#trying different inter-party romances
westruun · 9 months
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Are you...are you talking about your cat?
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grandfangarbagechan · 26 days
Thinking about Chilaos in the context of Senshi and Marcille seeing what's happening before they get it into their heads that Chilchuck is an adult. I bet they're weird about it. Iirc, Senshi's journal says he initially disliked Laios and Marcille because he thought they had hired a child to do a dangerous job. What kind of Kill Bill sirens are going off in his head when he realizes that Laios is eyeing Chilchuck in a peculiar sort of way?
And Marcille probably sees this coming a mile off but even with a better idea of how half-foot life spans are she definitely still sees Chilchuck as younger than Laios. I can just imagine her trying to send all kinds of "that's weird man, don't do that" signals to Laios and Laios just. Not getting it. Every hint flies over her head. Maybe she even tries to talk to Chilchuck about the dangers of older men, only for Chilchuck to assume that she's telling him he's no good for Laios.
(He gives her a whole speech about inter-party romance being bad, and they both walk away with entirely different ideas of what conversation they just had.)
The thing I'm thinking about most is that Senshi also mentions that he actually has no idea if Laios is old or young. Imagine him asking how old Laios is to gauge how much of a problem his thing for Chilchuck is or to make a point about the age difference, only to be left absolutely baffled when Laios informs him that he's 3 years younger than Chilchuck.
Especially because Senshi is sure that Chilchuck and Marcille are "still growing", I think the idea that big ass Laios might still be growing would be confusing to him. And thinking that Laios is younger than he thinks Chilchuck is would be mind-blowing. He'd be like "I guess height really doesn't indicate age..." and Chilchuck would be foaming at the mouth in the background.
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Kent the Siren - Fluff Alphabet Part 3
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Fandom: Wednesday
I am writing such fluffy things tonight and Kent is my muse.
Zzz – How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?: When he gets tired he goes brain dead. You'll notice him getting sleepy and try to get his attention and he's just out of it, very groggy like it is way past his bed time.
Kent is pretty big so he tends to take up a good chunk of your bed. He usually sleeps on his side and doesn't move much, but if you cuddle up to him his arm will wrap around you and he'll nuzzle closer.
Due to his aquatic attributes, despite being big and muscled, his temperature runs cool, so he's very comfortable to snuggle even in the summer. He's not cold, and will still warm you up if you need it, but you wont overheat.
Update brought to you by @crispinablr:
You've had to fight for your place of cuddles before, as Kent is so used to cuddling his ginormous teddy bear that if he goes to bed before you, he will be content to sleep firmly holding the bear instead.
[Picture of you laying awake, Kent soundly asleep beside you]: 'Ah yes, me, my boyfriend, and his 5 foot tall stuffed bear Gilmore.'
Tend – How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?: He's A Little Confused But He's Got The Spirit. Kent doesn't know how to take care of you very well, especially if you're a different species, but he tries his best. Do you heal fast? Do you need medicine? If you're too out of it to answer him then he'll bombard Divina for answers. Takes all of her advice (which also may not be that great, even if she is confident in it, who knows what your species needs anyway??) and gets an A for effort.
Being a Siren he doesn't get sick often, and if he does it's usually not that bad, but if you decide he needs to lay in bed and be fed soup (inter-species care while no one thinks to use google), then he wont complain. Even if he is a little confused. Denies all further "Care" if you trick him into taking cough medicine.
When he's hurt though he loves for you to baby him. When Thing took him out his ego was more hurt than anything, the day sucked. But then you were worried and started doting on him? making sure he was okay and carefully kissing him better? He's all for it. Soaks up the attention while the others roll their eyes and say he's fine.
Romance – How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?: He's very sweet but not exactly romantic. He likes taking you on fun dates like the beach, or fair, or a party. (Don't worry he wouldn't abandon you, but definitely wants to impress you with things like a keg stand or beer pong 🙄) If he does take you on a sweeter date it's probably an idea from one of his friends or your friend that he asked for help.
He sings to you a lot! Kent has a beautiful voice and you love it, he doesn't think a whole love of it, being a siren he enjoys singing anyway, but you light up listening to him. Will definitely take song requests.
If you're going on a date he almost always brings you flowers. Movies always show flowers so he figures that's a great place to start, so he brings some every single time. It may be a bouquet, or some non-lethal flowers from Thornhill's that he grabbed in a rush. The little old florist lady in Jericho adores him.
Melt – What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?: Hold his face in your hands! You decided to try cupping his cheeks and just see what he would do, and he just melted into you. He loves it and leaned into you.
Listen to him, he says some dumb shit at times, often doesn't understand what's going on, but you listen to whatever he's thinking and explain if needed, and he appreciates that. Also when he's doing something that's obviously going to be a bad idea but you let him do it. He's having fun and you just accept seeing the consequences instead of damage control.
Nicknames – What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?: It may be simple but he likes to call you Babe and Baby. Also Starfish, which he tried making as a sweet nickname that didn't really make any sense.
"Because you're a star! And...not a fish, and you're not a fish." He got kind of perplexed on that but you kissed him and told him it's cute, so it stuck.
He loves when you call him petnames, Baby, Cutie, give him some sea ones too, even if they're goofy. Pearl, "My gorgeous merman", You called him a Hunk once as a joke and he preened. Doesn't understand what Himbo means but you told him it's a good thing and he's happy with it. Everyone agreed on it too.
Obvious – How obvious do they make it that they like you?: Painfully obvious. He tried showing off whenever you were in sight, singing louder, flexing if the situation allowed it, taking the nearest mirror the check how he looked if he knew you were coming. Tried so hard to be smooth when talking to you, even his Siren Charm had trouble making him look good, but he was cute making a fool of himself, wasn't he?
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
The Jennie rumors are getting louder and louder. Usually there is a statement from idols PRs when rumors are not true, especially romantic rumors… and they are quietly tolerating it. Now this NY trip … I want to keep believing Taekook could be real but emotionally I am trying to prepare myself for any minute where the dating rumors are confirmed. I keep reminding myself that what matters is always the truth and if they are happy so if Taekook isn’t real but other romance is, it means they are happy anyway so it’s all good.. Sometimes I even think I would be relieved if any of them came forward with a dating so the mystery would end. I think some people prefer not knowing than be confronted with a reality they don’t want because in the end, it becomes a love story that we want to be true. This is valid for any of the ships.
What’s your feel about the Jennie dating rumors at this time?
I think that’s generally a good attitude/perspective to have.  As fans, we have no claim over the lives of the celebrities we’re interested in.  We watch from the outside and enjoy and interpret what we see.  If it turns out we’re interpreting what we see incorrectly, life goes on -- for them and for us.  If they’re happy, it’s all good.  We should keep a healthy perspective so that the dating lives of strangers don’t bother us unduly.  It can be hard if you’re really invested, but reminding yourself of this is a good practice to have.
As for the current logistics of the Tae/Jennie rumors, I’m inclined to say that for the most part, they’re only getting louder because people are so interested and care so much about it.  Obviously having someone who seems to have access to original photos then spreading them around the Internet (whether the photos are edited or not) certainly isn’t helping in that regard, but even that’s only blowing up because people care one way or the other.
It still seems to me that these big companies don’t bother to address dating rumors between themselves.  From what I’ve seen and heard, it seems that dating rumors are addressed when they involve people outside the industry, and they’re ignored when both parties are involved in the industry.
I would guess they take this approach both to avoid stepping on other companies’ toes, and to give their PR teams a break, because if they had to admit or deny every inter-company dating rumor, they would never be able to stop.
I’ve said it before, but if it was better for YG and HYBE to deny the rumors, they could simply deny them, even if they’re actually true.  No one is owed the truth about anyone’s dating lives, so they could literally just lie about it if they wanted to.  Therefore I don’t feel that their lack of denial gives any additional credence to the rumors.
As for my own personal feelings on the situation, I’ll give a quick run-down/update, though I feel pretty much the same as I have all along: I seriously doubt Tae and Jennie are dating.  I think the car photo was probably of different people, and these new photos (including the one released today) are likely edited; they just look funky to me.  I think the most likely scenario is that someone has gotten their hands on some private photos and is editing them together for clout/money/pick your poison.
However, if the photos are real/not edited, I would be far more inclined to think that Taehyung and Jennie are friends than that they’re dating.  And if it turns out that I’m wrong about that, then oh well, it doesn’t really change anything about my life, and it won’t stop me from enjoying the sweet friendship that Taehyung and Jungkook have.
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
So I'm currently unemployed because I got fired for taking too much sick leave (it was legally sketchy blah blah blah but in the end I just can't work and take care of myself and investigate my mystery health problems at the same time). So I've been spending more time writing!
I really admire your writing and loved Hunger Pangs. I'm looking forward to the poly elements developing and I'm wondering if you have any advice for writing about poly. I've made one of my projects a snarky take on "write what you know" ... Apparently what I know is southern gothic meets Pacific northwest gothic, chronic illness pandemic surrealism, and falling back-asswards into threesomes.
I know this is a very open-ended question and I don't expect an answer, I'm just curious about it if you have the energy. As a writer, trying to write honestly / realistically about polyamory/enm, I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what's different about portraying monogamy or nonmonogamy in books, romance or erotica or otherwise.
I'm trying to read examples but it's hard to find examples that fit the niche I'm looking at. Excuse me if this question is nonsense, it's the cluster headaches.
I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with all that and solidarity on the cluster headaches. But I'm glad you're finding an outlet through writing! And I hope you're happy with an open-ended ramble in response because oh boy, there's a lot I could talk about and I could probably do a better job of answering this sort of thing with more specific questions, but let's see where we end up.
There's definitely a big difference between writing polyamory/ENM (ethical non-monogamy) and what people often expect from monogamous love stories.
Just even from a purely sales and marketing standpoint, the moment you write anything polyamorous (or even just straight up LGBTQIA+ without the ENM) you're going to get considered closer to being erotica/obscene than hetero romances. It's an unfair bias, but it's one that exists in our society. But also the Amazon algorithm and their shitty, shitty human censors. Especially the ones that work the weekends. (Talking to you, Carlos 🖕.)
So not only do you start out hyper-aware that you're writing something that is highly stigmatized or fetishized (at least I'm hyper-aware) but that you are also writing for a niche market that is starving for positive content because the content that exists is either limited, not what they want, or is problematic in some fashion i.e. highly stigmatized or fetishy. And even then, the wants, desires, and expectations of the community you're writing for are complex and wildly varied and hard to fit into an easy formula.
When writing monogamous love stories, there is a set expectation that’s really hard to fuck up once you know it. X person meets Y. Attraction happens, followed by some sort of minor conflict/resolution. Other plot may happen. A greater catalyst involving personal growth for both parties (hopefully) happens. Follow the equation to its ultimate resolution and achieve Happily Ever After. 
But writing ENM is... a lot more difficult, if only because of the pure scope of possibilities. You could try to follow the same equation and shove three (or more) people into it, but it rarely works well. Usually because if you’re doing it right, you won’t have enough room in a single character arc to allow for enough growth, and if ENM requires anything in abundance, it’s room to grow.
And this post is huge so I’m going to put the rest under a cut :)
There's also a common refrain in certain online polyam/ENM circles that triads and throuples are overrepresented in media and they may be right to some extent. Personally, I believe the issue isn't that triads and throuples are overrepresented, but that there is such minuscule positive rep of ethical non-monogamy in general, that the few tiny instances we have of triads in media make it seem like it's "everywhere" when in actuality, it's still quite rare and the media we do have often veers into Unicorn Hunter fetish porn. Which is its own problematic thing. And just to be clear, I’m not including this part to dissuade you from writing "falling back-asswards into threesomes." If anything, I need more of it and would hook it directly into my brain if I could. I'm just throwing it out there into the void in the hope that someone will take the thought and run with it, lol.
I’d love to see more polyfidelitous rep in fiction, just as much as I’d like to see more relationship anarchy too. More diversity in fiction is always good.
Another thing that differs in writing ENM romance vs conventional monogamy is the feeling like you need to justify yourself. There's a lot of pressure to be as healthy and non-problematic as possible because you are being held to a higher standard of criticism. Both from people from without the ENM communities, and from the people within. Granted, some people don't give a shit and just want to read some fantastic porn (valid) but there are those who will cheerfully read Fifty Shades of Bullshit and call it "spicy" and "romantic," then turn around and call the most tooth-rottingly-sweet-fluff about a queer platonic polycule heresy. That's just the way the world works.
(Pro-tip for author life in general: never read your own reviews; that way madness lies. I glimpsed one the other day that tagged Hunger Pangs as “ethical cheating” and just about had an aneurism.)
And while that feeling of needing to justify yourself comes from a valid place of being excluded from the table of socially accepted norms, it can also be to the detriment of both the story and the subject matter at hand. I've seen some authors bend so far over backward to avoid being problematic in their portrayal of ENM, they end up being problematic for entirely different reasons. Usually because they give such a skewed, rose-tinted perspective of how things work, it ends up coming off as well... a bit culty and obnoxious tbh.
