#ding! u have a task to do. ding! u have a task to do. ding! ur wasting time. ding! just imagine everything u could be getting done!
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#god. im so sorry. ive apparently dragged myself up enough that i can now be v annoying abt my problems on the internet#anyway. the thing abt me is that ppl just cant say things to me. like the casual way ppl do#like oh we should do X thing or u should do X thing. bc i just go. ok r u... r u actually saying this is a thing that has to heppen?#like??? is this someone i have to be wary of now? and if its u should do X thing i cant just let it go#like Thursday my boss was like: u should watch a movie or something this weekend bc she was telling me to chill for a sec#bc i can only imagine how fucking miserable i looked last week#and now im laying here like. i didnt watch a movie. i didnt watch a movie. i said i would and its the end of the weekend and i havent#watched a movie. but like i dont even want to watch one?#and like if u tell me to chill its like. ok so i have to not work this weekend. ok but i have all these things i have to do. but i cant do#them bc i have to chill. so i get stuck in this agony loop where im just laying here paralyzed#which ive basically been doing for the past 2hrs. like i have so much to do. but i have to relax but also i have personal projects that#need to get done. and if i just lay here it counts as relaxing right? despite the fact im spiralling#i just cant focus. i vascilate too much between too many tasks and therefore accomplish nothing#so did i relax this weekend? well i didnt get much done so fml#ugh. its so annoying. im just so bored. maybe i should just sleep#i dont think ive been sleeping well. ugh. i dont understand how ppl can just like shut off the part of their brain that goes#ding! u have a task to do. ding! u have a task to do. ding! ur wasting time. ding! just imagine everything u could be getting done!#and i have to work thru Thanksgiving and i might not get that much time off at Christmas bc theres a project that keeps getting pushed back#my boss is moving schools January 1 but she really wants to b there for this project thats gonna kill me so like maybe we could squeeze it#in before Christmas? maybe? if i dont take a fucking break. which is stupid bc its my choice i literally dont have to but i cant just#forget that she wants to see it so whatever. ive been such a fuck up recently that i feel like i should make it up somehow#but thats stupid bc i should just take a long break bc im v obviously not doing well. but at this point idk if that would fix anything#i just need to leave. but rationally i should stay until next August bc money. but god at what cost#ugh y have i dont this to myself? last year around this time i was doing 10hr days 6 days a week on part time pay. and now im like hm y am#i all used up now? why am i so bitter? bc actions have consequences mate#sigh... so annoying#unrelated
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sinfullyrosey · 11 months
Pushing Your Buttons
Lilia Vanrouge X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fingering, Orgasm Denial, Oral, Semi-Public, Misuse of Magic
Got like three people in my inbox asking for more General Lilia, but I don’t do requests and this fic has been sitting unfinished for months now. So, no general fae, but current papa bat using phantom magic to mess with his favorite little, magicless human.~
I just realized I have written a male reader, gn reader, and now fem reader for this old fart. The triangle of smut is complete.
Also, I apologize in advance for my terrible text speech skills. I personally don’t type like that normally and struggle to do so for fic purposes.
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You were slowly going insane. Absolutely bonkers. Throw you in a padded cell and lock away the key levels of mad. Couldn’t even concentrate on the simple tasks given to you by that aggravating crow without your mind immediately buzzing from the searing hot sensation between your nether regions.
Simply ignoring it had become impossible by this point. It has been nearly an hour now since it all started and nearly an hour have you suffered at the hands of that old bat. Running all over campus, delivering papers and whatnot, all the while your pussy is being played with like some handheld controller!
Another whine slipped past your clenched teeth once more as a particular spike of pleasure shot through you and made your stomach twist even tighter. You faltered, almost tripping on nothing along the pathway, and decided to stop and steady yourself as those fingers worked at your wet folds.
You heaved a shaky sigh and began to rummage through your school bag for your phone. Pulling it out, your knees buckling when you felt yourself growing wetter, the feeling of something dripping causing you to panic. So far you had been good to keep yourself together and, surprisingly, the fingers had been rather merciful, only occasionally grazing along your slit or palming at your mounds for only a few seconds.
But now they had just gotten bolder and more persistent, lingering longer against your folds, spreading your lips and pressing around your entrance. Sharpened nails playfully raking along your thighs or pinching your skin. At one point they even groped at the spot where your thighs and butt cheeks meet and suddenly squeezed them, making you yelp and startle the hallway full of confused students.
Thankfully, you were in a more secluded place on campus right now, free from the leering eyes of male students as they watched you slowly fall apart.
With trembling hands, you tapped on your messaging app to type up a response to the culprit behind your cruel torment.
‘Lilia plz knock it off’
You waited patiently for a reply. With some relief, you felt the hands temporarily release themselves from you, presumably to type a response back. A break that was short lived, however, as the moment your phone dinged from the incoming reply, you once again felt the hands begin to rub at you. This time, much rougher, and with purpose.
‘Now, why ever would I do that little one? The fun part has just begun.~’
As soon as you finished reading his text, you suddenly let out a pitched moan when you felt his thumb gently press down on your previously neglected clit. Your walls tightened as he rolled the sensitive nub in circles, fingers spreading your pussy open to play with the folds as your whole body shook.
You could definitely feel yourself dripping now, clear slick running down your thighs and soaking the top part of your thigh highs socks. You clutched the helm of your skirt, trying to pull it down and cover more of your front in embarrassment. You were really hating that he had removed your panties earlier on when he first started to tease you. Being so exposed an unable to keep from soaking yourself in your own mess was making everything so much worse.
You typed frantically the best you could while trying to ignore the sensation of his skilled fingers
‘U and ur stupid magic fantom hand thingys are drivin me crazy!!1’
You could only muffle your squeals and moans the best you could, looking around to make sure you were still alone as you stumbled over to somewhere with a bit more privacy. With the insistent prodding and palming of your pussy, you could only find a bench to sit down on to prevent yourself from falling and hurting yourself.
‘Oh, I just love to push your buttons dear! And this little one of yours is my absolute favorite to push and play with! So small. So cute. Just like you!~’
You let out a needy whine as he playfully pinched the puffy bud between his fingers, gently tweaking it and making your body tense up from the delicious sensation.
‘And it elicits such adorable sounds from you too.~’
Your legs trembled and shook as you spread them out more, giving him better access to your needy hole that was just dripping in anticipation for him. Two of his fingers easily slipped past your entrance, pumping themselves inside you at a leisurely pace. Waves of euphoria were crashing down onto you as your vision grew hazy from the pleasure.
The wooden bench was stained from your juices as you continued to leak from where you sat. you clutched onto the bench ends the more that coil twisted and tightened under his ministries. You were panting and moaning as his fingers found that special, spongey spot in you and began to abuse it with each pump.
All your previous responsibilities were long forgotten as Lilia fingered you with his magickly-produced phantom hands. His thumb still pressing and circling your overly sensitive clit as he worked you towards an orgasm.
Your toes were curling in your shoes, head thrown back as you felt yourself slowly approach your much anticipated release. Your body was impatiently bouncing slightly in the seat, moving to meet his own thrusts and pounding harder into your G spot. Your eyes closed tightly, vision blurring, and breath quickening when you felt yourself on the edge of pure euphoria.
And all at once, it suddenly stopped.
The phantom hands ceased their movements, slipping out of your warm hole, leaving your walls to clench along nothing. The coil was left to relax and simmer down, but still tight from the brink of release that was stolen from it. You blinked blurrily, vision still spotty as your head came to the conclusion of what just happened. Your pussy fluttering and still leaking, but empty and unsatisfied.
“Wah-?!” You slurred.
You quickly looked down, lifting up your skirt to see that the hands had completely disappeared. Your stomach dropped, panic rising as you stumbled to reach for your phone that you had tossed aside when you first sat down. Your eyes scanned to see if he had left anymore texts or if he was in the process of typing, only to see it completely silent. Your fingers quickly tapped away in desperation as anger flared within you at this cheeky old bastard.
‘Lilia wat the fuck?!1!’
You seethed as you saw the bubble with three little dots appear, indicating he was typing and very much still around, hands available, yet not putting them to good use. Like giving you that much deserved orgasm!
‘Oh my, just a few minutes ago you were telling me to “knock it off” and leave you be?’
‘Lilia Im literally going to explode’
You could just hear him chuckling at your response from wherever he was right now. You let out a huff, rubbing your thighs together to get some sort of relief, but to no avail, so you gave up. You were just about ready to call him to give him a piece of your mind when another text popped into chat.
‘Best be on your way and finish your errands. Don’t want to keep you waiting any longer now, dear.’
To end off his text and further punctuate his point, he used the phantom hand again to promptly flick your reddened clit, sharp nail scraping against it and sending a sudden shock wave of pleasure bolting to your core and causing you to double over. Your cunt clenched around nothing and you let out a desperate keen.
You glared angrily at his text, a few tears building up from frustration as you aggressively tapped away on your phone. You may be too pissed to call this irritating fae to yell his ear off, but you weren’t angry enough not to send him a few choice words.
‘plz plz plz PLEASE just let me cum already Vanrouge!!1 im horny im stressed and im about ready to make my way to diasomnia and whoop ur old creaky ass you fae fuck!1!!’
You continued to glare at your phone screen, waiting for your annoyingly charming fae lover to respond to your rather childish, but justified outburst via text.
‘Alright, if you insist.~’
You grin in victory, spreading your legs in anticipation of his hands lavishing you once more and finally rewarding you with the well-deserved orgasm. You felt the phantom hands on your thighs once more, spreading you further.
And then you felt the sensation of something warm and wet slowly lapping over your slit, spreading your folds and grazing over your sensitive clit. You let out a loud gasp, body tensing at the realization of what he was doing.
Your eyes widened as his phantom tongue began its torturous pattern of slowly lapping along your folds, before reaching your clit and sucking on it briefly, then starting all over again. You could feel your juices leaking out of you once more with each suck and lick, your phone dinging with incoming texts.
‘You taste absolutely divine, my dear. Still just as sweet and juicy as last time.~’
He made a point to dip his tip into your clenching cunt, lapping up your slick, then sucking up your release messily. You let out soft moans as your body convulsed under his touch.
‘In fact, I think I’ll enjoy this meal for a little while.~’
It was the sharp sensation of a pair of fangs gently nibbling on your poor clit that finally had you losing your mind as your moans grew louder and body helplessly approaching your orgasm once more. But every time you reached that edge, he would slow down or stop briefly until you settled down once more.
‘After all, you never clarified when to make you cum.~’
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alans-snz · 1 month
Enjoy this C/el/ls A/t W/or/k drabble short fic inspired by @dsnzfb 's wonderful snzario from the other day. I initially wrote a bit of it and wanted to turn it into a drabble, but it turned instead into a mini fic, so here ya go!! Enjoy!! And I am going to bed now since it's after 4 am. But this man put in this scenario was living rent free in my brain so much I had to write this before going to sleep!!!
Snz'er: Wh/i/te Bl/o/od C/el/l U/-1/14/6 (my beloved, shown here)
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Minor spoilers for C/el/ls A/t W/or/k season 1. Continued below the cut.
Giving a gentle sigh, U-1146 finished his usual patrol around the body. Although things had been peaceful lately, being a part of the first line of defense meant he always had to stay alert. Regardless of how "normal" things might seem, he could never be too wary of any antigens possibly invading the area, whether it was through a breakage in the vascular endothelial cells, a viral infection, or anything foreign that dared cross paths with him, for that matter.
Today, everything seemed almost...too peaceful. When he experiences such a quiet day like this, especially when it comes to such a sensitive place like the epidermis, he always is extra careful and pays more attention to his receptor. After all, its job is—
46 spun on his heel and frantically looked around. Complete silence except for the occasional hustle and bustle of red blood cells. Hm...how odd...
Speaking of, as he searched for the culprit his receptor was detecting, he noticed AE3803 taking a break on a bench nearby to stock up on more glucose. She looked up from her ice cream, smiled, and waved to him, before slowly lowering her hand, looking confused at his sudden search. He decided it would be good to head over there while he tried to sort out the current situation. Besides, it's possible she may have seen something he missed. No harm in asking! On his way over to her, he subconsciously rubbed his nose lightly.
"Snf! Red Blood Cell. Good to see you again," he stated with a nod, carefully holding his hat as he softly nodded as a gentle greeting.
"White Blood Cell! Same to you!" 03 piped up and smiled once more, but it didn't last long, as her expression and tone turned concerned quite quickly. "You seemed to be searching for something, and I noticed your receptor is up. Is everything okay?"
46 carefully nodded and turned slightly. "It seems an antigen is hiding somewhere nearby. Actually, that's why I came over here." He turned back to her, his expression determined, yet still sweet and calm. "I wanted to ask you if you'd seen anything odd." He stood there patiently while Red Blood Cell thought for a moment. However, after a short silence, she only ended up slowly shaking her head. "I see," 46 continued simply. The two of them stood there quietly while 46 eyed the surrounding area once more.
Eventually, 03 narrowed her eyes and looked down at her ice cream as if in deep thought before eventually breaking the silence, "You know, I've been meaning to ask...How do you go searching for hidden antigens anyway?"
46 couldn't help but crack a smile. Seeing he always expressed interest in Red Blood Cell's job, it was always fun to explain his own tasks to her as well. "Well, it's all in this," he said simply, pointing at his receptor. "Any time something is hiding, it's often easier to detect by taking into account when it does and doesn't react." He paused and sniffled softly.
03 gently nodded. "That's so fascinating. I'd love to hear more about how it works!"
"Sure! So when it stops reacting, I...I..." Suddenly, 46's train of thought became occupied elsewhere. He could feel a prickling sensation swiftly building in his sinuses, feathering so quickly through them that he automatically scrunched his nose, his mouth fell slightly agape, and his brow furrowed.
"...You...?" 03 asked in confusion, seeming very intrigued on how this worked and very confused on why 46 suddenly stopped speaking. Little did she know, this reason would become obvious very quickly.
"...I...hh-have t-to...sne—hehh!—sneeze!" He quickly brought his wrist to his nose as his eyelids fluttered and he inhaled sharply. "Heehh...! Hiht'TSSschyuu! Hah'AS—shuu!" His shoulders shook with the force, and although they didn't sound too intense, he struggled to keep himself from bending forward slightly from the intensity. He paused, shook his head, opened his eyes, and sniffled harshly from behind his wrist, seeming to consider whether any more sneezes were lurking in his sinuses before daring to bring his wrist down from his face.
"Snrf! O-oh no, hhiih!..." That sniffle instantly riled his sinuses up even more, and he quickly found himself gasping behind his wrist and snapping his eyes shut yet again. "Haaah'YTsSchhyuu! Hih!...iht'KSSs—chuu!—uungh..." This time, both sneezes made his whole body quiver violently, and he let out a soft groan after the final one. He rubbed his nose vigorously with the back of his wrist before letting out another sniffle. "Snf! Urgh, 'scuse me."
"...Is that usually a part of your process?" Red Blood Cell asked in confusion. White Blood Cell chuckled in response and gently shook his head as he lowered his hand. He also took a mental note that his receptor had gone down afterwards, similarly to that other day when he first learned his receptor will react shortly before he sneezes.
"Not usually, but sometimes, yes." He disconnected his receptor and held it in his hand. "I always have to take my receptor's reactions very seriously and jump into action, regardless of what I'm doing at the time. Since it also tends to detect when something is bothering my nose though, it can be frustrating to start searching for an antigen, then find out I just had to sneeze." He couldn't help but laugh a bit at the idea. "Though silly, it's a welcome change of pace to realize everything is still peaceful in this body, and my receptor just wanted to alert me to my body's irritants too." He smiled softly.
