#we're so feral over these folks
audriandae · 8 months
Disclaimer: this is written based on the Traffic Life Series as well as the Life SMP Mafia 1 and 2: electric boogaloo. Enjoy
Tango came into the game already distraught through recognising the world they were in. Jimmy was there. He hadn't seen Jimmy since he'd died in limited life. And the time before that, they'd been ranchers together. They'd shared a bond. Tango had felt every single bruise and cut Jimmy had gotten, and Jimmy had felt the same. They’d shared the same goat horn, using it joyously although all the other players wouldn’t respond to it. It was their shared Rancher horn. Hearing it meant coming home.
They’d met each other at spawn for the first time after Tango had been blown up by a creeper. He’d felt such a strong sense of guilt from having killed his partner. Other players told him that being linked to Jimmy was a “curse”, but Tango didn’t care. He enjoyed Jimmy's presence, and some time later, had gotten reliant on it. they'd split up to get things done. They still had plans. It wasn't supposed to end so soon.
The pain had come in waves. Tango had desperately held his shield up in the middle of an empty path in the daytime. It didn't help. He ate desperately, trying to heal himself and his rancher. It didn't help. I killed him once, he’s bound to have his turn. His words to Scott rang in his ears as his knees buckled and he fell to the ground. It wasn't supposed to end like this.
SolidarityGaming was killed by Enderman
Tango died of heartbreak
The next time he saw Jimmy, it had only been from a distance. He barely interacted with Jimmy before he’d run out of time. The sinking horror in his gut had been the only thing he could feel when he saw the death message. They were supposed to have had more time. Tango would've given up hours of his time to keep Jimmy alive. But it was too late. He couldn't change the past, he could only have hope for the future.
SolidarityGaming fell from a high place
He’d woken up back in Hermitcraft. His hair and eyes were blue. No trace of the red that he had seen reflected in the water in those games. He’d moved on, hoping to all hopes that there would be even the slightest chance of seeing Jimmy again. He dedicated himself to Decked Out, keeping himself so busy that he wouldn't have the time to grieve or even think of Jimmy.
Then the rift. The sight of a massive gaping portal cutting through stone. Purple. There was a significance to the color purple, but Tango didn't know what it was. He’d seen the rift, but remembered being back in Decked Out soon after. He remembered the hours of work and grinding that he’d put into it. He remembered opening night and the sheer glee in Scar’s voice when he’d seen the doors. He remembered the relief that flooded him as the Hermits eagerly queued to play. Decked Out 2 Phase One had been a success. Tango had been doing maintenance during Phase Two when he made a wrong turn in the bowels of Decked Out.
The wrong turn that brought him to the ruins of Third Life. Being back there made all the memories he’d shut away come flooding back. Everything about Jimmy, about his beloved rancher, about his deaths and his “curse”. Other memories popped into his brain as well, ones he had never seen before. Those memories were odd. They featured him from a third person point of view. “He” was called BigB. He wasn’t BigB. And he kept calling Cleo ‘Jimmy’, and Gem ‘Etho’, and False ‘Tango’ for some reason. Only a handful of the 23 players were strange to him like that. Only a handful would appear to be someone else from the corner of his eye.
Tango remembered Jimmy– the real Jimmy– and could have cried in relief. He had been underground, caving with a group. He thought he had had more time. When they’d surfaced and he split off to make a base (more like a chest in a hole), and get some of his old gear back, he wondered about the possibility of Jimmy not remembering.
Gem hadn’t remembered anything of Hermitcraft. False didn’t remember anything at all. What if Jimmy didn't remember him? What if Jimmy and Scott remembered each other and pledged to love each other and then–
His memories were jumbling up. He’d had an odd time in Gem’s house, seeing Jimmy instead of Cleo and Etho instead of Gem. He’d laid down to rest for a while. He was supposed to have more time.
The fateful message came over comms in the morning. The group gathered at spawn, some still half asleep and un-geared. Tango had no armor on, having thought that just maybe he wouldn't need it. Sausage was missing. Sausage was gone.
MythicalSausage was doomed to fall by ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ リᔑ∷∷ᔑℸ ̣ ╎⍊ᒷ
The realisation was followed by a moment of dread, a flash of cold down his spine as Tango realised that something was wrong. And the bolt of lightning that crashed down from the sky in the middle of a perfectly clear day. The lightning that struck the spot Jimmy stood, leaving nothing but a crater. No remains. Not even a body to bury. Then Scott, clutching his heart and falling to his knees, collapsing on the ground. Jimmy, Tango's rancher, had been linked with someone else.
SolidarityGaming was struck by lightning
Smajor1995 died of heartbreak
Tango didn't feel the scream that ripped out from his throat. He didn't hear the words of the other players. Gem's voice cut through the haze clouding his mind. Tango.. are you alright?
He wasn't. He wouldn't be. Not without his rancher. He was supposed to have more time. He ran out of time. There wasn't enough time. Never enough time.
Tango didn't feel much afterwards. He moved through the rest of the day in a daze, keeping himself busy to stave off the inevitable emotional breakdown he would have. Build graves for the dead. Move on. Prepare. Build. Plan. The less time he had to think, the faster he would forget and move on. The moment Tango felt his thoughts drift back to Jimmy, tears would prick the corners of his eyes, and he would have to do something– anything– to distract himself.
I am so incredibly unwell about the life smp mafia 2 group. so incredibly unwell.
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
I am never not thinking about hardison and eliot looking at each other while parker changes in the elevator and turning away once it's immediately clear the other dude's spooked too
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chillyneon · 3 months
I like that the ficto and selfship community has only continued to grow since ye olde days of internet.
I remember that fictosexual wasn't even a major term, so there wasn't much of a way to look for others. Hell I remember getting dogpiled a couple times for using the term because people assumed it was attention seeking. So I couldn't use the term and find any actual results for many years.
We all just kinda stood around thinking we were the only people like this, and maybe there's something severely wrong because no one else feels this way. Hell, even when asking my therapists they thought self shipping sounded like a wonderful thing for me and coping with trauma or stress. So being unable to find others like me was so frustrating because I just wanted to know I wasn't fuckin alone in my passion for fiction.
That was like, 20 years ago, the Internet has exploded since then. And now look, the community has grown so much, selfshipping is more common enough we can actually find content on a tag filled to the brim. We can fucking TALK about self shipping and being ficto and attracted to fictional characters. Hell, just able to say I'm fictosexual feels nicer than it did years back. Is everything perfect for us? No, people can still be douches and say mean things, but we have far more folks doing their best to spread the fun things about being ficto and self shipping.
It makes me smile that I can type in ficto or selfship and be witness to the gorgeous menagerie of people loving their F/Os or folks saying their fav things about self shipping. To see people going feral over their loves and gushing about every detail. Seeing folks finding themselves and exploring their ficto feelings, seeing people create things because they love their F/Os so goddamn much. It just makes me happy to see it. Things aren't perfect, but I'm glad we're all able to find that we're not alone.
You're not alone or weird for loving fictional characters, there's plenty more of us out there and you don't have to stop when you get older. It's not just a phase for many, it's how we are and how we love and you don't have to grow out of it. I'm in my goddamn 30s and the only thing that's changed about my selfshipping is I got even more F/Os to love from the past few decades.
It's just nice to be ficto knowing others are also out their loving and selfshipping with fictional favs. <333333
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 2 months
bucktommy fans I'm opening the floor for a discussion: I'm confused.
I've been a buddie shipper ever since I saw them for the first time. And season after season I have WAITED for movement to happen on that front.
