#and i have to work thru Thanksgiving and i might not get that much time off at Christmas bc theres a project that keeps getting pushed back
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#god. im so sorry. ive apparently dragged myself up enough that i can now be v annoying abt my problems on the internet#anyway. the thing abt me is that ppl just cant say things to me. like the casual way ppl do#like oh we should do X thing or u should do X thing. bc i just go. ok r u... r u actually saying this is a thing that has to heppen?#like??? is this someone i have to be wary of now? and if its u should do X thing i cant just let it go#like Thursday my boss was like: u should watch a movie or something this weekend bc she was telling me to chill for a sec#bc i can only imagine how fucking miserable i looked last week#and now im laying here like. i didnt watch a movie. i didnt watch a movie. i said i would and its the end of the weekend and i havent#watched a movie. but like i dont even want to watch one?#and like if u tell me to chill its like. ok so i have to not work this weekend. ok but i have all these things i have to do. but i cant do#them bc i have to chill. so i get stuck in this agony loop where im just laying here paralyzed#which ive basically been doing for the past 2hrs. like i have so much to do. but i have to relax but also i have personal projects that#need to get done. and if i just lay here it counts as relaxing right? despite the fact im spiralling#i just cant focus. i vascilate too much between too many tasks and therefore accomplish nothing#so did i relax this weekend? well i didnt get much done so fml#ugh. its so annoying. im just so bored. maybe i should just sleep#i dont think ive been sleeping well. ugh. i dont understand how ppl can just like shut off the part of their brain that goes#ding! u have a task to do. ding! u have a task to do. ding! ur wasting time. ding! just imagine everything u could be getting done!#and i have to work thru Thanksgiving and i might not get that much time off at Christmas bc theres a project that keeps getting pushed back#my boss is moving schools January 1 but she really wants to b there for this project thats gonna kill me so like maybe we could squeeze it#in before Christmas? maybe? if i dont take a fucking break. which is stupid bc its my choice i literally dont have to but i cant just#forget that she wants to see it so whatever. ive been such a fuck up recently that i feel like i should make it up somehow#but thats stupid bc i should just take a long break bc im v obviously not doing well. but at this point idk if that would fix anything#i just need to leave. but rationally i should stay until next August bc money. but god at what cost#ugh y have i dont this to myself? last year around this time i was doing 10hr days 6 days a week on part time pay. and now im like hm y am#i all used up now? why am i so bitter? bc actions have consequences mate#sigh... so annoying#unrelated
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figureofdismay · 4 months
i've been going over tfx s1 and s2 with a fine tooth comb and going by how the episodes are written vs the time stamps or the air dates and imo it makes the most sense for the pilot to have taken place in ~March of 1993, and then a bit of a gap to Deep Throat 1.02, allowing for a couple unseen cases getting used to each other but not so much that Mulder doesn't ditch her-- and of course Scully's taking that security guy hostage so readily is still quite a statement about a partner she's had for a month. Then a longer gap to Squeeze 1.03, like ~late May/early June '93, to give the rumour mill to whip up the 'Mr. and Mrs. Spooky image, with Conduit-Jersey Devil-Shadows-Ghost in the Machine taking place through the summer to September-ish of '93 and Ice being like mid October.
I also assume that Fallen Angel is right after thanksgiving because despite the noted dates, it makes the most sense for Mulder to have slipped away during the holiday weekend, only to need bailing out. Scully probably got the call while staying at her mom's while frying stuffing-n-egg breakfast fritters 😂.
Though there's a problem with that headcanon, because Mulder broke is leg and he isn't even limping in Eve, and obviously Beyond The Sea has to take place last week of Dec '93 and the very beginning of '94, which logically is when Mulder when Mulder would be getting his cast off if he was injured just after Thanksgiving 🙃. Still, the airdates ~basically line up on Space thru Beyond the Sea, but again there must have been a bigger than airing gap between BtS and Gender Bender to account for Mulder's gunshot wound and for Scully to find more equilibrium.
This timeline makes EBE line up with round about the anniversary of their first case, which seems fitting and interesting. A year after Billy Miles in the woods and they're still chasing phantoms.
If you account for extra recovery time around Darkness Falls, that also puts Tooms almost a year out from Squeeze, which makes sense with the plot of the parole board seeing his case already. Then they get split up some time in June '94 and end up working apart through summer with Scully's abduction taking place at the beginning of September and her return in November. 8 to 10 or weeks seems like a workable compromise between how much hope they characters around her had all given up in her absence and how much plot they tried to fit in around her abduction in the same season. The canonical 'four weeks' number simply doesn't cut it, but the oft stated '3 months' and '4 months' i've seen used in fandom, while feeling weighty enough, also runs into logistical problems.
also, ugh, if I pad in the recovery time for Scully to get back on her feet after her return, that means Firewalker takes place at the end of November or beginning of December, that means she would spend her first Christmas in quarantine in 1994. Which does sound like something that would happen to Scully! She might get home in time for New Years?? But if you go by the airdates she misses Thanksgiving, so either way it's a major american-christian family in a CDC facility in the Cascades. No wonder her family hates Mulder a bit 💀.
If you go with the Dec dates for Firewalker, it pushes the middle of S2 forwards a bit and makes it so that Mulder ended up trading the 'Samantha' hybrid clone for Scully around about 2nd anniversary of their first case together. Which is also. Something an half, I gotta say. Really, really interesting bags of subtext there, potentially! 👀
I'm not sure that I'm going to still be working on the fic this is for -- I'm supposed to on therapeutic advice on the grounds of desensitization to triggers (writing), but even so it'll be slow going. So I wanted share the version of the timeline I'd worked out that leaves a bit more breathing space for emotional development, and has a couple interesting anniversaries. In case anyone found it interesting or wanted to run with any of that, or also found the supposed 'canon' timeline claustrophobic and contradictory in terms of vibes vs stated dates.
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
Fourth Master list!
Minors do not interact!
All writing is original work by @harlowcomehome and is not to be used or posted on any other platform by anyone that is not me. Thank you.
“Tell me you love me.”
Part two.
Part three.
Part four.
Part five- final.
Summary: You and Jack have been best friends since high school. You’re tired of him dating people who don’t deserve him, do you finally tell him how you feel? (Angst series!)
“Take it easy.”
Summary: Jacks been really exhausted lately so you suggest to put wedding planning on hold.
“Turkey day!”
Summary: Your first time hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your house.
“My favorite things.”
Summary: Fluff piece about the early days of your relationship with Jack.
“Spread thin.”
Part two.
Summary: You and Jack have been on and off for two years now, will this finally be the end?
“Screen time.”
Summary: Jack and Y/N have a conversation about their future parenting styles.
“Don’t touch the belly!”
Summary: You and Jack go to his families house and everyone wants to touch your pregnant belly without permission.
“Nap dates!”
Summary: You and Jack have both been working a lot and don’t have a lot of time to see each other so you get creative. 
“The walls were boring!”
Summary: Hazel and Jade are left alone for a moment and draw on the walls!
Summary: Jack has to go to Hazels parent teacher conference without you.
“Christmas morning with the Harlows.”
Summary: Christmas morning spent with the four of you before everybody comes to celebrate at your house.
“That should be me.”
(Angst collaboration with @youngharleezy!)
Summary: Jack loses you and regrets it.
“Handsome and talented.”
Summary: Jack is being interviewed at the billboard awards and then suddenly, you are too.
“A different side of you.”
Part two
Summary: Friends -> lovers, where a compromising situation might just make someone admit their feelings. 👀
“When do I get a sister?”
Summary: You’re pregnant with your second baby and Hazel is really hoping for a girl.
“Missed alarms.”
Summary: Jack slept through his alarm and is almost late to his interview.
“My best friend- my dad!”
Summary: Hazel has a project for school where she has to talk about her best friend, and her best friend is of course, her dad.
“Little spoon”
(Fluff collaboration with @jackharloww!)
Summary: Jacks been having a hard time lately, he feels burnt out with work and you decide some cuddle time is necessary.
“Your best friends, best friend.”
Summary: Jack is your best friend and you’ve never been anything more. You go to a party and the pressure builds, how do you handle it?
“Too much”
Summary: Hazel gets obsessed with an older song of Jacks.
“Hazels being a meanie!”
Summary: Jade didn’t take a long enough nap so she’s a little cranky with her older sister.
“My sister will beat you up!”
Summary: The four of you attend a giant birthday party. Hazel would do anything for her little sister!
“But, I miss you.”
Summary: Jack has had such a busy schedule lately that you haven’t seen much of him. The two of you stay up and spend quality time together while the kids are sleeping.
“Win or lose.”
Summary: Comforting Jack after a disappointing Grammy night.
“Alpha men don’t giggle.”
Summary: Tickling Jack in the drive thru.
“Daddy or nobody!”
Summary: Hazel has a tantrum when Jack is gone for the day.
“Our last Valentine’s Day before baby Hazel.”
Summary: You tell Jack that Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a big deal this year since you’re getting ready for the baby but you regret it.
“A very Hazel and Jade Valentine’s Day.”
Summary: Jack is away for work and the girls help you in the kitchen.
“My glasses?”
Summary: Jack isn’t too confident about his glasses so you make him feel more secure.
“Sprained ankles and pancakes. “
Summary: A family soccer game goes wrong when you get an injury and now Jack is left to tend to you.
“Crazy competitive”
Summary: Hazel is competitive just like her dad and when a game of Jenga goes wrong, she is NOT happy about it.
“Nightmares and apologies”
Summary: You and Jack get into an argument before bed which causes you to have a nightmare and you get emotional about losing him.
“Is mommy okay?”
Summary: You and Jack partake in some fun time and we’re a little too noisy for Jade. She’s concerned that maybe her mom is hurt which is embarrassing to try and explain away.
“Jealously, jealously”
Part two
Summary: You get a text from an ex and Jack thinks the worst because you aren’t officially together.
Migraines and cuddles.
Summary: Jack has a migraine and just wants you to nap with him.
Diapers and Disney channel.
Summary: You’re preoccupied with Jade and Hazel is impatient and wants to watch her show so she calls Jack while he’s away from home for help.
Nice hands and raspberries!
Summary: Hazel and Jade get into an argument and Jack has to step in.
Goodbye looks good on you
Part two
Part three (final)
(Collaboration with @nattinatalia !)
Summary: You give Jack an ultimatum, what does he decide?
Tears and vulnerability.
Summary: Jack is having a rough day, he initially doesn’t want to be vulnerable in front of y/n but she calms him down.
“Let’s Phocus.”
Summary: Jack comes home with Phocus and is very excited about his new business venture but his daughters aren’t too sure about the flavor of this new drink.
“10 songs”
Summary: Jack is finishing the track list for “Jackman” and having a hard time being vulnerable.
“No answer”
Summary: You and Jack are ex’s, his constant calls have you reminiscing about the past.
“Mint chocolate chip”
Summary: Jade is not a fan of mint ice cream.
“You’re my daddy, not his!”
Summary: Jade has never seen her dad interact with a baby before and it makes her slightly territorial.
“WMCJ Premiere night”
Summary: Jacks a little nervous about premier night so you talk him through it.
“Mother’s Day and baby bumps
Summary: Mother’s Day fic while you’re still pregnant with Jade.
“Mother’s Day paint and sip”
Summary: Jack has a plan for Mother’s Day and it turns out to be really cute.
“Rainy days”
Summary: It’s cold and rainy and you just want to cuddle but Jack was working as usual.
“Early Costco runs”
Summary: You, Jack and your two daughters go grocery shopping.
“No airports and no fights.”
Summary: Jack comes home frustrated because of a mishap at the airport, he takes it out on the girls and you aren’t happy about it.
“Nightmares like you”
Summary: Jack and Hazel have their nightmares in common, especially when Hazel is nervous about becoming an older sister.
“No favorites!”
Summary: Jade is slightly jealous of how close Hazel and Jack are.
“You really love me, huh?”
Summary: After a show you and Jack are just having a conversation about your future together.
“Mind if I break your heart?”
Summary: You and Jack have been friends for years and growing up your families were close. You finally admit that you’re in love with him, is it too late?
“Scraped knees and spit bubbles”
Summary: Jade gets into a “fight” at school and you and Jack have different ways of handling it.
