#watched a movie. but like i dont even want to watch one?
mystery roommate
pairing: p.b x fem! reader
word count: 481
summary: While Paige and KK were live you made an appearance not knowing what it would lead to.
HI GUYSSSS!! i do still write dw🥰 i whipped this up rq so yall wouldn’t fg abt me so its not proofread at all🙏🙏 also i feel like smut would be soo good in this story but i have never wrote smut and i dont think i would be good at it sooo🌚 OKAY ENOUGH YAPPING ENJOY THE STORY
-love gab 💋
KK and Paiges laughter filled the room as they were on live interacting with their fans. You were sitting on the couch right beside them watching a movie on your laptop. You and Paige were roommates, but the fans didn’t really know who you were. You made an appearance on one of their lives before and everyone went crazy.
“Y/N they wanna know where you are” Paige says smirking playfully. You laugh, “Im right here.” You wave awkwardly at the camera.
@paigebueckersiswife: shes glowinggg
“Y/N the fans love youu, come chat!” KK says waving her hands in a ‘come here’ motion. You shrug your shoulders “Why not” You exclaim walking over to sit next to Paige on the couch.
You and Paige were sitting kind of close to eachother but you didn’t even notice. Paige on the other hand was going crazy. She had a crush on you ever since you first moved in with her. She was too scared to admit her feelings for you so she just stayed quiet.
As you were talking to the chat you noticed Paige staring at you in the corner of your eye. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed by the fans and the chat started going crazy.
@uconnwbbfann: did i miss a chapter?..
@ilovemyman: i dont even blame paige
“Okay live we finna hop off! Thanks for tuning in.” KK says in a nerdy voice. She clicks off the live, “Bye P boogers! Bye Y/N!” She says grabbing her things and walking towards the door. “Bye KK” You and Paige say in unison.
“Im gonna get back to my movie now” You announce walking back to your designated spot on the couch. “Can I join you?” You look up at her and smile excited she wanted to spend time with you. You nod and make your way next to Paige. Paige takes notice of you squirming trying to get comfy. “Uh.. if you want you can lay on me.” She suggests. You happily oblige and lay on her lap, “You can pick the movie.”
An hour into the movie and Paige could hear your light snores and heavy breathing. She turned off the movie and carefully picked you up and carried you to your bed.
The sun peaking from your curtains shone on your face causing you to wake up. You opened your phone to see hundreds of notifications. You unlock your phone and open TikTok to see you were tagged in a video.
The caption on the video read, “are we not gonna talk about paige and y/n on live??” You chuckle lightly at the comment. You continued to scroll on tiktok and see people were already making ship edits of you and Paige. You even found yourself liking and favoriting some.
‘What did I get myself into’ You think to yourself laughing.
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sibylsleaves · 13 hours
ok i have been thinking about something for quite some time, and i would like to share it. this is not about anything specific or any particular discourse or argument or whatever.
I see a lot of things when it comes to the way people talk about other people's enjoyment/engagement with stories and much of it has me going huh???? For example, when people are like, "if you dont like x ship/storyline/etc it means you don't care about representation." Or, "if you want x to happen it means you ONLY care about your fave/your ship/seeing boys kiss." And there is this underlying assumption that like...you need to be watching a tv show/reading a series/watching a movie for ONLY THESE REASONS that i guess we collectively have decided are Valid.
And while I kind of get where some of this discourse comes from, and to some extent i understand the impulse, i find it ultimately baffling because why are we trying to gatekeep one of the most basic human experiences?
Stories have existed for almost as long as humans have, and there are no "invalid" or "valid" reasons for enjoying them. You can watch a show because you appreciate the representation in it. You can read a book solely because you love a particular ship or character. You can watch a movie because you are interested in its themes and narrative structure. or yeah, even because you want to be titillated! or literally any other reason.
