#we'll see! she rounds out the group nicely i think
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oop oc concept posting! this bad bitch is for an original story of mine - the main characters are all from different "genres", and i needed One More to round out the group and well. puppet-y guy fit the bill! i can't decide on a name!
she's from a children's show that had a western themed rock group that would provide lessons through the power of Music! she was the band guitarist until she fuckin. fell into the labyrinth & got corrupted by her found family of idiot assholes
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radiant-reid · 1 year
please another hot wife spencer season 2 🙏i reread them constantly
One thing about the BAU team is that they love betting. Never on serious things, and they hate any negative statistics about predators, kidnappings, and serial killers, but fun betting at the office? It's harmless fun that they enjoy.
Important scenarios don't come up frequently but with Spencer setting a date for some of the team to finally meet his wife- you- there's something interesting happening.
"Nerdy, she has to be." Morgan declares his opinion. "Reid's a genius so I'm thinking they have similar personalities and levels of awkwardness."
"No, I think it's an opposites-attract situation," JJ states her position. "He doesn't care about that sort of stuff, so she must be stunning."
"He was saying he's only ever been with her," Elle recalls a conversation she and Spencer had a few days ago when he let a few details slip. "Is it realistic that he would be able to get over his nervousness and date someone gorgeous?"
Morgan chuckles. "Or date anyone at all."
"I think she's going to be really hot," JJ affirms her bet, sliding a $10 note over to Penelope.
"I think not." Morgan decides, placing his own bet. "She's going to be amazing, obviously, and very kind, but I don't think she's going to be overly pretty."
They turn to look at Elle to place her bet. "A 7." She decides.
"Alright, we'll see." Penelope ends the bickering between them.
Spencer holds your hand as you walk through the crowded bar. Usually, he likes you walking in front of him, but since he's the only one who knows what his team looks like, he's pulling you through the bar.
He stops in front of a group of people, and you stand next to him. "Everyone, this is Y/n, my wife. Y/n, this is Elle, JJ, Derek, and Penelope."
They're hiding their shock well enough for two profilers, one media liaison, and one technical analyst, but the 'are you seeing this' looks they're giving each other make it obvious they're thinking the same thing. It's no doubt you're gorgeous and if people know Spencer before you, they can be shocked.
"Hi, it's so nice to meet you all." You say, waving at them.
They all greet you similarly, smiling widely and shuffling over so you and Spencer can slide into the booth next to them.
Money gets passed under the table, out of your and Spencer's eyesight. "The next round is on me." JJ declares, winking at her friends to flaunt her victory.
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bridgertonbabe · 3 months
With the spouse groupchat I’m guessing the Pictionary Incident was Sophie’s first experience at game night? I’m wondering if she and Benedict may have had an advantage on everyone else given Benedict’s artistic skills. Or if his siblings were prepared for this and it (as expected) lead to more chaos.
BSSG Group Chat
Simon has added Sophie to the chat.
Simon: Welcome Sophie.
Kate: Hey 🙋🏾
Sophie: Hi?
Kate: You're now the newest member of the Bridgerton Spouses Support Group GC!
Sophie: But I'm not a spouse?
Simon: Yeah but you will be soon enough and after what happened last night you've essentially earned your place here.
Kate: Exactly! And congrats on the engagement! 🤗
Sophie: Wait what?
Simon: We figured you guys were keeping it quiet but Ben let the cat out of the bag by referring to you as his fiancee when we were sitting with him. I'm sure you wanted to do a proper announcement and everything but don't worry we'll keep it under wraps for now.
Kate: Yeah we promise, I haven't breathed a word of it to Anthony.
Simon: Same with Daph, your secret's safe with us.
Simon: And congratulations, of course
Sophie: So the thing is Ben and I aren't engaged. He probably only called me his fiancee because of all the morphine he was on, I'm sure he's just confused and delirious.
Kate: Oh shit are you serious?
Sophie: Well I'd think I'd know if I was engaged, it's not something that happens very often.
Sophie: So sorry for the misunderstanding x
Sophie has left the chat.
Simon has added Sophie to the chat.
Simon: Hey just because you're not engaged right this second doesn't mean you can't be in the chat!
Kate: Yeah I mean it's definitely going to happen sooner or later.
Simon: And like I said after last night you've cemented your place not just in this chat but in the family too.
Kate: How's Ben doing? Are you still at the hospital with him?
Sophie: He's ok, he's asleep at the moment. Hopefully by the time he comes round he won't be in as much pain.
Simon: Well that's good to hear.
Sophie: Is Anthony ok?
Kate: Lol yeah he'll be just fine don't you worry.
Sophie: Look guys as kind as you've been there's not really much point in having me in the chat. Once Ben wakes up and he's not so high on the morphine I'm going to end things. It's been really nice knowing you both, you're both so lovely and I wish you all the best x
Sophie has left the chat.
Kate has added Sophie to the chat.
Kate: Sophie wtf are you talking about?!?!!
Simon: What do you mean you're ending things with Ben?
Kate: You're perfect for each other I don't understand?!?!?!
Sophie: Because of everything that happened last night?
Kate: Yeah what about it?
Sophie: ...
Sophie: I punched Anthony and gave him a black eye?
Simon: So?
Sophie: ...
Sophie: So????? What do you mean so? Why the hell would Ben want to stay with me after I punched Anthony and slapped Colin?
Kate: Sophie are you serious? That was hands down the most iconic thing that's ever happened at a Bridgerton game night.
Simon: I honestly thought Ben had proposed to you as a direct result from you putting those idiots in their places.
Sophie: Look even if Ben was for some reason won over by my behaviour, I don't see Violet welcoming me into the fold after hurting two of her sons and I don't see the rest of the family being impressed by what I did.
Simon: But Violet was completely on your side! We all were!
Kate sent a photo
Kate: That's a still from the video Hy took of you bitch slapping Colin.
Kate sent a photo
Kate: And that's the still Eloise has already had printed and framed that's now sitting proudly on the mantlepiece.
Simon: Sophie the rest of them would throw a parade for you if they could. They're completely enamoured by you.
Kate: More so than they already were.
Sophie: That's... ok I don't really know how to take that. That's not a normal response from witnessing violence.
Simon: No it's a perfectly normal response from witnessing justified violence.
Kate: And Sophie speaking as Anthony's wife; he did deserve it.
Sophie: I just don't think Anthony or Colin would want me to keep dating Ben.
Simon: Sophie let me assure you now they won't hold it against you. If anything they'll have gained respect for you.
Sophie: I severely doubt that.
Kate: Look Sophie you taught them a very valuable lesson that it's not ok to intentionally slam a mini keg of beer down on Ben's hand just because he was thrashing them at Pictionary.
Simon: And just like you and Violet were screaming at them, they could have genuinely done lasting damage and Ben would have been buggered from ever doing his art again. They had to be told and hand on heart physically assaulting them was truly the only way to get that through their thick skulls.
Kate: Plus it doubled as a valuable teaching lesson for them and the rest to never mess with Ben and especially never to fucking mess with you.
Sophie: Look even that aside I don't think it's going to work out between Ben and I. I really wound him up even before the keg incident and when he wakes up and the painkillers have worn off I expect he won't want to keep things going either so we may as well just cut our losses. Again I really appreciate all your kind words, it's been nice knowing you x
Sophie has left the chat.
Kate: Oh for fuck's sake.
Simon has added Penelope to the chat.
Simon has added Sophie to the chat.
Simon: Sophie don't leave this chat again, you got that?
Kate: Yes just please stay fucking put.
Sophie: Ok?
Penelope: Hello? 👀
Simon: Hey Pen welcome to the Bridgerton Spouses Support Group GC. Seeing as you've known them the longest we need your expert insight to assure Sophie that nothing should be taken to heart from the family during game nights.
Penelope: omg Sophie please don't let last night scare you off!
Penelope: yes they all go batshit but it's only game nights that set them off I swear!
Simon: And Pall Mall.
Penelope: well yeah basically anything competitive they turn into a bunch of crazy nutzos, it runs in the family
Penelope: and I totally get that Daphne and Eloise getting into a spitting fight would have been very off-putting to witness and Hy chucking her drink over Fran and Greg was uncalled for but they're truly only at their collective worst when they're competing against each other
Sophie: Oh don't worry I very much got the picture that they're all unhinged when it comes to playing games 😩
Sophie: It's just that after Ben got so mad at me and shouted at me in front of everyone, I don't know if I'm what he wants any more.
Kate: Omg Sophie it was only in the heat of the moment of the game, it's not that deep.
Sophie: Kate my own boyfriend dumped me from his team and recruited you instead because my drawings were "abominably shit". He literally couldn't even look at me from that point on, he was that frustrated with me.
Kate: Yeah but in his defence Soph your drawings were particularly abysmal. I still don't know how you managed to fuck up a starfish the way that you managed to. Honestly I was going to yell at you for that one but Ben beat me to it.
Simon: Soph please pay no mind to Kate, she's not much better than the family when it comes to game nights.
Kate: Hey! I'm just being honest with her!
Penelope: Sophie please don't take how Ben reacted to heart! I swear he's actually one of the milder Bridgertons during game nights, it's only because Pictionary is his game to lose that he lost his cool last night otherwise he wouldn't have ever spoken to you like that
Sophie: I get where you guys are coming from and I don't want to be so overly sensitive but he's never once raised his voice to me and I never thought he would.
