#we have hateful and loving cannibalism choose your poison!
breitzbachbea · 1 year
Hello everyone, I just remembered that German has the idiom "jdm. zum Fressen gern haben", which translates to "liking someone so much you'd want to gobble them up" :)
And it either means to like someone a terrible lot OR the opposite, being used ironically or with more emphasis on the cannibalism.
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cash-111 · 2 months
111 followers special: 🃏 Prompt game 🃏
This has turned out kind of sucky tbh since it’s my first time making one, but I hope we can have fun with it anyway!
Leave an ask, anonymous or not, where you mix and match any of the propositions down below. It DOES NOT have to be only one per category, and you can skip categories entirely, since not everything will have a match that makes sense.
You can also choose to enrich everything with more details/ your own storyline.
Please specify if you want smut/ fluff/ etc!
Onto the game!
1- “We’re enemies. It doesn’t work like that, it will never work like that.”
2- “How can I trust you?”
3- “I don’t care about anything but you”
4- “You’re my happiness, I know it’s selfish, but I can’t let you go”
5- “Why not? Give me a chance”
6- “You have no idea what I would do to you if I had the opportunity”
7- “Touch me… please”
8- “Didn’t expect it, did you?”
9- “I’d like to take care of you. Relax”
10- “He could never love you, worship you, like I do”
11- “Hey, smile for me”
12- “Don’t be like that.”
13- “Stop saying his(/her) fucking name.”
14- “You’re all that I hoped for and more”
15- “it’s like you’re poison and I have a death wish…”
Relationship tropes:
A- enemies to lovers
B- rivals to lovers
C- friends to lovers
D- star crossed lovers
E- friends wb/ enemies wb
F- strangers to lovers
G- soulmates
H- wild car (others)
Scenario tropes:
a- forced proximity (a.01 -there was only one bed / a.02 - 7 minutes in heaven)
b- break up
c- secret admirer
d- deus ex machina / dream
e- second chance
f- fake dating
h- hate sex
i- hurt-comfort
j- jealousy
k- blackmail
l- love potion / prank
m- love triangle
n- teasing
o- bet
p- pining
q- bully
r- roommates
s- showing gratitude
t- romantic date
u- combined marriage
v- loss of virginity
w- wrestling
x- heat
y- war
z- wild car (others)
Just choose anything that isn’t cannibalism, incest, or bestiality lol
Kink Information - F-List Wiki
P.S. I’m gonna be very sad if no one participates :(
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In honor of The Tower of Nero’s Loser Gods, here are my favorite Greek God character study snippets from Were I That Burning Star and a fact easily forgotten (we named our crowns ourselves) that I loved writing most.
Her voice began to climb. "Century upon century upon century of loss, and we changed. We are everlasting, and they are not. Did you honestly expect us to endure it without going mad? Do you truly think I did not weep for my loved ones, and for the thousands of souls I never gave myself the chance to know?" 
It had been May’s choice that drove her to madness. It had been Luke’s choice that drove him to his death.
It’d taken him a long time, but Hermes had come to terms with it. He couldn't have saved them. Their fates had never been his responsibility. It had always been theirs. He would mourn. He would remember. But he would not dishonor them by regretting the choices they’d made for themselves. Regret was a choice that belonged to them. Whether to love them, their choices and all? That was his.
It was a burden, but at the same time, it was a blessing. They could offer her a throne, the world, a weapon for her hands and the promise of respect—it wouldn’t matter. She wouldn’t trade away this Love for anything.
Athena was here.
"Yes," he said.
The war goddess had come to face him.
"Yes," he said again, then roared, “YES!”—in approval, in delight, in uncontrollable exhilaration that burned like wildfire through him. He summoned his broadsword and drew the blade from the scabbard in one clean motion, the sharp sound of slithering steel serving as his own clarion note of challenge. “YES, ATHENA!”
She fantasized about it. When the day came, she would fight her fiercest against the justice of a rising world order. She would fight and she would lose, but part of her looked forward to the end. When responsibilities both wanted and unwanted left her shoulders, would she still be herself enough to look her newborn counterpart in the eyes and pull them closer to whisper, weighed down with pride and sorrow and all the complications newborn deities had no hope of understanding, “I was justice once”?
“Their hatred made me something else," he acceded, thinking of Hera and the throne he'd engineered to be a trap. "Something I did not want to be. So I sought to get myself back, but couldn't remember what that looked like."
He fitted the new parts into place. He tried to say it right. "Maybe there is no kinder original of myself to reclaim. Maybe they killed that. But I have been. Trying. To be something other than what they made me. I think that matters, somewhat. So I don't believe I will become them.” Hephaestus weighed his words. "I don't think he ever noticed, or tried, to be less him. So I don't believe you will be anything like him either."
“We chose wrong,” Ariadne said, “but I am content with where I have arrived. I have enjoyed moments I would not have had if I hadn’t chosen wrong.”
Dionysus closed his eyes. She smelled of honey and old books and dusty paths traversed by very few.
“I have regrets,” the goddess of the labyrinths said, “but I do not regret you. Do you regret me?”
“No,” he said.
Hestia still remembers the day Rhea nudged them outside, father and newborn. Immortal children are born walking, but Kronos offered to hold her hand. They found themselves a shady spot at the edge of an overgrown forest, and he told her the story of how her uncles had claimed the four corners of the world as their own. She remembers being entranced—not by the tale, but by the way his voice slowly climbed in excitement, his face and hands taking on a life she hadn't seen on him before. He smiled upon the conclusion of the story. She asked for another.
