#was gonna color the 2nd one too but I didn’t ig
pawzofchaos · 10 months
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c0rvusx2 · 6 months
Wolf-ji 🤡
Toji x fem!reader
17+: Toji being a perv, swearing, described nudity I think. Somewhat creepy ig, he likes watching you do stuff. No smut, but it’s kinda spicy. Use of 2nd POV (you, your) rather than 3rd (she,her).
Notes: Keep in mind that he has the mind of a human, so don’t take it wrong 🤝 This man is my brain rot 🤤 lmk if I need to raise the age warning
Genre: Fluff/Crack, spicy idk
Toji had no fucking clue where he was. He expected hell to be… a lot less looking like a city alleyway. He tried to lift himself, rather than feeling like his legs they were bent at an uncomfortable looking angle. Pain flared in his left arm, he bent his head to see a bullet wound, a nasty one that kept on bleeding.
“The fuck?” He stretched as best he could, looking around for some sort of item that would give him his reflection. Luckily, there was a abandoned mirror, cracked and without purpose. Toji began to limp over to the reflector, his legs stiff rather than it’s normal nimble movements.
“Oh fuckin’ hell-“
Okay, so maybe going grocery shopping late at night might be a bad idea—especially since there’ll be all sorts of creeps walking around. Not to mention it’s freezing out there, but it’s too late. You’ve already stepped out of the store and onto the empty sidewalk, and if this was the Wild West there’d be tumble weeds rolling from view. You shiver, beginning your journey back to the safe confines of your home.
The store you frequented was your favorite, and the farthest… so to save time you’d take shortcuts through alleyways. Today would be the first time you were doing it late at night.
You stare into the darkness of the passageway in front of you, anxiety bubbling in your stomach. “Quick… nice and quick…” you hype yourself up before storming ahead, using a quick pace to get you to the other side. The deeper you went, the darker it became and soon the only thing illuminating the alley was the clouded moonlight from above.
From ahead of you, you suddenly see a pair of eyes, gazing right back at you with a stern emerald green color.
You screamed as the eyes began to rapidly get closer, accompanied by the sounds of claws hitting against the ground. You dodged, reversing yourself and pressing your back to the alleyway’s wall. A harsh tug came from your grocery bag, which almost ripped your arm right off your torso. Muffled growling came from the creature that was trying to steal your food. Luckily, you recognized the creature that was attacking you, it was some dumb dog.
This made you enraged and frustrated, this shit costed you a good chunk of the money saved from the leftovers after you payed bills—and the bills around here ain’t cheap.
Toji is one lucky bastard. Perhaps this was god giving him a 2nd chance at life- their weird way of dishing out redemption.
Somehow, he was able to worm his way into the chick-he-was-about-to-rob’s heart. Life’s good for the man-turned-wolf, he’s got free food, a roof to live under, and no rent to pay. A bargain in his mind. The only downside being he won’t be able to fuck around anymore, and he sure as hell is NOT gonna fuck a dog.
You felt bad for the dog, the moment you saw it’s form when you scrambled out the alleyway. It wasn’t scrawny, but it wasn’t very lean either. It had a scar present on the right side of it’s mouth, sharp green eyes and dirty matte black fur. It sustained a limp arm, a recent wound most likely the reason why it didn’t go all out on you.
You couldn’t really just walk away from a hurt animal, the guilt would eat you up the moment you turned your back. You were also studying to be a vet, moments like this were what you meant for. So you left some food, ran home to fetch a med kit, and returned with your car.
Here you were now, caring for one big ass dog who kept stealing your food—even though you bought him his own food.
You named him Toji, mainly because that scar on the dogs mouth was hella familiar to the Toji you fawned over in Jujutsu Kaisen. He looked at you weirdly when you said that, but snorted a moment later and stalked off to your TV set.
The strange thing about him was that he apparently knew how to operate cable TV, which amazed you yet weirded you out at the same time.
You noticed Toji naps a lot, and wakes up whenever you turn on Netflix. He’ll eagerly sit next to you, sometimes snacking (read stealing) popcorn whenever you make some.
For some reason he likes tuning in whenever you play any anime episodes, especially Jujutsu Kaisen. Whenever Fushiguro comes onto screen Toji’s fluffy tail begins to wag a bit, which you giggle at. He’ll catch you looking and snap at you, which causes you to furthermore laugh at. In the end he’ll end up tackling you onto the couch.
Toji often feels bored in your household. Nothing really for him to do since he’s apparently a dog now. Nothing to do other than follow you into the bathroom whenever you’re going to shower, keeping a keen eye on every curve of your body. Nothing to do other than watch the fat of your ass lower into his view when you have to bend over to clean up a mess you of him might’ve made.
Nothing to do other than create smutty fantasies of you in his head from when he was human, imagining what your cute little moans would sound like with you under him. Nothing to do other than watch your tits bounce whenever you two go out for a jog in the early morning. Nothing to do other than take a nap between your legs, resting his head on your stomach or between your breast whenever he can. Nothing to do but wish your pretty lips were wrapped around his cock instead of that popsicle you were sucking on a hot summer day.
Toji was a lucky bastard. And lucky bastards get what they want.
“Toji? Toooojiiii, breakfast! Where’d the hell you go?” You called out, turning the house upside down as you looked for him.
“Toji?” The only place you haven’t looked was the guest bathroom, and currently the door was closed shut. You could hear shuffling from inside, which made you wonder how the dog could’ve closed the door. Without warning, you swiftly pulled open the door.
“What’s going on in her-“ You stopped mid sentence, mouth agape at the figure who stood in front of your bathroom’s vanity. You both stared each other down, your eyes blown wide open while his were glued to yours without emotion. It was a stare down for what seemed like ages, until the familiar man broke the silence.
