#trainer class: swimmer
pokemon-npcs · 3 months
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2018 + 2021
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Pokemon Gold and Silver
1. Kimono Girl
2. Beauty
3. Medium
4. Teacher
5. Cool Trainer
6. Lass
7. Picnicker
8. Swimmer
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communistcephalopod · 7 months
🌊 lugias-sopping-anus
Can't stand how people will learn that humans are related to Pokemon and somehow come to the conclusion that different people are different types. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
🍑 pechaberrysoda
there are literally so many fighting type people what are you even talking about lmao
🌊 lugias-sopping-anus
Your genetic make up doesn't just magically change type because you took a karate class. Do you also think your Charizard is a Grass type now because it learnt Solar Beam?
✨ ace-trainer-luna
But aren't Psychic type people a thing? Some humans have telekinetic powers, I'm pretty sure there are a few gym leaders who have them. There are even rare cases of children born with psychic abilities.
🌸 cynthiasfuturewife
that's still just learning moves
🌌 mistyterrain
As an actual Psychic type, this post is really disheartening to see. The fact that people who still refuse to acknowledge the existence of psychics are so common is just shocking. We exist!
☣ deathtounova
no one's refusing to acknowledge the existence of shit, you just don't know how types work
🌌 mistyterrain
The sheer ignorance on display here, it's obvious you're just mad you're a normal type lol.
☣ deathtounova
how bout i karate chop your ass and we'll see how "not very effective" it is
🌌 mistyterrain
Typical physical attacker brutishness, resorting to violence as usual
🦧 return-to-mankey
didn't you claim you manifested the kyogre disaster in hoenn?
⚡ electrictypesfuckyeah
🥀 cradilyzone
Actual professor here! Genetically, all humans are Normal types, though some of our relatively recent ancestors were Psychic. Part of what let us succeed as a species was reutilizing the brain power originally used for psionics to language and tool use. We do still have some vestigial psychic power that can be trained, though it's quite weak compared to most Pokémon. As for those born with psychic powers, this is considered nowadays to be like an egg move, passed down from parent to child. And no, obviously learning Fighting moves doesn't make you a Fighting type, there is no way for a human to change their type.
🌔 hexmaniac
my grandma became a ghost type
🔶️ bigjiggly
🔞 mega-miltank
What about swimmers though, they're water type, right?
📀 HM-69
did you even read the post
🪴 n-did-nothing_wrong
Are we all just ignoring OP's url?
🌊 lugias-sopping-anus
Team Plasma apologist blog, opinion discarded.
🛗 mostlymukposts
This post single handedly evolved my Porygon-2
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adobe-outdesign · 5 months
favorite trainer class? like lass, swimmer, ace trainer, etc
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finally, a trainer class that speaks to me on a personal level
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pansear-doodles · 7 months
Hi random fun question what kind of Pokémon trainer do you think each scug would be and how well/what kind of trainer. In my opinion I think monk has the potential of being a astounding trainer with a diverse but well rounded team and can be around ether gym leader or elite 4 level, but I really see them being ether a nurse or a Pokémon ranger.
gourmand would be a professor, with nightcat being an assistant
pretty sure surv would be a typical trainer, with the well rounded team
monk would be a nurse yes, maybe a daycare trainer who uses a full team but the pokemon are weaker level
hunter is a gym leader i feel
arti and spear i feel would be high ranking trainers, and riv would be a swimmer trainer class who uses mainly water type pokemon
saint would be a veteran trainer who uses mythical/legendary pokemon
enot would also be a typical trainer
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saggitary · 10 months
Clone Wars + Bad Batch Headcanons
(That I also use in writing)
It's been a while since a headcanon post so here we go
Clone troopers were generally physically affectionate. Hugs, nudges, and hanging off each other constantly.