“Mumbles and snores”
Summary: Jack sleep talks before bed.
“That’s my best friend in there”
Summary: Hazel and Jack are slightly obsessed with your baby bump.
“Pool days and beards”
Summary: Short fic about a hot day in KY and stroking Jacks beard.
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forbelobog · 25 days
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog plz
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name: ayla age: i'm a vampire (30s) pronouns: she/they years of writing: collectively, i've been writing since i was in elementary school, but rp? like...like 15, 16 years.
why did you pick up writing? when i was in elementary school, there was this program thru the library where, if you wrote a certain amount of pages on this little packet they gave you, you could get your book "published." which basically meant getting the pages you wrote and drew on glued between a small hardcover, no bigger than a regular hallmark card. but they let you do this as many times as you wanted and you would even get extra credit for writing 5+ in a grading period. i started writing about anything and everything. a leaf who didn't know how to fly with the wind. a pig who wanted to find a hat. even a turkey who found a family on thanksgiving who loved him and didn't eat him. fastforward to the internet, i would write stories about horses (i am a reformed horse girl, sorry) in blank notepads. i remember my best friend telling me saddle wasn't spelled with t's, but d's. then, i found message boards in sites like neopets and gogaia, and i really kind of let my imagination go. i picked up writing even before i knew why, i kind of always just wanted to. my mom used to read me and my brother the hobbit as a bedtime story and it was very imaginative, i think that's where the whole fantasy/world building curiosity started. i like making and telling stories. when i found out you could do that with other people, it was game over for me.  do you have any writing routines? i used to, back when i rped a lot more frequently and consistently, but not so much anymore. writing has always been something i enjoy doing and rp is just a hobby; as i got older/more "adult" with "adult responsibilities", i realized i never wanted to stress about rp. i write when i feel like it and never before. tho, when i do sit down to write, i tend to do so in silence/with ambient white noise. i can't focus if i have any outside factors. what's your favorite part about writing? invoking emotion. whether it's happy or sad or angry or confused. i like to be able to reach other people with words. i find writing to be theraputic, in a way. for instance i've been writing a nonfiction about my grandmother for awhile, which i started before she passed based around her dementia and sundowners. it was hard to deal with for me but writing became a way to cope in a healthy way.
i. uuuuhhh i guess my scene setting is pretty good? i tend to spend a lot of time with openers making sure there is a reason for why the character is there, what the purpose will be moving forward, and where they are going to currently. i hate it sometimes because i feel like i go on and on about like, a room, but i like to think it helps my partners in the long run. ii. alliteration is my favorite literary tool and i like to think i'm pretty good at it by now. stringing together a good collection of sounds is very fun. iii. idk man this is hard. uuhhhhh i...usually always try to give my partners something to respond to? it's something i had to work on when i first started rping, but not only is your response to whatever the other muse is doing important, but giving THEM something to respond to in a reply is equally important, or else everything kind of falls flat. idk partner feel free to tell me i still suck at it but i have worked on it a lot in the past.
when you find it difficult to write what are some things you might do to help get back into it? if i'm looking to get back in to writing a specific character, i tend to reread old threads regarding that character i've done before, or visit things that make me think of the muse. like a playlist, or watch some cutscenes, or fanart. if i'm just looking to writ something in general but can't find the muse, i put on music that inspires me. john darnielle/the mountain goats is a go-to for me, darnielle is one of, if not my favorite writier, and his songs are so descriptive it makes me jealous. QUESTION: what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them?
tagged by: @dupliciti tagging: @cloudhymn @wingspiked @spadilled @eteing @ofinflorescence @resolutepath and YOU!!! if you steal this from me please tag me i'd love to read.
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Welp it's 430 am on a Friday & I've not yet slept due to pain so... let's do a life update with Dr.M!
Where to begin... I guess with how things are with L & The House Gremlins.
Things between me & L are still really great. Honestly the last month has been crazy stressful starting the week before Thanksgiving. He got a chest infection & was down Friday thru the Monday of the week prior to Thanksgiving. The kids started their 2 week holiday visit that Friday so I handled EVERYTHING. Then Sunday night I felt sinus junk & the next morning woke up with 102°f fever & full on pneumonia. I apparently ran myself down & then a cold front happened. He tried to handle stuff on Monday but kept falling asleep in the kids' rooms & since they couldn't wake him they came to me. I was down til Thursday. Really should have been longer but Ari got his chest infection, so I had to take care of her while he worked. Kids left for the weekend (Ari with very explicit instructions on what she needed to kick the infection) & when they all came back Monday, Ari was still sick & so was Zel. So Monday & Tuesday I took care of them because they asked for me specifically every time. Wednesday I realized how burned out L was, so I handled everything til Saturday when the kids were gone again. Wednesday was baking & prep, Thursday was Thanksgiving proper, which I cooked for (because L was legit just going to order a pizza), Friday was clean up & general kid nonsense. L got 3 days of video games. The following Monday, I was down due to an upcoming cold front & he learned at the beginning of work that a coworker he was close with took their life the night before. I was down until Thursday because on Tuesday the front was serious enough that the temp dropped 20 degrees in an hour. He basically did the bare minimum to get by, going to work then coming home & making sure we both ate. Since then I've been ok, and have been able to help him through his grief & keep him going til Christmas break (which starts the end of next week).
Despite ALL of that (plus me suspecting I am having a hormone issue due to the fact that my body/emotional state has resembled my severe PMS for 2.5 months now without any period action; so I'm overly sensitive, overly emotional, & hornier than I've ever been in my life) we've still not had any fights or anything like that. We both just make sure that we openly communicate with each other about how we are feeling & what we need or have the capacity to handle, then act accordingly to ensure we are supporting each other & both our needs are met to the best of our ability while treating each other with kindness & understanding.
This is like an actual healthy relationship and it's fucking dope. But also neither of us is accustomed to such a thing so it's been an adjustment & a learning experience.
The House Gremlins... so you might remember that at the start of their 2 week stay, Vin was still basically attempting to bully me. He legit asked L if he was getting rid of L's old couches & when L confirmed it, this child looked me in my face & asked L what he is gonna do when we break up because Ex1 or Ex2 scares me off with threats. (I acted like I didn't hear him & L basically laughed & said that due to my life experiences, people don't frighten me. The subtext was that the exes specifically don't frighten me... because I grew up with people so much worse than them tbh.) Well, since that first Sunday afternoon when he turned it around, he's been great. Hasn't given me any trouble when I ask him to do stuff, has volunteered to help with things, & has been talking to me about Pokemon Go since he got his smartphone back. He even called me a few nights ago to ask if his dad had dress shoes he could borrow for an event.
Zel is happy as a clam with my existence. Out of the 3, she's been the least resistant to my presence. She took to manners & such really quickly. Plus, if I lay out clear rules about using certain stuff I have (like [Dr. M's] Special Markers) she follows the rules to the letter so she can keep using them.
Ari... has been a butt when she doesn't like what I say or gently call her out for doing something she shouldn't but beyond that seems all good.
So I'm fully integrated into the house. Still the first choice when there's a problem. Still the one who gets asked about baking, dinner, or doing ridiculous jazz.
All in all, super dope.
The Spawn situation is... not dope. She's basically started peddling her pity party "it's so hard to be broke at 18, trying to learn to be an adult without parents" to all my friends now in addition to family... while living for free at my Dad's, basically acting like it's her fucking house, while he pays the bills and her dog has become his dog in that she now sleeps with him & he is the one who walks her, plays with her, buys her toys, treats, and food. She's supposedly moving to Oklahoma with her 'bestie' (a guy she's known since freshman year) & The Bf (yep he came back & they scream at each other DAILY) for a lab tech job in an ER. However I doubt that will work out since she's already ranting to The Bf about not being able to work in a hospital because of 'classism'.
"Dr. M, why the quotes around the word classism?"
Oh because she's misusing the term and is deeply misinformed but ignores or screams at anyone who attempts to correct her. She is referring to her hearing second hand from a person who hasn't ever worked in healthcare that doctors & nurses look down on techs and treat them like trash. Multiple people who have actually worked in healthcare have told her that is not commonplace anymore, as most know that lab techs/phlebotomists are an indispensable part of the healthcare system in that they are diagnostically necessary.
But she isn't ever mistaken so... she ain't trying to hear that.
I've not spoken to her but have heard things from friends & Dad. Oof. I really hope she grows out of this.
Oh! Also I've regained all but 5 lbs of the weight I lost the month before I came here despite my multiple illnesses & bouts of pain puking in the last 2 months. That and my energy levels remind me that I made the right choice. I love her dearly but I warned her repeatedly that once she hit 18 I wasn't going to put up with the abusive disrespectful bull anymore. She didn't believe me. Her bf warned her. She didn't believe him. Dad warned her. She didn't believe him. Hell, the oldest of my younger cousins warned her. Kid still decided to fuck around over and over and over & is continually shocked and 'doesn't understand' why she's finding out.
Also you know stuff with her is bad when my Dad (who has the patience of a saint & endless kindness for people he loves) is going on at length about being stoked to have them move tf out. In contrast, he was sad I was leaving but also happy that I was finally putting myself first & not letting her just straight up kill me.
Plus he really likes L. They text CONSTANTLY about hockey & the nerdass shit they both are super into that I only have knowledge about by being in proximity of my father most of my life. Like 2 days ago, L went on for like 20 mins about... idk some hockey shit. He suddenly looked at me (because I will listen to him talk about anything forever, but get a sorta glazed over look if I have no clue what he's on about) and said "This is a conversation for your dad, huh?" I confirmed. Then yesterday I told my dad about it because I gave them each other's numbers for emergencies (plus I have his mom's number so...). He immediately asked what hockey nonsense he was talking about. I explained the bits I could remember super vaguely & he started laughing & knew EXACTLY what L was talking about. (I mean, I guess he did because he said a name & I threw up my hands and said "I don't fucking know! I guess?") I obviously relayed this interaction to L... who immediately said "Oh yeah! I have his digits!", picked up his phone & started texting my dad about Lord of the fucking Rings.
Goddamned nerds.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
august slipped away
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i. ii.
Otherwise known as the Thanksgiving fic.
characters: mirio x f!reader
wc: 2.6k
warnings: smut (18+ please!), quirkless AU, angst, Thanksgiving long-distance woes, mirio’s very ugly little subaru
notes: Happy Birthday @drapetomaniac​! I’m so glad I was able to get this finished on time. I’m so grateful to have met you on this lil site, so consider this my birthday gift to you! 💖  This serves as a part ii to my Kinktober fic “with autumn closing in.” It got ANGSTY. I hope you love it.
on the prompt: “It’s November – the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines.” This beautiful line was written by Lucy Maud Montgomery, a wonderful Canadian writer, in her novel Anne of the Island, published in 1915.
Mini Prompt Event!
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It’s November – the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines.
Despite the traffic, the drive into your hometown’s been remarkably quiet. You’ve hitched a ride with a friend, and with Starbucks in your cupholders and weeks worth of laundry piled into her trunk, you ride back in near-silence.
She knows what’s on your mind as she pulls off the exit, the all-too-familiar sign that marks your hometown sending a rush of anxiety straight to your gut.
You’re not looking forward to this weekend as much as you should be. You miss your family- your parents, your dog, your bedroom- but there’s another gaping question mark that fills the rest of the weekend, too harrowing to ignore.
After a very tearful goodbye at the end of the summer, things were good between you. You texted all the time and called him whenever you could. You even wrote letters back and forth in the first month of the semester. Mirio’s were never decked out in stickers or lavish penmanship like yours were, but they teared you up all the same.
But college is difficult. And you’re both starting this year, so it’s been a lot for both of you to adjust to. You and Mirio always kind of sailed through high school without too much extra studying, so the amount of work it takes to do well in college has been a massive wake-up call.
It’s putting a strain on your relationship with him. Slowly, at first.
You were too busy with papers and assignments to call during the week, but he was too busy with practices and games and training to call on the weekends. The letters dwindled in frequency and then ceased altogether. Now you’ll go days without hearing from each other at all.
There’s never been a doubt in your mind that long-distance was going to be difficult. But you’re pretty sure it’s not supposed to feel like this.