You screamed, and you wished it was without the s because it was embarrassing. He flinched at your volume and seemed to disappear for millisecond, only to return right in front of you, hand on your mouth.
“Jesus Christ- I know you’re a loud mouthed brat but now’s not the time to scream yer’ lungs out,” He huffed, “You can do that later,” The man smirked, you could feel your face flush a bit. After a sec, he hesitantly let go of your mouth. Your mouth was left agape again as Hulu blinked wildly in disbelief at the hulking man in front of you.
“I- wait a fucking second… where’s my dog!?” The man just deadpanned at you, you took this time to eye him up and down. His skin tight shirt had a massive part of it missing on it’s left side, dark splotches of blood surrounding it. The familiar man, however, seemed completely fine.
“C’mon, is it not obvious!?”
“No!? It’s not possible for some anime character to come to life!?” At this you dashed out the room, running into the kitchen to nab your phone to call 911. Before you could even pick it up from the counter, the phone was snatched at lightning speed.
“Hey-!” You whipped around, immediately meeting a stone hard chest.
You were trapped.
“What do I gotta do to prove ‘m real, huh?”
Omfg this is so ooc 💀 writing in character is hard.
If anyone’s confused Toji died and reincarnated into a dead dog’s body that looks exactly like him. During the night get went back to the jjk dimension, shibuya happens, and he returns back human.
Not proofread 🤡
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
Izzy moon, mi love! I just saw your reply 😭 lmao I am still buried deep in my mind forest bc even February felt like a train wreck but it has significantly calmed down for me 💀🫶🏻 wishing you super well from my thick teal leaves and dandelion seeds!
Amg about Engage— I have a lot to say 😂 it definitely feels like a spin off > an actual main title game. I think bc it’s been awhile since I played any of the previous main title games so Engage was ok for me but my twin went off about how it’s such a downgrade from Three Houses. In her words, “the new game plus is not fresh.” I miss having the 2nd gen kids in the second half tho 🥺 the parent-child supports were always a fave of mine
OHH YESSS FINAL FANTASY AND GENSHIN 😭I need to catch up. I haven’t played Genshin in a hot minute and have all these quests piled up 😭 who do you main? who’s your fave? Reminds me of Bin’s samsung ad like 👀 Changbin ganyu main??? and aaaa :’((( ff xiv I’ve been considering playing it when my fantasy drive comes back bc I often get commission requests and their charas look so fun to draw (then cry bc of all the details)
Sending you much love again tooo, Izzy moon 🌙 I miss you lots 🥺💖 and I hope you’re enjoying your rest time too!! Mwah mwah mwah 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
— chia 🐏✨
hi chia!! I’m glad things have calmed down somewhat for you!! that makes me happy to hear 🫂🫂
and I’m honestly thinking about giving it a try I just really love the colorful art style for the most part tbh lol my inner artist ig lmaoooo but honestly I wasn’t that big a fan of three houses tbh, I adore the characters but as a game it didn’t click with me I kinda dropped it after finishing claude and dimitri’s route (bc they’re the only lord for me 😔🤌🏼) but the game seems interesting. I wanna at least give it a try to form my own opinion yk??? but unfortunately it’s gonna have to wait bc I have TOO MANY GAMES TO PLAY ATM 😩😂
aaaah I haven’t been playing genshin as much since that message but I got back into a bit to pull xiao and alhaitham hehe. speaking of, I’m an unabashed xiao lover and use him in almost every team I make LOL I also like using kazuha, heizou, zhongli, kokomi and raiden >w< I wanna level alhaitham and cyno someday to use too 😔🙏🏼 also hello changbin plays genshin on that Samsung ad?? bruh I missed that completely 👀
and omg if you ever play it you’ve gotta let me know I’d love to play with you and stuff 🥰🥰 (no pressure ofc but yeah it’d be lots of fun!) I love my girl so much whenever I log in I’m genuinely so happy to see her that’s how much I love her 😂😂 and yes omg so many details it’s wild :))) (speaking as someone who tried to draw ffxiv stuff sometimes I can agree it’s a ton haha)
I’m always happy when you send a message chia so here’s my affectionate reminder that you can always send one if you feel like it!! 🥹💜 be well and talk again soon!!
