#two halves of one whole thrown together and called brothers
shit-talker · 6 months
I feel like people dont lean into just how complicated dick and jasons relationship could and should be.
Give me these two boys who were thrown together, who didn't really fit together or get along, whose age gap was just a little too big for them to fully understand each other when they met, forced into this role of brothers even when they didnt feel that way.
Give me a young jason todd, so confused and annoyed that the guy who's supposed to be his big brother, his mentor won't even come home once a week to have dinner, who doesn't talk to him, and ignores everything he does.
Give me a hurt dick grayson, who is so angry with bruce and pissed off at the idea of being replaced that he just cant look at his new brother, even though he doesn't blame him.
Give me a dick grayson who never fully saw jason todd as his brother until it was too late.
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maddoxsfm · 1 year
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      it    looks    like    maddox    hoffman    is    late    to    class    once    again   .   how    do    they    expect    to    get    their    degree    in    industrial    engineering    by    skipping    class   ?    it’s   a   wonder    that   the    twenty   -   three   year   old   made   it   to   their   senior   year   . . .   then   again   ,   i   heard   that   they    were   freewheeling   which   may   give   them   a   pass   with   professors   ,   but   they   are   also   headstrong   so   maybe   not   .   i   heard   they   were   blasting   lost    souls   by   baby    keem   and   brent   faiyaz   before   class   .   all   i   know   is   that   they   remind   me   of   a    pool   of   mischievousness   that   swallows   him   whole   ,   a   figure   on   display   as   a   shirt   hem   soaks   up   dripping   sweat   ,   pearls   of   white   that   go   in   for   the   kill   ,   &   tattoos   carved   in   defiance   .
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FULL    NAME    ,    maddox    aleksander    hoffman    .    NAME    MEANING    ,    good    fortune    ,    earth    ,    fire    .    NICKNAMES    ,    mads    ,    dex    .    BIRTH    DATE    ,    august    8th    .    AGE    ,    twenty-two    .    ZODIAC    SIGN    ,    libra    .    GENDER    ,    cis    man    .    PRONOUNS    ,    he    &    him    .    SEXUAL    ORIENTATION    ,    heterosexual    .    PLACE    OF    BIRTH    ,    san    jose    ,    california    ,    usa    .    CURRENT    RESIDENCE    ,    sandton    ,    colorado    ,    usa    .    LANGUAGES    SPOKEN    ,    english    &    german    .    OCCUPATION    ,    student    athlete    .    FACECLAIM    ,    kaden    hammond    .    
AESTHETICS    :    a    raving    voice    in    touch    with    disappointment    and    distaste    ,    you    bite    your    tongue    so    hard    blood    drips    from    your    chin    .    pillow    over    the    head    of    a    little    boy    that    shares    your    face    :    your    cold    words    will    cut    through    him    ‘    she’s    not    coming    home    ‘    and    tears    will    leak    from    hues    .    a    fire    that    roars    in    your    chest    . .    you    are    covered    in    burns    of    encouragement    :    keep    going    ,    give    it    all    you    got    .    half    a    heart    painted    in    marks    ———    call    them    war    scars    .    a    hand    that    never    lets    go    .    thousands    of    screams    muffling    an    ache    you    cannot    escape    .    lonely    eyes    a    facade    ,    you’ll    let    anyone    drown    in    you    without    regret    .  �� &    ashes    a    throne    at    your    feet    :    you’ll    rise    every    time    .
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--------------      𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘     .
      shattered    pieces    remnants    of    a    tainted    childhood    ,    a    crown    rewarded    in    disappearing    ink    ,    designer    brands    ,    a    weeping    that    never    stops    :    you    are    a    prisoner    more    than    you    are    a    son    ,    you    are    a    cage    to    be    ran    from    ,    and    you    are    a    boy    to    be    controlled    .    ❛    the    hoffman    twins    . . . .    the    future    of    sun    inc.    . .    the    adored    sons    of    the    influential    hendrix    and    gabriella    hoffman    .    ❜    porcelain    faces    that    did    not    match    the    cracks    of    adultery    ,    neglect    ,    desertion    ,    abuse    .    cracks    that    would    bleed    through    flesh    and    leave    scars    .    
❛    gabriella    and    hendrix    :    the    split    that    broke    our    hearts    .    ❜    divorce    is    not    a    crime    ———    a    back    turned    to    two    children    is    .    held    more    protection    towards    a    fabricated    image    than    her    own    blood    (    bags    packed    when    cheating    rumors   were    no    longer    redeemable    )    .    seven    years    before    you    and    your    brother    were    thrown    to    the    wolves    .    freedom    for    a    price    . . .    her    sons    .    you    were    left    in    the    cold    and    cruel    hands    of    your    father    . . .    you    were    a    hoffman    . . .    you    were    a    prisoner    .
a    shove    ,    a    push    :    you    and    a    twin    are    puppets    on    string    . . .    a    piece    in    his    game    .    the    hoffman    household    is    a    dictatorship    :    one    that    ruled    through    fear    ———    silent    violence    .    could    not    cry    wolf    :    pain    isn’t    real    if    it’s    not    visible    . .    but    you    knew    better    (    sticks    and    stones    will    break    your    bones    but    words   will    break    something    that    can    never    be    healed    )    . . . .    ❛    hit    me    .    hit    me    .    hit    me    .    ❜    a    plea    that    died    on    petals    but    burned    in    eyes    . .    you    father    is    fangs    and    claws    and    his    growl    hurts    just    as    much    as    his    bite    .
you    and    your    brother    are    two    halves    that    make    a    whole    .    unconditional    love    forgotten    in    parents    but    flooded    your    lungs    when    it    came    to    him    . . .    you    jump    :    he    jumps    .    together    a    way    of    life    . . .    a    pack    made    in    blood    ,    muffled    sobs    ,    a    never    ending    ache    ,    in    a    loneliness    conquered    with    them    at    your    side    .    the    hoffman    twins    are    extensions    of    one    another    ———    ❛    me    and    you    until    the    end    .    ❜    he    is    steady    ground    beneath    your    feet    . . .    something    to    fight    for    . .    to    live    for    .    
the    value    of    education    is    chains    on    wrists    .    shoes    will    be    filled    :    ❛    inheriting    the    business    :    it    was    what    you    two    were    born    for    .    ❜    private    tutors    ,    extra    lessons    ,    a’s    or    personal    items    destroyed    in    a    ❛    i    did    not    raise    dumb    sons    .    ❜    rage    . . .    when    your    heart    fell    in    the    hands    of    football    it    called    you    to    war    .    he’d    burn    everything    for    your    obedience    :    and    you    would    burn    yourself    in    the    name    of    disobedience    .    like    father    like    son    .
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--------------      𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘     .
    there’s    a    darkness    buried    in    brown    hues    . .    a    child    nurtured    with    hostility    ,    neglect    ,    and    abandonment    cages    a    heart    that’s    incapable    of    forgiving    and    capable    of    resentment    ,    grudges    ,    and    anger    .    the    wrongs    of    his    parents    have    marked    him    . . .    scarred    him    .    and    he’s    now    a    boy    who    has    no    experience    with    widespread    forgiveness    ,    who    has    never    offered    a    soul    who    wasn’t    his    twin    a    second    chance    (    as    forgiveness    wasn’t    a    practice    in    the    hoffman    household    ,    it    wasn’t    even    a    thought    )    .    he’s    a    boy    who    knows    anger    all    to    well    . . .    who’s    second    friend    was    resentment    that    introduced    him    to    spitefulness    .    he’s    a    boy    who    hides    feelings    with    charm    and    a    mask    and    holds    on    to    his    pain    as    a    reminder    to    never    forget    :    never    forgive    . .    he’s    a    boy    who    is    constantly    at    war    ———    who    has    been    in    denial    :    his    biggest    battle    has    not    been    with    his    father    but    with    himself    .
devine    like    structure    . .    petals    smirked    as    a    countenance    walks    hand    in    hand    with    confidence    that    borderlines    cockiness    :    a    trait    honed    in    spitefulness    nurtured    by    the    hands    of    a    father    who    spat    words    of    degradation    at    him    .    ❛    good    for    nothing    son    . .    you’ll    never    amount    to    anything    .    ❜    a    battered    child    who    was    knocked    down    every    time    he    stood    tall    ———    believing    in    himself    was    water    in    a    desert    :    his    only    chance    of    surviving    .
feet    that’ll    run    into    fire    every    single    time    and    come    out    alive    .    maddox    is    resilient    .    ambitious    .    determined    .    hoffman    bloodlust    running    through    his    veins    . . .    like    father    like    son    ,    maddox    conquers    no    matter    how    big    or    small    .    ❛    maddox    hoffman    ?    i    heard    he    has    a    nfl    contract    waiting    for    him    when    he    graduates    .    ❜    handouts    not    given    even    to    the    privilege    . . .    football    a    passion    that    presented    escape    and    in    the    same    breath    whispered    encouragement    to    push    back    in    his    ear    :    his    future    is    a    product    of    hard    effort    ,    the    withstanding    of    punishment    ,    broken    bones    but    never    a    broken    spirit    . . .    maddox    is    pure    talent    but    because    his    legs    never    stopped    chasing    his    dreams    no    matter    how    tired    they    were    . . .
an    intenseness    disguised    with    a    smile    that’s    rain    on    a    hot    summer    day    :    maddox    hoffman    is    a    taste    that’s    addicting    . . .    a    force    to    be    reckoned    with    .    his    name    occupies    fellow    classmates    mouths    in    envy    ,    adoration    ,    or    bitterness    .    his    skill    with    a    ball    putting    him    on    the    map    but    impulsive    behavior    and    a    rowdy    but    charming    demeanor    placing    a    spotlight    on    him    .    he’s    unattainable    :    but    a    light    that    hands    desperately    try    to    grasp    .
redeeming    quality    to    boisterous    presence    is    a    loyalty    that    knows    no    bounds    .    a    body    next    to    him    that    planted    their    feet    no    matter    the    cost    all    his    life    has    wired    a    lesson    into    his    head    :    there’s    no    love    like    loyalty    (    maddox    101    :    maddox    will    be    loyal    to    his    twin    above    all    )    .    a    person    that    everyone    knows    but    keeps    a    small    inner    circle    :    maddox    is    a    ride    or    die    . . .    a    hard    ,    and    fierce    ,    and    an    unforgiving    lover    .    he’s    the    one    that'll    jump    into    a    fight    without    a    second    thought    .    that’ll    crosses    all    lines    to    protect    the    ones    he    loves    . .    that’ll    stands    beside    you    in    your    darkest    hour    . . .    love    you    even    when    there’s    nothing    left    to    love    . .    maddox    functions    through    loyalty    and    while    it’s    not    something    that’s    earned    easily    ,    it’s    for    a    lifetime    once    you    do    . .
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pending   . .
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tails89 · 3 years
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz Rating: T Warnings: None Words: 2.7k
Read on AO3
All it takes is one split second.
Buck had been right there beside him, talking into his radio, confirming they were on their way out.
And then he was gone.
The floor had caved in beneath them with a thunderous crack and somehow—Eddie still can’t fathom how— somehow, Buck had managed to shove Eddie to the side before disappearing in a shower of smoke and smouldering wood.
“Buck!” He screams, kneeling on the edge of the hole and peering over. He can see the yellow stripe on the back of Buck’s coat, unmoving beneath the debris. “Captain Nash, this is Eddie.” He fumbles with the radio. “Buck is down. He went through the floor, I can’t— he’s not moving.”
He doesn’t wait for the reply. Eddie scrambles to his feet heading back towards the staircase that will take him to the ground floor.
“Chim is on his way to you.” The radio crackles to life. “Can you get down to Buck and give us a report on his condition?”
“Yeah, copy that.” Eddie takes the stairs, two at a time. “I’ve almost got him.” He skids to a halt, dropping to his knees beside Buck. As far as he can tell, the turnout gear has protected him from serious burns, but the fact that Buck’s unconscious is a serious concern.
It’s probably only been a minute or two, time moves at a strange pace when you’re trying not to panic, but any blow hard enough to knock someone out is dangerous.
“Buck?” Eddie knocks away bits of debris. “Can you hear me? Open your eyes, cariño.” He rubs his closed fist against Buck’s chest, breathing a sigh or relief when it prompts a groan from the younger firefighter. “Hey, there you are. Just stay still for me.” His heart is still pounding as he clears a space around Buck, afraid to move him before Chim arrives but also mindful of the burning building around them.
“I’m right here.” He leans into Buck’s field of vision. “I’m going to get you out of here, okay?”
Buck blinks up at him, his eyes fluttering shut for a second before he drags them back open.
“Don’t even think about it,” Eddie warns, glancing up as another figure arrives. “Eyes open Buck, or I’ll tell Chim what you said about him this morning.”
“What’s this?” Chim asks, kneeling opposite Eddie. “Buck’s talking shit about me again?”
“Nothing that wasn’t true,” Buck mumbles.
“If you say so, Buckaroo.” Chim moves quickly, assessing Buck’s ability to move before nodding to Eddie.
“Alright, time to get out of here,” Eddie says. “Let us do all the work okay?”
“You’re good at that, right Buck?” Chim pipes up, earning a pained smile from their patient. They each hook an arm across their shoulders and heft Buck upright. He groans, eyes squeezing shut from the movement.
Eddie and Chimney carry him out into the fresh air, carefully lying him down away from the fire, then get to work.
Hen joins them as they strip him of his jacket and start a more thorough assessment of his injuries. Eddie kneels by his head, keeping up a steady stream of reassuring chatter as Hen and Chim poke and prod and jostle.
Buck doesn’t say anything, just gives short jerking nods when he’s asked a question, eyes scrunched up in pain and discomfort.
Eddie reaches down to grab Buck’s hand; the one Hen hasn’t just inserted an IV into and gives it a squeeze. The fingers in his grip tighten in response.
“Ready to transport, cap,” Hen calls out when she’s done. The three of them get Buck on the backboard and transfer him to the stretcher.
“Bobby?” Eddie glances over at his captain, still clutching Buck’s hand.
“Go,” Bobby tells him. “Keep us updated.”
With a nod, Eddie follows Chimney up into the back of the ambulance.
The ride to the hospital is tense, even with Chimney cracking jokes to lighten the mood.
Buck is in and out, drowsy with a probable concussion and who knows what else. Eddie can feel the panic clawing at his throat, but he manages to keep it together, never once letting go of Buck’s hand until they reach the hospital. He focuses on the point of contact, using the warmth of Buck’s skin to keep grounded and remind himself that Buck will be okay.
It feels like it takes no time at all to reach the hospital. Hen does the handover while Chim and Eddie help transfer Buck from the stretcher to a bed.
“Let us know what happens,” Chim says, giving Eddie a clap on the shoulder, and promising to be back after their shift.
The hospital staff try to send Eddie away too, but Buck has come around enough that he is not having that.
“I’m his partner,” Eddie explains, laying a calming hand on Buck’s shoulder. One of the nurses has cut away his pants to inspect the burns on his leg and another is tearing through his shirt. “Please, I won’t get in the way.”
Buck is pretty out of it once they give him some pain relief. He gets wheeled away for imaging tests and Eddie takes the opportunity duck outside to text Bobby an update and call Carla to ask if she can take Chris to stay with his aunt.
Chris, of course, immediately wants to come and stay with Eddie at the hospital.
“It’ll be boring, kiddo,” Eddie tells him. “Just lots of waiting around and Buck will probably be asleep.”
“But what about when he wakes up?” Chris asks. “He shouldn’t wake up alone, dad.” And Eddie just can’t with this kid. He wonders, not for the first time, how he managed to raise someone with such a big heart.
“He won’t be alone,” Eddie promises. “I’ll be here, and maybe tía Pepa can bring you over in the morning. I know Buck will want to see you when he wakes up, but tonight he needs his rest.”
“Okay, dad.”
Eddie doesn’t need to see his son to know how hard he’s pouting at the phone right now.
“Tell Buck I love him.”
“I will. You be good for Pepa. Love you.”
“Love you too, dad.”
Eddie disconnects the call with a sigh then goes to check his messages. There’s a text message from Chimney saying he’d called Maddie.
“Shit.” Eddie quickly scrolls to her number. He’d completely forgotten in all the chaos—Maddie should have been the first person he’d called.
“Maddie, I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t worry about it, Chim called me and let me know what happened. How is my little brother?”
“He’s going to be okay.” Eddie rattles off some of the words that had been thrown around in the emergency room. “Concussion, second degree burns on his legs, maybe cracked ribs?” He takes a deep breath. “They’re doing some more testing to determine the severity of the concussion, but they didn’t seem overly concerned.”
“That’s good news at least,” Maddie says. “Evan just can’t do things by halves can he?”
Eddie huffs out a soft laugh. “Half-assing it just isn’t in his vocabulary.” The ball of anxiety that’s been sitting in his chest for the better part of an hour finally starts to unwind.
“I’ll be there soon,” Maddie says. “And Chim said he was going to head over. Have you eaten yet? I’ll bring you something.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Eddie assures her.
“I know, but you must be starving. Chim definitely will be.”
“Thanks Maddie.”
“I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Yeah.” The call ends with a beep and Eddie shoves his phone back into his pocket. He’s still wearing his turnouts, he realises belatedly. His coat is draped over the chair behind him, his helmet balances on a knee.
“Mr Diaz?” One of the nurses beckons him over. “We’re admitting Evan,” she tells him. “If you’d like to come with me, I’ll take you up to his room.”
“He’s okay?” Eddie follows her down the corridor towards the elevator.
“Nothing nasty turned up in the MRI,” she explains. “His helmet protected him from any skull fractures, but he still got his brains rattled about pretty good.”
The elevator doors open with a ding, and they step inside.
“He’s got a couple of cracked ribs and the burns on his legs will need to be monitored to ensure they don’t get infected.”
“How long before he can come home?” Eddie asks.
“His doctor wants to keep him overnight to monitor the concussion, but all going well, he’ll likely be released tomorrow, maybe the day after at the latest.”
When the lift stops, she leads him out to a room on the ward. Eddie pushes the door open to step inside.
The lights are low, but it’s still easy to make him out on the bed. Eddie drags a chair over, taking a seat at Buck’s side.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I fell through a floor and had the whole house land on me,” Buck croaks, looking a lot more alert than the last time Eddie had seen him. He’s still pale and drawn, but it’s good to hear his voice.
“Don’t say it,” Buck groans. He swallows, his face paling even more, something Eddie wouldn’t have thought possible. His birthmark stands out in stark relief against his skin.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, reaching for Buck’s hand. He rubs circles into the skin of Buck’s wrist.
“I can help with that.” The nurse who’d shown Eddie up to the room is still hovering nearby. “I’ll go have a chat with the doctor and be back in a minute.” She hands Buck an emesis basin before she leaves, just in case.
Alone in the room, Eddie reaches with his free hand to run his fingers through Buck’s hair. He’s careful not to use too much pressure and aggravate anything but Buck seems to appreciate it, sinking down further into his pillow.
“How are you really feeling?” Eddie asks, his thumb trailing across Buck’s temple.
“Like shit,” Buck mumbles. “Nothing… hurts? But I know it’s going to later.” He shuts his eyes, swallowing convulsively to keep from being sick, clutching the basin in his free hand.
Fortunately, the nurse returns before he has to use it. She gives him something and leaves them alone again.
“You should get back to Chris.” Nausea dealt with, Buck is loose-limbed and sleepy, blinking up at Eddie.
“Chris is fine,” Eddie assures him. “He’s spending the night with Pepa. He wants to come by and see you tomorrow if you’re feeling up to it.”
“Mm, I’d like that.” Buck’s eyes drift shut and his breathing evens out into sleep.
Eddie watches him for a moment, still running his fingers through Buck’s hair, until he’s sure he’s truly out. He pulls out his phone to see that Maddie, Chim, Bobby and Hen have all arrived.
He stands, pressing a kiss to Buck’s forehead and goes downstairs to meet his family.
Maddie is the one who convinces Eddie to go home.
He’s grimy with sweat and soot from the fire they had been attending and she gives him her best big sister stare and tells him under no uncertain terms that he stinks.
“And I mean that in a loving way,” she says, handing over a box of Chinese takeout.
He sits outside with Chim and Hen to eat, while Maddie and Bobby head upstairs to check on Buck for themselves.
“How’s our boy doing?” Hen asks.
“He’ll be fine,” Eddie says. “He’ll be sore and grumpy when I take him hope, but you know Buck.”
“Yeah, I don’t envy you there,” Chim says. “Buck is the worst patient, so have fun with that.”
After they eat Bobby gives him a ride back to the station to collect his car.
“I’ve called Marcus in to cover your shift tomorrow,” Bobby says as Eddie is climbing out of the car. “If you still need time after your days off, let me know.”
“Thanks Bobby.”
“Don’t mention it, you just take care of Buck for us. And take care of yourself too.” Bobby drives off and Eddie walks to his car before he starts getting too many questions from B shift. Buck is a well-liked member of the 118 and everyone wants to send Eddie off with well-wishes to pass on.
It’s late by the time Eddie finally gets home.
With Chris off at Pepa’s and Buck at the hospital, the house is dark and quiet. Too quiet, in Eddie’s opinion.
He turns the TV just to give himself some background noise while he showers and changes for bed.
It takes a long time to fall asleep.
Eddie picks Chris up in the morning on his way back to the hospital.
Chris has a thousand questions about what happened, and will Buck be okay, and when can they bring him home.
It strikes Eddie that he’d said the same thing the night before. He’d asked the nurse when he could bring Buck home.
For all the time they spent together and as much as Buck was a part of the family with Eddie and Chris, he did still technically have his own apartment. Not that he used it that much. Eddie had been able to pack a bag using the clothes Buck had stuffed into a drawer in Eddie’s room. There was a toothbrush on the sink for when Buck stayed the night.
Maybe it was time for Eddie to finally ask Buck to move in.
The thought keeps him distracted the whole way to the hospital. He’s still mulling it over as he helps Chris down from the back seat and leads the way up to Buck’s room.
“He’s asleep, dad.” Chris is disappointed when they open the door and Buck is still fast asleep.
He’s got a bit of colour in his cheeks this morning. He doesn’t look quite so pale against the starched white hospital sheets.
“You sleep a lot too when you’re not feeling well,” Eddie reminds his son, pulling up a second chair and moving Chris’s crutches to a spot where they’re not going to trip anyone up. “Have you got your game with you?”
