!” Alejandro pulls both the girls down next to him, both blush. “Dudes this is messed. You’re singing in a plane.” Duncan boredly says. “What do you expect? Chris is freaking insane- unh!” Harold gets pushed away as he was swinging around numchucks. “Yeah, but, guys you’re singing on t.v.” Gwen joins in. “Haven’t you always wanted to? It can’t just be meeeee!” Courtney dances like a ballerina around the goth girl.
Then it cuts to DJ and Leshawna dancing. “Come fly with us!” DJ starts. “Come fly with us!”
The plane shakes startling everyone, it shows [Name] grabbing onto Cody since he’s the only one near, then she let’s go and uses her hand sanitizer. “Do you know how to steer this thing?” Heather grips her seat besides Chef Hatchet. “I try.” He leans back in his seat, feet kicked up. “They thought they could leave me and depart! But this stowaway’s got winning in his heart!” Ezekiel belts, coming out of the suitcases in the cargo.
“Come fly with us! Come die with us!” Noah watches outside one of the plane windows to see one of the jets smoking. “We’re flying? I hate flying! Stop the plane!” Owen wakes up in a panic but just gets knocked out again by Chris.
“Come fly wit us! Come sing with us!” A group tries to persuade Gwen and Duncan. “No!” They fold their arms, Chris walks over with a smug expression laid out on his face, papers in his hands. “Anyone care for a copy of the season three rules? Because in order to escape instant elimination-” His singing gets cut off by Bridgette taking the papers out of his hand. “All the contestants must sing in each show!” She reads out, pissing off Chris.
“Duncan, do it, let’s go!” Courtney nudges her boyfriend. “Gwen sing it, don’t go!” Cody pleads. “Well, I don’t want to go home.” She looks annoyed. “Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us!” Gwen shoots up doing a little dance where she ends up on her knees. “Duncan come on, please!” Courtney clasps her hands together. “This su-u-u-cks!” He belts and they all go around him, posing to finish off the song. “Yeah!” They do jazz hands.
“Enough singing fruitcakes, strap yourselves in. We are now beginning our descent into Egypt. Musical numbers. Worst idea ever. Chris is such an id- Hey, why is this P.A. light still in?” Chris gasps at Chef’s words. “Oh sh-” The P.A. turns off. “We’ll be right back.” Chris tells the audience in a short tone, scrunching his face in anger.
And here we stand, in a scorching hot dessert with pyramids. 
“You guys ready for a little fun?” Chris comes over on a chair in Egyptian clothing, carried by two interns. “Huh? Wow! It’s a scorcher out here huh?” He takes a long sip of his cold beverage. “I call today’s challenge… pyramid over under.” He declares.
“An 11-hour flight, Chef’s in-flight cuisine, a forced musical number. Now we’ve got a challenge?!” Leshawna questions his show. I’m really starting to wish I had a different agent as I fan myself with my hand.
“Don’t you love this game?”
He moved us all over to a line to start a race of some sort. “It’s like we’re being cooked in a giant oven.” Harold complains. 
“It might help if you weren’t dressed like a giant baked potato.” Leshawna tell shim, Harold wears a foil hat on his head. 
“Aluminum foil means the aliens can’t read your brains. It’s a real problem in this area.” Harold informs her but is cut off by a cymbal crashing. 
“Man, that’s satisfying. All right. Pyramid over under means you chose how you’ll get to the finish line- either over or under the pyramid. Got it?” We all nod to his instructions. 
“Ready… Set…” “Wait up, yo! You guys wait up!” Ezekial runs in. “I told you I wasn’t gonna lose this time, eh?” Ezekiel points a finger in Chris’s face. “Didn’t we leave you in like Halifax or whitehorse or whatever?” Chris asks. 
“It’s called landing gear, homie. I climbed it and hid with the cargo.” He tells him. “Impressive but you’re still out.” The host cuts off his dream. “No way! I’m in it to win it! Word!” Ezekiel angrily stomps. “Hey, it’s your funeral.” He just carries on. 
