officaldavidcallan · 3 months
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Wrote a little fic in memory of William Russell.
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demigodofhoolemere · 11 months
So, uh… in “theory”, what the heck does one do if they find their posts (and the posts of others) reposted onto another website? And it’s not just a case of a popular post getting screenshotted and breaking containment on Pinterest or something, these are outright the pictures you yourself posted, usually with the captions you yourself wrote, put up by someone else on Instagram as if they were theirs with absolutely no credit to the people who originally made them.
Story time under the cut…
I’ve been sitting on this for about a month feeling like I’m losing my mind and not quite being able to tell whether I’m overreacting or not, but it’s all been incredibly bizarre. I happened upon this person completely by coincidence — I got a Classic Who post recommended to me, then checked out the person it came from because I’m always happy to find another Classic Who page to follow (and because their url is even lifted from a tumblr user, I thought it may have been them at first so I was curious), and lo and behold as I scroll down their stuff I find myself looking at… me. Repeatedly. Like, a rather surprising amount of my own posts. Then I noticed there was quite a bit of @junkyardbluebox as well (whose url is the one being used), and a fair few @unwillingadventurer, along with other posts that I’ve seen before but couldn’t tell you who made them.
I commented on one of the posts that was my own, saying that some of these were mine and that I recognized others, and calmly asked out of curiosity why the reposting without credit to any of us. I don’t remember my exact wording anymore but it was very polite, like “can I please ask” levels of polite, nothing that should have come across as being judgmental or upset, because for all I knew maybe this person just genuinely didn’t understand that it’s generally frowned upon to repost other people’s things as your own and I didn’t want to be rude at all. I wish I had taken a screenshot, but I wasn’t exactly anticipating that they would straight up delete my comment.
Since then there’s been a strange rollercoaster of this person adding a bunch of new posts as if to bury the stolen ones, then proceeding to repost our stuff again anyway, then hiding and unhiding and rehiding so, so many of their posts over and over (and in the words of another thing I keep seeing on Instagram lately — I wasn’t aware that was something a person could do), like they can’t decide what they want their page to look like.
Every time the stolen posts got hidden I would think maybe they’ve decided against taking other people’s things and I could leave it alone, but they’d inevitably come back, and there continue to be more new posts taken from Classic Who fandom tumblr users. I drew a line when I saw that they had begun posting screen recordings of gifsets made by @stephadoo and decided to try saying something again, this time making sure I had evidence, which is good because this got deleted, too:
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I feel like I bordered into being rude here (probably not, but I felt like it, anyway), but it was one thing to repost pictures that aren’t technically mine because they’re episode screencaps and another to repost gifs that someone actually worked on making themselves. They did end up deleting the gifs (unless they’re just hidden like everything else keeps being, which is always a possibility), but plenty of other stuff is still there — at one point there had been more junkyardbluebox than anyone else, but at the current moment most of those are deleted or hidden, so as I write this most of the copied posts, at least the ones that I recognize, are mine — and they actually reposted a few more of my things immediately after deleting this comment. Everything remains creditless.
Again, part of me feels like I’m completely overreacting to this, but it is weird as heck to see your own posts on somebody else’s page as if they made them, many of them still with your own specific captions — my favorite being some rather detailed thoughts on One and Katarina while watching The Daleks' Master Plan, presented as if those were their thoughts while watching it, and I’m sitting here like
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This is one of the weirdest things that’s ever happened to me and I genuinely have no idea what to do about this, if anything at all (if nothing else I want to get this craziness out of my system!). I don’t want this person to get dog-piled or bullied, but I also think people should know their things are being posted on another platform as someone else’s without any credit — and more than that, by deleting my comments about it it gives the impression that this person doesn’t want evidence to exist that these posts are not theirs, and they deliberately choose to continue not giving credit after being politely asked twice.
For the sake of providing evidence in case these things get hidden again, screenshots of my stuff below…
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Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/700433192597028864/glad-that-theres-at-least-brief-footage-of-vicki
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Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/700404679746764800/tfw-your-parents-are-arguing-about-directions
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Altered caption on that one. Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/700412381217619968/vicki-in-the-romans
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Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/700429807985573888/some-cute-vicki
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Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/700429815806869504/vicki-and-her-little-pigtails-appreciation
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Part of my caption removed. Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/719464306990792704/scene-i-want-to-see-recovered-2000-the-doctor
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Altered caption; this was my birthday post for Carole Ann Ford. Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/720272520217067520/happy-birthday-carole-ann-ford
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Could not believe that that entire caption was still there. Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/demigodofhoolemere/720432553596715008/watching-the-first-few-episodes-of-the-daleks
Continued in reblogs.
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movie question asks: 2 and 15? :)
Thank you @unwillingadventurer for the movie asks!
