#v's chatter
rooftopwreck · 22 hours
[touching English soil] Something gay happened here 635 years ago
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nomizombie · 5 months
hmm clingy bodyguard könig x reader?
Clingy Bodyguard!König x GN!Reader
[SFW/Fluff...ish?] ; gender neutral reader, no usage of y/n, some swearing
[A/N] ; omg!!! sorry it took a little long i was conflicted about what i should write for this prompt... :,)
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"I said, you don't have to come with me this time."
"I'm not allowed to let you out of my sight, as per my contract."
You let out a sharp huff and cross your arms. No matter what situation, where you're going, or who you're with, König is constantly insisting he comes with.
"Holy shit! I'm just going to the store a few blocks away! You don't have to tail me for that." You hiss at him. This always happens when you try to go out.
"You could get hurt on the way there! Scheiße- what if some delinquent decides to rob and stab you!?" He shoots back, eyebrows knit in concern.
"Oh. My. God! It's literally a ten-minute walk!"
"I don't care how far it is. I'm coming or else you don't go. I'll lock all the doors in this house if I have to." He narrows his eyes at you and the jingling keys strapped to his waist tell you he isn't bluffing.
A heavy sigh leaves your mouth and you give in, despite your protests.
"Alright, fine. Let's go." you comply.
Still, once you two have reached the store, he continues to trail close behind like a lost puppy, or more accurately, a wild animal chained to you who glares at anyone who gets just a bit too close.
König continues to insist that his contract forces him to cling when really, he just can't leave your side.
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dividers by @mmadeinheavenn ^_^
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aldoodles · 5 months
Hello! I really really love your art (and honestly your whole vibe is impeccable. You're my favourite person to see on my dash). I know you don't take requests or anything but I am so enamoured by your drawings of Stoik and Valhallarama and I was wondering if you ever wanted to draw them with baby Hiccup? Or maybe them reacting to the Naming Dame giving him the runt name if you want to add a bit of angst.
Anyway, have a wonderful day!!!
Thank you so much for such a kind message!!
I adore drawing these two, even when they’ve just been handed some pretty stressful news.
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sollucets · 1 year
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favorite characters x favorite color: yok
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
after a bad day, I see your tumblr and it makes me so happy ‼️‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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captainschaos · 4 months
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JUST GOT MY ORDER FROM @chrisrin!!!!!!!! it all looks SO GOOD even all the packaging and stuff I'm definitely gonna put up on my big corkboard, and the pin fits so well with my official merch beanie <3 only makes me more excited to get the charm I preordered :D!!!!
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mnesmoyne · 1 year
* at school rn some drawings I made :)
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jadeslashes · 22 days
I feel kinda weird requesting this since it's one of the first times I've ever requested, but how about a jester reader (gender neutral or male, you decide) with Pinhead, Chatterer, and Jonathan Crane?
like, the reader constantly cracks jokes (some funny, some not), pranks people, is clever, playful, has literally no fears, etc.
sorry if it's too much :(
can I be 🐓 anon?
꩜ ⎯ includes: the cenobites ; jonathan crane.
꩜ ⎯ gn!jester!reader.
꩜ ⎯ rating: fluff <3
꩜ ⎯ warnings: hellraiser canon typical violence & descriptions. ambiguous mention of alcohol in dr. crane’s part.
꩜ ⎯ note: hii 🐓 anon sorry i took so long 2 post this hi, tysm for requesting n feel free to rq again or say hi <3 i merged chatterer and pinhead’s bits to just be all of the cenobites bc it made more sense to me i hope that’s ok :’) also thx for requesting for my fav characters atm ily /p
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after coming across the lament configuration by chance, you’d become obsessed with the mythos surrounding it. the stories, incredibly few of them that there were, of extra-dimensional beings known as the cenobites, and how this puzzle box that you held now, your fingers working away at it, was a door to their dimension.
your fingers ached from the hours of nonstop work on the configuration, determined to solve it even if it didn’t yield the opening of a door between dimensions as the legends said it would. when you’d first gotten your hands on the box all those months ago and learned of its mysteries, you doubted that there was truth to any of it. that it was simply an urban legend.
even just hours ago, you still would’ve said that the cenobite mythos were bullshit, just an intricate and macabre story someone made up. but as time ticked on, and you couldn’t take your hands or focus from the box, your belief began to waver.
and then it happened. you solved it. and with the sound of a bell tolling from some place far away, the realization that you were wrong washed over you in a cold, all consuming wave. and the tolling of the bell sounded closer with every ring.
the seconds before they appeared dragged on like hours. of everything you’d heard about them and this puzzle box, you wondered during this time—as one of the walls of the room you stood in began to unfold itself—which parts of them were true.
the accounts of the cenobites being creatures of lovecraftian caliber, beyond the reaches of what a human mind could grasp, had been false. they were humanoid in the very least, but somewhere in the dredges of your mind you knew that they were human. not now, but maybe before they’d been decorated with devices and means of torture that only existed in fragments in your world.
unsure of what else to do or say, and so fearful you couldn’t even feel your legs as they struggled to hold you upright, you asked who they were.
the being with pins sticking out of its head answered. though, their response didn’t truly answer anything.
