#val cardinal
luposlipaphobya · 3 months
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"I could live as Augusto for a while. Have you ever met him? Everybody loves him! You'll love him too." "I'd rather have Melisande." "Well, let's enjoy Melisande while he's still around."
Melisande (@the-nothing-maker's character) and Lazuli (my npc) finally had the guts to flirt a little during our dnd game.
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the-nothing-maker · 9 months
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Birds of a feather flock together
(the cover to my and my friend @luposlipaphobya's D&D zine, featuring our two characters Mélisande and Lazuli ! We'll be releasing it tomorrow (02/09) at 6pm - keep the date in mind !)
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littleflowerfaith · 1 year
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less”
C.S. Lewis
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comet-wire · 1 year
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Mandy looks so cute I love her, I also love that she's secretly mischievous with Chester.
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Is Chester doing the yoinky sploinky-/hj
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Mischievous jester core and royalty core duo my beloved<3
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I love Gray sm!!! He kind of reminds me of Copia/Papa 4 from Ghost!!
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Specifically the early era of Copia when he was a Cardinal but I think other eras of Copia have the same vibe as Gray!!
Edit:if I don't get Gray since he's the free brawler next season, I'll cry and shit my pants if I'm unable to complete the quest for him/hj+srs
Anyways just wanted to gush about them before I go mental/hj and disappear for a bit lmao
Edit:thank you for the notes! But I'd genuinely appreciate it more if you could pay more attention to my art rather than just me rambling about my interests, thank you! It also keeps me motivated to post more art!
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Ch. 5: Moving Target
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Author's Note: Not much to say here, except, "Please don't hurt me" and another massive "Thank you" for all the likes so far. Your support for this story so far is much appreciated.
To the childless wife he gives a home, and gladdens her heart with children.
- Ps. 113
Chapter 5
Moving Target
The Hudson Hawk: Your Eye on Hudson
Is It Foul Play in Briar Ridge Owner's Death?
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Anyone who knows anything about Hudson has heard about Briar Ridge and the late Val Stanton. She was a well-respected pillar of the community who supported various causes and elevated the sport of showjumping. Her death comes as a shock, especially due to the unpleasant circumstances surrounding it.
Authorities have been slow to finger any suspects, nor have they publicly speculated about possible motives. It would seem they would rather chalk this one up to an unfortunate hunting accident than entertain the notion it could be willful homicide.
This blogger finds it hard to believe her death was accidental. There have been recent reports of bears in the Hudson area, but only a visually impaired hunter mistakes a woman on a horse for a bear. A woman on a horse also cannot be confused for cougars, wolves, coyotes or any other type of prey animal a concerned rancher or farmer might have cause to take down.
I mean, sure, an errant bullet is a possibility, but if so, Stanton would have to have been especially unlucky to be struck by a round so far off the mark. Furthermore, Hudson police have been unable to find any proof of active hunters in the general vicinity of the fatal incident.
The question, then, is who would want Stanton dead?
Facts so far, as reported by the press:
1) Stanton went for a ride on a horse by herself on the morning of her death.
2) Stanton did not return by the expected time.
3) Family members reported her missing, citing the particular urgency of Stanton's health as a reason for concern.*
4) Stanton's body found early the next morning at Lookout Point by a Hudson resident out for a ride.
5) Coroner determines cause of death to be a single gunshot wound; Stanton fell from her mount, causing further trauma, but the injuries sustained in the fall did not ultimately contribute to her demise.
*I've been unable to find out exactly what "health" issue might have been troubling Stanton, but sources close to this blogger say she had fought two bouts of cancer in the past decade. It should also be noted that one need not wait a specific time frame in order to file a missing-persons report in the province of Alberta (i.e., 24 or 48 hours).
Comments? Theories? Let me know in the comments below.
I've got my eye on you, Hudson.
- Hudson Hawk
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Comment: The Hudson Times said the horse Stanton was riding was attacked by a bear. Do you know anything more about this, Hawk?
Reply: I can confirm the story the horse was attacked by a bear. I'm told it is in a safe place now and being treated, but I cannot reveal my source.
- Hawk
Reply: Okay, thanks. Is the horse going to be alright?
Reply: My source tells me he is in expert care and will most likely make a full recovery.
- Hawk
Reply: Good. Thanks!
Comment: No theories, but just want to say it's crazy what happened. I hope the cops get to the bottom of this. This used to be such a safe place to live.
- A Hudson Rez.
Reply: Hey "A Hudson Rez". I noticed your handle. You're not the "Hudson resident" they talked about in the papers who found the body, are you?
- Guest
Reply: No, totally not. Why?
- A Hudson rez
Reply: OK, thanks. Just curious.
- Guest
"Okay, I'm heading off to my investors meeting in Calgary," Lisa said as she flew through the kitchen towards the mud room, pausing as Jack turned from the sink to catch up with her. He planted a kiss on her cheek and bid her a safe drive. "Good luck talking with those detectives today while I'm away."
"Thanks, I think I'll be okay," Jack said, noting the hint of warning in her voice. He had heard all about how uncomfortable the investigators had made her feel the week before during her own interview. "What time do you expect to be back?"
"In time for a late afternoon glass of wine with you," she said, eyes dancing merrily. "I'll text if I'm delayed."
Jack gave the phone at his hip a pat. "I'll make sure it's on," he said.
"Yes, you've got a lot better at that, Mr. Bartlett, haven't you?"
"What are you insinuating?" he retorted with mock indignation.
Lisa's mouth twisted into a playful smile as she swallowed a chuckle. "Oh, nothing."
"All right, all right, I know my track record has been the pits when it comes to these things," Jack said, raising his hands in submission. "But it is on, and I will be paying attention."
"Good. And on that note, I'm off."
"Love you," Jack said.
"Love you more," Lisa responded sweetly, then was out the door.
Traffic on the Range Road was seldom busy, and today was no exception. Lisa counted maybe two other vehicles that passed her along the way; none from the opposite direction. She knew she could expect to hit heavier volumes once she reached Calgary, which was one reason she left Heartland with enough of a buffer to ensure she was not late for the meeting.