And i don't mean this in a, you can do it, you're valid way. I mean this in the very basic sense of we ALL engage with and enjoy stories for our own completely arbitrary and personal reasons. There is simply no POINT in trying to police the way others engage with a piece of media (though I do know it's a time-honored fandom tradition to try anyway) because you will never win. People will continue to watch shows and read books and be obsessed with movie franchises for reasons that you may find wrong, baffling, or even immoral. There is quite simply nothing you can do about it. Nor, frankly, should there be.
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littleplantfreak · 1 day
Self care nights with (some) of the Furin/Shishitoren boys
Boys included: Choji, Togame, Umemiya, and Kiryu
Inspired by me putting on a face mask and going "but what if there were boys with me"
Tomiyama Choji
-Choji's a little too pumped for self care night when you have to remind him it's supposed to be relaxing. He'll let you give him a manicure but he's twitchy when he sits for a while so I hope you have the hands of a surgeon otherwise there's a lot of cleaning up with the nail polish remover.
-He's the type to eat the cucumber they put on your eyes at the spa lmao a trip to the store for snacks in necessary. It's better to get him one of those cute masks that make you look like the animal on the package.
- Asks too many questions when you're watching dramas/movies together. There's a 50/50 chance he knocks out during the best part.
Togame Jo
- I wanna have a self care night with him soooo bad it's not even funny. He'll do whatever you ask him to whether it's playing with your hair or tracing your back and he just does it for however long you want him to? You'll get no complaints from him he's just vibing.
-Loves if you play with his hair too. It's super soft and it's even better if you do a hair mask with him. Put one of the peppermint ones on him and he's in heaven tbh.
-Set up a few candles and chill in the tub with him too if you're comfortable with it. He'll get a bit handsy when he's washing you but he behaves for the most part. Gives you those big ol' loverboy eyes when you reciprocate and start washing him too (i dont have any pics of him rn but I can see him in my mind's eye) They make you wanna kiss him senseless.
Umemiya Hajime
- Is used to these kinds of things since he takes part when the kids at the home and Kotoha have had nights like these in the past.
-He likes to try to keep his hands in good condition despite the ever present dirt from gardening and calluses from fighting. He's so good at mani/pedis he could do it for a living.
-Also his hands are fantastic at massages. If you're ticklish though expect him to graze your worst spots for fun. Making you feel good AND getting to hear you laugh? He's not passing that up for anything. Will smooch random places on your shoulders or back while he's working the knots out.
-Ume also likes to take baths with his s/o. If it's a bubble bath he makes beards or silly hats with the bubbles. He loves smelling like you after he uses your bath products btw.
-Snuggling on the couch and playing video games is ideal for him. His island in animal crossing is impressively made and full of every fruit and flower and plant you could want. Expert collector of things in his museum too (swooning)
Kiryu Mitsuki
- He also plays games with you but that's just normal for him.
- Great at dying hair and doing cute new hairstyles on you. He's super into skincare and makeup stuff so anything you want done to yourself, feel free to do for him as well. He has no problem with you trying new makeup looks on him or painting his nails wild colors and patterns.
- Doing DIY/craft stuff with Kiryu is a must. Bring on the legos, paints, and crafting kits he's ready for anything.
- If you're at his place he'll let you try on whatever clothes he has in his closet for fun. Might just eat you up what with how cute you look in them though so watch out.
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kozumesphone · 2 days
also, second one (cause i couldnt resist)
if u seek amy! i think thatll be fun
my hobby is reading and playing the guitar!
i think i read like fifty books last year..
my fav books are pjo tlt (its nostalgic ok!!) and the hunger games series
i like to play mostly taylor swift and gracie abrams songs on the guitar!
i basically steal my sisters guitar whenever i want to play cause i dont have my own lol (im better than her)
my favorite taylor swift song is youre on your own kid
my favorite gracie abrams song is feels like
my favorite color is yellow (pretty obvious i think) it reminds me of sunshine and just overall happy things yk?
my favorite season is spring! the flowers start blooming and theyre so pretty (downside are the bugs)
i have a lot of favorite shows: stranger things, brooklyn 99, the good place, modern family
my favorite subject is chemistry! i love learning about the world around me and its properties etcetc
some random stuff about my personality: i get distracted so easily its a nightmare to study, i am an emotional wreck i cry easily, definitely a night owl, hufflepuff, daughter of poseidon
i dont mind if u pick someone from a book i dont recognise, that will just give me incentive to read it!!!
oh forgot to mention im a straight girl
love uuuu and congrats again!!!