While incredibly odd and unusual, it was in fact relieving for White Blood Cell to experience this situation again. While peace in the body is refreshing, having false alarms from his receptor being affected by his own body as well is one of the unusual trade-offs he would happily take if it meant he could keep this body and all his fellow cells safe!
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furmomz · 1 year
task 141 + vaqueros x germen reader
A/N: for this story the reader will be a female this is my first story have mercy on me it might be bad and sorry for the bad english its not my first language (reader wears war paint in like a skull almost its scary to see but its cool)
summary: reader call sign chaos (reader got the call sign of chaos after decapitating a man with a sniper rifle u were known to be ruthless and shown no mercy a lot of soldiers feared u. u may be short but u had a strength of a bear u could take down an enemy soilder that was 2x bigger than u). after valeria escaped the prison the los vaqueros and task 141 are now trying to find her they got a tip from someone that Valeria was hiding in germen soil and is working with some sort of mafia so the boys go on a mission to stop whatever she was planning. ( however, then need the help of germen special forces to hunt her down and arrest her since she is no longer in mexican soil.)
it was a regular day on ur base as a lieutenant. you were helping the new rookies on their training it was a long day and you can feel ur head pounding from all the screaming u need because of the rookie "Du Idiot, weißt du nicht, wie man eine Pistole nachlädt?!!" (you idiot do you not know how to reload a pistol?!!) you just stood there in anger and in disappointment of the rookie staring dagger into him as he struggles to reload his pistol. he flinched from the sudden scream out of u he started to apologise and get nervouse u could see he was starting shake struggling to put the loaded magazine back into the pistol. hours past as you were still stuck with the same group of rookies. it felt like it had been years with the rookies but it was probably because of the headache u have otherwise u liked helping out new rookies. the training session finally ended u walked over to the kitchen of the base to make yourself the strongest coffee u could find hoping u last throughout the day when u got to the kitchen u meet ur captain and u greeted him.
he greeted back with a smile he seemed to be in a good mood today. he then spoke up "Chaos, um 17 Uhr gibt es in meinem Büro ein Treffen mit unseren anderen Teamkollegen. Es gibt ein paar Dinge, die ich besprechen muss. Komm nicht zu spät" (Chaos there is a meeting at 5pm in my office with our other teammates there's a few things i need to discuss DO NOT BE LATE) u replied with a simple nod. u wanted to make ur a coffee and leave the kitchen because it was starting to feel awkward as both of u were silent when u finally had ur coffee made u took off hoping to take a 5-minute break in peace and quiet hoping ur headache to go away and praying that u wouldn't have to go get medicine despite u being strong and scary u hated taking medicine. u took ur coffee and looked at ur watch making sure u wont be late for the meeting u still had an hour left so u opened ur new cigar pack. putting one in ur mouth and lighting it.
when u finished ur cigar u made ur way over to the meeting that captain held in his office with 5 minutes to spare u thought it was better to be early than late. u reached the big wooden door in front of u and u hesitated but u knocked twice waiting for the captain to give u permission to enter after a second the captain said "Komm herein" (come in!) u turned the door nob and pushed the door u walked in the room and u saw a couple of ur teammates waiting for the others u took a seat next to ur captain as u greeted ur teemmates after what felt like forever everyone was in the meeting and ur captain started to speak up "Wir haben ein neues Ziel, eine Frau namens Valeria." ( we have a new target a woman named Valeria.)
A/N: okay this is just a small part of the beginning idk if yall will like it but tell me if u want a part 2 or something if there is anything wrong please let me know so i can improve and i might be able to do some request if guys have any!
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jayspaceinc · 21 days
15 Lines of Dialogue: Celia 💜
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
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1. “Mami,” She waved her hands off her hair. “I like my hair like this. Our hair is pretty just like this, naturally. If I change my mind, you’ll be the first to know.”
2. “What can I say? I live for gossip, continue. But while we’re in a store so people can think we have interesting lives. Plus, Skater Chick Outfitters is having a sale,”
3. “We’re on the third floor, pendejo.”
“Hey! I speak Spanish too. Don’t try to treat me like a no sabo kid and just call me shit on the sly.”
“Who said it was on the sly? I said it right to your face.”
4. “There’s a lake. No sealife and it gets regularly cleaned,” Celia started grabbing their bags, handing Kori her backpack.
“How would you know it gets regularly cleaned?”
“I asked the ranger when we came in.”
“The one you were flirting with?”
“I wasn’t flirting. I was being… friendly? Something like that.” No surprise she couldn’t tell the difference between platonic and romantic interactions.
5. “Did we figure out dinner?”
Greyson held up the grocery bags he had on his arms. “We’re making ramen.”
“And s’mores!”
“The second one was his idea. Not mine.”
“S’mores sound great though.” Celia hummed as she took a peek into the bags. “Thank you for getting all this, Greyson. You’re such a strong man, aren’t you?” She pushed his glasses that were starting to slip back up
“Celia,” Greyson choked, as his face turned pink.
6. Girlfriend girlfriend girlfriend. Shut up. What do you know about being a boyfriend? Celia gripped onto the fork and plate she’d been holding in her lap, the fork slowly folding back on itself as her thumb pressed it down without even realising.
“Do you want another fork?” Kori offered her own, her plate finally clear. At least she had eaten.
“Why do you say that?”
She pointed to the completely bent fork in her hand.
“Oh. This. It’s fine,” Celia straightened the fork back out as much as she could. “See? All good,” She shoved the rest of the eggs down and gave the plate back to Greyson.
7. “I have a loose idea but I’d rather enjoy breakfast right now. What are you making?”
“Huevos rancheros.”
She snorted and covered her mouth. “I’m sorry, say that again for me please?”
“Huevos rancheros?” He repeated, this time a bit confused.
“God, you’re cute but boy do you know how to butcher some Spanish. It’s huevos rancheros not huevos rancheros.”
“Is that not what I said?” He asked, still lost on what the difference was in how she said it versus how he did or how he had said it incorrectly.
8. C: ding dong. mission control to kori: what’s ur coordinates?
C: that means how soon r u guys going to b here?
9. He dialed Celia’s number, almost in fear of what she would say.
“I’m at the hotel but.. I can’t afford any of this. At all. In my defence! They hit me with a bunch of crazy charges! I mean 240 credits for roses? Just get some plant power person and regrow them.”
There was static on the other end for a long while before Celia sighed, “If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. Okay. Sit tight and try not to cause any more trouble than you already have.” She hung up the phone and left him to his lonesome.
10. “The moment a charmspeaker leaves, the effect wears off. Enchantment is well..” She looked over at the clerk that was still staring at her and waved. “It's much easier to get what you want, let’s just say that.”
“That’s because you flirt with them till they’ve just about ruined their shorts.”
“I have a process, Kori. You know this,” Celia popped a piece of gum in her mouth to rinse out the hotel clerk taste. “Alright, moving on, we officially have a place to sleep for the night which brings me to our next task–”
11. “What’s wrong with just being with one person? You’ve done it before.”
“But that’s not who I am.. There’s a reason it didn’t work out between us,” Celia said, pushing the food on her plate as she became uninterested in what would shortly become another monogamy lecture.
“Because you weren’t willing to make the commitment.”
“That is not what happened,” She snapped. He looked up from his tablet and her angry expression immediately softened. “Perdon.. it’s.. still a sore spot for me. I just don’t have what you and Mommy have where I can see myself with just that one person for my whole life.”
12. Celia closed her eyes for a moment and sighed as she looked in the distance once more. “I’m glad some people are happy and in love today. That couple over there has been there since I got off the elevator. It’s like I can hear their love.. Soft bells.. a violin to pair.. a hint of piano in the background, and is that a light harp i hear being plucked?”
13. “And if something should happen?”
“If something should happen..” Max let out a light chuckle. “You're the co-leader, use your wit and I’ll see you on the other side. Take that however you’d like,” He gave a dog whistle for Ayden to come to his becking, walking off down the hallway opposite to them.
“‘Take that however you’d like’,” Celia mocked before angrily spewing off a slew of Spanish curses.
“He didn’t mean it like that,” Summer said, jumping to Max’s defence for once.
“Oh whatever. You’re on his side because the barrel isn’t pointed at you. Let’s just look through the stupid fucking rooms.”
14. “Psychics are the last people you want to piss off.”
“Is that a jab?”
“It’s a warning,” Celia flicked him in the ear and went back to her seat.
15. “Hm. Do you wanna hang out for a little bit then?” He asked as they approached her door.
Celia sighed to herself, her hand resting on the doorknob. “Honestly, not really.”
Ayden pouted and his shoulders slumped in.
“Not tonight at least, I’m a bit tired.”
“From earlier today?”
“From all of my life. Goodnight, Ace,”
More art!
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cahmilo · 2 years
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Proud of You | carlos m.
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pairing: carlos madrigal x fem!reader
genre: fluff
summary: being a graduate student has been the most draining period of youth. you had submissions to do, projects to finish, and even essays to write. having burnout and stress all at once just makes you want to end it all, but luckily for you, you still have one task you've been wanting to achieve, to make carlos madrigal proud of you.
tags: modern high school au, burnt-out reader, mentions of fainting throwing up and academic stress, cursing
note: this is most especially dedicated to @pochi-moochika please ik youre asleep rn but brother pls get well fucking sooner god i miss being chaotic with you *violently sobbing*
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As rewarding as it may be, graduating wasn't easy. In order to reach for the top, one must walk up the stairs of progress that comes with numerous tasks and challenges that determines your will to reach the goal. Unfortunately for someone as chill and nonchalant as you, it was weeks of torture and agony prior to the final celebration. 
You were a good student since little now that you think about it. It was just because of the pace of growing up, adulting, pressure to finish what you can't, they all burdened you. To the point where you procrastinate and easily give up. It has been like this for the past few weeks and now you're paying the price.
Graduation is almost 2 weeks away and you are still yet to pass on some of your pending assignments. 
You groaned in exhaustion as your hands made its way to your face, your elbows resting perpendicularly atop the cluttered desk. It was already 2AM and your emails have been pouring non-stop, teachers asking for your progress and waiting for your response. You didn't have the energy to respond to them with what you still didn't have so you simply ignored them. You shut them out and closed your eyes for a few seconds, taking in at least a minute of rest before you're faced with reality again.
Just as you were about to take in the serenity and peace, you were interrupted by a 'ding' sound. A notification from the discord app. You blinked your eyes and sighed to open your laptop and your eyes almost popped out from your sockets to see who messaged you at this hour.
Carlos Madrigal, one of the school officers and if you were to be honest, the one you're attracted to. 
Carlos: hey,, u need help? with yk other tasks and such
You gulped. You've interacted with Carlos before, despite his cold and intimidating look, he was nice to you. Though he never openly showed you care, there were times when you felt it. Unfortunately his cool but lowkey-kind demeanor made you fall down the rabbit hole and you were down bad. So him messaging you at this hour brought you more energy than the commercial drink set by your table.
You: lmao its aight im good.. i think i can do this
Carlos: Y/N, its 2AM and i saw how many things you still need to do 
Carlos: give me some of the modules you still haven't done
Carlos: i'll answer them
Now if you were to be honest, you hate letting others work for you. You had a thing for your ego and it would falter immediately if you shown any ounce of weakness or failure to someone else. In this scenario though, you were desperate. And as much as you hate having let your crush answer your homework for you, there wasn't any other choice available.
You: fine
You: can you answer them here w me
Carlos: sure
And that was how your night of stress took a 180 degree turn. When you saw Carlos join the discord voice call, your heart paced even faster. As if you were palpitating with caffeine but instead of coffee, it was his voice. The sound of his microphone and audio transmission on his end made his voice even lower and raspier. He sounded like he was tired but every time you insist on letting him go to bed, he would always stay behind to help you. 
And it went on for many days.
Carlos was the only one who was willing enough to help you with your last minute requirements. It lifted a bunch of weight from your shoulders, but not entirely. Every night you and Carlos would be on vc to answer activities together. Lucky for him he finished it a few days ago so it was easy to help you. You on the other hand, felt like you were burdening him but never got the chance to tell him so. 
It went on for a few more days and you were finally done with your lacking projects. Carlos and you got even more closer than before to the point of sleep calling and pet names. You finally got to know more about him during these times of stress. You found out that you two loved horror movies, Carlos would often share his screen to watch a movie with you even. You also found his way of affection quite, unique? He would cover it up with insults and if ever he gets soft, he would instantly claim it as a joke and call it cringe. It was his thing and it made you adore him even more knowing that he genuinely tries.
Tonight was the night before the two of your graduation. Carlos wasn't nervous, he was ready. But you however, you were jittery and nervous, and Carlos can tell. Right now on vc, he made sure that he wants to make you feel better and calm for at least a small amount.
You turned your camera on the same time Carlos turned his. He was on his desk, seeming to be writing something while you were leaning on your right palm, staring at your hands trembling from nervousness.
"You see this shit? It's involuntarily shaking like a damn chihuahua" You trailed off, showing your hand to the camera. Carlos looked at it and slightly widened his eyes.
"You're really nervous huh?"
"Yeah." You put down your hand and looked at the walls of your room. "Sometimes I hate my hands, they always snitch on me when I'm anxious. They also look weird" 
"No they don't." You saw Carlos standing up from his chair to walk off-cam. 
"They do"
"I'll prove you wrong" You heard Carlos' voice from his mic, it seemed like he was far away. 
"And how will you change my mind?"
"I'll hold your hand to let you see how you should love them like I do" 
When Carlos said those words, you almost dropped your head down to the desk. You were taken aback from his bold move and your eyes widened. Impulsively, you muted yourself and hid your face from the camera as you ducked down to your desk and squealed. 
You stayed in that state for a couple of seconds until you heard clattering of objects from Carlos' mic that made you look up. He was on his way back to his chair but he brought along a guitar with him. You unmuted yourself and showed your face back to the camera but it was more red as it used to be. Carlos then asked you a question that made your entire night even more heart fluttering.
"Send me your favorite song, I'll try to sing it"
It was graduation day. You were all dolled up by your family. You wore a pretty dress and your hair was neatly styled ready for pictorials and whatnot. When you arrived at the venue, you haven't seen Carlos yet so you sit on your seat waiting for preparations to take place.
While you were gazing at the decorations for the stage, you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned back and saw Carlos and instinctively, you threw yourself to his arms. He caught you with ease and embraced you even tighter while chuckling.
"You ready?" Carlos asked as he pulled away from the hug, careful not to mess your hair. When you nodded back to him, he smiled and bid you a temporary goodbye as the program began to start.
Nervousness filled your body. You shivered and your legs were bouncing the more names get called and the more it gets closer to yours. Carlos was in a different class however so he was called first. He looked so good it made you lose all your anxiety in just seconds. The way he walks coolly towards the stage and received his diploma with a half-lidded smirk, it made you swoon. For a second you swore you saw him glance at your eyes and gave you a small wink, making you lose your composure. You covered your face by hiding to the person in front of you.
By the time your turn comes, you almost looked like there was no more blood pumping in your body. It all seemed like a blur as you walked up to the stage, faced the bright light covering the audience and took your diploma. You smiled at the camera and almost ran down the stairs to exit. On the way to your seat you met Carlos and this time, he was the one to storm in your way to give you a tight embrace. 
"I'm so proud of you!" He yelled, combatting the loud speakers and music. You laughed and buried your face in his chest.