“explorers in the further regions of experience—demons to some, angels to others.”
it was them. the cenobites. if you’d been reading this in a book or watching this happen on a screen (and honestly, that’s how it felt, like you were watching this happen to a character in a movie, even though the cenobites were standing right there, almost within arms’ reach) you’d have thought that sounded badass.
and furthermore, you’d have found the designs of these beings divine. you sympathized with the poor human beings trapped beneath pain and desperation. and yet, on the opposite side of that sympathy, you found their pain beautiful, found them beautiful.
and it was then that you noticed the scent of vanilla that they carried.
you were already doomed for all of eternity to unending torture and pain after you somehow managed to solve the lament configuration. might as well make the best of it, right?
“you opened the box, we came.”
“that’s what she said :)”
you couldn’t wipe that idiot smile off your face, even with four extradimensional beings looming over you, all their expressionless faces remained unfazed by your joke. and it wasn’t even that good of a joke.
absolute silence save for the sounds of… chattering teeth?
what an interesting eternity this is gonna be!
you’ve never not been able to at least get a chuckle out of someone, so when you started throwing punchlines around in the torture room with the four beings, to make yourself laugh and suppress the cosmic fear of what an eternity of suffering will be like, it was jarring to hear nothing but the sounds of rattling, clinking chains and the buzzing of flies in response.
no matter what you do, you cannot get a single laugh out of any of the cenobites. they’re stone faced and reactionless at every joke you try to land.
but hey, with the cenobites, no reaction is better than a bad reaction. you weren’t getting disemboweled and mutilated punchline by punchline. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say that maybe they were entertained by you. maybe that human part of them hadn’t been completely extinguished.
except for chatterer, though. you’re not sure if it’s distaste or amusement that the cenobite is trying to express when it chatters after a punchline. with its face being mangled to the point of being nothing more than a mouth outstretched with metal hooks and shallow, skin-covered indents where eyes must’ve once been.
🐦‍⬛﹒DR. CRANE ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
the stone-cold, clinical demeanor of dr. jonathan crane seemed tough to crack. or maybe he just wanted to come off to people that way, and no one had ever tried.
to everyone else, jonathan was an intelligent, if a little bit dull, psychologist. a psych professor, a doctor at arkham, the scarecrow. someone to be taken any way but lightly.
but your playful demeanor and (sometimes funny, sometimes not) jokes didn’t discriminate. and you wouldn’t dull yourself down just to appease someone, like dr. crane, who appeared to take life way too seriously.
in the break room, at meetings, wherever you two saw each other, you were always smiling, sharing something funny with your coworkers. it was charming to dr. crane.
and on top of it all, you wouldn’t exclude him. when you were telling your jokes and stories, getting laughs out of everyone, your eyes would always welcomingly meet his, inviting him to be a part of it rather than acting like he wasn’t there and assuming him to be a bore.
even in the occasional one on one interactions you had with him, this didn’t change. sometimes you’d even get an actual laugh out of him, something that you never really saw him do otherwise.
whenever you saw the smile that you’d gotten out of him break across his lips, and heard his stiff but amused laugh, you could never get yourself to stop smiling. and you’d feel yourself start to heat up with embarrassment, smiling like an idiot at him.
then the two of you would straighten up, as if reassuming the emotionless facade of arkham employees, tell one another to have a good day, and move on.
getting him, of all people, to laugh was a testament to your good humor!
and you got him to do way more than laugh, too; you’d managed to get him on multiple dates. but if anyone ever asked you about your relationship with him, you wouldn’t say a word about how much it’s grown.
being coworkers at a place like arkham, it wasn’t wise to let the word spread and draw so much attention to the two of you. for the sake of carmine falcone’s operations, which both you and jonathan were a part of facilitating at the asylum, you and him needed to blend in.
but during the time that you’d spend with him where it was just the two of you, at one of your homes sharing a drink in the living room, he’d began to loosen up considerably.
his real laugh is a little cold, but smooth and usually fairly quiet. he typically doesn’t burst into laughter, but you can always get a genuine chuckle out of him. if you can get dr. jonathan crane to laugh you can probably get anyone to laugh.
as much as your indiscriminate, timeless jokes were the reason jonathan was so drawn to you, it was still a detriment at times. times like meetings and dinners with those who you and jonathan work for.
it didn’t matter to you if these meetings were the wrong place to crack your jokes, even in spite of the unimpressed, dirty looks they’d earn you from your overseers.
in front of them, jonathan won’t crack even the slightest hint of a smile for the sake of being professional (unless it’s funny enough).
if it’s funny enough, you’ll get a stifled chuckle before he clears his throat and corrects his posture, making sure to maintain his reputation. while you stand beside him, trying and failing to hold back that smile, as always. it made you feel like two school kids trying to silence your laughter in fear of the teacher noticing.
and then when the moment’s passed and nobody’s looking, he’ll shoot you a scolding glance asking: why would you do that??
but somehow, unlike anything or anyone else, your smile is his weakness. and when you softly chuckle about how funny it was, jonathan’s sternness lifts and you two share a laugh.
