#we goin down folks
seeifitworksfirst · 11 months
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Oh yes I am also very into... science
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deanwinchesterwebsite · 10 months
"This is uh. When I was growing up me and my dad used to go at it all the time. Over almost anything, but uh, I used to have really long hair way down past my shoulders, I was 17 or 18, oh man he used to hate it. And we got to where we were fighting so much that I'd spend a lot of time out of the house. And in the summertime it wasn't so bad, 'cause it was warm and your friends were out. But in the winter I remember standin' downtown and it would get so cold, when the wind would blow. I had this phone booth that I used to stand in and I used to call my girl for hours at a time just talking to her all night long.
"And finally I'd get my nerve up to go home. I'd stand there in the driveway and he'd be waiting for me in the kitchen. And I'd tuck my hair down in my collar and I'd walk in, and he'd call me back to sit down with him. And the first thing he'd always ask me was what did I think I was doin' with myself? And the worst part about it was I could never explain it to him.
"I remember I got in a motorcycle accident once and I was laid up in bed and he had a barber come in and cut my hair. And man, I can remember telling him that I hated him and that I would never ever forget it.
"And he used to tell me 'Man, I can't wait until the army gets you. When the army gets you they're gonna make a man outta you. They're gonna cut all that hair off, and they'll make a man outta you.'
"This was I guess in '68 and there was a lot of guys from the neighborhood goin' to Vietnam. I remember the drummer in my first band comin' over to my house with his marine uniform on, saying that he was goin' and that he didn't know where it was. And a lot of guys went and a lot of guys didn't come back. And a lot that came back weren't the same anymore.
"And I remember the day I got my draft notice. I hid it from my folks, and three days before my physical me and my friends went out and we stayed up all night. And we got on the bus to go that morning, man we were all so scared. [Laughs]. and I went, and I failed. [Crowd cheering.]
"And I came home, — [laughs] it's nothing to applaud about — But I remember comin' home after I'd been gone for three days, and walkin' in the kitchen and my mother and father were sittin' there, and my father said, 'Where you been?' and I said, uh, 'I went to take my physical.'
"He says, 'What happened?' I said, 'They didn't take me.'
"And he said, 'That's good.'"
-Bruce Springsteen, on Live/1975-85
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Not Like The Movies
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Violence
Word Count: 1,688
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: How Cooper got landed with someone of her sunny disposition, he will never now. And it does not help that she knows his films.
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“Good morning, you cutie. Oh who’s the best little girl ever?” A feminine voice brought Cooper out of his deep slumber. His eyes had to adjust to the bright light outside that flooded the building they had stayed the night in. He looked around for the source of the noise and was relieved to see it was just his partner playing with DogMeat. The man sat up from the bed that was miraculously in the building that probably used to be someone’s house and began to roll the sleep from his muscles and bones.
“Well, good morning to you, cowpoke.” She greeted, allowing the dog to roam around wherever she pleased.
“Mornin’ sweetheart. Whatcha doin’ up this early?” He asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. His boots hit the floor right next to where his partner was, as she sat up on her knees to pull him in close. Physical affection was something Cooper was still not used to after all this time, but he was slowly coming around to it. All of the affection happened behind closed doors, or in this case, a closed house. He still had an image to maintain after all.
“Couldn’t sleep, so I spent some time with Bella.” She said cheerfully into his chest. Cooper just sighed and rubbed his eyes.
“Don’t go naming the thing. Then you’ll get too attached and then you’ll be depressed when it dies.” He groaned out, shifting their bodies so their eyes met.
“But she can’t be named ‘DogMeat’. That’s not a proper name,” came her cry. She laid on the puppy eyes really thick.
“DogMeat is a proper name because that’s what it is.” He argued back, tilting her head up by her chin.
“Fine,” she relented, and smushed her face back into his chest. “What’s on the agenda for today?”
“Well, gotta head into town now. Stock up on some supplies, gather a new bounty hopefully.” Cooper pressed a kiss to her hair, and shuffled so that he could pull both of them up to stand.
“You gonna behave when we get into town?” He drawled, voice leaning into dangerous territory. His partner giggled and nodded her head.
“Of course, Coop. When am I not?” She inquired, biting her lower lip. That woman knew the easiest way to get Cooper riled up was to do just that motion right there. Because, in an instant, his eyes were locked on to her lips.
“What about back in Filly where you kept smilin’ at folks, leaving me to save you from someone’s fist in your face? Huh?” Howard recalled, watching her shift in his arms as she, too, recounted their last adventure into town.
“How was I supposed to know?” Her whimper made Cooper weak, but he had a job to do today.
“Just tone down the sun a little bit, alright? Maybe a nice cloudy day instead of bright ass sunshine.” He offered, bringing her face back up to his. She nodded and stood on her toes to reach his face. Cooperate, ever the gentleman, met her halfway and locked their lips together. They moved as one, letting their lips slide across the other’s. Hands roamed freely, and it was starting to look like they were not going to be making it to town soon. That is, of course, until DogMeat came back in the room with a dead iguana in her mouth. She dropped it on the floor, and pawed at the man and woman who were locked in their embrace. The Ghoul groaned as his partner detached them in favor of tending to the dog he claimed he did not want.
“Good girl. Such a good hunter.” The baby voice was back. Seeing that the dog was getting the attention now, Cooper moved to grab all of his effects from where they were strewn about the room. His duster sat upon his shoulders, while his hat found its spot on his scarred head.
“Come on. Let’s get goin’.” He stated definitely. His saddle bag was slung across his shoulder, and his hand helped navigate his partner through the abandoned house.
They began their trek into town, which thankfully was not too long of a walk. DogMeat followed on the other side of Cooper, hot on his heels. He kept his eyes peeled as they drew further and further into the town. There was a pharmacy, a trader’s hut, several food stalls, and even a mechanics repair shop. Plenty for the two of them. Turning to his partner, he passed her some caps and pointed towards a couple stalls.
“Go get you some dried meat, and get a box of ammunition. Don’t smile so much, alright?” Cooper stressed. She nodded in return and patted his arm as she left with DogMeat.
The Ghoul made his way into the trader’s hut first to find a new bounty that was around. Thankfully, the woman behind the counter had one, and it was simple enough. Someone had not paid her what she was owed, and now she had a hat out on the man. He accepted half of the caps upfront, before moving on to the pharmacy next door. Cooper’s eyes caught his partner and DogMeat traversing the stalls, already having several pouches of meat in her bag.
Which is why he was not afraid to leave her alone while he took his time getting his chems from the pharmacy. Being a ghoul certainly had its drawbacks; the stares, reputation, and fear. But it also held some positives; the stares, reputation, and fear. It certainly helped when acquiring what he needed for a reasonable price. A commotion caught his ears from outside, but he was not afraid that it was his partner.
Until he stepped outside. Cooper saw his partner being crowded against a pile of sheet metal while DogMeat kept barking up a fuss. The dog ran over immediately to the man and began to drag him by his duster over to the woman.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t play hard to get.” Some man crept into her space, making her cower down even further. Based on what he could see, and the description the trader gave, this must have been the bounty. She did mention that he tended to go where he pleased like he owned it all.
“Please. Let me go.” She whimpered. Her voice was full of fear and worry, and Cooper was not about to let that stand.
“Everyone’s got a price. I can pay whatever your price is.” He continued, placing his hand on the woman’s waist.
“I do believe the lady asked you to let her go.” Cooper finally made his way over. The man turned around, and smiled with blackened teeth.
“Don’t worry, Ghoul. Once I’m done with her, I’m sure you can have a turn. Certainly don’t wanna do it the other way around.” He laughed, as if what he said was the funniest thing in the world. Cooper began to chuckle lowly as he peeked his eyes out from the lip of his hat. Catching his partner’s eyes, she felt relief as she saw her savior in western gear.
“See, she might be bein’ nice and askin’ you to let her go. But I ain’t that nice. So now I’m tellin’ you to let her go. Now.” Cooper growled, feeling his patience wear thin.
“Or what, Ghoul?” The man never got to hear another response. In a flash, Howard had aimed his gun and fired on his legs. Blowing both of them off, the not-so-tough man now crumbled to the ground, screaming and crying, pleading for the ghoul to have mercy on him.
“Well, ain’t that some shit.” The Ghoul growled, tying a rope around the torso of the man, and began to drag him to the trader’s hut. He focused on the task at hand, knowing that DogMeat would take care of anyone else that had dared get close to her owner.
Walking out of the trader’s hut, Cooper’s eyes scanned the town as he tried to find her partner. He found her, hugging her lugs, stuck in the same place that she was being held. DogMeat was chowing down on the legs that were left. His pocket felt heavy with the weight of the caps, but all that mattered now was taking care of her.
“You alright there, sweetheart?” Howard held a hand out for her to grab onto, and she did. Eagerly shoving her face into his chest and letting out a shaky breath as she processed the events that had just unfolded.
“I’m good. Can we go please?” Her words were muffled in his shirt, but he understood them plenty. Calling for DogMeat, Cooper led the three of them out of the town and into somewhere more secluded. Once they were there, tears fell from her eyes as the weight of what happened fully caught up to her. He set her down on something resembling a chair, and squatted down in front to check her over.
“You saved me.” She whispered, letting her partner do what he needed to do.
“Course I did. What’d you expect? Me to leave you with that man?” He countered with a ridiculous tone.
“It’s like one of your old sheriff films.” Her giggles matched his groan as he dropped his head.
“This ain’t the movies, darlin’.” Cooper looked up at her.
“It’s kinda like the movies.” She replied, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to bring him in close.
“I can always take you back to that town and leave you there.” He stated in her shoulder. She giggled again.
“That’s not very sheriff-y of you.” Every time he thought he had won, she proved him wrong.
“Alright,” he stood up and took her with him, “let’s get moving. Maybe if we’re lucky we can find another house to sleep in.”
“Ooo, do you think we could find one with a television and a few films?” She teased, already walking off away from town. Cooper groaned, but caught up to her and kept her underneath his arm as they walked away from that town.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 month
SSR Ruggie Bucchi - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Ruggie: Can't believe I'm here bein' a supporter for some museum like this. Guess ya never know what life's got in store for ya.
Ruggie: I mean, I totally wouldn't've ever paid to see paintings that I can't even fill my belly with…
Ruggie: But I guess it's okay if I don't gotta pay. I wonder if they got paintings I've seen in my textbooks.
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???: This painting… These are the hyenas from the King of Beast's legends. When the three of them are lined up like this it's kind of intimidating…
Ruggie: Well, yeah, they were out there patrollin' lava quarries 'n goin' out on scoutin' missions, so.
Trey: You sure know your stuff, Ruggie. I guess that would make sense for a hyena beastman to know.
Trey: But still… Both patrolling and scouting seems like painstaking work.
Ruggie: Oh, yeah. From the stories I've heard, they had some pretty tight scrapes…
Ruggie: Like there's one where while they were out chasin' some stubborn foe, they ended up runnin' off a cliff tryin' to catch 'em…
Ruggie: Which had 'em endin' up flyin' into some real prickly thickets.
Trey: If it were me, I'd probably hesitate, worried about getting hurt. Guess the hyenas who worked under the King of Beasts were just that brave.
Ruggie: Brave? Then I guess I'll take that compliment, too. 'Cause I've jumped into thorny thickets like that a buncha times!
Trey: You've jumped into the thorny thickets…? A bunch of times!? Why would you do that…?
Ruggie: Actually, did you know? In the Sunset Savanna, there's this real steep cliff that's become a bit of a tourist attraction.
Ruggie: It's the perfect place to catch the settin' sun, so a ton of tourists go up there to snap a pic, leanin' over the fences 'n everything.
Ruggie: And like, sometimes there's folk that'll get so focused on settin' up the shot, or that'll bump into others that they'll drop and lose stuff.
Trey: I'd expect they'd have to let their stuff go if they dropped it off the cliff… But how does this all tie into you talking about the thorny thickets??
Ruggie: Sheeheehee. So actually, at the bottom of that cliff, there's a huge bramble of thorny thickets.
Ruggie: It's off-limits, and it's pretty dangerous, so no one really heads down there.
Ruggie: So, that's why I'd sneak down in the dead of night, and pick up all the lost items!