Hestia remembers Kronos in a way her brothers and sisters do not. It is a curse she will never share with them.
"I did not choose my lovers to become a parent. I did not want to be a mother. My mother did not wish to be a mother, either. Reproduction is an unfortunate side-effect of intercourse." Demeter smiled bitterly. "My mother’s life was consumed by her children. I believe she hated us as much as we hated her.”
Apollo remembered Rhea and her tie-dye headbands—her warm, callused palm on his forehead, absorbing his pain. “That isn’t true.”
“Love and hate aren’t mutually exclusive, nephew. I can love her for her kindness and hate her for failing to save me. She can hate me for the sorrow I brought upon her, just as much as she loves me for the joy.” Demeter raised an eyebrow. “As an insignificant mortal once said, we contain multitudes.”
No, she thought with vitriolic fury, no you don’t. She had spat curses into Kronos’s face as he had unhinged his jaw. She was no coward. The Titans had not managed to cow her. She would not be cowed by her husband.
She concocted the most poisonous curses and bestowed them on his demigod children. Here is what I think of your legacy. She arranged the most painful deaths for his mortal lovers. Here is what I think of your infidelity. When he came to her in a rage, she pushed him into a wall and tore at his lips with her teeth. You do not scare me, she thought, high on adrenaline and victory.
“Do I scare you?” she asked, giddy with the power she had discovered for herself.
After the victory, there must have been a reason—when they drew straws to divide the world, and Poseidon looked like he had been saved and Zeus looked like he might smile—there must have been a reason he didn’t contest the draw. Must have been something that made him say, yes, I will take the underground.
He held the keys to the prisons incarcerating their most hated enemies—himself acting as jailor, judge, and executioner—and only then did he realize how utterly satisfying it was to have the proof of his safety be himself.
He embarked on the war slightly crazed and considerably scared. He ended the war entirely too crazed.
The sea swallowed him up and he devoured it back. The white-capped waves and salty shores became his lungs, his heart. Fault lines and volcanoes ran on the heat of his blood and the force of his temper. The ocean’s depths were never dark, not in a way that he feared. He raced with his passions and raged as a storm. He laughed at the world that knew to fear him.
Learning kindness came later. Much, much later.
Tomorrow he might close his eyes and trace the King Cannibal’s palace etched on the backs of his eyelids. Tomorrow he might feel an immovable weight crushing his chest and pushing down his shoulders.
But today he held up a hand to shield his eyes from the southern sun and kept looking up, tracing clouds and chasing falcons. He pictured leading his brothers and sisters back out into the sunlight. He imagined lying down in the grass and having his siblings sit beside him. He was unable to visualize their faces, their height, the way their hands might move when they spoke. But if he succeeded—when, not if (it was foretold, he could do this, he would)—maybe he could learn.
He stared up at the bottomless blue sky and dared to dream of freedom.
I looked upon the carbon duplicate of Demeter's apathetic despair, crystalized into a glass jar holding lightning. I realized I was exhausted of trying to be heard by the thing behind the glass walls, because he wasn't ever going to hear me, was he? Not really.
"I used to love you." A painful lump got stuck in my throat. I swallowed it down.
My father kept staring.
"I hate that I was born as your child," I said as a farewell, and I walked away.
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ascension-soliloquy · 5 years
Mistborn book 2 - The Well of Ascension part 2.0 chapters 12-19 - first read
[Spoilers for the chapters covered and all previous chapters]
•Where to begin? Who got body snatched? Would the kandra know to imitate Spook’s Eastern street slang, and laugh at Breeze’s story about poisoning the camp’s water supply? Probably not. Breeze noted that Ham’s sense of humor was getting worse, could it be him? Clubs didn’t seem too suspicious to me, so that means it’s most likely him, but if I had to choose right now, I’d probably say Dockson, since he didn’t appear in that last chapter. Ooo, the real kick in the head would be if it was Elend. Was Vin ever away from him long enough? No, it’s not him.
•We still don’t have an identity for the Watcher, but I still say it’s Reen. Except, it’s more likely to be a new character we’ve never met before. 
•Will Marsh betray Sazed? Yes...yes he will. 
Part 2.0: Ghosts in the Mist (chapters 12-19)
Chapter 12
Marsh and Sazed reach Seran. They go down into the fortress. Marsh is certain it is empty, but isn’t sure why. They explore it. Sazed records his observations into a coppermind. “You should not care about the Inquisitors. They are not worthy of your record.” Marsh seems to be ashamed of the Inquisitors. So far he’s defying my expectations. I don’t know how to feel about this. 
They split up. Sazed finds a stairway and goes further down. He finds a wall that has text scratched into it. It is the writing of Kwaan, quotes of which are at the beginning of each chapter. He begins to read it, when Marsh comes back to him, and says it was a mistake to come here, and that they should leave. Sazed convinces him to let him take charcoal rubbings of the etchings. 
I spent the entire chapter waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it never did. They haven’t left yet, so there’s still time for things to go south in the next Sazed chapter. However, I have to admit perhaps I have misjudged Marsh, and I have no clue where the story will go from here. I still find him creepy, and I’m not sure I’ll ever fully trust him, but this chapter has eased my mind about him a little bit. On the other hand, he felt inexplicably drawn here, and after they got here he seemed agitated and wanted to leave. I’m not sure what to make of that. There may be more going on here than meets the eye. 
I wonder what the rest of Kwaan’s text will say?
