#twf jack x reader
the-comfort-den · 3 months
i added Walten Files stuff to my list! the hyperfiction will never leave me lmfao
The Walten files:
Jack Walten, Felix Kranken, Rosemary Walten, Linda Thompson, Susan Woodings, Charles Brook,
(notes:(my au) a lot is different but the main thing is that Jack is an alternate(his mom ended up being infertil despite wanting to be a mom, so she ended up trying something not the best, but she loves her son and she still has her soul(and her husband still loves her lol) i will happily ramble more about this au! 
Also Jack is bi and poly, Rosemary is pan and poly, Linda is also bi and poly, and Felix is gay(panromantic tho) and poly, jack is married to Rosemary and dating Felix, Felix is married to Linda(and loves her romantically) and is dating Jack, Rosmary is Dating Linda and Married to Jack, and ofc Linda is dating Rosemary and married to Felix! Charles is bi and Susan is a lesbian(tho as i dont write for fem readers im willing to bend my own rules lmao this is a place for fuckery and fun not rules XD))
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cemeteryspider · 1 month
Late-Night Protector
Flashback! Sophie Walton x Flashback! Reader
Summary: What would happen if you saved Edd and Molly from their fate that tragic night? Also what if you were dating Sophie.
*Sophie is aged up a little bit she's around 16 and you are 17, I'm pretty sure in Michigan there are no driving restrictions for people 17 years of age based on my thirty second Google search. Also simply just fluff and angst and can be read as a flashback/ retelling of that night*
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol, Mention of Car Accident, Emotional Distress, and Mentioned Injury
Word Count: 1270
You started sweeping the floor of the gym, seeing the dust, dirt, and discarded items into a neat little pile. Earlier in the week you had volunteered to monitor the dance for the younger children of the school district.
Almost everyone had gone home except Edd and Molly, who had sat at one of the tables and munched on extra cookies and sipped on leftover punch that you graciously set in front of them. Edd and Molly were two kids you babysat, and then about a year after you started babysitting for them, you became their older sister, Sophie's, girlfriend.
The two kids were your favorite babysitting job and even though recently you quit babysitting a little while ago to focus on school, you never told the Waltens and continued your job babysitting as they needed.
The lights in the gymnasium were dim and a cool draft was coming in from the open doors. A chill went down your spine, and you looked around the room.
When you turned back to check on the two kids they were walking towards the adult zone, where you knew one very drunk Felix Kranken was. You watched as Felix stumbled out of the room following the two children and before they made it to the door, your gut forced you to stop the man and the kids.
"Hey, Mr. Kranken! If you want I can take them home! I live closer to them after all" You cheerfully approached Felix and hoped not to anger him, but he immediately let his guard down and thanked you.
"Thanks, kid, I just really need to get home and lay down. I've had a rough day today..." His sentence dragged off without ever really finishing it.
"Yeah! I'll call the Waltens quickly and take them home right after! I can bring you home as well if you don't feel well Mr. Kranken" Few words were exchanged before he left with his own set of keys.
You turned to Edd and Molly and assured them that you were bringing them home, and just had to call their house and tell your friends you were leaving. They sat back down and continued their conversation.
You talked to your friend about leaving early and about talking to your supervisor for you, and then you made your way to the payphone. Dropping in a couple of coins and dialing the Walten's home phone. Rosemary picked up the phone gleefully, and you explained the situation to her.
You could hear her rustling around like she was nodding her head. You didn't reveal the fact that Felix Kranken was obviously drunk and going to drive her two young children home under the influence.
"Okay! Thank you so much! Drive safe!" She said into the phone, and you assured the kids that they were going to be home soon.
The three of you ventured out into the night and got into the car. You turned the heat up a little to stave off the late-night chills and left the parking lot of the school.
Upon arriving at the Walten's home you saw Mr. Walten's car parked out front, door open and still running. The front door was cracked, and you were walking in front of the children when you cautiously approached the door.
Rosemary met you at the door, and quickly pulled you into her warm embrace, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for bringing them home... Felix was in an accident on his way home. He's at the hospital" Your eyes widened at her calm words and pulled her a little closer.
"Of course Mrs. Walten, I care about these kids dearly. I wouldn't let anything happen to them if I could stop it," Rosemary released you and then hugged her two youngest children close.
You thought of the years you've babysat the children due to your proximity to their home, and the bond you've created with the youngest Walten children.
You thought about the friendship turned into something more with the oldest Walten child, only a few months younger than yourself.
Recently you've driven the Walten children to their games and practices when their parents were unable to. Edd's baseball games, Molly's dance rehearsals, and dates with Sophie were some of your favorite memories. Sometimes you would have dinner with the whole family, and they welcomed you in like one of their own.
