#wave project
tinymintywolf · 6 months
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no matter how much my interests change over the years miku is always with me... my most loyal friend...
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somnimagus · 9 months
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My page for @destinytriofanzine! I drew something about kids always dreaming of far off places
[id in alt!]
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pixiltalks · 17 days
Watching Will Stetson grow from being a new face in the kagepro scene, to being an incredibly influential English singer in the community, to writing Genshin fan songs, to singing the main theme song for Wuthering Waves, has honestly been such a joy to experience. I'm so proud of him.
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stardotnet · 1 year
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ive been thinking a lot about the golden records lately
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lady-bee-holmes · 11 months
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As requested, here’s the progress on one of my “completed” whales :) Naturally, I still have to edge it and attach it to the jacket, but it’s so sparkly.
You can also see my nice antique pincushion in the back :)
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sunlit-haruka · 6 months
I'm going to sound like such a smartass but I'm glad I'm seeing more people express that "Huh, maybe this girl who has an entire song repeating to herself over and over again that her murder was not her fault meanwhile she-
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portrays herself as a giant grotesque bug in her headspace with her victim, who she clearly still holds a high opinion of, being the only human in said headspace looking at her with visible disgust and fear,
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Making this expression upon realizing what she just did
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These being the lyrics that follow right after, having a moment of reconsideration
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Before jumping back to trying to convince herself that she was in the right, because she put her trust in us to tell her if what she did was right or not, and the answer that came out was yes... That maybe, just maybe. She thinks that what she did...
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Might have been her fault."
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cpprcoyote · 7 months
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Midnight Excursion
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jopkajabki · 5 months
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a famous actress and a dollmaker or something idek
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mikufigureoftheday · 8 months
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🐈‍⬛Today's Miku figure is:🐈‍⬛
Mad Wave Nyanko ver.
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sunshineandlyrics · 18 days
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🚁🇦🇷❤️ Steve loved the waving scarves fan project for Out of My System. He tweeted and posted on his IG story about it.
FITFWT Buenos Aires, 18 May 2024 x x
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
emurui arc ender (shocked face)
do you have everything about all of their parents? i for some reason can’t find anything about ichika’s mom, rui’s dad or emu’s mother (i may be blind, pretty sure emu’s mother was mentioned and ichika’s mom was aswell. i know she was mentioned in ichika’s introduction but i haven’t seen her in story yet)
The parents who don’t have physical appearances are generally less important and rarely show up or are mentioned (with a few exceptions) but we do learn some things about them from card stories and such. Here’s some stuff I can remember about the faceless/nameless parents
Ichika’s parents met because they liked the same song. It’s where her name comes from.
also her dad reads manga
We don’t know much about her mother. she's nice though.
Saki and Tsukasa’s mother is a piano teacher. Considering that she’s friends with Harumichi, she probably used to play professionally
We don’t know much about their father, but he has a tendency to spoil Saki (mentioned in Tenma Hinamatsuri)
Honami’s mother is a beautician (mentioned in an area conversation iirc) and her father is a hairstylist (mentioned in Petit SEKAI Episode 6)
Shiho and Shizuku’s mother is a koto instructor and their father used to be a guitarist in a band
We don’t know much about Minori’s parents but they show up in STEP by STEP!. They initially had concerns about her switching courses and being a full-time idol, but after seeing that Minori was prepared and determined to be an idol they let her go ahead
We don't know a huge amount about Haruka and Airi's parents either. Similar to Minori, we know they are nice parents and supportive of their idol careers and that's about it.
Haruka's mother is a nail artist. She was worried about Haruka when she was younger because she rarely smiled.
Kohane's dad is a photographer. He's also the one who bought Count Pearl.
According to Kohane, he has a penchant for coming up with weird names
An mentions in MEIKO's 1* card story that her mother, Yuka, is not a good cook.
I think it's stated somewhere that Yuka is a teacher but don't quote me on that
Akito and Ena's mother makes them eat their carrots because she thinks they should at least try to eat the things they don't like.
She's pretty laid-back and thinks her kids should be able to do whatever they want to do. She's meant to be the polar opposite of Mrs Asahina.
In Ena's fes card it's revealed that she kept some of the old art that Ena threw away in case she ever regretted it
Toya's mother used to bake him cookies a lot and that's why he likes them
She was also very overprotective of him when he was younger and basically wouldn't let him do any recreational games or activities in case he injured himself and couldn't play piano.
She taught Toya to play the violin. I'm assuming that she used to play professionally and that's how she met Harumichi.
We don't really know anything about Emu's mother iirc. She's mentioned occasionally but I don't remember her ever appearing off the top of my head. In Smile of Dreamer it's mentioned that she's abroad doing volunteer work in Cambodia.