The nature of the meeting would be more serious in nature than others in the past. It would be the first time the group of investors would be meeting since Val died, meaning there was an empty spot Tanner Gunn would be looking to fill. Fortunately, someone was willing to do just that: Jesse Stanton.
Val's death sure has brought about a real change in Jesse, Lisa thought. She admittedly never had dealings with the heir to Briar Ridge, but with his mother gone, Jesse seemed to be willing to step up to the plate and continue as an investor with Tanner Gunn's group. Lisa had heard stories of how miserable Jesse had tried to make life for Ty once upon a time; that immature, vindictive phase was clearly behind him.
He would be in attendance today; one major item on the agenda would be the rather perfunctory business of naming Jesse as Val's replacement in their group. Other items included the possibility of raising the reward money amount for information leading to an arrest and conviction in Lanny and Paige's murders.
It's so terrible the police have nothing after all this time, Lisa mused sadly. And now Val... Thinking of the seeming lack of progress in Chief Parker's investigation, she wondered if Tessa Haywood, Jesse's girlfriend, was simply blowing smoke when she bragged Jesse was planning to hire a private investigator to look into his mother's death.
Maybe it's something Paige's parents ought to be doing, Lisa thought, knowing the case had gone cold in Calgary. Maybe I should suggest it at the meeting. Maybe we could offer to put up money to hire a P.I., instead of raising the reward.
From some distant point behind her, the obnoxious roar of a motorcycle reached Lisa's ears. A quick glance in the rear view mirror confirmed it: a lone rider approaching at a clip. Lisa kept glancing at her mirrors to keep tabs on this motorcyclist's movements. A few moments later, she watched as he pulled out into the oncoming traffic lane, then pulled back in behind her.
Is he trying to pass? Lisa wondered. She purposely let up on the accelerator so the rider could safely go by. When he didn't, she lowered her window and stuck out her arm, waving to encourage him; nothing was approaching them at this time from the opposite direction.
"It's clear," Lisa muttered more to herself, since she knew he could not possibly hear her over the roar of the bike's engine. Again, the motorcyclist swerved out, only to inexplicably pull back in behind.
What is he doing? she thought in borderline annoyance. She had already reduced her speed; maybe letting up some more would embolden him. Once more, Lisa released the pressure on the gas pedal; beckoned through the window more insistently now.
"I'm fifteen under the limit, buddy," she spoke out loud, voice heavy with exasperation, "if you're going to go—"
No sooner had she said this did the motorcyclist put on a burst of speed. He pulled abreast of her, keeping pace with the Porsche. Lisa glanced to her left, taking in the rider's dark leather jacket, mirrored helmet, and the pricey-looking bike. His head turned in her direction, but he still did not overtake. Lisa gave a slight shrug before returning her attention to the road ahead. If he did not want to go past, that was his business. He would only be risking a head-on collision if someone did happen to come up ahead on the road.
Lisa glanced at him yet again, still puzzled and now growing annoyed at his unusual actions. Is he trying to play "chicken"? she thought. An incline was in the distance, and she wondered if he would ever pass, as it would be dangerous to attempt on a hill. His right hand now clutched a pistol, which was pointed at her. Lisa's breath caught in her throat, instant fright replacing her annoyance. Instinctively, Lisa twisted the steering wheel to the right in a desperate attempt to veer away from the threat.
Two shots rang out.
The Porsche careened off the road into the ditch, its engine racing for several seconds before finally cutting off.
The would-be assassin continued down the road towards the incline without stopping as he shoved the weapon back inside his breast pocket. He instantly regretted the action, having misjudged how hot the piece had become after firing it, nearly yelping in pain when the metal radiated scorching heat through his jacket and shirt.
He chanced a final glance behind him at the wreck; the thought crossing his mind that he should perhaps turn back to see if he had been successful in carrying out his deadly objective. As he reached the hill's summit, he cursed himself when a horn blared. What seemed to be an inevitable collision with a pickup truck was avoided by mere inches as he finally pulled back into his proper lane.
In a flash, he realised he recognized that pickup before it vanished from sight behind the hill: it belonged to the Hudson veterinarian, Dr. Scott Cardinal. One side of his twisted brain urged him to turn back and kill Cardinal, too, but the more rational side prevailed. There were too many risks and unknowns at play now. What if someone else happened upon them? It was not worth it. So he rode on, anxious to put as much distance between himself and this job. In any case, Cardinal wouldn't be able to identify him. He was safe. But if the veterinarian did somehow become a threat, he would not be difficult to find…
"Scott, watch out!" Ty shouted in warning as they crested the hill.
Scott's heart skipped a beat when the guy on the motorbike narrowly avoided being splattered all over his windshield.
"Idiot," Scott spat in disgust, watching in the rear-view mirror as the retreating rider slipped from view behind the hill. His heart nearly skipped another beat when he saw a familiar silver-grey SUV sunk in the ditch just up ahead on the left.
Ty saw it, too. "Wait, I think that's Lisa's," he said, cold dread drenching him.
Scott eased up on the gas and pressed the brakes, bringing his truck to a complete stop while activating his emergency flashers. It could only be Lisa's; it had to be. No one else in Hudson drove that exact make and model in that colour. Even if it was not Lisa, the pair would certainly have halted to assist any accident victims.
"Ty, call for help!"
In seconds, Scott had snatched some gloves from his vet kit and hopped from the cab of the truck. He pulled on the gloves as he sprinted across the road towards the SUV. There was no discernible motion from within. Scott reached the driver's side window, which was still rolled down.
"Lisa?!" he called.
What he saw caused him to reach in to unlock and yank open the driver's side door in one frantic pull, willing himself not to panic or lose his focus. Lisa was slumped over the steering wheel, face partially obscured by the folds of the deflated airbag. The upper portion of the left sleeve of her dark grey blazer was saturated with blood.
"Lisa! Can you hear me?"