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cometcrystal · 4 years
rating (almost) every fred jones look
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classic fred (several movies and series) - you truly cannot go wrong with this look. there’s a REASON they keep going back to the OG outfits and it’s because they rock. the ascot was a cultural reset and it still is. 10/10
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what’s new scooby doo fred - a really nice, modern spin on the classic outfit. love me a stripey shirt. this is a fred who would bring me ice cream at 3:00am because i was crying because my girlfriend dumped me and he’s my good friend and lesbian ally. 9/10
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a pup named scooby doo freddie - im just gonna say it i DON’T like this fred and it’s all because of his haircut. like my mutual marce said, he looks like a trust fund baby and he should have kazoo kid hair instead. 1/10
more under the cut
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mystery incorporated fred - some people aren’t a fan of this series’ art style, but i don’t really mind it. he’s chinnegan junior and this series leans into that. some of the sdmi designs change a lil bit but this is just OG fred but pointy. he gets bonus points because this is one of my fav freds in terms of personality and that’s not really fair but this is my list of freds not yours. 7/10
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scoob! fred - why the fuck his eyes so small 3.5/10
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zombie island fred - THIS IS A TOP NOTCH FRED hes got his vest on his camera ready and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen. also this fred proves you don’t NEED the ascot to have a great fred, the ascot is just a bonus. 100/10
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be cool scooby doo fred - okay we all KNOWWW the art style in this show is ugly as hell and i think fred looks the worst out of the gang besides scooby but he gets 3 sympathy points because the show itself is REALLY GOOD 3/10
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live action fred 1.1 - VERY good casting for him and this fred also gets a bonus because freddie prinze jr. and michelle gellar were engaged and thats so cute. points are deducted from 10 for his weird OOC sexist comments 8/10
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live action fred 1.2 - DO NOT LIKE THIS HAIR ON HIM i hate the bucket hat haircut and im glad it died. points are added from 0 for his improved behavior 5/10
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live action fred 2 - HE’S NOT EVEN BLONDE 0/10
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scooby apocalypse fred pre-issue 25 - a lot of panels and covers make him look like too much of a gun-slinging action hero (i found the best panel i could) but this is still a good fred. devoted to his kween and still the heart of the group, despite this series’ bleak plot. 8/10
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scooby apocalypse fred post-issue 25 - UMMM SKIP THIS FRED IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS FOR THESE COMICS IG. i’ve still got a few issues left before i finish this series so i’m not sure how it ends or if fred is brought back at all but THIS IS NOT FRED THIS IS SOMEONE ELSE POSSESSING FRED’S BODY AFTER HE WAS IN-CANON KILLED OFF BY ZOMBIES. VERY EVIL THERE IS NO SCORE LOW ENOUGH/10
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shaggy and scooby doo get a clue fred - he’s in a total of like 2 episodes but this might be my favorite fred design/lewk ever. HE IS SO ROUND AND FRIENDLY. TOP MARKS IN ALL AREAS ∞/10
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mystery map puppet fred - STOP GIVING HIM A BUZZUT -5,000/10
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where’s my mummy fred - love me a fred in a vest. this is just zombie island but a different color but still fun 6.5/10
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PJs fred (shaggy’s showdown, possibly others) - COMFEY but why does he still tuck in his shirt even when he’s going to sleep. he’s so dumb i love him. 10/10
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winter fred (several appearances) - this is a GOOD boy look at his little hat and his warm cozy jacket. props to the 2nd one for including his ascot. one point deducted because the striped one doesn’t have a pompom. 9/10 
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intro animation fred (several movies) - this boy looks sunburned 4/10
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frankencreepy opening fred - this is a character from monster seeking monster. 7.5/10
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stage fright opening fred - i love the retro style!! AN INTELLIGENT BOY A HANDSOME BOY A BOY OF MANY TALENTS AND HE LOVES TO POSE FOR PHOTOS 10/10
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first frights fred - when i agreed that i wanted young fred to have kazoo kid hair i didn’t mean like this never like this. what the fuck -5/10
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xbox/ps2 fred - he’s going to kill me on april 23rd 2027 at 6:02pm 0̷̢̙̻̱̠͆͑͆̊̀̈͆̕̕1̸̛͉̳̙̞̭̺̯̺̹͕̤̀ͅ0̷̻̀̐͋̈́̌̀̇̈́̄̅̚͝/10
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lego fred - LEGO BOUCE. LEGO BOUCE. 10000/10
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transcrowing · 3 years
ranking the second drb solos because i hate myself i guess. sorry for long ass post idk how to read more on mobile
rio. rio. honey. ily. but what are you doing 🥲 he sounds so LIFELESS like yeah yeah whatever you’re crazy m you’re crazy m
mtc kinda fucked themselves with this album huh. i don’t mind it too much only bc the instrumental goes hard
16-School of IKB
it’s? okay? jiro as a character doesn’t fit it that well though this means war is way better for him. why didn’t they give this to someone like rosho (obviously not the same lyrics but the overall Energy)
15-You Are, Therefore I Am
again a good song that could be given to a different character. also it sounds like jakurai’s about to tell me i need jesus
i feel like if i rank this any lower saburo will chop my dick off that’s the vibe this song gives. it’s fine. chorus bangs rest is alright
shit’s boring at points but gentaro actually fits the song’s vibe and the chorus fucks so
12-Moonlight Shadow
i love rock music. a lot. and DAMN did my man jyushi deliver. not much else to say! good song .
11-Sougyaran BAM
okay this is SUCH a banger! kuko’s very rowdy and feral and an angry ass cat and this works for him. haaa rurururu nani amirite ladies
10-Pink-Colored Love
poor fucking ramuda man. but hey he produced a banger so who am i to judge
9-One and Two, and Law
GOD IDK WHAT IT IS ABT THIS SONG JSHSHS it’s catchy as shit and i also just adore hitoya
8-Scramble Gamble
the instrumental is SO GOOD and dice can spit asf! it’s very chaotic imo which works for him!