You saw a couple of tears escape from Rosemary's eyes, but you said nothing of it. Jack Walten bustled down the stairs and joined Rosemary in hugging the children.
"Are you sure you don't want to come, Rose?" Jack asked his wife.
"No, I'll stay and watch the kids," Rosemary assured Jack, but you just had to ask.
"Where are you going?"
"The hospital where Felix is, I have to make sure he's okay. Linda didn't pick up when the hospital called her" Jack told you while shaking your hand in the most fatherly way you've ever experienced.
"If you both want to go, I can stay overnight with the kids, it's really no problem" The Waltens looked at each other and nodded their heads.
Rosemary tentatively asked, "Would you?"
"Of course! It's no problem. Go and be with him, he needs you guys" With that Jack shoved a twenty into your hands, and said to use it if you guys were hungry, or if they weren't back by morning.
Another hug from Rosemary, and they were off to see Felix.
You ushered the kids from their place on the couch and helped them get ready for bed. When Edd asked what was going on, you explained it to him to the best of your ability.
"Your Uncle Felix got into a car accident on his way home and is at the hospital where your parents went. Aunt Linda wasn't available and your parents were his only family around" He seemed to accept this answer this late at night, and moved into bed.
Once you were sure everyone was comfortable, you went and knocked on Sophie's door. Her face was a little swollen from the fillings she told you she was getting earlier in the day, and her eyes were scrunched in confusion.
"Y/n?" She asked while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. With that, you let your emotions out and tears started to fall as you basically collapsed into her arms, "What's wrong, babe?"
She helped you get downstairs and to the couch where you laid your head in her lap. You told her everything that happened.
"If I hadn't stepped in, Soph, they might not... they might not be here right now," You continued to cry as Sophie ran her fingers through your hair, and gently wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"But you did, you did, now they're here and in bed, home safe, because of you. They're okay because of you," That made your tears slow, but not stop completely. Sophie started to hum.
"Could you tell me about your day, Soph?"
"Of course, today I went to most of my classes, Mr. Barnet's class was awful. He assigned us an essay that's due in a couple of days about the most obscure topic..."
Her quiet voice lulled you to sleep, and pretty soon she heard your soft breathing laid her head back, and fell asleep too.
When Jack and Molly came home the next day to get some rest they found their oldest daughter asleep with the babysitter asleep in her lap. A knowing smile passed between the two of them and they quietly snuck upstairs to see their other two children.
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dqllgarden · 4 months
decided to post some jack walten x reader smut that i wrote :)
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Oki here’s one:
Chase: Chasing each other playfully, or a dark type of chase.
I love this. I know it might not be cannon, but for this idea to work I had to make Jack posses Bon.)
Inspired by- https://youtu.be/0ifSx9SxWIE (Tw: Eyestrain and gore)
Jack adores every moment he spent with you even if it was just the two of you running around and trying to catch each other, it was cherished. He loved the sly grin you would give him just as you would break out into a run to challenge if he would fail or succeed in catching you this time. The way you would giggle as you slipped away right as he was about to catch you and started everything all over the again. The way you would squeal once you had been caught and pout as he bragged about finally catching. You were such a challenge for him and he loved every second of it. He wanted your little game to go on forever, but he knew it never could. Jack knew he couldn't spend his life goofing off with you and you did as well...but he could spend his afterlife doing so.
Fat tears ran down your face as you desperately searched for a place to hide from that...thing. However, no matter where you looked you just couldn't seem to find a good place to hide. Or at least a place that it wouldn't check. It seemed to know where you would be every time. Almost as if it had done this with you before. Sadly there weren't any other good spots to hide from it. The places were either too obvious or too small for you to fit into it so you continued on. Felix said he would be back soon anyways so all you have to do is keep it distracted and stay far enough away from it. It shouldn't be all to hard right? Just keep quiet and hope that the stray showstopper eventually abandons any hopes of catching you.
However, something felt rather odd about this chase to Jack...something that he was having quite a hard time putting his finger on. What's changed? There's not much that could...it's just a little joke right? Why were you trying so hard to avoid him? Were there stakes? He couldn't quite remember...in fact, he couldn't remember anything about what had lead to this. All he knew was that he was supposed to catch you. Maybe once he caught you this odd feeling of dread would go away? Hopefully. It's making him pretty uncomfortable so it would definitely be preferred. Wait...what was that odd noise? Why are his ears ringing? Jack could see your mouth moving, but he couldn't understand what you were saying. He couldn't here anything at all, but he continued to chase you. Something deep within told him that catching you would help him understand everything.
