#towa city remnant
reddpenn · 1 month
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Two and a half years after her supposed death, Chiaki Nanami awakens from a coma into a twisted and unfamiliar world. Her friends have kickstarted the apocalypse, destroying everything - even their own bodies and minds - as they chase the glorious high of Despair.
As their class rep, it’s Chiaki’s duty to stop them. Her plan is simple. One by one, she’s going to confront the Remnants of Despair. And she’s going to save them, or die trying.
Chapter eight of Towa City Remnant is up! Or if you’re new to the Honorary Remnant AU, you can start at the beginning!
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Despite her wariness at Chisa reccommending her for this mission, she ended up doing it anyway. She just couldn't let anyone else get caught in a trap.
So, here she was. Hidden away on the helicopter headed for Towa City. All those stealth games are coming in handy now. Being the former Ultimate Gamer has it's perks. Once the other people inside the helicopter left, she got ready to leave quietly. Before she could do that though, she noticed someone else sneaking their way off. ...Is that... Fukawa-san? I don't think she was sent on a secret mission like me... She must've gone on her own. ...I guess that's not surprising. Togami-kun's the one leading this operation, and she's always following him around...
After Toko went off on her own, Chiaki ran off as well, making sure to go in the opposite direction. Her job was to act as back-up in case something happens, so for now, she is to stay on stand-by.
After a while, walking around got kinda boring. Even with all the Monokuma robots and the creepy, giggling children. I wanna go home... This is a lot more boring than I thought it'd be... I wanna play games with Kamukura-kun and Komaeda-kun again. She was broken out of her internal pouting by a shriek coming from up ahead. Rushing forward, she readied her hacking gun to shoot.
When she finally arrived at the scene, she saw what looked like Toko and another girl in a school uniform struggling against a hoard of Monokumas. 'Toko' cackled and twirled the scissors in her hands, slicing them into a nearby Monokuma's 'throat'. "Oh, what the hell!? These things just don't stop coming! Do those brats have some eternal Monokuma factory nearby or something!? What a pain! I don't have nearly enough scissors for all of them!"
"T-Toko! W-what do we do now?! I-I-I don't have any more bullets! A-and there's s-so many of them! W-w-we-we're done f-for-!"
"Not quite yet! You're not done yet!" Chiaki rushed over and shot the nearest Monokumas all in the eye, destorying them immediately. "That uniform... Another Future Foundation member!? I thought only Master's team was sent here, what the hell are YOU doing here, huh!? Answer me!" 'Toko' seemed oddly put off by her presence. "There's no time for that right now! We need to deal with these Monokumas first. Questions can come later."
"R-right! I-I can't do much right now b-but... I can distract them at least!" The unfamiliar girl stood up, and seemed to be gearing herself up. "Alright! I've done enough crying, time to get started! I-I'll start by... running around annoyingly in circles! that'll draw their attention for sure!"
"Wha- Dekomaru! You keep your ass right where I can see you! Dekomaru!!" As the girl started running around while yelling taunts at the Monokumas, 'Toko' threw and slashed her scissors at the Monokumas while screaming at the girl for being reckless and stupid.
Ah, they seem like good friends. I'm glad. Fukawa-san seemed like she'd have trouble getting along with people.
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ultimatenaegamishipper · 10 months
It bothers me way more than it should that a lot of this fandom seems to completely neglect Byakuya's progression as a character. It's like they see DR1 Byakuya as the only version of Byakuya.
Current Byakuya is still overconfident and critical, but current Byakuya also: genuinely cares about the well-being of his fellow survivors (even Toko despite his disgust for her), accepts and leads a mission to go save Komaru and the rest of the hostages in UDG, expresses a great deal of respect, trust, and caring towards Makoto and praises his positive, hopeful influence, considers the well-being of those he doesn't even know (including the hostages, those trapped at Towa City, and the Class 77b remnants of despair), and uses his position of power for good.
Current Byakuya deserves more recognition, dammit! And I am more than willing to die on that hill.
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funishment-time · 4 months
i'm always thinking about the Minor Mysteries of the Hope's Peak DR world, like
is there any particular Interesting Story behind Peko's parents, or were they just normies?
where the hell are everyone's Parents, actually?? are they ALL dead?
relatedly, did the Naegi siblings ever find their mom and dad???
did Hina ever find the truth about Yuta? who broke it to her?
how did Junko wipe everyone's Minds? (i know it's implied she used Matsuda tech, but how?)
is Junko Enoshima her real name? if not, is Ryoko Otonashi her actual name as implied in Zero?
is Mukuro Ikusaba her real name? (if Junko's is Ryoko Otonashi, then Mukuro is...?)
what happened to the Warriors of Hope? (we deserved a real ending for them in the main timeline)
what were the Horrible Things that Sayaka had to do to reach her dream? (everyone i know thinks something Very Awful and Sexual, but i maintain she did something subtle and violent instead)
did Chihiro's dad make it out of Towa City? (this feels like a plotline the writers meant to do something with Later but never did)
are the Executions canon, or a stylized version of their actual deaths?
if the former, how on earth did the Remnants get any Junko body parts?
what was the deal with AI Junko? when was she made and why, and was Junko even Aware?
did Sakura and Peko ever cross paths before Hope's Peak? (they canonically went to the Same School)
wouldn't Peko have had a hard time protecting Fuyuhiko if she went to a different HS than him (which she canonically did before HPA)?
(i'm sure some of these were answered in DR3, but i haven't seen it yet)
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//Unavailable today, will continue story tomorrow. In the meantime, have these lil crumbs I've been planning to drop for a bit.
SUBJECT 5 - A retelling of the hidden story behind one of the Future Foundation's darkest hidden conspiracies that went undiscovered for over a decade. The story of a young boy named Jakob Clement, and his unique and terrible illness.
RESURGENCE OF CHAOS - A few years after the fall of the terrible and tyrannical Organization Zetsubou, the world fell quiet. However, the Organization fell into the darkness and remained there, slumbering. Now under the guidance of the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima, Tsumugi Shirogane rallies the remnants of what was once the Zetsubou group, to rise from the ashes and wring chaos unto the world once more.
