#typically when people come out their fashion sense improves but peter parker is always the exception to the rule
ask-spiderpool · 2 years
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wishing peter parker a very pride in his identity, from a fellow bisexual who thinks too much
(this is my first time submitting an image to a blog and i tried my best to make it not blurry but i have no clue if it worked lmao, tech is Not my strong suit)
Bringing back the sweater vest fashions! Very nerd-chic! 
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lamujerarana · 5 years
37, Spideytorch
Johnny has decided that he loathes high-society charity parties. The only reason he ever goes to them is because he’s an awesome younger brother and he wants to support his older sister.
It’s totally not because she’s completely intimidating and he’s a little bit afraid of her when she’s pissed because she makes him do things like cleaning the hangar bay with a toothbrush, just because he played an amazingly hilarious prank on Ben that left a huge mess, and she didn’t think it was funny. It’s not his fault that Sue has zero sense of humor. It’s just a curse he has to bear.
Sue’s been going through this big philanthropy kick these days, so Johnny’s had to attend so many of these parties, and he hates every second of being at them. He wonders if making him go to these things is maybe her way of paying him back for being a pain in her ass, but no. Sue would never stoop so low. He thinks.
He supposes Sue’s obsession with these charities probably has something more to do with the fact that the FF are all famous and rich now, and what you do when you’re rich and powerful and famous is use all of that influence to help other people. He’s glad Sue’s into this, he really is, especially since it means he doesn’t have to be.
All he has to do is go where she tells him and smile when she says to and look pretty for the cameras. Which he’s very good at.
When Sue told him that this party was a themed costume party — pirates, specifically — Johnny’d cheered. At least that was fun. He spent a month working with one of the most famous designers in New York on making the sexiest pirate costume anyone’s ever seen.
He thinks he was pretty successful, judging by the angry shade of red Sue’s face had turned when she saw his amazingly sexy outfit and the way Reed and Ben had face-palmed and then spent most of the trip over here looking like they really wanted to gouge their own eyes out.
He knows they all still think of him as being somewhere around five years old, but he is nineteen years old and everyone who isn’t Ben, Reed, and Sue thinks he’s totally hot.
What, like their costumes are any better. Ben’s dressed like Blackbeard, of course, because he really is the historical Blackbeard (Johnny’s sure that’s all he’s going to be talking about all night, so he’s already made plans to steer clear), Reed’s wearing a lot of frills and lace and Johnny thinks that’s a feather, and it’s just not cool at all, even though he does look unfairly good in it, and Sue’s dressed like someone named Anne…something.
She could’ve dressed up like a pirate wench with tons of cleavage, but no. She is dressed like a dude.
This is why Johnny has to bear the burden of being the hottest person in the family alone. Sue could be hot if she tried, but she really doesn’t try.
Sue’s still mad that she didn’t get to go back in time and meet real pirates like the rest of them. Johnny can tell. The fact that she’s still mad is probably why she made this party pirate-themed in the first place. It’s been four years, and she should get over it, Johnny thinks.
Johnny pops another caviar-covered cracker into his mouth, and then he makes a face. God, he hates caviar. It’s so slimy.
Why can’t they ever have, like, mini-hot dogs or burgers at these things? He’ll have to suggest that to Sue for next time.
His eyes wander through the crowd, and then he sighs, disappointed. Everyone here must be over forty. They’re so old. And none of them are hot.
This is why he hates these parties.
He perks up, however, when he spots that editor, J. Jonah Jameson, who is old and wrinkly and so not hot, but he is accompanied by a brunet photographer who most definitely is young, smoking, and just Johnny’s type. His back is toward Johnny so he can’t really see his face, but what he sees is great.
The photographer is wearing pantaloons, a bandana on his head, and a green vest with nothing underneath, and it’s a good look, Johnny decides, especially when the guy turns around, because, man, oh man, his abs are amazing.
Johnny promises himself that he’s gonna put his mouth on those before the night is through. He has a goal, and he is determined.
His eyes flick up to the guy’s face, and he winces. Aw, crap. That’s Peter Parker, that nerd Johnny’s ex-girlfriend Dorrie always used to go on about (“he’s so smart and responsible and better than you in every way imaginable,” is what Dorrie’s snide comments had typically amounted to), and who Johnny has understandably come to hate.
Who the hell knew that he was built like that under those awful sweater vests? Or that his face was actually not terrible underneath those very unflattering glasses and that gross haircut?