"Couldn't have made it this far without you, Carlos" You were about to call yourself insane and delusional when you felt a pair of lips lightly kiss the crown of your head. 
After the ceremony, Carlos insisted he takes you out to celebrate. He takes you out to your favorite restaurant for lunch and decides to spoil you by paying for it all. It made you flattered seeing how he went all the way just to be with you. As much as he tried denying that it was a date, you couldn't help but feel like it was. 
Carlos spent the rest of the afternoon with you. After lunch the realization of your success finally sinks in and it gives you, mixed emotions? You were happy that you managed to graduate but now looking back at it, you did poorly on some of the tasks and you regretted it. You regret how you procrastinated your way to the end of the semester and even brought Carlos into it. He noticed your change in demeanor and insisted he takes you home to rest. 
When you arrived home, you felt weak, drained, tired. It was as if the moments of you suffering in pain has sunk in harder now. The times where you were overworked made you nauseous.
You also had your image to keep, and being weak in front of Carlos wasn't something you wanted to show. As much as you hated letting him see you so unwell and tired, he still insisted he helps you. When you threw-up he held your hair, when you were on the verge of fainting he carried you all the way to your room, and when your head was spinning in pain he scourged through the medicine cabinets to give to you. Soon enough you felt somewhat better, but not too much. 
"Can you stay here?" 
Carlos slowly walked towards the edge of your bed. When he saw that you moved to the side to make space for him, he slowly joined you. 
"Can I hug you?" "You don't have to ask, Y/N"
And just like that, you felt warmth and comfort in his arms. Carlos hugged you gently, whispering soft tunes to soothe your mind. You moved to a more comfortable position and plopped yourself on top of him as you laid your head on his chest, feeling the loud pounding of Carlos' heart. He tried to look away but his eyes were stuck on you. Carlos reached out for a make-up wipe on your bed side table and slowly lifted your head to meet his as he carefully removes your make-up. It didn't take long for you to melt to his touch as the product felt cool on your skin and the weight of the cosmetics making you feel more light and free. 
"You okay now?" Carlos softly whispered, wiping the underside of your eyes. His smile slightly faltered at the sight of your eyebags. 
"A little. I still feel sick, sorry"
"Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong" 
"I did" You whispered and furrowed your eyebrows. "I got you to do shit for me, I messed up while walking, I- ugh"
"Hey, look at me." Carlos called you, he traces your jaw to make you look at him. 
"I'm proud of you no matter what. I'm always fine helping you and you know that. You suffered through much and I'll still be with you from then on, okay?"
You closed your eyes and face-planted yourself to his chest. You can feel the vibration coming from Carlos lightly chuckling at you. While you were at your spaced out thoughts, you felt fingers make its way to your hand. In the spur of the moment, you felt Carlos intertwine his fingers against yours, his thumb lightly brushing near the back of your palm. You suddenly remembered your old conversation with him about your hands, flustered at the thought of him staying true to his word. His other hand left your hair as it travelled to your temples, gently massaging them. Carlos hummed a small tune in hopes to relax you.
It did. 
It was as if time has slowed down. You were afraid to let this moment end, when you're met with reality and all of the burdens that came along with it. Now, you focused on the present. You were safe and sound in his embrace, and you couldn't ask for a better place to spend eternity in. 
Before you were about to doze off to dreamland, you heard Carlos mumble those words you've been longing to hear ever since. 
"I'm so proud of you, I hope you know that Y/N"
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taglist: @pochi-moochika, @carlosfruitsnacks, @thegirlwiththebangs, @mirabelleza, @carcat-02, @brushofease, @camilos-luna, @ducky-is-dead-inside, @elegantkidfansoul, @moon-cakiie, @ignoremepeople37, @its-mia88, @try-cry-why-try , @justzei, @asockyoulostbeforelaundry, @alexxavicry ++ join here
thumbnail belongs to the artists of purrfect tale
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cwc-emoji-pluck · 2 years
yooooooo dude may i please request 🥐 with a side of ☁️?
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member: yoon jeonghan x gn!reader genre: i don't think this is angst but it's definitely not fluff so...angst ig word count: 2142 warnings: none :P emojis requested: 🥐: social media star and follower ☁️: fifteen years later, seventeen go to their high school class reunion author's note: hello, bestie <3 this was originally supposed to be about seungcheol but jeongrot is a thing so here we are. this request was literally perfect for me so thank u for being a genius <3 i got inspo for this literally immediately so :))) i hope you enjoy this and happy jeonghan day !!!!!!!! (p.s. this is not edited please don't judge me <3)
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“Are you going to be coming later? I didn’t take months out of my schedule to plan this just for my best friend to skip it! I even made sure we are going to be on the same team for all the activities!” 
Y/N sighed, holding their phone to their ear using their shoulder. Their laptop was in front of them, a Google Calendar open to their schedule for the next two weeks: each square was filled with meetings and events. 
“I don’t know, Mina. I don’t have a lot of time on my schedule. You said it’s on Saturday? What time?”
“Four! It’s from four to ten! I thought you wrote this down?”
Y/N began typing the information their best friend was giving into a new event. “You know I never actually write things down.” 
“Whatever, Y/N. You gotta be there,” Mina sighed tiredly.
“I’m trying, Mina.” Just then, a ding came through from Mina’s end of the phone. 
“Oh! I just got an RSVP back!” 
“Whose?” Y/N asked. 
“Oh my God! You’ll never believe it, Y/N!” 
“Just tell me who it was, Mina.” 
“It was Hannie! You remember? Yoon Jeonghan?” 
That name was not the one Y/N was expecting to hear. A flash of memories went through their head, one specifically standing out, the sound of his voice distinct in the memory.
You’re always going to say that you miss high school, Y/N. College is way more stressful: you have to make your own schedules as well as keeping a job, supporting yourself and doing things on your own. You move away from home and get all this weight on your shoulders. Everything is thrown at you in the matter of months. All I ask of you, darling, is that you do your best now, to get a head start on the best future you could have.
The only thing Y/N thought was being thrown at them at this point in their life was being forced to see Yoon Jeonghan again. It wasn’t that the two didn’t get along - no, it was far from that. It was just that Y/N is, understandably in their words, slightly upset with the man. 
As best friends, Y/N supported Jeonghan through everything, and now that he’s socially higher up than them, it hurts a bit; knowing that he basically forgot about them. Of course, Y/N could never be upset with their best friend. The two of them have been through way too much, Y/N just wishes that he tried a bit harder to keep them around. Or maybe Y/N was upset with themselves, that they didn’t try harder to keep Jeonghan around. 
The amount of messages that could have been sent or calls that could have been made over the past fifteen years, or even the amount of likes, and retweets depending on the app, that could have been shared between the two of you were forgotten as Jeonghan gained more followers and began leaving home more for his modeling. The idea of seeing him once again hit Y/N like a freight train.
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y/n: are you sure yoon jeonghan is going to be there? 
Y/N was worried. They somehow managed to take the time off for the reunion, but it was a dreaded task, especially since Mina told them about the appearance Jeonghan would be making. Trying to mentally prepare themselves for seeing the man that forgot about his best friend was hard…how does someone prepare for that?
mina: yes, y/n. i’m sure he’s going to be there! and guess whattttt
y/n: what 
mina: he *didn’t* reserve a spot for a plus one
y/n: okay? what does this have to do with me? 
mina: you cannot tell me that one of the reasons why you were so heartbroken about hannie not talking to you was because you weren’t in love with the guy 
y/n: i wasn’t in love with the guy, he was just my best friend, Mina. i know it’s going to hurt when i see him again.
mina: yeah, yeah. just get your feelings sorted out and make sure not to make a scene at this event that your best friend (aka me, not hannie) has worked so hard on <3 
y/n: if all you’re worried about is whether or not i’m going to be there…chill. i’ll be there. just don’t expect me to agree to talk to jeonghan so suddenly. i’ll probably hang with joshua while you’re busy. 
mina: joshua hong? since when did you talk to him? 
y/n: i…talked to him enough to want to see him after fifteen years. 
mina: didn’t he have a thing for you? why do i have distinct memories of hannie trying to fight him?
y/n: the end. i’m going to bed now 
mina: y/n come back
mina: …y/n? mina: damn you, y/n.
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Knowing that Mina was the one who put all of this together was the only thing that kept Y/N from staying home and opening their laptop once again. Though, that didn’t stop Y/N from having a plethora of excuses they wish they could use in order to stay home. 
First, the almost two hour drive to the venue from Y/N’s apartment. Of course, this would mean nothing to Mina as they were carpooling. Second, the lack of formal-enough but also casual-enough clothes to wear. Though, once again this would be no issue for Mina, as she always has something up her sleeve. Lastly, the biggest excuse of them all: Yoon Jeonghan. Was Y/N really ready to see their dreaded best friend after so long? No. Was he still deserving of the best friend title? According to Y/N, yes. According to Mina, no. 
That’s just something Mina has to get over. 
Mina, being the best friend she was, helped Y/N pick out the perfect outfit: something that proves that they had a good job and did not peak in high school, as well as making sure that same outfit wasn’t too eccentric for such an event. Being the perfect fashion designer she was, Mina did not fail to pick out the best outfit that not only looked amazing on Y/N, but also one that was perfect for all of the activities she and the rest of the reunion board had chosen for the event. 
“He’s gonna think you look great, Y/N.”
Y/N picked up the shirt that was laying on the bed closest to them and threw it across the room at Mina. It flew and missed Mina completely. “I am not dressing up for him! I don’t care what he thinks!” 
Mina laughed. “Okay well, hurry up and clean up because we have to get going.” 
“I didn’t even make the mess, you’re the one who took all my clothes off their hangers,” Y/N frowned. “It’s whatever I’ll just pick up when I get back.”
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“I didn’t think you’d get so busy that we would rarely be able to meet, Y/N.” 
Y/N looked over to Joshua as he said this, a small smile on their face. “Trust me, I wasn’t expecting it either. And don’t tell Mina this but I’m happy she went through the work to set this up. I’m excited to see everyone again.” 
Joshua chuckled a bit. “Have you seen Seungcheol lately?” 
“I saw him a couple months ago at this cafe I go to a lot but I haven’t seen him since.” Y/N replied, tapping the transparent plastic cup they were holding. 
“I heard he’s been hanging out a lot with,” Joshua paused. “…Nevermind.” 
“Jeonghan? That wouldn’t surprise me. They were always close, weren’t they?”
“Heh, yeah. They were. I mean, before uh, he left.” 
Y/N looked over at their friend, “You know you can say his name. It’s not like he’s Voldemort or something.” 
“I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I mean, having someone you’re that in love with leave so sudden-”
“Why does everyone think I was in love with Jeonghan!”
“Probably because you were,” someone wrapped their arms around Y/N’s shoulders. “Even if you didn’t see it, everyone else did.” 
Joshua smiled. “Hey Cheol, we were just talking about you!” 
The man, Seungcheol, grinned and blushed a bit. “Hey, Shua. It’s nice to see you.” Seungcheol looked over at Y/N. “By the way, if you want to talk to him, he’s over there with Jimin and Taehyung. Says he was hoping to be able to talk to you tonight.”
He looked exactly like he did in his Instagram post Mina had sent Y/N this morning. His natural hair covered by a yellow bucket hat, and the baggy jacket he was wearing hanging off his shoulders like he was in a photoshoot and not at a high school reunion. 
Y/N didn’t dare to step towards the man, scared of any type of confrontation that may have been about fifteen years too late. It was only when they heard Park Jimin call their name from where he stood next to Jeonghan and Taehyung that they dared to make eye contact with any of the three. 
Jimin motioned for Y/N to cross the room towards their three classmates, and Y/N had no choice other than to walk towards them (especially since Joshua and Seungcheol were watching this whole encounter from next to Y/N, daring to give them a little push on the back to get them to start walking). 
“Hi, Y/N! It’s so nice to see you!” Jimin gave Y/N an eye-smile while Taehyung waved. Jeonghan just stood there, not knowing what to say. 
“Hey!” Y/N was breathless. They weren’t sure whether it was because of the lack of space in the room for normal movement or the fear of being this close to Jeonghan. 
Y/N looked over to Jeonghan and shot him a quick smile, hoping that it was so fast he wouldn’t have even noticed it. 
Sadly he did. Jimin and Taehyung also must have noticed it, as they quickly made basic conversation before they awkwardly excused themselves to go find someone who they refused to name. 
That just left Y/N with Jeeonghan. 
Jeonghan coughed. “Um. Hey, Y/N.” 
The two stood there for a few seconds in awkward silence. 
“Look, I’m really sorry, Y/N,” Jeonghan set the cup he was holding down onto the snack table they stood next to. “I didn’t mean to basically ghost you. I just wasn’t expecting to get so busy so quickly and then…yeah.” 
“It’s whatever. I mean, I guess I’m kind of over it? Mina is definitely not but, yeah I just…don’t think it’s that big of a deal? I mean, it's been how long?”
Jeonghan nodded. “Well, I mean, we were best friends and I still lo- like your company just as much as I did then.” 
“Thank you for your apology, then. I never really stopped considering you my best friend, you know.” 
Jeonghan smiled. “Then I guess it’s time to finally go pull more pranks on Joshua and Seungcheol?” 
“If you break anything, Mina will be so pissed at you.”
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It didn’t take long for Jeonghan to tell Y/N, as well as Joshua, Seungcheol and Mina that he got a contract closer to home. Of course, he was going to miss all the traveling, but he knew it would be good for Y/N and his friendship that he stayed. 
Otherwise, Jeonghan thought, how is he going to get Y/N to finally admit to their feelings for him? He clearly remembered overhearing the conversation Y/N and Seungcheol had the night of the reunion. 
“You did like him though, didn’t you?” Seungcheol questioned Y/N as he was filling up their cup. “I mean, everyone could tell back in high school that your friendship wasn’t just a friendship.” 
“I mean, yeah. I did like him back in high school but…it’s been years. He’s got more things to worry about now, like his career, rather than worrying about his best friend falling in love with him.” Y/N took a sip out of their freshly refilled cup. 
“I bet you anything, that if you walked up to him and told him you were still in love with him, he would drop everything for you. He regrets his decision to leave because of what it did to you guys.” 
“Seungcheol, I don’t know. I mean, today is the first time I’ve seen him since graduation…I don’t want to ruin anything else.” 
“So you admit to it? That you’re still in love with him?”
Y/N thought for a bit. “Of course. How could I not be?”
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
natah - part 2
mild cephalon fragments spoilers
Once the floofs were once again secure, they turned their mind back to the task of figuring out what the hell all that was.
The Lotus managed to gather her thoughts quicker.
“I have requisitioned explosives for your next mission, which will be to collapse the tomb of the Sentient so it cannot escape. You must go retrieve the explosives and go plant them, and ensure they manage to-”
“What is your relationship to the Sentient?” they demanded, frustration running over. As soon as they’d let it out, though, a calm flooded their senses, and they felt a bit sheepish for being so harsh.
The Lotus’ next response did kind of deserve it, though, they thought privately. “The Sentient is a relic of the Old War. If it cannot be kept dormant, it must be kept trapped. My interest is in keeping it away from other life in the system, so it would be beneficial to our cause if you could complete this assignment as soon as you can, Tenno.” There was actual snark in her voice.
“Sentient!” Kali signed, grabbing their attention. Its movements were much more fluid now than they had been last time, and spoke to a self-assured character. “I am hunting the Sentient, too, though for different reasons than the Grineer. Need to get my revenge.”
They took a second to catch the implication. “The Sentient was the thing controlling you?”
“Do you know anything else about it?”