Nodding, Chris pulls his Switch from his backpack, content to play his game while they wait for Buck to wake.
It doesn’t take long. The thing with hospitals is that they’re never really quiet and Buck jerks awake when something is dropped just outside his room.
“Hey, you.” Eddie leans forward in his chair and waits for Buck to get his bearings. “How are you feeling?”
“Ugh, I feel like shi—” he notices Chris on the other side of the bed, “-t.” He grimaces. “Sorry, brain could thing of anything fast enough.”
“I think we’ll let it slide this time,” Eddie says, grinning.
“Dad says sometimes bad words are okay.” Chris puts away his game and stands, shifting his weight so he can lean against the bed for balance. “I’m glad you’re okay Buck, I missed you last night.”
“I missed you too bud,” Buck says, reaching out to ruffle Chris’s curls. “Just seeing you makes me feel better already.”
Chris beams at the words and Eddie feels his heart swell.
“So,” Buck shifts on the bed, his face tightens as he jars something, probably his ribs, but he doesn’t mention it. “Any idea when I can get out of here?”
“I was talking to a nurse last night who said you’ll probably be released today,” Eddie tells him. “But we’ll have to wait until the doctor gives you the okay.”
“Hospitals are the worst,” Buck groans, his head tipping back against the pillows. “Right Chris?” Chris nods and Buck pats the bed. “Why don’t you show me the game you were playing while we wait.”
Buck is discharged late that afternoon.
He makes a fuss about using the wheelchair, but when he tries to stand all the blood drains from his face and he has to sit back down real fast.
“Ready to try the wheelchair now?” Eddie asks him, keeping a gentle hand on Buck’s shoulder in case he tries to faceplant again.
“Yeah.” The word comes out in one long breath. “Sorry, I didn’t think it would hurt that much.”
“When we get home, I’ll make up the couch for you,” Eddie says, “and you’re staying there for the rest of the week.”
“Home?” Buck glances up sharply.
“My home,” Eddie clarifies, then after a moment’s hesitation says, “Our home.”
“I like the sound of that,” Buck says, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Okay Eds, take me home.”
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Til Death Do Us Part (A Light Fingers AU)
A/N: I’ve had flash-images of Elena and Diego’s second wedding in my head since before I wrote the first one. I wrote part of this up back in October, but never finished it because “it’s not going to be what happens, so what’s the point?” But now I’ve decided the point is because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, so I made a few tweaks and finished it off.  If anyone’s interested in their first dance song it’s this one. Because I choose to live in a fantasy wonderland and not overanalyze any lyrics.  Rating: G. Other than a few swears, this one is nothing but wholesome fluffiness. Word Count: 3294 (oops, that got away from me) Cross-posted to AO3.
Diego fidgeted nervously, buttoning and unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, not wanting to put on the suit jacket until the last possible moment for fear of sweating through it.
He started to pace the small room. Duncan picked his head up from the floor where he’d sprawled and whined, watching him. Diego leaned down to scratch him, ruffling his ears.
There was a knock on the door. He froze.
“Diego,” his mother’s voice called softly. “They wanted me to tell you they’re ready for you.”
He slid his arms one at a time into the smooth black sleeves, hands shaking. With a white-knuckled grip on the knob, he opened the door. Grace’s smile being the first thing he saw made him feel instantly calmer, though for once in his life, it didn’t completely quell his jitters.
“Oh Diego,” she said, touch cool as she stroked his cheek lovingly. “I’m so happy for you. And you look so handsome.”
“Thanks, Mom,” he said, smiling. “You should go find your seat.”
His siblings all smiled brightly at him as he walked toward them – except Five who still wore a much more peaceful and pleasant expression than his usual scowl – all resplendent in black and azure. Klaus flashed him a thumbs up. He turned and took his place, eyes fixed on the door. 
“Nervous bro?” Klaus leaned in to whisper.
“No,” he lied with a chuckle. “I mean, we already did this once.”
“It’s still not too late to run.” Klaus gestured with his head toward the small door behind the altar.
Slowly, like a rolling wave, the assembled crowd turned and stood.
“Not a chance.”
Before his brother could say anything else, the music swelled and the doors creaked open one last time, and the rest of the world fell away until only Elena remained. 
Her blonde curls were swept back from her face on one side, pinned in place by a simple comb and a posy of forget-me-nots, forget-me-nots that matched the ones in her hand mixed with the white carnations and roses and broad green ferns. Her long white gown clung to all of those wonderful curves that he loved so much before flaring out at her waist like a shining lace-capped cloud. She had chosen to forego a veil (or the “jaunty little top hat” she had joked about), so as she drew closer, he could see tears sparkling in her hazel eyes, joyful ones based on the dazzling smile on her wine-red lips, and he felt thankful that he wasn’t the only one feeling so much emotion.
As they reached the front of the hall, Daniel turned to look at her instead of standing beside and studied her face intently for a moment. Then he patted her hand lightly and turned back, smiling broadly, handing her up the steps and taking his place to her left. 
Diego was sure the entire room could hear the heart beating out of his chest. 
“Hey there stranger,” Elena mouthed, lacing her fingers through his. 
He smiled at her, knees weak. 
“Hi,” he murmured.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today…” the justice began, and Diego felt his heart leap into his throat. Hearing those words made it all seem so much more real. The rest of the words seemed a hazy buzz, he was too focused on her, on the way she looked, the way she smelled, the smile on her face, that perfect moment. 
“…if anyone here can show cause why these two people should not be joined in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace…”
Elena glared out at the crowd, and Diego couldn’t help but grin. It had been hard enough to get here, neither of them was going to really allow anyone to object, not without a fight. No one spoke and the officiant quickly moved on, and before he knew it, they were at the vows. Suddenly, nerves twisted his stomach and found himself forcing steadying breaths, just hoping he could get through a simple sentence without a stutter.
“Do you, Elena Pryce, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, honor and obey, til death do you part?”
“No,” she said bluntly with a shrug as the gathered audience gasped. “We talked about this. I mean I’m totally here for the whole love and cherish, share and support deal. Honor’s fine even, for the most part. But the ‘obey’ thing is some selfish buuullshiiit and I’m not doing that.”
“If anything, he’s probably the one obeying her,” Luther muttered, causing Klaus to giggle at his brother’s accidental innuendo and Elena to flash them a wink. 
“But I do. I promise the rest of it. And more. My heart is yours, my soul is yours. We’re equals. Partners. No matter what. Until the end of the world, and probably beyond. I know I fucked that up the last time around, but I’m not going to make that mistake again. I’m in this, one hundred percent. I love you.”
Several of the audience gasped, scandalized that she had sworn. He grinned at her, rolling his eyes fondly. 
The officiant stood, gaping, for a moment, and Diego turned to him with a half-shrug, as if to say ‘we did talk vows ahead of time, you knew this was coming.’ 
“Um. Right then...do you, Diego Hargreeves, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, honor, til death do you part?”
Elena raised her eyebrows at the absent word in his version of the vow. 
“I do,” his words were slow, and she squeezed his fingers comfortingly. “I promise everything, and more, that I promised you the first time around, Elena. To see you as an equal and a partner, to take your needs and wants into every consideration, to support you and love you even when I don’t understand you. No matter what we’re going through or how things are between us, I’ll be there. Apocalypses couldn’t keep us apart.”
Klaus sniffled dramatically from behind him; one of the bridesmaids tossed a handkerchief over their heads to him and he hopped in the air to catch it. The officiant scowled at the antics. Diego and Elena just smiled. 
“If we could now have the rings?” the officiant asked.
Luther stepped forward, pulling the two little velvet boxes out of his pocket, nearly dropping them in his fumble to deliver them, completely unsure anymore which was which. 
“He’s going to quit before we’re through,” Elena mouthed, trying not to giggle at the officiant’s increasing annoyance.
“We’re almost there, I think he can make it,” Diego joked back. 
“Repeat after me. With this ring, I, Diego Hargreeves,” the officiant started.
“Seal my promise, binding me to my word and vow. Let it be a physical token of all that I am and all I give to you. I now take thee, Elena Pryce, as my wife and the love of my life.” He finished, adding in the last bit as he slipped the familiar silver band back onto her finger where it belonged.
Tears welled up in her eyes again and she tried to surreptitiously brush them away before anyone noticed, and this time it was his turn to squeeze her fingers gently.
“And now you,” the officiant gestured to her. “Repeat after me…”
“With this ring, I, Elena Pryce, seal my promise, binding me to my word and vow. Let it be a physical token of all that I am and all I give to you. I now take thee, Diego Hargreeves,” she felt herself choking up, struggling to get the words out around everything she was feeling, “as my husband, again.” 
Slowly, with shaking hands, she slid his ring onto his finger, and it was all he could do to wait for his cue of “you may now kiss the bride” before he pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers. Her arms circled his neck as his wrapped tightly around her waist, and for not the first time that day, the rest of the world disappeared. He’d never bothered to try to count how many times they’d kissed, but this was the most perfect one, he was sure of it. He felt like the entire world was in his arms, and he never wanted it to end. 
Someone cleared their throat, and the pair slowly separated, lingering as if there was some magnetic pull keeping them together. When they finally turned to the crowd, neither of them could stop grinning, faces wide and bright. 
“Shall we?” he leaned in to whisper before offering her an arm.
“I think we shall, husband,” she answered, hooking her hand through. “After all, the snacks wait for no man.”
He laughed, head thrown back in delight as they led the processional out of the hall and across the lawn to the tent where the reception was being held. 
Toward the end of dinner, Klaus stood up from his seat dramatically, holding his champagne flute aloft and tapping it with his fork.
“As the Best Man, I’ve decided, it’s probably time for my speech,” he called, voice carrying through the tent without need for amplification. 
“Please tell me you cleared his speech ahead of time,” Diego muttered into Elena’s ear as they both watched his brother with wide eyes.
“He’s your best man,” she hissed back. “Besides, it’s Klaus. There’s no way he’d stick to a script even if he’d bothered with one.”
“Now, I’ve known Diego longer because he’s my brother, but I’ve known both halves of the happy couple for most of our lives. I’m sad it wasn’t me that introduced them, honestly. They just had to go and meet by random chance, without me.” He struck a dramatic pout for a moment before continuing. “I don’t know how they do it. Elena’s lovely, flawless, but Diego. Impossible to live with. So broody and stubborn. And the knives. Raise your hands if you think he’s brought at least one to his own wedding?”
Again he paused, and this time, hands went up all around the tent, probably at least half the attendees either agreeing or playing along with the joke, including, much to Diego’s shock and betrayal, Elena. Klaus caught onto it, and her grin, immediately and pointed. 
“I’m taking that as he definitely has one, and I don’t want to know what you’re planning for it. Keep your wedding night shenanigans private.” 
He threw a mock scolding glare, before he grew serious.
“You two are so good for each other, and you deserve this happiness. You’ve been through so much shit — am I allowed to say shit? Who am I kidding, her vows contained the words ‘fucked up’? — both together and apart. And no one should have to earn a happy ending, you should just automatically get one, but you two...definitely have. And if anyone ever ties to mess that up, I’ll...probably just let Five handle it actually. He’s so bored these days now that he’s retired from the apocalypse and assassination businesses. I love you both.”
He swept his arm outward, nearly splashing the champagne onto his aforementioned brother’s head. “To the bride and groom and happily ever after!”
The crowd cheered, raising their glasses and voices in answer. 
“That was surprisingly heartfelt,” Elena whispered, and Diego nodded.
“Five’s still probably going to smother him with a pillow for that ending though.”
“Not our problem.” She laughed. Diego’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he joined her, heart swelling. He could listen to that sound forever.
As the crowd settled and Klaus retook his seat, Daniel stood. 
“I suppose I should follow that then, as the bride’s Man of Honor, and as her brother,” he chuckled. “But I’m not sure how I can compete. That was...quite a speech. Still, it can't hurt to try I suppose.”
He cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“My little sister is a pain in the ass. Stubborn, reckless, impulsive, short-tempered. But underneath that is a heart of gold. I have never known anyone who cares so much. Until I met Diego. I don’t think there could be a more perfect match than the two of them. There’s really nothing else to say. They’re cut from the same cloth, exactly alike and clearly meant for one another. I’m not usually one to credit fate, but these two might make a believer out of me. I have never seen Elena look like that, glowing with happiness like she does when she’s with him. And that alone is enough for me. To bless this marriage, and their lives together. To wish them, as Klaus did, a happily ever after.” He raised his glass in salute. “Elena and Diego!” 
Elena blushed as the crowd once again cheered, ducking her head to bury it against the crook of Diego’s neck. Daniel’s speech left her full of emotion that she was almost embarrassed to show. He turned his head to kiss her, letting his lips linger on her hair for a moment. 
Before long, it was time for the official first dance, and Diego felt nervous again. He had taken ballroom lessons as a child, and they had practiced together, not planning anything fancy, but his legs felt leaden as he walked to the center of the open space they’d reserved for dancing. He didn’t even care about himself, just worried that he would embarrass Elena somehow, or ruin things. He tried to squash down the feeling, knowing it was lingering self-hate from the way he was raised, but he couldn’t.
As the first humming cords of the song played, Elena walked through the parted crowd to join him. Their hands fit naturally together and he wrapped his other arm around her waist, holding her close. She rested her forehead against his as they swayed, and he felt sure for a moment that his heart was going to beat out of his chest. 
“How are you doing?” she asked, a feather-light whisper. 
The entire day had been a whirlwind, never stopping for a moment to give him time to process it all. And part of him was glad of it, sure that he’d be overwhelmed and exhausted if he did. But of course, here she was, checking in with him. And he could only guess that she was in much the same boat. Neither of them were exactly the most gregarious of people, and there were so many people and so much being asked of them.
“I’m fine,” he lied, knowing she’d pick up on his true meaning anyway, she knew him too well not to.
“Me too,” she murmured.
He leaned in a little further, nuzzling his nose against hers. 
“We can bail.”
“On our own wedding?”
“If you want to.”
She chuckled, her eyes sparkling, head shaking just slightly. 
They continued to spin around the floor, heedless of the eyes on them. He became aware that she was singing, soft and under her breath, eyes locked with his as if trying to bore the words into him with her gaze. Time seemed to be slowed down as they danced. Softly he brushed his lips against hers, the pair of them sinking into the kiss like they were falling. 
She would happily die here in his arms, kissing him like this, she thought, her final moment trapped in such perfection, preserved like amber. She had no need of air or space or anything else but him. 
Dimly the sound of applause tickled her awareness. Reluctantly she drew away, her eyes closed a moment longer before they fluttered open to meet his warm gaze. 
“I love you,” he whispered for possibly the hundredth time that day alone. But she could never tire of hearing it, or saying it right back. 
An hour later, she collapsed into a chair, leaning heavily against his side, after being dragged and paraded about the dancefloor by Klaus for several songs, and Amelia for several more without stopping. Meanwhile, he had been cutting a rug of his own, but managed to detangle himself sooner to take a break. 
“How serious were you about cutting and running?” she asked, trying to catch her breath. 
“Vanya moved a car as close as possible for us while we were serving the cake,” he replied casually, pouring a glass of icy water for her. 
“Have I mentioned lately that you’re perfect?” she joked, taking a grateful sip. “I’m thinking I chuck these flowers so everyone’s nice and distracted and we make a break for it.”
“Not as perfect as you are.” 
“Lies.” She stuck her tongue out at him with a giggle.
With a sigh, she dragged herself back to her feet, reluctant to leave him, again, feeling like they’d been separated by every ritual of a wedding and whim of their guests, even when they managed a dance together or a moment to sit side by side and hand in hand. His fingers lingered on her wrist, brushing against her skin as she stepped away, not holding her back but coaxing her to return to him. 
Rather than raise her own voice, she shook the flowers in Allison’s direction, letting her claim a microphone from the band and make the call for all the interested single people to gather around. Realizing she was shorter than a good percentage of the crowd, she pulled over a chair, surprised to find Luther offering her a hand to climb up onto it. 
“Alright, here it goes,” she called over her shoulder at the crowd. “Hope this doesn’t take any eyes out!”
The gathered group chuckled, though she was pretty sure she heard several people shuffle out and away from the likely throw-zone. She took a deep breath and several practice swings of her arms before finally letting the bouquet go, curving a graceful arc over her head, straight into Klaus’s arms. 
“Hah!” he crowed, making her giggle and nearly fall from the chair. 
Luckily, a firm, gentle arm caught her, helping her back to the ground safely, and she looked over to see Grace smiling at her. 
“You and Diego should get going,” her melodic voice was nearly hypnotic in its comforting. “Klaus will keep their attention for a few minutes.”
“How did you…” she trailed off, puzzled by Grace’s seeming omniscience. 
“Diego’s always been a little shy,” Grace explained, eyes soft and fond. “And I heard him ask Vanya about the car. It wasn’t hard to guess.”
Suddenly, Elena found herself being pulled into a tight hug.
“Welcome to the family, dear. I’m so happy for you two.”
After a split second of hesitation, mostly as she tried to process the strange emotion she was feeling, she returned the hug fiercely.
“Th-thanks,” she whispered, fighting back more tears. “You have no idea what that means.”
“Now go, and enjoy your honeymoon.” Grace stepped back, ushering Elena away as Klaus continued to brag and celebrate behind them, offering to let practically anyone in the crowd be the other half of ‘the next greatest newlyweds.’ 
Diego squeezed tightly, grinning, as she slipped her hand into his.
“Powers or no?” he asked. 
“Where’s the fun in cheating?” she teased, answering his squeeze with her own and casting a glance behind her. “Now or never, let’s go.”
The two of them were laughing as they took off running, out of the tent, across the lawn, and into the night.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
Or, in which I give the basics of what I’ve changed about the story for the AU. It was originally way more descriptive but if I kept it in that style I would have finished in 2039 and I ain’t got time for that. Let’s cover the small crisis that happens between S6 and S7! It took as long as it did because Life interfered.
WINX AU INTERLUDE 6 - Distant Legends, Sudden Troubles
A week later, after receiving the call from the Order of Mana, the Winx and Roxy (alongside Daphne and Faragonda) arrive at the Council of Mana’s headquarters in Roccaluce.
Once inside, they’re brought to a larger room seemingly made of crystal, and see that all 9 keys are on top of a small pillar of the same crystal. A lot of magi are around.
They spot Eldora along them all, looking annoyed, and when they talk she tells them that the Order wants to make a new transformation out of Pleiadix.
She cynically elaborates that they didn’t like that there was a form they weren’t in charge of, but a Paladin corrects her that it’s to ensure the Legendarium can never be open, even on accident, again, and that she herself agreed to this plan.
Eldora mutters under her breath that she wasn’t given much of a choice, but then formally adresses the Winx’s presence - as they are the last users of Pleiadix, they are the ones that should run the ritual to ensure there’s no issues with it.
A few minutes of preparation later, and everyone arranges themselves in a weird formation, the Winx at the center, a magic circle appearing under them.
Chanting begins, and the Winx plus Roxy focus on their keys, Eldora focusing on the remaining two. The Keys slowly seem to lose their magic, alongside their color, and an incredible surge of magical essence starts to form around everyone.
With a final chant, the essence seems to light up and explode, and a magical shockwave is felt all over the universe.
The Order of Mana then announces this is the birth of a new form - Mythix, and requests the Winx and Roxy to discover how to earn the form.
Everyone is incredibly confused at all this, but Bloom agrees to it, saying that it might be interesting as something to do over the summer. Everyone can pick up that she’d like to occupy her mind on other stuff as she’s still hurting over Selina, and so they agree.
The magic shockwave seems to stir something up in the wind, and stray magic seems to be coalescing, acquiring a vague humanoid shape.
The next day, on Red Fountain, everyone attends to see the graduation ceremony, excited that their friends are now free from Red Fountain. Team 3Q is given extra honors thanks to their help during the last crises the System has fought over, and they are offered positions as teachers in Red Fountain whenever they please for their actions.
Everyone cheers, and after a couple more speeches, a big party is thrown, the Winx and friends reuniting. They all celebrate and chat, and they ask the guys what are they going to do now.
Brandon answers that they’ve been thinking about that for a while now, and they decided to stick together living in Magix for a couple more months before deciding on joining a Guild of warriors as a group or not.
They keep chatting (with Sky helping Stella and Diaspro in trying to cheer Bloom up, but it's not fully successful). Everyone says their goodbyes and decide to rest in their homes for a week before starting the whole Mythix deal.
It’s two days later, on Melody, that the Soniata takes place on Caden, honoring the Hexer Sonia of lore. Musa has a fun time with her dad and brother, and ends up surprised at Galatea also being there, having managed to escape the palace and enjoy some time with local stories on the other side of the country. Musa then tells her the full legend, but as she does that, dark shadowy beasts start to attack.
Musa and Galatea transform, while Jian dons armor and Huan tries to help him evacuate the premises.
The two fairies manage to make quick work of the beings, but end up slightly overwhelmed. At the sight of a couple more families about to be attacked, they both come up with a plan.
Both of them join their magic, Musa starts to play a lullaby on her sword, mimicking the legend, while Galatea begins chanting a long spell, acting as an “amplifier” to Musa’s music. This manages to slowly make all the remaining shadow beasts fall asleep, and with the chance, both fairies unleash a convergence, destroying them all.
A rush of magic envelops them both, and suddenly, they got new forms - Galatea’s perfect control over the voiced ritual earnt her Glissandix, while Musa unlocked Mythix due to her parallelisms with Sonia’s tale, even her sword undergoing a transformation, looking far more detailed. A shadow seems to grumble, before vanishing again.
That night, Musa contacts the rest, telling them of her findings and how she believes it’s tied to stories of their realms or that they know, and that the shadow things she fought felt familiar.
Bloom compares them to the creatures Campana and Venomya used, but Musa says they felt different, much more recent.
Two days later, Flora is on a date with Helia, who came to visit for a couple days, when they hear about the urban legend of a ghost haunting a nearby abandoned hall. Flora, with what Musa said in the back of her mind, tells Helia to go with her to said place after their date is over for help.
After a few hours, they reach the hall, finding Krystal as well, who came to check the place out as a Princess - the Hall was part of the ancient Privamerian royal state, and the rumors concerned her.
They all explore the place for an hour or so, before a sudden apparition shocks them all in the large stage, a shadow of a man seemingly dancing near a large dead tree.
