#we're all insane herd
ssshh-im-a-secret · 5 months
Oh the things I do for my friends.
I'm home for winter break from college, and my friend requested that I go to two specific roads about an hour away from where I live because she thought they were funny.
Not only did I do that, I went into a cemetery to get her pictures of me in the cemetery, and outside another cemetery.
My friends and I have issues. I risked getting cursed for her, no wonder people think we're gay.
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actualbird · 6 months
i see a lot of headcanons about marius being the most horny one in the nxx but after luke’s birthday (and especially the end of the fortune tasks!!!) i firmly believe that LUKE is the most horny one
oh anon im so sorry but youve given me an excuse to share my headcanons on luke's horniness because
the thing about luke pearce, first and foremost, is that he is absolutely a virgin at 24 years old when we (re)meet him in canon. what, with that all that guilt? him banging? i dont think so. i dont even think he jacks off, and not in an ace way but in a "oh god im the SCUM OF THE EARTH i cannot do something so selfish as to GIVE IT A JERK" way. im 100% sure of this and my headcanon is that im 95% sure that mc's parents had at least 50% of an unintentional hand in all this because before All That In Luke's Life (traumatically) happened, luke was but a Boy who was living in their house along with their daughter who is a Girl. so like mc's parents gave her a comparably progressive The Talk as a teenager like "it's okay, youre a growing girl, sweetie, just make sure youre safe and responsible and also studies first! love you!" and meanwhile towards luke they were like "Hey Punk. We're Watching You. Don't Pull Any Funny Business......love you!" so that compounded with the guilt hes had in his soul since Forever results in a luke pearce who has a lot of issues (understatement) and also like, a mental/emotional cummies block. he COULD cum. but he thinks he DOESNT DESERVE IT. his guilt complex extends to his dick.
anyway all that said, once he does slowly get over his #guilt, he can let himself Have A Fuck. As A Treat. hes still shy/evasive about it at first but he gets over that (see: SSR Invincible For Love) and once freed from the shackles of his own shame and self loathing, he finally Fucks. and he will fuck with all the power of a man who has all but repressed bodily desires for his entire life, thus when he does fuck it is both 1) often and 2) INSANE.
god i know he fucks with the strength and stamina of a herd of bison. pent up like that for all his life? oh hes fucking hard enough to level a house.
congratulations to mc. happy birthday to luke.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 2
"Whatever I feel like doing."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Sunset Savanna]
Vil: The charter bus got a flat tire as soon as we entered the savannah, so I was preparing myself for a bumpy ride, but…
Vil: This is actually rather pleasant. Perhaps the roads aren't as bad as they look?
Kalim: Yeah. Leona said, "The roads are terrible, so hold on," earlier, but…
Kalim: It's not bumpy at all. I'm not even getting carsick.
Lilia: The last time I rode a passenger bus in Sunset Savanna it was insane.
Lilia: My body was bouncing up and down non-stop. I was bumping into the seats in front and behind me, as well as the other passengers.
Lilia: I bet the reason why this trip is so smooth is due to the driver's skill.
Lilia: Right, Leona?
Leona: Who knows. You probably just got a bad luck of the draw with that driver back then.
1. When did you get your driver's license?
Leona: Before I came to Night Raven College. Leona: Don't know how it is elsewhere, but in this country, it's not that unusual to start driving cars around that age.
2. How long have you been driving?
Leona: Guess it's been about 4 years. Leona: …What's with that anxious look? Sure, that's not that long, but I'm not a completely incompetent imbecile.
Kalim: Wow, that's amazing. You gotta study real hard to get a license, right?
Kalim: That's kinda cool… I never even though about driving myself or anything.
Kalim: I always had my own driver, so I always thought that driving was for adults!
Vil: For me, whenever I'm traveling for work, my manager would drive me around.
Vil: Right now I'm busy, so it would be difficult, but… One day when I have a bit more spare time, I plan on getting my license.
Vil: It would be lovely to find a stylish car that suits me perfectly so I can drive so gallantly.
Lilia: Mhm. It's just a different feeling to be traveling this way via car, instead of flying.
Vil: That's true. Do you not have any desire to get a driver's license, Lilia?
Lilia: Welllll… So, I feel like I had already gotten one a while back, but maybe I didn't…
Lilia: And even if I had gotten a license, I wouldn't even be sure when or where I would have gotten it.
Kalim: Ahaha! Is it that hard to remember? Man, Lilia, you're so forgetful sometimes~
Lilia: Well, I'm sure it'd be way past expiration anyway!
Kalim: Hey. Leona, where do you like to take your car?
Kalim: Sunset Savanna's such an awesome place. If you got a favorite spot to hang out, I wanna know.
Lilia: Oho, I'd be interested too. Are there any hideaways that only someone who lives here would know?
Leona: Aren't we heading to the best little hideaway right now?
Leona: We're on our way to the special section of the Elephant Legacy that only the royal family can enter.
Lilia: Hm… Well, okay. You definitely didn't answer either Kalim's or my questions, though.
Lilia: It's not like you go to the Elephant Legacy often, right?
Leona: Unfortunately for you, I don't really have an answer that'll satisfy anyone.
Leona: I don't get in a car to go anywhere in particular, I just drive to drive.
Vil: Hmm, so you just like the drive itself.
Leona: Eh, it helps clear my mood sometimes.
Leona: There's not much land that the people inhabit on this country.
Leona: Once you leave the capital, it's mostly grassland as far as the eye can see.
Leona: There's no annoying traffic signals or signs, let alone any decent roads.
Leona: So I don't need to pick a destination, just head in a direction and drive forever, whatever I feel like doing.
Leona: On that one point, this place is actually a pretty good fit. I also don't need to be thinking of any unnecessary things while driving, so.
Leona: …But today, I got all this extra baggage with me, so that's a mood killer.
Kalim: Baggage? Oh, did you bring some stuff along with us?
Lilia: Oooh, Kalim. I see a herd of animals over there.
Kalim: You're right! They got their kids too. Sooo cute. Hey, did I just see the bush over there move…?
Lilia: Looks like a carnivore is preying on those herbivores. If we keep watching, we might be able to see it hunt.