No response. He reached over to feel along the carotid artery; listened closely to determine if she was breathing. Her breath seemed shallow and laboured. Pulse? There it was: rapid, but barely perceptible beneath his gloved fingers. His attention quickly returned to the perfectly round wound to Lisa's upper arm, the first obvious source of the blood. Scott immediately squeezed his hands around her arm just above the site, applying as much pressure as he could manage, hoping to stop the flow.
"Ty!" he barked over his shoulder. "Grab our kits and get over here!"
He realised they would need to apply a tourniquet as soon as possible. At first, Scott could not figure how such an injury could have occurred in a car accident, since there was no evidence of shrapnel or anything of the sort. For a second, he flashed back to the thigh injury he sustained in the plane crash from several years ago. Nothing like that appeared to be the reason behind Lisa's trauma. It began to dawn on Scott there was already far too much blood soaking Lisa's blazer to have been caused by a single entry site. With the utmost care, he shifted her arm for a closer examination. What he saw caused his spirits to sink further: another perfectly round hole in Lisa's side that matched the ones perforating her left bicep.
"Scott, is she okay?"
Ty stood next to his mentor now, trying not to crowd him; his own hands currently wearing protective gloves as he lugged the kits over and set them down. He unclipped his cell and activated the speaker function, waiting for the 911 operator to answer.
Scott's face was grim. "Ty, I think Lisa's been shot."
"Shot?!" Ty echoed in dismay, angling for a closer look into the SUV. "What—are you sure?"
"It went through her arm and into her side," Scott said, throat constricting as he tried to swallow; his mouth bone dry. "It's pretty bad."
"911, what is your emergency?"
Ty shook himself after seeing the streaks of blood on Scott's own gloved hands which were still clenched firmly around Lisa's arm.
"Yes, I'm at the site of an automobile accident on Range Road 292 heading south towards Hudson," he answered the dispatcher. "Uh, a woman has been badly hurt."
"Okay, sir. What is your name, and can you confirm how many people are involved in the accident?"
"I'm Ty Borden—I'm a vet; I'm with Dr. Scott Cardinal," he stated. "The woman is Lisa Stillman. She's the only one hurt. We just found her. She's not conscious but she's bleeding pretty badly from, uh, from what looks like a gunshot wound."
If the 911 operator was fazed by what Ty described, her voice did not betray it.
"Thank you, Dr. Borden. We're dispatching police and ambulance services to your location right now. Did you say Dr. Scott Cardinal is with you?"
"Yes," Ty confirmed. "He can hear you; I've got you on speaker."
"Scott, it's Heather LaPlante," announced the dispatcher. "You're my vet. I know you guys are animal doctors, but your medical training will still be extremely useful here."
There came a series of additional questions and instructions from Heather, clarifying the extent of Lisa's injuries, and what more the two veterinarians could do to keep her alive.
"Don't move her unless it's absolutely necessary," Heather cautioned, once she had verified from Scott that Lisa was still breathing and a pulse was present. "Is the bullet wound a puncture or perforation?"
"Both," Scott advised. "The bullet perforated her left arm through the bicep and punctured her side—the ribcage. No discernible exit wound."
"Then the bullet is still inside her somewhere," Heather remarked in a matter-of-fact manner, but both men heard an edge of anxiety colouring her words. "You said her breath sounds are labored and the pulse is rapid, so you could be dealing with a pneumothorax. If you haven't already done so, you and Dr. Borden need to apply a tourniquet immediately to her arm, and you've got to deal with that side chest wound until more help arrives."
"Scott," Ty interjected with urgency, "the air bag. Look."
Scott took a moment to follow his protégé's gaze. His stomach flipped. A red stain bloomed ominously on the white material of the air bag below Lisa's face. "Ty, you gotta check her for a head or face injury," he said. "I don't want to let go of her arm until we can get the tourniquet."
"What's happening?" asked Heather, having heard the exchange.
"The air bag deployed when she crashed," Scott explained to the dispatcher, "but we're seeing bloodstains. It looks like she sustained a head injury on impact, or…" His voice trailed off, not wanting to voice the alternative. He knew they were all thinking the same thing, anyway.
There was barely room for Ty to maneuver. He clipped the phone back to the holder on his belt so as to have both hands free for this next action. The way the Porsche was angled in the ditch meant it would be impossible to gain access through the passenger-side door, so Ty popped the lock on the backseat door. Once inside, he squeezed himself over the console between the front seats to get closer to Lisa.
Life over limb, Ty thought grimly, as he cautiously supported the neck of the still-unconscious woman while raising her head for Scott to get a closer look.
"What do you see, Scott?" he asked, straining to keep proper support from his awkward position.
A bloody welt, gory and deep red in colour, showed plainly on Lisa's pale skin, just below the hairline, an inch above her left eye. Blood was now streaming down, darkening her left eyebrow, lid, and eyelashes. A single rivulet crept its way down her cheek; droplets stained the collar of her light blue blouse.
Scott sighed, his apprehension ramping up even higher. "She's been shot in the head, too, Ty. That ambulance had better get here fast."
Ty blinked hard. "Heather, I'm going to lean her back so her face isn't pressed into the steering wheel."
"Okay, do it gently as possible, always supporting her neck."
Once this action was complete, he dashed out of the SUV and snapped open the vet kits. After withdrawing the necessary items, he and Scott applied a neat tourniquet to Lisa's left arm. Knowing they might need to shift Lisa to address the wound to her side, Ty reached in to unbuckle the seatbelt and carefully snaked it back to its original position.
"Make sure you keep paying close attention to her breathing and pulse, Scott," Heather warned. "Let me know right away if anything changes. If her chest cavity fills up with too much air, her lungs could collapse… and she could die right there before the paramedics can get to her. Here's what you have to do immediately to buy her some time..."
"All right, everybody's here except Lisa Stillman," Tanner Gunn said, calling the investors' group meeting to order.
"Yeah, that's Lisa—always on her own timetable, never mind what everyone else is doing," Dan Hartfield said disparagingly.