Ruggie: Sometimes I'd find little wrapped pieces of candy, watches 'n accessories, and even wallets!
Ruggie: Well, it kinda depended week to week what dropped, but… That was a great way to make some quick cash.
Trey: B-But if you had gotten injured, would all that have been worth it?
Ruggie: Yeah, true. Back when I was just a kid, I could slip in 'n out pretty easily, but I had to stop when I started getting' bigger.
Ruggie: Not only was I makin' big bucks, but the cliff's environment was getting' kept clean. Felt like a win-win deal to me.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ruggie: Oh, this one… It's a painting of the thunder god and his son.
Trey: Yeah, according to the legends, he came to the human world just after being born, and was raised by adoptive parents.
Ruggie: Basically, that means he was raised apart from his actual dad, right? Amazin' they actually look like they get along good.
Trey: Haha… I wonder. Do you get along with your dad, Ruggie?
Ruggie: Nah, I don't got one.
Ruggie: He left back when I was a kid, so I don't remember anythin' about him, 'n I don't know what he's up to now.
Trey: Oh… Is that so? Sorry, I didn't mean to overstep my bounds.
Ruggie: Huh, that reaction's pretty different than what I'm used to.
Ruggie: Back home, there's a ton of kids just like me, so usually they'd just shrug and go, "Oh, okay" and move on.
Trey: And I guess it doesn't sound like they're saying that just to be considerate.
Ruggie: Obviously. Because the bigger problem is not havin' the money to buy food!
Ruggie: Granny'd take care of me, but there wasn't much we could do 'bout our empty bellies…
Ruggie: When I was big enough, I'd start working together with all the kids in my little neighborhood to scrounge up some food.
Trey: Kids running around trying to gather food on their own… That's hard for me to imagine.
Ruggie: There's a buncha ways to gather up food. We'd go into town and ask for alms, or drop a line in the river.
Ruggie: We were always pretty hungry, so we'd pretty much do anything… Oh, like we had a great time once digging for potatoes.
Trey: Is digging up potatoes that exciting?
Ruggie: WELL, YEAH!
Ruggie: There's actually a type of potato that grows in my country that can get as large as 20 kilos…
Ruggie: Around the time the potato harvestin' was finishin' up, we all snuck into the fields at night…
Ruggie: And we'd pick up some stunted potatoes that were left behind, as well as dug up some other forgotten potatoes.
Ruggie: We were all up in arms to pick every single one before the sun rose!
Trey: Why'd you go at mid… Never mind, I'm not going to ask.
Ruggie: And then, this one year when I was diggin', I hit the jackpot!
Ruggie: It was a potato so huge I wouldn't've even been able to carry it with both arms! It had't've been heavier than 20 kilos~
Ruggie: Didn't think there'd be any potatoes left that huge… Maan, I really lucked out then.
Trey: 20 kilograms, huh… With something that big, I don't think there'd be much to worry about eating for a while.
Ruggie: Don'tcha think?
Ruggie: I was thinkin', like, we could dry whatever was leftover and turn it to powder to make it last a bit longer…
Ruggie: But then Granny ended up boilin' 'em, fryin' 'em, and basically makin' a ton of dishes. It was a potato party extravaganza!
Ruggie: Me and the other street kiddos were just packin' 'em away, and little by little it started to disappear…
Ruggie: In the end, I couldn't make anything to save it for later.
Trey: Ah… That's rough.
Ruggie: And I never saw a potato that huge ever again. Guess good luck like that only ever hits once in a while.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Trey: Woah… This painting has a real powerful presence.
Ruggie: So, this is a painting of when the Thorn Fairy transformed into a dragon to fight, huh.
Trey: She looks way stronger than what her stories say. I bet I would be no match for her.
Ruggie: Eh!? Trey-san, you lookin' to pick a fight with the Thorn Fairy? It'd be waaay better to try 'n flatter her instead
Trey: Oho, but that might be the scarier route, don't you think? You might end up in deep trouble if you were to offend the Thorn Fairy instead.
Ruggie: Sheeheehee. Oh, but I'm pretty good with that kinda stuff.
Trey: Haha, well, I guess I have to admire that pluck.
Ruggie: But man, she's really something. She's the one that caused all that lightning too, right?
Ruggie: They say it was always thunderin' and lightnin' outside her castle as a way to keep intruders out… That's a huge undertakin', huh.
Ruggie: But with all those lightning strikes, I bet the bread prices were super cheap near the Thorn Fairy's castle.
Trey: Bread? …Ohh, right! Because when lightning strikes, certain particles are released in the air that helps plants grow.
Ruggie: Huh? Wait, are ya sayin' there's actually a whole science behind the whole "bread gets cheaper whenever it thunders"!?
Trey: Oh, isn't that what you meant?
Ruggie: I was just sayin' what Granny would always say…
Ruggie: Wait, so does that sayin' mean that 'cause more wheat gets harvested, more bread can get made, and that's why it's cheaper?
Trey: Yeah. Although, with how much we've developed our fertilizers nowadays, I don't know how much lightning strikes actually play a part anymore.
Ruggie: Cooool, I had no idea. Guess you Science Club folk know your stuff.
Ruggie: I bet Granny didn't really know the meanin' behind it like you did…
Ruggie: But I bet she saw with her own eyes the change in bread prices whenever there were tons of thunder and lightning.
Ruggie: But still… Kinda weird, huh. Sheeheehee.
Trey: Weird? What is?
Ruggie: Back when I was a kid, I only ever cared 'bout food, so there's no way I woulda been interested in learnin' why the bread was cheaper.
Ruggie: But now, I heard your whole spiel, and my reaction was to think it was pretty cool. Guess I'm maturin'.
Trey: Well… Maybe it's just that you can actually afford to take the time to listen now?
Ruggie: Maybe, maybe not. 'Cause my wallet's still pretty empty…
Ruggie: Oh hey, maybe this is just me bein' able to relax my stresses away, huh!? …Maybe not, heh.
Trey: Could be, if you're enjoying your time here, at least. Oops… Look at the time.
Trey: I think I'll head out to go check on how my dormmates are doing. See you, Ruggie.
Ruggie: 'Kaay, see ya. I'm gonna keep lookin' around this area a bit longer.
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Ruggie: Hm? This painting… A lion cub's just lollygaggin' with a warthog 'n a meerkat.
Ruggie: I'm wonderin' if they even know all the scary things that can happen to animals that step outta their territory, hm?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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queers-gambit · 3 months
But You Without Me Ain't Nice
prompt: ( requested ) deciding to surprise your boyfriend for Christmas after studying abroad, only to discover him in the arms of another. when you return to Oxford, so does his desire.
pairing: Felix Catton x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Saltburn
word count: 5.7k+
note: it's not EXPLICIT cheating 'cause i wanted them to get back together.
warnings: small bouts of jaded feminism, cursing, hurt and comfort, AU timeline 'cause of implied altered canon, small angst, drama, emotions are hard, long distance relationships are hard, boys are dumb, "cheating" but not explicit - you'll see, more so betrayal, so that makes this relationship angst?
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Cassandra's squeal of excitement was shrill enough to pierce an eardrum when you shuffled into her dormitory, shaking the snow from your hair and coat before she hugged you tightly. "I'm so excited you're here!" She beamed, "It's been so fucking lonely without you! God, you just had to leave, huh?"
You chuckled, "Oh, shove it. Edinburgh has one of the best programs in Europe, Cass, you know this!"
"I know, I know, you're better than us little folk at Oxford," she mocked with a groan, letting go of you as your eyes rolled in humor. "But still - it's so boring without you, I miss my roomie. There's literally nobody around for me to cause havoc with," she pouted dramatically.
"Well, I'm here for the holidays," you assured, "so you get me for the next couple weeks, you lucky ducky."
"Oh, please, you and I both know Felix isn't gonna let you outta his sight when he sees you. You planning on goin' home at all?"
"No, no, my sister has a flat just down the way," you explained. "She's in London until after the New Year - gave me her key when she picked me up from the airport," you showed her the metal device with a grin.
"Gonna take Felix back to the flat?"
"If he wants," you nodded.
"Oh, yeah, whatever, a flat completely to yourselves for the entire winter holiday? He's gonna lose his mind," your friend tutted. "When are you seeing him?"
"Uh, he said he was going to some party tonight?"
"Well, that's normal," she muttered almost bitterly. "C'mon, get changed, we'll meet him there."
"What do you mean, 'normal'?"
"What? Oh," her head shook as if realizing what she had just said. "No, it's - it's nothing, just," she winced slightly, "Felix is at every party."
"Really?" You asked softly. "We talk all the time on the phone, when does he even have time?"
"No offense, but it's not like he's a model student. He's constantly partying, I hear about it all the time from girls in class - "
"What do they say?"
"He's just popular - you know, he's Felix. And he's a regular at the pubs, too."
You had a weird feeling in your gut and chest, just nodding at Cassandra. "Well, at least he's enjoying himself," you offered meekly.
"Mhm, got that right," she snickered. "He's a legend 'round the university, even people in other colleges and programs know about him. Guess that's one way t'make an impression."
"Yeah, that's Felix for yah," you sighed. "Can I borrow an outfit?"
"What's wrong with that?" She paused, looking you up and down, then wincing, "Yeah, okay, I have options for you."
"Oh, don't sound so judgmental!" You laughed, "I just didn't pack party clothes, I didn't think we'd be going to any."
"You're so lucky to have me," she grinned at you, shoving through a rack of options in her wardrobe. "You wanna look classy slutty, spicy slutty, or just plain slutty-slutty?"
You hummed and chose the 'classy' option, being an open back black mini dress that clung to your figure and hiked up your thighs with every step. It felt exciting to be with Cassandra again, meeting your first year of secondary school and becoming the closest of friends; enduring family turmoil and social drama arm-in-arm. You listened to preppy pop music as you got ready; taking turns in the bathroom to finish your hair and make-up before slipping the dress on and latching the borrowed heels around your ankles.
When you gave her a look at your final outfit, she approved - claiming Felix would probably have a heart attack when he saw you.
"Wait!" You laughed, snatching a festive Santa Claus hat from the care package her parents sent; nestling it on your head. "Eh? Eh? Right? It's good!"
"Girl - "
"C'mon, it's festive!"
"You're lucky you're just so damn cute - it works," she grinned, tossing you your coat before shrugging into hers. "Hold on - you know the rules!" She halted you from opening the dorm door, holding up the bottle of tequila. "Shots before we leave!"
"Jesus, I've missed you," you laughed, taking the solo cup she held out; watching her pour enough for at least 2-3 shots.
"It'll keep us warm in the snow," she explained. "They not partying down at Edinburgh?"
"Not like here," you snickered, downing the drinks with a screwed up expression. "And they're all really preppy - like I thought Oxford had snobs, but Christ Almighty. My roommate down there literally had a panic attack when I bought a bottle of wine."
"She's American, said they're not allowed until they're 21."
"Wow... That's gotta suck for them," she downed her own shots. "Okay! You ready? Wait, are you wearing panties?"
"Yeah - "
"You can't in that dress."
"I'm not taking my panties off, Cass, let's just go!" You laughed, snatching her hand and leading her out of the dorm. "So, c'mon, tell me about the guy you're seeing," you requested, looping your arms together, trudging onto the snowy sidewalk.
"Oh, you mean Jason? Yeah, no, that's over. I just realized that being here is literally the only time in my life I'll have all these easy opportunities and there was no use in wasting my time dating just one person. And it eliminates the threat of cheating. Like... I don't hold my liquor all that well anymore and there's so many good looking people here! Why be in a relationship and run that risk, you know?"
You blinked at her, unsure what to say.
"Oh," she froze, "no, no, I didn't mean - no, look, dating in college is really cool when you know you're with the right person. And since you and Felix have been together for two years already, I think it's pretty safe to say he's the right one - right?"
"I think so... But I can't lie, I've been feeling kinda guilty, thinking Felix would prefer the opportunity to sow his wild oats instead of committing to us. You know? Like you said - "
"No, don't do that, you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm being stressed and upset," she hugged your arm tightly, continuing down the sidewalk. "Felix doesn't want t'be single, he would've bucked up the nerve to break up already. And you guys talk so often, he would've said something, right?"
You mused, "Not necessarily, Felix is used to having all he wants."