ENEMY UNKNOWN - When Shirogane's group unleash a new Ultimate Weapon that they've been developing in secret, the Future Foundation take it upon themselves to prepare for its arrival. However, at the pivotal moment, an unseen and unheard adversary leaps into the fray, and start kidnapping members of both sides. With too much on the line, and with the conspiracy loosely linked to her past as a terrorist, Mukuro Ikusaba is forced to team up with a rowdy Shirogane-aligned scumbag to bring this mysterious assailant down
THE RETURN OF HAJIME HINATA - After spending several years stuck in the recesses of his own mind, giving way for Izuru Kamukura, hope finally arises for Hajime Hinata when the members of the Whitecloak group approach him with a proposal. Their conspirator, Lazarus, the original creator of the Future Foundation's Resurrection Devices, claims he's developed a method that could rescue Hajime and bring his personality back to the forefront. Mahiru Koizumi, Chiaki Nanami, and a few friends, both old and new, join him to Lazarus' hidden lab with the hopes of bringing their beloved one back to life...But the trip is not as easy as they'd hoped.
MONACA TOWA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRL - When things start winding down after the previous incidents, Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa take the time to sort out some personal baggage. However, while they take a break and sort out their affairs, the Warrior's of Hope discover a cultist conspiracy aligned with the goals of their enemies hidden away in Towa City. With the heroes indisposed, it's up to Monaca Towa to crack down on the case, chase the loose ends, and prove to the world that she's no longer the psychotic monster she appears to be.
THE SAIHARA DETECTIVE AGENCY - Shuichi Saihara opens his own Detective Agency in tandem with the Future Foundation after coming to terms with what kind of detective he wants to be. He takes on some new talent, and is certain that his business will be a success...But his team's first case turns out to be a lot more than he bargained for.
KISARAGI CRASHED - After an unfortunate incident where a Kisaragi Helicarrier is attacked by the Despair group, and the passengers are forced to flee, Tsurugi Kinjo and his close compatriots find themselves stranded in a rural area of Eastern Africa. After discovering that Zetsubou are looking to set up shop, with a Guerilla war raging on against the villains, the Kisaragi Foundation lend their aid to the locals, whether they want it or not.
SONGS OF A BROKEN CITY - When the Novoselic Kingdom becomes subjected to a Despair-ridden plot that threatens to tear the land apart from the inside, four unlikely heroes; Sora Kabuya, Yoruko Kabuya, Yuki Maeda and Syobai Hashimoto; are put on the line to protect the kingdom and its subjects.
A PERFORMANCE, A PAST, A PREPOSTEROUS HORROR - With the battle against the Zetsubou group brought into balance, and with Japan slowly being evacuated, Sayaka Maizono bands together with some old and new friends to put on a public performance and lift the spirits of the oppressed Japanese public in the trying times. Meanwhile, both the Future Foundation and Despair group investigate the elusive history of the Enoshima Virus, and discover what happened to Subject 5 after the facts.
//I will answer any questions within reason, provided they don't spoil the later events.
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thebusytypewriter · 9 months
Okay Salem my beloved two options for my req you do whichever scritches the brainrot best 💕
—Reader-insert/Kamukura Despair-era shenanigans (shippy? chaotic? hurt/comfort? angsty? up to you!) (Bonus points for bullying Servant/Nagito /hj)
—A oneshot for any OC you haven’t gotten to talk about (enough) on here :> I know you have an FMAB and a non-Rosalind fangan kiddo in particular; maybe one of those!
ily Salem thank youuuu :D
Jonnie my beloved you give me options but this is for YOU and I know you love Kamukura so I offer Despair-era shenanigans :> It's a rather..... specific idea but I hope it suffices nonetheless! 💕
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Towa City—the most fucked-up city in this new fucked-up world.
So why, exactly, are you—a former investigator before everything went to shit—finding yourself heading into this fucked-up city? Easy. You’re chasing a phantom.
Not a literal phantom, of course; you’re tracking an individual who’s popped into and out of your radar for months now, showing up without fail at the preferred locations of every Remnant of Despair. You have a couple of buddies in what remains of the civilian-formed safety corps, and they had the misfortune of running into this phantom while on patrol once.
Their number of squadron members was cut in half that day, and the bastard apparently never lifted more than a finger.
You’re intrigued, of course, but you want to make sure this odd man never causes any more disasters.
And so, you’ve found your way to the newest circle of hell: Towa City.
Based on reports, the bridges connecting it to the mainland have since been destroyed, but that doesn’t stop you from commandeering one of the small motorboats remaining at the docks. Ripples in the water nearby alert you to the fact that your target had the same train of thought. You quickly check your supplies before absolutely hauling ass across the water.
As you approach, you’re greeted by a surprising lack of robotic killing machines. They had been the staple danger of Towa City, and you’d prepared several countermeasures against those beasts, but there’s nothing; not even so much as a single ball-sized bot. It doesn’t sit right with you.
(You don’t notice the long-haired man staring down at you from the bridge’s remaining supports, taking in your confusion.)
Nevertheless, you continue on your way, handgun at the ready just in case. As per your training, you follow every turned stone, every shifted pile of dirt, and every open door to track your target. You can’t help but feel pride at your skill and luck to make it this far, to get so close to this strange person.
(He’s moving too fast ahead of you for you to see him laying out the path.)
You climb flight after flight in this one building, all stones gone, all dirt replaced with concrete. The only thing that guides you now is the echoing footsteps above you, growing ever so steadily fainter.
(He takes care to make noisy steps for a change.)
The sound of a door alerts you to the phantom’s exit. Tenth floor—a penthouse suite, you think. You pursue, ready for another chase… or maybe a fight. After all, no one really knows anything about this person; you could be dealing with the former Ultimate Taekwondo Master for all you know.
(You are. Among other things.)
You’re surprised to see your target standing perfectly still within the living area, back to you as they look out of the window toward the skyline. There’s no indication of hearing your entrance, and it unsettles you once more. Now significantly closer, you can reasonably identify them as male, or at least male-presenting. His long black hair drapes over his back and partially obscures his pristine suit from your view, and it’s almost annoyingly perfect and smooth. He stands tall, posture simultaneously relaxed and proper in an effortless manner.
He’s a bit of a vision, you catch yourself thinking.
Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth, you take careful steps forward. One hand holds your gun, which is loaded in case of the worst, and the other delicately pulls your singular remaining pair of handcuffs from your belt.
Thirty feet from him. Twenty. Ten. He makes no move to run, no move at all, so you hesitantly holster the gun so you can have both hands at your disposal.