Where the phuck is Felix!? He said he would only take fifteen minutes! It's been over an hour and you were beginning to lose hope as you continued to try and avoid the large rabbit. Even you knew that at this point it was only a matter of time until it caught you and then...well you're not quite sure what happens next, but the recent disappearances seem to hint at it not being good. Your legs felt as though they would give out at any moment if you didn't find somewhere to hide. Once you were sure that Bon couldn't see you, you slipped behind the curtains on the stage and struggled to catch your breath due to all the running. You knew that if you didn't even out your breathing fast enough Bon would hear you and it would all be over. After a few more minutes you were able to catch your breath and you went quiet, straining your ears to see if Bon was nearby.
Where had she gone now? Jack thought to himself as he searched the show room for his beloved (Y/N) in hopes that they would clear his head and he would finally be able to understand what was going on. However, it seemed that he wasn't able to find them and he began to grow frustrated, but before anything else could the entrance to the establishment opened and Felix came in. He walked into the show room, but Bon hadn't heard him come in and luckily had his back to him. You peeked out of your hiding spot and waved your arm frantically to get his attention. However, this caught the attention of more than just Felix. Both Bon and Felix stared at you for a moment and then each other.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)..." Felix said as he tan out of the room and locked the door behind him. Finally he had found you, and now you don't have anywhere to run. Jack or Bon, whichever you think, rushed over to you and scooped you up into his arms. Everything felt so much better now. He still couldn't understand what you were saying or why you were crying, but now that he had you he wasn't going to let go. You both are going to be together...forever. Jack hadn't noticed the warm red liquid that seemed to now coat the both of you nor had he noticed that you had stopped moving, but that didn't matter. You were here with him now. He had won your little game.
Hope you enjoyed!)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
HELLO! I'm here with a TWF request! Fully platonic fic, but a fic where a close friend and employee of Jack Walters finds him as Bon and recognizes him after they spent months looking for him when he went missing. Maybe it could be a Angst/Comfort fic as well! - moss
The one thing you thought you'll never get.
For several long months you've been searching for Jack, wondering where he could have gone. Of course Rosemary was just as fretful, but she searched the restaurant nonstop in a hopeless struggle until one day...
She went missing, too.
The number of friends and coworkers who've gone missing without a trace left you paranoid that you'll be the next victim.
But to who?
You didn't know, although when you visited the restaurant when it was open..Bon always gave you odd stares. Like he was watching and waiting for you to make one wrong move.
Fortunately he never lunged off the stage or did anything more than stare.
Even so, it was kinda creepy. You couldn't help but felt like there was some....unusual connection between him and Jack. Like anytime you mentioned his name, Bon would turn his head.
You've been afraid to confront him alone until now.
Recently you received word from Felix that a new storage facility--called K-9--had been established in the heart of Saint Juana's forest. A temporary place for the animatronics until he could finish the paperwork for some "Relocate Project".
You thought he'd be more concerned about Jack and everyone else who went missing, but he seemed obsessed with keeping the franchise alive.
Although you were close to giving up hope, you believed this facility was the last clue.
Your last chance at finding Jack.
"K-9..wonder if that pun was intended.." You mused as you arrived at the storage facility.
After watching the training tapes, you got everything you needed, including a set of keys for the main entrance and the rooms within it. Once inside, it took you a while to find the animatronics.
Plus it was so dark and cramped, even with your flashlight guiding you. It made you feel more uneasy by the second.
Still..you took a deep breath and pushed forward, determined to finish your mission.
At some point you finally arrived at one of the rooms mentioned in the tape--a room that hid the animatronics and their spare parts.
Your eyes immediately landed on Bon, who was laying against the wall. The poor rabbit looked like he's seen better days. The fabric casing around his lower arms and legs had been removed, and his teeth had chipped away into sharp points.
In a way they looked like old dentures, which didn't help the creepiness of his overall appearance.
"There's gotta be some light in here.." You grumbled as you shook the flashlight, seeing it was growing dimmer, before deciding to look for a switch.
Though when you finally found one, that's when your flashlight decided to die. "Huh?" With a frown you shook it again, confused.
But you froze when you heard the sounds of mechanical clunking, briefly glancing back at the darkness. "B-Bon..?"
Silence answered you.
'Maybe something fell...just relax, [y/n].' Sighing, you turned on the switch, which illuminated the room only slightly.
But hey, it was better than nothing.
Though you heard heavy breathing noises--which sounded awfully organic--and nervously turned around to see Bon towering over you. You jumped a little as he cackled, clearly taking delight in your fright.
"J-Jeez..you're fast, huh?"
As his clawed hand reached out to you, he hesitated and tilted his eyes, confused at your lack of terror.
Not only that but..something about you seemed familiar..
While he remained still, you seized the opportunity to do something that would most likely be the death of you.
You stepped forward and embraced him.