Most jedi padawans are used to sleeping in groups and constantly rough housing with their crechmates from their time in the crèche so it isn't uncommon for them to be found physically engaging with their troopers (especially in cuddle piles)
All clone troopers are powerful swimmers
Echo and Wrecker hate water because they both have a harder time with swimming. Due to Wrecker's mutation he has a high amount of muscle mass and a very low amount of body fat, meaning he sinks in water. Echo weighs a lot more then he's used to with his metal cybernetics, as well as missing some vital limbs it makes swimming very difficult
Clone troopers picked up mando'a from their trainers, but bastardized it due to their lack of proper language training and the conditions they were raised in
Each battalion has their own even more bastardized version usually mixing in languages their Jedi general speak
Ahsoka loves playing with hair and that is a very specific weakness all clone troopers have. Fives always falls asleep when Ahsoka starts running her hands through his hair.
Back on Kamino when a member of a batch was injured in training, the Kaminoans would allow the squad to visit their injured brother because they believed it helped them be less distracted and improved test scores
When a trooper is injured on the battle field their close brothers usually won't be able to rest until they've visited their vod in the medbay
This habit soon expanded to their Jedi COs as well, much the Jedi's amusement
The 212th was peeved that Ahsoka ended up with the 501st, they thought they were going to get her
The clones do in fact have the “see a lonely child and adopt it” gene and this comes out particularly strong with the Jedi Padawan Commanders
Many of the jedi generals teach their troopers certain hobby skills like knitting, painting, craft, etc to help with stress and what not
Hunter uses a bar of soap to clean his hair while Tup has a 3 step hair routine
The Bad Batch drew many of their plans and strategies from Rex's battle plans and also got many from Echo's (back when he was int he 501st)
Ahsoka taught Cody how to use a lightsaber so next time Obi-Wan drops his he can use it to defend himself and his men
Torrent company compares scars on who's is the coolest
Hardcase as the most scars because heavy class troopers are usually on the front lines
Jesse has the coolest from a run-in with a gundark on a scouting mission
Hardcase refers to Ahsoka as 'sir yes ma'am' or 'ma'am yes sir'
Multiple members of Torrent snuck Ahsoka out to get a tattoo on her 16th birthday
Tech is the only one in the bad batch that snores, and he snores like a freight train
Medics keep cleaning supplies for armor in the medbay in case they are keeping someone in for observation and need to keep them occupied (it also helps keep the medbay clean)
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linoguy · 7 months
Lost wifi before I could continue my spiel so here it is!
Elaboration: They train without break which is the absolute worst for you and I'm sure they're not stretching nearly enough as they should. I also am guessing the way that most of them work out is just to get buff (talking more specifically abt boy groups in this instance) which can get in the way of the muscles you actually want to be using to help yourself.
They also need to be incorporating different styles of dance/yoga/ect. I was lucky enough to have a rlly good teacher who even incorporated philosophy in our classes which sounds strange but was actually extremely helpful. It makes you think about your body in a much more focused and internal way. Knowing your body is the easiest way to prevent injury because you can then read the signs that maybe you're pushing yourself too far and you're less likely to do something accidentally. (I'm saying all this as if I didn't break my ankle, but it's bc I Wasn't thinking like this atm it happened.) Not only does it minimize injury but it improves your dance tremendously, which I believe is also a way to prevent injury. As you get better you think less about the tiny details you don't want to focus on and you only have to think about the actually necessary details. This leaves for less distractions and more precision in your movement. If you're confident you're going to minimize those wobbly moments where perhaps you could have slipped or twisted something.
As far as I can tell idols are trained to just keep going over their limits again and again and not much else. This way of training will cause quick accidental injuries but it will also cause long term injuries that build over time. And it's a whole other spiel if we then get into dietary/weight restrictions and how that contributes to injury. Omg this is so long..I think it was the lack of internet, it allowed me to keep going on and on. Anyway I hope you find it interesting!