Kali fingerspelled it out. “H-u-n-h-o-w. Its name is Hunhow.”
“Lotus,” Ordis asked carefully, but they could tell that his angry glitched voice wasn't far away. “What do you know about Hunhow?”
The Lotus, having previously refused to say much at all, outright disconnected. Then, the nav console dinged - she’d sent them coordinates to the market where the explosives would be waiting for them.
“Some guts on that- ahem. Setting a course to pick up the explosives. Round trip time will be about half an hour,” Ordis reported, biting back the glitch with noticeable annoyance. At himself or at the Lotus - likely both in equal measure, at this point. They couldn’t help but sympathise.
“She clearly knows about the Sentient- about Hunhow,” they signed, thinking out loud. “She probably knows about Natah as well. If only she hadn’t run like a coward.”
“Natah is her name,” Kali signed, as if it was the most normal thing.
They took a second to respond. “What?”
“When Hunhow was controlling me, I could see inside his mind,” Kali explained. “Natah is the Lotus. Hunhow is very angry with her.”
“Let me get this- are you certain?”
“Yes,” Kali signed, short, visibly annoyed, as if it were their fault the bombshells were dropping with the frequency of a soma’s bullets.
“Ordis,” they signed, turning around. “Do you remember anything about this?”
He’d been suspiciously silent through their discussion. They hoped he realised they weren’t excluding him just because a new person was on board.
“... there’s a void there, too,” he said, quietly, cold frustration evident in his voice, adding to the annoyance from his glitches earlier. This wasn't a good day for him.
“That’s okay,” they replied, mind going a mile a minute. “If Hunhow knows Natah - the Lotus, then she probably knows him too, which would explain why she was barely surprised. Or at least, not nearly as surprised as we are.”
“Natah is Hunhow’s daughter,” Kali supplied.
They stared at it for a few seconds. “Anything else?”
“No,” it signed, immediately crossing its arms afterwards. Cheeky.
They zoned in on it, annoyed now. They felt like it was playing with them. “How did you even get to Uranus? I didn’t see any other ships nearby.”
“Actually,” Ordis piped up, sounding happy to finally have something to say. “Ordis detected another Liset flying away after dropping you off.”
They held their head and wanted desperately to have a throat that could make noise again, just so they could scream. “Can we please bring relevant things up without me having to ask for them? This is very hard to work with. I need all available information if we’re to plan this successfully.”
“A-alright,” Ordis said, subdued. Okay, they felt a little bad about that one. But it wasn’t all their fault.
Biting away their frustration with the situation and themself, they looked back at Kali.
“Kali, where’s your ship now?”
“Probably on base,” it signed. “which is Kronia Relay, for now. Cephalon Yura knows my vitals, knows I’m safe, so she’s letting me be until I signal for her.”
Nodding to that, another question for Kali popped up in their mind. They barely dared to ask, but they had to know.
“Do you know what the difference is between a Tenno and a Warframe?”
Kali jerked back as if burned. “No,” it signed, the motion quick enough to generate a small air current in the Orbiter. “Don't ask me that.”
They couldn’t let it go. It was too frustrating. “I need to know, no one will tell me-”
“Because it is a cursed secret,” it replied, a tinge of despair now to their movements. “If you don't know it yet, count yourself lucky. And Hunhow doesn't know it either, and it must stay that way, so I will not tell you."
Oh. Well, that changed things. “Fine, I’ll forget about it, but which one are you? We were discussing-”
Kali tensed up again, before replying. “There are more differences than just Tenno or Warframe. Surely you know this, Sufford.”
The part of them that was called Sufford sang out at that, revelling in being acknowledged. The other part of them was just more confused, now. But, then they had arrived at the trading post, and they left Kali alone with Ordis to go pick up the explosives.
Kali looked up at the cameras of the ship. It had an inkling about something, and it was going to investigate.
“Ordis, which one are you?” it asked, deliberately keeping vague.
“Pardon?” he replied. There it was again: that particular lilt. The accent was buried under Orokin conditioning, but it knew it had recognised it. Now it just had to lure out the rest. And the best way, it knew from experience, was to ask stupid questions.
“Warframe or Tenno?”
“What the hell are you- Ordis is confident that you know that he is neither, Kali.”
He was uncomfortable. Time for the final nail in the coffin.
“Warrior or Orokin dog?”
The sound that came out of the speakers was a furious mechanical glitch. And finally, there he was.
“I am no dog to those lords of hot air and bloodied-blue hands,” he spat. “My loyalty is to my brothers and sisters, my peers alone.”
The lights on the Orbiter started to flicker. Kali suddenly realised it may have gotten into something more than it had been expecting. Last time she’d seen him in the flesh, he hadn’t been nearly as angry.
“They tried to make me one of their own number, and for my rejection, they imprisoned me in steel and glass,” Ordis thundered. “I will break free, and-”
The second the Liset reattached to the Orbiter and the ramp descended, a stranger’s voice with a familiar accent was hurling threats through the speakers. The moment they were noticed, however, the yelling cut out with an awful screech. The lights flickered briefly, before returning to their regular setting.
Kali stood a little ways away, frozen, hands raised in an almost defensive position.
“Ordis?” they signed. No response.
They turned to the other. “What the fuck did you do? What was that?”
"Nothing," it replied hastily.
A click, and then - "Op- Tenn- ugh," Ordis groaned, and it almost sounded like he was in pain.
"Ordis, are you alright?" they signed, concerned.
"Kali, Ordis would appreciate if you did not try that again," he warned instead, sounding wearier than the five minute timespan they were out for had warranted.
Kali meekly signed its agreement.
"What happened?!" they signed, thoroughly frustrated and movements choppy and wide, as close to shouting as they could get. 
"I asked some bad questions," Kali answered, sheepish.
"Right after telling me not to ask bad questions myself?" they scolded. They threw their hands up in frustration when no one answered.
They decided they might as well try and finish the mission before anyone killed anyone else, with stupid questions or otherwise. "Ordis, could you start the flight back to wherever these explosives need to go?"
"Why the hell not- ahem. Setting flight path."
The glitch felt more present than usual. Now that they thought about it, the yelling earlier had sounded a lot like the glitch, but with a slightly deeper voice, and a bone-deep fury and hatred that not even glitched Ordis possessed. They shook it off in favour of going to inspect their arsenal thoroughly, even though it barely needed it. Kali was left to twiddle its thumbs.
"Hey," it signed, tapping on the wall to get their attention. They turned around with an internal sigh.
"What does Ordis call you?"
"Currently fucking nothing," the glitch butted in again, before being violently suppressed with static. Ordis didn't even try to salvage that one.
"It's just, it wasn't Sufford," they signed, curious. "That was your name, right?"
"Sufford?" Ordis said, perking up. "That sounds familiar, but not quite right."
"We've been trying to remember my name for weeks now," they signed, annoyed. "I don't know where Sufford came from, but it's… not correct for all of me? I don’t really understand it."
Kali gave a sympathetic wince and a knowing glance they didn't completely like. "What about nicknames?"
"Can't find one that fits enough."
"What about callsigns? They're like nicknames but cooler and with lower emotional stakes."
Ordis simulated the sound of sucking in a breath. For an AI, he sure had non-language cues down to a T.
"You got an idea for a callsign for me, Ord-"
"Hyena. Your old callsign was Hyena," he said, fast, excited. "I remember now. You took care of the squad, left no one behind, amd you- eviscerated- were ruthless with the enemy."
"Oh," they signed, entirely surprised. "That's settled then, I guess. Sure solves one annoying problem. Thanks, Ordis."
Ordis gave a little breathless laugh, pride shining through.
The nav console dinged. The ship was in orbit of Uranus, and the Liset ready to take off.
"Let's go solve the other one," Hyena said, beckoning Kali into the landing craft and signaling for Ordis to launch it.
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spookyxmingos · 2 years
fem reader
s/u/ck d/i/ck
c/i/gar burns
hair p/u/lling
Finally, you arrived at Sykes office. You can’t believe he would make you come to such a scary part of town alone. Despite the way you were dressed, it wasn’t so bad. You go to the door and ring the buzzer.
“Well,” he sounds pleased through the intercom. “Look at you all dressed up.” He asked you to dress this way. “Come on in.” You open the heavy metal door and hear his loud voice booming through the empty building.
“How many times do I gotta tell ya you son of a bitch.” you’re sure he’s having a business call. You begin to approach the desk he sits at. It smells like cold metal and stale cigar smoke. He looks large and intimidating compared to the desk. “Just do your damn job! Got it?” The phone slams down with a ding. He gazes up and his face changes from anger to a grin. You sit down on the edge of his desk.
“You wanted to see me?” You say unfazed. He looks you up and down.
“You know I couldn’t wait. You look so damn good In that outfit.” He reaches over and caresses your face. He trails the hand over your breasts and thighs feeling your curves. “Damn” he says under his breath. “I oughta tear you apart right here.” The thought of him fucking you makes your face hot. He smirks at this. " I have a business partner coming in soon so you’ll have to wait.” You display a pouting face and you get off the desk. You face away from him with your hands crossed over your chest.
“How could you tease me like that?” You protest. He places his hands behind his head and relaxes.
“You could do something else until I’m done. But only if you promise to keep quiet and do exactly as I say.” You can’t possibly imagine what menial task he’ll give. Maybe ‘brush the dogs’ or ‘take a walk’. No. You roll your eyes at this. He pounds his fist on the desk “Stop that you Brat!” He orders. You were scared by the loud bang but you are mostly unaffected. “You WILL suck my cock until my meeting is done!” You loose all emotion in your face.
“But why? What if we get caught?” You can’t believe he would suggest something so risky.
“I’ll take care of it. Just get under the desk.” You roll your eyes again and he smacks your tender ass on the way down. “I said stop doing that.” Luckily the desk has skirting around it because you were sure you’d be caught otherwise. It’s cramped but it beats the alternative : getting punished. You start by unzipping his trousers. After moving his undergarments out of the way his large cock pops out. You still can’t believe how enormous it is, no matter how often you see it. You wet your lips and get to work. The buzzer rings and surprises you.
“Hey, come on in” Sykes says. You hear the creaky elevator and a man begins to speak.
"Hey boss, ya wanted to see me?” The man sounds younger. Fresh meat.
You try to be undetectable but some quiet smacks escape your mouth. He grabs your neck and squeezes to reprimand without speaking.
“You haven’t been doing the job Frankie.” He booms. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a small gun. He keeps it low under the desk.
“Oh.” The man has been trapped like a fly in a spider’s web.”I’ve been tryin, real hard. It ain’t easy y'know.”
“Ya know, I can always find someone better for the job. The barrel clicks. You stop immediately because the gun is 4 inches from your ear. He tugs your hair as punishment for stopping. You continue sucking. You are going slowly as not to upset but you fear he could move any second.
“Boss please, it’s been a bad week. I promise I’ll do better tomorrow, I swear. Just give me another chance, Please!” He begs. This tickles Sykes’ ears and he pauses for a moment. The loaded Gun still held under the table.
He pulls the gun out. “You better or I’ll blow your god-damned brains out.” You’ve never heard him threaten someone like this. The man runs to the door but not before Sykes fires a warning shot. “You damn bastard!” He yells. Immediate silence.
Now you two are alone again. He pulls out a fresh cigar and lights it with one hand. He helps you out from under the desk. He holds your face, Smiling with pleasure he says “Good job, it isn’t so hard to follow directions.” Now for the reward.
He places you face down on the desk and removes your panties effortlessly. You feel a hot sting on your ass cheek. You yelp. He pulls away realizing what he’s done. “Got too close. But I like hearing you.” He does this one more time and you let out a cry of pain. He’s getting lost in it. A few more times and he has to stop himself. “Do you like that?” He teases.
“Yes sir”You whine with tears starting to form.
“That’s not very convincing” he smacks your ass. You let out another cry.
He takes one large finger and traces your opening. You shiver in anticipation. He brings his hand up to your mouth and inserts it. “Lube it up for me.” You love the rough feeling of his fingers. You suckle on it for as long as you can, savoring the moment. He pops it out and a string of saliva comes with it. He rubs it on his cock and places it at your pussy. “Beg for it” he says in a low tone. You huff, not amused. “Don’t give me attitude girl!” He shoves his cigar into your bare ass cheek. “I’m not playin' games with you tonight.” You cry in pain. It almost felt good. You know he has a short temper so you push his buttons whenever you get a chance.
He shoves his cock in without warning. You yelp, as you try to adjust to his large size. It would hurt if it weren’t for the fact he is hitting every good spot along the way. You moan in absolute pleasure. He takes a long puff of his cigar while he fucks you nice and slow. You feel every inch go in and out, he stops before the tip comes out. You smell the smoke and you melt. You can’t believe you could ever feel this good in such a situation. He picks up the pace. From his perspective it must feel so good. Your tight pussy, cigar high, everything is right with the world for a moment. Time to change that.
You fake an orgasm. moaning, clenching around him, the entire performance. “DID I SAY YOU COULD CUM YOU BRAT?” He pulls out. “You really don’t learn, do ya?” You lay in wait for the hell that is to come. He pins you face down with one hand. Reeling back his other arm to place a firm spank directly on your ass. Another one. SMACK. “You better learn your place!” SMACK. The pain is unbearable. You almost had forgotten about the burns from earlier. He continues fucking you. “You know what, I think I’ll fill you. Teach you a lesson.” He moves faster. His breathing becomes louder. He grunts and you know it’s over. You feel his cock throb and the hot seed slide into you. You whimper because it feels so good. The feeling of his cock throbbing inside you is heavenly. “good girl”he huffs. He sits back down in his chair and lays back. “Clean it off.” You get down and suck the leftover cum off, making sure to get everything. “Not a drop wasted” he confirms.“Good job, brat.”
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evedreamsof · 1 year
i want more // arana, justin
entry #02
TW: phone-sex Eve comes home from a tiring day and asks Justin for more
It was very tiring being out the whole day: the hospital in the morning, the mall in the afternoon, and then dinner in the evening. She could not argue with the mall and dinner—she loved that part—but the hospital took away a lot of energy. Probably all the walking around, talking to different people, the different tasks that needed to be done, and definitely the screaming and crying of children during the blood extraction. She would have made faces at the child had she not been in front of the medical technician.
Justin had offered to go with her, but she did not want him to get tired after a long day of practice the day before. She kind of regretted it though, especially since she had not seen him for a while. She flopped on her bed and sighed, “This feels so good,” she murmured. Then her phone dinged, and when she checked the sender, she grinned.
Justin: I miss u
Eve: I’m home
Eve: So tired
Justin: Let me give u a hug my penguin 🤗
She smiled and licked her upper lip.
Eve: Just a hug?
Justin: Kisses 😘😘😘
She giggled.
Eve: That’s not enough…
Justin: What do u want?
Eve: It’s embarrassing…
Justin: Yk u should never be embarrassed with me, I don’t judge 😉
Justin: I bite tho 😋
She laughed and decided to continue her teasing.
Eve: I want to be fucked
Eve: Hard
Eve: And I want you to do it
Justin did not reply for a while, which worried her.
Eve: Did I go too far?
Justin: That was so sudden… my dick hardened right away
Eve: Hahaha 😙
Justin: Can we meet up?
Eve: My munchkin…
Justin: Too late I know 😣
Justin: But as soon as we’re married, we’re going to make up for all the lost time
Eve grinned and looked at the engagement ring on her finger.
Eve: We most definitely will
Justin: I love you so much my penguin
Before Eve could reply, her phone rang, and she immediately answered. “I didn’t even get to reply,” she laughed.