Just as you step within reach, he turns, and you manage to block a knifehand strike with your forearms. It catches you by surprise, but what combat training remains in your head took action just in time to save your ass from being knocked unconscious.
You have only that brief moment to take in his face—chiseled, neutral, objectively handsome. Intense red eyes stare you down, but they’re not angry. They’re not anything.
His head tilts, and after a beat, he opens his mouth to say something.
He doesn’t get the chance.
You manage to grab hold of the hand he’d used to attack you, and one side of the handcuffs is shoved on.
That’s when he moves, tugging the caught wrist back and attempting to shove you back by the chest, but you’ve got a vice grip on the other cuff.
“Come on,” you growl, keeping still the hand you just caught as you fumble to grab and get the other under control. “Don’t make me use my fucking taser—”
“AHA! Oh…” You move back just a hair, staring in disbelief at your target’s wrist… and yours.
In the confusion, you’d gotten it half-correct. You’d handcuffed him, all right. Just… to yourself.
Well, shit.
“This is awkward.”
He stares, thoroughly unimpressed. But he makes no move to escape.
“What, can’t you just get out of it?”
Red eyes blink back at you.
“…Thanks for the input.” You sigh. “Dammit, why couldn’t this have just gone the way I’d planned? Fine, let’s just… save both of our prides. I’ve got the key.”
Using your free hand—the right one—you reach into your small utility bag attached to your belt and grab the single steel key from within. Even as you hold it up to show him, your target continues to just stare. It’s unnerving, but at least he isn’t trying to kill you. That’s a first, and a welcome one at that.
However, despite your training and ability to lock and unlock handcuffs blindfolded, the edge of the key catches on a ridge it shouldn’t, and the dumb thing slides out of your hand and onto the floor. You ignore the burning in your cheeks and squat to retrieve it.
Just as you reach for the key, he swiftly kicks it with the toe of his shoe, sending it flying an impressive distance across the floor and under the penthouse’s oven.
You stare in disbelief at where it disappeared. Then you look up at him.
How the fuck is he able to look so smug while still remaining expressionless?
“The hell is your deal?” You push yourself up and waggle your cuffed wrists in front of him. “Unless you know how to get out of handcuffs without a key—which I don’t—then we’re stuck. Is that what you want?”
“Or you could just not talk to me. That works.”
God, you wish you still had a team.
“You’re a detective,” he finally says, tone as flat as his expression. “You don’t appear to be related by blood to the Kirigiri line, and the lack of a ring on your hand implies that you are not married.”
The analysis throws you for a loop momentarily as you process it. “The Kirigiris? I mean, I know of them, but no, we’re not related. I’m just a private investigator from Tokyo. I came here to—”
“To track and apprehend me,” your target finishes, “someone you could not figure out. Someone who remained just out of reach. Now you have time to do so, and I will be able to do the same.”
“You make it sound like you planned this.”
He doesn’t refute it.
The sound of approaching vehicle engines alerts you to the presence of someone else outside. It’s faint, given your height at the tenth floor, but you’re still able to classify them as military-grade. Probably those Future Foundation people. You wonder what they’re doing in this city.
…You wonder if they can get you out of the cuffs.
Your target narrows his eyes at you, as if reading your thoughts. “That would be a terrible idea.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“If you surrender to the Future Foundation, it is quite likely that they will consider you an accomplice of mine.”
“Oh please, I’m a licensed detective, they have no reason to distrust me—” Now it’s your turn to blink at him. “Wait, did you say accomplice of yours? Who does that make you, then?”
For once, he hesitates, appearing to mull something over in that strange head of his. Then, he finally says, “I am called Izuru Kamukura, and I am considered to be a part of the Ultimate Despair, who are now the Remnants of Despair with the death of Junko Enoshima.”
It processes for a moment, then you huff a half-laugh. “A lot of uncertainty there.”
“They are facts.”
“Right, right. So the Future Foundation…?”
“Wishes to kill me.”
“Gotcha. And me showing up, handcuffed to you—”
“Would likely end in your own death, or at least imprisonment with suspicion of cooperation with a terrorist.”
“Son of a bitch.” You glare at Kamukura, gesturing vaguely toward the stove. “Then why make me lose the key? Are you just that sadistic?”
That smug little twinkle in his eye comes back. “No. I knew it would be interesting, being locked to the person who’s been following me for two months.” He leans forward into your personal space, dark hair falling to curtain the both of you. “Checkmate, detective.”
Heat rushes over your face once more.
Guess you have no choice but to follow his lead.
‘Interesting,’ without a doubt.
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spittyfishy · 2 months
In the class 78 remnants au, Hope’s peak doesn’t blow up because of the remnants or the reserve course, it gets destroyed when Fuyuhiko and/or Peko rip it to pieces looking for Natsumi.
Also, is Sato still alive in this, since she didn’t get a chance to kill Natsumi?
Lol yeah those two would not be pleased about Natsumi going missing to be part of the Kamakura program. For plot reasons they probably need to not know the school was responsible lol, so maybe the assumption is a rival Yakuza clan took her to intimidate or black mail the Kuzuryu’s.
And yeah I guess Sato would still be alive since all the Twilight Syndrom stuff isn’t happening, it could be kinda cool if she was the person taken captive to be the hostage for Mahiru like how all the thh kiddos had someone important taken for one of the motives and kept in Towa city.
For that matter, Ultra Despair Girls Sato protag👀👀
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thelittleveterinarian · 10 months
Time to be (supposedly) Alive
Towa City. My old home. The place where I lost everything, myself, and carried so much on my back. A thirteen year old girl with a cat managed to save thousands only to be harmed by some. It combinated into an attempt to end my life.
I survived. At times I wish I didn't. I have so much trauma. I don't remember all of it. My body does remember. The day I was taken away for immediate treatment never fails to mix my feelings. Adults and awake children hailed me as a savior. A beacon of hope. For me I was in despair as I couldn't take the pain I went through anymore. I didn't want to be like Junko, the Warrior of hope, and the Remnants of Despair! I knew I couldn't let despair win in the long term.
It's been awhile. I'm going to Hopes Peak Academy for a while now. I've been slowly moving forward. My schedule dedicated to having classes in the mornings till noon then I have several appointments at Hope Mercy. Most of the appointments are learning to use my prosthetic legs. The last few are counseling with a graduate from the school who works at the hospital. They're nice.