Yes. You were hugging the tall decrepit rabbit animatronic. Now he was more tense than ever before, wondering what on earth you were doing. "Wh-Wh-What's this now? A hug-g-g?" His voice was choppy and warped, but still held that snarky tone he was known for.
"Yeah, I missed you." You sighed and stepped away, gazing up at him. "And I..really miss Jack. Maybe I was a fool to think he'd be here. But if you ever see him, Bon..tell him I'm sorry about his children, Ed and Molly."
Bon just stared at you. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but it seemed your efforts were in vain.
What were you thinking? He probably didn't even know Jack since he was still being built by Susan when he vanished.
"Well, I'll see how your other friends are doing, I guess. See you around, Bon." Forcing a smile, you turned around in disappointment and heartache.
'Damnit, another dead end. Maybe he IS gone and I haven't-'
With wide eyes, you slowly looked back at him, shocked.
Bon spoke yet again, but his voice sounded...deeper yet softer. It had the same kind of distorted undertones, though you could easily recognize the all-too-familiar voice of-
"Are you..mimicking him, Bon? Because this isn't funny-"
"It's easier to show than explain. I'm sorry.."
You fell silent as he reached up to grip his mask. He seemed to struggle a bit, but he slowly peeled it off and lowered it so you could finally see the man you've been searching for.
Your colleague, boss, and best friend:
Jack Walten, and his rotten decayed face.
His hair was somehow still there, but far more matted and sticking to the bloody wounds on his skin. Through the black tuffs you could make out his teeth--the lips ripped off and forming a permanent smile that mirrored the rabbit's.
The mechanical parts to the animatronic eyes were practically shoved into his empty sockets. As if...Jack was forced to see the world through Bon's eyes.
It was such a nauseating sight, but instead of being terrified all you could wonder was:
Did he do this to himself?
No...he wouldn't have. This couldn't have been an accident or some suicide. The Jack you knew wouldn't have done something like this to himself.
But what sick bastard would shove him into this suit and leave him here to rot?
"J-Jack...who did this to you?" Your voice wavered with anger. "Tell me, please. I wanna know who killed you."
Jack didn't answer. Instead he put the mask back on; it seemed Bon was crying now, his eyes leaking an oily substance as his hands trembled. "E-Ed...Molly...Rose....S-Sophie...Felix...Felix-x..." His voice became more warped and distorted, merged with his creation's.
Loud mechanical grinding from inside him was making him twitch violently as he clutched his snout.
Bon froze and looked down at you, tilting his head.
"I know you want your family back..trust me, I know how much you loved them. You used to show me Ed's and Molly's concepts of the Showstoppers and..you said they'd grow up to be amazing artists." You smiled, wiping the tears from your eyes. "They would've loved them..they would've loved Bon. They basically brought him to life."
His green eyes glowed a bit brighter and he giggled as he crouched down slightly. "E-Eddie and Molly would'a loved me? Of course..wh-who wouldn't love me-e-e-e?"
Now you saw that Bon was back in control; it was clear that he and Jack were at war with each other. Sadly that might be the last you'll probably hear of your friend's voice for a while.
But...it's safe to say that he had been found.
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jackwaltenswhore · 2 years
Jack Walten x Male Reader (18+)
You never thought you’d be here. In your boss’s office, making out with him. You straddled Jack’s lap as he held you by your waist. The office was completely quiet except for the two of you.
“You’re so fucking hot, Jack,” you muttered between the kiss. He smiled and parted for a moment. He guided your hips on him and you could feel him get hard beneath you. Your breath deepened slightly. “Does my pretty boy like that?” Jack smiled. Your face went red and you nodded at him.
“Please fuck me, Jack. I’ve been good and I want nothing more than this,” you begged. “You’re pathetic, (y/n),” he muttered as he took off his belt. You got off of him to remove your pants before getting right back where you were.
You kissed him as he lined you up with him. As he slid you down, you took a sharp breath. He was bigger than you where expecting. It took a minute to adjust but when you did, all you wanted was more. He smiled as you whimpered and went down more and more each time.
He held your waist, helping you. You moaned his name softly as he did. His breathing was deep as he looked up towards the ceiling. “You’re doing so good, (y/n),” Jack praised, “You’re gonna make me cum.” At that, you went faster, your moans filling the room. You hoped no one was around, as the walls weren’t very thick.
“I’m gonna-“ you choked out, stopping mid sentence because you could barely think. “Me too baby,” Jack smiled. Moments later, Jack came, filling you with the warm liquid. The feeling caused you to right after. You both sat there, barely able to breathe. He kissed you with a smile, “You’re so pretty, (y/n). Let’s go clean up.”