He’s filled out in the shoulders since Johnny saw him last, which was probably about a year ago. Johnny hired Peter to follow him around and take photos of him, and it’d ended badly, to say the least. Johnny had gone bald after he got frozen during a fight with Doom and that jackass Spider-Man had chipped all of Johnny’s hair off, and Johnny hadn’t been able to show his face in public for a month.
Spider-Man probably loved the whole thing, that jerk.
Johnny kind of doesn’t want to go talk to Peter because he knows it’ll be awkward given that Peter’s, like, his former employee, but also there’s no one else to flirt with, so he might as well give it a shot.
He weaves through the crowd and taps Peter on one of his nice, broad, muscly shoulders. Peter’s busy taking pictures of the crowd, which means he’s probably working or something, and he’ll probably be glad that Johnny’s brightening his day.
Peter’s eyes widen when he sees Johnny’s standing there, and then they narrow. Well, that’s not a good sign, but Johnny is nothing if not determined.
“Hey,” Johnny says, flashing his most charming smile at Peter, the one that makes all the girls and guys go weak in the knees, guaranteed, “what brings you here?”
Peter’s knees disappointingly do not go weak. “I’m working, Torch,” he says flatly. “Go bug someone else.”
Johnny would, but there’s no one else worth bugging. “Geez,” he says. “What’s got you so upset?”
Peter looks at Johnny as though he can’t quite believe him. “You never paid me for those photos I took of you.”
“Didn’t I?” Johnny says. “My bad. Send me the bill.”
“I did. You didn’t pay it.”
“Oh,” Johnny says. “I don’t really check my mail. Send it to my sister. She’ll pay it. She’s all…” He waves his hand around. “…responsible, and stuff.”
“All right,” Peter says, and then he mumbles something about how he could really use the cash.
Peter goes back to snapping pictures like the conversation is over, and he seems surprised when he realizes that Johnny’s still standing there. “Uh,” he says. “Was there something else?”
“Yeah, now that you mention it.” He might as well go for it, he supposes. He holds out a hand and says, “Wanna dance?”
Peter’s eyes narrow at the hand Johnny’s stretching out. He gestures toward the camera he is holding in his hands. “I’m working, Torch. For people who actually pay me at the end of the night.”
Johnny rolls his eyes. “I’m gonna pay you. It’s not like I can’t afford it.” He wiggles his hand at Peter. “C’mon. You must get breaks or something.”
“I just got here. So no, not yet.”
Johnny rolls his eyes. “Well, when do you get a break, and will you dance with me then?”
Peter glances over at Johnny as though he’s trying hard to figure something out. “Why are you so interested in dancing with me?”
“Well,” Johnny says, “in case you haven’t noticed, everyone else here is like eighty.”
“Ah,” Peter says, like it’s all making sense now, “so you’re desperate and I’m literally the only option you have. Figures.”
“It’s not like that,” Johnny says, scowling. “You…look better than I remember you looking.”
Peter shoots him a wry look. “Was that supposed to be a compliment?”
“You have abs,” Johnny says. “They’re nice. And the new haircut is an improvement. And I’m glad you lost those glasses. You look…not terrible.”
Peter looks amused. “Are you saying you actually think I’m hot?”
“I’m saying I don’t think you’re…not hot.”
Peter snorts. “Oh, wow. I’m so flattered.”
Johnny rolls his eyes. “Fine!” he says grumpily. “You’re totally hot, and will you dance with me?”
Peter looks at Johnny as though he can’t quite believe Johnny just said that. “You really mean that, don’t you?”
“I told you your abs were nice,” Johnny shrugs. “What did you think I meant?”
“I don’t…know?”
“You should consider never wearing a shirt again,” Johnny says. “You’ve got the abs, might as well show them off.”
“I don’t think that’s practical, Torch.”
“It’s good fashion advice.”
Peter’s eyes flick down. “Says the man in striped hot pants.”
“I look hot,” Johnny sniffs. “Admit it.”
Peter doesn’t say anything.
“Ha!” Johnny crows. “You do think I look hot!”
“Your abs are…nice,” Peter says, and Johnny’s pretty sure he’s trying not to smile.
“I know,” Johnny says, preening. “So does this mean you’ll dance with me?”
“Yeah, fine. Just. Don’t let my boss see us, yeah?”
Johnny tries not to smile too gleefully as Peter takes his hand and leads him toward the dance floor.