“Look how enlightened we are, freed from the trappings of monogamy and jealousy! We’re all so honest and perfect and happy!”
Yeah, uhu, sure Jan. Except here’s the thing, not all jealousy is bad. How you act on it can be, but jealousy itself is an important tool in the junk drawer that is the range of human emotion. It can clue us in to when we’re feeling sad or neglected, which in turn means we should figure out why we’re feeling those things. Sometimes it’s because brains are just like that and anxiety is a thing. Other times it’s because our needs are actually being neglected and we are in an unhealthy situation we need to remedy. You gotta put the work in to figure it out. Which is the same as any style of relationship, whether it’s mono, polyam or whatever flavor of ENM you subscribe to* And sometimes you just gotta be messy, because that’s how humans are. Being afraid to show that mess makes it a dishonest portrayal, and it also robs you of some great cannon fodder for character development.
Which brings me in a roundabout way to my current pet peeve in how certain writers take monogamous ideals and apply them to ENM, sometimes without even realizing it. The “Find the Right Person and Settle Down” trope.
Often, in this case, ENM or polyamory is treated as a phase. Something you mature out of with age or until you meet “The One(tm).” This is, of course, an attempt to follow the mono style formula expected in most romances. And while it might appeal to many readers, it’s uh, actually quite insulting. 
To give an example, I am currently seeing this a lot in the Witcher fandom. 
Fanon Netflix!Jaskier is everyone's favorite ethical slut until he meets Geralt then woops, wouldn’t you know, he just needed to find The One(tm). Suddenly, all his other sexual and romantic exploits or attractions mean nothing to him. Let's watch as he throws away a core aspect of his personality in favor of a man. 
Yeah... that sure showed those societal norms... 
If I were being generous, I’d say it’s a poor attempt at showing New Relationship Euphoria and how wrapped up people can become in new relationships. But honestly, it’s monogamous bias eking its way in to validate how special and unique the relationship is. Because sometimes people really can’t think of any other way to show how important and valid a relationship is without defining it in terms of exclusivity. Which is a fundamental misunderstanding of how ENM works for a lot of people and invalidates a lot of loving, serious and long-term relationships.
This is not to say that some polyam/poly-leaning people can't be happy in monogamous relationships! I am! (I consider myself ambiamorous. I'm happy with either monogamy or polyamory, it really just depends on the relationship(s) I’m in.) But I also don't regard my relationship with a mono partner as "settling down" or "growing up." It's just a choice I made to be with a person I love, and it's a valid one. Just like choosing to never close yourself off to multiple relationships is valid. And I wish more people realized that, or rather, I wish the people writing these things knew that :P
Anyway, I think I’ve rambled enough. I hope this collection of incoherent thoughts actually makes some sense and might be useful. 
*A good resource book that doesn't pull any punches in this regard is Polysecure by Jessica Fern. It's a wonderfully insightful read that explores the messier side of consensual non-monogamy, especially with how it can be affected by trauma or inter-relationship conflicts. But it also shows how to take better steps toward healthy, ethical non-monogamy (a far better job than More Than Two**) and conflict resolution, making it a valuable resource both for someone who is a part of this relationship style***, but also for writers on the outside looking in who might have a very simple or misguided idea of what conflict within polyam/ENM relationships might look like, vs traditional monogamous ones.
** The author of More Than Two has been accused of multiple accounts of abuse within the polyamorous community, with many of his coauthors having spoken out about the gaslighting and emotional and psychological damage they experienced while in a relationship with him. A lot of their stories are documented here: https://www.itrippedonthepolystair.com/ (warning: it is not light material and deals with issues of abuse, gaslighting, and a whole other plethora of Yikes.) While some people still find More Than Two helpful reading, there are now, thankfully, much, much better resources out there.
*** Some people consider polyam/ENM to be part of their identity or orientation, while others view it as a relationship style.It largely depends on the individual. 
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alltheprettyboys · 3 years
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On romance
“I do think a woman’s place is eventually in the home, but I see no harm in her having some fun before she gets there.”
“In my day, a lady was incapable of feeling physical attraction until she had been instructed to do so by her mama.”
“Every woman goes down the aisle with half the story hidden.”
“I am not a romantic. But even I will concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood.”
“I know several couples who are perfectly happy. Haven’t spoken in years.”
Mary: “I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions.” Violet: “No, she isn’t, until she is married. And then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.”
“Every woman goes down the aisle with half the story hidden.”
“Oh, I should steer clear of May. Marry in May, rue the day.”
“Give him a date for when Mary’s out of mourning. No one wants to kiss a girl in black.”
“My dear, love is a far more dangerous motive than dislike.”
On technology and change
“First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I were living in an H.G. Wells novel.”
“What is a weekend?”
[On the new telephone] “Is this an instrument of communication or torture?”
[On jazz musicians] “Do you think that any of them know what the others are playing?”
On life
“Life is a game, where the player must appear ridiculous.”
“No life appears rewarding if you think about it too much.”
“Hope is a tease, designed to prevent us accepting reality.”
Carson: “Hard work and diligence weigh more than beauty in the real world.” Violet: “If only that were true.”
Isobel: “How you hate to be wrong.” Violet: “I wouldn’t know, I’m not familiar with the sensation.”
On growing old
“Just because you’re an old widow, I see no necessity to eat off a tray.”
“At my age, one must ration one’s excitement.”
“All life is a series of problems which we must try and solve, first one and then the next and then the next, until at last we die.”
On social etiquette
Violet: “I’m afraid Tom’s small talk is very small indeed.” Robert: “Not everyone can be Oscar Wilde.” Violet: “What a relief.”
“Vulgarity is no substitute for wit.”
“Principles are like prayers; noble, of course, but awkward at a party.”
“You know me: never complain, never explain.”
On Americans
“Why does every day involve a fight with an American?”
Cora: “I might send her over to visit my aunt. She could get to know New York.” Violet: “Oh, I don’t think things are quite that desperate.”
[To Cora] “I’m so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I’m with her, I’m reminded of the virtues of the English.”
Cora: “I hope I don’t hear sounds of a disagreement.” Violet: “Is that what they call discussion in New York?”
“Try not to let those Yankees drive you mad.”
On class
“Don’t be defeatist, dear. It is very middle class.”
“The presence of strangers is our only guarantee of good behaviour.”
“Edith, you are a Lady, not Toad of Toad Hall.”
Isobel: “Servants are human beings too.” Violet: “Yes. But preferably only on their days off.”
“Nothing succeeds like excess.”
Martha: “I have no wish to be a Great Lady.” Violet: “No, a decision that must be reinforced whenever you look in the glass.”
On the English
“Last night, he looked so well. Of course it would happen to a foreigner. No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else’s house.”
“If I were to search for logic, I would not look for it among the English upper class.”
“Rosamund has no interest in French. If she wishes to be understood by a foreigner, she shouts.”
On dealing with other people
“An unlucky friend is tiresome enough, an unlucky acquaintance is intolerable.”
Isobel: “You take everything as a compliment.” Violet: “I advise you to do the same, it saves many an awkward moment.”
Robert: “I thought you didn’t like him.” Violet: “So what? I have plenty of friends I don’t like.”
Isobel: “I suspect she’s quite a tough nut.” Violet: “And I’m quite a tough nutcracker.”
“I don’t dislike him. I just don’t like him, which is quite different.”
“I do hope I’m interrupting something…”
“You’re a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do.”
“There’s nothing simpler than avoiding people you don’t like. Avoiding one’s friends, that’s the real test.”
“No guest should be admitted without the date of their departure settled.”
Cora: “I take that as a compliment.” Violet: “I must have said it wrong.”
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
Main Issues with Feysand's leadership: it mostly consists on rather inmature, underdeveloped strategy that would in no way get a world leader very far in the real world (see: 'i schooled my face into a look of boredom'), seem content in making enemies left to right as long as they never have to step down from the pedestal that they've built, and see Illyria as a necessary evil, like wtf. In conclusion, Rhysand is a governor for Velaris, but is not fit to be the ruler of the Night Court.
Rounding caveat, because I know I’m going to get shouty: the dividing line between ToG and ACOTAR is that tog is a fantasy series with romance, and acotar is a romance series in a fantasy world. They’re not the same. I’d be totally fine with how the world building in acotar is v handywavy, because it’s still accomplishing what the books set out to do (tell a love story, hello acomaf) but- BUT, it’s not consistent. And that inconsistency wildly undermines the characters.
And god, if Rhysand as a ruler isn’t the heart of ???? spirit.
We’re not going to talk about how the plot of acotar only makes sense backwards (Hey, Rhys, why did you want to kidnap every month a powerless mortal girl???), we’re just going to talk about reputation.
So Rhys is a villain who we learn isn’t actually evil. A classic. He was made to do terrible things by Amarantha! He sacrificed himself to save his friends! Of course the High Lords hate him, they think he sided with the enemy.
That could have been the whole thing- the layers pulled back, Rhysand also a victim, a reason for the world to hate him but for Feyre to see otherwise.
OKAY BUT- then we learn? that Rhysand has been playing Evil Scary Jackass in all political situations? for his entire reign? that’s just what he does?
Round two: Rhys had to be Amarantha’s because he had to “shield the knowledge” of his friends and his capitol? city. 
BUT- other people Under the Mountain, also accessible to Amarantha, know the IC??? have been acquainted with them for years? They’re not a secret. Mor was almost married out, Az and Cas are legendary, Amren is a story people tell. 
And all those people are probably incentivized by the fact that, you know, they think Rhysand is an evil traitor.
Furthermore: guess who willing cooperated with Amarantha? The Court of Nightmares. Recall who, surprise in acowar, knows all about Velaris: Keir.
Round three: Sexy Evil Cosplay, wherein we learn that not only instead of just keeping it together in politics Rhys has adopted an entire secondary persona, we learn he also...uses this persona...to scare all the other highborn faeries into submission....so he? never has to talk to them?
BUT ALSO: this whole thing is undermined by, once more, Keir. 
The whole game on the throne is to instill fear/ control of Keir. The whole Second Face. But Keir knows about Velaris? Keir knows exactly what Rhys stands for because Rhys and Cassian tried to rescue Morrigan from the Court of Nightmares when they were teens. Hell, Keir probably knew Rhys when Rhys was a kid.
It’s almost like eventually the person you pretend to be becomes who you are.
I think the Political Rhys vs Real Rhys started out as a plot point, but in character became this: not someone separate at all, but actually, Rhysand’s coping mechanism for making shitty choices.
See: if everyone in the Court of Nightmares bows, I’m ruling them. It doesn’t matter that women are being sold, that there’s servants and presumably totally normal people trapped in a mountain they can’t leave with people I think are monsters.
Let’s jump to Illyria. 
How much easier is it, for Rhysand, half-Illyrian himself, to align wholly with the High Fae and say: no, it’s Illyria’s fault. They’re savages, they’re barbarians. 
Easy as being a dick to other powerful men because it’s fun when they can’t fight back.
If the blame isn’t his, he keeps his army. He doesn’t have to fight a civil war that might swallow him whole, considering Illyria is the army he controls vs the High Fae soldiers left entirely under Keir’s rule. 
If it’s Illyria’s fault he can successfully reimagine the past as he clearly needs to (someday, I’ll make a whole ass post about Rhysand’s mommy issues and how they creepily bleed into Feyre’s characterization, but one thing at a time).
If it’s Illyria’s fault, he can’t be mad about his Mother, daughter of a warrior race, offering him up for brutal, dangerous training. It’s the fault of Illyria. He doesn’t have to imagine he was learning those things, fighting in the mud, because it was the only way his mother could pass the legacy, could say, look, this is where I come from and someday you will have the power to make it better for your sister, for everyone.
He LOVED his mother. He wears the sacred tattoos, manifests wings, has Illyrian “brothers”.
But- It’s Illyria’s fault, so Rhys didn’t fail, Rhys is doing his duty by keeping them in line. 
Which brings us to the war.
I’m unclear on why only the Night Court knew Hybern was coming, but let’s just accept that. 
But it’s all about the Public Face, moving in the shadows, the two Rhysands. So for the months Feyre is wasting away with Tamlin, planning her wedding Rhys...doesn’t warn anyone. Doesn’t whisper to the other High Lords to shore up defenses.
He makes a plan contingent on 1)that creepy deal with Feyre that he can now both justify and doesn’t want to enforce knowing she’s his mate, and 2) long lost magical objects no one knows the location of, and that don’t belong to him.
Rhys got SO used to the All-Knowing Dickbag face, it’s like he started believing he was all knowing. He’s one of seven Lords, but he doesn’t talk to any of them, on the off chance they don’t do exactly as he says. He steals from Tarquin, a young High Lord kind enough to take a chance on him. He tricks Mor. He lies to...everyone?
And then it’s a big deal, a failure on their part, when at the FINAL HOUR AND LAST MOMENT BEFORE ALL OUT WAR, AFTER THE SECOND INVASION HAS ALREADY COMMENCED, when the High Lords don’t jump to trust Rhys.