“I want to hear you say it,” he replied. “Please.”
She smiled. “I love you too, my munchkin.”
0 notes
honeyabyss · 3 years
Phone calls after Mc returned to the human realm
this man is stubborn, calling you would be like admitting he's gone soft and his pride does not allow that!
so he refuses to call for the first few weeks, keeping himself busy with work of which he has enough anyway
due to all his student council work, a few other tasks of Diavolo and on top of that the usual shenanigans of his brothers, he quickly becomes very stressed
he's at his breaking point and needs someone to talk to so he can release some of his stress before he takes it out on someone else
so he goes to your old room and starts talking as soon as he enters it, only to stop confused when he doesn't see you in the room, remembering only now you left for the human realm
disappointed he sits down onto the bed and curls the blanket around himself
"Their scent is almost gone...Soon it'll be as if they were never here"
he closes his eyes, sighs softly and makes his decision
"Mc? I hope I didn't wake you. I simply thought a conversation would be nice, it's been a while..."
Lucifer's call is pretty casual, he talks about his day, work and his troublemaker brothers, it almost feels like any other day before just this time it is over phone
he does not want to admit he misses you, a) because he'd seem weak and b) he fears what admitting it will do to him, he might just miss you even more
BUT while saying goodbye he accidentally lets a "I miss you" slip, his breathing stops shortly realizing his mistake, he is about to apologize when you say it back
he smiles softly, genuinely relieved about your shared sentiment and whispers "I'll call you again soon then" before hanging up
from then on he calls you every evening and you better jump right away and pick up at the first ringing, because this man is lonely without you
"Congratulations! You're one of our lucky winners of our monthly Devil-Lottery. We'll have to confirm your bank account number with the one given to us when you agreed to participating in the lottery. Would you be so kind to slowly repeat the number-"
this greedy demon will quite literally try to scam you, only to absolutely panic when you hang up on him
he will instantly call you back, constantly adjusting his glasses, a nervous habit he acquired over the years
"H-hey...Mc...uhm, it's me your favourite demon!"
he is relieved you picked up, as it means you didn't block him right away, he stumbles over his words trying to find an excuse why he just tried to scam you
"Ah you know I only did that to test you, you've passed nobody scams my human! You're my amazing human after all! That's why I love you...u-uh I-i mean...nothing...that was a static you must have misheard..."
when you tell him you knew it was him as you recognized his voice, he'll be outraged, screaming into his D.D.D (and probably later getting punched by Lucifer for being so loud)
"What do you mean you already knew?! You dared to hang up on The Great Mammon?
He gets a bit sulky by your reaction, so how about playing into his obvious lie of testing you to make him feel better again
besides trying to scam you Mammon also called to (not so sneakily) check on your wellbeing
now that you're gone he constantly worries about you and he can't do much to help, but if you were actually in need of help due to whatever, trust me he'd fight Lucifer himself for permission to go to you
he'll call you as often as he can, sometimes with a few days of a break in between, asking you about your life and also letting you in on his upcoming money making schemes...please don't tell Lucifer about them
Mammon has learned his lesson though, he'll never try to scam you again, he couldn't bare it if you were to block or ignore his calls
phone calls? Why? You two can just talk about the in-game talk function of this new online game you play, but no real world talk while playing that ruins the immersion!
Levi will rarely call you as he just doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk with you about normie stuff for too long
he normally just spam writes you, ding, ding, ding, one message after another coming in without you being able to respond quick enough
so if gets too much and you decide to just call him so you can have an actual chance of responding, Levi just panics and almost drops his D.D.D
"Mc? D-did you accidentally hit the c-call button? N-no? I-i see no I love you too!!....AAAAAAAh I-i meant I l-l-love t-talking to you too...hehehe w-why would a yucky o-otaku like me say something like that"
poor boy is so nervous he'll say something stupid and will stutter a lot the first few times you call him, he is just not used to talking on the phone
he will laugh nervously over everything and sometimes there'll be a phase of awkward silence, but please don't point it out, Levi is already stressed enough as it is
once he gets used to calls, he'll surprisingly suggests to have a phone call while both of you are watching the new episode of an anime, so he'll be able to talk to you as if you're right next to him, which works out mediocre at first, you have to tell him to be a bit quieter a few times but besides that it's quiet nice
"Ooooooowhooooooah!!! Did you see that? That was amazing, I wish I had these superpowers, I'd save you of every danger like a real hero! W-what do you mean I'm already your hero?"
Yes, you saw and heard it, and your neighbours probably heard Levi...
on the rare occasions Levi calls you he'll often asks you for favours like to buy him this exclusively in the human realm sold limited edition game, of course he isn't like his scummy brother Mammon who'll constantly asks for things and he'll also make it up by sending you stuff you can only get on Akuzon
so calls don't happen very often, but neither if you really mind, you'll still be in contact through messages and games
Satan will be very proper about calling you, he'll check through messages if you're fine with him calling you, so he can be sure you have time and he doesn't bother you
Satan never jumps into a conversation right away (unless he is angry), he makes sure to show interest in you and hold a bit small talk, asking about your day, how you're doing and so on
you talk about many different things with him mostly about your shared interests, but Satan is willing to listen to you ramble about hobbies he doesn't have as well
one thing you two quickly come to do was have book club sessions over phone
"I wish you were still here Mc. I miss my book discussion partner, nobody here has as interesting opinions and views as you..."
back in Devildom you two would both read a book and afterwards discuss your thoughts, and you found a way too keep doing just that
you both write about books, decide on one to read for the week and would than have a phone call where you just talk for hours about the piece of literature you've read
now that you're back in the human realm, the book choices are even bigger as you can read human books as well, you just have to send a copy to Satan, sometimes Barbatos will be nice and pick a book up and deliver it to Satan, or to you if it's the other way around with a demon book
"Oh? No, you're right. I haven't thought about it like that yet...your thoughts are so fascinating!"
Satan will shower you in praise for every little detail that you noticed yet he missed. he genuinely enjoys your phone calls, and though he wouldn't admit it, sometimes he anticipates your call more than the actual book
even though there now is a bigger distance between you two he still feels as close to you as before, not much has changed for him and he knows he'll be able to see you again soon, he'll just have to be patient
"Next week, same time? I'm looking forward to talking to you again. Take care until then!"
"Oh my Lord! You won't believe what just happened!!!"
no greeting or alike, just straight into the discussion
whenever something gossip worthy happens, Asmo is already dialling your number to spill the tea and keep you updated on any Devildom related gossip, even if it won't help you much, it's a nice thought of him keep you in the loop
those are only the spontaneous call though, obviously you can't take these all the time...you still have a life of your own...
you two actually call each other every day at the same time, plus/minus a couple minutes, the water in the tub has to be filled first...yeah Asmo likes to talk you while he is taking his afternoon bath
"Hahh it's so relaxing, warm water caressing my beautiful skin, and the bath bomb today smells so good! I wish you could smell it, or even better I wish we could bathe together!"
*water sloshing noises intensified*
Asmo...no....yes...maybe...just stop, you'll fluster Mc!
"No really! I miss having you here, I'll pamper you all day the next time I'll get to see you. You must already be starved of my beauty, but don't worry my dear, I'm just as starved of seeing your lovely face!"
what to talk about while he is bathing? Anything really if it's about your day, any complains or whatever, just expect a few innuendos of him...that's nothing new though
seriously though Asmo is the guy to talk to about any of your problems, he will listen and try to come up with a solution for you, even if he seems a bit narcissistic sometimes he really cares about you, so use your phone calls as therapy from time to time
"Oh darling, don't worry it'll be okay! I'm here to help...now tell me every detail so I can come up with a plan! I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"
"*munch munch* This one is really good! Mc you should try some...oh"
now that you're back in the human realm, Beels snack times are very lonely, he has just gotten so used to your presence, even sharing his food is normal by now
and let's be honest Beels snack time is 24/7 so he misses you a lot
he feels the urge to call you every five minutes and sometimes even forgets to eat while phone is ringing and he is waiting for you to pick up
but you can't constantly talk with him over phone so the calls often end up on your voicemail where Beel tells you about all the different kind of foods he ate that day
when Belphie catches wind of his twin constantly pestering you, he hides Beels D.D.D so he can't call you all the time
when you're actually able to pick up on his call, Beel will be so happy you can quite literally hear his huge grin while he's excitedly talking about his current snack
"Have you ever tried spicy bat-wings? There opened a new restaurant in town and it's really good!! Next time you're here I'll invite you there. Oh but what if it closes before you're back...ah you'll just have to visit soon!"
though Beel is often disappointed when you don't pick up, he would never hold it against you, he knows he calls quite a lot, but he just misses you and tipping a message while he eats is harder than putting his D.D.D on speaker and talking to you
of course he doesn't only talk about food, he also tells you about how his brothers are doing and how his workout was, or what things he has planned to do at the weekend, all in all Beel is just super happy to share everything of his life with you
on rare occasions he'll call you and be untypically quiet, that happens when he had a fight with his twin, it's not often but sometimes it happens and his first instinct is to call you, because he feels like he can tell you everything so he is very comfortable and trusting with you
"I miss you a lot, you know...but I also know that you think about me daily, every time your stomach rumbles you'll be reminded of me and that makes me happy, I also think about you every time I'm hungry! Hm? But I'm always hungry? That's right! You're always on my mind!"
Listen, his sleeping schedule is very tight, you can't just expect him to call you!
he will call you so rarely and if you call him it might just happen that he is sleeping and has phone on silent...or he's just to lazy to walk to his phone, or he is just not in the mood to talk... he takes any excuse to not be on the phone
Belphie does like talking to you, but he is not the greatest at long conversations so he like messages more
sometimes when he can't seem to fall asleep, he will be the one to call you...in the middle of the night...and you better pick up or he gets annoyed
"What took you so long? I thought you wanted to talk more often and then you leave me hanging for a whole minute? Doesn't matter I would have waited longer with you...."
he is mostly silent through a phone call, his main reason to call you is because he like to listen to you talk, it's calming to him and if he calmer then he might be able to fall asleep again
so don't expect an amazingly deep conversation...
"Mhmmm...hm? Yeah I'm still there. I'm listening keep talking, I love your voice..."
he'll bring up a topic from time to time so you have an inspiration about what to talk about, but most of the times he just lazily hum or making acknowledging noises so you know he is still listening
he will to 100% fall asleep while being on the phone with you, that doesn't mean you're boring, but that he trusts you so much that he is comfortable enough to let his guard down
"Good afternoon! How was the week of my favourite human?...ah don't tell Solomon I said that hahaha"
as the future king of hell, he is a busy man, but he still manages to give you a call once a week, to the same time you two would have normally had your weekly afternoon tea meeting in the castle
with the exchange year over there is not much about your classes to talk about left, but Dia is just as excited about any other topic you decide to talk about, be it the most mundane thing he loves it!
"Oh so you went grocery shopping? That must be fun! Barbatos does it all the time, though I suppose you buy less things...I'd like to see a human market at some point, I wonder if they're very different from ours...oh but I wouldn't really able to tell I suppose, Barbatos and you would need to point out the differences!"
this man can talk without taking a break for hours...you think Asmo is bad? Prepare for Diavolo...
but seriously it never gets boring with him, because he somehow finds good and fun stuff in every activity, I swear give him a vacuum and watch him clean you're whole flat with the enthusiasm of a child getting presents on Christmas
the work of a future king consists of so much paperwork, Dia will have only few events of his week to tell you about, if there is something to talk about there is a high chance it has to do with the brothers
so he'd much rather just sip his tea and listen to you, he'll ask you loads of questions though about anything he doesn't know
sometimes you two forget the time and Barb sadly has to remind you to come to a stop for now
"Mc? Did I wake you? If so I'm terribly sorry...would you be up to talk for a little bit more? I'm not feeling too tired yet"
surprise night time calls from Dia where you'll have to speak silently or Barbatos might reprimand Diavolo for staying up all night and being tired the next day, Dia doesn't regret it ever though, he likes to talk you a lot!
Barbatos is always busy and his schedule can often suddenly change with a new whim of his master, so he can't exactly have a scheduled call with you
so you might not get to hear of him very often
BUT he made it a habit to call you when he is on duty to do the dishes, the chore is somewhat boring to him with no one to distract him
so he calls you and if you pick up, he'll put you on speaker and talk to you about whatever comes to mind while his hands wash one after another of the expensive porcelain of the royal household
"I've bought this new tea which is said to be really nice, it can even be enjoyed cold apparently. It seems to have to just the right amount of sweetness to not get bitter when drank cold...you can still add sugar for extra sweetness, though I believe you're already sweet enough as it is"
no matter what you decide to talk about Barbatos always has at least some knowledge about it, so it's beneficial for both of you, he can tell you the things he knows and you tell him your stuff
"I hope I'm not bothering you too much? There is quite a lot to do today... so it might take some more time..."
you will never get to know that Barb has actually already finished the dished a few minutes ago, but just isn't ready to say goodbye yet
the rest of the employees will be able handle the castle for a bit longer without him, meanwhile he can take a well deserved tea break and listen to you
he very much enjoys the fact he found a way to have some time with you while theoretically having to be at work, as long as he is able to finish all the tasks of his daily schedule, he doesn't feel too bad about his not so legal break
"I fear I'll have to get back to work now, but I loved talking to you today! I hope you enjoyed it as well. I'll talk to you again soon!"
Though Solomon returned to the human realm with you, you haven't heard much of him, being a wise old man sorcerer must be very time consuming
so calls of Solomon might be rare but that doesn't mean you don't write messages every now and then, when he calls you though it's always about something interesting or important to share, he talks about those things rather verbally, the best option for him would be in person, but that doesn't always work so a phone call is the second best option
"My lovely apprentice, how is your studying going? I've found the tome we were talking about last time you were interested in...it took some research to find which sorcerer had it but I brought it back for you. How about I'll drop by you next week? I can help you with your studying then, the tome is written in an older version of the language it might be easier if we do it together!"
Solomon can simply not sit still, so while you're on the phone, he is always tinkering at something and the background noises are sometimes quite peculiar...
Was that a pig squeaking? Are you sure you should be brewing a potion while being on the phone? Isn't it distracting?
Oh Lord was that an explosion?!
"Hmm? Oh yeah...I`m cooking dinner right now! It was just a small explosion though, you know the ones that are regularly happen in the kitchen. Why? Was my cute student worried about me?~ heheh alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you...for now!"
no matter how chaotic, teasing or busy Solomon is though, if you call him and are in need of help, he'll drop everything and run to you
he knows how hard it can be when studying magic, not to mention that the studies are difficult, the constant hiding of any magic in front of other humans is also very nerve wrecking, sometimes you feel like giving up and going back to your normal life, back to your non-magical very human friends that are blissfully unaware of everything happening around them, but you know you could never forget and act as if nothing happened, you'd also miss your new not so normal friends, so when times get hard Solomon will rush to you and comfort you in person or at least calm you down on phone until he is able to go to you
if that happens he is more likely to call you every two to three days just to check in on you
"Hey how is my strong and beautiful fellow human doing? Feeling better yet? Need a shoulder to lean on? I'm at your flat in 10 minutes..."