“Set… Go!”
We all begin running.
“Oh, great. Our friendly neighborhood host dude failed to mention there were different paths.” Noah says in a monotone voice. I like him. 
“Hey, Sierra which way do you think we should go?” Heather speaks up. “Me!?” Um… uh…” She thinks about it.
 “How do we know which is right?” Owen asks. 
“I know! Okay, I saw this in a spy movie once. You lick your finger and hold it up to find the air flow.” Izzy then licks her finger, “mmm, this sand really crunches in your teeth. Fun!” She doesn’t even do what she explained, instead turns to Owen and DJ. 
“Okay, DJ, give me your hand.”
“Don’t do it DJ. You might catch a case of crazy.” Leshawna jumps before he can do it. 
“Come on Harold.” The three walk away, going through the middle door way. 
“Oh, oh, oh! Let’s take the scary mummy door!” Izzy points up. I fold my arms and end up following Sierra and Heather. Well I didn’t really have a choice as Sierra grabbed me by the bottom of my shirt for me to walk beside her. 
As we make our way through Sierra steps onto a booby trap. Arrows shooting out of the wall almost getting us but Heather shoves us to the ground. 
“Oops, sorry guys.” We get back up, I notice Heather fight back getting mad. “Honest mistake. Could have happened to anybody.” Heather forces a sweet smile. “Yeah, okay and it almost killed us. I’m not okay with this “honest” mistake.” I announce, walking ahead. “Awe, I’m sorry [Name]!” Sierra follows after me. 
“Stop touching me!” I make a disgusted face. 
We end up bumping into Cody, I try to tell him to go away but he stared at me instead and got caught by Sierra.
We hear a groan and a Mummy had it’s arms out, starting to follow us, out of fear and not knowing who it was we started screaming a running, eventually finding our way out of the pyramid. When we make it out, Sierra was holding Cody and somehow now holding the bottom of my shirt again.
 “Oh, I’m so happy we found you. Heather aren’t you so happy? I have both of my loves!” Sierra speaks to the girl behind us. 
“I’m so happy I could scream.” Heather sarcastically says and we make it past the finish line. 
“We did it! Group hug!” Sierra places down Cody then squishes us into a hug with her. “Come on, Heath! You too!” I watch the brunette roll her eyes then force herself to join us into this already forced embrace. 
“And hugs over, Sierra get behind number 2. Heather, Cody, and [Name], you’ll be on team three.” Chris tells us and I feel relief wash over me as Sierra is not with us on this team.
“In Egyptian-” “No one cares, Harold.” Chris cuts him off. “Where’s Gwen? Not like I care, just curious.” Cody rambles after glancing over to me. “Uh, kids!” That ding sound goes off and Chris is shouting up the pyramid with a megaphone. 
“Recognize that sound? Time for whoever's not finished yet to give us a little musical reprise.” Chris pints up to them. “You said one song per episode.” Duncan angrily shouts down. 
“Yeah and this is a reprise. Not a new song. So if you don’t sing. You’re out, now let’s hear it!” Chris yells.
“You know what? No!” He storms down the pyramid, dragging the two girls behind him. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Three hours of those two squawking on this stupid pyramid in this stupid heat and you want me to sing?! Forget it!” Duncan spits in the host’s face. 
“Dude, you have a contract.”
 “Eat it McLean! If you need me, I’ll be in the plane waiting for a ride home, cause I’m out. Done.” He cuts the rope he’s tied to after twirling the knife in his hand. 
“I quit!” He stomps off.
“Girls on the rebound are the best. They cry and ten you et to buy them a pop and listen and then well they still won’t go out with you but yo get to buy them a pop!” Cody enthusiastically says.
Then comes out the two mummies one actually being Izzy, the same one that followed us out fo the pyramid having us scared for our lives. 
“You’re carrying the undead!” Noah screams. “Cool! Bite me and I can be your undead friend, like Frankenstein!” Izzy says but it jumps out unwrapping itself. 