YEAH THIS EXACTLY. First the whole philosophy thing: my teacher rn was a psych major and he used to be a personal trainer, he’s very big about teaching us to use our bodies safely and to not push us to do anything that we physically cannot do. He’s also very very big about injury prevention so I don’t think the philosophy side to it is weird at all! Every class he gives an hour lecture about anatomy because he wants us to understand what we’re working with.
the thing about injury prevention when you begin to get technique down: the more you dance, the quicker you pick up on things. When you have technique, injury prevention skills, and muscle under your belt, this will be easier for you. When you don’t have those things down, you are basically tripping yourself before the gun goes off in the race. The thing you said about how once you have all those aspects down, you have to think less about them. Thinking less while dancing is a godsend , and every dancer should strive for it. The less you have to think about technique, what your muscles are doing, or if you’re being safe about your spine, joints, etc, the more you can actually begin to think about expression.. which is the whole point of dance.
Lastly, WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT MUSCLE TRAINING AT THE GYM WHEN IT COMES TO BOY GROUPS 🏃🏽‍♂️💨 you’re so right ahdjdh. They’re all looking to get buff and that’s it. At least some of the guys in skz were athletes before they were an idol so I bet that helps w where all that muscle goes. Ik chan said he used to do ballet and obviously he was a swimmer, so those are all good muscle training activities for dancing.
Also the idea of these idols dancing without break and not stretching properly is dizzying.. sincerely hope they all get to bc that leads to so many problems
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Percy Jackson’s trainer Class isn't Swimmer, it's Future Girl.
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sygnasableye · 10 months
Trainer Red Headcanons
Since X Twitter is turning into a real dumpster fire of a site, I've decided to move my 'lore' threads over here so I still have access to them once I leave Elon's hellsite. First up is my interpretation of Red!
This iteration of Red is in his twenties, therefore taking place before his and Blue's trip to Alola. Teddy (OC) is briefly mentioned in this list.
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Red is on the autism spectrum. Pokemon and battles are his main special interests, and playing with the brim of his hat is a stim.
He's bisexual.
He's selectively mute. As shown in Pokemas (and Smash Bros. too I guess), Red can talk -- he just typically doesn't unless he's with trusted friends & loved ones.
He's so incredibly in-sync with his main team that he no longer needs to issue commands in battle. When he was younger, he used hand signals to give commands; he still does this for mons that aren't on his main team.
Red wants to seem cool and mysterious to other people, and yes, this includes standing on an ice mountain to wait for challengers for a considerable amount of time. He probably read JJBA as a kid and thought Jotaro was the coolest dude ever.
He briefly had a crush on Green/Leaf (in my head they're the same person) back when they, including Blue, were on their Kanto journey together. He never told her and eventually lost that crush, but Green is still a very important friend to him.
Even roughly a decade later, Red still hasn't quite gotten over his loss to Ethan on Mt. Silver; it was his first real taste of defeat, after all. He does use it as motivation to train harder with his team, but although he respects Ethan, he's a bit nervous around him.
Red really, really likes bug pokemon. He doesn't battle with them often, but he likes to collect and raise them. One of his favorite bugs is Heracross, a reserve mon who he actually *does* battle with; he also particularly likes the Ledyba and Nincada lines as well!
Some time after the Sevii Islands adventure, Red caught a Mew after befriending it and earning its trust. He keeps Mew a secret from most people; only the closest of his associates (Pallet Town trainers, Prof. Oak, etc.) know about it.
If you claim to be a member of Team Rocket, even if you're kidding, Red will immediately challenge you to a battle you can't refuse. He does not take threats from TR lightly and will attempt to squash out any and all of their operations.
As gifted to him by Teddy, he has a Roaming form Gimmighoul that usually hangs out in his pocket or under his hat. It has a chest full of Gimmighoul coins in his room back in Pallet Town and will happily chill out there with his mom when it's not traveling with Red.
Red enjoys fishing because it lets him space out (until there's a bite on the line at least) and listen to the water's waves. "No thoughts, head empty" is a state of zen for him. He's not nearly as enthusiastic about fish pokemon as he is about bugs, though.
Strangled Red is canon to my interpretation of Red (and Blue). Red doesn't like to think about his former role model anymore and chooses to repress his grief into the back of his mind.