Chapter 13
Vin questions OreSeur to find out what she can learn about kandras, to see if she can figure out who the impostor is. Some questions he answers willingly, some he has to be commanded to answer, and some he won’t answer even if she commands him. “The kandra is a spy, sent to gather information for another human.” Ham, Dockson, Clubs, and Spook all have hours unaccounted for, so none of them can be ruled out. An Allomancer can’t Riot or Soothe the emotions of a kandra. Kandra can’t use Allomancy. 
“Then I may leave? ...You do not wish to command me, so our Contract is dissolved?” It’s claimed that kandra are great actors, but I feel at certain points in this conversation, such as this one, OreSeur misunderstands Vin. Can they really be so convincing if they misunderstand the humans they are supposed to be infiltrating? Or is it just the relationship between these two particular characters that causes misunderstanding. Vin has trouble understanding OreSeur, so it goes both ways, I suppose. 
She asks OreSeur what he loves and hates, but he doesn’t want to say. She tells him she loves the mists, the power, the freedom. She hates being afraid. 
Vin feels the bronze pulse that she felt when she encountered the misty figure. She finds it inside a building. She asks it, “Why have you been watching me?” It seems to disappear, but then it attacks her, grabbing her arm. She falls out the window. Flaring metal, she survives the fall. OreSeur asks if she needs assistance, but she shakes her head and runs away. 
Elend is meeting with Breeze, Ham, Spook, Dockson, and Clubs. “Any of these men could be an impostor, Elend thought. The thought still seemed insane to him.” This section is an Elend POV, so that rules him out as the impostor. They talk about how they are going to deal with the two armies. After discussing different possibilities, Elend says he wants to get the two armies to attack each other. 
The guard, Captain Demoux interrupts to say the guards caught someone eavesdropping on the meeting. It was a Terriswoman that Elend recognized from being at the assembly. She wants to speak to Elend alone. When the others hesitate, she says the Mistborn outside the window should be able to deal with her. 
Chapter 14
The Terriswoman admits she lied about Vin being outside the window. She begins instructing Elend to be more commanding and kingly. She says the people don’t respect him, and so he needs to demand respect if he is going to be a leader. Her name is Tindwyl. 
Vin comes back, and Tindwyl leaves. Vin doesn’t like what giving up the kingdom would do to Elend. Vin asks Elend what he knows about the Deepness.  She is worried about the misty figure, but reluctant to tell Elend, because he didn’t believe her last time. When he leaves, she sees mist outside the window. “I will not fear you...and I will find your secret.”
Chapter 15
Eight days after leaving Seran, Sazed wakes up alone. Marsh is gone. Grrrr Marsh, what are you up to? Don’t break my not-quite-trust so soon. Sazed decides to go without him. He comes to a village. He can smell death coming from it. “These people had died of starvation and dehydration.” 
“I must be mistaken about the starvation...it must have been a plague...a disease.” He finds one living man. He is terrified of going outside because of the mist. He says that the mist didn’t go away after a few hours; that it stayed for days; weeks. The mist let some get away, but killed others. Once again, my guess is that this is an effect of the Deepness. The man had turned to cannibalism to survive. Sazed pulls the man outside, and he runs away. 
Sazed realizes something is very wrong in the world. He puts on a steelmind with months worth of strength stored in it to run quickly to Luthadel. 
Chapter 16
Vin looks through the logbook of the Hero, looking for clues of the misty figure, and of the Deepness. Seems like she is about to, if she hasn’t already, come to the same conclusion I did about the mist and the Deepness. She finds a passage that describes a dark thing that follows him, perhaps made of a black fog, or mist. The references to the Deepness make it clear that it is dangerous, killing thousands, but not saying what it is. 
She comes across a page where the Hero says that he has to assume he is not mad, that the thing following him is real, and he must make the decision to continue on his quest. Vin determines she must make the same choice. 
Tindwyl has Elend try on a military style uniform, and tells him he can’t wear anything else until the siege is over. She tells him, “a good king is one who is trusted by his people—and one who deserves that trust.”
Chapter 17
Elend and Vin go to meet the messenger Straff sent, and Vin recognizes him as the Watcher. His name is Zane. So is that his real name, or an alias? At least we now have a name besides just “the Watcher.” He says Straff wants Elend to meet at Straff’s tent. Elend tells Zane he will think about it. 
Later that night while Vin is out doing her rounds, Zane shows up. They have a showdown, with some chasing and some sparring. Vin realizes he is better at Allomancy than she is, and so she wants to continue sparring with him to hone her skills. 
Chapter 18
Zane hears the voice of “God” telling him to kill any person he sees. He ignores it most of the time. He knows he is insane, but can mostly keep it under control. He is Elend’s half brother, but his existence was kept secret. He considers himself a weapon. He thinks Vin’s senses are better than any Allomancer he has ever fought. A spy left him a message. I’m guessing that’s the kandra. 
Well, so far my predictions aren’t very accurate (aside from Vin being badass, that’s always true). The Watcher isn’t Reen; Marsh hasn’t betrayed Sazed (yet). I’m sure everyone is laughing at me. I’m sure I’ll be laughing at myself once I finish the series and look back at these. 
Zane meets with Straff. A servant girl had wanted to kill Straff, so Zane helped her poison his tea. Straff is able to smell the poison, so he has the girl executed, then drinks the tea anyway. He asks what the spy said. Zane says that the spy thinks he is suspected by the others, and he hasn’t found out anything about the atium. 