This is turning out to be a better night than he thought it’d be.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
The Night We Met - Peter Parker
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word count: 5568 warnings: swearing, super adorkable peter a/n: this is my first posted peter fic so go easy on me? also this is really low key based on this song, but the sound of it not the words so much if that makes sense? idk i’m at a loss
[ i am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt / i’ve been searching for a trail to follow again / take me back to the night we met ]
The facility was quiet as you padded through it, though it was common for it to be so silent when the sun had set hours ago.  It was late, one am, you presumed.  But this was the ideal time to go wandering around the building you lived in.  It was dark, only the moon and star’s light shining into the rooms, and the living space and kitchen were surrounded by windows, which casted shadows and small pools of light on the floor that you liked to dance around on your tiptoes in.  Wearing your pajamas and silently leaping short distances and twirling around on the cool tiled or hardwood floors.
You had lived in the facility for the whole past year that it had been built and functioning, and before that you’d lived at the tower for most of your life.  All but the first three years of your life, when you were stuck in an orphanage.  Before Tony Stark adopted you.  Why had he? You were never entirely sure.  You never understood why a man with his wealth and success needed a daughter to add onto his list of priorities but you’d never thought to question him.  Besides, you liked having a Mom and Dad.  Pepper was more of the parental figure, and Tony was mostly there to… well he used to get you into trouble but since you turned fifteen a year ago he became more protective.  You weren’t his little girl anymore, you were a teenager, blossoming into womanhood.  And when you turned sixteen his overprotectiveness only increased.
It hadn’t really mattered, you weren’t really an avenger.  At least, not one out on the battlefield.  No, you preferred working in the lab with Bruce, designing new suits, lighter weapons, deadlier weapons, faster engines for the jet.  But your favorite thing was creating new costumes, as you liked to call them.  Though the rest of the team wouldn’t prefer the term.  Sure, you worried for your Dad, and the others that had just as easily become your family, but you also knew that they were a special set of people.  Trained assassins, super soldiers, even Clint was… important.
(you never missed an opportunity to tease him, much to his displeasure)
So as you twirled around gracefully in the moonlight, your eyes closed as you enjoyed the silence, not even needing a tune to dance to, and found your peace.  You loved these secret nights of yours.  Your own special thing.
[ and then I can tell myself what the hell I'm supposed to do / and then I can tell myself not to ride along with you ]
You were working today, your hair pulled up into a high ponytail and your eyes focused on the sketch in front of you.  You tried not to rock on the stood you sat at while your hand moved swiftly over the tablet, the rubber tipped stylus creating lines of maroon on the screen.
“You know,” Banner spoke, making you jump slightly, and creating a long line throughout the entire design of Wanda’s new and improved outfit.
“Thanks a lot” You rolled your eyes, carefully hitting the undo button and making Bruce roll his eyes right back at you.
“Calm down you fixed it with a push of a button”
“Did Bruce Banner just tell me to calm down?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“y/n just- just shut up.  God when did you become a teenager?” You chuckled, going back to your sketching with a smile on your face.
“You don’t remember? Because I do.  Vividly”
“That’s only cause Tony gave you the body talk” Bruce said, and you felt a chill go down your spine at the memory.  “Anyhow, I was going to say that that new recruit is coming here today”
“New recruit?” You asked, sitting up and abandoning your art now, your curiosity peaked.  “Why wasn’t I told?”
“You designed his suit, the uh… the bug one”
“Ant Man?”
“No, the other one”
“Wasp?” You asked again, Bruce shook his head.
“No no, the one from Berlin” You squinted for a moment, trying to remember.
“Bruce, just cause my Dad’s sorta a snake sometimes doesn’t mean he’s a bug, that’s rude” You chuckled, and Banner rolled his eyes, again.
“Seriously y/n stop being all sassy what happened to your pigtails and pink overalls?”
“I grew up” You stated, wasting no time in getting back to your work.  Bruce frowned sadly at your back.  You were right, you had grown up.  And while you still may only be sixteen, the world you lived in had forced you to mature much faster than you should have.  But nonetheless, he let you get back to your work while he went back to creating a new prototype for Bucky’s arm.
“And no, it’s Spider-Man”
“Alright kid, this is a big deal now” Tony said, clapping a hand on Peter’s back as they made their way into the facility.  “Whole team lives here, my whole family” He told him.
“Wow” Was all Peter could think to say as his eyes looked around.  They landed on everything, quickly, wanting to take it all in at once.
“Okay okay, slow down, you’re one of us now, you’ve got plenty of time to make googly eyes-”
Tony was cut off mid sentence as Peter had crashed into something, sending the box in his arms and the papers in the other person’s arms flying as his victim stumbled backwards onto the floor.
