bornagainhq · 10 months
i need more hyperpop friends :( where's aries, glaive, eric doa and verzache? :((
You're so right! Where are they?!
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Aries, Eric Doa, Jeleel, Tsubi Club, Quadeca, Midwxst, Oliver Malcolm & Verzache – Wunderworld Fest – The Fillmore – Philadelphia, PA – November 12, 2022
Photos by Nick Bruno © 2022
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pettybourgeoiz · 1 year
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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liluglybaby · 2 months
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9franklin3 · 7 months
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diencephalon · 1 year
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cauliflowermaterial · 2 years
yea it's just something about this one
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letmusicspeaks · 2 years
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isjsk · 2 years
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
I can tell that you don't love nobody but yourself
Needs- Verzache
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timetravelerpyrite · 4 months
[Stop playing games I ain't here to play none I just need someone to lean on Story's getting old I can't seem to like it We should start all over and rewrite it]
[Yes means no, stop means go Why can't you decide? Because I really need to know And if you ain't down, it's cool anyway 'Cause if you haven't felt it, I was gonna say]
[I'm losing my love for you My feelings just not there You broke my heart into pieces on my bed]
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Verzache – Wunderworld Fest – The Fillmore – Philadelphia, PA – November 12, 2022
Photos by Nick Bruno © 2022
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daigu · 2 years
I have decided to delete the playlist which I compiled songs my exes-not-my-exes shared on their story targeting me or the ones I got from their public playlists about me... I know these because I did damage checks lol. Okay so the point was it was a ego boost etc but also they are majorly about me being incapable of love and I'm not #thatbitch anymore nor #incapableoflove so. #healing
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connectkrp · 2 years
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↳ To prevent account deletion, please add our community mod NORA within 2 days. After your request has been accepted, she’ll guide you through the rest of our registration process. Thank you again for choosing the CONNECT network!
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yes means no. stop means go.
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synopsis// gojo had never once stopped being completely in love with you, and he regrets his actions to this day—constantly thinking about how he could rewrite it if he could. but now that you’re back in his life, the question is: can he?
status// finished!
updates// everyday unless said otherwise
warning// profanity, no curses au, teacher au, ooc characters probably, gojo has made questionable decisions...
☆ this smau wasn’t inspired by a song but the title was!! ‘twas inspired by losing my love by verzache, but yeah besides the title and lyrics on here the song holds no relevance :) ☆
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why can’t you decide?
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because i really need to know.
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revision 1. “love of your life”
revision 2. a chance
revision 3. fool
revision 4. gojo-free
revision 5. twitter dot com
revision 6. make things worse
revision 7. only one for me
revision 8. talk shit
revision 9. set you up
revision 10. one thing only
revision 11. now what
revision 12. (hopefully)
revision 13. best friends reward
revision 14. figure it out
revision 15. observation
revision 16. poke the bear
revision 17. gojo’s wrath
revision 18. end up like this
revision 19. not even a little bit
revision 20. something happened
revision 21. safe space
revision 22. love life
revision 23. field trip
revision 24. bye gojo
revision 25. perspective
revision 26. really glad
revision 27. persistent and determined
revision 28. resourceful
revision 29. very capable children
revision 30. heart-to-heart
revision 31. oddly promising
revision 32. the worst part
revision 33. ruined the moment
revision 34. projecting
revision 35. all of it
revision 36. all at once
revision 37. humble
revision 38. no points
revision 39. two steps forward
revision 40. even easier
revision 41. owe you
revision 42. only conclusion
revision 43. minor detail
revision 44. irresistible
revision 45. normal for once
revision 46. don’t wanna
revision 47. threat motivated
revision 48. behind bars
revision 49. greedy
last revision 50. cake
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sleepyfaequeen · 1 year
Hello!! I saw your life weaver one shot and I just adore it. I was wondering if you maybe had some general LifeWeaver headcanons? Maybe for a clumsy person, who is definitely not me but tends to have old scars and new injuries from things?
Thank you, your one shot made me weak he is such a darling of a man ♥️
Well, I didn't expect another request for Lifeweaver, but I shall grant you what my mind can muster up. I wrote this in one sitting. Enjoy~
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Summary: You just happen to always slip on your own two feet. Even in Vishkar University. Lucky for you, Vishkar has given you a nurse who is in 24/7.