Then in comes Tommy, he's cool. I get it. But the hype train? I don't get it. I don't understand the feral excitement over him. I feel the same emptiness watching buck with him as I felt with Lucy tbh. He's cool, but he's not Eddie. Like, yay, a guy, but he's just as random as Buck's other relationships. It's just as rushed, Buck sees them, at some random non-sequitur moment Buck decides "this is it" and jumps in. Three seconds later they're kissing. It ain't it for me. There's no buildup, there's no nothing.
And then I come here, and all I see is folks frothing at the mouth over Bucktommy. Credit where it's due, he helped Buck out of the closet, but aside from that? Thank goodness he has a personality worth a damn, and he's funny, unlike Buck's other love interests, but he still isn't Eddie, and that puts him in a long line of love interests that I don't much care about.
I literally don't understand the people who are so excited with this utter left turn. Putting Buck together with anyone who isn't Eddie still feels like crumbs. I still feel cheated, It's like if I was in a restaurant with the fandom and there are pictures of lasagna everywhere and it smells like lasagna, and so we all sit down and wait for lasagna for YEARS and the restaurant keeps offering us all breadsticks, and we're all firm on this: "breadsticks aren't lasagna, we're holding out for lasagna." And 7 years later the restaurant puts a Caesar salad down before us and everyone around me is like "Oh great this Caesar salad this is perfect I'm starving so I'll eat this and forget lasagna" And I'm like "this isn't lasagna its clearly a salad, I didn't wait years for some random salad, where's my lasagna." And they're all like "Shame on you salad is perfect"
So I guess the question is, what am I missing? And outside of the thrill of the coming out story, how do you find this relationship any more satisfying than any of Buck's other last minute loves?
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Let's tally things up, folks!
Ruby's entire depression arc is "resolved" by a one sentence exchange wherein she just... decides she's better now? 'Is this the message?' Ruby asks, on her knees in front of a not at all subtle broken piece of glass. 'That I'm just supposed to give up?' and then literally the next moment she sees Crescent Rose, the weapon she's been flinching from because it represents all the failures she hasn't actually grappled with this season, and decides that depression and suicidal ideation are for losers. Let's go fight a randomly evolved cat!
The group still doesn't care about Ruby's Volume-long struggle. What are you talking about, evil kitty? Ruby's never been confused, or weak, or feeling like she's broken. We're oblivious to all that. That's why we follow her, because we can easily ignore everything that's going on in her life and instead just focus on ourselves. Didn't she have a breakdown a couple of hours ago about having to lead all the time? Should we really be announcing the moment she steps out of the tree that we expect her to be in charge again? ... nah, it's fine!
I guess the overall message is that any and every horrific act is excusable because you're just being yourself? Sorry we doomed a Kingdom and have actively helped Salem in trying to take over the world. The horrors we've enacted are good things though because it means we're being ourselves.
Ruby is conveniently the only Ascended who retains all her memories. Can't have the protagonist undergoing any kind of actual change, after all.
Neo throws herself into the tree despite that going against every iota of her characterization. Will we ever see her again? Who knows.
Is the blacksmith lady Alyx? I still have no idea.
Jaune is made young again, because of course he is. Love that they act like this is some curse he's suffered from - "It's been so long..." - and not an actual life lived across several decades. If I got stuck somewhere for twenty-ish years and then someone tried to magic me back to my 18 year old self I'd be like wtf? No? I'm not a teenager??? Will the show ever acknowledge that Jaune is actually an old man in a de-aged body now? I doubt it, considering this plot-line had no impact on his personality, skill, or outlook.
Also love that the brothers' story is treated like this wonderful tale of growth and exploration. The blacksmith is going on about how amazing it is that you don't know what you'll get when you create something, tone all fond for the demi-gods that have left her world to toy with new ones, and I just wanted one of the characters to start screaming about all the horrors they've caused. They killed an entire population in one fell swoop and have cursed two individuals for funsies, with the entirety of Remanent permanently under threat of annihilation if they don't meet the Gods' ambiguous standards of unity. Oscar didn't fall into the void because if Ozpin had been there he would have gone feral and attacked the blacksmith with his bare hands.
We're heading back to Remnant and Ruby still doesn't know that Jaune killed Penny! Ruby didn't even get her sword back. Or consider her in the tree therapy session. Why was killing her off necessary again? Oh yeah, Jaune angst🙃
We got a "when you're needed" from the blacksmith, so expect that time-skip in Volume 10. Can't wait to see how much important stuff the story skips over...
Also, this is so minor in the grand scheme of everything else, but I YELLED when Summer admitted that she'd lied about the mission. For nine Volumes these characters have been dragging Ozpin for every problem under the sun including, in Volume 7, for the mysterious disappearance of Summer, only for it to turn out that she LIED about where she was going and on whose orders, setting him up to take the fall when she doesn't come back. Who's going to have Qrow apologize to Ozpin for blaming him for years? Who's going to have Ruby unpack that her whole family is made up of liars and she was foolish to think that anyone, including Ozpin, could survive this war with a completely clean record? Hell, who's going to have Ruby simply tell anyone - including her sister - what she now knows about her mother's death? Not the RT writers, I'd wager.
Especially when they gave us a scene of Summer leaving on what she recognizes may be a suicide mission and leaves a token of affection for one daughter but not the other. Summer is Yang's mom too! Yeeeeeaaah the story is really bad about actually writing that.
Overall this Volume just feels like a colossal waste to me. The story ignored most of what was set up in Volume 8, introduced a world it didn't have time to flesh out, threw in an unnecessarily shocking story line about the hero trying to kill herself, 100% dismissed the ramifications of that, reset everyone so that none of the characters have to actually grow or change, and has now implied that all the plot important stuff - the Atlesians' survival in the desert, trying to ally with Theodore, Salem's next attack on Remnant, the development of most of our B Team, etc. - has occurred off screen.
The only thing this Volume accomplished was getting the bees together, which was something we should have had years ago. That admission hasn't changed their dynamic in any way, or introduced new conflicts (remember, no one cares about Ruby's breakdown, including her correct accusation that Yang has cared more about her girlfriend than her struggling little sister). It's just... there, not queerbaiting anymore, thankfully, but that feels like a very low bar to meet.
2+ months later and all I'm feeling is
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theerurishipper · 8 months
Of course this is said from someone who has never seen the show. God forbid folks favorite character, is THE SECOND MAIN CHARACTER AND IN THE TITLE OF THE SHOW.
God forbid abuse survivors find Adrichat’s story relatable and react negatively to people who salt on him for, checks notes, being a rich white boy? Because being rich and white protects you from abuse lol okay
Someone go tell Kesha that the horrific abuse she endured for years doesn’t count because she’s rich and white.
Someone go tell Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes that they deserve their conservatorships because they’re too volitile and emotional and need someone else to control their entire lives. Also they’re rich and white so they should be thankful for their privilege.
Also as a fandom veteran, I’m also baffled that this anon says they’ve never seen fandom go this feral over a white boy so I guess the whole Superwholock thing doesn’t exist in this person’s universe. I’m getting war flashbacks…
I really hope this doesn't come off as rude, but I just have a small request for any anons in the future: if y'all want me to comment on someone else's post, please send it in a separate ask. I just don't want to post someone else's post and start an argument or something.
That being said, I do agree. My detailed thoughts under the cut.
"Adrien stans are white people who get unhinged over a white boy," say the Marinette stans and Marinette stan observers, not realizing that they espouse disgusting abuse apologism on a daily basis and victim blame a character who is a victim of abuse for being traumatized all because he made a few decisions that weren't about Marinette and her well-being alone.
This is ridiculous on so many levels. First the assumption that all Adrien stans are white people. Second, the assumption that we must be Adrien stans because he's a white boy and we don't care about POC characters as much as we do the white ones. Which is actually quite insulting to me.