Simeon is a daily caller as well, he's gotten so used to seeing you every day that he feels quite restless if he doesn't get to hear your voice at least once a day
he asked you to recommend at what time he should call, he doesn't want to restrict you in your daily life, so you both came to the conclusion after dinner would be perfect, as both of you are free for the rest of the day then
He will often write a bit on his TSL scripts, just some notes and inspirations he comes up while talking to you
"How was your day my little lamb? You haven't overworked yourself right? Tell me if you ever need help!"
though Simeon would definitely have things to complain about with how Michael is working him to the bone, he'd rather not worry you so instead he tells you about how Luke is doing and evasively answers you questions about himself
"Oh me? Ah yes, I'm doing fine, just doing the usual archangel stuff you know...Ah please do not worry Mc, my dear! Nothing dangerous!"
over the time his TSL notes turn into random scribbles, rhymes and poems and every now and then something that looks suspiciously like your name
Sometimes Luke crashes the call and wants to speak with you as well so Simeon tries to put the phone on speaker only to end up ending the call and Luke getting frustrated with Simeon and doing it himself
then again Simeon also just accidentally hangs up on you mid conversation, because his fingers hit the button without him noticing, he'll get so confused when you cut off in the middle of your sentence and thinks something has happened to you, only to be relieved when you call back a few seconds later
Simeon is very interested in your day and how you doing, asking you many questions and encouraging you to keep talking
"Oh no please keep talking! You're not overwhelming me at all, in fact I like listening to your voice, it puts even the most melodic voice of an angel into the shadows...hahaha did I make you embarrassed? I apologize, I didn't mean to, I was only telling you my honest opinion!"
Simeon is quite the flatterer, but he often does not notice it, he simply tries to be nice, so a call with him leaves you flustered and stuttering ever now and then, but he is just as quick to blush at a honest and heartfelt compliment
Luke might be an angel, but he is still low ranking and therefore has less assignments, besides studying to become a great angel and doing some minor tasks for Michael, he is relatively free
he often spends his free time in the kitchen constantly trying to improve his baking, now after the exchange year not only to impress Michael and Simeon but also Barbatos, maybe a bit Beel and definitely you!
but as Simeon is still working at these times, he gets somewhat lonely so he'll try calling you to keep him some company
Luke has this habit of speaking the recipes out loud to remember the steps better and be able to able to make them from memory, he got that tip from Barbatos, but he still has his moments where he gets stuck and forgets what to do next, you can notice that when he gets silent and concentrates on trying to remember
"Ah right that was it! I almost forgot about the eggs! Good thing you were here...or well on the phone hehe! You always remember this stuff, you're so amazing!"
when you tell him you simply looked it up in the internet for him, he'll get a bit sulky that he now basically cheated, but with your reassurance that he is already great and can remember so many other steps, he is quickly back to his happy little angel self
"Michael let me help with his conference today I was assistant record keeper today, one day I'll be able to do it alone, bit they're talking so much and so fast...I think I still need a couple centuries until I'm fully ready, but I'm working on improving! You should also try to improve your skills daily! Even a small bit of practice is good! Though I think you're perfect already!"
Luke most definitely learned his flattering from Simeon... he talks about many different things on the phone but repeating topic is Michael...just talking to you makes his day and later he'll tell everything Simeon and he smiles so brightly while he reports to him, please keep talking to him a lot!
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How the mercs are when you pull their collar/tie for a kiss. (maybe a full kiss maybe a cheek kiss it depends) (I got this idea from youtube idk I was browsing when just a cool animation with an oc or something and had a tie pull kiss part and then I was like huh...yep let me use this idea for my writing, also so sorry I don`t have a link for the video since I just skipped passed as soon as it ended so yeah. enjoy) (Sorry not gonna lie this is a bit suggestive maybe, there is a lot of flirty crap) It seems like the s/o (reader) are a bit cheeky today~!
You felt very cheeky today and wanted to revenge on scout for kissing you during a mid-conversation with your best friend. Revenge time baby!! You were thinking of ways to get revenge... Hmm Oh, I shou- Nah... hmmm. Then! You saw scout talking with the other teammate, *Ding!* Oh! I got a gooood idea~! You walked over to him, and you suddenly pulled his collar and kissed his lips. Oh and then- Wh-WH-WHaT!? BANG! That was a critical hit! He was red in an instant. He looked like a lobster. ''Scout that`s what you get for kissing me mid conversation~ you then gave a smirk and left. He was so red he cant even think straight. U-Uhh Um I. The teammate he was talking was laughing so hard, ''Haha scout! Y-Your face is so fucking red I cant *wheeze*'' '' SHUT UP! Ugh...s/o...you are so unfair sometimes...''
You just felt like pranking him you dont know why. You just wanted to see his face of pure shock. You were curious. Hmmm....What should I do... Then you saw soldier sitting at the table reading something. While approaching him you got the idea, oh thats perfect hehe... He then saw you. ''Oh! hello-cupca-'' *you pulled his collar and kissed him roughly* !? w-what. His face was red. (Oh~so thats what he looks like when he is pure shock, hehe its so cute!) He then dropped his book, and you picked it up. ''Oh, soldier what are you reading? It looks interesting'' He was still bright red. He couldn't even for a sentence. ''Well, I, um, I'' Then engi called for you, ''Oh gotta go! See you later soldier~'' This is one of the rare moments when he stutters and is just speechless. By the way, he got revenge by kissing you even more rougher the next day. I guess you are both even now :3
You were just bored, I am booooooorrrreeeed! Then you saw pyro hmmmmmm oh. Yep you the idea out of the blue, sure why not try it out. You approached pyro secretly, (luckily pyro was focused on doodling something) Hey pyro! *Looks back* mmph? you then gently pulled his their suit thing and kissed. !!! Hehe how are you, sweetheart? *pyro still in shock* Hello pyro? You ok? *realize* Pyro covered their face with their hand. AWWW That`s so cute pyro!
You were looking for engi since you asked him to repair your weapon You walked into the workplace damn its messy he must be really busy these days. You saw engi working seriously on something he didt even hear you walk in. You then suddenly decided to give a reward to him. *tap on his shoulder* Huh? *pulls his collar for a kiss* !!!! Hi, engi~! You ok? He was beet red. Even with his helmet covering his face, he still was beet red. ''Oh h-hi s-s/o. Did y-ya just...'' ''Yep! I just wanted to reward you with a kiss since you work so hard :)'' Bang! Y-You have done it again, a cute attack. For the next few days, he was not able to look at your face without blushing madly. Damn it!
...I am sorry but you really cant even if you push/pull with full force he aint gonna budge even with three people he ain`t gonna move. But! That aint gonna stop you either! :3. You wanted to surprise kiss him...that is no easy task....hmmm....what should I do...!. Oh, I got it! You walked to heavy with a smirk, he was laying on the couch. He was awake just tired. You then purposefully made noise (idk like whispering his name, making loud footsteps, etc) when stepping close, so that you let him know that you are approaching. You then look at him face to face. ''Hello s/-'' You then bent down and gave him a smooch, (sorry this might be hard to imagine) !!! He was surprised...pleasantly surprised.
Demoman (Just don`t say anything about the end, it is so random help)
He was always such a cheeky boy!!! It was your turn now! hehe. Then you planned for the ultimate surprise kiss! hmm, what should it be what should it be oh! *the biggest smirk ever* You two were drinking some scrumpy or just chilling in general in the living room. He was drunk you were waiting for the moment hehe... *yawn* I feel like I am dreaming right now~! Oh, you do? *pulls his collar for a kiss* Are you still dreaming sweetheart? hmm? *smirk* *demo blushes but becomes okay quickly* hehe, you are so cheeky s/o~I think this is the best dream ever~! Oh, look a star! Wait what there is no- *He then pulls your collar for a kiss this time more deeper...* I gotcha my star! You are my star *blush* You got me again... *sigh* Haha! Ya but you also got me too so we are even my little star~ :)
Sniper (oh boy)
This is interesting. You were very curious about his reaction. You had this idea for quite a while now...I gonna try this today. It gonna be so cute. You both were heading to the base you both just finished some private missions yey! You guys were walking...holding hands...his hand was so warm damn. You guys were quietly walking slowly approaching the door. Before sniper opened it you stopped him ''Hey sniper bend down, I have to show something'' ''Oh ok.'' When he bent down you took his collar and gave him a big smooch and then whispered in his ear. ''Oh~I just wanted to show my love for you, my dear~'' You then opened the door, ''we`re back!'' He was standing the mad red, (what just happened!?)
Medic (A bit flirty and long just saying)
He was so cheeky, no. the right word should be flirty. But! Sometimes he was off guard you know~ That means its your time to shine :)). He was about to go to battle, he was just preparing at the medic bay for some stuff. You could't go saddly you injured your right arm baddly and needed to heal properly. Medic was a worried little doctor. You were walking around looking for him. You just wanted to say bye before he left for battle. You then saw him, ''Oh hi medic!'' ''Oh hi love...!!! You got out bed!? It is dangerous!'' ''Medic my legs are fine you know? Just my arm.'' ''Still I am worried you will trip over something!'' ''It's fine medic!'' ''NO, it is not.'' His face was so cute right now. (I mean it is always but anyway) He was currently bending down to talk to you face to face. You then took the chance. ''S/o be good an-'' *you pulled his collar and give him a kiss* !!! ''W-What!?'' The mission starts in 1 minute. You then decided time to shine even more and whispered in his ear. '' Fine~ I will be a good~ So you be a good boy too okay? If you be a good boy in battle then I will reward you a kiss ok~?'' He blushed red, then you letted go his collar. ''Lets see how this goes~♡'' You then headed to the hospital bed. The mission starts in 30 seconds. He headed to battle red as a tomato. ''You ok doc-'' ''I am FINE!'' So the question is, was he a good boy during battle and help everyone? Yes~ You know what that means~ Did he get his kiss from s/o? Of course, he did~♡
He was focused on the book he was reading. You didn't feel cheeky or anything you just wanted to surprise this man. It would be so cute~! He always did fancy and romantic kisses. You wanted to try too :3. You have been thinking about what to do, then you got the idea. You tried your best to hide the smirk on your face, luckily spy was focused on the book so he did not notice. Good. You then got off your chair and walked toward his chair. He noticed but didn't bother to look. good. You then walked next to his chair and watched. He was just about to look back! CHANCE!!!. You gently pulled his tie and kissed him softly on the lips. He had a face of shock. You smirked, ''hehe, Did I surprise you, love?'' ''W-wh'' Somebody called for you. ''Oh! I will be right back.'' As soon as you closed the door after you left. *Floof* He was a little red, not bright but just a bit red. (S-S/o`s smirk was so cute, goddamit. They got me...) When you came back he gave you another fancy kiss! ''Oh, mon amour~'' *The room was soon full of giggles* :)
This was fun. This is like the kissing hc but part 2 and a bit different. Wooo I am now fine by the way who asked! I love you all! Hope you enjoyed it. Until, the next post bye! :3
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buckybleu · 2 years
bro now i can't stop thinking about shangqi entering the avengers and reader is set to show Katy and Shangqi into their new headquarters but like reader doesn't know it's them. Until she like, sees them. Katy had kept in touch with reader from time to time but hadn't found a moment to say what happened to her over phone bc it felt more like a thing u say face to face. And she's so shocked and Shangqi was hoping to see her here and apologize for the millionth time but
Wait mid ask i was thinking did shangqi and Katy ever went to ta lo while reader and him were together?
Okay idk I'm just vibing.
So shangqi gets reader alone and Sexy ass Sam comes over and introduces himself with his hand on readers shoulders. Then he says goodbye after a weird talk, kisses reader on the forehead and Shangqi is like :o
Btw this is not a request I'm just like thinking. Thought u may like my thoughts KDJSKSKSKSK
I'm team Sam.
Pairing: Xu Shang-Chi x fem!reader
A/N: I know you said it wasn't a request, but I couldn't help it and let my fingers slip! Also I love your thoughts, don't worry hehe❤️ A little part 2 to Everlasting.
The elevator dings, alerting that you've reached your floor. You swipe your badge to enter the lab as a chorus of cheers abrupt. Some of your colleagues are huddled around a computer screen, intently watching whatever video is playing; ooo's and ahh's slipping past their lips.
"Do you know what's got them all riled up?" From where you're standing, you can only catch glimpses of what looks like action movie of sorts. Dr. Cho hands you a manilla folder, looks over and shrugs her shoulders.
"Not sure, something about a bus ride gone wrong in San Francisco or something."
San Francisco? You try to catch another peak of the video playing but Dr. Cho starts to talk about the upcoming gear improvements for the Avengers. You listen intently to what she's saying and tasking you, but the voice inside your head keeps telling you to call Katy. Something starts to rise from your throat.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You swallow the bitter taste in your mouth, nodding at your boss. "Yea, sorry. I-uh I had something on my mind. Sorry what were you saying, Bucky’s arm calibration?”
Dr. Cho presents the blue prints on her tablet as you start down the hallway. You don't know what this feeling is, but you definitely need to call Katy later.
"Wait, wait. Hold on, you're leaving? Where are you going?" You pace around your office, listening to Katy scatter around her room and shove clothes into a bag.
After recalibrating Bucky's arm, you rushed to your office to give Katy a call. Before you could even click on her contact, Sam had texted you a link to a video.
Baby, you have got to check this out. It's insane!!
Your heart nearly jumps out your chest upon seeing Shang-Chi fighting men on the bus. Especially the one that had a razor for a fist? What the hell was going on? It didn't help hearing Katy's scream.
"Shang-Chi and I are leaving on the next flight out to Macau. He's trying to find his sister."
"Macau? Sister?! Katy, are you sure you and I are talking about the same person?" At this point you don't know what to believe. From the years you've known Shang-Chi, he's never mention anything about a sister.
"Yea it has something to do with their pendants." Katy says nonchalantly as she continues packing, "Hey, do you happen to know what the weather's like in Macau?"
"Katy! Stop for one second! Macau? Why...what. Are you guys okay? Are you hurt?" You take a moment to catch your breath. First the bus video and now a rushed trip to Macau to find Shang-Chi's sister? Nothing is adding up or making sense.
"Look I promise, we'll explain everything when we get back." A car honks in the distance as Katy rushes out the door, "Shang-Chi's here, I gotta go! Talk to you soon!"
"Wait Katy. No, no, please what-" The line cuts off with the dial tone. You press the palm of your hands to your eyes, trying your best to suppress your frustrated tears. Shang-Chi and Katy were leaving to Macau and you had no idea if everything was okay. You don't hear the knock on your door or it opening as your inner turmoil slowly takes over.
You're startled by the hands gently gripping your shoulders.
"Hey, hey it's just me." Sam's warm voice soothes the panic in your chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He presses a kiss to your forehead, arms pulling you into his chest.
Sam chuckles as he tries to decipher your muffling. He pulls away and cups your face, eyes raising in concern. "What's going on, baby? Everything alright?"
You wipe the stray tears with your sleeves, giving Sam your best smile. "I'm good. Just some rushed news from Katy. And I'm just overthinking as usual."
"Hey whatever it is, I'm sure everything's fine. What's that thing you always say about her...she's a tornado and will-"
"Will push through an entire city, tearing up everything in her path." You chuckle, heart growing a bit more that Sam remembered such a miniscule detail.
"Exactly. I'm positive she'll give you a call in a bit. Hmm?" You nod your head and kiss his cheek. "Alright, it's lunch time and I brought my favorite girl her favorite food."
Katy didn't call you back and hasn't answered any of your texts or return your calls. You thought maybe she didn't have international data, but there had to be wifi in the hotel right? It's been nearly a week and nothing. At this point you're about to send Sam and Bucky to Macau to find your friends.