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “I love you, okay, darling!”
a/n: okay but the way the ship name is corason? which sounds so close to corazon? which means like ‘my dear’ in italian, I think?? MADE FOR EACH OTHER MUCH 🤭💓
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I think you’d best match with jason grace!
I mean, daughter of poseidon x son of jupiter? hello?? PERFECTION!!
jason would learn to play the piano while you play the guitar, so you guys could play music together
he LOVES laying on your stomach while you read on your bed and run your fingers through his hair
^ sometimes, he even falls asleep like that, and you both slowly shift into cuddling
he definitely hypes you up to finish your goodreads reading goal, if not exceed it (what can I say? he’s jason grace)
he definitely went to the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie with you (supportive bfs even when they have no idea what you read/watch >>)
he once asked you why you love yoyok by taylor, and straight up bawled while you explained to him what the song meant
he’s a very sunshine-y person, just like you, so when you guys are together, leo pretends to faint and says “too much sun! i’m getting sunstroke! help!!” and he thinks he’s really funny (i’d laugh, ngl <3)
come springtime, he lets you put all the flowers you collect over the summer into his hair
^ he also does the rapunzel braid on your hair and puts in matching flowers in it
(he drives away the bugs for you, dw!)
in an au, he’d never have heard of any tv shows, but after hearing you yap to him about them, he watches them ALL and makes notes about them too (about what? only he knows.)
okay, here we’re going off the rails so badly, but it’s a very ooc and personal hc of mine: jason sucks ASS at geography and chemistry. he will literally breakdown at the very thought of them.
he gets you to help him out with the chemistry part, and he teaches you math (if you’re not good at it already)!
he makes sure you don’t let yourself get burnt out while studying, and also makes sure you don’t get distracted and procrastinate
he comforts you at any time of the day: you say it, he’ll be over asap to give you free cuddles with your favourite chocolates & drinks
sometimes, he doesn’t even need you to tell him. he’ll just. know. when you’re feeling off. and his jacie senses tingle, and he calls you up and goes, “is it cuddletime?” and then drives over
while you’re a night owl, he’s an early bird (he must teach me his way, tho, because h o w)
^ you stay up till 2-3 am reading/studying and wake up by 9 or 10 am, while he sleeps by 10 pm and wakes up by 5 am to the dot
so you guys leave each other sticky notes before going to bed for the other one to see when they wake up
you guys 100% go on bookstore dates (he buys you everything you can carry on your own), library/study dates (especially while grinding during finals szn), museum dates (to mock the statues), beach dates (so he can get mesmerised while watching you do silly little tricks with the water and talk to the fishies), etc.
his love language is 101% physical touch & acts of service <3
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @roses4plvto
@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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event masterlist
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alexias-left-foot · 2 days
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Ive been writting this one for a while.
!Dont know if i will keep writting on this universe
Wrote this one while listening to a portuguese song, (dont ask please), link below
!Im not english, so im sorry for any spelling mistake!
You know, she is probably still mad at me- you said to Mapi and Ingrid while making your way to the dressing room- If i tell her she won't probably talk to me ever again.
Cmon she knows you y/n! She has to understand that there is something more important going on. You have to tell her or she is going to break up with you. You can't hide it anymore. You have been so stressed, she is going to notice even more- Ingrid answered you.
You “have a kid”. Not you, but your ex. Your ex was pregnant 1 YEAR AND A HALF AGO! Now you have a kid with 9 months . Before you both broke up, almost 2 years ago, you both were trying to have a baby but it never worked, at least you thought that. Turns out you were wrong! She was pregnant all this damn time, had a kid and didn't tell you anything till last night. 