7-Own Stage
im gonna be real this would be like tenth but the lyrics are gay as shit and i love it. also im in love with rosho so what are you gonna do ig
REI AMAYADO MY BELOVED HUSBAND . ppl hate this song and i guess i get why but it’s v catchy and the chorus is so good and i aaaaa dh are best division literally fuck you /lh
5-Tragic Transistor
i have three hands theyre all for dotsuhon. clown music for a clown man! also him roasting the other divisions at the end shot this up like three places
4-Break the Wall
WOOOOO WE GETTIN FUNKYYYYY also the chorus being in english caught me off guard at first but i love it. power of friendship go brr
3-Gangsta’s Paradise
as much as i meme on samautotune it sounds REALLY NICE and samatoki went OFF my god i love you king
2-Black or White
DOPPO SING MORE CHALLENGE!! i mean like he did in the chorus but also just more doppo in general. we also got Quality Doppo Screams™️ . im down bad ily king keep whispering ominously in my ear please
1-Don’t Stop the Party
see this is funny bc matenrou is only like my fourth favorite division but this is such a bop man. it’s literally my top played song for the past month i loop it constantly. hifumi and doppo are the power couple of the 2nd drb albums and i applaud them
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staysuki · 3 years
i never thought of shipping y/n with seungmin but when you mentioned it last ask, a part of me subconsciously gets flustered 👁️👄👁️ hahahahhahaha kaw talaga may kapakan ng lahat, charot. scratch what i said, im shipping y/n with everyone. ill just support whoever seems to be winning the race :">
"you knew what you wanted, and Hyunjin wasn’t a part of it." 👀🤭
hala ang gago AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA omg umaasa na seungmin niyo uWu btw this was the part where y/n debated on telling seungmin about lias situation or not but proceeded to do the latter and told a lie about seungmin looking good. seungmin does look good tho 😠 he s smoother than my face, i want to cry. and wtf pasimple pa siya, “Not like anyone’s gonna see us enter at this hour.” -> oke beh 🕳️🚶
hahaha yes minho get your girl. yuhss omggg minho, we kenat let seungmin win 😠 bruh i actually dont know why i keep on denying on wanting to ship seungmin and y/n when i secretly want more cute scenes of them together ahhahaa yess minho you go girl ! YESS FELIX HELP AND BE CLOSER TO Y/N SO THAT THE OTHER 3 WOULD GET JEALOUS AF
OHH WTF THE CLOWN WAS HARLEY QUIN?? LMAO WITH A LOT OF AHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAH 😭😭😭 i still dont understand the 2nd-4th emojis tho,,,,“You can go have fun upstairs, I’ll be with Seungmin.” felix, my boy, mustve been heartbroken as fuck . <- colored red bc im serious xd
aaaaaa hyunjin, its ur time to shine pare 🤩 haha changbin, saksakin niyo na lang ako. the confrontation ive been waiting to happen for like 3 chapters (??) was finally going to take place but nO :<
“Uhhh.. I didn’t have anyone to hang out with.” 1. 👁️👁️👁️👄👁️👁️👁️ 2. 🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🚶🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️ 3. 👼
he had good intentions, not in hyunjins perspective though :< idk but if i was y/n, id have long forgotten the main problem. i MEAN srsly with a seungmin looking like that in front of you? im not exchanging that for anything. EHALOJ, featuring THE lee heeseung 😎 hahaha seungmin:"> srsly tho, if seungmin has been chosen to be endgame all this time, i regret focusing on lee know and hwang hyunjin. felix, its fine, you ll get an smau soon <3 HONEST CONFESSION: i want seungmin to be endgame lmao (oh yeah i forgot, you havent decided who y/n ends up with, well 1 pt for kim seungmin ig)
omg so many things are happening between them aaaaaaaaaaa yes fix his hair cmon >:( EHALOJ, featuring THE solar 😎 LMAO JEONGIN WON? HES OUT THERE PLAYING NINTENDO 😭 let the child play in peace
omaygad yeji wat da fuuuuqqqqq "That crown is mine." -> another one of those famous queen bee lines 🤩 bruh i still cant hate her character, damn. i keep remembering (INTW- too long, forgot title :">) yeji, shes such a queen there i love her ugh.
"you’ve spent so much time staring into his brother’s that you got used to the stunning effect." YUHSS hyunjin still be out there saving y/ns ass. i hope hyunjins endgame uWu friends (?) 2 enemies (???) 2 presumably a one-sided crush 2 lovers, wut
omg eto na, bardagulan na dis PUCHA THATS WHAT THE 💅 MEANT LMAO pusa ka ate gurl? i thought it was hyunjins time to shine (2) already, but ig chan could do it. bruh r u srsly adding chan to the harem?? omg yuhs our girl y/n be out there collecting boys like pokemons, but unintentionally 😌💅 omg what if, y/n develops a crush on chan but chan be like nO sorry i dont like you SO this would be some kind of love triangle but one corner would be crowded with a bunch of ethereal looking men.
iza prank !!! i think you meant to write this scene platonically lols omg it is my dumbass turnt delusional LMAO anyways, i now know what the emojis were supposed to represent, all of them. YESS tapos na siya :(( idk whether to celebrate or be sad bc its alrdy finished :< OMGGG AAAAA SEUNGMIN AAAAAAAAAA HE SENT A HEART WAT DA FUQ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA HE SAID THEY D DANCE AGAIN AAAAA PLS SEUNGMIN ENDGAME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 hahaha i look like a fool here screaming at my laptop
THIS was the best chapter out of all your works yet ! omg i didnt even feel the 7 and a half k. i dont how long i was reading it but it felt like less than 10 mins, legit. one more chapter left, right? aaaa i ll miss it so much. it did not just NOT disappoint, it was perfection. it felt tense with bits of humorous scenes that made it entertaining to the max level. hyunjins redemption arc prob in the next one? what abt yeji? 🤔 im really really excited for the finale. and yes, justice for president chans screen time 😔💔 and changbin :(
continuation in the next ask, im sorry but it was so long i felt bad for flooding your ask box :<
- bs
“i’ll support whoever is winning the race.” YES BESTIE, that’s how we win in gambling 😍❕and please, i’m here to make everyone flustered with the ships, i will NOT hesitate to pull everyone along and break their hearts 💢.
y/n really almost making seungmin commit vehicular manslaughter with one compliment. we stan 😭♥️. also the 🕳🚶 toOK ME OUT PLS 🤧 seungmin really pulling up with all of his flirting game rn.
yes minho time 😎. you literally have the “i will ship y/n with whoever comes up” vibes rn. o see look it’s felix’s time naman 💀.
felix really heartbroken rn :((( dw sadder stuff coming soon beh.
ALSO HERE’S THE EXPLANATION FOR THE EMOJIS 💀 parang qaqo lang yung hints, i’m so bad at emojis.