Red doesn't listen to much music outside of soundtracks from video games and shows of his youth, but he tends to enjoy most genres outside of very noisy, chaotic ones like metal and breakcore (they usually lead to sensory overloads for him).
Red's starter is Charizard, but he's closest to his Pikachu (nicknamed Pika; the only one on his main team to have a nickname) that he caught in Viridian Forest. Pika is outside of its ball more often than not and sometimes even serves as an emotional support mon for him.
Red is afraid of drowning and cannot swim. He is very envious of the Swimmer trainer class for this reason.
He hates shorts and how they feel on him. In his opinion, they are NOT comfy and easy to wear.
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oh-shinx · 22 days
There is never a zero percent chance that a fairy type is gossiping about you, Jacqueline the Swimmer class trainer from Courmarine who has a non-battling mawile and a battle team of only finneon, star sign haxorus, hair colour blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pokemon-npcs · 1 year
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2018 + 2021
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver
1. Ace Trainer
2. Kimono Girl
3. Beauty
4. Lass
5. Medium
6. Swimmer
7. Teacher
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im-captain-basch · 9 months
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Funky, your transportation expert for the Pokemon Trainer AU
...Somehow, I don't have a witty comment for this one, but guarantee I am excited.
Funky is one of Diddy's uncles through his mother, and perhaps the one that dispenses some of the more graspable wisdom amidst the family. Unlike the others, he's not a part of the Unova league or even a renowned pokemon trainer in any form. He began his gym challenge much like his older siblings and father before him had, starry-eyed and excited for what awaited, but when he came to face his second gym, he suffered a devastating defeat. Although Funky's pokemon were able to be healed back to tip-top shape, the experience led to him resigning from the gym challenge altogether. As a result, he was encouraged to set his eyes on other pursuits.
Funky is a Unovan native, but has ancestry in too many regions to name here. He's been to all sorts of different regions, and in present day runs a business that provides both air and sea travel as well as a beachside shop for those hoping to take advantage of the endeavors Unova's coasts provide.
His team consists of:
Blaze (Growlithe, male, Relaxed nature)
Crush (Tirtouga, male, Lax nature)
Sage (Pansage, male, Docile nature)
Stripes (Basculin, female, Jolly nature)
Dewey (Ducklett, female, Hasty nature)
Caril (Ferroseed, female, Timid nature)
Some additional fun facts:
-Yes. The first three pokemon in his team are referencing exactly what you may be thinking.
-Design-wise, Funky mostly takes after his appearances in the DKC games. Trainer and character-wise, there's bits and pieces of Gym Leaders Marlon and Skyla as well as the male Swimmer class.
-Immediately following The Incident™, only one other person knew what happened simply because they were the only person Funky felt like he could tell. (It was DK.) Funky himself was the one who ultimately spilled the beans a few months later.
-Funky is the second youngest among his siblings. As a result, he may or may not have a mild case of middle-child syndrome, but he actively tries to avoid letting it spoil his relationship with his siblings and parents.
-Blaze was the only pokemon he had for the longest time. Stripes and Sage came along right before that fateful second gym battle, and Funky only gained the rest later on.
-The pokeball Funky has in his alternate artwork is my own interpretation of a modern jetball from Legends Arceus. We were in for a decently long line of regular pokeballs if I'd given him one too, so I wanted something that more signified his role as the regional transportation that could be used instead of just having the protagonists use fly. (Also I forgot the polka dots lmao.)
-When he was younger and still going to the Trainers School, he managed to convince his entire class that the Battle Subway was cursed while they were on a field trip there. He does not regret it to this day.
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super super unhinged rainbow magic post 9 of 12
If you thought the creation of an entire backstory for Bethany the Ballet Fairy was extreme please brace yourself further it’s gonna get EVEN BETTER
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Helena She do be riding horses doe - she’s doing the dressage babey and she’s a successful medal winner! This is top quality shit man Favourite part: sparkly boots!!! Least favourite part: kill me the necklaces are back Cute hairnet tho we love some safety!