A step back, a Feyre tangent: Feyre, younger, also deeply traumatized, falls into this hard. Rhys tells her he’s the underdog, and she believes it. He’s SO SO SO powerful he can take the voice of another High Lord, Feyre herself thinks he’s so magical the gap between him and his contemporaries is like that between humans and high fae-
But hey wait, they don’t trust him because he’s been a dick for five hundred years. 
But hey wait, they came as their true selves, they don’t trust him while he’s WEARING ILLYRIAN WINGS- IT’S BECAUSE HE’S DIFFERENT-
No, it is not, but Feyre’s POV sort of wants us to think so.
And that’s where everything sort of falls apart.
The act of power has stopped being an act- it’s just their actions now. And they do not know how to stop.
Because they are in control, and they have to go on for the war. They have to keep making decisions, even if they’ve lost the thread, because they want to survive.
But they do survive.
And it turns out, even after that, they can’t put down the masks fused to their faces, because the act is the only thing keeping them together.
So the balls to the wall, We Must have the High Ground Even at Our Own Dinner Parties, The Center MUST Hold shit just keeps going: tearing down Lucien because he chose something that wasn’t their Court. Letting Illyria crumble because they don’t need the army right now. Banishing Nesta because she’ll never bow to authority.
All the weird, incestuous feeling inter IC drama.
But they’re the underdogs! the Heroes! It’s not their fault! 
So they spend their time in Velaris, charmingly hanging out like they’re normal people, thinking they’re better because power is wielded on an unimaginable personal scale.
Rhys loves his people! Rhys sacrificed!
Rhys...careened from one war/disaster to the next, and then settled down to play house?
The narrative cannot decide: is Rhys really an underdog, devoted to his people? How about he helps every other city that Amarantha destroyed?
Is Rhys a Normal Guy who just wants to walk on pretty cobblestone and have a cute, happy family? Maybe, there should be a government so he isn’t solely responsible for everything?
Is Rhys the Lord of Darkness Redeemed by LOVE?  Cool, let’s have him maybe he honest with Feyre exactly once, OR, at least talk about how him dying made her go off the rails and try to fix that with a bandage that isn’t baby shaped before Feyre’s 22nd birthday. 
Canonically, becoming High Lord is a mystical, magical endowment. That then, for the most part, functions as some kind of mashup Monarchy/ Feudal Lordship.
If that’s what it is, why can’t we lean into that? Rhys who does want a normal happy life with Feyre, trapped by the weight of immovable magic destiny.
King Rhys, duty bound to his bloodline and his people, torn between different ways to rule. 
Hell, Rhysand who really is a monster, because maybe Faeries are monstrous by human standards, who shows Feyre the beauty that lies beneath the brutality in a magic, surreal world where everyone is terrifying, but even monsters love.
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Bed Sharing
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 The Sheep Whisperer by RurouniHime Rated:  Mature Words:  13674 Tags: Sheep & Goats, Alternate Universe - Canon, Sharing a Bed, Sharing a Room, Love Confessions, Angst and Humor, Jealousy, Moving In Together, Don't copy to another site Summary:  No good deed goes unpunished, especially if the deed is Draco Malfoy’s. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Trouble With Good Sense by RurouniHime Rated:  Mature Words:  7863 Tags: Humor, Sharing a Bed, Sharing a Room, Partnership, Alternate Universe - Canon, Post - Deathly Hallows, HP: EWE, Hotels, Bar Room Brawl, Jealousy, Hurt/Comfort, Auror Conference, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstanding, First Kiss, Don't copy to another site Summary:  When you fill a hotel with flying quills, hands-on demonstrations, and too many Aurors, someone is bound to get cranky. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 the in-betweens by derekmaliknurse Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  42759 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Roommates, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Parvati Patil/Daphne Greengrass, Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Minor Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Found Families Summary:  A tale of inter-house unity, Dirty Dancing, the various charms of certain Gryffindors and the Slytherins who fall for them, and Celestina Warbeck, in which Harry James Potter shares a room with one Draco Malfoy and despite seven years of past seething hatred, has the time of his life. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 And There Was Only One Bed by defective-talos Rated:  Not Rated Words:  Unknown Tags: aurorpartners, dracomalfoy, drarry, enemiestolovers, fluff, forcedproximity, harrypotter, magicaltheory, mutualpining, onlyonebed Summary:  Draco and Harry have to spend the night together during a routine Auror mission, but there's a small problem: there is Only One Bed. ----- A narrative version of OTPshipper98's memefic by the same title! ❤️ Read on Wattpad
📜 Cabin Fever by cloudings Rated:  Explicit Words:  15012 Tags: Post-Second War with Voldemort, Anal Sex, Sharing a Bed, Wet Dream, Masturbation in Shower, Trapped, Forced Proximity, Sex Toys, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary:  "We're trapped! We're fucking trapped!" Malfoy exclaimed, throwing his hands above his head and turning away in disbelief. "I'm trapped in a fucking love-cabin with Harry Potter!" Harry and Draco end up trapped in a twisted, perverted, and royally fucked up house in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, also known as a Love-Cabin. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Muttering Retreats of Restless Nights by lumberjackbeards Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1195 Tags: Pre-Relationship, Panic Attacks, Claustrophobia, Sharing a Bed Summary:  So there they were, stranded in the middle of nowhere in fucking Wales, and the supposed “inn” they were forced into only had one room. With one bed. And Draco smelt of sheep. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Once Upon an Eighth Year by ladyroxanne21 Rated:  Explicit Words:  35416 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Sharing a Room, Sharing a Bed, Oblivious Harry, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Confused Harry, Humor, Probably a little crack, UST, Slow Build Summary:  When Harry goes back to Hogwarts for a so-called Eighth Year, he's told by McGonagall that he has to share a room with Draco and that they had better both behave or else they'd *both* be expelled. Rather than grumble, both try to make the best of the situation with Draco providing (non-sexual) comfort each night when Harry has nightmares. Slowly, Harry grows ever more confused about the gorgeous Slytherin. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Such Promises by JosephineStone Rated:  Mature Words:  4060 Tags: Sharing a Bed, Rain Summary:  The prompt describes it rather well. Prompt: S31 : An unexpected storm floods the dungeons so the Slytherins are forced to share dorm space for the night with the Gryffindors. Harry is the only one who'll share a bed with Draco. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop Rated:  Explicit Words:  152548 Tags: UST, Pining, Forced Bonding, Fake Relationship, Forced Proximity, Humour, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Falling In Love, Magical Sex Toys, Post-War, Semi-Public Sex, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Community: hd_erised, Background Femslash, Fluff and Angst, slow-burn, wanking, so much wanking, bed sharing, getting drunk, sucking cock, Frottage, Nightmares, Families of Choice, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort Summary:  When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Weekend in Heaven('s Inn) by gnarf Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  2754 Tags: Humor, Getting Together, Established Relationship, HP Joggers Fest, Hotels, Roommates, Sharing a Bed Summary:  One weekend, two Professors, a couple of students, and a lot of different stories of finding love while wearing joggers, leggings, or nothing at all. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Catch and Release by shealwaysreads (onereader) Rated:  Explicit Words:  11293 Tags: Forced Bonding, Wizarding Traditions (Harry Potter), Bonding Spell, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Well - Freeform, Enemies to Forced Bonding to Lovers, Touch Averse Draco Malfoy, also, Touch-Starved Draco Malfoy, THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, Forced Proximity, Forced Cohabitation, personal boundaries, Bodyguard Harry Potter, Feels, minor harry/omc, Happy Ending, Happy Birthday Tacky!!, Touch-Starved Harry Potter Summary:  Wizarding Britain is changing; a slow integration with the Muggle world has begun, and Draco Malfoy has been summoned from his quiet life crafting wards in France to help. But that’s not what this story is about. This story is about Potter, and magic, and the courage it takes to reach out. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Take My Hand by daisymondays Rated:  Explicit Words:  12814 Tags: Summer, Summer Romance, Pining, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, First Kiss, Drinking Games, Harry Potter Has Dimples, Draco Malfoy Can't Cope, Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Auror Partners, Draco Has Feels To Spare, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Meddling Friends, Touching, Soooo Much Touching, HP: EWE Summary:  Draco has long resigned himself to pining after Harry... that is until an invite on the annual Ministry holiday gives him a chance to change everything. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Better To Burn Than To Fade Away by Ren Rated:  Explicit Words:  23227 Tags: HP: EWE, Broomstick Racing, Love/Hate, Making Out, Minor Injuries, Rimming, Barebacking, Feelings, Denial of Feelings, acceptance of feelings, Drunk Sex mentions, Broom Racer Harry Potter, Organiser Draco Malfoy, H/D Career Fair 2017, Pining Draco Malfoy, Pining Harry Potter, Harry Potter Has a Saving People Thing, Romance Summary:  Harry Potter is a legend in the world of broomstick racing. He's won almost every cup, trophy, and bowl – except for the historical London-Nome which has been on hiatus for the past several years. Now the London-Nome is starting again, and Harry will do anything to pull off one last big win. Draco Malfoy is one of the organisers of the London-Nome. The race is infamous for its accidents, but Draco is adamant that this year nothing will go wrong. However, between bad weather and international problems en route, the biggest trouble is he can't stop running into Potter. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Whatever May Come by charlotteschaos Rated:  Explicit Words:  65513 Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage, Crossdressing Kink, Object Insertion, First Time, Bottom Draco, Top Harry Summary:  Post HBP (Horcrux hunt) Harry/Draco The trio discovers that Draco Malfoy is hidden away at Spinner's End and Harry recruits him to be a member of the team. *Complete* Winner of Forbidden Desires "Just As It Should Be" 2006 award. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Safe Haven by gnarf Rated:  Explicit Words:  30166 Tags: Final Battle, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Angst, Fluff, Curses, Canonical Character Death, Healing, Nightmares, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Party Games, Firewhiskey (Harry Potter), Praise Kink, St Mungo's Hospital, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Summary:  After switching sides during the final battle, and finding himself with nowhere to go in the aftermath, Luna invites Draco to live with her at Safe Haven. Not knowing what to expect, but having no other options, Draco takes the opportunity and follows her. When they arrived, Draco couldn’t help but realize that whatever he had expected, this surely wasn’t it. He didn’t expect a mouldy old house that belonged to Potter, of all people, and he certainly didn’t expect that Potter would be living there as well. But even with these minor (major) complications, he'd be damned if he wasn’t going to try and make this work. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 9 ½ Days by magpie_fngrl Rated:  Explicit Words:  47904 Tags: Canon Divergence, Canon detour more like, Sharing a Bed, Wandlore (Harry Potter), Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending, Holocaust, Animal Death(not on page), Mildly Dubious Consent, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Romani & Travelers, First Time Summary:  After the events at the Manor, Harry and Draco find themselves stranded in the countryside with a broken wand and Death Eaters on their tail. This is the story of an uneasy truce, featuring faerie forests, seaside caves, Romani camps, kind old ladies, and a shared bed in an attic. Or how two boys fell in love in the midst of a bloody coup. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 No Rules in Breakable Heaven by parkkate Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  10106 Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Secrets, Magical Accidents, mpreg (but not really and it's neither Harry or Draco), Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Mildly Dubious Consent, (due to alcohol), Sharing a Bed, Oblivious Harry Potter, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic Employee Draco Malfoy, Community: hp_drizzle, HP Drizzle Fest 2020 Summary:  When a magical rainstorm reveals everyone's deepest desires, Harry learns far more about his friends and colleagues than he ever wanted to know. Worst of all, he suddenly has to face his own deepest desire. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 True Children Still by gracerene Rated:  Explicit Words:  34240 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Developing Relationship, Aurors, Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Kink Discovery, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, Dom/sub Undertones, Dom Draco Malfoy, Daddy Dom Draco Malfoy, Sub Harry Potter, Subspace, littlespace, Age Play, Daddy Kink, Internalized Kink Shaming, Praise Kink, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Switching, Endearments, Dating, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Drinking, Italy, Age Play Little Harry Potter, H/D Sex Fair 2020 Summary:  After years of dancing around each other, Draco and Harry have finally begun to date, though they're taking things slow. They've got enough to figure out as it is, and the last thing Harry needs is an unexpected introduction to desires he's not quite ready to face. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Eye of the Storm by Mx_Maneater Rated:  Explicit Words:  25420 Tags: POV Draco Malfoy, Trapped, Sharing a Bed, Non-Linear Narrative, Enemies to Lovers, Draco Malfoy is Clueless About Muggle Things, Sassy Harry Potter, Missions Gone Wrong, Forced Proximity, OH MY GOD they were roommates (but by accident), Trust Issues, Explicit Sexual Content, HP Drizzle Fest 2020, Community: hp_drizzle Summary:  A storm rages blindly around a cabin with no doors. Without magic, Draco and Harry are trapped inside. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by bixgirl1 Rated:  Explicit Words:  39404 Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, room sharing, bed sharing, Pureblood Holiday Customs, Magical Holiday Theory, Falling In Love, Pining, Flirting, Mildly Dubious Consent, Sleep wanking, Facials, Blowjobs, Rimming, Loss of Virginity, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Gift Giving, Christmas, background Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy Summary:  When Draco, forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, finds out that Potter has a sleepwalking problem, he expects the odd conversations and the weird games of chess. What comes as a complete shock are Potter's other activities...And why he seems so intent on having Draco join him. (Relax. It's just like a holiday Hallmark movie! ...With, uhm, sleepwanking.) ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 On Your Shore by xanthippe74 Rated:  Mature Words:  35113 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Mystery, Scotland, Dark Magic, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Pining, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Non-Explicit Sex, Demisexual Harry Potter, Bisexual Harry Potter, Gay Draco Malfoy, Closeted Draco Malfoy, Curse Breaker Harry Potter, Antiques Appraiser Draco Malfoy, Redeemed Draco Malfoy, Good Parent Draco Malfoy, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Married Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, H/D Sex Fair 2020 Summary:  Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too. But both the house and Draco Malfoy have secrets to uncover, and Harry might be in deeper water than he thought. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Protective Bonds by Sadie Dragonfire (justbolts) Rated:  Explicit Words:  38967 Tags: Magical Bond, Sharing a Bed, Forced Cohabitation, Written Pre-Order of the Phoenix, Enemies to Lovers, Companionable Snark, Frottage, Humor, Slow Romance, Unknown feelings Summary:  Hermione discovers a book with an interesting protection spell. Testing it out has unforeseen consequences for Harry and Draco. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl Rated:  Mature Words:  60549 Tags: N/A Summary:  When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected. [Smoochfest 2012] ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 What Separates Us by swtalmnd Rated:  Explicit Words:  79989 Tags: Rape/Non-con, Underage, Drama & Romance, Challenge Response, First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Rape/Non-con Elements, BDSM, Incest, Violence, Non-con Lucius/Draco, no Harry/Draco bad touching Summary:  Harry does something phenomenally stupid in Potions class, and the consequences are farther-reaching than anyone suspects. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Convenient Impracticality by firethesound Rated:  Explicit Words:  38540 Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Pining, Friends With Benefits, Obliviousness, Bad dates, blind dates, Semi-Public Sex, Breakfast, Bickering and Banter, Sharing a Bed, Bars and Pubs, Drunken Shenanigans, Cake Summary:  Somehow Harry ends up agreeing to a fake relationship with his ex-nemesis-turned-friendly-acquaintance-with-benefits, except for some reason it involves an awful lot of actual dating and, sadly, not much sex. Confused? Harry is too, but when has anything with Draco Malfoy ever been as straightforward as it seems? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Ghost in the Garden by thistle_verse Rated:  Explicit Words:  27176 Tags: Aurors, Auror Partners, casefic, Pining, Awkward Bed Sharing, Sexual Tension, Snark, society shenanigans, Dragons, Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of Violence, Community: hd_erised, Ghosts Summary:  That night Draco dreams, and he is the ghost in his garden. He is both silvered figment and his own solid and flesh face pressing against the window, watching. Spinning and spun, haunting and haunted. Turned and turning, an open mouth with no sound. Harry and Draco are thrown together on an investigation into a sinister political movement. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 when we're done sleeping (we'll stay busy dreaming) (Lucky13 #7) by megyal Rated:  Teen and Up Words:  1729 Tags: Sharing a Bed Summary:  An Auror protects an important member of the Wizengamot. ❤️ Read on AO3
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Can I ask what types of relationships does your school and their students have with NRC and their students?