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If y’all could pray for my friend T, I’d appreciate it. They got in a car crash yesterday while working; nobody was hurt on either side, but they’re scared they’re gonna lose their job (their job requires a lot of driving). Additionally, they already have PTSD from a previous car crash, and when I last saw them, they weren’t doing so well. I’d appreciate some prayers for them.
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blcssom · 1 year
some yearning/pining plots i’ve been obsessed w/ lately..... 
she’s been watching a lot of slice of life/shojo anime so i don’t wanna hear it :’ ) 
( mutuals only: PLS feel free to dm me if one calls out to u !!! literally i’m ready to read it and weep )
☼ childhood sweethearts reunited except muse a was the one in love with muse b growing up while muse b dated muse a’s best friend !!!!!! like they literally resigned themselves to being the permanent third wheel ( sounding board for both of them, couples therapist, maybe even in their wedding party depending on the muses ??? ) but now muse b and the bestie are divorced/broken up and both seeking comfort and even tho muse a is still friends with the ex they cant help but shoot their shot with muse b ???? right ????
☼ mentor x mentee ship except for the longest time its just the mentee pining while the mentor sees them as more of a kid sibling ???  but then something happens or time passes and suddenly they start to see their mentee as a ~ romantic interest ~ and are v fucked up abt it !!! and maybe the mentee has moved on or maybe they’re still pining but their mentor is as confusing as always xxx
☼ i love a raincloud x sunshine ship where the sunshine muse is positive that they’re slowly chipping away at the ice around raincloud’s heart just for the walls to go up again and discourage them but it iS actually working and lil raincloud is fighting for their LIFEEEEE
☼ ice prince(ss) who thinks they’re incapable of love and the golden retriever who sees the good in them anyway :’ ) obvi with lots of angst with the retriever trying to get them to lighten up and the ice prince(ss) trying to drive them away so they don’t get hurt !!!!!!! we love an angst of misunderstanding
☼ i’m so obsessed w/ the idea of two people who are clearly in love with each other but their pride is getting in the way so they’re trying to get the other person to admit their feelings first………………… idk it just hits y’all the psychological warfare is g o l d !!!!
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acaciapines · 4 months
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rooftopwreck · 17 days
if/when Hob sees Dream in a low cut shirt, flowy robes AND cunty eyeshadow, he may need to be resuscitated
good thing he can't die
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nomizombie · 4 months
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Youre sparring with König late at night but you have a deathly fever. But, showing weakness around another soldier let alone your superior? Youd rather die before that happens.
He slams you to the mat, a third time, a fourth, before you’re hacking and coughing. You can barely take full breaths. But , time and time again, you pull your sore body up and get into your fighting stance, ready to be pummelled to the ground a fifth time.
He notices this. Hes not a dumbass. He can see the way you struggle to even get up off the floor or your laboured breathing from how many times the air in your lungs were forced out. Youre literally trembling as you speak to him, forcing out a raspy, “again.”
This time though, he pauses. Maybe youre having a bad day and needed a few hours of beating your body up, who is he to get in your business. But this? He wouldnt even put his strongest soldier theough this.
“Can you fight any longer?” König says, grimacing as you as you wipe at the dried blood that was dripping down your nose a few minutes earlier.
You nod, your weak throat cant bare to make any noises right now. He sighs. He always knew you were so… persistent. Even to the point of teetering over the edge of consciousness and unconsciousness.
You throw a weak fist at him, but he stops it gently in his hand.
“You are shaking.” He says, so quietly that you swore you couldve imagined it.
“You dont have to lie to me just because im your superior.” He gently scolds, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead as he scoops your exhausted form up.
“Ach, youre burning. Ill take you back to your dorm, okay?”
You stare at him for a few seconds. Is this the same könig that yelled at you for 5 minutes because you lagged behind during a march?
You can only manage a weak nod, finally letting your eyes flutter close as your head rests on his chest.
based on this image i saw on pinterest, if you know the artist plz tell me!!
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aldoodles · 22 days
Here's a toughy if your into some angst esque moments. You capture facial expressions so well.
Grace, sitting at the table, waiting for her kids to come home at the end of Book 1.
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If I was her I wouldn’t’ve been able to function let alone keep going to work
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chipchopclipclop · 9 months
I hope this is okay to say, but I've been studying your use of color in hopes of improving my own and I figured I'd just ask directly how you choose your colors, or where you even start. I've spent the last several years focusing exclusively on gesture and going from flat colors to something with a little more depth has been really daunting. :<
honestly i don't paint much when i render my stuff, i usually stick to maybe 3 degrees of value bc it can otherwise look muddy in my work (this is why i stick to cell shading (also bc i like cell shading lol)) and the best explanation i have of my colouring process is probably this ask i answered
the answer is gradient maps, gradient maps are your friend but having a good idea of what range you want your colours to be also helps when using gradient maps (what do i want the colours of the shadow to be and what colour do i want the light to be are good questions to ask yourself)
edit: before and after i punch something with gradient maps
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whimsical-sonic · 8 months
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concept stuffs of sonic and blaze for my misplaced au
the outfit colors arent final! i just wanted to figure out empowered colors :]
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