#voluntary identity
to BE voluntary or to DO voluntary
I think that otherlinking would be better off being characterised by the action of crafting the link, and not just by it being a "voluntary identity".
First of all, I've come to believe that solely dividing identities by whether or not they're voluntary isn't the best method. (Other members of the community have made excellent points about that already, also just. the quoiluntary label.) It forms an artificial binary whereas in reality, being somewhere in the middle is very common. Also, in and of itself, whether or not it's voluntary doesn't necessarily have a major impact on the actual experience.
In terms of 'linking being an action, (in my experience at least), you don't simply wake up and say "I've decided to be X." You actually have to link first in order for it to really feel like part of your identity. The linking can be simple and quick, but it's still something that you do.
This may not seem like a huge change, but in my opinion it would make a lot more sense for the distinction between otherlinking and other forms of nonhumanity to be framed this way. It seems a lot more accurate to the experiences I see, and personally I prefer the perspective of focusing on the linking.
Isn't the whole point of it being voluntary that you do the voluntary?*
(PLEASEEE if you have an opinion on this share it, this is some random thoughts of mine and I love, love, LOVE talking about 'linking!!!!)
*grammar is for the weak /silly
(also I don't know how common of a perspective this is, the otherlink page on therian fandom wiki kiind of gives of these vibes, but also is quite different from how I use the term lol)
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jacks-manidiary · 4 months
Girlies I& decided to check out some girlblogs and I& discovered that a lot of manifestation advice can be really helpful for otherlinking!! I& heavily reccomend looking up how to manifest because the advice is supposed to be more general and apply to goal achieving in general, so especially with something intangible like achieving the identity you want I& found it to be super affirming and helpful!!!!
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Hey, so i really liked the guide to otherlinking, but i am still really confused on some things, #1, Can you please give me more examples of otherlinking? Or how it happens? #2, Can you accidentally become an Otherlinker? Or is it always a choice? (sorry if i sound uneducated on this topic)
Hi! Thank you! I'm happy to hear you liked it :) I'm happy to try helping #1 Examples; How it happens I'll talk about past 'link experiences of mine for examples! -> Wind Archer Cookie - Back when I took on this 'link I felt a great pull of wanting to be a part of the Cookie Run character roster. I kept seeing people who were 'kin of it, and the characters seemed so appealing, but none of them struck me as ME. I eventually realized that I could decide that one of them is me. I chose Wind Archer, because they were the most appealing to me in appearance, and started identifying with their traits from there. I can relate to their serious nature, even if initially I was put off by how they seem too serious to be me. It was nice to lean into that capacity of seriousness by engaging with that linktype. It was also nice to engage with the aethetic - the green, the wind. -> European green woodpecker - I'd always wished to have a theriotype, and have felt animalistic shifts, but whenever I did introspection on those, it always turned out that it was just me feeling natural human impulses. Then one day I realized I could just pick an animal 'type. The decision of it being green woodpeckers was very random. I've become a bit obsessed with the birds' behaviours, life, and looks despite the randomness. I informed myself about them and internalized that info heavily. -> Kirekiyo Shinguji - I took on this 'link because Kiyo's story bothered me a ton and wouldn't leave my thoughts. By identifying as him, I managed to work through what it was that triggered me so much about him, but why at the same time I like him so much. My high interest in learning about humanity was one trait in common with him. His aesthetic slaps, too. Creeplord. -> Itachi Uchiha - I had a dream in which I was Itachi, a character I'd never cared about before in my life. The dream made me identify so easily with him. I kept that feeling of "This is me" around after the dream on purpose, reminding myself of me being him and picturing me as him physically. -> Raihan - An identity I took on to cope with exam stress and an injury. I like Raihan. He's fun and cool and relatable in some aspects. That's all LOL
To summarize: "How it happens" is very individual, both depending on the person and what it is that you set out to 'link and why. It can be to cope, for fun, for other reasons. Having someone in common with the linktype prior to linking already is helpful, but no necessary. You can link something you have nothing in common with, and adapt those traits along the way, or shape the thing into something more befitting of you (like an AU in the case of a fictional character).
