#vampires nonsense
violent138 · 27 days
Jason Todd returning as a vampire would be so much fun to write. Especially if Duke stays as his Robin, but has to be super careful with his powers lest he disintegrate one of his favourite mentors (but Duke routinely threatens him with that when Jason annoys him). The hood makes sense then too, serving as a physical barrier that prevents Jason from just sucking the blood out of any bleeding opponent or person he's trying to save. Furthermore the inability to enter Wayne Manor without invitation, and keeping a bomb in his helmet a) because he's crazy like that and b) because beheading is one of the only ways left to kill him. I like the idea that Dick or someone finds out by accident and just rolls with it.
One unfortunate source of angst in this would be the fact that Alfred would very seriously have to rethink garlic in dishes.
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ruporas · 7 months
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feast (ID in alt)
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#tw blood#im posting this so late because october escaped me Suddenly.. hello....#i wanted to make it a photoset with this other vampire vw wip but i don't think i'm finishing it any time soon and the mood of it is#completely different anyway. also i don't think i ever shared anything about my vampire au on here !!! it's all old art by now so im shy lo#but maybe i'll do a photodump of it. long story short vash is a vampire since birth and ww is a human vampire hunter that turns during thei#travels together due to EoM experiments + getting vash to drink from him at some point.#humans turn once they get bitten but bc ww has been experimented on#& got bitten by a bunch of human turned vampires thruout his hunts he thought it wouldn't be a problem for vash to drink from him but alas.#theyre both ok though theyre traveling together definitely not hating themselves for what theyve become and feeling guilty for what theyve#done to each other. theyre completely normal about it. the biting part is really appealing to me in vampire aus so i draw it a lot but#in reality vash only drank from ww once and ww mightve done it twice under the realization he might actually die otherwise#since he wont drink from humans after being turned.... he's combatting the 5 stages of grief at all times#if this is all nonsense im sorry DMGKSDF I'M NOT good at explaining and this au came from nowhere in the depths of my mind its a mess#ruporas art
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shares-a-vest · 11 months
Eddie leans down, dipping Steve just so. Steve goes limp in his arms, as a new-found steel strength holds him effortlessly.
His other hand moves to Steve's neck and his boyfriend lolls his head to the side, eyes fluttering shut. Steve parts his plush, kiss-stained lips and lets out a faint sigh.
Eddie squeezes ever so gently and runs his index finger over the two moles on the left side of Steve's neck. He presses his fingertip to each of them, digging in just enough that when he moves away, a pale ring forms around each one.
He leans down further, baring his teeth as he draws closer.
Steve's heart skips with excitement. His breath quickens.
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb," Eddie whispers against the warmth radiating from Steve's skin.
Steve's eyes snap open and his lip curls up in disgust.
"I'm sorry," Eddie recoils, leaning back just as Steve pushes himself up to a standing position.
He tsks, detaching from him completely. Steve folds his arms with a huff.
"You promised you wouldn't keep saying stupid vampire shit."
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oifaaa · 7 months
i have a very important question for you... in your vampire au, how does the red hood helmet work? does it have little ears on it for jason's to not be squished? ear cutout holes? are they just jammed in there? does he not wear one at all?
The helmet has inbuilt ears but the hood has the ears poking out so it looks like this
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geometryyaoi · 21 days
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always looking for an excuse to draw her in this outfit
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nightcolorz · 21 days
wait. Imagine in iwtv s2 Daniel is prodding at armand and trying to get him to open up about his past for the interview and armand says “why would I share these things with you? You have given me no reason to trust you.” Cuz it just slips out and Daniel kind of just looks at him like oh….oh. Oh boy
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xoxoladyaz · 10 months
AU-gust, Day 5: Pet Sitting
“Nope, no way. Absolutely not.”
Six sets of puppy-dog eyes stared back at her. Lucas, the ham, even pretended to start whimpering.
“Stevie, please,” Dustin whined, “Eddie needs a safe place to stay.”
She stared at Dustin for a few seconds before glancing down at the shoebox in Dustin’s hands. Inside the shoebox surrounded by a few of Claudia’s oldest and fuzziest kitchen towels stood a bat, a small black bat with big black eyes that looked almost just as pathetic as the rest of the kids.
“I’ve done this song and dance with you before, Henderson, and I told you when you got rid of the alien lizard - ”
“D’artagnan was a cryptid, Stevie!”
“ – alien lizard that I wasn’t going to help you keep playing monster vet. I still haven’t recovered from seeing Mews’ corpse!”
“Mews was my cat and I’m fine! Besides, Eddie’s just a normal bat!”
“Dustin, he has a full head of hair!”
Stevie and Dustin stared at each other before looking back down at the bat (Eddie). Who was running his little claws through his hair and preening. (Stevie could have sworn that he winked at her, but she wasn’t crazy; it was definitely just a trick of the light.)
Dustin’s face started to flush like he was going to argue with her but El (sweet, precious El) cut him off before he could really get going. “Stevie’s right. He is not normal,” El said, stepping forward to run her fingers against Eddie’s head. Eddie rubbed up against her fingers and chirped. 