She shrugged off your words, "You're overthinking 'cause you're nervous to surprise him. But you're the best Christmas present, seriously. Made my day all the better."
You just smiled and skipped over the patch of ice in your way, nearly slipping, but Cassandra kept a tight hold on you - laughing loudly, your amused shrieks echoing around the brownstone buildings. When you arrived at the flat hosting the party, you climbed 2 flights of stairs without incident and let yourselves in; being greeted by strobe lights, thick clouds of smoke, and an abundance of drunken Oxford students.
It was packed - a welcomed sight after your past semester abroad, attending dinner parties with tart wines and classical music. You only had one more semester left before coming back to Oxford full time, and things just weren't the same being away; you missed the excitement, the parties, the friends you made. Granted, you had friends at Edinburgh, you often thought you could make friends anywhere, but you knew a lot of faces here. It was a comfort. And despite knowing you were here only a couple weeks until the next semester began again, it was still nice being back.
You were greeted by several people, being hugged happily and your cheeks kissed sloppily. They asked all about your program in Scotland, insisting you do rounds of shots with them, updating you on the juiciest gossip you missed.
They told you everything... Except what you should've known.
"Have you guys seen Felix?" You asked, glancing around the packed party. You noticed the uncomfortable looks exchanged, questioning, "What? What is it?"
"Uh, you know what?" Oliver Quick sighed, a new addition to the friend group that you didn't know - actually meeting for the first time tonight. "Yeah, yeah, saw him over there - on the sofa," he pointed somewhere behind you.
"Thanks, mate," you patted his shoulder, turning to push through the partygoers.
When you were gone, Farleigh turned to Oliver, "What the fuck was that? You know Felix is drunk off his tits and India's rubbing real close."
"So? Shouldn't she know someone's making moves on her man?" Oliver asked. "Not exactly fair - "
"It's not entirely fair to set Felix up like that," Farleigh sneered. "He misses her, so he drinks, flirts with girls. But he's not acting on it, you just want to get him in trouble, you fuckin' twat!"
Oliver shrugged, looking over in time to spy you approaching the couch. "He'll only get in trouble if he's acting on his impulses, being unfaithful," Ollie sneered.
When you made it through the crowd, you found Felix sitting on the couch, but what made you stop in your tracks was the little lady sat on his lap - a girl you recognized vaguely. Felix downed the shot being handed to him, grinning that stupid grin you adore, broad hands splayed on the girl's thigh as she curled into her chest with skinny arms wrapped around his neck. Her sticky lips whispered something in his ear, giving a small nibble that made your boyfriend laugh - always the ticklish type.
The alcohol you had already downed burned an angry hole in your gut, heart heavy with betrayal, feeling outrage at their audacity the longer you watched. You looked beside you and snatched the drink from a drunk guy, taking two dramatic strides up to them and without thought, launched the entire cup at the couple.
"You bitch!" India gasped, rocketing to her feet. Felix was about to yell himself, but when he looked up and registered your angry eyes glaring at him, he gaped in shock. "Seriously, what the fuck is your issue, slut?" India sneered, stamping her foot.
"Oh, fuck off, sweetheart," you snapped, "not like it's my boyfriend you're sitting on! Really wouldn't throw stones if I was you!"
Felix stood and pushed India to the side, "Baby - "
"Oh, spare me your fucking excuses, Felix! For Christ's sake! This is what you've been doing while I'm gone!? Huh!?"
"No - "
"Bullshit! Cass told me you're constantly partying, so is this what you do? Huh? Hang up the phone with me, come to these shitty parties, get shit faced, and take girls home before calling me in the morning? You even wait until they're gone before dialing my number?"
"Darling, I swear - nothing was happening, nothing was going to happen! I don't - "
"Well, not with us soaking wet!" India raged. "You're just a jealous hag, I mean, you're dating someone like Felix but I've never even seen you! Maybe if you were a better girlfriend, he wouldn't be looking elsewhere!"
"Jesus Christ, India! Fuck off - NOW!" Felix bellowed, shocking the girl. "You don't know a Goddamn thing you're saying, and you know you're too desperate - "
"Oh! So, you're moving in on 'desperate' girls 'cause they're easy, right?" You snapped. "She might be desperate, but you are fucking pathetic, Felix! I know you get everything you want, I know you don't know real consequences, but I don't have to add to that!"
"Let's just talk outside," he tried, looking more and more like a kicked puppy.
"I'm not going anywhere with you again. This isn't working, Felix, there's no way I can trust you - not when I've just seen - this!"
"Baby, it isn't - look, this isn't what it looks like! Okay? I know it looks bad, but I don't touch them - "
"There's more!? Of course, there's more - 'cause why have just one, right?"
He winced, "I just - listen, I only flirt, baby, I swear, but I-I know that's not much better. You bein' gone, I-I have this pent up energy - "
"Oh, the poor rich boy! Unsupervised without his girlfriend, so you think it's okay to flirt with other girls? Have them sit on your lap? Touch them? Flirt all night?"
"I know it sounds bad - "
"No, you know what?" You chuckled ruefully. "You two have fun, I'm out. I'm so fucking done with you, Felix, this relationship - it obviously isn't viable. So, have your skank, but make sure you get to a clinic. You obviously couldn't choose someone decent to cheat on me with, make sure she doesn't give you any STDs."
"What did you say, bitch!?" India tried to surge up to you, but Cassandra stepped in and shoved both her shoulders; sending her sprawling to the dirty, sticky floor.
"Watch yourself," she barked, dropping another drink on her and making India squeal. She glared at Felix and approached you, hushing, "You okay?"
"Let's get outta here," she nodded, wrapping you in her arms and leading the way out - not like she had to, students parted way like the Red Sea to let you two pass.
"Wait!" Felix rushed, grabbing his jacket and following you both out. Despite the heels, mini dresses, and alcohol, you and Cass were sober enough to scurry down the stairs and outside by the time he caught up. "Baby! Wait! Please, c'mon, let me explain!"
"You've done enough! I've seen enough!" You yelled back, Cass not stopping you two from making your escape. "Just fuck off back to your whores, Felix!"
"No, no," he rushed in front of you two, forcing you to stop. "Let me talk to you, please, you think it's worse than it is, I mean - "
"Awh, you think just touching other bitches isn't that bad?" Cass sneered. "Silly slut," she scoffed, rolling her pretty eyes.
"Cass, do you mind? This is between us," He sighed.
"Oh-ho, I very much mind," she rolled her eyes. "Grovel if you want, but I'm not leaving you two alone."
"I don't want to talk, Felix! For fuck's sake, I saw all I needed to. I'm literally killing myself slowly in Scotland, trying to secure my own future 'cause not all of us can be born into money - "
"Baby, that's not fair - "
" - And you're here, living your best life, being fucking deceitful, aren't you? Your girlfriend on the side and a full buffet of sluts to choose from - and nobody would know 'cause I wasn't in the fucking country! You know what?" You chuckled, "Thank you, actually. Thank you for proving what I feared the most and cutting us free. Better to know now than later when I'm far more invested. Enjoy your pick of the fucking litter, Felix, 'cause I'm removing myself from this equation, you're now free to do whatever you want - don't have to be such a gentleman anymore and just flirt with them."
"You're right, okay? You're right, I wasn't thinking, I was trying to - I don't even know! Have 'the college experience', I think, and I got carried away. I'm so sorry - "
"You're only sorry 'cause you got caught," Cass snapped.
"Ohk for fuck's sake - Cass, I love you and all, but do you mind if this stays between my girl and I?"
"Oh, so you inviting all that female attention was 'keeping it between you'?" She cocked her head, rolling her eyes. "C'mon, babe, let's go. You don't need to hear his pathetic whinging anymore."
"Think you're right," you sniffled from the cold. "Bye, Felix."
"Please - let's just talk about this!"
"No more talking!" You barked. "You don't need to defend yourself, I saw her with you - I don't need your excuses! This is over, Felix, just - for God's sake, fuck off, already!"
He froze, never hearing such aggressive words from you before. In the years you were friends and the two you've dated, you hadn't so much as raised your voice at him - even when upset. To hear such profanity at this level shocked him. He's heard you yell, but usually at other people; he's heard you curse, but typically from excitement. He felt overwhelmed watching Cassandra walk you away under her arm, the tears surfacing and his confusion blinding; wondering how the hell he had managed to fuck everything up THIS bad.
When you got back to her dorm, you were a wreck and Cassandra wasn't sure how to start comforting you. She watched you slide to the floor in tears and squatted to take your shoes off, set the bottle of tequila beside you, and then got comfortable on the ground, too. She stretched her arm around your shoulders, sighing sadly, and just held you when you sobbed uselessly into her neck.
No amount of crying would change the past. No amount of frustration or self-pity would help. No amount of regret would turn back time and prevent you from leaving your very attractive boyfriend to the mercy of Oxford sluts.
After an hour of just crying, Cassandra perked up and asked, "You wanna stay the night here or go to your sister's?"
"Felix knows where your dorm is," you sniffled, mascara down your cheeks and chin. "Maybe we should go?"
"You want me to come, too?"
"I don't want to be alone..."
"Lemme pack real fast," she agreed, leaving you on the floor to drink until you felt numb while she raced around to prepare a duffel bag. When she was finished, she hoisted you from the ground and took her car keys, shouldering your own duffel, and leading you out of the dorms. On your way to student parking, neither of you were surprised to find Felix sprinting in your direction.
"Baby! Wait, wait, wait! Please!" He begged, barely slowing down and literally skidding to a halt, nearly slipping on ice. "Just - please, let me talk to you. I-I can't let you leave thinking I fucked those girls - "
"Oh, just go fuck yourself, Felix!" You laughed.
"Is she drunk?" He asked Cass in mild shock.
"Do you know a better way to deal with a break up?" She rolled her eyes.
"We're not broken up - "
"I heard otherwise," she sneered. "You're not used to losing, Felix, but the rest of us, on Earth, know when a relationship is over."
"I made a mistake!" He pleaded loudly.
"Just one?" You snapped.
"No, you know what? I've made a few, but I swear, nothing fucking happened! Not with any of them!"
"Oh," you mocked, snickering to Cassandra.
"Just give me a chance - "
"I did," you interrupted sadly. "I gave you all the chances, Felix, and you still chose to betray me. So, you know what? I just need time to digest your bullshit betrayal, and in order to do that, I literally can't be around you."
"How will you know how sorry I am?"
"I know, I can see it - just like I saw that bitch on your lap," you scoffed. "Can we go now?"
"C'mon, babe," Cass agreed.
"Go? Go where?" He rushed, looking panicked.
"Away from you!" You laughed, holding onto your friends arm tightly as you wobbled in her borrowed shoes.
"At least let me help you - "
"Don't need help from a slut!" You shouted to the sky, not stopping.
Felix Catton was left standing in the snow, his heart walking away from him in heels too high.
And when you got to your sister's flat, Cassandra raided the fridge and brought you ice cream and pretzels - for something both sweet and salty. For the rest of the night, you cried while stuffing your face, but whatever it was worth, at the very least, you had your best friend there to wipe your tears.
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Well, after a gut wrenching Christmas break, you went back to Scotland to finish an anticlimactic semester at one of the world's most prestigious universities. Without Felix to call, you dedicated more time to studying, which paid off, because by the end, you received the highest marks in your college and earned multiple letters of recommendations from well-respected professors.
But now that the year abroad was over, you were set to return to Oxford for the next three weeks to report back to your program chairs and give them an update. Suddenly, it was like the entire semester of avoiding your feelings about Felix caught up to you the moment you boarded the plane. You had stuffed your emotions deep down, ignored his morning and evening phone calls (yes, he still called everyday), and tried your hand at dating other people - but it wasn't the same. You hated that you missed him so much, but you figured you had more self-respect than to belittle yourself for a man.
A beautiful, kind, generous man... Who made a mistake... Who demonstrated remorse... Who understands what he did was wrong and hurtful... And your Daddy did raise you to 'forgive and forget'. But still, you had a difficult time forgiving Felix in full, and therefore, couldn't forget what he did.
The betrayal was still so fresh and you couldn't stomach the idea of even speaking to him. So, you decided to avoid him by any means.