Maybe these people should actually read what Adrien stans have to say. Maybe they should actually understand why we love Adrien so much. Maybe they should understand why we get so heated over him.
Know what? I'll tell you why. It's because Adrien is despite the writers' best efforts to undermine him an interesting and likeable character. He is a canonical abuse victim, and he struggles with his self-worth and his identity, which is a relatable story to many people. He's an entertaining and interesting character. He's the deuteragonist of the damn show. People are bound to love him. There's more to him than being a white boy and it's very insulting to imply that people obsess over him because he's white or because his fans are white.
And about how Adrien stans get "unhinged" about Adrien and not about other characters... we're literally Adrien stans. Which means Adrien is our favorite character. Naturally, we're going to talk more about him. This is basic common sense. I don't understand the problem here with liking Adrien more than other characters. Are we not allowed to have faves anymore?
And you know why Adrien stans get "unhinged" over him? Because the show treats him badly! Why shouldn't we get mad that a character whom we love is being treated poorly by the writers? Why can't we get heated about that? Marinette stans get heated about their fave being victimized by the narrative all the time, so why is it a crime if Adrien stans get upset if Adrien gets the same treatment? Adrien's story in the show ended with him being reduced to an object and a prop for his girlfriend so that she could side with his abuser and start controlling him instead. Why can't we get angry at that?
Marinette stans will talk about how both Adrien and Marinette are written badly but only Marinette gets criticized and how that's racist and shit, and will ignore the fact that our criticism has nothing to do with race and everything to do with Marinette siding with Gabriel to lie to an abuse victim, and how the show frames this as correct. We criticize Marinette because she's making an awful mistake and doing bad things! This is like, the worst strawman I have ever seen. At some point, it really feels like they are being willfully ignorant.
And about how Adrien stans treat other characters, riddle me this. Who has a proper tag dedicated to bashing them on AO3? Who was the character who was salted on so much when Syren aired? Who was the character being raked over the coals when Chameleon aired? Who was the character who was salted on in Season 4 for breaking a damn fucking chimney? Who was the character whose struggles in Season 4 were overlooked by Marinette stans who criticized him for "being entitled to Ladybug?" Who was the character who was relentlessly salted on whenever he did anything that didn't completely attend to Marinette's needs? Who is the character who was labelled a "sexual harasser?" Who is the character on whom these "fans" rain down their victim blaming and abuse apologia? Who is the character who has the longest history of being salted and bashed by the Marinette stans?
And I will laugh at the audacity of Marinette stans to argue in favor of POC characters and blame Adrien stans for "obsessing over a white boy while not giving the same treatment to characters of color" while their legacy includes salting Alya for not being Marinette's perfect emotional support BFF. Who has their own salt tag apart from Adrien on AO3? Alya does. It's laughable to me that Marinette stans harp on about how Adrien stans prefer the white boy over the POC characters when they spent the better part of the last few years bashing Alya and even devolved into outright racism against her. To say nothing of how they treated Kagami after Frozer dropped.
And these people accuse Adrien stans of showing preferential treatment to white characters? Marinette stans have no leg to stand on when it comes to calling out other people's treatment of POC characters. And I'm not saying that the anon or OP of the post are racist or that they personally contributed to this. But if they are going to make sweeping statements about Adrien stans accusing all of us of going unhinged over a white boy and treating POC characters unfairly, they should maybe take a look inwards at their own community.
Marinette stans have spent years bashing every other character for the smallest perceived slight. Marinette stans created a whole new genre of Miraculous fanfiction dedicated to propping up Marinette like their personal goddess and punishing other characters for not being her devoted slaves. Marinette stans have contributed greatly to the racism in this fandom. Look at all this and tell me: who really seems unhinged here?
So yeah. Ice cold take imo. Also, obligatory disclaimer: Not all Marinette stans are like this! Most of them are nice and sweet, but there are also plenty of bad apples who have been responsible for a lot of toxicity in this fandom.
Thank you for your ask!
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temporalhiccup · 10 months
🌱 and 💡
🌱 An unreleased/not-yet-crowdfunding game I’m looking forward to. Oh there are so many of these! It's really fun seeing folks work on things over time before unleashing it to the world. Picking one for now, and easily one I'm vibrating in excitement for, is @wildwoodsgames' HARVEST, here's the description for it:
"HARVEST gives us laden orchards and barren fields; desperate fervor and doubts grown thick as weeds; calves born and pigs slaughtered; proud traditions, failing wealth, and hostile stares; juice-smeared lips and dirt under nails; and always the questions echoing down through the generations: whose blood must be spilled to feed the land, and whose hand will hold the knife?
A folk horror game of Belonging Outside Belonging, inspired by The Wicker Man, Midsommar, and Apostle."
The bits and pieces I've seen make me absolutely feral. Luke does some amazing work in the Belonging Outside Belonging space, and their games in generally are criminally underrated. Luke has an ability to describe magic and horror and ground it deep in the earth, in a specific place and time, that I don't see anyone else doing in the ttrpg space.
I also think folk horror is an overlooked genre that just resonates so well with what ttrpgs are naturally good at: intuitive and collaborative story telling in a hushed group that keeps their eyes on each other. 💡 A game that inspired my own design or creative practice. The very cool thing about ttrpgs, and well all art really, is that we're in constant communication with each other. I love seeing us inspire each other and build on each other's work!
In recent games I've loved experimenting with gender and how it interacts with characters and their actions, and the game that first inspired me to do so was @jdragsky's Sleepaway. Here are some amazing examples:
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Jay dragon's approach to imbuing quiet truths about the trans experience (without explaining any of it) is incredibly powerful for me.
Drawing upon who I am, in a way vulnerable and open, but powerful and unapologetic, has shaped so much of my design practice and the way I engage with my art.
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valiantstarlights · 11 months
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) AU
I'm still feral over Kuroshitsuji so we're gonna have a Demon!Hob and Nobleman!Dream AU.
yes, I know I have already written demon!dream and priest!hob, but I wanna have demon butler!hob and monsterfucker nobleman!dream too 🥺
CW: dark! monsterfucking! slightly spicy
So. Okay. To start, the Endless and the Burgess families are business rivals. Randall Burgess wants to make his father proud, and decides that the way to do that is by attacking the Endless family in their own home by himself and some hired men.
He dies in the attempt.
The thing is, the Endless didn't even lay a hand on him. The people who killed him are the very same men he hired to help him attack the Endless mansion unprompted.
In the thugs' defense, they'd rather be alive with only half the payment that Randall gave them than fuck with the Endless. Most sensible folk don't, and unfortunately for Randall, the men he hired wanted to live more than they wanted to be rich.
They tell Roderick Burgess that it was the Endless who did it, though, because why damn themselves when reliable forensics doesn't exist, and Old Man Roderick already has confirmation bias?
Naturally, Roderick immediately believes them, and gets his revenge on the Endless by setting their mansion on fire, killing everyone in it except for Dream, who he had arranged to be kidnapped earlier in the night. Dream is the closest to Randall in age, and Roderick plans to sacrifice Dream to a demon to get his son back. A life for a life and all that.
And so Dream is gagged, then chained to a sacrificial altar in the basement while Roderick and the rest of his followers do a demon summoning ritual.
Except the demon they summoned is Hob, who finds Roderick's wish tedious. A life for a life? They summoned him all the way from Hell just for that? Please.
If Roderick had asked for his son back, as well as riches and fame, then Hob might consider negotiating with him. He has always loved greedy humans. They're more reckless, and they usually get killed within a year or two after the contract is sealed, leaving Hob free to take up another contract.