#2 Accidental 'linking I'd say yes, if you don't know about the label and you do something that can be described as 'linking. I.e. choosing to identify as something in a very linker-y way before you've heard of the terms.
Otherlinking is, by definition, always a choice, yes.
But, sometimes alterhumanity can be quoiluntary - not quite clear on whether it was a choice or not. Most if not all of my linktypes have had a sort of pull to them, pulling me towards the decision - some more strongly than others. Are they kintypes because of that? Eh, I don't think too much about it. My process of growing into the identities has been built on a lot of active decision. Memories tend to not just come to me, but instead are built. I can't force just anything, because it has to make sense in my head and feel true, but I'm not left to the whims of chance when it comes to "remembering". I also don't try to find out what I look like - instead I carve myself. Shifts, too, are actively induced and built. These are rather different experiences from otherkin. Instead of discovering yourself, you build yourself. But, oh, hm. There's discovery in that as well. c:
I hope this makes sense and helps!
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new term: exsamic
exsamic, plural exsamic latin prefix "ex-" (thorough)+old norse sami (origin of same)+suffix "ic" (meaning "of or pertaining to" essentially meaning "completely the same existence"
having a involuntary strong connection with a concept so much you identify as it on a day-to-day basis, and may use it's name as your name and, if applicable, may also talk about it's experiences as if they're your own. or, as my friend put it, "mhhngnfghh... good GAWD this character is me"
not to be confused with otherkinity, because while 'kin cannot control their identity, the term was coined with the concept in mind that exsamic can control it-it's the connection that they can not control. (i word it like that because some people, like myself, can not control it [at least, on my end, for the most part i can't,] but even then it does not still feel like my typical 'kin experience, thus why i coined the term.)
and it's not to be confused with otherlink or otherheir either, because otherlink is voluntary, and otherheir focuses more on "keeping it's legacy" rather than actually feeling like you ARE it.
i made this term with non-psychotic "IRLs" in mind, and after thinking hard and long about it, and i realized that, no, i am not psychotic, i just didn't have a better word to use to describe my experiences. if you wanna use a term similar to "IRL" for an exsamic, you can just say you're "samic," for example, i'd say i'm lain iwakura and squares samic. it doesn't have the same punch to it as "IRL" does, but it's better than stealing terminology not meant for people who can't use it.
examples: "ENA is my exsamic. i am ENA samic." "i'm exsamic with black cats and amitie from the puyo puyo series." "i just got done with my samic list, it contains my examic bonds."
i use the term concept in this to mean anything, you could replace all instances of "concept" in this with, say, a fictional character, a song, or an animal.
i also made this definition somewhat vague on purpose so this way more people could identify with it easily, while still at the same time defining a specific experience that one may have. however, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. i am deathly inactive on tumblr, so i may not respond immediately, but i’ll respond.. eventually.
if you want to credit me for the term, you may refer to this post and/or my @ as a source of the term, but if linking back to it’s coiner in general please refer to my main account @hatsilvamiku (tumblr won’t let me @ it for some reason so i just linked to it) and call me hatsiiva miku (caps second i, hatsiIva) or hatsilva miku.
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linklocus · 2 years
Hi. Uh. So I dont know what I am ?? I think I started out as a copinglink, but now it's sort of really quickly grown into an important part of me, like I dont know if I can shake it even when I'm feeling good and all of this stress is over, is there a term for not? I'm not a system if that helps at all/changes anything-
Anything helps, even just a tad of advice would be lovely
Hi! I'll run over the basics of some terms here and give some additional info going off of that that I hope can help!
Otherlink: Someone who chooses their identity. Linktypes can become inherent to a person, so they can no longer be "dropped", and whether someone still calls themself a 'linker or they change their label to otherkin is up to the person's comfort.
Otherkin: Someone who does not choose their identity. The identity is involuntary, it can't be dropped at all.
While someone who falls more into the 'kin territory may call themself a 'linker if they're more comfortable with that, someone with a voluntary droppable identity (like many 'linkers) shouldn't call themself otherkin. Personally I prefer calling myself an otherlinker because I don't bother with assessing whether or not my identities are a choice. The line between voluntary and involuntary can be very blurry.