Everyone transforms and goes up to it, other shadows rising and starting to attack them, but Helia and Krystal fend them off while Flora approaches the main shadow, fans at the ready.
The shadow doesn’t seem to move, and looks around, seemingly sad at the dead tree. It then extends a hand to Flora, confused.
Helia keeps fighting the creatures, but Krystal recalls the full story and tells Flora to take the shadow’s hand and to dance, as she rises up and starts to cast a spell on the tree.
Flora is even more confused at this, but trusts Krystal and starts to dance with the shadow, being guided and using her fans as support.
Krystal focuses all her energy on the tree, slowly revitalizing it and making it grow again, as Flora and the shadow dance around it, twirling.
The dance comes to an end as the tree comes back to life fully, lush and gorgeous, and the shadow seems to smile, as it dissipates into yellow specks of light, all traces of darkness gone. Both Flora and Krystal flashed but for a second - Flora earning Mythix, her outfit now vaguely dance-ready, and Krystal getting Arborix from her effort in revitalizing the tree, covered in hydrangea-looking petals.
Krystal then tells her the full story - during the war, a tree was discovered growing in the hall, and a man had been taking care of it keeping it healthy amongst the ruin. However, a faction of the soon-to-be-called Dolona snuck in and destroyed the place, killing him and the tree. The man was apparently still trying to care for the dead tree, and the shadow manifested his repressed anger in the creatures that attacked them.
Late that night, Flora relaid the info to the rest, confirming Musa’s suppositions, and is surprised to learn that Bloom and Roxy have also obtained Mythix.
Bloom obtained it after a royal meeting, having heard rumors that the city was suddenly assaulted by a dragon made of shadows, and after some research with Daphne they confronted it - Daphne recalled a similar tale of a priestess of the Great Fire Dragon having to fight a rival god in the Fire Dragon’s place, having used just a pair of swords - and after the shadow dragon broke Bloom’s bow, she used the two halves augmented with the small Light magic she knew to slay it, her bow also transforming with Mythix and forming a pair of twin swords that can join to become a bow again.
Roxy meanwhile got it via saving Artu from a group of shadows that suddenly kidnapped it, having to be stealthy and facing off a shadow that disturbingly looked way too much like her mother for her to be comfortable, as well as a small knife she had just in case turning into a detailed dagger.
A shadow seems to get even angrier, and a small burst of energy seeps into Astrael, Solaria’s capital, as well as the capitals of Zenith and Andros.
The next day, while out with Nova and Riven, Stella catches wind of the reappearance of The Twilight Maiden. Nova is confused, and Stella elaborates that it was a ghost story that arose shortly after she moved away - the ghost of a woman killed by her lover, who during twilight supposedly whisks away a girl so they don’t suffer her fate.
They go around their day until sunset arrives, but they realize the whole street went quiet all of a sudden, and after inspecting an alleyway following a weird sound, Nova suddenly vanishes.
Both of them panic for a bit and start looking for her, and after a while both transform into their respective forms to look for her in the sky, Riven finding a dark shadow figure up above, as well as some sort of dome over them.
Both rise to meet with it and find a woman-like form, with an angry expression and see Nova, unconscious, in her arms.
Stella tries to get closer but the shadow throws a blast at her, and Riven gets the same treatment, though harsher. Both Riven and Stella assume the shadow is the Twilight Maiden, and so end up using Riven as a decoy while Stella tries to rescue Nova.
Riven then proceeds to taunt the shadow, driving its anger further and further until it drops Nova and starts to chase after the warrior, Stella catching her with a spell.
After leaving the still unresponsive Nova on a nearby roof, Stella takes the distraction and starts casting both a light spell and a healing spell, trying to “exorcise” the spirit controlling the shadow after what Flora told her of her Mythix earning.
The Maiden almost catches up to Riven and does damage one of his wings, but by the time she feels a strange warmth around her it’s too late - Stella fired the spell and completely engulfed her, a short scream followed by a sigh as her shadows faded completely.
Stella then slowly flies down, exhausted, earning her Mythix and her staff evolving once more. She then notices Riven’s armor malfunctioning and tries to catch him as well.
Nova wakes up moments later and everyone then finds a couple other girls near the same place, probably caught by the Maiden, trying to help them as well as they can.
After all this, she relays the info to the rest, and finds out Aisha also got her Mythix, having to fight The Deep One - a massive jellyfish of Mareian mythos that once destroyed Andros in antiquity, her meteor hammers evolving as well following the pattern of everyone else’s weapons.
This means Tecna is the only one without Mythix yet, and at the same time everyone realizes she isn’t in the call, wondering what could have happened to her.
On Zenith, Tecna is currently locked in a random room, after a sudden burst of energy drove most of the equipment in the Grand Palace, the main presidential office of the country, completely out of control. 
She had sent a couple of her assistants to check on the Magic Animals helping on the place and then started to investigate, before some of the machinery started to actively attack her, taking refuge on a random room.
There, however, she found three shadows that matched the description of the other Winx’s experiences, and instinctively transformed, aiming her gun to them. One of the shadows seemed to get annoyed, but another calmed them down and the last one made a gesture, as if they wanted her to follow them.
Not having more options, Tecna did, and after a bit she found a massive hall, covered head to toe in computers, at the center a massive control panel. The shadows seem to focus on the panel, and seem to try to communicate with Tecna. Tecna glances at one of the monitors and sees several dungeon-like structures, the people in them languishing. She finds a file in the computer, detailing many attempts at revolution, the people attempting them thrown into these dungeons, the main computer running them all.
Tecna, while shocked, isn’t really surprised - she knew she couldn’t have been the first person to try to rise against Datacorp, but it is still disheartening and terrible to see these people still suffering. She tries to turn off the machine, but it seems to lash out.
The shadows alongside her recoil in what she assumes is fear, and as the machine seems to start commanding different objects in the room to fling themselves at Tecna, something similar must have happened before, and assumes this is a failsafe mechanism installed by the Council.
Tecna keeps dodging and starts charging a spell with her gun, and asks the shadows to help her if they’re able, assuming they also want to destroy the thing. They start disrupting the commands thanks to them being non-corporeal, and after a few minutes, Tecna manages to fire off the spell, destroying the machine and somehow earning Mythix, her gun getting retouches.
The shadows start to flicker, and through broken speech manage to tell Tecna they were the leaders of the last attempt at a Zenithian revolution, perishing in prison without no one ever knowing about their existence. They tell her that she managed to do something that was considered impossible, a myth, and thank her before completely disappearing.
After recovering her energy and making sure everything else is working properly, she contacts the Winx again, and after thanking them for worrying about her, tells them she also got Mythix, and so if everyone has it, they should go back to the Order and tell them their findings.
The apparition gets even angrier, and it seems to be starting to manifest a stronger spell.
A few days later, everyone goes back to Lake Roccaluce, ready to inform the Order of their findings, before suddenly being attacked by the shadows again.
With Mythix, the shadows seem to go down even faster, and Roxy and Bloom seem to register its magic signature as that of Acheron’s. Everyone else questions how can that be given he’s dead, but Musa points out that Darkar was similar in that regard.
Acheron then reveals himself fully, a literal shadow of his former self, seemingly in an eternal Energix and his face twisted into anger and hatred. He keeps up the assault, and after a bit, the Winx and Roxy start to feel tired of fighting.
They start to brainstorm ways to defeat Acheron once more, and they come to the conclusion to try and disrupt his form, similar to what they did with Darkar once he went insane, and set up the plan.
Roxy and Bloom rush in to distract him, angering the shadow enough to focus solely on them, while Musa takes down any straggler creatures and Flora, Stella and Tecna start to form a convergence. This seems to work for a while before a couple shadows tackle Tecna, but they’re quickly dealt with when Eldora and a couple of the Order of Mana magi arrive, wondering what was taking the Winx so long.
They take over the distraction job, and with no further setbacks, the other 4 join the 3 Winx and combine the convergence, erasing Acheron once more, all the shadows disappearing.
A bit later, now in HQ, the Nymph spearheading the Mythix project both congratulates the girls on discovering the ways to earn Mythix while also apologizing for causing Acheron’s comeback, confusing everyone else.
They elaborate - when doing the ritual to create Mythix, it seems the magic shockwave was powerful and familiar enough for Acheron’s still lingering soul to also be affected, turning him into a ghost, and while reduced to basic instinct and emotion, he still wanted revenge on the Winx for killing him in the first place.
However, unlike Darkar, who was the fusion of two consciences and Auras, Acheron was still just one person, so he had to rely on pulling energy from elsewhere to try and attack, leading to the events that earnt everyone Mythix.
They still admit that Acheron’s temporary revival helped further their goal so it wasn’t something completely bad, but immediately retract when they catch Eldora and the Winx’s expressions, and dismiss them all to be free to continue their break.
As they’re leaving, however, they are surprised by Faragonda, who wants to talk to Roxy in private for a special project she wants her help with, and that can also act as her thesis if she so desires, but it must be a secret until the new school year starts.
Roxy agrees, curious as for why she would be needed, and bids goodbye to the rest, who start to go back to their realms to have an actual, proper vacation for once, their last breaks being incredibly hectic.
In a cave system in Magix, meanwhile, a Fairy seems to have heard about Faragonda’s plans already, and starts to make interesting preparations...
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kazledazzel · 4 years
chapter seven of the the blackstairs au up now! if you’re into blackstairs, maybe give it a read? click here to read all the chapters on ao3! first chapter below
It wasn’t until Emma was hauling her overstuffed suitcase down the pavement and struggling to lift it into the car she’d fully accepted the fact that she’d be leaving. The last two weeks had been a blur, really, of excitement and preparation. She’d barely had a second to think between packing bags and shopping for supplies and getting everything ready so that she wouldn’t miss anything from home while being across the ocean. It was only now as Emma’s mother was chiding her for overpacking while simultaneously asking if she was sure she had everything she needed that Emma realised she might miss home. She’d miss her parents. “You’re sure you want to do this?” John Carstairs asked his daughter for the fiftieth time that week. “It’s not to late to call and say there was a change of plans. I’m sure Andrew has a ton of kids wanting to get into the school that could easily fill your spot,” “I’m sure,” Emma said, wondering if there was much truth in her words. For the past two weeks there had been no question about leaving. Now though, she bit her lip and tried to remember why on earth she’d want to leave sunny Los Angeles for rainy England. When she reminded herself what was waiting on the other side of the eleven hour flight, all doubt was thrown aside. In a few hours she’d see him and that smile that seemed to erase all that was wrong in the world. As far as she was concerned, Julian Blackthorn had been Emma’s best friend forever. This had some truth, for there had never been a time in Emma’s life when Julian wasn’t there with her. Emma’s mother, Cordelia, met Eleanor Blackthorn when they were both Emma’s current age. Cordelia was originally from Ireland, but was attending school in England. There she met Eleanor and Andrew, and instantly the three became best friends. When they graduated and left for LA, Cordelia met and married John Carstairs. The Carstairs’ and the Blackthorns were neighbours in LA. Emma’s mother worked in TV and film, while her father worked in music. He was constantly nagging at her to take up an instrument, and eventually she did. Emma had never lived in a world without Julian, and she wouldn’t have changed that for the world. Every milestone Emma hit had been reached holding his hand. Every risk had been taken with him by her side, matching her energy and mirroring her emotions. They’d said their first words around the same time, and when Emma started walking Julian was soon to follow. Julian was always the more cautious of the two. While still down for late night adventures and pranks on his older brother, Mark, Julian was the one to make sure things never went to far. When Emma fell as a toddler, it was Julian who would wail for the attention of their parents, as if it were Jules himself that had been cut. When they had a test, Julian was the one to make sure Emma gradually did her study, instead of cramming the night before and triggering a meltdown. It was always Julian. Julian and Emma. “Two halves of a whole soul,” a poet might say. “Two halves of a whole idiot,” Mark would argue. They had been best friends their whole lives. They had been through everything together. They documented their heights on Julian’s bedroom wall over their childhoods, an activity that usually ended in Emma huffing because she wasn’t the tallest. They had made up handshakes and secret languages that never seemed to last and given each other code names. Emma had been the one to hold Julian’s hand when Eleanor Blackthorn passed away. It was a shock to both of them when Andrew Blackthorn got offered the position of headmaster at an English boarding school two months ago, leaving for England and taking his family with him. It happened so fast. One minute she was sitting in her room, flipping through a magazine, next she was on the beach, sitting on the rock her and Jules has claimed as their meeting spot all those years ago. “He says he had to take it,” Julian said bitterly. “That there was nothing holding him here and that we had every reason to leave for London. He wants to put me in school there, Em. Me and Ma
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iridescentxstars · 5 years
our queen — kim jongin
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➳ moodboard created by @paranormalkaitivity​ ➳ published: 15.12.19 ➳ royal!au || magic!au || genre: smut || rated: m ➳ pairing: kim jongin x reader ➳ summary: You can’t contain your want for your guard anymore so you call him into your chambers - though, it seems someone else has a different plan for how tonight plays out. ➳ word count: 2k ➳ warnings: oral (fem&male receiving), twins, threesome ➳ author’s note: this is revenge against @sammsdreaming​
My Kings >
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He’s been your guard for years, protecting you from the dark and dangerous even when you ascended to become Queen of the kingdom; Jongin has never faltered in coming to your side when you’ve needed him and tonight, you need him. There has been whispers as to why you won’t take the hand of any of the suitors who turn up in your court, that the Queen’s heart has already been claimed by the man who fights in her name, and that Jongin doesn’t take too kindly to men who force themselves upon you.
Though, there’s always one man that Jongin never counted on coming after you – Kai.
Dark eyes watch from the shadows as Jongin walks into your chambers, you’re dressed in a simple white nightgown and reading a book, one that you put down when Jongin closes the door behind him. Jongin’s baritone voice echoes through the sorcerer’s room, “my Queen, is everything okay?” A smile spreads across stained lips as his fingers twitch in time with the incantation that falls unheard from his mouth.
You feel a flush of arousal run through you and Jongin quirks an eyebrow as the softest of moans fall of your lips and your cheeks flush pink. You swallow and clench your legs together, trying to calmly place your bookmark in your book and put it on your nightstand; Jongin notices your behaviour and there’s this strange feeling that courses through him in response to seeing you aroused. Walking slowly towards your bed, Jongin begins to peel off his jacket and drops it to the floor while you shift to put your back more firmly against the headboard.
You hear him before you realise his presence in the room, the bed dipping next to you as Kai’s weight is placed upon it and Jongin is half-way from pulling his shirt off when you gasp in shock. “Now, now brother, don’t stop, I was just enjoying the show,” Kai waves his hand in Jongin’s direction when Jongin opts to leave the shirt on, “the Queen wants to see what’s underneath all those layers,” he tilts his head towards you, not taking his eyes of Jongin, “don’t you?”
“Don’t talk to her,” Jongin spits out, reaching for his gun but with the flick of the wrist, the object is thrown across the room.
Clicking his tongue, Kai shakes his head and sits up, hanging his long legs over the side of the bed; he walks towards Jongin with a twisted smirk and you blink several times to make sure you aren’t seeing things. Jongin stares coldly at the smug man next to him, his black hair pushed out of his face while his chocolate brown eyes are narrowed. Kai’s hair is a dark green, hanging in his eyes that are focused on you; one is blue while the other is white and the way he looks at you sends a shiver down your spine.
He’s eyeing you like a toy he wants to play with.
Their skin tone is a soft caramel, strong jawlines and you could swear that when Jongin was created, the Gods made Kai in his image - or was it the other way around? You aren’t sure but all you know that there are such small differences in their appearance that if Kai had black hair and brown eyes, you might not be able to tell the difference. “She’s figuring it out~” Kai sings as your eyes widen in realisation, “there we go, the Queen is as smart as she is beautiful.”
“Twins?" Jongin looks away, ashamed of his dirty secret being exposed but the grin on Kai’s face grows into a Cheshire Cat smile.
Stepping forward, Kai lifts a hand and a ruby necklace appears in the palm, “twins, two halves of a whole - we are estranged but dear brother knows that we are connected, therefore we are yours.” You don't understand what he's talking about but you don't have time to ask when Kai trails a finger down your cheek and you whimper at his touch. The sound you make causes Jongin to jump into action and he pulls Kai away from you but not before Kai places the necklace on you. “You have always like secrets, Jonginnie, but you can't hide anything from me and you shouldn't hide such truths from our Queen.”
“I swear to God, Kai…” Jongin growls but Kai just shrugs, obviously not worried about the threat as he pushes past Jongin to move back to your side. 
Kai seems to be quite at home, he unbuckles the strap that keeps his shirt on his body and removes the yellow and black leather crop top. You can't help but marvel at the full view of his body, the crop top allowed you a nice view of his toned abdomen but something about seeing all the muscles that he has underneath the minimal material adds to the already insane thoughts running through your mind. You can't stop thinking about how he would taste, how his skin would feel under your fingertips, what beautiful sounds those plump lips would release, how his scent would stain your bedsheets for the following days, but better yet - if Jongin looks the same underneath his uniform.
“What he feels, I feel,” Kai climbs onto the bed, Jongin seemingly unable to move from his spot as he struggles to get to you. A dark chuckle escapes Kai's lips when he sees your eyes fall on your guard, “I'm just making sure he won’t spoil the fun, I'll let him join when I'm sure he will play along.” He hovers over you and steals your attention by gripping your chin, “now, let’s see how well you behave.”
The kiss is predictably rough but it doesn’t stop the moan that you release when he bites your lip before sucking on it, he growls when your fingers creep up the back of his neck and Kai rests his body against yours while deepening the kiss. He steals your breath away, literally, but something about how his tongue dances along with yours makes you not want to pull away; a groan from somewhere in the room is the reason Kai pulls away with an amused grin. Jongin grits his teeth, fists clenched by his sides as he watches with dark eyes and you can see that he’s beginning to feel the arousal that Kai feels.
Kai hums, looking between you and Jongin before snapping his fingers and allowing Jongin to walk towards the bed, “play nicely, brother, otherwise I’ll put you in a chair and make you watch.” Kai licks his red-stained lips as he sits back on his ankles and pops open the button to his pants.
“Jong-” you’re cut off when Jongin captures your lips with his plump, bitten lips, it’s a softer kiss than the one you had with Kai. While Kai’s kiss seemed to be purely carnal, Jongin’s kiss is almost loving and desperate; he needs you to survive, your breath is the air he needs to breathe and Jongin cups your cheeks carefully in his hands as he encourages you into a sitting position.
Your hands are tugging at his shirt and Jongin obliges by pulling away and quickly disposing of the black shirt while you lick your lips and look between the two men. Kai is still sat on the bed, watching you with an unreadable expression while Jongin stands next to you with an undeniable look of arousal in his eyes. “This isn’t what I wanted our first time together to be like,” Jongin speaks lowly, caressing your cheek while Kai pulls the blankets away from your body, “I wanted a little more… romance and I would have given it to you if he hadn’t shown up.”
“Ha,” Kai runs large hands up and down your legs, pushing your nightgown up every time, “look at her, Jonginnie, our sweet Queen isn’t as innocent as you like to pretend,” a blush spreads down your neck as Kai slides his hands down your inner thighs and you subtly spread your legs to allow him more access. “She’s loving this. Now, let’s get this out of the way,” he pushes your nightgown up and you lift your hips to allow him to move it over your body but it’s Jongin who tugs it over your head.
Your breasts are bare, nipples hardening as they are met with the cool night air, but you wear a pair of red lace panties and Jongin groans at the sight of them, his cock reacting in kind to such a sinful, forbidden sight. “Take off your pants,” you command, looking at Jongin and the fact that his hands respond immediately, playing with the buckle of his belt, makes you feel powerful knowing you still have this power over him, even in the bedroom. Your eyes meet Kai’s as he practically bounces in his spot on the bed; there’s this moment where you don’t know where you stand with him, Jongin has to obey you but Kai is a wild card, seemingly ready to control and please. “Hurry up,” you try your luck, using a slightly harsher tone with the sorcerer.
“As the Queen wishes,” he makes more of a show than Jongin, slowly peeling the shiny leather pants off his long legs while maintaining eye contact. Your guard seems to whine at the lack of attention as he stands by your side, stroking his growing erection. Licking your lips, you look up at Jongin and indicate for him to come closer, replacing his hand with your own and guiding him between your waiting lips; Jongin groans deeply as you run the flat of your tongue along the protruding vein before releasing him and giving the tip a kiss.
As you continue to tease Jongin’s cock, Kai hooks two fingers on either side of your panties and drags the fabric down your legs before spreading your legs open. He shivers when you engulf Jongin’s cock, his own hard member sensitive from the sensation despite not being touched. Your core is slick, juices pooled and ready for his tongue to taste; the moan you release around Jongin’s cock has him moaning as he gives you sweet kitten licks before pressing the tip of his tongue against your clit and circling the hard nub.
It’s a sight to see, the Queen of the kingdom with a green-haired sorcerer between her legs while she sucks greedily on his estranged twin brother’s cock, her guard’s cock.
Jongin can almost taste you on his tongue, he may not be the one eating you out but the sounds that Kai makes mixed with the sweetness that pools in his saliva, he just knows that you’d be a treat – treat he’ll allow himself to indulge in more often. “Fuck,” you yell out around Jongin’s cock when Kai slides two fingers into your core to bring you closer to the orgasm that’s achingly close. One hand leaves Jongin’s hips to tangle in Kai’s hair while Jongin decides to take over and fuck your mouth as he can feel that he’s about to explode soon.
He grunts, hips stuttering as a new sensation is added to his highly sensitive cock and he realises Kai has begun to stroke his neglected member with his free hand. Kai’s mixed coloured eyes seem to narrow in amusement as he watches Jongin bite his lip before watching your face as you scrunch your eyes when your climax finally hits you and you begin to ride Kai’s tongue until the wave passes. Both men let out a deep groan, Jongin cumming in your mouth while Kai sits up to finish on your still clenching pussy.
Swallowing Jongin’s seed, you try and catch your breath before looking between the two men, “well, that was something.”
“You think it’s over?” Kai spreads his spilt seed over your lower lips before pushing his coated fingers into your still sensitive core.
Jongin encourages you to move over, Kai shuffling along while still slowly preparing you for round two, “my Queen, we’ve only just started.” Clearing his throat, Kai raises his eyebrow before Jongin lets out a sound of acknowledgement, “sorry, I meant our Queen.”