Today, I've been thinking about the past. It's just numb for me. My mom, dad, older brother and Lilith died in that city. My clinic died there to.
I've came to realize that, I still want to live in Towa City once it's rebuilt and start a new. I've had plans for a large animal hospital and animal shelter built in one another for a while now. The issue is that I want to have a family who cares about me. Adoption doesn't seem promising for me as my problems are heavy, not to mention complex. Sure I could live alone but, it doesn't feel right to me.
I also have to consider my protection. The C.O.R.E and Future Foundation have been keeping the media and other things away from me. They'd even have some action on what I can do in helping them. It all sucks.
Soon, I'm going to be fourteen years old. I don't know what to feel at this point. I'm upset as it marks I've made it through the unfeasible then sad as I don't have a family of my own to think about.
At least I have Scout and Spike. Spike is now a therapy bot! That makes me happy a little bit.
Tenshi shut her journal. Fourteen years old and has nothing. It was tuff to handle.
She slumped her head over her chair, "two days till fourteen. Fuck this hell called life."
It's been a while since she's been staying in the school dorms. She decided I'd be best to stay on campus other than be with one of the survivors. She didn't want to burden anyone at the moment.
Tenshi looked at the clock, "damn. I haven't slept in three nights. Fucking insomnia."
Tenshi tossed a ball into the air. Spike went off to catch it. Other pets where running around the park in the sun.
"Damn. What am I supposed to do?" Tenshi muttered.
@mercy-of-the-ashes @human-monokuma and anyone else!
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celamoon · 2 years
*pulling up to the celamoon drive thru* yeah can i get a fuckin Uhhhh...
I can't remember if you've ever written servant!komaeda x reader before but I'd love to see ur take on it. Can be sfw or nsfw, your preference! I know you have a few wips so don't sweat it if you take a while.
Also this is @sonyar tumblr doesnt let sideblogs send asks 💔 Hiii longtime listener first time caller
SERVANT... KOMAEDA.. YUM. (artist)
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Warnings: smut, fingering, eating out, fem! reader, dom! reader(this part killed me), reader briefly mentions abt destroying pregnancy tissue with a hanger... yeah.
Towa city has very little to offer.
You pull yourself through the mess, dodging and ducking all of the Monokumas. Monokumas? The... humans. Whatever they are. You have no idea what they're called nowadays. It's been AGES since you've seen a normal human anyways. It's actually the perfect setting to fall in love with a fucked up man who saves you from a bunch of random ass Monokumas. 
You don't know if you should've manifested that last part.
You stand in the pile of rubbish, rummaging through to find anything you can use, and you meet eyes with a man.
Wait. A man?
You stare at him, and he seems surprised to see you. 
You glance at the chain clasped around his neck and the jacket, and you blink. At least you weren't the only one suffering from no fashion in this economy.
"Ah? A survivor? How... rare?" His voice is airy, scratchy, and it sends a chill down your spine. It's been ages since you've heard someone other than Monokuma's voice on the TVs.
"Ah," You stare at him.
He's... pretty? That's not quite the right word. He looks like a poorly dressed porcelain doll. He looks delicate. 
"Oh, dear," He trips, and you gasp. You don't know if you have something wrong with your mind, but you rush over to him. In this sort of economy? You don't know what's wrong with you, but you suppose saving someone who might kill you is the least of your concern right now.
You tear the rubbish from his ankle, and you grimace at the bruise.
"Do you live here? Or are you another survivor?"
He stares at you, and his gaze digs into your soul.
"Ah, my apologies," He smiles. "I got lost in your eyes for a moment, you see."
You raise a brow incredulously.
"How'd you scratch your knees?"
"You see," He hums. "I was looking for chestnuts, for the children, Utsugi-chan to be exact."
You blink at him. 
"They're the warriors of hope," He beams. "They're very adorable, you see."
You nod slowly. You have no idea why you are.
"Anyways," He smiles. "I apologize for being a nuisance, but could you please help me out? I feel I hurt my leg, you see."
You lift him from the rubbish, and you haul him to your makeshift tent. It's not a tent; it's more of a clean area of a destroyed building than anything.
The male leans against the collapsed wall, and you tend to the bruise on his leg. 
"You have alcohol in a place like this?"
"Vodka," You pour it onto his wound, and he hisses. "Make do with what there's left in a world like this."
The male hisses, and he chuckles awkwardly. "Ah, what's your name, darling?"
"I don't think you're close enough to be calling me darling yet," You wrap the wound with a ripped bedsheet. "Y/n. You?"
"Please call me Servant," He smiles. "I do not deserve a name, you see."
You pause. "Alright. Do you live here?"
"I live in the only in-tact skyscraper left here," Servant smiles. "Shall I take you there? As a thank you."
"It's..." you pause. He's suspicious as hell, but you think the last thing you're worrying about right now is some random stranger locking you up in a skyscraper. "...Is it safe?"
"Sure," He smiles. "I'll rely on our luck to keep you away from the kids."
You follow the male, the people ignoring the two of you as you pass them. You wonder if he was a remnant of despair. You don't know. You don't find it in yourself to care. The city's beyond saving anyway.
You glance at the room. It's run down, and you worry a lot about it. 
"It's a little underwhelming," He laughs airily. "My apologies."
"No," You pause. "It's much safer here. Thank you."
You ignore the fact that there's only one bed here.
Servant is seldom in his room. He runs around, running errands for the children, getting and bringing whatever they wanted. There's not much to do in his room. You find a couple of sex toys scattered about, and you blink when you find a strap-on. This man... he's... no. You pause your thought process. That's not what you should be worrying about right now.
The days in his room are boring. There's no internet and nothing to busy yourself with. Servant brings you a couple of trinkets from the kids, and you work your way through the Rubik's cube. Your movement becomes fluid, a second memory if you would. Your fingers work at the cube without thinking, and you scatter your mind. Is this what it feels like to grow bored? How annoying. 
Servant comes back one day, dragging you off from his room. You're concerned.
"Ah," He smiles. You're taken aback by his smile.
"You see," He hums. "I was just thinking... you want to stand on the side of hope, right?"
You blink. "I'm just trying to survive."
"Which means you're on the side of hope," He beams, pulling you down the spiral of stairs. 