Last week after your away easy win 6-0 against Valencia she, and your baby, were in the public. She asked you to talk with her, which was clearly strange. Then she told you that the kid that was sleeping like a little angel was yours. She also told you all of a story but you just did not pay any attention to her still in shock looking at the sleepy kid in the grey pram. She told you that didn't want the baby anymore and wanted to give the kid up for adoption and wanted to inform you about it. You were arguing with her and ended up saying that you would stay with the sleepy baby. She was a bit shocked but agreed and told you you have a couple of weeks till you have to go get the baby or the baby was going to be adopted. You just agreed and said that will keep in touch.
Ona saw you both talking and, of course didnt like it, mainly cause of the love story you and your ex had. She was really jealous and didnt talked to you until you were both at home. Where you both fought because  she was jealous of your ex. She clearly made some movies on her head but you didnt want to keep arguing with her, it was a long day and you were so tired, so you just slept on the couch so you could get your head cleared.
 Things got a bit better but you didn't tell her, not yet. Only Mapi and Ingrid know about it, they are your best friends and you needed to talk to someone so you talked to them. They were clearly in shock when you told them that but decided to help you. That's what they are trying to do now.
“Now let's go to practice so you can clear your mind a bit, vale”?- Mapi sayed while squeezing your cheek
Practice was fine but you weren't really present there, which made your teammates worried 
“You need to tell her” Mapi said in the locker room. Mapi was right. You needed to tell her.
After a ride home that looked like an eternity, you were both at home. 
You were both watching some trash tv when she breaked the weird silence.
“Hey, what's going on? You´ve been a bit strange since you talked with your ex” Ona said with a worried look. “I have something to tell you, bebé, I just don't know how to tell you” You said while the brunette looked with an even more worried look “I-I have a baby. I didn't knew it, my ex told me after the game against Valencia, that's what we were talking about. She wanted to give the baby up for adoption, but I just couldn't tell her to do it, when I looked at that little baby sleeping in such an innocent cute way. I didn't knew what to do or say to you, i'm so so sorry…” you gasped and took your eyes full of tears out of the  floor to look at Ona who looked at you in shocked “You have a-a Kid?” she repeated while you nodded “And the kid is going to live with us” you nodded again. A minute of silence was made by both of you. Both of your hearts pumping fast 
“I think I can handle that '' she smacked your arm, with a soft small smile on oour face, joking at you who were in  tears by now. 
She looked a bit unsure because of her smile being so small, but you just hugged her in a really sad but sweet hug. 
“ Hey, hey, stop crying, okay you whiny? I'm here, I'm gonna help you through this, okay mi amor?I love you!” She was still making fun of you but she was as scared as you. It was her way to defend herself, being sarcastic and funny but you loved it even if it makes never be sure if she is scared or not.