"Really?" Tanner remarked, turning to look at the other man. "I hadn't ever noticed that about your ex-wife, Dan. As I recall, she's normally early for these meetings."
"I'll send her a text," Dan grumbled, having been caught in his lie.
"Car trouble, maybe?" Fred Garland posited with a frown.
"That Porsche of hers is over ten years old," muttered Dan, still tapping on his phone, "but it's in excellent condition. I'll see if she responds to my message."
"I say we just start the meeting and get her up to speed when she arrives," Stanley Belmont, owner and operator of the Hudson Funeral Home said impatiently.
Emma Fitzroy nodded. "I agree. We have quorum in any case, and since we're not deciding on any new investment opportunities this meeting, we don't need any unanimous votes."
"Any objections from anyone, then?" Tanner asked, looking around the room. The members, plus newcomer Jesse Stanton, were all shaking their heads in the negative. "No objections. Good. Let's get a recap of the last meeting's minutes to start. Hopefully that gives Lisa enough time to get here before we move onto the first item of business on the agenda, which is namely you, Jesse..."
Jack heard the unexpected approach of a car. This was unusual, since he knew Lisa could not possibly be back at this time, and it was early still for his appointment with the detectives. He peeked out the kitchen window, mildly surprised to see it was indeed a police cruiser. It pulled to a stop and parked in the spot normally occupied by Lisa's Porsche. Are they here already? Jack thought. He was further surprised to see both Jim Parker and Ty exiting the vehicle. A strange disquiet stirred in the pit of his stomach. Some instinct told him this was not going to be a social call from the Hudson chief of police. He did not wait for the knock and instead opened the door right away for the two men.
Ty let the senior officer go ahead of him, unable to meet Jack's eyes. He was thankful Chief Parker was there and would do all the talking.
"Jim, it's good to see you," Jack said heartily, offering a firm handshake.
"Jack," Jim replied cordially, though his manner was reserved as he tried for some professional detachment.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" asked Jack uneasily, his eyes wandering momentarily to Ty, who continued to avert his gaze. The younger man hung back, unsure now if he ought to be present for this. But no, he thought, Jack needed his support. Better to stay.
"Let's sit down first, please?" Jim implored, nodding towards the kitchen table. "Ty, you can join us, too."
Jack offered the chief something to drink while he pulled out a chair for him to sit down. Jim politely declined. The old cowboy rounded the table to take the place opposite. Ty mutely took up a third spot at the table to Jack's oblique left.
The Bartlett patriarch sensed something must be terribly amiss but could not quite make any sense of both Ty and Chief Parker's presence. He tamped down the rising tide of foreboding. "All right; what's this about?"
"I'm here because your wife—Lisa has been in an accident," Jim said plainly.
The words slammed into Jack like a gale-force wind, knocking the breath from his lungs. "Wha-? An accident?" His eyes flew once again to Ty for an explanation or some kind of confirmation of the chief's news. "Is she all right?"
"She's still alive, but her condition is critical. They've taken her to the South Calgary Health Campus," Jim replied evenly. "But, Jack, there's more."
Ty sucked in a sharp breath, knowing full well what "more" Chief Parker was referring to.
All kinds of dark memories engulfed a dumbstruck Jack; images and emotions from the night a similar conversation occurred between him and another officer about Marion and Amy.
"It wasn't merely an 'accident'," Jim continued, monitoring the other man's features carefully. "Someone shot your wife."
The words were so incongruous, Jack needed Jim to repeat them. "Excuse me, but did you just say someone shot my wife?" he exclaimed, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.
Ty covered his own mouth with his hand, remembering the sight of an unconscious, injured Lisa in the seat of her SUV.
"That's correct," Jim acknowledged.
"But—who? W-why?" Jack sputtered, rising from his chair, staring at the chief as his heart clenched painfully within. Rage soon replaced the disbelief as he imagined tearing to pieces the person who had dared harm his wife in this way.
"We don't have any suspects right now," Jim said calmly, noting how Jack's face had deeply reddened and how his hands were gripping the back of the chair. "I was actually hoping you might be able to help with that."
"How could I possibly 'help'?!" Jack snapped. Someone had shot his wife. She was in critical condition in the hospital, and Chief Parker was keeping him here, insinuating he might know who did it.
"Can you think of anybody who might want to hurt her? Does Lisa have any enemies?"
"'Enemies'? Lisa?!" echoed Jack, his voice rising from its usual gravelly timbre to a higher, incredulous pitch. The idea was absurd. "No!"
"Forgive me for having to ask," Parker said soothingly. "I know she is in the high-stakes racehorse breeding business. Have there been any disgruntled clients or staff? Jealous rivals? Think carefully, now."
Jack lowered himself into his chair once more. He attempted to focus; he forced his voice to speak something coherent. "Jim, you've met my wife. She's one of the kindest, most generous people I've known my whole life. She would rather sell her vacation home in France than let go her staff when she was going through a rough financial patch. That's the kind of person she is. Of course she has no enemies!"
If Parker was disappointed with this response, he did not let on. However, he did not give voice to what he was thinking: Very seldom in his experience did he encounter a person who went through life without upsetting someone else. The question, then, was if Lisa Stillman had ever upset someone else enough to want to end her life.
"Um… There was this jockey…" Ty murmured.
Jim turned to look at him expectantly. Jack glanced over in surprise, having nearly forgotten Ty was there.
"Go on, Ty," Jim encouraged.
"His name's Liam," Ty said, clearing his throat. "Liam Comox. He once jockeyed for Lisa. Amy and I—we suspected him of using an illegal shock device on one of the horses that was acting up. Lisa found a bunch of buzzers among his possessions and fired him. She also reported him to the Steward's Office. He was barred from racing."
"When was this?" asked the chief eagerly, seizing on this potential lead.
Ty considered. "Uh, maybe eight or nine years ago?"
A dubious expression replaced the hopeful one on Jim's face. "Hmm. Do you think he's still hanging around and holds a grudge against Lisa after all this time?"
Ty expelled a breath. "I don't know," he said with an honest shrug. "That is a pretty long time to be nursing a grudge. As for where he is now, I have no idea."