After Zane leaves, Straff calls for a former mistress who is good with herbs. He had drank the poison just to show Zane he isn’t weak. He has her make a remedy to counteract the poison. 
Straff is awful, especially when it comes to women. I kind of hope Zane gives in to the voice he hears when he’s around Straff one of these times. How did Elend turn out to be so decent with this thing for a father?
Chapter 19
On his way back to Luthadel, Sazed encounters an army of large blue humanoid creatures known as koloss. He spies on them from the distance at the top of a tree, but as he finishes, he realizes that some have entered the grove of trees where he is hiding. They surround him, and one tells him to come down. Weighing his options, he decides he probably won’t be able to escape, so he drops down out of the tree. Koloss are violent creatures, attacking and killing each other with little provocation. They lead Sazed through the army to a tent, which is guarded by humans. 
Inside the tent is a man Sazed recognizes as a friend of Elend, Jastes Lekal. He calls himself king Lekal. He is headed to Luthadel, and he knows about the other armies, claiming he will give Elend a better deal than Cett or Straff will. Jastes wants Sazed to serve him, but Sazed is able to talk Jastes into letting him go. 
As far as plot lines where people get captured go, this went rather smoothly. It didn’t last more than a chapter, and Sazed was able to talk his way out of it. 
So we meet the orcs/trollocs of this story*: big, ugly, bloodthirsty brutes hellbent on destruction. A complaint I’ve seen about trollocs is that they started out being scary, but as the protagonists leveled up in power they turned into cannon fodder**. Will the koloss suffer the same fate, or will they stay dangerous throughout the books? My guess is Vin will wipe them out just by staring them down. 
(*and I was doing so good about not referencing other series in this entry, just to blow it at the end.)
(**I’m not sure I agree with that complaint. Tarmon Gai’don got pretty hairy for the light side just by the sheer number of shadow spawn)
Until next time...
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loveisalwayswise · 5 years
The 100 Ask Game
I was tagged by @foreverandalwayscrysis! Thank you ;)
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from? Probably Factory station because my parents both work in insurance and there’s nothing like it on the ark, but since I’m training to be a chemical engineer, I’d probably transfer to Mecha or Hydra.
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? Stealing medecine/supplies to help someone.
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? No, I’d keep it because I’d probably follow Clarke everywhere haha.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) A lynx
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? Wells, without hesitation. Or Roan. My boys.
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Clarke, Bellamy, Murphy, Wells and Roan
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to? Floukru
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? I have no idea how my name would be changed (it’s Ariane so? maybe add an h? or an apostrophe somewhere?)
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious. I never liked him. I disliked him from the moment he got the kids killed in the pilot. It was obviously a bad idea to go floating around in a falling space shuttle.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? I would’ve been completely unwilling. I don’t even drink alcohol, the chip would horrify me.
11. What character do you relate to most? 100% Clarke and it always will be. I’m the kind of person who looks at the pragmatic solution first and foremost.
12. What character do you like the least? Is this even a question? E/cho. Always E/cho. The best moment of my life was when Roan banished her, and the worst was when they decided to bring her to space so that she could survive. Fuck that.
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) Jeans, sneakers, a warm shirt and a blue pastel rain coat (with many hidden pockets)
14. Favorite type of mutant animal? I loved the underwater animal they encountered in the pilot even if we never really saw it, and I would love to see more, even if I wouldn’t want to see it in real life.
15. What would your job be on the Ark? Chemical engineer
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked? Yes, and I probably would’ve volunteered before she asked.
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive, then who would have made the best commander? I really love Roan, but maybe Indra or Luna (before she went “let everyone die”)
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? I’d probably go hide in a corner until it was over
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach? More like Bellamy.
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone? The political system on the ark seems a little bit broken (which political system isn’t?), but if I had to choose, I’d prefer either s1 Abby or s2 Kane.
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis? Kane. I wouldn’t have been on Pike’s side at all, but even after all this time, I still dislike the Grounder society, so I wouldn’t want abide by their rules in Polis.
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s iPod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there? Anything that could be used to play music and/or play games and/or read a lot of books. 
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? I wouldn’t have any war paint, but I would probably get tattoos on both my arms, I’d want them to be really intricate, and abstract. I’d probably wear my hair loose or in a French braid.
24. Favorite quote? I have so many! It’s either "You may be the chancellor, but I'm in charge” (Clarke), "Maybe life should be about more than just surviving." (Clarke) or "Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things" (Bellamy)
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? It depends on the season of the show. In s1, I’d said probably a grounder (Roan, Indra, Luna and Lexa would definitely be in the finals). By the end of s2, I’d say Clarke or Bellamy might have a chance. By s3, Clarke would be the clear winner for me.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non-canon ship? 
Least favorite: B/echo 
Favorite canon ship: Marper
Favorite non-canon: Bellarke. Always.
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? My swiftie side is showing, but anything involving Taylor Swift would make me very happy.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? I’d probably spend all my time trying to figure out how to get out of there? Because since we’d be two in the bunker, the food supply would go out twice as fast and we’d probably starve if we stayed as long as Murphy did.
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die? In an epic duel (that I almost won, if only my opponent hadn’t cheated) with the villain of the season, a sword through the heart. It makes the delinquents want revenge for my death. ;) ;) ;)
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? I know he’s dead, but Roan. I really wanted to learn more about his past.