He has already hit quota in the 16th century actually, and is just doing this for fun, in case there are some humans with interesting enough deals willing to make a deal with him.
But a grieving father with no need for anything else but his stupid son back? Hob doesn't have time for that.
Just as Hob is about to leave, Dream manages to get free of his gag and calls attention to himself.
Hob sees him, feels the murderous aura coming from him, and thinks he'd rather make a deal with this one, actually. He's prettier than any human Hob has ever met, and he looks like he has a more interesting deal to offer him than bringing someone back from the dead.
"What about you, pretty thing?" Hob says to the beautiful being in chains on the altar. "You got a better deal for me?"
And listen. Dream is smart, so he knows not to ask to get his family and pet raven back after seeing how disinterested the demon looked after Roderick said his wish. But he's also very much not in the right state of mind to be making a deal with a demon. He needs a therapist.
Unfortunately, actual proper therapists do not exist back in the Victorian era, and Dream is in the anger stage of the five stages of grief.
He saw how the demon looked at him with lust. And the demon isn't bad-looking at all. Quite the opposite, actually. And so he thinks, fuck it.
If he's gonna be damned for eternity for wanting the entire Burgess family dead, then he better do a good job and actually wipe them off the face of the earth. From Roderick to his cult followers to the servants, all of whom did nothing when he begged them for help.
Everyone who has ever wronged him is going to pay, and he is going to stand over their corpses and laugh. And if he has a handsome demon by his side with his hands red with blood doing Dream's bidding? Then all the better.
Dream sends Roderick Burgess his most hateful look, then turns back to the demon patiently waiting for him to speak. "Help me get revenge on everyone who has wronged me and my family," Dream says, "and I will be yours forever."
And, well.
Hob can't say no to that.
Vengeance is his favorite kind of contract, and the prospect of having this beautiful man forever in exchange for doing a job he loves?
Hob gets to work.
After, when there's no one else left alive, Hob walks over the corpses in order to unchain Dream from the sacrificial altar. The nobleman is still mostly clean, with only a few blood splatters here and there marring his pale skin and white dressing gown. They must have kidnapped him while he was sleeping.
Hob makes sure to be gentle with him. The poor thing looks like he's already been through so much over the past day alone.
"You okay, lovely thing?"
Dream nods and allows the demon to remove his chains. He is not at all alright, but the sight of viscera and blood covering the entire basement apart from the sacrificial altar where Dream is, as well as the feeling of the demon's gentle hands upon him made him feel a sense of peace.
"I want to reward you for a job well done," he tells the demon, who laughs as the final set of chains is removed from Dream's ankles. His fangs look so very sharp in the candlelight.
"No offense, darling," the handsome demon says, "but what can you possibly reward me with?"
In response, Dream wordlessly opens his legs.
After, when Hob has Dream in his arms, both of them still lying on the stone altar, Hob thinks that he could get used to this. He has always longed to have someone who only belongs to him, and Dream's deal--and how he worded it, allows Hob to have him like this.
Even if Dream were to die, Lucifer Morningstar themself wouldn't own his soul, because Hob already has it, and it has been given to him fair and square and very enthusiastically.
Dream shifts in his hold so he is looking up at Hob while his head rested on Hob's hairy chest. His pale fingers feel lovely caressing his chest hair. "Something on your mind, Hob?"
"Nothing much, my lord," he replies. "Just thinking how this might be the best deal I've struck in ages."
The best deal period, but they've only just met, and Hob doesn't want to frighten Dream with how possessive he can get.
Dream ducks his head in shyness, which Hob thinks is adorable considering how barely five minutes ago, the man was on his cock, riding him like an experienced equestrian, and begging him to fill his belly with demon cum.
So yeah. Hob really lucked out.
What he doesn't know is that Dream ducked his head so he could smile a secret smile against Hob's chest, sated and victorious, his hole filled with a copious amount of demon cum, his nipples puffy and swollen, and his entire body still shaking intermittently with the pleasure of his last orgasm.
Hob made sure he had a really good time, and Dream is keen to ride him again as soon as his legs cooperate with him.
Were his very religious parents still alive, they would be scandalized to know that Dream gave his virginity to a demon. So in a way, it's good that they're already dead.
When he rebuilds the Endless mansion, he is going to have Hob fuck him in each and every room. As a reward for his continued service, of course, and not because he's already addicted to him.
The demon doesn't know yet how many enemies the Endless family has made throughout the years. He's going to be Dream's for life, and Dream is going to be his in death.
Like a true Endless, Dream has managed to strike a very good deal, and made the other party believe that it was them who struck a better deal.
Hob might get very angry with him once he finds out about the neverending vengeance plots he'll be helping Dream with, but Dream is determined to make it worth his while.
"What's on your mind, sweet Dream?" Hob asks, one hand grazing over the contract seal in the middle of Dream's chest, which was glowing as red as a ruby. The light will fade in time, he had been told, but for now, he would have to wear thicker upper garments to hide the glow.
"Nothing much," Dream says, echoing the demon's words from earlier. "Just how much I'm looking forward to our partnership."
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quodekash · 8 months
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noooooo dontttt
you should make outttt
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pleaseeee I just want you two to kiss and make out and be in love, and it'll be a LOT easier if youre stuck in a confined space with each other
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oh, what's that sound? nothing, its just me sobbing my soul out
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bestie you're so in love with him
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aaaaaaaaaaaa soundwin/guynawa parallels may be the death of me
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this feels so intentional
nawa so badly wanted them to have a stargazing date
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the way they speak in sync is so insane
they're like literally soulmates???
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idk man, I think you should kiss. shooting star feels like a good reason to kiss
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except this time I dont think they'll be as dense and stupid because the sexual tension literally oozes off of guy and nawa every time they interact
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bitch did you not register the arm? bro is wounded and he obviously "didnt know where else to go" (aaaaa now my brain is going through classic enemies to lovers tropes)
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broooo just kiss
you're looking at him so tenderly rn
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d u d e
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the guy sitting next to you, that's what you can do
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well, not really.
but its a very interesting detail!
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well frick now im sad
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well frick now im SADDER
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guynawa's turn next pls
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I love chimon's curly hair so so so much
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B I T C H-
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I love cheesy pickup lines so much, but even more than that I love kang's ridiculously cheesy pickup lines, but even MORE than that I love sailom's reactions to kang's cheesy-ass pickup lines
so this is like. the greatest thing ever
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as per usual, for every single 12 episode bl ever, the actually insane stuff is gonna go down in episodes 10, 11 and 12
woohoo. can't wait.
(part of me just wants the fluffiness to continue but also part of me wants to get into the juicy drama of everything, you know? I love chaos so much)
and I shall be rewatching this episode once every single day until episode 10 comes out because I am feral 😊
goodnight folks!!
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dancingdevildemon · 2 months
The Contest of Strife: The Night of Blood
The Rage Virus, Created by Dr. [Redacted]
Comissioned by beings known as Higher ups. A nearly invisble gas that once in enhaled or asborbed through skin cause intense paranoia, fear, and aggression. The reaction to Virus depends on person.
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The screens lit up like fireworkers showing all areas of the map. "W-we're back my lovely viewers sorry about eariler today my bitch of second EX wife really had to chew me out." The joke was half-hearted because he knew what came next.
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The screen is a horror show at moment. Raven tracks and Animal through the woods, kills it and eats with feral look in his eyes. Meanwhile the scene switches to Roi standing over Fizz. Beating him with his bare hands making him cough up blood barely alive as Roi takes EVERYTHING in camp and flees.
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"Um....Ooo gods....looks like we got ALOT of action FOLKS...HAHAH." Even The Announcer is in horror as the screens are filled with blood and violence.