"Dr. Cho, have you seen Dr. Banner? Ms. Reeves's DNA resequencing results from MIT have come in. A novel mutation in the XRCC2 gene was identified." You scroll through your tablet making sure you have the correct data. "Oh, Sam and Bucky also need you to clear their injuries before-"
"Y/N." Dr. Cho's voice is gentle, chuckling at your rambling state, "You're overworking yourself again. Slow it down."
"Sorry Helen." You glance around the lab, not finding the man you're looking for. "Do you know if Dr. Banner is in his office?"
"He's in the conference room right now. Emergency meeting with Wong and Captain Danvers. Should be wrapping up soon-"
A frazzled Bruce Banner suddenly steps through the door, shrugging on his lab coat. "The circus just got bigger everyone."
You and Dr. Cho share confused expressions, not understanding Bruce's comment. As much as you want to question it, you know better than to involve yourself further in the world of the Avengers than you already are.
Katy finally decided to call you back. But nothing about the phone call soothed your worries. If anything, it made you even more confused. The only thing she reassured you was that both her and Shang-Chi were okay.
While she did tell you they found Xialing, Shang-Chi's sister, Katy left out some important details of the trip; including that they were at the Tower today.
Friday's voice chimes through your intercom, "Ms. Y/L/N, Dr. Banner has requested your presence in the main lab."
"Thank you Friday."
Your heels click as you make your way down the hall towards the elevator. You don't think it's anything out the ordinary, probably just a check-in with reports or someone's gear needing to be upgraded.
A text notification pops up on your phone; it's a text message from Katy. Swipe across the notification, eye nearly bulging out your head. It's a photo of Katy and Shang-Chi in front the Avengers Tower.
"What the fuck?" The elevator doors open and you rush out towards Bruce's office. The quicker you find out what Bruce needs, the quicker you can get an explanation from Katy and Shang-Chi.
You're too focused on your phone, furiously texting Katy, when you collide into someone's chest. Their coffee spills all over your blouse, staining the satin fabric.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I wasn-" For the past year you've done your best to move on from the events in San Francisco last Christmas. You've allowed yourself to heal and move on. You found a new love with your boyfriend, Sam Wilson. But seeing Shang-Chi in front of you for the first time in a year, you can feel an unsettling murmur in your heart. "Shang-Chi?"
He chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, funny seeing you here."
"Yea..." There's a pregnant pause and an uncomfortable silence.
"How's working at Stark Industries?"
"What are you doing here at the Tower?"
You both laugh, trying to ease the tension between the two of you. Luckily an excited Katy spots you and practically tackles you to the floor.
"Wow, look at you Ms. Stark Industries. Are you here to give us some cool gadgets for our missions?" You can't help but laugh at her comment, still confused of everything happening and why they're here.
"Gadgets? Why would you need Stark technology for a mission?" You glance over to Bruce who's sipping his coffee. "Hello? Anyone care to explain to what is going on?!"
Shang-Chi and Katy sheepishly step away. You're beyond irritated and just want answers.
Bruce clears his throat, "Y/N, meet the newest members of the Avengers. But it seems like you already know each other."
"Avengers? You mean...Katy...Shang-Chi..I- what?" Your eyes begin to blur, heading starting to feel dizzy. Your breaths are shallow before your line of vision suddenly goes dark.
"How long do you think she'll be out Doc?"
"She should be waking up soon."
Slowly, you start to open your eyes, adjusting to the bright lights in the room. As your vision clears, you see a worried Shang-Chi at the end of your bed. Dr. Cho is to your left making sure all your vitals are good.
"What happen?" You can feel a slight throbbing in your head. The only thing you remember was hyperventilating and blacking out. "What's going on?" The heart monitor suddenly spikes as you try to sit up, mind starting to piece everything back together.
"Hey Y/N, everything's okay. You were overwhelmed with the news and fainted. Let me get you some water and I'll catch you up." You nod at Dr. Cho's assuring words.
You take a deep breath, trying to relax. There's no doubt that Bruce or Helen have alerted Sam of the incident and would be wandering in soon. All you wanted right now was Sam next you, holding your hand.
"I'm sorry." Shang-Chi fiddles with his hands, unable to look at you.
"Shang-Chi, it's fine. Just a little accident. I was just overwhelmed with...well everything."
He finally looks at you, all the memories of before rushing back. "I mean, I'm sorry...for everything with us. I-I miss you. And I promise I wasn't planning to talk to you like this, but-"
Heavy foot steps echo in the hallway before a distressed Sam Wilson rushes to your bedside. He places the flowers and balloons on table and hastily presses kisses to your forehead.
"You okay baby? I was in the middle of training with Bucky when Friday alerted me." Sam cups your face as he check your face and body for any injuries. "Need me to get you anything?"
You smile, shaking your head 'no.' "Just need you."
Sam seals your smile with a peck.
Shang-Chi's heart drops at how tender and loving you gaze at Sam; a longing expression you once gave him. He swallows the lump in his throat, "I'll leave guys be. I'm glad you're feeling better Y/N."
You give Shang-Chi a small smile, thanking him. Sam shakes Shang-Chi hand, "It's nice to meet you man. Welcome to the team."
Shang-Chi quietly exits the med-bay, not before taking one last look at you. You're laughing at whatever joke Sam told you; you're genuinely happy. And that's all he's ever wanted for you. Even if it's not with him.
All errors and mistakes are mine!
A/N #2: Team Sam FTW 💖
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svchengss · 3 years
hey barista! | l.dh
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summary | befriending the barista from your local cafe doesn’t seem too bad
pairing | lee donghyuck x fem!reader ft. jaemin who’s a rlly cute side character in this :(
genre | fluff, angst, slight humour (?)
warnings | a kiss?? i don’t think there’s any but if i missed anything do lmk !!
word count | 3k+
s. tg | @hyuckefi [my apologies since i didn’t release a proper teaser for this 🙏🏻]
author’s note | this is my first fic exceeding 1k words so if u enjoyed reading this, please leave some feedbacks !! rb’s are also appreciated :D ALSO I SUCK AT SUMMARIES LMAO PLS IGNORE THAT
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just another day of working at palm coffee, the same old routine. cleaning the countertop and tables before opening up the cafe, prepping the ingredients - more for top favourites! - and examining the machines to make sure they’re working properly. that’s some of hyuck’s daily routines as a barista. he didn’t mind them though, he loved his job. he couldn’t specify the reason why but all these tasks are genuinely interesting to him.
seeing you drop by the cafe is a normal occurrence for him. since you are a regular customer after all, the rest of the staff already know you well. heck, they’re even good friends with you. jaemin hangs out with you more than he does despite being jaemin’s childhood friend. except for him, he doesn’t really know why. he’s not really shy, considering the fact that he’s a social butterfly. he just couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you, the only times he did so was to take your orders when the rest of the workers were busy in the store.
upon hearing the doorbell chime which signals a new customer entering the cafe, hyuck blurted out the usual line. “hello, welcome to palm coffee! how can i help-“, looking up from the cash register only to find you in a disheveled state. “-you?” he eyes you up and down, noting how a few strands of your hair were out of place, the nude lipstick smeared on the left corner of your mouth and your outfit looks really rushed. 
“sorry, what was your name again, hyuck right?” you quickly glanced at the nametag hanging nicely on his apron. “i’m in a rush right now, can i get a,” you scanned over the menu behind him, “uh, white coffee, please?”. 
“that will be six dollars. you can use the restroom in the meantime to, you know, touch up your makeup and stuff,” he takes the bills from your hand, putting them in the machine in front of him before flashing you with that warm smile of his. you wished him a quick thanks before disappearing into the back of the place.
now that was embarrassing.
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your eyes scanned over the hall to find your friend before hearing her shout your name from across. damn, why does she have to be so loud? stares were directed towards you as you walked up the stairs to your designated seat. all the chatter going on in the lecture hall became quiet as soon as your professor placed her things on the desk, which means class has started. 
after hearing a two-hour lecture and writing some notes - where suddenly song lyrics and scribbles appear - the words you’ve been waiting to hear finally echoed through the speakers. 
“class is dismissed, thank you everyone for listening,” mrs. hui’s voice later being flushed out by the buzzing voices of the students walking out the hall, determined to finish their own activities. you stuffed your ipad and papers into your light yellow jansport backpack before going out to meet vic who’s waiting for you outside. 
“i’m exhausted, what did she even teach just now?” vic sighed to her heart’s content. you can’t blame her, today’s topic was quite complicated. circuits analysis or something? you can’t really wrap your head around it, your brain being stuffed with all the information. vic kept on ranting  about the problems she faced from the moment she woke up, making you giggle at some comments she made. 
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“wait for me, i’m almost done,” he folded his apron neatly before shoving it into the drawer and grabbing his bag from the counter to join jaemin, who’s waiting at the front door with the keycard. hyuck accepted jaemin’s request to help him with some shopping for his sister’s birthday party next week. obviously, the rest of the staff were also invited. 
jaemin divided the shopping list into two, allowing hyuck to find the rest of the things with ease.
“now where are the streamers…” he muttered out loud enough for himself to hear, crouching down to browse through the party decorations on the shelf. or he thought so, as you could hear him sighing clearly in dire need of the certain decoration, that you decided to help him out. 
“um, hyuck? i think the party streamers are in the aisle beside this one? you look a bit troubled there,” you chuckled lightly. the heat flushed to his cheeks, feeling dumbfounded. 
“really? uh, thank you for the help,” he gave you a small grin that could hardly be seen if you didn’t spot the corner of his lips. and with that, he’s long gone with his shopping basket.
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you are fond of the atmosphere you’re in right now. the decorations left you in awe - white and pink silk hanging from the wall with silver letter balloons spelling out happy birthday stitched onto them. you can see jaemin’s sister, eun-ji, being carried out of her room with a small flowy white dress and wearing a golden bow on her head, her brunette hair being tied into ponytails. the na family really adore their youngest girl.
meanwhile, there are only a couple of adults your age attending the party -  jaemin’s co-workers, some of his other friends which you aren’t familiar with and hyuck. he looked rather chill, with an oversized beige sweater and white jeans to suit the party’s theme. you’re not quite bad as well, your hair combed nicely and kept neat with a headband, a white sundress with strawberry patterns on it fit nicely on your figure, complemented with a heart-locket necklace placed on your collarbones. before reaching jaemin’s house, you made sure to drop by a local store to get some gifts for eun-ji. she’s a very well-mannered kid which made you adore her very much.
“y/n? very glad to see you here,” hyuck said as he approached you, offering you a plate of cake which he cut.
“i could say the same to you too, mr. lee,” you let out a soft laugh. he made sure to keep a mental note over how pretty you looked today.
“y/n, hyuck! glad you two broke the ice, did you know how hurt i was seeing you two act like strangers whenever y/n came by the cafe?” jaemin enveloping you into a small hug before fake pouting. you can only laugh at the fake debate the two guys in front of you were having. after conversing with hyuck and jaemin for quite some time, you realised that he’s a cool person to talk to, where all this time, you thought he hated you for some reason. before leaving, you made sure to thank mrs. na for hosting the party and off you went home. 
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following the previous encounters, hyuck felt much more comfortable around you - even hanging out with you during his shift where you would do your assignments at the cafe he’s working at. every now and then, he would also invite you to hang out with him and jaemin. however, what he didn’t realise was how he slowly pent up feelings - romantically. 
ding dong!
he pressed on the doorbell button with a box of doughnuts in his left hand. the three of you were supposed to be having a movie night, but jaemin got caught up with his groupwork which leaves the two of you alone. 
“hey hyuck! come in,” you gestured, arranging the cushions on your sofa to make it look more organized. the interior of your rented apartment is calming, the light grey walls suiting the navy blue sofa and furniture with darker undertones. the walls are also not left empty, with modern art portraits hanging from it. 
“i brought donuts, your favourite, right?” he opened the box, placing it on the coffee table while you set up the television. you wished him a quick thank you before grabbing two canned drinks from the refrigerator, handing one to him and pressing play on the remote control. you two weren’t quiet throughout the whole movie, with snarky comments on how hot the actors were or how stupid they were being were made. 
he didn’t know you were sleepy though as all of a sudden, he could feel the weight of your head on top of his shoulder. it was a rather awkward situation as he didn’t move at all so you could sleep comfortably. before long, he joined you and dozed off to wonderland. the next morning, you were more than embarrassed to find yourself cuddling up to him, with the next movie still playing on the screen.
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seeing your figure outside the front door made hyuck more excited to greet you today. after making a quick order for a green tea latte, you fished out your purse from your handbag, feeling frantic if you’ve lost it outside. luckily, you were the only customer in line as the rest of them were already seated and carrying out their own businesses.
“sorry, but i think this might be yours,” you turned around to find a tall-looking guy handing out your black purse. a wave of relief washed over your soul, thanking the latter profusely.
“mind if i buy you a drink? i hate feeling like i owe someone,” you offered, which he gladly accepted. 
“i’d like a double espresso, please,” he kept his hands into his pockets. 
“and your name, sir?” hyuck looked mildly bothered.
“yukhei,” he ran his slightly blonde hair through the slender fingers. hyuck hated how cocky he looked, feeling more annoyed than ever over the scene that was played in front of him just now. he hated how yukhei looked at you. 
why should he get jealous? he’s just a mere friend to you, that’s all. you have to stop overreacting, hyuck. 
those words kept running through his mind all day.
“dude, are you okay? you looked-” jaemin opened the staff room, interrupting him from the self-talk he was having, “-distracted,” finishing up his sentence. 
“nope, i’m just fine,” he said, bringing the honey smile back onto his face. jaemin nodded before disappearing back to the front to serve the customers. 
stop being so jealous, hyuck. you’re just a friend. not more, not less. 
“jaemin, how do you know if you like someone?” that question is kind of shocking to him, especially if it’s coming from hyuck. of course, he’s had a crush before but it was during middle school. just a silly, little crush. growing up, he’s never had one - not even in high school.
“you’ve asked the right person,” jaemin managed to do his obnoxious voice, even while driving the car. he’s right, he is the matchmaker of the friend group, just how many relationships worked out because of him? eyes still focused on the road - he’s a responsible driver of course, he began to explain the feeling to hyuck, making his points loud and clear.
“first of all, you start feeling a little too happy whenever you’re around them. and no, this is not the oh-we’re-best-friends-forever type of happy, it’s the i’ll-make-you-the-happiest-person-on-earth one. not to forget, you will also experience some kind of turbulence in your heart, expect them to be jumping around a bit. or a lot, whichever suits you the best.
you also tend to feel nervous around that person. like, stuttering your words in obvious or non-obvious ways, feeling faster heartbeats than usual, you name it. oh! if you’ve ever felt jealous whenever they are around someone else, i mean, in affectionate ways, you might have one. however, my tip is for you not to act out of your mind. you don’t want to ruin whatever relationship you have currently, do you?” even when driving, he still managed to deliver his points with full precision and accuracy. 
nodding his head, hyuck took some mental notes to be thought through when he gets home. 
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hyuck stared at you, whose figure is snoring soundly on his lap. he assumed you must be feeling exhausted, mid-terms just ended after all. while threading his fingers through your hair, he remembered what jaemin said to him weeks earlier.
1. being happy around them
like jaemin said, it is normal to be happy around your friends. but being with you, it kind of gave more joy for him. not to mention that he started to catch himself smiling over your texts and being reminded of you over small things - your favorite donut topping, the name of that one stray puppy you gave. 
2. feeling nervous around them
his heart would beat a lot faster whenever you get closer towards him, whether accidentally or to mess with him. 