It’s here, and it’s a behemoth lol. Thank you very much for your ask, Anon! It ended up being super long, lol. 👀
WNA-NRC: The two have a long history together and are considered to be part of the top three magical schools alongside RSA. However, due to their similar values and principles WNA and NRC have always had more of a closer bond. The two schools have a ‘monthly campus visit’ policy in which students from both schools are able to make visits between campuses. WNA girls usually visit at the beginning of the month, while NRC boys return the favour at the end. The purpose of those visits is to have the schools maintain their friendly relationships with each other and observe the going-ons of each institution. NRC’s more modern approach has become of high interest to WNA, who’s more traditionally inclined, and their Headmistress has insisted very much on this bond being preserved even now. The schools are often considered ‘siblings schools’, with WNA being NRC’s sister and NRC being WNA’s brother. 
The students themselves have a much less formal relationship. WNA are stereotypically extremely shrewd and mischievous, a bundle of chaos hiding behind the face of an angel. They enjoy visits to the NRC campus because it gives them the opportunity to go wild and have fun, something that WNA’s more strict environment doesn’t permit them. Moreover, visiting gives them plenty of opportunities to create mischief and flirt with the boys there for their own amusement. 
Moreover, WNA also organises the Spring Debutante Ball every year in March which is an event that brings the three schools together for a night of socialising and dancing. The girls actually have a small notebook which lists all the boys’ charm points and use it as a means of choosing “targets”.
Ruggie, Jamil, Deuce and Jade ended up being extremely popular among the students population of WNA due to various reasons, while people like Leona, Malleus and Vil are considered part of the ‘look, but don’t approach’ category because they’re considered annoyingly difficult to deal with. 
During the Magift Inter-school Tournament between NRC and RSA, WNA girls are known to lead the chants for the two schools, with drums and megaphones, much like an ōendan. They also attend the VDC as spectators each year, and they look forward to seeing the boys perform songs and dances. 
Ursa Astoria: The Headmistress of WNA is familiar with both the Headmaster of NRC as well as its History teacher. Ursa’s more strict and formal approach often clashes with Crowley’s more laissez-faire attitude. Many have noted that they look eerily similar to a grandmother scolding her unruly grandchild when they interact, since Ursa is quick to lecture Crowley on not keeping a tight enough grip on his students and letting them run wild at school. “A little mischief is good to keep the heart young, but they should never need more than a glance to know when to stop.” However when she’s not scolding him, the two get along quite well, getting together for tea every three months or so. Crowley himself bends rather easily in front of Ursa due to the sheer power of her personality and presence. 
She and Trein know each other from when they were young, and he was her NRC escort during the Spring Debutante Ball. According to Alkin they even dated for a while but broke up due to their very differing personalities: him being a cat person, and she a bird one. The break up was amicable, and even to this day they remain good friends.  
Frau Perchta Yaga: Though she refuses to reveal how, it seems that Yaga is familiar with Crowley. Though they rarely interact, because Crowley goes out of his way to avoid her whenever he’s visiting WNA. 
Alkin: Crowley once mentioned that he does not get along with cats, and this applies to his relationship with Alkin to a certain extent as well. Though the two are not hostile to one another, Crowley gets rather irked by the way Alkin dismisses his presence or ignores him when he doesn’t feel like dealing with him. Alkin simply does not care much for the NRC Headmaster. Though the two seem to have a past together, neither really talks about it all that much.
Moreover, Alkin seems familiar with Lilia as well and on much more neutral terms. He does however comment that he finds it odd that the fairy would agree to pose as a high school student at his age.
Traditionally Rosenhex students have always had good relations with Pomefiore, and it is especially true for this generation as well. The two dorms have similar attitudes regarding beauty and how to achieve it through hard work, however while Pomefiore specialises in potions and poisons, Rosenhex specialises in charms and enchantments.
The Prefect of this dorm, Rosalia, is a work colleague of Vil and the two have collaborated before on some modelling gigs and movies. Rosa admires him quite a bit because he is in a similar position to her (wishing not to be typecast anymore) and his refusal to take any more villainous roles has also inspired her to speak up and tell her manager she’ll be dropping the role of ‘Cherry’. The two have an amicable relationship that is mutually beneficial to both parties. 
Vil was also the one who introduced her to Jack, who is her love interest. Because Rosa wanted to audition for a role that required a ‘wild image’ she asked Vil for advice, who referred her to Jack suggesting that she observe him and his mannerisms since among the Savanaclaw dorm, he considers Jack the best example of what a proper beastman should be when portrayed in media. Rosa and Jack get along quite well, as both enjoy exercise and sports. It’s a typical teen romance and Rosa’s first actual crush that ends up going anywhere. Though for the longest time she was very scared of taking a step beyond ‘crush’ for fear of ruining their relationship, so it took Jack taking charge and confessing to actually make realise it was time to move to the next stage. 
Much like with Vil, Rosa seems to have a positive relationship with Rook, who does praise her for trying to adopt an image that tends towards ‘wild beauty’, saying that is also fantastic to witness. Among the many negative comments Rosa received on her Witch Dance performance livestream, Rook’s was one of the few positive ones.
She doesn’t have a good relationship with Cater on the other hand, since he constantly asks for a selfie with her due to her celebrity status. She’s left behind the image of ‘Cherry’ and so she doesn’t want to be associated with it anymore. 
Traditionally Grimmaire students have had good relationships with the Octavinelle dorm, but the recent change in leadership has caused the Prefect, Blanche, to distance herself from it. She does not approve of their underhanded way of doing things, thus it seems that she’s become rather close to Heartslaybyul instead. 
Riddle is Blanche’s love interest and fellow study partner. The two met during his first year at NRC where during an Unbirthday Party, Blanche commented on the lacking form of the then Prefect who was unable to recite the 810 rules of the Queen of Hearts. After Riddle became Prefect he invited her back to Heartslaybyul to ‘wash’ the dorm’s reputation in the eyes of WNA. Because both are rather studious they often communicate with each other to discuss all sorts of ideas and articles. In typical Grimmaire fashion, Blanche left an encrypted note containing a riddle in one of the books she lent him and ever since then the two have started to talk to each other via this method. They enjoy this highly intellectual rapport they have with the other, even though it does take both of them quite a while to realise they’re romantically interested in the other.
More surprisingly, Blanche has a good relationship with both Ace and Deuce, but for completely different reasons. Deuce looks up to her as a fellow model students he wishes to learn how to emulate to make his mother proud. Ace initially considered her a stick in the mud, and overly serious, until she unexpectedly cracked a really good joke and he was blown away by the contrast. Now both of them look forward to her arrival but for entirely different reasons. Blanche herself is rather fond of them too, and even strives to tutor them sometimes, with Ace finds bothersome and Deuce appreciates very much. 
Under normal circumstances, Kriegskald would get along best with Ignihyde given their interest in magical constructions. However, due to the girls’ forceful personalities and the boys’ more reclusive nature they tend to clash quite often. The fact that Kriegskald tends towards steampunk, while Ignihyde tends towards cybernetics also makes it more unlikely that they would get along. The current Prefect, Marcia, was initially interested in trying to recruit Idia as a sponsor so her broom racing career to take off properly, but has had no such luck, so she gave up and set her sights on somebody else. 
It just so happens that that somebody is none other than the heir of a multimillionaire family. Whenever Marcia visits NRC she always pays a visit to Kalim, to hang in Scarabia, enjoy the good food and try to talk him into giving her money and/or become her sponsor. Kalim himself seems quite willing to do so, since Marcia’s enthusiasm for flying is on the same level as his, so the two have a lot of discussions on this particular topic. Her attempts at getting him to sponsor her always fail however due to Jamil’s interference, who always reminds Kalim he can’t give out his money away like that just because someone asks for it. He and Marcia don’t have the most positive relationship as a result, with her complaining that he shouldn’t be so strict on Kalim, and him pointing out she just says that because she wants to scam him.
Another person Marcia keeps bothering about sponsoring is Leona, who as the second prince of the Afterglow Savannah should have the necessary funds to sponsor an athlete. She did not have much luck there either as Leona either completely avoids her, or pretends he’s in deep sleep when she does come across him. They have spent more than a few afternoons in this position in which Marcia patiently waits for him to wake up, while Leona actually falls asleep while pretending. Though he is annoyed by her persistence, he does find her efforts impressive in their sheer stubbornness.
Marcia has attempted to talk to Malleus on this topic too, but has always been stopped by Sebek, who yells at her about bothering the ‘Young Master’ and being a suspicious person. The two don’t really get along, as Marcia finds his constant interventions annoying, and Sebek is enraged that she would dare bother Malleus about this sort of thing. It’s generally a disaster when Sebek catches Marcia trying to get into Diasomnia.
Because plants are often used in alchemy, Pomefiore and Galdtrea usually have a positive relationship. However, the current Prefect seems to not be able to get along at all with Vil, due to their clashing worldviews. June has a similar opinion of his dorm as she has of Rosenhex: frivolous rich city kids who never worked a day in their life. The fact that Vil is on good terms with Rosa only strengthens her opinion and she tends to avoid Pomefiore and its students usually, since she flies off the handle easily. The only exception to this being Epel, who eventually becomes her love interest. She did not think much of him at first, as she considered him a mere scaredy cat, rich and spoiled kid, but was very surprised when he shot off at her after becoming angry enough. As fellow farmers they understand better than anybody what it means to struggle with hard work and responsibilities, so June feels like there is someone who finally understands what her struggles are. 