Movie Questions Ask Game:
2. What was your favorite film as a child? It was definitely Blake Edward's The Great Race (1965). My parents had recorded it on Betamax tape. It had amazing colour saturated picture quality even though few scratches were captured. To use the VCR was a mission every time because fast forward and fast rewind weren't functioning normally. Sometimes the player used to rewind until you slapped it. Sometimes several slaps were needed so you started watching frowning and hand hurting. Jack Lemon as Professor Fate, Tony Curtis as The Great Leslie (his name need to be pronounced with thick American accent), Natalie Wood as Maggie Dubois and Peter Falk as Maximilian Meen are stuck in my head. I loved the adventurous story and the dialogue, Lemon's moustache and grumpiness, Wood's Daisy-doll-like dresses, Curtis's whole white outfit, Henry Mancini's music and oh my the sword fight scene.
15. What is the funniest movie you've seen? The funniest movie must be Three Men and a Baby (1987). I watched it last winter and noticed the parts, which used to make our older sister laugh and that made me laugh: Tom Selleck trying to get the police alarm from streets turn down by standing in front of the window arms outstretched and a pillow in one arm 😂 naturally the hairy chest revealing from open shirt. All that 1980's way of thinking what is trendy. A relaxed life-style of single men turning upside down with a surprise baby and yet trying to find a partner in their life.
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sci-firenegade · 1 year
Is it just me, or does Merlin's hood (from The Adventures of Sir Lancelot) the same as Merlin's hood (from Knights of the Round Table '53)?
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They do look very similar, plus it wasn't uncommon to reuse assets. And the movie was filmed in England, maybe they left some costumes behind?
The Adventures of Lancelot cap was nicked from unwillingadventurer btw
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hadescavedish · 1 year
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Drew a small illustration for @unwillingadventurer  for the e-card exchange, due to my untimely sickness it delayed a day (it is still on) but here we go. Happy Christmas to you all!
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thedyingtimelady · 3 months
Just wanted to say, That I will Delete my Tumblr soon. Thanks to @junkyardbluebox @unwillingadventurer and @logopolis for so many great years.
You pals are the best. I will truly miss you, even if you dont know me/remember me. May we see eachother again on other plattforms 🧡
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missholson · 2 years
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Thank you @suchamiracle-does-exist, @electricnormanbates and @faisonsunreve for tagging me to list my 10 favourite movies! 💖 I had to give some thought on them. Here they are finally!
1. Red River (1948) A fresh Western ahead of its time with a young tender cowboy (sweet Montgomery Clift) in the lead, accompanied by one of the best supporting roles in cinema history (by John Ireland), and John Wayne unusually as the bad guy. The movie started my enthusiasm for old Westerns. 🤠
2. The Red Shoes (1948) I fell in love with the way how Powell & Pressburger tell the story between the lines and create their own distinctive atmosphere. Anton Walbrook’s performance blew my mind.
3. Magnum Force (1973) A whole new world of action movies opened up to me with the first Dirty Harry movie, and this sequel was pure diamond.
4. Call Me By Your Name (2017) A love story full of life and human feelings. Timothee Chalamet leads on the audience with his incredible performance.
5. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) One of my long time favourite movies that is simultaneously dark, funny, serious, and brilliant. I love the production design, the opening title sequence, and the soundtrack.
6. North by Northwest (1959) I wanted to include at least one Hitchcock movie and to my opinion this is one of his finest ones. Quoting my sister, this movie indeed made me also wonder “why on Earth haven’t I seen this before”!
7. Sebastiane (1976) A movie of men, made for men, with men acting in pieces of cloth and a pair of sandals. Has one of the greatest slow motion scenes ever. 🥵
8. La cage aux folles (1978) I love it how the movie is so honest and doesn’t apologize for being there. Great acting and incredibly funny. I love the texture of the film, the star fog effect, and the late 1970s style. My favourite soundtrack by Ennio Morricone.
9. Tenebre (1982) I can still remember the moment, when I was lying in bed in fever, wanting to watch something new, rented this movie, and saw the iconic camera crane scene with another iconic music. That was definitely something new. The movie introduced me to the world of giallos.
10. Un couteau dans le cœur / Knife + Heart (2018) I had many alternatives for the last choice. This modern French version of old Italian giallos was love at first sight. I like the combination of unconventional characters (all lgbtq+) trying to solve a good old murder mystery. Beautiful cinematography and great soundtrack.
Tagging: @miss-indigodaisies @serenastella @dysfunctional-deity @unwillingadventurer and anyone who wishes to do it!
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Because I read @unwillingadventurer 's Bath Time Buddy again recently and thought it was cute :D
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human-nxture · 7 months
( @aslanscompass @wordswithkittywitch @unwillingadventurer )
Your thoughts on Patsy… go..
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sushigal007 · 11 months
Self Promo Tag Game
To encourage some self promo, how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
Thank you for the tag, @bard-llama! Now I do only have 9 fics on ao3, but I'm gonna do it anyway and just see what happens. So!
Most Hits: A Long Way Home, with a whopping 57,608, leaving runner up Bad Company in the dust with a measly 7158 hits.
Most Kudos: Once again, A Long Way Home storms into first place with 2342, miles ahead of Back To The Start, coming in with a mere 264.
Most Comments: To nobody's surprise, it is once again A Long Way Home with 419 comment threads, roundly thrashing Bad Company's 94.