"Thank you, Ty. This is definitely something we'll be looking into," Parker said, scribbling down the details provided.
He turned now to Jack. "Thanks for answering my questions. If anything else occurs to you that you think might be important, I want you to call me right away, okay, Jack? No matter how insignificant you may think it is."
"I will," Jack said, rising as Jim stood up to leave.
"The same goes for you, Ty," Parker added, placing his card on the table. "I know you gave us a statement at the accident site, but if you think of anything else—something you remember that you didn't tell us—you call us."
"Okay," Ty replied with a nod.
"I'm sorry we had to meet again like this, Jack," Parker said with sincerity. "I don't like it when things like this happen under my jurisdiction, especially so soon after what happened to Valerie Stanton. You have my word my team and I will be nose to the grindstone to bring the responsible party to justice."
Jack was almost too numb to speak but managed a feeble "Thank you."
"I'll be in touch, Jack. There's bound to be more questions at a later time. You have my best wishes for a speedy recovery for your wife. Now, I'll see myself out," the chief said as he made his way over to the mud room.
Once the door shut behind the Hudson chief of police, Jack turned his attention to Ty. The numbness receded as his mind begged for more details. "Ty, what the hell is going on?" he hissed. "What is this about your giving a statement at the 'accident site'? How come you were with Chief Parker?"
"Because Scott and I were the ones who found Lisa," Ty answered, eyes downcast. "Her Porsche went off the road."
"And?" Jack prodded, his heart again screaming in pain while his mind conjured up horrific images of his wife trapped inside a mangled vehicle. "Don't you dare B.S. me, either, Ty. You tell me everything you know."
"It's—It's bad, Jack," Ty admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "We must have got there almost right after it happened. She, uh, wasn't conscious when Scott got to her. We could see one bullet wound to her left arm. That one did the most damage. It actually went through the arm into her side. No exit wound, so…"
"What else?" Jack demanded, steeling himself for what he feared he might hear next.
"There was another bullet wound to her forehead," Ty replied slowly, pointing out the approximate location on his own head. "I know that doesn't sound good, but when the paramedics arrived and got her out of the SUV, I think they were optimistic the bullet didn't actually penetrate her skull."
"Jeez," Jack breathed out, unable to articulate anything further.
"Scott and I applied a tourniquet to her arm. Sealed up the chest wound with gauze and… it's possible she could have a collapsed or punctured lung," Ty added reluctantly. "But she was still breathing when the paramedics and police got there, then Chief Parker arrived."
"I need to get to her right now," Jack stated resolutely, already moving to exit the house.
"I'll take you," Ty rushed to say. "You're in no state of mind to drive, Jack. Don't argue with me on this one, please."
Jack gave a swift nod without pausing in his tracks. "Fine," he grunted, tossing his keys to Ty. "Let's go!"
The drive out to the hospital was filled with a stifling tension. Ty dared not say a word while Jack sat in stony silence next to him. By the set of his jaw, Ty knew Jack was seething in mental torment and emotional anguish. Only once did Jack say something when they reached Calgary city limits and were minutes from the South Calgary Health Campus: "If she dies, I will kill the bastard responsible."
Ty sent a cautious glance over at the man who had become like a father to him. He saw a deadly resolve in the older man's lined face; his words clearly not an idle threat. Ty felt a chill pass through him at the thought Jack might actually resort to murder to avenge Lisa. He wanted to say something to get Jack off that destructive thought pattern but held his tongue for the time being. Had Ty not almost beaten Wade to death for his abusive actions towards Lily? He understood well that blinding rage and irrepressible need to exact justice for wrongs committed against innocent loved ones. The irrational emotion gripping Jack would eventually run its course—or at least Ty hoped it would—and there was still the chance Lisa would pull through.
Chapter 6: Fragile
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benjaminasimpson · 2 years
Praying Against the Grain
Praying Against the Grain
Photo by Joshua Hanks on Unsplash O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, Jesus.From the desire of being preferred, Deliver me, Jesus.From…
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wonik1ss · 3 months
౨ৎ Work Adversaries ! — kim minji
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pairing — non idol!minji x reader song rec : swan song — ssera, pretty girls — reneé rapp ( 1.7k ) warnings ! none ᯤ ^ ㅇ ^ happy reading ! ⸝⸝・ᘏᘏ
prompt : synopsis : on a fateful Wednesday afternoon 2 people cut ties with you. but with cupid on your side you have 2 different paths to take to hopefully get back together with these 2 people by Valentine’s Day end! val event !
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“Jesus don’t open your mouth like that it stinks”. Wonyoung pretended to yawn but halfway a pillow hit her face.
“Rude..”. Rolling your eyes you got out of bed and went to your closest.
“Can’t just stand infront of someone’s bed and expect them to not be weirded the fuck out”. Just as you were about to pick a suit
Wonyoung slapped your hand.
“I got you”
“Babe I’m sorry but your closest is.. it looks like you have a dog”. You tilted your head as Wonyoung looked down.
“Are you saying it looks like a dog played in my closest?!”. Wonyoung nodded and ran out of your room. You shook your head and then went to take a shower. When you got out you saw black dress, shoes and white socks.
“It’s great I know”. You held in your laugh and got dressed. Just ask you fixed your socks Wonyoung unlocked the door.
“Sorry I’ll be quick just let me do your make up!”. You sighed as Wonyoung say you down on the toilet and zapped some make up products in her hand.
“I’m like your angel..!”. Your laughed and looked at your phone.
“Shit! I’m going to be-“
“Ubers down stairs go go go!”. You nodded grabbed your stuff and ran to the Uber.
As you ran into the office a few eyes went to you. You heard a chuckle to your right. You looked over to see Minji.
“Ya got a little something..”. Minji brushed a stray hair from your lip as you stared up at her.
“You look like a lost puppy.. why are you so late?”. Your eyes went wide and then she laughed again.
“Joking your like three minutes early”. You shoved the girl and she giggled as you went to make some coffee.