“I love you too Oni, thanks for being here…” You managed to say while tears were rolling down your face and starting to get Ona´s eyes.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#god. im so sorry. ive apparently dragged myself up enough that i can now be v annoying abt my problems on the internet#anyway. the thing abt me is that ppl just cant say things to me. like the casual way ppl do#like oh we should do X thing or u should do X thing. bc i just go. ok r u... r u actually saying this is a thing that has to heppen?#like??? is this someone i have to be wary of now? and if its u should do X thing i cant just let it go#like Thursday my boss was like: u should watch a movie or something this weekend bc she was telling me to chill for a sec#bc i can only imagine how fucking miserable i looked last week#and now im laying here like. i didnt watch a movie. i didnt watch a movie. i said i would and its the end of the weekend and i havent#watched a movie. but like i dont even want to watch one?#and like if u tell me to chill its like. ok so i have to not work this weekend. ok but i have all these things i have to do. but i cant do#them bc i have to chill. so i get stuck in this agony loop where im just laying here paralyzed#which ive basically been doing for the past 2hrs. like i have so much to do. but i have to relax but also i have personal projects that#need to get done. and if i just lay here it counts as relaxing right? despite the fact im spiralling#i just cant focus. i vascilate too much between too many tasks and therefore accomplish nothing#so did i relax this weekend? well i didnt get much done so fml#ugh. its so annoying. im just so bored. maybe i should just sleep#i dont think ive been sleeping well. ugh. i dont understand how ppl can just like shut off the part of their brain that goes#ding! u have a task to do. ding! u have a task to do. ding! ur wasting time. ding! just imagine everything u could be getting done!#and i have to work thru Thanksgiving and i might not get that much time off at Christmas bc theres a project that keeps getting pushed back#my boss is moving schools January 1 but she really wants to b there for this project thats gonna kill me so like maybe we could squeeze it#in before Christmas? maybe? if i dont take a fucking break. which is stupid bc its my choice i literally dont have to but i cant just#forget that she wants to see it so whatever. ive been such a fuck up recently that i feel like i should make it up somehow#but thats stupid bc i should just take a long break bc im v obviously not doing well. but at this point idk if that would fix anything#i just need to leave. but rationally i should stay until next August bc money. but god at what cost#ugh y have i dont this to myself? last year around this time i was doing 10hr days 6 days a week on part time pay. and now im like hm y am#i all used up now? why am i so bitter? bc actions have consequences mate#sigh... so annoying#unrelated
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moonlit-orchid · 8 days
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These two lines in the movie make me the most mentally unwell.
"I should have been the one to go. You needed your mother more than you needed me."
The amount of layers to this, oh my god. He's blaming himself for being alive. He probably wants to die. He genuinely thinks Adrian needs Emilie more.
And it's been YEARS since Emilie's passed away. Look how tiny Adrian is over there, he only just about comes about the bedpost. Gabriel still looks like he did in the pictures of when Adrian was little. It's been literal years. It could have literally been a full decade ago.
And Gabriel breaks the narrative here. He's supposed to be telling a story, he's supposed to be saying what happened in the past. But at this point, he doesn't say "your mother was taken from us" or anything like that referencing Emilie's passing. The story breaks, he's using a statement. I should have been the one to go. It's completely out of the story, because he isn't saying what he felt then, there's no "I felt like I should have been the one to go". It's just "I should have been."
Because he still thinks this. It's been about a decade, and his opinion, his feelings about this, is still "I should have died". It interrupts his storytelling because of how strongly he feels this way, almost like it's a fact to him.
And then he follows it with "You needed your mother more than you needed me." Again, he says this like it's a fact, like Adrian actually did need his mother more. Because he believes it himself. And this could be because of so many things. It could be because of the way people consider the mother to be the one supposed to care for the children much more than the father, or it could be that Gabriel himself didn't see how much Adrian needed him, or even that Gabriel didn't see himself as useful to Adrian. Especially because he said he should have been the one to die. He's essentially saying he was useless. That he was expendable but Emilie wasn't. He literally is implying he doesn't see any worth in himself regarding being a father.
And then it's not just his grief, it's Adrian's grief that has him desperate to bring Emilie back. He literally doesn't care about himself, he wants his son to be happy and doesn't see himself as able to do that. He loves him to the point of being suicidal and self-sacrificing if it would give Adrian what he need, all while simultaneously not seeing himself as what Adrian needs because he doesn't think he has that much worth regarding him.