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Francesca First dreads! Whoop whoop! However some of the beads are not attached to her dreads lmao I want the hair to be a darker brown colour as well tbh Necklace ew murder murder death death death Shoes don’t match her outfit and it HURTS Apart from that the outfit is basic but cute (crop makes it cute) Pulls off the knee-high footie socks surprisingly well
HEADCANONS: Dynamic attacker (not defender thank you very much), she kisses her girlfriend on the field, and she plays for brazil
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Zoe YESSSSSSS THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL DYNAMIC Why is her left skate so fat has she broken + taped her ankle? This is canon now that she has, bitch has broken EVERY bone possible The fingerless gloves are INCREDIBLE I’m glad about the lack of elbow guards because they would reduce the pointiness of her elbows which are the single most effective murder weapon in fairyland I love the stars! It’s so 80s and cheesy and I love them! Why is her necklace a roller skate wheel though (rolls eyes) Dyed hair?? A queen A great red She dyed it to match her skates! COMMITTED TO HER SPORT also she has a trophy wall plus she roller-derby-murders women in her spare time and she’s happy about it
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Naomi - there is no netball in the united states (there is no war in ba sing se) Can’t believe that this girl has bunches, ribbons AND a headband!!! It’s overkill imo The necklace is a decent size but AS PER FUCKIN USUAL would be better if not there Trainers are cute It’s a netball outfit! At least it’s cuter than my high school netball outfits, but that’s because it’s a middle-class-ass netball outfit but I do like the peppiness Strong use of colour! Thumbs up!
Trans girl that secretly wants to be a horse girl (gasp but like fair enough horses are objectively cooler than netball, even though she plays for the school team) Hey you definitely Do Not Remember Bethany the Ballet Fairy’s chin shape but Naomi has the same one which means SHE IS BETHANY’S LITTLE SISTER
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Samantha (swimming) The grey streaks are perplexing cos surely she’s not Old but honestly she is kinda rocking it, I love the hair but you Know it’s full of salt at all times The use of goggles as a headband is decently cute! Why does it have to be a two-piece if it’s going to cover the same amount of torso as a one-piece? I guess it makes going to the loo easy tho tbf Very 2000s design omg Fucking skirt could be cute but you can tell it feels so horribly artifical Anklet is cute! Barefoot QUEEN in tune with nature
Mum friend - she is the sunscreen queen, she has an straw beach bag entirely full of snacks, and she is so nice and chill   
She is not a professional swimmer AT ALL, she just goes to the swimming pool at the resort every year
She knows breaststroke and doggy paddle and she thinks doggy paddle is a stroke Everyone else is super fucking stressed out at the pool doing like actual lengths and exercise and Samantha is like do you want to come and do backflips with me in the deep end?
Possibly the only straight fairy (experimented once with a girl but mainly likes men)
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Alice The swirls are so cute! She definitely embroidered them herself I want it to be a dress with a slightly higher waistline instead of a top with an overly long torso Great job on a matching tennis racket that goes with your accessories - she painted it, DIY queen Hair is BEAUTIFUL Shoes are from the year 3000 omg so modernnnnn The lil visor thing! Adorable! SO iconic
Alice is Naomi’s twin sister and Bethany’s younger sister, and she’s a massive girly girl. She’s the youngest child in the family, there’s not much pressure on her so she’s a chill kid. She’s cis and she’s a massive ally. Alice is absolutely the most likely out of everyone to go to the swimming pool with Samantha - Bethany never comes with her but 50% of the time Alice can get Naomi to come and hang out at the pool
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Gemma RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS REPRESENTATION BABEY with the HOOPS and the RIBBON hell YEAH she definitely competes internationally Outfit is bloody beautiful and it MATCHES HER HOOP The yellow leggings are stupid but I like them Her hair is in competition mode rn it is a good SOLID bun - the ribbon is for aesthetic only Colour scheme showing support for Ukraine Necklace is NOT gymnastics worthy full stop
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fandomacademy · 1 year
Dragon Training - Lesson 16
We're starting off strong in week 4 with a well-rounded Tracker Class dragon that's great at combat: The Deadly Nadder.