“So Ms.Kim..”
“Did you kill someone?”. Your head snapped in the taller girls direction.
“What no! I just have a question”. Minji tilted her head as you finally dipped your coffee.
“Y/n!”. You were engulfed in a hug and with the hug your mug hit the counter.
“Oh shit.. fuck I’m so sorry”. Yeji scrambled to clean the table as you tried to reassure her everything was fine.
“Do you have a reason to be here”. As you finally looked up from Yeji you were shocked. So swiftly Minji’s face was stone cold and she balled her hands into fists.
“Oh uh.. I just wanted to make sure your ok”. Yeji through the cup in the trash and then waited for your response.
“I am but.. can I uh talk to you alone..?”. You motioned for Minji to leave and you swear you saw her pout as she left.
“You and Jin are going on a date at the whole carnival thing right..?”. Yeji nodded and smirked as you went on. You left the room surpressing as you went to your cubicle.
“What was that about”. Minji slid her chair a little out of her cubicle as you turned on your computer.
“Oh.. I just asked her for a favor with some of my work.. since she owed me for something!”. Minji cracked a smile as you went on about your work. Unknowingly to you Minji bit her lip as you went on. Her eyes darting from your lips to your eyes multiple times.
“Everyone in my office NOW!”. You jumped up at your bosses voice and Minji laughed.
“I saw you jump too! Shhh!”. Minji followed behind you and the meeting flew by fast. You later went back to your work. Email Email Email.. and someone how it was already dark.
“What”. Minji didn’t take her eyes off her computer as you packed up your stuff.
“I was gonna ask you to go to the cardinal down the block shit shit shit!”. Minji suddenly stopped typing. You turned of your computer and put your bag over your shoulder.
“I’ll go with you to the carnival..!”
“I said that out loud..?”. Minji giggled again as you got all in your head. Just give me five minutes and I’ll meet you outside. You suppressed your smile and left the office, but as soon as you were out of sight you smiled so hard it hurt.
Just as you got outside your phone dinged. You smiled thinking it was Minji. Then your face dropped.
unknown number : did you do it yet
you : wonyoung?
unknown number : tf would it be?
you : idk some creepy person trying to kidnap me?
unknown number : answer the question?!
you : not yet she’s coming bye!
unknown number : This is your last chance! YOU BEYTER KISS HER DUDE!
“Ok let’s go!”. You nodded as you both started to walk with Minji. Just as you were about to open your mouth you tripped. Minji gasped as you fell on your knees.
“Fuck!”. You slowly tried to get up as Minji laughed.
“Are.. are you ok?”. You rolled your eyes as Minji helped you to a nearby bench. As she kneeled infront you stared at the sky.
“Your lucky I always carry band aids”
“You expect people to get hurt?”. Minji laughed and then looked up at you.
“Not people”. She poked your chest and then took a small pouch out of her work bag.
“You”. You winced as Minji cleaned the scratches on your legs.
“What are you an on the go nurse?!”. Minji giggle as she put on two band aids on your knees. She got up and sat next to you.
“Give me your hands”
“Put them it’s gonna hu- FUCK KIM MINJI!”. Minji cleaned the scratches on your hands and put a bandage on each hand.
“See easy”. You bit your cheek.
“Are you still mad at me.. I understand but now it’s over cheer up..”. Minji poked your cheek and then got up.
“I’ll get you anything you want at the carnival”. Your smirked as you grabbed the girls arm.
“I mean.. like under twenty bucks you know we’re I work!”. You burst out laughing as Minji continued to rant about the office. Sooner then later you entered the carnival. But as you tried to put your plan to attached you failed miserably.
If Yeji was playing a game with Ryujin, Minji got hungry. If Yeji went to get a snack, Minji wanted to play a game. So cotton candy in hand you sighed as Minji came back from the bathroom. She took a bite of some of your cotton candy and smiled.
“Hay I spent thirteen dollars on this!”
“The lady over there is selling it for three”. Your eyes went wide as Minji ate the rest of your cotton candy. After she finnished eating you felt her grab your hand. Off to another game you thought before you were in the line for the Ferris wheel. In shock you nodded to whatever Minji was going on about.
While you and Minji were close.. you also really weren’t. So she didn’t know of your terrible fear of heights. But to late you were already on the wheel and slowly going up. Minji started to notice something was wrong when your grip on your hand for tighter. Your leg was bouncing up and down and you were bitting your lip. Just like you did anytime the boss assigned more work to you and you desperately wanted to say no.
“Are you afraid of heights?”
“What no..?”. Mini let go of your hand and put it around you waist pulling you closer to her. She put her other hand on your leg, which stopped moving.
“You know you can actually see the stars up.. in this thing..”. You followed Minji’s eyes out the window and smiled. Until your head titled down. You felt a hand tip you head up.
“We’re almost going down it’s ok..”. Minji rubbed your thigh as you stared blankly at her. Your plan had gone to shit, you only had a few more hours till you lost your chance. So fuck it. You grabbed Minji by the jaw and kissed her.
“Ow fuck!”. Minji touched her lip as the apologies from you started to spill out.
“No no your fine”
“But your lip.. fuck is bleeding”. Minji giggled as your scrambled in your bag for tissue. Once you found it you dabbed at her lip. When you finished and slowly let your hand fall to your lap, Minji kissed you. One hand on your thigh while the other caressed your check. As Minji tilted her head you slowly leaned in. Putting one of your hands on her waist as she pushed you against the passenger car. As Minji got closer and closer the wheel stopped, and she did too.
“The stars are really pretty..”. Your eyes darted from the stars to Minji’s face. She burst out laughing and as she did her head hit the back of the passenger car. Then you both started to laugh.
“You I had a plan”. Minji smiled as you went on about your plan with Yeji and she covered her mouth.
“Yeji has a girlfriend?”
“Ya of three years”
“Well shit..”. You giggled as Minji put her head on her knees and put her arms around them too.
“So you like..like me?”
“I thought the lip biting made that obvious..?”. You smiled as Minji rolled her eyes.