[Kalim and Lilia start chattering away]
Vil: It seems Kalim and Lilia's attention have been drawn away by the savannah animals.
Leona: Good for them.
Leona: …Anyway, [Yuu], that furball's been real quiet.
Leona: He's always so annoying, what's gotten into him?
1. Looks like he fell asleep without me realizing… 2. He's sleeping belly-up.
Leona: Is that so. Let him keep sleeping, then. It's be a pain if it got even rowdier here.
Leona: Geez… I like driving alone.
Leona: Who woulda thought there'd come a time I'd be driving this many people in my car.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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nedermemes · 10 months
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this type of stuff is why i don't understand why people want to lie SO badly to others that healthcare is amazing and free and accessible in the Netherlands.
the only thing you can get easily is Covid (and other illnesses) because nothing is done to prevent the spreading. do you know how bad it is when i still feel jealous irt certain topics to US healthcare? that's insane.
there is no Paxlovid available in the Netherlands. there have never been proper mask mandates, besides in public transport in the past. likely very few people will be allowed to get vaccination boosters. there are no testing sites. we were encouraged to mass (re-)infect each other for ""herd immunity"". there is nothing widely being done with CO2 filtration.
we might have one (1) Long Covid clinic next year. in Germany they have over 70 and those already have huge waiting lists. no money goes to biomedic research, only to CBT research and psychosomatic research questionnaires, which is proven to only further harm people with chronic fatigue and pain.
medical staff has only asked me in the past to take my masks OFF and they and disabled loved ones get extremely agitated when i wear one or try to mention that being infected is not a good thing. i tell them that stats from CBS show that at least 900k people in the Netherlands have Long Covid and they just don't care at all. people talk about their elderly parents having died like a good thing, because now they don't have to be a caretaker at home anymore (which you have to be as less and less care is provided by the government and hospitals). everyone talks for YEARS about the pandemic in past tense and meanwhile admits that entire departments at work and half the teachers at schools are always gone due to being sick and exhausted etc etc.
but it's my word against the disinformation of the Dutch government, eugenics-loving healthcare 'experts', and news sources that uncritically spread these lies. i'm fucking tired and i'm scared and being gaslit. we're all supposed to believe it's insane to be scared or care about the health of yourself or others. and there's almost nowhere to turn to if you get Long Covid.
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megpricephotography · 6 months
So I'm thinking about a dog in 2024 and I am absolutely in love with border collies.. I know thier energy is insane.. This is my question, do you walk everyday, of course you do, how far do you walk? What would I be in for? Do they bark often? I also enjoy black Labradors.. Your blog is quite amazing.. 🙏🐕
That’s wonderful you might be getting a dog next year! Whichever breed you decide on, I hope you find yourself a fantastic companion & enjoy many happy years of adventures together :) Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoy my blog!
I’ll answer your 2nd question 1st: barking. Yes!! Some are louder than others... but most border collies like the sound of their own voice. They'll likely be more vocal than a labrador!
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Now... exercising. Border collies are energetic. They need to run regularly & are always eager for a walk! Like most breeds, BCs are happiest (& easiest to live with!) when they're able to combine using their brains, with getting physical excise.
Many pet dogs, even "high energy" breeds, are able to fulfil a lot of their need for mental/physical exercise by going on regular walks... Walks where the dog is most left to its own devices but has the opportunity to run & fully engage its senses, exploring & interacting with the environment. If the owner wants to get more involved & play with the dog too, then great! However, if the owner is tired after a stressful day, then they can mostly mentally switch-off & relax in nature, while their pet has fun & tires itself out!
Unfortunately (& I think it's part of why they have a rep for making hyper/crazy pets), border collies are often pretty terrible at exercising themselves on this sort of walk - where they have to occupy themselves independently!
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BCs want owner participation!! They want YOU mentally switched-on & involved in their activities - exploring the wider world is only as interesting as you make it! If they aren't kept busy herding livestock for you, or doing sports like agility, then a BC needs you to come up with other forms of entertainment/exercise, which you can do together. It doesn't need to be complicated, or involve you doing lots of hard physical exertion - but keeping a pet BC well-exercised & contented will take some mental effort, on your part.
They'll often benefit far more from a slightly shorter outing, where your focus is on them & making a real effort to engage & interact - rather than a much longer walk, where you're present but disengaged & expecting the dog to exercise itself.
For some people, the prospect of a pet who demands lots of engagement & interaction, could be more work than an active dog who "just" needs regular long hikes! However, if you like the idea of having a HIGHLY interactive dog - who thrives on doing stuff with you, then BCs can make wonderful, engaging, fun companions.
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This got way too long... below are examples of how I keep Flynn "busy" & help him burn off mental/physical energy outdoors! My health isn't very good - I can't go very far & never go fast but Flynn doesn't mind... as long as we're interacting.
All pics below were taken a couple of days ago, in 2 adjacent fields.
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Left to occupy himself, Flynn could spend hours out in these wide-open spaces & he'd still be bouncy/bored later. Not because he's insanely energetic - no, the daft dog simply wouldn’t DO anything tiring! If I ignore Flynn, he accepts it & potters along the path... & that’s the problem! He's an athletic, intense dog & he just potters! He's happy but barely using up any energy!! If I want Flynn tired, I have to give him reasons to use his body & - more importantly - his mind!
I take the part of shepherd & sheep & get Flynn herding me across the fields. We play hide-&-seek in the woods. He does tricks & balances on things. I take photos as it's another chance to interact. We might play search games too - I make him wait, go hide a toy/treats, then send him out to find them.  
A "game"(?) that's developed over time, is that Flynn loves to find & show me interesting stuff in the environment. Stuff he will not play with alone, but massively enjoys if I join in: piles of leaves, mole hills, tree stumps, good ground for digging! The more animated I am in reacting, the more enthused Flynn gets & the more he’ll exercise - racing way ahead to find the next fun thing & the next! He enjoys it if I show him stuff too!
Anyway, here he is in the 1st field, lying motionless but focused, as he waited for me to arrive & investigate the puddle he’d "discovered". It IS an excellent puddle.