When coming to NRC she usually spends her time in the botanical gardens checking out the plants and planting techniques used there. Because she avoids Rook, since she thinks he’s creepy, she usually accidentally bumps into Trey, who she considers more bearable. Though she gets frustrated if they get on the topics of families, since his ‘Big Brother’ aura makes her incredibly annoyed. They usually just stick to the topic of plants as a result.
Another person June seems to potentially get along with is Jamil. I say potentially because while they seem able to bond over their shared helplessness in terms of not having autonomy over their own person, June gets annoyed by the fact that Jamil does not simply tell Kalim off when he’s being unreasonable. She does not understand Jamil’s loyalty to his family at all, and just gets annoyed at him not really doing anything about his situation. She’s very much ruled by her emotions so his calculated approach is not something she can resonate with.
Traditionally Monarchia has always been close to Savanaclaw due to their similar aesthetic. The two dorms are sufficiently wild that they mesh together quite well, and they are most at ease in each other’s company. Moreover, Monarchia girls are rather respected among the Savanaclaw dorm and often adopt a big sister-like figure to the boys. It’s most prominent with Monarchia’s Prefect who is also treated like a Big Sister by her girls. Diana’s wild tendencies and close connection to animals make her blend right in with Savanaclaw’s roughness. As a citizen of the Afterglow Savannah and a follower of pack hierarchy, she respects the Kingscholar greatly, and thus Leona by default. Though she claims she is a bit disappointed by how Leona doesn’t display the same ferocity he did three years ago since she considered it ‘beautiful’. Leona on his part says he dislikes being nagged like this, but also seems to appreciate the fact that Diana takes him as he is and doesn’t compare him to his older brother. She is also on good terms with Jack and Ruggie who she treats similarly to how she treats her younger brothers.
Because she is a big eater, she also frequents Mostro Lounge and ends up spending time in the company of Azul who is her love interest. Their first meeting was a disaster, with Diana calling him “a newborn calf” due to how unstable he was on his feet during his first year on land. Spurned by anger, Azul made it a point to try and get her to sign a contract to steal her magic and humiliate her in return, but it just lead to a game of cat and mouse which eventually resulted in feelings forming. Though he’s very much in denial about it for a long time. 
Diana also gets along quite well with the Leech brothers, in the sense that they recognise each other as fellow predators. The two are somewhat impressed by her utter fearlessness as not even Floyd’s threats of ‘squeezing’ her seem to have had any effect on her. Because she’s proving to be quite amusing they became fond of her, though that feeling is always subject to change. Floyd calls her ‘crocodile-chan-senpai’ and likes to bother her for stories about the beasts and monsters she tamed and fought throughout her life. He sometimes even listens to her requests, in the same vein he listens to Rook and Vil. Jade is amused by her sharp mind and killer instincts, and likes having discussions on various topics with her. They both like to needlessly grill Azul about his feelings for Diana for their own amusement.
Diana’s oddest relationship is with Rook, who seems to find her wild tendencies very charming and fascinating, while she’s annoyed by him due to the fact that he calls himself a ‘hunter’. Having had a bad run in with poachers in the past, she does not take kindly to people hunting animals for trophies, rather than sustenance. Rook’s presence makes her alert and cautious, and his general oddness just makes her more suspicious of him. Rook’s own fascination for her seems to stem from the fact that, as he puts it, her eyes occasionally sparkle with something inhuman in them. Like she’s more beast than human.
Traditionally, Oraluna has always had close ties with Scarabia, as both dorms have an interest in star movements and researching their patterns. While it continues to maintain them, the current Prefect, Cassandra, has shown interest in forging relationships with Diasomnia as well. This is mostly due to her vested interest in learning more about her fairy heritage and having heard that the future King of the Valley of Thorns is attending Night Raven she thinks it would be nice to be acknowledged by him as a fairy as well. Unfortunately, her shy nature makes it difficult for her to approach Malleus. She respects him greatly, to the point she idolises him, but it also means she finds in difficult to get along with him since she’s always worried about offending him by accident. So she tries to work up her courage to talk to him, while Malleus simply regards her as a bit odd, and is uncomfortable with the fact that she acts so scared around him. He merely wants to experience a normal high school life so he does not understand why Cass behaves as if he expects everybody to treat him in a special manner.
Cass also shows a lot of respect towards Lilia too, which means that she falls for his pranks rather easily. He always claims to teach her about fairy customs and traditions but he mostly makes up stories for his own amusement. Cass does not contradict his claims no matter how absurd they are, because she thinks it would be rude. On the other hand, she seems to actually consider Lilia’s cooking delicious which endears her to him greatly and makes him approve of her eventual friendship and relationship with his son. Out of everybody in Diasomnia, Cass feels closest to Silver, who is her love interest. His diligent nature and kindness won her over completely and she thinks of him as the knight who saved the damsel in distress her grandmother would often tell her about when she was young. Silver himself seems to find Cass a bit odd due to her professed love for his father’s cooking and other quirks, but overall sweet and endearing.
She seems to have a somewhat positive relationship with Sebek too, since she idolises Malleus too, so they often openly praise him to one another. Sebek seems not to mind Cass’ presence as much since she obviously understands Malleus’ greatness. However, after Lilia begins to teach her how to embrace her fae ancestry, he’s among her only victims when it comes to the pranks she pulls. They are extremely innocuous and rather lame, as Ace might bluntly put it, but Sebek still falls for them every time to everybody’s amazement. 
She also seems to have a bad relationship with Azul since he tried to talk her into coming to do some fortune telling for Mostro Lounge customers as a special treat. She categorically refused him since it reminded her too much of when people asked her to tell their fortune just to profit off her abilities. Ever since then, she’s completely avoided him whenever she comes to visit. 
The dorm which Eliksia normally got along with would be Pomefiore, since they both have a clear focus on alchemy. However, current Eliksia Prefect, Agatha, seems to deeply dislike Vil due to him being one of those ‘shiny’ people she despises. His positive relationship with Rosa, which Agatha also hates, only makes her more convinced Vil is not the sort of person she wants to have around, so she has completely avoided him and the Pomefiore dorm building ever since she became Prefect.
As a result, whenever she visits the NRC campus she mostly hangs around Sam’s shop, who she considers her ‘Big Brother’ due to him having helped her gain a human form when she first expressed a desire to explore the surface world. His help has gained him her eternal gratitude so she makes sure to visit each time she’s on campus. She merely huddles in a corner and makes conversation with him about various topics which invariably freak out anybody who eavesdrops on them. She likes how Sam won’t judge her for behaving the way she does, and makes sure to always buy something as a show of appreciation for letting her hide in there. 
Other people Agatha can’t stand are Kalim, Ace, Deuce, Rook, Cater, Trey, Riddle- It would actually be easier to count the number of people she does like and that’s mostly only Ortho. Though she was initially skeptical of him due to being related to Idia (who she thinks is not good enough for her Big Sister), she eventually warmed up to him when she realised how knowledgeable and how absolutely deadly he actually is. The fact that he does not make fun of her appearance and has even complimented her teeth (because they look his Idia’s) has only made her fonder of him. So she does not mind if he approaches her for a chat when she’s on the NRC campus.
She does not get along at all with the Leech twins, since she considers them bigger predators and Floyd annoys her Big Sister, nor with Azul, since octopuses eat crustaceans too, which are the main food source for flashlight fish like her. She generally tends to avoid them since she can’t really stand them all that much. 
The dorm’s dark elegance and grace has traditionally made it a good fit for Diasomnia who exhibits a similar aesthetic. Though that would usually be the case, the current Prefect, Vita, is much closer to Idia, which is natural given that the two are engaged and he is her love interest. As they were betrothed when they were five and six years old respectively, they are childhood friends. Vita’s more forceful personality often clashes with Idia’s more reserved one on the surface, but they are in actuality pretty in sync. Vita appreciates Idia’s intelligence as well as his mean side and takes delight in encouraging him to express his displeasure more loudly, rather than be afraid of what others might think of him. Idia cannot understand how Vita can care so little for what others think about her, but also admires this side of her. She’s very devoted to him, but does not mean she will hold back when she whips him in shape so he’ll be a more functional person and more confident in himself. On the whole the two get along quite well, and are gaming buddies, since Idia taught her how to play video games when they were younger. She’s become quite proficient at it however, much to Idia’s ire since it means she often beats his high scores. He’s also tried getting her into anime, manga or light novels but has had no luck on that front yet. Vita also calls him ‘husband’ generally, which he initially found embarrassing but now doesn’t mind anymore. The two also have a dog (Kerberos breed) together who spends most of the time with Vita, but is extremely attached to Idia as well. 
Vita also has a good relationship with Ortho, in theory at least. Because he’s Idia’s brother she treats him well and is very pleasant to him, but is also uncomfortable in his presence to a certain degree. His creation goes against her family’s beliefs and Idia clings to him as a security blanket which makes it difficult for him to learn how to move on from the past, which bothers Vita quite a bit. But she understands it’s not Ortho’s fault so she takes most of her complaints to her husband, something that causes quite a few fights between them. Ortho himself is unaware of this.
Incidentally, it was Ortho who gave her the nickname ‘Vita’ when they were young children and it stuck The fact that Ortho uses it even now gives her mixed feelings.
Another person Vita gets along with is Ruggie since she found him amusing in his attempt to get close to the Shrouds because they’re a noble family. His mischievous personality also endears him to her more and thus she’s become fond of having him around or taking him to Mostro Lounge to buy him lunch and get the latest gossip regarding the students of NRC. Ruggie himself also seems to like Vita since she’s very generous with her money and sometimes jokingly even calls her ‘Big Sis’ (in the same manner delinquent girls are called ‘big sis’ within their group).
Vita also finds a lot of enjoyment in annoying Azul ever since she met him at Idia’s club. Whenever she drops by Mostro Lounge with Ruggie she also seeks out Azul just to entertain herself on his behalf by trying ruffle his feathers. For a provocation expert like her the task is very enjoyable, though she also has to put up with Floyd’s unpleasant presence too. She is on better terms with Jade who is somewhat similar to her in that he enjoys trolling him, and the two often have repartees whenever they have time to chat, speaking in metaphors and odd allusions.   
These are all the very condensed versions, but I plan to make some posts dedicated just to relationship mapping since I find it interesting. 👀
Also, I know there are some peeps that have WNA OCs so do feel free to join in with how your OCs interact with NRC if you want to!
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thesterekcollection · 5 years
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The Sterek Halloween MasterPost
Hallow's Warmth by raisesomehale | 6.8K
Derek and Cora own the little coffee shop downtown, Stiles is the regular and talkative client that Derek may or may not be infatuated with, and the cold weather is extremely inconvenient considering it dusts Stiles' cheeks with a rosy shade of red and causes his breath to frost over in white puffs whenever he laughs.
Pining and Halloweenie things ensue.
Just a Little Hocus Pocus by secondstar |16.8K
On All Hallow’s Eve when the moon is round, a virgin will summon us from under the ground.
Stiles lights the black flame candle, bringing three witches back from the dead who need his soul to survive the night.
Little Red Riding Hood (you sure are looking good) by aohatsu | 10.2K
Stiles hangs out with werewolves. Stiles dresses up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. It's supposed to be ironic.
Masque by JenNova |3.5K
Derek's not sure he can remember what he was trying to achieve here.
“That's not really a costume,” Stiles' voice returns, curling into Derek's ear. Derek suppresses a shiver.
“It's a costume,” he says, shocked by how rough his voice sounds. He needs to get out of here.
Disco Cops by GotTheSilver | 3.1K
“You don’t need to protect me, Stiles.”
“Officer of the law here,” Stiles says, his smile twisting into a dirty smirk. “That’s my job.”
“Not in those shorts.”
“How about out of these shorts?”
bonfires burning bright (room in my coffin tonight) by  hito | 12.2K
Stiles may hate Halloween, but he loves working at the Haunted House -- at least until the new girl steals his cushy job in the office. But she also introduces him to the guy he's had a crush on for years, so he supposes she can't be a total witch. That doesn't mean Derek isn't a vampire.
Marked for Later by  hazelNuts | 5K
The Hale and the McCall pack have an uneasy truce. Now, when a witch has been killing people in both their territories, Derek and Stiles have to go undercover and actually work together to stop her.
‘We’ll go as a couple, of course. Then we either ask her if she wants a threesome, or I complain to her about my dick of a boyfriend. That role shouldn’t be too hard for you,’ Stiles grins, delighted at Derek’s horrified expression. ‘Now all we need are costumes.’
always the sidekick (never the superhero) by  mirrorkill | 44.4K
Wherein Stiles wears spandex, Derek does too, and "convince" doesn't mean what Lydia thinks it means.)
And Also, I Love You by alisvolatpropiis | 7.1K
Derek didn’t look at all like Stiles expected. After all, he deliberately chose a school where being a nerd was cool, so he certainly wasn’t expecting his hotter-than-a-thousand-stars roomie to be an actual cool person. 
borders and horizon lines by magneticwave |14.8K
“Let me do this nice thing for you, Derek, no strings attached,” said nobody ever.