“I thought to constant doing work that wasn’t ever mine showed that I liked you”. You sighed.
“I’m just a little dense”
“A little?”. You threw your bag at the girl as she laughed. You got closer to her and smiled.
“So do you wanna..?”
“Go on a date..?”
“Be my girlfriend”. Minji’s cheeks went red.
“I mean I guess.. you did leave me with a busted li-“. You pecked her lips as she laughed. Then you heard a knock.
“Hope you had a swell time.. come again..”. The teenage boy barely blinked as you both jumped and got your stuff. As you walked out of the carnival you both laughed.
“By this time Yeji, Ryujin and us would go on a double date..”
“So you really planned this out”. You gently nudged Minji as a cat pulled up.
“No Yeji just want to revel in the fact you would finally not hate her..”. Yeji rolled down her window and waved you to the car. As Minji got in you pulled out your phone. ‘Look right :)’. As you did. Pink park uniform Wonyoung winked and closed the gates to the park. Oh thank cupid.
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impact801 · 3 months
I've always liked this scene when Marcy doesn't 100% know what to do when the cardinal attacks in the 2nd temple. She doesn't instantly connect the dot between their coats and why the cardinal is attacking, and isn't sure what to do afterward.
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Marcy has been leading the journey ever since the Plantars got to Newtopia and has solved every puzzle or obstacle that gets in their way. So it's refreshing to have a situation where Marcy isn't sure what to do.
In fact, if Anne continued to follow Marcy's judgment, they would've failed the temple. When Valerina asks the girls how they got the box, Marcy doesn't want to admit that they stole, not taking responsibility, Anne follows Marcy's call and lies to Val. She only ends up beating the trial, by going against that and following her moral compass.
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katyahina · 3 months
So, what if Miquella is one eyed too now? Let me explain real quick,
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^ After seeing that Messmer has one eye sealed, it makes him a third person after Ranni and Melina. Ranni and Melina are both demigods that no longer have their Great Runes. Now that I think of it, this is probably a trend and is true to Messmer as well.
Like, all things considered! He did refer to Marika as his mother, and Miyazaki confirmed he was one of the demigods too and we would learn why, despite being even pictured on a Demigod Throne, he was not as much as mentioned by Morgott! I agree with @val-of-the-north's idea in this ( x ) post that very likely he did something SO bad (like.. you know.. Cardinal Sin) that Marika striped him from that grace too. She can do it to humans, as she did, creating Tarnished, why not demigods? + It is possible that she did do that with Melina, too, as part of giving her her mission. Ranni, of course, did that to herself.
But you know who else did that to themselves?
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So like...
As awesome as 'third eye' symbolism is, what if that was sort of a mistake by people that witnessed Trina? Trina appeared so fast that people were not able to capture exact details and only depicted the 'impression', but they remembered that person had only one eye visible? What if they did not exactly pin down that simply one eye was sealed, and it didn't help that Trina looked so mesmerising and dream-like. So they just went with the most brief memory of a concept!
It is definitely possible that Trina appeared as a projection during Miquella's slumbering, and since we apparently were all right on the money with Miquella's cocoon being the entrance to the Shadow World, he probably was already there. So, already devoid of his Rune, and bearing the 'one-eyed' side effect accordingly!
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accelldraws · 11 months
If you were to hypothetically, say like... step on one of the cats' tail[s] (NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD SINCE THAT IS A CARDINAL SIN OH MY GOD DON'T DO THAT...)
would they would would they uhh would uhmm could they hiss at you?🤔
do they hiss at all?🤔
See to avoid scenarios like this, tailed creatures will purposefully hold their tails up, out of accidental-steppy range, but in the event that it does somehow happen...
Aaron might hiss at you if you do it on purpose, but would more likely just "dude wtf" and glare at you
Val does not hiss
Fen would hiss at you if you and him were good enough friends
Miya absolutely would hiss at you and complain very loudly, but she also frequently steps on her own tail
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luposlipaphobya · 9 months
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Blue Thieves - The Map-Maker and the Gold Digger
(the stickers I did for @the-nothing-maker's zine about our D&D characters Mélisande & Lazuli)
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the-nothing-maker · 9 months
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(I had a dream that) You Were Mine, a queer NSFW D&D sketch zine, is finally out!
With art drawn by yours truly and @luposlipaphobya, this monochromatic white-and-blue sketch zine explores the relationship between two of our Dungeons and Dragons characters, Mélisande and Lazuli.
Digital versions, physical zines, themed stickers and more are available on my Ko-Fi shop: https://ko-fi.com/thenothingmaker/shop
Please reblog and spread the word - this is our first project and we'd be beyond happy to hear your thoughts on it!
