#w&w raul
c4shh · 2 years
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Greetings w&w fandom 
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Something I noticed in Wendell and Wild’s room is a skull pencil holder(totally see Kat love that), with brushes, paper and a bunch of paper cut outs. Including one that looks like a ferris wheel…
They totally made an artwork of their Dream Fair
They NEED to meet Raul and share each other’s art
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kittarts · 9 months
have you seen wendell and wild? if so, what did you think of it?
Even though the story needed to be thoroughly polished, from an artistic standpoint I loved it. Here’s a Coraline meeting Kat art I never finished haha !!
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dcminions · 2 years
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k-wame · 10 months
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He wanted to move there. To Berlin. He had someone there. He told me. And he wanted to leave me and Itai here and go to Berlin and make a new life. And he went to get a room in a hotel, and, uh, and then another car hit him on his way there.
The Cakemaker / Der Deutsche Kuchenmacher Feature Film | 2017 | Drama | Germany, Israel | dir. Ofir Raul Graizer
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gael-garcia · 6 months
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GAEL GARCÍA BERNAL for LA Times 📷 Carlos Jaramillo
"For me, the idea to play this fascinating character was kind of wishful thinking, but luckily, the pieces fell into place and our production company got involved.” The actor points out that lucha libre is one of the only contact sports that has been gay-friendly for some time. “You can argue that it is still full of machismo, but it was people like Cassandro and a few other of his contemporaries who were the witnesses and pioneers of this movement. Society has caught up with them, and that’s why it’s easier to make a movie like this than it was 20 years ago. Our movie reflects their plight, and I hope it opens possibilities for other openly gay athletes around the world.” [...] A smile lights up García Bernal’s boyish face when he’s asked what he loved best about the experience. “I am so proud that I can be an actor and play as seriously as I did when I was a kid,” he says. “I can’t believe I was wrestling in the ring with these legends. This part also gave me a chance to play with the transgender side, which I believe is something that we all have.” (x)
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gay-arsonists-lullaby · 7 months
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{Un}Lawful Good VS {Un}Lawful Evil
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´This Barbie is a feminist icon. and This Barbie refuses to just die.´
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lookatmytitle · 2 years
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Shout out to the absolutely most supportive latina moms of LGBT+ children in 2022
They would do anything for their children and I would do anything for them
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tohellandback99 · 4 months
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I like to put a bunch of pictures in one cluster on here so that I can access the references I need very quickly since I have so many saved. I private most of them cause I crudely take the photos myself in my natural habitat lol. These are my favorite references I use for Raul except for the best one in my head. and you’ll never guess what I’m putting these on here for atm
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I want more drawings, hallways (I mainly just need a hallway for this one but we always welcome more details to come back to) and a map of inside of the school but if I have to see it with my brain I’ll see it with my brain. If you have any, I’d be happy and grateful for them (otherwise im gonna just get started)
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(Edit: Adding this here so that I can, yes yes!)
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willgrahamsbecoming · 6 months
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figure skater!frederick x hockey player!will
peak twink on twink... violence?
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local-cringe-writer · 2 months
Random Raul cocolotl hcs
✏ from someone who couldn't afford Netflix so they couldn't watch the movie but was obsessed with it when it came out—
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★ probably hates "your mom" jokes and will go in great detail on why the joke was distasteful, scolds you, then makes you apologize to your guardian figure for your joke. Also falls for "deez nuts" and varieties kinda jokes (he hates them but falls for them alot)
★ loves kids! He is extremely soft-spoken and will always apply to be a temporary babysitter for anyone offering. Hell, he'd do it for free too.
★ is the "weird kid" in school (because same tbh)
★ if you're his friend he'll draw for you! All you gotta do is ask and he'll draw you a page from his sketchbook. Sometimes he'll be the first to ask if he's allowed to sketch you
★ the song "Genius" by Sia, Diplo, and Labrinth belongs to him change my mind
★ his affection is physical touch! He loves to cuddle his partner and is definitely the big spoon. With friends he'll always ask to hold hands or extra hugs from them <:]
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★ used to listen to songs like "Take a Hint" and "call me Maybe" then one day shifted to things like Slipknot and Chonny Jash and never looked back
★ speaking of Chonny Jash— he adores them so much that he listens to their songs every day. (And work hard on chores for money to buy merch from them)
★ when he stims: he dances and jumps! Whenever his favorite music pops up on his playlist he'll have a burst energy to dance and run around!
★a hopeless romantic
★ had a gacha phase / gacha reacts: phase
★ wore black nail polish when he was in his edgy phase and never grew out of it even when he got out of his edgy phase
★ will tell grown ups/older kids "You're never too old for trick or treating" and insists you go if it makes you happy:) and will tell adults "never too late to (insert something)" if they're feeling they cant do something because of their age
★ cold spaghetti from a can >>>
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kyngsnake · 2 years
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thinking about a slightly younger Raul chatting up my Chosen One. For uh, science or whatever.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
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oneguycalledlog · 2 years
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Got any Raul headcanons??
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Raul Cocolotl general headcanons.
Warnings: Just a tiny bit of suggestive content in one or two headcanons, and it's not even about him.
Notes: None.
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Raul here became Buffalo Belzer's favourite little artist and he's BRAGGING ABOUT IT A LOT. Wild wishes he could smack his head again.
Raul and Mariana go to his dad's grave monthly, usually a way for the both of them to cope with his sudden death six years ago. He was one of the victims of the fire.
Raul's whole birth name was Ramona Alexandra Fernández Cocolotl, but his whole name now is just "Raul Fernández Cocolotl".
Mariana was nothing but supportive, which is good, but when her son started using "Raul", the moment she used his dead name the first few weeks, she would literally hit her head against the table, which was funny at first, but Raul had to reassure her that it was fine, that it was a mistake.
He admires Kat since she's so, so different to what Rust Bank had to offer. Also, her parents introduced him to the best music genre ever so he can't even complain.
His art project soon becomes one of Rust Bank's best turistic spot when people start coming. And his mom couldn't be more proud of him.
Mariana and Raul cook together on the weekends, with him always asking about his mom's past and homeland. And she always looks so happy talking about it, it makes Raul's day.
He introduced Siobhan, Sloane, Sweetie, Kat and the demon brothers to all good, retro anime and some Studio Ghibli movies. They all cried to "Spirited Away".
Raul and Kat took a little bit (a great amount) of pleasure when showing the demon brothers just how many people would [ redacted ] a demon if asked. Kat shared him the video of those poor guys losing their shit.
Going to school as Raul was the most nerve-wracking thing he did ever. There were surprised and disapproving glances from the older nuns and some classmates, getting him to Father Best's office. Thankfully and surprisingly for everyone, he was more understanding than surprised. Raul cried in his arms the moment Best changed his name from "Ramona" to "Raul" as quickly as he found out, right in front of him.
He misses Father Best from time to time, so all the girls agree to take a few flowers to his grave weekly.
He does Kat's nails when she invites him over to her room. He helped her decorate her room (with the S Girls help, of course), and now it looks more like his friend, and not some depressing hail cell.
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