#trans Jigen Daisuke
loopspoop · 3 months
hand over jig's backstory nOW
Oh HO! I knew you’d be sending this ask XD I’m ready for ya!
So, Jigen’s living in New York with his family as a kid. Mom’s immigrated from Japan and married his dad (Italian American because Jigen just gives Italian vibes, let’s he so fair).
His dads an alcoholic with mob ties, does shady work that nobody really knows what it is, but when anyone asks they say he’s a mover for businesses in the area when it comes to distributing goods like food or hardware. Despite the mob ties, they’re pretty poor.
Jigen’s mom raises him and his little sister and younger brother in a cramped, shitty apparently in the Bronx. It’s loud and chaotic and Jigen’s the oldest of three, he’s trying to be in charge like his mother, who raises him just like a little mother (gotta remember that Jigen is trans in this AU so, obviously, there’s a LOT to process with moving away from being so close with his mom in regards to being his moms “little doll” or whatever).
Despite her husbands rough demeanor, Jigen’s mom is the sweetest woman? She’s cooking and cleaning and childrearing and trying to hold this crumbling apartment together on her own because her husband drinks their money away and is out doing suspicious shit day after day, but she’s holding it down and we love her for that. She spends time with her kids, reads them books, teaches them life skills and her language and generally is a good mother for the time.
Jigen tries his best to help her out. He’s cleaning the house a lot and trying to keep his siblings out of the way. He has a hard time relating to them. He’s supposed to relate to his sister right? He can’t quite relate all the way. He likes the dolls, but pink? Nah. Blue is his favorite color and the dolls all wear pink or red or white and it drives him NUTS! His sister doesn’t like to shoot bottles with slingshots off the fence in the alley. He doesn’t like the pink nail polish or the frilly dresses or not climbing or having to be cute and clean and quiet. He’s loud! He’s dirty and his knees are always scraped up! He’s chipped his front tooth falling out of a tree, he isn’t anywhere near the traditional definition of feminine that his sister has been raised to be. She fits the mold well (despite growing out of it as she grows), and Jigen never can. His brother, despite being so little, adores him but they can’t fully relate to each other either. His dad enforces strict gender rolls in the house. If he knew Jigen had a slingshot he would be livid. He’s not home enough to know but he’s pissed enough about the ripped skirts and messy hair. His brother can’t relate fully to “sissy girls”.
Jigen realizes in middle school that he HATES how his body is changing. He can’t wrestle anymore with boys in his class. They call him weird, try to flirt with him. The flirting was nice to an extent, some of them were fun guys, but he didn’t like them flirting with a version of himself he couldn’t understand. It was superficial. They were SUPPOSED TO. It changed the dynamic. He doesn’t fit in with the girls or the boys. He turns into a loner. His grades drop. He starts stealing. When he leaves the house he changes into pants and jackets, wrapping bandages around sports bras to hide his chest and hats pulled low to hide any feminine features. What started as a way to cope turns into a signature look. People don’t recognize him. He starts going by his last name and kids at school are surprised when he speaks and they can tell he isn’t male. He steals his dads cigarettes and beer, why doesn’t he feel right? He isn’t a girl but he isn’t a boy? He could be a boy. No. No, he couldn’t. Dad would kill him.
His mother knows he’s pulling away. She’s trying to figure out what’s wrong. Puberty? Well, puberty is hard. She notices Jigen has no friends, she’s worried about him. She doesn’t know how to handle it, Jigen has walked himself off. His sister doesn’t understand. She knows hes smoking and changing clothes and hiding things but doesn’t understand why. She won’t rat him out. She knows the punishments from their father are too harsh. His brother doesn’t even notice, why would he? They aren’t close anymore.
Jigen skips out on high school. He got caught kissing girls behind the school and left before rumors would ruin him or make it home. Was he a lesbian? He couldn’t tell at this point. He tried his best to be a boy but probably had to settle for being a lesbian. Girls were nice enough but..just didn’t feel right. It didn’t matter much though, nobody knew him enough to identify him unless he stuck around anyway. Leaving saved him a lot of grief from peers. His mom catches him smoking that night, they fight. Jigen’s father comes in at the most inopportune moment. They fight. It gets heated, blows are exchanged. How dare he steal cigarettes? How dare he drop out of school? Had they wasted everything on a screwup? Jigen packs a bag and leaves. His mother is crying in the doorway. He wishes he could explain without her hating him.