Nene and Rui's mothers are good friends due to being neighbours. Nene even used to call Rui's mother "auntie" when they were younger. Her mother recorded a lot of her performances from when she was little.
Beyond that we don't really know anything. I don't remember Nene's dad ever appearing but he is mentioned.
Rui's mother is a biologist, as mentioned in Revival my dream. I have a theory that she mainly works in entomology (study of bugs), or maybe more specifically lepidopterology (study of moths and butterflies), because Rui talks a lot about a moth at one point and has books on butterflies in that event. He talks about some other bugs as well.
His dad is a robotics engineer, also mentioned in Revival my dream. He doesn't actually appear though.
Rui's mother had a very similar background to Rui. She was often called weird and eccentric because of her interest in biology and didn't have any friends until meeting Rui's father, who was really into robotics.
We don't know a huge amount about Mafuyu's father. He does push her to achieve as much as her mother does, but he seems to have limits.
We don't know a lot about Mizuki's parents either, but they are very supportive of them and were worried when they started skipping school
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egophiliac · 10 months
Um…hello! Your art is like a HUGE inspiration to me how you draw everyone is so unique, I love it! So I just wanted to ask what inspired you and your art to what it is today?
(hopefully I explained that correctly ;w;)
oh my gosh, thank you! :D :D :D I've been feeling pretty down about my art lately, so this was a super nice message to wake up to! one of the easiest traps to fall into is forgetting that other people are seeing your art without all the baggage and hangups that your brain has given it, and sometimes...they might actually like it? hmm. 🤔 (seriously though, that really is incredible to hear, thank you! 💕)
inspiration is really really hard to put into words. so I apologize if none of this makes sense! :') a lot of it comes from looking at things I like, trying to break down what it is that I like about them, and smooshing all those pieces together into some kind of amalgamated homunculus. I'll see something that uses a lot of straights vs curves, go "ooh", and then just start throwing those in there until it is fully absorbed into the gelatinous mess that is Developing An Artstyle. or I'll see some pretty soft-style shading, go "ooh", and then decide I'm not meshing with it and try something else. just, like, being open and trying different things and seeing what sticks, I guess!
overall, I would say I was mostly shaped by the Western media landscape of the early 2000s, when anime was becoming more mainstream and starting to show influence on Western cartoons; I think particular works that influenced me were Sailor Moon, Utena, the works of Takahashi Rumiko, Samurai Jack, Batman Beyond, and Bone. (there's also the French movie Princes et Princesses -- which is itself a homage to The Adventures of Prince Achmed -- which...yeah, you can basically take one look at it and see the effect it had on me.) and there are probably a lot of other things that I didn't consciously realize!
on a more philosophical level, one of my teachers once said to me that "the art that you like to look at isn't necessarily the art that you should be doing". which is something I try to hold onto! I had been trying really hard at the time to be, like, a more realistic traditional-style painter, and was getting really frustrated because that kind of art isn't fun for me to do. it wasn't until I gave myself permission to actually try out different things and not lock myself into what I thought was the kind of art I should be doing, that I realized I actually just like drawing little dudes making weird faces at each other! (I definitely still have some hangups about this, but I am getting better at it! ...I hope!)
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dawnthread · 1 year
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i’m no fanartist, but i couldn’t help but get in on the dracula book club hype with a knitalong after finding Dracula’s Bride by Renee Linville on ravelry!!
my wonderful datemate gifted me a gorgeous gothic-lit-inspired skein pack for christmas last year, and this is the PERFECT project for it. after a lot of winding, a little math, and a few rounds of swatching to test-drive the needle size and gradient technique, we’re off to the races to the tune of our boy jonathan’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad business trip to transylvania - played to perfection by ben galpin in @re-dracula‘s audio drama production!!
i meant to post these earlier to properly track my progress, but i forgot XD
further updates to be posted as work progresses~!!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 3, Poll 9
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Patchouli Knowledge-Touhou Project
Every touhou character is queer even if it isn't canon. They just are. It's touhou it's just how it is. Patchouli is also canonically disabled, having asthma and anemia, and it canonically gets in the way of her day to day life because she can't cast as many spells as she'd like to
She's very PURPLE
Hua Cheng-Heaven Official’s Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu
Hua Cheng is the main love interest in Heaven Official's Blessing, a ghost who has been in love with the hero Xie Lian for over 800 years. As if being dead isn't enough, he once clawed out his own eye in order to save a group of humans from marauding ghosts shortly before his ascension to Ghost King.
Sexy pirate ghost king swag. Gay for His Highness.
Fun fact: between when he was submitted and when this poll was written the mods both read all of TGCF. Also low key I feel like gay for his highness is a little bit of an understatement.
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projectmayhem-stims · 6 months
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Shark board with slime and water for anon!
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rionee · 1 year
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