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1) seungmin dressed handsomely giving y/n one single flimsy flower
2) yeji blocking the door from ryujin and yuna
3) yeji getting caught in 4k
4) chan watching the cctv footage on felix’s laptop
5) the clown mr. yang jeongin wanting to play some mario instead
6) yeji injuring y/n
7) the halloween coronation where everything went down 🤧
the confrontation was just a lil teasey tease mwahhahahaahah.
if seungmin looked like that in front of me, i’d forget my name entirely 🤧. also hyunjin is the one with the future smau hidden in the basement 😔💔. the voting pLEASE, i thought you were in everyone’s side 💀. yes, i haven’t decided BUT i have narrowed it down to three choices hmmm 😏😏😏😏 try and guess huh.
so many seungmin x y/n moments this chapter, had to make up for the fact that the student council were all invisible all throughout the fic, justice for their screentime 😔💔
also hyunjin was supposed to win but i thought it would be funnier if it was jeongin 🙈. really pulled up in a clown costume, ran away from all his dates, played video games in a hotel room but STILL won the crown.
dw this will probably be the last fic with antagonist yeji 🤣 i love her too much too. NOW YOU’RE ON HYUNJIN’S SIDE PLEASE.
also who knows if it’s platonic or not hmmm 😏😏😏🤧🤧🤧. if y/n was collecting men as pokemon, who would’ve been her pikachu then 🤔🤔🤔.
YOU’RE BACK TO SEUNGMIN ENDGAME NOW? 💀 parang iba lagi sinusupport kada paragraph pLS.
i’m glad the humour was still there, i really didn’t want to make it feel too dark. i’m still going for the cheery slice of life feels and not really full-on dark academia vibes. :)))) tysm, i love hearing your thoughts and reactions so much so don’t worry about flooding my asks. i’m always waiting for it 👩‍💻
dw about the screentime, they’ll get their own arcs soon and the other boys will be the one left in the background 🤧 just had a hard time balancing so many characters in one fic omo.
also there’s still three chapter left 😎💢❕chapter 29 is the season wrap up because i wanted season two to start as “chapter 30” medyo perfectionist sa numbers 🤣. the next two chapters are the reactions and then the final one is another written part mehehehehehehee. i’m spoiling ya’lls.
i’m also dropping hints onto the future season arcs oop 🤭
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
any pets? if so, what’re their name(s)?
~~this response is hella super long just a warning~~
None unfortunately :/ I'll jus say we're not really in a great situation to have a pet andddd well if we were i doubt we'd have anything like a dog because my mom doesn't like animals much oof.
But! If i did id like p much ANYTHING tbh?? Like i was tellin @sadamericanorca earlier i wanted a hedgehog cause i saw a yt video of this guy giving his pet one a bath jxjxb cammy convinced me its not the best idea but i still love them ^^
We have had alot of dogs tho in the past! Uhhh we had a beagle named cristy,she was my moms dog, she died some years ago. She got really sick and wouldn't eat and then just died one day. My mom thinks our old neighbors poisoned her.
We also had another dog but i forgot his breed oof but his name was Lil john! We had him around the same time as cristy and he died too, ma thinks the neighbors poisoned him too (idk if i believe it tbh, they were old and were only outside so idk)
We had bruford and crystal (we named her kinda after cristy) and bruford was a Doberman pit and crystal was a black pitbull! She was my dog, i remember when we got her as a puppy and she was jus so sweet and aaaaaa i used to carry her everywhere (i didn't like leaving her outside home alone) in my moms old big white purse cause she was small enough to ride inside while i carried her around stores and in the car, she was my babie i loved herr. She had sooooooo many litters of puppies with bruford but they kept dying unfortunately, there was around 5-8 every liter. Tho out of em all i had a red pup named bella (cause i was obsessed with shake it up jdbs) and i had a black one with a skinned tail named skittles jxbdb. We also gave a couple away for free to some ppl cause They had worms and we jus didnt have money for a vet so we couldn't afford to raise them and didnt want them to die and the ppl were really happy tho! I got really sad cause one of em was my bella sadly but the lady sent us a couple update pics when they got a lil older and the lady had kids and they loved her. So i was happy that she got a good home ofc! Bruford died unfortunately around back in 2016, on new years eve. We had him for like 10 yrs, he was my dads dog and my dad was in jail (for reasons. Don't remember) during that time and so u can imagine how he felt that his dog died while he was gone and couldnt do anything. We buried him at our old house. Crystal fortunately didnt die (at least as far as ik) my parents couldnt take her having more puppies so my grandpa got her and was gonna release her in the country (terrible *sigh*) but i think he said before he did an elderly woman was askin abr her and i think she ended up getting her!
We also had 2 dogs named carter, the first i cant remember what happened to him but the 2nd was a black and white pup and we had him not long but one morning we woke up and my mom said my dad got up early and checked on carter and he was dead, stiff as a board and went to bury him cause he didnt want any of us to see him like that
There has been a couple times where my dad also got dogs from frens and brought em home as a surprise but my mom was like NOPE and made him give em back
We've had a p sad history with dogs ig :(
Oh oh oh! We also used to have fish as kids but my bro poured milk in the tank or smtn??? And the fish died. I did have some feeder fish and goldfish but they died after a while cause i had a fishbowl and didnt know it was too small and didnt know much abt what u needed to care for em so they died (and i cried ALOT) Tho i had 2 or 3 betta fishh and tho the first 1 or 2 died after a while the 3rd lasted over a year! He was a colorful rainbow boi named sherbert but i usally jus said fishy (origional ik lol)
Thats it! Srry this is so long aaaaaaa i didnt mean to explain p much every pet ive had >~< (besides my fireflies and stinkbugs but we wont get to that)
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realanimeguru · 4 years
Fall 2020 Plan To Watch List
didn’t do one for summer since summer 2020 sucked major ass (though understandable due to coronavirus.) only things i watched from last season are Re:Zero season 2 and Japan Sinks 2020! (link to fall 2020 preview)
YES!!!  (gonna watch as soon as first episode airs)  
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (2020) (the original higurashi anime is, i think, one of the only horror anime that is actually scary. so i’m looking forward to this! can’t wait for Rena n her cleaver!)