“Thanks for all the help you knobs.” Ezekiel thanks us sarcastically.
 “Izzy go join team-” “Teleta or three.” Harold cuts off Chris. 
“Come on, guy! After all this, you’ve got to let me back in the game!” Ezekiel whines, begging. Chris pushes him down by the head. 
“Fine, but only cause we’re down a man, thanks to Duncan McQuitty-pants. Go ahead and join team one.” Chris tells him. “Oh! Yes!” The kid cheers.
“Okay, teams talk amongst yourselves and determine a team name. You have three minutes while I enjoy this ice cream cone.”
“Team victory!” Team one says.
“Team Amazon!” My team says.
Then the second team takes a really long time to pick one. “Got it, Team Chris is really really, really, really hot.” Sierra declares loudly making it the name. “What!?” The rest of her team questions.
“All right, best team name ever! And here are your rewards. Team amazon you win a camel.” He shows off the animal. “Team Chris is really, really, really, really, really hot-” “I think there were only four reallys.” Alejandro corrects but is ignored. “You win a goat!” The goat then runs, crashing into Tyler knocking him down.
“And team victory here, you go.” He shows a stick. 
“So the guys who come in last get a camel and we get a stick?” Leshawna speaks up for her team. 
“All will be explained if I feel like it. Next time here on Total Drama World Tour!” 
Sorry for the late post I had a few things happen the past few days but tomorrow I will try to get the next chapter for the Heather x Reader out and then after that is Cody I do have a family issue rn so it might put a slight hold on some writing later in the week but I don't know. Thank you for your patience!
Link to other writings
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dum1s-writings · 1 year
~~~~Intro thingy I guess~~~~
Greetings from @thedum1 (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
I have once again decided to start a new sideblog. I just wanna try tossing my hat into the xMasc!Reader ring. I'll have main fandoms and on occasion fandoms, which will be allowed once in a while.
~Main fandoms are subject to change.~
The main fandoms will be marked with 💕
Favorite characters will be marked with 💋
Obey Me! Shall We Date? 💕
Leviathan 💋
Asmodeus 💋
Simeon 💋
Twisted Wonderland
All students and staff*
*Riddle, Epel, Idia, Neige and Rollo are my weaknesses
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir 💕
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir 💋
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid 💋
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth
Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura 💋
Mystic Messenger
Yoosung Kim
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Jaehee Kang 💋
Jumin Han
707/Luciel/Saeyoung Choi 💋
Animal Crossing 💕
Apollo 💋
Julien 💋
Raymond 💋
Punchy 💋
Muffy 💋
Merengue 💋
Kicks 💋
Tom Nook
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda 💋
Teru Mikami
Misa Amane
Naomi Misora
Kiyomi Takada
Mihael Keehl/Mello 💋
Mail Jeevas/Matt 💋
Nate River/Near
Total Drama Island/Action/World Tour
Cody 💋
Noah 💋
Lindsay 💋
Leshawna 💋
Caitlin Cooke
Nikki Wong 💋
Jude Lizowski
Wyatt Williams 💋
Jen Masterson
Jonsey Garcia
Teen Titans (2003 cartoon version)
Robin 💋
Raven 💋
Beast Boy
Red-X 💋
Bumblebee 💋
The occasional slasher
Michael Myers
Cory Cunningham
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire 💋
Others to be added...maybe.
The general rules:
Fandoms will have their own rules in their own separate posts
He/Him and They/Them pronouns only
I have problems with menstruation so none of that allowed as I HATE thinking of my own
Polyamorous relationships are accepted and loved here but NO cheating 😤
No non-platonic/familial child/teen x adult
No incest of any kind
No angst without a happy ending
Piggybacking off the last rule I prefer a Top/Not Penetrated reader
No matchups 😐
No OCs as main character/reader
Piggybacking again I will allow OCs as side characters
You may see mentions of my OCs as I love them
Some characters will be OOC and I have no shame about that 🤷🏾
All fanfics will have swears except for Miraculous
I'm bad at coming up with bad guys/villains so fandoms with baddies will take place during down time/right after a fight
I am slow and easily distracted so things will come out when I remember
My target audience is me first so if I don't like how a thing is turning out it won't be published
Again....this a masculine pronoun only blog. And before I get shit on by children and the feminine pronoun users........Fuck. Off. I'm here for the gays and theys. I've been on the internet for years and there's PLENTY of shit for y'all.