“I’m sorry! I’m so so so sorr-” He stopped abruptly upon seeing you there, gathering your things as quickly as you could.  He couldn’t help his wide eyes as he watched your every movement.  Before he shook his head and began helping you pick up his papers.
“It’s fine I’m just- I’m super late” You spoke quickly, stacking your sketches in your arms messily and in a rushed fashion.  You didn’t even look up at him until he seemed to be staring at the paper in his hands.
“You-you drew this? Wow” He said in amazement, but you snatched it away.
“That’s what y/n does here” Tony said, not being able to take the awkward tension anymore and scooping up most of your papers in his hands and giving them to you.  “Geez are these all Wanda’s?” He asked you as you held what was probably a hundred designs in your arms.
“Yeah, yep, I didn’t know what exactly she was looking for she just said something new, so..” You trailed off, trying to straighten out and align all of the papers in your arms.  You shot a glance over at the boy who had picked up his box, full of typical teenage boy items.  Until you looked more curiously and could tell instantly he was  a very studious boy.  “You must be Spider-Man?”
“Parker Pete- Peter Parker.  I’m Peter Parker that-that’s me” He stammered, making you send a goody glance at your father before looking back to the boy that seemed your age.  He had adorable puppy brown eyes and the same colored curls on his head.  He was adorable, cute, it was the only thing you could think of for a moment.
“Well hello Parker Pete” You said with a small laugh as you stuck your hand out while carefully maneuvering your stack of papers.  “I’m y/n” You introduced while he shook your hand, a bit too long but you didn’t really want to pull away either.
“She’s also my daughter, and off limits, so let’s keep walking” Tony said, grabbing Peter by the shoulders and steering him away.
“Wha- she-you have- you’re his-” Peter couldn’t even get a full sentence out as Tony directed him farther away from you, leaving you to stand in the hall and watch in amusement as your father dragged the poor boy away.
“Bye Parker Pete!” You called before heading off to Wanda’s room.
You liked Peter Parker.  He was a stuttering, adorkable mess.
[ i had all and then most of you, some and now none of you / take me back to the night we met ]
You were sat at the kitchen breakfast bar, sketching away as always.  Sometimes you just liked changing your setting.  Working in the lab could get loud, or stuffy, and it was good to have a little change of scenery.  Plus, the best things happened in the kitchen.
For instance, right now, everyone was trying to arm wrestle Steve.  Which was a very amusing sight to watch.  Currently, Natasha was flexing her arms trying to prepare herself for what everyone knew would be a failure.
“What’re you working on?” You heard a familiar voice, and turned to see Peter slipping onto the high chair next to you.  You smiled at him almost instinctively.  He’d been living at the facility for a week now, and at this point you were pretty good friends.  Being the same age really did help, seeing you were both the youngest ones there.
“Hopefully a new bow for Clint” You told him, showing him your design.  “I’m hoping he won’t break this one” You added with a chuckle.  Peter stared at the paper, genuine interest on his features.  You loved that about him, even for the simple things he always admired your work like it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen.
“Neat” He said, still staring at it even as you slid it back to your part of the tabletop.  “What’s uh… what’s happening over there?” He nodded off to where Steve was dangerously close to slamming Nat’s hand on the table.  You were a little worried about the Black Widow’s well being, but even more so for the table.  It wouldn’t be the first time Steve had broken the dinner table over an arm wrestling tournament.
“Steve’s daring people to arm wrestle him” You said, watching them again, just as Natasha lost.  She groaned in frustration, shaking out her sore hand.  “He only does it when Tony’s not around to scold him for it”
“Scold him?” Peter asked curiously.
“He usually breaks stuff.  Tables, vases, bones” Peter’s eyes widened with fear, making you chuckle.
“Calm down Spider-Boy, he won’t attack you” You said, putting your hand unconsciously on his forearm.  “It’s just a little competition he likes to do to show off.  No one’s ever beat him” You shrugged.  “Kinda like how Thor tests us to lift his hammer, we all know that thing won’t budge, but we try anyways” You said.  Peter’s eyes were trained on Steve and Wanda’s current match.  You took his distracted moment to admire his features, his starry eyes, gelled but soft looking hair, thin pink lips.  You smiled at him, and only then noticed your hand resting on him.  You removed it quickly, busying yourself with your design again.
“Hey new kid!” You perked up once more when you heard Steve’s voice ring out, catching Peter’s attention.
“M-me?” Peter pointed to himself, unsure if the Captain America was talking to him or not.  You giggled to yourself quietly.
“Yeah you, you wanna try and go a round?” He asked.  Your eyes went from gleaming to wide with worry in a matter of seconds.