Weeks on the street end in him salvaging what he could of belongings that were mugged off of him and joining the military. He manages to bribe his way in. Nobody needs to know about his chest or anything else for that matter. Vocal training, cigarettes, and his normal methods of hiding his features and being quietly intimidating keep everyone off his back. Fighting and training are easy. It’s like how he used to play, except his mom doesn’t bandages his knees when he falls anymore. He has to pick himself up and keep going. Slingshot is exchanged for a rifle. It’s clumsy in his hands but soon becomes a perfect fit. He’s the fastest draw on his team. Everyone is impressed. He begins a relationship with a man on his crew. He doesn’t mind that Jigen has secrets. Maybe that’s part of the problem. Jigen goes AWOL after rumors begin to circulate and he almost gets assaulted in the locker room.
Jigen goes back to New York. Stints in the mafia gain him a high ranking. He knows his away around a gun and he’s more careful. He won’t let them get close enough to hurt him like everyone else. Daisuke Jigen, that’s his name now. A sharpshooter that gets his job done and gets his cash fast. He’s a favorite among bosses world wide. He sets prices and can make decent money. He can even afford to pay off certain men to keep his secrets in exchange for affairs that fall out in ways that leave him drinking himself stupid, which is stupid when you’re a world class assassin and everyone wants you dead these days. He gets reckless, crosses a boss wrong. Suddenly, everyone’s against him again. Good things don’t last for him, never will. He’s beaten and shot and barely manages to get out, he’s a sharpshooter after all. He always hits his target. He’s out of the mafia. He should’ve never joined in the first place.
Years down the line he’s doing odd jobs like his dad. The old man’s been dead for years, he’s kept tabs on them after all. He’s tried to call his mom but hung up when she answered more times than he can count. She probably thought he was a prank caller. He’s got shitty boyfriends that keep trying to kill him, women that double cross him, and he’s turning into his father with how much alcohol he consumes. He’s ready for the repetitive cycle of depressed day drinking and chain smoking to end. A funny looking monkey man dances into his life. Suddenly, he’s not so depressed.
He’s got a new family. Lupin was the first person he could really relate to. He wouldn’t let himself entertain the trauma of another fucked up relationship that would end with him or the thief dead, but they did get their tits chopped off by a samurai who was facing the same issues. Fujiko even understood him. He had a significantly safer job robbing big banks and stealing treasure and fucking up actual monsters and having fun doing it! He was finally Daisuke Jigen. He was finally living.
A stint in New York takes them to the Bronx. Jigen works up the courage to explain his past to Lupin while Fujiko has Goemon escort her off shopping in skyscraper malls. The thief is supportive. Tells the man he should face his past before it consumes him. So, they make a trip down to the old neighborhood, and stand outside the door to the crappy apartment. It’s quieter now, no kids invading the halls like there used to be. And Jigen can’t bring himself to knock so Lupin finally does for him. And before Jigen can kick him down the stairs the door is opening and his mother is there. She’s she’s more worn down than she was when he left but she’s just as warm and inviting as she was before. And he’s scared. Will she recognize him? Was this a mistake? But she smiles. She knows his face so well. And it takes some explaining but she understands her boy. She tried to keep tabs on him as best she could while he was away, and while she did lose him, she heard stories about a marksman with a familiar surname circulating in conversations in the Italian neighborhoods. Jigen all but cries, all the grief he’s gone through just to get to this moment. He had worried she would’ve just slammed the door in his face. They get to catch up and, while they don’t tell her about his current occupation, he assures her he has a great job and good friends and that makes her happy.
Eventually they move on, but Jigen exchanged letters with his mother and sends her money often. He feels he owes her for raising such a difficult kid but also he just loves her so much and wants her to finally have a life full of finer things. He catches up with his sister. She’s got kids now. She’s married to a nice man and they live in a house outside of town that’s almost like a farm if you squint. His brother moved to California and helps make movies. He sends a LOT of pictures from work and Jigen actually inspires a character in a western his brother helps produce. Jigen nearly cried when he saw the movie. It was a low-key gay western, Jigen enjoyed it a lot. He finally puts a good portion of his trauma behind him, when he’s able, because he’s mending the bridges that were broken so long ago and finding ways to keep his life exciting. He’s happy.