Alpy, Black Star and Jevil all begin to violently rip into each other after bumming into each other in the darkness. They all simply lash out with claws and teeth before scattering each one wounded from the battle. Only Jevil lies on the ground not moving.
Stolas in the darkness finds Vacant and Azazel encampment. He gets the jump on Azazel and begins to slash at her with a knife....it is violent death. He stabs and cuts her OVER and OVER again while Vacant crying runs away in terror.
Eve, Bonnie and Adam are sitting around a camp fire when Eve and Adam start arguing. It gets so heated Adam strikes Eve across the face. Bonnie in this moment bites down on Adam Shoulder. Eve rush him but, in a fit of rage. He bashes her skull into the log they were sitting on and runs backwards towards a tree impaling Bonnie through a tree branch. He is wounded heavily but, kills them both.
Kairi can hear the sounds of screaming and the scent of blood in the air. She sharpen a wooden stake and as soon as she hears a noise she turns to it and starts stabbing. She is too late to notice it is partner. Her stake goes through his heart and he coughs up blood on her.
The Knight and Melody are fine one moment and in the next...his eyes go red and a rope is around her throat. She lift off the ground and strangled in the air until her feet stop moving.
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Jax runs through the forest seeing many of these bloodbaths. He only stops when thinks he is save and is in a panic as he can still hear the sounds of death everywhere.
------ End of Night 3
TAGGING: Tagging: @polaroidxcamera @multipalz @l-ucitiel @onepiecc @keykeepertm @hcllsraiscd @as-above-rp @radiodoe @peppy-jester @themosthatedbeing @ochtendster @grayfxce @jestamusing @lcftcult @liecoris @stolsas @tempestuous-melody @gunslinginnhogtyin @originemesis @primordialhazbin @mundanemiseries
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timomoe · 23 hours
For the shipping game: DenEst and SweEst <33
We're off to an amazing start
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SweEst is one of my favorite ships in the entire fandom. For one, there is lots of historical backing to it - Sweden was once the empire that ruled over Livonia (some of modern day Latvia and all of modern day Estonia) and compared to the other powers that controlled the area, Sweden was pretty relaxed when it came to governing. Sweden was, generally, quite kind to Estonians, advocated for opportunities to have the population educated, and even allowed them to keep their folk beliefs instead of forcing them to convert to Christianity. In the grand scheme of things, a lot of Estonians don't consider Sweden's rule colonization, and it's a generally agreed upon fact that the Swedish Era in Estonia was the good era. Later, Swedes also supported Estonia's bid for independence and around 1000 (I believe) volunteers ditched their country to go fight Russians in Estonia in the 1910s. They remain good friends to this day, diplomatically, too.
In terms of hetalia, I view their relationship as one that's VERY slow to form. Initially, Sweden was uninterested in befriending Estonia, only communicating the fact he was the better option in comparison to the Teutons, Russia, and Denmark. He wanted Eduard to understand that so that he could govern him without hiccups. If Estonia knew he was the best choice, then maybe he wouldn't be as violently resistant to him as he was to everyone else.
I imagine things started to change about 2/3 of the way through the swedish era, when Sweden began to pursue a genuine friendship with Eduard. That was unheard-of (in my hcs) by that point, as Sweden's only real mission was to subdue those his crown told him to, and Estonia would have been one of them. He placed value and worth on nations based on their power, and, of course, being controlled by someone his entire life, Eduard had very little of it. But what he lacked in strength, he made up for in sheer tenacity and power of will, which eventually swooned Sweden, which Sweden wasn't expecting at all. The fact that someone had been able to "seduce" (seduce used lightly here, Eduard was being an asshole and Bernhard just went "omg so dreamy" bc he's AN IDIOT) him and not the other way around really caught him off guard.
He didn't pursue anything, of course. He was too busy, and Eduard was practically a feral cat. Sure, he'd come home to eat, but get too close and he'd run; touch him, and you'll probably contract rabies from the bite. Not only that, but very soon after Ber decided he wanted to kiss this man and stare longingly into his eyes... He lost him. To Russia. And immediately was barred from seeing him. I imagine Russia wouldn't have wanted Sweden, whose rule was very obviously preferred to his by Estonians, to speak to him, lest he inspire a rebellion. The only way they maintained contact was bc Finland decided he cared more about Eduard and his mental health than he did about his hate for Sweden, and he helped smuggle in letters that Sweden wrote. He knew it kept Estonia and Latvia's spirits up.
They probably wouldn't have gotten together until the modern day, if at all. It's honestly equally likely to me that ber is just too afraid to lose Eduard's friendship and keep quiet about his feelings as it is that he took a chance and started a relationship with him.
Either way, Eduard is just COMPLETELY caught off guard. "Me?? ME?? Why!" He doesn't get it. Ber is far more conventionally attractive than Eduard is, plus is tall, with the strong silent schtick that makes people lose it, AND he's a sweet and attentive father who loves and gets along with kids. He's got all these interesting hobbies and interests, and has amazing life stories to tell. Eduard really wouldn't think he's worthy of attention from someone like ber, and that ber is WAY out of his league. It would confuse him, but he obviously wouldn't be opposed to the idea of a relationship with him. He likes ber! He's been friends with the guy since the 16-ish00s. He knows him well. He's seen just how much he's grown as a person. He knows him, his motivations, his interests, and he knows enough to know that he would probably do well in a relationship with him. He's very analytical about the whole thing, because he doesn't want to leap into something just for it to go badly and ruin one of his closest friendships.
I think the relationship would go pretty slowly because of this. For Eduard it's a matter of experimentation and for Ber, it's a matter of keeping Eduard comfortable. He does not wanna step on his toes.
I have a confession to make. I've never offered this ship more than 2 of my brain cells until now. Mostly bc, hot take, I'm not super into Denmark. He's fine! He's silly and cute in an annoying big brother kind of way
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But this ship almost veers toward "you can see what A likes about B, but not so much what B likes about A."
In my mind, Denmark is immature. Well meaning, yes, but immature. The way I tend to characterize Eduard, is as a very mature person. He had to grow up way too fast because he was constantly being picked on, targeted, and fought over by nations two, three, four times his size. Denmark being one of them, albeit much further back than Sweden and other nations. It was Denmark that Estonia led an uprising against, with the full intention to just kill anyone they caught (St. George's Night Uprising). Denmark wasn't kind to Eduard when he owned his territory and subjugated him. BUT Denmark was stupid and young at this point, fresh out of the Viking era, where violence was how problems were solved. It could easily be said that Denmark learned a lot from his time ruling over Livonia, and it is most definitely true that he chilled out a LOT as time went on.
Denmark can be an idiot. He's impulsive. He's a little absent-minded, and can be over-excitable. But one thing he is not, is malicious. In fact, he's likely the most outwardly kind and affectionate out of the Nordics, excluding Finland. He is soft-hearted and kind, and he cares very much about the people around him.
Some of the ideas a friend (@hetaestoniahq) has shared with me revolve around Eduard in the 90s. If you're unaware, Estonia struggled a lot in the 90s. Being released from a horrific dictatorship that repeatedly tried to demolish your people's spirit in the WORST ways will do that to.
According to his hcs, Denmark was one of the nations who regularly kept contact with, checked on, and spent time with Eduard after he was granted independence. This stems from the fact that Denmark was one of the 1st countries to re-establish diplomatic ties with Estonia, if not the first. Denmark also sent volunteers to aid Estonia in their war of independence, like Sweden and Finland did.
He tried to make sure that Eduard was staying healthy, building healthy habits, and taking care of himself. Obviously this would have been a struggle, but Denmark would have done his absolute best, because Estonia was a friend of his, and he never lets his friends down, if ever he can help it.