Penelope: the last time we played Pictionary do you know who Ben snapped at and ditched from his team because they weren't meeting his impossibly high standards?
Penelope: his own mum
Kate: Omfg
Simon: Holy shit
Penelope: I never thought he'd ever talk to Violet like that since he's such a mummy's boy but Pictionary ignites something very ugly in him that nobody's safe from, even those he loves most
Simon: See Soph! Don't let Ben being a psychotic competitive Bridgerton get to you! It's not worth ending your relationship over!
Penelope: WHAT?!?!?!?!?
Penelope: omg you're not seriously thinking of breaking up with him are you??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Kate: Seriously you can't Sophie!
Penelope: you make him so happy Sophie, he's been on cloud 9 ever since you've been together
Simon: You're part of the family now Soph. Even if you wanted to leave they wouldn't let you.
Kate: We wouldn't let you.
Penelope: Sophie they all adore you, I hear nothing but them singing your praises. El says you're the best thing that's ever happened to Ben - I seriously don't know what he'd do if you broke up with him, I don't think he'd recover
Simon: Violet's been foaming at the mouth for months now for Ben to propose
Simon: In fact Violet was the one who picked Pictionary to play because she wanted you to be super impressed by Ben at your first game night
Simon: And yes admittedly it might have massively backfired but it just proves how desperately Violet doesn't want Ben to lose a partner like you!
Kate: He has a ring!!!!!!!!!!
Kate: Why'd you think we didn't even question him calling you his fiancee?!?!?!?! We thought he had finally popped the question!!!!!!!!
Sophie: Wait
Sophie: He's got a ring?
Simon: Kate
Kate: I had to tell her Simon!!!! We can't let her sucking at Pictionary be the reason she breaks things off when he's literally about to propose!!!!!!!!
Sophie: You're not just saying that are you?
Kate: I was literally there when he asked Violet for his grandmother's ring! And remember the other week when we had a girls night and Fran asked to try on one of your rings? That was how we figured out your ring size and Fran went with Ben to the jewellers to get his grandmother's ring resized so it'd be a perfect fit for you!
Simon: Way to ruin the surprise.
Kate: Hey Ben will thank me for saving his relationship instead of letting her dump him because she hasn't got a thick enough skin for game nights!
Penelope: just for the record it doesn't matter how thick a skin you have - a Bridgerton game night will unsettle and unnerve just about anyone from outside the fam who takes part
Penelope: (not including Kate obvs)
Sophie: I can't believe it, he wants to marry me? He really wants to marry me?
Kate: Yes!!!!!!!!!!
Sophie: And you think he still would after last night?
Simon: Sophie he'd want to marry you even more after last night. I'm pretty sure in spite of the pain he was enduring from his hand being crushed that he was also quite turned on from you beating up his brothers and berating them.
Penelope: it definitely turned me on
Kate: Same here.
Simon: So please swear you won't end things with him when he wakes up
Sophie: Don't worry I won't.
Kate: Also I'd greatly appreciate if you didn't spoil your own engagement or let slip that I gave you the heads up about it
Sophie: Rest assured I won't ruin the element of surprise.
Simon: And also don't you dare try leaving this chat again. You're here now and for the forseeable, you got that?
Sophie: I promise 😇 x
Penelope: well it looks like my work here is done 👐
Penelope has left the chat.
Sophie: Oh that's a shame. I thought Pen would stay as well considering she'll marry in too.
Simon: Ah I know but I understand her not feeling comfortable staying in considering Colin's too dumb to even realise he's in love with her and ask her out.
Sophie: Wait
Sophie: Colin and Penelope aren't actually a couple???????
Kate: Soph don't even get us started.
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Rhea The Pole Dancer (Part 17)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You arrive at the location. It's a pretty nondescript looking bar from the outside but as soon as you enter you know why the boys picked it.
There are red Leds lining the top of the walls, on the right side is the bar with multiple barstools and two men behind it serving drinks. In the back are three pole dancers, showing of their bodies and curves and on the left are some round tables with stools.
Rhea spots Damian, waving for you to come over and you follow her through a small crowd of people. You sit down next to Dominik, Rhea on your left.
"Hey, nice to see y/n. Didn't expect you to come too" Dom says with a grin and pulls you into a hug. He keeps his arm around your shoulders as he continues his previous conversation with Finn.
"Did you order some drinks already?" Rhea wants to know. "No, but could you go get some please?" Finn asks. "Sure, you coming with me Damian? I don't think I can carry five glasses" she chuckles.
Damian nods and they make their way over to the bar. You watch them as they pass you, but as soon as Rhea leaves your sight you feel a little less safe.
Your body tenses up and you start fidgeting with you hands in your lap. You see a group of men enter the bar, they must be around the age of 50.
"You alright?" Dominik pulls you out of your thoughts. You return your gaze to him and nod. "Yeah it's okay" you mumble.
Rhea and Damian return with shots for everyone "Here, I brought you one too. Don't know if you like it but we'll see" Rhea says to you.
"Oh okay, thanks" you whisper and take a glass from her. "Are you okay sweetie?" she asks a little concerned. "I've already asked her and she says she fine" Dom throws in before you can answer.
Rhea shrugs and returns her focus back on the other members of the Judgement Day. "Let's see who can drink it without making a face" Finn cheers and empties his glass in one shot.
He squeezes his eyes shut and presses his lips together, not expecting it to be such strong alcohol. "Ha looser, my turn" Dom laughs and takes his shot.
He does even worse than Finn, removing his arm from around your shoulders and shaking his head. "God what did they put in these" he curses.
"You or me first?" Rhea asks Damian. "I'll go" he responds and takes his turn. He does better than the other two but still presses his lips together in a thin line and inhales sharply.
"Damn Rhea what is this" he laughs. She grins and empties her glass without showing any expression. "My favorite one to get drunk" she smirks.
As soon as you hear drunk your alarm bells ring. You tug on her sleeve and she looks over at you. "I thought you wouldn't drink much today?" you whisper.
"What? Sorry I didn't understand you due to the music" she says and scoots closer to you. "I thought you wouldn't drink that much tonight" you repeat a little louder.
"Oh yeah no don't worry about that" she brushes it off. "Dom let's go and get more" Finn shouts. He already stood up and took a few steps towards the other side of the room.
You're pretty uncomfortable by now, but only Damian seems to notice and shoots you an asking look. You shake your head, wanting him not to worry.
Finn and Dominik return and everyone takes another shot. Dom's look wandering over to the pole dancers "Hey Rhea, bet you can't do it like they can" he smirks.
"Oh really? We'll see 'bout that" she says with a challenging grin. You all follow her over to the raised platform with the poles. Rhea steps up and talks to one of the women before taking over her place.
She puts on a pretty nice show, getting so much into it she takes off her shirt and throws it into the crowd of men who built up around you.
You hear a few whistles and some clapping as she's moving around the pole in her bra. "Hey pretty, what's a chick like you doing here all alone" a tall man asks you from behind and puts his arm around you lower abdomen.
You immediately tense up. Oh god oh god oh god help me. Damian, Finn, Rhea, Dom anyone please. Your mind goes absolutely crazy but not a single tone comes out of your mouth.
"Naw don't be shy, I'll teach you how to use that pretty mouth of yours" the man groans and kisses your neck. You feel his beard brush against your skin making you shiver.
Your mind is blank, you feel like you're about to pass out. You can't breath, you need air, you need to get out! You try to push him away to get rid of his grip and manage to slip out and run outside.
Part 17 and more coming, what would you think about Damian and/or Dom secretly having feelings for you and/or Rhea 😏🤔
Anyway, Taglist:@babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000
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fallenclan · 7 months
"Watch out--" Rampaw barely had time to register Juniperpaw's warning before Cinderpaw slammed into him, tackling him to the ground.
Rampaw shrieked in surprise before kicking Cinderpaw off him. The she-cat was grinning mischeviously. "You were taking too long."
"We're playing hide-and-seek," Rampaw protested, but was grinning nonetheless. "And you might have won if you'd just stayed hidden." Cinderpaw only cackled.
"I'll go find Ospreypaw. She can be the seeker next, since she won this round," Russetpaw announced, trotting off.
Hawkwish, who had been passively watching the apprentices up until this point, suddenly snapped to attention. Cinderpaw and Rampaw continued their playful bickering, but Juniperpaw noticed the change.
"What is it?" she asked.
Hawkwish wordlessly motioned towards the main camp entrance with her tail. Crowflame was being surrounded by a group of warriors all asking a hundred questions. Curiousity piqued, Juniperpaw sneaked closer, slipping inbetween the throng of warriors.
"We can't seriously be considering this."
"Why not? We let Boulderstep join."
"That was an entirely different situation, Bluefern."
"Was it--?"
"---what if he's a spy---"
"--what was Crowflame thinking---"
"I think we should just take the poor lad back to CricketClan."
"What if they declare war on us?"
"---ShallowClan will use this---"
Juniperpaw stopped directly next to the tom in question, having slipped undetected through the crowd. "Hello," she whispered.