31. A character you’d bang? Bellamy or Roan or Wells.
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden? Before s5 I would’ve said space, but now I want to stay with Clarke and Madi on the ground, and never have to worry about other people ever again (or at least until 6 years later)
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground? Yes, but after the cannibal thing, I probably would’ve made myself as small as possible so that she wouldn’t notice me. Ever. I’d go in complete stealth mode.
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits? Trying to cover for someone who spoke up against Bloreina or did something that would get them in the pits (like stealing).
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with? I’d bond with Monty for sure, and I wouldn’t get along with E/cho at all.
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself? I’d die within 3 days. Because water. And not being able to find it.
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do? I’d probably watch from a distance, hidden, to see who they are and what they’re doing. I’d probably realize that they outnumber me, so I’d show myself because there is nowhere else to go on the planet. 
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite? DIYOZA!!! SHE’S THE BEST!!! And my least favourite is McCreary (obviously).
39. Would you Spacewalk? Not if it used up vital oxygen, but if I could, I would. I love space.
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat? Algea
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it? No, which is why I would show myself to Eligius in the first place. I don’t want to go to war, and I since I’d be alone against them, I prefer following their rules than trying to take them out.
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes? Neither? Neither? Neither? Please can I do neither?
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia? I have a brother, and if my brother tried to do what Octavia did to Bellamy, I would poison him. And hope it wouldn’t kill him. But even if I needed to stop him, I would never intentionally be able to kill him. I’d probably even try to stop attempts on his life. So really... don’t count me in to try and stop Octavia if she’s my sister.
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper? Cryo. 
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet? Clarke, Bellamy, Murphy and Diyoza. The rest can stay asleep, but I would try to eject E/cho into space at some point.
tagging @hopewolves, @anne-shirley-blythe, @talistheintrovert, @goddess-clarke, @aainiouu, @goosexdanvers, @clarkgriffon, @chants-de-lune, @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky and @prophecy-gurl 
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optimisticcritique · 6 years
Gotham 4x09 - Re-Watch Review
Getting closer to catching up...Probably going to do these for weekly episodes too. 
Pyg donning those costumes. He must be fun on Halloween.
Poor homeless people...I thought you were all about the homeless, Pyg! Now you are just being hypocritical.
Being a hypocrite in Gotham? Crazy.
I imagine that pig mask must reek. Is it a real pig head? The question is directed toward the character, not the actual actor. 
Come on, Harvey. It was not meant to be personal.
Don’t you hate it when boyfriends fight?
Umm not necessarily, Harvey. Fish could have betrayed Falcone and ended up running things instead of him. You and Jim might have been arrested for Oswald's murder too. Lots of different possibilities if Jim killed Oswald. 
You know, deep down, Jim wouldn’t want Ozzie dead. He cares about him too much, you can see it with the way he is so desperate to bring him down and put him behind bars. 
Oswald: Not coming. Nope. No way. Have to investigate. Sofia's thoughts: Penguin isn't coming? Let me mention Martin. That'll change his mind. *mentions Martin* Oswald: Of course I will be there. Wouldn’t miss it!
Mr. Penn is more strategically smart than he's letting on. I’m telling you, he’s more of a mastermind than we all think and he will conquer Gotham next. Do not be fooled. Mr. Penn shall rise!!! 
Someone quiet...if only we knew someone Penguin could trust that fits that exact description.
Cervis is so amazing in this role. I will miss him. 
Well, I will never look at pigs the same way again... 
Seeing Pigs eat people...I do not know if it makes me feel better for eating bacon or more appalled. There is just something ironic about it.  
Alfred with his strict breakfast time. This is the one thing I disagree with you, Alfred. Can no one sleep in? Can you not have a brunch? What if he wanted breakfast food for dinner? You know that is actually a thing.
Bruce drinks coffee? Have we seen him drink coffee before?
Bruce is trying to find distractions for his feelings... I can relate. I mean, that is what fandoms are for, right? 
Let Alfred help you!! I feel like I have said this so many times that it has become my motto. 
It's always nice to see Harper out and about. Please keep her alive. 
Ouch! That stab looked like it hurt. Why Harper? Why???
Oswald helping Martin dress. How nice. Oswald probably learned tips from Elijah and Ed helping him dress. 
Well, Oswald isn't wrong when it comes to Sofia using the children. 
Oh gosh...the tear on Martin's cheek. Do not make him cry again!
Sofia clearly has the press wrapped around her finger. 
Jim is lucky that Foxy is there with such insight. Otherwise he would have to use Gotham's version of Google AKA looking through a bunch of books to find info like a cave man. Could take much longer.
So, is Pyg actually telling Sofia his plans? Is that what is actually happening here? 
I love hearing more about Alfred's past. They should really delve more in it for the show. 
Sometimes I forget how close Alfred was to Bruce's parents. It must have been so hard for him to lose them too...
Wow, Bruce. Alfred just tried to be personal with you...and you steal his car and leave him on the side of the road. Rude. 
Wait, I know Bruce is like 16 but can he drive? Or is there a cut scene where he runs into a tree, jumps out, and just starts running home? 
The matching suits for Oswald and Martin. Like father, like son. 
Jim, I don't recall you having an invitation to be there. Should have RSVP'd.
Oswald meeting Pyg. I love when villains have scenes together. 
Penguin just never catches a break with these dinners. Last year was the mad hatter, this year was Professor Pyg. What next? Condiment King for season 5?
"Is this another one of your plans?" Wow, Penguin guessed it initially. Should have gone with that instinct. 
Honestly, Oswald was right about each of his first thoughts on Sofia. It’s like when you take a test, fill in the right answer, but then second guess yourself then choose the wrong one. Always ends in failing.