Your friend drops you off in the driveway and squeezes your tight shoulder. She promises you that it’s going to work out, one way or the other. Then she pulls away to continue to her own city and you climb up the front steps with two garbage bags of laundry in your hands.
You’re attacked by your ecstatic dog at the door, and your mother doesn’t follow far behind. The house is already fragrant with the spiced aroma of baking pumpkin pies, and your mother cries as she hugs you tightly. So do you.
A few minutes later, with your first load of laundry spinning away, you flop onto the couch. To your delight, there’s a text from Mirio. You’re kind of hoping to see him tonight, but you’re not sure what time he was planning on getting into town. Still, a text from him seems promising.
Home yet? It reads.
You’re trying not to let it show that you’re brimming with happiness.
Just got in, you text breezily, curling your knees to your chest with a little smile tugging at your lips. It feels so good to talk to him again here, knowing you’ve got nothing but time to spend with him this weekend.
You text back and forth a little bit, soft little messages about how good it feels to be home and how glad you are that he got home safe. The last message you type out feels indulgent but so good, and you send it with every expectation of an immediate response.
Wanna come over?
Read 7:12 pm
Dull silence persists from your phone. One hour goes by. Two hours. The temptation to send him another message is overwhelming. You’ve been well past the point of avoiding double texts for as long as you can remember.
But this feels… different. Like you shouldn’t bother him. Like, somehow, that’ll only make the silence worse.
So you don’t. Fair enough.
The next day, you’re up to your elbows helping your family get ready for dinner. Your mom has an unfortunate habit of pulling out the stops, but the meal turns out fantastic. Dealing with your extended family is as draining as always, but you’re texting Mirio every so often under the table and he seems happy enough to respond.
You think about bringing up his sudden disappearance last night, but figure he’d been preoccupied with his family. Tonight, his texts are in good spirits.
It’s not until you’re curled up in bed with a belly full of turkey that you try again.
Wanna do something tomorrow? I have brunch in the morning, but I could meet you after.
Read 10:36 pm
Fool me once, you don’t want to let yourself think. But Mirio’s pretty good at putting his phone down when it’s time for bed, so you tell yourself he’s just gone to sleep. He’s gone to sleep and in the morning you’re going to wake up to a sweet little text from him with fresh plans from the afternoon.
Unfortunately, the trend continues. You catch and hold his attention for a few messages a time every day, but every time you mention meeting up in person, you get radio silence. It’s gotten to the point where you know it’s on purpose, and yet every time you fail to confront him, your embarrassment deepens.
Mirio doesn’t play games with you. It feels wrong, to have him jerking your heart around like this. But you give him the benefit of the doubt all weekend.
Finally, it’s Sunday. Your washed, folded laundry is packed neatly in the hallway. You’re finishing up dinner and your family knows, at this point, to keep quiet about Mirio.
You’ve given up on seeing him entirely.
As your family cleans up, you try one more time. You know you shouldn’t. You have every expectation of being treated the same way you have all weekend- why should this time work out any differently?
But you do it anyway.
Hey… I know you might be busy with family stuff, but we’re both going back tomorrow so tonight’s kinda the last chance I can see you…
To your surprise, just a few minutes later, you get a reply,
Want me to pick you up?
Within half an hour, his familiar little Subaru is waiting for you in the dark. Your heart clenches tightly, watching him parked in the driveway. You haven’t seen him in months.
You’d expected a happier reunion.
Still, there’s a sort of lightness that tugs at your heart as you pick your way down the front steps. You tug open the passenger’s side door- the inside of the car is toasty from the rattling little heater that’s always smelled just a little bit burnt.
Mirio has a sad sort of tired smile on his lips, but you can see the relief in his gaze. You’ve almost forgotten what he looks like in real-time like this.
“Hi,” you gasp, almost shyly. You tug the door shut and he shifts the car into gear. You can’t help the little clench of anticipation you get when he puts a hand on the back of your seat to glance over his shoulder.
When he looks back at you, he looks a little brighter.
“Wanna get some coffee?”
He takes you through the Starbucks drive-thru and buys you both iced coffees. The ice rattles cold and sweet inside the cups as he drives you out of town, taking you up the winding road to the point. Neither of you says a thing. You haven’t planned a thing, but you don’t need to.
As you draw closer to the familiar little lookout, your stomach tightens.
Something feels very wrong about the way he’s treating you. By the time he pulls off the road and rolls along the battered gravel path, you’re almost in tears.
You should’ve seen this coming the first time he left you on read. Mirio’s never left you on read before.
“Well,” you mumble, your heart pounding in your throat. You know you’re going to regret this, but it’s killing you to sit in silence. You reach into the centre console and grab your coffee, shaking it weakly in front of him.
“At least you bought me a coffee before breaking up with me.”
Mirio reacts visibly in the dark next to you.
“What?” He looks over, dark eyes shining with betrayal. His blonde brow is firm and set, but there’s genuine surprise in his expression.
“Break up with you?” His voice is trembling. “W-why would I-“
Now you feel even stupider. The tears come, hot and fast and unrelenting. Your next words come in a pinched sob.
“Why wouldn’t you?” You’ve cried like this in front of him before, but this is the first time it’s ever seemed embarrassing.
“I tried to see you all weekend, all I wanted was to see you.” You’re sniffling wildly, and you knee open the glove box because you know he always keeps tissues there. “I missed you so much and-and you wouldn’t even talk to me.”
He whimpers your name, quiet as a prayer. He’s tearing up, too, gripping the steering wheel tightly with his face screwed up in pain.
“I’m sorry,” he croaks. “I was… I thought…”
He’s pausing like you’re going to interrupt him, but you don’t. He bows his head, continuing.
“I was afraid to see you,” he confesses, “because I thought you wanted to break up with me.”
The relief you expect doesn’t come. Instead, a deeper, sicker pain wraps itself around your heart.
“Why would you think that?”
“Because you don’t talk to me anymore,” he ejects. “Not in the same way. I… I know you’re busy, and I know I’m busy, but… things just felt different. Ever since Homecoming, I-I just…”
Homecoming was the one weekend that Mirio had been to visit you since the summer. That was a reunion that felt as good as it was supposed to. You’ll never forget bounding out of your residence hall to find him there, leaning against the edge of his little car like it was a souped-up Harley Davidsen. You’ll never forget the way he laughed when you launched yourself into his arms.
But that was where the bliss had stopped.
Homecoming was a bad weekend for him to visit. You should have seen that coming. You were busy with your brand new friendships, hopping from party to party. And though you were both all smiles when he was climbing into his car again on Sunday night, you’d known he left feeling a little neglected.
“Mirio,” you sob, reaching for him. You pull his eyes to yours with a hand under his jaw- a little unshaven, scratchy- and his cheeks are wet with fresh tears of his own. “I missed you like hell. I love you. I mean that every single time I say it. And I-“
You hate this kind of thing with him. Neither of you takes conflict very well. And though there have always been fights, this is the largest reckoning you’ve ever had.
“I had so many plans for us this weekend,” you admit, and the hurt takes over. Because no matter how you resolve this, that’s time that you can never get back. “And now I have to go back tomorrow and so do you and this is all we’re gonna have.”
“I know,” he sniffles right back. His voice is weak. Trembling. You haven’t seen him like this since his dog died, right after you graduated high school. “God, I-I… I’m so sorry.”
He’s reaching for you now, winding his arms awkwardly over the centre console to pull you close. You have to lean way over but you do, burying your face into the chest of his jacket.
You both sob openly, for nobody but yourselves.
“I don’t want it to be like this,” you plead. “I don’t want to be fighting for things to feel right. I can’t take four more years of this, Mirio, I can’t.”
He’s stroking a palm down the back of your head now, burying his nose into your hair.
“It won’t be,” he promises. “I’m gonna try harder. I’m gonna- I promise.”
“It’s both of us,” you reply. Your voice drops as you start to, slowly, regain control. “It’s me too. I need to try harder, too. I don’t want it to end like this.”
You nose your way to the surface, peering up at him. You both look ridiculous, faces pinched and teary. But none of that matters when you’re leaning up and he’s leaning down and he’s kissing you, all soft and loving in that way that used to make you melt.
It still does.
You let it grow heated, let yourself grab him by the cheeks and pour all of the desperate longing you’ve been doing into this kiss. It becomes very clear to you that you’re not going to be getting out of this car a single woman. And relief spreads warm and gooey through your gut.
“I wanna,” you whisper, pulling back with your eyelashes fluttering. Mirio cups your cheeks and warmly swipes the last of your drying tears away. He leans in and nuzzles the chilled tip of your nose with his.
“You sure?”
You bite your lower lip and shoot him a quiet, sly little nod.
This time, when you climb into the backseat together, no blankets or pillows are waiting for you. But you don’t care. You let him splay you across the narrow back seat, hitching one knee up over the backrest and stretching the other one out alongside him.
It’s a good deal colder this time around. And you can’t wait to get to each other. Your clothes are barely shoved out of the way by the time he’s nudging his stiff tip against your folds. You’re pushing the long hem of his sweatshirt out of the way for him, and he looks down at you with such determined adoration that you wonder why you ever doubted his love in the first place.
He eases into you slow and gentle, just like the first time. Very unlike the second time, harried and rushed under the covers of your rickety dorm bed.
You drag his lips to yours while he bottoms out inside you, wrapping that free leg around his hips and keeping him buried tight.
He fucks you just like that, in deep, tiny little strokes that nudge the tenderest parts of your belly and send pleasure trickling right down your spine each time. He kisses every part of your skin that he can reach, whispering his devotion to you over and over and over again until his voice breaks. Until all he can do is grunt and sigh and shake above you as he pours his climax into you, bringing you to a quiet little peak beneath him.
You stay tangled for a long time, despite the cramps quickly developing in your forcibly angled limbs. He lays between your thighs, listening to your heartbeat as your lazy fingers drift through the sweat-damped strands of his golden hair.
“Hey,” he murmurs warmly, lifting his chin to find your eyes. “I wanna drive you back to school tomorrow, okay?”
“What?” You frown. “Mirio, that’s two hours in the opposite direction for you. Don’t-“
“Please,” he insists, and something in his tone makes you stop. He slides his hands up your sides. “I want to. I didn’t… I should’ve seen you more this weekend. Let me. Please?”
You give a breathy little laugh, laying your head back against the edge of the seat. Your heart throbs with that all-too-familiar warmth.
“My mom’ll be pissed,” you tease, and you feel him grin against your chest.
You’re going to be okay.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/genevealiu1 | 19k followers | currently on a journey as a junior doctor living in 🇦🇺🤎 | blm.card.co🖤 | sk💛
26 years of age
Born and raised in Glastonbury, England
Pisces sun? + libra moon?
Mother is Guyanese and works for a non-profit organization
Her father is Nigerian and works in property management
has one older brother who is a Prosthetist and resides in Nigeria with his pregnant fiancée
She can’t wait to be a auntie!!!
And a younger sister who is a medical laboratory technician
To say the least, their parents were happy that their children fell into the medical field. Based on their cultures it was a honor to have their children in these professions
Vieve grew up with a sassy demeanor and her parents have old videos on their camcorders to prove it lol, it never fails that the pair brings out the embarrassing vids during the holidays but vieve genuinely appreciates them 
Although thanksgiving is a RACIST American thing, vieve never misses the opportunity to share what she’s thankful for in life and counts all of it as blessings! But it’s still fuck the pilgrims
Has held a friendsgiving before, loves any moment where she can host gatherings or attend them! either is quite fine. She loves being around people
the only time she likes to look back on the past is to see how she and her family carried themselves then and how the evolved into who they are now, it’s interesting to see
Loves “how it started vs how it’s going” posts and might have participated in a few
Always knew from a young age that she wanted to help people in some way, she was always doing something to help around the house and especially her aging/sickly grandparents
Felt offended that many people around school that she thought were her friends would stab her in the back labeling her as this “fake saint” since she rather spend her time volunteering instead of going to house parties in hs
Don’t get it twisted, she still went to those too & had her fun but definitely felt like it was the same routine and nothing ever felt fulfilling at these functions after awhile
Well known with all the cliques around school but had her own group of friends that fit into many of those cliques but she never felt obligated to stick to one social group. If you were nice and cool with her, she was the same to you, if you weren’t? Depending on her mood, she’d ignore you/say things under her breath or be “fake nice” as a form of being the bigger person
Has a curly hair routine that she consistently follows (after struggling to find the right products to make them flourish) and gets annoyed with if her curls don’t turn out the way she knows they can, it’s always frustrating when things don’t turn out the way you want them to but isn’t afraid to at least try
Three times is the charm! Is one of her mottos
loves bright colors, flowy attire, big hats, brimmed hats, bucket hats, berets, etc...
