#trans lesbian nick
jediwizard · 9 days
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Nick: You don’t want Charlie to die
Nick: And I don’t want Charlie to die
Nick: Now we just gotta make sure Charlie doesn’t want Charlie to die
Tori: Fantastic plan but have you met Charlie
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thenickgirl · 8 days
happy pride month, sturnblr!!! 🥳🏳️‍🌈✨
most importantly, happy pride to my biggest source of comfort, my bestie bae, my baby, Nicolas ☺️💗
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LGBTQ+ rights
always and forever
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beck404 · 1 year
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Always remember you’re loved and SO valid no matter your sexuality, gender identity, the labels you use, if you’re unlabelled, queer, etc. The queer community is really big so please remember to be kind to others, their experience might not be the same as yours (just as your experience might not be the same as everyone else’s) but we have all struggled with something. Spread love, spread validation and be PROUD of who you are!!
That being said, remember that you don’t owe your sexuality to anyone! It is YOUR decision to come out or keep it private, you don’t have to feel pressured to come out, know your sexuality or even label it. You are you and nobody else can tell you who or what you are!
Also a HUGE thank you to Alice for creating the hearstopper universe, the way it celebrates the LGBTQ+ community in such an authentic and inclusive way, the representation i never thought i’d see i now see it every day thanks to you!! My words will never be able to describe how grateful i am, but thank you for giving me Nick Nelson, the bisexual representation i so desperately needed 🩷💜💙
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wurlibydominicfike · 8 days
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god i love him
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geekverse08 · 1 year
Alice Oseman for Attitude Magazine 2023🍂
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stargazingbitch · 10 months
Shot out to heartstopper for saying gay
Shot out to heartstopper for saying TRANS
Shot out to heartstopper for saying LESBIAN
Shot out for saying the words and not just being vague about it, because it REALLY DOES MATTER
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mondlevan · 10 months
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heartstopper headers
“♡” or reblog if you save/use — follow me.
twt: @szamofada
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loverofgingersblog · 21 days
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The very first scene of the
Holy Osemanverse!
@chronicintrovert @aliceoseman
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froggo-frog · 8 days
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Nick: Oh, by the way, if you ever speak disrespectfully again about Charlie, I’ll kill you.
Nick, chuckling: Sorry. That sounded like a joke.
Nick: I will actually kill you.
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h0rr0r5h0w-c1ty · 8 days
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Listen. I know there is a lot of anger and frustration and rightfully so. But I’d like to remind y’all that coming out is a moment that carries a lot of emotion. He must be going through so much, and wether you’ve come out or not I know that you know what he must be feeling. So, if you do one thing today, please send Kit Connor some love. <333
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heartstopper-tword · 8 months
anything w imogen and nick :) i really love their big brother/lil sister dynamic
A/N: hello anon! yes i love their relationship so much, and i have wanted to write about them for so long :) hope you enjoy!
also if you want to send in any prompts, you can find the list here!
You Deserve Better
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It had been a couple weeks since Imogen had ended her relationship with Ben in Paris, and she still wasn't herself.
Before the day of the trip had even arrived, she'd spent hours at home trying to plan things to do with her boyfriend, whether it be with the others or the two of them having intimate time alone together. It was the city of love, dammit. And Ben was her first ever real boyfriend! She wanted to be the best girlfriend she could to her partner. But of course, her plans had been squashed pretty much immediately as soon as she arrived at the busses that day.
Ben had acted cold and distant from the start, hardly sparing her the time of day to even talk to her. He wouldn't show her any affection, unless anyone was paying attention to them, and even then Imogen could tell it wasn't genuine. She'd tried to kiss him a few times while they were at the Eiffel tower, but he'd succeeded in dodging her attempts every time.
Imogen was at a loss. Had she done something wrong? Why was he mad at her? She'd tried to talk to him alone about these few incidents on multiple occasions, but all in all gave up after he'd told her he was fine and that she was just being sensitive about it.
A few times, she'd thought back to when she'd told Nick she was officially with Ben for the first time. She remembered the flicker of emotion on his face, ranging from confused to worried in an instant, but she didn't think much of it at the time, thinking it was just his protective nature coming out like it did around his friends. And then she would think about later on when he'd tried to ask why she was with him at all, seemingly disappointed about her relationship.
She'd been so offended at first, refusing to listen to him try and explain himself, that she'd left him dry by himself out of anger. She'd truly thought Ben was a nice guy, and that he really did love her. But of course, she'd been wrong all along.
She'd be lying if she would say that her confrontation to him at dinner wasn't satisfying. She couldn't have cared less that a little over half her year was present, listening to her complaints and watching Ben's discomfort concerning his toxicity. Sure, his jab at her being a bitch hurt a bit, but she really did try not to let it get to her. All she knew was that she was done. She didn't want him around her anymore.
Even after all of that evening's events, and finally finding her now main group of friends through that trip, Imogen couldn't help but continue to dwell on the fact that her first relationship with a boy was a complete disaster. She hadn't jumped back to her usual, bubbly self like she normally would be, her thoughts drifting back to Ben constantly. It wasn't like she was still in love with him - of course she wasn't - it was the fact that she let someone make her feel so bad about herself, and she stuck around for it.
As quiet about her feelings as she tried to be, she was never good at hiding her emotions. And obviously, Nick had been noticing.
"Alright you," Nick sighed, grabbing Imogen's hand and pulling her away from their group, walking them around the side of the school where they could have a bit of privacy. "What's going on?"
Imogen's eyes were trained on the ground, and she fiddled with her sleeves sheepishly.
"You've been silent ever since we got back from Paris, which isn't like you." he continued, staring her down. "You're not still upset about..."