Martin being full focus? It's like Pyg knew that Penguin loved him most... 
Pyg singing = the best ever. I love when villains be this extra. I want Pyg and Ed to have an extra off. 
So did Pyg find specifically named homeless people to fit the lyrics to the song? That would explain why he wasn’t in episode 8.
Oswald, you should be use to cannibalism and bodies cooked in food by now. 
This is pay back for when he did it to his step mother, isn't it? 
"But he's just an orphan" -- You're SO dead. 
Imagine cooking all those pies and at least two of them being wasted, uneaten. Pyg went through all the trouble to find homeless people, poison them, cut them up, bake them, and slaved over a hot oven for these pies!
RLT's acting on eating the pie...gosh, when he gagged, I wanted to gag too. 
Pretty sure there is an extended scene where Oswald critiques Pyg’s choice of baking. “Honestly, I would have baked the corpse to the point of crisp and added some flavor to it but that’s just me. I’ve tasted better.”
Jim saving the day, just in time before Sofia can eat a pie. I have to wonder if this was planned or was there even really a dead person in her pie to begin with? 
Wonder what would have happened if Jim just gave up. Would Pyg give up too? Try to kill him anyway?
I am still shocked that Harper is still alive after all this. 
"What you were going to do for Martin...that was real" Was it though??? 
Notice how Penguin agreed to abandon the licenses for Sofia...see, I still think he could have done it with Jim if Jim had just tried to just be his friend himself. Then Jim would ask, "Can you get rid of the licenses?" Oswald would say, "Sure, sure. Whatever you want. Want to get lunch now?" The end. Conflict over. 
"Bye bye piggy! Bye bye!" Gothamites giving intelligent responses to criminals when arrested. 
So, what did they say when Penguin got arrested? Were they just as original?  
First day as captain and he caught the Pyg? Almost as if someone planned it that way. 
I think I missed something. How did Alfred get back exactly? Did he hitch hike? Did he call an uber? 
Everyone being afraid of Alfred and just leaving. They know what’s up.
"Stop trying to be my father and be my butler. Clean this place up" Geez Bruce. He is trying to help you!!! I cannot wait until this moody faze is over. 
So, is Oswald near to tears because Sofia lied to him, Jim is betraying him, or Jim is taken yet again? 
Over all: Funny enough, there wasn’t much surprises in the episode when first watching. Despite this, it was an entertaining episode. It was mostly Pyg and Bruce/Alfred related stories. Professor Pyg was a very fun villain. Penguin and Martin grow closer. Penguin finds out Jim is involved with Sofia and Sofia is trying to bring Oswald down. Jim arrests Pyg, more respected as captain. Bruce keeps spiraling and becoming more a jerk to Alfred. Alfred tries to help Bruce through his moody teen faze. 
Previous Review: 4x08  Next: 4x10
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Script Writing Part One
Day One:
“Were the dishes put away?” / “I was going to. I just haven’t yet.” / “I asked Audrey to do it this morning.” / (Motions for a hug) / “Wha-? I gotta go back to work.” (Hugs)
“Is she still asleep?” / “Quite possibly.”
“Don’t get distracted Linda. ‘Cause last time-” / “I’m not getting distracted!”
“I want another cinnamon bun, but I’ve already had three today.”
“Do you want the AC on or no?” / “No.” / “Do you want the door closed or no?” / “I don’t care. I don’t care! I can’t do this anymore. It’s like when babies can’t sleep and they’re restless. I need mommy to pat my back.” / “Oh god. She’s working.” / “She’s not gonna pat my back?” / “No. Don’t text her. Audrey.” / “I’m not. I’m on Snapchat.” / “I’m gonna go do work.” / “You do that.”
Day Two:
“Don’t miss me too much.” / “Okay.”
“Hello.” / “Hello.” / (Throws mail) / “Trash. Trash. Is it fend for yourself dinner or are you actually going to eat something?” / “I’ll probably have...meatloaf.”
“Mom look! He loves me!”
“You suck.” / “You suck toes.” / “I don’t enjoy sucking toes. That’s why I choose not to do it.”
“I’ll make just enough carrots for you.” / “Aww. Thank you.”
“Why don’t you calm your titties.” / “Why don’t you get some titties.”
“Sweet baby Jesus.”
“That’s just simple facts right there. If you tell me to do something, I’m not gonna want to do it.”
“You need me to hang out with you?” / “No. Read your play.” / “I can multitask.”
“Your headphones are underneath the couch. Please be careful.” / “Your mom’s underneath this couch.”
“I finished my play!” / “About dang time.”
“Do you peel a plum before you eat it?”
“I’m not talking to you anymore.” / “Why not?” / “Because you’re crazy.” / “No I’m not. If I’m crazy it’s cause you made me this way.”
“The only person that can make new words is Mary Poppins.”
“I know. I was joking with you my dear.”
“You want a chip?” / “No. I’m good.” / “I found a small chip in the couch.” / “No. I’m good thanks.” / (Throws it and laughs) “It fell off.” / “Gross.” / “It’s probably you or Chris over here that’s eating it.” / “It’s definitely Chris.” / “So yeah.”
Day 3:
“This is what happens when Anna drinks water at twelve am.”
“It’s cause Moore township is fucking beautiful.”
“‘How did you get that picture of my chicken coop?’ he said.”
“We have to see the chickens!”
“His parents fucking killed his chickens ‘cause he wouldn’t feed them!”