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With one of the hottest fireblasts out of all dragons, Deadly Nadders can melt metal and turn humans to ash. When combined with Gronckle firepower, their shots can even destroy dragon proof chains.
Deadly Nadder tails are covered in poisonous spikes, which can be ejected singularly or all together with great accuracy. Their teeth are also venomous.
Deadly Nadders are fast and agile, and also great swimmers! They also have prehensile tails, which are strong enough to lift a human.
To combat the blind spot below their noses, Deadly Nadders have exceptional senses of smell and hearing. They often use their keen senses to find their prey, rather than their vision, which is the main reason they were reclassified from Sharp to Tracker Class. In fact, their senses are so strong that they can even maneuver successfully when their eyesight is impaired!
True to its original classification, the Deadly Nadder is highly vain, constantly grooming and preening. They are also picky eaters - largely due to being allergic to domesticated hoofed animals - with their main diet consisting of poultry. They especially love chicken, and are easily bribed! It's a fast-track to training these beautiful beasts.
Deadly Nadders are skittish, but also highly intelligent. There are even instances in the wild of individuals or groups learning how to use tools.
Taming a Deadly Nadder is simple, albeit somewhat dangerous. Carefully approaching one's tail and gently smoothing the spikes down, and sneaking up to one's blind spot and giving it a nice chin scratch are both tried and true methods of establishing a base on which friendship can be built.
All-in-all, Deadly Nadders are well-rounded and great at combat. Although it does take a little longer to tame them, as they're not docile or especially friendly by nature. They're wonderful for any trainer who prefers "all of the above" to specializing, as long as they don't mind the vanity and picky eating.
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choeeri · 1 year
pokémon AU ∴ Harry's team
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This is something I can't help but think about. I play Pokémon a bit too much lol
Harry never had a Pokémon before. Not until Piu-Piu, that is.
PIU-PIU is Rotom!
An electric/ghost-type pokémon that:
can invade and control his phone;
can hack other appliances (allegedly);
speaks ~human~;
makes mischief;
but also uses its abilities to help; and
time travels!!!!!!!!!
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And look at that face. I can hear it going wee-woo and annoying Harry all the time...
Apparently you can also customize your Rotom-phone, so Rosé cover to match Piu-Piu's natural colour~
Also, Rotom's basic move is Thunder Shock / Electric Shock. You know, just like Piu-Piu.
But Piu-Piu isn't his. They're just following Harry around. His first actual Pokémon is a goldfish he won in the market (D89, lunch chat).
Poseidon is Seaking!
It'd be potentially funnier as a Magikarp, the most underestimated pokémon of all time, but the thing is: Magikarp can evolve. And they become Gyarados.
Poseidon's a goldfish, which Seaking are based on it;
The last on their evolution line (no, she won't grow);
Literally called the King of the Seas! And in the beta games, originally called "Neptune" - a.k.a. Poseidon. A perfect fit.
I especially like corycatte's artwork for Seakings - which features several variants created through breeding;
To fit pokémon canon, I believe Poseidon's fins and/or horn wouldn't be so well developed, since they're the main reason people catch Seakings. (Not that it matters to Harry, anyway);
I don't think he'd want to keep her in a PokéBall, but if he ever had to, it'd be a luxury ball, obviously.
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(Harry is 100% a swimmer class)
That being said, Harry wouldn't become a trainer, I guess. Battles are a hassle and violent. But maybe he'd use Poseidon's powers to kick people out of his apartment.
Bonus: "furball" is Lillipup!
He doesn't talk much about it (D73, breakfast), so I'm not settling this, but what screams "furball" more than Lillipup??? It's also a quiet, clever dog, so I imagine baby!Harry would like it. If they stayed together, Lillipup would've been a nice companion and fierce defender...
I especially like the idea of a shiny one, that has lighter fur.
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Yamper is second best choice, since it's a dog from Galar (nod to his ancestry). And it likes to follow fast people / things :)
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