The tom started, gaze snapping to Juniperpaw. He looked more impressed than afraid. "Hi. I'm Sandpaw." At this point, the congregation of warriors had moved to make room for Maplestar, who was now in whispered conversation with Hailcrash and Crowflame. Angry whispers.
"I'm Juniperpaw." She paused. "You want to join FallenClan?"
"Yeah." Sandpaw grinned. "I've heard only good things. I just--I don't really have a place in CricketClan, y'know? Not anymore, at least..."
Juniperpaw waited to see if Sandpaw would elaborate. When he didn't, she murmured, "Well, you'll like it here." Sandpaw's gaze lit up, causing Juniperpaw to smile as well.
"Sandpaw," Maplestar's voice rose above the scattered whispers of Juniperpaw's clanmates. "Come here, please." The young tom nodded, scampering off to go speak with FallenClan's leader.
The crowd dispersed a few moments after, though the whispering continued. Maplestar was headed towards his den with Hailcrash, Crowflame, Silverbelly, Eaglestripe, and Sandpaw at his heels.
Juniperpaw barely had a moment to herself before her littermates and the other apprentices came charging up to her. Featherpaw followed the apprentices a bit more reluctantly, evidently not old enough to be included in Maplestar's little impromptu meeting.
"You talked to him? What was he like? Is he nice?" Russetpaw demanded.
"Does he like bugs?" Ospreypaw's question was quickly buried when Cinderpaw exclaimed: "This is even more exciting than when Boulderstep joined!"
"Maybe," Featherpaw murmured thoughtfully, though even he seemed a bit giddy from all the commotion.
Rampaw was oddly quiet. "What do you think?" Juniperpaw asked the tom.
Rampaw opened his mouth to reply but Cinderpaw replied faster. "Oh, he thinks the apprentice is cute."
"No!" Rampaw hissed, mortified. "I did not say that."
"Nuh uh. That's what you told me."
"I said he looked different from FallenClan cats!"
"Different as in cute..."
Ignoring Rampaw and Cinderpaw, Russetpaw pressed, "But what's he like?"
"Nice enough." Juniperpaw shrugged. "I guess we'll see, if he joins."
"I wonder why he wants to join?" Featherpaw mused.
"I hope he doesn't join," Rampaw muttered, sulking while Cinderpaw continued to giggle.
When it was announced that Sandpaw would be staying, Juniperpaw was quick to introduce him to the other apprentices.
Cinderpaw was smirking triumphantly the entire time.
AAAA DRAGON THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!!! i love the little bits of personality you added onto the apprentices,,,, they are dragging Sandpaw into their little whirlwind of chaos i love it
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hinatastinygiant · 8 months
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4 | Ursa Minor
Pairing: Kita x Fem!Reader
What's Meant to Be Masterlist
A sleek black limousine rolls to a stop in front of my house, its tinted windows concealing the people within. I step out of my house, adjusting my new suit while the door opens to the limo. My friends usher me into the limo, excited to celebrate Osamu's bachelor party even though his wedding isn't for another two weeks.
"Come on, Kita," Aran calls, beckoning me to enter the limo.
I sit down beside him and Atsumu. "You ready for a night we'll never remember?" Atsumu asks me with a grin.
"Why would I want to forget any of this," I reply, shaking my head.
"Oh come on, Kita, let loose for once in your life," Atsumu sighs. "For Samu's sake, at least."
"I think Osamu would rather have his brother in one piece than wasted at a bar," Aran chimes in.
"I'll be fine, I'm a grown man," Atsumu scoffs.
"Please don't drag me into your mess, Tsumu," Osamu sighs.
"Come on, Kita, have a drink!" Suna nudges me.
"Alright, alright" I sigh.
"Yeah!" Atsumu cheers.
The champagne corks are then popped, and the group toasts to Osamu's upcoming wedding, the clinking of glasses echoing through the air.
"Thanks for coming, Kita," Osamu says, taking a sip of his champagne.
"Of course," I smile at him. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."
The limo navigates through the city streets, finally pulling up outside a neon-lit building decorated with suggestive silhouettes. The faint hum of music and the glow of pink and blue lights spilled onto the sidewalk, marking the group's arrival at the strip club.
"A strip club, Samu?" Atsumu laughs.
"Shut up, ya perv," Osamu scowls, rolling his eyes. "We all know you planned this night without regard to anyone else."
"It's a bachelor party, Samu," Aran adds, laughing. "You're last night of freedom, right?"
"Exactly," Atsumu grins. "But it's a classy strip club, I'll give you that. Not those shady ones. At least it's not some gross, grimy one. I have standards, ya know."
"Yeah, right," Osamu replies, shaking his head.
"Okay, fine, I've never actually been to this one before but I've heard good things."
"You're full of shit, Tsumu," Suna laughs.
"I'm not! I promise."
"Whatever," Osamu sighs. "Let's just get inside."
The group steps outside of the limo, entering the building. As the doors open, the group is met with a blast of cold air. Inside, the lights are dim, and a slow, sultry song drifts through the air. In the center of the room, there's a long stage with a pole running through the middle. Around the edges are a handful of private rooms.
"Alright, this is nice," Atsumu grins.
"Yeah, I agree," Aran says.
The group approaches the bar and takes a seat.
"We're celebrating a bachelor party," Atsumu tells the bartender.
"Congratulations," the bartender smiles. "What can I get for you?"
"Let's start with a round of shots," Atsumu says, grinning.
"What kind?" the bartender asks.
"Surprise us."
The bartender nods and gets to work.
The group turns their attention to the stage, where a woman is beginning to perform.
"She's good," Osamu murmurs.
"She sure is," Atsumu grins, elbowing his twin. But then Atsumu's attention drifts off to a woman on the far side of the room wearing a black bra and panties. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and the shadows partially obscure her face, but it's easy to tell that she's beautiful.
"Hey, check her out," he nudges Aran. "She's hot!"
Aran's gaze follows Atsumu's to the woman across the room who is gradually getting closer as she talks to some customers. "Yeah, she is," Aran agrees.
"I can't see her face," Osamu says, straining his neck.
"It doesn't matter," Atsumu grins.
While the others talk, I glance over at the woman as well. Strange, she almost looks familiar. But how could she? I don't remember seeing her anywhere before.
"I'm gonna go talk to her," Suna declares, getting up from his seat.
We all watch as Suna approaches her, but it's not until he grabs her by the arm and so casually walks off with her that I realize who she is. Luckily, nobody else seems to recognize her. Well, except for Suna.
"Is that-"
"Huh? Did you say somethin'?" Aran asks, turning his attention to me.
"Nothing," I say, shaking my head. "Nothing."
"Damn, Suna's already off with the hottest girl in the club," Atsumu sighs. "I was hoping she'd hit it off with me or Samu."
"Why am I the second choice? Isn't it my bachelor party?" Osamu frowns.
"That's a good point," Atsumu agrees.
"Whatever," Osamu shakes his head. "We're supposed to be having fun. Let's just get another drink and go find a spot by the stage."
"That's a great idea," Aran grins, flagging down the bartender.
While the rest of the group drinks and talks, I continue to watch Suna and Y/N. What could they possibly be talking about?
Y/N'S P.O.V.
You are completely caught off guard when a man with dark brown hair and a wicked grin suddenly grabs your arm.
"I don't care what conversation you were in the middle of, you can go back to it later if you want," the stranger says as he leads you to a secluded corner of the club.
When he stops, you turn and look up at him, confused. It takes you a minute, but then you realize who he is.
"Oh, hey, Y/N," he grins. "Long time, no see."
"Shit," you grumble looking around the room. "Why the hell are you here, Rin?"
"It's a bachelor party," he replies. "Osamu is getting married. You think I'd come here on my own?"
"Osamu's getting married? So all of you are..."
"We're all here. And they were looking your way before I saved your ass. What the fuck are you doing here, Y/N? I thought you went to some fancy dance school or something?"
"I did," you sigh, "but I'm not exactly living the dream life, Rin. It's hard to get a good job, so I took up a job here. Shit, did the other guys see me?"
"They didn't recognize you, if that's what you're asking. Although," he hums as he looks back in the direction he came, "Kita looks a bit suspicious."
"Fuck," you groan. "This isn't exactly a place where you want someone to know you work at."
"Hey, calm down, Y/N," he laughs, "you're not gonna lose any respect from me. And by the way, I'm doing well, thanks for asking."
"Sorry, I'm just freaking out a little bit," you sigh, feeling your cheeks heat up. "I can't imagine what Kita's gonna think."
"What's the deal with you and Kita, anyway? The two of you never..."
"No, no," you quickly cut him off. "We were friends, but that's it."
"So then what's the big deal?" he then asks.
"I, well, uh, I had been talking to him lately and I didn't tell him my job. I don't know what he'd think if he found out like this."
"I don't think it'll be that big of a deal," Suna shrugs, his voice softening.
"You don't?"
"Why would it? If he's into you, he won't give a shit what your job is," he says. "Do you want to come over and say hi to everyone? I know Osamu would love to see you."
"I don't know," you hesitate.
"Come on," he insists. "You'll regret it if you don't."
You can't help but chuckle at that comment. You don't think you've ever heard Suna be this persistent before. "My shift's almost over. I've got to get home. Maybe next time," you lie to him. 
"Alright, next time," he shrugs, turning around. "I'll catch you later."