“Peter you don’t have-”
“Yeah sure” Peter shrugged before you could give him a way out of it.  You watched as he hopped to the ground and walked over to the opposite side of the table as Steve.  All of your focus was on the two.  Sure, Steve would never heart him on purpose but Peter wasn’t like the other avengers, he was sixteen, and you were worried he’d get his arm broken or something.  You stared as their hands latched together, neither of them doing anything yet.  “Look, I-I just wanna say sorry about like- attacking you at that airport” Peter said, and you blushed slightly at his cute awkwardness.  Apologizing for the fight, no one had really done that yet.  Most of you just tried to look past it.
“Yeah, no hard feelings” Steve winked, and like that, you could see their arms struggling slightly as they put all their strength into it.  Your lips parted slightly when you realized Peter wasn’t losing.  He was actually doing really well, completely focused on Steve’s arm.  “Wow kid, you got quite a grip” Steve commented, and you could hear the struggle in his voice.
Well that was new.
“But hey, I’m still the strongest one here” Steve said, slamming the kid’s hand down onto the table.  Peter sighed, shaking his hand just as Nat had earlier.  You clapped while the others began to leave the room, tired of Steve’s party games.
“Wow! Parker Pete!” You rushed over to him and hugged him before thinking about it.  “Just- wow” You laughed, and Peter gave a short laugh with you, rubbing his now aching hand.  “No one’s ever done that before! Just how strong are you?” You asked him, and his face went red.
“I-I don’t know” He stammered out, and you hugged him again.  You felt him slowly wrap his arms around your waist, tugging you a little closer as he held you.  It was quiet for a moment, and your heart began fluttering as you lingered there together.  Somehow, it wasn’t just a hug, and you could both feel it.
“Hey hey hey, watch the hands there” You sighed quietly when Tony came in, pointing accusingly at the both of you, and you pulled away from Peter.  “Break it up” He said, snapping his fingers as he went to the fridge for a bottle of beer.
“Peter almost beat Steve at arm wrestling” You bragged, trying to ease up your father’s current mood.
“God dammit I told him no more of those” He grumbled, heading back out of the kitchen, the popped his head back in.  “Break it up!” He called loudly again.  “Both of you! Separate rooms pronto!” You rolled your eyes as he left, but squeezed a hand on Peter’s wrist before gathering your materials from the counter.
“Night Parker Pete” You said sweetly, then headed out the door and towards the elevator.  Peter slumped onto one of the chairs, staring at the doorway you just exited.
“Goodnight y/n” He said to himself.
“You like her?” He heard an accented voice and turned to see Wanda standing there.  The boy’s heart nearly leapt out of his chest, he hadn’t even realized there was another way into this room.  “Yes?” She questioned after not having received an answer.
“Yea-yeah I mean yeah y/n.. y/n’s great she’s a great-amazing friend” He said, all the while nodding his head and blushing like a fool.  Wanda chuckled, using her powers to snatch an orange off the counter, but opted to use her nails to peel it.
“I can read minds” She told him.  “I know you like her” She told him, winking a brown eye.  Peter opened his mouth but no words came out for a few moments.
“I… she’s great” He told her, unsure of what he could say.
“You also think she’s beautiful” Wanda continued, putting a slide of the fruit into her mouth.
“Well I-”
“Are we discussing Peter Parker’s feelings towards miss Stark?”
Peter fell of his chair, definitely not having expected Vision to simply face through the wall of the kitchen, joining the conversation abruptly.  Wanda nodded as she chewed, and Peter attempted to stand and straighten out his sweater.
“Well I think it’s… pleasing” Vision said.
“Pl-pleasing?” Peter stuttered.
“Yes, it is nice to think of you becoming romantically involved with miss Stark” He said with a nod of his head.  Peter’s eyes widened with fear.
“No, no no no no, y/n and I-I we- we aren’t- she’s my friend”
“Yes, and Wanda is my friend” Vision said, and the witch’s head snapped towards him.  “But that is no barrier to love”
Peter almost fell just from standing up.  He could feel his knees wobbling and his heart was pounding incredibly fast in his chest.
“Vizh…” Wanda said slowly, coming over and putting a hand on the android’s arm.  “Let’s go talk” She said, and he nodded again, allowing her to guide him out of the room.  “But if you want my advice,” Wanda turned to Peter before she could fully leave the kitchen.  “Go for it, y/n looks at you a lot, the way… the way I remember Pietro looking at his love” Wanda said.  Peter couldn’t even find the right words to say before she left the room.