And honestly, it would have just gone from there. It's a very soft and wholesome ship, I totally understand why all 5 people who ship this like it as much as they do.
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May I ask--
All the teens playing seven minutes in Heaven, (Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Robin, and Steve, and Eddie) and Eddie spins and it lands on male reader, so Eddie just smirks and they go to the closet.
They end up making out, maybe Eddie fingers the reader or something and when Steve tries opening the door, Eddie slams it shut with his foot?
Dom Eddie has me feral right now man-
Requests have resumed. You can submit yours here!
Currently writing for Eddie Munson. I write for a variety of reader inserts (male, female, gender neutral, readers of color too).
The more details you had to your request, the better it is for me. EX: “What about some fluff for Eddie after he’s had a long day?”
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
Eddie Munson x Male Reader. Reader is 19.
CW: Smut adjacent. So, 18+ please!
It's silly. And yet, the realization of how silly it really is doesn't stop the thundering of your heart. Robin's the one that suggested it. She'd confessed amongst the group as they piled in the Wheeler basement free of the younger teens as they'd banded together to catch a movie that she'd missed her younger days of sleepovers. Robin's the one that when the conversation winded down memory lane also confessed she'd never gotten to play a game of seven minutes in heaven.
The room freezes. Eyes are flickering around to everyone else in the room. Steve's trying to avoid eye contact with Nancy and she's looking at Jonathon. Argyle shrugs, unphased by what he assumes is to come next. Eddie glances briefly over to you before looking and holding eye contact with Steve.
You're just staring at Robin. Because why she'd confess that you'll never know and like the silence winds Robin up, she continues on. "I am by no means suggesting we play. Like it's so totally stupid. A lot of folks here have too much history and it would be awkward no doubt. I was just saying I wish I had gotten a chance to play. You know? For memories sake. For the sake of a little story in my older years. Should I make it that far, ya know. But still--"
"Robin, we're adults," Steve returns. Steve knows his statement is only on technicality sake. But it is true--most everyone in the room was an adult. No matter what happened (or didn't happen) they could easily laugh it off, skip on whatever is deemed too awkward.
You can't say you're really looking at Robin anymore. Your eyes are pointed in her direction but she's not filling your vision in a way that makes your brain recognize her. You're staring through her--at the imagined near future. YOu all sit, around the pizza box, someone's finished coke on the top of it, spinning glass to seal fates. Rounding the corner to go into the closet just off the stairs. Maybe some folks laugh at their pairings. You imagine Robin and Steve would snicker, agree to go to the closet and then in the span of the seven minutes devise some plan to make their own clothes look dishevel and wait for the poor soul to knock to let them know their time is up for one of them--Robin mostly likely to make a joke that she's definitely still gay.
It is funny. As you imagine them.
But you can't help but also wonder what happens should it land on Steve or Nancy or worse yet, you and Eddie. You do not want to imagine what happens should that bottle land on you and Eddie. Would you two just stand on opposite sides of the closet, making small talk as you normally do? Would you be brave enough knowing that in the end, you'd have an out--7 minutes and sooner should it all blow up in your face.
"I'm down," Argyle chuckles. "Would absolutely make for an interesting story. Let's just, like, set ground rules."
"Ground rules!" Steve jumps in, hands clapping together for a moment before he points to Argyle. "Sounds perfect. Love that idea."
"So, should we be able to politely reject a pairing? Like if it's going to be too awkward we can sort of just back of it?" Nancy offers.
"I'm cool with it," Eddie nods. "If people want to go for a joke, it should like be mutually decided. You know--consent and shit."
You know that if you really don't want to play you can say no. It is an odd number without you and both you and Jonathon haven't said much for or against it. You plead with yourself if Jonathon backs out you will too to make it even. But as the pizza box closes--the last of it's slices consumed long algo--he slides in closer to the table.
There goes your exit. Fuck, you say to yourself. Now you have to be strategic. You need to check where you sit to see who's direct across from you and then diagonal to you. They're the ones you'll be getting. Do you go across from Eddie? Do you sit next to him to avoid the whole situation?
By the time you can tell yourself you're going to just sit next to him the spots are filling up and you notice where Eddie had been next to you he's now right across from you. Argyle's to your left, Robin to your right. Diagonal from you on either side of Eddie are Nancy and Steve.
Fates--they seal faster than one can calculate sometimes.
"I-I'll go first," Steve states. "You know, break the seal," he jokes.
The roll of the glass bottle against the cardboard of the pizza box echoes in your brain. The scratching is a smooth sound as it whirls around and around and round.
The first match and laughter breaks out. Steve and Robin. "Oh, god, kill me now," she laughs.
"Hey, I'm a nice guy," Steve counters. "I'll always ask." His hands extends out and Robin laughs, hands shooting up to defend herself.
"Oh, come on. I know I don't have tits, but I'm a fun time," Steve laughs.
Robin, even in the bouts of her laugher, eventually stands. "Who's keeping time?"
"I-I'll do it," Jonathon offers, slipping his watch off and setting it on the edge of the table.
"Ready for the best seven minutes of your life," Steve grins, slipping his arm around Robin's.
"Whatever you say, loser."
And as the door shuts behind them, the first minute creeps by in silence. The whispers are just wisps of Steve's and Robin's voices and then Robin's laughter erupts from the closet and it's clear that it's not awkward at all for them. So the group relaxes.
You can't help as Argyle's voice carries out over the silence but glance up to Eddie. His eyes are glued to you. It's clear he's still listening to whatever is being said, but his big brown eyes hardly leave your face until Jonathon stands up.
"Time!" Jonathon calls out, hand raising to knock on the door but he doesn't get the chance before he stumbles out of the way.
Steve stumbles out first, his polo pulled out of his jeans, hair tousled. Robin struts out after him, perfectly intact. Steve makes a big show of stumbling back to his spot and then right there on his cheek is a red print left behind of lipstick. Clearly it's Robin but her lipstick doesn't look hardly budged. She makes show of clearing the corners of her mouth and asking Nancy to check her teeth for lipstick stains.
"You're-you're all good," Nancy giggles out.
Another spin. Argyle and Jonathon. They laugh and Nancy agrees to keep time. They're voices are louder as they talk from the closet. Perhaps the gods would be on your side and let you slither by without embarrassment.
The boys return after Nancy calls for them. They're laughing--you're not sure about what. But given Argyle in the equation it could be anything.
Another spin and though Eddie's stare is still hot on your skin you start to think you will get by unscathed. The glass bottle spins and whirs in the room until it slows to a wobbly stop.
You and Eddie.
Your eyes lift before your head and Eddie's brows are raised. "Only if you want. I meant what I said."
Your heart is hammering in your chest. His lips are nice and pink. They're begging to be kissed. It's like Eddie is begging you to kiss him. You nod, throat cleared by your hum. "I think you might be shocked you're not the only one with boyish charm."
It's faux confidence. Your knees are knocking as the two of you stand. You're sure you're going to faint. "I'm keeping time, boys," Robin calls out behind you.
Eddie wave you into the tiny closet first with a bow. You step through, inhaling deeply as the door shuts behind you. "You seem nervous," Eddie states.
You turn and he's leaning against the door, fingers playing at his rings. He doesn't seem hurt by the statement. Maybe you catch something like amusement. He continues on, "Because if I'm honest, I'm probably the last person you should be nervous about. Harrington, I've heard, has a way with the boys."
That gets you to chuckle. Steve's blaringly straight and though he and Robin have a good relationship enough for them to devise their stunt, he is not going after boys--not the likes of you anyway. Not that you ever wanted Steve too either. Sure, Steve is attractive. But he's not necessarily your type.