Chuckling, Kai pulls his fingers out, much to your quiet protest, and holds them out for Jongin to suck on. “There we go, now you’re playing along.”
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saokpe · 4 years
HDLW Sibling Week 2020 - Day 2: Pillow Fort
More siblings! I’ve always wanted to write a political drama, glad I was able to fit it in. Enjoy!
Comfortable Negotiations
The synchronized steps, bouncing across the overwhelmingly muffled walls of the McDuck Manor, follow the figures of an arrogantly joyful Louie Duck and a stoically serious Huey Duck. Their trenches lead them to one of the few areas of the house yet to fall victim to the rampant colonialism these shrewd visionaries spear head, a solitary wooden desk, two equally simple chairs stationed on both sides. They take their seats.
“Hubert Duck, President of Pillowvile.” The hoodie wearing triplet acknowledges. 
“Llewellyn Duck, holder of the title of Current and Forever After Ruler of Cushion Island.” Huey responds. “How have you and your partner’s endeavours fared following your sudden departure from Pillowvile? A severing I did very little to oppose, might I add.”
  “Yes, very little.” Louie’s previous smile turns into an almost sarcastic imitation of thoughtfulness. “Well it seems that my business partner’s ingenuity and my business savviness has brought us quite a bit of success, as clear when you compare our charts here.” The confidence oozing duck raises both his arms to reveal two staunchly different pieces of cardboard. Both demonstrated crudely drawn line charts, one with an elegant example of calligraphy spelling out Cushion Island while the other, spelling Pillowvile, could be described as anything but. The former diagram demonstrated a staunch uptick following a point labelled “When we got smarter and left Pillowvile.” The former followed a similar pattern, the line taking a steep dive after a period called “Our smarter halves leave Pillowvile.”
“Uhm…” The self-appointed president of Pillowvile attempts to assess the borderline illegible data. “Very… interesting. But, you can’t run a country like a business dear sibling of mine, way more goes into it.”
“Yet you’ve called ME to discuss negotiations.”
Huey bites his lip, the concise retort robbing him of his high ground. “Well, I wanted to talk to both of Cushion Island’s political powers, yet I see only one.”
“You seem one partner short as well.” Louie correctly assesses. 
“Dewford had other businesses to attend to.”
“I’m sure he does.” A grin carves itself forcefully onto a self-assured Louie. “So what did you want to discuss?”
“Well I thought-”
“Pfft- Sorry I just can’t keep it a secret!” The previously reserved negotiator bursts, his body slamming and rolling as his lung expands into a chuckle, “We caught Dewey sneaking through our blueprints, Webby’s currently trying to get a confession from him. I was supposed to lead you on for a cooler reveal but it’s just TOO funny!” He continues between his glee infused snorts.
“Oh…” Huey attempts to speak, left paralyzed in his brothers all consuming laughter.
“You better start talking unless you want to go on another trip into Mr. Cuddles’s play place!” A high pitched demand pierces. 
Dewey hung from a collection of patched together blankets, one end tied tightly on his ankle and the other on the insurmountably tall ceiling of this pillow comprised room. Poorly lit and suffocatingly warm and dry, the restrained friend cackles and hacks, coughing wildly as the rope pulled tighter on his body. His feathers filled with lint and tangled plushies, all courtesy of the deep and dark alleyways of the play place. A pool of dolls and toys which hide their bloodlust in their disarmingly soft fur.
“NO! NO! PLEASE, I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO MR. CUDDLES ANYMORE!” The prisoner whines wildly. 
“Are you sure? Cause he sure wants to talk to you!” Webby, her expression contorted with malice, drops her prey closer to the pit. 
For a second the tensed and thick air is complemented with horrid silence. But slowly and surely the rope is reeled back higher. 
“Man I’m good at this job.” Webby congratulates herself.
In between his terrified gasps for air, Dewey is able to speak, “I don’t remember exactly what I came here to do, but if you give me my phone I can read off what Huey wanted me to do.”
“Hmm…” The prison guard contemplates the statement a bit longer. “Yeah that seems believable. Here you go.” The girl chipperly walks to the hanging duck, allowing him to clutch the device before retreating. 
“Thanks.” Still hanging upside down, Dewford lets the bright light of his electronic’s screen envelop him, slamming his finger across it until opening the previous chat log he had shared with Huey. He scans through it, reading the last message. “Did u find the weak point? Waiting for your signal” Dewey sighs as the options placed before him thin out. Without thinking, the cornered duck types as fast and haphazardly as someone could, sending the following message: “THE STRINGS BEEN TIED, DO IT, DO IT!” Just as his thumb forces send, his body clutches, his eyes slamming shut waiting for the sudden impacts and his inevitable fall into the pit. Instead, the shime of a new message received echoes.
“What was that?” Webby notices, a particular doll turning in her hand, causing the tied duck to flinch.
Panic stabs through the already hindered operative, his eyes darting to the message which oh so terribly inconvenienced him. “You’re still inside, the plan was for you to escape.” 
“It looks like you DO want to spend more time with Mr. Cuddles!” The threat curses with the power of a million witches.
“DO IT NOW, JUST DO IT NOW!” The message sends in the moment of panic, his finger pushing over the final button just as it’s stolen from his hand by a ravenous Webbigail. 
A moment of anticipation follows as the messages are read back to Webby’s unknowing eyes. Them widening in horror as the realization washes her.
“You deal with him Mr. Cuddles! I have to go!” She hardly finishes her sentences as her feet trail off.
A notification rings across Huey’s phone, his body still stunned from the sudden reveal his youngest triplet cast over him.
“I mean, I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to replicate Cushion Island, it’s perhaps the most perfect pillow fort ever created.” Another, of the plentiful, boasts Louie has thrown in the last couple minutes. “I mean look at it.” He directs attention behind him, walls upon walls of multi-colored furniture and cushions hoard the view. The wooden walls that previously housed now rest infected by the stuffing of these misused decorations. 
During the monologue, Huey lends a peek at the message Dewey had left for him. Dread befalls the brother, all of his soul used to avoid any sorrow. “You’re the bravest man I know, Dewford.” He whispers.
“What was that?”
Hubert readies his left arm, an arm which had yet to be seen by anyone since arrival. He sighs. “You say that Cushion Island is perfect?”
“As perfect as they come… why?” The creeping suspicion the question arises prevents any hubris.
“I ask because you and Webby actually left your blueprints back in Pillowville, and I wouldn’t really call it perfect.”
The snarky response Louie had planned catches itself at his throat, a worried gulp tossing it back under.
“There was a little design flaw I doubt you knew about in your infrastructure. Poor Webby had a tall order building the whole pillow fort by herself. Especially when you left such a glaring issue in the foundation. All of Cushion Island is being supported by a single sofa cushion.” Huey raises his right hand, revealing a beautifully drawn blueprint, a red circle signalling the sad truth that, yes, one cushion balanced the whole country wide fort. “You’re a shrewd businessman, sure, but when it comes to ruling a country…” Huey finally raises the elusive left hand, clutched between his fingers was the end of an elongated piece of string. “-you need a little bit more.”
A combination of shock and hatred form in the previously egocentric Llewellyn, that manic gaze following the string which, as he feared, led directly into his beautiful Cushion Island. Additionally, as he stares bitterly to the entrance of his magnum opus, the distant figure of his business partner runs frantically towards him. Her arms flail as she attempts to catch the attention of Louie, who already knew it was too late. 
“FOR PILLOWVILLE!” Huey screeches as he pulls the string, the movement creating an orchestra of falling pillows and walls. Destruction as far as the eye could see, pain resonating in the echoing screams of those that lived in its warm housing. A domino effect of crumbling dreams and desires. As the final blanket floats over, Louie crumbles to his knees. 
Pity does enter the victor’s heart, his body moving in satisfied strides towards his grovelling competitor. Huey lays his hand over his fallen brethren. “May this be a warning to all others who dare defy the power of Pillowville.”
Louie stares back towards him before solemnly returning his view to the ground that used to house his home. “I spent my whole allowance building that.”
“In war we all lose.”
Huey’s illustrious Pilloville was soon discredited and destroyed as punishment for its president’s multiple breaches of the Geneva Conventions. 
 His second in command, Dewey Duck, was eventually found retreating in the remains of Cushion Island, hiding in the rubble. When asked on the matter, the former ruler informed our reporter that he was fleeing from one “Mr. Cuddles.” This figure has yet to be found.
When asked about the demolition of what he had previously called “the love of his life,” Louie inquired “The what?”
 Webbigail, the labeled business partner of Llewellyn Duck, has since been spotted waterboarding various stuffed animals. Some theorize she is training for something bigger. 
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
Just A Phone Call Away Ch. 5 (A McHanzo Au)
Chapter 5: Throwing Caution to the Wind
(this is the second attempt at this. The original chapter, which had been on my patreon the past week , was lost on my computer. I'm sorry for the differences to anyone who had read the other one)
Hanzo was in a bit of a daze as he stepped into the bar, a soft flush covering his cheeks. Jesse had kissed him in such a way and then had left with just a wink. He hadn't even bothered to comment on what had happened at all.
The man was killing him here. He was teasing him but making it so that every choice that was made was Hanzo's. He never expected this or these sort of feelings to surface ever again when he had hired Jesse to come with him to this wedding. He had just expected something completely different, someone who wouldn't really talk to him when they weren't with anyone else. A stone cold face as it was a job to do.
But he had gotten Jesse.
Noticing his daze Sombra approached, pushing a drink into his hand. “Looks like someone got some nookie before he came over. Was it really that good?”
“It's not like that,” Hanzo said with a roll of his eyes as he approached his brother and took a sip of his drink. “He just dropped me off.”
A lie. He should be taking a tally of how many he would tell throughout the whole time that he was going to be there.
“Riiiiight,” Sombra said with a laugh, leaning back against the bar and popping some food into her mouth. The rest of the guests were going to be there soon and surely then the night would pick up for his brother.
Hanzo chuckled, taking a sip. Maybe just this one night he could let his mind actually dive into the thought of having a relationship in reality.
He had to be careful though. He didn't want to go too deep into it or he might end up doing something that he might regret.
“I'm serious Hanzo. You should just thank like whatever higher power is up there with a fruit basket or something for sending such a hunk,” Sombra added.
Genji snorted softly, nearly choking on his drink, Hanzo lightly smacking his back to make sure he didn't end up actually choking.
The night was going off with a hitch, everyone, especially Genji, getting especially hammered with the amount of alcohol in their systems.
Hanzo came staggering to the bar, looking to get some food or water to sober up a little bit when he gazed at the bartender. He looked rather familiar.
“Jamison?” he asked surprised.
“Well if it isn't my favorite Shimada,” Jamison said with a loud laugh, leaning over as Hanzo reached out to hug him.
“How long as it been my old friend? Several years?” Hanzo asked.
“I would say so. What have you been up to?”
At that moment Genji came over, looping his arm around Hanzo's neck and drunkenly leaning against his brother.
“Did he tell you he stopped talking to you because you lost your arm?” Genji slurred his words which caused Hanzo to shove him off.
“Don't listen to him. He's very drunk,” Hanzo said with a frown. “I would never have done that to someone.”
Well that had sobered him up a bit.
Jamison shrugged. “People grow apart over time. At the time that it happened you had gotten accepted in a different bunch of classes. People tend to drift apart. It happens.” “Yep, he got the best classes, best people...” Genji mumbled, grabbing Hanzo's cheeks who rose a brow at him.
Within the blink of an eye Genji had his arms around Hanzo's neck in a rather odd kind of something similar to a bear hug.
“I know we grew apart for such a long time Hanzo, but you're still family, my brother. I never want that to happen again.”
Slowly he pulled back, staring at him a moment. Hanzo sighed, looking to Jamison for any sort of help he could get.
“Could you get him something to help him?” he asked him. The man nodded, grabbing some pretzels and passing them to him.
“Here, eat these,” Hanzo offered.
Genji shook his head. “I can't do this...”
“Do this? Genji it's to help your drinking-” “No, the wedding.”
Hanzo frowned a bit. “What the hell are you talking about? I thought you and Angela worked really well together.”
Genji was silent a moment, confusion written all over his face, the music picking up then. A large smile grew across his face and he started to dance around, ignoring Hanzo's words.
Hanzo staggered out of the limo, nearly forgetting his seat belt as he rose from his seat. His wallet in hand he stepped further away, going for the one thing he wanted.
The atm machine.
He couldn't stop thinking about Jesse the whole night. With each drink that passed his lips the more he couldn't stop. He wanted more from that kiss as well.
There was only one way to get some more from him and that was to do exactly what he was attempting to do.
Get to the machine and get more money to pay him to sleep with him. He couldn't help himself. He had already spent so much money that some more didn't seem to phase him. At least for the moment. When he was sober it would mean a lot to him and his wallet.
As best as his hands could with his swimming vision he stuck his first card into the machine, punching in the maximum amount and waited for the cash to print.
Laughter erupted from the limo and he waved his hand as the others laughed out the door at him, not having a clue as to why he needed money.
Nor why he needed so much of it.
Several cards used later Hanzo staggered back to the limo, Sombra slipping out of it with a fit of giggles erupting from her.
“See you tomorrow. Go get some from J, huh?” she teased, having no idea just how right she really was.
She turned to the limo again  as Hanzo climbed in with his wad of cash. “Gentlemen, that was an amazing night! Let's do it again sometime!”
The men cheered to her as she stumbled away, the limo pulling from the spot and heading back to the designated areas.
Through the drive Hanzo and Genji poked the top halves of their body out of the top of the limo window, throwing their arms up in the air as the wind whipped past their faces.
“I'm getting married!” Genji yelled out loudly to the unknown passerby walking on the streets nearby as they passed. A group of girls cheered back to him.
Hanzo threw his arm around Genji, pulling him close and giving his younger brother a rub on the head with his knuckles.
Genji laughed loudly, shoving his brother away with a laugh of his own.
This was what Hanzo missed and this was something that he would remember the next morning after he woke up with a for sure hang over.
He missed the closeness with his brother. Maybe after this whole thing he could try contacting his family again.
He could try to have that courage to take that step forward and make that connection with them once more.
The two of them stumbled into the house, nearly laughing hard when they did. Hanzo shushed his brother, shoving him towards the stairs so that he could go to bed.
“Don't be too loud,” Genjiy teased, earning a paper towel roll being thrown at his head. Did everyone know what he was going to do?
Perhaps he had told them what he had been planning. He hoped he hadn't mentioned the money to them as well.
Going to the fridge he got himself a cold glass of water, sipping on it carefully as he let his thoughts wander. He wanted to be at least a little more sober than he was when he did this. He wanted to try to remember this moment as well.
It took a few moments but he decided to step forward and he head upstairs to the room that he was sharing with Jesse.
There the man lay, bare chest with a book in his lap as he slept on the bed. He looked so handsome even in his sleep. Hanzo was tempted to just start on his own. But he wanted him awake for this. He wanted to make sure that he was.
Plus it wasn't right to try to do that with a sleeping person.
Grasping his shoulder he shook him lightly. “Jesse...” he mumbled, hoping he would wake up before he passed out himself.
The night's events were starting to catch up with him but he wanted to do this before his sober brain caught up to what he was doing.
Jesse opened his eyes, looking right up at him out of confusion at first but then sat up a little bit, wondering why he had woke him up.
“Something wrong?” he asked, tossing the book to the side. Hanzo shook his head, taking both of his hands and pulling him from the bed.
Jesse remained silent as he followed after him out of the room and back down to the kitchen. There he grabbed the car keys they had used earlier that day and then pulled him out of the house to said car in the parking lot.
“What's on your mind Hanzo?” Jesse chuckled, already able to see where this was going as the door was unlocked for him. He didn't hesitate to climb in the car, Hanzo climbing into the back right with him.
In doing so however he fell into the car with a loud laugh.
It was certainly true that Hanzo was drunk during this time. Jesse was a bit unsure of what he should be ding. He knew he had told him what would happen if he wanted to be physical but a part of him didn't dare remind him.
He was also very drunk and he felt like he would be taking advantage of something if he let this continue the way it was going.
Though Hanzo had come onto him. It wouldn't be right to tell him he had to pay in order to get into his boxer shorts.
His thoughts halted as Hanzo's fit of giggles died down and he approached slowly, his hands already pulling off the vest that he wore.
“I haven't stopped thinking about you all day,” he mumbled, his hand resting on Jesse's chest and pushed him down to lay on his back. He straddled his waist, his hands pulling open the buttons of his shirt and tossing it off to the front seat.
“That kiss drove me crazy,” he mumbled, leaning down towards him.
Jesse parted his lips to reply but stopped as he felt Hanzo kiss him. He let out a small sigh, resting his hands against his waist as he kissed him just like he had earlier that day.
A kiss that would take his breath away.
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pettybkang · 6 years
Group: Day6. 
Pairing: Y/N + Youngk.
Genre: Soulmate!AU. 
Word count: 12k+
Description: Having a soulmate is such a wild concept. Some believe it’s because true love is what makes the world work, some believe it’s a curse that has been thrown upon us by the Greeks and their concept of love and some just want to enjoy the ride. There are some people that decide to ignore the fact that someone is on the other side of the line and some that search for the other half for years and years, never to be found. The world is so big, isn’t it? It also wouldn’t be nice enough to place all soulmates in the same city, would it?
Having a soulmate is such a wild concept.
Some believe it’s because true love is what makes the world work, some believe it’s a curse that has been thrown upon us by the Greeks and their concept of love and some just want to enjoy the ride. There are some people that decide to ignore the fact that someone is on the other side of the line and some that search for the other half for years and years, never to be found. The world is so big, isn’t it? It also wouldn’t be nice enough to place all soulmates in the same city, would it?
While ignoring a soulmate can be hard, some people try their best. You see, people find their soulmates through scars. It’s intimate, it tells a story, it connects people, it’s also a way to remember dates. Whenever one of the halves gets hurt, the other feels an annoying pinch wherever it was that the first one felt. As soon as it scars, the soulmate will end up with the same scar on their body: being it a straight thin line or something else.
Some people end up hurting themselves, trying to make their scars more visible so they can find their soulmates easily. Some take as much care as necessary to not hurt the other. Some end up forgetting there are people on the other side of the line.
Y/N for example, had a very fun childhood. She would run up and down, clueless to the fact that someone could be feeling several pinches during the day on the other side of the line. It was only after her third time on the hospital to get stitches that her mother explained the whole concept to her. It didn’t change much, nowadays the only thing that’s different is that fact that the girl apologizes to the universe whenever she cuts her fingers on something - which happens a lot.
Alice still has doubts about the whole concept of other people feeling pain. Yes, she has been awaken by sudden pinches to her body several times. Yes, she has tiny marks from tiny cuts all over. And yes, her soulmate might as well be the clumsiest person she has ever heard about. But at the same time, what if he’s a gangster from New Orleans who’s been held at knife point way more than once? What if he’s sick and these are all needles? They don’t tell you who the other person is. All you have to do is feel, wait and hope.
They are roommates, living in Los Angeles for three years now. And even though they are friends and live together, they barely see each other. Y/N is in college, studying to be something according to society - aerospace engineer according to her degree. And Alice is studying the fine arts - more especially dance itself. No one knows how they ended up being roommates, the good thing is that it works.
 It was Monday morning and it was summer. If there’s one thing Y/N hates about going back to class after summer break is the fact that Los Angeles burns during the summer. No amount of sunscreen, water or iced tea is enough to make the heat go away. And of course she was running late. 
[10:05 AM] idk?? i’m pretty sure sungjin knows tho. he’s more involved in the art scene than i am. how the hell don’t you know? -Y/N
Y/N was trying to walk, type and finish her tea all at once. It was obviously not working as she now had yet another bruise on her knee. But then again, was it her fault that Alice had lost the number from the art department who had the number from the gallery she had already lost? Maybe. But still.
[10:05 AM] Then text him! He’s your brother, not mine! I need the number. My professor said today is the last day to apply for their showcase and I can’t miss it. Everyone is going to be there! - AP
[10:06 AM] i don’t think he’s awake but sure. i think his band had a concert or whatever yesterday? -Y/N
[10:07 AM] What name are they using now? 5LIVE? -AP
[10:10 AM] fuck i think i’m gonna be super late. -Y/N [10:10 AM] and no, they dropped that one. too boy band-y. they’re called day6 now. -Y/N 
[10:13 AM] Aren’t there five people only tho? -AP
[10:14 AM] last time i checked, sungjin was the only real person in the band tbh. he’s my brother, i’m allowed to say that - Y/N
[10:15 AM] okay! i gtg. i have this class now, horrible, full of math. i’ll txt him and get you the number asap, kay? sorry i spilled coffee all over the kitchen table. xx -Y/N
She wasn’t sure why this showcase was so important for the people around her - both her roommate and her brother were going insane because of it. Apparently someone important would be watching and they had to be there. It was only when she was walking into class that she felt a pinch right on the middle of her hand, biting on her lower lip. “Well, I’m sorry, okay? I was in a hurry,” she said quietly, as if the person had been giving her a warning about the scraped knee. Y/N rolled her eyes and walked into the class, ready to start the semester again.
  Alice had just woken up, texting her roommate about the number she had spilled coffee over a couple weeks ago. This showcase could make her career way easier since several important people from Los Angeles would be watching. UCLA would very often hold them and only the luckiest and best students would be selected to actually participate - anyone could apply, but only a few would be under the spotlight. 
She knew about Y/N’s brother and his band - which is now called Day6 apparently - and some other people from her classes were all applying too. Her professors had all told her she had a chance at being chosen, which was always a great boost. But she had lost the phone number and now she had no clue who she should send the forms to. It wasn’t as if she would have called them if she had the number a few days ago, but of course she decided to leave it all for the last minute, lost the number, would never get an e-mail response on time and would have to walk all the way to the administration building. That is, of course, if Y/N can’t get the number from her brother.
She knew the girl would probably turn off her phone during class, so she moved to be ready when her class is over. Alice took a shower, made breakfast, managed to burn her finger on the pan she was making pancakes. This definitely wasn’t her lucky day. She was so used to being the one on the receiving end of those annoying pinches that she didn’t even noticed she had hurt herself and it would probably leave an annoying scar. Was it a gangster that felt it? And thought that maybe she hurt her finger chopping someone’s body? Does her soulmate think she’s a criminal too?