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima (i do NOT think this is gonna be good but i have a personal investment in hypmic so i’m gonna watch it)
Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) (like the apocalyptic feel, like the character designs, and the animation. have really high hopes for this one!)
Maybe! (i’m busy rn but will watch these later if they get good feedback)
Tonikaku Kawaii (i think that it’s interesting that they’re already married!! a lot of things are going on here and i think all of them are intriguing)
Munou na Nana (i’m super interested in this girl who’s in a superpower school rivaling her classmates with quick wit and manipulation ALONE)
Ikebukuro West Gate Park (looks like a discount Durarara!! and i expect that’s exactly what it is. animation seems pretty good. mostly interested in the guy dancing on the stage..)
Akudama Drive (from the original creator of Danganronpa so it’s gonna be crazy. good aesthetic sense. love that one guy’s name is literally Murderer)
Noblesse (i liked the Noblesse OVA that came out forever ago. production IG is a pretty solid studio too. this color palette does not seem to mesh well though)
Adachi to Shimamura (really interested in this bc lesbians but the pv was not very encouraging!!)
Kamisama ni Natta Hi (from the original creator of Angel Beats and CHarlotte. both of which fucked me up. doesn’t look too interesting tbh but it’s got a good pedigree. i have faith)
Yuukoku no Moriarty (ALSO from production IG, but this show’s color palette is much better. a Sherlock story told from Moriarty’s perspective. cool!)
Maybe not (might watch it months later or has like a 5% chance of me watching it) 
Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 4 (i really like this series but i gotta catch up first..! honestly wouldn’t take too long but i might just wait until season 4 finished airing to binge it)
Haikyuu!!: To the Top 2nd Season (DEF gonna watch but i gotta finish to the top season 1!)
Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi (i have never watched Inuyasha but i really like these girls’ designs)
Golden Kamuy 3rd Season (i am ONE DAY gonna start Golden Kamuy)
Maoujou de Oyasumi (this seems pretty cute tbh but concerned it might be too boring)
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season (watching SNK while it’s airing is a NO!! way to stressful!)
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Hopefully last emotional/IWantYouBack Post
Hopefully this provides me some closure. Basically my freshman year I moved to this shitty ass town (the high desert) away from all my friends. I was "talking" to a girl who was in the 8th grade(she was an acquaintances ex gf who lived in Long Beach I lived about an hour and a half away). Basically that girl wouldn't post about me in social media, didn't text me when she was around her friends, talked about guys to me and even though we called each other babe and said I love you and would talk on the phone and meet at Knotts Berry Farm to hang out (shout out to my mom for driving me there just to see a girl) it didn't feel too real. My freshman year there was this girl in my 4th period french class who sat across the room from me. She wore brown checkered vans with no laces, faded blue jeans, and a zip up hoodie with light-Ish brown hair in a pony tail and she had bangs and headphones in( i assumed she was a shuffler). Little did I know that would Be the love of my life (I think.. I'm only 19 but I like to think I know what love is). We didn't really talk till she got moved into my English class second semester. She even sat by me ! We were in a group for "To Kill a Mockingbird" and she was in charge of drawing and color and I went over one day to help her color and dude.. this girl was so cool ! She liked DBZ &Pokemon & is by far the best drawer I've ever seen & liked skyrim & had the coolest little brother ever ! We got like a B+ on that assignment OH she had a boyfriend who she was dating for almost a year but lived across the city and went to another school .. fast forward to sophomore year i had a crush on this girl ! We talked so much and she was just so interesting. She was skinny and only 5ft tall and people would tell me she was cute but not "sexy" or "beautiful" or "hot" but fuck that she was so attractive to me in all sorts of way ! Essentially she dumped her boyfriend and I dropped that girl I was talked to and we kissed lol. She was sick when we kissed so i tasted Ricola but I didn't care I was hyped ! People kept telling me ask her out but I wanted to take my time and chill cause growing up I was chubby and angry and didn't really get much attention from any girls. February 13th I asked her out silly me though February 11th I had asked her to be my valentine with a flower. February 14th was valentines day and I got her a card I felt so lame but yeah February 13th after 1st period I asked her out. Throughout this relationship she got me a tortuous cake for my birthday, was there for me when I was cutting weight (went from 186-170 and senior year 190-170) bought me a Supermán onsie, would draw for me, wrote about me in a notebook(she let me read one but not the other..wonder if she still writes about me). I guess I did little things for her like emotional support and what not. Now the shitty part: when we first started dating I wasn't so sure she liked me so I would talk to other girls "they would compliment me and I'd take it, they'd say they like me and I'd ask why" that's basically all it was.. girls would call me cute or handsome and send me hearts and I'd tell them goodnight and send hearts back. I never told my girlfriend because idk.. for a while she was as lovey dovey as I had liked. When she was I stopped. It wasn't consistently either. I'd was be like one girl for a few days then I'd stop and yeah.. I think that's cheating.. people say it's cheating. Then at a party a girl sucked my pipi while I was drunk and that was a complete accident and yes that was cheating and no I didn't tell my girlfriend. I never liked or had feelings for any girl the way I did for my girlfriend. My girlfriend met my family, knew practically all my secrets, she even witnessed me and my mom argue. Then senior year.. my mom was acting weird, her boyfriend was acting weirder, I was cutting tons of weight, she was busy with a drama production(she likes drama haha nerd). And while away at a tournament I hit up a girl who had a boyfriend just to talk to and pass time.. eventually she dumped her boyfriend and we exchanged nudes and one day at school she gave me a hand job. One day while asleep I get a call in the middle of the night from my girlfriend crying cussing me out going off on me.. she saw the pictures(we exchanged them on Facebook and she had my password) .. she dumped me.. the next day I had a wrestling tournament ( I won it). The following months were weird. One day she hates me the next she wants to be with me. One day I'm fingering her in my room the next she's telling me she