"I think I can handle myself around the likes of Steve. He's all talk, not bite."
"Oh, I didn't realize we'd be exposing kinks so early into our time."
"I-" you choke on air. "No-uh." A cough interrupts you and Eddie slides in, hand clapping down on your mid-back.
"You okay?" he asks softer now.
You nod when you get one solid inhale. "I'm okay."
"You sure? Thought I'd have to give you mouth to mouth there for a second," Eddie teases. His breath tickles your cheek. The hand on your back slips down to your lower back. Then stops. Your heart races. "Tell me no, okay? If-If I'm reading this wrong, tell me no."
Eddie steps, standing now in front of you. The hand on your back moves to your hip. The smell of his cologne--something you're sure was originally Wayne's but Eddie had mostly commandeered--fills your nose.
"Yes," you whisper, hands gripping at the front of Eddie's flannel. A red one and you're certain it's a hand me down too.
Eddie rears back for a second, taking in the way your eyes of fluttered close. "Yes?" he asks for clarification.
"Yes," you return. The toes of your shoes bump into Eddie's. Then he's closing the gap. His lips eal around yours gently and your swear your guts are going to melt.
You are going to become a puddle in Nancy Wheeler's basement closet but you do not care. Eddie is tender, a bit hesitant as the gasp leaves him. You take the gap and leap it--licking ever so gently at his mouth. Eddie laughs in return and surges forward. The momentum wavers you and you take a step back.
Eddie's grip is tight. His lips are firmer now. The kisses are growing hotter, more hums and moans are slipping from both your throats with little regard for the fact that you can be heard. You go until your back hits the wall and Eddie slides his fingers up and under your shirt.
You hiss at the warmth at his fingers. The touch is faint, so light that you think you're insane for how much you feel it. His rough fingers make your spine shiver. He traces the v of your hips, lips working down your jaw.
"God," Eddie breathes when you whine at the last hickey he sucks into your skin. "Sounds so pretty for me."
You sigh as Eddie whispers into your skin. You don't catch everything he says but you know right now heaven is the heat of Eddie's touch and kisses.
You trace the line of hair at the nape of Eddie's neck, fingers buried in his hair cradling his head right in the spot that makes your groin stir. "Fuck," you groan.
"There?" Eddie asks against your skin.
"Hmm, yes, there--right there," you whine out.
"Time!" Robin bellows. Her voice shakes a little. No shadow passes in front of the door when you crack open your eye. Fuck it, you think.
Your fingers are working at the button of Eddie's jean and he laughs. "Giving them a show?" he asks.
You shake your head. "No, I-fuck," you exhale. You scrub your hand over your face. You've nearly forgotten where you are. "I like you, Eddie."
His palms cradle your cheeks, eyes oozing as he looks at you. "I like you too."
"C'mon, seriously," Steve calls out. The door jiggles a little and Eddie spins, pushing back on it.
"Just a second!" Eddie bellows.
"Thirty second or I'm coming in--even if dicks are out," Steve returns.
You snort at his retort and Eddie turns back to you. "Come back to my place."
"Oh, okay, after this would be fine."
Eddie shakes his head. "No, like right now." When your brows furrow together, he steps in crotch pressing into yours. He slips just to the side and you notice now how hard he is in his jeans. "I am going to finish what I started."
You can only nod and Eddie takes your hand. The lights of the basement momentarily blind you as you and Eddie step through the door but the group is clearly amused and maybe a little scared too by what they auditorily witnessed. But even the low wolf whistle of Argyle doesn't seem to phase Eddie who carries on, up to the stairs. "Catch y'all lovely folks next time," he calls as you follow behind him.
"Oh my god," Robin cackles. "A story for the books."
You two get outside and Eddie spins on the front poor, kissing you again against the door. "Just enough to tide me over," he laughs and when he spins around again, you notice he hasn't even bothered to button his jeans back up fully, the belt hangly loosely and buckle clicking as he goes.
"Robin," you whisper, "I owe you one."
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ace-malarky · 10 days
intro post 2024
sup lads, it's been like two years and I figured the pinned post probably needed updating
wait it has almost exactly been two years that's hilarious
Anyway. some things haven't changed. Name's still Ace, no matter what I write on the notes I send to my old library
I'm always up for tag games and random asks!! throw 'em my way as you like :3
pronouns are in flux! predominantly they/them, sometimes it, occasionally he. It varies on the bit, but you probably can't go wrong tbh
we're - we're going to say early 30s. it's not wrong and it's better than this being outdated in a little over three weeks when it all changes once again
no I did not plan this, no I can't do a basic formal outline, I have to ramble. what did you think i wrote for.
Writing Focuses!
Everything is fantasy, everything is queer. Excerpts can be found under Writing Pieces
I'm largely jumping around between vaguely connected scenes and character work right now, but there's definitely a pattern!
Soul of the Party - when a series of mysterious thefts sweep across town in the weeks before the annual tournament, Solaris is removed from the duelling tournament to avoid bringing attention to his cousin's family. Instead, he and his cousin and a band of Feral Mages investigate on their own and find a plot targetting one thief from Off-World (ft. four separate magic types, light crime, sword fights, mistaken (secret) identity, curiosity almost killing the cat)
Shapeshifter WIP - when things start getting tense between neighbouring countries, Syn volunteers to slip across the border and pass information back in an attempt to avert the looming war. They may have underestimated how hard it was going to be to go back when no one recognises them and their own best friend hates them (ft. pining, friends-to-lovers of the star crossed variety, hand wavy world building, questionable morality, questionable spying techniques, A Certain Level of Dumbassery, some Fucked Up Shapeshifting)
Dumb of Ass, Snake of Tits - a DnD story of a dragonborn monk who leaves their monastery to see the world, ends up with a Morally Dubious Courtesan for a travelling companion, gets cursed (twice), has a slight corruption arc, but somehow still comes out better than they started and with a boyfriend to boot (ft. travelling, fights, the unwillingness to wear a shirt in camp and making that everyone else's problem, other uses for bras when you don't have tits, revenge, What Sharp Teeth You Have, unquestioning kindness until it isn't kind, overthinking but eventually manage to communicate about it, slight pining, one vaguely horny dragon)
@dorksndisasters for the not-technically-dnd campaign that I run! The full first draft of the first arc is up there and I am currently editing to make it less stilted and transcriby
and, you know, the usual. Fair Folk, Superheroes, Pirates, Time Travel, WereCreatures, Winged Folk, Storytellers, Vampires, Curses, Even More DnD. All of the WIPS can be found on this page and some of them are in this definitely out of date post here
I'm always up for answering questions about any of them, even if some haven't been touched in literal years. They're still growing mould somewhere in there. Branching out in ways I didn't conceive of.
World Building
also a big ol' thing here, the main tag is world building but that isn't just my stuff in there, it's also a lot of reblogs
largely centered around the Mist Worlds which is where most of my WIPs are set. There is an Overview post, a Magic post, a bit on the Mist Itself, and also the Worlds (and a page where this is collated)
some bits are incredibly handwavy and made up on the fly, other bits I have been thinking Too Much about for Too Long
Oh boy we got 'em. Occasionally can be found via rambles on Sundays under the tag So It Ends
Syn and Maverick are competing for blorbo of the year right now and if a wip or specific characters aren't mentioned, these are probably who I'll answer ask games for
Syn - a distractable and mischievous shapeshifter who volunteers to be a spy because "pretending to be someone else is what I do" no we're not going to unpack that right now. they/them, big fan of antlers. also goes by Val or Lance
Maverick - a frost dragonborn who's a little bit naive to the ways of the world and prefers to assume the best of people if they can. Likes to help, doesn't question as much as they should. Not quite an "everything happens for a reason" mentality, but certainly thinks that they got what they deserved at points. they/them, has been known to act without thinking on a number of occasions
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scarlet-cavern · 5 months
I am curious about the world in which you all live in:
Is the population all animal and animal-folk? Are there towns and cities? If so, how come you decided to live in a cave?
jade: well.. as far as I know, the population couldn't really get more diverse! there's humans, elementals, birds, kobolds and dragons, mantises, cats, jackalopes. you name it, basically. most any species can either be feral, or a 'folk. both live pretty seamlessly together, you'll find.
walk through any village and you'll see over a dozen different species before leaving, I'd reckon. everyone, no matter what they are, has a place in most towns and cities. and many buildings are made with this diversity in mind. accommodations for small, four-legged folk such as myself, or vice versa!