(Fiction-)Flicker: A flicker is when you involuntarily feel like an identity for a while until it disappears. You'll only rly know something is a flicker until it's gone again. They're valid important experiences and should be treated as such, despite the limit time window that they're relevant in.
I'm mentioning fictionflicker to point out that, if this identity you feel so strongly DOES end up fading even though you don't feel like that'll happen, that's normal and fine. It might not, it might.
Quoiluntary identity: "Quoiluntary" is a term that basically means "idk" or "idc" or "ik/ic but I'm not explaining it to you". Quoiluntary identities are identities without a clear origin, or a known origin that the person doesn't want to share.
The tl,dr I want to give you of this is: You could call your identity a linktype turned kintype, but it's up to you! There's no label to describe a linktype turned kintype specifically. Unless I forgot about it. I for sure know that there's none in common active use.
Do be wary of otherkin who critizise other otherkin whose identities started off as voluntary though, if you do go down the kintype route. Don't let anyone implant false narratives about the origin of your identity. For example, there are people who will claim your identity wasn't an a choice and you were always that identity to begin with, you just didn't know it until you explored it. That CAN be true for you, but you need the one who assesses that, not another person.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 15 - "Fine explain it to me."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Slight shipping but can be seen as platonic too
A/N: Just wanted to mention that I usually am more of a found family themed dpxdc writer but this was a self runner once I started writing until I realised that this could be seen as a ship.
Danny sipped on the champain, he was drinking leaning against the wall. Next to him, also leaning against the wall with crossed arms was Dan glaring at everyone that even remotely tried to approach them. Dani had disappeared into the crowds and Danny was convinced that she had made her way to the buffet table and had found a hiding place with whatever food she had piled up high on a plate. He had seen her do that before.
"How long do these things go?" Dan asked, glaring at someone specifically, Danny knew was a business partner of the fruitloop.
"A couple of hours, usually fruitloop lets us leave around 8 pm." Danny answered easily, surveying the area for any familiar face he might recognize despite knowing he wouldn't. Sam's family wasn't attending this gala and any face he could recognize was probably a business partner of Vlad or someone he had seen on a magazine cover.
"Dile back your glare. Your eyes are glowing red." He offhandedly mentioned to his time-clone-twin taking another sip. Dan only growled at him and looked stubbornly away, though his eyes lost the red color and turned back to a blue.
"How do you and Dani do this shit?"
Danny hummed, museing how things had changed over the past couple of years since Dani and him started to attend these Galas Vlad made them go too. "I hated it at first too. But you weren't socialized enough to attend and Dani used to flat out refuse but we got used to it and found our tactics on how to handle it. Dani usually raids the buffet and finds a hiding place, I just hang with Sam if she is here."
"But she is not." Dan growled, now glaring at a rich kid that had looked like it wanted to approach them but wisely decided to turn tail at Dan's glare. "These stuck up kids are trying to mock us aren't they?"
"Yup." Danny popped the p. "We could always ghost the fruitloop though."
"And have to listen to him lecturing us later? No thanks." Dan's eyes went over the people at this place. He saw Vlad talking to someone he was pretty sure had been on the cover of some tech magazine before but then his eyes stopped on a guy with black hair and blue eyes looking only slightly older than them that was staring at them very intensely.
Dan rammed his elbow into Danny's side, causing the other to wheeze and nearly drop the glass he was holding. The one he had spotted was now on his way to approach them and Dan narrowed his eyes. "You know that guy?"
Danny once he caught his breath again looked up and his eyes widened with recognition. "Shit!"
But before Dan could question the other about that guy, who was now speed walking with a business smile towards them, Danny grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him along with him. "We need to go, like right now."
Dan dragging his feed and making Danny literally drag him along only looked at his phone arching an eyebrow mockingly. "It's not 8 pm yet."
"Text the fruitloop. We are going-"
"Danny, what a pleasure to see you here, I didn't know you attended galas like this." Danny got cut off by the same guy Dan had spotted watching them. He hadn't seen how but somehow that guy had managed to cross the hall before them and block Danny's exit.
Dan heard Danny mutter a distinctive "fuck" before letting go of his elbow and smiling at the guy nervously. "Dick. What a surprise. I didn't know you would be here."