Shortly after, he went running out, making his way as quickly as he could to the weight room.  It was nearing ten o’clock, but he needed a stress relief, and working out seemed much better than sitting in his room with his anxiety all pent up.
He practically burst through the doors, not even noting Steve dragging a punching bag to it’s hook as he tore his sweater off, leaving him in a tee shirt and khakis.  Not really the best chosen attire to work out in, but he didn’t care.  He needed to… to run, to punch something.  He stepped up onto the treadmill, setting it on a higher setting before just sprinting.  Racing over the spinning rubber sheet until sweat dripped down his forehead.
“Kid? Hey Parker?” Steve called, catching Peter’s attention but he didn’t stop running.  “You aren’t stress running cause I kicked your ass earlier right?” He asked, and Peter shook his head, his breathing ragged as he put the treadmill on a higher setting.  “Alright, then why are you stress running?”
“I’m not stress running” Peter grunted.
“Yes you are.  Why?” Steve said, his voice stern so that he’d open up to him.  Peter let out a sigh, but was still reluctant to stop running.
“Because” He huffed.  “I’m in love… with y/n… and she’s Tony’s daughter… and doesn’t like me back… deserves better than me anyways” He said in between sharp intakes of breath.  Steve chuckled, putting his hands on his hips.
“Alright, alright turn that off you’re gonna kill yourself” He said, and Peter didn’t even argue, just slowed it down before stopping it completely.  “Listen closely to me, alright?” Peter nodded shakily, and stepped down off the treadmill.
He walked over to Steve, and they sat down together on a bench.
“I’m going to tell you a story about a woman named Peggy Carter”
[ i don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you / oh, take me back to the night we met ]
You had just slipped out of your room, checking to make sure the halls were clear as you walked as lightly as possible down the hallway towards the kitchen.  You hadn’t changed into pajamas like usual, still wearing your simple white dress from earlier that night.  But you didn’t mind, you were just happy to finally be able to sneak out.  Earlier than you usually do, it was midnight and you often waited for one am to roll around but you were too eager to escape to your happy place.
After tiptoeing down the stairs, opting not to use the elevator because it made noise, you snuck into the kitchen, quickly and carefully closing the door behind you.  Even though it and the walls secluding it were glass windows.  You were a creature of habit.
“What’re you doing here?” You spun around, about to kick the owner of the sudden voice in the throat, but be caught your ankle.
“Peter?” You lowered your leg, smoothing out your skirt.  “What’re you doing? It’s late” He gave you a look before laughing.
“Well I can basically say the same thing” He said, and you blushed, looking down for a moment.
“I… I come here at night when everyone’s asleep.  It’s my way of sneaking out” You said with half a shrug.  “It was a secret until now” Peter’s face fell, and he could feel his stomach dropped.
Oh my god I ruined her special place for her
“No worries” You said with a soft smile.  “I’m happy you’re the first I can share it with” You told him, and began to walk off to the living area, in front of all the windows.  Peter scurried off after you, walking awkwardly with his hands behind his back as you were staring outside.  He looked over at you, awestruck by the way the moonlight reflected on your features, making parts of your dress look like it was glowing, but others hidden in a shadow.  “So Parker Pete,” You said with a smile as you turned your head to look at him.  “What’re you doing out here so late?”
“I- I was just… sitting” He answered lamely, making you chuckle and roll your eyes a little.
“Okay, but why sit in the kitchen in the middle of the night? Don’t you want your rest?”
“M-my rest?” You shrugged.
“I don’t know.  Everyone around here falls asleep so early when my Dad’s not throwing some big party” You told him.
“Does he have parties a lot?” You crinkled your nose and bopped your head side to side as if to say so so.  
“Not as much as he used to.  Now it’s just the small group of us, playing music, eating lots of food, dancing, it’s nice.  A good reason to dress up and have fun but kick back from the stress” You told him.  “I guess I like it better than they used to be.  Loud, lots of drunks.  I remember hiding in my room inside my closet until my mom would come kiss me goodnight and tell me he was shooing people out” You chuckled a little, leaning closer to the window and tapping your fingers lightly against the glass to a made up beat.
“As a rebellious teen, do you want more parties?” Peter asked, mocking a reporter’s voice and making you laugh, shooting him a quick glance.
“I wouldn’t call myself rebellious, but that doesn’t mean I’m a total rule follower” You said.  “For the daughter of Tony Stark, I think that says a lot about my adoption” You said jokingly.