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Here he is, extremely excited at the prospect of supervising me stepping into the puddle & making a splash: 
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Flynn's holding a nasty soggy chunk of grass because this was such a thrilling moment, he felt he needed to have something to bite on, or he might be tempted to nip my boot!!
Here he is in the 2nd field, intent on stalking closer, because I’d crouched down & just me doing that is EXCITING: 
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I crouched to look for fossils. Didn’t spot any, so I grabbed random pebbles. Flynn finds it genuinely fascinating to watch me choose, pick up, examine & toss small rocks away… He'll eagerly "help" me do this, for as long as I'll let him. He darts after each stone, as I chuck it away, then quickly rush back to watch me choose another. Here he is, concentrating very hard indeed, on a vital Pebble Examination:  
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Despite not going far, Flynn was mentally (& physically) tired out by the time we got home! Clearly, he'd done important work: herding, hiding, puddle-finding & pebble-inspecting ;-) Once Flynn's exercised, he'll happily sleep for hours on end.
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pesky-waffle-bird · 2 years
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listen grian, nobody touches my bush. youre done
it all started when grian touched my redstone. he played himself li-li-like a xylophone set on automatic. Doc Monster is a savage, with technical skill and crazy vocal acrobatics. im a legend of the NHO with Etho, Beef, and Double 0. Doc MC is coming for you sevenfold. we got Rendog and other firemen to douse the flames that you shoot at this leviathan, Iskall can try again
you think im in hiding, im just biding my time. putting pen to paper, coming up with rhymes. we're the Star-studded group who got together just to crush you, once we start something you know we're gonna see it through. im the knight, the soldier who brings the fight at first light. yall had to incite, so now i gotta indict: youre guilty of getting murdered with words. yall are outgunned, go home nerds (woohoo!)
hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang
if you think you can stop the symmetry, thats false. G-Team is dialing for help, but im ignoring their calls, and when their bodies dissolve youll know that False is on a killing spree. try to stop my pvp and perish painfully. im the queen of hearts, heads, and body parts. your diamond armour cant compare to my martial arts. i'll send a poison dart to make you breathe your final breath. G-Team's name will be the only thing left
caffinated, animated, redstone innovator.my behavior's crazy, cant phase me, Impulse is never lazy. Tango, why would you betray me, now my scope is aiming. better run for from cover from all the ghast balls that i be taming. without a sound, without no hesitation, my creations are amazing. better watch your step or the G-Team will end up blazing. who's the better team? there is no controversy. but before its said and done you'll be begging us for mercy
hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang
oh, X gon' give it to ya, im gon' give it to ya, X gon' give it to ya, whaaat. lyrical boxing, dropping blows on all my foes. and the G-Team, theyre looking unclean, needing some sunscreen. burnt by words to hurt this herd of nerds, its insane how my rhymes got them injured. danger, danger! i got lasers to cut em up like razers. its flexin' season and I got flavour. their weak defenses like trenches and fences that these dense heads are presenting
theyre presenting them alright. theyre not very good. i could- i could walk over that, i could- i could jump over that. i could use an ender pearl, could use my elytra. c'mon G-Team, geez
yknow i don't know what to say, um let me- let me think
hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang
now im back, got some things i wanna say. (yeah!) whats the letter that starts the alphabet? (Ay!) ladies get in line, the Diggity be on the way. Cleo dont know who she freakin' with. all the signs say to notify her next of kin, this Diggity-Dog be dropping bombs, nothing but hits. spit that rhyme again cause the message is: i can mumble rap and still be the best there is
hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang, hermit gang
oh you- you wanted me to do a verse? id have to check with G-Team- i mean, uh, id have to- i'll have to check with my schedule and see if i can... see if im able to that sort of thing, you know? 'm a busy guy. do have to do a verse? oh, oh. you know? oh, oh. bananas. oh, oh. you know? oh, oh. bananas. do i have to do a verse? oh, oh, oh. bananas. oh, oh, oh. bananas. oh, oh, oh. bananas. oh, oh, oh. bananas. ugh, i just- i just dont know if its a good idea for me to be part of this song...
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zilabee · 1 year
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- OH GOD Paul surrounded by adoring men at the piano. The shiny love of it. I watched it five times, putting off everything that comes after. Paul Bond is glowing out of his fucking skin, and how is he even meant to cope with Paul McCartney looking at him, and telling him things and his hands and his hair. Fuck. Is this the bit that made David Hepworth wax lyrical about Paul's hair? I feel like it is, because I feel like all men watched this bit and wriggled helplessly the way Glyn Johns does when Paul plays and sings right at him, forcing him out of his moodiness and into love. Fucking hell Paul. It is insane that nobody is screaming at him. When Ringo said he would just watch an hour of Paul playing the piano... honestly 12 hours straight.
- When Paul Bond smiles and nods and looks genuinely like he is going to f l o a t away, and he says 'Yeah, sure', but his voice means ''oh god look at you, I love you, anything you say is fine, please don't notice that I'm hard".
- Glyn Johns not at all sure he can manage another day of sitting about with angsty Beatles. I bet he's been sobbing to George Martin overnight, begging not to go.
- The great thing about a piano is there it all is, there's all the music ever, that's it, you know?
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Tiny Kevin!
- Paul deciding they should write a script and make a film, and I know he's just filling time, but oh god inside his head must be a ride. "We're in a band who peddle drugs." I love that Ringo is going to be the kindly schoolteacher who inspires Glyn to lead a better life.
- Ringo wants to do a silent film sped up. We could have had a benny hill beatle chase through twickenham, everyone running from MLH who's trying to herd them onto a plane for africa.
- It's the first thing you ever said to me. At Chiswick Park, years ago, we did something. You said what kind of a tree is that, and I said it's a Yew, and you said no it's not, it's a Me.
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- And then another fabrication of a conversation, cut into the wrong times, with all the wrong rhythm, and unreliable reactions. But even without that it's an awful dragging thing, too forced and tired, suffocating them, pulling them down even while they try to make fun.
- Peter Sellers shows up and then quickly shows himself out, because he doesn't want to be part of whatever weird thing it is.
