radicalgraff · 2 years
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"Deth to USA"
Seen in Chicago
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mywaysthehighway · 5 months
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It’s unamerican to wash your ass
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Here the evidence of what Trump would like to do is crystal clear. Trump has explicitly pledged to weaponize the DOJ against political adversaries, telling supporters on the very day of his federal arraignment that he would “appoint a real special prosecutor to go after” President Joe Biden and his family. He’s indicated that in a second term he’d bring back loyalists such as Jeffrey Clark, a key DOJ ally in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. And he has begun to preview the position that all federal employees should serve at the pleasure of the president, which could mean the elimination of long-standing protections that insulate members of the civil service from politically motivated reprisal or removal.
Trump and Hunter Biden’s Legal Troubles Are Not the Same - The Atlantic
There’s nothing about Trump’s behavior that’s fundamentally “American”; he is the unAmerican politician. But he’s not alone. He didn’t rise to power and get power alone. #Republicans did that. They are to blame.
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trmpt · 7 months
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dailybehbeh · 2 years
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mark-matos · 1 year
🔥 Power Play: The White House 🤖 Secret Alliance in the Battle for AI Dominance - Are We Being Left Behind? 😱
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🚨🔥 Attention Tumblr Universe! 🌏📢 There's a pressing issue we need to discuss: the recent White House meeting with Big Tech CEOs like Google, Microsoft, Anthropic, and OpenAI. While the government claims to be working on AI initiatives for the betterment of society, we have to ask ourselves if this collaboration is really in our best interest. 😱
💡 In the article, we learn about the Biden administration's AI plans, which include a $140 million investment for establishing seven new AI research institutes. While it's great to see the government taking an interest in AI, we can't help but wonder if they are missing some crucial pieces of the puzzle. 🧩🤨
🎓🔬⚖️ Where are the experts, university professors, and ethicists? Shouldn't they be part of this conversation too? It's crucial to have independent voices and unbiased opinions in such important discussions. We need a more inclusive and democratic approach to AI regulation, one that values the input of all stakeholders. 🗣️🌐 #AIRegulation #EthicsMatter
🤔💭 The White House's cozy relationship with tech giants raises some eyebrows. While collaboration is essential, it's also important to ensure that the government is protecting us from potential AI risks. How can we be sure that our best interests are being served when the very institutions that should be protecting us are the ones at the table? 🛡️🚦 #UnAmerican #DemocracyAtStake
🌍🤝 It's time to demand a more inclusive and democratic approach to AI regulation. We need the voices of AI experts, university professors, ethicists, and the general public to be heard. The future of AI should be determined by ALL of us, not just a select few in the White House and Big Tech boardrooms. ✊🌈🌟 #AIFuture #UnitedWeStand #PowerToThePeople
💬 So let's come together and share our thoughts, ideas, and concerns. We need to engage in this conversation to ensure that AI technology is developed and regulated in a way that benefits everyone, not just a privileged few. 🗣️🔊 #DemocracyInAction #AIForAll
🚀 As AI continues to develop rapidly, let's not let it outpace our ability to understand its ethical implications and establish effective regulations. It's time to unite and stand up for a fair and inclusive AI future. 🌟🕊️ #AIethics #InclusiveFuture
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marylemanski · 2 years
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The groups banning books are the modern day Parental Music Resource Center (PMRC). Let’s slap warning labels on books & call it a day.
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dikleyt · 2 years
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ravenousnightwind · 1 year
Do you think that the NRA or gun manufacturers give a damn about how many children die at the hands of someone who possessed a gun they provided to? Of course they don't. Just like them pro life people don't really care about children once they're no longer children. Much less actually care about kids after they're out of the womb. No, people dying in schools, that's propaganda baby, that's what makes guns sell. Don't you get it? They're Mr and Mrs gunsmith lol. (That's a joke I repurposed from toystory, don't be a dick and take it seriously)
It's about greed. It's about what sells. If they really cared about kids dying in schools, they'd do something to regulate who gets access to guns and what type of guns. And for the people who say oh guns don't kill people? Shut up, Larry, that's bullshit. Guns are tools designed to kill or hurt. So yes, guns do kill people. Even if it takes a person to wield said weapon, it doesn't mean it isn't designed to kill. You're just trying to find a shitty excuse for the purpose of your own twisted idealisms.
I'm not saying these weapons can't be used for protection, but I'm saying that it's not okay where things are and where they're going right now. The answer to violence isn't to provide the means for more violence. It's to prohibit access to tools that ought of been checked through appropriate systems for the sake of the safety of everyone in the community.
But do you know why it isn't? So they can get more money, so they can donate that money to infiltrating politicians who were paid off by this blood money, so they can then direct policies to kill more people in marginalized communities. I'm not saying this is exactly the prime directive, but I am saying it's happening in one way or another.
The only way to stop it is to research who we elect and get up in their business so we know they're not insanely corrupted or paid off, and tell them to change the policies so child deaths from guns don't happen. So people in general don't get murdered. Obviously it's complex and more so than I can ever explain, but either way, shit needs to change because all this bullshit about rights being taken and people just allowing people to die and children dying cuz some kid came to school with parents weapon, it's very very un-American. It's sick. It's disgusting. And anyone who supports these things well. Maybe you ought to think about what if it was yourself in the same position as the rest of us.
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5 factors of Fascism
The rejection of democracy, the rule of law, and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will.
The galvanizing of popular rage against cultural elites.
Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines.
Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors.
Disdain of women and fear of non-standard forms of gender identity and sexual orientation.
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trmpt · 4 months
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djmophatt · 2 years
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Why is it that every time African-Americans and Ingenious people stand up for themselves and recite history as they are taught from their culture and community historians, they are seen as “anti” something or “um-America? • #unthanksgiving #controversial #happythanksgivng #usa #unitedstates #antisemitism #unamerican #qotd #quotes #quotesdaily #quoteoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW_rvRu7RD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fuck-texas · 2 years
Wow, how shocking!
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azziemthedream · 2 years
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#Thief #Espinage #Criminal #UnAmerican https://www.instagram.com/p/ChOew8xOg4E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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robfrid · 2 years
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Four #pics for the #fourth :) which used to be my #favorite #american #celebration 🎇Wishing my #home a #happybirthday #happyindependenceday #happyjuly4th But I must say that I'm sickened and disgusted with the current state of affairs in the #us at the moment. It's fine to have a #gun and kill innocent people (and it happened again #today) but not make a #choice about your own #body #depressing #pathetic and #unamerican #notmyamerica #freedom #bravery #respect #outofmanyone #dontforgetit https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmwdRmLFCO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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