"See ya," you reply without looking back. Crap.
What's Meant to Be Masterlist
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lunehong · 1 year
Black Pirates | Four
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Modern era robin hood ATEEZ X Undercover spy fem OC
ship : ??? X OC
Genre : slowburn, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers
Synopsis : "The world may be unfair but it does not stop us from changing our own fate." Kang Sohyun tries to investigate a group of bandits who are causing havoc in all of Korea. As she gets into close contact with them, her view of them slowly starts to change. "Why do people even hate you?" "If we worried about what people thought of us, we would've all been in a slump of despair by now." 
Warnings : none
A/n : If anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know !
Masterlist , Prologue , Chapter one , Chapter two , Chapter three
The bells on the door chimed signalling the arrival of new customers. The person at the counter looked up to see his two regular customers - Sohyun and Jongho. They took their usual seat by the window, looking exhausted as if they ran a marathon. Sohyun noticed the slightly confused look on the guy's face and waved at him while gesturing that they were fine.
The person at the counter, 'Song' as everyone called him, was the owner of their very frequently visited restaurant, Treasure Cuisine.
He had ivory black hair, sharp eyes, a long nose and plump pink lips that made him look very defined and cute at the same time. His face reminded Sohyun of Toothless from 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Song was a very friendly and nice guy who had always taken care of her and Jongho whenever they dropped by and gave them company while they had their meals as well.
The bells jingled and two guys entered the restaurant. They speed-walked towards the counter without wasting any time. One of them was an ebony black-haired man who wore a pair of round specs and had a surgical face mask on.
The other guy had grape purple hair with well defined facial features. He also had a prominent jawline and very wide and buff shoulders.
"Hyung, when are we going to the HQ today?" The guy with the mask spoke up.
"Captain is still caught up at the museum. He'll come by when he's done and we'll take the van. Where are Golden and Fixon? 
"They are on their way here. Wait, where is Rocky?" 
The black-haired receptionist flicked his gaze towards the window seat. 
"Oh! He's with his girlfriend again?" He sneered. 
"Yah! Sa-  no,  Shadow. Stop it. I really don’t know what your problem is, when she doesn’t know anything and is just a good friend of his."
The grape haired guy rolled his eyes and proceeded to occupy a seat while the ebony black-haired sighed and followed him. 
The bells chimed again revealing two very tall, brooding guys - one had soft blonde hair, high cheekbones and a gentle demeanour while the other had fiery red hair, a defined jawline and wore glasses. They nodded at Song and chose their seats.
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The ivory black-haired man was scrolling through his phone out of boredom when Sohyun and Jongho approached him.
"Song! Hey, how's it going?"
"Same old, same old, Sohyun-ah! Have you two ordered yet?"
"Yeah, we ordered already!"
"Great! So, how's college?" Song asked and they naturally fell into a conversation about their lives.
"By the way, do you know what happened today? This dimwit here, had the audacity to think that I am a member of the Black Pirates." 
Sohyun scoffed while Jongho looked at the ceiling, suddenly finding it very interesting to look at.
In the corner seat, the blonde haired choked on his water but it went unnoticed by Sohyun.
"Yah, Jongho-yah! How could you think that? Sohyun is one of the kindest and most precious people I know of! How could you ever think she'd be a vicious bandit like the Black Pirates? No wonder Sohyun calls you a dimwit." exclaimed Song, in a chastising manner.
Jongho ignored his words and rolled his eyes at them.
Sohyun changed the topic and the three of them chatted away, which was something the black-haired was grateful for, as he was feeling bored earlier.
"The food is ready! I knew it was you two since it's your usual order." A guy with dark brown hair and blonde details underneath came out from the kitchen area, wearing a plastic hat and apron. He had high cheekbones and his eyes vanished into crescents, as he was greeting his favourite customers with a huge grin on his face. He was the head chef at Treasure Cuisine and was very good at his job.
"Yeon? What the heck? Don't you have other orders to attend to?" Song inquired the oreo haired chef.
"No, Hyung. I'm done for today, and before you speak, I did not slack off either." said Yeon, with a pout.
"Would you two return to your seats or eat here on the counter?" Song asked Sohyun.
Sohyun looked at Jongho and he shrugged.
"Well, the counter doesn't sound too bad, even though I usually sit near the window. Set it here today, I want to gossip with you two while eating."
"Two? Do I not exist anymore?" Jongho asked the girl with a pout.
"Uhh, who are you again?" 
While they were eating and teasing each other, the bells chimed for the umpteenth time. A man with a chequered shirt and brown coloured trousers entered the restaurant.
 He had a thick moustache and unkempt black hair. At first glance, He looked like a very ordinary man but Sohyun couldn't seem to look away. She felt as if the man had a very prominent air of authority oozing out of him. His eyes were a unique shade - a mix of hazel and grey. He did look like any average man in his late thirties, but Sohyun just couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling away, as she kept on observing him.
The man who was speaking to Song, felt someone's eyes on him. He looked through the corner of his eye, catching the girl sitting on the counter staring at him. The girl immediately diverted her gaze to her plate making him smirk before he continued his conversation with the ivory black-haired.
"We have to get going. Did Facade pack something for me? I'm starving."
"Yeah, he did. He always does. Anyways, what do we do about..."
Song pointed subtly at Sohyun.
"Let her finish and leave the restaurant. Then you can close it up and we'll leave. We can wait till that much, it's not a big deal. I'll go sit."
"At least you didn't sneer at her like our Shadow over there" 
"He's just wary of strangers, Mars. It's not like he would harm an innocent without a motive. So, relax."
Song or 'Mars' nodded at him while the man found a seat and poured himself a glass of water.
Soon, Sohyun and Jongho were done with their meals. Jongho paid their bills (Yes, he lost the race) and they headed out. 
"So... see you next week then!"
"Okay, Hyun-ah! Enjoy your weekend. Bye!"
Sohyun walked away and when she was out of sight, Jongho went back into the restaurant.
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"Yunho, start the van. We have important things to discuss today. Are everyone seated?"
He heard faint mutters of "Yes"
The man with the chequered shirt who was sitting at the front seat beside 'Yunho', took off his wig to let his hazel hued mullet out and carefully tugged at his faux moustache to prevent redness in his skin. 
"The wig and moustache itch so much, you have no idea! It feels liberating to finally take them off."
The guys at the back laugh at it. 
"Hyung, you looked like a homeless old man in that fit. How do they even let you work in the museum when you dress up like that?"
"Aish, what to do boys... I'm that skilled. So, they would never have the audacity to fire me." The now mulleted man winked at the guys sitting at the back making them snicker and shake their heads.
As they were talking and laughing in the van, the shocked glances from a certain someone standing on the pavement went completely unnoticed by the guy with the mullet.
That certain someone was none other than,
 Kang Sohyun.
Next chapter
Tags : @wooyoos @jwnghyuns @starillusion13
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silvertsundere · 8 months
Silver Talks AniManga (22/10/23)
next week is gonna have another big catch up, I was actually gonna do it the week after I did jujutsu but then realized next week it'd be the 200 chap for this series so decided to postpone it until then just cause it's a cool big round number, tho today's chap 199 woulda been fitting too since it was the colour page for the serie's 4th anni but anyhoo also starting from now the stuff I talk about will be bolded as seen below, yeah I shoulda done this from the start cause it's way more readable and stuff but the other thing I did made more sense at the time I started it, but this is better overall now
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Hoshikuzu Telepath Ep2
nice epiosde mostly just introducing the 3rd member of our main group, next ep is gonna be aoki shiki's chara so that should be good
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Frieren Ep7
very good ep like usual, the demon story in the middle was pretty obvious but it was still good. very excited for the next episode considering the cliffhanger and the title for it, hoping for some more sakuga 🙏
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Undead Unluck Ep3
great episode all around, loved hearing my queen yuuki as gina, too bad we won't see much more of her til cour 4 or 5 (depending on how fast adaptation goes) but it'll be worth the wait. also, since I read all of UU from start to just some months ago, in just a couple days I had things very fresh on my mind so I noticed it easily, but it's really crazy to see how early tozuka set up seeds for future payoffs, I won't mention what exactly cause spoilers but there were 3 ones in this episode and it really is great writing and storytelling to be able to pull that off
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Pokemon Horizons Ep25
nice and action packed episode, fit for being the end of this initial cour/arc, which we only found out about earlier this week. should be getting a new op along with the new subtitle and stuff but we'll see. we also got some lore like the full team of the ancient adventurer and that the evil organization was related to him in some way. the goal now is to find the rest of the team so that should last for 25 more eps probably but we'll see, there should still be gym stuff along the way and all that
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Adult Precure Ep3
nice ep, lots of karen x kurumi moments which this artist I follow on twitter was certainly going hog wild for. saki and mai from splash star showed up at the end of this episode, and next one is gonna be about them, so that's cool since I didn't think they'd show up until the yes 5 girls had all gotten their transformations back
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Imas Million Live Ep3
good ep as you'd expect, really enjoyed how much yuriko there was since she's one of my favs from ML (mikku 🙏), next episode is gonna have at least a crumb of rio so looking forward to that too they said the teather will take 2 months to finish building, I hope that it'll be finished after next episode just so we can move on to other stuff. not having this following the structure of the og anime/U149 makes it harder to predict what'll be happening
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Ice-Head Gill Ch17
as expected it's ending soon, and as part of the U19 club as well, hopefully ichinose ends on the same week too, but I'll give more thoughts when it actually ends
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Jujutsu Kaisen 239
I was looking forward to see how yuji and co were going to take on juiced up sukuna but we're taking a detour to have kenjaku fight, but with the twist that it's one of the most (unknowingly) op charas fighting him. I really like how goofy his power is so looking forward to this fight. tho I don't think there's any way he'll win
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Undead Unluck Ch180
I could see this coming cause of fuuko saying all that earlier in the chap but it's still EXTREMELY POGGIES to have andy back after all this time, even if just temporarily, looking forward to them having a crumb of time together next chap
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unladyboss · 8 months
Bear with the evolving theories please.