“I didn’t know that” He said, stepping closer to you.  He wanted to look out the window, enjoy the view as you were, but he couldn’t tear his eyes off of you.
“Yeah you can’t really tell unless you look close enough.  We’re really close” Peter smiled gently.
“That’s good” You nodded.
“Yeah… to me he really is my Dad, I don’t go out of my way to use the term ‘adopted’ it doesn’t bother me by any means, he’s just more to me than that.  Pepper too, but she’s the busy one nowadays” You told him.  “Anyways, that’s my life story you wanna share now?”
“Uh, it’s sorta messy” He said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.  You shook your head, brushing it off.
“I don’t mind.  I’d like to hear it Parker Pete” He chuckled, and licked his lips while he thought of what to say.
“Well, uhm, my parents were killed” He said, clearing his throat.  “In a hijacked plane crash when I was seven… and uh… I’ve been living with my Aunt May and Uncle Ben since then” He told you, avoiding your eyes.  “And not long after I.. well became Spider-Man uh…”
You noticed the way he was kicking his feet into the carpet, a nervous habit, and your heart began to sink as sadness washed over your features.
“My-my Uncle he- he got shot because of me” Your eyes widened and you moved closer to him, your back to the window now and completely abandoning the view you loved as you stared up at Peter with crinkled brows and big wet eyes.  Your hand reached out to grab his without a second thought.
“I’m sure it wasn’t your fault Peter” You whispered, but he shook his head.
“No, no if I’d just been honest with him and had been back to him on time like I said I would he- I would’ve-” You placed your other hand against his cheek, turning his head up to look at you.
“It wasn’t your fault, Pete” You told him softly, keeping your voice steady.  “And I promise if he could see you now, he’d be so incredibly proud of you and all you’ve done” You saw his lips quirk up for a short moment, and you smiled at him.  “I’ve known you for all of a week and I am” You said, and his heart surely stopped in his chest, only to speed up again.
“Thanks, y/n” He said, and you nodded, dropping your hand from his face but kept your hands latched at your side.  “He would’ve liked you” He told you, and for some reason it made your cheeks heat up in a pink blush.
“Really?” Peter smiled as he nodded.
“Yeah, you’d remind him of May I’m sure” A giggle slipped past your lips before you could stop it.  Why did this make you all bubbly?
“Am I like her?” You asked, and Peter pursed his lips.
“You’ve got the same attitude but secret softie thing going on” You quirked up an eyebrow.
“I’m not a softie, I used to be out on that battlefield you know” You told him, crossing your arms over your chest as you’d released his hand.
“Really?” Peter asked, narrowing his eyes and smirking playfully.  “Because you were all worried earlier when I was going to arm wrestle Captain America” You jaw dropped open at him.
“Oh really? Say that to my excellent combat skills” You said with a wink.
“Excellent combat skills?” He asked, and you nodded.
“Uh huh, only reason I’m not out there is cause someone’s gotta make your spandex onesie” Peter looked at you with an offended expression.
“It’s not-!” He groaned, throwing his arms down at his sides.  You let out a laugh and shook your head.
“I don’t know… I mean, I designed it I think I know a onesie when I make one” You told him.  Peter opened his mouth and closed it a few times, and you began to laugh again, your smile bright and your eyes twinkling with delight.  Peter couldn’t even keep up his facade of a straight face.  “Alright, alright, what else? What do I and May Parker have in common?”
“I don’t know, uh, she used to dance with him all the time, when I was little they’d dance around to his old record player” You smiled at him, and bounced a little on your bare feet.  “What? What?” Peter asked as you just kept laughing and bouncing.
“Come on come on” You tugged on his hands, pulling him closer eagerly, and planting his palms on your waist.
“You want to dance with me?” He asked like he didn’t even believe it.  But you nodded, your grin still present as you crossed your wrists behind his neck.
“Yeah” You said, beginning to bite back your smile.
“I-I don’t have my phone so I don’t have any like-like music or anything” You shrugged your shoulders and noted how he panicked a little.
“It’s fine, we don’t really need it” You told him, and you gave him a comforting smile.  “Calm down Peter, it’s just me” You said.
How ironic, he thought.
“Why’s it ironic?” You asked, and Peter’s eyes filled with fear at the realization that he’d said it out loud.  He didn’t say anything at first, his brain still turning and his heart beating impossibly faster than it already was.  You could tell that he was nervous, so you rested your forehead on his chest so that he didn’t have to look at you.  “Peter?” You called when you didn’t hear any answer from him.
“Sorry I-I didn’t know what to say you uh y-you make me nervous” You pulled away, looking up at him with surprised eyes and raised brows.