When you returned to England, it was drearier than normal. Your sister wasn't able to pick you up this time, figuring you would just hail a cab when someone laid on their horn in a long, continuous, obnoxious beep. When you looked over, Cassandra was waving at you rapidly through her window.
With an easy grin, you rushed over to her car and tossed the few bags you had into the backseat before getting in the passenger seat. "What're you doing here?" You gasped, leaning in to hug your friend.
She returned your affection enthusiastically, then was pushing you off, "Bitch, I'm double parked in the red - we gotta go!" You laughed when she rushed off, heading back to Oxford as she explained, "But you said on the phone your sister wasn't getting you, so I took the liberty of reading between the lines."
"No, I didn't mean it like that - "
"I know you didn't," she grinned, "but I just wanted to get you to campus all the faster, I've missed you!"
"We have three weeks together before the start of summer," you reminded. "Ready for exams?"
"Hardly," she scoffed. "Enough of that! Tell me all about Scotland!"
You spent the rest of the car ride without a single thought spent on Felix - all too appreciative for friends. Until you got back to the dorms, that is. You'd been there all of an hour before there was a knock at the door and when Cassandra opened it, she glanced up and down the hall in confusion, not seeing anyone - but a bouquet of flowers caught her attention.
"Well, this is cute," she mused, picking up the flowers from the floor and closing the door. "Someone left flowers? Ew, bet they're from Jason - he's been begging me to get back together."
You didn't bother reminding her they were the same Felix always sent you. You just nodded and said they must've indeed been for her since nobody knew when you were coming back. Yet something in your stomach churned, knowing this was no coincidence, you knew they were from Felix, and the idea made you oddly... Warm.
You didn't want to be touched by the small gesture, but it was sweet. Reminded you of the good times between you and Fi. You felt your guts twist, realizing how much you missed him. None the less, you never said a word.
The following day was as normal as it could've been. People were looking both happy to see you and exhausted from prep work before final exams. You understood, having completed yours; all that was left was to write up a report to your dean and other department heads and present it. You spent your days in the library while everyone was in class, and while there, you were surprised to see Felix hunched over a set of books.
You didn't approach him, just chose a separate table and got comfortable. You were in the zone for a solid hour before a shadow loomed over you, making you jump when a hand met your shoulder. "Sorry, sorry," Felix rushed, hands held in defense. "Just thought I'd give you this - you seemed really focused."
You blinked when he set a blueberry muffin down. The gesture made you smile, "You remembered?"
For every study session, you had a blueberry muffin to munch on.
"'Course I do," he nodded rapidly. "Remember everything about you, love. And these were always your favorite, right?"
"Yeah," you breathed. "Uh, thanks, Fi, this was nice of you."
"Seemed really focused, wanted to make sure you ate," he half-smiled. "I didn't mean to interrupt, uh, j-just wanted t'say good luck on your presentation."
Your heart clenched when he walked away back to his table, not once looking up at you as he worked. He really only meant to give you the muffin, which surprised you - Felix was terribly persistent, and for some reason, you actually felt sad that he wasn't vying for your attention or forgiveness.
This felt like a reality check, reminding you that you were truly broken up. So, you just sniffled and focused again, nibbling on the muffin as you revised your report. You hated the tension, the distance, the disturbing idea that while gone, he had been with countless other girls. You especially hated that you began regretting leaving for a year, feeling as if you created this situation by leaving room for Felix to seek attention elsewhere.
You knew it wasn't the truth - this wasn't your fault. You weren't the one who decided to implode your relationship, to be unfaithful in the least bit; and seeking higher educational opportunity wasn't grounds for anyone to cheat. It felt entirely unfair; you were in the same position as Felix, alone in another country, missing your friends and family, and yet, YOU never sought attention - emotional or physical - in any way from anyone else.
You at least had a sense of loyalty. But at the same time, you tried to validate that this was "the best years of your lives" and Felix was a young, hot, rich boy. Why wouldn't he bask in the attention of others? He always had and it felt wrong to crucify him for being a lad with hormones.
You began to wonder, did you overreact? Of course you didn't!
But you missed him immensely.
For the three weeks left in the semester, Felix would leave flowers at your dorm room, brought you little treats, never impeded on your space, and just made himself known without being overwhelming. You thought it was endearing without giving him too much credit after his betrayal. For three weeks, he was sweet, kind, soft spoken, and from what you understood, turned reclusive - refusing any party invitation, even backing out of pub meetings.
He wasn't hanging with friends, drinking, distracted with girls. According to local gossip, if you could put stock into the words, this new behavior started right after Christmas; after your very public break-up.
You were mildly intrigued by his change of attitude, but didn't confront it. You felt distance was necessary for healing, yet there was no denying your love that still festered - and maybe, the idea that Felix was truly remorseful and loved you, too.
It all came to a cultivation on the day of your presentation. To say you were nervous was an understatement - pacing the entire night before, going over what you were going to say, making final revisions; driving Cassandra up the wall, but she was still supportive.
That morning, she left early for her own ventures, but made sure to help you pick out an outfit. It was something smart, it complimented your figure in a professional manner and made you feel powerful and like a "real" adult.
You packed your bag and walked to your college's lecture hall, getting there about 20 minutes early to set up your materials and run through your notes one last time. When your dean and other professors entered to settle in their seats at the front, you heard the upper backdoor open. When you looked up, you were shocked - like, actually shocked - to see Felix sitting up there with Cassandra, Farleigh, your parents and sister.
You tried not to dwell on their presence, but suddenly, knowing Felix was there to support you, you didn't feel so nervous anymore. Something about his viewing of your final project made you a little more confident, quelling your nausea as you cleared your throat and started your oral presentation that had a guided visual and 20-page report.
When you finished, you were grinning. Your deans applauded you, and from the back, so did your friends and family; in fact, Felix was on his feet, clapping with vigor. You handed over the flash-drive that housed your visuals and then your bound essay report, shaking the professors hands, and letting them leave.
When you turned, your family had descended the auditorium stairs and your friends were trailing after.
"Oh, you brilliant girl!" Your father gushed, wrapping you in a huge hug. "My perfect, most special girl! That was amazing!"
"Thanks, Daddy," you giggled. "What're you guys doing here?"
"Oh, Felix called," your mother informed, petting hair off your shoulder in a calming motion. "Glad he did, we're so proud of you."
"I didn't even know peers could sit in," you admitted.
"Apparently, they're not, but you know, Felix has a way with rules," your father sighed, shaking his head in amusement. "Thank God you got your mother's intelligence, fear you'd be shit outta luck if you had mine, eh?"
This triggered a round of other compliments from your loved ones; sister and Cassandra both beaming at you in pride, everyone offering their compliments on specific sections of your presentation to prove they really, truly had been listening. You felt bashful, waving them off out of embarrassment, and then you agreed to attend dinner for a celebration - your mother informing you that the summer would be spent in a French villa and details were to be discussed at the meal. But first, you noticed Felix still sitting high up in the lecture hall and promised you meet everyone at the dorm later.
When the hall cleared, you sighed and slowly made your way up to where Felix lingered; his form fidgeting nervously the closer you got. You dropped to the seat beside him with a deep sigh, ready to confront everything, when he offered a decently large bouquet of familiar flowers. "Congrats, love," he whispered. "Was really well-done, even if I didn't know half of what you were sayin'."
You accepted the flowers, petting the petals gingerly, then asking in a low whisper, "Felix?"
"Yeah, love?"
"Why'd you do it?"
"I know how important this was for you, I asked them all to come so we could support you, knowin' you were nervous - "
"No," you interrupted, turning in your seat to face him. "Why'd you have to go and ruin us? Why wasn't I enough?"
He swallowed thickly, "It wasn't you that wasn't enough."
"Think I felt insecure," he admitted. "You were at Edinburgh, bettering yourself and I think I got scared that you'd love it there so much, you know, that... You'd leave. Leave Oxford, leave England, leave... Me. So, I just... I don't have any excuse, honestly, love. I know I fucked up, but I think my fear was being projected in the worst way..."
You nodded, "Do you regret it?"
"Every fuckin' day."
"Any plans for tonight?"
"What?" He blinked in shock.
"You wanna come to dinner with us? I mean, you went through the trouble of gettin' everyone here - and I know you must've bribed someone to let them watch."
His cheeks reddened, chuckling nervously, "It wasn't... I didn't... All right, yeah, I had to pay off the custodian - he unlocked the door for us."
"Mhm," you smirked. "So? Dinner?"
"Are you sure?"
You nodded, "You made a mistake... A huge one, but a mistake none the less. We've had time apart, and I've learned, I don't want to be without you. My life is far more interesting with you in it and I feel less alone. So, if you want, I'd like for you to come to dinner with us, maybe work on our friendship again. See where things go?"
"As long as you're okay with it."
"I'm the one inviting you, yes, I'm okay with it," you chuckled at his nerves, standing, and offering your hand. "C'mon, Mum says we're spending the summer in France - maybe we can convince her to invite you, too."
"Doubt Cassandra would let that happen," Felix mused, shouldering his bag and taking your hand - instantly lacing your fingers together.
"Oh, on the contrary, she might like it; it'd give her something to do."
"What's that? Makin' me her personal punching bag?"
"Exactly," you grinned, squeezing his hand.
"Hey," he paused you before you could exit the auditorium, looking sadder than when his dog died; bottom lip gently trembling. "I just... I need you t'know, I'm really fuckin' sorry, love. I was an absolute idiot, I fucked this up - broke your trust. I regret nothing more, I was such a fuckin' arsehole, and I don't want to be without you, either. I realized I'm not myself without you, that me without you doesn't feel right - "
"Hey," you halted his rambling, "I can't tell you it's okay, Fi, because it's not, but your atonement is appreciated. We've been friends for so long, I don't think I want to walk away entirely - so, let's just go slow and figure our shit out." He nodded in agreement, letting you lead the way, smirking when you cheekily told him, "Mh, bit of advice though? You could try to get in good graces by payin' for dinner tonight."
"Done and done," he eased, releasing your hand to hang his arm around your shoulders, and just like old times, you raised your hand to lace with his, other wrapping around his waist. The smile didn't fall from Felix's face all night, and by the end of the night, had arranged to stay with your family that summer - Oliver Quick and what could've been a summer at Saltburn far from his mind.
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requesting rules and masterlist
Saltburn masterlist
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southern-gothic-comic · 4 months
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Page 51
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(Author Notes)
Panel 1: Back at the farmhouse Imogen hurriedly gets dressed. Laudna sits on the floor, looking nervous and guilty.
Imogen: I’ve always wanted to get out of Gelvaan. Now’s as good a time as any, I guess. Maybe now’s my chance to see what I can find at one of those libraries! We could go to Jrusar, or Ank’harel, or . . .
Laudna: You don’t -- you don’t have to come with me. I couldn’t ask you to leave your home and your life behind for me.
Panel 2: Imogen comes back to her and pets her bowed head.
Imogen: Laudna, there is no home or life for me here without you. If you’re goin’, I’m comin’ with you. Now, what do you say to Jrusar?
Laudna: (smiling weakly) All -- all right.
Panel 3: They startle at the sound of a shout from outside.
A Voice Outside: Come on out, Temult! We just want to have a word with you.
Panel 4: Relvin appears on the attic steps to check on Imogen, and is tellingly surprised and angry to find Laudna there.
Relvin: Imogen -- shit. 
Imogen: Daddy, what is it? What’s goin’ on?
Relvin: Nothin’ that concerns you. You two stay out of sight, y’hear me?
Relvin: That’s a lie, ain’t it. It’s always somethin’ concerning her. Dammit all why can’t they just leave us alone.
Panel 5: He goes out on the porch. Imogen is just barely visible peeking around the window curtains. The silhouettes of several townsfolk are gathered on the lawn, the same mob seen earlier at Laudna’s cabin, holding torches, farm tools, and some simple weapons.
Relvin: Now, what’s all this about?
Mob: Give up the witch, Temult! Or we’ll burn this whole place to the ground, startin’ with those pretty little horses of yours.
Relvin: Listen, folks. I know all y’all are upset, and some of y’all have reason to be. But I ain’t harborin’ no witch. We’ve been hit here by the fever just the same as you.
Mob: Then how come yore girl made it out alive when my three didn’t? Tell me that! She made a deal with that witch! Bring out the witch!