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saidateyuri · 3 years
So do I write more jack and rose hcs or do i write a jack x reader 😈
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breakonthru · 3 years
okay, unfortunately i have sort of lost interest in fear street. i will finish the fear street requests i have currently, but im removing them from my request list. sorry, all!
in other news, requests for everybody else are open! im currently in a mood to write jack walten, though :) also, im considering to write for Loki!
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vimerald-lycaix · 2 years
hey! I would love to request you but I was wondering if you would be up for writing content for The walten files? :D
Id love to do requests for the walten files!
I actually got into the fandom quite recently and I've been meaning to update my rules page to add TWF!
I'll most likely be accepting all characters (that are of legal age), and the animatronics so go nuts with the request:)
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Dysfunctional Family
Title: Dysfunctional Family
Characters: TFW 2.0 x Reader
Word Count: 1014
Warning: Fluff
A/N: This was just something that popped into my head. I hope it brings even just a little chuckle to your day! 
Disclaimer: Not my gif.
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Dean had just given you a stern lecture, one you’ve heard a hundred times before, about not straying from the plan. However, the plan was already going astray and you had no other option than to improvise. So how could he possibly be mad when you had just saved everyone’s asses, including his?!
Yes, it was a risky shot, but no one was hurt and everyone was safe. It was a pretty damn good win, aside from the fact that you almost got your head chopped off, but you didn’t. What was the big deal about it now? If anything, everyone should be celebrating! Buying you drinks for saving the day!
Sam stood next to you trying to calm Dean down through the entire lecture, but to no avail. The only thing Sam got in return was his own earful of Dean. 
When Dean stormed off, both you and Sam sighed deeply. Dean never could accept that, yes, you’re a young hunter, just under 21, but you weren’t helpless. You were learning quickly and absorbing lore like a sponge. Even Bobby was impressed when the guys first brought you over to meet him when you were just a teen.
��Is this what it’s like to have a dad?” You asked Sam, scrunching your nose.
Sam was a little thrown off by the question but answered anyways. “Uh, well... I guess... this is what it would be like to have Dean as a dad,” he chuckled.
“Ugh!” You groaned in complaint. “This is going to be the rest of my life, isn’t it?”
“Most likely. But Dean means well.”
“Yeah, I know. But let me get this straight…” you started, capturing Sam’s attention as his eyes fell on you. “Dean is like… the dad. You’re the mom and Cass is the creepy uncle?”
“What?! Why am I the mom?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows, his mouth pressed in a tight frown.
“I don’t know. You scold Dean all the time and...” you trailed off, examining Sam’s features. “You have long hair.”
“What does my hair have to do with anything?” He defended. 
“I don’t know! I’m just saying you’re kind of like the mom.” You retorded.
“At least I’m not the creepy uncle,” he mumbled.
“Who’s a creepy uncle?” Castiel asked as he coincidentally walked in, unaware of what you and Sam were discussing.
“You are,” Sam gave Cass a smug grin.
Cass froze, sending Sam a pointed look. “That is not nice. I assure you that I am not a creepy uncle.”
You and Sam laughed in amusement at the angel’s statement. Cass had a deep frown on his lips, making the whole situation even more hilarious. Suddenly Jack appeared out of no where, staring at all three of you, trying to makes sense of what was going on.  “Castiel, I didn’t know you were an uncle.” Jack stated.
“I am not an uncle. I can’t be anyone’s uncle. I am an angel. We do not have that sort of connections like humans do. God is my father and the angels are my brothers and sisters. That’s as far as things go within the holy family. Angels are forbidden to create offsprings.”
“But Lucifer had a kid. And if Jack is supposedly his son, wouldn’t that make you his uncle?” You instigated.
Cass didn’t know what to say. Technically, what you said was true, however Jack being born wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. 
“Then what am I?” Jack asked you, a wide grin taking over his entire face.
You were surprised, not expecting the question. Jack was standing there waiting for an answer you didn’t know how to give. What was Jack in this dysfunctional family? Castiel’s adopted son? When you heard ruffling from somewhere in the halls, you knew that Dean was wandering around. In attempt to further annoy the older Winchester, you answered Jack with a notion that would definitely tick Dean off.
“I guess, you’re like my boyfriend,” you joked. Sam flinched back a little, stunned from your reply, but thoroughly amused.
“Hell no!” Dean entered the room. “Never, you hear me?” 
Sam chuckled, instantly figuring out your intentions once he heard Dean’s voice. “Dean, she was only kidding,” Sam intervened. 
“Well it wasn’t a very funny joke.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with Jack and Y/N falling in love. I think they would make a lovely pair,” Cass added, trying to encourage your idea.
“Cass, don’t be creepy,” Dean snapped, causing Cass’s face to fall instantly. He shrugged dramatically, lifting his arms up before letting them drop to his sides.
“I am not creepy!”