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 years
Duncan x Male Reader (TDI)
Duncan x Male Reader - Hanahaki AU
Total Drama Island
TW: Mentions of blood, throwing up, cursing, hanahaki disease.  Part 1 out of 2
"I have to say....that was awesome! When you guys opened fire on your own team- wicked tv guys." Chris praised, as well all stood around him after the challenge. I fiddled with the fake antlers that were in my hand, the faint paint visible on my finger tips.
Me and Duncan had originally planned to stick together during this challenge, both being deer on the same team, but we ended up separating half way through the challenge. I haven't seen him since, and I'm beginning to get worried. "Hey, where are Duncan and Courtney?" Harold asked, making the others turn to him. 'Oh god, Courtney's missing too?'
But then, Sadie nudged him and gestured towards a sound coming from the woods. We all turned and saw Courtney and Duncan trudging over to us....with their antlers tangled up? 'How the hell did they manage to do that..?'
"Oh this is too much"
My heart sank a little in my chest, as the all too familiar feeling of jealousy rose over me. "Oooh, Duncan you sly dog, you!" Owen chuckled, making me feel worse. "The girl can't keep her antlers off me" the green haired boy joked, smirking as Courtney just glared.
She then proceeded to kick him in the nuts, making Duncan whine in pain. Some of the other contestants laughed at the interaction while Chris just scolded the two. "Easy Courtney, our medical tents are really only equipped for one at a time and Cody's pretty messed up." He said, gesturing to the beat-up boy next to him.
My throat became a bit scratchy, but I ignored it. 'Probably just dehydrated...' I thought to myself, ignoring the burning feeling that formed in the back of my throat.
Bridget and Geoff separated the two, but I didn't understand why they couldn't just take the headbands off. 'Did he just now want to stay with her...?' My insecurities crept up on me, and I tried to push them away and focus on what Chris was saying.  
My thoughts were interrupted by our team cheering, and I soon realized that Chris had announced our victory. I smiled and clapped a bit, distracting myself from my previous emotions. "Gophers, I'll see you at the campfire ceremony,...again."
The Killer Bass all walked through the camp and to their cabin, exhausted after the challenge they just experienced. "Man, I'm gonna have some bruises tomorrow..." Harold whined. "Keep complaining and I'll make sure you do." Retorted Duncan, glaring at the redhead. "Alright you guys, break it up." Geoff said as he stepped between them.
We finally made it to the cabins and separated into boys and girls, each group going to their assigned side of the small building. Me and the rest of the boys entered our side, and almost immediately collapsed onto our bunks. "Man I'm exhausted..." DJ said, and the rest of us grunted in agreement.
"I've never looked forward to sleeping on these stupid old bunks so much..." I said, burrying my face in the pillow as the others chuckled. After lazily changing into my pajamas, I sat down on my bunk. Everyone got settled, the sound of moving blankets and the wood creaking eventually came to a stop.
It was silent for a moment, before Geoff spoke. "Sooo, Duncan." He said, and I could hear his smirk from across the room. "What." Duncan grunted, drowsily looking at the blonde boy. "You and Courtney, huh?" He teased. DJ and Harold chuckled aswell, and a faint blush rose to Duncan's cheeks. "She's something, let me tell you."
I forced a smile at them, ignoring the burning feeling in my stomach. "Aww, so cute. Tough old Duncan's got himself a lady~" Harold teased, and Duncan reached under his bunk and whacked him with a pillow. "Shut it Harold."
I sat silently as they continued to tease the boy. The same burning sensation rose in my throat, except this time it was much stronger. I tried to ignore it, continuing to force a smile on my face but overtime it became nearly impossible to ignore.