So up to now, based on reading and learning about Time Out Of Joint by Philip k Dick, I've come to not trust Fak, Gary and Natalie here
There's a running theme about not being sh-tty in this show. Those who are, seem to be the 'bad guys'. The are the ones invested in not letting the collective group figure out what needs to be done to help the main person.
Let me point out three. But it's not only that part about being sh-tty.
The Sh-tty Part
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She knows a lot about plumbing and I think she's been breaking the toilet along with FAK and possibly Gary
(also in the book Time out of Joint, they posit that Fak and Natalie are together. Like married. Even though in the book and the show she's with someone else -Pete. It's possibly why Pete wasn't sitting with Nat at Christmas but across from FAK)
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Fak is invested in staying in the mind
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NATALIE stopped coming round when Mikey died (understandable because grief, but now that Carmy's there trying to get better, she has to show up again to keep an eye out that nothing changes so significantly that their life inside the psyche changes that much)
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She can be manipulative to get what she wants. (We think it's funny, Carmy thinks it's gross, Richie laughed).
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This is possibly a parallel reference to Nat. 👇
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Also regarding Nat, she was always stirring the pot with her mom. Just causing more chaos. Plus the last time Mikey said he loved her, at the table he looked as if he knew finally what she was up to.
Gary was NOT in the group of people who said they wanted to learn all throughout the seasons.
At the end of season 2 episode 10, we see Gary and Fak, sitting together outside the restaurant, across the street, eating what looks to be sandwiches. Cheering to each other. Seem to be glad that this attempt to 'get free' didn't work because Carmy was stuck in the walk-in.
But remember, just because someone acts nice and cheery to your face doesn't mean they're behaving that way behind your back.
I hope I'm wrong. We'll see in season 3
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tuesday again 11/29/22
reminder that this project is taking 12/13 off and will return 12/20. or, two weeks from today, we will have a one-week break.
this booster shot knocked me flat for a day longer than anticipated, so i watched the first two seasons of adventure time in something of a haze. very funny to watch these first two seasons of largely unconnected episodes find their footing and tone, and think about the huge eight-episode arcs in the back half of this show's run.
the credits song, Island Song (Come Along With Me), is one of like. three songs that instantly make me feel safe. a well-loved picnic blanket of a song.
not a fallow week but i haven't gotten far enough into the 1920s cowboy novel i picked up to have coherent thoughts about it. except for: why do cowboy movies and books always want you to know that a man isn't like Hot hot. but he's still the hottest guy around. get a load of this handsome piece of 100% american beef. who is a little rugged from his time on the range but he has nice eyes and knows what soap is we PROMISE. have we talked about his stubborn yet classic jaw yet
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as a consolation prize for no new cowboy thoughts, chief henchwoman/blogging assistant mackintosh is interviewing her own assistant today. third round! we'll see if he makes the cut next week when she plans on extending job offers
nonspoilery A/ndor thoughts. i can't really do the "what worked for me, what didn't, why, and what do i think this work is trying to do" bc the finale dropped too recently for anyone to want to read a wall of rot13, and i am unable to be objective about S/tar Wars.
i really really really liked this show. head and fucking shoulders above any other recent S/tar W/ars (henceforth SW) show in writing and production. GOD i love watching some leftist infighting when it doesn't affect me personally. the gunfights are never just gunfights, there's always something environmental going on that everyone has to work around. DAMN this shit fucking hit for me!!!
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rot13 below for an arc much earlier in the season
yvxr bs PBHEFR gurl uvg gur vzcrevny dhnegreyl cnlebyy!!! guvf vf fb zhpu zber onat sbe gurve ohpx guna fgrnyvat jrncbaf be grpu, op nf jr unir frra jvgu gjvggre, jura lbh'er abg noyr gb cnl crbcyr ba gvzr be nf hfhny lbh ybfr n GERZRAQBHF nzbhag bs tbbqjvyy. rira n qnl yngr jvyy frevbhfyl shpx jvgu crbcyr'f yvirf, naq neenatvat nygreangr cnlzrag va culfvpny pheerapl vf tbvat gb gnxr SBERIRE. ubyl shpx guvf jnf fhpu n tbbq pubvpr gunax lbh sbe guvf SBBQ gbal tvyebl
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this is an analogy that will work for three people, but the difference between mainline SW and A/ndor is like the difference between modern east coast and west coast Fallouts. the writing team behind A/ndor is the kind of team that would look at the brief for New Vegas, go “okay, so this city is obviously a special economic zone with a NCR embassy within the city” and fucking run with that, the Jackals and the Vipers are distinct groups that fight everyone and each other with distinct beliefs and methods meanwhile there’s uhhhh some??? trade??? i guess??? in the greater Boston area and the biggest coherent roaming XP group in Fallout 4 is called the Gunners. what their deal is, who pays them, where they came from?? who fucking knows!!! certainly not me or the writers!!!
in the process of researching this post, i had in my head for SO long that the Gunners originated from Vault 75, the one under Malden Middle School, but that is simply incorrect. that's so fucking easy that's right fucking there it's already a Gunner base why isn't that canon
back to SW. i wanna know what JE S/awyer thinks of this show so bad, esp bc there are so many nods to the West End EU TTRPGs, but i don’t think he’s a huge SW guy.
the multiplayer aspect of this newest pokemon game is more of a photo op with friends simulator than anything else. you can't in any meaningful way (or at least we didn't figure out how to) battle together or even make sure we were synced up to do star team or gym fights at the same time (except for the terra raids which take thirty seconds max). however i do have this very cute, if slightly choppy photo of me and my best friend
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GOD this gym leader is FUCKING HOT
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swatching a baby blanket in palest mint for my in-production goddaughter
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A little story to end the week. Your Strawberry
A break
He really liked it when the family got together and there was life in the house. But for three days he hadn't been able to spend a quiet minute with his wife. She took care of everything and everyone. Either she prepared the meals together with her daughters or she was engrossed in a conversation with her children or grandchildren. They also went for walks together or played a parlour game in a large group. They leafed through photo albums or books, listened to music or watched a film together. It was nice to spend so much time with the people one loved, but he still missed the togetherness with his wife.
But he had a plan to at least spend some time with her. As she washed the dishes from lunch with her children, he sauntered into the kitchen and asked, "Can I talk to you?" She looked at him in surprise and he sensed her trying to read from his expression what it was about. "Go ahead Maman, we'll take care of the rest," she heard her daughter say. She dried her hands, then went to her husband and looked at him questioningly. "In private," he explained, grabbing her hand and pulling her with him.
"Where to?" she wanted to know. "Upstairs," he replied curtly. Although she wondered about him, she allowed herself to be pulled along. As soon as he had pulled her into her bedroom, he pushed her lightly against the closed door and looked at her triumphantly. Then she understood what he was up to and smiled at him. He let his hand slide to the door lock and turned the key so that the door was locked. "How did you know I needed a break?" she asked him softly, stroking his cheek. He grinned, "I didn't know, but I needed a break too. I love our family, but..." "...sometimes it's just too much," she added to his words.
He nodded before leaning in and kissing her passionately. Eagerly she returned his kiss and heaved a contented sigh. "How much time do we have?" he teased her. "As much as we want to take. We just have to be quiet," she giggled. "Well then, off to lunch break," he announced and began to undress her. She helped him get rid of his clothes quickly as well and when they finally faced each other naked, he grabbed her waist and pulled her to the bed. They caressed, kissed and teased each other until they sank together in a whirlpool of passion.
Then he covered them both and pulled them tightly into his arms. "It was overdue," he murmured. "It was vital," she confirmed with a smile. Just then there was a knock at the door. Startled, they jolted and looked at each other when they heard their grandchild's voice. "I want you to ask you if you should come for a walk with all of us or if you want us to go alone?" He had to stifle a laugh. She pressed her hand over his mouth and replied, "Go ahead and go alone, we'll rest a bit more." "Okay, see you later." They heard the child walk away.
She let go of his mouth again and he saw a laugh spread across her face as well. "They've seen right through us," he grinned, "and given us a chance to rest some more." "We haven't come to rest yet, though," she giggled. He pushed her back into the pillows and looked at her mischievously. "Had enough yet?" The flash of her eyes confirmed to him that there would be a second round. He captured her mouth again and they once more blanked out everything around them.
Hellooo sweet 🍓! ❤️
Seems like the perfect way to enter the weekend!