Dude, Werewolves by mysecretashes | 29.6K
Stiles gets partnered with Cora for a history project, and they become bros. Also, he kind of falls in love with her older brother, Derek.
Intermediate Braiding Skills by  apocryphal | 10.4K
In which Lydia assembles her Halloween costume, learns to make friends, and shamelessly exploits her father's crush on Stiles Stilinski.
reason to stay by  bleep0bleep | 12.5K
It's the last week of October, and a small town baker has run into his first crush again. Fate might have other ideas. Stiles tries for romance with a little help from what Beacon Hills does best— Halloween.
sure to lure something bad by  lazulisong | 4K
Stiles has the best worst ideas, or so he thinks. Derek isn't so sure about that.
Stiles dresses up as a werewolf, Derek dresses like Red Riding Hood, NOTHING ends in tears.
There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday | 21K
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
wishing to be the friction in your jeans by thatworldinverted | 3.3K
Stiles is just trying to go to work every day and earn a paycheck. It's not his fault he keeps getting distracted by six feet of muscle and the angriest scowl this side of the Cascades.
I'm Your Boogie Man by  Jmeelee | 4K
Five times Derek and Stiles ended up accidentally wearing couples costumes on Halloween, and the one Halloween they ended up a couple.
Everybody Make a Scene by  skoosiepants | 4.4K
Stiles and Derek have some kind of unspoken Halloween decorating competition that also involves baked goods and flirting.
The One With the Treats by  mikkimouse | 1.6K
Stiles really hadn't wanted to go to Satomi's inter-pack Halloween party. He'd spent the past week trying to summon up a horrible illness or some other excuse, but all he'd managed was a slightly scratchy throat that lasted all of two hours.
Veils and Moonbeams by  kaistrex (weishen) | 2.6K
Because if anyone would become an (illegal) Animagus to surprise the boy they liked, it would be Stiles Stilinski.
Treat Cute by  Cobrilee | 1.2K
Derek loves Halloween because he gets to let his wolf out. This Halloween gives him a different reason to love the holiday. (It gives him Stiles.)
The Accidental Hale Brood by  Julibean19 | 42.3K
The one in which Stiles and Derek have been BCPD partners for years when they are assigned Halloween duty and run into a couple of kids from the orphanage. One fake marriage and two real adoptions later, they somehow become a family.
Little Red Riding Hoodie and the Sourwolf by  SourWolfie (pieprincess_andthe_fallenangel) | 7.2K
The one where Stiles wears a revealing little red riding hood costume to Lydia's Halloween party.
Something Wicked This Way Comes by  Acherona, trulywicked | 13.3K
“I’d rock a dress and heels better than you ever could but no. I have an appointment to watch paint peel.” Stiles started to walk away with Scott.
“Prove it.” Jackson smirked when that made Stilinski freeze.
A Boy in Wolf's Clothing by  kyaticlikestea | 5.2K
Five times Stiles turns to the wolf for Halloween, and one time the wolf turns to him.
Something Spooky, Something Blue by crossroadswrite | 2.4K
Derek sighs and boredly stuffs a handful of gummi bears in his mouth, straight out of a Halloween candy bowl Aunt Olivia insists in buying every year even if they never get trick or treaters this far into the woods.
He tilts his head and tunes back into the boys’ conversation, which has been the prime time entertainment of the Hales for the past ten minutes or so.
Can I Keep You? by  wearing_tearing | 16K
After practically being raised watching Buffy, The X-Files, and Ghostbusters, Stiles liked to think his reaction to seeing a shimmery shadow resembling a seventeen year old boy floating ten inches above ground and glaring fiercely at him wouldn’t be to let out a high pitch scream, try to karate chop him, and then, when that obviously didn’t work, throw a basketball at him.
A basketball that just went right through the boy’s stomach.
or, the Sterek Casper AU.
You’re the Only One(sie) for Me by  mikkimouse | 8.4K
Stiles buys Halloween costumes online and badgers Derek into wearing one for a party at the Preserve, because they're friends now and friends do those kinds of things. It's all fun and games until he and Derek turn into their costumes.
Stiles probably should have done a little more research on the seller.
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Hiya! I’ve kinda been away for a while, what have I missed?-🍯
     (The posts tagged with “#tsrpgau recap” summarize the events of the comic and asks, and lore that has been revealed thus far!)
inter-comic recaps: First  /  Prev  /  Next  /  All.
Contains: (Recap #12)Asks 50-58
Roman talks to Virgil about their relationship, claiming that he thinks they’re meant to be together!
Virgil doesn’t believe him for a second. He argues that Roman is just infatuated with him because he’s attractive and athletic, and doesn’t know anything about who he really is.
(Roman argues back that Virgil hasn’t exactly been open with personal information. Virgil has no retort for this)
Roman proposes a challenge: He will stop openly courting Virgil over their trip, instead genuinely trying to get to know him as a friend, and letting Virgil initiate any further romance. In return, Virgil will promise not to run away from the party in the middle of the night like he’s been threatening to do so often, and think about staying with them in Rótaldë once they reach the city.
Virgil accepts, and a Fae Contract is formed between them! 
(Virgil is bound to his word: he can no longer leave the party of his own volition!)
The squad is attacked by Displacer Beasts!
One of the beasts nearly kills Logan, and Patton throws it 15 feet into the air in retaliation. This makes them Very Angry
Virgil claims Rite of Combat, initiating the battle and protecting the other three. He tries to get them to run away without him, but they refuse to
Virgil casts a spell to kill both displacer beasts, but it also kills him and Patton, and hurts Logan and Roman
Roman uses Turn the Tide to resurrect and heal everyone! (except for the beasts, of course)
Patton wakes up, and insists that no one tell Virgil what he did
Virgil wakes up with no memory of the second half of the fight. He takes off his ripped jacket, and gets ready to field dress the displacer beasts
Logan tells you what time it is
Virgil plans to make Logan some armor out of the Displacer Beast’s hides!
After they recap for you what happened in the battle, Logan helps Virgil skin the beasts, learning how to do it as they go.
When they’re done, Virgil only allows himself to sleep because Logan promises to wake him up for the second watch…
(In Other News…)
You get another headcannon infodump thingy!
Some clarification on that bit about how Logan and Roman became friends
You get another vision of the future!
You started poking holes in Roman’s beliefs about Romance again
He opens up about his relationship with Marissa!
It seems he has had a session with Emile?
Remus passive-aggressively explains Roman’s issues from his perspective
Roman thinks about the people he cares about to make himself feel better
Things learned along the way:
Drow  and Yuan-ti Stuff
how drow children are raised
Charlotte was Virgil’s mom-spider-guardian thing! 
Charlotte has forgiven Virgil for killing her, they’re cool dont worry
Drow fighting styles! (and which ones Virgil knows)
Drow Hairstyles
how different substances (alcohol / catnip / honey / caffeine) affect Virgil differently than other races
Virgil (and Deceit’s) diets differ from other humanoids
And so do their healthy temperatures
Dee might not be strictly Yuan-ti?
Logan intends to ask Virgil about what Drow Society is really like
Game Mechanics: Battle!
What is armor class?
how much does not having training actually hinder roman?
Drow and Halfling Holidays
Elven Holidays + “Elven Hide and Seek”
114 notes · View notes
More Slytherin Sirius please? I was reading your last Slytherin Sirius fic, and suddenly I had this thought: Sirius saying, "since when did we start dating? Last time I checked, we’re barely even friends," and James answering, "when was the last time you checked?” and making Sirius realize they've actually been doing things couple do because of course what else could these two do? Please and thank you!
"-and I mean," James was saying, "we've been dating for long enough that you'd think the novelty would have worn off, y'know?" 
"We're dating?" Sirius asked, not really looking up from where he was doing his homework. James was supposedly doing the same, but so far all he'd managed was unpacking his books, parchment, quills, and ink; he's spent the rest of the time complaining about his various housemates. "Since when? No offense Jamie, but the last time I checked, we're barely even friends." 
"Yeah, and when was the last time you checked?" James asked in return, not overly bothered by Sirius's question. 
"It's been a while since I had to think about it since it's so obvious." 
"Uh-huh. That's why we, as complete and total not-friends, are doing our homework together in the library." 
Sirius started to nod, but he stopped and glared when it was clear that James wasn't agreeing with him. He expected-- read: hoped-- that James would stop there, but he kept giving examples. 
"It's also why we walk to our classes together." 
"We have the same classes," Sirius grumbled. Them having the same classes had been a calculated attempt to optimize the time they could annoy each other. 
"Yeah, that's why we hold hands and sometimes duck into empty corridors to snog. It totally explains why we go on dates every single Friday and sometimes have inter-House parties just so there's an excuse for us to get drunk and hang off each other when we're in public. It also explains why you got me chocolates for my birthday and kept sending me letters last summer." 
"You... wrote me first," he muttered petulantly. "We're rivals, that's all." 
James rolled his eyes, but it was completely fond instead of annoyed. That alone should've been enough for Sirius to realise he was wrong, but he kind of didn't want to give in now. Sure he'd been dating someone for over a year and not noticed, but he couldn't just admit that without James getting to tease him over it for the rest of their lives. That was hardly the first Sirius had thought of their relationship as lasting years into the future, but this was the first time he'd realised what it meant. Merlin, he really was an idiot. But he wasn't going to tell James that much. He had his image to think about, after all. "We're dating, Sirius, just admit it." The way James said it was nonjudgmental, but Sirius already had it in his head that he wasn't going to give in. 
"Nope. Nothing to admit because we aren't." 
James chuckled, expression more fond than ever. "Okay. Whatever helps you through the day, I suppose." 
"As much fun as this was," Sirius said drolly, "I have to go spend time with my actual friends. Maybe you'll be able to get that essay for McGonagall done without me distracting you." Sirius shoved everything haphazardly into his bag and ran away. 
He didn't have friends. James knew that. Which meant that now he had to go bother Regulus for a couple hours. James would probably guess that, but this whole thing was a matter of perception anyways. As long as Sirius didn't admit that that's what he was doing, it was fine. This was about saving face and- and... pretty much nothing else. Whatever. 
Unsurprisingly, Regulus was not happy to see him. Surprisingly, when he was trying to get rid of him so that he could focus on his coursework, he said, "Can't you go bother your boyfriend instead of me?" 
Regulus had never called James his boyfriend before. He knew that for a fact, because otherwise he would've been having this entire crisis earlier. Also because if Regulus had told him, then he wouldn't be trying to pretend like they weren't to James's face right now. "Since when is he my boyfriend?" 
"Isn't he?" Regulus asked, forehead scrunched as he looked over his book at him. "I thought I'd seen you holding hands last week." 
Last week... right, when Sirius had done it as part of joke, but it had felt nice so he didn't let go as soon as he might have under normal circumstances. "You did." 
"Then why are you asking me about when you got together? Which, I can't believe you didn't tell me. Not telling me when you started shagging is perfectly fine because I don't want to hear about that, but dating? I'm your only friend, and you didn't tell me. No wonder you're so grumpy all the time; you never gossip." 
"You're not my only friend," Sirius lied. "You're just my best friend." And they gossiped together plenty. Most of it was family drama but still. 
Regulus, who knew perfectly well that he was his brother's only friend, scoffed. "Right. Why don't you go bother some of your lesser friends so that your best friend doesn't fail his classes?" 
"You're not going to fail anything, you dramatic little bugger." 
"Go away," he said, hunching down so that all Sirius could see over the top of his book were a few strands of black hair. 
Since Sirius didn't actually want him to have issues in his classes, he left, but not without ruffling Regulus's hair to piss him off. If Reg wasn't going to support him in this, then he should double down. Get James something really nice to say that he acknowledged they were together and he liked it. 
"So not that I'm complaining," James started out, his words carefully chosen and his tone measured, "but is there a purpose to the entire garden that is now taking up my dormitory? Or the three necklaces? Or the twenty different boxes of chocolates?" 
Sirius blinked. "Too much?" he guessed. 
"A tad." 
"Hmph." Sirius had only meant to get him like, two of those things, but he didn't want to get him the wrong gift. At first, he bought James yellow tulips because he'd heard James saw they were pretty before. Then he'd added on red roses because James was a romantic, and red roses equaled romance. Then he'd seen blue hyacinths and added them on, and with three different colors and none of them being certain, it had felt safer to do a full rainbow or varieties. 
After all that confusion, he'd felt like he had to get him something else since none of the bouquets were guaranteed to be his favourite. The first necklace he'd chosen was red and gold, but it occurred to him that he didn't know if that was James's actual colour preference or if it was because he was in Gryffindor. Sirius added on a silver band in case he didn't like gold, then he did a necklace all in black because fuck it, if he didn't know what James would like, he was at least going to get him something that Sirius would like to see on him. 