Has faced racism/prejudices and bullying growing up in public spaces—mostly school/uni & some of those same hatred actions online now that she’s dating seb
Because of that there were times where she felt insecure but deff grew to forgive, heal, and rise above the hate, she knows her worth
Has never been happier in a relationship than she is with seb, he’s her “moody long-haired, soft-hearted bby”
they’re both complete fools for each other and vieve is more vocal about her being in love/finding her soulmate whereas seb doesn’t mind showing it rather than speaking it—even tho he’s on a podcast but we mind our business okay?!
Seb is thinking of moving to Australia with vieve, he’s ready to risk it all for this woman, HIS woman 🤩
canon: gives more than she should/taken advantage of/not reciprocating in relationships... ex) how she dated a guy that she did everything for! especially financially and also struggled to find her worth but once she did? Her aura shined brighter than before— Ik chill out there Rocco
Also believes in loving yourself first to attract what you need in this world and found that in her career and seb. I hope they’re endgame! Since they’re the only couple I rooted for this season? Except for tai & ciaran maybe? They’re probably not endgame but whatever
They still get nervous/shy around each other even tho they’ve been together for months now + are in a long distance relationship which is too cute! I think since they’re in this for the long game they can look back on moments and still feel the way they felt in that moment. You know if you get the chance or have already heard elderly people talk about their relationships and how they get all starry eyed? That’s vieve & seb, that shit gets me right in my feels ew
Vieve’s love language is quality time, it’s what she shows and likes along with acts of service from her partner
Makes the best jollof rice & her fav dish is Metemgee
Trying to be on a plant-based diet only but will have her cheat days on occasion—mostly when she’s drunk and forgets her diet plan lmao that’s me getting double cheeseburgers or anything with dairy drunk af
now living in Australia, she tried to like vegemite but...the it’s a no for her, respectfully ofc! She never wants to disrespect anyone
besides the food, the atmosphere is much nicer since she feels like she’s on a holiday almost everyday and that there’s much more to see and do when she has the time
Loves the beaches and is thinking about surfing lessons
yes she enjoys those doctor shows and can agree that most scenarios are not the same as rl ofc but great question!
Since she’s a junior doctor now, and on her way to graduation! She feels so accomplished and having this chance to complete what she’s wanted her whole life in a different place, makes her super emotional
All those stressful all-nighters will be worth it. She mostly did it on her own but is nothing but humble and Is thankful to those that have helped her along the way, what kind of person would she be if she didn’t mention them?
and when COVID hit, she was one of many already on the frontlines. Her studies became altered but this wouldn’t stop her for her mission on this earth, this was her purpose and she knew we would conquer it all—but definitely has empathy and gets angry with how it’s being handled from time to time
She’s been exposed to it first hand which aboustely worries her parents, seb, her friends, and friends from the villa
Keeps up to date when all medical news, has a whole app dedicated to health
Learning French with some of her free time and is doing well at it
It was only natural for her to become closer to elladine since their men are homies and have a podcast together
They’ve hung out a few times on a double dates before the boat vacation & once just as girls before vieve left to Australia
Vieve is always offering advice but knows that every relationship is different and what works for her and seb won’t work for elladine and Nicky, she loves them together and knows everyone has bumps in the road
feels there’s some sort of tension between her and Harry now? Which she found a little off putting since they were supposed to be friends but she realizes that Harry has a condition but it’s also not an excuse for him to treat her shitty sometimes which he does and feels like it comes out of nowhere most times but he always apologizes yet vieve is slowly getting tired of this unhealthy habits
So they’re talking less these days, which he notices!
She wants Harry to find his happiness too! If he hasn’t found it in mc first that is
has met Tim— he’s a great laugh and seems like a nice guy—they follow each other, talia and jake in person when she was out with seb—they were also super nice and congratulated them on their win, she went up to miles once on a night out—he’s still a arsehole, priya reached out to her via dm about her new boutique that she wanted her to model in someday, Hope was just as stunning in person along with Siobhan, Chelsea & mc s2 were also kind, and a couple of the guys also wished her and seb well
She’s also noticed some of the shit talking coming from Elisa, Allegra, Lucy, and mc s1 (subtle shade from mc, basically about how vieve reacted if mc decided to give Harry a go but that was only brought to her attention thru fans) online but again, vieve peeped it and felt majority of it didn’t require a response. She was too happy in life rn and she had a man and they don’t
Plans to get a komondor, thinks they’re super cute! — seb does not “if you love me, you’ll love our child.” “It’s a bloody mop dog! And I’m a cat dad, you know that!” “Don’t talk about him like that, he’s got feelings just like your cat babies!”
I feel like she’s a matcha & Frappuccino lover, tries to keep her drinks simple and feels guilty when she has to make adjustments but the heart wants what it wants
Mini Countryman owner, she also drives like a “granny” better safe than sorry! She hates fast drivers, there’s absolutely no need for it!
Minimal makeup: eyeshadow, moisturizer, & a nude lip and she’s good to go
Secretly obsessed with among us, second life, and SIMS!!!
Celeb crushes? Heath ledger, Tyler posey, KENDRICK SAMPSON, Jordan fisher, Algee smith, Donald Glover, Mack Wilds, Khleo Thomas, Robert Ri’chard, Tahj Mowry, & Hasan Minhaj
Listens to: DaniLeigh, ABIR, Mary J. Blige, TORI KELLY, Us the duo, 11:11, Jacob Latimore, fifth harmony, joya mooi, & Greentea Peng, etc...
Anthem: The Cheetah Girls — Cinderella
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alkhale · 5 years
Announcement and...
I wanted to make a post on Thanksgiving but I was too late and a fool :’) Just wanted to take a minute and thank you all again for making this another amazing year and for all the support you have given this unworthy heap of trash, for real. Thank you for loving what I do and for being there to read my junk and being great people in general and making this an actual community for me and for all the fun on Discord and here and FF and AO3 JUST THANK YOU TIMES A MILLION OKAY, I CAN ONLY REPAY YOU IN WORDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
I’m working on another batch of updates right now to churn out hopefully very soon ;-; On a side note, finals are already coming back and I have some fat research papers to write and I’m taking on more shifts for the holiday because we broke college students out here, but on the brighter side, finals mean the semester coming to an end again and some time to write even more!
I’ve been waiting until I got confirmation and it’s finally here! I worked really hard this semester and grinded and I’d been debating about it for sometime before deciding to move forward with it--I applied to study abroad through a program at my university and got in! I’ll be going abroad for half a year in JAPAN.
Finances were the biggest worry for me but I put the writing I’ve been improving on with all your help and fanfiction and managed to get thru the scholarship essay pool and I got it! Because of that, I’m going to be taking a lot more shifts this break to help save up for my rent since I’ve got my tuition covered now, but rent is still YIKES and I’m going to work hard to make it happen! I’ll still be bringing my stuff with me of course so I won’t be gone half a year, updates will still keep coming :)
I won’t be leaving till the spring, so until then I’m going to try to pick up another job to help save as well, but I wanted to go ahead and open these up again in case anyone was interested because I’ve been getting some requests again!
Stories like Pretty and No Need and Mouth and Lips and our newest No Work for the Weak were all kind and amazing ko-fi requests from your fellow readers, so if you loved them, want more of them, things similar like them, or a chance to request me to write anything similar/a side thing for one of my other stories (Soulmate, A/B/O for Memos etc.) I’d love to do it!
I’m promoting these more because I’m hoping to raise some money through them to help finance my rent while I’m abroad. It’s a couple grand but I’m gonna work hard and write till my fingers fall off >:) I know we’re all broke ass students, so only if you’ve got a boba to spare!!! I take donations of any range for any kind of request, so just drop whatever you’d like and you can leave a comment in the ko-fi for specifics or message me and tell me what you’d like or are looking for!!! If you know anyone that’s craving for a certain of story to be done, please share this too or hit ‘em up and let them know someone just might be willing to write <3
Link to my ko-fi is here!
Again, thank you all so much for you patience and support, gonna work hard and make it happen, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
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ferricadooza · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked before
miss mars bar (@larryscurves) thank you for tagging me in this ♥
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? i have one pink one and one black one
2. a food you never eat? thanksgiving stuffing
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? always too cold, but that’s what layers and blankets are for :)
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? working on a final while facetiming the aforementioned miss mars bar
5. what is your favourite candy bar? ??? idk like a 3 musketeers maybe ???
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? yeah, i’ve been to baseball games and hockey games before
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? mar says i said “BELLA” and threw my hands up in the air. sounds about right.
8. what is your favourite ice cream? mmmm i don’t really eat ice cream, but maybe neopolitan? or cookie dough? actually wait no, i love a good coffee flavored ice cream
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? coffee
10. do you like your wallet? i can definitely say this is a question i’ve never been asked before. uhhhh, yeah i do, but i also feel like i could really use a new one (preferably with more pockets)
11. what was the last thing you ate? peanut butter filled pretzels
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no ?
13. the last sporting event you watched? i think....... i think i saw like a portion (by a portion i mean like five minutes before i got distracted) of a pens game sometime within the last year
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? movie theater butter (from the actual movie theater) with lots of salt babey
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my friend katie after she tried to call me while i was on a facetime call
16. ever go camping? do i seem like the kind of person who would go camping ? no really i want to know
17. do you take vitamins? is a serotonin pill a vitamin? discuss.
18. do you go to church every sunday? HA. no.
19. do you have a tan? it snowed this week
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? why not both.meme
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? not usually, no
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? y’all wear socks ?
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? HA. yeah.
24. what terrifies you? the unknown babey.
25. look to your left, what do you see? an empty glass that had some water in it and my headphones on the nightstand.
26. what chore do you hate? mmmmm probably dishes
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? @ltwalls2020 and @lightwoodsmagic
28. what’s your favourite soda? mmmmm vanilla coke is my weakness
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? ugh i hate drive thrus but i also hate eating in fast food restaurants. go in and order it to go.
30. who’s the last person you talked to? miss mars bar @larryscurves right before she went to sleep
31. favourite cut of beef? do i look like a culinary expert to y’all? no really i want to know
32. last song you listened to? ashley by halsey
33. last book you read? like a real book? dumplin’ by julie murphy. but i also read this fic this week and it’s basically a novel.
34. favourite day of the week? saturday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? yup
36. how do you like your coffee? good coffee? black. mediocre coffee? splash of cream and sugar. bad coffee? down the drain.
37. favourite pair of shoes? fuck shoes
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? anywhere between 11pm and 5am :))
39. at what time do you normally get up? anywhere between like 8am and 1pm.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? dusk, but like if i had to choose then sunrises i think (even though i’m rarely awake to see one)
41. how many blankets are on your bed? one, sometimes two. three if it’s really cold
42. describe your kitchen plates? ??? might be some cherries on them? they’re kinda like beigey with maroon and blue rings
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? i’m honest to fuck not all that picky but maybe wine? wine’s the easiest
44. do you play cards? cards against humanity, sure. also go fish. maybe some war if i’m feeling spicy
45. what colour is your car? red, but she’s old so idk what color my next car will be !