“See, I knew it - ”
“But he is a friend,” El said and fuck, the full force of El-most-likely-a-changeling-Hopper’s big brown eyes was something Stevie would probably never learn to resist. “And he needs someone to care for him while he gets better.”
“Better? What do you mean, better?”
“Bad man,” El replied matter-of-factly and, well, shit. She didn’t need to say much more than that.
Stevie sighed and turned her attention back towards the “bat” in question. “How long?”
Just a few weeks, maybe a month or two, Dustin had said. “I would have kept him myself but Mom was worried that he’d eat Tews – ”
(“Oh, and you don’t care if I get eaten?” Stevie had replied. Dustin had just rolled his eyes and ignored her.) 
So yeah, two months tops, just until Eddie was “healed” or what not. (He didn’t have any visible injuries that Stevie could see but then again, she was just a cosmetologist, what the fuck did she know about bat anatomy?) Until then, Stevie was going to have a tiny flying roommate who apparently “only likes to listen to metal music, so I’ve brought a few tapes and oh! He loves fantasy so you’ll have to read him this as a bedtime story,” at which point Dustin handed her The Lord of the Rings, “and he gets lonely at night so don’t lock him out, he likes to cuddle, and he should be able to fit in your jacket pocket when you go to work during the day - ”
“No, nope, no way, none of that is happening,” Stevie argued and she really had been planning on sticking to that – no metal music, no bedtime stories, no cuddles, and definitely no work trips, no way, no how.
(She’d folded by hour two of Eddie’s stay at Casa de Harrington.)
“You get this is weird, right?”
“Hmm?” Stevie was cutting apart some strawberries to blend with whatever “protein drink” Dustin kept dropping off at her house. “What’s weird?” She turned to look at Robin, who was watching Eddie shimmy up and down the dining room table to “Rock Me Like a Hurricane.”
“Stevie. This is not normal bat behavior.”
“So? It’s normal Eddie behavior,” Stevie shrugged. She tossed the berries into the blender and, once it was a fine red concoction, put it in a little cup with a little straw and walked over the table. Eddie slid his way across the polished wood and wiggled when he saw her, chittering happily before going to town on his fruit smoothie.
“Yeah, well, this isn’t also normal Stevie behavior!” Robin threw her hands up in the air. “You’re letting a wild animal sleep with you in your bed!”
(She’d tried to encourage Eddie to stay in the guest room that first night all those weeks ago but she’d barely laid in bed for all of two minutes before a dark shape flew through the dark and landed on her chest. She’d screamed and leapt out of the bed but Eddie had somehow managed to grip his claws into her shirt and no amount of arguing with him was able to get him to let go. 
“Fine,” she’d finally growled, “but if I roll over and squish you, it’s not my fault.” 
When she’d finally woken up the next morning, she was still lying on her back and Eddie was still nestled onto her chest. They’d been going to sleep every night that way ever since.)
“Hey,” Stevie replied defensively, “he’s not a wild animal, he’s totally tame.”
“Uh huh,” Robin replied queasily, watching as Eddie happily slurped up his smoothie. “Just because you play dress-up with him doesn’t mean he’s tame, Stevie.”
The tiny vest was from El and Will, something about how Eddie looked “wrong” without it (whatever that meant. Stevie had to admit it did look really cute on him.)
“He looks adorable, Robin!”
“He’s totally taken over your life,” Robin shot back dramatically. “He goes shopping with you, you take him to work – Stevie, he sits with you when you take bubble baths, for Pete’s sake!”
(Hey, Eddie was a gentleman, he always waited until she was covered by bubbles until coming in and sitting on the little nest of towels she’d made for him on the set of drawers by the bathtub and okay, maybe Robin had a point here.)
“And that’s not to mention that I’ve been trying to get you to read a book for literal years now and this bat shows up and suddenly you’re reading Tolkien to him every night?”
“It’s actually a good book, Robin,” Stevie said defensively.
“I know that, Stevie, I just can’t believe that you’re not seeing this! Like, there are so many red flags! He’s literally drinking blood right now!”
Stevie huffed and leaned over the table, like she was physically covering Eddie from Robin’s criticism. “It’s rude to judge somebody else’s eating habits, Robin. Or did you forget our conversation last month when you tried to go vegetarian?”
“That’s different and you know it!” Robin exclaimed. 
Eddie, because he was a little drama king, took the last sip of his smoothie while making eye contact with Robin before letting out an exaggeratedly content sigh. 
Stevie rolled her eyes and set her hand down. Eddie scurried onto her palm, letting out a series of happy chirps. She lifted him up and set him on her shoulder where he waddled to her cheek and pressed his little face against it, like he was giving her a little kiss. “You’re being overdramatic, Robin.”
“Fine, whatever, just don’t come crying to me when he makes you his eternal vampire bride or whatever,” Robin huffed before getting up and stalking out of the kitchen.
“He’s just a bat!” Stevie called after her. Robin responded by slamming the front door after he on the way out. 