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ducktracy · 1 month
reminder that if you're not watching Crayon Shin-chan then you are living a hollow and empty life. this is not edited. this ripped straight from the movie (Movie 8: Jungle That Invites the Storm, highly recommend for fellow Masaaki Yuasa lovers)
if you need further convincing: these monkeys run an animation sweatshop
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#i've made this disclaimer on another post but will again since i've seen a lot more of the movies now#the movies are VERY good and very enjoyable but unfortunately the first handful are bogged down by transphobic/homophobic/okama stereotypes#they kind of vary in their severity. Movie 5 i think is the biggest catalyst because it features the stereotyped characters the most#prominently. Movie 3 doesnt really have caricatures per se but saves a very backhanded reveal for the end#Movies 1 and 4 are a bit more tolerable if my memory is correct. Movie 2 i think is kind of comparable to Movie 5 with its caricatures#in that the characters have similar roles in both movies#i admittedly can't remember what caricatures there were in Movie 6 or 7. 7 i think barely had anything#RAMBLE RAMBLE BASICALLY: these jokes are within the first 7 movies or so 5 being the zenith then reducing down and down. by movie 8 it's sa#e#i give these disclaimers because these movies are all very enjoyable and i would not recommend them if i didnt think there wasnt any merit#o them. they are all very much worth watching. Movie 5 still has a lot of very enjoyable stuff in it (there's a showdown in a supermarket!!#but i just want to make sure that is clear and established since transparency is good to have and i dont want anyone's viewing experience t#be ruined because they weren't given the proper warning#if it's any consolation it's my understanding that even the directors hated doing the jokes#iirc Keiichi Hara really didn't like doing the jokes and i think had a talk with the mangaka Yoshito Usui and was like 'uh dude this is#gonna age horribly can we maybe not'#ironically Hara's first film is Movie 5. which is again the biggest offender#BUT! that is my spiel. my understanding is that it's contained to those 6 or 7 first movies and i think is strictly just a movie thing#so please do give these films a watch but just be mindful at the same time#if anyone needs recommendations my favorites have been movies 4 and 9 but i genuinely really enjoyed every one that i have seen#i've seen the first 11 and a half movies (need to finish 12) and movie 22. the worst i've felt about one is 'oh that was pretty good!'#each film has its own merit and is very very very much worth watching#22 was the first Shin-chan anything i watched and all my Shin-chan expert friends say 4 is a good introductory piece#in case that influences anything/makes it easier to break in#so. thus concludes my spiel#csc#vid
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I keep seeing everyone complain about how every dracula adaptation is so bad and how annoying it is everyone is introduced to the movies first instead of the book and I'm just standing here like I've never seen anything beyond dracula references I've never watched any of the movies or anything 😅
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epicfirestormer · 14 days
You ever think about how Hellboy (Movie) fell for the very same trope the comics itself is subverting about Hellboy? The entirety of the comic is about how Hellboy is nothing what people expect of him, how people always have expectations about him- what he should be, what he would be, his destiny- and how Hellboy goes against that. People expect Hellboy (Movie), the guy who's gruff and tough and has anger issues. Maybe a heart of gold in there, but that's predictable (because that's how the trope goes.)
People don't expect Hellboy, the tired old guy who tries everyday to help and save as many lives as he can. A guy who would much rather spend his time resting and eating pancakes than fighting anyone. A guy who cares so so deeply about the people around him, he's willing to come back from the dead just to help them. A guy who's so incredibly tired, been through hell and high water, fight for every bit of his right to be himself, and yet he's still amazingly kind. He cares so much about the world that seemed to despise him, it's a wonder how someone like him can last so long with hope of a better future.
Hellboy (Movie) doesn't hide what it is: a movie about fighting and beating monsters and bad guys while the main character just-so-happens to look like a demon. It's action-pack, corny, the kind of fun you don't really think that deep into. It's good, but it's not trying to be anything more than that. It's a fine movie, good in some regards and maybe even great depending on who you ask, but I wouldn't say it's a good adaptation.
Hellboy (Comics) is a lot of things. It's a story about a guy who fights supernatural creatures every once and while. It's also a story about kindness, the echoes of it and how much of an impact that could have on the world. It's a narrative about forging your own path. It's a journey about how your past or destiny doesn't defy you, it's what you make of it that matters. It's a trial to prove that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you, you're still going to live out your life the way you want. It's grim and murky, but there's hope, always.