46. can you change a tire? HA. no
47. what is your favourite state/province? kentucky is really cool, but like just louisville
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? i looooooved my office job that i had at school. wish i could’ve finished out my last semester there :(
49. how did you get your biggest scar? i’m not sure about specifics, but i have a few scars from burns over the years. they’re not huge, the skin’s just like much paler there
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? i turned in a final which made me happy
i’m gonna go ahead and tag: @thepeacering, @canyonemoon, @femstyles, @lightsupwithharry, @coldkofe, and @peterpanlouie if you haven’t done it yet/want to :))
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lookwhatilost · 5 years
in case anyone cares
people who followed me winter ‘17-’18 may or may not recall that i had a rly bad falling out w my best friend, to the point where i seriously thought it’d be the death knell for that entire relationship. since i’m incapable of dealing w any kind of stress, my drinking, binge eating, and drug use rly spiraled out of control in that time. it’s also the time i got a lot closer to ev. definitely not a coincidence.
usually in this time period, i would start drinking somewhere as early as i could, and then go back to ev’s and we would kill fifths and order food and i had the disposable income to swing it bc i was still living at home etc. timing permissive, i usually would start at the brewery that i still frequent a lot, and around the time this all happened, a new bartender started there. it was always pretty dead at that time in the afternoons and i would chat w him pretty often and i kinda started looking forward to that more than the drinking? i dnt think i was crushing on him rly. i definitely recall a few stray thoughts after more than a few beers like “if only he was single” bc he mentioned a girlfriend on a few occasions, but i kind of chalked it up to the isolation speaking. but it was nice, yknow. made me feel a lot less alone. by the time i’d buried the hatchet w my best friend 3 months later, and i’d gone there w them, he was gone.
and you know how it is w bartenders, they stop working at a place you’re at a lot, and for all intents and purposes they disappear into the void. and i honestly kind of missed him lol. fast forward 6 months, i’m at a restaurant w my mom and sitting at the bar, and the bartender looks familiar, and he asks me if we know each other from somewhere, and i think a little, and i’m like “justin?” and lo and behold, it’s him. we catch up, it’s nice, i’m happy. i run into him there a few more times w my mom, and eventually he adds me on fb and asks me on a date. i’m rly kind of hostile and conflicted abt the idea at first, but i rationalize, hey, i’ve always rly enjoyed talking to him, he’s sweet, he’s older than i thought he was but i dnt think that matters too much. so i agree, but we both work a lot and weird hours so scheduling has been sort of like pulling teeth. so he sends me periodic msges like “i havent forgotten abt this im jst overwhelmed w my job rn” and i honestly dnt rly mind bc i’ve never actually been on a date before so it’s all very intimidating to me, and im also stressed from work a lot so it’s kind of a relief that we are on the same page abt that.
so friday night, kinda late, ev calls me while he’s on a date at justin’s job ranting abt how one of the bartenders put a lime in his drink which he’s allergic to and he asks me “which one is the manager you talk to?” and i describe him while begging ev not to make a scene bc he is notoriously a customer service terrorist and he’s like “oh. i need to talk to you abt something when i get home” and i was prying him for more details but he was jst like “you aren’t going to like it” and hung up. so i start stress drinking and i’m like barely coherent on the couch when ev and josh (guy he was seeing) come back to the apt. and ev describes the hell he raised at the restaurant and i get pissed at him bc i specifically told him not to do that bc he knows we are roommates and it reflects very poorly on me. and he’s like “it dznt matter. you know he’s gay, right?” and i’m kind of like Oh God, Can We Not Do This bc he’s one of those ppl who think his ~gaydar~ is real and impeccable and i’m kind of barking at him abt this when josh interrupts me and tells me that they overheard him talking to his coworkers abt bringing a boyfriend over to thanksgiving and how said bf got rly drunk and made a huge ass out of himself. and at no point in this discussion did he say anything to indicate that this was an ex, which is rly the part that i’ve been hung up on.
like i obviously dnt care if he’s bisexual, and i’d frankly be more comfortable dating a bisexual man than i would a straight one bc i feel like they’d be less likely to weird and fetish-y abt the whole thing like my ex was. but like it’s troubling to think that he might be w someone else. like i guess it’s hypocritical for me to feel this way, but w brewery guy, like there weren’t any secrets there. i knew it was what it was from the getgo. this time, provided this wasn’t jst a misunderstanding, it’s being hidden. at least brewery guy is honest.
i’ve been running thru it over and over in my head, and honestly it would clarify a lot, esp where his unavailability is concerned. if you’re having to balance this w not only work, but having to sneak behind a partner’s back, you’re going to be pressed for time yknow? but on the opposite side of the coin, thanksgiving was a while ago at this point, and “getting too drunk and being a dick in front of your boyfriend’s family” seems like the kind of fight that has the power to severely fuck up if not end a relationship. and like it’s been 9 odd months since we ran back into one another, so him seeing someone then and being single now could attest for the timing of this whole thing? i dnt know. like i’m very confused and hurt and i rly dnt know what to make of it all. haha. life.
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fit-as-fxck · 6 years
Wednesday’s workout
a1 bench press 4x6
a2 glute ham raise 4x4-6
b1 weighted decline sit up 3x8
b2 skullcrusher 3x12
c1 Bulgarian split squat 3x8/8
c2 barbell push press 3x8
d: ending with shoulder accessory work. hitting the front, mid and rear delt specifically & tricep & DB bench press. if i can i’d also like to end with some push-squat movements like the leg press, goblet squat or front squat. but not so taxing i cant do my posterior chain work tomorrow. 
Yesterday’s workout D E M O L I S H E D my back. I took some creative liberty and improvised some to accommodate the other bodies in the gym and available equipment. I knew I really wanted to hit the back to begin with, so I worked every which way to hit every single muscle I could think of. It took me over an hour. I normally try to keep my workouts 45-50 minutes. I was the only woman on the lifting floor. I knew there aren't too many women who lift at my gym. Maybe only a handful. There is one older woman in particular I see from time to time and she’s really fit. She must be in her 40s-50s or older... but I have a hard time estimating her age because she’s so fit. Yesterday I was in a sea of sausage. There were like four or five younger guys probably 18-21s. And one huge guy that came in and powerlifted some massive weight and left. It felt good to feel like I was working harder than most of those dudes there. I keep track of my time, heart rate and resting periods on my watch and I definitely saw those guys enter and exit and I was still working. I thought I'd be dead by the time I was done but I finished with just 10 minutes of sprints. I was wondering if something was wrong because the man next to me lightly jogging looked over 3 times at me. Maybe it was because I was breathing really hard and running  a full on sprint so hard the treadmill was probably shaking. I added on a pallof press too and it felt really awesome on my core. 
I did some research on the posterior chain. It’s not actually an anatomical system. What it is, is a term coined to describe 2 muscle systems that run along the backside of the body from your head to your ankles. Two different systems that are used for the same function, but trained in completely different ways. 
The first one being the Superficial Back Line which includes the muscles from the traps, mid back line and hamstrings and calves- all the muscles used to keep you upright. (main lift being the deadlift) (consists mostly of the erector spinae and the hamstrings)  (aka what allows you to lift your head & support the spine) (postural muscles, very aerobic, slow, steady, static movements). If you only focus on movements for the Superficial Back Line, you’ll completely miss the second part of it.
The second one being the Posterior Oblique Sling which is a band of muscles that includes the entire lats, the sheet of muscles along the back that help draw the arm back, the glutes, and the outter thigh. These are worked using rotational exercises and used to keep you more mobile. It’s more of an active function, rather than static- helping us walk and run and combining work from the glutes and lats at the same time (think: running motion- lat pulling an arm back while glute is moving the leg forward) ***ITS BALANCE BITCH**
This reminds me so much of why I would combine an exercise like a seated row (mid back line) with a wide lat pull down (posterior oblique sling- it literally shapes around your back and sides like a sling, forming the lats, muscles that stretch around the to form the glutes and outter hamstring/thigh- it reminds me of forming the coveted X pattern people look for)
I think I'll change up some things about my December training program. I’d like to add in a Sumo Deadlift simply because I can use it to hit those muscle planes I was talking about, a little better. I might add in a bent over dumbbell row, as well. I feel my current programming right now may be leaving some vital parts out of the equation. For example, I'm not doing a lot to hit the Posterior Oblique Sling above the waist. The only things I have in my programming are inverted rows and pull ups. AND I'm doing a ton to hit it below the waist. Lots of work with hip thrusts, pause squats etc. I want to make especially sure I'm not neglecting and creating imbalances as I go. I’d also like to hit rear delts a little more effectively. For the Superficial Back Line, I'm hitting hamstrings well but not doing much for the mid back supported muscles. I do back extensions a couple times a week for it, but I'd like to add something else on for it. My superficial back line doesn't need as much adjustment as the posterior oblique sling. Yesterday I corrected a lotttt of this. 
I still plan on getting my workouts in like normal even on holidays like thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day workout is “Posterior Chain” focused, as they say. But really just focused on the glutes, latissimus dorsi, and hammies (bc the sumo squat pulls strength from more of the hams, glutes, inner thigh etc), and spinal erectors of the low back and coreeeeee 
a1. reverse front lunge 4x6/6 (all heavy sets @ RPE 8)
a2. explosive pull thru 6x2
b1. chest supported rows 5x8
c1. barbell hip thrust 4x5
c2. adding a sumo deadlift here 4x5
core: plank & hold complex
core: hanging knee/leg raises to failure
It’s really crazy how much information is out there and how much is incomplete or misinterpreted. But, I love adjusting my own work programming as I go. 
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beehouly · 6 years
The Boot...
A couple weeks ago I wrote about the Christmas lighting ceremony in my hometown, I also eluded to a special part of that night that I was saving to tell you about.  See growing up we lived on a busy street close to downtown where the lighting ceremony took place & right outside my bedroom window was a town street light in which these decorations were hung.  The streetlights were draped in garland and each light had a magnificently large Christmas ornament hung from them that lit up. Some were angels, bells, wreaths, etc. But outside my bedroom window hung Santa’s Boot filled with toys!  It was such a magical time of year when I was young – weeks before Thanksgiving the town workers would spend their days decorating these streetlights for the upcoming lighting ceremony.  I remember how excited I would be when I would return home from school and see that big giant boot hanging from the pole!  It meant that Christmas was coming & for a good month I would bask in the glow of this big red boot every night before bed.
There was always something special about that boot for me but it was not until I was a little older did I truly understand the significance of this boot and the tradition it held in our family’s holiday celebrations.  See my Grandfather was a business owner of a small hardware store when I was little – and when I say little I mean baby baby.  My brothers’ & sister have many fond memories of Papa and his store but by the time I was old enough to remember the store Papa had retired and the hardware store had closed.  Papa and I had a very small time together as he passed away when I was 7 but in those 7 years I forged my own set of memories with him.  Let’s just say I was the best little helper for handing Papa tools as he tinkered on many projects.
**Now the next part of this story might be just a story our family conjured up to help with the passing our grandfather which happened to be just a few weeks before Christmas when I was 7.  I have no proof of this story but for me it is my version of the magical Christmas boot. **
Now as a business owner in town back in the 60’s it is my understanding that some of the business owners donated money to buy these wonderful town decorations to hang at Christmas time to help brighten up our little town during the dreary December weather. Now here is where this part of the story could be a total wives tale for our family.  See we believed that our Papa picked out that Santa Boot ornament himself when he made his donation for the business.  Papa had 4 grandkids that lived under that street light & he wanted them to have that ornament for their “yard”.  The night that my Papa passed I remember exactly where I was….I was sitting at the top of a pile of snow that was pushed up against that street light – directly under that Santa Boot.  I will never forget how the warm glow of that damn boot made things just a little bit easier for a 7 year old to understand she would never see her Papa again.
Fast forward a few years to 2013 and our little town was honoring something or someone (I seriously cannot even recall what to be honest).  I get a call from my sister and she is - let’s just say not too happy – THE BOOT has been moved!!!  It was not hanging on OUR streetlight for the first time is 30+ years & why? Why wasn’t it there?  We needed it on our pole, it just had to be!!  This was a particular hard year to not have our boot on the streetlight as our mother passed away that previous September. If the holidays weren’t already going to be hard enough we were missing a big piece of our holiday tradition!!  
Since that year our special Santa Boot has been moved and hangs on the pole outside of the city hall.  My heart has many emotions about this move- some anger, some sadness but what I like to focus on in this particular moment is PRIDE.  Maybe the boot was moved to honor some guy who worked for the town, maybe it was moved because someone at city hall didn’t like the ornament that hung out in front of city hall before.  But in my heart and mind I’m going to believe that it was put closer to the heart of the town to be shared by everyone that ever remembered my Papa or my mom.  I know many of you reading this know exactly what boot I’m talking about and I hope when you drive thru town this Christmas holiday to visit your friends and family back home – I hope that you will take a moment to see that magical boot that means so much to our family.  Maybe you will see it and remember one of the great stories of our Papa & maybe even some great times had at our house there on Center St. where Santa’s boot hung for many years and was beloved by the family it shared the streetlight with.
