#voting psa
pastafossa · 2 years
Hi! Hopeful reminder to please vote! I know it's not a presidential election, but local and state-level elections are arguably where your vote matters the most, and where you'll see the most effect. They're the ones passing laws in your town, laws in your state, that will help shield you from potential fuckups at higher levels.
Also some of them hate disabled people like me so if you could vote for the ones that don't want to leave me to die or take my medicine away, that'd be great.
Your local disabled, would-not-be-able-to-write-without-her-medicine fic writer
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infamouslydorky · 7 months
You won't be able to solve every problem. Sometimes, things are out of your ability to make change. That does not mean you cannot focus on what you can do. It may not be in a massive scale, but change happens one person at a time, being able to do one thing at a time no matter how small. Please, do what's within your realm of capability to make the world better
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huskymaine · 1 year
I stumbled upon Naruto’s canon blueprint room and just realize that the blueprint includes multiple Kakashi (probably handmade) dolls that are in Naruto’s posession :
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Kakashi doll at the size of small teddy bear beside Naruto’s bed 
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Kakashi doll on training room as puching bag
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Naruto also has other Kakashi dolls beside those two :
Kakashi doll beta version that was made on the night just after Naruto met Kakashi (Naruto is quite a fast doll maker). 
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Kakashi pillow doll for hugging (anime only)
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This trivia is so funny for me and the fact that it’s totally canon and included in official blueprint kinda crack me out.
Bonus Kakashi and Team 7 dolls Sakura version
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bomberqueen17 · 7 months
civic duty
went to vote today. local elections, mostly uncontested.
it was so crowded, i did not expect that.
the man directly in front of me got mad when the people dispensing the ballots asked his name and then asked him to verify his address and date of birth. "That's personal information!" he exclaimed. "You have no right to ask me for that!"
"We have to verify your identity," the election worker said, stunned. "That's how this works."
"You're denying me my right to vote!" the man shouted.
"We-- have to figure out which voter you are," the election worker said. "I don't need to see ID or anything, i just need you to confirm for me which address you're at, and then which person by that name that resides at that address, so I can see if that matches our rolls, so I can make sure I'm dispensing a ballot to the right person."
"I was trained as an election worker!" the man shouted. "I know you have no right to demand personal information from me!"
"Well i can't give you a ballot if I can't verify which voter you are," the election worker said.
"I'm calling the cops!" the man shouted.
"By all means," the election worker said, "but please step outside to do so. I recommend you call the downtown cops, not just the emergency line, as they'll be more knowledgeable."
So the man went outside. I gave the workers my name, my address so they could find me, and confirmed my date of birth, since it seemed perfectly reasonable to me that often more than one person with the same name might reside at a particular address, and they gave me my ballot and I went and voted. When I went outside the man was still on the phone, yelling. "They have no right to demand personal information of me!"
That information is public record, my dude. And it's how they registered you to vote in the first place. And it's how you're organized in the voter rolls.
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dreamerinsilico · 2 years
Reminder to Americans about the election -
While it is *probably* too late to request mail-in or drop-box ballots in most places, many states have in-person early voting.  So if getting to the polls on November 8th (not 4th this year) is going to be inconvenient or difficult for you, check your state’s voter website to see if and where you can potentially vote early.  (I voted at work on Friday!)
If you do need or want to go to the polls on election day, many states have laws requiring your workplace to give you time off to do so. 
I cannot stress enough how fucking critical this election is; the Republican party as it currently exists are ready to gut our democracy even more than they already have, anywhere they gain power, and it matters at the local and state levels just as much (or in some cases even more) than the federal one.
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writing-with-melon · 2 years
This is a PSA reminder for my fellow Texans!
Oct. 11 (and Oct 28 if you’re voting by mail) is the last day to register to vote for the midterm elections. Elections will be Nov. 8
This election is super important we are voting for Governors and two new House seats! Justices are also up for election.
Here is a voter guide where you can search your district and learn who your candidates are.
If are already registered to vote or think you are registered check on your registration status because creating registration loop holes cause voter suppression.
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claraameliapond · 8 months
The Indigenous Voice Referendum Australia 2023
Floored and devastated
repulsed at the racist selfishness of the no voters
This is NOT who we are
Although it's a comforting narrative that no voters and conservatives are dying out - and will gradually have less and less pull
Firstly - It's too gradual to just wait it out
And Secondly- It's foolish to think that's only where these no votes are coming from
Younger less educated people are part of this too
Ignorant and arrogant - and selfish- that's what less education translates to.
This highlights, more than ever, how important it is to have strict policies in place legally for managing misinformation, fear mongering and propaganda spreading
We need laws about media monopolies and restricting or banning them altogether
Because one agenda from a multimillion dollar media monopoly cannot have majority access to inform a whole country. Especially because they were intentionally running interference with the simplest truth - they threw everything at it - spreading misinformation, blatant repulsive, violent lies - totally made up lies, not even remotely connected to what was being proposed. It's heartbreaking they could invent such lies and then spread those repulsive invented lies so fully and have people believe them.