Panel 6: View of the tree out front, shadowed by the torchlight. The swing has been cut down, and the ropes refashioned into a pair of nooses.
Mob: We know there’s at least one in there!
191 notes · View notes
rebouks · 2 months
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Ivan stared at the contents of his suitcase blankly, barely paying attention to what he was packing as he flicked the zip back and forth. “I didn’t think you’d be here.” He remarked, glancing over his shoulder.
“I was waiting for you-.. where’s Pixie?” Bruno asked, as though he didn’t already know the answer. “Oscar’s.” “Are you coming back, or..?” Bruno mirrored Ivan’s fidgeting, picking at the fluff on his old joggers. “I don’t know, I need t’think for a while-.. I’m goin’ away with Tilda n’ Mia for a couple weeks n’ all.”
Ivan snapped his attention back upon his luggage. It would’ve been easier if Bruno hadn’t been home, he was bound to forget something now, distracted as he was.
“Ivan, I-…” Ivan interrupted Bruno before he could continue, “Explainin’ ain’t gonna change anythin’ is it?”
Bruno fell silent, struck with inertia at the edge of the bed. He should’ve explained, pleaded, threw himself at Ivan’s feet and promised he’d never return to Oasis Springs-.. but he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
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“I’m probably gonna find someplace else when I get back-.. dunno what you wanna do with the house, but I don’t want it. Y’could buy me out, I guess, or we could sell it.” Ivan filled the void with practicalities that Bruno didn’t want to envision just yet.
“We don’t have to decide anything right now.” He offered, instead. Ivan shook his head, “I ain’t gonna change my mind.” Bruno thought as much, but he still couldn’t help himself from adding, “I still love you, for what it’s worth.”
Ivan paused for an excruciating moment before sighing, deflating Bruno’s glimmer of superfluous hope, “I ain’t sure what it’s worth anymore…”
“It’s not the same as before.” Bruno pleaded, “Kaden’s-…” Ivan rose to his feet, dismissing Bruno’s words with a wave of his hand, “I don’t want nothin’ t’do with any of ‘em-.. apparently, that includes you.”
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Bruno tugged at Ivan’s wrist before he could leave, manoeuvring himself between him and the door; his unusually calm, cold shoulder cut far deeper than Bruno expected it would.
“You don’t have to have anything to do with them-.. no one’s in any danger.” Ivan huffed disbelievingly, sidestepping Bruno’s efforts to stop him from leaving, “Keep tellin’ yourself that.” “It’s different with-…”
Ivan finally lost his air of composure, cutting Bruno off mid-sentence, “Was it not excitin’ enough for ya?  D’ya not feel alive unless y’pushin’ folk around, fuckin’ someone over-.. is doin’ whatever y’please the only thing that gets your blood pumpin’? Does it make life worth livin’?” Bruno blinked as Ivan confronted him, not quite expecting such a succinct breakdown of all his supposed failings.
Ivan’s steady gaze faltered somewhat once he’d said his piece though; his brief flash of anger replaced by sadness as he asked, “All this time-.. why’d y’even pretend, B?”
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Bruno avoided Ivan’s gaze for a moment, unable to form a response; he hadn’t always been pretending, but as much as he hated to admit it, Ivan wasn’t too far off the mark. He didn’t particularly enjoy the lifestyle that he’d described, but it felt a hell of a lot more natural than trying to fit into this one; he wasn’t made for domestic bliss, he didn’t make Ivan happy, nor was he. They both knew he was playing pretend by now, but letting go was easier said than done, no matter how much you loved someone. In fact, love only made things more complicated.
Ivan pulled away from Bruno, punching through the silence than hung thick between them, “I just need some space, okay? Do whatever y’want with yours.” Bruno tugged desperately at Ivan’s shirt as he turned away, “Wait-.. can we just talk about everything when you get back?”
Ivan sighed morosely, offering a weak shrug, “Sure, let’s prolong the inevitable-.. what’s a few more weeks?”
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Bruno hung his head as another rogue tear escaped down the side of his nose. Ivan’s demeanour felt so wearisome, so final-.. but Bruno didn’t want to let go, not that it felt fair to try and convince him to stay either.
“Don’t fuckin’ cry, B! Don’t act like this wasn’t on you!” Ivan spat, his uneven tone betraying the lump that resided in his own throat.
Bruno stuck his fingers beneath his glasses, jamming them into his eye sockets; he thought Ivan’s familiar anger would’ve consoled him, but it didn’t.
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“I tried, okay? I really did-.. n’ you did too, I know y’did…” Ivan added a little more softly, as though he understood; as though it wasn’t really Bruno’s fault, like he wasn’t truly angry at him-.. even though it wasn't true.
Bruno nodded; the tips of his fingers still pressed firmly against his eyes in a vain attempt to stop the pain from overcoming him completely.
“Bruno, don’t…”
Ivan tried to pry Bruno’s fingers away from his eyes, wordlessly begging him not to make this harder than it already was.
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He acquiesced, dropping his hands to his sides as Ivan gently caressed his cheek, his eyes brimming with a million different emotions at once-.. but that was Ivan, and that was the problem.
He hated, loved and felt everything with intense fervour, unapologetically wearing his heart on his sleeve for all to see; a heart so full of love and passion that Bruno felt inadequate in comparison. He couldn’t reciprocate any of it the way Ivan deserved; it would never be enough.
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Hollow and empty in contrast, Bruno could never hope to give as much as Ivan was worthy of, and he was worth the world-.. but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to pretend.
Maybe just one last time…
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nocturnesmoon · 4 months
Take a rest, you have time
A/N: Didn't know if I was gonna post this originally, as it's a bit personal, but here we go. Probably the most self-indulgent fic I've made yet. This is also taken from my own experiences, it is not going to be the same for all autistic folk.
Blurb: Ghoap x Autistic!Reader - You have an off day, and they're ready to help (Reader is also shorter than the guys but otherwise ambiguous)
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You felt it as soon as you woke up.
In all honesty, you felt it the night before, a looming feeling, almost like dread for the next day to come. You had fallen asleep in the arms of your lovers anxious, despite how much they tried to keep you calm, you had to go to sleep knowing how heavy you'd feel the day after.
The little light peeking in through the closed curtains was enough to remind you of the time, and the fact you'd have to get up. Though there wasn't a single cell in your body that wanted to move, staring up into the ceiling. Staring down the weird spot you'd caught, was so much easier than leaving the bed and emerging in the living room.
Your bed was empty, the usual warmth of either Simon or Johnny next to you was gone. It wasn't unusual in the morning, they normally got up way before you, Simon would go on a run, sometimes Johnny would join him, and by the time you were up your favourite breakfast would be ready and made along with a warm beverage next to it. You didn't doubt this morning was any different for them.
You felt the guilt pool in your stomach like acid, making you squirm and roll over. You still have time to go, you still have time to get up and be better, It's what you tell yourself. Even though you know getting up won't change anything, forcing yourself to go won't change how you feel, if anything you'd risk making it much worse.
None of your thoughts helped the guilt. Knowing that you'd be skipping out on your current occupation again. You already weren't doing anything full time, you were getting supposedly reasonable accommodations, you had two loving partners who understood and helped. So why didn't it feel like you were getting any better?
You felt stuck, incapable of getting any further with yourself or your mind. So far from being better, but always one step away from falling back into old bad habits. It was humiliating, to not be able to do what others barely had to put effort into.
You'd always felt behind in everything, something that hadn't changed even with reassuring partners. The fact that they were two successful, established people and incredible soldiers, nonetheless, didn't help it. They could reassure you all they wanted, but it still wouldn't change the obvious difference between the three of you. A fault you'd have to process yourself on your own time and come to terms with.
Your eyes squeeze shut when you hear the creek of the bedroom door open, light from the hallway flooding in before disappearing once again. A deep sigh leaves you, one you almost choke on as you feel the bed dip beside you.
Your blanket being pulled aside as another body joins you under the comfortable sheets. You didn't have to open your eyes to figure out who it was. Every single little mannerism of theirs was always something you had stored away in the back of your head. You'd spent enough time with them by now that you could probably recognize them by their footsteps.
You let yourself be moved around by a set of strong arms, pressed against a familiar chest. You knew what this meant, not that anything ever escaped your partners, but you were normally out of the bedroom by now. You'd spent enough time contemplating by yourself that they'd come in.
"What's goin' on love," Johnny's soft voice whispers against your head, his lips placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You press yourself further against him, letting the anxiety in your shoulders relax as you remind yourself that they won't be mad. They never got mad at you over this, but it didn't make the fear of disappointment disappear.
"Don' feel good" you mumble against his chest, running your hands over the fabric of his shirt. Kneading the material between your thumb and pointer, feeling the ticklish feeling on your skin.
"Physically?" you feel a tap on your skull, "Or mentally?" It was a question you weren't sure how to answer today. Usually, you would have a more concrete answer, where it could be one or the other, but now it all blended together.
"I don't know…"
"Bit of both then?" he asks quietly, his finger filtering over your hair and smoothing it out. You nod to his question; it was easier to just agree than going on a spree in your head to find the right words to describe what you're feeling.
It was probably right anyway.
"Mh…ye have been a bit low energy recently…" it wasn't unlike them to notice, especially for an upcoming crash. They knew you were still figuring everything out, how to regulate yourself and to know and test your own limits. It was all a part of the process. "Think ye should stay home today?" he asks, in a tone that lets you know there's no strings attached, no judgement or bias.
You nod again, making him hum out again. He reaches over you to the night stand, accidentally smushing you against his chest when he retrieves your phone. He unlocks it, finds the contact for you and hands it to you, "c'mon…text 'em ye're not comin', and we'll take it slow today aye?"
Your thumbs move sluggishly over the phone screen, squinting your eyes as the light is still blinding for you. He gives you another kiss, this time pressed to your forehead when you send off the message.
"Ye think ye can take yer shower by yerself?" he asks gently, "ah can go prepare yer safe food for breakfast if ye want." You lay still for a good few seconds before you fully process his question, thinking it over and trying to figure out whether you'd be able to, or it would end up with you sitting on the floor of the bathroom for an hour.
Your attention is grabbed again when the door opens once more, Simon's bigger figure and heavier footsteps coming in. The bed dipping down as he takes a seat next to the two of you. "Maybe, Simon can take a shower with ye," Johnny offers with a smile.
You feel Simon's calloused and rough hand run up and down your thigh, he had likely already understood what was going on. He likely knew long before Johnny even went back to check on you in bed, his sense of intuition was sometimes scarily accurate, even for you.
"Mh c'mon luv, gonna feel refreshed after…you know it" you mumble something incoherent in response that that makes Simon chuckle. He gently pries you out of Johnny's grip, helping you up to stand despite your sway.
Simon takes you into the bathroom, putting on the low light setting so it wasn't too harsh on your eyes. "We'll take it slow, yeah?" he asks carefully, his hands holding a gentle grip on your arms to keep your attention on him.
"Yeah…okay" you nod, reaching down to strip yourself of your clothes as Simon does the same. The shower was a lot nicer than you had anticipated, another case of not wanting to get in, but then now that you're in, you don't want to get out.
The warm water on your skin was refreshing just as Simon had promised you, and with the little scalp massage he gave you as he rubbed the shampoo in, was just the cherry on top of it all. The sweet nothing's he whispered in your ear, his steady presence allowing you to just let your brain surf on clouds somewhere else as you took the shower.
He helped you through the steps, dried you off afterwards and got you wrapped in a big hoodie. The one you always wore when it was a bad day, to help you gain back at least a little bit of comfort.
"Better?" Simon mumbles against the hood of the hoodie that you had pulled up over your head. You hold on tight to him, inhaling the scent of his soap mix with the one you used. Letting the pleasant scent wash over you along with the feeling of being clean.
"Yeah…I'm getting hungry though" you mumble back, wiggling in his hold to look up at him. His smile is gentle, like it always is, a soft expression only reserved for you and Johnny in private. A vulnerability he only shows the ones he's closest to, one you love with all your heart.
"Good, I'm sure Johnny's got your food ready" Simon cups your cheek in one hand, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. A gentle hand between your shoulder blades while he guides you out of the bedroom. Finally, with your eyes more adjusted, the sharper light isn't nearly as much of a bother in the rest of the apartment.