Most Bookmarks: Did you guess it right? Of course you did, it's A Long Way Home with 1045. All my fics have bookmarks though, which is nice. Yes, even the Fifty Shades parody.
Most Words: Plot twist, it's Bad Company, with 138,024 words! However, that one is completed and A Long Way Home is closing in with 80,038 words, and we haven't even met Toph yet.
Least Words: That honour goes to Slippery When Wet, the itty bitty little CSI one-shot I backed up from ff.net a few weeks ago. It was inspired by one of those random prompt generators that were popular back in the ol' LJ days and I really wish I could find a similar one, because I'd love to do some more of them again.
That was fun! But it did remind me that I really need to get back to posting the old fanfics I backed up. Some of them are very cringe, but I’d hate to see them disappear. Also let me know your fave random prompt generators, I really do need a new one.
Anyway! Tagging @rose-of-pollux, @unwillingadventurer, @eulaliasims, @dunne-ias (idk why it won’t let me tag you?), @tamtam-go92, and anyone else who just wants to flex a little!
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amortaldothapproach · 2 years
Tagged by @fuckyername
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Favorite color: I'm going to say quinacridone rose this time just to switch it up.
Currently reading: Still working through Animorphs! I'm on #32 out of 60-something and I think I'm on track to finish by the end of the year. I just took a break to read Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin, though, which was excellent.
Last song: If You Keep On - Adam Ant.
Last series: Star Trek Voyager. We're at the very end of season 5 I think?
Sweet/savory/spicy: Definitely sweet, although spicy is a close second. Savory is overrated imo...
Last movie: Murder By Death for the Sunday Sherlock Holmes watch along. It was fun! I'm not familiar enough with non-Holmes detectives to really get all the references though.
Currently working on: I'm waiting for the last bit of lace trim for my Edwardian chemise, then it'll be done-done and not just wearable. I'm also starting on a blouse mockup. I've got the muslin cut out, I just need to start assembling it. And I finally bought the rest of the fabric to make a skirt to go with it, too. That's... at least a month of work there lol.
Tagging @dionysus-complex @home-made-dynamite @hadescavedish @scarletmanuka @foreignobjecticus @gaytobymeres @dropoutdaisy @unwillingadventurer and anyone who wants to say I tagged them :)
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unwillingadventurer · 3 months
Raffles Week- a poem for today, not really for any prompt. Decided to do it in the style of the Major General's song from Pirates of Penzance and regretted it quite quickly. Would've done more verses but wanted to throw it out the window by then lol
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @burnt-kloverfield 💗
7 comfort films + 7 tags
- SyFy Alice (I’m counting that as a movie)
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- Return of the Jedi
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- Enchanted
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- Princess and the Pauper
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- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
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- Thor
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- The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
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No-pressure tagging @lovedsammy @faithfire @unwillingadventurer @sci-firenegade @freakwiththeknifecollection @wayward-wren @whispers-of-gallifrey
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Tea and book asks: 6, 10, 13? :)
Hi @unwillingadventurer and thank you for participating and for your asks! This really gave new motivation for the day. 😃 Tea and books asks:
6. What does your dream home looks like? My dream home would represent Nordic Classicism (e.g. oldtown buildings in Porvoo, Finland) with wood floors and plant ornamented paper walls inside. I love dark stained wooden furnitures from 1930's and 1940's and lightning, especially table lamps with opaline glass are my weak point - watching Babylon Berlin and its interior design is just a pure joy. Traditional cylindrical stoves in every room. Linen textiles. I dream of navy blue velvet curtains hanging on one window and red velvet curtains above the doorway to my film screening room, where the walls are covered with framed film posters and bookshelves where all my films are neatly put side by side. And the perfect coffee table called "tupakkapöytä" (tobacco table) beside the sofa. With home like this I guess I would never step outside of the house. 😅
10. Do you have a favourite classic novel? I was first 😬 but hey, I have read Lord of the Rings -trilogy so that is my definite answer! 🧝����‍♂️ (Have you seen the new The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power tv series yet? On my watchlist).
13. Which season do you feel at home in? Off the record, I like how this question is written in English. I'd say I feel at home in spring. I don't like heat so Finnish spring time is yet a bit of cold that you need to wear jacket but sunlight and longer daylight make you feel more energetic. When everything is turning green it feels like you have hope.
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sci-firenegade · 1 year
Guys, gals and enbie pals this is not a drill.
I have found something new with William Russell!
There was something on his IMDB that was bugging me.
Always a Bride (1953)
It wasn't in Doctor Who Cast and Crew Blog (but that's not a very accurate source) and Katie and Claire (of unwillingadventurer fame) didn't feature it in their Great Russell Watch. Plus it said he was uncredited, as some chauffeur.
So it's time to duel do some snoopin'.
Miraculously found the movie, and skimmed through it to try and find some chauffeur action and yep, that's our guy!
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He looks like a baby, and the pics kinda suck, but still! It's him!
Will see if I can upload the clip hehe
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