The girl shook her head. Better leave all the soulmate thoughts for later. Now she had to focus on how to get her application forms to the gallery holding the showcase on time. The same forms she still didn’t have… because she had lost the phone number. She was going to kill Y/N.
  Sungjin had managed to gather new people for his band a couple months ago. He has been trying to be the leader of a band for years now, but this is the only formation that managed to stay together for longer than a month. He hasn’t even invited his sister to know the guys because he knows she just won’t show up - maybe she was forced to meet all the other twelve people he tried to have a band with and has given up on him by now.
Jae, Brian, Wonpil, Dowoon and Sungjin are Day6. The band that originally had six members, but went down to five and decided to stick to the name - they already had posters and t-shirts made, they couldn’t just make new ones with a new name.
They were rehearsing that morning when Brian felt a weird pinch on his knee, making him look down and roll his eyes. Every single day he would feel pain somewhere because of his soulmate. The person that knows no balance apparently and likes paper cuts. There’s no other explanation for how many times his knees hurt a day or his fingers. He waited until the song was done to grab his pick and press it as hard as possible against his palm - watch out! there’s someone else here, dammit! - he wanted to tell this person. He hoped they would get it.
Wonpil didn’t notice the pain on his finger - number one: because he had most of them on band-aids already. Number two: because he was in the middle of a song, playing his keyboard and it was almost impossible to distract him from that. Number three: This just couldn’t be his soulmate, whoever they might be. Wonpil is the only one getting hurt because of how clumsy he is. He might have pressed too hard on a key, that’s all.
The other boys around them didn’t notice the other two ‘interacting’ with their soulmates, too busy rehearsing and learning all the new songs they had to. JYP would be at the showcase and they had an awesome chance to become something if the producer liked their vibe and their music - both Jae and Sungjin wouldn’t let the other three forget about the record deal they were dreaming about 24/7.
  [12:01 PM] Sungjin!!! Do you have the number from that gallery? Alice needs it. I kinda spilled coffee on the paper she had written it. -Y/N [12:01 PM] I’m serious. Send me the number. -Y/N [12:01 PM] She’s going to murder me. -Y/N [12:03 PM] Is this your way of shoving in my face that I was adopted?? -Y/N
[12:04 PM] What the hell, Y/N? -PS
[12:04 PM] Great. Now you’re paying attention. -Y/N [12:04 PM] The number? From the gallery? Please? -Y/N
[12:05 PM] You don’t get to play the adopted card every time you need something! -PS 
[12:06 PM] You’re the worst sister I could have asked for. -PS [12:06 PM] [Gallery Contact Attached] -PS 
[12:06 PM] Funny thing is: you helped mom and dad pick me. -Y/N [12:06 PM] Think about that. -Y/N
[12:07 PM] I hate you. -PS
Y/N quickly texted Alice the number and moved to get lunch. She usually would walk all the way to the arts building to meet up with Alice, but her friend was too busy running around to finish her application for the showcase so all she did was walk to the restaurant she knew her brother and his band would have lunch at: McDonald’s. She knew Alice would judge her based on the diet they had been leading on for the past weeks: healthy and energetic, everything that would help Alice get her dance steps sharper, but she had no choice.
Sungjin saw his sister the moment she walked in, making a face at her and gesturing for her to join them. Y/N ordered her usual and then made her way towards the boys with her food. She doesn’t know them well yet - and might be afraid too since Sungjin’s bands never really last long - but she smiled and waved hello.
“How are you guys doing? I heard you finally decided on the songs for the showcase?” she asked with a smile and a boy - Jae? - answered way faster than her own brother.
“Yeah, we’re doing Congratulations and I Loved You,” he said with a big smile, moving his hands way too much as he spoke.
“Congratulations is the one I heard you guys playing last time, right?” Y/N smiled, stealing fries from his brother and showing him the tongue. “It’s a very good one. The lyrics are incredibly petty. Definitely one of my faves.”
She shrugged, making this other boy - Wonpil? - laugh and hit his knee on the table. It looked like the boy was definitely a horrible soulmate - maybe just as bad as her when it came to injuring themselves all the time.
“I wrote it,” Brian said, not smiling but making a face. “The chorus is about, you know…” he said, shrugging and then rolling his eyes. Y/N kept looking at him, waiting for him to finish the sentence and shrugging too when he didn’t.
“Sure, I know,” she said, making a face at Jae and Sungjin then and focusing on eating her food. Brian wanted to say the song was about his soulmate - at least the chorus - and the fact that what the fuck? this person is definitely unbelievable. But he decided to be quiet about it, maybe Y/N was one of those people who believed in soulmates way too much. Her brother definitely was. Sungjin has been looking for his other half for years now - Y/N is 100% sure it’s a girl from her calculus class, they have the same scar on their shoulder, but she’s not going to be the one telling him.
Alice ended up texting Y/N for them to meet up for lunch after she was done with her forms, but Y/N only texted back the address to the restaurant she was at. A couple minutes later a very annoyed Alice walked into the room - the table was actually full of ice cream, Y/N had bought her one. And was holding it up for the older one to get it.
“I hate you,” she said, rolling her eyes and squeezing herself into the seat next to her friend. Then she looked around, waving hello to the band.
“That’s the second time someone has told me that today, I’m starting to notice a pattern. All my friends hate me,” Y/N shrugged, shoving ice cream into her mouth to not say anything else. And, of course, enjoy her dessert 
“Okay, so here’s the thing. I managed to fill in the applications. Turns out the gallery is not as far from our apartment as I imagined. I managed to call and tell the lady I was on my way. The moment I got there, I felt this weird pain on my knee,” she said, shrugging.
“I know the feeling,” Brian said quietly from the other side of the table, making Y/N shush him and wave for Alice to continue.
“I’m sure they’re only considering my application because the woman felt sorry for me. I mean, soulmates, right? There’s nothing we can do,” she said, shrugging. “My criminal of a soulmate must have gotten stabbed on the knee today,” she added then, making everyone laugh. No one noticed how red Wonpil’s cheeks got.
“You think your soulmate is a criminal?” Brian asked, laughing and rolling his eyes. Y/N felt like throwing her own cup of ice cream on his face so he would shut up. Why did her brother always get the most annoying band mates.
“It’s obviously a joke. He just gets hurt a lot I guess,” she shrugged, taking a bite from her own ice cream, staring at Brian with a very bored expression.
“Yeah, well. I call mine an asshole for getting hurt a lot, not a criminal,” Brian added, making most people roll their eyes.
“That’s because you have as much warmth in your heart as this ice cream does,” Jae said, eyeing Brian and making the rest of the people laugh. “Honestly though, soulmates are such a distant concept… No offense, Dowoon. But come on? How do we know for sure they’re not living in, I don’t know, China?”
“Exactly!” Y/N said, rolling her eyes and finishing her ice cream. “There’s no point in living wrapped in bubble wrap,” she shrugged and poked Alice on the side so the other would stand up. “I gotta go, kinda have classes now,” she waved at the boys - and even at grumpy!Brian - and hugged her brother.
Both girls ended up leaving the place to go to their afternoon classes. Y/N ended up asking Alice about the routine she had prepared for the showcase, in case she was selected, and the other started explaining it in words that made zero to no sense to the soon to be engineer.
  Preparing for the showcase was chaos.
It was literal chaos.
A week after the forms had been delivered, the result came out. Both Alice and Sungjin’s band managed to get a spot. The order was comedy, musicians and then dancers. Y/N realized she would have to stay the entire night, Alice was freaking out because she would have to wait longer than expected and the boy were always bickering about chords and tunes.
The dancer was spending extra hours in the studio to rehearse. From time to time Y/N would show up with food, coffee, vitamins and even water sometimes. She was pretty much out of a roommate for two weeks - seeing Alice only late at night. The same happened to her brother and his band - Day6 was spending extra hours playing those two songs, trying to make them sound both perfect and not so perfect at the same time.
The soulmates were going insane. Alice was starting to get stressed at hers, each time she was in the middle of her choreography her hands would hurt or something else and she would end up getting distracted and then hurt herself. Not a good time for him to be chased by criminals. Wonpil on the other hand was finally noticing that he might have a real soulmate, since every single time he managed to hurt himself, he would get a reply. Something that would hurt just as much but on his knees, elbow and back even.
Brian got a break for two days and a half, but soon his asshole of a soulmate managed to hurt something again. But as rehearsing was going insane, his fingers weren’t giving his soulmate a break either. The bass can be a very cruel instrument when you don’t give yourself a  break - and the boys didn’t have time for breaks. Y/N was starting to get annoyed, not because of the pain, but she would drop things constantly because of it. Holding her phone? Sorry, can’t, fingertips hurt out of nowhere and so on.
They barely had time to meet, to talk or to be excited about the showcase. They were all too focused and determined to make a better future for themselves. To get noticed, maybe be booked, get a job, a contract even. Who knows?
When the showcase finally came, they were all tired. Exhausted even. With bag under their eyes and feeling like zombies. But the eyeliners were on point, the choreographies too and the instruments were all correctly tuned. They had practiced way too much to notice how fast the previous two weeks had passed, buzzing with coffee and anything that would give them energy to go on.
Y/N tried to take care of them all, taking food and water with her every time she managed to visit the band or the dancer but as she had her own tests and articles to read, it wasn’t as easy as she expected it to be. She managed to get the day off from her activities to go to the show case to support her friends.
“You’re going to do great,” she said, offering Alice some of her water, waving at a couple people she knew that were also at the backstage of the showcase.
“You said that eight times already. In the last hour,” Alice said, giving her friend the look as she took the water from her hands and sipped from the bottle. She ended up keeping the bottle, pressing it against her chest for a moment.
“I’m just trying to help. You’re incredible, you’re just as good as that Jimin guy we saw that other night,” Y/N pointed out, taking her phone out of her pocket to check in on her brother.
“Okay, let’s not go there. Park Jimin is my senior. We all know how great and perfect he is. You can’t just compare us,” Alice rolled her eyes at Y/N, making the younger one laugh and shrug. As if she was saying she would do as she wanted.
Y/N was allowed to stay backstage until the showcase started, just like all visitors and family. She waited until her brother showed up, moving to wrap her arms around him in a hug. Brian didn’t notice when she hit her chin on Sungjin’s shoulder, laughing and shrugging at the pain. A few seconds later, there was Brian complaining about pain on his own chin - which Y/N didn’t pay attention to. 
“I hope you guys do great today!” she said with a smile, hugging her brother one more time. And then moving on to hug Dowoon, Jae and Wonpil. They had become close since she had started visiting their rehearsals a bit more. “I promise to yell the lyrics to everything. Start some fanchants even. Day6’s number one fan,” she continued, making them laugh.
Brian was looking grumpy - as usual - but managed a smile. The others were all happy, but he looked worried. Anxious even. Y/N walked closer to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed a little. “Your petty song is the best petty song there is, alright. Whoever this JYP guy is, he better love it,” she said, giving him a smile. “Break a leg,” she winked and moved away, chuckling a little and waving to her brother. This time, he noticed when the girl almost tripped on her way out and hurt her hand on the door frame as she tried to keep her body steady. She looked back, laughed softly and waved at them. Brian was the only one stuck staring down at his own hand.
  Y/N walked out and moved to her seat, taking her phone from her pocket and opening a few apps while she waited for the showcase to start - and her friends to perform. 
On the backstage, Brian was pretty much freaking out. He was torn between concentrating for their performance and thinking about what it meant that he felt a thin cut on his palm the moment Y/N hurt her own hand at the dorm frame. It must be a coincidence, he kept thinking, but kept being reminded of all the times he saw her with batman bandaids all over, bruised knees and arms. There was also this time he caught Sungjin and Wonpil talking about feeling bad whenever their soulmates get hurt and he heard the older one talking about his sister - how she gets hurt a lot, but always say an apology to the universe every time she does it.
He didn’t want to think about the fact that he might be able to stop calling his soulmate asshole and start calling them Y/N.
Sungjin was the one to walk over and shake Brian out of the well of thoughts he had fallen into. “Whatever it is that she said, she doesn’t mean it,” he said chuckling a little. Brian looked at him with a very confused expression. “My sister. You’re staring and it looks like you ate something that, you know, tasted bad. If she said something horrible, she doesn’t mean it,” he smiled, shrugging.
“Oh. No, no, no, it’s not it,” Brian said, taking a deep breath and rolling his eyes. What an idiot. He’s such an idiot. “She was nice, she said the petty song is a good song, whatever that means,” he added, making Sungjin laugh.
“Yeah, she sucks at it,” he said, shaking his head.
Alice who had been looking for a familiar face, found the boys at that exact moment. Finding them was easy, tall guys with colorful hair, being able to handle Brian’s sour face was something else. All she did was smile, wave her way past them and walk all the way to Jae and Wonpil.
Dowoon was too busy stretching his arms and listening to music, his way of getting in the zone and relaxing before they played their music. To a producer. A very famous producer. That could like or hate them. No pressure.
 They sat down and talked, the two guys and Alice. Talked about college, shared funny stories, laughed at some people that were too busy freaking out - even though they were freaking out themselves. They stretched together when it was time too and then the boys moved to play their songs. Y/N had been texting Alice this entire time, but her friend had left her phone inside her backpack. When the speaker announced that Day6 would be the next band, the younger sister stood up and clapped. Yelled even. They deserved it after all the hard work.
Brian had vanished for an hour - while Alice, Jae and Wonpil talked - and came back even angrier than before. Sungjin was sure he had been punching walls and screaming inside empty rooms, but he decided not to say anything. The lights on the stage were bright and they could barely see the people sitting, but it was possible to hear Y/N yelling the band’s name and how much she wanted them to do well.
“Hello Los Angeles!” Sungjin said while the others got ready, giving the crowd a big smile. “We’re Day6, a pop rock band. We’re going to perform two songs for you today,” he said, chuckling a little. “I hope you guys like it and clap along,” he smiled, leaning back to grab his acoustic guitar.
“The first song is called Congratulations,” Brian said and suddenly the entire band was staring at him, but trying to play it cool. That wasn’t on the script at all. “I wrote this a while ago about my soulmate,” he continued, biting on his lower lip and adjusting the bass in front of him. “I hope she understands I still mean it,” both Jae and Sungjin stared at him again.
Brian had found his soulmate? When? Who the hell is she? Of course they wanted to ask and of course they couldn’t. They had to start the song but right before they could, it was possible to hear Y/N’s voice from the crowd. “Petty as fuck, guys!” Brian looked like he wanted to murder her for a second, before rolling his eyes and putting his game face (or show face?) on.
Sungjin counted to three and they started the song.
  During their two songs, Y/N’s fingers were killing her. So was her wrist and back. She definitely wanted to stand, to scream the lyrics and clap. Wave her arms even, but the pain was annoying. Taking the pictures she wanted to take also wasn’t happening.
Alice was watching them from the side of the stage, hidden behind curtains. She was clapping to the songs, playing attention to Jae and Wonpil - she had ended up becoming closer with the two. They both looked so happy and had such great voices. She was sure they were giving everything they had so the songs would come out perfect. 
It was during song number two that she noticed a pattern. See, here’s the thing. She always loved paying attention to people’s hands while they were playing instruments. Or in general even. And Wonpil plays the keyboard. It’s impossible for her not to stare or anything. Besides, he has a very bright red bandaid wrapped around his middle finger. Every time he pressed a key with that finger, she would feel as if someone was poking her own finger with a cloth pin. She could remember feeling something sharp pressing against her own finger that morning and now this.
Biting on her lower lip, Alice took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself. Wrong time for that gangster she had imaged show up and look like Wonpil. Cute, wearing chokers, playing the keyboard, singing about girlfriends that left and never came back. Horrible timing, terrible even.
  This showcase was already making them way more anxious than it was supposed to be. Day6 killed it on the stage, everyone cheered and clapped for them even though Y/N was the loudest and impossible to miss. The boys moved backstage as soon as the performance was done - which was the exact moment Y/N’s hands stopped hurting. They were all happy, hugging each other, laughing and smiling. Alice walked over to them to congratulate them, hugging the ones she was close to. She thought about Wonpil’s hands for a moment, but decided she didn’t have the time to worry about that now. It was almost her turn at the showcase. 
Brian vanished as soon as the hugs were done. No one knew where the hell he had gone to, but they heard him saying he needed some air. He ended up leaving his bass behind so the rest of the band figured he would be back later. They had to wait at the backstage until the showcase was done, so they all sat down and started texting Y/N - who had blow up their phones with pictures, texts and emojis.
A while later, it was Alice’s time to go on the stage. The song she had chosen was called Flame of Love and the choreography was hers. This time, her friend was quiet while watching. She was indeed just as good as that senior Y/N couldn’t remember the name now and she couldn’t take her eyes out of her friend’s dance moves. They were soft, gentle and precise. They also made the song sound way better than it did.
The boys were all watching, except for Brian who was MIA still. Jae and Sungjin were the most excited ones, gasping and smiling and cheering. Wonpil watched with a smile, standing still, arms wrapped around his body. Whoever looked from the outside could think he was standing as still as possible just to be sure he wouldn’t hit anything. It was almost instinct for him, standing still whenever he was paying too much attention to something.
When she was done, she thanked the audience and left the stage. The boys were there to hug her, smile and laugh. They all had only nice compliments to give her and Y/N was going crazy in the audience because all their phones were vibrating nonstop. Maybe she had created a new group chat. Maybe she wanted news on all of them. Maybe she was one of those very excited friends.
  They had all been invited to Alice and Y/N’s apartment when the showcase was over - the girls had stocked up on wine and beer for celebrations. They would also order some pizzas. All the Day6 guys and the girls were there.
Getting in, the first thing they noticed was the mess. You would think an apartment shared by a future engineer and a dancer would be organized since they didn’t want to hurt themselves or lose any work, right? Wrong. Their apartment is a complete mess. Y/N has formulas in post-its all over the place and Alice just leaves her mixtapes everywhere. Brian’s first thought was no wonder she gets hurt all the time, but then he shook the thought away and walked in with his sour face.
“This place is a mess,” Brian said as he sat down on the couch, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
“You are a mess, do you want the free beers or not?” Y/N said from the kitchen, grabbing the wine opener and choosing a bottle from the shelf.
“They might be poisoned since you’re not drinking it,” he said and soon everyone in the room was making a face at him, Dowoon even threw a pillow on him just so he would stop being an idiot.
“I don’t drink beer,” Y/N shrugged, turning around and running her hand over the right side of her face. The same place Brian had been hit with a pillow.
“She’s adopted, don’t mind her,” Sungjin said from the fridge, where he had been distributing all the cans of beer. In the end Jae, Wonpil, Y/N and Alice ended up with glasses of wine while Brian, Dowoon and Sungjin had their cans of beer.
They cheered together, clanking their glasses and cans and wishing each other success after the showcase. “Here’s to future contracts and lots of money!” said Jae before sipping from his glass.
When the pizza arrived, the boys offered to go pick it up. Except Wonpil - who everyone was afraid would drop the pizzas - and Brian - who was in a pissy mood and no one knew why. Y/N and Brian were left alone inside, the two sitting on the couch and ignoring each other, while Alice and Wonpil walked outside to the balcony.
“Hey, I have something to ask you,” she started, glad that the alcohol had already made its way to her brain because she would never be able to have this conversation sober.
Wonpil nodded, sipping from his wine and leaning against the cold wall of the balcony. “Sure. I mean, playing the keyboard is not as hard as I make it look like,” he joked, making the other one laugh and smile.
“It would definitely be hard for me,” she started, raising her right eyebrow but then shrugged. “But that’s not it…” she bit on her lower lip and sipped from her wine glass again. “I was wondering, and now I realize how creepy this will sound, but do you happen to have a scar that looks like a star on your thigh?” he said, twisting her nose a little. It was one of the few scars that were her fault - she had fallen on top of a bike when she was young and the star on the bike was what left a scar.
It took Wonpil a moment to think. “Oh…” he started, eyes widening and smile growing a little. “So that’s what it is, uh,” he added, chuckling a little and smiling. “I mean, I always wondered what it was…” he smiled at her, leaning his head to the side.
“I fell on a bike when I was a kid,” Alice explained, shrugging and smiling. It was easier than expected, Wonpil was such a nice person to be around - despite how clumsy he is all the time. “Sorry.”
“Oh… No, you don’t even need to say sorry,” he started, placing his free hand on her wrist, smiling at the warmth of her skin.  “I mean, I’m sure it must be annoying for you to always feel me doing stupid things,” he said, chewing on the insides of his cheeks. “I sorta need glasses?” he made a face, making Alice laugh. “I don’t wear them as you can tell,” he pointed at his face with the glass and then sipped from it.
“I’ve grown used to them… It was only annoying at the beginning and last week, during rehearsal,” she looked down at his hand on her wrist. “Oh, and I’ve thought you were a criminal for so long. I was sure you were part of the mafia or something. I mean, c’mon. Only a criminal gets to get hurt this much and still live, right?”
They talked for a few more minutes, laughing and exchanging looks. They were starting to talk about what to do from now when the pizza arrived, making Y/N cheer inside while Brian looked constipated.
With a quick look, Wonpil gestured for them to do in. And they did. Hand in hand, huge smile on their faces, each one holding a glass of while. It looked like an engagement scene from a bad movie - Jae would comment later. “Hey, guess what we just figured out!” Alice said, looking at Wonpil. “Apparently my soulmate isn’t a criminal, he’s just a clumsy keyboard player,” she shrugged, making everyone both laugh and look at them with wide eyes. There were more drinks, more toasts and even more hugs. Everyone was excited about the two, finding your soulmate is definitely something to celebrate - especially in such a huge world.
  Being happy, young and drunk has its own consequences. For Alice and Wonpil it meant sharing their first kiss while their friends whistled around them, for Jae it meant spilling wine on a white shirt and for Y/N it meant hitting her shin against the coffee table 
“Ouch… I knew we shouldn’t have bought this table,” she said, standing up and rubbing her own leg. “Sorry, bud,” she said, looking up and then shrugging, reaching for her glass of wine. Brian was frozen, staring at his own leg and having the confirmation that his soulmate was the girl right in front of him. Sungjin noticed too and was about to make a very excited comment when Brian stood up and pointed at Y/N.