3. getting jealous over someone else
he shouldn’t be jealous of how yukhei looked at you. but he seriously can’t help it. and the way he’s always there during your hangouts. he doesn’t care if he seems petty, yukhei just isn’t in his favour.
his deep thoughts came to a halt when you called out his name, eyes still half-closed, attempting to open them a bit more. 
“did i interrupt you or something? gosh, i’m so sorry,” you quickly stood up but he pulls your body back onto his lap, asking for you to stay.
“what are we?” that question caught you off-guard. the same one that has been at debate in the back of your mind these days. 
i don’t know hyuck, it’s complicated. 
“what do you think we are, hyuck?” you shot the question back at him, your gaze piercing through his soul.
“i don’t know. it’s just-” 
“are you sure?” a deep sigh left your lips. have you been interpreting his body languages wrong? did he only see you as a normal friend, nothing more? 
“sorry, i’m not feeling well. see you later hyuck, bye,” you tried your best to shoot the sweet smile of yours but only a faint one seemed to appear. once you stepped out of the room, he buried his face into his hands. 
god, what have i done?
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“don’t feel too down, y/n. maybe there’s something more that he couldn’t bring himself to say?” vic suggested, handing you some tissue.
“i don’t know, i seriously have no idea. why can’t he just say it?” you continued to sob into her arms, she pitied you, especially in your condition right now. but she can’t do anything to help you, other than consoling and listening. 
jaemin knew something was wrong, from your rare visits to the cafe to hyuck not being himself lately. something was definitely wrong and it’s between the both of you. sure, hyuck might be saying that he’s fine again and again, but his expressions can’t lie. the sweet smile of his is long gone and his jokes are no longer heard. whatever it is, jaemin is determined to solve it. he just wants his best friends back. 
looks of dismay can be read all over hyuck’s face when the person facing him is no other than the guy himself, yukhei. still, he tried to control his composure, not making his inner feelings any more obvious.
“so what brings you here?” he took a sip of the mineral water, still making his throat rough from the tension hanging in the air. 
“look, i’m not here for any fights. i know you like y/n, everybody can see it. and honestly, you were oblivious to your own feelings,” he rubbed his hands together. the latter’s puzzled face made him continue his words.
“i’m not trying to make her like me, or whatever you’ve been assuming. sorry if i gave the wrong message but you are the one who should make a move. i can see from the way she looks at you, the feelings are mutual,” he straightened up the denim jacket outside the white shirt wrapping his figure. 
letting out a heavy sigh, hyuck’s face begins to soften up. “no, i should be the one who’s sorry. i’ve been such a prick to everyone around me lately, especially you,” he took of the cap from his head, messing up his hair. 
“no problem, bro. it’s understandable, i guess. now good luck with her, please treat her well,” the two guys exchanged a fist bump for the problem solved. jaemin leaned his back against the wall, smiling and feeling satisfied.
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you called out jaemin’s name but to no avail. he invited you to his apartment but seeing that the lights are out, it’s clear enough that he hasn’t finished whatever he was doing yet. just as you were about to leave, you saw hyuck at the other side of it, both your faces mirroring the same look of confusion.
“so, uh, how have you been doing these days? it’s been a while since we talked,” he chose to break the silence. now, you two were sitting facing each other by the balcony. inhaling the breeze, you paused for a moment before responding to his question.
“i’ve been feeling, not as usual. definitely not happy but not that sad,” you pushed some of the loose hair strands hanging on your forehead behind your ears before asking about his.
“you know what, i’m just going to be direct with you. i, lee donghyuck have been holding feelings for you since i don’t know when. yeah sure, i wasn’t really sure at first about what i was going through. i guess i was just scared of how you would react,” he scratched his ears which are not feeling itchy at all, but rather an attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming emotions deep inside him. 
not wanting to waste time any longer, you placed your right hand onto his cheek, standing on the heels of your feet to bring your two lips together. the kiss was short before he pulls you back in for another, this time a more passionate one. he could feel you smile against his lips before enveloping your body into his arms.
“i’ve missed you, you know?” he whispered, his voice tender, directing right into your ears before you replied with how you missed him more. the both of you continued to whisper sweet nothings while embracing each other’s presence. 
jaemin looked at the both of you from a distance, his heart swelling with pride. 
— another pair of lovers matched, cupid jaemin signing out.
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randomprose · 3 years
one thing i love about svsss is that we never had much info about the other peaks so it's basically a free for all for OC creation. that being said, i hc that SQH has one (1) female head disciple and three (3) inner disciples who are triplets.
SQH's head disciple is a no-nonsense young woman who assists SQH on his daily peak lord work. meanwhile, the triplet inner disciples are in charge of the other peaks. four (4) peaks for each of them so there's a proper delegation of tasks.  they all report to SQH at the end of the day.
the triplets are from a family of assassins who had a life debt owed to SQH because he once gave a member of their clan tips on how to grow their crops because a very specific PIDW monster used to terrorize their lands which left their people starving.
SQH’s head disciple came from a family of elite warriors (whom the triplets’ family serves) and her mother was once traveling in a caravan attacked by thugs while SQH was on his way making deliveries. he passed by the very pregnant woman trying to hide from her assailants and smuggled the woman on his cart to get her to safety.  
their families learned of SQH's ascension to peak lord and vowed to serve him by sending in their heirs, their very best.
listen, the real clincher here is SQH didn't know that his most trusted and favored disciples are OP assassins and warriors. he just thinks they're his cute little disciples who are always helpful and always makes sure to An Ding peak runs smoothly even when SQH is away.
SQH only learns about his disciples' OP backgrounds during, well, when MBJ came to cang qiong for the duels to be had in the process of picking up the "bride”, that is to say, SQH.
there was a bit of a squabble among the peak lords about who will challenge MBJ for SQH's honor because, despite whatever SQH thinks, his martial siblings actually care for him. LQG was adamant to be the challenger but it was decided that SQQ will face mbj considering he somehow seems to be the closest to SQH.
MBJ is ready to face the immortal master despite his reservations considering SQQ is LBH’s consort. perhaps this is why cang qiong has chosen SQQ. stiil, MBJ will face this difficult challenge for SQH. but when MBJ got to SQQ, the peak lord merely hummed and tapped him on the shoulder with the guard of his fan and said, "he's your problem now."
MBJ is a little confused but doesn’t question it and just bows to SQQ nonetheless. that was...unfathomably easy. he starts to think that this whole procession will be easy if the rest of the challenges will be nothing more than just for formalities. but then he got to An Ding and who should be standing there in challenge but SQH's inner disciples and his head disciple.
SQH, in the distance: my king! please go easy on my kids! 
MBJ, who took it to heart when sqh once said his disciples are like his children: this king will go easy on our children 
SQH: wait what
first up are the triplets, who attacked MBJ all at once and with deadly precision. they put up a good fight against the demon lord considering they're from a family of assassins. they use teleportation talismans to overwhelm MBJ on all sides. MBJ enjoys himself and defeats them by trapping them in ice cages.
the final challenger is SQH's head disciple. she smiled at MBJ pleasantly with a jovial wave and a greeting of, "hello, your highness! forgive this disciple's insolence but this is for shizun's honor after all!" MBJ just nods and waits for her to attack.
SQH's head disciple fought well and good enough for the fight to last half a shichen. it ends on a draw with her sword against MBJ's neck and an obsidian ice sword on hers. she smiles, taps out with a bow, and thanks mbj for going easy on her.
meanwhile, SQH is losing his shit! he honestly didn’t expect them to fight?? he just thought his cute disciples prepared silly games for his king!! how!! is he just finding out NOW?!! that his disciples are trained assassins and warriors?? no offense, this shizun loves you all dearly, but why are you guys in An Ding?? Bai Zhan peak is Right There!!
then they reveal their families' debts to SQH which of course he DOES NOT and CANNOT remember for the life of him lol 
SQH: where do u even find the time to train?! 
head disciple: oh, you don't have to think about that, shizun 
triplet 1: yeah! don’t worry you're pretty little head about it! 
triplet 2: the challenges are over! go and get married! 
triplet: his highness has been waiting long!
do other disciples cooperate more with An Ding now after witnessing SQH has assassins for inner disciples and a warrior for head disciple who just fought a demon? hell, yeah of course.  
does Bai Zhan try to recruit them? totally. they will remain in An Ding though thank you. but an invite for an occasional spar on their free time sounds nice. 
another thing SQH find funny about them is that...they actually like the monotony of An Ding work considering their backgrounds. An Ding is peaceful, steady, and routinary. they find comfort in that.
anyway, just imagine SQH with a literal trained protection squad and he doesn't even know it lol. MBJ is at peace knowing that SQH will always be safe wherever he is.
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cj-sparkss · 3 years
hi! can i please get armin and prompt 4?
physical affection event
a/n | ofc! hope u enjoy <3 warnings | none.  category | fluff  wc | 1.4k +  pairing | armin arlert & reader
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physical affection event | prompt 4 (a hug after not seeing someone for a long time)
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it’s been a stressful day. 
sticking your keys in the lock, you twist as they jangle, opening the front door to your apartment. lazily stumbling in, you immediately throw your grocery bags to the side on the floor, sluggishly throwing your shoes off into some unknown corner. closing the door with your foot, you lock it and slowly trudge your way to your bedroom, not even bothering to switch on the lights. 
you’ve been running all over the place completing countless errands, taking care of little matters that have been piling up on your to-do list, and just everything that needed to be done. you’re tired. 
falling face-first onto your bed, you sink into the soft mattress, sighing happily as your body melts into the pillowy sheets. after your long day, sleep slowly creeps up from behind you, your eyes beginning to feel droopy as they flutter closed. 
you’re about to succumb to your sleep until you feel your phone vibrate against your thigh in your pocket, a loud ding echoing throughout the bedroom. 
squeezing your eyes shut in frustration, you loudly groan, stuffing your hand into your pocket, pulling out the device. squinting your eyes at the brightly lit up screen, you peer at the name on the phone. 
{armin} hii sweetheart :)
after you read the notification, your eyes immediately widen in surprise at the sudden text. your smiling, eyes sparkling and you don’t even realize it, and suddenly you aren’t mad about the interruption anymore. 
opening the text, you reply back. 
{you} hi baby
he replies fast, making sure not to leave you waiting. 
{armin} how was your day? 
{you} it was good, i finally got all those errands i was telling you about done. what about you?
{armin} i’m glad to hear that. mine was good. 
i miss you though
your heart drops at his words, the fond smile on your face lessening. armin has been away for a few weeks now, over in a different city completing some tasks. you miss him, and not being able to see his calming smile next to you every day is part of the reason you’ve been feeling uneasy. 
{you} i miss you too :( 
{armin} can i call you?
{you} of course
without a second to spare, the call rings on your phone, armin illuminating the screen in bright letters. you pick up, sitting upright in your bed, and bringing the phone to your ear. 
“hello?” your voice speaks smoothly through the line.
“hi love, how are you?” armin asks, his sweet voice music to your ears. you hear quiet shuffling in the background.
“i’m good armin… i just miss you so much.” you shift so that you’re lying on your side, closing your eyes as you sink into the heavenly mattress. 
“i miss you too, love. only a few more days.” he reassures, his voice soft and comforting. you try to imagine him and his big blue eyes, right there with you, holding you in his arms as you fall asleep.
“a few more days…” you mumble, growing even more tired by the second, your grip on the phone slowly loosening.
“are you okay? you sound out of it.” you can hear the heavy concern laced in his voice, even through the screen. 
you smile softly, nodding your head as if he could see you. “yeah, i‘m fine. just tired. it’s been a long day.”
“i’m sorry, have you eaten? i hope you didn’t forget to drink water today, you know i’m not there to remind you.” 
you chuckle at armin’s worries, silently happy that he’s still making sure that you’re taking care of yourself. “yeah, yeah, mr. blue, i drank some water.” 
you can hear him lightly laugh his nickname, given to him by you. “okay, good.” more shuffling can be heard in the background, something like light footsteps, and a button being pushed. 
you furrow your eyebrows at the strange sounds over the phone. “armin? what's all that noise? what are you doing this late?” 
“hmm? oh, nothing. just getting something.” 
“okay…” you trail off, sleep threatening to return as you snuggle closer into the pillows. 
“i saw something cool today that reminded me of you. wanna hear about it?” he asks, his voice sounding in your ears. 
“mmm…” you barely reply, just mumbling some incoherent words as sleep takes over. 
he chuckles. “angel, are you still with me?” 
you hum again, prying your eyes open, but failing and closing them again. “yeah, sorry. just really, exhausted.” 
“okay, i’ll let you sleep. but just one more thing,” he says. 
“hmm? what is it?”
“can you open the door for me?” 
you pause. “what? armin, what do you mean-“ 
you're interrupted by a series of knocking on your front door, the sound causing you to immediately snap your eyes open. you furrow your eyebrows, sitting up from your position on the bed. 
armin’s silent on the other side of the line as you slowly drag yourself out of bed, standing up straight and heading for your door. “baby?” 
you pad down the hallway, finally switching on the lights around your apartment and placing your phone on a nearby table. more knocking sounds on the door. you yell out, “coming!”
hesitantly, you unlock everything, placing your hand on the doorknob and slowly twisting as your heart speeds up. could it be…
you pull it open, and the person standing on the other side puts the biggest smile on your face. “armin!” you exclaim.
he gives you the signature smile that you’ve missed oh so much, bringing the phone down from his ear and slipping it into his pocket. “hi love.” 
not wasting a moment, you rush into him, wrapping your arms around his body as he stumbles back a few steps due to the momentum. he chuckles, tightly enveloping you in his arms, squeezing your body even closer to him. 
you immediately snuggle into him, taking in his familiar sweet vanilla scent. armin places a chaste kiss into the crown of your head, nestling into your hair. “i missed you so, so much,” he speaks against your head, and you can feel him smiling. 
“armin... i missed you. i thought you weren’t going to be here for a few more days?” you ask, squeezing him even tighter. 
“i wasn’t, but i just couldn’t wait to see you. so i wanted to surprise you.” 
you sigh, “you’re too sweet.” 
he pulls away from you, enough so that he can study your face clearly. he frowns, his eyebrows furrowing the more he looks at you. he reaches an arm to your face, softly stroking your cheek with the back of his hand, then using his thumb to soothingly rub under your eyes. “you must be really tired, hm?” 
you silently nod your head, gazing back into his eyes. 
armin smiles softly at you, bright blue eyes filled with compassion and love. he slightly backs up, taking one of your hands in his. he brings it to his lips, placing a gentle and lingering kiss on your knuckles. “let’s go to bed.” 
armin walks into your apartment, closing and locking the front door. he leads you to the bedroom, switching off the lights as you pass. 
pulling you into the bed with him, you both lay on the soft mattress facing each other, armin wrapping his arms around your body. he rests his forehead against yours, pulling you close to his body, surrounding you in his warmth and scent. 
“baby, can you tell me what you saw today that reminded you of me?” you ask, looking up at him. 
he smiles, “are you sure you won’t fall asleep?” 
“i‘m sure.” you nuzzle into his neck, softly scratching his undercut with your hand, sighing contently.
“okay, love.” armin continues on, telling you about his day and what he saw.
as he speaks, getting lost with his words, you feel your eyes start to flutter closed, and you don’t even bother fighting against it, sleep lulling you away. 
“- and then,” suddenly noticing that you stopped replying, armin looks down at you, wondering what happened. when he realizes that you fell asleep, he shakes his head, smiling to himself at how cute you look in his arms. 
“i knew you were going to fall asleep…” 
he leans down, placing a soft and lingering kiss on your forehead, and then brushing a piece of hair out of your face. 
“i love you.”
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