But, really, when you boil it down, Hellboy (movie) is the archetype that Hellboy (comic) is trying to break down.
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stinkrascal · 2 months
if i dont finish the sopranos soon my brain will crawl out of my skull and finish it for me i think. this is a threat
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vampirebiter · 2 months
ive been a dick about horror since childhood. i distinctly remember being a kid watching the nightmare on elm street movies and being like "wow these arent scary at all and i dont really like them" even when i had basically no point of comparison besides reading goosebumps and scary stories to tell in the dark. i did still watch all 8 of them though.
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shevr · 1 year
hey yesterday i got distracted until 5am into browsing lists of old animated movies on wikipedia and there's a bunch of stuff that i wanna get around to dig up & watch but i crave even more older, more obscure, more forgotten stuff
plz feel free to drop any obscure animated flick you know of so i can go check it ( extra bonus points if you're not american and it's a movie from your country )
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
Everyone's talking about Wish right now.... The only thing I can say about WISH.......let's hope it's like a Frozen 1 type thing. Where the trailers were ABSOLUTE ASS but then the film turned out really good. TT0TT
I mean.....there is a difference between the two. While the west got weird trailers that didn't matter for Frozen (Olaf vs Sven carrot thing), JPN and other countries got trailers that actually showcased the plot and drama in an interesting way.... And Wish.....well...... Wish at least gives us a villain and a part of an argument.....and I can't see that argument leading anywhere.....great tbh. So maybe not the best comparisons but let's hope for the Frozen 1 vibe!
Anyway I'm not liking what I'm seeing so far, but I'm hoping its better than the ass disaster Frozen 2 and Ralph 2 were. ;w;
#silly talks#disney#WISH#frozen#as frozen's first fan and the one that didn't care the trailers were ass......my heart goes out to Wish fans rn kldjsafkljsaf#'silly that's pretty bold of you to consider yourself THE FIRST frozen fan-" i drove that damn bandwagon y'all just jumped on later#no really around 2009-2010 i remember looking at the Snow Queen disney page wikipedia page to see if it finally got taken off of hiatus she#*off the hiatus shelf#i remember the damn day the announced Dinsey would take a crack a the Snow Queen adaptation again#then when they announced Kristen Bell for a character (super estatic cause i wanted to hear her singing even more after watching Veronica m#*after watching veronica mars)#The Snow Queen has been a fav fairy tale of mine since i was a baby so yeah I was excited to say the least TT0TT#and yeah 5 seconds into the movie (the day it released mind you! yes I was there I remember how dead the theater was) i was like 'I love it#I ended the movie and wanted to go back in too i loved it that much#safe to say I was BLOWN AWAY by how much OTHERS loved it esp after everyone was bitching abt it leading up to that film TT0TT#anyway love frozen 1 it's my fav#hate frozen 2 it's hot garbage I never felt more lied to by trailers than this movie holy shit#i'm like 8 rants away from writing a complete dissertation on how Frozen 2 completely misunderstood Frozen 1 in it's entirety#(note: I dont think F1 is perfect nor do I think it's a masterpiece I just happen to love it a lot uwu)#anyway I hope wish has a similar thing (sleeper hit release part....not a shitty sequel part)
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townslore · 16 days
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discovery of the day
#im sorry i do Not see what everyone sees in this movie. although from the years of browsing the internet ive began to realize#that i actually dont know if people actually like the movie or not#why is everything so rushed#their romance felt like nothing to me because i dont KNOW what they see in eachother#listen you dont have to tell me straight up into the camera why they love eachother#but the aggressive kissing and cut sex scenes arent telling me much#i get that it came out in 2005 but cutting mostly every gay sex scene? even the kissing for the most part?