John: We'll hold some sanctions against George. Very tightly. Paul: Wheat- John: Yes Paul: And coal. John: Wheat and coal. Bread loaves. Meat. Biscuits. Cardboard cutouts.
- How beautiful if they'd just gone to a quiet surreal war with him. MLH wouldn't have had the necessary imagination to turn it into a lovely odd little film, but maybe Denis O'Dell might have called someone.
- Honestly I just find the whole conversation hard to look at and I don't want to think about it. I know lots of it is joking around, some of it should be just fine, but there's no life in it. It's exhausted. It's physically painful watching Paul having to be still and surrounded by people who are sick from drugs and drink and stagnation. I don't know how he wasn't tearing his face off. They need to open all the windows and drink a lot of water.
(If I'm overreacting here it's because I find it so hard to be near people who are in that space, all muted and stagnant. I can't deal with it at all. It makes me claustrophobic in my own skin. I can feel it wrapping around my brain, pulling me down. Somehow John's constant chatter and joking makes it worse not better.)
Paul: To wander aimlessly is very unswinging. Unhip. John: When I touch you, I feel happy inside. I can’t hide, I can’t hide... Ask me why, I’ll say I love you. Paul: What we need is a schedule. John: A garden shed-ule.
- LSKDJfoijweojsdflsdf. Everything about how they talk to each other. SHWSdjfjkwjefuisjdfsdf. No words. (I mean, it's not like Paul wouldn't love a garden shed! Almost as good for him as a schedule probably. They could just get a little one and put it in the corner for him.)
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- John stroking his hair when he's talking about how he's late because he stayed up getting stoned and high and watching films. He's so soft with his words about it being wrong to get in late, and it's awful because it's meaningless and they both know it.
- So much of John being kind and tender with Paul through Get Back is meaningless and they both know it, and that itself is this soft close thing between them.
- And then eventually getting up, taking his coat, and having to pull Paul towards the music. "I'll even sing you half a song I was writing, come on." Luring Paul to work with the promise of a new song, like holding out a treat to the dog. It's a lovely softness. I think in real life it comes sooner after Paul's 'we can't carry on like this', as though John does notice then that he's half killing him by being blurred and not quite there, and pulls himself up.
Well there's a madman a-coming, gonna do you no harm, he's wearing pink pyjamas and he lives on a farm, he's gonna get you, got to get to somewhere to be alone [...] Fifteen raw potatoes standing all in a row, don't you try to count them, you just got it to go, you've got to get somewhere to be so glad to be on your own, and nowhere to go, nowhere to go, because you're going alone, nowhere to go because you're feeling alone, feeling alone, go home...
- Is it the little rock and roller he was hoping to write on Sunday? It's about feeling alone and having nowhere to go which is fine. Paul sits turned away from John and curled deep in his music which is also fine. Everything's fine. So that's good.
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rozieramati · 3 months
i think i've discovered the meaning of life
i have an affinity towards crows. it runs very deeply in the lore of my contract with the universe (ketu is rampant in my chart.) there's a herd of crows that: wake me up in the morning, leave feathers (from other birds) in the screen of my door, are always on the part of the roof that's above my bedroom, etc. one time i caught them organizing things they found in a straight line. it feels so strange, especially because it always happens when there's a huge change in my life. intuitively it feels like protection of some sort. i don't know. i usually divert from sharing stuff like this on the internet for fear of literally sounding insane. there's just this whole mystical side of existing that i really don't have a choice in ignoring. elephants in asia are burying their young at a specific gravesite and i'm supposed to wistfully let that go? there's rituals and lives and thoughts and emotions all around us. within a phone screen and beyond the screen view, in the walls of your room. there's emotions in the air when dust particles strike your nose to make you sneeze and get the fuck up. there's emotions in the first person you talk to, if you decide to get out of bed that day. there's emotions in the atmosphere of your neighbor's house, who may or may not notice you slamming the gate on your way to the coffee shop every morning. there's emotions in the barista who asks if you want the green tea or the latte, as they anxiously hover their hand over the ipad that holds your answer in its system. the emotions, the atmosphere, the divine, it slaps me in the face everyday whether i like it or not. that's why i make music, it feels like one of the most widely accepted forms of divinity in our current world. creation in itself is magic. every fabric of our being is working within a framework particularly built for us to toy with, to alchemize and create from. i hope they ban tik tok. it's not a place for creativity anymore. it's ruining everything it means to be human. what is everything it means to be human? creation.
humans create simply by existing. the seat you sit in on the bus creates the instant that someone sees you taking up that space and decides to sit next to you, across from you, or to stand instead. humans create when they breathe and one germ coalesces with another. then it runs through the body of someone strong, but not strong enough to be woken up without a sore throat. then that sore throat takes itself to a doctor. then it goes to the pharmacy and runs into a person they don't know yet, but will not be able to live without within the next couple of months. sore throats, bus seats, doctors, and pharmaceutical soul mates, all of which were created by us. the sore throat was created by some doctor or linguist, i'd presume. why does love always come when we're inconveniently stricken with illness? why are subway chairs that slippery muddy orange color? why why why. it's because we created it, it's because we are human and even more so, we are animal, we are mud, we are lily petal, oxygen, and feather in the screen door, a hand with lines on its palm braided between the fates and free will. the crows have something to say and create, just as much as we do. that is the meaning of life. from the creation in which we are born, we must continually give back by creating ourselves and others.
sometimes i forget where the beauty lies. i'll re-read this to remember.
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tma-entity-song-poll · 4 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B2R2: The Corruption
Thermodynamic Lawyer:
““Disease is her primary language” - every line of this is filled with rot and disease and bugs and it’s 100% corruption.”
WORMS (In My Brain):
“worms as metaphor for depression,,,,“isn’t it crazy what squirms inside,,,,” its all very “you can’t escape these fucking worms,,,,,” Also it goes fucking HARD as HELL”
Lyrics below the line!