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thesandlorde · 8 months
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a lil gift for my buddy @jeypawlik as a congrats on starting HRT this week!!!
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jeypawlik · 8 months
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A gift for my very good friend @thesandlord who had top surgery on October 2nd! 
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elliottjpg · 9 months
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I saw one of those before/after trans photos thread on my dash, and I immediately felt compelled to draw my favourite thieves. Have some trans JigLup <3
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rowanberrypop · 8 months
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lupgang body headcanons ….. u cant rly tell but lupin has hip dips
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klaxonsynth · 6 months
never going 2 finish this lol it was fun tho
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crappyheadcanons · 26 days
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Transmasc Daisuke Jigen icons
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rants-about-opm · 9 months
Trans Lupin fic where they steal money to cover the cost of getting surgery to remove Lupin's uterus.
It has to be called "The Heisterectomy".
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facelessfinest · 8 months
Giggling and kicking my legs the way trans masc Lupin does when people fall for his female disguises because as a trans person it actually feels really nice to be seen as you intend to be seen in that moment, not just when you conform to your chosen identity.
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morporkian-cryptid · 1 year
Jigen doesn't work with women; but Amélie Lupin the Third refuses to stay in the box he's made up for her in his mind, and they're both going to find out how very wrong they are about who she is.
Aka "I got randomly hit with a truckload of inspo about trans!Lupin and spat out nearly 10k words in less than a week".
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🙏
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loopspoop · 3 months
Goemon’s backstory next?
Yesss ヽ(´▽`)/ he was the one who actually sparked the whole backstory thing so I’m excited to get to write about him!
TW: abuse, suicidal ideation, self harm, self destructive behavior
Goemon’s family lived in a pretty rural part of Japan tbh? And they all lived together in a pretty sizable house all things considered. The Ishikawa family had strayed from the practices of Goemon Ishikawa the first in regard to thievery but they still held their ancestors in pretty high regard for legacy sake and such, y’know? Goemon is the first grandchild of Goemon Ishikawa XI and the house consisted of him, his parents and aunts and uncles and grandparents.
Goemon was raised pretty traditionally? But his family was a LOT more modern that Goemon is portrayed in show canon. They had a TV and other modern commodities and, while they valued traditions in their family like martial arts, they were a pretty chill family. Goemon was raised a lot different than he would end up being raised by Momochi (we’ll touch on that later). He’s taught kindness and compassion for all living things and the importance of friends and family. His grandparents had a high regard for nature and history and Goemon took to it immediately. He was always outside and, like Jigen, came home pretty often with grass stains on his clothes and some scraped knees from playing. His mom taught him a LOT about art, he really takes to that too. Ask him about his paintings and pottery, he would love to show you!
He’s about 5 when his father gets into a fight with an older man who came to their front door. Goemon doesn’t understand what the fight is about and, frankly, it scares him a bit since his family is pretty mellow and they don’t raise their voices. A few weeks later he comes back from playing and everyone is gone. He waits for hours. Hours turn into a day or two. He’s a self sufficient kid, at least enough for a 5 year old to survive a night but he’s distraught. Where is his family? Where have they gone? The man from a few days ago shows up at the door again. He tells Goemon he’s there to collect him. His family left him and wanted the man to train him in martial arts. His name is Momochi but Goemon must call him master or master Momochi and nothing else. He has no family anymore, just a master.
Goemon adapted to the rule changes pretty easy, because he’s Goemon. He understands rules. The routine changes weren’t as fun, but he was told to suck it up or get punished. Momochi quickly learned that Goemon was pretty tolerant to pain and harsher punishments he had like standing barefoot in snow, so he got creative in punishments. He would hit harder than he needed to or expose Goemon to loud sounds. If physical punishment wasn’t enough then he would turn to psychological punishments like degrading Goemon’s work or lying about why his family left him. A happy child turns into a machine for a sadistic master hellbent on reviving a legacy that should’ve been left to history.