And less educated people are always more vulnerable to propaganda: they believe hatred without a second thought. They don't fact check. They don't research. They don't make sure. Any excuse to flaunt their selfish racist self interest, against anyone else who might actually be more vulnerable, worse off.
However, That's the thing about this referendum - IT WASNT "US AGAINST THEM"
It was just : do we all agree that indigenous Australians should get to share information and advice with the government about how best to provide the care and facilities we already provide to them. So they work. Because they haven't been. So it would be a good use of money and then we can achieve permanent results and solutions for those issues and then move on, and do different things with that money. To actually move forward with this and not be stuck in stasis with things not improving.
That was literally all it was
It still is an issue now.
Don't loose hope
I'm still proud of all of the Yes voters- there were a good amount of us - and we will continue to turn the tide from ignorance and misinformation to the truth.
We've got to keep going 💪🏻 🙌🏻 👏🏻 🙏🏻
And now we have a more accurate idea of how to do that , and what needs to be fixed with people's understanding of this in our country. We can use this information to succeed
Ironically - doing exactly what the referendum was about : getting more accurate information to better help vulnerable communities of indigenous Australia.
But apparently, we've got to deal with the misinformed tantrum havers first - they make everything an "us against them" even when it literally wasn't. It doesn't affect anyone else. It could only have been positive. They make every issue an "us against them " even when it has literally nothing to do with them, because everything's a tantrum if it's not about them.
We've got accurate information now - just not about the people we were expecting : we know how to combat the racist minformation spreaders, and those who believed them.
What we need is :
Real limits and legal consequences on misinformation spreading, fear mongering and propaganda
Real limits on media monopolies and restrictions from letting them operate the way they do.
AND we do have to continue to combat this misinformation and propaganda whenever it is paraded near us. Respond with the truth, and make sure you ALWAYS RESPOND.
Don't let them think they're right.
Respond simply and calmly with the truth.
I'm sorry we have to do this but we do.
I don't want to be anywhere near those people, but if they identify themselves- we have to respond.
Respond and correct them.
Their idiocy can not and does not rewrite the truth. We are right and the truth of what this is, always was and what we need to do still exists
A few sources to begin to understand this:
A breakdown of who voted what where
Interpreting these results properly - this is well worth a read
I am looking forward to seeing the full count when it's ready. Make sure to look at those things - from Official sources.
I stand proudly with you on the side of truth. Empathy. Morality. Justice
We have a more accurate idea of what's going on now: let's get to work
Also thank you to MC HAMMER for supporting and encouraging and campaigning for people to vote yes. That was lovely.
It really was a very simple thing - the truth is still the truth and we will succeed
Love and strength to us all
By goodness we need it
My heart was so full when I voted yes - it's an obvious yes
And it still is
Because YES is the truth
It is what is needed.
And we will achieve it xxxxx
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amarriageoftrueminds · 10 months
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archived version of her US congressional campaign website. She ran in the 2022 Republican primary.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 days
The only Team Green I will be supporting this summer is at the polling station when I vote in the general election on July 4th.
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dana-is-snax · 23 days
to all EU citizens:
the EU elections are on june 9th!
you might think EU elections are unimportant but it is crucial to go vote. now more than ever!
if you don't know what party to vote, use wahl-o-mat (GER) or find similar voting indicators for your country! they can help you find the party that corresponds best to your opinions.
please go vote!
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clatterbane · 2 years
PSA for people in Virginia:
More glitches at the DMV. Check your voter registration.
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iwillneverloveyou · 2 months
Hey so… not advocating for anyone here, but this feels like something y’all should know about.
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PBS article
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WaPo article
And another WaPo article, I guess.
I don’t love that there aren’t a lot of sources on this, but as far as I can tell it’s a fairly new thing (earliest info on Clear Choice is from 2 weeks ago).
Suuuuuuuuuuuuper glad a bunch of strangers who somehow can’t find a decent candidate in a country of over 200 million adults have decided WE’RE all too stupid to decide between more than two options. Instead of, you know… picking better candidates to prop up.
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nobleclover · 3 months
OK, so I've heard that there's potential misinformation about the KOSA bill (as in it DOESN'T force people to submit your government ID), so I gave this article a read and...I'm still not sure. Honestly, I definitely believe that people should read the bill and consider what is read, however given that the American Congress is looking to pass it, I'm still very wary.
You can find a link to the bill in the article too.
Now, the bill is still bad but a friend of mine said that we should be careful of what we share about it online. Misinformation can derail the objective of the cause to preventing online censorship
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roxannepolice · 2 years
Everyone go and check out John Simm's IG stories. The icon posted Vote Saxon poster with Metallica's Master of Puppets to celebrate Doctor Who Day. The obvious has been done, the universe is safe now, the order restored, my crops are cleaned and my skin is watered or wtv.
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fobnsfwdoodles · 9 months
Okay I thought I was tripping but I counted and there's about 92 requests in the hoard so this is y'all's semi consistent reminder that I love you so much and I'm excited about literally all the requests and I will do my best to fulfill them at a reasonable balance of speed and quality <3
due to the number of them I will likely be choosing with preference towards the oldest, my personal favorites, and random selected ones!
Thank you for being so patient and understanding! 🫶✨
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shaytizzy · 8 months
i'm in
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