Sighing, Stevie turned to look at Eddie, who was currently making a home for himself in her curls. “You are just a bat, right?”
Eddie turned and shot her a wink before wrapping his little body in one of her ringlets.
“Yeah, that’s probably fine.”
One of the best parts of having Eddie around actually was nighttime. She hadn’t gotten so many nights of uninterrupted sleep in years. He was like some sort of nightmare repellent or something; in fact, the only dreams she’d had recently were of a shrouded figure with long dark hair and a sexy laugh and teasing cool hands and other things – 
And when she woke up a month and a half into Eddie’s residency in her home, she probably should have been more shocked at the fact that her bat had turned into a very pale, very sexy and very naked man with long dark hair and cool skin and – 
“God, Robin’s never going to let me live this down,” Stevie murmured as the man stirred above her. He opened his eyes and yep, yeah, those were her bat’s eyes. 
Eddie’s grin grew sharp as he pressed her further into her bed. “I’m sure I can find some way to make up for it,” he said as he drew close enough to kiss her. 
“How do you feel about a Halloween wedding?”
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cozy-the-overlord · 5 months
The whole concept of being fed on by a vampire would be a lot less hot if vampire bites itched like mosquito bites
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wintrala · 9 days
no but fr when louis said that "lestat is, was, and will always be, for lestat" nothing short of absolute violence came forth from within me. i've never gotten angry at anything this bitter ex has said about lestat these past two seasons but THIS??? this is what got me. you are ABSOLUTELY wrong and you are getting on my nerves.
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koriand3r · 7 months
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Willow | Spike - Clothing
“Why are you still in costume?” “Okay, still having to explain wherein this is just my outfit.”
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Some of these might be good for all I know but let’s be real
There’s no way the stories on r/nosleep can compare to their fucking titles
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These are somewhere between shitty isekai anime names and ancient horror schlock films made on a budget of five dollars
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shares-a-vest · 8 months
Prompt: Blood (Discord Drabble) tw: blood (obvi) - aka, Steve cuts himself shaving and Twilight-inspired vampire!Eddie is not chill about it. I'm gearing myself up to write total nonsense for the microfic I've had sloshing around in my mush brain
Steve hadn't realised just how clumsy he really was until he found himself dating a vampire.
Okay... Maybe just about everyone around him told him so. Aka, mostly Dustin and Mike... sometimes Robin, too – but she is just as bad!.
And he isn't so much as dating Eddie, either. At least they haven't exactly clarified that one yet despite... ahem... doing everything dating people do... and then some as he harbours a still presumed-dead fugitive at his house until further notice.
Despite everyone (aka, mostly Dustin, Mike and sometimes Robin) thinking he's a clutz and an even bigger idiot, Steve knows it is his blood that's the problem.
A scraped knee while shooting hoops? Eddie comes to linger just inside the door with a blanket draped over himself like a dying king, standing there all panicked when he is supposed to be sleeping. A paper cut at work – half of Hawkins away? Eddie calls Family Video, yelling down the phone to Robin like it's a world-ending emergency.
He'd had a nosebleed a few weeks back, the first non-punch-up-induced one since he was in middle school and it had Eddie launching himself at him from halfway across the room during movie night.
He blushes every time too, thinking about how riled up it makes Eddie, even though he has more than willingly offered up his blood to him on... ahem... other occasions.
Steve tries to be careful the rest of the time.
But accidents happen.
He drops his razor in the sink and runs his finger over a fresh shaving cut. He grumbles at his own reflection as he applies pressure. He was almost finished shaving too!
"You a-okay in here, Stevie-Bear?"
Even though he knew it was coming, Steve jumps at the sight of Eddie in his periphery.
"Just cut myself shaving," he chuckles nervously, moving his hand now to find a streak of blood smeared on the pad of his index finger.
And just as quick as he appeared, Eddie is taking his finger and sucking it into his mouth, smiling like a greedy kid with a goddamn ice cream.
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mmmngoc · 1 year
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“All over New York he dragged Daniel, as he interviewed people on the nighttime streets.”
Modern Devil’s Minion but Armand interviews strangers for his Tiktok.
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Our precious little demon 🥰
Lestat in After the Phantoms of Your Former Self
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badass-at-fandoming · 7 months
I've been around Vampire: the Masquerade tumblr fandom long enough to observe a distinct, hilarious trend of VtM fandom experience. The fan experience usually goes something like this:
oooo, vampires! Yay! So much lore!
this lore is contradictory on purpose and terribly racist & misogynistic not on purpose. Wtf. Someone (me?) should fix it
An Indiana Jones insert is a Bride of Dracula
We know Indy's dick size
This lore is very silly and I'm going to take what I want and trash the rest. The dick size lore can stay.
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nebulabrainmatter · 11 months
its genuinely concerning how the hatred and ableism towards narcissists and “toxic people” is becoming spiritualized. “energy vampires” and “pitch black eyes.” pop-psychology drones who fall for mlm scams and obnoxious tiktok users have decided that pwnpd are real actual demons or other magical beings here to torment them.
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