doesn't care do what I want.. my team won league, CIF Duals, and Individuals! Masters(the tournament before state) she didn't really text me and all I could think about was her.. I didn't go to state. I went 2-2 and that's it. EVENTUALLY me and her got together. She had all my passwords(even my social) deleted whoever she wanted and was free to go on my social media accounts but it's okay. We went to prom and graduation together and after high school I moved to Redlands for college. Over the summer I worked 2 jobs and she worked and went to school (she went to community college). August 29th 2016 she dumped me cause I liked some girls tweet that she claims she blocked. The 2nd week of September we got back together. I'd drive 42-ish miles to go see her and bring her down to my house and drop her back off. We'd occasionally argue cause her family wouldn't really take her to see me or wouldn't pick her up. I'd go to school 5days a work and work anywhere from 2-5 days a week so I'd be stressed. November 27th 2016 I get a call at 4in the morning about how she had a nightmare so I talked to her till she k.o'd. I wake up around 8 and see a text from her saying "you're cheating on me. If you haven't then you're gonna or thought about it" Assholes in high school would randomly message her saying "Ravens cheating on you" so I log into her IG and she messaged one of my female coworkers saying "I heard you're a hoe did you fuck my boyfriend..." I was shocked so I called her saying wtf ! Like that's my coworker ! She apologizes and we are all good and I'm in my Tia's room(I moved outta my moms house) talking to her about my girlfriend. I get one text "I love you so much baby" then a minute later "you sicken me" BAM dude I get a call getting cussed out ! " you're manipulative" "you're not a man" "how could you" "you liar" and I'm just like wow.. she dumps me and I'm crying freaking out and my Tia told me to chill so I take a nap and wake up and see all of our pictures deleted, my name out of her bio. I'm crushed like dude wtf ! My coworker told her I was trying to fuck her.. when me and my girlfriend broke up I got a job at a restaurant I would tell my friend S dude that girl is cute. That girl just so happened to be his friend. One day S tell me that she wants me to talk to her . I say no cause that's weird and I'm not looking to date. He said who cares she just wants to Fuck but since I was knew to that job I thought it was a prank so I didn't go through with anything. One day after work she asks me to go to her car to grab a jacket. She asked me to smoke and I said no so we hung out in her car. She showed me Travis Scotts album because I hadn't heard it all(this time me and my Girlfriend were back together". She told me she wanted me to dump my girlfriend so could hook up cause she just got out of a relationship and wanted to have fun. I said no I'm not prepared to dump my girlfriend. She said even for a day as long as we weren't dating she would be down. I told her that I don't wanna dump my girlfriend. I tell her if it's just something physical I could maybe consider it but I don't think I'd dump her. After a few more mins of talked I go to my car and while driving home I get a sick feeling to my stomach.. I almost cheated on my girlfriend.. shit... so I blocked that girl and deleted her from social media and kept it as that. That was back in September while me and my girlfriend were broken up. Here I am now.. January 29th 2017.. single.. sprung... in Iowa.. I miss this girl. A week before I came we were hanging out. It was emotional.. she doesn't wanna talk to me, she blocked me on twitter, snapchat. She said I could talk to her as long as It was an emergency so I would send her random cute posts and she got mad one day I called her perfect.. telling me to forget about her that I ruin her mood when I pour my feelings out to her... that hurt dude.. a lot... so now here I am. Sad.. heartbroken.. and I'm puzzled. I know i hurt her.. but she was the one saying she'd be mine forever and loved me and only me and only wants to be with me and that in 5 (4 now) years we'd get married.. are we done forever? Is she just hurt? Does she not care anymore ? Little does she know I message 3-4 girls and feel nothing. I stop replying.. I feel lonely. I only wanna talk to her. I see on her Instagram guys comment and her comment back.. is she talking to them? I get sick to my stomach thinking about it.. I feel I got cheated out of this.. I love this girl dude. December 19th we were gonna go to Monterey and I was gonna talk to her about moving into my Tia's house with me over the summer. I was gonna get something to remember her tattooed on my back or side.. it's just not fair dude. I made my mistakes and I own up to them but why is she so mean.. how can she act like she doesn't care? She only brings up my mistakes but not our good times. She doesn't talk about the times after sex we'd lay and listened to music, the time we went to the farmers market, the time she would quote the Great Gatsby, the times I would ask her to draw for me, the times we'd talk while I'd drive her home, the times we'd wrestle, the times I'd pick her up in my room so she would touch the ceiling with both hands cause she has a weird tick like that. She doesn't know.. she doesn't know how heavy my heart is thinking of her with someone else. How I think about her as I warm up for my wrestling match, how when I'd cut weight I'd visualize laying with her.. and the thought that she might be sharing the secrets and doing things with others she did with me. Not just the sexual stuff but like introducing then to her cool family or the smothering of vegan/vegetarian facts.. ahh okay.. I blocked you on Instagram.. hopefully I can get over this.. hopefully you come back to me.. I'm in Iowa.. I'd be in California if you'd of asked me to stay.. but it's okay.. I love you Ms Lechuga and I always will. Even if you find someone else I will always care.. my friends call me a bitch for crying and sobbing over you but.. imagine having the most precious special thing in the world. No one else could see it but you.. then you lose it.. you mis place it and pick it up and it somehow falls out again.. and as you try to pick it up it stings you.. and the more you try to pick it up the harder it stings you .. and as you try to leave it and let it be you are haunted of the thought of someone else finding it.. that's me.. it sucks.. but I know I can get through this. I have good friends, family that loves me, I'm doing my passion and wrestling In college.. I'll be okay.. it's just a matter of when.. puzzle pieces.. 2 odd shapes that look out of place to others but fit perfectly together.. can't wait till we fit again.. I love you -Raven A Rodriguez
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tired-archangel · 6 years
All the valentines asks! :3
(I LOST THE LAST ASK BUT THIS MAKES UP FOR IT BC IG IM DOING EM ALL)(Also hope this satisfies you, v curious anon. thanks for stopping by 🖤) (LONG POST!)