Until next time….Cheers!
 ** This post was written in honor of my Papa who passed away on Dec. 7 1984**
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assholemurphy · 6 years
i’m going home for thanksgiving break tomorrow after class. i’ve still got to pack but i’m gonna spend like, the next hour before i go to bed writing. last night i didn’t get to sleep until like 5a, but i took a nap in between classes for like 45 min and then slept for abt 2 hours while waiting on my roommate to get home so we could invite pretty boy over. he just left and my roommate’s friend (eh, we’ll call her mary bc that’s the name of her character in the show we just did) is staying the night again. like, idc or anything, i just think it’s a little funny that she’s over here abt as often as pb now. more, actually, since pb’s been busy with shit (and i don’t rly invite him over after like, 10p bc he’s got a bedtime usually). i like mary well enough, she’s sweet. i think she’s a little too nice and that she doesn’t say half of what she’s thinking and i have a hard time trusting ppl like that, but she’s a sweetheart so like, eh. no trust but i like her.
anyway, i’m a little nervous to go home bc the holidays are always rough in my family, and they’ll be even worse this year bc of my grannie having a stroke (she’s slowly losing it, well, not even slowly anymore) and the added stress. but, my dad is trying not to be an abusive asshole, so it might even out, maybe it’ll even be tolerable. i’m still anxious, tho, but not nearly as much as i have been during previous semesters. i’ll get thru it. worst case scenario, i bring my rum and get drunk every night. but i’ll survive, it’s only like, 5 days.
i plan to write for most of it. i’ve got one assignment i need to work on for playwriting. i’m going to completely rewrite my script bc nobody liked it bc it had ‘no action’ and was ‘just a bunch of one liners’ and i’m like... yeah? and? i thought it was funny. i liked it. but w/e, i’ll rewrite it and give it more conflict and a resolution and shit. oh, no, i’ve got two assignments. i’ve got to write a paper for acting i. and then i’ve got to read trifles. that should take maybe a day. i might work a little on my next script analysis project, tho, and potentially do my therapy hw that i’ve put off for the past 3 weeks. but once i’m done with hw, i’m going to spend the rest of break writing so hopefully i’ll have like, the rest of chap 12 and at least 3/4th of chap 13 (if not all of it) written by the end of it. then it’s back to class when i get home. luckily there’s like, no more rehearsal that ik of. 
i’ll go over my to do list and all my hw assignments tomorrow after i finish packing (if i don’t nap, in which case i’ll go over the assignments when i get home, tho, calling it home feels weird). then it’s hw time and afterwards, nonstop writing fest. i can’t wait. like, idc abt the turkey, i just want a chance to write uninterrupted for a few days.
for now, tho, i’mma write a bit then go to sleep. i think i’ll be able to sleep tonight, but if not, i’ll be back on by like, 5a.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 046.
When was the last time you ate out for lunch? uhhhh maybe last week
Is your dream job attainable? oof.
Have you ever been to an auto show? i’ve been to several. used to go to a bunch when I was in HS cus all my friends were mainly guys and they were really into dragging me along to stuff like that
Have you ever wondered how flies get away from being swatted so quickly? nope. never wondered that.
Have you read a newspaper today? no, but a few days ago
What was the last thing you cooked for dinner? made some homemade wings. they were SO good
Do you live in the city/town you were born in? neighboring town
Can you remember the last song you listened to? better than me by hinder. the lyrics areeeeeee on point.. “The bed I'm lying in is getting colder Wish I never would've said it's over And I can't pretend I won't think about you when I'm older 'Cause we never really had our closure This can't be the end I really miss your hair in my face And the way your innocence tastes And I think you should know this You deserve much better than me“
Do you know anyone who still doesn't have a smartphone? gram. probably me, shortly.
Have you ever been on a cruise? No but I’d love to.
What is your favourite kind of fruit juice? apple
Have you worn a necklace today? yup.
Have you ever had an x-ray? many many many times.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes? mom did when she was a teen. Dad did for YEARS. I don’t know if he does or doesnt anymore.
What is your favourite Thanksgiving food? omfg everything. thanksgiving food is SO GOOD.
Did you leave the house today? If so, where did you go? Not yet no
When you cook, do you clean as you go or clean it all up at the end? as I go, unless the complexity of the recipe calls for closer attention.
What letter does your surname begin with? S
What is one food you couldn't live without? potatoes.
Do you know how to whistle? yep.
Have you eaten cake today? No. gluten free cake sucks. MAN i miss cake. 
Have you ever tried Turkish coffee? No.
When was the last time you were at a church and why? before covid I was at my church. Might be goin tomorrow.
Do you know anyone who was born overseas? Yes.
Have you put something in the trunk of your car this week? helllllllll no. short story time. I notoriously like a clean, empty trunk. mom stuffs her trunk with donations n crap and that drives me nuts. well she went to pick up groceries with my car one day, and she had stuck some donations in the trunk as well ( -.- ) but I was unaware of that. So we drive around for 2-3 weeks minding our own business (i was not leaving the house ever because I was too sad) so one day we get in the car to go somewhere and we are assaulted by this HORRIBLE scent. turns out that a gallon of milk rolled behind her donations in the trunk and had been cooking in the 100 degree weather in the trunk. we have literally washed, scrubbed, sprayed, deodorized, and done everything. It’s still there. So now we have to set aside money to get the car detailed because we can’t use the trunk. 
What was the last hot thing you ate for breakfast? Oatmeal.
Who does most of the chores in your house? Me
Did you have a New Years kiss this year? Nope
Do you prefer to eat carrots raw or cooked? cooked
What was the last type of cheese you ate? uhhh, I really don’t know. it’s been a hot minute.
What was the first video game you remember playing? bond
Do you have a newspaper or magazine subscription? i want magazines, but no. we do get newspapers for gram
What is your favourite flavour of Skittles? none. I do not like skittles.
What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? I wonder what kile is doing.
Do you get a lot of snow where you live? yup. I love it.
Have you ever met a famous political figure? I mean, like a mayor sure. but a major figure, no
Have you ever lost important information from a computer or laptop? Yepppppppp. 
Do you have to go to school or work tomorrow? No
Have you consumed dairy today? no, not yet.
How do you feel about flying on airplanes? cool as a cucumber.
What's your favourite sandwich filling? omfg all of them. I WANT ONE SO BAD>
Have you slept for longer than usual today? No.
Is anybody else in the room you're in? just cha-cha.
Have you ever been to a drive-in theatre? yea! many times! we do that frequently in FL
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Nope. I’ve seen what it does to my family so for that reason, i’m not into it. but mannnnnn. the smell of the first few puffs is SO intoxicating to me. plus, I’m envious of the stress relief that comes from it. 
Do you know if you're left-brained or right-brained? I have a mix. On the left side, I’m logical, fact-oriented, planned, orderly. yet on the right side I am artsy, creative, imaginative, reads fiction.
If you have a Facebook account, how many friends do you have on it? no idea. i dont use it.
Have you consumed alcohol today? If so, what? No. I am looking forward to some of my drink, but I dk if i’ll have any today.
Who was the main cook of your Thanksgiving meal last year? split evenly between mom and I
Have you ever donated unwanted clothing? all the time.
What is your favourite kind of pie? i like many kinds, but right now I could go for some pumpkin
Do you remember how old you were when you learned to tie your shoelaces? like 4ish
Who taught you how to ride a bike? myself. I had a traumatic start from my siblings and it resulted in a shattered kneecap (which is still shattered) 
Who is the third contact in your phone? that sounds like more work than I am willing to go thru
Do you have a passport? If so, how many stamps do you have in it? Nope. I think I’m going to get one tho
What is your favourite chocolate bar? right now kitkat.
Have you ever been dumped really harshly? uhh, eh
Have you ever taken classes for a musical instrument? Yeah. i hated it.
Do you have your license? If so, what car do you drive? yes. lexus.
Have you ever been on vacation with someone other than your family? yup. em, nathan, alix, josh, justin, and myself.
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b-afterhours · 6 years
Sympathy For The Devil: Epilogue
summary: Set in 1978, Bill a young yet accomplish cop takes on the crime in New York City. Nervous yet excited to take on his first big task at his new department and prove himself. He soon finds out his partner is everything he had least expected.
author’s note: this is good and long for the wait! if you’ve made it to this epilogue i couldn’t thank you enough! after thinking on it i decided to continue the Star and Bill’s story thru “one shots” i’ve already have one in the works!! but anyway sit back and enjoy! and thank you for loving this story and Star as much as I do!
also if you’re seeing this for the first time you can read part one HERE and if you need to catch up on previous chapters go HERE.
playlist: Angie - The Rolling Stones and Dedicated to the One I Love - The Mamas & The Papas  
tags: @kikilikes @billieskars @imaginingyournotsolikelyfuture @bskarsgardfilth @itsbillskarsgard @ambeazyyy @the-lonelyon3 @biskarsgards
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At the police station in East Harlem, Bill no longer sat at the beat desk in the back of the place but now he was seated right at the front. In a much nicer desk that he arranged to face out so that his back was to the wall and he'd have a view of everyone. His shift was about over, he just needed to double check some police reports he'd let pile up over the week. He was so busy patrolling the streets, that by the time his shift ended, he just wanted to grab a beer and go home to his cat Minx.
"Ay, Bill!" Jason, his partner, said sliding his leather police cap off his head. "I'm out for the day. See you in the morning." He punctuated tapping his knuckles on Bill's desk.
"No drinks tonight?" He said a bit disappointed.
"Nah, sorry. Baby girl is sick with colic." Jason frowned.
"No, that's my oldest. It's Ruby, the 8-month-old."
"Oh! Right, right..." Bill often zoned out when Jason talked on and on about his kids. He had 3, two girls and a boy in the middle and despite having a near newborn, his wife was already a few months pregnant with a fourth. Bill was one of the first lucky few to hear the news. "Well, then 'til morning. Hope Ruby feels better." Bill gave Jason a little nod while he shuffled his paperwork into a neat pile.
Jaime, the youngest secretary, came in right as Jason passed her at the threshold. She was still very shy and painfully stiff around Bill. She stood with her arms to her side and cleared her throat lightly.
"Uh, are you here for these?" Bill lifted his reports.
"Oh, I can take those." With her feet still planted she awkwardly reached for them and clutched them to her chest. She's weird, Bill thought, but he thanked her. "But I came to tell you, that there is a caller on line three for you."
"Caller? You know who?" Bill said pulling the beige rotary phone on his desk closer to him. He hardly got personal calls to his desk but when he did it was family who he'd given the direct number to.
"No... they said you'd 'know who it is'," she pursed her lips before speaking again. "And they told me to, 'hurry up'."
Bill ran his hand over his mouth to mask his amused expression. "Okay, sorry about that Jaime." He picked up the receiver and hit the third square button flashing red at him. He had an inkling of who it might be calling. "Angela?" He smiled to himself over the fact that he could call her by her real name.
"Christ, what took that girl so long? My break's almost over." She said on the other end of her call. He could hear several dings from a bell in the background and loud chatter. "Bill?"
"Uh yeah. Sorry I should have given you this number too."
"It's no big deal. Are you busy?"
"No, just about to head out."
"Listen, I know we're going out tomorrow and all but could you come to the diner? Um, some lawyers came by earlier and I'm kinda spooked."
"What?" Bill stood out of his seat.
"How do they know where I work? I think they were part of Stan's defense team..."
"Shit... uh, I'll be on the way okay. Don't talk to anyone else."
Bill got into his brown 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass that he bought lightly used as a late Christmas present to himself. Tossing his police cap on the passenger seat, he glanced down at himself and suddenly felt like a square in his uniform. He turned the keys in the ignition with a huff and shrugged, he was just going to have to deal with it.
Arriving at the diner, he jogged from across the street where he parked. The door chime rang loudly when he walked in. All the waitresses, turned their heads acknowledging the police officer. All, except for Star, who was busy wiping down a booth by the window. He gave the waitresses a polite nod passing them by to meet her. Star looked over when she noticed a tall figure approaching.