"Good, ye're done then" Johnny smiles bright from where he's standing in the living room, having just put your plate down on the coffee table, after having turned on the TV. Your favourite comfort movie already showing ready to play on the screen.
"Thank you, Johnny," you smile at him, giving him a peck on the cheek before plopping down unto the couch and assessing the meal before you. You had many reasons to love the two men in your heart, but it had always helped with how understanding they were. How easily they went to great lengths to help you out.
They always took such great care of you, assessing your needs and acting accordingly without complaint, while you did the same for them. It was a nice cycle of care and compassion, and being snuggled up on the couch between them, your comfort food near, and with your favourite movie on the TV. Well, there weren't many other places you'd rather be.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months
I would love to hear your thoughts about the fucked-up turtle (Terapagos)
"Now let's talk about the turtle. Can we talk about the turtle please, Mac? I've been dying to talk about the turtle with you all day."
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Ok so. Short Answer Re: Thoughts About Terapagos:
Long Answer Re: Thoughts About Terapagos [SPOILERS FOR THE SCARVIO DLC naturally. i havent seen Horizons so i dont rly know whats goin on with this little guy in the anime, just what we've got in the games]:
When the last little batch of new Pokemon in Indigo Disk leaked, about 12 hours or so-ish before the DLC dropped, I was at dinner with my bestie and we were looking at our phones like we were reading breaking world news. And I was looking at this tiny ass png of Terapagos's full Tera (Stellar) form.
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And I immediately blurted out "holy SHIT it's turtles all the way down."
If you're not familiar with the phrase, check out its wikipedia page; here it's most relevant as a saying thrown around with regards to the philosophical concept of infinite regress, i.e. a series of elements (or questions begging an explanation) that that goes on infinitely with each member producing the next. So let's say the world rests on the back of a giant turtle--well, then, what does that turtle stand on to keep it from falling into the void? Why, another, bigger turtle, of course! But what about that turtle? Well, you're not gonna believe this, but it's turtles all the way down.
And here's the other thing about infinite regress: it's a logical fallacy, it's circular reasoning--honestly it's a little bit of a cousin to the "which came first?" chicken and egg argument. The question in these cases never truly gets answered, it just goes on and on forever. Bigger turtles on top of even bigger turtles.
It's a paradox. :)
So Stellar Terapagos, just look at that thing. Even its dex entries talk about how it looks like a planet, how it resembles "the world as the ancients saw it"--it's very much not only trying to evoke the World Turtle concept, but the symbolism of a classic paradoxical saying. So we've already got that going on with it, that already makes me bonkers. AND THAT'S JUST THE SURFACE LEVEL.
Cuz when we look at how Terapagos behaves, things start to go from "well isnt this guy a little weird" to "oh. oh this thing is kind of fucked up and terrifying, hello, what the hell is wrong with it" REAL FAST. Its two most stressed features we see in Indigo Disk are A.) its crystalline nature and how its the progenitor of Terastalization, but also B.) it is ferociously powerful and borderline uncontrollable. It's violent. It bursts out of a Master Ball and almost kills Kieran for daring to try and control it. Heath's illustration of its Stellar form in the Scarlet/Violet Book looks so otherworldly and almost cosmically horrifying. It has Weird Fucking Powers the game does NOT elaborate on (but I will; see more below.)
And also, hey, yeah, its Stellar Form looks like a stack of world turtles, but why the FUCK does its Terastal form also look like a goddamn dream catcher.
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Personally I've been a big fan of the 'imagination theory' re: the Professors and the Paradox Pokemon and Area Zero, and folks have been arguing that Indigo Disk debunks that, but honestly I feel like we're loitering around some untold explanation that's even more bizarre. Terapagos is at least on some level tied to dreams and existentialism, and I really feel like there's more to Tera Crystals and Terapagos's relationship with them than what we've been told. Hell, its cry is even the noise we hear all game when we Terastalize our Pokemon, which produces its own myriad of questions (Are the Crystals some degree of alive? The Tera Crowns all do have Terapago's little turtle head at their base, too--does Terapagos physically or spiritually connect with a Terastalizing Pokemon? And what about that weird crystalizing the AI Professor does during its big boss fight? MUCH TO THINK ABOUT.)
Oh, speaking of Crystals--yeah. I can't NOT talk about the Indigo Disk Crystal Pool Postgame Secret when talking about Terapagos. ONE MORE SPOILER WARNING FOR THAT--SERIOUSLY GO TO THE CRYSTAL POOL AFTER GETTING THE DLC CREDITS. IT WILL BLAST YOU TO BITS. anyway.
Yeah so that's what I mean with Why Did It [Terapagos] Do That. The fact that you dont even need to have it in your party for the postgame Crystal Pool cutscene to trigger and for Terapagos to just pop out of the PC boxes on its own accord and warp space and time (and maybe even reality itself) to irreversible consequence, implying once again some great and uncontrollable power within this beast. Crazy Ass Moments in Pokemon History for CERTAIN.
And the thing that makes me most insane, thinking about Terapagos twisting time to allow you to meet the Professor, the Real Live Professor, to swap notes with them so to speak, the way it facilitates all of that, is the position it now puts the player and Scarvio itself in. If the Professor's research rests on the back of a white book given to them by a child, then what does the research of that white book rest upon? Ah, well, the expedition of Area Zero spurred forth by the fallout of the Professor's research. And what did THAT research rest upon, again...?
Turtles. The whole way down. Chickens and eggs and a paradox you're now responsible for. At the hands of a Normal Type Pokemon that tried to kill a 14 year old.
Terapagos scares the shit out of me. I love it so much. Why Did They Make It Like That <3
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
In a lot of countries, travelling four or five hundred kilometers by car is a big trip. Dutch folks would expect you to bring back a gift, take photos, and be gone for a week or two. You would legally be required to take your mistress with you in Italy. Here in Canada, that barely gets me to the next major city and back. Our country is way too spread out.
Americans: a kilometer is like a mile, but not as big. They're the tiny numbers on your speedometer. That's the gauge that tells you how fast you done be goin'. It also tastes faintly of bleu cheese. The kilometer, that is, not the speedometer.
A hundred years ago, people would simply not travel this far in a single day. If your friends and family moved five hundred clicks away, you would just never see them again, instead of multiple times per year. The automobile is the great equalizer in this regard, but one thing that hasn't updated are our pitifully low, revenue-generating speed limits. Now, some people can travel this distance weekly, returning from their distant jobs to their overpriced, highway-dependent, bedroom communities.
When presented with such a long distance to cover, sane individuals would insist upon a train system. In case you're unfamiliar, a train is a big box on rails that carries people from one urban centre to another. It can't be pulled over for speeding, so you get to blow past infuriated rural cops doing three hundred plus. Rest assured that we do have trains out East, but they suck. The reason why? Too many big boxes, not enough rails. Plus, they can't do three hundred, or even one hundred on most days. A classic fuck-up. Better to just not build anything at all, unless it's highways, say our betters.
Now you're on the highway with several thousand of your closest friends, watching out for cops together. You're going thirty over the limit when you pull into the slow lane to take a momentary rest, right before you return to the usual flow of traffic at speeds contraindicated by the safety warnings on the side of your tires.
All this is so that you can get to the next city over, buy the garbage you came for (metal flake airbrush attachment? You shouldn't have) and then immediately turn around to burn back home before it gets dark. Maybe if you're lucky, while you're filling up, you can send a few text messages to your friends who live in the target city, telling them you just missed them and that they should drop by next time they're down in your neck of the woods. That's the way to live.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Sunflower Seeds (BAU x cowboy!reader)
Warnings: Death, sadness, abuse, bad foster parents, death of a child, murderous foster parents, smoking, addition (to cigarettes) 
Word count: 2403
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies
“This case is a rough one, folks,” Garcia said as she entered the room, handing you each a file. “Some sicko in Colorado is targeting foster kids,”
Hotch made sure the briefing was short, not wanting to waste any time before you all got on the jet. 
"What are you doing?" JJ asks.
"Readin' the file." You answered, before offering the bag of seeds you were currently making your way through, "Sunflower seed?"
"Why are you eating sunflower seeds?" She sits down next to you and you shrug. 
“Got hungry,” You lied, “‘S all I had in my bag,” JJ rolls her eyes slightly as she chuckles with a smile.
“Garcia’s calling,” Morgan cut your current conversation and you all turned to the laptop.
“Speak and be heard!” Garcia exclaims as she pops up on the screen.
“Have you managed to look up the foster history of the victims yet?”
“The database is running as we speak,”
“These kids were all well behaved,” You state with a sigh, flicking through the file, “I don’t understand how they were in so much trouble at school,”
"I bet you were such a sweetheart as a kid," Garcia teased, the rest of the team chuckling. 
"Er, no ma'am, I was not," You answered, embarrassment flushing against your cheeks, "I was actually quite the little shit - pardon my language. I mean I was goin’ through a lot, but that doesn’t excuse my past behaviour, I did chill out at about fifteen though,"
“What happened at fifteen?” Reid asked curiously.
“My Mama and Pops adopted me and Aden,” You said with a small smile. 
When you got to the station, introductions and the set up was quick and soon enough, the team had all split up to different crime scenes. Hotch, however, had asked you to stay at the station, to interview different foster kids who might have known or seen something. Hotch had told you that he would be back soon, he just needed to follow a lead with Prentiss.
“Excuse me? Mr FBI Agent, sir?” You look up, a small boy, only about seven. He was the last one to be interviewed (in fact you were about to go and get him for his interview), his foster parents had dropped him off three hours ago and left, claiming that they needed to pick up another one of their foster children from daycare. You had made sure the boy had been comfortable sitting in the breakroom with some snacks, a drink, and a colouring book.
“Hi, how can I help you?” You ask, giving him a small smile. 
“I- You are FBI, right?” When you confirmed, he continued, “Is there a way you can tell them to move me to a different foster home?” 
“What’s your name, kid?”
"I'm (Y/N)," You said, before asking “Why do you want to move, Jacob?”
You furrowed your eyebrows as he answered, “I want to be with my sister.” You swallow the lump in your throat, only having known the worry about being separated from your sibling.
“I can try, kid,” You said, “But I can’t promise anything…”
“They’re not nice people.”
“My foster parents,” Jacob whispered, “They yell… and they throw stuff…” You close your eyes for a moment, being able to read behind the lines. 
“How bad is it?”
“It’s bad,” Jacob’s voice wobbles as he tries his best to keep his emotions at bay. 
“Hey, kid, look at me,” You crouch down and wait until he’s looking at you, “I’m g’nna make sure this place gets shut down, you hear me?”
Jacob gives a small sniff as he nods, desperately wiping at his eyes. “It’s okay, kid, it’s okay.” You mumbled, pulling him close to your chest. “I promise, I will make sure you go somewhere nice.” Jacob clung onto you tightly and you lightly rocked the pair of you back and forth in hopes of helping him calm down.
“Jacob, your foster parents are here to collect you,” Hotch said as he appears in the doorway and your heart breaks as Jacob only clings onto you tighter.
“Jacob, hey, look at me,” You swallow slightly before continuing, “I’ll do everything I can to get you somewhere else, okay?” He nods as he forces himself to let go of you and stand up.
“Yeah, kid, I promise.” You reached into your pocket, making sure the foster parents weren’t looking before you handed him your card. “You have access to a phone?” He nods, “Okay, you phone me if you need me, okay?” He gives another nod as he pockets the small card. You watch as Hotch leads him out of the room, to his foster parents and you have to look away for a moment. When you gather the strength, you look back to find Jacob looking at you anxiously, you give him what you hope is an encouraging smile and then he’s gone.
You didn’t account for the foster parents being the killers. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.  
It’s been maybe five hours since getting back to the hotel when you get the phone call, it’s the middle of the night and you were laid in the dark trying to sleep. When you answer it, Jacob’s scared whisper on the other end of the phone, begging you to come and get him, that he was in the kitchen, and he was scared. And then the line goes dead. You’re standing up and putting your shoes on as you wake Hotch up, only giving him enough time to knock on Rossi’s door before you’re out of the hotel and in one of the SUV’s ready to go.