“You’re the asshole!” he pretty much yelled, making everyone stop. Y/N was the last one to turn around and was surprised he was pointing at her.
“What did I do this time?” she looked confused, not realising what was going on.
“What did you do! What don’t you do? You’re always doing something. Always. You never leave me alone. Never let me have some goddamn peace and quiet!” he kept yelling, his friends still looking confused as fuck.
“Hey… Brian… I’m sure this was a misunderstanding… Y/N doesn’t even hangout with us that often…” Jae tried to help while Y/N shrugged, sipping from her glass.
“It’s not a misunderstanding. She gets hurt all the time. Everywhere. She managed at the showcase and here. Everywhere she goes, she finds a way to hurt something. Do you even know what it’s like to be on the other side of that?” everyone was quiet, looking from Y/N to Brian. And then from Alice to Wonpil - who were still holding hands, the newest couple of the group. “... And don’t you even dare say you apologize every time.”
“Well, how the fuck should I know I had such a grumpy person on the other side? I didn’t complain once during all these weeks about the fact that I couldn’t hold anything because you murdered your fingers playing bass!” Y/N started yelling back at him. “I couldn’t take a single picture today because I couldn’t hold my phone, Brian.” She quickly put the pieces together, of course it would be Brian.
“My life has been nothing but annoying because of you,” he said, rolling his eyes and sipping from his beer.
“That’s it. Fuck off. This is my house. I live here. I’m not going to sit and listen to an idiot blame me for living. I’m sorry if I was happy that a fucking family had chosen to raise me and that they let me play outside just as much as I wanted,” she said, pointing at her brother. “And I never in this life ever have broken a bone, which isn’t something I can say for you. You don’t even know how much that shit hurts,” she rolled her eyes, finishing her wine and then looked at Brian.
He was picking his things up, making his way to the door. “I knew it. I knew this whole soulmate shit was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have listened to my mom. Or your guys even.”
“Well, and I wished you lived in China, Brian Kang,” she said, flipping him the fingers as he walked off.
“He’s actually Korean…” Sungjin said, and then added. “Which of course doesn’t matter,” he had seen the face Y/N had made at him.
She took a deep breath, poured more wine into her glass and then almost chugged it whole. Then poured more and went back to drinking it in sips. “So this sucks…” she started, sipping from her glass again. “But, uh… I mean, the showcase was a success and we have the best couple ever right here. No need to worry, right?” she pointed at Alice and Wonpil.
They went to bed late - it was after five when the boys decided to go home and the girls even took a shower before going to bed. Alice would even dare to say Y/N wasn’t looking as happy as usual, but it might have been the drinks and how tired she was. This whole Brian thing wouldn’t have left her feeling bad now, would it? The only way to know for sure was to ask - and she sure as hell wouldn’t ask because she had no idea what to do with the answer.
  Waking up after bottles of wine and celebration is never a good idea. Especially when you live in Los Angeles and it’s summer, which means that the sun is out and it’s going to be bright wherever you go. The headache is a must. Y/N opened her eyes, groaning and reaching for her glasses. She adjusted them on her face and rolled to the side, giving up on getting up just now. With a yawn, she reached for her phone, licking her lips as she felt like she had swallowed a handful of cotton balls.
She had four texts to read. Two were from her mother, one from Sungjin and the other from Alice.
[8:05 AM] Sungjin told me you found your soulmate!!!!!!!!! - Mom [8:15 AM] Oh. He told me the rest of the story now. Don’t worry about this Brian guy, sweetie. He’s a jerk and he will change his mind. You were a very active kid. I do not feel sorry for raising you that way. He will have to deal. What a child really! Ridiculous. - Mom.
[8:20 AM] I might have told mom about the Brian situation. She’s not taking it as well as I imagined she would. -PS 
[11:46 AM] Wonpil and I are having lunch together today!!!!!!! He made me breakfast - there are some waffles in the fridge if you want. And now we’re out on a date. Wake up so I can freak out over text if this goes wrong!!! -AP
She stared at her phone screen for a while, groaning when all the texts reminded her of what had happened the night before. Y/N sat up, rubbing her eyes and adjusting the glasses one more time, opening her eyes slowly and staring at the phone again, finally checking the time to realize it was two in the afternoon already. Maybe texting her mom back first was the best idea. She could be very protective of her kids and she has been waiting for an answer for hours now, Y/N was actually impressed that the Korean woman didn’t just break into her apartment to check if she’s okay or not.
  The new couple had just finished lunch and were on their way to the movies. Alice had warned Wonpil that watching moving while still a bit hungover and after having lunch was a bad idea, but he was just too excited and she couldn’t resist anymore. They had their hands pretty much laced together as they had been holding each other’s for the entire day. 
Alice had never seen herself as someone who would go on cute dates, hold hands and smile at whatever her partner said. But this was exactly what she was doing right now. Wonpil had never seen himself as someone who would find his soulmate and fall instantly in love with them, not have that person be angry at him for ages and smile non stop while around them, but here he is. And it’s just as cute, annoyingly cute even, as it sounds. They were made for each other, head to toe even.
The concept of soulmates is so wild. It’s crazy how two people can just click, that they can feel like getting home after a long day of work. It’s the first glass of wine after the biggest fight of the year with your boss. It’s eating the last piece of that fine chocolate you bought yourself. It’s exciting, overwhelming even, and it leaves you wanting more.
“Don’t you think we should talk to Brian?” Wonpil asked when they were waiting in line to get inside the movie theater. Alice had been thinking about it, but she wasn’t sure if mentioning the fiasco would make or break their date.
“Y/N kinda likes to deal with her shit herself,” she said, shrugging a little and then giving him a smile. “And it’s not like we can walk up to Brian right now and just tell him how to feel,” she added, frowning a little. “Besides… They might need some space,” she laughed, biting on her lower lip. “Knowing Y/N, she’s texting her mom to go shopping right now. I’ll get home and she’ll have new clothes to show.”
“When she shops the world seems better?” he said with a smile, laughing a bit.
“Oh, babe. When we all shop the world seems wonderful,” Alice laughed, leaning closer to press a kiss to his cheek. Wonpil smiled, leaned closer and pressed a kiss to her lips.
He was sure he would never get tired of it. The feeling of fireworks, of being ran over by a car and saved by some holy being at the same time. It was both the fall and getting back up again. It felt like he was giving a part of him away, but getting a part of her in return. If he had known pressing lips to his soulmate would be so intense he would have given it more thought, looked for her a bit harder, stared around looking for star scars a little longer. If there’s one thing Wonpil is sure now is that he’s going to do everything in his power to make his soulmate happy.
The movie wasn’t the best. They ate their popcorns, drank their water and shared the gummy bears but even with everyone around them screaming because of the movie, they fell asleep. Alice on Wonpil’s shoulder and the boy with his head lightly pressed against hers. Later that day Alice would point out that hangovers and movies are not a nice combination.
  “And then! I don’t remember clearly okay, I was drunk… Bare with me,” Y/N said. She was sitting across from her mom at a cafe in LA. She had taken a shower, sloten a waffle from the fridge and got into an uber to her mom’s house. The Park have been living in Los Angeles for a while now, both Y/N and Sungjin were born in the US, but the kids don’t live with their parents anymore. They moved out as soon as they got into college, but they always visit their parents when they can. Especially their mom.
And right now, Mrs. Park was paying for the coffee while Y/N vented. She made a face when her daughter told her she had been drunk the night before, but shrugged and let her continue. “I mean, he started yelling. I thought he was angry about something because apparently he’s always angry about something. But he was angry at me. Because I get hurt a lot,” she rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her coffee. “I mean, I get it. It must suck. Actually… I know it sucks! Because I always feel them first. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose,” she groaned, leaning back and crossing her arms.
“Are you really that angry at him?” her mom asked, a soft smile on her lips. How could she be so calm? Y/N would never understand that. How could she have been born - well, raised - from a woman that calm?
“I honestly just want him to apologize and stop being an ass. We’re gonna have to deal with it one day. I’m pretty sure he has the same weird scar on his thigh because I sure as well have the same on my arm, I checked,” she took a bite from her cake, pouting in front of her mother then.
“You’re just as stubborn as your brother,” the older woman chuckled while Y/N made a face, showing her the tongue for a second. “Oh, it’s not a bad thing. I know I raised both of you just as stubborn as I am.”
The younger one laughed, shaking her head and finishing her coffee. She was so glad she had this woman as her mom. The best mom someone could have asked for.
   The semester continued as normal - stressful, filled with alcohol and assignments that maybe could have been more interested if paid enough attention to. Alice and Wonpil got closer and would host dinners to watch football games whenever the Pats played. Day6 was being booked for more shows after the showcase, more people wanted them to play at their parties or just pay to see them in a venue. They were getting bigger and bigger. Sungjin and that JYP guy were exchanging e-mails for a couple months now since the producer was a big fan of the energy the band has 
Alice got a few jobs after the showcase too but as she was busy with the semester she couldn’t actually take more. Even though her professors were all supportive, she wanted to finish the course first and then work on getting bigger roles. The important thing was: she managed to get the attention of big people that day.
The thing is: Brian and Y/N have been playing a ridiculous game of hide and seek for three months now. She arrives early to every Day6 rehearsal and leaves just when he arrives. He comes up with horrible excuses to miss Sunday Night Football just because he knows she’s going to be there. She stopped going to McDonald’s because it’s near his apartment and he might be there. He stopped going to Starbucks because it’s right on the corner of her apartment and Alice mentioned once that Y/N always stops there for chocolate muffins. He was always angry and she was less active than before, afraid she might bump her knee and hurt him. He bought a box of five hundred bass picks so his fingers wouldn’t hurt that much anymore.
Their friends noticed. They noticed the first week, but whenever they confronted them about it both would call them out. They would say how ridiculous they were being, they would yell, tell them to fuck off and leave. Most of the time. Pouting and being stubborn was also an option. Brian and Y/N are perfect for each other because they happen to be everything the other is: stubborn, sarcastic, savage and have a difficult personality. They can also be aggressive and rude.
Sungjin was the one who came up with the idea. He was tired of listening to his mom complain about his sister and about Brian. One: because he loves his sister to pieces even though it might not seem like it from time to time and two: because Brian is one of his best friends and he also wants the best for him. The Park sibling might also love cake and birthday parties, that’s where the idea came from.
They were going to throw a surprise party for Brian’s birthday. And they would find a way to keep Y/N and Brian in the same room for more than fifteen minutes so they could talk. Or yell or fight or just communicated. That was the hardest part of the plan.
The easiest part was the food: Alice and Wonpil were in charge of that. Sungin offered to help and so did Dowoon. Jae was in charge of inviting Brian and making sure he would arrive on time - the excuse was up to him. Alice was in charge of making Y/N show up.
 [6:58 PM] Okay. Listen. Pil wants to be cute and host one of those wine parties at his place this Saturday. I know we’ve been doing this at ours for forever now, but let him have this? Please? -AP
 [6:59 PM] Ugh. Why tho. I don’t have excuses to wear pajamas at Wonpil’s house. -Y/N
[6:59 PM] You can wear sweats? A t-shirt? It doesn’t need to be fancy. He just wants to do something since you’re my roommate. And he’s my soulmate. His words. He wants to be a good… mate. -AP
[6:59 PM] Let it be known that I’m only going because he’s ridiculously cute. I might have to leave early tho. -Y/N
[7:00 PM] We’re not inviting him. -AP
[7:00 PM] What? -Y/N [7:00 PM] It has nothing to do with that idiot. -Y/N [7:00 PM] I actually have to be up early on Sunday. I might have forgotten to buy my mom’s birthday present. -Y/N 
[7:01 PM] On a Sunday? -AP [7:01 PM] You? Shopping on a Sunday? -AP
[7:05 PM] Yeah. -Y/N [7:07 PM] Let Wonpil know I’ll show up. -Y/N 
“Okay. She said she’ll show up!” Alice said, putting her phone on the coffee table in front of Wonpil’s couch. It was true that she was spending more time at his place since he lived alone and things were getting more serious than dates at the movies for the past months.
“Now we just have to convince Brian to show up,” he said, leaning closer and pressing a kiss to her cheek and then resting his head on her shoulder. “But that is Jae’s job now,” he added, pressing his lips together. “I mean, we also have to bake the cake and choose the wine.”
“You mean I have to bake the cake, right?” Alice said, looking at him with a smile on her lips. “I mean, I know Sungjin told you to help but I’m not letting you anywhere near my mom’s recipe. No offence but… Last time you decided to cook something we were left with salty soup.”
“It wasn’t that bad…” Wonpil started, pouting his lips and leaning back so he could look at her properly. “I did make you waffles that day though…” he said, raising one of his eyebrows.
Alice laughed, shaking her head a little. “You made waffles from a box. I mean, yeah. They were delicious. But still,” she leaned closer, pressing her lips to his. “I bake the cake. You pick the wine. I say we go with sparkling wine because that’s the one we use for celebrations,” she added, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“Fine. But I’ll make another soup one day that won’t taste salty. And you’ll have to try it,” he said, chuckling a little.
“Make sure it’s on a week day so I can order something fast just in case,” she said, making both of them laugh. They both leaned back on the couch, feet up on the coffee table and unpaused the movie they were watching. They still had three days to go until Saturday night.
  “We’re going to Wonpil’s on Saturday,” Jae said, tapping on the table as he waited for his name to be called. Convincing Brian to meet him at Starbucks was already a huge victory, convincing him to go to Wonpil’s will have to be another one.
“I can’t go,” Brian said, shrugging and pulling his phone from his pocket, checking his texts and then pretending he had something very important to reply to, hoping Jae would just let it go. But Brian knew Jae, all of those were false hopes. 
“It wasn’t an invitation actually. I was just letting you know that we’re all going to Wonpil’s Saturday night. It’s a band thing. And as a band we do have to go out together from time to time you know,” he said, sighing and then getting up to grab both his and Brian’s coffee.
The younger one was left on the table by himself, checking his twitter timeline. He did see Alice complaining about a TV show and Y/N telling her that the character only died because he was her favorite. They hadn’t unfollowed or blocked each other, it would be too obvious. Besides, they needed to know where the other was going so they could avoid the place at all costs.
“Band thing, you said?” Brian asked the moment Jae came back with the cups of coffee. “No girlfriends? Weird friends? Parents? Just a band thing?” he added, raising an eyebrow.
Jae shrugged and then sighed. “Duh, of course. We all know you two are being dramatic about it still. We’re not even trying to get you two to be together anymore,” he rolled his eyes and sipped from his drink.
“That’s not what I meant,” Brian said, feeling his cheeks getting warmer.
“Of course not,” Jae chuckled, shrugging one more time. “It’s gonna be just us, some stupid TV show and some beers. Trust me, it’s gonna be cool,” Jae added and Brian finally agreed to show up. He could deal with a band thing.
  Brian arrived first since it was supposed to be a band thing and it would make no sense for Y/N to be there when all of the Day6 guys were there since it was a wine date. Alice and Y/N were going to be there in three hours so the band had some time alone with Brian.
Jae, Brian and Sungjin were sharing the couch while Wonpil was alone on an armchair. Dowoon was offered a chair but he decided to throw a pillow on the floor and sit there for a while. There was something on TV but none of them were paying attention - at least some had the decency to pretend they were. When Jae felt a pinch on his thigh he thought that would be the perfect time to bring the touchy subject up.
“How are things with Alice, Pil? Are you guys doing fine with the whole soulmate thing?” the word immediately caught Brian’s attention, making him look away from the TV and towards Jae - who wasn’t even looking at his friend.
“She makes me want to try to be a better version of me every single day,” he said, a smile on his lips. “And it might sound exhausting, but it isn’t. And it’s not like we’re the perfect match because we definitely aren’t…” he said, chuckling a little, shrugging. “It feels good being around her. It sorta calms me down, you know? And I’ve been way more careful,” he said, showing them his hands with a smile on his face.
“On purpose?” Brian asked, raising an eyebrow and sipping from his beer. He seemed curious and all of the other pretended they weren’t giving it much thought.
“It’s not like I was doing it on purpose for starters,” Wonpil chuckled, shrugging a bit. “It’s almost like my clumsiness has already done its job so I don’t need it as much anymore? Of course I still bump my knee on things all the time and have some bruises from door knobs, but it’s not as often as before,” he added, sipping from his own beer.
“What about you? Still thinks it’s a stupid idea?” Sungjin asked, poking Brian’s arm while he was taking a sip from his beer.
The bass player coughed a bit, gave Sungjin a very angry glance while the other just shrugged and sighed. “It is stupid. And it’s unfair that she’s your sister, I can’t say shit about her,” he said, raising one eyebrow. “But if she wasn’t and I could, I would definitely call her selfish. And arrogant. And an idiot,” he added then, raising his hands. “Of course, only if she wasn’t.”
The boys didn’t laugh, they just looked at Brian as if they pitied him. Dowoon was smiling to himself, shaking his head. “Dude. Stop being such a stubborn ass,” he said and then all of them started laughing. Apparently someone finally said what they had been trying to say for the past three months and a half.
Once the room fell silent again, they all went back to pretending the TV was super interesting. What a great whatever it was that they were watching.
  Alice and Y/N got into the uber late because both decided that ten minutes was enough to get ready. Newsflash: it wasn’t. The older one was texting her boyfriend to let them know they were going to be late - and to please not let Brian leave. The best part of the plan was that Alice got a pair of keys so she wouldn’t need to ring the doorbell and probably scare Brian away. She would get in, lock the door and let Brian and Y/N figure out by themselves what was going on.
Of course she would sleep at Wonpil’s for five months just in case after this. Y/N might want to murder her.
 “I was out with my mom a couple days ago and she said the only present she wants for her birthday is for me and Brian to finally get along,” Y/N said, rolling her eyes. “It’s ridiculous. She keeps mentioning him all. the. time. I think Sungjin has been updating her on everything that is going on and she’s afraid I might never talk to him again.”
They were going up the stairs to Wonpil’s apartment on the sixth floor because of course the evelavor was broken. “But maybe you guys should talk… You know, just to see if it was a misunderstanding or not. I’m sure he didn’t mean all of those things he said, Brian is not that big of an ass…” Alice tried, giving her friend a smile.
Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes. She took a deep breath because of the stairs and then looked up at Alice who was a few steps ahead of her. “He has a very cute face, doesn’t he?” he said with a soft laugh. “It’s a shame he’s a selfish arrogant dick,” she shrugged. “I’m not apologizing first or whatever he thinks I should do,” she added.
“Oh my God, you’re impossible,” Alice rolled her eyes and kept going up. “If you had to, I don’t know, apologize to someone to be able to live forever I’m pretty sure you’d rather die.”
“It’s not that deep,” the youngest one said, going faster so she wouldn’t be left behind.
“Oh, trust me. It is. You’re impossible,” Alice opened the door to the sixth floor, leaving the stairs and waiting for Y/N. The girls then walked to Wonpil’s door, the oldest one knocked and then unlocked it, letting Y/N go in first. The subject had changed, so she walked in and turned around to reply to Alice. The oldest one walked in, locked the door and smiled. Y/N was confused for a second, having no idea why her friend was smiling.
She realised then that it was her boyfriend’s apartment, so he must have been behind her. She turned around then with a smile on her lips to say hi to Wonpil, but the first face she saw was Brian’s.
 There was betrayal, anger, tension, horror and stress. All of those on both their faces in minutes. Alice pressed her back against the door so Y/N wouldn’t leave and Jae stood up just in case Brian decided to throw a fit. The two were about to start yelling when Sungjin started talking.
“Listen, we had to do this. You two have been playing an unhealthy game of hide and seek for too long,” he stood up, walking so he would be in the middle and both could see him. “We have a band to deal with and, well, I have a family and Alice has a roommate. Jae has a best friend. It’s not as easy as you two think it is for us whenever you decide to just ignore each other,” he said, looking at both of them.
Brian was about to start, but then Alice cut him off. “And we both know you two are too stubborn to say you are sorry for whatever happen. Or to share your feelings. Or whatever. So I just want to let you know that you’re both locked in here until you solve your shit.”
“We just need you two to talk, alright. It might sound selfish of us but you two need to figure things out. You don’t even need to apologize, just talk. Get to know each other past the ‘asshole’ nickname you both have been using,” Wonpil added, raising an eyebrow and looking at them.
“Fine,” they both said at the same time, blushing as they looked at each other. And then looked away.
  They did set this up but they also decided to give them privacy to sort their shit out. Wonpil told them that the terrace was empty and that they should make their way there even though Alice just wanted to lock them inside a room - Hunger Games style - and wait for them to get over it.
The elevator ride was awkward and they hushed out of it the moment they heard the ding, letting them know they were on the last floor. They took the stairs to the terrace, opening the door to a bright sunny fall day in Los Angeles. Y/N made sure to walk a few steps before sitting down, sighing and looking back at Brian. She was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt as she thought they would be having a wine night. Brian was in jeans and a hoodie, making his way towards her and sitting down too, sighing as he did so.
“Listen, I’m not going to apologize for playing around as a kid-” Y/N started, but Brian shook his head and cut her off.
 “That’s not what I was angry about,” he said, biting on his lower lip. “I mean, it was… For a while. But it’s not what I’m angry about,” he added then, making Y/N look at him with a very confused expression.
“So… Uh, okay. Yeah, I’ve got nothing. I’ve been bad mouthing you for almost four months now because I thought you had been holding stupid grudges against me since I was three,” she said, letting out a chuckle. “I know I wasn’t the most careful kid… But I was just so happy I got to do the things I was doing I didn’t think about a soulmate. Or you. I did apologize. Every time it happened… But I don’t see why I have to do this now,” she added, looking at him.
“You don’t… I don’t need you to. Or want you to,” he said, shrugging a little and looking around. He sighed and bit down on his lower lip. “Look… I never enjoyed this whole soulmate thing. I mean? Being stuck with someone? For the rest of your life? No, thanks. And my mom… Oh God, she drives me crazy. She sent me to Canada when I was little just because. She wants me… I mean, she wanted to me to find you more than anything,” Y/N listened with a confused expression, trying to understand where Brian was getting. Her mom never really pressured her into anything but she did get more… interested in her love life once Brian came into it. “And I told her several times… Soulmates sometimes don’t find each other. I mean, you could have been killed or something. But he always noticed when I flinched or anything so she always commented on it. It was annoying,” he stopped, took a deep breath and then continued. “Besides… We might not even get married. We might be best friends for life? Who the fuck knows. Yeah, you do like my petty songs and I do like how your hair changes colors all the time, but? In the long run?”