"I don't get it."
"We're going to create hope!" Servant beams. "Oh, you're the perfect person to! I can't believe I got so lucky! Picking you up... the fact that you're the perfect person!"
You blink in confusion, and Servant drags you to another room. You stand there as Servant mumbles. "You see..." He begins. "I was just thinking about how... hopeful it would be... if we could raise a new generation of kids! People who won't be stained by the likes of disgusting despair! Of course, unfortunately, there's an issue; since Kamukura-san can't do it, you're stuck with the likes of me..."
"I'm not following." You deadpan.
"Oh, we're going to create hope together!" Servant clasps his two hands together... Hand and mitten. 
"Create hope?"
"Why, of course!" He beams. "It's only fitting that someone as hopeful as you would be the one to deliver the next generation!"
You think you know where this is going.
"You're going to use me as an incubator," You stare at him.
"N-no," He babbles. "It would be unfitting for trash like me to assign people, but it's only if you want to. You know? Well, I'm sure-"
"Well..." You glance at him. It had been a while since you fucked someone. "I don't know... how good are you at servicing others?"
Servant flushes, cheeks pink, lips parted.
"You'd let me taint such beautiful hope?"
"I don't know," You sigh. "How good of a head do you give?"
Servant blushes harder, and he stumbles over his words. "A-anything you want, I can do! I-I live to s-serve, after all." You can see the drool forming in the corner of his lips. You tilt your head, curious to how he would react. He goes on a ramble about how you could do whatever you wanted to him, and you tap your cheek.
"Sit," You watch him kneel immediately. "I said sit."
Servant seats himself on the bed, and you sigh.
"I hope you know how to service someone decently," You straddle him, and Servant's hands rest on your waist almost immediately. You press your lips to his, and he kisses you experimentally, trying to figure out what you liked. He gauges your reactions, trying his best to please you. 
You lean your neck back as he nips at it, licking and biting all at the same time. Servant understands your body quick enough, fingers digging into your skin and pressing where it needed to. Your lips part, and Servant slips his tongue in, desperate to please you like he was supposed to. He's not sure when he forgot that technically everything was supposed to go according to his plan, but he's not against you ordering him around. He liked it.  Servant's fingers slip pull on the string of your waistband, sliding his hand down your hips, pinching your waist as he does so. You moan into the kiss, and Servant's lips leave yours, biting and chewing at your collarbone. You squirm as his hand slides further down, pressing his fingers to your entrance, glancing up at you to see how you'd react. He feels you tense up, and he rubs circles with his right hand as he slips a finger into you.
Komaeda likes it. He likes this. You're so pretty. 
"Mm?" You glance at him as he slips a second finger in. "You're doing good, pretty boy."
Servant's heart flutters at those words. Pretty boy? Oh, for you to call trash like him such a dazzling name was a crime. Yet, he finds himself drinking up every word you praise you toss his way. Pretty boy? Your pretty boy? Oh, with someone as angelic as you praising him, he has to take good care of you. He has to please you.
His fingers speed up, and your breath hitches as he presses his thumb to your clit. You wonder how he's able to do all that despite not being able to see. He seems to be used to this.
The coil in your stomach tightens, and you hook two fingers under Servant's chain as you cum on his fingers. You rest your face in his hair for a moment, ignoring the fact that the man probably hasn't showered in ages. He smells surprisingly clean. You breathe slowly, catching your breath. Servant waits for your next command, staring up at you, lashes fluttering.
"Lay down," You get off of him, and Servant's eyes widen in panic.
"Lay down." You stare at him, eyes hard.
Servant listens, and he watches you as you push his sweater up, unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants with his boxers. He's so hard it looks painful.
Your hand grabs Servant's chain, looping it once through your hand, pulling on it as you shimmy out of your pants. Servant watches with gleaming eyes as you straddle him. You're so pretty.
The blood rushes to his head, and he whimpers as you run your hand from the bottom of his cock to position him at your entrance.
Servant's hand grips the sheets as you bottom out.
He shifts slightly, and you hold his hip in place.
"Hm?" He stares at you, blinking.
"What do good boys say when they want something?"
"P-please," Servant flushes incredibly redder. "Please fuck me." "Good boy," You smile, finally moving. Servant moans loud. He whimpers and gasps, shaking as you bounce on him. You wonder if he's always this loud. Was he used to this kind of service as a servant? Yet, the better part of you knows that he probably is, and he's probably one of the remnants of despair just from his insanity. Well, not that it mattered. You would die sooner or later, you might as well make the best of this.
"So, hah," You pant, pulling on Servant's chain as you ride him. "You wanted to create hope? I wonder how you're so sure that it'll work. What if I somehow found the pill? What if I destroy the tissue with a clothing hanger? What if I destroy that lovely hope of yours?"
Servant moans, lips parted in ecstasy, eyes hazy, tongue lolling out. 
"So fucked out that you can't even answer?" You stop, and Servant cries out.
"No!" He gasps, shifting his hips to somehow get some friction. His hip bone digs into yours, and you click your tongue in annoyance.
"You were so eager to fuck me earlier," You tug on his chain harder, forcing him to his forearms. "What happened to that spirit? I asked you a question."
Servant babbles something about how he would be fine it with because it was you doing it, and you sigh, riding him again. He cries worthless praise as you feel him pulse in you, and you sigh. Servant whines for your permission to cum, and you pause.
"Do you deserve it?"
He cries. "Worthless trash like me doesn't, but please! I just... really! Please let me cum, angel. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-"
You open your mouth to let him, and you pause when you feel something fill you. You blink, and you scoff at the male.
"Without permission?"
"I'm sorry!" He cries. "I'll make it up to you. Use me how you want... oh.. I'm just a mere servant after all..."
You lift yourself from him, and you glance at his softening cock. "Clean it up."
Servant nods feverishly, lowering himself to his knees, pressing his tongue flat on your cunt. You squirm, and he uses his right hand to spread your labia, digging his tongue inside of you. He eats you out feverishly, panting and whining like a dog. He licks at you, desperate to prove himself useful in some way.
"Is the other hand broken or something?" You yelp as he delves his tongue into you. You squirm, curling slightly as he rests his left hand on your leg, trying to keep your legs from closing around his head. He doesn't mind if you want to, but you wanted him to clean up his mess, so he had to. His eyes widen as your hand pushes him closer into you, but he doesn't complain. He had a job as your servant. He had to clean you up. 