Sam’s hand fell on your shoulder as he stifled the laugh that threatened to come out. You brought your hands to your mouth as well in attempt to hold back what you knew would be a loud snort.
“What’s wrong with me being Y/N’s boyfriend? Aren’t we all her boyfriend?” Jack clarified.
“What?! NO! That would be disgusting!” Dean gushed, getting more frustrated.
“Jack, what Y/N was implying was that you’re her boyfriend in the more romantic aspect,” Cass enlightened. 
“Oh, okay.”
“No. No, no, no!” Dean spat. 
At this point you and Sam were just standing there enjoying the show. “Sam, you may be the mom, but you’re also the cool big brother,” you chuckled.
“Thanks. Yeah, you’re like the little sister I never wanted,” he teased. 
You looked up at him with mock offense, punching him lightly in the stomach, a smile gracing your expression. 
“I think I would make a really good boyfriend,” Jack defended.
“Hell no. You stay away from her,” Dean warned. At that moment, Dean didn’t look like a father, he seemed like the over-protective big brother. 
“Dean, Jack is a good kid,” Cass commented.
Dean was about to say something when you jumped in, blurting out what was in your heart. You couldn’t even stop yourself if you tried. 
“I love you guys!”
Everyone went silent as their gaze fell on you. Your cheeks went red, but decided to say it again. After all, it was the truth.
Feedback Is Appreciated!
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askthegoofygang · 2 years
Rules for the goofy gang ask blog (images currently being redone)
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NO SEXUAL QUESTIONS. I don't feel comfortable answering those things, and there will be fictional children shown in some of the answer things, which is illegal and morally wrong. So none of that content
I will get to all of your asks, but please understand it might take a day or two. I have a rather busy life outside of this, and certain times might be more busy than others.
Any characters that show up in the blog you can ask questions ^^
I will be using some headcanons for this blog, so if you don't like one, sorry but that's what I feel like
I'm fine with shipping, but please respect if I don't use your favorite ship within this ask blog. I mainly stick with canonical ships, but there are a few fan ships
Don't ask to kiss, marry, make out, etc. with the goofy gang. You can do shipping but this isn't a reader x character blog. This means you cousin
No harassment or anything like that towards anyone. If someone is supporting anything like P3dophiles or Zoophiles or anything along that line, report and block.
If you send images for the ask, avoid images with eyestrain colors or flash please, so if people are sensitive to that they won't have anything bad happen, and I get nauseous easily from flash and eyestrain. Also no nsfw images/selfies for obvious reasons.
There's no limit to how questions you wanna ask the characters in the blog, so don't be afraid to ask multiple!
If you have any questions about this blog, contact me on my main blog. My YouTube will also work.
Main characters in blog are Medic (tf2), Mirror Man (Opal), Spamton (Deltarune), Jack Walten (Twf), Tony the clock (Dhmis), and Drunk Guy/Skull Dude (The Living Tombstone). You can ask other characters questions if you like
Other characters will show up, and any new fandoms that show up will be updated on this post.
Fandoms in ask blog (currently shown): Team Fortress 2, Jack Stauber's Opal, Deltarune, The Walten Files, Don't hug me I'm scared, Pokemon, Ghost and Pals, Avatar the Last airbender, Undertale, Stranger Things, The Living Tombstone, More fandoms will be added
Ask away!
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starrieliightt · 3 years
I’m craving…a protective Jack Walten x injured reader? Y’Know with Felix and that car accident? Let’s say the reader was with them? Molly & Edd?
So Felix just left them there by the kids, and someone drives pass and see that Y/N is With…oof it’s so hard to say this, but the dead kids? In my opinion Those kids deserved better. And Felix…NEED TO BE KIL— let me stop my ranting. If you do see this, thank you! And have a nice day!
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HI! I'm deeply sorry, but I don't write TWF x readers...
I might in the future but not now <3
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Okay so I get really flustered easily. Like is someone were to innocently flirt, give me a compliment, dumb pickup lines, or uses a deep voice, I freeze and just squeal. So, how about Jack Walton using this to his advantage on a coworker/crush👀. You don’t have to if you don’t want to tho
You didn't specify if you wanted Headcannons or a oneshot so I decided to go with Headcannons. I hope you don't mind! Also this is a really cute idea^^)
I'm going to be completely honest with you, Jack adores how easy it is to fluster you and will go out of his way to get that reaction out of you.
He doesn't consider himself successful unless he is able to get you to squeal in embarrassment. In his opinion it's the cutest thing ever.
One of he preferred ways to flirt with you is dumb pick up lines.
He uses some of the MOST cheesy pick up lines out there. I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
Heads up though he's probably gonna reuse quite a few of his pick up lines though-
His favorite one to use on you is, "Your hand looks heavy; would you like me to hold it for you?" Anytime either of you aren't busy you can expect him to say this. He won't pass up any opportunity to.