Y/N ended up giggling a bit, shaking her head. That caught Brian’s attention, making him look up at her and make a face. He was about to ask her what the hell was going on when she started talking.
“I don’t want to date you right away,” she started, giving him a smile. “I never planned to. I don’t know you, you don’t know me. You can’t even name my three favorite colors or what type of tea is acceptable to drink in the morning…” she started, reaching out to hold his hand for a moment. “I don’t mind if you need to get to know me first or whatever because I’d prefer to get to know you before we do anything stupid. Like getting married.”
He rolled his eyes, chuckling a little. “Maybe we should have had this talk a few months ago?”
“Oh, shut up. If they ask, we needed the time to be petty. I hope you wrote another petty song. I hope it’s more petty than the last one. I hope it has my name in it and you’re going to sing in front of a lot of people and all of them are going to know how horrible I am,” Y/N said, squeezing his hand before letting go, making the other laugh.
“Sorry. I actually wrote one… But it’s more in the lines of ‘god dammit I fucked this up what can I do now’, you know?” Brian said and Y/N pouted, making both of them laugh and shake their heads.
They spend another few minutes outside. No one yelled or broke anything and no neighbors were disturbed. They covered the basics: favorite color, favorite band, favorite TV show, hogwarts house and favorite star wars character, etc. They had a small fight over star wars vs star trek, but decided that one was better as a movie and the other was better as a TV series.
When they decided it was time, they took the elevator back to the sixth floor and knocked on Wonpil’s door.
  They were all afraid Y/N and Brian had pushed each other from the terrace or worst, kissed. Alice had drank almost an entire bottle of wine and the boys were trying to focus on something else - a TV show. Something about famous parents and even more famous kids. The girl was the first one up when they knocked, running to get the door and open it with a smile.
Y/N and Brian walked in with a smile, waving at their friends. They were standing side by side, looking a bit awkward but not a bad awkward. More like ‘we talked because of you and now we have to explain how things are going’ awkward. It was going to take some time but they would figure this whole soulmate thing out eventually.
“So…” Y/N started. “Brian is my soulmate even though he likes beer over wine,” she made a face.
“Yeah, and uh… Y/N is my soulmate even though she prefers Jae over me sometimes,” he said while she shrugged, making finger guns towards Jae while all their friends laughed.
 “Are you two finally okay?” Sungjin asked.
“Yeah, we are. We’re going to be,” Brian said and Y/N showed him the tongue. Soon they moved to find their places on the couch and their drinks, Y/N finally getting the wine she was promised earlier that week.
When Brian had to use the bathroom, they took the cake out of the fridge and surprised him with it. His birthday had been on Wednesday, but today seemed like a nice day to have Y/N be a part of the celebrations. That’s the reason they had set this up. Everything worked out as planned - the new soulmates weren’t being huge asses about each other anymore, the cake was delicious and Wonpil’s wine choice was actually quite impressive.
Later that year, Day6 would sign a record deal with that JYP guy and Brian would get to sing Congratulations live to a lot of great fans to hear just how bad of a person his soulmate is.
Did you enjoy CONGRATULATIONS? Let me know. 
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araedi · 6 years
My head’s still spinning but I threw together some Infinity War opinions, headcanons and general comments about Thor! As expected this is crammed with IW spoilers so it’s under the cut - click through for a massive block of text ramble.
 Some of these are headcanons, some are questions, some are just general thoughts so apologies in advance that this is A MASSIVE DUMP OF RANDOM POINTS I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OK AND IW IS OVERHWHELMING. I’m not even sure if this is all in order lol I’m just still hyped.
 - I ain’t even getting into what happened to Loki or Heimdall lol unless you want me to write like 6 paragraphs of opinions or you catch me on Discord because boy can I talk about that scene.
- Welcome back, nightmares: Thor never missed ya. He barely sleeps these days – if he did much since Ragnarok - and goes for walks often. He does not like staying still or feeling restrained and prefers to be as active as possible.
- Going by Thor’s dialogue and what we see of Thanos, I’m assuming that half of the ship (including Valkyrie, Korg and Miek) have been forced into escape pods / a different ship and removed for the slaughter on the Statesman. This half is then likely halved again by the gauntlet actually activating?? Unless it’s intuitive enough to know which planets and people have already been halved, that leaves a quarter of the Asgardian people floating somewhere in space. Finding them is going to be a needle in a haystack issue.
- He’s known Rocket and Groot for less than a week and he would die for them. Thor’s incredibly fond of them both, and in the wake of the war makes it his business to repay Rocket’s earlier kindness by talking to him about losing his best friend yet again.
- Despite the frisson in their first meeting, Thor would grow fond of Peter Quill given more time to know him. He’s as bizarre as any Midgardian, clearly loyal to his family and passionate – I can’t see why he woudn’t, once circumstances let them both calm down.
- By this stage nobody is ever going to be able to stop making Thor call Rocket Rabbit, no matter how many pictures you show him of each or explain what his name is. TBH considering the time he spent on Earth in the US I would be STUNNED if he doesn’t know what a raccoon is, and just started saying it to mess with Rocket before it stuck and became an affectionate nickname.
- I have a loooot of feelings over their dynamic. Rocket is, well, Rocket; aside from the initial confusion and pulling a few faces I never caught him of all people actually correct Thor. He is so patient with Thor and I love that so much.
 - It was absolutely DELIGHTFUL that Thor pinpointed Rocket as captain so quickly. The fact he was purely going by demeanour and the topic at hand, with no judgement on Rocket’s size or appearance, was not only really important to me personally, but a fantastically subtle reveal of his character growth. How far he's come since 'You dare threaten me with so puny a weapon!?'
- SO STOKED ABOUT THE FACT THOR CAN SPEAK ‘GROOT’ YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Considering how interconnected trees are with Norse mythology (and Thor's symbol being the oak tree) I just..really loved that touch even if it was just thrown in for laughs. It makes me wonder now if there could be some fun links between Asgardians and the Flora Colossus, or even something interweaving them and Yggdrasil. 
- It also paints Thor as a massive nerd which was started with his excitement to see Dragonfang in Ragnarock and honestly I love the idea of Thor being this studious little prince. It makes sense that the brothers would both have had an extensive education, and maybe Thor’s artistic talents leaned more toward languages.
- Thor’s thoughts on Loki change hourly. No sooner has he convinced himself of all the ways and means for this to be another trick of his brother's, the weight of Thanos' destruction strips him of all hope. His moods are as difficult to predict as the storms he is known for, inspiring hope as often as he cloaks despair. 
- He will never forgive himself for his final words to Loki.
- Boyyyy did his coping mechanisms hit way too close to home. I'm so glad he was finally given some space to process the absolute deluge of awful he's been through since the first movie, but ouch I was not prepared for that scene. 
- Can someone confirm his new eye colour please? Idk if it's my awful colour sense and the various lighting but it seemed to veer between blue and brown to me, with the action figure's being green? I’m leaning more towards green and it just being weird lighting.
- Thor switches between the eye and the eyepatch, depending on preference and comfort. Also I love my pirate angel and his whole aesthetic with the patch ok sue me. 
- His excitement about Nedavellir and showing the forge to Rocket? Nerd again. Honestly Marvel where’s my nerdy-Thor-with-glasses moment you so cruelly cut when you took Donald Blake out of the equation?????
- Stormbreaker is marvellous but how is Thor flying with it now??? With Mjolnir he could swing it to gain momentum but SB is MUCH larger, so is this some innate power now or did I miss how he took off? I love that he can fly again but using Stormbreaker seems mucho unwieldly lol.
 - Good lord has he gotten strong now look @ my son go I’m so proud of him finally getting the attention he deserves. Bruce being excited to see him just warms my heart, these two have such a sweet dynamic since Ragnarok.
- Oh yeah Thor also wants to as much as adopt Peter Parker at once but so does everyone. Considering Asgardian lifespan he'd be mortified to know that someone so young was involved in the war, and impressed by his bravery.
- Ngl I need Thor to meet and interact with like everyone right now; there are still a huuuge bunch of character dynamics we haven’t seen I’d love to play about with. I’m upset he never got to meet Tony tbh.
- The cut 'destiny has dire plans for you, my friend' line from Strange in Ragnarok has me wondering if he sensed Infinity War and beyond happenings. 
- There is a LOT of guilt now festering in the wake of the war. Thor feels as though he missed the single opportunity to stop Thanos’ assault and as his mental health remains on a knife edge, he continues to wrestle with the fact that he is, in spite of everything, still alive.
- One of the first things he did once the initial shock wore off was to find a way to contact Jane, to see if she, Darcy and Erik were safe.
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xwubzxbubzx · 7 years
Summer of Stancest - AU or Canon Divergence
Stan has seen a red string extend from his wrist and wrap around his brother for as long as he can remember. Every year, they get more and more tangled in each other.
sfw. angst. 1.2k. Soulmate AU.
When Stan is four he makes an intricate pattern with the thread that links him and his twin. He gets his fingers stuck in it and it’s tight enough that it hurts, but it doesn’t matter because it hurts the same way a good hug does, crushing but full of love. He doesn’t mind. He tries showing it to Ma but she can’t see it, even though she’s a psychic and she can see more than everyone else – at least that’s what she says on the phone to all those people who call and call and call – but she does smile and say they were born like that: bright red and tangled into one another. Stan never thought to bring it up with Pops. He knows it wouldn’t end well.
It’s weird but Ford can’t see it either. That’s okay, they may be identical but they’re still different. Maybe it’s like Ford’s hands or smarts, only one of them’s got it so together they’re two of a kind. Together they’re Stan-Ford and Stan-Lee, tied halves of a whole.
When he is 14 in school they teach them about reproduction. He’s flushing to his ears and doesn’t dare let out a giggle but then the teacher starts talking about twins, specifically twins like them and he focuses – M-O-N-O-Z-Y-G-O-T-I-C – he makes a point to ask the spelling. Apparently, they used to be one single cell and then they split. He likes knowing that. He likes knowing he was a part of Ford.
The thread sort of extends out of his right wrist and it reminds him of Spiderman a little and that makes him feel cool although he doesn’t ever admit it because comic books are for nerds, even when they’re about half-insect superheroes. And if Ford finds his collection of Spiderman comics he will never let it go. He’ll probably try to make him read about the asshole elastic man in Fantastic 4, who is Ford’s favourite character but who Stan hates with fiery, burning passion.
Maybe the thread is like a vein and that’s kind of creepy and gross but it makes sense because they are woven from the same things, they share the same blood.  
He can’t help but it but he has always been fond of the colour red. His shirts are striped with red, his boxing gloves are red, his car is red, sunsets are red, his bruises are red, and Ford’s lips are red. His favourite shade is a deep, warm burgundy that is rich and soft like velvet. He loves it especially because of what it always reminds him of.
Stan likes it best when they hold hands. Ford’s hands are always smooth, warm and big, and his hold is tight and their fingers intertwine just right. Palm against palm, all tied up with string. He likes the Stan-o-War too because it is covered with red lines, crisscrossing its broken wooden edges and making it – them, him – whole.
When he’s thrown out he doesn’t feel whole anymore.
He’s been torn to pieces, shredded. He’s been worn ragged and threadbare. He is alone and he’s never felt like that before. When he drives into the night (in his red car and he’s wearing red socks but he doesn’t think about it) the string is drawn tense and taut, like someone is always tugging at his hand and he looks at it extending into the dark distance back home and fuck, does it hurt. Come here, come here, come back, it says. But Stan knows better. He does, he really does.
He drives for a very, very long time.
He tries to forget. He wears long sleeves. Sometimes, he wears knock-off watches and sometimes, more regularly than he would like, handcuffs. His wrists are never bare. At least, not for long.
The desert is burnt orange and ceaseless. He has stopped being Stanley Pines, ten states and many years ago. Everywhere he turns he is hated. Banned. He understands why Ford doesn’t want him back. He has always been a broken thing, he must stick to something whole and drain it of everything because he will die if he doesn’t. Parasite. Parasite. Leach.
He is always doing something, most of the time it is not good, but he does it because he must. He is hungry and tired and empty – no matter what he does he is always empty. In the trunk of Rico’s car he is biting his way through wires and metal. His gums are raw and there is dark red, red, red all over his face and hands. He doesn’t know how but the string is twisted around his throat and it’s choking him and he almost lets it but he feels it shift faintly, like someone is trying to loosen it so he can breathe. And he does. In and out. And he bites.
He survives, but just barely. And he lives, if this is what living is
When he sees the postcard the pull on his wrist is stronger, leading him from the sandy, wasteland heat to towering forests of snow. He sleeps intermittently but his dreams are plagued with half-forgotten images of things he doesn’t understand, triangles and painfully bright yellow. He’s never liked yellow, it reminds him too much of the sun. For comfort, he wears a thick, red jacket.
He’s lucky, in a way, that he was born knotted down because no one he meets knows where Gravity Falls is. He just follows the string across the winding, twisting roads to the middle of nowhere, to a cabin in the woods. He knows this is his destination because the thread is loose and lax for the first time in a decade, curling up on the floor as he knocks at the door. His right hand feels oddly slack and free, like he’s stopped straining against something.
The door opens and it is his brother, manic and holding aloft a fucking crossbow. It is a punch in the gut, he’s still not trusted and it gets worse and worse because he’s told to leave. He’s still not needed, not really. He’s useful in the same way a knife is useful, serves a purpose and makes the job easier. A means to an end but never a person. Where can he go? Across the ocean far away and even further than that.
He’s wanted to tear the thread: he’s taken lighters to it and tried to burn it, he’s held wicked, sharp scissors and tried to cut, he’s used his teeth when he was drunk and he didn’t have anything else. Nothing has ever worked. It never breaks nor does it even fray, but he thinks hearing those words just might do it.
He’s angry. It hurts. Blood is bubbling out of him, hot and wet fury, and he wants to scream. They fight and he’s not thinking straight and he pushes him and Oh, God no—
The portal is a white so vivid it is blue, and the string that leads into it is broken and red.
on AO3
(this wasn’t what i was originally going to do for SOS but my other fic got destroyed by my computer)
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mousedetective · 7 years
If anyone hasn't claimed the last sherlolly fanfic... I will.. a free fic. Hells to the yeah!! And I request something that is in your series. If you could finish your coffee shop AU, "My Sadness Halved, My Happiness Doubled" that would be amazing. I adore all of your stories, but I particularly love when you do AUs. You have a wonderful imagination, and the worlds you create are just so vibrant and beautiful it is hard not to get trapped in them while reading. I enjoy NC17, but story is yours.
So I have gone past this message quite often and wrung my hands because I had no idea what to write next, and for some reason last night I finally was like “I have an idea!” So hopefully this will give me some momentum to finish this for you. But here is chapter 2!
My Sadness Halved, My Happiness Doubled -Sherlock Holmes is brought back to London to be a part of the family business, something he would rather not do but feels is part of his duty to the Holmes name. A chance encounter with a man while he gets his morning coffee, however, and the suggestion he go to Serenity Coffee & Tea Shoppe puts him on a new course in life, filled with friends and love that he didn’t expect that, perhaps, is better than what he ever could have hoped for himself.
Read Chapter 1 | Read Chapter 2 | Buy Me A Coffee? | Send Me A Prompt
“New coffee shop?”
Sherlock looked at his assistant and raised an eyebrow as he finished off the coffee. He hadn’t thought it would be noticed if he walked in with a cup that wasn’t from Starbucks, but John Watson had a very keen eye. That’s why they got on so well, or at least one of the reasons. John had been a friend in Oxford, one who had been an administrative assistant at one of the universities, and when Sherlock was summoned back to London John came with him, as the money for being his PA was astoundingly more than being a professor, and it wasn’t that much different than what he had done in Oxford. Sherlock had been glad John had thrown his lot in with him because frankly, he was one of the few bright spots in the whole situation.
He pulled his attention to the cup and saw the logo for the shop on it before nodding. “Better than Starbucks,” he said.
“Really?” John asked, his eyes wide. “Considering you have a VIP card for them, that’s saying something.”
“Well, I appreciate good coffee,” Sherlock said with a shrug.
“Because Lord knows you can’t brew it yourself,” John said with a chuckle. “Should I start picking up your coffee from there, then?”
Sherlock nodded. “I think that might be best. And...on occasion, almond croissant. Or any other pastries that catch your fancy.” He set his cup on his desk and pulled off his messenger bag from across his body. He couldn’t bring himself to use a briefcase, much as it was expected of him. Some scholarly habits died too hard. But he had at least upgraded to a black leather one that was good quality. His father nor his brother would approve, but they had to take what they could get for now. “What’s on the agenda for today?”
John pulled out his tablet that he used for business purposes. Sherlock had to admit that was better than an endless amount of papers, and it made it easier to share information between John’s tablet and his mobile, which is what he preferred to use for business when he wasn’t on his laptop. “Your father wants you to speak with the advertising department to motivate them more,” he said. “I think he had said something about putting that English degree you got a few years back to use. Then you’re to have a business lunch with your brother at noon at The Wolseley, and then there’s a board meeting about the transfer of power at three. But you can call it a day early after the meeting.”
“You should know I never call it a day early,” Sherlock said with a slight grin. This was a regular conversation between the two of them, one that had been going on for years now. “There’s always something to learn, to study.”
John gave him a rather wistful look. “It’s been a month, and you still miss Oxford, don’t you?” he said.
Sherlock sat in his chair and steepled his fingers together under his chin. “Auditions for the local orchestra are starting today. This is the first time in years I won’t play violin in it.”
John nodded. “We could find something for you here in London? I can look.”
“No point,” Sherlock said with a sigh. “My father and my brother keep me too busy to have the time. I’m expected to wine and dine clients and investors because I’m supposedly more ‘charming’ than Mycroft. It seems as though my father’s personality got split between us; Mycroft got his business acumen and I got...other things.”
“Honestly anyone who thinks you’re charming doesn’t know you well,” John said with a chuckle. “But you’re a good actor and good enough at faking it.”
His mind very briefly drifted to the woman who ran the coffee shop. He could be charming for her, he thought. He wasn’t sure why there was a desire to impress her or see her again because their interaction had been brief. Perhaps it was because she hadn’t sized him up like a slab of beef like most women did. Or, perhaps, he was mesmerized by her smile. It had been a long time since he had had a smile like that given to him. “I suppose,” he murmured.
“Well, you don’t have any wining and dining tonight, so I expect you’ll be at the flat playing mournful violin till late?” John asked.
“My choices in music aren’t mournful,” Sherlock said, giving his friend a mild glare.
“But I bet they will be tonight,” John said. “Do you need more coffee now, or after the meeting with advertising?”
“After,” he said. “And...I’ll get it myself.”
John raised an eyebrow but said nothing, simply giving Sherlock a nod and then heading to his own office. Hopefully, he would have time to get to the coffee shop for the coffee. Not that John’s was bad, but it seemed like there was more than just coffee and a caffeine rush on his mind now.
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cunzy4 · 7 years
FlugPlates: Book 1
This is the story of W.D Gaster’s deepest secrets. Specifically, his hidden identity as a fusion of Black Hat and Doctor Flug.
“Are you feeling all right, my friend?” Asgore asked with concern. “You’ve hardly touched your tea.”
Gaster barely glanced at Asgore before returning his gaze to his damaged hands. “I’m perfectly fine, Your Majesty. Just… a headache, is all.” His magic hands signed quickly as he spoke.
It wasn’t even a lie, technically. Gaster’s head was throbbing with the telltale signs of an imminent separation. Inwardly, he cursed the less-willing half of this pairing for complicating matters so frequently.
Claiming his head was bothering him, he excused himself from Asgore’s company and quickly returned to his lab. 1-S and 2-P watched him apprehensively as he approached their cell, but he swept past their door without even looking their way.
Shaking with the effort of holding his disparate halves together, Gaster lurched into a seldom-used storage room and locked himself in. He stumbled as his form began to lose cohesion, and with a bright flash, Gaster was two people. The taller of the pair landed on his feet, adjusting his monocle irritably as the other half of Gaster collapsed onto the floor.
“Honestly, Flug, why must you make everything so difficult?” Black Hat hissed, glaring disdainfully at the figure cowering on the bare concrete. He was covering the scarred flesh on what remained of his face with both hands, shaking with fear and panic.
“I- I’m sorry, I- I tried! I c-can’t keep it up for s-so long!” Flug whimpered. “P-please, I’ll do b-better- AUGH!”
He cut off with a scream of pain as Black Hat’s foot connected with his ribs.  He abandoned his attempt to cover his face, curling in a ball with his arms around his knees as he tried to shield himself from Black Hat’s vindictive kicks.
“You- useless- waste- of- oxygen!” Black Hat punctuated each kick with a shout. Flug drowned him out with his screams and incoherent pleas, but Black Hat didn’t let up.
Down the hall, two small skeletons turned their heads curiously. “do you hear something, bro?” one of them asked.
“I DON’T KNOW…” the other one said slowly. “THERE’S NO ONE ELSE DOWN HERE, RIGHT?”
The first one shrugged. “guess it’s nothing.” 
Cuddling up together, they both leaned against the wall and went back to sleep.
Flug was a bleeding, sobbing mess by the time Black Hat got bored of kicking him. Several of the scars on his face had torn open once again, leaving him even further disfigured.
“I’m sick of you,” Black hat snapped. Sneering at the cowering scientist, he unlocked the door and swept disdainfully out of the room. Flug heard the lock click behind him.
Some hours later, Black Hat returned. Flug was curled up in the corner, hiding his face again with a discarded Glamburger wrapper. He whimpered when he heard the telltale footsteps, then a moment later he was lifted off the ground by his collar.
“Fuse. Now,” Black Hat ordered.
Flug clawed at the hand around his neck, gasping for breath. “No- please- I can’t!” he begged. “Don’t- don’t make me-”
He choked as Black Hat slammed him against the wall with one hand. “YOU DON’T HAVE A CHOICE!” Black Hat roared, his face becoming a demonic visage of nightmares.
Flug continued to struggle for an instant, then fell still. He hung limply against the wall as he acknowledged the truth in Black Hat’s words. He no longer had any control over his life. His only purpose was to be the non-dominant half of another personality, useful only for providing knowledge and staying out of the way of the other consciousness.