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Explaining one of VTMB paintings (pt 5)
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Pierre Séguier, Chancelier de France (translated Pierre Séguier, Chancellor of France) oil on canvas  2nd quarter of the 17th century (1660 - 1661) by Charles Le Brun
Charles Le Brun (baptised 24 February 1619 – 12 February 1690) was a French painter, physiognomist, art theorist, and a director of several art schools of his time. As court painter to Louis XIV, who declared him "the greatest French artist of all time", he was a dominant figure in 17th-century French art and much influenced by Nicolas Poussin Le Brun primarily worked for King Louis XIV, for whom he executed large altarpieces and battle pieces. His most important paintings are at Versailles. Besides his gigantic labours at Versailles and the Louvre, the number of his works for religious corporations and private patrons is enormous. Le Brun was also a fine portraitist and an excellent draughtsman, but he was not fond of portrait or landscape painting, which he felt to be a mere exercise in developing technical prowess. What mattered was scholarly composition, whose ultimate goal was to nourish the spirit. The fundamental basis on which the director of the Academy-based his art was unquestionably to make his paintings speak, through a series of symbols, costumes and gestures that allowed him to select for his composition the narrative elements that gave his works a particular depth. For Le Brun, a painting represented a story one could read.[1]
Pierre Séguier (May 28, 1588,- Jan. 28, 1672) was the chancellor of France under kings Louis XIII and Louis XIV, in the critical period during which monarchical power was consolidated. In 1635 Séguier became chancellor of France, the supreme legal officer, with tenure of that dignity for life. His adherence to the powerful cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin kept him in uninterrupted exercise of his functions until 1650. He was sent in 1637 to Val-de-Grâce to examine the papers of the queen of France, Anne of Austria, who was suspected of secretly corresponding with Spain. Some historians say he saved her by warning her of the investigation. In 1639 he was sent to supervise the repression of a revolt in Normandy. He presided in 1642 over the trial of the Marquis de Cinq-Mars, who was condemned to death for conspiring against Richelieu.During the revolt of the Fronde, Séguier, like many others, vacillated, and in the last phase of the Fronde in Paris he was aligned with the rebel princes until August 1652. During those troubles, he was twice relieved of his functions (1650–51 and 1651–56). Early in the personal reign of Louis XIV, in December 1662, he was put in charge of the trial of the finance minister, Nicolas Fouquet, who had been accused of embezzlement, and he conducted it brutally enough to secure a verdict against Fouquet. From 1665 he presided over the new Council of Justice for the reform of the legal system.[2]
This painting hangs in LaCroix's office next to his entrance way meaning it is one of the painting he looks directly at, and hangs next to the painting of Louis XIV en Empereur Romain [Louis XIV depicted as Alexander the Great] (second half of 17th century)  by Unknown artist. First off for someone who “was an officer in Napoleons army” he sure has a lot of  Royalists paintings. It is also of note as the only other large paintings of this scale that he has in his office are three different painting of Cain slaying his brother Able by different artist yet it is the paintings of  King Louis XIV (whose reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest of any sovereign in history whose date is verifiable.) and his chancellor of France, Pierre Séguier that he looks directly at from his desk in his Versailles style office. Indicating that these mere HUMAN men*[as far as I know nether were embraced in VTM canon but don’t quote me] are more significant role models to Lacroix then Cane father of all vampires. Though this is not so surprising after you see how he reacts to the Ankaran Sarcophagus. It also gives us a brief glimpse into how LaCroix sees himself in his role as the Camarilla Prince of Los Angles calling back to his quote of being the “judge, jury and executioner”. 
[1] “Charles Le Brun .” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Mar. 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Le_Brun. 
[2] Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Pierre Séguier". Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Jan. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Pierre-Seguier
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soldier-requests · 25 days
uhhhh hi
i was curious about a name suggestion request for a masc mad scientist kinnie. very frankenstein adjacent but in the 70s. i was weird and lonely, a mortician turned mad scientist when i decided to start experimenting with reanimation. basically a lovesick gay doctor frankenstein.
i loved tea and sweets and taxidermy, i was chronically ill so i spent most of my time at home with my “work”.
i dont have anything specific in mind, just wanna see what vibe you get :)
hello!! that all sounds sick as hell /pos, i'll whip up some ideas ^_^.
names under the cut!
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spidermilkshake · 9 months
The bookshelf-shaped standard tank that fits 35x12x12 that I wanted is shipping, along with the added cat tree that mom's always wanted for a while to make four in their greenhouse... so... hopefully when it arrives mother will not be Proper Controlling despite be having all the stuff already and such.
It's only a 24 gallon long, with a lil sponge filter and pump as well as some good sandy substrate with a bit of added Stoney River pebble as well, which should be fine for eventual corys and/or bristlenose pleco. Following schools will depend on after plants and bottom-feeders arrivals, of course. If I end up with breeding shrimp or possibly smaller fish like dwarf oto catfishes and endler guppies (my two limited species for the 10 gal) I could move excess of those to the big one, and excess shrimps to a small one I've yet to have if I slip in a cheap 2.5 or something later.
I have all the substate for the new one, as well as some anacharis which will work nicely, and eventually a new banana plant. The other plants I want I will need to be on the lookout for since I would like to try to aquascupt a tank which has only North American native plants as part of the environment for the varying fish/inverts (I want pearl weed, a cardinal plant, and a micromeria (Creeping Charlie) as well as Jungle Val for it along with some Azolla and other plants!.
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anadiomena · 3 months
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Painting titled "Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in the Absence of Pope Alexander VI" (1908–14) by Frank Cadogan Cowper (1877–1958); crafted using oil paint on canvas backed with wood. The dimensions are 2210 × 1537 mm.
This is a re-creation of an obscure and scandalous incident from the history of the Popes. In 1501 the illegitimate daughter of Pope Alexander VI, Lucrezia Borgia, took his place at a meeting. Frank Cowper has invented this suggestive moment in which two noblemen part Lucrezia’s dress so that a Francisan friar can kiss her shoe.The room in the Vatican in which Lucrezia Borgia appeared still exists. It was decorated by the Italian Renaissance artist Pinturrichio. Cowper went there to copy it and painted the faces of the Cardinals from their original portraits.
The picture was begun in Rome in the Borgia Apartments of the Vatican. These had been occupied by Cardinal Merry del Val, the Papal Secretary of State, and were not open to the public, but had been vacated just before the artist first came to Rome in 1908, so he was able to paint there. The rooms were decorated by Pinturicchio and the frescoes of the Annunication and the Nativity appear on either side of the throne. The subject was suggested by the Diary of John Burchard, Bishop of Orta, Papal Master of the Ceremonies, 27 July 1501, and the following quotation was printed in the R.A. catalogue: ‘Before his Holiness, our Master, left the city, he turned over the palace and all business affairs to his daughter Lucrezia, giving her full power to open all letters which arrive.’
The Cardinals around Lucrezia were painted from contemporary portraits: the one writing on the right is Cardinal Giovanni de Medici, afterwards Leo X, the one on the left holding back her robe is Cardinal Farnese, afterwards Paul III, and the one standing on the right is the Cardinal of Lisbon who had to advise Lucrezia on her official duties. (Letters from the artist 18 and 23 January 1956).
Published in: Mary Chamot, Dennis Farr and Martin Butlin, The Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, London 1964, I.
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