You all but kick the door off it’s hinges as you enter the house, heading straight to the kitchen, stomach dropping when you see his small figure on the floor. You’re kneeling next to him in an instant as you put pressure on the wound.
“Hotch? Hotch, call an ambulance, he needs an ambulance-” You rush out when he walks into the room. Hotch nods, with a grim look on his face as he takes in the kid’s condition, knowing he’s not going to make it.
"You're g’nna be a'ight kid, you hear me? You're g’nna be a'ight," You give him a small smile, “You’re g’nna be just f’ne,”
“You came?” Jacob’s voice is quiet and you have to strain your ears to hear him.
“Course, kid,” You reply, “You’re g’nna be okay kid,”
“Yeah, kid,” You answer, voice shaking, “You need’a hold on, a’ight??”
Jacob nods slightly before he goes limp in your arms, “Kid?” You bring a hand up to lightly tap his cheek, “Kid?! Kid, come on! Hotch!” When Hotch is in the room, you look up from Jacob’s face to Hotch, “Hotch, he’s stopped breathing, what do I do?!”
“I don’t think there’s anything we can do.”
“What?” You look up at him, face a mix of desperation and anger, “Hotch, we can’t do nothin’-”
“(Y/N), he’s lost too much blood, nothing we can do will help him,”
“We could try a transfusion-”
“We both know we can’t do that,”
“We have to do somethin’!”                
And then the rest of the team (minus JJ - who stayed behind to be with Elena, Jacob’s sister, who had made her foster parents take her to the station in worry for her younger brother, she had quickly told JJ about her ‘big sister intuition’) and the paramedics arrive. It takes Hotch and Morgan to pry away and you want to hit both of them for it. Instead, you get into one of the SUV’s and drive back to the station. You needed to be the one to tell his sister.  
JJ looks up when you enter the room, “JJ, can you give us a minute, please?” JJ studies you for a minute before she nods, telling Elena that she’ll be right outside.
“Where’s Jacob?” You swallow heavily as you sit down on the couch, next to Elena.
“I- I’m so sorry,” You begin, “I did everything I could, but he- he didn’t make it,” Elena’s eyes are immediately filled with tears as she stands.
“No, no you’re lying! No!”
“I’m so sorry.”
“This is your fault! This is all your fault! You killed him!” She screams and just hearing it makes your throat hurt. You stare at her, desperately trying to keep the tears at bay as she continues to scream at you. “Your fault! All your fault!” She shouts, hitting your chest as she does, you barely flinch. “All your fault!”
You look up, meeting eyes with JJ as Elena lands another open hand hit against your chest as she yells. Your eyes drift back to Elena as she collapses against your chest, sobbing. “I got you,” You mumble, and she grabs your shirt tightly in her fist as she sobs loudly. “I’ve got you,”
“He can’t be gone,” She hiccups, “He can’t be dead. He can’t be.”
“I’m so sorry,” You mumble, swaying lightly. “I’m so sorry,”
The door opens and closes quietly and your head shoots up. JJ gives you a small smile as she sits next to the two of you, she gently scoops Elena in her arms and gives you a look – telling you to have a moment to yourself. You nod a thanks and leave.
You walk straight to the closest shop – not stopping to talk to any of the team, mind too caught up as to how you still haven’t managed to make an arrest, despite knowing exactly who was behind all of this. Being caught up in your own head also meant that you didn’t hear Hotch tell Morgan to follow you and keep an eye on you.
You were usually so good, whenever you had the urge to pick up a cigarette again, you'd munch your way through your weight in sunflower seeds until it left. But after this case? There was no way that was going to happen now. When you get there, you buy a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Wasting no time, you sit on the curb outside of the shop, lighting the cigarette now in your hand and taking a long, deep breath. Part of you had missed this.
 And then, out of pure luck, you spot Mr Richards, Jacob’s foster dad, crossing the road. You ditch the cigarettes and lighter on the floor and the next thing you know, you’re sprinting after him and then tackling him to the ground. When he struggles, you pull your arm back and punch him, and then again and then- A hand’s on your shoulder, trying to pull you off.
“(Y/N), that’s enough.” Morgan? You ignore him and shrug the hand off, punching him once more before you’re ripped off of him and being held back. Richards is on the floor, groaning. Prick. 
The rest of the team all jog to the scene, Prentiss and Reid cuffing Richards and Hotch approaches you and Morgan. “What happened?” He’s looking at you as he speaks, but you assume he’s talking to Morgan, so you continue to glare at Richards, whose nose is still bleeding. You can’t help but smirk slightly at that. 
“He tackled him and kept punching,” Morgan answered shortly. 
“Take him back to the station, don’t let him see Richards.” Morgan nods as he leads you to the SUV.
You're restless on the flight back, legs shaking, hands fumbling. You knew everyone noticed (it was a bit hard not to), but we're thankful that no one said anything yet. Your body was itching for another cigarette. The familiarity of it between your fingers, the repetitive motion. You place your hand in your jacket pocket, feeling the small box and feel yourself relax slightly. 
"Clint Eastwood over here has been smoking," Morgan said.
“So?” You asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“So it’s not exactly good for you,” He answered, you huffed slightly. 
“I’m not doin’ this now,” You reply, closing your eyes as you let your head hit the back of your seat. 
“Let me talk to him,” JJ says softly and there’s the quiet sound of someone sitting down opposite you, “(Y/N)?”
You open your eyes, finding yourself automatically gazing into JJ’s. “Yeah?”
“Talk to me,” She says softly and you have to look away. You don’t want to spill everything. You don’t want to be vulnerable, not when the others are so close by. You knew the second you started, you’d want to tell her everything, spill your heart out. So instead, you just shake your head.
“I’m fine,” You give a small smile before shutting your eyes once more, you hear her sigh and feel her gently place her hand on your shoulder and then it’s gone and suddenly you feel cold. 
When the jet lands, Hotch makes it known that he wants to talk to you in his office. You don’t say anything, you just nod. And so, you follow him to his office.
“Normally, I wouldn’t be too concerned,” Hotch said, “But this isn’t healthy, smoking isn’t healthy. You’re using it as a coping mechanism.”
"I know it's not exactly the best solution-" You began, "But it's better than, I don't know, some coping mechanisms for sure."
“You need to talk to someone about this,”
“I’m fine.”
“(Y/N), I’m serious,” He says, voice stern. “You can’t bottle this up.”
“Don’t make me put you on leave, (Y/N).” That hits a nerve and the next thing you know, you’re sort of yelling. 
"What do you want me to say Hotch?! I held that kid as he died Hotch!" Your raised voice caught him off guard, you didn't generally raise your voice. "I- I told him he was gon' be 'kay. And then I had to tell his sister he'd died. And what, y’all expect me to just be 'kay after that? I'm sorry to disappoint ‘cause I ain't. N I'm sorry if that means I'm not the person you thought I was or if that somehow disappoints you, but I- I can't just forget about it that easy,"
“Of course you’re allowed to be upset, it’s normal.” Hotch replies, keeping his voice comforting but still stern, something you didn’t even realise was possible until meeting Hotch, “Take the weekend to relax, we’ve all got the time off, see how you feel on Monday, okay?” You nod, mumbling an ‘okay’, “Alright, I’ll see you later, have a good weekend.”
“You too,”
“And (Y/N)?” You turn to him, “Try and quit the habit while you’re ahead,” You give a small nod and leave the office. 
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davidthephoneguy · 2 months
A little (mostly Dialtown) rant of my own
Ok first of all you all need to calm down, I'm goin on this rant despite not currently being in the dialtown fandom but I was back around when the game first came out. I just feel like I gotta ask you to be calm because I know how agressive people can be online with that shield on anonymity. I also do not hate dialtown or Dogman nor do I blame them for said issues that will be stated.
Dialtown as a whole does pretty obviously have a problem about representation of fem/fem presenting characters especially in the fandom side. As a previous rant stated before most fem characters are either glossed over in favour of male/masc presenting ones, such as with the main dateables. It even extends to side characters which feels rather disheartening. Now I get why its mainly the male/masc presenting ones who get attention, I must highlight the fact that I am a Bi-Ace Transman and I tended to focus on Oliver and Randal over Karen so I was part of the problem on that part. So i get the gender serotonin of drawing them but I hope you can also see how it means that for example, Karen is almost completely overlooked. I would see myself in them because of the shared gender, I really do understand why this has been happening. You are not evil for doing this, that is not what this rant is about in the slightest. Like the previous rant before stated the game doesn't pass the Bechdal test (Which if you are unaware is a media test which requires two fem characters to talk to eachother about anything other then a man, already an extremely low bar to pass) which Dialtown does not pass. It's completely valid to have reservations about that as it is an overall problem with media at large. Media at large is still a white straight cis male dominated space and needs more diversity in all ways. Dialtown as a whole is a good game and has a diverse cast which is wonderful and amazing to see. The only issue is how some are highlighted more then others or demonized in a way that lines up with misogyny (Such as with Mingus' behavior being villainized by the fandom while Stabby and Shooty doing the same thing being ok and lighthearted in the eyes of the fandom which from an outside view just looks like misogyny I am sorry folks. If the only factor in if you like or dislike a characters actions is because they are a woman is misogyny even if they're cis or trans, misogyny is just the word for discrimination in this way) Pointing this out doesn't mean an attack on anyone, pointing out an issue is meant to bring attention to said issue so it can be improved or fixed. The previous person who I have been referencing and paraphrasing here (who I am not going to @ as they don't need more direct harassment) was slightly attacked for having a rant, yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but that does not give either side the right to actively attack the other. Please remain diplomatic.
People are allowed to highlight issues, if we don't then they won't ever get fixed. We're meant to stick together and fix things together, not attack eachother. Thats what people like terfs want us to do, they want us to tear eachother apart so that they get what they want, our destruction. We have to stand together with the things we love. My apologies for how long this ended up being but I just had to get it out of my head. Just my thoughts as a transman/voidrabbit on the topic
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aurorangen · 4 months
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Not many people talk about Strangerville in Chestnut Ridge as it brought back unpleasant happenings from the past. When Renee mentioned the place, Mel was disturbed. How did an outsider know? There's nothing about it online and even the locals have no clue. She felt like sharing what she knew with them. The more that gets out there, the more people will be informed of the strange town. "Have a safe journey back! I'm gonna remember ya folks!" Mel exclaimed, as they waved their goodbyes.
[Cool air from the fan hits Vincent's face as he enters the bar. He feels much better] Mel: Welcome! Call me Mel! What can I getcha folks? Vincent: Just some water please. Actually, anything cold will do.
Mel: [hears his accent] Where y'all from? It's not every day ya see visitors 'ere in Chestnut Ridge. Renee: We live in Britechester but work in the big city, San Myshuno! I'm Renee by the way and this is Vince. Mel: It's a pleasure to meet ya both. I've always wanted to visit the big city!
Mel: Ooh speakin' of! A fine, young man came in earlier too, said he got some business in San Myshuno! Vincent: What a coincidence. Who knows if we will cross paths one day [jokes around]. Did you get his name? Mel: He didn't share it! But he had a slight accent. European one? Greek? Italian? I know nothin'.
Renee: [suddenly Renee asks] Mel, can I ask…do you know about Strangerville? Mel: Darlin' ya shouldn't be talkin' bout Strangerville 'ere. Renee: Hmm? What do you mean by that?
Mel: Well ya see, a few of us know the place, not much though and not good stuff. Most of us ain't got a clue. Y'know what? I'll let yer in on somethin' [she eyes them both, careful with her words]. Hell knows what's goin' on down there, there's no news. But we've a bit of history with em.
Mel: Back in the good ol' day, they did friendly business. They came to trade or buy stuff. Horses, crops, supplies. Bits and bobs y'know? They don't come so often now, years at a time. When they do, strange folks come, dressed all in black or military attire. Sayin' they're here to get stuff. Supreme order's words.
Renee: [thinks back to the photos she took, the military, it's all real] Did you not ask who they were? Mel: If we asked too much…there were serious consequences [does a slit her throat motion then coughs, she's shared too much]. So in the end yer just get on with it, can't defy those supreme orders, can we?
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sahonithereadwolf · 9 months
I went down another research hole the other night. Y'all might know about "Big Rock Candy Mountain" from O Brother, Where Art Thou...