first date: describe your ideal first date.I like going out on dates tbh; I like hanging around at someone’s house like post established but for first dates something low key like coffee and/or walking around somewhere nice or something fun like a concert!first kiss: what’s the best way to be kissed?Fully, slowly, for sure. I like hard kisses with passion and soft kisses with caring.
preference: sexuality? what’s your ‘type’?I’m bisexual but have a history (type ig) of dating musicians/writers/artists, I like rebellious girls and old fashioned guys.
blush: what could someone do this valentine’s to make you feel special?Valentines wasn’t particularly special but I haven’t had a valentine in like 5 years, it doesn’t take much to make my day so anything. Tell me something sweet, grab a flower from somewhere, sing a song, send me a playlist and I’ll listen to it all week. 🤷🏻‍♀️
hand holding: do you like pda?Yes but I also think there’s times and places for some of it. I’m the type to like being close and touching, not necessarily even obviously PDA ish, like if we’re just sitting there, have their leg touching mine, tracing fingers against wrists or shoulders, leaning into one another. I’m not really down to be at 2nd base in the middle of a mall.
family: how important is your family’s approval of your s.o.?Depends on which family members. But the ones I consider family, I’ll heed their words if it’s warning and then just use my best judgement.
doves: what’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?I can’t say there’s a most because I appreciate them all. Writing me something, singing me something, sharing things with me like getting stuff that says you’re thinking of each other. I guess really I think opening up to me on deeper levels is, coz that’s not easy to do.
love hearts: where were you when you met your crush?A coffee shop by the sea 😊
candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?I’m usually too nervous to eat in front of people let alone a date- I love coffee though.
100th date: would you prefer to stay in or go out this valentine’s?I stayed in and it was nice but wouldn’t have minded going out!
roses: do you like picnic dates?Yes!!(Please bring a blanket ya girl has sensitive skin)
giggle: what’s more important in an s.o.: intelligence or humour?Equally. Can’t be with someone who can’t keep up with me, but also can’t be with someone who can’t make me laugh or laugh with me.
lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?I don’t even know my favorite color ;;;;
cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?I might be getting set up this weekend and it’s my first time and I’m TERRIFIED.
lovebirds: at what point in a relationship would you make it ‘public’?Whenever. I’m not gonna time it but like I prefer to wait ig at least two weeks but aside from that idc. I don’t focus on the publicity of it-however I do tend to talk a lot about my partner and also I don’t mind being low key as long as like I’m not a secret bc every time someone’s treated me like a secret it’s bc I was a secret I just didn’t know it.
love knots: would you like to forget the person you shared your first kiss with?My first kiss was actually for a play and we didn’t get along well enough to call each other friends, I only remember him when he’s brought up tbh but we’re cool and it was fun so nah!
promise ring: who do you see yourself being with in two years?I’m currently single but I’d like to be with someone by then but would also be fine if not bc I’m young and very busy with stuff.
ballad: best love song?In My Life/Oh! Darling/All My Loving -The Beatles; Lovesong-the Cure, I Will Follow You Into the Dark -Death Cab for Cutie, Love Interruption-Jack White, Such Great Heights / Flightless Bird American Mouth by Iron and Wine, Stereo Hearts-Maroon 5, Your Song-Elton John, First Day of my Life-Bright Eyes, Skinny Love-Bon Iver,
aphrodite: how important are looks?Eh. I mean you gotta find them attractive enough to be attracted but like… it’s weird? There’s no features or anything that I can think of specifically that make someone (un)attractive. it’ll just happen. If I like you I like you, I find you attractive is implied but it’s not restricted to conventional attractiveness.
angel: do you like ‘bad boys’ or sweethearts more?SWEETHEARTS SWEETHEARTS SWEETHEARTS
harp: have you ever written a poem for a crush?I write poems about like most of them even if I don’t intend to.
red: where will you be spending february 14th?I spent it with lots of friends!!! And we went out to get food, I went to a music shop to price out guitars, then I got home and traded some gifts w my fam and then got stoned and watched LOTR. Good day 🤙🏻
love notes: who was your last valentine? where are they now?C. I don’t know where she is, I still feel bad about how we ended, but I hope wherever she is and whoever she’s with if she’s with anyone that she’s really happy. She was awesome.
flowers: what’s the best romantic gift to give someone?Something that has some thought put into it. Whether it’s bc you know their favorites, you think they’ll like it because this or that reason, or because it’s sentimental.
st. valentine: what are your hopes for love this year?I hope I’m ready and lucky enough to find it, and I hope I’m strong enough when it finds me.
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