Oh the passion, oh the desire! 🔥
Glad the family can see right through them and the grandkid knocked on the door (even if they locked the door too!) hahaha but Emmanuel laughing and Brigitte covering his mouth with her hand was super adorable and made me instantly think of a couple of photos of them in that situation 🥰 And now they get some extra time to enjoy themselves alone 😈
Thank you so much, Strawberry! ❤️❤️❤️
Have a good weekend everyone! ❤️
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duskaris · 9 months
OC-tober 2023 Day 1: "Home"
Wow look at me doing some writing. We'll see how many days I can keep this up (I give it a week at most)
Today's feature is the reunion scene between Jay and Madeline after the invasion of their country forces them to flee the place they called home. Part angst, part fluff
Prompts: @oc-tober2023
CW: One mild swear, I think that's all for today
It had been two weeks since Jay arrived in Neva, yet this was the first time he was venturing into the city itself. It was pretty up-close, with its cobblestone streets, colourful houses, and clusters of market stands that grew more frequent the closer to the docks you went. Even surrounded by war, people bustled about, continuing their daily business the best they could. Jay took a deep breath, the autumn air felt crisp in his lungs and the strong smell of brine permeated through the air. Then there was the ocean. A deep blue stretching for as far as the eye could see accompanied by the steady sound of waves crashing onto shore. It was a nice view from the keep, but here, looking across it instead of down at it, it was surreal. 
He slowed down as he approached the warehouse being used as temporary barracks. Just deliver the message and go, that was all he had to do. The Blade guarding the door said nothing as he entered. In fact, nobody said anything as he passed by several small groups gathered around makeshift tables chatting or playing cards. Jay didn’t know if they were too engrossed in their own groups to notice or if they were just past the point of caring. Either way, it was a pleasant surprise. 
“Where’s Captain Smyth set up?” He asked a passing soldier who looked vaguely familiar. He looked Jay up and down, narrowing his eyes. “I’ve got a message from the commander,” Jay said, answering the question before it was spoken. He waved the letter and raised his eyebrows for emphasis.
“Back left, got a sort of office set up,” the soldier relented, then walked off. Jay ignored the attitude and continued on. Set up in the corner were a few pallets stood up to make walls and when Jay rounded the corner, Captain Smyth was sitting at a desk covered in papers, deep in conversation with one of Theodosia’s sons. They fell silent as Jay approached.
“Message from Aeryn,” Jay announced, placing the letter on top of the clutter. The captain nodded in acknowledgement then returned to his conversation, so Jay backed out without another word. Errand done, now he could get out of here and back to the keep. 
It was now on his way out that he saw her. She was sitting on a bunk, a picture of perfection even now. Her brown waves hanging down over her shoulders, violet eyes full of concentration as she doodled in her sketchbook. Jay hadn’t even realised she’d brought it with her when she ran, but he was glad she did. It comforted her, especially now that he couldn’t. He put his head down and walked faster towards the door, praying to the goddesses that she hadn’t seen him. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her more. 
As the saltwater air hit his face he wanted to be out of the city more than ever. His heart ached; the sooner he was back in the keep with Aeryn where he had a job to do and nobody treated him like shit on the bottom of their shoe-
“Jay!” A voice cut through his thoughts like a knife through butter, stopping him in his tracks. He felt an impact and stumbled forward as arms wrapped around him and a shape that he knew well nestled into his back.
“Madeline?” he whispered, paralyzed in disbelief. The city crowd flowed around them, oblivious to the reunion of the young couple.
“I can’t believe you were gonna leave without talking to me.” She let go of the hug, her hand grazing down Jay’s arm until his hand was clasped in hers, spinning him around to face her. He searched her face, scanning for the familiar glint of disgust but she was grinning and there was a spark in her eyes.
“I thought-” He hesitated to choke the words out- “I thought you would hate me.” Madeline’s smile instantly fell, replaced with concern.
“I could never hate you, Jay. You should know that.” Madeline pulled him into another hug and though his mind was reeling, this time he reciprocated. She reached a hand up to twirl his hair, then paused. “Wait, is that why you haven’t been to see me? I just assumed the commander was keeping you busy. You actually thought I wouldn’t want you around?”
“You saw my other form, Mads, I’m a monster.” His voice was cold.
“You saved my life, and a lot of people’s lives for that matter,” Madeline exclaimed as though it was that simple.
“That doesn’t matter to them!” Jay shouted, gently shoving Madeline away so he could take a few steps back. His chest was pounding and he was shaking slightly. 
“I’m sorry,” Madeline said softly. She stayed close, placing a hand on his arm, grounding him. Jay focused on his breathing, taking slow breaths in and out.
“It’s not your fault,” he said when he had calmed down a bit. “Other than Aeryn and Wren, nobody typically reacts well. I knew you said before you wouldn’t care, but-”
“But it’s different once it actually happens,” Madeline finished for him.
“Yeah.” The pair stood in silence for a few moments, neither sure of what to say. “For the record I’m sorry too. Too human to be strong, too monster to be trusted. Not enough of anything; I wasn’t able to protect our home.” He hung his head low in shame but it was quickly forced up by a hand on his chin, determined lavender eyes meeting his own.
“You are my home, Jay,” Madeline stated. “You are everything I need. Magi or not, obski or not, it doesn’t matter. I trust you. I love you.” The look in her eyes, the cadence of her voice, it was so sincere. Jay cracked a shy smile. The moment came to an abrupt end as the clock tower rang and Jay remembered he was only there on an errand. He looked between Madeline and the silhouette of the Tidal Keep in the distance.
“Go on, I’m sure the commander needs you,” Madeline insisted, and Jay nodded, though reluctantly. They embraced again and Madeline placed a quick kiss on his cheek. “You’ll start coming to see me sometimes, right?” she whispered into his ear.
“Of course, my love,” he whispered back accompanied with a playful wink as she flushed bright pink. They lingered there for a moment more, until they finally managed to break apart, Madeline watching as he walked away until he had been swallowed by the city folk.
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miras-ash · 11 months
Chapter 7 of "Just as the stars love the night"
Mira's pov
After Kali had told me everything about how she had been contacted by an anonymous person who had offered her to continue to deal with Rainbow she had accepted the invitation and had to find out who was behind it all, suddenly a lot of things made sense to me. I still didn't know who Deimos was, I just knew he was going to pay. All this time Eliza was with him, at his mercy, probably waiting for someone to rescue her. Had I failed? Should I not have given up so quickly?
Maybe it was crazy to trust Kali and Nighthaven like that but I had no choice and as she said she didn't need to make up something like that.
While we were still on the plane and flying to Nighthaven Base, we contacted the rest of her squad and held an emergency conference with Osa who would then inform and prepare the others, we had to hurry. The longer we took the more suspicion Deimos would have, Kali could buy herself just 24 hours to get back to him, before that we had to somehow manage to infiltrate his ship, get Eliza and catch him. If we missed the window, everyone was in danger.
"Round up the whole gang, even those who are on vacation or whatever, we need everyone! Also, please pull Grimm off the whole Nokk thing and if he has a problem about it, he has a problem with me. We no longer have a dispute with Rainbow. We have a new common enemy and if we do nothing it could mean the end of us all. Nevertheless, our top priority is to rescue Operator Eliza "Ash" Cohen."
At this, Kali looked at me for a moment, considered for a moment, and then turned to Osa again.
"Kick Ace's ass, tell him to get his act together. I need him and preferably Finka on a team along with Mira. The three of them will serve as an extraction squad to carry out the Scourge rescue. He will be responsible for the initial medical care. I'll leave the rest to you, it's best to always put together teams of 4-5 people. Kali over."
I felt transported back years, back when I was still in Spain and had worked for the police. We had some scourge takings and always I could avoid the worst but now it was not "just" a civilian, it was about a person I love, someone who was everything to me. I had to be fully focused on this, it was the most important mission of my life, failure was not an option.
Apart from that there was another problem, I was not allowed to serve another unit without reasonable agreement between our superiors that could bring me big problems especially Jordan and I didn't want that, for his sake.
"Kali, I think we'll have to see about me joining you in the field later. If we pull this off, they won't care up there why we were there. You guys are a private military service but I'm causing big problems back home with this."
She looked up from her laptop and nodded in affirmation.
"I've already taken care of that, I've drawn up a temporary contract for two years that recruits you to Nighthaven. There's no other way, but this way we can prevent any further inconvenience."
Briefly I had misgivings, but when I thought about it being all about Eliza it was absolutely worth it.
A few hours later we finally arrived. Immediately heading inside the base to get ready. I changed clothes, familiarized myself with a weapon and equipment issued by Nighthaven and followed the others to the assembly point. I was so happy when I saw Finka, not that I felt uncomfortable but it was nice to see a familiar face. I just wished it was a nicer occasion than this. Finka hugged me briefly and Ace gave me his hand, his face strangely serious. I didn't know him like that. No trace of the otherwise so terribly silly and conceited asshole he usually was. Obviously he was good for something in an emergency.
We were briefed on the rest of the plan. While the three of us would just take care of Eliza another small group would gather data that could be useful and the rest would comb the ship looking for Deimos.
Two large stealth helicopters were standing by to take us to our destination.