But it, like most of the songs from that movie comes from a tradition of American folk songs. Big Rock Candy Mountains very specifically this tradition of hobo ballads. And, like setting aside the overtones of American colonialism that purvey all these sort of "there is a dreamland to the west for you to claim" songs, there is a cultural tradition of these. "Life is a struggle but there is a place where it's not if you can find it" is a very human sentiment.
There are plenty of medieval works on Cockaigne, which has a similar kinda tone to it. A land where the harsh realities of a blue collar or peasant class struggle can not exist.
But did you know about the secret gay lyrics of Big Rock Candy Mountain?
After Harry McClintoc recorded his version of this ballad, which he claimed he wrote in 1895 based off the stories he heard as a kid working on the railroad, a bunch of people took him to court because they claimed he stole and took parts of his song from a bunch of other hobo songs in the same traditions. Sweet Potato Mountain, Hobo's Heaven, An Appleknocker's Lament... As part of the court dispute, McClintock was told by the judge to perform the song. As art of the court record we have a last stanza which is not used in the cleaned up version used for records and "reputable venues". This was recorded as:
"The punk rolled up his big blue eyes And said to the jocker, "Sandy, I've hiked and hiked and wandered too, But I ain't seen any candy. I've hiked and hiked till my feet are sore And I'll be damned if I hike any more To be * * * * * * * * In the Big Rock Candy Mountains." Now NO ONE KNOWS what that last lyric is. However we can make some very educated inferences. This is about gay sex.
And it's not like "Big Rock Candy Mountains" is immune to commentary despite the more sanitized versions you'd see later from the likes of Burl Ives.
I'm thinking very specifically: "In The Big Rock Candy Mountains All the cops have wooden legs And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth" and
"In The Big Rock Candy Mountains The jails are made of tin And you can walk right out again As soon as you are in There ain't no short-handle shovels No axes, saws or picks I'm a-goin' to stay where you sleep all day Where they hung the jerk that invented work In The Big Rock Candy Mountains" Going back to the lyrics "The punk rolled up his big blue eyes"
Punk in this context and original use, especially in it's use in hobo culture refers to a younger man or boy being kept for sex and other menial task.
Which, you know, should put a whole new context to see how it's been used against other forms of youth culture. Hippies, greasers, punks,ect. And at least for me makes it's misuse feel even more slapdash and pathetic.
If you doubt this, it is quickly followed up by the term "Jocker" "And said to the jocker, 'Sandy," a slang term of the era referring to an aggressive and usually straight passing dom top, especially in the context of prison.
To be a little flippant, this is a twink grumbling to a daddy.
As I mentioned before, no one actually knows what that missing lyric is. Or at the very least it's never been made public.
But give it's proximity to "sore" and "more" a lot of guess tend to jump to the word "Whore".
Sam Eskin actually interviewed McClintock for Folkway Records and which, when asked about the lyrics said “the ambition of every hobo was to snare some kid to do his begging for him, among other things,”
This is something you see in a lot of early gay panic lit all the way up through the 80's. Especially as the moral authoritarianism of the Hayes code kicked in. But it also found itself in the early pulp lit where queerness could still exist (if behind a little mask and a performative, if dramatic, finger shake)
Queerness and homelessness were intertwined. Still are, both from my own personal experiences and if you look at the statistics. And it's not much of a leap to understand why. ---
But we do have some offered lyrics from other authors: "To be buggered sore like a hobo’s whore,” Is a popular one, which has it's origins from a 2002 folk music site called mudcat and waaaaay too British to read naturally if you ask me.
“And be cornholed till my ass is raw.” is another one you see passed around a lot. Which feels too forum humor.
George Milburn in 1930 offers "To be a homeguard with a lemonade card.” which is naive and sweet to say the least.
The fact is we still don't know this lyric, gay punchline (or at least gay panic) as it might be. All we know is that Big Rock Candy Mountain "Was never meant to be a parlor song" in McClintock's own words.
Well that and the insight it offers into social perceptions of queerness at the time and how it's shaped and shifted in the future.
What do you think this secret gay Big Rock Candy Mountain lyric is?
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sil3ntfr34k · 1 month
ReaderxP3 if you write for him? Sfw or nsfw, both rule.
(I’m gonna assume that the last person also wanted me to change this one into p4 too soooo-)
(Also I had this planned eventually so this just reminded me ehehe)
‼️Minors DNI it’s Adult™️ time‼️
Postal 4 Dude NSFW headcanons
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He’s old and sloppy you can’t change this. He’s been wearing the same old outfit for months straight, don’t expect TOO much from him
Luckily for his showcase ‘muscles’, he looks pretty good when he’s naked. Toned body with an ever so slight beer belly, but it somehow adds to his whole aesthetic
I imagine his dick is pretty average. About 5 inches when he’s hard, 3 when he’s soft and an average amount of girth. His balls are pretty big tho so at least he’s got that goin for him
Pretty good prep tbh. For fem aligned folk he’s kinda gentle and soft, letting his hands slowly run up and down your body before he keeps one behind your head to make his kiss more passionate
While for more masc aligned folk he’s a bit more rough, probably pulling you in with hard hands on your hips and pulling your hair back to get a better look at your face. Being around more manly people makes him feel manlier too, so he’s thinks he’s gotta act tough and all
Loves passionate sex. The heavy breathing, the grunting, the slaps of skin, the sweet dirty talk, he LIVES for it. If you keep kissing him during sex, he’ll cum gallons
Probably hates to pull out. Dude so desperately wants to feel you around him like this all the time, so much so he throws a little hissy fit when you make him pull out. Dude isn’t very smart when it comes to his own greater good, so for all you womb havers, you better make sure to pull him out yourself before he cums
Dude has an oral fixation as well (most dudes do). All you have to do is take off your panties/boxers and spread your legs for him to instantly dive between them and start licking/sucking. He doesn’t like to swallow tho, can’t stand the taste of cum smh
His favorite position is probably the mating press. There’s nothing Dude loves more than plowing into you as hard as he can so he can hear you moan. Not only does he get to fuck you mercilessly in this position, he also gets to see your face the entire time. (Yes he does try to make you cry sometimes)
Please wake Dude up with a blowjob, he will do anything for you for the rest of the day. Blowjobs in general are easily one of Dudes favorite jobs to have. Definitely jokes about it too. “Dude, I’m hungryyyyy what do we have to eat?” “You can eat my dic-“
Enjoys light BDSM. Spanking, slapping, and light bondage gets him goin good. Also blindfolds, adds to the excitement
Makes a lot of noise, on purpose. Dude knows you like his noises, at least he’s convinced himself you do, so he will not stop the constant groaning and grunting.
The way he lets you know he’s horny is by being extra loving. Hugs you from behind, kisses your neck, has his hands placed firmly on your hips and is slightly grinding into your ass, grunting
(That’s all I can think of rn idk I’m tired and outside pls give me my blanket)
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senqv · 1 year
blue lock ! mermaid au featuring : alexis ness , michael kaiser , kurona ranze x gn! reader
warning(s) : kaiser tries to kill you once purposefully and once accidentally ( what’s new ) , biting , dead fish rip , lmk if there are more !
a/n : can you tell i was an ocean loving child
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alexis ness !
prolly a dolphin mercreature … you know how the media portrays dolphins to be cute little angels but actually they are wild. yea
he has a curious nature as a dolphin, but also, as we know, incredibly intelligent
he can’t speak too much, but communicates with little thrills and chirps <3
you learn his name after he draws it out onto the sand, he really likes how you say his name !!
alexis also likes to ‘study’ you, as you say, and he is extremely fond of wrapping his tail around your legs — he doesn’t have them, after all, so he’s really curious on how they work !
he always leaves some gifts for you by rocks for you, like shells and clams with pearls in them <3 sometimes he finds some weird human contraption that was dropped into the sea and brings them to you as well
you bring your own gifts for him too ! he’s quite fond of flowers; especially lavenders, the sweet smell really appeals to him. he’s kinda sad that he can’t bring them underwater though :(
a regular bottlenose dolphin is about 2-4 m ( around 6.7 - 13.1 feet ) in length, so he’s quite big — bigger than you at least.
despite his large size, he’s very gentle with you, brushing his face over your palms and examining your legs with apt fascination. his fingers are nearly floating above your skin, because you’re so small compared to him that he really doesn’t wanna hurt you (*⁰▿⁰*)
he’s always mimicking you smiling. it’s his favourite expression !! it gets a little unsettling sometimes because you can tell that something has angered him but he’s still like :)
and then suddenly some people who have bothered you have develop a fear of the sea and refuse to go near it and you hm
splashes water on you to express his displeasure. and then he nudges you down when you try to tackle him as revenge … and somehow he is surprised you went down so easily ??? like huh have you not seen the size difference
overall really cute 10/10
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michael kaiser !
if dolphins are bad this guy is an orca. the worse subspecies of dolphin fr they r such menaces ( but also my favourite ocean species LAWL they r too cute )
probably tried to kill you the first time y’all met ??
orca LOVE to play around with their prey. he definitely tried to flick you into the air but then decided that he was quite fond of you and now you’re his human. like um .ok ?????
really likes shiny things ! tinkers around with the bracelets and rings you wear, it’s cute how his pupils dilate a little when a glass bead reflects against the sunlight just right
he would really like for you to swim with him, but the sea is horrendously cold during the winter …
he doesn’t really understand that concept, so he tried tugging you into the water once, and you could barely submerge half your body you froze up and had to get out :(
kaiser refused to let you go afterwards for a long time, wrapping his arms and tail around you, a grumbling sound from his throat and warm breath against your neck <3
his fins twitching and his huge tail slamming on the deck nervously as he massages your arms to get the blood flowing again
he can’t let his favourite human die too fast yknow :( but the asshole attitude returns after he knows you’re fine. mf
he brings you his catches; huge fish, turtles, sometimes even smaller dolphin species as ? gifts ?? and lowkey gets offended when you explain how you can’t haul all those back to your house
again — he is huge. male killer whales are about 6 - 8 m ( 19.6 - 26.3 ft ) in length !! sits you on his lap as he marvels at how tiny you are compared to him
after thorough observation, he mlems at you face and you can’t tell if the grin he sports is him telling you that you’re going to be his next meal or something else
really likes it when you trace the patterns on his tail <3 he hides his face in his arms so you can’t see his expression but his tail is thrashing really wildly !!
possibly a 10 when he’s not trying to kill you
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kurona ranze (黒名 蘭世) !
do i even need to say it ??? shark boy <3 i’d say hes a lemon shark mercreature !! omg i love lemon sharks they r the cutest
just putting it out here that lemon sharks are possessive of their humans and get jealous when they give other sharks too much attention LOL
kurona wraps his tail around you when he wants your attention and just in general when you’re near him !!
like ness, he is really curious of your legs. tried biting them once or twice — it doesnt hurt, but the occasional bite marks on your calves and thighs are hard to explain to your friends
his teeth are really cute to look at tho !! very spiky, and he grabs your hand so you can feel the groves of his triangular teeth and his tongue licking at your finger-pads
really likes swimming with you — you don’t even have to tread water cause he’ll just hold you by the waist and swim like that !! strong boy
kurona knows a lot about the ocean (since he practically lives in it ..), he brings you to see tiny glowing jellyfish at night and little bioluminescence plankton in underwater caves !! he gets really happy when he sees you excited over them
his eyes dilate … like a lot. they get huge when he sees you cause he loves you <3
really enjoys getting pets ! he’s not too expressive but you can always hear some gentle purring when you run your fingers through his hair
brings you small coral and pearls as gifts <3 sometimes he feels mischievous and just spits out some kind of fish at your feet just to scare you _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): wtf kurona !!
loves laying his head on your lap to hear you muse about the stars and constellations at night <3
deadass tries to lean his near 3 m ( 11 ft ) self on you like . hello
really likes stars a lot, his tail was practically wagging when you gave him a bracelet strung of star-shaped beads !!
he brought you a really pretty starfish afterwards as thanks
kurona automatically starts licking at your wounds if you have any, and he’s really careful not to get saltwater on them
doesnt like it when you’re hurt in any form :(
10/10 sea puppy bf
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now i lowkey wanna sketch mermaid au blue lock adjdjhsjasjsj
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