Pairing: Lifeweaver x fem!reader
Warning(s): fluff
Requested: Yes, anonymous
A groan escaped (Y/n)'s lips as she laid down on the ground. The days of overworking yourself to the bone (has) finally caught up to you, and you can't help but just accept it. (Y/n) could hear sudden footsteps from upstairs before a familiar face peering down to look at what had probably caused all that ruckus. It was right then and there that she had wished she would've died on impact, so she didn't have to witness her roommate looking at her pathetic hopeless self sprawled out on the ground.
"(Y/n), did you just fall?" Niran asked as he held onto the railing of the top of the stairs.
"No." She replies.
"Then why are you on the ground?" He cocks his head to the side with a small smirk and raised brow.
".. I fell." She admits and this makes him sigh.
"I'm going to help you up." He said, already heading downstairs. Her roommate was always so nice and friendly while she was a clumsy mess. "Does anything hurt?"
"No." She lies. Nothing was broken, but she did feel ashamed that nearly everyone she knew had known her as the person who always would be in an accident.
"Good, then you can get up." He taps her hip and she couldn't help but groan. "Unless you want me to help you."
"No, I'm totally fine here." She smiles as she watched him roll his eyes and stepped over her before resting his hands on his hips.
"This is your last chance, N̂ảp̄hụ̂ng." He warns.
"Or what?" (Y/n) watched as he bends down and grabbed her legs before pulling her down the hallway.
"NIRAN!?" A squeak leaves her lips as he practically drags her. Her arms cover her fluttering face as he continues to drag her before he lets go of her legs and moves. She can't help but peak between her arm, though that was probably a mistake as his chest was in full view. The man was wearing a deep rose pink V neck t-shirt, revealing his hard yet soft looking chest. How was it that she was so blessed and cursed at the same time to have such a good-looking roommate. She swore she only joined Vishkar to learn and provide people with hope for the future. Still, her eyes can't help but look at the way Niran's white hair was tied up in a messy bun, and his bangs happen to fall over his eye.
"You must really like staring at someone who is treating you." He said with an amused smirk on his lips. This makes her avert her eyes before yelping as he picked her up and sits her down onto the couch of their living room. "I'm going to have to ask you if anything hurts. That was a dangerous fall.."
"I'm alright.." (Y/n) stretched her arm before whimpering as she held it to her stomach. Niran can't help but lean forward and reach over, gently holding her arm. "Okay, maybe not as alright as I had thought."
"This is why I'm studying to be you're nurse." He jokes as he decides to have a look at your arm. "Well, I can't fix it now since it's late. Lucky for you, I happen to be trained in wrapping a broken arm."
"Thank you so much, Niran. I'm so sorry to be such a clutz." She let's her eyes meet his soft chocolate ones.
"It's no problem. Without you falling around everywhere, I wouldn't be learning how to treat different kinds of first aid." He chuckles as his eyes glance at every small scar and recent bandages on you. "But really, I think it's rather adorable."
"Ho-!?" She can't help but almost choke on her own saliva before going into a coughing fit. He quickly pats her back before letting his hand rub the middle of her shoulder blades. "You think I'm.."
"Of course, I do. You're also the sweetest person I have ever met on campus."
"Ahh.." She was feeling her entire face burn up and quickly averts her eyes only to see Satya in her light blue pajamas with her pillow under her arm. She looked so tired and upset, which was never good.
"If you two don't stop flirting so loudly, I will not hesitate to strike you both." Her hands already holding up her pillow.
"Wait.. is that a seashell pillow?" Niran asked as he pointed at it. Satya can't help but look at it herself.
"Yes, it is."
"I didn't realize you believed in fairytales." Immediately, Niran's face is met with a loud "fwap" as the pillow is slammed against his face.
"(Y/n) if you're going to start dating him. I suggest you teach him some manners." She takes her pillow back, glaring at Niran before walking back upstairs. "Start with his snoring."
"Satya!" Niran whines as he can't help but tuck his face into your shoulder as he hugs (Y/n). Whether it was to comfort himself or to hold you didn't really matter.
Translation: N̂ảp̄hụ̂ng / น้ำผึ้ง: Honey
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