He was pretty sure that there weren't twenty boxes of chocolates. It should've been more like a dozen. Because he didn't know if James would like the flowers or any of the necklaces, but everyone liked chocolates. Unfortunately, he had no idea what James's favourite was for that either, so he'd snuck out to Honeydukes to place an order. Browsing the shelves did him no good, so he'd shoved a handful of galleons at the person behind the counter and asked for them to send as many to James's room as that money would buy, preferably in a variety of their most popular products. 
"It's not a bad thing," James tried, but Sirius just glared at him. James cracked a smile, sitting down next to him. "What happened to denying that we're dating? I thought that was pretty entertaining for the whole minute that it lasted." 
"Yeah, well when Regulus thought we were dating too, I figured I should give you something to let you know that I like that I'm dating you." 
"One bouquet would've done that." 
"I didn't know which kind were your favourites," he muttered petulantly. 
"I like all flowers," he said immediately. "Anything they sell at a florist, I will like." 
"Hmph," Sirius said again. "Which necklace did you like?" 
"All of them." 
Sirius had to wrestle down the urge to hit him with a Stinging Hex. "Which one did you like best?" 
"Does it matter?" 
James leaned over and kissed his cheek, then coaxed him into a real kiss. "I love them all. Fair warning, I'm sharing the chocolates with my dorm mates so they don't riot." 
"Aw, do you not like me sharing your gifts?" 
He didn't much care one way or the other, so he kissed James again. "Shut it." 
Clearly, James took that as a yes to his question, because he grinned. "Aw, sweetheart, it's like-" 
"Shut it," he said again, and this time he made the kiss long enough that James would have to put his brain back together if he wanted to tease him. 
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theinsanecrayonbox · 4 years
Digging your tabletop pride icons! I like the filter effect they have! :-) Do you by any chance have a textpost of the characters and their sexual orientations/gender identities? I recognise some of your characters, but not all of them, and there are pride flags I've never seen before, so I'd like to learn more. :-)
well thank you. it was just a bit of photoshop work.
i do not have a list of that made up yet...so lets do that now lol
let me preface this though with two points.; 1) i am 1 of 2 females who play regularly in my dnd group of 6 (sometimes 7) people, the other is Dixon. so i am usually the only female in the party itself. i have only ever played 2 (and a half) male characters in the 6/7 years i’ve been playing; every other male character i do in my tabletop group arts are story characters, not player characters. i am also 1 of 2 (sometimes 3) people in the group under 40. romance isn’t really a big part of our storytelling...no matter how hard i try to put it back in there ^^; 2) i identify as quoisexual myself, so all my characters have that to some degree in them just because i’m the player and you bleed into your characters that way. i also use goggle as a helpful tool to learn about all the different identities, so my knowledge and interpretation is fallible.
ok so list now;
Paige-Cupioromantic, meaning does not feel attraction, but desires that type of relationship i went with this, because Paige....well...is Paige lol. as one player once said “it feels wrong trying to date her, because she acts so young and innocent” and to be fair, she isn’t really out here looking at people as romantic partners. she wants friends, she loves her friends. also you know, mortal embodiment of an eldritch horror terror, so...
Cizma-Fraysexual, meaning has strong attraction until a relationship is formed and then the attraction fades she’s the opposite of Paige, and this is mostly based on her “relationship” with InkShade honestly; she believes she’s madly in love with him, but he refuses her, so she pursues him more. i think if he gave into hr advances and reciprocated, she’d realized her feelings weren’t what she thought they were. i admit, this one’s new to me so my interpretation could be very wrong, but that’s how i feel it fits Cizma.
Ada-Quoisexual, meaning has trouble distinguishing between romantic and sexual attraction as i said above, my default is this, so if i don’t know a character’s leanings it’s their too (yes jelena is my icon and is this too fyi). BUT in fairness, it suits Ada because of how she was raised; she has very little idea how to properly people here. and she is developing some sort of a relationship with Til. also, her first dice bag was my pride bag with this flag.
Gauzra-Lithoromantic, meaning has desires of attraction, but does not want them reciprocated again, kind of supposed to be in opposite to Ada, and seeing as i still don’t know Gauzra’s personality this could change...but from my interpretation of her right now, this feels right. plus the flag goes with her color scheme.
Rosalba-Demisexual, meaning does not feel attraction until a strong bond is formed at the time i was playing Ro, this was how i identified primarily, but it still suits her i think. if you met Rico after meeting her, you would never know WHY they were a couple, but those two kinda fought against two life times to be together (three if you count the accent into godhood). Ro’s also never been good at getting close to people, but once she did, you’re stuck with her.
K’nessan-Nonbinary, meaning does not identify with a binary gender scale; Marsic, meaning is attracted to masculine qualities ok, ok, *technically* since Ness is a hermaphrodite they should be inter-sexed BUT they do prefer the gender neutral pronouns (followed by the masc; never use “it/that’ or you will die)...and their color scheme matches the flag, so... ^^; i also included in the list the Marsic because Ness does have a preference for male partners
Nemo-Asexual, meaning has no desires for attraction Nemo is nothing but a hero, so that pretty much screamed ace to me...plus it matched her color scheme
Mekala-Aromantic, meaning has no desire for attraction i wasn’t really sure about her, since you know 2 failed campaigns in a row didn’t give her much room to grow, but i could see this working. she’s not really looking for anything, more searching her past. 
Jass-Bisexual, meaning attracted to both males and females Jass is my sabretooth, so my sabretooth headcanons are canon for her lol. we only saw her have a relationship with fantasy!Deadpool in the game she was played, but hey
Tesla-Electio Aroace, meaning has no desire for attraction, whether sexual, romantic, or tertiary  i admit, this one is completely new to me, so my interpretation could be very wrong, but the idea that this is one that is uninterested in any form of attraction suits my viral android very well. again, she has gone on record saying that “the biological imperative for emotions is distractive” (more or less) which is especially funny since she was played in a valentines game where the goal was to let Cupid infect a town with horniness to make babies; Tesla was the only one unaffected and actively trying to stop that. so yeah.
Theo-Pansexual, meaning is attracted to any gender yeah, Theo’s just out there doing and being anything
Sean-Bisexual, meaning attracted to both males and females; he however has a stronger male preference i admit, one reason why Sean is bi and not just gay is for the “half and half” joke...but yeah, he started the game with a boyfriend, he would kill everyone for his boyfriend, he woudl die for his boyfriend.
Vitanya-Gynosexual, meaning attracted to feminine qualities still learning new things as we do this, but since Vita has had little development (but will be getting more) i’m kinda aiming to have her be a bit more into girls...we’ll see how that pans out
Lokaj-Androsexual, meaning attracted to masculine qualities originally i had him as something else, but when i saw that description i liked it better, since he ended up with Arkos and all
Arkos-Transgender, meaning identifies with a different physical gender than the one assigned at birth; Gay, meaning attracted to men going more off the latest version here than my previous one for this. but yeah, he’s just straight up trans here, not intersexed, and his tribe is cool with it. plus being a tribe means not enough money to get magic to physically change anything...but he’s ok with that. in his tribe it’s less what you have and more how to act.
Rikkar-Bisexual, meaning attracted to both males and females mainly because he did have a fiance...even though they weren’t super into the idea, they weren’t against it either...but he’s far more into Ark
Tarn-Lesbian, meaning attracted to women she has been a loud raging lesbian since day one, and nothing will ever change that. not even one continuity having her in a forced, bested in trial by combat, marriage to Starlord basically. she will only go for a dude if he’s a dragon...and he’s gotta be a hot dragon...and even then it win’t lasting dude.
Reyzah-Abrosexual, meaning one’s attraction is constantly changing or fluid Reyzah started as a knock-off tarn honestly and never got to thrive too much. but compared to her siblings, she was always the one learning and trying to figure herself out, so this fits well.
Margus-gay, meaning attracted to men Margus, similarly to his sister, started off as quiet nervous gay, and by the end of the adventure he had himself a doppleganger husband and confidence to boot, so yeah, my baby boy grew up good. admittedly a lot of his self-confidence issues were more from his half-orc heritage, BUT that fed into the “no one would wanna date me cause i suck” mentality. so yeah.
Nikkos-Asexual, meaning feels no desire for attraction he’s Margus’ twins, and was always intended to be some sort of ace. the joke being the Ironbrood kids are a full set; likes girls, likes guys, figuring things out, likes doughnuts. i waffled over making him a more defined type though...but since i’ve only played him for like one session as a background character, i’m not sure where he’s at. so general ace is fine. he loves and supports his siblings, and is best uncle to Margus’ kids anyways, so s’all good.
Jelena-Quoisexual, meaning has trouble distinguishing between romantic and sexual attraction i know i said up in Ada’s that Jelena was this too, but here i am saying it again since she’s my actual icon and not in the reffed to image set. i haven’t played her, so this could change...but i’m very self projecting on her during quarantine to begin with, so yeah she’s quoi until proven otherwise ^^;
so hope you found this informative...and that my information isn’t too terribly off ^^;;;
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My Star Wars Shipping Hot Takes
Finn/Rey should have been endgame, or at least brought up by Finn instead of the BS non-committal "I've got something to tell you" line they play with for the rest of the movie. Bring it into text and acknowledge it fully instead of using it for a few cheap gags and leaving it hanging.
They had great chemistry in TFA. They bonded really easily and got along really well, it seemed like Finn was chatting her up a little at times and by the end of the movie they're incredibly close. Finn puts his life on the line and gets fucked up by a lightsaber to defend her. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley played off each other really well, they had really good chemistry. I really ship it.
The only hitch, imo, is the total lack of screentime they have together in TLJ. Finn's plot just kinda went nowhere and he got a rehash of his "running away" arc in TFA, and I think the Rose Tico kiss was really lame and forced. While I can appreciate their eventual reunion, and within the scope of the movie it's not unreasonable for them to not meet again until the end, I really don't dig how much time they spend apart in TLJ from a shipping perspective and I don't think the Finn/Rose pairing is very good.
To address the elephant in the room, I'm not the most positive person about Rose Tico, but I'm chill with her and I think her character would have been fine with better material than she had in TLJ. Not trying to chud things up, here. The most extreme thing I have to say about Rose Tico, within the scope of this post I'm making, is that I didn't think the actors had that much chemistry to justify a romance, the kiss was goofy with the laser going off behind them, and while I don't disagree that Kelly Marie Tran got screwed over in TRoS, I'm ultimately glad that her and Finn are good buddies in that movie instead of partners. I'm not saying her reduced role is fine, just saying I'm glad that this pairing doesn't seem to be canon. I'm glad they're still close, though. Finn is definitely the heart of the group, pulling everyone together.
The thing about Finn/Rey in TRoS is that while the chemistry isn't there on the same level as TFA - partially due to the hatchet-job editing of the first half where people are barely able to vocalise a single coherent thought before the plot ushers them along to the next point - I felt like it still existed for a while. They teased it with the "I've got something I need to tell you" line from Finn, and then they never bring it up again. Like what the fuck, wrap up the plot point instead of dragging it out for the most painful humor of the movie and failing to resolve it.
This brings me into the Reylo portion of my post.
While I don't ship it, I refuse to hate Reylo. I've got a great write-up of my Reylo opinion on my main blog which explains why, if you search for "reylo". Basic point is that a lot of the initial backlash was predicated on assumptions that people were adamant would be proven true in the next movies, and those assumptions turned out to not be the case 4 years later in 2019, so I refuse to treat it like the pariah it was in 2015 for those reasons.
I'll admit that I really enjoyed the ending with Ben Solo. Adam Driver sells the difference between Ben Solo and Kylo Ren so well, and while I understand that he did a lot of bad shit and wiped out planets and committed space genocide and stuff - Darth Vader also committed space genocide and killed hundreds of people, and his body count continues to rise in supplemental materials. And yet he was redeemed by Luke, and was able to return as a force ghost despite the genocides and mass murders he committed as Darth Vader. There is a precedent for people redeeming themselves just before they die in the Star Wars universe, even when they do some really heinous shit. As such, I am not against this happening for Kylo Ren. Star Wars is just that kind of series, for better or worse.
My opinion of Reylo is that it's kind of like fanfic mode a lot of the time. It got really wacky in TLJ, and it got way more pronounced in TRoS. That's not necessarily a detriment, but it was what it was. I don't buy Kylo Ren and Rey as romantic interests necessarily, especially when I think their relationship is really, really odd and reminiscent of fanfiction cliches, but there's enough subtext for people to read into it and I don't really care if people like it or not.
If Reylo is the endgame ship, then that's fine. I don't necessarily like it, even as I acknowledge that problematic ships will always have their audience. A ship can be used as a force for good, as long as it isn't being used to actively promote abusive tendencies or like really gross shit.
Some ships are off limits, straight up. Reylo is dicey, but I don't think it's worse than a lot of villain shipping is - there's been room for edgy villain shipping before, and I think Reylo occupies that space now and has every right to. As long as people aren't encouraging people to engage in abusive practices through their storywriting, or pushing alt-right talking points and fucked up things like that through their writing, Reylo has enough wiggle room to be a perfectly ordinary pairing in the fanfiction community.