Maddie: and yeah we've got cities. Tlen on its own has two pretty big ones— Landering and Shellat, not to mention the port town Parvanni that's basically the nexus of trade on Tredan. Cooperation is a sign of civility, after all.
phy: as for why we're camping out in an obscure cave north of Landering, lemme give you a brief history lesson.
Old dragon is actually a retronym you know, we used to just be called dragons up until about 33 decades ago. The Hunters' Guild was — still is, kinda — a group dedicated to killing all the "monsters" in Atheria. They really meant any species, sentient or not, that might oppose the rule of humaniforms. So when they had built up enough support and strength, they decided to start killing dragons.
That war lasted 2 decades, and did lead to the deaths of most dragons. A few hatchlings survived that became new dragons, but 31 decades ago the remaining Old dragons gathered together to fight back. The end of the Hunters' war was hardly even a battle, but it was so late. Only a handful of Old dragons exist anymore.
I was born 31 decades ago, in this cave. I spent my first years hiding, remaining unseen. I'm probably one of the youngest Old dragons, but they don't really talk to me much. Besides, if there is a younger Old dragon than me it's probably best that they're kept secret. This cave, however, has always been my home; I've just been lucky enough to get to share it.
jade: if anything, I feel lucky that you trust me enough to let me stay here, love.~ this is better than any burrow I've ever lived in. bigger, too. more stony.
eli: GAY
eli: same tho
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fruitysoupy · 2 months
For the ask game! I’m making everyone be a hater bc I’m so curious about these specific questions. Lol
😔 Least favorite Zelda character
👾 Least favorite Zelda game
😤 Any Zelda-related pet peeves?
👍 Favorite Zelda headcanons
love heros-shade-fanclub
HERO im so ready omg
Let's get into it
Honestly? Ravio orz I am so sorry, I tried so hard to like him but it's just not happening
Phantom Hourglass is the one I actively avoid replaying because I just can't deal with the controls (how hypocritical of a skyward sword fan), but I love the story so I don't wanna count it as my least favorite
I'll go with the four swords instead, both of them. Never really cared for them
I have to preface this by saying tloz is my special interest and has been for over a decade, but I only go "um ACTUALLY" in my head
ALSO!!!!!!!! ONLY SKYWARD SWORD ZELDA is the reincarnation of Hylia, every Zelda after her is only related to the goddess
It's pronounced HIGH-rule, emphasis on the first syllable!! And it's HIGH-lians and HIGH-lia, again emphasis on the first syllable. Hearing people pronounce it hill-ia and hill-ians makes me want to crawl out of my skin 😭😭
The manga are fun but they're NOT canon PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I am so tired /j
Zelda did not MAKE the champions leathers, she ordered them! I swear so many people get this wrong it drives me MAD
LINK IS SHORT!! HE IS MINISCULE! MICROSCOPIC! He's always been shorter than Zelda with only two exceptions. Love headcanons but I draw the line at inaccurate height relations /j
Hylia I am so tired of the "Link can only scream" joke orz please can we let it die already
Similarly, LOVE a feral botw/totk Link, but come on people he is not that stupid. Impulsive, yes. But stupid? I don't think so
NOT EVERY AU IS LU had to get that out of my system
Moving on! :]]
My favorite headcanon is probably the soundtrack being Link's thoughts!
It's either melodies that just come to his mind as he goes, or folk music he knows! Village themes would be folk songs in my hc for example :]
Hylians say "blessings" to someone who sneezed! It comes from different things depending on what time period we're in. Sometimes it references a fairy spring or a great fairy herself, sometimes it references Hylia. It's to wish someone a speedy recovery basically!
Skyloftians say something that roughly translates to just "feathers". It's more of a joke than anything because until after the events of the game skyloftians didn't get sick! Skyloft was protected by Hylia's blessing before, to make sure the hero actually makes it far enough.
I have a bunch of headcanons focusing just on hylian language and culture, I love that sort of world building stuff hhnnngggghhh
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wizard-news · 11 months
We're-Not-Dead edition!
Auxiliary Station Operational
Gamping the Amphibious, temporary head editor.
While our founder and primary headquarters still have not emerged from wherever they went, we here remaining at WIZARD NEWS have finally recuperated from the attack of feral 17th century European nobility.
Dramatic Dog-Duelist Duels Dog
Gamping the Amphibious
A thrilling duel between @greyhound-with-7-wizard-hats and @sewi-li-suwi is ongoing! Our reporters will be on the scene shortly.
What To Do When Your Staff Just Doesn't Cut It.
Cara Carabowditbowdit
We've all been there. There's a big spell you need to do but your staff just isn't enough for the job. And of course nobody wants to get rid of their old staff, that's unthinkable. So what do you do? Here are some suggestions.
Wrap a Golden Fleece around your staff. The natural magically amplifying properties of the Fleece will give you the boost you need.
Call a friend! There's no shame in needing a little assistance sometimes.
Give your staff something to eat! Very old staffs can develop metabolisms and appetites that should be filled. Consult a Virgamancer to see what your staff is craving.
Seventeenth-Century European Nobles on the Prowl
Toast Astly
Over the last few months feral nobility have been stalking the woods and attacking anyone they encounter that they deem "too peasant-ish". They cannot be reasoned with, but they can be distracted with gold or political treatises. Authorities believe that their hive was disturbed by recent events which has caused their recent aggression. It is suggested that civilians do not try to find the hive themselves. If you are going out in the woods, attempt to be ostentatious.
First Annual Worldwide Banjo Competition
Capulet the Sporting
Get your banjos ready folks! The recently established Banjo Guild (A subgroup of the Bardic Collage of Associated Guilds), has announced their First Annual Worldwide Banjo Competition. If you own a banjo at any point during the next two weeks, be prepared for a panel of judges to appear in your home and request you play your best. The winner will be awarded three selected pieces of banjo paraphernalia (in gold of course).
Memory-Erasing Miscreant Spotted!
Gamping the Amphibious
The Lost-Day Thief was spotted as they attempted to do what they do best, that being erase people's memories. We do not know the identity of the thief, however. The victim, Bron Phobos, says that they were woken up from their hypnotic stupor by a loud twang and swearing. They only saw the back of the thief, but they described the thief wearing a pea-coat over a knee-length purple dress and carried a lute. It is theorized that the thief uses the lute as a method for erasing memory, and that the loud twanging was one of the strings breaking.
Vampires and Werewolves are Fighting. Again.
Boring N. D. Vitual
Yes, the ancestral struggle of beast versus fancier beast begins again. In the subterranean tunnels that are the designated battlegrounds we already can hear the sounds of furious struggle. They're very loud.
On Fire Again
Jerry the Jerry-est
The dragon Lord Fire the Flaming has set the eastern and western forest on fire again, endangering wildlife and putting smoke into the air. Fortunately, the noble knight Sir Water the Wettening has taken up her lance once more.
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