Jack is a hopeless romantic and that is a hill I am willing to die on.
His favorite way to flirt with you is by offering you a seat and pointing to his lap. He loves how you get so bashful about it.
On occasion; however, he'll simply pull you into his lap and ask you about your day so far. Jack knows that gets one of the biggest reactions out of you and he exploits that so much-
His favorite thing about you are your eyes. He could talk about how gorgeous you are for hours, but your eyes will always be his favorite.
He may not change up the pickup lines all to often, but he never repeats the same compliment. He's either changing up the wording or thinking of a completely new one that he's never used before.
He uses his deep voice ALL THE TIME when he's around you. Honestly it gets to a point to where hearing his actual voice might surprise or confuse you. It's a bit hard sometimes, but he thinks it's totally worth it to see you get all flustered <3
Whenever he finally gets to the point of asking you out though? Yeah he's not gonna be able to keep the act up because he may be a huge flirt, but even he gets flustered sometimes.
Quick! This is your chance to get him back!
Honestly though, he would probably be just as easy to fluster if you said the right things. Once you manage to do that he'll be absolutely head over heels.
Hope you enjoyed!)
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What would the Walten files characters do if they realized that they hurt your feelings? (Also love your headcanons)
Thanks!/I decided to do six at a time instead of ten bcs that's a bit much for me./I am so sorry this is so horrendously late-)
He had pushed you away when you had tried to get him to wind down after working so hard recently. He knew you had the best intentions, but he wasn't thinking straight and continued filing paperwork.
He almost hadn't noticed that hurt look on your face as you stared at him for a moment before leaving him to his own devices.
After a few minutes of working the guilt finally got to him and he put away the paperwork. You were right, he needed a break from it.
Jack had found you in the living room watching on of his favorite cheesy horror movies.
He sat down beside you before wrapping an arm around you and whispering an apology as well as admitting that you were correct.
Felix had been drinking when you had gotten home to a rather dirty house which immediately got on your nerves. It was far to early in the day for him to be drinking so much.
You have gotten on to him about this before so that only irritated you more. You pointed it out him and asked him to at least clean up his mess.
This prompted a rather loud argument between the two of you with some unsavory words being slurred by the drunk man.
This ended with you stomping out of the house and slamming the door as hard as you could before starting the car and going for a drive.
At first Felix didn't really care, but he immediately began to panic when he realized you had driven somewhere.
The moment you had walked back through that door he was all over you. He gave you a tearful apology and swore it would never happen again.
Rosemary had been trying to teach you how to cook food for dinner, but it just wasn't working out so she of course got frustrated.
This lead to her yelling at you before pushing you out of the way and doing whatever else was left herself.
You walked away as she was doing so to go cool off and regain your composure.
Rose realized that she shouldn't have yelled at you and waited for you to come back so she could apologize to you.
Once you did she caressed your cheek before apologizing for yelling at you over something as trivial as cooking. Everyone makes mistakes after all.
Once you had accepted her apology the two of you ended up eating dinner together.
Linda had shoved you away when you had tried to comfort her after a rather long night of nothing, but negativity.
After that you left her alone in hopes that maybe she just needs some space to relax for a bit. However, you were still quite hurt about it.
She soon came out and walked over to you before pulling you into a quick hug and apologizing for pushing you away when you had tried to help.
You both decided to hold hands and go for a walk to cool off instead of staying cooped up at home.
She had been trying to explain what had happened while she had been playing Bunny Farm to you when she had snapped at you.
Sophie thought that you didn't believe her and that you thought she was crazy when she had yelled at you.
However, once you had confirmed that you did in fact believe that she had seen what she had seen Sophie was quick to apologize to you.
After she had apologized she pulled you into a hesitant hug before resting her head in the nape of your neck and apologizing once more.
You both ended up spending the rest of the night talking about what she had seen during her time playing the game and what you both thought was going on.
So uh she wouldn't. She doesn't know how to make people upset. (Translation-I couldn't think of anything for her sorry-)
However, if she ever did manage to make you upset it would probably be a total accident.
Once Jenny realizes she's upset you she will continuously apologize. The only way you'll be able to get her to stop is if you tell her to. Even that might not work if it was something really bad.
Afterwards she is all over you with non-stop affection and praise.
Hope you enjoyed!)
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Yandere Jack vs Yandere Felix let's go bro
Y E S/also this is kind of a continuation of the Yandere Felix ask; however, you don't need to read that to understand what's going on.)