When Goemon hit puberty, Momochi is pissed. The last heir of Ishikawa Goemon is female? Momochi, the bastard that he is, is also a huge sexist fuck on top of being an asshole. Goemon went along with male pronouns because he wasn’t supposed to question his master. To be fair, he didn’t mind them anyway. What he did mind was the painful chest binding Momochi enforced on top of training. Goemon was often left bruised and out of breath after daily training. Momochi didn’t care. He blamed Goemon’s weak body and spirit for this. He was beyond angry when Goemon ended up fainting during training due to lack of food, sleep, and constant binding. Goemon learns to live with the pain.
As he ages, he doesn’t realize Momochi trying to hit on him at times. He isn’t good with social cues anyway, but especially due to being cut off from people besides Momochi for so long. He grows uncomfortable when the man tries to see him nude, though. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he turns to women from the village nearby who also try to hit on Goemon. He has some internalized sexism from Momochi, and ruins any potential good the interactions could pose for him. When village men show up to consult with Momochi for matters Goemon isn’t allowed to listen in on, he realizes pretty early that he grows fond of their presences and good looks. He doesn’t say anything to Momochi. He knows homosexual thoughts would get him punished more than he already for how he was born.
He’s in his 20s when Momochi asks him to murder a man named Lupin. It was important to his master and a key part of his training, so he agrees and goes on a mad hunt for this strange man and his gunman friend. Lupin is a formidable foe, and he and Jigen are both good looking, both factors throw off his game. Momochi isn’t impressed when Goemon comes back empty handed. He’s punished severely and then sent back to kill the thief, if he doesn’t he won’t get to come back and will have to die to restore his honor.
Lupin notices something’s up with Goemon and tries to form a truce. Eventually, Goemon at least entertains Lupin on why he thinks they should. Lupin ends up giving him information that sends his world spinning and upside down. Momochi had murdered his family so he could get to him. He wanted to train Goemon as an assassin to have a bodyguard of such high lineage and natural skill. Goemon is beyond angry. Lupin and Jigen come with him to face Momochi.
The man makes several excuses, lying straight to Goemon’s face. It makes him more angry, he ends up killing the man right in front of Jigen and Lupin. The men don’t seem to phased by it, they offer Goemon a steady job, joining their gang of thieves would revive the legacy of his ancestor, so he decides to just join. He has nothing better to do and Lupin and Jigen seemed nice enough?
They find out pretty early on that his habits are unhealthy. The samurai has a LOT more baggage than they expected. Not eating as punishment, not dressing for the weather, letting wounds stay untreated. Hell, he even tried to kill himself more times than they could count. What draws the line in the sand for them is the unsafe binding. Lupin and Jigen find him doubled over, struggling to breathe after a heist and really lay into him for his unsafe habits. He was surprised they even knew what binding was, but they all have a long talk and it sets him somewhat straight about his habits.
He practices better self care, and while he isn’t perfect at some things, they help him along the way. He even ends up learning how to give top surgery and he does it for himself and Lupin and Jigen as a thanks for their help. He unlearns a lot of his internalized sexism and a LOT of the internalized homophobia. He gets a lot more comfortable with himself and his identity. He’s allowed to be whoever he wants without Momochi controlling him and they all still think he’s cool despite that! He gets to have a family again and try new things. He’s allowed to make mistakes without punishment. He’s learning to be happy with his family, despite his past.
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thesandlorde · 1 year
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redraw from a lupin y manga page~
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rullikka · 2 years
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these men live rent free in my head
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elliottjpg · 1 year
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“Okay buddy,” said the figure, “the way I see it, you've got two options. You can either stay here and wait for this pile of morons to sort out their limbs-” and there she pointed to the aforementioned pile of morons, “or you can hop in.”
She flashed him a toothy smile that made Jigen feel like he was being held at gunpoint by a five-year-old with a water pistol, and a look in her eyes that made him realize it might be filled with something other than water.
“Name's Amélie Lupin the Third,” the girl said and held out a hand. “Nice to meet you!”
I got randomly hit with a truckload of inspiration about trans JigLup, and now I have 4.7k words and two drawings, and counting. Stay tuned!
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flowersnax · 1 year
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thinkin bout transmasc lupgang boys
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chaoticgrimm · 1 year
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Hey so I got my commissions open right now and I would really appreciate it if some people commissioned me I’m trying to get a new computer to replace my crappy laptop
I know it says you can reach me at insta Twitter and my email but you can also message me here as well
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