“I do?” You asked, taken aback by the confession.  Peter nodded, looking from his feet to you and partially wishing that he could drop dead right this moment.
But then you smiled at him, an airy laugh coming from your lips.
“You make me nervous sometimes too Parker Pete” You told him, and a small smile pulled on his mouth, his face red.
“R-really I-I-I do?” He stuttered, and you nodded.  Peter let out a small chuckle, looking down again before back up to you.  You nodded again, your bottom lip tucked slightly between your teeth.  He let out a small laugh, really just a puff of air.
“Why do I? I’m not mean to you am I?” You asked, chuckling quietly and he did too, shaking his head.
“No, no not at all you’re-you’re nice, very nice- to me! To me anyways I’ve seen you have at it with Clint” You laughed again.
“We don’t fight it’s just banter” You told him, shaking your head dismissively and wringing your hands behind his neck.  “Well?” You said softly, still waiting for his answer.
“Well.. uh… well you see you’re very good at what you do- v-very talented” He started anxiously, and the swaying that has been your dancing, halted.  “And-and I think you’re really beautiful” Your cheeks flushed red as you bit back a grin.
“Y-yeah well yeah” Peter said simply.  “And you’re- you’re a genius I mean you’ve got this capability to work with Dr Banner, and you’re my age I-I’d say that’s pretty neat” You let out a soft giggle, your eyes wide with adoration for this boy in front of you.  “Truth is y/n I… I like you, a lot, as-as more than a friend” Your heart stopped in your chest.
“I like you too Peter Parker” You whispered out softly.  I smile quirked on his lips, that turned into a grin within seconds.  You caught his eyes flicker down to your lips, and you licked over them subconsciously.  Your hands slid to his shoulders, resting at the base of his neck and you stepped ever so slightly closer.  His eyes kept looking from you to your lips, over and over and it made you chuckle.  “Well are you gonna kiss me or not?” You mumbled, your stomach flipping over repeatedly.
“Not! He is most definitely not!” You sprung away from Peter, your back and head hitting the window.  “Parker what the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Peter spun around to see your Dad standing there, his arms crossed angrily.
“I-I uh I-”
“y/n, go to your room it’s time for bed” He said, his tone frustrated.
“Dad I’m not six you can’t send me-”
“Bed” He gritted and you stood a little straighter.  You nodded your head, and looked to Peter quickly, waving a short and quick goodbye and rushing out of the room.
[ when you had not touched me yet / oh, take me back to the night we met ]
Peter was pacing in the hallways, contemplating whether or not he should go  back to his own quarters, like Mr Stark had so… kindly… told him to.  Or if he should knock on your door.
He liked you, that part was obvious now.  He liked you so much it hurt to not be with you.  If he’d known what love felt like, he could almost say he was in love with you.  He could sit down and talk to you all day about anything, he could go to sleep at night wishing he’d had just five more minutes.
Maybe if you weren’t Tony’s daughter, maybe if the entire team of Avengers weren’t standing guard over you, like they were all your protective older brothers, he would’ve told you sooner.  Maybe.  Peter Parker was never one for having confidence, in fact, before the suit, he was the shy nerdy kid that no one really knew the name of.  He wasn’t popular, or very out going by any means, but ever since Spider-Man, he had a higher self esteem, pushed himself more.
And he really, really liked you.
So, he knocked.
[ Take me back to the night we met ]
“Peter?” You said quietly as you opened your door.  You had changed into a tee shirt and sleep shorts for bed, your hair hanging down in loose waves hanging over your shoulders.  You wrapped your arms over your chest, trying to preserve the warmth you’d lost when you got out of bed.  “Hey what’re you doing he-” You were cut off when his hands flew out, cupping your cheeks and pulling your lips against his.  While at first you were surprised, you sunk into it instantly and wrapped your arms around his neck, completely melting against him.
When he pulled away you were a smiling blushing mess and all you could hear was your heart pounding in your chest.
“I’m sorry”
“Why?” You chuckled.  “I mean, I’m not apologizing” You said again, and he smiled back at you.
“I just- might not get the chance to do that again” He said, and you nodded, biting down on your lips slightly.  “So-so I had to… just once” You nodded.
“Yeah I… I’m glad you did” You said softly.  He hugged you before saying goodnight.
You would both be okay.
idk the ending makes me feel eh :/ it’s been a long couple of days so i’m sorry about this but this is for @high-functioning-fangirl02 bc of our love for parker pete
(update: the link for the dress didn’t work so here it is)
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