“Are chickens cannibals?” / “Pigs are cannibals, aren’t they?” / “Don’t they eat their youngs when they’re hungry?”
“Welcome to Moore township. They’re here to run you over.” / “What the fuck! And there’s a horse!?” / “This is normal.”
“Maybe one day we’ll go boating. Maybe.”
“Chickens are lowkey scary.”
“It smells like the Allentown fair.” / “That’s why I’m moving to Chicago.” / “Is this what the Gin Mill smells like?”
“She was like ‘Dakota you cow.’“
“If you’re taking us to your local strip club I am not going to be happy.”
“Dakota! Why do you live in Children of the Corn!?”
“Teehee that’s so funny.”
“Can we just drive into the river?” / “Yeah!” (Singing) “Drive into the river Bob. Drive into the river.”
“I miss this album.”
“I’m typing it down I’m not recording it. Calm the fuck down!”
“Time for your medication Karen.” / “It’s just 20 ounces of ketamine.”
“Should I take my chickens on a walk?”
“I don’t wanna get kid germs. I’ve already been around you guys today.”
“Anna’s a nature woman.”
“All I know is the Wildkrats from PBS.”
“She still owes me fifty dollars. Remember that?” / “Yeah.” / “She still owes me fifty fucking dollars.”
“Molly I dare you to crawl into the pipe.” / “Pennywise is in there. Heya Georgie!”
“It’s fuck bitches get paid.” / “Fuck bitches get money.” / “Fuck bitches get LEGOs.”
“Hold on guys. I’m afraid of heights.” / “How are you afraid of heights? You’re tall!” / “Shut up.”
“Just because I’m...just because I’m CPR certified doesn’t mean I wanna use it.”
“No poison ivy will ever be as painful as my parents’ divorce.”
“Anna, being Greek is not a personality trait.” / “Ha!”
“If I fall I’d probably die.” / “Wouldn’t that be a shame.” / “Wouldn’t that be a Shame Dawson. Hahaha.”
“Warning. Warning. Massive legend entering the building.” / “Warning. Warning. Swag levels are off the charts.”
“Kiersten’s got me hooked on Ketamine jokes. Get it?”
“The bugs are gonna use Anna’s back as a slip n slide.”
“Pfft. Jesus Christ Molly.”
“You guys remember when Anna would meow in her sleep?” / “Shut the fuck up!”
“And I was like ‘Fuck you. I’m looking for my nose plug.’“
“And I was like ‘Fuck that’ and I broke his heart.”
“I hate snapping turtles. That’s the scariest thing to me.”
(Burps) / “Bless you!”
“I honestly did math wrong when I said that.”
“Yo bro I’m a whole aquarium. I got crabs and everything.”
“1700′s hotties.”
“Get a perm or a personality.”
“Molly looks like she’s about to throw it back.” / “Throw what back?”
“Dakota tell a joke.” / “What do you get when you cross a walrus with a bus?” / “What?” / “My wife.”
“You don’t question Snoop Dogg’s presence.” / “What?” / “You don’t question his presence.”
“Remember when he made cookies with Martha Stewart?” / “Remember when Martha Stewart went to jail?”
“Rebel alert. Let me see that.” (Takes microphone) “Rebel alert.”
“Why don’t you like singing?” / “I don’t know.”
“Is it illegal to drive barefoot?” / “My sister drives barefoot. Besides, what officer is gonna pull you over and be like ‘Let me see your feet ma’am.’?”
“Look at his nails.” / “They’re so bad.” / “Cashews.” / “They are cashews.”
(Screams) / “Shut up!” / “We’re fine!”
“How are you so nice to Siri?” / “‘Cause my mom taught me to be nice to strangers.” / “I’ll be like ‘Send it bitch!’″ / “She’s not a bitch!” / “Yes she is! She’s annoying!”
“I think it’s here.” / “Yeah it’s here ‘cause Molly and I fucked it up last time.” / “Shut up!”
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burnedkingdom · 5 years
Since I haven’t written on this blog in ages & since I’m adding Jalani, I thought I’d just drop the first one of her chapters from the fic I’ve been working on these past few months. It’s mid-ASOS in chronology (so it won’t be posted for 5ever, but that didn’t stop me from writing it months in advance,,,). So, yeah. Meet ur local badass warrior, her shitty brother, and the whole ass Essos society I made up for them. also this is totally unedited i literally wrote this chapter today
The Executioner 
Blood welled up on the man’s skin as Jalani drew a line from chest to shoulder with her blade. To his credit, the fair skinned Volantene did not so much as flinch. He was a slave trader, his skin tattooed with markings that catalogued his exploits. The Loshak had discovered the man plotting to smuggle Adakhakileki children from the city at the behest of their families.
For Jalani’s brother, and the leader of their people, it was a betrayal of the worst kind and a violation of his newest law. No Adakhakileki born man or woman could leave the city without Lajo’s express permission. It fell to Jalani to discover the names of each family who had paid the Volantene to take their children away.
Some assignments Lajo gave Jalani made her stomach turn, this was not one of them. She knew the way of the Volantene slave traders. They would take the money of the poor, desperate Adakhakileki with promises of freedom and a new life for their sons and daughters. But, as soon as the left the city’s walls, the children would be tattooed and enslaved. Jalani had to admit it was smart, a man could be paid twice over if he kept his mouth shut. Unfortunately for this man, he had not.