My mind felt hazy and I couldn't think properly, and I felt something rising in my throat, blocking my airways. Before anything could happen I stood up abroptly, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. The boys glanced over to me. "You good, Y/n?" DJ asked, and I simply nodded. "Just uh, g-gotta go to the bathroom." I managed to choke out, before rushing out the door. My voice was hoarse and raspy, and as soon as I closed the door I began to cough.
'Please don't tell me...'
I rushed off the porch tried to get as far from the cabin as possible. I only made it about 30 yards or so, before I doubled over. The coughing became more violent, and I could taste blood in my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the small objects falling from my throat and onto the ground.
After a minute I hesitantly opened my eyes, and to my horror I saw, there on the ground, flower petals. I knew exactly what this meant- a friend of mine had gotten the same thing a few years back. Hanahaki Disease.
The petals were a deep purple, and were covered in the red substance known as my own blood. They were collected in a puddle of red and purple and we're scattered across the grassy floor. I could feel tears poking at my eyes, both from the stress and the burning sensation in my throat. I grabbed my throat as if it would somehow soothe the pain, and began to cry.
'What the fuck am I gonna do...'
The next morning I still felt like shit. Most of the night was spent out in the cold woods, throwing up bloody flower petals and crying. I now had a headache, and was certainly not in the mood for whatever shit Chris had in store.
"Y/n?" I felt someone nudge my arm, and I looked over to see Bridget. "Are you alright? You look..exhausted." She said worriedly. I nodded at her, and forced another smile. "Yeah, just didn't sleep well."
"Today's challenge will test your mind, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen!" Chris grinned, looking out at the rest of us. As he explained the challenge I felt myself nodding off, exhausted from the lack of sleep. How would I be able to cook at this state?
He finally finished explaining, and gesture towards the water. A white truck emerged from the lake, and opened the doors to reveal some...actually decently looking meat.
Everyone piled into the truck, examining the food and chatting about their ideas. The teams then met up and began to construct their plans
I sat tiredly at the table as everyone discussed the plan. "-I'm like a black belt when it comes to cutting cheese!" Harold grinned, and everyone burst out laughing. I chuckled when he looked at us with confusion, not understanding the joke. "I guess that leaves you and me on dessert detail." Duncan grinned, looking at Courtney mischievously. The same burning sensation built up in my throat again, but I ignored it hoping it wouldn't escalate.
Eventually we split into groups, and I was paired with Bridget and DJ to help with cutting the tomatoes. I watched in amusement as Bridget fawned over Geoff, and the sound of Heather and Leshawna fighting in the other room.
When we finally finished cooking, Chris sat down and began to test the food. We watched in anticipation as he ate, but I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Duncan had placed his hand on Courtney's shoulder and they were smiling at eachother. My smile faded and my throat grew sore. I subconsciously reached up and began to massage it slightly, hoping the pain would go away but it didn't.
DJ noticed my action and looked at me questioningly. "Y/n?" He whispered, and I turned to him. "You good man?" He asked, and I nodded. "You've been weird all day..." Bridget whispered, looking at me with concern. "Sore throat, that's all..." I said, my voice coming out raspier then intended. DJ and Bridget hesitantly nodded, before turning back.
The conversation was dropped when we saw Heather enter the room, and I had to hold back a laugh- which hurt more then you would think. Chris announced we had, yet again, won the challenge before I rushed out of the room, not caring to listen to what else he had to say.
The burning hurt 10 times worse now, and I quickly went around the side of the building. Hunching over, I coughed out the bloody petals once again. But this time I heard someone gasp. Looking up I saw none other then DJ and Bridget looking at me with wide eyes.
"Y/n...." Bridget said, before rushing over to me. Her and DJ engulfed me in a hug that I was not at all prepared for, and they didn't seem to care that there was blood dripping from my mouth. I stiffened for a moment, unsure of what to do, before all my emotions came flooding into my brain all at once. I cried into their shoulders, and DJ sat us down letting me and Bridget lean on him slightly. We sat there for a while, and occasionally I'd have to move my head to avoid getting the bloody purple petals from hitting them.