"Dick?" Dan repeated with an arched eyebrow but Danny swiftly stepped on his foot.
"Well Bruce thought it was about time again I attended one of the Galas with him again. You know how it is, don't you?" There was a glint in the other's eyes and Dan eyed him interested, the guy had some dirt on Danny. This was going to be interesting.
"Ah well yea, Vlad asked for me to come along too and someone got to represent my late parents too after all." Danny laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck and clearly avoiding direct eye contact.
"Represent your late parents?"
"Yea funny thing, my parents willed their company to me and-"
"I thought you said you were an engineer working for Dalv.Co? To think I told you about how I am with the Waynes and yet you never mentioned even once to me your relation to Masters." Dan blinked, okay so that guy was a friend Danny had made somehow outside of Sam and Tucker.
"I do! I do, it's just that… well... I can explain!"
"Fine, explain it to me."
Danny appeared to be a flustered mess while this Dick was staring at him with crossed arms. Dan watched them with fascination and a small amount of satisfaction at how Danny fumbled with his words. He then felt a tuck at his side and locked down to find Dani offering him popcorn.
"That's Dick Greyson." Something suddenly clicked for Dan and he smirked down at Dani.
"The guy that's teaching your Gymnastic course that Danny always volunteers to take you too?"
Dani nodded once more and now also sporting a mischievous smile.
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lolottes · 10 months
beacon of distress
Danny had joined the Justice League (although he hung out with Justice League Dark more during meetings) though he still only stepped in outside of Amity Park if it was a big deal because he was officially a guardian spirit (spirit ~ ghost and it's not false that he keeps his city so the name is not so misleading) of his city which had woken up a short time ago, unofficially the Dark for the most part had that he was a halfa even if some didn't know what exactly that term meant.
He had negotiated that no one enter his city, especially without an invitation, in exchange for carrying a communicator -on- in him at all times, his communicator containing, among other things, a beacon of distress which is automatically activated in various situations. He hadn't been thrilled with the compromise but it was the same deal Batman had so he couldn't quite complain (actually Batman modified his own communicator, not that it was public knowledge).
DeFinally his beacon activated; he was tied on a table in his basement, opened by his parents who had pulled out various things that he stored in him, such as the League communicators that his father fiddled with before starting tried to dismantle him
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diver5ion · 3 months
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I'm an FBI agent, not a Muslim FBI agent.
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caliginouscreature · 2 years
Are Hearttypes/Synpaths *really* taken as seriously as Kintypes?
I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about my alterhumanity for a while, and a big question that comes up is “am I otherkin, or otherhearted?”  The muddly struggle of sorting out “ID with vs. ID as” makes up the meat of this conundrum, and could merit several posts on its own, but another facet of the issue is quite notably one less-possibly-subjective thing: how the community seems to present and identify otherheartedness.
It’s been brought up numerous times how nonhuman experiences outside of ’kin and theriotypy are horribly underrepresented; even resources for non-spiritual individuals within those communities are woefully scarce.  If you’re copinglink, a synpath, or even just don’t have memories from your ’type, you’re going to have a hell of a lot harder a time finding community, resources, and-- most tragically-- firsthand accounts of what it’s like to be any of those things.
You may have noticed, as I have, that most of what could be argued to be the “big name” bloggers on here who post informatives on otherheartedness, are also of an alterhuman identity that’s more talked about (therianthropy, fictionkin, daemon-having, etc.).  There’s nothing wrong with this, and I’m quite glad it gets talked about in-depth at all, but it’s rare to find experiences from people who are primarily otherhearted.  Go to the blog of anyone who’s both otherkin and otherhearted, and you can pretty much guarantee that their posts are 99% about kintypes, and that they mostly bring up their hearttype when asked specifically about otherheartedness, or they’re otherwise making an informative post about it.  Maybe they’ll reblog an aesthetic post once in a while, or show you some pictures of their hearttype they have hung up in their house.