He trailed off, not wanting to mention said person, but Imogen shifted her weight, shrugging her shoulders. "It's not just about him," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper, "it's just..."
Nick waited patiently, watching as the girl took in a shuddering breath and finally met his eyes, tears threatening to spill. "Why is it that my first relationship had to fail? Why did I get stuck with the jerk who only cared about appearances rather than actual faithfulness to someone?" She kicked a rock by her foot, watching it tumble a few feet. "Am I just that easily manipulated? So much that people can walk over me whenever they want?"
"No," Nick spoke firmly, shaking his head. "It's not anything about you."
"Ben's a dick. He likes to use people for his own needs, especially when it makes him look like a saint. I don't even think he has the ability to feel human emotion, which is probably why he's so horrible to people." He wrapped an arm over the girl's shoulder, squeezing her into his side as he spoke. "You deserve so much better than him."
Imogen looked up at him, still looking unsure.
"I just thought I'd found the guy," she admitted sadly. "You know... someone who could treat me like how you and Charlie treat each other. I want someone who could love me like that."
"And you'll find them," Nick assured her genuinely, "It may just take some time."
"How long?"
"Maybe a few months, even a few years. For most people, they don't find their partner right away. You may date a few people before you find the one. But that doesn't mean you're not a good girlfriend for someone. Anyone would be extremely lucky to have you."
Imogen sniffed, moving her gaze away from Nick once again. Nick watched her for a moment, raising an eyebrow at her. "You don't believe me, do you?"
She shrugged, saying nothing. "I don't not believe you, but..."
"Uh uh." Nick gently lifted her chin to look at him again, "No more self deprecation. You are beautiful, kind, funny, genuine, a top notch badass-"
"Nihick," Imogen tried to whine, though her lips turned up into a growing smile as she tried to wiggle away from him.
"See? There's that smile!" Nick chuckled, grinning victoriously. "It'll win over thousands!"
Imogen giggled, a light yet powerful sound, trying to playfully push Nick away from her, but he pulled her into a bearhug, keeping her trapped against him. He dug his fingers into her sides, causing her to let out a startled squeal, her attempts to escape becoming more frantic as high pitched giggles poured out of her. "Nick noho! Stohohop!"
"Not until you say it." He said, dropping both of them to the grass and hovering over her.
Imogen squeaked, trying and failing to grab onto the older boy's wrists, "Sahahahay whahahat?"
"Say..." he thought for a second, his movements pausing momentarily, and Imogen tried to catch her breath. "Say three good things about yourself and I'll let you go."
Imogen whimpered, kicking her legs once in protest. "Nick, do I really have t- wait! Wahahait, gihihive mehehe a chahance tohoho thihihihink!" She threw her head back, laughter overtaking her as she tried to fight off his hands which had moved to her ribs.
"You shouldn't have to think too hard about it!" Nick laughed, though he felt a slight pain in his heart. How badly had she been tearing herself down recently?
"Extremely!" Nick accented, moving one hand to her neck, and she shrieked. "There's one, now give me two more!"
"NOHOHO COME OHOHON!" She shook her head, letting out another squeal when his other hand moved under her arm. "STOHOP!"
"What else are you?" Nick prompted, letting up slightly, and Imogen squeezed her eyes shut. "You're..."
"Fihihine, I'm prehehetty!"
"Exactly, you're gorgeous. Just one more!"
He paused his hands again, pulling back to give her a breather, and Imogen gasped for air. She laid helplessly on the ground, still giggling, and looked up at Nick pleadingly. "I- I don't-"
"And I want to hear you say the last thing I told you specifically." Nick grinned at her, and she groaned. "I don't remember what that was!"
Nick could tell she was lying, her cheeks growing even more rosy, not just from laughing. He continued to stare down at her, putting on a mock serious tone.
"Imogen, don't make me go for your hips."
"NO!" She panicked, her eyes going wide.
But Nick's hands were already moving, and before she could do anything to stop him, he had a hold of her hips and had started to squeeze.
To say Imogen screamed was an understatement, and the loud, high pitched laughter was enough to make Nick wonder if they'd get into trouble for causing such a ruckus.
"STOPSTOPSTOHOHOP! PLEHEHEHEASE!" She shrieked, kicking her legs wildly, shoving at Nick's shoulders, but her strength was quickly leaving her, not that she'd had much to fight him off to begin with.
Nick couldn't help but laugh along with her, a sense of fondness overtaking him as she struggled beneath him. He hadn't seen her crack much of a smile since they'd returned to school, let alone laugh once, so this was just as good for him as it was for her. "Say it!"
Nick pulled his hands away from her, watching as Imogen rolled out from underneath him a few feet away, her arms wrapping around herself as residual giggles fell from her lips. She was staring up at the sky above them, a huge grin on her face.
Nick snickered, smirking in amusement. "You okay?"
He rolled his eyes, standing and walking over to her, and she squeaked as she saw him approach her. "Calm down, I'm done tormenting you." He chuckled, offering a hand to help her stand and pulling her up from the ground.
Imogen was still breathing heavily as she smoothed out her now wrinkled skirt, a playful scowl on her face. "You're lucky I brought my extra uniform with me today, Nelson. How else would I explain the grass stains on my skirt?"
Nick only laughed, pulling her into a warm side hug, squeezing her shoulder gently. "You believe me now?"
Imogen groaned, though the smile was back on her face. "Yes, Nick, I believe you now."
"Good. Because you do deserve better than him."
Imogen fell quiet again, though this time, it was appreciative. She couldn't imagine what she'd be like without as good as a friend as Nick.
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gay-crisis62 · 5 months
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