You dig your feet into the bedsheets, and Servant moves his fingers to curl inside of you. You were tightening around him. He couldn't wait to see you come undone. Even though you weren't going to be the one to create hope with him, you have given him such a euphoric orgasm; he had to pay you back. Scum like him wasn't worth cumming inside of you. He should've held it in and rubbed it out later. Oh, but you couldn't blame him. You just felt so good around him.
His mind clouds with thoughts, and he doesn't even realize that you've already cum, his licking and sucking cleaning you off perfectly.
You lift a leg up, and Servant glances at you with doe eyes.
"Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry! I'll make it up, I promise-"
"You did nothing wrong," You sit up. "I came, and you got lost in thought."
"I'm so sorry!" Servant cries. "I'll do anything to make it up to you! I promise!"
"How about you wash us up," You smile. "Since you're a mere servant."
You don't know what part of this power play got to your mind, but as Servant's lips latch to your neck again, you don't find it in yourself to care.
You could worry later.
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ovidiomedes · 1 year
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9. Person a gets hurt while on a solo mission/alone + naegami for @makowo
“I’ll be fine!”, he had said. “I don’t need any help! I can handle myself on my own!” He had insisted.
Naegi knew he could handle himself on his own. He wasn’t fucking useless. He had done it before and he’d be fucking damned if he couldn’t do it again, but now. Fucking hell.
He was sitting on the floor of an abandoned factory, clutching his stomach as it slowly bled. 
He knew that this is where he would find the remnant of despair, Kazuichi Souda. Kirigiri has informed him about the whereabouts of several of the remnants. Togami had refused to help. He understood why. Didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Naegi had to admit he still didn’t know very well what he was doing with the remnants. They had already managed to capture the former Ultimate Gymnast and the former Ultimate Photographer. They didn’t go easily, and now the current remnant of despair, Souda, was not making this easy.
Once Naegi had found his base of operations, where he supposedly spent most of his time building monokuma’s and weapons to be sent to Towa City, he thought it’d be easy enough to sneak in and knock him out whilst he wasn’t looking.
Naegi, however, had not accounted for the thousands upon thousands of Monokuma robots watching the every move of the factory. He should’ve known better. God fucking damnit.
Now, he was bleeding out on the floor with Souda probably still looking for him.
He could still move his left arm though. His right arm was being pressed against his abdomen, already soaked in blood and starting to hurt. He could still do something though. He had to.
He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. It was a cheap phone Hagakure had made for him. Well, made for all six of the survivors. It couldn’t be traced by the remnants or the foundation, and was supposed to act as an emergency contact if any of them were ever in trouble.
God fucking bless Hagakure.
His hands were still shaking as he clicked on Togami’s contact. He knew the other man was upset at him. He understood why, and yet all that Naegi wanted was to talk to him. 
He wriggled the phone between his shoulder and ear, letting it sit there as he needed to put his left arm back against his abdomen.
“You have some fucking balls to be calling through Hagakure’s stupid ass emergency phone”
And Naegi feels like he could burst into tears. He had never felt so relieved to hear Togami’s snarky sarcasm before in his entire life.
“Byakuya, I-”, he winces. A sharp pain in his stomach decides to make itself known. God is he going to survive? He survives a fucking killing game but getting stabbed in the gut by Kazuichi Souda is what takes him out.
He can practically hear the concern dripping from Togami’s words. If he wasn’t about to pass out from blood loss he’d tease Togami about it, and yet.
“Y-you were right! Though that’s not really surprising. You usually are. You’re very smart. I should listen to you more! Promise I will! If I uh- if”
Words are starting to become hard. He can feel his tongue become heavy in his mouth. He probably should’ve called Togami sooner, or someone. God he’s an idiot.
“Okay. I know where you are. The phone gave me your location. Don’t fucking move. I’m on my way.”
Naegi nods, almost laughing. Why would he nod if Togami can’t even see him? What’s wrong with him?
Togami says something else. It seems desperate, but Naegi can’t hear him as he’s already down under.
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Nothing Comes For Free (Byakuya/Ultimate Housewife!Reader/Nagito)
CHAPTER ONE: One Life Pretending to Be the Cat Who Got the Cream
Next Chapter
Rating: Mature (Eventually Explicit)
Summary: It only makes sense that the Ultimate Affluent Progeny and Ultimate Housewife of class 78 would end up married to each other. Five years into your marriage, life is more than dull. Until Komaeda Nagito is essentially dropped at your doorstep by the Future Foundation and Byakuya puts him to work as a housekeeper. While you love your husband, Nagito keeps you company while he's away doing God-knows-what on his 'business trips'. It's only a matter of time before your relationship with both men grows even more complicated...
(A * will be in the chapter titles containing smut)
Contains (Will Be Updated With Chapters): She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Female Reader, Infidelity, Somewhat Unhealthy Relationships
A/N: I have somewhere between a quarter and a half of the fic written and we're already looking at about 22k words, so buckle up for a long one, everybody...
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     You and Byakuya had a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy: you didn’t ask where he went or who he was with when he came home days after he left with no warning. He never told you when he decided he was sick of the monogamy he’d promised you and reverted back to ‘traditional Togami ways’. It was better for everyone, you assured yourself when the mirror began to mock you. It sounded like his voice. You wouldn’t know, maybe even remember the way his voice rose and fell around his clever words- he’d been gone for two weeks at that point.
     Your ‘relationship’, or whatever it was, with Komaeda had begun purely out of spite. The Foundation had, for lack of a better word, given him to the Togami Coorporation after rehabilitation. He had sought… ‘strong guidance’, and the Foundation couldn’t find an issue with that, as long as it was the right kind. They’d left him at the disposal of Byakuya and it wasn’t long before the ex-Remnant of Despair, the arguable mastermind behind the destruction of Towa city and its surrounding regions, the one who’d truly begun the killing in the bugged version of the Neo-World Program was little but a glorified housemaid. It reminded you of what Byakuya had done to you.
     You’d been cunning, ambitious, intelligent, even. You’d been among the survivors of the 78th class’s Killing Game. Being the Ultimate Housewife took cleverness and the ability to both micromanage and delegate. Being able to keep track of all the moving pieces at once. It had translated easily enough to the Foundation’s specialized branches. You’d made it up through the ranks of the Foundation, you’d been there to watch over the Remnants, you’d gone on every mission they needed from you- but you’d made a mistake that rendered those years of field experience useless. You’d been swayed by Byakuya’s proposal.