On the way there it was very quiet, only now and then you heard small snippets of conversation or radio messages. The closer we got to our destination the more nervous I became and that was not good, a cool head was the be-all and end-all of such a situation, so I tried to concentrate.
Osa's voice sounded through the little button in my ear, a final radio check and the info that we were there.
The helicopters were in stealth mode and it was pitch black outside, so no one should see us coming and if they did we just had to be faster than them. We rappelled down, split up and moved forward step by step, all a matter of years of routine, one unit, one goal, that's how we acted. Finka led the way, Kali had given her a map and the approximate route she could remember. Behind her was Ace with his backpack on his back containing everything possible for emergency supplies, and I brought up the rear. Quietly but quickly and determinedly we managed to pass the rear deck, we entered the interior and made our way through the narrow and winding corridors. If someone stood in our way, we simply eliminated him, we showed no mercy. One should never involve one's own feelings in such a thing, but that was simply not possible in this case. I wanted to see them all burn.
Finka looked one last time at the map and an escape plan hanging on the wall to compare them.
"So if I interpreted Kali's description correctly, we're almost there. Just around the corner and then the last door on the left."
We had to hurry, surely we didn't have much time left.
We reached the last room of the hallway as suspected and stood in front of a locked door which Ace kicked in with a firm heave.
Together we entered the room while Lera secured us from outside.
It was dark, cold and smelled unpleasant, I turned on my flashlight and looked around. On the floor were old worn bandages, on the table were untouched scraps of food that were definitely no longer fresh and at the other end of the room was a bed and on it lay something or rather someone. Now that I was standing here, so close to her, I was afraid.
What if I was too late? What if it was all for nothing, or if it wasn't her after all and Kali made a mistake?
So many things were going through my mind at the same time but my legs carried me towards the bed as if by remote control until I came to a stop in front of it. I shone my lamp on the bedspread and the first thing I saw was a tuft of red hair, it was indeed Eliza. I reached out and touched her face, it was cold, bloody and one side was swollen as if something heavy had hit her there recently. Briefly her eyelids fluttered as my fingers touched her cheek, she looked in my direction and in a shaky, scratchy voice said my name then her eyes closed and the corners of her mouth twitched briefly as if she were smiling.
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wyverewings · 1 year
Wyvere Reviews All the Monster Hunter Monsters (Arthropod Monsters)
If you know me, you know arthropods are one of my favorite groups of animals in the world. And of course, they're popular as monsters in media. So of course we have some bug monsters in Monster Hunter! We'll be covering multiple classes today, like we did with the last review.
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We're starting off with the Neopterons, a class consisting of insect-like monsters. The first monster of note is Altaroth, an ant monster. I like those little crests on their heads, they kinda remind me of flowers, but what I really love is that they have bellies like honeypot ants! That's a wonderful touch of real world biology, which is always something I love with fictional monsters! 7/10
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Tbh, the Konchu feels like they should belong in the Carapaceon class, seeing as how they have more similarities to crustaceans, especially pillbugs. Still pretty cool, 7/10.
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The first of the big bug monsters is the Seltas Queen, who is obviously a bug queen. She's got traits of beetles and scorpions, but... kinda comes across as a sort of generic "bug queen" type monster? Idk what exactly it is, but I just don't enjoy the design too much. The tail is cool, at least. 6/10
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Ahtal-Ka is a LOT cooler, and not just because they're a praying mantis with an Egyptian motif (though that is part of the appeal, of course). You see, they can create motherfucking mechas.
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Okay okay, I need to cool off from the mecha-making-mantis, and talk about another cool bug monster. The Temnocerans are supposed to be spiders, but Nerscylla here has six legs, which clearly means they're an insect! But they are still a cool bug monster, made more interesting due to the fact that they wear the skins of their prey. Creepy, yes, but the Hunters are guilty of that too. Also, I love spiders, even if this is a spider mimic instead of a true spider. 8/10
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I know I've made the unofficial rule to not talk about the smaller monsters, but the Rachnoid and Pyrantula are just so cute, and also I like how Pyrantula looks like a little pumpkin! 7.5/10
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I got a picture of Rakna-Kadaki's plush because it's kinda hard to read the features on the official render. Plus the plush is cute (actually the Monster Hunter plushies are cute in general, go look them up). Anyway, Rakna-Kadaki is a pretty cool monster too, with how they've wrapped themselves in silk and take inspiration from the Jorogumo of Japanese myth! 8/10
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Time for crab! Carapaceons are crustacean monsters, with most of them being specifically hermit crab monsters. Also, they have a habit of collecting monster bones, often to act as shells, which is pretty damn cool. The Ceanataur is a pretty good crab, I like their scythe-esque claws. 7.5/10
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Shen Gaoren has some long legs almost like a spider crab, and also a nice coconut crab face. 7.5/10
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I think my favorite of the crabs, though, would be Hermitaur. Like real world hermit crabs, they wear armor to protect their sensitive skin, but instead of shells, Hermitaur wears monster skulls! They also have a very spooky and badass face to go along with their creepy defense mechanism! 8/10
Bonus Flying Wyverns
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In order to pad this review out and also get rid of the need to review even more monsters with the Flying Wyvern post, we're using some of the monsters of that class who are distinctly more similar to invertebrates. We're starting this bonus round with Khezu, and... well, they sure are a weird cave monster. They sure are creepy and offputting to look at, and that goal was definitely achieved. 5/10, they are a good design, but one that makes me deeply uncomfortable.
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Gigginox, at least, is much easier on the eyes. They're more weird than overtly creepy, and they also feel more like a leech monster than Khezu. 7.5/10
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Fortunately, we end on what is possibly one of my favorite monsters in the series! Astalos is a freaking beetle dragon, which I obviously adore, and merges those aspects absolutely wonderfully! They're such a gorgeous monster, and a perfect note to end this post on! 9/10!
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swagatron9 · 2 years
Forgotten Innocence
Chapter 2: ~ Sylvia Bennet ~
The next day, Silas and I were introduced to the people that had arrived, Rick, Shane and Carl's entire group had shown up early in the morning and were greeted with the news that Carl would be fine, but they were the only people happy. The Greene family were mourning the loss of their loved one and so we held a memorial for Otis.
I was folding up Silas and I's blankets that we used the night prior when Maggie walked in. "You don't need to do that, you two can just keep sleepin' there. I talked with my daddy and he said he was fine with the two of ya'll stayin' inside-"
"Actually Maggie, Silas and I might head out," I told Maggie. She was shocked, to say the least as she stared at me in confusion. "We don't know these people, we don't know you. It's best we get out of all of your ways." I explained.
Maggie shook her head. "You ain't a problem to us at all. Ya'll are quiet, and as long as ya'll help around the farm there won't be any problems. We're happy to help that group and we're happy to help ya'll too." She walked over to me and stopped me from folding the sheets. "Please stay, I could use with someone my age hanging 'round here."
"Please Sylvie. Please can we stay?" Silas begged. I could see Maggie smiling at me from the corner of my eye.
I sighed before nodding my head. "We'll stay," I announced. Silas ran over to me and hugged me before giving Maggie a hug. It was safe to safe that overnight Maggie had grown close to us and was more willing to help out. "What can we do to help?" I asked Maggie.
"Well Silas can come and try this food I made, and you can help me wash the dishes." Maggie deadpanned. I glared at the back of her head as we followed her into the kitchen. "I was thinking about going for a run into town if you'd like to tag along, Beth would happily look after Silas for you," Maggie told me as she threw me a towel.
I started drying some of the dishes on the counter whilst Maggie continued washing. "Sure, I have to get some things for me and Silas, and besides I think he may have a crush on Beth." I teased the boy sitting at the table.
He yelled with a mouthful of food, "I do not!" Maggie and I laughed at his response. "But Beth is really pretty though." He admitted his face bright red.
"Well, I think ya' out of luck little man. Bethy has a boyfriend." Silas pouted. "And besides, you're too young for a girlfriend. My daddy would have a fit if I was running 'round tryna find myself a boyfriend at your age."
Dale came rushing inside. "There's a walker in your well." He panted. Maggie took one look at me before drying her hands and following Dale back outside.
"I like it here Sylvie, everyone's so nice. I can't wait until Carl wakes up and then we can be best friends." Silas handed his finished dishes to me as he talked.
I stopped Silas as he went to walk outside. "Stay inside until Maggie comes back okay? If you want you can help me clean up." I told Silas. He whined at my response and trudged back over to me. "When anything happens outside you come back in here okay? Keep yourself out of danger." I informed him.
As time went on when I finished drying off one of the dishes Silas would put it away and that continued on until I finished and then Maggie returned, only she looked more pale and ill. "You alright?" I asked the sickly-looking girl.
"I'm fine. We should head out now, Beth's in her room Silas." Silas ran off up the stairs and I followed Maggie out of the house. "You rode a horse before?"
"Once, when I was like twelve." I watched as she untied the horses from their posts and then hopped on her own. I mimicked her actions of getting up before awkwardly sitting on it.
The ride to town was short, but it felt long as I struggled to control the animal. "Ya' havin' fun?" Maggie called out from in front of me.
"Something like that," I responded. I held on tightly to the horse's reins as we slowed to a stop at the pharmacy. The pharmacy had already been raided of most of its important things, but I still packed a few extras that I thought could be useful. "What else was on that list?" I approached Maggie as she stared down at the bit of paper in confusion. She showed me what was on an individual note. "Pregnancy tests? Wow."