In general, despite frequent and ardent claims as to otherwise, the vibe I pick up is that being otherhearted really isn’t as intense or personal as being ’kin.  It’s hard not to be a tad disheartened when I’m seeing somebody talk on about how being ’hearted is no less valid or powerful an alterhuman identity than ’kin, how it’s something that can most certainly mean wishing to be the thing and that it’s a lot more than just liking or relating to it... only for them to turn around and describe their own otherhearted experiences in detail, and speak at length at how it’d feel alien and improper for them to be the Thing, how in their life, despite degree of alleged connectedness, it kind of does wind up manifesting as a thing they like a lot, how they totally can’t see themselves being the Thing even if they have shifts of it or consider it something they have a non-’kin kinship with. The “with vs. as” confuddle makes a strong return in the issue here, but the strong emphasis on the “you are not, would not be this thing on any level”, despite sometimes including “feeling like you should be the thing” being listed as a frequent symptom of ’heartedness gets a little... I don’t know what it gets, but it doesn’t feel very nice, and it makes it feel like it’s less the right ID for me.
Outside a few scattered and small posts, you don’t see many folks talking about trying to behave more as their hearttype, or look more like it.  Lots of talk about feeling a strong connection to and fondness for them, but much less in terms or desire to do things like acquire gear, find others of similar types... less talk of longing and existential dysphoria, especially if the poster is already otherkin (notice how if you go into the otherhearted tag, how many of the posts are tagged also with a specific kintype. I know experiences can overlap, but do notice this). On one claw, it makes sense.  After all, if your hearttype is a dragon, why try and present as a dragon or mope over not being one if you already know that you’re truly a wolf?  But that’s exactly the thing I’m pointing at here.  It’s not taken as seriously or personally as part of one’s nonhuman identity.  I can’t read minds and hearts, so I can’t say how closely one may or may not hold their hearttypes to who they are and how they are, but that’s how it comes across to me.
I get very much pensive over how my personal experiences and feelings seem to stagger haphazardly somewhere between what defines “otherkin” and “otherhearted”, and wonder if either of those is even the accurate term for me at all. Sometimes I wonder if there are entities out there who are truly otherhearted or other sorts of alterhuman, but call themselves ’kin because the general firsthand accounts of what ’heartedness is like to experience don’t sound personal or deep enough to match how they feel their own nonhumanity.  I really wonder.
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wingedkittie · 2 years
how are people anti kff and still judge people for problematic fictotypes
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saw someone call the breadwinner a movie about being trans i am once again begging people to acknowledge Cultural Context instead of refitting stories to fit their own comfort levels
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alterhumannerdygoat · 5 months
Rambles about new 'type :D
Ok so lionblaze is very alterhuman for me right now :3 (I'm still reading the warrior cats books though so idk his full plot agsjs)
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He's really silly and kind of relatable, pluuuus he leaves a lot of space for me to project onto him >:3 (compared to like ivypool for example who's emotions on a similar plot thing are shown more in depth)
I've just decided to try using constellic terms, but also he in particular feels more identify-with than identify-as to me, and I'm too lazy to research how that would fit in with him being a constel (and the term is even more niche than otherlink TT^TT)
If i did some linking (actually putting in effort to make myself identify as him) with him i could easily identify AS him I'm pretty sure, buuut I'm enjoying the identify-with identity with him :3
A while back i REALLY hyperfocused on him, and while that's now gone, (ughh christmas break is over can't watch the same 3 pmvs over and over while copy and pasting every one of his scenes into my notepad), i still feel the connection.
I could call him a hearttype, but also likeee i want to keep it more casual. Same with calling him a heartlink, plus the fact that I didn't do any conscious linking, and that's important for me personally when calling something a linktype.
I am also aware that this is something normal (/neu) humans could experience with characters buuut i think viewing him through an alterhuman lens is just better
Oh and also another possible term would be copinglink, because of the nature of my projection. Lol "copingheartlink" would be accurate XDD
But yeahh I'll be sticking with trying out calling him a constel :D and if i decide another term suits better, I'll makea post about in anyways XD
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ziracona · 1 year
Me when Harvey told Harv who Batman is
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im asking this in a few places, hope you dont mind
dunno if this is the right place to ask, but with otherlink/copinglink, what would i interpret from a situation of a link feeling so strong and seperate that it feels like a person different from me? its kinda become an imaginary friend situation, where i start talking to the link in my thoughts, and i guess i fabricate responses back.