“Have you made progress, shiro?” Lajo asked from behind her. Jalani turned toward her brother. He leaned casually against the doorframe, but when his eyes drifted toward the Volantene a hint of disgust pulled at his lips. The sneer made him look like their father for a moment, all bitterness and contempt. “Never mind that now. Walk with me, sister.”
Jalani followed her brother out of the cell and down the hall; they stepped outside onto a terrace overlooking the city. From here, she could see near as far as Slaver’s Bay to the west at the end of the Stone Road, and to the east the Bone Mountains towered over the Poison Sea and Adakhakileki, the cannibal city. Below them their city stretched out into the horizon, markets and homes and taverns built inside the ruins of the civilization that had claimed this land before them.
When Khal Zorro and his Lhazareen love had broken from the lives they had once known, the Poison Sea had welcomed them with open arms. No Dothraki khalasar would ride into the ghost city, or venture near a lake that their horses could not drink from. It was there the Adakhakileki had made their home, welcoming anyone who would join them, and killing those who dared threaten their freedom.
The stone curtain walls that guarded the city now–or imprisoned it, depending who you asked–had not been walls at all then, but rows of heads on spikes. It was that ruthlessness and the willingness to accept anyone from any walk of life that had earned them the name Adakhakileki, and the Cannibals had embraced it, as they had everything else.
“There is news from the west,” Lajo said quietly, shifting from the mongrel Dothraki-Lhazareen language of their people to the bastard Valyrian of the Free Cities. The Loshak who stood near the door, guarding them with spears and swords, pretended not to notice. Not that they would know the language, it had been banned for near a decade along with every other foreign tongue. Only the highly educated still spoke Valyrian, and even then, only in secret. Lajo’s most trusted were allowed to learn the language, if only to add another layer of protection between their leader and his people.
Jalani looked away from the city and toward the western horizon, instinctively. “Of the dragon queen?” Stories of Daenerys Stormborn had spread far and wide, making their way into the city from Qarth and Pentos and Vaes Dothrak. Not even the language barriers could keep the merchants from speaking of the girl and her dragons in whispered voices.
Lajo nodded once. “She has taken Slaver’s Bay, the cities have fallen, and the slaves have been freed.”
“You sound almost giddy, gaezo.”
“Daenerys makes her court in Meereen, as if she can hold three cities with a few Unsullied and a handful of Dothraki savages.” Jalani did not point out that a few generations before their ancestors had been Dothraki savages, even if her brother looked like any Khal in finer clothing.
“In Westeros they hold half a hundred cities from one throne,” she pointed out instead. “Daenerys Stormborn only means to hold three.”
Lajo waved the thought away. “The sons of the harpy will not bow as easily as the soft men of Westeros. Daenerys will need help, soldiers and tacticians. Men who have conquered lands from the Bone Mountains to the Great Grass Sea.”
“It appears to me that Daenerys is doing well conquering on her own. As for our warriors, don’t they have enough to worry about without going to war for a queen they do not know? There was rioting in the southern quarter yesterday and that Volantene is not the only trader making money off our people’s desperation. Father is gone, and he may never come back. You have to lead, you have to fix things.”
“I am fixing things, inavva.” Lajo grabbed Jalani by the shoulders, forcing him to look at her. “We are building an empire just like Nahajo wanted, and his mother before him. We are doing it without slaves, with freemen. We hold half the Great Grass Sea and the Red Waste, the foothills of the Bone Mountains and the headwaters of the Skahazdan.”
“And still our people starve and curse your name,” Jalani said, knowing her biting tone would only make Lajo more defensive. But no matter how much they argued he would never see, never understand that he was doing the same thing Nahajo had done, he was choking the life out of their people. “Open the gates, give our people the opportunity to choose.”
“Don’t you see, when we make Daenerys Stormborn our ally, she will help us take back the land that is ours by right. Khal Zorro was exiled from Vaes Dothrak and for decades after our people had to fight back Dothraki savages from our lands. Thirli allowed them to trade within our walls, made peace with them so she could focus on expanding to the south and the east. But we need the lands to the north, we need the river so our people can farm the land instead of relying on scraps from foreign traders.”
“Daenerys Stormborn married Khal Drogo, she leads the remnants of his khalasar. What makes you think she would allow our people to take their land?”
“When Khal Drogo died, she should have joined the Dosh Khaleen, she did not. Perhaps she resents the Dothraki as much as you and I.”
“Leave me out of your plans, gaezo.”
“How can I? You are right, our people need a leader. I cannot go to Meereen to meet Daenerys Stormborn or lead an army into battle.” Jalani knew Lajo could hardly command his own Loshak, let alone an army, but once again she kept her mouth shut. “But who else can I trust with the task but my shiro?” Her childhood nickname, scorpion, which had become all too literal in the years since Nahajo had vanished.
Sometimes it was easy to love Lajo, he was her brother. He could be charming and funny and he loved his sister. But he had turned her into something dangerous, something she hated. Jalani could not walk the streets of the city without hiding her face. She was hated by the people for the things Lajo made her do. The torturing, the killing. She was nothing but Lajo’s executioner, Lajo’s shiro. Sometimes it was easy to hate Lajo as well.
“You are right, gaezo. I am the only one who can make Daenerys Stormborn our ally. I will need men, a hundred no more. I will choose them, a small team I trust is a thousand times more dangerous than a legion.” Lajo’s face lit up as she spoke, he nodded along enthusiastically. He was already dreaming of the Mother of Mountains and all the lands beneath it. If he wants a scorpion, that’s exactly what I’ll give him.
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