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D:
(I hold myself in contempt) Tearing the hair off a black baboon's skull Here's a bitch with some four-thousand names Vomiting lies through her theremin throat As some businessmen pick at her brains Pulls back skinny lips to reveal a proboscis Seems Seth Brindle's at it again Tears pages from spines as she judges the cover And shamelessly spoils the end Blood vessels drying and curling inside are Unfurling from out of her wrists Well, she wrings out a snake and collects all its poison Intending to learn it to hiss Foams at the mouth with a head full of acid And giving some poor illness the blame Knocking the pieces the fuck off the chessboard Insisting that she's won the game So all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear she could not break my heart She could not break my heart, oh lord Makes up excuses for throbbing black bruises And uses them to her advantage Never came down from her last trip, oh Jesus Disease is her primary language Garbled and gruesome, her words so absurd Like a herd of transmissions from Apollo 13 No apology, I request misery So no rest 'til I've twisted her chest round my knee So squeal like a trolley wheel, cry like a baby With autism strapped to a ceiling fan Soil your visage with mucus and twisting of features unable to stand Buckle your knees looking up at me And beg me to spare thee the back of my hand For the sake of humanity, die of your blight We're blessed, you're barren as Mojave sands So all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear she could not break my heart, whoa Now all that I see absolute entropy As the chemical bonds fall apart Well, it seems she broke me But I swear, she can go fucking die (kill yourself) You can go fucking die (kill yourself) Go fucking die (kill yourself) Kill yourself and go die
WORMS (In My Brain):
All kinds of funny And I'm so lazy Try and hang around and it'll drive you crazy And isn't it bad? (Oh-oh-oh) That I'm just distracted but I'm still sad (oh-oh-oh) Can't believe that this is where I'm at Isn't it crazy that I'm still sad Despite the love and all the care and the friends I have? Isn't it crazy that I'm still sad? (There's so much space) Isn't it crazy what squirms inside? These motherfuckers get stronger with pesticide Isn't it crazy what squirms inside? I think it's driving me insane The worms in my brain I changed my address I changed my own name Can't get away Get away The source of my pain The worms in my brain If I dig them out I'd dig my own grave Can't get away Get away from them I said to the doctor "Take a look at my head" 'Cause it's been ten long years since it's even been checked He told me "Come over here" Took a look in my ear and said "Fuck" (What the fuck is happening?) You've got worms in your brain They drive you insane You changed your address You changed your own name Can't get away Get away The source of your pain The worms in your brain If you dig them out You'd dig your own grave Can't get away Get away from them I got worms I got worms I got worms Inside my head I got worms I got worms I got worms Inside my head It's really okay, y'know Like, I've always wanted a pet And it's actually kinda cute when they feed off my flesh Like, sure, they were like kinda hard to deal with at first But I kinda got used to the way that it hurts And I really think you're overreacting And it's kinda distracting Like I know it sounds bad But, like, why are you looking at me like that? Oh, hold on two secs There's one crawling out of my ear right now Fuck these worms I think it's driving me insane (Woah-oh) The worms in my brain (Woah-oh) I changed my address I changed my own name Can't get away Get away The source of my pain (Woah-oh) The worms in my brain (Woah-oh) If I dig them out I'd dig my own grave Can't get away Get away from them I got worms I got worms I got worms Inside my head I got worms I got worms I got worms Inside my head I got worms I got worms I got worms Inside my head I got worms I got worms I got worms Inside my head Ooh That one, that one
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the-masked-reviewer · 5 months
The Super Mario Bro. Movie (2023) Review
Potential spoilers ahead...
This movie brought in the various Mario games really well. Some notable references include Luigi's Haunted Mansion while Luigi is in the dark lands, the jungle being all karts, the hat from Odyssey, and the barrels from DK. The fight scene between Mario and DK shows various other gorillas in the background, the rainbow road, and the star power in the final fight as well. There could've been more Yoshi, in my opinion, only showing a Yoshi herd and an egg in the background wasn't nearly enough. They also included aspects of players interacting with the world; such as players driving off rainbow road to gain an advantage, and learning to play the game the same way Mario learns on the practice course Peach shows him.
The animation feels like a combination of video game animation and cinematic animation. The movie's writing does an excellent job of committing to the bit; with the plumbing bit, Bowser's love for Peach, Mario being short, and Luigi being a coward are great examples. On the note of Luigi being a coward, it is clearly only there to make the dark lands/haunted mansion sequence make narrative sense.
The budget for the music in this movie is absolutely crazy and the amount of popular well-known songs on the soundtrack is insane (they could have used some of that money for…actual actors but we're not talking about that yet). During the big party at Bowser's, you can see his kids in the band, so respect the musical talents of the large ass turtles. The song "Peaches" is just as good is I had been lead to believe, and its honestly better than it should be considering what it actually is (Thank you Jack Black, you are a God).
The actual story of the movie was very interesting and manages to appeal to fans of all the different styles of Mario games. The best character in the whole movie is easily the blue star in Bowser's prison, hands down. The ending is clearly setting up for more movies and yet another franchise movie giant.
To top it all off, there's the issue with the casting and vocal performances. They should have just hired actual voice actors, not just actors who had names studio executives felt were big enough to gain attention. Jack Black, however, was fucking amazing. For starters, he did actually have voice acting experience, and Jack Black committed to the bit and was able to be thoroughly convincing in sounding like Bowser. Jack Black was easily the best VO performance in the entire movie, and if he wasn't in it, I'm not sure I'd've been able to finish the movie. Both Chris Pratt and Seth Rogan obviously didn't get the memo about committing to the bit. The beginning of the movie shows us Pratt doing the voice and the accent, but they come up with an excuse to get him to Not commit to the bit and instead he just talks like himself for the rest of the film. Pratt should've committed or just not done it at all. On top of that, you have Rogan saying in an interview that he told the casting department before they got him on board that "if I do it, I'm doing it as me" and after they heard that, they should have just walked away and found someone who would actually play Donkey Kong in way way that would wake the final product what it deserved to be.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Silver Blaze pt 2
We venture further into the web of intrigue, murder and horse theft.
I have decided that the funniest end to this story is if Silver Blaze is just never seen again. Like the horse just ran off onto the moors and is now living in sin with a herd of Dartmoor ponies and frolicking all the livelong day.
Although it would be funny, but tragic, if Silver Blaze ends up being killed offpage in a random shipwreck. I don't want that to happen, but there would be a certain black humour to events.