     It was curt, quick, but he had that smile he only ever gave to you on his face, the one that had kept you going throughout the dark, despairing years. Everything after he slipped the ring onto your finger was a whirlwind culminating in your marriage, and shortly after being relegated to little more than another trophy of his. You still worked for the Foundation, but you were little more than a secretary, sorting through paperwork and managing outreach to Byakuya and other higherups from your house. Now, you sat around the chateau that had survived through the wreckage that was the new world. Occasionally Makoto or Kyoko dropped by, but even then it was usually to see Byakuya. Any friends you’d ever made who weren’t dead were constantly busy trying to put the pieces of the world back together. You knew more than anything you lived one of the most charmed lives on the planet, but it was still glamorized solitary. You were a caged songbird with clipped wings.
     You couldn’t help but keep your eyes on the war criminal inside your house. The rest of the staff was terrified of him. They’d even come up to you, begging on their hands and knees to trade shifts so they wouldn’t have to be around him for long. Eventually, you’d had to sort out schedules so that Komaeda was always alone, but he never seemed to mind, and to his credit, he did the work of four. After so many complaints you realized that you’d have to go sort him out yourself- after all, even though he was technically his employer, Byakuya was as reliable around the house as a bucket with a hole. You’d gone down to the first floor when he was tasked with its upkeep that day.
     Even though you knew that there was no possible way he could have gotten his hands on anything dangerous, there were even guards assigned to watch Komaeda’s every move (through cameras, even they couldn’t stomach his presence) each step towards the room you could hear him humming from felt as though you were stepping through a wave of pure dread. The handlers assigned to him had even assured you and Byakuya both that he was physically weak as the average preteen and would show the signs of his malnourishment for quite a while. 
     But you weren’t stupid. You knew that Komaeda’s weapons had always been his mind and mouth, and you knew those were some of the most dangerous.
     He was cleaning the tiles with a mop, whistling broken notes to a tune you’d never heard. He heard you approach and he looked up expectantly, as if waiting for his next command. When he took in your appearance, his face broke out into a smile. Your stomach tossed. You thought you might be sick.
     He adjusted the light, black jacket he was wearing. It was over a grey button down and khaki slacks- the masculine version of the housekeeping uniform all of Byakuya’s housekeepers wore. It was almost funny to you, that now he was even wearing a uniform. You’d seen pictures of him when you still worked, when the Foundation was still hunting him down. He’d been scraggly and everything about him screamed haphazard. His white hair looked tangled, even in photos, and he seemed dangerously thin- he looked much better now. His face had color, and his eyes-
     “Togami-sama?” Komaeda straightened himself out, leaning a bit on the mop. “Ah, what can I do for you?” Even slouched over, he was taller than you. “I’m sorry, I’m not quite done with the floors yet. I apologize for my incompetence. My skills are… surely less than qualified for a house as stunning as this.” He smiled crookedly. To see him smile so easily was-
     “I- I’m sorry, I must have wandered into the wrong room.” You cleared your throat and turned away. “Goodbye.”
     “Goodbye, Togami-sama! Nice to finally meet you!” He chirped. Your heels echoed down the hardwood as you hurried away. You understood why so many people had wanted to get away from him. ‘It was his mind, his mouth…’ You recalled. ‘His mouth… Oh, fuck.’
     Komaeda had been quickly reassigned as your personal live-in servant. It was simply easier than having to constantly rearrange the schedules and have to deal with the fear he inspired in other people. For two weeks, his presence loomed over you, though he never approached you without being asked. He seemed to keep showing up in places you were going to. ‘Could I prepare you a tea, ma’am?’ He asked when you approached the kitchens for breakfast. ‘It’s quite sunny out, would you like me to bring you an umbrella?’ He said when he passed by the door to the garden you’d been heading out. ‘Is there anything at all I can do or bring for you?’ He repeated, every night, as you made your way around the house, checking on the state of it before going to bed.
     You felt guilty not assigning him anything, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to. But he walked away, dejected in a way his permanent smile did not hide- a servant with nothing to serve. You knew that pain well. Each day you walked into a room whose dusting you wanted to touch up and another cleaner came running in, head bowed and apologizing profusely before finishing. Every time you snuck into the kitchens and pulled out the ingredients for a grand cake that’s taste you craved as badly as the satisfaction of baking it and a chef walked in with the menu for the day they needed to prepare for everyone. Every night in that grandiose California King bed with its soft, silken sheets you spent alone.
     It was like Byakuya knew what he was doing. It was a fate people only spoke of in whispers- or at least, the housestaff did, and that’s all you really had the chance to hear- to be an Ultimate with no talent to practice. It was an aberration. Everything was done by the halves: a house, but not a home, to keep. A husband, but only in name most days, who spent most of his time with other women.
     On the fifteenth day, you cracked.
     “How do you… keep smiling?”
     He looked up from the closet the cleaning supplies were kept in. You knew everything that was kept in there, once upon a time. The first time a product showed up you had never heard about it broke your heart. You pushed the memory aside as his eyes met yours.
     “I’m- I’m sorry, ma’am?”
     “It’s nothing, really. Nevermind.” You shook your head. Made your way to continue on, like you hadn’t come all the way down here just to find him.
     “My apologies, I just thought I misheard you.” He seemed to be thinking as he continued to put things away. More things you didn’t recognize, you realized bitterly. “...I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question like that.” He said softly. You wanted to say something, but no words would have fit right in the space. Not from you, at least. “I take care to find things to smile for. We have to keep moving towards hope, I think. There’s nothing else, is there?”
     The sound of things moving around in a cabinet you could not see. Nothing else.
     “Yes ma’am?”
     “Will you…” You dug your manicured nail into your palm. You loathed asking for help. “Will you aid me in taking inventory of our food and cleaning supplies today? I’d like to be more… aware of the going ons in the house.”
     “It would be my pleasure.” He said eagerly. You didn’t doubt that it was. 
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reddpenn · 9 months
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Two and a half years after her supposed death, Chiaki Nanami awakens from a coma into a twisted and unfamiliar world. Her friends have kickstarted the apocalypse, destroying everything - even their own bodies and minds - as they chase the glorious high of Despair.