"You got here quick," she smiled. "Um sit back there, I'll join you in a second." She pointed at the last booth by the window.
Bill nodded, walking past her to take a seat. He watched as she quickly went around the counter, picking up a coffee pot and a white mug. Swiftly, she approached him setting down the mug and filling it up, letting the caffeine pour to a long trail of nothing as she lifted the pot upright. She walked off with a wink to set the bill on her last table of the evening. The table was full of rowdy, college-aged men, they quieted when she approached only snickering amongst each other. A blonde haired boy collected the money from his friends and handed it to Star.
"You give this to the cashier," she set the money on the table.
The blonde looked at her with a sly smirk on as he sneakily ran his hand up her thigh to meet her bottom. Watching the exchange Bill jerked in his seat. Before he could slide out of his booth, Star snatched the boy's hand away; his index finger in her grip, ripping it back harshly. The boy winced, biting his bottom lip to keep from yelping. Star reached for a five dollar bill from their pile of cash and crumpled it tightly in her hand.
"That costs boy," she smirked, pushing his hand out of her grip. The rest of the boys sat back in shock, speechless at what had happened to their friend while he sat red in the face in embarrassment. She stared them down. "Now, you pay with Tammy. Over there." She pointed at the gray-haired waitress gnawing on a piece of gum.
Star turned on her heels and saw that Bill wasn't too pleased with what he saw. She rolled her eyes and slid into the seat in front of him, tucking the crumpled five dollar bill in her bra.
"I'm fine," she spoke before he could say anything. "It doesn't happen a lot. They're just stupid kids."
Bill sighed, shaking his head. "Well, I don't like it." He said still having to let her know.
"Are you hungry?" She changed the subject. "We've got a thing called a garbage plate, it's actually good despite the name," she lightly laughed, waving one of her fellow waitresses over. "So these lawyers that came by," she said turning to him after placing her order, "have any of them come to you or anything?"
"No," he sipped his coffee. "Um, I've heard things about Stan and even Randi from Pat but no goon type lawyers have come to see me."
"Shit..." she sighed. "How did they find me? I don't even have my studio lease in my name?"
"You have a studio?" He said happy knowing she had found a proper place for herself. Star responded with a proud nod. "You didn't tell these guys anything right?"
Star scoffed. "Of course not! I know my rights. I've been to jail so many times I can recite the Miranda rights myself. I just played dumb." She laughed.
"Good." Bill nodded. "I'll poke around, maybe get some info on what's going on at the station tomorrow morning? I can't promise anything but I'll try," he took a sip of his black coffee.
"Alright, thanks," she relaxed in her seat.
"I won't let anything happen to you. I promised you that, remember?" Bill reached for her hand and she quickly pulled away. He winced at the rejection.
"Sorry, they could be watching..." she glanced out the window overseeing the street.
"I'm already here, Angela. And they have nothin' on us anyway."
She slid her hand back lacing her small fingers between his fingers. She looked at their clasped hands, she couldn't believe that he was back in her life again. She missed him the very second she left his apartment that day in late November. She took all her things to the greyhound station waiting in the long line of people trying to leave the city the weekend after Thanksgiving. She stood for an hour and once she was right at the ticket booth, she froze. The old man behind the thin iron bars looking at her strangely when she didn't respond to his greeting.
"I said, where to Miss?" He asked her again.
She stood shaking her head as her eyes teared up. "I-I can't..." she choked out before bolting off.
She stowed away the rest of that evening in a small biker bar until close. She felt stupid. Crying to herself when she was too drunk to drink anymore. Everyone gave her strange glares but thankfully avoided her corner of the bar. For a second she contemplated whether she should go back to Bill's apartment but she thought better of it. He would probably be angry with her, though she knew deep down he wouldn't have been mad at all. It was better for her to stay away for her sake since the night before when they kissed she just didn't feel the same... Instead, she walked back to the bus station just to crash for the night. Never in her life, had she felt what he had her feel. And it terrified her.
The waitress set the large steaming plate of hash, eggs, bacon and sausage and cheese before them. She gave Bill's hand a squeeze before letting go.
"It doesn't look too pretty but I swear it's good," Star said handing him some rolled silverware. "If you put syrup on it, it's way better."
The plate was big enough to feed both of them. Yet Bill was left to finish it off when Star was too full to eat anymore.
"Kinda, shitty, huh?" She said talking out loud.
"No, the food's really good," he said with a full mouth, shoveling the last bite in.
"Oh, not the food... Just, we come back around and all the bullshit came right back with it. I'm bad luck," she frowned.
"You're not bad luck. It was bound to happen, just didn't think it would be so soon. We're gonna have to get lawyers soon too, ya know."
Star sighed. "I work as CI and assume I'd never have to see a courtroom again after..." she shook her head and suddenly yawned.
"Long shift?"
"I worked a double today," she shrugged. "Switched shifts so I could go out with you tomorrow... Don't go lookin' sorry for me," she lightly laughed.
"I wasn't feeling sorry?" He wiped his mouth with a crumpled paper napkin.
"You don't have a very good poker face."
He chuckled. "Well, that explains why I always lose at Jason's poker nights." He laughed. "I, uh, can I give you a ride home? I have a car now," he didn't want to sound too eager but he was.
"Please? My feet are killing me."
Star didn't live too far, just a few blocks over from the diner. Bill couldn't help but scope out the neighborhood, it was a bit rough and he didn't like that on normal evenings she walked home alone. Star pointed out her building to the right of them and he pulled over.
"Uh, I'd invite you in but I really need to clean first. Trust me. And it's a studio so it's super small anyway..." she said quickly barreling out her excuses.
"It's fine," he reached passed her and pushed the car door open. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
"7:30?" She double checked. Bill answered with a nod. "If you have to call me, remember the number I gave you is my neighbors and you kinda gotta talk loud, she's old and hard of hearing and if I'm not home then-"
"Then call the diner," he finished for her, "I got it," he smiled, reaching for her hand and planting a gentle kiss on the back of it. "Goodnight, Angela." ...
That morning at the station, Jason was telling Bill all about the night he had with his youngest daughter Ruby and dealing with her colic. Bill still had no idea what colic was exactly but with what Jason was telling him it sounded like a nightmare. Jaime came hustling her short legs toward them with an aluminum wrapped muffin tray just before they walked out the building.
"I almost forgot!" Jaime said out of breath. "Th-these were left for you this morning." She said passing the tray off to Bill. "And this," handing him a folded sheet of notebook paper. Bill flipped the paper open with his free hand and began to read:
"Good morning, B'. Enjoy my blueberry muffins. See you tonight. XOXO."
It was signed with her signature drawn star with A.E. in the middle. It even smelled of rose perfume. He smiled big, pulling the foil off the tin, and the scent of the sweet muffins hits him. He realized then, her messy studio was just a lame excuse, she had planned to bake these after work.
"Who are these from?" Jason said when Bill handed the tray to him when they finally got in the cruiser. "You got a honey, you've been keepin' from me?" He handed Bill a muffin before biting into his. "Fuck this is good," he said with a full mouth, crumbs coating his dark mustache.
Bill took a bite, his teeth breaking through the sugar crystal crust and into the moist, sweet blueberry muffin. It was incredibly good, actually. He was smiling to himself the whole time he chewed.
"So? Who's this A.E.," Jason said looking at the note. "See you tonight. XO. XO." He read, wagging his brows at Bill.
"Gimme that," Bill playfully snatched the note from Jason. "She's my friend." He said putting the uneaten half of his muffin back in the tin tray.
"Just a friend?" He pressed. "You know how early your friend has to be at the station, for you not to spot her?"
"She's... we're talkin', I guess." He said putting the cruisers gear in drive.
"Talking's good. Now, you don't want to go on getting tied down, just warning ya. You're too young."
Bill flashed him a puzzled glance. "Aren't you only a year older than me?"
"You're married and your wife is pregnant with your fourth kid?"
"Exactly, why you should heed my warning!" He wagged a finger but digressed. "But anyway, where'd you meet your friend A.E.? These muffins are really fresh and sweet, so she must be too, right?" He said holding the last bit of muffin up and tossing it in his mouth.
"She is. Uh, we met here at work," Bill bit his lip.
"Oh, was she a secretary before the turn over?" Jason asked as he looked out his window watching the foot traffic blur by as Bill drove.
"Ah, no... met her while I was doing undercover work."
Jason turned his attention back to him with a raised brow. "Met her at a disco or something?"
"No. She was, uh, she was my CI..." He glanced over at Jason, nervously chewing his lip.
"Well... opposites attract right?" He patted Bill's shoulder and left it at that. ...
At 7:20, Bill parked in front of Star's complex, checking his hair in the rearview mirror while he smoked. He was almost late, having trouble with what to wear until he was reminded of the time and forced himself out his apartment. He settled on dark wash jeans and a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Also unbuttoned showing a bit of his bare chest and the thin gold chain he religiously wore underneath his clothing.
Star came hustling out the front door of her building. Bill could faintly hear an arguing couple and a child's crying just before the door closed behind her, silencing it. He flicked his cigarette away as he swiftly stepped out of his car to meet her on the sidewalk. She was wearing a little black dress with black velvet thigh high heels.
"Hey, you look great," Bill smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder ushering her to the passenger door.
"Aww, did I overdress?" She turned her head noticing how casual he had dressed. "You said it was an Italian restaurant, you made it sound fancy..."
"It's a mom and pop place but it's popular. And I-I think I'm underdressed. You look wonderful." He leaned down to open the passenger door. "Now c'mon, the place fills up fast," he put a hand on the small of her back guiding her in.
There was a short line out the little hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant when they arrived. Bill was walking back to Star with his police jacket in hand while she held their spot in line under the awning. It was a slightly chilly out for the beginning of March. He draped the jacket over her and rubbed between her shoulders. Star giggled to herself as she pulled the oversized jacket tightly around herself.
"What?" Bill with a chuckle, wanting in on whatever was amusing her.
"I'm usually in police cuffs," she laughed, "not jackets."
He smirked, his dimple appearing. "I hope my jacket is a lot warmer."
"Definitely," she leaned into his side.
Shortly, they were seated in the back of the dim restaurant that smelled of garlic and rosemary and fresh bread. It felt homey. An authentic piece of Italy hidden right in New York City. Sourdough baby baguettes were set before them on the white cloth covered table. Their waiter handed them paper menu's and just before he could hustle off Bill ordered two glasses of white wine.
"What's good?" Star asked perusing her menu. "Have you been here before?"
Bill puffed his bottom lip out and shook his head. "Nah, uh Pat told me about this place."
"Do you talk to Pat about me?" She smirked.
"Uh... sorta? Is, is that weird?"
"Nope," she lightly shrugged. "Just weird that you're basically best friends with an old broad."
"Yeah, well, Pat's alright. I'm still trying to convince her to go out for drinks. You think it'll happen one day?" He playfully winked.
"Christ," she bit her lip to keep from laughing and entertaining his sarcasm. "I knew you had a crush on her. Any other broads I should know about?" She went back to looking at her menu.
"Nah... no," he nervously bit his lip.
"Don't lie..." she peered from atop her menu. A glimmer of curiosity and friskiness in her eyes. "I'm sure girls panties just drop seeing a tall handsome fella like you patrolling in your uniform."
"Excuse me?" He said with a laugh. "Panties dropping? For an NYPD pig? Don't think so." He tore a piece of the small baguette and dipped it into the olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette that accompanied it. "I had a run in from the bar but I, it never went anywhere. One night stand thing," he shrugged. "Only once."
"That's absolutely filthy of you, B'." She facetiously joked. "Can't believe you," she smirked.
"And you, you're a beautiful lady? Uh, I mean, may I ask?"
She set her menu down, suddenly becoming serious and near unreadable as she sat up in her seat. "Not a single soul." She said looking him square in the eyes. "Did you figure out what you want? I think I did." She clasped her hands together, changing the subject.
Bill didn't know how to take her stoic response but he knew how she loved to change the subject when she felt the spotlight on her. It made her uncomfortable. And for some reason, he felt like he was back to square one with her despite everything.