In every other direction the low curves of the moor, bronze-colored from the fading ferns, stretched away to the sky-line, broken only by the steeples of Tavistock, and by a cluster of houses away to the westward which marked the Mapleton stables.
Watson was secretly being paid by the Devon Marketing Board because this makes me want to go to Dartmoor. Go to Devon, have a nice cream tea, see some Dartmoor ponies, experience the terrifying and exhilarating awe of witnessing untamed nature? God I need a holiday.
And a cream tea.
But mostly a holiday.
I didn't realise the other stables were so close you could literally see them from the main house, though.
“I think that I should prefer to stay here a little and go into one or two questions of detail. Straker was brought back here, I presume?” “Yes; he lies upstairs. The inquest is to-morrow.”
Just got the body of a murdered man upstairs, nbd.
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I know they have nowhere else to put him, but damn that's unsanitary. Don't keep him upstairs, at least keep him somewhere cold and not part of the main house. Although I suppose you could be keeping him in the pantry, so we're all grateful you're not.
“I presume that you made an inventory of what he had in this pockets at the time of his death, Inspector?”
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Also, the American spelling of aluminium... like we had the American spelling of grey a week or so ago. That always throws me out a bit, but I acknowledge that that is probably because it is literally my job to localise things from US to UK English and vice versa, so I am trained to notice them.
"This other is a milliner's account for thirty-seven pounds fifteen made out by Madame Lesurier, of Bond Street, to William Derbyshire."
Back to the trusty inflation calculator, thank you Bank of England website, that's more than £3,500 in today's money. And while Holmes says 'a single costume' as far as I'm aware, milliners were hat makers, not full on tailors, although maybe they did both. 3.5 grand for a hat is... insane amounts of money. Could this be a secret payment for a horse? Or for stealing a horse? Money laundering?
“Dear me! Why, I could have sworn to it. You wore a costume of dove-colored silk with ostrich-feather trimming.” “I never had such a dress, sir,” answered the lady.
Guessing that's the £3.5K dress, then. Ostrich feathers are pricey.
So... so... what if the guy had the cataract knife in his pocket, which was super sharp, right, and the cork fell off the blade, right... and it cut his leg as he was walking? and in the confusion the horse stomped him to death with its hooves. And then Silver Blaze ran off into the night, met a nice Dartmoor pony, settled down, fathered a few foals, and lived happily to the end of his days.
“In this bag I have one of the boots which Straker wore, one of Fitzroy Simpson's shoes, and a cast horseshoe of Silver Blaze.” “My dear Inspector, you surpass yourself!”
Another competent police officer! Will wonders never cease? Although the last one did arrest the wrong man deliberately and have racist articles published in order to lure out the true suspect.
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The horse is a very gregarious creature. If left to himself his instincts would have been either to return to King's Pyland or go over to Mapleton.
Or... or... or... to the Dartmoor ponies. Freedom! Pony friends. Thundering across the moors together.
"It was Holmes who saw them first, and he stood pointing with a look of triumph upon his face. A man's track was visible beside the horse's."
OK, working theory, which I absolutely cannot remember if I'm right or not. Straker steals the horse because he has debts/an expensive mistress (£3.5k for a dress yikes), but as stated before, the cork comes off the knife, he cuts open his thigh and panics. Man panicking makes horse panic, because horses are scaredy cats. But they are heavy scaredy cats with hooves. Silver Blaze unintentionally kills his own kidnapper and runs off into the night. Then one of the grooms from the other stable sees him says 'ooh, free horse' and leads him back to the stable.
The double track turned sharp off and took the direction of King's Pyland. Holmes whistled, and we both followed along after it. His eyes were on the trail, but I happened to look a little to one side, and saw to my surprise the same tracks coming back again in the opposite direction.
So they were going to return him... then they decided not to?
“I've no time to talk to every gadabout. We want no stranger here. Be off, or you may find a dog at your heels.” Holmes leaned forward and whispered something in the trainer's ear. He started violently and flushed to the temples.
Not a horse whisperer, but a horse-trainer whisperer.
Silas Brown seems like a pleasant fellow, doesn't he? Love it when people threaten to set dogs on me just for stopping to have a chat.
“Oh, and old horse-faker like him has many a dodge.”
I do know how the horse has been hidden. That is like the one thing I remember. I think Enid Blyton used the same trick in one of her stories at one point. Either that or she just wrote another story about a stolen horse and I smashed them together in my mind.
"That is the advantage of being unofficial. I don't know whether you observed it, Watson, but the Colonel's manner has been just a trifle cavalier to me. I am inclined now to have a little amusement at his expense. Say nothing to him about the horse."
Colonels, you can't trust them. I'm trying to remember a single colonel in these stories who has been a good guy and I'm struggling. Even the one who died was a traitor. Colonels should not be trusted.
We had only been a few hours in Devonshire, and that he should give up an investigation which he had begun so brilliantly was quite incomprehensible to me.
Yeah, my dudes, stop for lunch. Find a nice little country pub or cafe somewhere. Have a tea, have a scone. Please allow me to vicariously live through you.
The Inspector opened his eyes, and the Colonel's lip curled in a sneer. “So you despair of arresting the murderer of poor Straker,” said he.
Colonels are terrible. This is clearly the hidden message of these stories.
Wouldn't put it past him to be race fixing and have bet against his own horse, then arranged for Straker to get Silver Blaze out of the way for a little while so he can rake in the dough.
But maybe he's just a horrible person. That's also possible. Not all horrible people are criminals. We must remember this.
Until next time. We've solved where the horse is (which is the bit I already sort of knew. I knew it was in a stable and I knew how it was being hidden), next step the mastermind behind the failed theft.
I really think that Straker might have accidentally sliced open his own artery and caused all the problems. This is why you don't keep knives in your pocket. Bad idea. Lots of arteries and veins right there.
Alas, Silver Blaze did not choose to roam the moors with a herd of wild ponies. Still kind of wish he had, though.