As their class rep, it’s Chiaki’s duty to stop them. Her plan is simple. One by one, she’s going to confront the Remnants of Despair. And she’s going to save them, or die trying.
For those of you following my fanfiction, chapter seven of Towa City Remnant is up!  Or if you’re new to the Honorary Remnant AU, you can start at the beginning!
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haunted-xander · 1 year
Remnant Searcher Chiaki AU Masterpost
Someone on insta asked for an easier way to read the chapters so here ya go 👍
Chp.1: The rebirth of hope
Chp.2: An unexpected ally(?)
Chp.3: A familiar face with newfound malice
Chp.4: Little miss saviour
Chp.5: Suspicions and decisions
Chp.6: The sky is watching
Chp.7: A flashing migrane
Chp.8: First blood
Chp.9: Dreadful hospitality
Chp.10: One-sided goodbye
Chp.11: New allies appear
Chp.12: Main quest updated
Chp.13: Course of action
Chp.14: New roommates...?
Chp.15: Breakfast
Chp.16: No more despair
Chp.17: Entering Towa City
Chp.18: Girl trouble
Chp.19: A stroll through ruins
Chp.20: Let's play dress-up!
Chp.21: Good news
Chp.22: Program set-up
Chp: 23: Disaster strikes
Chp: 24: Why, oh why would you!?
Chp: 25: Reunion
Chp: 26: New Beginnings
Chp: 27: Memories
Chp: 28: Big bro is awake!
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thenewfuture · 9 months
Ahhhhh… Crap… Hey, uhh… Look future foundation folk, some of you are… more understanding then others. But uhh… You guys realise these guys were brainwashed, right? And also… They’ve been freed, and that’s why Makoto is here. Please, understand… They aren’t the terrorists they once were forced into becoming anymore.
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I don't care about that. Have all you forgotten the amount of atrocities these guys have committed?! They're criminal terrorist scum...!
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Haaaaahhh...... I r-reeeaaallly hate to agree with Ruruka... B-But she's right...
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Multiple counts of genocide, mass destruction, terrorism, torture... Th-These crimes can't be swiftly swept....under the rug....
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Yeah, and unlike those Monokuma Kids at Towa City; they don't got the excuse of being minors and visibly controlled with a device. The Remnants were fully conscious of their actions...
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Even the blackest of cats still reap the yarn...
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Hmm...indeed...This is quite troubling... What do the rest of you think?
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What do I think?! It's obvious! Makoto Naegi is guilty of being a damn traitor, and the Remnants need to fucking die!
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Please wait...! They're not the people you think they are anymore, they-
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They what, Makoto Naegi? They don't deserve to pay for their actions, their crimes against humanity?!
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Maybe its time I remind you of the type of people you choose to defend. *Beep*
*Bzzzrrrtttt!* *Kyousuke pushes a button on his own phone, and videos appear on the main screen again...*
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Ahahaha. Ahahahahaha....!
*Sonia is paraded around in throne, as her followers destroy and wreak havoc around her...*
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Grrnnkk! Heeengghh! RAAAAAHHH!
*Akane is seen jumping from building to building, knocking them all down at ease...*
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*Fuyuhiko's men shooot everything in sight, and Peko cuts people down with ease. Fuyuhiko just gazes on...*
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*A giant Monokuma walks around the city and crushes everything with each step. ....There's a person riding on its shoulder....*
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*Izuru's back is turned as he looks towards the horizon...*
*Sounds of a gun loading is heard, as multiple Future Foundation agents enter the frame and take aim at Izuru...*
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........... *Izuru turns around slowly....*
*WHOOSH* *BAM, BANG!* *Atatatata!* *WHAM, SLAM!* *BAM, BAM!*
*In mere seconds, Izuru attacks and dispatches all the agents, dodging bullets and assaults alike and strikes them to the ground...*
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............ *CRACK!-BRZZZZZTTTT!*
*Izuru kicks the camera on a fallen solider, and the video ends...*
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These....these are the very people you wish protect...
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What's the Remnant Impact AU?
Thats the social media au where komaeda's on twitter and the towa city cryptid but it got the name remnant impact because Izuru made knock off genshin impact with the remnants as the gacha characters and i thought that was the funniest fucking thing ever
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
Question for your Dr rewrite: what ever happens to AI junko? Or more specifically, what happens to shirokuma/kurokuma? Considering the fic focuses on junko and her relationship with hersel(ves)f, I'm curious if they'll be mentioned.
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I haven't decided - or realized, maybe - what's happened/happening with AI Junko yet. I'm not sure if she exists in the scope of this particular fanfic. I've thought about where she might fit or what to do with her, but nothing's really clicked yet. I don't want to throw her in just to have her show up, you know? And unlike with Nagito, who I knew got a message from Junko and was doing something but just hadn't figured it out yet, I've gotten no indication from Junko that AI Junko is a thing.
(There's a way to get her involved, but I'm not sure if I'm going to go in that direction.)
That said, Shirokuma and Kurokuma do not exist in this series.
They both cropped up as a result of the Warriors of Hope's attack on Towa City, which was prompted primarily by Monaca's desire to create a second Junko - a successor - after Junko's death. Due to the premise of the series, Junko is not dead, and so Monca would have no reason to want to create a successor to Junko and the Warriors of Hope would not attack Towa City.
(You could make the argument that Izuru put them there, since Monaca doesn't seem to have known that Kurokuma was a Junko, but Izuru was also on a path to trying to bring Junko back, which no one needs to do right now, because Junko's not dead. Also as of right now, I have no reason to believe that he has access to AI Junko, supposing she exists. If anyone has her, Nagito does. Maybe. Hm.
I should think on this more, actually. Access to AI Junko - and who gets that first - would really depend on exploring Hope's Peak and finding wherever she was put. Again, while Izuru could do that, I feel like Nagito would have her re: the message Junko left for him, if anyone has her at all.)
I have different ideas for how Monaca and Towa City might be used in the series, but those won't come up until probably Of A Light Hope. She's still mass-producing Monokumas (of a sort) (probably), but there's no Shirokuma or Kurokuma. (And I think Mikan references...Jataro? I think? in one of the Remnants chapters, so the Warriors definitely exist within etc. That's not your question, though.)
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