It's been about a week since you had been abducted by Felix and you were beginning to lose faith. Tears streamed down your face as you thought of the possibilities anyone would suspect Felix had kidnapped you. They were slim and you hated it with all of your being. You leaned against the walls of your captors basement as a shaky sigh escaped you. You had been fighting with him non-stop and it was beginning to take a toll on you. Fatigue once again began to take your form over as you struggled to keep your eyes open. You would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the basement door being thrown open. You immediately perked up at that and watched the stairs. That odd...Felix usually tries to be as quiet as possible when he comes in.
You shakily stood up once you had realized he hadn't closed the door either. Is that really Felix? Have I been found!? You cried tears of joy once you had seen Jack coming down the stairs. His face seemed to light up once he had seen you, and he immediately ran down the rest of the stairs to get to you. You quickly pulled him into a tight embrace, too relieved to think straight. He reciprocated the hug with a relieved laugh.
"I'm so glad I found you! You don't know how rough it's been since you disappeared. Are you okay?" He questioned anxiously. You quickly nodded as a new anxiety filled you. You quickly pulled away from the hug before grabbing his arms.
"We need to leave, it's not safe here!" You said fearfully. You weren't entirely sure if Felix was still home or not so you wanted to get out a soon as possible. No matter what it took you weren't going to stay here. His face contorted into that of a far more serious one before nodding and leading you out of the basement. You both quickly left the building and got into Jack's car only to see Felix rushing at you both. You desperately begged Jack to start the car and get you both out of here and he did not disappoint. Once the initial adrenaline had worn off you relaxed into the seat. In all honesty you couldn't believe you had actually escaped him.
"Hey, Jack? I think you missed the turn for the police station." You said nervously. Jack didn't respond as his grin slowly dissipated. The color drained from your face as you began to desperately try and open the door. Once that didn't work you tried continuously slam your fist against the glass in an attempt to try and get someone's attention; however, your attempts were in vain.
"What are you doing, Jack!? Let me out!" You shouted at him; however, the anger in your voice couldn't hide your fear.
"I'm trying to protect you! You of all people should know first hand that this world is full of bad people! I'm the only one you can trust!" He shouted back in an attempt to get through to you. You stared at him in horror.
"You're insane! It's people like you that I need to be protected f-" You couldn't even finish your sentence as the car was hit and you were both sent skidding across the road into a tree. Next thing you know Felix is dragging you out as Jack struggles to get out of his seat belt. You were in to much of a daze to fight back as he carried you away. He didn't get far before Jack tried to pull you out of his arms. Tears stained your cheeks as you realized you probably weren't going to get out of this. Is this really it for you?
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Poly! Jackmary Enjoyer back at it again with them requests. May I request a oneshot? Jack and S/O come home from work and they're both tired and they just have a sweet cuddle pile with Rosemary.
Of course!)
The whole day seemed to have gone by in a daze leaving both you and Jack exhausted and ready to get some rest. However, you knew sleep would have to wait just a bit longer. After all there was someone waiting for the both of you at home and you and Jack knew that she would be a bit sad if the two of you simply went to sleep as soon as you had arrived. You stared out the window as Jack drove the both of you home. It wasn't hard to tell that he was tired, his shoulders were slumped and his eyes were half lidded. You began to question if he would last the rest of the car drive without falling asleep; however, just as you were about to voice your concerns to him your driveway came into view and you let out a small sigh of relief. Once he had finally pulled into it and parked the car you unbuckled your seat belt and hopped out. Jack followed soon after he had turned off the engine and you both entered your home.
Not long after both you and Jack had walked through the front door the clatter of pots could be heard along with approaching footsteps. Soon Rosemary appeared from around the corner with an adorable smile and her arms wide open. You both quickly pulled her into a tight hug and exchanged greetings. She kissed you both before leading you into the kitchen for dinner. Once you had all gotten your own plates you sat down at the table and began to talk about your days. Rose seemed to catch onto both yours and Jack's exhaustion and suggested that after you all had finished eating you could go settle down and watch a movie on the couch together. Of course you all agreed that was a good idea and began to discuss what you would watch. By the end of the meal you had all decided on a horror movie to watch together.
The three of you soon finished your food and moved onto cleaning up the messes left behind. Finally after you all had finished returning the kitchen to it usual clean stat you all made your way to the living room. Upon arriving in the living room you and Rosemary sat down on the couch as Jack dug through the movies you guys had and pulled out a horror movie. Once he had put it in he sat next Rosemary and leaned against her right shoulder. You followed in suit by leaning against her left shoulder and wrapping an arm around her torso. Rose grabbed a blanket off of the back of the couch for the three of you to you use and you spent the rest of the night in each other's warm embrace. Jack had only gotten fifteen minutes into the movie before passing out; however, you didn't have much room to talk because you fell asleep no long after.
"Sleep well my loves."
Hope you enjoyed!)
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