They didn't question me at all, or say anything until I told them I was ready. The tears slowly came to a stop, aswell as the flowers and I took a moment to catch my breathe. "So...can you please explain...why, and how you got it...?" Bridget asked delicately.
I looked down, wiping the last of my tears off with my sleeve. "U-um.." I stopped to clear my throat, hoping it wouldn't be as rough sounding when I tried to talk again. "W-will you get mad..?"
"Why would we be mad?" DJ asked, and I looked down. "I-it's complicated.." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Bridget meeting my eyes, "y/n, you're our best friend. We won't get mad at you no matter what, alright?"
I hesitantly nodded, before taking a deep breathe.
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td-scenarios · 2 years
Could I request Cody, DJ, Chris and Leshawna with how they would react to the reader wanting to do their makeup?
Thanks a bunch!
yesyes! this ask is literally so slayyy like ty tumblr user dragon-pasta ur the cooliest <3
“You want to what?”
In theory, he doesn’t like the idea because of toxic masculinity
but on the other hand
Cody is the biggest simp in the world (and he’s always wanted his makeup done but shhhh you didn’t hear that from me)
Once he got over his inner turmoil, he’d be so ecstatic to go along with it! Like, he would even try his best to make sure you had everything and do everything to the best of his ability.
(even if you two are dating or not by this point) Cody would just be so flustered with how much you’d be touching his face like oh my goddd. Intimacy? From another person? He literally has no idea what that is and is so enamored with the thought of it.
He is finally experiencing it AND he gets to look pretty because of it? Consider this the best day of his life!
y’all know the one photo of the two girls where one is just on top of the other while applying the makeup? that definitely happens if neither of you guys have a proper vanity
TL;DR : You are now constantly asked to do his makeup and it’s really cute 
DJ just absolutely adores spending time with you and add getting his makeup done on top of that and it’s just the perfect day
However, he has to request specifically that you don’t use eyelash curlers on him. C’mon, how is he supposed to have luscious eyelashes if using those things have a risk of snipping them off? No way!
Other than that slight hiccup, makeup time with DJ is a delightful time
He would also ask what you’re doing while applying shit just so he can start doing his own makeup when he wants without bothering you
(though he still loves when you ask because that just proves that you really do like spending time with him)
eventually, he’d want to start reciprocating and doing your makeup! 
Doing eachother’s makeup is just something y’all would talk about constantly
Finally, when you two get the time, you would insist on doing her makeup first
You know how much she likes the natural makeup look on her (and you love it too), so you decide to go all out with  (if she’s okay with it ofc) 
But you would ask which colors and stuff she preferred before doing eyeshadow or lipstick and just making sure she’s still in touch with her comfort zone despite you mixing it up a bit
she looks gorgeous, because c’mon, she always does. 
We all know she likes to have her way and isn’t afraid to speak up, but with you she feels safe enough to let go and to let you do your thing. Really patient and just content the entire time
I don’t know, I just feel like doing makeup with Leshawna in general would be the best experience ever. Just nice chit chat and making each other laugh. Amazing vibes overall
When it’s her turn to do your makeup, she is just so careful and meticulous. 
Real tender shit yk <3
“I mean, I guess...” is his initial response
Getting his makeup done is apart of his job so he kinda sees it like a chore at times
He also takes it as you calling him ugly which hurts
You have to assure him that, no, he is still handsome or gorgeous or whatever term Chris likes the best
You just want to spend time with him and doing makeup is fun
After a bit of squabbling, he figures that doing this could be fun
(and he would save money on makeup artists if you do a really good job)
you do ofc
He secretly admires how well you did his makeup
If someone else can make him love himself more than he is basically already on one knee, ready to propose.
He doesn’t fire the makeup artists btw. He doesn’t wanna stress you out by making you do his makeup for him all the time but shhhhh you didn’t hear abt his soft side from me
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