I walked over to the feminine hygiene sections and threw her the box of pregnancy tests before picking up some condoms. "Why are you gettin' that. You got a boyfriend out there? Is that why you were tryna' run away so soon?" Maggie questioned.
"The last thing those people need is another child, I'm sure they'll be thankful that I'm getting these," I replied as I shoved them in her bag.
I returned to looking through some more items. "Do you ever think 'bout it?" Maggie asked as she walked beside me.
"About what?"
"Sex." I paused in my place as I turned around to look at her. "I mean, don't you get lonely out there? I know I do, wouldn't it just be nice to relax and get down and dirty?"
"Never really thought about it before, with Silas and all the last thing I'm worried about is sex." I shrugged my shoulders. I went to exit the pharmacist when Maggie said something that stopped me.
“Silas isn’t here now.” I frowned at her response and turned around to see her staring at me. “It’s just us two and this place is empty.” Maggie took slow strides as she made her way over to me.
Her eyes flickered down to my lips and suddenly everything happened fast. Her lips were on mine before I could even register what was going on.
I caved into my urges and kissed the farmers daughter back. Her lips were surprisingly smooth like she had freshly used chapstick.
Her hands found their way to the back of my head as she ran her fingers through my hair. My own hands found their place on her waist as I slowly teased the skin showing. Maggie pulled away from the kids to pull her shirt up before doing the same to my own. “You are so perfect.” She mumbled as she looked me up and down.
I looked around behind us before nodding in the direction of the back of the pharmacy. “Probably shouldn’t do this out here.” I told her as I grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind me.
Maggie smirked at my words. “Ya’ that are ya’?” As we entered the room I closed the door and pressed her up against it. My lips found hers once again and then I slowly trailed down to her neck. “Not there. Don’t want daddy to find out.” She panted.
I placed my lips lower until they reached her chest where I sucked at the skin. I reached around her back and undid her bra and allowed it to fall.
With her tits on full display, my hands reached up to caress them. I leaned down and licked at her one of her hardened nipples while I fondled with the other one in my hand. My kisses then followed down her stomach until I reached the waistband of her pants. “You sure about this?” I asked.
Her hooded eyes were watching my every movement as she nodded her head. “I’m certain.” Maggie confirmed. With that being said, I helped Maggie shimmy out of her pants, her underwear coming along with them. Teasing her, I kissed her thigh close to her private area drawing out the session even longer. “You’re driven’ me crazy here.”
I took one finger and slid it though her folds, her wetness coming off and onto my finger. “You been thinking about this for a while have you?” I teased. Maggie shook her head and smiled at me.
I pushed her legs so she was stood with them apart a little before leaning forward. Spreading her folds and revealing to me her most sensitive area, my head dipped for and I flicked my tongue against her bud. The moan Maggie let out was one of surprise as she gripped onto my hair.
After hearing her reaction, I tried it once again, this time taking a longer stride as I got a taste of her wetness.
With Maggie pushing holding me close, I finally gave in to watch she wanted and lapped at her clit. Her moans were muffled as she covered he mouth with her hand, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.
I sucked on her sensitive bud and alternated between doing that and licking. I then eased a finger in her hole and slowly pushed it in further. With one hand in her vagina, I kept the other one on her stomach to hold her in place.
I hummed as she let out a louder moan when I moved my finger. The vibration from my mouth adding to Maggie’s pleasure. I slid another finger in and began to thrust them in an out.
My eyes were glued to Maggie’s face as she had her head resting against the door. One hand was still on the back of my head whilst the other was pressed into the wall, occasionally she would grip at it in the hopes of getting some leverage. She looked ethereal as she moaned. With her eyes shut tightly and her mouth left hanging open.
“Damn Sylvia, ya’ really know how to use ya’ mouth, don’t ya’?” Maggie groaned. “I’m gonna cum soon.” Her voice grew higher as she got closer and closer to that bubble bursting.
My hand thrusted faster and my tongue flicked quicker as I urged her into her release. The feeling of her clenching around my fingers and her much louder moans signaled to me that she was cumming.
The grip she had on my hair was tight as she came on my fingers. Her breathing was heavy and her chest moved up and down. I pulled my fingers out after drawing out her orgasm for as long as possible, my fingers coated in her cum.
“You’re turn now.”
The ride back to the farm was tense; after our session in the pharmacy, no words were exchanged. "So-"
"Don't spoil it." Maggie cut me off before I could get my words out.
"I wasn't gonna talk-"
"Look, it was a one-time thing, that's all." Maggie hopped off her horse and walked away, leaving me to tie the horses up to their posts on my own. I watched as she walked up to her father and strikes up a short conversation with him before marching back into the house.
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firstaidspray · 2 years
Tagged by @confidentandgood to post a WIP!!! I would do an art one too but I'm too lazy to get my tablet open and do all that. So you're stuck with Juliette meeting Ace Merrill and his gang in her Stand By Me verse. Note that this story takes place 10 yrs post-movie so Ace is 26 here. I didn't feel comfortable about writing him as 16 and also Kiefer was almost 19 in that role so I do NOT believe that Ace looks 16 and never have. So why not make him grow up and mature a bit? Just a little. He's still a bastard though.
(Also Stephen King gave him a terrible life story after Stand By Me so I own him now)
As Juliette had crossed the street, back to the side closest to the path back to her house, a convertible pulled up beside her, packed to capacity with a group of young men. They had to be around her age, 23...no, a little bit older. While there were seven in total, sitting in strange positions to fit themselves into the topless Camaro, it was only the driver that Juliette paid attention to.
She'd never claimed to believe that there was such a thing as "the most beautiful person in the world," but in that moment, it was all she could think. It was the spiky, bleach blond hair that first captured her attention, and then the eyes, an icy bluish green that felt like they were boring holes into her. His nose was cute, round at the tip and fit his face nicely. Below was a prominent cupid's bow on a pair of smirking, soft looking pink lips, between which a cigarette was resting. The lower half of his face was also dusted in short, scruffy stubble that gave him a more rugged look. 
"Umm…hi, guys," Juliette said flirtatiously, beginning her nervous habit of twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "D-do you need something from me?"
"Yeah, I'd like something from y-" began the one in the passenger seat, but he was silenced when the driver smacked him upside the head and proceeded to shut off the car, getting out and making his way over to Juliette.
When he reached her, she noticed that he wasn't as tall as she'd anticipated, but still dwarfed her 5'1 frame. Wearing a tight black t-shirt with rolled sleeves, Juliette could see his arms and chest were toned, the left bicep having a band of barbed wire tattooed around it.  Her thoughts instantly went to running her hands along those arms and his chest...
"What's your name, doll?" He asked in a gruff, alluring voice. He'd taken the cigarette from his lips and was tapping it so that ashes fell to the sidewalk between their feet. 
Juliette batted her lashes and gave a coquettish smile. "Juliette Chrysler. I'm new in town."
He smiled, this time with teeth, presenting her with a wolfish grin. "I know. It's a small town, and I'd recognize someone as pretty as you if I'd seen them before."
This made her blush, and she went from twirling her hair to chewing on one of her long, fake nails. "Wow…well what's your name?"
He took his cigarette back to his mouth and inhaled, before answering as he exhaled the smoke down in her face. "Ace. Ace Merrill. You better not forget that, Miss Juliette."
"I could never forget your name, Ace," Juliette replied, nearly out of breath because of how tight he made her chest feel, from both the smoke and attraction. The stare he was giving her felt like a vice, squeezing her painfully. 
His grin widened and he took his free hand to the side of Juliette's face, tucking the strand of hair she'd been twirling behind her ear and then cupping his hand on her cheek. As his cold eyes studied her reaction- the pink warmth on her cheeks, a pair of heart shaped lips parted slightly in awe, her long lashes fluttering nervously like a butterfly's wings- her dark brown eyes looked up at him in adoration, sparkling in the summer sunlight so that they had a tiny bit of golden shimmer. 
"You and I need to get together again sometime," Ace finally said, releasing Juliette's head from his hand. "How about tonight? I'll pick you up, and we'll head to the drive in theater. Don't bother with money, I'll pay for everything."
Juliette took a shuddering breath. "I, um, I would love that more than anything, Ace, but I just moved here, and I haven't even gotten my furniture into the house yet…I was actually looking for someone to help with that, do you know anyone?"
Ace turned to look at the other guys in his car, who had been watching the other two expectantly, then looked back to Juliette with a smirk. "We'll do it."
The six young men in the vehicle erupted in protest, but Ace turned to face them with a stern expression, those blue green eyes shooting daggers at the whole group, his teeth now grinding the cigarette between them. 
"You heard me, boys. We're gonna head over to Miss Juliette's house and help her move in, and none of you are going to complain, got it?" His voice had changed from a sultry gruff to a dangerous gruff. 
All of the others nodded in agreement, but one piped up, "I'm only doing it if we get paid!"
Juliette waved her hands. "Oh, don't worry, I'll pay you all! I'll even make you guys some lunch and get some sodas. You'll be compensated, I promise."
The one who spoke out of turn and was within inches of Ace smacking him in the face nodded. "Sounds good, miss."
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