sometimes i space out a tiny bit, and the link kinda does stuff for me, but not completely? im still aware of stuff and i can take back control whenever, and the connection is kinda weak.
like- i guess the way to put it is that both the link and myself are playing a game together, looking at the same screen, but for majority of the time i have the controller. even when i do hand it over, i can take it back whenever.
i dont think the link is completely autonomous despite being seperate, as in, again, conversation feels puppeted on the link's end, even if it would feel more right to give the link personal identity.
i dont think im plural, especially since the link is never consistent with what it is and changes nearly every week it seems, but i dont think im completely singular either. any advice would help, if you can. thank you.
There's a couple of things I'm thinking of from your description. Plurality doesn't have to be clear-cut, experiences such as demiplurality and being pluralflux exist, and median systems are generally more "different facts of one core" than what you see of systems where system members are incredibly different. Tulpas, similar to 'links, are created on purpose but separate individuals from the creator and need to be upheld in order to exist at least at the start until they establish themselves or all the time. Daemonism comes to my mind as well, as a daemon is a representation of you, but not you, but also you, and their appearance and personality can fluctuate. They represent you, after all, and you are ever-changing too, courtesy of being alive. Even if everything's separate, thoughtforms and you can be shapeshifters.
All these labels stated, there can be plenty of overlap and fluidity. My headmate who was created as a tulpa and I frequently merge and unmerge because I'm fluctuatingly singlet and plural. Does that make them a linktype when we're merged? I could label it as that! Can something be a link and a thoughtform at the same time? Sure! I have this one... idk what, and the character is so many things to me, sometimes at the same time and sometimes only one thing or the other.
Personally what you say makes me bet on this being an early-stage tulpa or daemon with slight sprinkles of being plural, but you're the one who knows your experience best and the only one who can decide on your label, if you even want to put a solid label on it. Whatever happens, I hope things won't cause you any distress and that you'll figure it out!
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hello term coining nation
after my friend expressed identifying with a character because of wanting to be her, i tried finding a term for it, but couldn’t find one. i just decided i’d coin my own for her, since i was already planning on coining another term as well.
diadmir, plural diadmira dutch "diep" (deep)+latin "admirari"(origin of "admire,") together essentially meaning "deep admiration"
identifying with or as a concept because you want to be it in any way.
no, this is not being otherhearted, as anyone can be otherhearted for a variety of reasons. this is specifically for wanting to be a concept, while also identifying with/as it because of that want.
examples: "i feel like ENA may be a new diadmir for me." "cats and light-hearted, peppy characters are my diadmira." "i just made my diadmir list!"
i use the term concept in this to mean anything, you could replace all instances of "concept" in this with, say, a fictional character, a song, or an animal.
i also made this definition somewhat vague on purpose so this way more people could identify with it easily, while still at the same time defining a specific experience that one may have. however, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. i am deathly inactive on tumblr, so i may not respond immediately, but i’ll respond.. eventually.
if you want to credit me for the term, you may refer to this post and/or my @ as a source of the term, but if linking back to it’s coiner in general please refer to my main account @hatsilvamiku (tumblr won’t let me @ it for some reason so i just linked to it) and call me hatsiiva miku (caps second i, hatsiIva) or hatsilva miku.
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sunny-rants · 2 years
Queerness is not just about sex and romance. Since the concept of queer has been around, so have asexual and aromantic people. Lavender marriages, voluntary spinsters, vows of chastity used to cover a disinterest in sex. “Monosexuals”, “anesthesia sexual”, “anaphrodites”, category "X". Queer-platonic relationships, asexuality and aromanticism are an undeniable part of lgbtq+ history. Before there were any terms, any flags or acronyms, choosing to not conform to society’s romantic and sexual guidelines has been the very essence of queerness. The inherent queer experience of feeling alienated because you don’t love the “right” way or feel the right feelings for the right people, of trying to meet the expectations set for you while trying to build a life that doesn’t feel like a lie. These are all part of the aspec experience. We aren’t “invading” a space we don’t belong because it’s a trend, or an internet identity. We’re not “spicy straight”. We’re making ourselves known in a community we have always been a part of.
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