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hee-blee-art · 5 months
are there any specific ocs your rotating in your brain rn that you wanna talk about ✨👀
yes! always :)
recently I've been thinking a lot about my toyhouse corners guys as I continue working on their comic, especially basil, alfred, foster, and mac :) coincidentally (or not so) they're the four of the cast who do the most yearning and pining and of course I'm very normal about all that (that's a lie they all make me insane). I can't wait to reveal more about them, I could (and will) talk about them for ages (any questions always welcome, I'll try not to spoil anything too big). particularly I've been thinking about basil's past, his complex troubles with getting close to people, and his relationship to whisk, a troubled kitten who he sees a lot of his younger self in and may or may not be fixated on trying to help because he wishes he could somehow reach though time and help himself when he was a kitten in a similar position to her. all in all I am very excited to keep putting those guys in situations (there will be a candyland, a creepy safety village-esque town, and a mirage-like travelling megastore called appleworld in their future).
I've also been thinking (as I often do) about my tragic fantasy gays, sebastian & konstantine. I've been busy enriching their world with lore and planning out their story so I can start (yet another) draft for the first book of the grey circle, and with that comes a lot of thinking about those two, the haunted prince & his begrudgingly valiant knight who knows him better than anyone and yet cannot know him fully because of his unfathomable secret... oh, there's just something so intimate about being doomed by the narrative and bound together, done part by none, not even death <3 they're very enemies to lovers in a "we're on the same side but I can't stand you but I also can't stand to be without you and if anyone messes with you I'll kill them" way, which I can't get enough of myself.
also! the grey circle has lots of characters I haven't posted about nearly as much but are so dear to me and that I oft rotate in my brain, like ilèan & cainiph, who are a very skilled fairy princess with truly profound mommy issues and cain-and-abel vibes with her sister & an adrenaline junkie bounty hunter who is a bit of a hothead and accidently becomes a werewolf :) another mismatched pair that end up needing each other as much as air. and of course, gren & bain, the little mousy halfling-type creatures who are inseparable best friends in love beyond words, a sly bartender & a leisure-loving bard respectively, both incredibly curious and brave beyond credit, setting out to right a wrong and solve an old family mystery. I think about the grey circle very often, it's one of my favourite little worlds to visit in my head & I can't wait until I have something written that allows others to visit as well :)
the last herd of ocs I've been preoccupied with lately are my room & board cast, the characters for a comic idea I have about silly and bizarre sci-fi/fantasy comic about alternate-dimension-faring roommates travelling in a house-turned-spaceship in search of a (the?) holy grail. they're all old ocs of mine (6+ years I think) that I've rebooted a few different times, and returning to them after some years off feels like reconnecting with old friends as cheesy as that sounds. I genuinely missed them, and I'm excited to be messing about with a story for them again, even if it's just for fun. I've especially been thinking about the main(est) character, martin, and how her journey with transness fits into their larger existential and relentlessly silly adventures.
thnks for offering the stage to talk about my ocs! I love talking about them but I'm not always sure anyone wants to hear, but perhaps it's time I curb that mindset and just start putting more out there because it's fun for me :) also! if anyone reads all this, first of all thnk you for indulging me, and second I am genuinely always open to hearing about other people's ocs, whether through ask or dm or whatever! I know it can be intimidating to just reach out of the blue but I really do love talking about people's characters / stories / creations and I am always open to it. maybe I ought to make some more dedicated venue for that sort of thing but yeah casual oc chat is always an option! I hope anyone who sees this has a wonderful day / night :)
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jessaerys · 1 year
we're almost done watching death note and can i just say. very sexy of mello to kill all of near's associates to spite him and very sexy of near to immediately volunteer to murder-suicide them completely unprovoked. and when they have that little chat they completely gloss over how insane they are about each other. yes yes the photo of mello near has kept in his pocket for years we've all herd about it
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missmaybe-not · 23 days
Dating Apps: Swiping Insanity Before the Fun
Hey Maybe Nots and Maybe Yeses! Welcome back to the wild world of online dating, where the journey to finding "the one" is often a hilarious, frustrating, and sometimes disconcerting adventure. 
Today, we're taking a break from date mishaps and diving headfirst into the messy jungle of online profiles before the actual dates even happen.
Let's be honest, dating apps are like catalogues – a never-ending parade of faces and bios with a healthy dose of "buyer beware." 
You craft your profile – a carefully curated selection of your best angles (the ones with your best features and that make you look flawless even though we all know that we're hiding that wrinkle or piece of fat that insists on popping up on our clothes no matter what) and hobbies. Some apps will also have fancy personality tests (a definite plus in my book!), and bam! You're ready to unleash yourself on the dating pool... or should I say, the dating swamp?
Because let me tell you, you'll find everything and anything in this virtual melange. Exes from your high school days resurfacing with questionable selfies? Check. Married people testing the waters? Definitely check. Then there are the profile ghosts – those elusive beings with zero photos or bios relying solely on the power of… faith? Look, I get it. Married folks might not want their significant others to stumble upon their profiles (maybe avoid being there all together and set things straight at home). But seriously, how do all the others expect to attract matches based solely on blind trust in the online dating gods?
Alright, let's move on to the profile pic enthusiasts (the ones who actually include pictures of themselves, bless their hearts!). Girls, we're notorious for mastering the art of the flattering filters (not that I used them, because I actually avoid filters!). But guys? It's a different story. Sometimes, it feels like they take selfies with a potato in dim lighting. Pro tip, fellas: take some time, experiment with angles, and trust me, the natural look is always a win. Nobody's perfect, but let's aim for "approachable" rather than "make-me-run-screaming."
So, you've swiped right (or left, depending on your fancy), and the magical match appears. Now comes the real gamble: who breaks the ice first? More often than not, the pressure lands on you, lovely ladies. And guess what? If you don't take the initiative, Mr. Match might ghost you faster than a free donut at a police station. Some other times the conversations fizzle out faster than a damp firework, leaving you wondering if you even sparked anything at all. But fear not, love warriors! Every now and then, a diamond in the rough emerges. Someone who can banter, hold a conversation that goes beyond basic small talk, and actually makes you laugh. Then comes the date-planning hurdle – aligning schedules, finding the perfect spot… it's like trying to herd a bunch of cats (have you tried doing that? Yeah.). When the stars finally align and you get to meet, a lot can happen (I mean, have you read my past blog entries?). 