#but oh we NEED to see this happy husband and wife doing it. yes im bitter#a german movie by the name of summer storm came out the year before this one and actually shows something that feels like actual passion#i sound like i need to see people doing it in these movies all the time I promise thats not it#but even the kissing? the thing i Actually like the most? the thing that makes me feel things? felt like nothing at all#and oh i forgot that this is a tragic gay movie where one of them dies. Oh yeah. forgot.#mentioning summer storm again: it actually has a relatively happy ending. feels good that i dont need to be reminded of how gay people are#doomed 24/7.#the romance started good. with jack telling the guy whos name i already forgot to get his ass in the tent already.#the Pulling his arm over my body thing. it was going great#THEN IT WENT SO FAST! WHY WAS HE SUDDENLY SO INTO IT! WHY WERE THEY BOTH SUDDENLY DOING IT#im sorry i expected a slighter slow burn than this!!! calm down cowboys i have no idea why you two like eachother all of the sudden!#i seriously thought they would show these little moments of tension#and it just growing bigger and bigger#until they couldnt take it anymore#that would explain the aggressiveness of it! why they were so desperate! but it literally just HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!#im sorry i. I expected more of this movie that i hear so much about.#the most it made me feel was at that moment that turned into a meme where i thought “Hop on fortnite”#chuckled. that was it. did i cry? did my heart race at any moment? was i worried about what was gonna happen? not Once#im so. Disappointed.#after this i wanted to watch summer storm but netflix removed it. Its a german only movie no one knows from 2004. where the hell am i gonna#🏴‍☠️ that#AAAGHHHH!!!!!!!#not being able to watch summer storm made me cry more than this movie did What the hell
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jiatiful · 6 months
when hyunjin said that he went one day to wod and saw minho dancing with his team from soul dance in 2016 before minho joined jyp and then they met in 2017 (jyp) and when seungmin said minho probably wouldn't have met the skz members if it wasn't bc they're in the same group now and minho said he would've met hyunjin. soulmatism.
#i could go on and on abt hyunho tbh#like the fact that they cant look at the other's eyes????? 😭#or when hyunjin used to tease minho abt his snow's selcas and then he was the one to ask him to post more of them#also when lino was begging hyunjin to made him a bracelet !!!! <3#or when lino looks at hyunjin with heart eyes (THERE'RE A LOT OF THESE) literally melting bc he has an ugly soft spot he cant even deny it#the fact that minho became the biggest clingy person when hyunjin came back from the hiatus like he missed him sm#that day when they went to see the first snow together????!!!#just minho always calling hyunjin his bf and that he wants to kiss him ok lino we get it 😭#btw hyunjin was the one to say he wanted to see the first snow with minho !!#when minho literally used bbl stays to tell hyunjin he wanted to watch spiderman with him 😭😭 DONT U HAVE HIS NUMBER PLS#and apparently they were together bc that same day they watched the first snow so...?#in nye when hyunjin woke up and sent a bbl saying minho was sleeping besides him and later minho sending a bbl saying he got the best sleep#also i have a soft spot for minho just delicately touching hyunjin's hair IM INSANE 👍🥶#btw minho didnt even dare to take his bracelet off even when hyunjin was on a hiatus :D#oh and when they had to quarantine and since they changed rooms they weren't together anymore and they facetimed for hours 😭#hyunjin likes spending time by himself and doing his stuff but minho doesn't want him to be alone so they go to eat tgt#the photobooth pics im so sad rn and i miss them :(#and when hyunjin said he liked go to theaters alone to watch a movie and minho (AGAIN) said ill go with u but sit in a different row#so when it finishes we'll go home together DUDE ?! i lov lino :(#also idk how many times has minho been to hyunjin's room just to watch him draw tbh but one time hyunjin talked him into drawing w him and#it was the cutest thing ever#they both love dancing !!!! and reading !!!!! my best friends#btw it was Serious for minho when hyunjin came back in 2021 everyone was like what's going on with them 😭😭 me too#anw yeah minho just being bold and flirting with hyunjin and hyunjin just giggling like 😭 GET UPPPP#also they always mention the other while they're live they think they're Me 🫤#they love each other sm and they're really special to me :(#no one gets hyunho like i do Truly 😔☝️#hyunho#skz
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