Construing Flug’s silence for surrender, Black Hat leaned uncomfortably close… then even closer. In another flash of light, Doctor W.D. Gaster had returned. Flug felt his mind subsumed by the other, his very existence pushed to the bottom of their shared consciousness. Dimly, he recognized that their pairing was barely functional, which would force another separation within a matter of weeks. Black Hat and Flug’s souls were far from compatible. More often than not, this led to odd anomalies in Gaster’s already unstable personality.
Gaster didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was once again whole and prepared to work some evil science. He straightened his lab coat, brusquely striding out of the storage room. Perhaps there would still be time to perform some experiments today.
Gaster had been holding himself together for too long.
2-P was on the table today. Gaster studiously ignored both the usual pleas for mercy and his own pounding headache. His so-called conscience had been troubling him more than usual today, as his two halves continued their unequal war inside his SOUL. He could beat down that weak but persistent part of his joint psyche that screamed at him constantly that this was wrong, wrong WRONG but he could never silence it completely. And today, with the pounding bone-deep ache that warned him that his incompatible halves were about to reject each other once again, he simply didn’t have the strength to force Flug to be quiet.
Unfortunately, 2-P seemed to notice his discomfort. “IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?” he asked, concerned. “ARE YOU FEELING UNWELL? DO YOU NEED ME TO HEAL YOU?”
Gaster paused in his preparations, staring at 2-P as though he were an alien creature. To be here, strapped to an operating table, about to endure unimaginable agony, and still offer kindness to his tormentor? Gaster would never understand 2-P.
At least, part of him wouldn’t.
“Be silent,” he snapped, turning back to his workbench and picking up a drill. 2-P flinched as it whined to life, but kept looking at Gaster with those piercing eyes, as though he could see through all of Gaster’s defenses.
Avoiding eye contact with 2-P, Gaster positioned the drill between two of the vertebrae in his neck. The drill bit was a millimeter from the bone, but Gaster hesitated. Under the pretext of fiddling with the drill’s controls, he drew back. 2-P still stared at him with those plaintive eyes, those eyes that he suddenly couldn’t stand to look at.
Gaster turned back to the workbench, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to find his resolve. Ordinarily he wouldn’t have allowed himself to work on any of his more ethically questionable experiments when he was in this unstable of a state, but he was behind schedule and had no choice.
No choice… he told himself that so frequently. He couldn’t let himself believe anything else.
Gritting his teeth, he turned back to the frightened 2-P and started the drill once again. With shaking hands, he held the drill to 2-P’s neck…
And flinched away again, dropping the drill and clutching at his head with both hands. He stumbled back, knocking over his workbench with a horrendous clatter.
“WHAT’S WRONG?” 2-P cried, struggling to escape the restraints in an attempt to rush to Gaster’s aid.
“Augh!” Gaster hissed, trying to block out the voices, both external and internal. “Why do you care? Just SHUT UP!”
Before 2-P could respond, Gaster answered himself. “I- I can’t! You can’t do this!”
“Stop it! STOP IT!” Gaster shrieked. 2-P watched, speechless in utter shock, as Gaster vanished in a flash of light. In his place stood a tall man in a black hat, and a cowering man with a tattered lab coat and a paper bag over his head.
“You fool,” the tall man snarled. “Now look what you’ve done!”
“I-I’m sorry!” the other one sniveled. “I c-couldn’t help it!”
“Honestly, is there no end to your uselessness?” A tendril of shadows originating from the tall man seemed to slide across the floor, lifting up the other one and slamming him against the wall. The man wearing the bag cried out in pain, struggling to get away as he was thrown against the wall again and again.
“STOP!” 2-P shouted from the table. “YOU’RE HURTING HIM!”
The tall man shot a glare at 2-P, snorting disdainfully. “I suppose the cat’s out of the bag now, unlike you,” he sneered at his counterpart.
“W-WHAT’S GOING ON?” 2-P demanded, a quiver in his voice.
“Ugh,” the tall man scoffed. “I don’t have time to explain to you useless creatures. And I’m too tired to fuse again, so it looks like you’ll be spending some quality time together.” As he spoke, another shadowy tendril released 2-P from the table and lifted him by his neck. Carrying them both behind him, the tall man swept out of the room and back towards the cell.
1-S looked up in confusion when he heard the footsteps returning far too soon, then his eyes widened in fear when he saw two strangers with his brother instead of Him. Before he could react, the beams deactivated and his brother was dumped into the cell along with one of the strangers. The other man reactivated the beams without a word, sweeping out of sight down the hall. 2-P immediately tackled his brother in a hug, pushing him into the corner to shield him from any potential actions the stranger in their cell might take. They both crouched near the bench, holding each other protectively, as they watched the other man sink to the floor in the opposite corner. He wrapped his arms around his knees, hiding his bagged face and making quiet sobbing noises.
“what is this?” 1-S whispered. “who’s that?”
“…what?” 1-S said incredulously. 2-P just shrugged.
The two skeletons stared at him for several minutes, but he made no move to get up. Hesitantly, 2-P let go of his brother and made to stand up. 1-S grabbed his wrist, yanking him back.
“what are you doing?” he hissed. “don’t get close to him!”
“I THINK HE’S HURT!” 2-P protested, as quietly as he was able.
“so what? we can’t trust him! we can’t trust anyone!”
2-P knelt back down, giving his brother a gentle but determined stare. “IT DOESN’T MATTER,” he said softly. “IF HE NEEDS HELP, I’M GOING TO HELP HIM NO MATTER WHAT.”
“bro, no…” 1-S protested, but 2-P was already crouching next to the stranger. “EXCUSE ME,” he said politely. The stranger flinched away with a whimper. “I’M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU,” 2-P assured. “I JUST WANT TO KNOW YOUR NAME.”
The man peeked at him, tears swimming in his goggles. “I- I’m Doctor Flug.” “IT’S NICE TO MEET YOU,” 2-P said politely. Flug winced as though he had been struck.
2-P cocked his head. “ARE YOU HURT?” he asked, his voice full of concern. “DO YOU NEED ME TO HEAL YOU?”
Flug shrunk into the corner, his goggles filling with tears beneath the paper bag. “No…” he whispered. “D-don’t touch me. I don’t d-deserve your kindness.”
“I said no!” Flug shouted. 2-P pulled back, surprised. 1-S stood up, prepared to rush to his brother’s defense.
Flug stared at him for a moment, then seemed to collapse back in on himself. “Y-you shouldn’t be nice to me,” he whimpered, his voice quiet again. “Especially you two. After everything- everything we’ve done- I’ve done…”
1-S was standing next to his brother now, pulling him back a step. “tell us who you are,” he said in his best attempt at an authoritative voice. He couldn’t quite hide the plaintive tone behind the words, the deep resignation of the fact that no matter how forcefully he spoke, he had no power over the situation.
Flug sniffed. “I’m- I’m Doctor Gaster. Half of him, anyway.” He looked back up at the boys. “Oh… I guess you don’t know his name. He’s- we’re- the ones who created you and keep you trapped down here…”
“i knew it,” 1-S muttered. Flug just looked at the floor.
Flug gulped. “His name is Black Hat. This whole situation- us becoming Doctor Gaster, creating you and all of these experiments, it was all his idea. I- I tried to- to stop him-“
At that, Flug burst into tears again. “I’m so- so sorry!” he sobbed, gasping for breath. “I couldn’t s-stop him! I couldn’t save you! I tried- I tried so hard- but I was never strong enough to- to do anything- “
2-P knelt next to Flug, frowning sympathetically. “BUT IT WASN’T YOU, RIGHT? YOU SAID IT WAS HIM.”
“W-when we fuse, we’re the s-same person,” Flug explained shakily. “It was me- I remember doing all those- those horrible things to you- I’m sorry, I just- I’m so sorry!” With that, he broke down in sobs and incoherent apologies, burying his head in his knees.
1-S and 2-P exchanged a loaded glance. 1-S shook his head slightly, but 2-P reached out and gently rested a skeletal hand on Flug’s knee.
Flug jerked away, looking up in surprise to see 2-P’s eyes glowing a gentle orange. He was smiling softly.
Flug stared at 2-P in shocked silence. His paper bag was almost completely soaked through. Before he could respond, the beams deactivated again. All three of them jumped in surprise as Black Hat appeared in the doorway.
“Come along, you useless idiot,” he snapped. “We’ve got work to do.”
Flug yelped as a tendril of shadow wrapped around his ankle, dragging him out from between the boys and out of the room. Without another word exchanged, Black Hat reactivated the beams and vanished down the hall, Flug sliding along the floor behind him.
1-S and 2-P sat in silence for several long moments.
“bro?” 1-S finally said.
“YES, BROTHER?” 2-P responded, pulling him into a hug on the bench.
“you’re so cool.”
2-P smiled. “I KNOW.”
Flug struggled uselessly as Black Hat dragged him down the hall by his ankle. His tear-stained paper bag fell off at some point, leaving his mutilated face in full view. He whacked his head on a threshold as he was pulled through a door, knocking him senseless for a moment. When his vision cleared, he realized that he was being lifted onto the same operating table that 2-P had been released from earlier.
“Wh-what’s going on?” he asked anxiously. “Aren’t we going to f-fuse?”
Black Hat only smiled. His pointy teeth gleamed in the low fluorescent light. “We have to get some science done today,” he explained as he fastened the restraints around Flug. “And since you’re so determined to interfere and protect our worthless subjects, it looks like you’ll be taking their place.”
“Wait! No, you c-can’t! Don’t we n-need to fuse?!” Flug begged, thrashing in a futile attempt to get away. He knew from watching his two helpless subjects- his children- struggle in the same circumstances that there was no escaping the fate that awaited him in the immediate future.
“When I’m done with you,” Black Hat leaned over him, blocking out the ceiling light so the only features Flug could see were his glowing eyes, “you’ll be begging to fuse.”
Far down the hall, still huddled together on their bench, 1-S and 2-P heard the screams reverberate through the lab. 1-S’s expression was inscrutable, his eyes completely dark. 2-P just looked mournful.
“I HOPE HE’LL BE OKAY…” he fretted.
“bro, i don’t think any of us will be okay,” 1-S said bitterly.
Holding each other tightly, the boys tried to block out the noises of Flug’s anguish.
It took hours for the screaming to die down.
Gaster had never had more difficulty holding himself together. His weaker half, his so-called conscience, was rebelling at every turn. He hadn’t been able to bring himself to perform any experiments on his subjects since the secret of his duality had been revealed.
In retrospect, he should have just kept that wretched scientist locked up in the lab and forced his cooperation through other means. But Flug had been so dead set against the plan of creating artificial life that forcing a long-term fusion had seemed the most efficient way of taking Flug’s scientific knowledge for himself.
After all, anyone can ignore their conscience.
With his usual pastime of tormenting his subjects in the name of science currently an unpalatable concept, Gaster turned his attention to the incessant mechanical problems that were being reported in the Core. Evidently, the quality of workers that had been hired to maintain the machine’s operation was sadly lacking.
With that in mind, Gaster collected the relevant schematics and tools to perform a test on the Core’s main computer. As he left the Lab, his accursed conscience reminded him that he hadn’t fed his subjects yet. Doubling back and tossing a package of cookies through the beams only put him five minutes behind his rigid schedule, but the delay still chafed at his organized mind. Walking swiftly and purposefully, Gaster made the short trek through Hotland to reach the Core.
Whose brilliant idea was it to have the central computer perched on a walkway in the middle of a river of lava? Gaster grumbled to himself as he carefully navigated the rather precarious scaffolding. And what idiot is responsible for the lack of safety railings in here?
His conscience shot him the mental equivalent of a bitter glare. He ignored it. The central computer blinked cheerfully at Gaster, mocking his bleak mood. Unfortunately, most of the flashing lights were warnings of some sort or other. Someone had gotten dangerously lax with the maintenance of the place. It wasn’t as though this machine, Gaster’s greatest achievement, was not only responsible for powering the entire Underground but could also create catastrophic consequences if it failed. No, nothing like that.
Gaster hastily unscrewed the panel that accessed the computer’s mainframe as he muttered acerbic comments under his breath. Even the wires themselves showed signs of corrosion, most likely the result of mineral buildup that could have been prevented if those maintenance fools would do their damn jobs.
His mood souring further with every passing second, Gaster poked further into the mainframe to survey the damage. No wonder there are so many problems here. A gentle breeze could cause this entire system could fail entirely.
Several sets of magic hands set to work at once, stripping wires and realigning sockets with swift precision. Within minutes, Gaster had undone several months’ worth of minor damage that had built up to the point of posing a serious threat. He felt his disdain for those incompetent workers build up with every patch of rust he carefully polished away.
How dare they treat my most beautiful creation in such a careless manner? The Core is my pride and joy, my legacy, my… my baby.
Gaster recoiled at the force of his own thoughts. His dual nature, held in check through sheer force of will, was suddenly splintering.
How DARE you? Gaster screamed at himself. His head reeled as his two sides, both as purely and irrevocably him as his own right and left hands, turned on each other with a ferocity that Gaster had never felt before.
Silence, you fool! Gaster’s other half hissed. Your petty sentimentality is utterly pointless. Now shut up and let me work.
This… this THING is not your child! Your children are the ones you hurt over and over in the name of “science,” and you don’t deserve to be anywhere near them!
Gaster clutched his head, groaning in distress as his halves battled.
You’re not the one in charge here! Black Hat roared, asserting his dominance in an attempt to push Flug back down to the bottom of their subconscious. But Flug fought back with an assault of memories. The times Gaster hadn’t acted like quite such a monster, the times that his kinder side had shown through, were brought to the forefront of their shared mind.
1-S, long before his innocence had been shattered, looking at him with stars in his eyes as Gaster began to explain the concept of mathematics.
2-P, his desolate face lighting up as Gaster offered him the tiniest of mercy in the form of the color cube.
Gaster spending an afternoon watching them sleep somewhat peacefully on the monitors instead of working.
The most recent memory of all, not even one of Gaster’s, of 2-P—Papyrus—smiling at him in a way that he would never deserve, his eyes shining brightly in an attempt to comfort his confessed tormentor.
“I FORGIVE YOU,” Papyrus said.
In an instant, Gaster had vanished. In his place, Black Hat grappled with Flug on the precarious scaffolding. Flug was shorter, comparatively frail, and had no combat skills or magic attacks to speak of, but he didn’t back down.
“You- will- never- come near those children again!” Flug shouted, shoving Black Hat against the computer console.
“You pathetic weakling!” Black Hat snarled. “You think you can tell me what to do?” As he spoke, a shadowy tentacle wrapped around Flug’s neck, lifting him off the ground. “I am a thousand times stronger than you!”
Leaning close to Flug’s obscured face, Black Hat hissed, “in fact, you’ve become redundant. I can finish the project without you.”
“N-never…” Flug choked, clawing at the constricting appendage with one hand. “I won’t… let you…”
Black Hat grinned widely as he watched Flug struggle. Perhaps, once I kill him, I’ll-
His vision went white as Flug’s other hand closed around a wrench left discarded on the computer console, and he swung it up against the side of Black Hat’s head.
Black Hat was knocked off his feet, reflexively releasing Flug as his top hat spun off the catwalk into the river of hissing magma. Flug hit the ground, coughing and gasping, but struggled to his feet.
Black Hat was recovering his bearings, just beginning to straighten up, when he felt Flug forcefully shove him. He snarled contemptuously at the feeble impact. The scrawny scientist was only strong enough to knock Black Hat back a single step, but his foot hit nothing but air.
Black Hat teetered for a split second, his face a mask of horror and fury, then he disappeared from view.
There was a long moment of silence. Flug waited, paralyzed, as he anticipated Black Hat pulling another trick and reappearing in an instant. As the seconds ticked by and nothing happened, Flug slowly sank to his knees next to the computer console. 
It took him the better part of five minutes to recover his wits enough to straighten his bag and pull himself to his feet. It took him several minutes after that to remember how to walk, and he made his way carefully out of the Core alone.
He wanted nothing more than to curl up where he stood and sleep for a week, but he had a job to do.
There were two children whose freedom was long overdue.
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lolcat76 · 7 years
Bill/Laura + "I don't believe in curses" au
So, @okaynextcrisis sent me a Bill/Laura archaeologist prompt, which made me want a Mummy prompt, which reminded me of how  much I love Indiana Jones, which...resulted in this. If you’re looking for a plot, this is not the prompt for you.
Shout-out to my Mummy fans out there.
She traced her fingers along the hieroglyphics embedded in thesandstone, her lips barely moving as she translated images into words. “Idon’t believe in curses,” she said.
“Yes, you do.”
“Fine, but I don’t believe inthis curse. Serpents numbering twoand ten, and a dying leader shall find the path? It’s a little much, even forme.” She tapped a finger on the stone. “the 13th brother will comehome and take his place. It’s a little…dramatic, isn’t it?”
The ancient Egyptians werehardly known for their subtlety. ‘Is it any more dramatic than anything elsewe’ve seen?”
He could see a smile tuggingat the corners of her lips. No more dramatic than anything they’d seen, butshe’d never admit it. Especially if there were snakes involved – Laura Adama hated snakes, but not nearly as much asshe hated admitting that she was terrified of them.
“Stand back and let me openthe crypt,” he said. She wanted to argue, he knew, but that last tomb they’dfound with a nest of asps feasting on the remains of King Something Or Otherthe Second…she ducked behind him, her hands grasping his shoulders and pullinghim to block her from the sealed doorway as he worked a chisel and hammer toopen the tomb that had been sealed for centuries.
“I have a bad feeling aboutthis,” she muttered.
“It’s a little late to bringthat up now.”
He managed to make a smallopening between the wall and the tomb, and she joined him in heaving andpulling until they’d made enough of an opening for her to squeeze through. Sheleaned forward, her head tucked in the gap in the door, listening for signs oflife. No hissing or slithering.
“Laura,” he he yelled, butshe disappeared before he could stop her. Bad feeling or no, she still chargedin without thinking. She was going to be the death of him, he knew it. Hewedged himself between the sandstone door and the dusty walls, pushing andgrunting until he fell into the room she’d disappeared into.
“The ancient symbols,” shesaid.
Well, they were in along-forgotten pyramid in Egypt. Everythingwas an ancient symbol.
“Pisces. Virgo. Libra.Cancer.”
Ah, ancient Greek symbols. As she ticked off thenames of the constellations, he could see the walls come to life, showing thescattering of stars knitting together to form the patterns.
“Bill, there’s somethinghere. Something we’re meant to find.”
He wasn’t the expert inancient Egypt, but even he knew that Greek symbols didn’t belong in an Egyptiantomb. He didn’t disagree with her, but he was more than a little afraid of whatsomething they were  meant to find might be. In hisexperience, that something was usually not good. “We should go,” he said,reaching out to grab her hand and pull her to him, intent on getting her as faraway from this tomb as he could.
“No. No, Bill, we shouldstay.” She pulled away from him. “Gemini. The twins.” She drew in a deepbreath, then turned to him, wonder and delight spreading across her face.“Bill, this is what we were meant to find.”
He didn’t believe they were meant to find anything, but he lovedher, and loving her meant humoring her. And protecting her from snakes.
“Gemini?” he asked.
She ran a finger over thewall. “Gemini. Two halves becoming a whole. Just like us.”
“Just like us?”
“And the dying leader shalllead them to the promised land, but she will not live to enter. Bill, have youeven been paying attention to everything I’ve been saying for the last sixmonths?”
He knew the correct answer tothat question, and it was on the tip of his tongue to answer, but he reallydidn’t like hearing her say words like ‘dying,’ or ‘meant to be,’ or ‘how hardis it to hold onto a chisel?’
“What was the curse again?”he asked.
“Everybody dies.”
“You know, we could have justgone out and had a good meal. Had a few drinks, danced in the moonlight. Wecould have just gone home.”
“Honey,” she said. “Home isn’ta place, it’s a feeling.”
And the feelings she had weremost definitely not good, the secondthey set foot in this pyramid. Funny how she’d already forgotten that.
She reached up to trace afinger on the stones scattered throughout the burial chamber, her lips movingquietly as she translated the hieroglyphics.
“Maybe you shouldn’t—“ hesaid, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand.
“It’s just reading. What harmever came from that?”
Asps. Scarabs. Certain death. In the five years he’dbeen saddled with her, he had more than his fair share of evidence that readingwas not the best idea. He rested a hand against the holster at his waist. Shewouldn’t listen to him; she never had before, so why should she start now?
The best he could hope forwas to get her out of there before the world came crashing down on them. Again.
And sure enough, as soon asshe began to murmur some words under her breath, a cold wind picked up andwhistled through the burial chamber. That’sit, time to go. Before she could get to the end of the incantation, beforehe had to face down whatever army of the undead she called up, before theychoked on sand and water from the Nile, he heaved her up and tossed her overhis shoulder. She might be willing to put on a brave face unless snakes wereinvolved, but he was man enough to admit that there were far, far worse things.Most of which she’d thrown directly in his path, and she still had yet to thankhim for not letting her get beat to death by an army of dusty skeletalwarrriors.
Of course she didn’t thankhim. She didn’t believe in curses, so she still said that that particular nightwas less a memory and more a result of too much whiskey.
If he didn’t love her somuch, he’d drop her on her ass and leave her to fend for herself.
She screamed at him to puther down and beat her small fists against his back, but he didn’t stop untilthey’d hit the surface and he’d thrown her into the passenger side of the carthey’d brought along. He hit the gas and drove hell bent for leather, notbothering to look in the mirrors until the groaning of shifting sand and thecracking of rock settled down into a dull, dusty moan.
When he finally eased off thegas, he looked over at her. She was staring over her shoulder, mouth agape.Sure enough, when he looked in the rear-view mirror, he could only see a holein the ground where they’d been standing not ten minutes ago.
“Ancient Greek and ancientEgyptian. Bill, we’re on the verge here!”
On the verge of what, he didn’twant to know. Curses, certain death, dying leaders…all he wanted was a drinkand a comfortable bed he could share with the woman by his side.
“You know,” he said, “youshould really start listening to your feelings. Especially the bad ones.”
“I did. That’s why I haveyou.”
He wondered how many moretombs they’d raid and how many more cryptic symbols she’d read before she gothim killed. It didn’t matter; he’d follow her into all of them as long as she keptsmiling at him like that.
There were worse ways to go.
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