Saying that, though - here's why I prefer Finn/Rey.
He's a close, friendly and positive force in Rey's life, they shared the start of their journeys and they helped each other grow into the heroes they became. Poe spent most of TFA missing in action, and he only meets Rey at the end of the movie. Rey and Finn spend the bulk of their character moments together, and it's the character development from these interactions - spurred along by Han and Chewie, of course - that fuels their ascent into hero figures at the end of the movie.
Why don't I like Reylo more? Because the Kylo Ren stuff seemed like essential backstory stuff, whereas Finn and Rey's characters naturally got along like a house on fire. Kylo Ren also spends most of the time getting rain on his gloves through inter-force touching in a bunch of weird, forced, fanfic-tier scenes, whereas Finn and Rey hug and celebrate and bond through conversation, not trite, rigid backstory.
I can buy Rey kissing Ben Solo at the end of TRoS. I can buy her feeling love for Ben Solo, and finding it frustrating that she can't break through Kylo Ren to get to him. Fuck, in that ending scene where Kylo is explicitly Ben Solo again, Rey and Ben have actual, honest to god chemistry, and it's cute as fuck. But that moment took a lot of catching up to get to, and before her and Kylo showed any hint of affection together, Finn was her comrade in arms, someone who shared her victories and helped to further her growth, and vice versa.
Reylo has a pretty solid conclusion, I will certainly give it that. But I feel like the Reylo conclusion is steeped in that classic "I can redeem the bad guy through love" trope like the original Star Wars, except with a romantic angle this time. Ben's redemption didn't have to be with a kiss - it could still happen without the romance angle, but the romance is added in to distinguish it from the other Star Wars examples.
Ultimately, I think having Ben's redemption spurred by romantic love is broke, whereas Rey finding a buddy in Finn, having their ups and downs together, shielding each other from harm and becoming close through mutual shared experiences and proximity is woke.
What about Finn/Poe? Ship it if you want, it's all good. I understand why this ship was initially so popular, and while I don't ship it, I'm not the shipping police and I get the premise behind it. Poe/CrimeGirl? This was shoehorned tf in, but if you think it's neato, it's neato. Poe/Rey? I think they would make a terrible couple, but whatever. Poe/Finn/Rey? Everyone wins. Add Kylo Ren anywhere into the mix and you can have yourself a party, depending on your stance on the character. Make any of the characters gay, bi, pan, ace - literally whatever, outside of a few significant parameters just about every ship is valid. I'm not a hard-ass, shipping is fun and outside of some really bad shit I'm generally down for people having a good time. I just like Finn/Rey the most.
Also, Maz Kanata is really neat and I hope she gets more screen time. If her lifespan makes it squicky to ship her with the younger characters, that's your business and I understand and respect that, but frankly I would write a romance story about Maz Kanata falling in love in a heartbeat - I just don't know who. I've written Doctor Who fanfic where a 2000 year old alien woman dates a 21 year old policewoman from Sheffield, so as long as the right boundaries are respected, I think a Maz Kanata story could be pretty fun and non-problematic like with a Doctor Who story.
Anyway that's my Hot Takes post
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gascon-en-exil · 5 years
FE16 Black Eagles (Edelgard) Liveblogging
Chapters 5-7. The plot’s still basically the same, but a different army and different supports...plus some stuff I noticed a while back that I’ve been forgetting to comment on.
As much as her character continues to get on my nerves (see below), Bernadetta is proving to be incredibly useful on the battlefield. Part of that is just how versatile bows are, but her Crest is basically Adept from Jugdral and Tellius and as such is more noticeable than the small boosts to damage or healing that most other Crests provide. She’s a cavalier now and well on her way to bow knight.
The Eagles casters have just been getting even better, and I haven’t even gotten Linhardt to Warp yet. On a whim I decided to indulge Edelgard’s budding talent and make her a monk for a while, and though I’ve since switched her over to lord she’s not that bad as a magic user even though her STR is clearly higher. Hubert’s budding talent nets him the Frozen Lance combat ability, which is absurdly powerful and gives him a legitimate reason to keep one equipped. Also useful for his eventual move to dark knight, since male casters have no choice but to go hybrid if they don’t want to stay in advanced classes. 
Caspar is still a less sturdy Dedue, while Petra fulfills roughly the same role as Felix while offering more overall versatility in weapons options. I’ve been keeping up with her axe and lance ranks in classes, so she can switch to a flying class later on if I need one. I’m making Sylvain a great knight just so I can see if they’re worth using at all, but he’s well suited to get there from cavalier/paladin and he’s since found his footing as a mobile tank.
The Eagles are much more stingy with paralogues; I’ve only gotten Ingrid and Dorothea’s so far. It’s noticeably gayer at the end since Ingrid gives Dorothea a ring, but that’s about it. Are most of the Eagles paralogues in Part 2?
Interesting to note that the Deer occupy the same position for the other two houses in both inter-house battles, while the Lions and Eagles switch places. The professors leading each change really gives that initial house choice a Pokémon feel, but overall it’s easy to tell even early in the story that the Deer are the awkward third party to these conflicts. Makes me even more curious to see how it plays out from their perspective; I’ll be disappointed if Claude or someone else doesn’t have a quip about feeling left out of the “Battle of the Eagle and Lion” from the name alone.
Story/Character observations
I really like the stylized artwork and introductory narration for each month. They explain the names of the months and illustrate the passing seasons. I rather wish there was a snowy version of the monastery for use during the winter months, to better match the climate which seems to tend more toward short summers and long harsh winters. It makes me think of one of the underrated details of Path of Radiance, where the maps reflect the passage of the seasons as the story progresses.
I almost forgot about Jeritza completely, and little surprise why since there’s almost nothing to him. Unlike with Tomas they didn’t bother to make him not suspicious in the slightest. Unless the Part 2 paralogue explaining the Death Knight is incredibly fascinating (I doubt it) I don’t get why some people are so into him and want him to be recruitable/a romance option. And why does he sound catatonic whenever he talks?
Speaking of me not understanding fandom tastes at all, Bernadetta does not improve on further exposure. Most of her supports still involve her screaming and running away from everyone, and her abusive backstory is more nonsensical than anything. Why would her father think that tying her to a chair, or dragging her from her room so forcibly that she hurt herself struggling, would teach her to be a good wife? Being that Adrestians are the Germans of this setting I’m reminded of how those people turned my favorite childhood conte into a macabre tale of a woman mutilating her daughters’ feet in an attempt to marry them off, so maybe this is just a strange cultural thing. Either way I really don’t get the hype.
It’s surprising how much major story content got relegated to supports in this game, but it’s been popping up in Edelgard and Hubert’s supports as well as in Rhea’s C, the last of which I got without trying very hard after dumping some extra gifts on her.
One of the many critiques I’ve read about Edelgard is that her canon bisexuality has more to do with Avatar worship (à la Rhajat) than genuine sexual preference, and while she does seem overly willing to share with Byleth I was pleased to note that there’s more to her attraction to women than that. Dorothea outright propositions her in their B support - as Dorothea does to basically everyone - and Edelgard isn’t opposed to the idea. Dorothea has some pretty good stuff in general; she forces Caspar to engage in incest roleplay (well, Silas went there in Fates...), and in her Bernadetta support she reveals that she’s not above fighting back at men who’ve tried to assault her.
Ferdinand/Linhardt ends at B, but it’s so unexpectedly companionable that I could see them having a paired ending if they’d gotten an A support. What a shame.
Hubert has been growing on me a bit. It helps once it’s understood that he comes from a long line of evil chancellors and (per his Edelgard support) decided from an early age to own that role as hard as he could, hence the vampiric look and evil laugh and constant death threats. He does also soften a little here and there. One bit with the story though: in a scene at the end of Chapter 5 he says something to the effect that he’ll have to take matters into his own hands for Edelgard’s sake, and it’s in the next chapter where Flayn turns up missing. Did he arrange that, and/or planting Monica/Kronya? The Flame Emperor is the one to show up at the end of Chapter to call off the DK, so was Edelgard not pulling the strings of that particular plot?
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theorynexus · 4 years
On the 45th note, we now dwell
Before we continue, I would just like to say:  The vagaries of going back and reading the beginning of Homestuck again hath resulted in the following--- my awareness that Echidna is not actually the Denizen associated with Light. Whoops.   What a silly mistake to make, on my part.
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That said: Obviously, this does not discourage me from considering potential player evolution in that direction to have been A Thing~   ***shrugs***
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Good luck with that. If there is one thing that never ceases to be true about mortals, it is that amongst them dwell random assortments of fools, spread judiciously and capriciously throughout the population. These seem particularly wont to come out of the woodwork when it comes to periods of great political energy. After all, those with the strongest opinions don’t necessarily have to be the most intelligent or informed people; nor do they have to be filled with civic virtue, honor, dignity, or restraint; yet, quite often, it is just such highly ideological, stubborn individuals who have the most energy and passion to engage with the political world unfolding before them.
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The irony of this is just absolutely dripping from the Narrator’s words. Particularly poignant, it is, insofar as their accusation dodges the question of what law and government are for in the first place:  Not only is the general interest of the population not served by creating such repressive laws as Jane Crocker seems to have in mind, but beyond this, it is likely to be highly inflammatory and result in the potential outbreak of just such violence as the ridiculous preemptive action being contemplated is designed to prevent. Particularly, when one is speaking about a representative republic of such a diverse population as Earth C’s, the interests of all parties involved must be adequately balanced, and their equal capacity to live in such a manner that the basic liberties associated with their propagation and the general course of their life (as in this case differentially prescribed by their different natures) must be preserved in order to have a stable social system. The legitimacy of any government is dependent upon it actively upholding the status of the population over which it rules as citizens with respected rights and equal treatment under the law. Especially in a system wherein a presidential executive acts as the head of state, the systematic oppression of a significant portion of the population on such a basic level as the removal of reproductive agency actively undermines the government, weakens the rule of law, and sews the seeds of conflict between the oppressed and their oppressors.  In this way, a belief that their “personal interpretation of [morality] will result in effective laws” may not be justifiable in and of itself; yet that belief reflects the very real fact that the laws that they are principally opposing (since this is an opposition campaign, and not one with active goals that they, themselves are espousing) will most certainly be ineffective toward their intended end, and will most likely (if implemented) result in the catastrophic weakening of laws already in place+the general rule and administration of the regime that attempts to establish such restrictive new laws in the first place. Of course, this assumes that the intent on Jane/The Narrator (formerly Dirk [in ego])’s part is not that the regime becomes dictatorial, and thereby attempts to bypass the restrictions and advantages which come from a consent-based system wherein the general good can be sought effectively (should there be competent and at least only partially corrupt officials in place).          If in fact the intent has been, from the beginning, to create a regime involving the suppression of the masses and the subversion of their interests in favor of the supreme leader which will have taken the reigns of power, then that is an entirely different matter. In such a case, the likelihood of war exponentially increases, given the fact that violence is necessary to ensure the compliance and passivity of the masses under the “president”’s heel, and people in general, especially in populations with a long history of popular representation and liberty, don’t tend to willingly lose their will for defiance in the face of such malevolence. 
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And, as Homestuck is wont to do, tragedy is juxtaposed with the inescapable force of massive witticism. And also asses. Or at least arses. More seriously: Kanaya acting as a representative of a desire for unity among the species and liberty for all is not a bad idea (albeit some humans may suspect she is biased, considering her position, and refuse to credit her with an impartial-thus-believable voice in such matters).    Very important: THAT’S THE POWER OF HOPE, BABY!
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This is quite the (politically) appealing and amusing concept.  Very clever.
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Dave can be dumb as a sack of bricks, sometimes. I guess that is a vaguely valid question, though, considering the fact that their inter-species romance has no precedence in at least human recollection, and I am sure they are clever enough together to figure out/have figured out some sort of option, there.   Of course, they were in talks about adoption instead, so I guess maybe they didn’t want to risk trying something uncertain like that.   ***shrugs*** 
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I know very much how Karkat feels, here.
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Before, again, Hussie very characteristically works to de-escalate things. This is just absolutely beautiful, especially with the repetition in the last lines.
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How very interesting, that the Narrator still appears to think of themselves as individual and probably as Dirk.  This is in fact a rather strange situation, indeed. It feels as if it clashes with a bit of the foreshadowing and setup dealt out earlier, if that is the reality of the situation. Hmm.
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I have always appreciated her wisdom and tact.  In other news: We are now approaching a bit of a testing point!   Time to see if in fact the Narrator does hold that identity in their heart, still! Or we can just skip to a different scene, as Homestuck is wont to do, and has been since Act 1′s last parts, and then especially Act 2.
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You’d think that, as the Narrator, he’d be able to keep that in mind and then just relay the information later. Gosh, why so linear?
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I wonder if Kanaya will be able to put the pieces together.  That should honestly make things quite clear, if she calms down for just a second. I mean, she has been talking to Rose about these sorts of issues for some time, now.
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