"I'm getting the shrimp alfredo," she pointed on his menu.
Bill's attention finally fell on the menu he barely looked through. "Uh yeah, I'll get the lasagna." It was an easy choice and the first he had noticed. Bill called the waiter over to order and only began speaking once he left. "Uh, did I say something wrong, Angela?" He nervously scratched his neck.
"Huh? No, not at all," she shook her head and reached for his hand on the table. "Relax," she said softly, "I'd let you know if you said something I didn't like."
"But will you, really?"
"Do you know me or not?" She tilted her head. "We just have some catching up, is all."
"Right, right," he nodded.
They ate the delicious Italian dishes with their wine. They even switched plates for a moment to try each other's food. Bill was glad Pat didn't let him down with her recommendation of the place. If only she knew, who he had planned on accompanying him. Lord knows she tried to press him for details but he didn't budge. Star sat back in her seat absolutely stuffed, she hadn't eaten outside the diner since she started working there a few months ago. Her meals were discounted so it was convenient. Bill paid the tab and quickly glanced at his wrist watch, it was almost 10:30 and the movie he had planned to take her to was scheduled at ten on the dot. He was out of moves for the night.
Bill was driving Star back to her place. They sat listening to a Hollies song playing on his car radio, passing a cigarette back and forth. Despite Star's cheery attitude singing along to the radio, Bill felt like the whole date had been a disaster. They missed the movie. And he felt stupid for even thinking it was okay to ask Star if she had been with anyone. He definitely blew it. Bill finally parked right in front of the buildings' door.
"Um, would you like to come up?" Star asked shyly. "You don't have to stay but I'd like to show ya?"
Bill followed her in, hoping this was his chance to end the night on a better note. The walls in the main hallway were painted a dingy yellow color or maybe they were nicotine stained, Bill wasn't so sure. Random yelling and noises came from various rooms as they walked to the graffitied elevator at the end of the corridor.
"Did you get those muffins?" Star asked him after hitting the button for the 19th floor; she lived just below the very top. "Big Ol' Stacy didn't get to them did she?"
"Oh Stacy doesn't work at the station anymore," he chuckled, "But yeah I got them, thank you. They were really good, incredible. Even my partner Jason liked them."
"Is he nice?" She wondered. The only nice cop she ever met was Bill.
"Yeah, good family man. Uh, there is a bit to catch up on, the station nearly had a whole staff change." The elevators opened with an unsettling creak onto Star floor.
"This way," she pulled on this shirt so he'd follow, going left. Her floor was by far a lot quieter than the main floor. Almost eerily quiet. "Old folks live on this floor," she said digging in her small purse for her keys. "I don't know why but I like it. They mind their business for the most part," she stopped at her door, 19G. "It's just a studio," she looked up at him before opening the door.
She was nervous inviting Bill into her home. But he had been so inviting and generous with his apartment she felt it was only right. Besides, she knew he was curious since mentioning it last night. She didn't have much. She was lucky to have collected all the furniture she had acquired so far. She bought a full sized bed and box spring, used, but in decent condition. The bed frame was still leaning against the wall right by, she hadn't had time to set it up. And also she was worried about breaking a nail. Right next to the bed frame was an orange suede recliner she had decorated with a white crochet throw. Nothing she owned matched yet she got it to work together somehow.
"This is it," she shrugged. "I'm gonna get out of this dress. Go and get comfortable. The radio is right by the window." She pointed out.
Star ducked off into the small bathroom leaving Bill alone. He slowly walked over to the radio set on a little card table and hunched down tuning dial back and forth until he could find a song he could live with. He took a seat on the edge Star's bed while the piano jazz he settled on softly played. He looked around the place, bored with waiting, fidgeting with his hands between his knees feeling awkward. There wasn't anything covering the walls but the huge cloth tapestry tacked at the head of her bed. Star emerged from the bathroom in a black slip dress and an oversized thick red flannel over it. She was wearing long tube socks bunched at her ankles that were recognizably his.
Star put a hand on his cheek letting it glide off as she walked around him to her nightstand, pulling out a half-smoked joint and a lighter from the drawer. She walked to the window by the radio and tugged it open, she stuck her head out, and then looked back at Bill.
"C'mon," she nudged her head, a playful look in her eyes.
Bill watched her crawl out the window and on to the fire escape platform. Star could easily fit through but he had a whole foot of height on her. He stuck his head out first and met Star's amusement as she watched him shimmy his long limbs through the window. Finally, on the platform, he sat with his back to the stairs, his legs right behind her while her's were between the bars swinging back and forth several stories high.
She lit her joint, taking a puff and slowly sighing the smoke out. She had a lovely view of the iconic skyscrapers of Manhattan, they looked a lot less daunting from Harlem. The city looked beautiful at night almost peaceful if it weren't for the various sirens and clatter of bins and screeching alley cats.
"Sorry about the movie," Bill said looking at how the moon lined her nose and plump lips in silver and created shadows of her mascara-coated lashes on her cheeks.
She turned her head. "We'll see it another time. I heard The Deer Hunter is really good so we gotta." She held out her joint to him. "I'm only offering to be polite."
Bill took the joint between her fingers and took a puff without hesitation. He hadn't smoked grass since grade school. A devious smile tugged at Star's lips as he blew a thin trail of smoke above her head.
"You still wanna go out with me?" He asked passing the joint back.
"Yes..." she stubbed the joint out on the rail. "Why wouldn't I?" Her brows furrowed at his question.
"Y-you left... I thought maybe you felt sorry for me and that's why you agreed to go out?"
"Bill no..." she frowned. "I missed you."
"You knew where I lived?"
She lowered her head. He had every right to be upset with her. "I know. I was scared... And I'm confused... w-why do you like me, Bill?" She looked back up at him. "I'm not that great? I'm just an ex-hooker turn waitress. I'm going nowhere?"
"Stop that," he closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head. "I don't like when you talk about yourself like you're nothing. Like you couldn't possibly mean nothing. What you did and what you do now, you shouldn't feel ashamed of. You're a good girl, Angie. I like you because you're honest, and you care, and you have so much courage and you're real. You don't fake anything. Me," he pointed at his chest, "I'm a big faker. I got my uniform and everything but I fuckin' hate being a cop. It's bullshit."
"Oh don't say that. You love being a cop, B'. You're really good at it."
"Fuck the cop shit," he waved off. "Don't skim over what I said about you... d-do you even like me? Or..."
Star slid her legs from between the bars, Bill moved his from behind her and bent them. She looked like she was about to leave him making him regret his words towards her. Until she scooted closer to him, sitting in between his bent knees.
"I do. I like you. I'm sorry for leaving like I did... Like I said, I was scared," she chewed on her lip.
"But why were scared?"
"Because I... no one," she sighed, having trouble finding her words, "I don't meet a lot of nice guys you know. If I do, they certainly don't like me. You know what kinda guys I've dealt with, it's really fucked with my head." She pointed at her temple. "I've had a lot of time to think on it... about what I used to do and why I left you, 'cause at the time I didn't know. Not really... I just, I just feel gross? And then, Stan," she shook her head and swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "I'm so disgusted with myself." She turned away for a moment, blinking rapidly to keep her tears at bay. "I like you, Bill. Like a lot! But you don't want someone like me."
"Stop. Stop it. You're not gross or disgusting," he reached for her hand and held it tightly. "I don't see you that way. But it doesn't matter what I think, I want you to see that you're not either. It's important to me. I'll do whatever so that you can know how amazing you are," he sweetly swept a dark lock of her hair behind her ear. "I know it's silly to have these feelings so fast but I couldn't help it and I couldn't shake them. And then I saw you again and just knowing that you were okay and well... that alone made me so happy."
Star nodded feeling so loved and appreciated. It was something she hadn't felt and she never realized how, so desperately she needed it. "If-if we do this..." she nervously stammered, "we have, we have to do it slowly. Is that okay?"
"That's fine. I just don't want you to leave again," he said earnestly, he couldn't take it if she did. "Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it."
"Okay... 'cause, sometimes people touchin' me freaks me out, I don't know," she shook her head feeling embarrassed. She hated being vulnerable but she also had to remind herself that her words were safe with him. "Like that kid, I was able to handle it 'cause I knew you were there. Other days, I run off to the kitchen and lock myself in the walk-in freezer to calm down. Until I'm me again, you know. It really doesn't happen a lot but when it does it's bad."
Bill nodded understandingly. "Just tell me, what's okay and what's not. Please."
"Well, kissing is okay. I kissed you the day when I saw you again," a soft smile curved from her lips. "I even surprised myself, I just needed to do it."
"And holding your hand?" He said rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand that he was holding.
"Yes," she giggled.
"I'll let you take the lead with whatever, okay? I won't put hands on you unless you ask."
"Sounds fair. You don't have to treat me like I'm fragile, though. I don't get those icky feelings with you. I feel safe. I'll let you know, okay?"
"Okay," he smiled.
"Uh, would you like to stay with me tonight? Unless you've got something in the morning that's fine?"
"I wanna stay." He reached for her head running his hand through her dark hair. "Can I?" He asked. She nodded her head cradled in his hands. He planted a tender kiss on her forehead, trailing them down her nose and finally connecting their lips.
It felt like the first time all over again. Back in his bedroom when things were all right in the world. Before she left. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, kissing him back longingly. Making up for lost time. At that moment, nothing else existed. Not who they were or what they had been through. And no one around to place judgment on the fact that they had chosen each other. Opposites... Though they were equals in each other's eyes. They were people living in the beat of their own drum in the city that never sleeps. Bill held her tightly as she rested her head on his chest, taking in his warmth. His heart happy with knowing she wasn't going anywhere this time.
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the-stoned-ranger · 7 years
belated thanksgiving post
hey y’all, you may have noticed that i’ve been around less often. nothing bad has happened... i’ve just been spending a lot less time online and more time engaging with real life people. that’s not to say that i don’t think my fandom friends are real friends--i love you guys and you kept me sane through a very difficult year. rather, i’m just a severe introvert who needs a lot of time alone and mental space to decompress, and when i pour a lot of emotional energy into online friendships, my real life friendships suffer. i still love ya, and i’m around for chatting and messages, even if it might take me a few days to respond.
so, let’s do the thing now:
@phaytesworld​: you are the best saltwife anyone could ask for, so amazingly generous and kind and prolific. thank you for your friendship and your ability to help me discover all the best kinks and pairings i never wanted. long live lerovitch! (ps: i still think you’re the stephen king of our fandom, and it will always be a huge compliment!)
@francowitch: thank you for sticking by me thru thick and thin. you’ve always listened and never judged, and your art is beautiful!
@kinoglowworm: you are just the best, dude. you are such a thoughtful brainstormer and you’ve helped me to really get into the grit of what i write to create whole characters. your “ghost with the hammer in his hand” is one of my favorite fics; you draw such a vivid picture of NYC that i feel like i’m back home again.
@meimagino: BRO, where would i be without you, bro? every kink i come up with, you’re right there with me. you’re talented and special and amazing.
@theinsanefox: you’re sweet and cute and anytime you’re in the hood, hit me up! even if i’m too much of an introvert for fandom space right now, you’re always a welcome guest.
@boxwineconfession: it’s all your fault and i love you for it. thank you for creating such a cool space for all us weirdos, and introducing me to some great people! you’re also amazingly prolific and talented (like, how do you do it?) and i just love you lots.
@blownwish-blog: your writing makes pornography sound like a poem. no one’s better for when i want to be punched in the gut, and i read and reread your works hoping that some of your genius will get into my subconscious and one day i’ll with as much pathos as you.
@ashiiblack: we haven’t known each other long, but you’ve got good taste in bikes and sitcoms and us bike girls gotta stick together. your podfics are so good and so unique and your voice is like melted chocolate and champagne and orgasms all rolled up together.
@femmerosa: thank you for taking a chance and messaging me so long ago. you’re awesome and your encouragement keeps me going. i promise i will finish your 100 followers contest fic before i hit 300 followers... maybe.... (i still love ya even if i’m bad at deadlines!)
thank you so much all my mutuals and followers, and everybody who has taken the time to read or kudos my fics! i love you all, and i’ll be back. till then, you’re all awesome and i love you!
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