Speaking of possibilities and complications, a potential new connection is simmering on the back burner, with an added twist – a different country is involved! Will this lead to a hilarious first date mishap or a blossoming romance across borders? Stay tuned in a week or two to find out!
So, onto those burning questions: would you swipe right for a profile with no picture or generic scenery shots? And if your date doesn't quite live up to their profile's expectations (photos or personality), would you give them a chance or call it quits on the spot? 
Let's hear it in the comments, friends! Spill the tea on your dating app adventures, mishaps, and maybe-nots-turned-maybe-yeses! Until next time, keep swiping, keep hoping, and may the odds be ever in your favour!
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Photo by Nik on Unsplash
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archive2394934 · 1 year
Hi, I can't go one single day without being insane so heres a video clip I took shittily on my phone of this particular scene since I think about it all the time. I keep SAYIN it but Vecna's got precognition. He showed Nancy the future, this scene confirms it entirely but anyway the point of this post is more RE my post from yesterday
In particular the part about the Leviathan because I cannot stress enough how almost infinite the similarities between it and the MF seem to be. In this scene Nancy talks about a "dark cloud" spreading over Hawkins (we know this dark cloud is the most "primitive" form of the MF, essentially.) But Nancy also talks about "this giant creature... with a gaping mouth" she also says "And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army." The relevance here is we might be tempted to think there is some other colossal creature in the upside down, and MAYBE THERE IS, but maybe its the massive beast we're already familiar with? Nancy could be referencing another ""body"" of the MF. This feels particularly true given we've seen in season 3 the MF's physical avatar in Hawkins was a giant, horrifying biomass with a massive gaping mouth.
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We know because the MF is a collective consciousness it does in fact have dominion over a small army of monsters. This seems to be the role we've already confirmed the Demo-creatures to play. They're the "foot soldiers' as described by the party, just like Vecna is described as the "general".
I think its interesting that they had Nancy describe a giant beast with a huge gaping mouth given all the OTHER strange similarities I've pointed out he MF shares with the mythological Leviathan. I mentioned in my post that in some myth the Leviathan is identified as "the Hellmouth"
A Hellmouth, or the jaws of Hell, is the entrance to Hell envisaged as the gaping mouth of a huge monster, an image which first appeared in Anglo-Saxon art, and then spread all over Europe. It remained very common in depictions of the Last Judgment and Harrowing of Hell. And of the last Judgement: The saved are led up to heaven, often shown as a fortified gateway, while the damned are handed over to devils who herd them down into hell on the right; the composition therefore has a circular pattern of movement. Often the damned disappear into a Hellmouth, the mouth of a huge monster.
This is all related to my rambles about the biblegate stuff I've been pumping out recently and my silly MF theory. Sadly I'm cursed with knowledge so I fucked up and assumed people would let me in on that convo without gettin offended by what I had to offer, my bad and so here I am. Anyway, I also mentioned mentioned the apocalypse on the holy trinity post which is related to how I keep banging on about Vecna's show of precognition and also the MF being a cosmic being and not just some... random... Cloud (boggles my brain people in this fandom really think its just a random cloud omg) When I mentioned the apocalypse I didn't just mean it in its popularized form (the end of the world, although that also applies) I meant it in its literary form as in "Apocalypse is a literary genre in which a supernatural being reveals cosmic mysteries or the future to a human intermediary. The means of mediation include dreams, visions and heavenly journeys"
I dont think I have to go too in depth about how I feel that relates to Henry/Vecna but this ties in to how I have speculated and shown that I THINK its heavily, HEAVILY suggested the MF gave Henry his powers and that this occurred BEFORE Henry ever found it in the UD but we can at least confirm that RN, the source of VECNA'S power and ""knowledge"" is in fact the Cloud from the UD. Like I just cant think this is all somehow some big coincidence. FINALLY because I didn't get to add it to my post from earlier since my brain decided to stop working and focus on pokemon instead I wanted to add this. This is back with the way the MF is heavily associated with particularly negative emotions. When the MF possesses someone, its depicted as its "original form". It shows up as a raging storm deep inside the possessed party. This storm is full of the possessed persons most painful memories and feelings. Back to the Leviathan unfortunately because like I said the similarities and associations never fucking end, but I already mentioned the Leviathan is a god of chaos and associated with negative emotions. A storm is symbolization for all of these things- chaos, fear, rage, sadness, etc, and its not strange to see the Leviathan depicted as a massive coiling serpent in a raging sea with a thundering storm overhead.
FINALLY. Referencing the final scene with Possessed!Billy, Eleven and the MF proxy in season 3. At ANY POINT, Posessed!Billy could have killed Eleven. She was helpless. But for some reason he TOOK HER to the spider creature and offered her to it. The fandom thinks Possessed!Billy was under Vecna's control here, and I'm pretty inclined to agree. But at this point he's already "stolen" her powers. So why does he want to give her to the MF's proxy? Why not just kill her and get it over with? The way he goes out of his way instead to OFFER her to the spider monster draws likeness to sacrifice. The act of offering life to a deity as a means of worship and/or propitiation. And thats just interesting to me given everything else I've mentioned here and in almost all my other previous posts. Season 5 is gonna be so fun.
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vernadskova · 8 months
my deranged rant under the cut i should go sleep
i think 99% of people don't actually understand a revolution involves killing real people and i'm not saying that as an edgy statement nor is this specifically about some sort of communist revolution it applies to absolutely every radical in the west, like the idiot cattle herded into the us capitol to vent their frustrations years ago saw themselves as revolutionaries too, you saw how that worked, very pliable crowd... but like i don't think 99% of the wests population could consistently bring themselves, we're all risk averse, violence is generally only channeled through being a cop, and either way the majority at this point have contradictory class interests that overlap with the medium sized farm lobby or real estate speculators or some shit - bear with me here - the point is any divergence from the current course is predicated on what the existing power structure decides. so basically everyone's insane preaching about how shit everything is going to become is technically correct unless we come up with some new thing idk. i suppose maoism-third-worldism must be correct then.
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